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313 Suhbat of Mawlana Shaykh Nazim (1195 pages, 117/120)
se to you. The point that, beyond it , you are not knowing anything. Therefore [He is] saying: `Alimul-ghayb. Wal-shahada: that you are looking, your eyes looking, your mind thinking... This ta`bir (expression)--definition?-- [this] definition [is] on the level of understanding for His deputies --mankind. But He is, He is saying -- yu`abbir `an nafsihi (He is referring to Himself) when he is asking to make something about His Essence. He is saying: `Allamul-ghuyub. `Allamul-ghuyub.

`Alimul-ghaybi wal-shahada--so simple. But it is also-- "endlessly". We are in

front of it, going to be nothing. But [it is] giving to you *something* for understanding. But when He is saying `ALLAMUL-GHUYUB: tahtazz kullul-atraf taba`ak (Your every limb trembles)!! TREMBLING WHOLE CELLS from mankind, in front of that khitab -- address.

`ALLAMUL-GHYUYUB. Ohh. And `GHUYUB, it is *plural*. ALL UNKNOWNS. Ghuyub! Ghuyub! That description--Subhan Allah. Anbiya, Awliya, Mala'ika trembling from the haybat (majesty)--from the greatness of that word, `allamul-ghuyub. Ghayb: that unknown oceans--what the Almighty says, `Alimul-ghayb, that `Alimul-ghayb, that we are in it, [it is] opening to you. But "Ghuyub"?! That is impossible to be opened to anyone. Even [one] can't be turning his understanding toward that direction. How many? How many GHUYUB? That is a word that you can't put any limit for.

It is not like `Alimul-ghaybi wal-shahada. `Allamul-ghuyub: It is --no one may put a limit for that "Unknowns".

[Part 3. Only Allah knows Allah--But ... ]

Unknowns Oceans: Who He is no one knows. Only He knows Who--He--Is.

We are nothing. We are knowing nothing. BUT we have been offered, we have been ordered. And He Almighty sent to His creatures, and particularly through those creatures--specialized and chosen ones--Mankind. Hu-ma-ni-ty. Human nature. [And] He's sending His Most Knowing One. And *his* knowing oceans also, no-one can approach: Sayyiduna Muhammad SallAllahu `alayhi wa-Sallam. Sending!

When did He send [him]?

[Part 4. Prophet's Role in our Realm of Possibilities]

Someone [was] asking me now that his son was asking, When he passed away, the Seal of Prophets? Hah. That, according to calendars, his birth was in 570. And 63 [years]--going to be 633. That is a beginning and ending. But when he had been sent! And to whom he had been sent! And for whom he had been dressed! The honor of being DEPUTY AND REPRESENTATIVE OF THAT ONE THAT IS `ALLAMUL-GHUYUB!! Who knows? Anyone knowing? Laa. .. It is impossible.

Possible, Possibility; that-- professors know. Possibility: They are speaking about "possible things" or "possibility" through this life on this planet. And Professor [an astrophysicist present with Mawlana] is saying that 13-14 [percent] that are taking some "spots of reality" according to our situation. Because we have been granted to reach possibility. And possibility [is] taking ourselves to possible beings. If not possibility through this life nothing can be possible.

And possibility just it is a grant from Him Almighty to His representative. And he [the Prophet Muhammad, upon him peace] is showing, coming to open . He has been granted keys for opening locked treasures of possibility. To reach to possible points, possible existence here and hereafter. If he wasn't there, in the Divinely presence, no possibility for creation.

That possibility according [to] our levels. He is so high, exalted to be for Him

possibility or possibles. This description [is only] for creatures that they are swimming through possibility-oceans. And, as for electricity, you need a hair-like wire to bring this power to your "Possible Area". If [it were] not [for] *that one* in the Divine presence -- therefore, always, LA ILAHA ILLALLAH-MUHAMMADUN RASULULLAH, sallallahu `alayhi wa-sallam [i.e. the 2 shahadas on one and the same level]-- [there would be no] no possibility for creation to reach their Possible Situation through `ALLAMUL-GHUYUB [and] coming to `ALIMUL-GHAYBI WAL-SHAHADA. Allahu akbar. Allahu akbar. Allahu akbar.

