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313 Suhbat of Mawlana Shaykh Nazim (1195 pages, 119/120)
e Your servants. You are only Lord and we are servants to You!ŗ

ŖAll of you (are) witnessing (this), everyone to (the) second one? In front of My Divinely Presence, all of you (are) going to be witness to each other?ŗ

They were saying: ŖYes, our Lord, You are our Creator! You are our Lord and we are Your servants!ŗ

Eh. Then, what happened?

When we were coming here, we were coming through (the) wombs of our mums and (we are) growing up and when we are reaching maturity, beginning to say our egos - awakening, standing up and saying that: ŖI am not accepting anything! I am accepting only (that) I am here and (that) my parents (were) bringing me to this life and beyond that I am not accepting anything! I am not accepting unseen worlds or unseen Řvarlikř, existence. I am not accepting; only I am accepting, what I am seeing!ŗ

That is the beginning of to be (the) follower of Shaytan! That is Shaytan

teaching to them (to say) that: ŖDonřt accept anything! Accept only yourself! You must live, as you like, you must be free! You must not be as a servant, no, you must be, each of you, you must be your (own) Lord! Your ego must be accepted and you must accept that your Lord (is) our ego! Beyond that donřt accept (anything); unseen things, donřt accept!ŗ

Therefore Allah Almighty, from the time of Adam a.s., (was) beginning to send some special people, sending from His Side Messengers, to make people to wake up, (saying): ŖO people, wake up! Donřt say (: ŘNoř), donřt deny (the) unseen worlds and donřt deny (the) Last Day and (the) Day of Judgment, that you should be responsible for everything you did here, through this life!ŗ

But they are saying: ŖNo, we are not understanding (anything about a) Last Day or Judgment Day or Day of Resurrection! We are not accepting such a things and that is Řasatirř, fairy-tales...!ŗ

Now - the Seal of Prophets was coming and he is saying what is necessary for mankind, because his nation is (the) last (one) of (the) nations and his nation (is) going to reach (the) Last Day, Yaumu-l Qiyama, (the) Last Day. In his period (it is) going to happen and reaching whole world to its last day.

Therefore religion means: Calling people and making them to remind (remember); at least to say: ŖI am not reminding (remembering), but I am accepting.ŗ...

Here there is a handful people; you are coming from East, from West, from North, from South, for the occasion (of) Eid-ul Fitr; for the holy month you are coming here. And today is (the) second day of Eid. For (the) holy month (of) Ramadan you are coming here and we are trying also to remind you - and myself also with you - that servanthood is not only for Ramadan! Our servanthood (is) from (the) beginning up to (the) end of our life; we have been offered to be servants, obedient servants, to our Creator, to our Lord Almighty Allah.

You are coming here and it is a good proof for everyone that there is something (that is) reaching from man to man; that is spiritual reaching, spiritual relation(ship). We are not seeing wires, reaching to your hearts, no, but something from heart to heart (is) running! And you are coming here for that purpose!

And 21st centuryřs foolish philosophers and materialist and atheist profs and doctors and scientists, they are trying to deny (it), but (there is) no any proof for them. This is a clear proof that (there is) going to be (something reaching) from one to another: with which way (you are coming here)? Not I am calling you: ŖCome here, Dr.X., Dr.Y.ŗ, no, but sometimes like lightening (it is coming) through... Therefore their denying is foolishness and ignorance for them! This is clear!

Do you think that I sent to you email or cmail or kmail or vmail or amail or gmail or xmail or wmail or... 28, 29 letters... I am sending to you? But you are coming! That is (a) so clear proof, but these people they are like (a) Shaytan! Shaytan (was) looking and seeing and denying and (he was) becoming (a) cursed one! Therefore now - whole scientists and learnt people, whom they are not going to be, what we are saying, to accept, they are going to be accused and they are

going to be cursed ones!

And (the) beginning of their cursing... ŖKullu shayin Řindahu bi-miqdar... For everything there is a scale, there is a limit.ŗ When (you are) reaching that limit, you canřt step more (ahead), (that is) the last limit for you!

