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313 Suhbat of Mawlana Shaykh Nazim (1195 pages, 118/120)

From a very confused and complex life, people should come back to a very simple life, as it was before, at the beginning. Life has reached a top

point, with countless burdens and efforts for man, who, in the 20th century, has reached the height of his wishes. But suddenly a wave of unexpected power will come and destroy everything that people have reached to during [the last] two hundred years or more by science and technology; suddenly it all will vanish and disappear.

This is important to know, and you can imagine what is going to happen when technology is finished [during the time of Imam al-Mahdi a.s.]. It means that everything which you now call civilisation is going to finish. The whole civilisation of the western countries, who are so proud with their technology, should fall very badly when technology dies when that pillar, which is keeping their civilisation up, is destroyed.

Big events are coming to destroy everything that makes mankind artificial. Technology has made people into artificial beings, and their real identity has left them. All of them are artificial. And they are also using artificial means, so that they can't do anything by themselves anymore.

You will not be able to move one step outside your home to bring something or to take something away; you won't be able to use electricity, you won't be able to use water.

And these high buildings, who can fly six floors, ten floors, twenty, eighty, one hundred floors up? You must begin in the morning to reach up there in the evening. And it will be dark, you can't see who is facing you on the stairs; no security, no safety. The chaos which is coming after that foolish technology is terrible, horrible; millions are going to die. Where can they go? It is the middle of winter, the whole world is frozen, and no one can reach from one place to another easily. Where are you going to go? What are you going to do? No water reaching up, no electricity, no fire.

I am thinking that here, in Turkish Cyprus, our houses are so

simple, there is no need for a lift. But foolishly, in the towns they began to build high buildings, and they are from concrete; they are like an oven in the summer and in winter like a fridge. How can you live like that? And people cannot move three steps without their car, but cars will not be able to move. How will they go from one place to another? People are accustomed to live by pressing buttons. And water, that it is coming from three hundred to four hundred feet down, how will it come up? No electricity.

Therefore I am looking to move to places, where water is going to be nearby for using and drinking. The countryside everywhere is much safer and it is clean.

Man now is forced to come back to nature. 20th century civilisation made him run away from nature, fighting it, killing it with such foolish factories, wasting supplies foolishly. Now the Lord is punishing man… Enough! Oceans have died, what is that? For what? For quick, fast wasting of everything. That is the base of economics: fast supply, fast wasting. No more can nature supply foolish mankind now. Therefore Allah Almighty is going to punish them, so that people should save even one cup of water, and not waste it. This is coming in our time; to wash one cup they are opening the tap and wasting half a gallon of water, and ladies put so much detergent. They must learn.

You must look after this point everywhere: don't use high buildings, but come down and prepare simple houses for a simple life, and don't waste anything. You must learn and try to come back to nature, so that nature is not fighting you. As much as you are fighting nature, nature is fighting you back. When you make peace with nature, nature will help you in your life. Perhaps then that foolish illness, AIDS, will disappear.

Look at crowded cities everywhere. It will be impossible to livein them in the 3rd millennium. People must go out to the countryside, dig wells and use them. And you must not throw away the fat of animals because from it will be made candles. No more electricity; you can't use lamps any more Ŕ no paraffin, only torches, as before, burning and giving light. And fire-places should be used for cooking and heating inside. And you are going to wear and use your clothes much longer, not putting on new dress every day or every week. Industry will be finished. You must think about it. This is important for everyone. If not, so many people are going to die…millions.

Even now, when sometimes they cut the electricity here for two hours or even only one hour, people go crazy. What about when it is cut for days and there is no hope for it to come back? If it is only for 1 hour we may have hope that it will finish, that it will be re-connected and come back. But at that time there will be no more hope for that power to come back again… finished. That is terrible… you won't be able to use anything. People, who built their lives on computers, TV, radio, and such things are going to die, because they will have no more hope for coming days. Be True and Then Don't Fear There are going to be unexpected events. Terrible, horrible, and fearful events that no one can bring an explanation for. And there shouldbe Divine Purposes and Wisdoms in those events. If one event is going to happen, after it there should be so many events coming immediately or suddenly. Up till today so many expected events have come, but now and in the future, even if people are thinking about coming events, everything should be unexpected. And this is a new beginning. A new period for Dunya is coming now.

