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Our Life Has Meaning (16 April 2023/ 25 Ramadan 1444)
Our Life Has Meaning

Shaykh Mehmet Adil al-Ḥaqqānī
(16 April 2023/ 25 Ramadan 1444)

As-Salāmu ‘alaykum wa-raḥmatu Llāhi wa-barakātuh.

A‘ūdhu bi-Llāhi mina sh-shayṭāni r- rajīm. Bismi Llāhi r-Raḥmāni r-Raḥīm.

Aṣ-ṣalātu wa-s-Salāmu ‘alá Rasūlinā Muḥammadin Sayyidi l-awwalīna wa-l-ākhirīn. Madad yā Rasūla Llāh, madad yā Sādātī Aṣḥābi Rasūli Llāh, madad yā Mashāyikhanā, dastūr Mawlānā Shaykh ‘Abdu Llāh al-Fā’iz ad-Dāghistānī, Shaykh Muḥammad Nāẓim al-Ḥaqqānī. Madad.

Ṭarīqatuna ṣ-ṣuḥbah, wa-l-khayru fi l- jam’iyyah.

Being on the way of Allāh جل جلاله is the best thing for mankind. It is the most beautiful thing. To be on the way of Allāh جل جلاله, to obey Him جل جلاله and to know what to do are great favours for mankind. Whoever joins this way gets barakah. Allāh جل جلاله is pleased with him and Allāh جل جلاله loves him. To be with good people brings benefit. That is the real benefit. Otherwise, there is no benefit. There is no religion and no īmān. Whole day... We don't criticize them. Allāh didn't give it to them. They spend five to ten hours in a coffee shop. What do they do? They play cards. They say things to each other. Is this life? It is not life. It is a useless thing. They spend their lives and don't realize that they will die. But when they have to die, they feel scared of getting old.

Who is a believer walks on the way of Allāh جل جلاله. He asks for the pleasure of Allāh جل جلاله. He knows that this life must not be wasted and that he should keep on this way. Certainly, sometimes shayṭān confuses people. Some Muslims may wish to be like others and say, "Look how relaxed they are. They have no problems. They play and travel and waste their time." Sometimes shayṭān confuses even them. To be together with the friends of Allāh جل جلاله, to be on the way of Allāh جل جلاله is a great benefit.

This great scholar wrote a poem. I can't remember it. There is our Bahri Hoca, may Allāh جل جلاله bless him. He is perhaps one of the oldest murīds. He came to Mawlānā Shaykh Naẓīm sixty years ago. So he used to tell it. "To make two steps with a scholar, to take two bites with a scholar, to hear two words from a scholar is more precious than gold." He used to say this. Shukr to Allāh جل جلاله, in order to walk on this way, they have travelled to here from so far with their children. It is beneficial for children as well. Allāh جل جلاله gives benefit to them as well. Two words spoken for the pleasure of Allāh جل جلاله will certainly be beneficial for them.

Two youngsters came this morning, may Allāh جل جلاله be pleased with them. They asked, "Let us walk with you." I said, "Follow from behind." They walked a little. As they walked for the pleasure of Allāh جل جلاله, in shā’a Llāh, it will be profitable for them. Their ends will be good and it will be the means for guidance, in shā’a Llāh. To be with good people, to walk with good people, every minute and second is beneficial. You attain the pleasure of Allāh جل جلاله. Be on that way with those people, in shā’a Llāh. To be in way of Allāh جل جلاله, it the best thing in this life.

To be a believer and to follow way of Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم, way of Allāh ‘Azza wa-Jalla, way of Awliyā’u Llāh, Mashāyikh – it is the best thing for anyone from human beings. Because this make you happy, even you feel not happy, but you’re inside happy. Maybe outside not happy but your heart it is happy, satisfied. Because you know, you are going in way which your life have meaning. Other people, no meaning for their life. When you look and thinking – what they're doing? In our country here, there is many cafe shop from old time. Many people going there, playing this, I don't know. Poker or with card something. I don't know what it is named. From morning until evening, no praying, nothing and evening going house, maybe eating, sleeping. Next day, same thing. Next day, again. What is this life? No any purpose, no any meaning, nothing. Just you waste your life with nothing. No benefit for you, no benefit for others. And they are not thinking for this. So they're miserable people.

Al-ḥamdu liLlāh you have this way of light and way of Allāh ‘Azza wa-Jalla, you must be happy, you must be thankful for Him جل جلاله to He جل جلاله didn't... He جل جلاله can make you like them, but He جل جلاله give you this gift, to be in His جل جلاله way. To know, it is your life, it is not empty – full of blessing, full of mercy of Allāh جل جلاله and you will be, find next life more than this, you be happy more than here. But who's not doing this, they're just wasting their life with nothing. Sometimes even believer or Muslim, they're, shayṭān can cheat them: “Look this people, they're happy, they're enjoying their life. You can do something like this.” Maybe sometimes, many Muslims they're lose their way. They're going this wrong way and they're be loser twice, because Allāh جل جلاله give them and they lose this jewel and they lose also their life with nonsense.