Their last limit was (that) they were trying to do something against the Creatorřs, the Lord of Heavensř Order! They tried. I was hearing so nearly; I am not hearing such a foolishness (before) - that those foolish scientists and doctors and learnt people (are) trying to do something that it is against the Lordřs Will! Just one month before I am hearing that they did... so many years they are digging under (the) Alp Mountains, to make something there, because they put a foolish idea or foolish theory, they are saying: Ŗ(The) beginning of this universe, (the) beginning of it, (is) from one atom and that (was) exploding and then happened, just what happened...ŗ Yes, (the) Big Bang!

That theory is foolish (already) and then, to try something, as they are imagining, asking to do something, to look what (is) happening and that is (exceeding limits,) to attempt (to reach) from servanthood to Lordshipřs Authority!

That is (something) that even Firaun (was) not thinking on it, to do that! They are each one equal (to) 70 Pharaos! Pharaoh (was) never thinking that: ŖI can do such a thingŗ, Pharaoh (was) never saying that: ŖThis world (is) coming from (a) Big Bang.ŗ Even Nimrod (was) not saying (this), Nero (was) not saying (this)! Who is saying (this)? Only Shaytan (is) saying (this)!

And our profs now, our scientist (are) saying: ŖThis imagining (is) very suitable! That we must say to people!ŗ For what they are trying? They are trying not to say people (that): ŖThere is God!ŗ They are trying to make people to say: ŖNo God!ŗ That is their final target, not anything (else)! And then - how many years they are digging under Switzerland? A huge tunnel! You never heard? Look! Humaka, he is saying to me I never heard. Really? From where coming? One idiot from London! I am hearing - how he is professor, not hearing?... So many humaka...

And (this is the) last chance that they have been given, because they were reaching their final point of their authority that after that limit it belongs to the Lord only, (the) Creator, the Lord of Creation, (the) Creator!

And they tried to make something as a proof that everyone may see or may hear, to make people to say: ŖNo God!ŗ When they were touching this point - before one month perhaps I heard this, that they did it - (there was) coming to me an order to send one unseen servant... They were trying to make it Sunday. That night (there was) coming to me (an) order: ŖSend on them one Jinn, to make this...ŗ I was very angry! They were saying: ŖTomorrow we (are) doing this, we are doing that...ŗ Before (the) sun (was) shining, that (Jinn) was reaching and making (the switch to) one side (down) this... And (when) they were coming to make (the experiment, they couldnřt switch the electricity on)... ŖWhat happened?ŗ (Phoning each other...) ŖHallo! Look, what happened! Open this power station!ŗ ŖYes, Sir, we are ready, we opened (the) power station also, but (there is) no answer!ŗ ŖHa?... What we shall say to people? We did such a big advertising on it: ŘToday we are trying our Big Bang foolish theoryř? How we

shall say to people?ŗ ŖI donřt know...ŗ ŖHow! We are 356 people, every day we were, one of us, was responsible... we must collect them!ŗ ŖYes, just reached to everyone!ŗ

And they were astonishing, saying: Ř(It) canřt be! What is there?ř And the last one there he is saying: ŖO our brothers! Just I looked, when I am pressing that button, I was looking a very strange and huge creature that no one can imagine its design and my hands (were) beginning to (tremble, shake), like a ship on (an) ocean (that) canřt stop itself... I am ... and never happened!ŗ And they (were) saying: ŖWhat we shall say to people?ŗ Ŗ(We can say that) only one button we lost it and we are looking, where it fell down in that huge tunnel.. we canřt find (it); when we find it blablabla...!ŗ

That is (the) last point that now (it is) going to be taken from them every power, every power and soonerly (there is) coming another order that the Sahibu Zaman Mehdi - alayhi salam - (is) calling: ŖAllahu akbar, Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar!ŗ, taking that authority (from them and there is) no more electricity and its power! (It will be) taken up from people the authority to use it, finished! Now they should see! They should see! They reached (the) last point!

