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313 Suhbat of Mawlana Shaykh Nazim (1195 pages, 116/120)
hey were in their youngest time. Hmm.

[Pauses, pensive, shaking head slightly, holding hand to his mouth and looking down.]

And--we are saying that we are trying to feed our souls through association. We are not feeding your physical being, no. Your physical being is going to come [closing eyes, left hand to left cheek] down, down, and down, and getting older, older, older, and getting to a point that he is going not to hear, to see, to eat, to catch, to walk [Smiling then wiping hands up and down with a clapping sound to signify 'finished']... Coming, that days. But feeding our souls, that is important. That, through heavenly teachings, heavenly receipts--WASFA, what doctors are writing from their book--that is coming from heavens through Prophets. It is for our SOULS. And SOULS, they are getting much more powerful! Much more interesting! Much more tasting! Much more getting younger! Our feelings getting more and more, and our enjoyment getting-- [Mawlana changing his voice, speaking in a majestic and authoritative manner] *up to infinity*, getting up, increasing, increasing, never getting older, but getting much younger, much more powerful! [Smiling, looking right and left.]

And people [are] wasting their lives now; wasting their chance that they have been granted by their Lord, their Creator, to take much more power and possibility for eternal life [radiant brief smile, closing eyes reminding one of sajda].

[Another similitude:]

A person may have a small boat. He may move only from [the] beach to inside [the sea], may reach in a limited area. No more. Some of them getting bigger, may be for him to reach more inside, through [the] ocean. Do you think that that person who has only a small boat to be [as] happy as a person who has a big vessel, a transatlantic, passing from one side to another side and to go all around? No. But people now, they are not even interesting [themselves] in a small boat! They are saying "We are not interested to be in the ocean. No, We may be outside." When outside, they are going to finish and vanish.

[Through the next paragraph Mawlana gazes into the distance with a faraway look:]

And deepless oceans... And countless distances... Open for mankind That is for everyone. It is possible to reach that chance and to move through [the] ocean. Others... others they're preferring to be on land always, and not to get in that ocean. And [the] ocean that is in front of mankind--you can't *imagine*, you can't *imagine* its beauty, and richness, and enjoyment! You

can't imagine. Evey distance you can find another, and another... enjoyment, with NEW worlds, with NEW continents, with NEW creation. [Glowing smile.] When you are entered, you should find. Who is not entering in it, they are MAHRUM--they are deprived. In the end, they are losing their chance. Their boats are going to be on the beach, but no chance for them to get out, to enter ocean and to reach endlessly enjoyment, endlessly creation, endlessly beauty, endlessly mercy oceans......

Whole Prophets [are] coming to give a description on it. But people firstly [i.e. impetuously] coming and saying, "We are not believing that {if we are dying--no possibility for a dead one to come again into existence}" (see Qur'an Surat Qaf 50:3 and Nazi`at 79:11-12). That is [the] biggest foolishment, [the] biggest heedless[ness] for mankind to give their first judgment without making a research on it, they are saying "this?--can't be." Ya hu [O man], look. Ask! Take a full knowledge, because we are living in a world that is full with possibility [index raised, intent stare].

[Another similitude:]

If a person [is] coming from nothing, [if it is] possible [that] a person [is] coming from nothing--only a man and a woman [are] getting together--it is nothing--and [then is] coming a full person: that is possible. Why are you going to deny, to say that when we are getting --dying--it is "impossible, impossible to come again into life"? Why? You know that, before, you came from nothing; and this world is just built on possibility--*possibility*: "to be or not to be". Everything may be possible or everything can't be possible: possibility for everything. You can imagine: "maybe, or maybe no" possibility. But we are living in the world of possibility. Everything that you can imagine may be possible. Impossible things: it is on another line; but on our line: we are living on a level that this world [is] the world of possibility. A new thing may come from nothing, and from nothing [is] coming another new creation. Because everything on this planet, it is, it belongs to the world of creation. Creation. And [the] Creator, He is that One that [is] making everything possible according to His Divinely will [smiling with closed eyes then solemn again]: why are you insisting?

But people now, they are learning only ignorance, and universities [are] graduating countless ignorant ones. Nothing else. Therefore, they are punishing themselves by themselves. This--possibility--[is] bringing for them a punishment. Every wrong movement and every wrong action carry a punishment. A wrong step can't be without a punishment. For every step that you are stepping wrongly--that means every movement from mankind on the wrong way [is] just [looks at the two fingers of his right hand] coming and meeting [joining his two index fingers at the tips] with a punishment.


