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313 Suhbat of Mawlana Shaykh Nazim (1195 pages, 120/120)
hey are also) calling Sayyidinâ Adam to come from inside and (then) they are face by face.

(The) Holy Command (is) asking to (the) angels: ŖTell that oneŖ- Allah Almighty (is) never making Shaytân his… (He is) never addressing to him. After that biggest sin Allah Almighty (is) never addressing to that one face to face, no, (He is) sending angels (instead) and (they are) addressing him. (So He was) ordering (the) angels: ŖSay to that oneŖ- and never (He is) saying for him ŘMy servantŘ, no! (Because he was) thrown away from servant hood! - ŖAsk from that one that his Lord (is) ordering to him to make sajda and (then) His forgiveness (is) cleaning him and making him in Paradise! One condition: Say to that one that his Lord likes to put him into Paradise, with one condition!ŗ

Shaytân (was) hearing! ŖMy condition: My Order canřt be fall down, my Order must be on their heads!ŗ - Not under their feet - as those foolish people now living on earth (are doing; they are) making (the) Holy Command of Allah Almighty under their feet. They should be taken away! - ŖSay to that one that the Lord of Heavens (is) asking to forgive that one and to put that one in Paradise, with one condition: My Order must go on! If he likes to get in(to) Paradise, (he) must keep My Order to bow to him, Adam. Now I am accepting also; if he is bowing to Adam, I am forgiving him and putting him in Paradise!ŗ So bad one! - Allah never leaves ourselves through or bad egos! - That worst creature, he was getting so angry yet and (he was) saying: ŖOnce I refused to bow to him and now (also) I am not going to bow to him; I donřt like to enter Paradise, I am going down!ŗ

Allahumma ahfaznâ! O our Lord, forgive us! O our Lord, donřt leave ourselves in the hands of Shaytân and his representatives! And (the) representatives of Shaytân are all those cursed people that are not taking care for the Lord of Heavenřs Rules; (they are) putting (the) Holy Rules under their feet and (they are) running with Shaytân. [Allah says,] "I am making them under the feet of believers and I am sending them (to) where I sent Shaytân; I am sending them to that place, through fire!"

O people, donřt say that day by day now (there are so) many troubles and (that the) tension of (this) world (is) getting up, getting up, reaching the point of explosion! As long as they are not taking care (for) the Rules of Heavens - if not today, tomorrow, if not this week, next week, if not this month, next month, if not this year, next year - one day they should be exploded and finishing, disappearing.

O people, whom have been appointed and granted to be leaders of nations, taking care for Holy Commands of Heavens! Come and take that Rules and try to keep that Holy Rules or your Lord (is) writing your names (as trouble-makers); as (it is) written in front of the name of Shaytân: ŘFirst Trouble-MakerŘ, your name also (is) going to be written under his name (as a) Řtrouble-makerŘ, Řtrouble-makerŘ,

and Divinely Anger (is) coming on them and taking them away. No way!

May Allah bless us, may Allah forgive us! It is enough; if anyone (is) understanding, may understand. People (are) running to make troubles to each other, (and they are) running also to make trouble for themselves and it is dangerous marching on fire!

May Allah forgive us and send us someone to take (the) weak servants (of Allah) to the way of Paradise, to save them. And we are asking also that with His Divinely Mercy... we are asking humbly not to leave ourselves in the hands of those Shaytâns, those tyrants, but (that) He may send us Mehdi Sultan, Isa Sultan, to save weak mankind on Earth. And those, who are getting their position with Shaytân, they should be taken away.

When Qarun did his worst to Sayyidinâ Musa, Allah Almighty was angry also with Qarun and (He was) ordering Moses: ŖSay: through your tribe, (the) tribes of (the) Children of Israel, who (is) going to be with you, (he) may come to you; who (is) not coming to you and asking to be with Qarun, (he) may go to Qarunřs place.ŗ And (so) people were divided into two parts: one part (was) coming with Sayyidunâ Musa, and another people (were) reaching to Qarun.