Therefore the Lord of Heavens sent one Command to that Saint that (the) whole world (is) under his authority, saying: ŖKeep them away! Keep them away and that, what We granted to them from electricity power, just take it back and this ŘSchalterř (switch), make it down!ŗ Finished! After a while that he is saying: ŖAllahu abkar!ŗ that is going to finish!

O people, we are not created for nothing and we are not created from nothing! The Lord of Heavens created us and (He is) asking us to understand and togive our most high respect to His servanthood; to be His servants, to keep His Rules as a humble servant, yes!

And finally - we are doing something and our Muslims also now they are very ignorant ones; they are thinking that when they are praying a month, (the) holy month (of) Ramadan, 20 Rakaat every night and we are fasting half a day or less, (that) we did something!

Just coming to me to remind me and yourself also, that when Allah Almighty created Archangel Gibril - alayhi salam - and (he was) putting in front of him (the) mirror of Divinely Power- (a) mirror, (that he) may look in it and he may see himself... (That) mirror (is) not like our mirrors... When he was looking and seeing his beauty that (he had been) granted from Allah Almighty - (there is) no any other angel like Archangel Gibril, (he is) so beautiful! - he (was) standing up and (he was) praying 2 Rakaat. Each Rakaat he was standing (for) 20.000 years! And when he was giving salam, he was so happy, (thinking) that he did something for his Lord as a thankful servant, (and there was) coming (an addressing to him): ŖO My Archangel Gibril! Not 20.000 years - (even) if you can do 20.000 billion years on each Rakaat, it is (still) going to be in front of My Greatness nothing!ŗ And he (was) falling (in)to sajdah, Archangel Gibril.

And then Allah Almighty (was) giving good tidings for His Most Beloved, most honoured Prophet Sayyidina Muhammad Ŕ sallaLlahu Řalayhi wa sallam, saying that: ŖO Archangel Gibril, you did these 2 Rakaat 40.000 years. Coming, when (the) last days are approaching, (in the) last period of the life on earth, I am

sending My most Beloved servants nation, they are going to pray 2 Rakaat so quickly so quickly and they are not collecting their hearts that they are in front of their Lord, always (they are) thinking about dunya also, but their 2 Rakaat it is going to be more precious in My Divinely Presence! For what? What is the reason?ŗ Without asking Archangel Gabriel, Allah Almighty (was) saying: ŖBecause, O my servant Archangel Gabriel, you prayed on behalf of you, but they are praying on behalf of My Orders!, to keep My Orders!ŗ

(That is) so important! You must know (that), O mankind! Who (is) ordering to you to make sajdah and to pray, who (is) ordering to you? You must know that! (Allah Almighty was) saying to Archangel Gabriel: ŖYou did it on behalf of you that you are so happy to see your beauty and Nur, but these people, my most Beloved ones Ummah, they are praying that I ordered to them: ŖPray!ŗ O people! Leave ignorance and accept reality, if you like to be happy here and after here! To reach eternity and eternal life, keep your Lords Orders up!

Donřt say: ŖI am not free now for praying!ŗ No! Leave it and pray! Astaidh bi-llah: Ya Ayyuhal ladhina amanu, idha nudia li salati min yaumi-l jumuŘati, fasau ila dhikriLlahi...ŗ O people, when you are hearing that (they are) calling you for praying, immediately leave your work and run for His service, for His servanthood!

O people, if you like to live happily here and with honor and to be in paradise forever through eternal life, eternity, keep His Orders! If not, are going to be, you are never going to have any value. Animals dirt... that people going less than dirty of animals.

May Allah forgive us! As-salamu alaikum! Fatiha... EID MUBARAK!

O our Lord, keep our feet on Haqq, fix them, not to fall down. First Allah Almightyřs servanthood! He (has) not created you to be servants of dunya, He created you to be His servants, that is all. No any Pope can put an objection on it, no any Rabbi can put any objection on it, no any religious head, head of religion, may put an obection on that point! They must put their heads down! I am putting....