[Part 5. Final Admonition Toward the Coming Change]

Mahdi, `alayhis-Salam-- he is approaching. And now coming such new days of Secret Oceans, Unknown Oceans, that what we know before [is] going to disappear through new knowledge streams. We are going to disappear.

Man is not created to feed his foolish donkey only. No. You may use your donkey to reach towards [your destination]! [But] when you are taking a plane, your interest is not that plane! You are using it for reaching to your destination. But people now, through 21st century, they are thinking that their whole interest is for their donkeys! 21st century people fully interested for their plane or for their donkeys! Never interesting [themselves] about their destinations! And from where that plane taking ourselves and to where landing! When you are getting up and when you are coming down. No one interested. Only they are interesting, through that flight, what hostess bringing to drink, to eat, to enjoy themselves with flying, looking TVs and hearing melodies or caldi (songs)-- music They are interesting in such things. They are never interesting where we are going and landing. Whole interest for them, for that flight: play.

Now people, 100%, they are interested only how we are eating, how we are going to eat much more, eating and drinking, to make ourselves much more pleased, and happy with dressing, with cars--that's it. That's it. RRRUBBISH TARGETS PEOPLE ARE WORKING ON!! They are learning only for that purpose, no more! No!

May Allah forgive us. [A] new opening [is] coming now with Mahdi `alayhi as-Salam, to save people from the control of our donkeys. Everything just up and down now. Till you are putting on the throne of your heart Sultan that [is] appointed from heavens to YOU, you are not going to be satisfied or enjoy here or hereafter, You should remain, as long as you are living, [a] donkey, through this life and the next life also, you are not going to save yourself from being a donkey!

May Allah forgive us and give us, from His chosen servants, chosen teachers for teaching His servants, to reach to ourselves, to take away from ourselves heedless[ness] and to wake ourselves and to prepare ourselves for a Divinely presence that it should be according to our understanding-level. No more. For the honor of [the] Most Honored in the Divinely Presence, Sayyidina Muhammad SallAllahu `alayhi wa-Sallam. Fatiha.

That is an ocean. And instantly granted from our headquarters, heavenly headquarters. It is not through reading books and collecting. No, it is something else. May Allah forgive me and cleanse me. Fatiha. You also. Aman Ya Rabbi. Aman ya Rabbi.


?Incapacity to attain comprehension is comprehension? (al-?ajzu ?an darki al-idr?ki idr?kun).

Attributed to Ab? Bakr al-S.idd?q by al-Sulam? in al-Muqaddima f?l-Tas.awwuf (p. 36), al-Qushayr??s Ris?la (p. 585, chapter on Taw h.?d), and subsequent S.?f? sources such as Ibn ?Arab? and his commentators cf. also al-Suy?t.??s Sharh. Sunan al-Nas??? (1:105 §169), al-Mun?w??s Fayd. al-Qad?r (6:181) under the man ?alima anna All?ha rabbuhu wa-ann? nabiyyuh, and al-Q?r? at the very beginning of his Ris?la f? Radd Wah.dat al-Wuj?d.


A mind-boggling Suhba by our Beloved Mawlana Shaykh Nazim al-Haqqani Lefke, Cyprus. Monday 2 Ramadan 1424 / Monday 27 October 2003.

33' transcribed by GFH


[JALAL]. A`udhu billahi min al-Shaytan al-Rajim. Bismillah al-Rahman al-Rahim. La Hawla wala Quwwata illa bilLah al-`Ali al-`Azim.

[Part 1: Mankind are chosen creatures and individually gifted.]

Every movement from you individually or commonly--we are speaking on mankind now--mankind, they have [been] granted -- [in Turkish: "Where is Haci Cemal?" He appears, then Mawlana flips invisible pages, smiling.] They are--[haybat] Chosen Creatures. Their position is not like any other creature. And we are members of mankind. Their creation is special. They have a speciality through their creation. YOU ARE SPECIAL ONES. That must be well-known. Some knowledge that we must learn.