Then (a) Holy Command from Allah Almighty (came) to Moses: ŖOrder, what you are asking to do! Order earth; earth may punish those, who are not with you and (who are) going with Qarun!ŗ Then he (Moses) ordered that (the) earth swallow him and (those) whom they were with Qarun, they were beginning to come through earth. Moses and his group of people, they have been sheltered from (the) Heavenly anger, but those, who were against Moses, (the) Divinely anger (was) coming on them and (the) Divinely revenge (was) reaching to them; and up today daily one height of a man (they are) coming down (more), coming down, coming down - up to (the) last Day.

May Allah forgive us!

For the honour of the most honoured one in His Divine Presence, Sayyidinâ Muhammad - sallaLlahu ´alayhi wa-sallam,


Sohbet-312 Maulana Sheikh Nazim's Sohbet from Sunday, 3oth October

Who is not keeping a heavenly discipline, becomes the servant of Shaitan!

Destur, ya Sayyidi, Meded, Meded, ya Rijalallah... Audhu bi-llahi mina Shaitani rajim, Bismillair Rahmanir Rahim, la haula wa la quwatta illa bi-llahi-l řAliyu-l ř haula wa la quwatta illa bi-llahi-l řAliyu-l řAzim!... Astaghfirullah al řAzim min kulli dhanbin řazim... It is an association. We are not claiming something for ourselves, but all Sheikhs or all Grandsheikhs, all Saints just, if you are asking (to find one),

you can find them through (the) cemetery…

Now through East and West (Awliyas)- canřt be this world without Awliyas, but they are hiding themselves- (are) hidden. And we are only imitated ones, sitting here, or there or there…to keep (the) Sunnatu Rasul, the ways of (the) Prophets and particularly (the way of) the Seal of Prophets Sayyidina Muhammad Ŕ sallaLLahu 'alayhi wa sallam. That is my mission, that I have been ordered through my Grandsheikh to be with people. And hundreds and thousands (of) Awliyas canřt be able to carry (the) burden of people; therefore they run away, they canřt be with ourselves. And that is my Grandsheikhs order, according to (the) holy Order of Heavens through Sayyidina Muhammad Ŕ sallaLLahu 'alayhi wa sallam - (that) time by time I am sitting and trying to address to you. And mostly - ŖWhat you are doing, o Sheikh!ŗ - mostly I am swearing. Sometimes I am… (sitting nicely), (but) mostly I am swearing, because if (I am) not swearing, I canřt carry also. So dirty (is the) atmosphere now through East and West! Only when I am swearing, (I am) getting… recharging…

Today is Sunday, you are coming - sometimes I must swear to you also, because (you are) never understanding… and we are sitting as Prophets they were sitting with their people, as (the) Sahaba Kiram, (the) Companions of the Seal of Prophets, they were sitting and advising people, (and also) as (the) disciples of Jesus Christ were sitting and speaking and trying to correct people…

Tauba, Astaghfirullah- (a) pig, you know pig? Its tail (is) like this…(curled). One person was (once) trying to make it straight. 4o days binding (its tail), saying: Ŗ4o days it is enough to be straightŗ, and (after that he was) opening (it) and (only finding it) quickly coming back…

Now people, as much as you - including myself - (are) making this (trying to correct people)…, but (it is) so (useless)…finally they are finding them (curled)…People (are) following their egosř desires. People (are) running after that only, nothing else. Running!