Pray for me that I can do my sajdah I am not happy to sit on chair and to pray doing my head l like to put my forehead on earth for my Lord - you ask that He can take this...


Donkey language - also I am very expert...for animals language yallah!

Allahumma salli wa sallim Řala Nabiyyina Muhammad alayhi salam, salatan tadumu wa tuhda ilayh, ma marra l-layali wa tula dawam...

Sohbet-310 Sohbet from 26.02.2006

“Who am I?… I am His servant!” Destur, ya Sayyidi, ya Sultanu-l Awliya! Bismillahi r-Rahmâni r-Rahîm It is an association. May Allah forgive us! If we have been granted forgiveness, then blessings coming, if He is not forgiving, (He is also) not blessing. And we are asking forgiveness: ŖO our Lord, please forgive Your weak servants!ŗ We like to be everyone from servants, that is our creation reason or wisdom. We have been created for Him, for worshipping, to be His servants! Subhanallah, glory to the Lord - He created man and sending (him) from Paradise to come on earth and He is (the) Creator for everything, (there is) no any other Creator. (Our) first obligation that we must know, we must learn and act (upon), that is His servanthood. First of all we must teach our children, to ask: ŖWho are you?ŗ

If you are asking a donkey: ŖWho are you?ŗ it may say: ŖI am a donkey.ŗ ŖAnd what is your mission, for what you are created, [do] you know?ŗ It may answer to you: ŖYes, I (have been) created for manřs works, for manřs service. I am servant for mankind.ŗ

ŖYou come here! What is your name?ŗ ŖMy name is this or that.ŗ ŖWho are you?ŗ He may say: ŖI am as you know I am.ŗ ŖWho are you?ŗ ŖI am that one, just I am living on earth, I am a creature.ŗ ŖWhat is your mission, for what you have been created?ŗ ŖI never expected to be questioned such a question. No one (is ever) asking me for which purpose I have been created and even myself, I (am) never finding a reason to ask for what I have been created!ŗ

That means: (a) donkey (is) knowing its mission to be (the) servant of mankind; dogs, cats, oxen, foxen, buffalos, camels, sheep, (and) goats (also they are) knowing that they have been created for man. (But when we) are asking man: ŖFor what you have been created?ŗ (he may answer:) ŖI never questioned, no one (was ever) asking me such a question and I am not finding a reason (either) to ask such (a) question or I never thought on it to ask to myself: for what you are in existence? I never (thought on it).ŗ That means the level of animals (is) going to be over the level of man, because animals (are) knowing for which purpose they have been created, but man (is) saying: ŖI donřt know. I never think on it.ŗ

What we are saying now is "ma´rifat", that we have been asked to know ourselves. Before everything, before every things knowledge, you must know about yourself: ŖWho am I?ŗ That is "ma´rifat" - to know about himself (oneself). When you are knowing yourself, you may ask another question: ŖIf I am a creature, created and landed on this planet, who is That One that just prepared this world to be my homeland? Who prepared (it)? Who (is) sending me? Through billions or trillions and quadrillions systems, galaxies, how I have been (landed) on this planet?ŗ

(The) answer is not something that you can learn it through your capacity, no. If we can learn anything with our capacity, it (there) was no need to build or

prepare or establish schools. For what? No need! If it can be possible to know the answer that you are asking: ŖWho am I?ŗ, if it can be possible to know it by yourself, (there was) no reason or no benefit to be sent someones that people say (about them) - and we are believing in them - (that) they are Prophets, no. Can you learn by yourself? Through yourself you can know the reasons of your existence? (Then there is) no need to be sent anyone else to call you and to say: ŖCome and listen, I am speaking to you something you never heard about or never thought on it!ŗ