Allah Almighty, through His Prophet, through His most respected and honored servant, that he was [the] only one through His Divinely Presence [fit] for addressing--no-one can be able, from any creature, from heavenly beings, from angels, that they may be able to be directly spoken [to] or directly addressed by Allah Almighty. No-one. Through angels, through Prophets, through saints--leave other creatures! No-one. Only we are speaking, or we may speak only mankind, and over mankind, the world of heavenly beings--angels. And angels--they have been honored to be created [smiling] *instantly*, *countlessly,* and also, everytone in their creation, they have an especial situation, especial outlooking, especial glorifying for Allah Almighty.

Everything that Allah Almighty is creating, that is --they are, through their creation, they have a speciality, or through their specialities, they are single ones. Everyone. [Pointing] You are not like that one; that one not like that

one; that one not like that one. Everyone's speciality [is] only for that one. He [Allah]'s never creating His creatures as a photocopy. No. Photocopies you may do. You have photocopy machines. But he's never using [a] photocopy machine, no. [Covering face with hand and smiling] Not printing green American dollars, not printing red English pounds, not printing our 20,000,000 [Turkish] papers, to be the same. No. HE IS ALLAH! We must say Amantu billah! We are believing that He is the only, single One! The Only One in existrence! And He can do everything. {Wa-huwa `ala kulli shay'in qadeer.}

[Part 2: The Divine Attributes of Unimaginable Power.]

His ability, capacity, or His power may reach endlessly, everything--He can do. Grandshaykh was saying when he was giving some original meanings on the 99 Holy Names of Allah Almighty, He said about QAADIR -- {Wa-huwa `ala kulli shay'in qadir}-- "Qaadir" a meaning, it was so strong, so muhtash[i]m [awesome, intimidating, daunting]--magnificient, exalted! But when he reached to AL-MUQTADIR he said to me that, "Nazim Effendi, not anyone from the beginning up today, or from pre-eternal up to eternal, no one is finding 'jur'a' [daring]-- courage to approach and to say--(it is impossible, "adna," at least, or minimum level)-- to give an understanding to people for the name AL-MUQTADIRU."

Al-Muqtadir [is] over QAADIR. Qaadir sign[ify]ing something, al-Qaadiru, that Holy Name's oceans may be find a person a courage to approach the mininmum point to say something. But for al-Muqtadir... that al-Muqtadir [signifies] "to do everything." That "for everything"--that [is] Iqtidaar ["Absolute Empowerment"]. To be able, to be able for making, for doing, for CREATING, you may say something for that holy Name: al-Qaadir. [But] al-Muqtadir: what is the"minimum sign" for His ability? [Haybat:] HE HAS ABILITY--MUQTADIR; no-one can speak on it. Finished. Allahu Ahkbar! We are nothing. We are nothing.

And Allah Almighty --Exalted, Almighty and Exalted-- He likes from mankind, first of all, to try to know Who He is at the *mimimum* level [smiling]. And you can't find that level on [the] minimum situation. You can't find "the last one." You may say that minimum [is] as a second [in time]. You may put [as an equation] one second, and under it infinity [motions an horizontal eight for the symbol of infinity]. If you can take MINIMUM understanding-- LEAVE THAT minimum. [Even] that minimum you must divide it up to endlessly!! And through that endlessly minimum point, if you can reach to say something... for your knowledge, for your Lord, Almighty Allah, if you are collecting the heads of people and bringing their minds all together, endlessly, making a *big* mind for understanding, it is going to [makes sweeping gesture with both hands]--fffinish, to vanish. Hah!