Now it is the end of a wild period full of violence. Themain creations of mankind which became rebellious against everything arecalled science and

technology. That is what is happening around the whole world now in our days, and a terrible end is waiting for the rebels.

Don't think that the fire of war is going to stop. It will grow. Europe is no exception. For the whole world it is going to be difficult. The safest place will be the Middle East: Damascus especially, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Palestine, [and the Haramain: Makkah al-Mukarramah, Madinah al- Munawwarah].

The Holy Prophet was saying: "When that fire is going around the whole world, Armageddon, it will be so difficult, and billions of people are going to die. And safety will only be in the Middle East, and Damascus…" Any time that you may find a way, go there.

The North of Europe, Northern Circle, Norway, is going to be more safe than the South, but the fire should be in the Middle of Europe. Safe places will be in Western Norway, Damascus, Southern Chile, Southern Argentina, places where there are no military bases.

Stay in the countryside, until Sayyiduna al-Mahdi a.s. stands up and calls people to come to Damascus. Then you may run there because the Anti- Christ [Dajjal] will appear and go around the world, making a big Fitnah, making people Kafir, or killing them. Or you may stay in your house in the countryside, keep yourself there and don't come out when you hear the armies of the Anti-Christ passing. Take ablution, close the doors, say: "Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim", and sit inside until his armies pass by, and then you should be in safety. Come Back to Nature My advice to my followers is to come back to nature, and to begin to put into action, and to practice, their own physical powers, not to give commands to machines to do this and not to do that. Step by step we must try to save our freedom from technology, to bring ourselves to ourselves. It is important what we are saying now. You must try not to use these

machines and instruments. Use them less and less. When the electricity is suddenly cut, billions are going to die. Who didn't prepare himself for a new period should die suddenly or go crazy. Depression, a very baddepression should come to people, which is impossible to treat, because medicine will be out of time. Factories and everything are going to stop. No more will doctors cut people, no more operations, no more caesareans.

Step by step try to come back to your natural position and to use man-power. Learn how to live without technology and how to act by yourself. Don't sleep! Don't build high buildings, make them only two floors. Don't use concrete, cement, iron, but use mud, timber, stones. Use wells, because there will be no more running water. No more electricity, cars, telephones.

In every country there should be safe areas, like areas between two countries, passages that no one is using. Go according to your inspiration, and at the first sign is for water to be near Ŕ five, ten, fifteen metres away. Believers should be in safety, worshippers much more, and servants for Allah's Divine Presence should be in full safety.

When the Anti-Christ is coming, there should be an opening for you to come quickly to Damascus. For 40 days every believer must be there, then the Anti-Christ should be killed by Jesus Christ, `Isa a.s. Then the whole world should be opened.

When al-Mahdi a.s. is coming, at that time another power will open, so that no one is going to ask for technology. Allah Almighty is goingto grant to common people the power of Islam, miraculous powers like thoseHe granted before to His Prophets and Saints. So that you are not in need to fly, but you will move with instant steps. You will look from here to that horizon, and with: "Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim", as far as you your eyes reach, you

may put your foot there.

The News about al-Mahdi a.s. [Hajj al-Akbar 1999]

Imam Muhammad al-Mahdi a.s. is a descendent of the Holy Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. through his daughter Sayyidatuna Fatimah al-Zahra r.a. and her sons Sayyiduna Hasan r.a. and Sayyiduna Husain r.a. in the 40th generation. So he is Sayyid-Hasani-Husaini. His parents live near Jeddah.

He was born between 1930 and 1940 in the Wadi Fatimah, a green valley on the way from Jeddah to Madinah. When he was growing up, miraculous looks started to come out of him. He had such lights. The looks from people started to come very much on him because his growth was miraculous. He hasa spot of ashes on his right cheek, like a star, and his arms reach to his knees.

By the order of the Prophet s.a.w. he was taken away from people by the Auliya`, Saints: Nuqaba`, Nujaba`, Budala`, Autad, and Ahyar, whose Imam is Shihabuddin, to a place behind the Mountain of Qaff. Then he was ordered to remain in the empty quarters, the Rubu' Qali, a desert between Saudi Arabia and Yemen. No one can go there, because there is quicksand, moving sands. He is not living with ordinary people now because he has such heavy powers that people won't be able to look at him.