But now people are like Nimrod; Nimrod never was saying: ŖI am a creature or createdŗ, no, he was saying: ŖI am your Lord, (and) you are my servants. I am the Lord on earth!ŗ When Sayyidunâ Ibrahim was coming and saying: ŖO Nimrod, come and say: ŘO my Lord that You created me and dressed me to be a king on Your servantsŘ ŗ, he was not looking (to himself) and saying: ŖI am an ordinary personŖ, no, (but) he answered to Sayyidinâ Ibrahim and (he was) saying: ŖOh! You are saying (that the) ŘKing of Heavensř, your Lord, (is) asking me to be His servant and I am lord on earth, I am the king?ŗ

And now people, if you say to them: ŖCome and worship, come and do your servanthood!ŗ (they say:) ŖFor whom?ŗ (and they are) saying: Ŗ(There is) no God!ŗ At least Nimrod was saying: ŖYour Lord (is) on Heavens, (but) I am lord on earth!ŗ He was not saying ŘNo Godř, but now people (are) worse than Nimrod, (and they are) saying: Ŗ(There is ) no God on earth, (and no God) on Heavens.ŗ (They are) saying (only): ŖNature, nature…ŗ Now people (are) worse than Nimrod, (they are) not thinking on it, because people mostly (are) drunk, (they are) never thinking on anything from reality. Shaytân (is) making them to live through their imaginations, through imaginated worlds; (they are) never asking to approach reality; always (they are) running to that way (of Shaytân), (and he is) carrying them to believe through their imagination.

Therefore people in our days are claiming: ŖWe have reached the top point of civilization and we reached power stations that no any one (before) reached (such) power points that we reached!ŗ (And they are) saying: ŖAll people that passed away, they never reached the point of power that we reached now and we are using such huge power and doing such… Unimaginable horizons we reached! Therefore, we are free ones and we may say that everyone has created himself and no need for them any Creator!ŗ (And they are) saying: ŖEvery power through technology (is) through our hands!ŗ

That is our positions and looking to ourselves and it is batil, false, and false[hood] (is) bringing crisis, (is) bringing troubles, (is) bringing countless problems. If you can solve one, (it is) bringing another problem, (and) another problem - never ending problems and never ending troubles, as well as troubles carrying suffering. Troubles (are) bringing suffering and people (are) getting to be unrest. No one (is) saying: ŖI am happy!ŗ (People are) never saying: ŖI am happy that I have been (send to be) through these creatures on this land.ŗ Unbelief (is) carrying people to troubles and troubles are the result of problems. If a person canřt be able to bring (a) solution for a problem, how he should be in peace? No. Troubles (are) carrying suffering, suffering (is) carrying miseries and miseries (are) carrying people to run away from beliefs…(?)

Therefore, (they may know) so many things, but whole knowledge that they are

learning and teaching, (can) never bring solutions for their crisis. Now (the) crisis (is) on (the) top point. Western countries say: ŖWe reached (the) top point of technology, we are so (powerful) people, we can do everything with our technology, we are trying to get in in(to) everything and understand its secretsŖ, but they canřt be able to reach (a knowledge about even) very simple things!

Once upon a time a person was sitting - like me - and speaking to people and teaching them, saying: ŖI am that one that I can answer to you anything (that) you may ask.ŗ One person (was) standing up, saying: ŖO our Master! What do you think? The number of [hairs in] our beard is simple or double (odd or even)?ŗ…ŗHmmm…I never (thought about that)…(?) Anyone else?ŗ Another person (was) standing up… - That is an example that now people (are) saying: ŘWe know everything.ř I am saying: ŖThere is a fox skin. Please, you know everything, you say: how many hairs that skin of fox (has got)? If you know everything and you say: ŖWe have computerŖ, give (it) to (the) computer and say!ŗ (But) no (answer)! I am saying something that even computers, 21st century computers, or learned people, scientists, canřt be able to answer!