This is (a) holy month, perhaps (the) holiest month, Ramadan - fasting month. Fasting, it is (a) most powerful training on the personality of people, to correct them. Therefore fasting is (a) most important praying, as well as servanthood for Allah Almighty. And this fasting from beginning up today it is a holy Command from Allah Almighty to every nation, to every Ummah. They were fasting, beginning from Sayyidina Adam, 'alayhi salam: When he was eating from (that) forbidden fruit, from that forbidden tree in Paradise and (after Allah Almighty was) sending (him) away, he fasted 30 days, without eating or drinking, without breaking his fast, no! 30 days. Why? (Because) through 30 days that forbidden fruit just (was) leaving his body and no anything from that (was left) through his physical body. Finished, clean. He was clean. (In) 30 days!

And Subhanallah, Glory to the Lord of Heavens, every forbidden thing that people (are) eating, (is) harming their physical being as well as their spirituality. Destroying (it)! Forbidden things (are) destroying (our) spirituality. People (are) coming and asking (me): ŖO Sheikh!ŗ ŖWhat news?ŗ ŖDo you think that we can follow your spiritual way without coming to Islam?ŗ I am asking: ŖWhat do you mean, without Islam?ŗ Because Islam is a combined through (made up of) some orders to do and some orders not to be done. Something you must do, something you must not do, donřt do. (And they are) asking me if ŖWe can follow the ways

of Heavens without becoming Islam?ŗ I am saying: ŖAs you like. You may sit on a high place and make like this (up and down with your arms)… and you may say: ŖI am flying, I am flying, I am flying…ŗ, but you are sitting on tree, you are not flying! If you like to be such a person - it is okay, I may say to you: ŘCome, I may teach you something.ř And finally you must try, you must throw yourself…ŗ ŗI am trying (that) and (I am) coming (falling) downŗ…

That means: everyone (is) asking to do or to follow or to reach heavenly positions through spiritual stages or spiritual stations, but asking to do (it in) his way, as he likes. It is impossible! You must keep orders, (and) you must keep forbidden things. You must take care for orders, and you must take care for leaving forbidden things. If not, it is imagination - as I say: you are (like that person) sitting on (a) hill and saying: ŖI am flying…ŗ As you like!…

One person, such a…on that foolish way, was saying: ŖO Sheikh, I am that one…ŗ ŖWho are you?ŗ ŖI am that one that every night I am through my Lords divinely presence and speaking to Him and He speaks to me. I reached such a high level that I am… every night I have a meeting with my Lord.ŗ Sheikh saying: ŖIt is very important. That means you are very important. It means you are heavenly VIP personŗ- not from earth VIP, on Heavens. Heavenly VIP… ŖPlease look, o person, o important one! You must tonight take this knife and when you are meeting with your Lord, you cut a piece of his ear and bring (it) to me.ŗ Ŗ(This) can be?ŗ Ŗ(You are) not looking (seeing him) and touching him?ŗ ŖYes, touching him also and looking…sometimes I am making like this…(hugging).ŗ

That night that Murid - Řheavenly VIPř, imitated - (was) finishing (his meeting with his Řlordř) and then with that knife (he was) cutting (a piece of his ear) and putting (it) in a cloth and bringing. He came to the presence of his master: ŖYes Sir, I did what you said to me.ŗ ŖWhere it is? Open!ŗ Opening and finding - ear of donkey!…Shaitan was making (fooling) him… every night bringing him (to the stable) and putting (him)…there was a place that (they were) putting in it straw and animals (were) coming and eating from there…Shaitan (was) making him… bringing him there, and in front of him (a) donkey, saying: ŖThis is your Lord, speak to him, look!ŗ…and then…old donkey (also), his lips (hanging) down…making him also (licking him)..and embracing him: ŖOhhh my Lord!ŗ…up to morning!…(And) also (he) cut its ear!…

Shaitan (is) making people…, making comic things for that person. He was also (a) no mind person, coming and saying: ŖI am every night on Arsh, on (the) Throne of my Lord, sitting and making association, and we are very happy and coming, making like this alsoŗ…(embracing and licking)…Old donkey also that canřt bring his lip up…