Allāh جل جلاله keep us in this way, because today... Who, I speak with one old murīd, the oldest murīd he is named Ḥajjī Bahri Hoca from Istanbul. He was with Mawlānā since sixties, maybe fifty-nine, sixty. He said he know me with three years old. He was saying every time one poem about who be with ‘Ulamā’, with Awliyā’. Two steps or two minutes or to listen two words from them and to eat two thing with them, it is like “better than gold,” he was saying. So al-ḥamdu liLlāh. This today also, morning, there was two young boys when I go to walk they was waiting, asking to walk with me. And first time I saw them, just they come. I don't know how they come, but they're, what appear, they don't know anything about religion or anything. I said, “Okay, follow me, I am going later." They follow maybe five minutes and they disappear. But al-ḥamdu liLlāh, this also, they will be benefit for them, in shā’a Llāh.

Al-ḥamdu liLlāh, Allāh جل جلاله make us with good people all time. With good people, you all time you get benefit, no harm, in shā’a Llāh. Allāh جل جلاله keep us with them, in shā’a Llāh.

Wa-min Allāhi t-tawfīq, al-Fātiḥah.

حياتنا لها معنى (16-4-2023)
أن تكون في طريق الله ﷻ خير للبشر. إنه أجمل شيء. أن تكون في طريق الله ﷻ، أن تُطيعه ﷻ وتعرف ماذا تفعل نعمة عظيمة للبشر. ومن دخل في هذه الطريقة نال البركة. رضي الله ﷻ عنه، وأحبه الله ﷻ.
مرافقة الصالحين يجلب الفائدة. هذه هي الفائدة الحقيقية. خلاف ذلك، لا فائدة. لا دين ولا ايمان. طوال اليوم - نحن لا ننتقدهم. لم يهبها الله ﷻ لهم. يقضون خمس إلى عشر ساعات في المقهى. ماذا يفعلون؟ يلعبون الورق. يقولون أشياء لبعضهم البعض. هل هذه هي الحياة؟ إنها ليست الحياة. إنه شيء عديم الفائدة. يقضون حياتهم ولا يُدركون أنهم سيموتون. لكن عندما يحين وقت الموت، يخافون من التقدم في السن.
المؤمن يسير في طريق الله ﷻ. يطلب مرضاة الله ﷻ. يعلم أن هذه الحياة يجب أن لا تضيع سدى وأن عليه أن يستمر في هذا الطريق. بالتأكيد، أحيانًا يُربك الشيطان الناس. قد يتطلع بعض المسلمين إلى أن يكونوا مثل الآخرين ويقولون "انظروا كم هم مرتاحون. ليس لديهم مشاكل. إنهم يلعبون، يُسافرون ويُضيعون وقتهم". أحيانًا يُربكهم الشيطان.
ولأن التواجد مع أولياء الله، التواجد في طريق الله له نفع عظيم. كتب هذا العَالِم الكبير قصيدة. لا أستطيع تذكرها. بوجد بحري خوجة، رضي الله عنه. ربما يكون من أقدم المريدين. جاء إلى مولانا الشيخ ناظم قبل ستين عامًا. لذلك اعتاد أن يقولها دائمًا. "المشي خطوتين مع عَالِم، تناول لقمتين مع عَالِم، وسماع كلمتين من عَالِم أغلى من الذهب". كان يقول ذلك.
الحمد لله، لكي يسيروا في هذا الطريق، سافروا مسافة طويلة وأتوا إلى هنا مع أولادهم. هذا مفيد لأبنائهم كذلك. والله ﷻ ينفعهم أيضا. كلمتين قيلت لمرضاة الله ﷻ ستكون مفيدة لهم بالتأكيد.
جاء صباح اليوم شابان، الله ﷻ يرضى عنهما. طلبوا "دعنا نسير معك". قلت "اتبعوا من الخلف". مشوا قليلا. بما أنهم ساروا لمرضاة الله ﷻ، إن شاء الله سينفعهم ذلك. ستكون نهايتهم جيدة، وستكون وسيلة للهداية إن شاء الله. أن تكون مع الصالحين، أن تمشي مع الصالحين، كل دقيقة وكل ثانية مفيدة. إنك تنال مرضاة الله ﷻ. كن على هذا الطريق مع هؤلاء الناس إن شاء الله. ومن الله التوفيق . الفاتحة .
مولانا الشيخ محمد عادل الرباني