He is living in that desert with his 99 Caliphs, highly spiritual, powerful people. There is a huge cave; its entrance is 40 metres wide. In that cave is the `Dome of Happiness', which has been built by the Angels. No one can approach that cave because it is protected by Jinns who send out bolts of electrical shots that may kill anyone and throw them away. Al-Mahdi a.s. and his Caliphs are there, waiting for and expecting the Holy Command of Allah Almighty to appear. Sayyiduna al-Mahdi a.s. is the most spiritual person on earth now, and all Auliya` are under his command.

Sayyiduna al-Mahdi's first appearance was in Hijjaz, in Makkah, on Mount `Arafat. That was around 1960. It was a private appearance, only for Auliya`, Saints. 12,000 Auliya` came and put their hands on his hand, taking Bay`ah, the oath of allegiance, with him.

Once when I was passing through Beirut, on my way to Cyprus, I met a Shaykh from Lebanon, and I was a guest in his house. He asked me:"What news is your Shaykh [Shaykh `Abdullah al-Fa`iz al-Daghistani] giving about al-Mahdi a.s.?" I told him, that so and so many years ago we were on `Arafat with Mahdi a.s., and 12,000 Rijalullah, Men of Allah, Auliya`, and that we took bay`ah with al-Mahdi a.s. I was with Grandshaykh [Shaykh `Abdullah] at that time. He took me with him, like a hunter keeps his dog with him. When I said this, the Shaykh from Lebanon said: "You are right. I was in Makkah al-Mukarramah the same year with my Shaykh, and we met a person from the Sudan. We asked him: "From where are you coming?" and he told us that he had come from Central Africa. "One year ago I was ordered by the Holy Prophet s.a.w. to be here this year to take bay`ah with al-Mahdi a.s. I have been walking on foot for one year, and I have reached here".

So the Auliya` have taken bay`ah with al-Mahdi a.s. in that year. There is a second kind of bay`ah, in dreams, for people who are not prepared to meet al-Mahdi a.s. physically. And now he is waiting for the order, and then common people will take bay`ah with him.

He will appear for all people, according to the Lord's command, in the Great War, Armageddon. There are one hundred and one hindrances which he must overcome, before he can appear. Ninety-nine of those hindrances have passed. Now only two are remaining. [in Cyprus early this year, 2003, he mentioned there is only one hindrance left].

"Red coloured people" have come to Afghanistan. They must also come to Pakistan, and then to Turkey. That is the first sign: Russians

coming to Turkey. Huge Russian powers will be at the West of Aleppo [Halab, a city in northern Syria]. They will come up to the plain of Yarmuq(?) near Aleppo. At the same time the American powers will be in Turkey, in Adana, near the sea. There will be a great slaughter in that plain. The War will last three months and during that War, al-Mahdi a.s. will appear. It will be in a year of the Hajj al-Akbar.

Al-Mahdi a.s. will appear on Hajj, where people will take bay`ah with him. From there he goes to Damascus. He will make Takbir 3 times: "Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar!" The Angel Gibril a.s. will exclaim: "Khalifatullah! Allah Almighty's Caliph has just appeared! Join his army, O Believers!" Everything will be clear. With those Takbirs the problem of technology is going to be finished, and it is going to be the signal for all Muslims to attack the devils.

There are 40 stations on Sayyiduna al-Mahdi a.s.' way between Makkah and Damascus. He will come at the gates of Damascus, firstly to a place where the foot prints of the Prophet Muhammad and his camel are on a stone [Bosra?]. He will enter Damascus, and there the people will take bay`ah with him.

There are 7 stations on his way between Damascus to Istanbul Ŕ Homs, Hama, Tripoli, Halab, Konya, Bursa, and in Istanbul he will take out the flag of the Prophet s.a.w. from the Topkapi Palace. But before that, the Padishah [military chief/general] will appear and they will meet in Konya, where al-Mahdi a.s. will put on the sword of the Prophet s.a.w.and his coats, Amanats.

After al-Mahdi a.s. has taken out the flag in Istanbul, the Anti- Christ will come quickly through Khurasan in Iran, and run to Jerusalem, to go around the whole world from there for 40 days. He is now in chains, imprisoned on

an unknown island that no one can approach because he is saying: "I am your Lord", claiming to be the Lord of mankind, not just the prophet, but the Lord. He cannot move from there. He is Shaitan, the father of all devils. He is giving orders, and he has 30 deputies who are preparing for his coming, and he is one-eyed. [As such, Mawlana Shaykh Nazim is the one ordered to prepare the world for the coming of al-Mahdi a.s. and he is the supreme authority in our time, may Allah Almighty keeps his secret!].