Shaitan joking - more than joking! - with people; so many people that they are claiming: ŖWe are Sheikhsŗ or: ŖWe are spiritual leadersŗ…Come here! I may say to him! I may put (him) to (the) stable to find there, what they are doing…

Everything must have a discipline! If no discipline, you are with Shaitan! Therefore, discipline you cannot put on yourself. Discipline (means) heavenly discipline! Who (is) asking ways to Heavens, must keep heavenly discipline, not anything else. You understand? This may be through East and West - anyone canřt object on that point! If you can do. Therefore, first discipline - that you can reach step by step (to a full discipline) - begins by fasting, (and) therefore

fasting was (the) holy Command of Allah Almighty for all nations, for all Prophets, for every Holy Book. Sharia, heavenly commands, (is saying): Must fast everyone! You canřt reach a real discipline in servanthood without fasting, no! You should do as you like and you should say: ŖI reachedŗ - (but you are only) reaching that stable and (you are) sitting with (a) donkey… May Allah forgive us!

Now that is - we reached the end of holy Ramadan; two days more, may be three days more, (and) finishing. Who tried to fast and intending for the sake of Allah Almighty and keeping His Honour, who fasted, they reached a heavenly level that they never reached before. Whom they are not taking care, they are… yet (he) should be through (the) stable and so many old donkeys around himself… he may enjoy himself here, but (in the) Hereafter it is (going to be) difficult (for him)…

Young people - keep (the) discipline of Heavens, (the) holy Commands of your Lord! Donřt give any chance for your ego! If (you are) giving, you must carry that one on your shoulders and your name (is) quickly going to be taken away from the list of servants of Lord and coming and written on another list that (on it are the) names of Shaitansř servants. Servanthood (is) either for Allah Almighty or servanthood for Shaitan. Look (after) yourself! May Allah forgive me…

We must try. We must try! We must learn and try and we must try to practice! I am not saying that you can do this with one step, no, but you must try to correct your steps. Towards which direction you are stepping? For the servanthood of your Lord you are living or you are living for the servanthood of Shaitan? You must look and try to change your way. If you are on (the) wrong way, you must try to come to (the) true, way, (the) right way. But so many hindrances (our) ego (is) putting, Shaitan (is) putting, not to leave their ways and not to come to (the) true way. But we must try! We must fight! We must not surrender to Shaitan, we must try to surrender to our Lord Allah Almighty!

O our Lord, ya Rabbi, make it easy for us to be Your servants, (to be) řmuhlisř, trustworthy servants! Ya Rabbi, ya Allah, send us from Your chosen servants that You dressed them from Your Greatness and Power, to change our ways from (the) bad way, from (the) ways of Hells, to come to Your divine Presence, that way (the right way)!

For the honour of the most honoured one in Your divinely Presence, Sayyidina Muhammad Ŕ sallaLLahu 'alayhi wa sallam, Fatiha. Sohbet-313 Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim

(Shaykh Muhammad Nazim Adil al-Haqqani)

Islam came to teach people good character. It fights against bad characters, and the worst character is to be angry! Whoever is angry has all bad character. He who cannot stop his anger cannot keep his Iman, nor his good works. Anger destroys all good things; nothing

can stay when anger is present. Therefore, our Prophet (peace be upon him) ordered his nation to keep away from anger when he said, "'The most powerful wrestler is he who can stop his anger!" Whoever is conquered by his anger, he is a useless person and cannot be a servant of Allah Almighty. This is because when he is angry, he will leave all things for his anger. It means that his ego is ordering him. He is under the command of his ego, and he cannot obey his Lord.

We must always practice leaving anger. Once, we were sitting with our Grandshaykh and his servant, who was an old man. While we were sitting, a fly came up and bit the servant. Quickly he became angry and killed the fly. Our Grandshaykh looked at him and told me, "Tell him, Nazim Efendi, that he must get up and renew his wudu. His wudu is no good Ŕ it went away with his anger."