Prophet, peace be upon him, was saying for the `azama, for the greatness of Allah Almighty that he was seeing Sidrat al-Muntaha [the Lote-Tree of the Farthest Boundary]--the last point of people's knowledge, then Rasulullah, peace be upon him, he was invited to pass... forward. And he was saying, Gibril, come with me. And he was passing; Gibril [was] saying, "I can't." The Prophet said, I looked at Gibril, he was an angel representing the minimum greatness of Allah Almighty- what we are saying [discussing] now. You can't imagine his [Gibril's] greatness, that only one feather from his wings, if it may touch the whole world it may take it up like this. Six hundred wings! If he's asking to spread two wings between East and West it is going to be so narrow. Therefore, he's putting

like two wings [tight together], making them as if touching his body. [There was] no space through East and West for his two wings, he is such an angel!

He was, when the Prophet, the Seal of Prophets--and his greatness, men or angels or mankind's world or angels' world [is] never reaching, his greatness CAN'T even be reached also!-- he was looking and seeing, saying that the Archangel Gabriel was like a "eski hasir"--an old mat; they say "mat"-- NOT STANDINGUP; CAN'T STAND! CAN'T BE STANDING UP. He was like an old mat, lying on earth, where he may stand up to look. Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar. With his greatness, Gibra'il, min haybt al-[Rabb, min] `azamati al-Rabb! In such a way. [Part 3: Pride of modern mankind and their useless knowledge.] [Shouting] They're not teaching anything for their Lord, these people, how are they going to be successful on earth! The earth is asking to throw them away! Not leaving on it anyone from those people, such a foolish people. And they're so proud of their technologia, Oh, "We are using Concorde airplanes, time by time we are sending rrrockets up to atmosphere." They're so proud, Russians, sending rockets. Chinese people jealous from Russians, saying "We are sending also, and your missile's seats are wooden? No, cushioned. We are using [wood], because our people are so dervish people, it doesn;t matter, so we are using wooden seats!" What is the name of that person who is in it? Astronaut. Cosmonaut. [For the] astronaut that [is] in it, [it] doesn't matter. No need [for a] cushion, We are not like America, too much green dollars, no. If they're finding green dollars, [quickly kissing palm and placing it on forehead]!!

They are so proud then when shshshsh [looks up and gestures with hands as if watching a rocket blasting off], looking, and they are saying h-h-h-h-h-h-h [pants, gaping] in front of this [gestures for screen] and they are saying h-h-h-h-h-h-h; it passed away, then finished. Because they fearing some of them are coming like this [hand curving up then down] on top of their heads! Therefore they are very tense, yes, h-h-h-h-h-h-h-h PASSED AWAY! Finished. They are so proud, those people, at least ma la ya`ni. They are so proud, not coming to learn what is the Divinely knowledge that we must learn. We have been ordered! Talabul-`ilm faridatun `ala kulli Muslimin wa-Muslima. No? Talabul-`ilm. Ayyu `ilm? [Shouting] To learn knowledge is an obligation on believers, man and women. [Softly] What kind?

Do you think that taking [an] ant and putting it under [gestures for microscope, looking into it] "I am very surprised that that ants' masareen, intestines, if we are looking under a microscope, its intestines' orientation is through its head's side, or backside?? Where is it?? I must learn, because ants come like this [forms an eight figure with the index and thumb of both hands] and I 'm very anxious to learn if ants' intestines are headside or backside? Because they are eating from here, but here [in the middle], no way! Yet, this side is toilet side." [Laughs.] What is that??

This is the knowledge they are looking [into]--foolish people, Western people! Writing books. They have so many pens, saying, We are looking, saying, This we must discuss that point, where this ant is entering the toilet, from headside or backside. That is their function, Europeans, they are very proud to learn something about ants. Hadha `ilm? That is knowledge that Allah is asking? To look at ants, how it is going to the toilet? What is that foolishness?

[Shouting] Talabul-`ilm: [He] Who created creation and [is] giving to you authority for understanding, looking and seeing, hearing and understanding, tasting and smelling, walking, catching! [Softly] For you. This understanding that was granted to you--for what? Who gave to you these authorities ? To know about that One. People [are] running [after] insects. Let insects eat them.