Each man in his army will be worth an army. 12,000 soldiers from five countries from the West (known only to the Auliya`) will come. They are always in contact with Divine Powers, which is a sign of real faith. They are steadfast, never turning their faces from the Face of Allah Almighty under any circumstances. Armies turn to ashes under their gaze. They are descendents of Sayyiduna `Ali k.w.r.a. When Sayyiduna al-Mahdi a.s. says: "Allahu Akbar!" they will be ready at the South Gate of Damascus, from `Amman.


In the last days, so many men will be killed. There will be forty times more women to men. This is because men are mostly cruel. So many of them will die, and most of the women will stay. And in that War, from seven people six will die and one will remain. For those women who don't have a husband anymore, Allah will send people from behind the Mountain of Qaff so that no one will be alone at that time. When Sayyiduna al-Mahdi a.s. comes, he will bring with him so many people from unknown worlds around this earth; Nuqaba`, Nujaba`, Budala`, Autad, and Ahyar.

Sayyiduna al-Mahdi a.s. will come as a Saviour before Sayyiduna `Isa a.s. to stop the Armageddon, the 3rd World War, with Divine Power because no one and nothing except Divine Power can stop it. No country will remain neutral in this war.

The world will be empty after that War. Everywhere will be opened for believers. According to their Kismah, which is written on the Lauh al-Mahfudh, the Preserved Tablet, Sayyiduna al-Mahdi a.s. will show everyone their place.

Armageddon is the War between East and West, and it is written that the West will win and the East will vanish. This biggest of all wars is between the believers, followers of Jesus Christ, people who have prepared themselves for the Saviour, and the followers of the Anti-Christ Ŕ Dajjal, unbelievers, who are running after this life's pleasures, following materialistic thoughts, seeking pleasures which their egos are asking for, asking for every freedom. They are people who always come into contact with the devil, falling under his control and supporting the kingdom of Shaitan. They will be with the Anti-Christ because they are evil in themselves. The devils will carry them to the source of evil and devils: the Anti-Christ Ŕ Dajjal.

Coming of Sayyiduna `Isa a.s. to Damascus

Muslims are expecting Sayyiduna al-Mahdi a.s. and they are waiting also for Sayyiduna `Isa a.s. to come from the Heavens. Christians are expecting Sayyiduna `Isa a.s. to come back from the heavens, too. But the Jews, because they do not believe in Sayyiduna Muhammad s.a.w. are still waiting for a Prophet from among themselves to appear.

There will be a heavenly announcement: "The enemy of Allah, Dajjal, has emerged. Whoever wants to save himself from him must go to Damascus, Makkah, or Madinah". So believers will run because Dajjal will be after them. They will run like streams to Damascus, and all believers must be there for 40 days. Dajjal will go around the whole world, but 700 Angels, 700 Jinn, and 700 Auliya` from the Budala`, Nujaba`, Nuqaba`, Autad, and Ahyar will protect Damascus, so he won't be able to enter.

Damascus is a holy area, the place of Judgement Day, where twice a day comes

Nur, Divine Lights, and Mercy. This area covers all that a man can see from the minaret of the Umayyad Mosque, and its Barakah spreads for a distance of six or seven days' camel ride in all directions.

After 40 days, Jesus will come down from the Heavens. It will be time for Fajr prayer, when he comes down in the Umayyad Mosque in Damascus. He is coming down to a minaret [i.e. the White Minaret or the Minaret of Jesus a.s.] of that Dome in the East, under which Sayyiduna Yahya a.s., John the Baptist, is buried. Two Angels will protect him with their wings, and bring him down to earth. He will be wearing a green turban, and he will be shining. He has the most beautiful face, rosy and white. His beard is red, and he is sweating [or he will appear to have just performed ablution]. And he has a sword. When he was on earth, he never touched a sword, but now he is coming as a Saviour, to save people from the hands of the Anti- Christ. His sword is a miraculous sword, a heavenly sword. It can reach any point to where he sends it. The Lord gave it to him.