To kill a flea in anger is a criminal action, a sin! Anger is the worst character. All governments are fighting for anger, and all people also. Anger grows. it is like an ocean for all bad characters. If you can dry up that ocean, no more bad characters can live in it Ŕ finished. This is a very, very good manner. You must use this, for it is the order of Allah, His Prophet (peace be upon him), and all Awliya.

Our Grandshaykh is a great doctor for the illnesses of the ego. Here is his prescription for us when we are angry: If you are angry, go and make wudu. This is because anger is fire, and fire goes away with water. Therefore, do wudu. Anger is permitted only against our ego. If you must be angry, be angry at your nafs, leading you away from your Lord! I shall tell you a story, also from our Grandshaykh, on that point:

A 'majhub' is a man who is crazy, but not in the usual sense of the word. He is a man who is 'crazy' for Allah. He is above ordinary people, on a different level from them. At any rate, there was a majhub living in a certain town. One day he was walking along when he came upon a group of children playing. Now, children know when a man is on an extraordinary level. They like to run after them and make trouble for them. And so it happened that a boy threw a stone at the majhub, and hit him on the head. As soon as the stone hit him, the majhub began to slap himself, saying, "Go to your homeland! Go to your home!" As the startled children watched, the majhub continued down the street in that way, striking himself and saying, over an over, "Go to your home! Go to your home!"

What is the meaning of that story? Our Grandshaykh says that the majhub was teaching us about our ego. When he said "Go to your home, go to your home!", what he meant by that was: "O, my ego! If you were all right, then these children wouldn't be throwing stones at you. You must return to your home, to the promise that you made to your Lord. On the Day of Promise, before you came into this world, your Lord asked, 'Am I your Lord?' and you answered, 'Yes, you are my Lord!' When you return to that promise, nothing gives you

trouble. When that boy hit you with that stone, O, my ego, it was to call attention to the fact that you must be careful with your promise to your Lord. You must, therefore, go to your homeland, return to your Lord!"

This story means that you have no right to be angry with another person. You must turn your anger to your own ego! You must think, "If I am all right, then all things will be all right with me. If I am not all right, then people will not be all right with me." So, we will be angry and fighting our ego only.

"Anger is of two kinds," says our Grandshaykh. "The first kind is the anger of ordinary people. Ordinary people are angry on behalf of their ego, not for Allah Almighty.

You may say, 'How? If a man sees a wrong thing, mustn't he get angry?' Yes, I agree with you. But first, I would say to you, why are you not angry with yourself, your nafs? If you are seeing wrong things and getting angry, you should look first to yourself, to your ego! Be angry with it! Punish it for your wrongdoings! For bad speaking, for looking to haram; why are you not punishing yourself? It is easy to punish another, too easy. It is easy to kill others; kill, instead, your ego!

When you are angry make a new wudu, and say three times 'Shahada,' and seventy times' Astaghfirullah.' This is your punishment!

(Here, the murids asked Shaykh Nazim these questions:)

"Is it all right to fast on the light days of the week?" "No," replied the Shaykh, "no need. It is enough."

"But we've been fasting, already. Every Monday and Thursday since Ramadan," a disciple insisted.

"No need," replied the Shaykh. "You may fast from haram looking. You may fast from anger. You may fast from bad words! It is too easy to go without eating. No bad speaking, no bad looking, no anger; that is difficult. So many people fasting, yet they are angry seventy times until maghrib! They say, 'We are fasting!' How can you be fasting if you are angry!"

"I'd say that that describes most of my fasts!"

"Ah?" smiled the Shaykh. "It is clear, plain?" He turned to the other murids, and joked, "Now he is afraid I shall put him three days without eating!"

Shaykh Maulana continued: "The second kind of anger is for Allah Almighty. This is only for those who have killed their ego."

"I don't think that we have to worry about that, yet," said one of the brothers.

"Yes," replied the Shaykh, "we are too far from that!"