It is *impossible* for a person to do or to step a wrong step, and for a punishment not to reach him! [Whether it is] easy to be carried or not easy to be carried--this must be well known: [Pauses, looks right and left smiling] Your thinking, your acts, if it is wrong, [go with] punishment--hah--side by side [Holds two index fingers parallel]. [You will be] getting [hits left index finger with right index]..! And--you should be punished; you should be

suffering; you should be touched with a disliked thing here or hereafter.

May Allah forgive us--and open our minds to understand such a reality for our lives or it is going to be always as a donkey going wrong and its owner with his whip hitting it!

That is 21st century people now, *every day* a whip is coming on them! Because everything they are doing wrong, everything opposite and against the Divinely will, who[ever] is making something against the Divinely heavenly will--must be punished! No--way--to save himself from that punishment.

May Allah forgive us from every wrong step and grant us to follow the ways of the Seal of Prophets, peace be upon him, for his honor in the Divine presence. Fatiha.

Ya Allah. Ya Rabbi, al-Shukr.



A Suhba by our Beloved Mawlana Shaykh Nazim al-Haqqani Lefke, Cyprus. Saturday 26 Shawwal 1424 / 20 December 2003

30' Transcribed by GFH

Dastur ya Sayyidi, Ya Sultan al-Anbiya. Madad.

[In Turkish : "Where is Haji Cemal?" Asks for Haji Cemal to sit at his right. Flipping pages of an invisible book.]

A`udhu billahi min al-Shaytan al-Rajim. Bismillah al-Rahman al-Rahim. La Hawla wala Quwwata illa bilLah al-`Ali al-`Azim.

Everything must be put in its own position! Anzilu al-nasa manzilahum [Hadith in Muqaddimat Sahih Muslim="Place people in their rightful stations"]. You must put people, according to their positions, [where] it is suitable for them. It is real balance through the whole world also. You can't put polar bears through African jungles. You can't put an elephant from African and bring him to the Russian steppes. You can't bring Eskimos to the deserts of Arabia. You can't take people from Arabian deserts and bring them to Ireland or Iceland. You can't even bring Canadian people to America or Mexican people to Canada. You can't bring kangaroos from Australia to live through the jungles of India. You can't bring the tigers of India to live in Australia.

Everything is just appointed where it should be. This is very important: you can;t put a king to be with people, [on the same] line. You can't bring standard people and put them on a power center. Once I heard that in one of the Middle

Eastern capitals the govt. was building an electrical power center. [Moves head to say: Ok.] And govt. appointed one electrical engineer to look what is necessary to arrange and control everything. He was a new one, coming, a new graduate. But he had a force [an authority] from the govt.'s side and they put him to be controller. The foreman who for years gave his life for that work--he was always looking and sometimes saying to that new one, Oh, you are our master, but this line can't carry this power! And he was replying, It doesn't matter! It is OK! I know! I'm an engineer! You are a foreman, you are a aworker! [Smiling, Ok, Ok...] And he can't force what the govt. appointed to be on that project. They're finishing and, as he did, he left (the foreman). [I.e. the foreman left it as the engineer said to do.]

The day there is going to be an opening, the President and so many ministers and commanders coming to look for the new opening. Coming for that occasion, making a big show that the govt. just built such a huge power center, that the opening ceremony should be taken on that day. [They are all] coming. The minister of works--traffic works? Public works. Everything is ready. And "tabarrukan." This minister, the President is saying, you must take this switch and make it "On". He goes and pulls the switch then--Bwoooh!! The line can't carry such power, all of them falling down and running away. Fire coming! Sparkles just flew everywhere! What is happening? What happened? Who is that? Where is this engineer?? The engineer saying, "That foreman [did it]." "[Then] what is your position??" They call the foreman. The foreman says, O our president, this person, as long as I am saying to him, he was saying I know. I am saying this power, this line can't carry. And he was saying, I know. And I left it. Look now, what happened. A big damage!

That means if you are putting s.o. that does not understand, he damages himself and around himself. A person--now that democracy, that "pocracy"--dirtiest system! Bringing a person, putting on power, and saying, use that power. And look what is happeneing in Cyprus, in Turkey, in Russia what happened, in Germany what is happening, in Italy what is happening, in England what is happening, in Egypt what happened, Iraq what happened, India what happened, China, ... everywhere that is using that system finally collapsed and giving the biggest harmfor nations, making nations to come back, perhaps 500 years. Never getting further but coming back and they fall down. They cant be able now to stand up. It is becoming too late.