Another person (was) standing up and saying: ŖO our Sheikh, what do you say for an ant? (An) ants body just (has) two parts: one head part, one backpart, but in (the) middle (it is) so thin their structure. I am thinking (since) so many days on a very important question, (that) I am asking to find (the) answer (for): (Do) you think (that) its intestines (are) headside or backside?ŗ…

I am asking now scientists (that) they say: ŘWe know everythingŘ: ŖSay to me: Ants intestines - which side? This or that side?ŗ ŖWe must look, we shall ask (our computer)Ŗ…There is a small thing running on computers - a mouse: ŖWhat do you think of this answer?ŗ Making like this… like that…(with the mouse on the screen) - canřt find (an answer)… Their knowledge - that they claim they know - is only (like) one small point from (the) Pacific Ocean that they are so proud people (and say): ŖWe know everything!ŗ

And I am saying: Ŗ(You) must try to know about yourself. Before anything you may know about yourself: Who are you? That answer. I am not asking too much questions, only: Who are you? And: What is manřs or human[ity]řs mission on earth? (If you have) no answer, shut up, donřt say anything (at all)!ŗ

O people, give [me] answer: Who are you? (The) whole world must say their real position, about themselves, who they are and how they have been (brought) in existence, but Shaytân (is) making them to run away and (he is) teaching them everything that (is) disturbing people. That is the summary of their works or ŘknowledgeŘ: to give trouble to people; (one) nation to (another) nation, and (within each) nation, through themselves.

May Allah forgive us and (may the) Lord of Heavens grant us someone to teach ourselves to know (the) real answer that we are asking: ŖWho are you? Who am I?ŗ If we are not knowing anything (about that), we know nothing! People (are) knowing new-fashion ŘknowledgeŘ; people left everything (from the traditional knowledge), (they are) running to know about Řbird flu virusŘ, running to know. ŖSo many years you cannot learn about it, now you learn? Who (is) teaching you?ŗ ŖWe donřt know, we ask: Where it is?ŗ I say: ŖInstead to kill birds and killing innocent creatures that give benefit to mankind, why (are you) not running after

(that) virus to catch and burn (it) instead (of) burning (?) so many innocent birds?ŗ And they are saying also: Ŗ(This) virus canřt be seen; even under (the) strongest microscope (it) canřt be (seen).ŗ

In Turkey people (are) just getting in doubt for some people, saying: ŖMaybe this (illness they have is the) bird fluŖ, but I (was) never introduced through our knowledge with (that kind of) virus. 80 million people, no one introduced about (such a) virus. ŖWhat we shall do?ŗ Ŗ(We) may send (them) to London, perhaps before us (they) may (have been) introduced (to that virus), (they have) come to know.ŗ Some people say: ŖNo, English people also (they are) not knowing, we must ask (the) French people who say: ŖWe are first class scientists, we must look!ŗ I am asking: ŖYou never see (that) virus or knowing its shape, its existence?ŗ ŖNo.ŗ And in such a way mankind (is) running through ignorance…

May Allah send us someone to wake up nations, people, to know about themselves and (that) they can find (a) real way for real knowledge or (else they) should be always through (the) darkness of ignorance and (the) darkness of ignorance (is) giving people trouble, biggest trouble, because (they are) not knowing what (is) happening after one hour, (after) one minute, (after) one day… That (is) making people to be much more to fall in(to) troubles and sufferings. That is (a) punishment from Heavens, because (people) lost their ways, their real reasons or wisdom of being in existence and (because they are) never saying: ŖOur existence (is) for the Lord of Heavens!ŗ

May Allah forgive us and bless you!

For the honour of the most honoured one in His Divine Presence, Sayyidinâ Muhammad - sallaLlahu ´alayhi wa sallam,



Sohbet from 05.03.06

Yes, if we were angels!…

As-salamu alaikum! No Salaam for the enemy!…

By the Name of Allah Almighty all-Merciful, most Beneficent, and most Magnificent.

May Allah forgive us!