Another brother asked, "What do you do about children who misbehave? Sometimes they can make you get very angry."

Shaykh Nazim said, "You may give them 'tarbiya,' which is to educate them with good manners. Also, 'taqlib'; to make them fear your speaking. It is like acting; a fierce voice, but inside you are not getting angry. You may also spank them, but never in anger. Anger is prohibited!"

Another question: "If you are in Jihad, if you are at war, is it also better to fight without anger?"

The Shaykh answered, "Without anger." This brought him back to his original topic: "Anger is for Allah. It must be in Jihad, in war, but that anger is not for yourself: It is for Allah. Our Grandshaykh told the story of Sayyidina Ali (may Allah be pleased with him), which may educate us on that point:

Once, during the Holy war in the time of Rasul-ullah (peace be upon him), Sayyidina Ali (may Allah be pleased with him) was fighting with an enemy soldier during a fierce battle. This soldier was a huge man, a powerful wrestler, and it was a difficult fight. Suddenly, Ali (may Allah be pleased with him) managed to disarm his opponent. He flung him to the ground and raised his sword to kill the man. Just at that moment, as the sword was about to strike, the fallen soldier spat into Sayyidina Ali's face! Sayyidina Ali (may Allah be pleased with him) lowered his sword, and looked at his enemy. 'Get up!' he said. 'Get up! I cannot kill you!' The enemy soldier was dumbfounded. 'Why are you not killing me, Ali?' he asked. 'Why are you leaving me like this? Am I not your enemy?' Sayyidina Ali (may Allah be pleased with him) spoke: 'It is because I became filled with my ego's anger that I cannot kill you! Before you spat in my face, I was fighting with you for the sake of Allah. But, when you spat on me, I became angry for the sake of my ego! Therefore, I cannot kill you! You may go.'

These words reached the fallen man's heart. 'O, Ali!' he cried, 'You are on the right way! Please take me to your Prophet (peace be upon him)!' Then, the soldier was taken to Rasul-ullah (peace be upon him), and, at the Prophet's hand, he entered Islam.

Therefore, if your anger is like this, if you are like Sayyidina Ali (may Allah be pleased with him), then you, too, may be angry. If your character is not like that, you must keep it to yourself!"

[From "Mercy Oceans"]

Mawlana Shaykh Nazim delivered the following talk in response to the question 'What is the best way to draw closer to God?' -------------------------------------------------------------------

It is your soul's 'love'. Your heart is like a container. If you use that container, filling it with water, you cannot put milk in that same container. If it is full of milk, you may not put oil in it. If it is filled with oil, you cannot put in it tea. The container can only be filled with one of these.

One of the bad characteristics of our physical material body is that we have an inherent love for this life and everything on earth. Mostly people are only interested in the things provided to them in this physical world. People have fully engrossed themselves in living this life to its fullest. Their love of this life has completely filled their hearts and there's no room left for the love of God. Even though they are saying 'God is love', they are liars. God is not love, and love is not God. However, there is love for God that can make you approach to His Divine Presence.

If you start cleaning your heart from the temporal love of this life, permanent love of God will enter your heart. That permanent love will increase your spiritual power and enable you to reach to Divine Presence. If you are able to do this, you will find true and lasting benefit.

Tariqa [the Sufi Path] is Special Servanthood -Khawass al-`Ibad -

A Talk by our Beloved Mawlana Shaykh Nazim al-Haqqani Lefke, Northern Cyprus 21 Safar 1421 / 25 May 2000


We are in need, every day, of a guide. Association - Nasihat - is therefore the most important factor in Tariqa for controlling murids and their actions.

Nasihat [pure faithful sincerity] is necessary for the whole Umma. Just as we are in need of eating and drinking, we need this [advice] more for our spiritual being. [Thus] there is a balance and guidance for everyone to know what we should do. If you do not know what you should do you will be lost and useless without guidance.