Allah is saying, Put everything in its real position. Hah. Anzilu al-Nasa Manazilaham. That is because men, they have been created to be Patrons on this planet, on earth. Therefore, you must use men, and men are not coming from photocopy machines. No. Everyone has been granted some speciality. He has some speciality that you haven;'t. He hasn't. Nations, also, just granted specialities. Egyptian people are carrying some speciality that Libyan people can't. Moroccan people have a speciality Jaza'ir people haven't What Arabs have, Turkish they're never carrying. What Turkish people have--to be Turks. {Ja`alnakum shu`uba wa-qaba'ila} bringing whole men from one man and woman but then making different branches, granted to every tribe, every race, every nation a [different] speciality so that it be known that that is American, that is Egyptian, this is Germany, that is Argentina, that is Kurdish, that is Turkish, that is Indian, that is Italian, Cypriot, Russian, `Ajam, hah hah! What they've been granted--look how he is sitting [referring to a Persian gentleman]. What they have been granted, no other nation has been granted! Turks--only this [taps

his right biceps] for... [makes striking gesture with fist]; and [laughing] they have first class! For wars, for fighting! Egyptian people [laughing, looks down shaking head] stealing the waters of the Nile and-- hah hah--fishing all the fish in it, therefore Sudan people are very angry and are putting a wall to keep everything that lives in the Nile not to come to Egypt! Because they also fish cocoda--cococytes?--crocodiles!! Because they are fishing them, hunting them, and taking this leather--very good! Sudan people are very angry. "What?? We must have our 'timsah'--our crocodile! What is that, Egyptian people! Everything going to them!"

Every nation Allah has granted to them such a thing--speciality. Aah. WOMEN were given something that is for them. Men, their speciality was not granted to women. Everything, look! Nature. They are independent and they are, each one, caryrying another speciality HAKEEM who understands Hikmat. Understanding wisdom, Wisew people, wise persons, knowing how he may use this one, that one, this one, that one. And what is coming from heavens from mankind--that is the best, best !! But now, 21st century people, they are putting heavenly rules under their feet and they are mamking such a foolish system that now all of them are closed, locked up . Can't be able to open it until this dirty system must go away and heavenly system must come on earht for earth to be in peace and happiness.

[A Majdhub keeps shouting, ALLAH, ALLAH!] Tumarhane. Mental-house. If you are bringing mental-house, making election, putting Ahmad [the shouting majdhub] to be chief!! Because he is the chief crazy one. How are they bringing this system? Democracy system. I am saying, use it in mental-house. Why not use it? Use it. Leave it to them to arrange themselves. Yes! Voting! Make elections! Who is going to be much more crazy, make him chief!

[Drinks from his tea mug.] Allah, Allah. Here, it is a small place. If someone comes and then I am asking him to make tea, and I am asking, You know? If he says I don't know, I say, don't do? Who knows, may do. Otherwise, people can';t drink it!

[This paragraph spoken emphatically, almost shouting] They did everything AGAINST heavenly rules. And heavenly rules say, A`ti kulla dha haqqin haqqah. "Put everything in its own position." Finished. That is a wisdom that must be written in golden letters to be hanged everywhere. The Lord of heavens is saying, A`ti kulla dha haqqin haqqah. Give the rights of women FULLY! They haven't any rights to come and mix with men and do what men are doing! They can't do, they can't carry! Also give rights for men! Don;'t leave them to be like women! No, men is men, they were created for some purpose that Allah Almighty just ordered. And they have been appointed for that purpose. Now, the rights of women are taken [away] and the rights of men are taken [away]! And everywhere, people are unhappy because some people that have power are taking from weak people their rights and are making oppression on them and making people under their feet. Because they have power. Islam is saying, NO! As long as you are doing this, you can;t reach peace. Therefore, the first addressing that Sayyidina Abu Bakr , the first Khalifa, Allah bless him!, he was saying, through his first speech, to the Companions of the Prophet SallAllahu `alayhi wa-Sallam, "You must know, O Companions of the Seal of Prophets! Anyone through yourselves whose rights are taken or oppressed, he is going to be the most powerful among yourselves until I am taking his rights from that oppressor! And

if you think that you are powerful ones, to take the rights of weak people and you're thinking that you are power ones, you must know that as long as I am in power, I am going to make you the weakest ones to take the rights of that weakest one from you!"

Islam -- never understanding, the foolish Muslims now, running after the oppressors now and saying to them, We are with you. You may go to the Fire also, with the oppressors.

I'm calling Hajji Cemal Effendi to put him here [pointing to his right], not to be there. It means that [anzilu al-nas] must be put into act[ion], so that the whole world should reach peace. As long as they're not taking care, they should be ground under the mill-stones--grind and finishing. But my feeling is that heavenly support is approaching for weak ones, oppressed ones to be taking their revenge from those Shaytan people who are oppressing poor people, not giving their rights, taking by force their rights, and they're thinking that they are powerful, "No one can take it from ourselves." I AM TAKING. I am weakest one but I am taking. No need to use other Awliyas.