We are living nations on this world; our period (is the) worst period that just passed away. So many centuries passed away. I am not saying that there was a period that all of them (were) good ones, no, canřt be. If we were angels, (it was) going to be a peaceful world, but we are not angels, we are (of) human nature and (we are from) mankind. If there was not among ourselves Shaytân and its generations, then we were able to say that this Dunya is a peaceful Dunya. But Shaytân (is) around ourselves running and Shaytân (is) the first one who was making troubles. (The) first trouble-maker, if I am asking to you, X., "Who is

that one?" "Shaytân! First trouble-maker! When Allah Almighty (was) ordering (the) angels to bow to Adam, he said: 'No!' He is (the) beginner of trouble-makers."

Whole angels were very sorry, very sad,very ashamed; how that one may say to Allah: ŖI am not bowing!ŗ ŖWho are you to say this?ŗ Whole angels, all angels through Heavens (were) ashaming and they were asking: ŖOh, if we were not in existence to hear such a creature to say through his Lords Divine Presence: ŘI am not obeying to Your Order, I am not making Sajda, I am not bowing!řŗ All angels were ashamed and they were very fearful, because maybe Heavenly Anger may fall on all of them and take them all away. They were trembling!

La haula wa la quwatta illa bi-llahi-l ŘAliyu-l ŘAzim!

I am sorry, deeply sorry and sorrowful for mankind that (is) living now on this planet; and they are eating and drinking from Heavenly Favours for their Lord and they are not taking care for such (a) very important point, to teach their children; and governments they are never taking any care through their education system to mention (the) first trouble-maker and what was its cost for mankind and for all creation.

It is not easy to stand up in (the) Lord of Heavens Divinely Presence and to say: ŖYou canřt order me such an Order!ŗ That means: ŖYou are wrongŗ- Astaghfirullah!- Ŗto order me to bow to Adam that that Adam (was) just created from mud and I am created from the flames of fire. And I was keeping Your servanthood thousands and thousands of years and that one, You created it (only) now, and yet he never put his forehead to sajda and You are saying to me (to) make sajda to him, to bow to him! That isŖ- Astaghfirullah- Ŗa very wrong order, I am not going to obey! No, never I am going to bow to that one!ŗ

And saying the Lord of Heavens: ŖDevil! Get out, you are Shaytân! Who are you to stand up and to accuse Me, My Holy Command, and you are asking to Me, asking that I am doing wrong and you are right? What is that! O angels, kick that one down!ŗ Therefore each angel (was) making (like this)…(kicking him)... If I was there, I was also kicking Shaytân! And everyone, who (is) not making sajda, I am kicking his back down! Therefore - who is not making sajda, his position is (the) position of Shaytân! Not bowing and not making sajda people, their levels (is the) level of Shaytân.

What do you think now (about the) 6 billions of mankind? How many of them are bowing to their Lord? They are not bowing to their Lord, but bowing to Shaytân! Such things they are not teaching! They donřt like to teach students this, because they are not bowing (to Allah); even (in the) Muslim world, (the) majority , they are not bowing to their Lord and their real position (is) just (the) position of Shaytân. Who (is) never bowing daily even once to their Lord, they are on (the) same level with Shaytân and Shaytâns level is (the) lowest level. You canřt find any level under Shaytâns level, no! (The) biggest sin, Shaytân did it, and (he was) thrown away.

(There is) some knowledge from old books that reached to me also; it is written through holy Books and just spoke on it the Seal of Prophets, (the) most beloved servant of the Lord of Heavens, Sayyidinâ Muhammad - sallaLlahu ´alayhi wa-sallam. Through that Heavenly Knowledge that reached to me, Allah Almighty

(was) ordering Shaytân to be in fire and (He was) ordering (the) angels to take him to Hells.- Allah forgives us, not to fall in fire! You canřt say for the description of hells! If a real description of hells (is) coming to people, no one can be able to live, (people) may fall down dead from fear of (the) fire of hells! - Every one thousand years passing, the Lord of Heavens (is) asking for Shaytân; (He is) sending (the) angels to bring him to (the) entrance of Paradise. And they are bringing Shaytân in front of (the) entrance of Paradise and (t