[Pointing to a Brother from Sri Lanka] And he is saying that before time in Ceylon, there were at Adam's Peak, white people coming from jungle, white beard, white people, and they were looking after who was coming and who was going up to Adam's peak. But when the white man came to Ceylon and these people disappeared. This is another knowledge.

May Allah forgive us and bless you. Ya Allah, `Afwak. Your blessing and forgiveness for the honor of the most honored one in the Divine presence, Sayyidina Muhammad. Fatiha.

[Laughs silently. In Turkish: Asks Haci Cemal and others: "How was this?" Haci Cemal replies: "This is something that never appeared before." Mawlana says: "Unexpectedly this Suhba turned this way. We did not expect it. This matter never ends. La Ilaha illAllah (3 times). Sayyiduna Muhammadun Rasulullah. We did not really enter into the matter yet. We just touched on the surface and were taken to one side. But that matter is another ocean. Fatiha."]

==== Sohbet-306 [NO LOVE = NO FAITH]

From "Heavenly Sword" file Lefke, Cyprus

21 October 2003

Q. How much belief, Rabita, and love is allowed with the Shaykh?

Mawlana's answer:

First of all we have been ordered to love holy people. Holy people -- they are the Prophets; and, after Prophets, their inheritors: Awliya. Anbiya: Prophets. Awliya: Saints. We have been ordered to believe in Prophets and belief gives us Love. Love makes people to follow that beloved one.

ITTIBA` ["following" cf. Qur'an If you love Allah, fattabi`uni. Al `Imran] means to love and follow.

ITA`AT ["obedience"]: To follow. An obedient person may be obedient by force or by love but not always by love. So many people by force. Following, but by force. It is obediency.

But Allah Almighty--He likes for His servants to follow His Prophets by love. Love-- it is most acceptable in the Divinely presence.

That: Allah Almighty is asking for His servants to love Him. And

servants can't reach directly to love of their Lord. Therefore Allah Almighty sending, on behalf of Himself Almighty, Prophets that are representing Allah Almighty through His servants. And everyone who love Awliya and Anbiya, through Awliya are reaching love of Prophets. And through love of Prophets you are reaching to love of Allah Almighty.

Therefore, without love, a person can't be a beloved one in the Divinely presence. If you are not giving your love, how does Allah Almighty love you?

But those people that are like wood, dry, dry wood, they are denying love. They are so dry ones. No life. A tree, with love, is opening through spring time. But dry ones, if seventy springs are coming on them, are never opening. Love is making nature to open and give their fruits, their beauty to people. If no love, they should never be opening, never flowering, never giving their fruits.

Therefore, love IS most important pillar for faith. If no love--no faith.

Do you understand? If I speak on it I may speak up to next year ...... but you must understand from a drop an ocean. OK? Yes...




Suhba by Maulana Sheikh Muhammad Nazim Adil al-Haqqani Lefke, Cyprus. Sunday, 29th of February 2004, 9th of Muharram 1425 Audhu billahi min ash-shaitani r-rajim Bismillahir-Rahmanir-Rahim

It is a holy day for the holy month (of) Muharram. Allah opens from His endless Mercy Oceans and opens endless Blessings Oceans on His most beloved servant's Ummah, Ummat Muhammad. Today is the 9th of Muharram, tomorrow (is) the 10Th. May Allah forgive us and send His heavenly support for weak servants.

Weakest servants, as we are looking, they are Muslims. Everywhere unbelievers, everywhere atheist people, everywhere satanic tricks and traps (are) filling East and West...Meded ya Sultanu-l Awliya...and Muslims are surpris[ed], astonish[ed] (and asking) what they can do, because (there is) no head for Muslims. Since 80 years (there is) no head for Islam, finished!