This is a chance from Allah Almighty for us to be (1) in existence, (2) from mankind. These are endless blessings from Allah to everyone. A person who loses this cannot regain it ever.

Therefore, Allah Almighty is ordering, through His Prophet sallAllahu `alayhi wa-Sallam [Allah bless and greet him] and his inheritors, to retain the foundation of *Nasihat.* This is common for all.

But *Tariqa* is for training and guidance of Muslims -- to guide people to their destinations. One who knows not his destination, his life is wasted. Everyone must know their destination.

You are all coming from such far countries for a few days. You must be prepared for, and you must be trained to carry the trust - *amanatu-l-Lah* - that Allah granted to you so that you can reach His Divine presence and for Him to be pleased with you. Then you have reached everything.

It cannot be compared to anything of material value for our Lord to say to us: <> Do you know of anything else through the Old Testament or New Testament or any religion? Do they prepare mankind for anything else?

It is the quintessence (khulasa) of all religions from Adam to us: to show us ways that our Lord, Allah Almighty, will be happy with you. Twenty-four hours pass; are you thinking from time to time to say to yourself, "I must do something to make my Almighty Lord happy with me"? Do people give time to such a special desire in themselves? "What can I do today - something special?"

"Officially" you must fulfill your obligations. But you must also think, in addition to worship, fast and charity, that "my Lord is looking at me for something special." Someone may prepare a dining table for a special guest. Then, after that, he may prepare something special to make that special guest much more happy. He [the guest] will see in those special gifts especial honor and especial blessing. "I am so happy!"

Something special, beyond officiality - that is what Allah Almighty is pleased to receive from you. A special gift. You must look to make Allah Almighty happy so that He will say "O My people, I am so proud of My servant! Look at how he gave, from himself [unobligated], a special gift."

Is anyone thinking of this? You must think of this. So that, not only at Resurrection, but every day He will proud of you.

Therefore, Tariqat people are asking, over Shari`a, something special. But those square-headed people never understand that specialty. They say: "It is enough to pray [basic obligations]. What is dhikr [remembrance of Allah Almighty], what is salawat [blessings upon the Holy Prophet]??" But Tariqa asks for more than that [basic obligations]: dhikr, awrad [regular devotions], wazifa [additional daily devotion]...

They say: "Isn't five prayers enough? Why tahajjud [prayer vigil]? Why duha [mid-morning prayer]? Why awwabin [post-maghrib prayers]? They are sunna [non-obligatory]! Do the fard [absolute obligations]." But EVERYTHING MENTIONED IN THE SUNNA IS SOMETHING SPECIAL FOR ALLAH ALMIGHTY.

Unfortunately, Muslims nowadays are dry. They do not say: "Enough!" to someone working twenty-four hours; but to someone that prays more than five times they ask: "Why?" If you put baklava before a donkey it will frown. Put straw, it will be happy. Those who object to Tariqa are similar.

Yes! We ask to be in Tariqa and intend to keep on it so as to obtain more from Allah through Special Servanthood.

Do you think that any of the 6-7 billion people living in the world today, from East to West and from North to South may object to any of this? Popes, Rabbis, Dalai Lamas, Hindus, or Jews - any other religion - or Wahhabis? The second day

they object, that person must die. This is a warning and preaching addressing all people to tell them about their destination. This is an address to all mankind from the uninterrupted line of the Prophet sallAllahu `alayhi wa-Sallam which is authorizing me. I am not the spring but only a running tap. If you drink, you may reach *hayat sarmadiyya* - Eternal Life, and full respect from Allah Almighty. May Allah bless you and bless all your work. === 21 Safar 1421 / 25 May 2000

Published By:

Jouhar Ali Naqshbandi Al Hassani

Osmanli Naksibendi Hakkani Center India



On Behalf of Shaykh Abdul Kerim al-Kibrisi(K.S)* *(Representative of Mawlana Shaykh Nazim al-Kibrisi)