He is not coming as a Prophet anymore, but as a member of the Ummah of Sayyiduna Muhammad s.a.w., following his Shari`ah. Sayyiduna al- Mahdi a.s. will offer the place to Jesus to be Imam, but Jesus will refuse. Sayyiduna al-Mahdi a.s. will lead the prayer once, and after that Jesus will be Imam. Sayyiduna al-Mahdi a.s. will be with him for 7 years.

Jesus will kill the Anti-Christ, break the crosses, and make clear the truth about himself and his mother, Sayyidatuna Maryam a.s. He will govern the Heavenly Kingdom on earth for 40 years. In his time, all technology will be destroyed, and everyone will be given miraculous powers, so that when you look somewhere and you say: "Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim, by your Divine Permission, oh My Lord, You honoured me to be Your deputy, I ask of You", and if He gives permission, you may put your step from here to there [al-Khutwah, in Sufi term].

After Jesus has killed the Anti-Christ, there will be no more devils and evil in his time. People will live a life like in Paradise. Divine manifestations, Tajallis, will come to them. At that time, the purpose of Allah's creation will appear.

Sayyiduna `Isa a.s. will marry and have children. When he is going to die, he will be buried in Madinah, in the fourth tomb next to the Holy Prophet s.a.w., Sayyiduna Abu Bakr r.a., and Sayyiduna `Umar r.a., that is empty now.

After the big War, people will be like a candle ready for the match. Sayyiduna al-Mahdi a.s. will open the seed of faith in their hearts, opening the hearts of the believers who lived through that War. Common people will be dressed with sainthood and will be granted miraculous powers and lights from Allah Almighty. Auliya`, Saints, will be love springs. People will be perfect servants of Allah, living on prayer and dhikr, and swimming in love oceans. Everywhere you will find the Love of the Lord. Creatures will take that Divine Love from you. We are created for that. The perfection of Creation should appear in those days.

No one will be interested in eating or drinking. And if they should want to ask to eat something, light, quality, natural food should come from the skies. Everyone will take his share and dhikr should burn it, so there will be no need for toilets. May Allah make us reach those days!

Then all believers will die by a sweet scent from Paradise. Everything terrible after that will come to the unbelievers, who will have started to re-appear during Jesus' time, and the world will come to its end. Believe, and Have Faith Mankind is now following satanic teachings, supporting thekingdom of devils on earth, and that is why a storm of fire will come as a punishment, blowing from East to West, North to South. The supporters of the devils will

die, but the supporters of the Saviours Sayyiduna al-Mahdi a.s. and Sayyiduna `Isa a.s. will be saved.

There is no shelter for cruel people who harm others, or disobedient people who do prohibited things. Therefore everybody must try to prevent his ego from doing bad things and from having bad intentions. There isno shelter for unbelievers; nothing and no one can protect them. There is always the danger that Divine Revenge will reach them, even underground or in the skies. Therefore, to believe is the first shelter.

Wrong beliefs are also dangerous. For these people, it will be like they have a shield with holes around themselves, so that Divine Revenge arrows may reach them. Therefore another shelter is to believe in the right way.

For some people, their good characters will be a shelter; people with good intentions who are pitiful, helpful, just, and respectful towards others, loving them. And another shelter is to give charity and to pray and make Sajdah. Allah Almighty is promising to shelter good servants. Everyone must ask how to be a good one.

Now everything is mixed up; Truth with untruth, goodness with badness, purity with dirtiness. Until the last World War comes, the times will get worse and worse. When Jesus a.s. comes he will put everything in its place, and no one will be able to object. The 21st century will be the Century of Truth.

Everything depends of beliefs. Who doesn't believe, you can't make them believe. If they believe in spirituality through Islam, that will be useful for them. If they are materialist people, depending on material life and technology only, we will not use it on the other side, so there is no hope for them.

Not Only a Hope, But Reality

We have been ordered to say something about these miraculous times and events that are approaching soon, to make your unhappiness change to happiness, and to make you more patient. As much as you can hear and believe, you can reach happiness quickly. It is not only a hope, it is going to be a reality for you to be able to see Sayyiduna `Isa a.s. and Sayyiduna al-Mahdi a.s.

You are asking about your family and friends; they should carry many more difficulties in their lives. My advice is to go to the countryside, where is it going to be more safe. Crowded places, cities, are going to be more dangerous. Don't be near military bases, navy, air force; runaway form them. You must have a well because life depends on water. Without water, no life, and keep some animals, so that you may feed yourselves with them. Live in simple houses. Try to come to a simple, natural life, not using TV and any of those technological instruments because they are going to finish. And you must keep everything with care, so that you don't waste what you have. Whoever wastes is going to finish.