It was written, that today the last Khalipha's Cuma [Jum`a] ceremony (was) just taking place in Asitana

-[i.e.] in Istanbul- 1924. Today was the last Friday ceremony that (had been) continuous since 600 years. Finished! And look now, what is the situation! When they were leaving the Ottoman way and saying: "We are Turks", what happened to them? (They were) going up or going down? Since 80 years they (are) never going up, but going down. And the Islamic world also. When the "Young-Turks" were throwing away the Khalipha for the Islamic world, no any Islamic country - not even Hijaz or Egypt or Baghdad or Damascus or India or any other Islamic country - was welcoming the last Khalipha. And he was obliged to go to Europe as a refugee, going and waiting for them to help him and to support him. When he passed away, he had taken debt from someone in Europe and he wasn't able to pay back his debt and that person was saying: "I am keeping the Khaliph's body until you pay his debt", and someone was collecting (the money) and paying his debts and taking his body. And he is buried in Damascus, in the Sultan Selim Mosque.

(He was) his ancestor who conquered Damascus and Egypt and he reached to Qahira (Kairo) and the Sharif of Mecca Mukarrama (was) bringing the holy keys for the Kaaba, Baitullah, giving (them) to him and saying: "You are now Hakim for the holy land." And when the Khatib was giving Khutba in front of Sultan Selim, saying to him "Haakim Masjidain Sharifain" [ruler of the Two Noble Sanctuaries] he was standing up and saying: "No! Correct your Khutba! Haakim: Huwa Allah; but say (for me) 'servant [Khaadim] of the holy land' and I am accepting."

600 years he was granted the holy Amanats from Mecca Mukarrama that belonged to Rasulullah sallAllahu alayhi wa sallam: his flag, his sword, his crown ? his turban, and his many holy things and he was bringing (them) to Istanbul and putting them there as 'Amanat Muqaddasa', holy things that had been kept in Mecca Mukarrama. It was brought and he was looking after that ? (the) Sultans were looking after these holy things.

And 600 years, night and daytime, through that place Sultans were appointing 24 Qaris (Recitors of the holy Quran), each one (of them was) one hour sitting and reciting the Holy Quran. 600 years (this was) never stopping! Now "Young-Turks" coming and stopping.

Therefore now Muslims are repented, but our ancestors did this; they take wrong way. To follow Western countries, that is (the) wrong way! No! We (as Muslims) have everything, we have been granted everything, we are not in need to follow Western people! What happened,

when we followed Western people? We left everything that was before our culture, the Islamic culture. Everything we left and they are taking (it), saying: "Western(ized) Muslims."

Western countries they are in Kufr! We are Muslims! How you bring Kufr (together) with Iman? Can't be! Kafir can be Muslim? How can (that) be? X., you are Muslim now. In Islam, you are (still) keeping your old culture?... No! You left it and you are coming into Islam. But our foolish leaders destroyed Islam and heedless Muslims say "We must be like them (Western people)." Say: "We are not Muslims" (and) finished! Why you carry Islam with you? Change your name, because you changed everything through your life (already), (and) finished! Not leaving Islam and saying: "We are like Western people, 'modern Muslims'." No, it can't be!

Therefore I am saying (that) the weakest people are Muslims,(those) that ask to be free to keep their Lord's Commands, heavenly Orders, but they are not given chance also. And I am asking from Allah Almighty (help), that He was always helping through this holy month Muharram and the 1oth of Muharram. On the 10th of Muharram Adam - alayhi salam - landed on earth and Allah Almighty was accepting his Tauba (repentance), forgiving him. Noah - alayhi salam - was saved from the flood, Ibrahim - alayhi salam - was saved from the fire of Nimrod, Sulayman - alayhi salam - was granted his Sultanate and Musa - alayhi salam - was saved from Pharaoh and passing (through the sea) and going to Canaan, Yunus - alayhi salam - was getting out from the whale and was saved, and Sayyidina Muhammad - sallAllahu alayhi wa sallam - was granted Badr(*). Every Prophet was granted (help) on the same day that is coming tomorrow (the 10Th of Muharram), and divine Power was coming to whole Prophets and heavenly support was coming for Muslims.

Therefore I am asking: "O our Lord, give us a little bit from that support to make our heads up!" We are not walking on earth (with our head up), only like this... Everywhere they are accusing (Muslims). If they look and see a Muslim, they are accusing him (saying): "This is (a) fundamentalist", "that is (a) terrorist"... May Allah take them away and clean the whole world from satanic people, from devils and from evil!

That is our prayer only, nothing else, and your target must be only this! It is not a target to reach imitated titles of this life, finally everything is going to be nothing! Billions of people are (buried) under our feet, there are cemeteries in so many places (that) it is going to be (now) fields, gardens, jungles or buildings (on them) -(and) finished!

One person died. A relative of his was so sorry and he was asking Bahlul Dana, Bahlul Lana, a beloved one, a friend of the Prophet - sallAllahu alayhi wa sallam - that the love of Allah Almighty and His Prophet and His friends was through his heart - no love of this life - this life is [a] dirty life!:

"O Bahlul, I am burying my beloved one and I am putting a stone. What do you think (will be good) to write on it?" Bahlul, the servant of Allah Almighty, was laughing and saying: "Oh, write on it that 'I am that one (that) yesterday I was walking on grass and now grass is growing on me. Yesterday I was stepping on green grass, but today green grass is growing on me' "...

O people, Awliyas' words are so sweet and full of wisdom! That should be (the end) finally! Therefore take much more care for servanthood! Put first Servanthood! Fulfill it, then look what is written for you to run after and to bring (from) Halal provision!

Don't do anything nighttime! These people must leave nightlife. Nighttime, after Isha, the whole world must be in darkness (and) people (must) sleep! As long as people living nightlife - finished, they are through the hands of devils! No peace for them. No happiness for them, here or under the earth or on the Day of Resurrection!

O people, we are calling you to the right way! Leave the wrong way! Whom they are running nighttime outside, they are on the wrong way and they are followers of Shaitan!

May Allah forgive me! Perhaps now one month I am not able to address, but through this holy month a little bit our Grandsheikh is granting to me some power to address to you what you are in need. And you must try to ask (for) something that belongs to your eternal life. Don't waste your time with such things that are going to finish today or tomorrow, and death is waiting for everyone. We don't know, when it is reaching, but we must try to reach to Allah and He is happy with us!

May Allah forgive us, for the honour of His most honoured one in His divine Presence, Sayiddina Muhammad sallAllahu alyahi wa sallam. Fatiha.

(*) Note by Hajj Gibril: Mawlana may mean that the Prophet, `alyhis-Salat was-Salam, was granted the victory of Badr in the Divine Decree on the day of 10 Muharram, while the

victory itself took place 8 months later in Ramadan of the same year according to this sequence of events:

Rabi` al-Awwal of Year 1 of the Hijra: Entry into Madina. Ramadan of Year 1 in Madina: No fast (not yet ordained). 10 Muharram of Year 2 in Madina: Fast of `Ashura' Ramadan of Year 2: First fast of Ramadan in Islam. 12 Ramadan of Year 2: "Minor Badr" (raid on Quraysh's caravan) 17 Ramadan of Year 2: "Major Badr" (Quraysh's retaliation & defeat)

UNLESS Mawlana said "Badr" but meant another major battle that actually took place in Muharram.

Sohbet-308 News for the Future of Mankind

This 20th century is like a planting ground for everything, good or bad ideas. And in the beginning, what is coming out of the ground are all looking the same, no one can know if that plant is just grass or a real tree.

But when the 21st century is coming, all false ideas, all teachings of Shaitan, should begin to dry and die like grass in the summer sun, and trees will stand up with greatness and continue to grow.

Therefore now, they are cheating people with so many foolish ideas which look like the others. But don't occupy yourself with them. Wait and look what is going to happen.

We are worrying now about what is going to happen after 1999, and it is going to be a big change, because all nations, mankind, the Children of Adam, are trusting and depending on technology. It is for them like the main pillar which keeps the roof of their houses up. The main pillar of the whole world is technology, and that pillar is going to be destroyed, or destroy itself. We are not shooting from outside, no, and the roof, the whole building, is going to fall dow