When you are in the countryside you don't have to stay in the house all day. You may move around, as Allah is ordering us to do. Don't go to big cities, there are so many problems there Ŕ robbers, countless shaitanic groups. Everyone who is entering their places and closes the door with: "Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim", should be protected.

We have hope. We are believers; we know that this is only a bridge from one side to another. Materialism is going to finish and die, and we are passing on a bridge to another point of life. Who is reaching that second life of this world should find that another source of power is coming into action. Therefore we are not hopeless, but hopeful! Only for a short distance you

must pay attention, so that you may pass freely through that valley.

There is a Hadith that there will come a time when the sun will rise from the West, come up to the midday place and set, as it was rising. So that for three days there will be no sunshine. That will be the last point for people to repent, the last door, then it will be closed.

So we are trying to give everyone hope for an eternal life, so that they can carry everything with enjoyment, and not be killed with all their suffering. This is important. You cannot know now, you cannot see it now. Therefore you must believe, because you cannot know until you are in it. Belief is something, but knowledge is something else. May Allah grant us strong belief! Al-Fatihah.

Sohbet-309 EID Ŕ Talk Tuesday 30.09.08 ...(I am shouting to our people here, in Cyprus.) They are very Řhimmetsizř, they are never taking for any (heavenly) Command! If you are saying something for them, they are saying: ŖI donřt care!ŗ

ŖIf you are not taking care, who is taking care for you, ya Shaytan?ŗ ŖI donřt care...!ŗ They are not praying, they are not going to mosque! He may go to nightclub, he may go to casino, he may go everywhere that our egos (are) getting his freedom, they are doing everything, they never interesting (in) any heavenly Order. ŖWe are not believing!ŗ Therefore I am shouting to them! And I am looking that through that Ramadan passed away...?

Subhanallahi ŘAliyu-l ŘAzim...? (We are) praying Salatu-l Eid, and Allah Almighty (is) saying: ŖO My servants (are) coming to My obedience. O My angels, just for the honour of My most beloved servant Muhammad - sallaLlahau Řalayhi wa sallam - I am forgiving them, I am blessing them!ŗ

But big blame for those people that passed away one month and not fasting, not putting forehead on earth! I am fearing from Allah Almighty!

O my Lord, forgive us and send us someone that he may be able to collect - not our physical bodies, no - send us someone, who may collect the hearts and souls of people, to collect them! If he is not coming, we are finished...

May Allah forgive us! Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar, la ilaha ill-Allah, wa Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar wa li-llahi-l hamd...

Sohbet from Wednesday, 01.10.08 2ND EID-day Servanthood is not only for Ramadan! Destur, ya Sayyidi, ya Sultanu-l Awliya, Meded, ya Rijalallah... As-salamu alaikum! Are you hungry?... Fasting?... Ma sha Allah! Ma sha Allah! Eh, Allah Kabul eylesin! Allah, Subhanahu wa tařala, accepting our humble servanthood...

As-salamu alaikum! Audhu bi-llahi mina shaytani rajim Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim La haula wa la quwatta illa bi-llahi-l ŘAliyu-l ŘAzim

O people, ŘAd-dinu nasihař; our religion or whole religions or Islam (the) meaning (of it is) to give advice. What is advice? To call people to goodness, to call people to (a) best life here and (a) blessed and eternal life in Paradise, eternally!

Therefore all Prophets (were) coming - Meded, ya Sultanu-l Awliya - and (were) advising people, calling people: ŖO people, come! Come to me and listen to me!ŗ And they were special people or they are not on our level people. People, some of them (are) belonging to Heavens, some others, their interest (is) for earth, for dunya. Some people, their interest (is) Heavens.

And Allah Almighty (was) just taking (the) oath from (the) whole (of) mankind; before their creation, before they were coming through this life, Allah Almighty (was) taking His Oath from (the) whole (of) mankind and from their souls and (He was) saying to them: ŖO My servants! Just I created you and I am your Lord. Are you accepting Me that I created you as your Lord?ŗ All of them (were) saying: ŖYes, O our Lord! We (are) accepting You as our Creator and we ar