May Allah forgive me and bless you for the honor of the most honored one in His Divinely presence, Sayyidina Muhammad sallAllahu `alayhi wa-Sallam. Fatiha.

My power is not even like an ant--but when the Divinely order comes, I am going to be an irresistible power, in sha' Allah, Fatiha.

===== Sohbet-302


A Suhba by our Beloved Mawlana Shaykh Nazim al-Haqqani Lefke, Cyprus. Tuesday 29 Shawwal 1424 / 23 D ecember 2003

Transcribed and slightly edited by GFH Friday 23 Dhul-Qi`da 1424/14 January 2004, Damascus


[Gestures as if flipping pages of an invisible book while looking at Hajji Cemal]

Astaghfirullah. Tubtu wa-Raji`tu ilallah. Madad ya Sultan al-Anbiya. Madad ya Sultan al-Awliya. Madad ya Rijal Allah. Allah Allah, Allah Allah Madad ya Sultan al-Awliya.

A`udhu billahi min al-Shaytan al-Rajim. Bismillah al-Rahman al-Rahim. La Hawla wala Quwwata illa bilLah al-`Ali al-`Azim.

Hundreds, thousands, or hundred thousands, even million millions [of] books written in Islam. And millions books also written, taking from Islam. Because if Islam [were] not coming, minds [would] never get to be enlightened. [The] ignorance period was going on if Islam was not coming. It was impossibled [for]

humanity [to] reach what they reached now if Islam not coming. But they are not appreciating that point. They are thinking that they're they are inventing , they are finding and bringing so many things through their minds. But if Islam not coming, minds were--they were in darkness. A blind person---what can it do? A blind mind, what can it do? Nothing. When lights [are] coming from heavens: enlightened minds, enlightened hearts--both of them.

[Severe tone of voice] Some people locked their hearts in front of Islam. Islam's lights coming, Jewish people are saying: Lock your hearts, [let] not enter those new lights in it, it is enough what we are using now from Torah, "Old Testament" or "New Testament"!! It is enough for us! A lamp [is] enough. What we are doing with electricity? Close it down, we may be through in our world and Jewish people, Jewish brothers they said "it is enough for us!! What we found from Torah from sayyidina Musa--Moses-- Peace be upon him. [Hypocritically sheepish sounding voice:] It is enough for us... No need [for] a new light or a new enlightening."

Christians--ha ha ha! [Tips turban to the front right over his eyebrows] that they are now [changes voice to raspy cartoon-like villain character:] VE-RY-BU-SY to make --to make -- ehmmm--what we are saying--to make "Christ-mas", "Christ-mas" ehmm -- en-joy-ments, Christ-mas [moves both hands in theatrical grand circular motions] im-a-gi-na-tioning... Our --eehh-- Christian brothers, they're now soo busy, they are saying to me, "We can't do anything, we can't go anywhere!" because people, their minds [are] only just coming [focusing] on that center: for Christmas. Europans: no mind... They are [mindless]...

I am saying, now we have a problem for Cyprus. What we can do? "Don't speak. Because Europeans, our brothers, they are so busy, they're never finding the time for a solution for Cypriots, because: Important preoccupations. They have been 'occupated' with Christmas. No one is listening to you." They're now such a hundred-percent drunk people! Their minds are never working on anything except Christmas. Christmas tree, Christmas lamps....

[Incoherence of Christian Doctrine]

They make their religion [incoherent].Yahud, Jewish people--they're saying, the Old Testament is enough for us. But the New Testament? [There is] nothing in it for `aql al-salim, a [sound] mentality to accept! The mind will never accept their doctrines, what they are saying to people about Christianity. What is that? Making the Creator like a man? What is that? Man is a creature and the Creator can't be as a creature! Creator is only One, creating! Who created Jesus Christ? He himself created [himself]? They are saying "his father". If [his] father created [Jesus], [then] he [Jesus] is a creature. He can't be a creator, he's only a creature. This mentality [does] no [good] with them to say. If father is bringing that one to be his son, that means he [is] created. He wasn't with his father from eternity, from pre-eternity. No. How did it happen? His father. Hah, father! A father must be before his son! Therefore, he's a creature. How are you giving the title of Creator to a creature? No mentality! They are making it in such a way that they are accepting no [sound] mentality.

And they are also closing their doors up to day that we are living, 2004 years--according to their [historical] memory-- yet they are not looking beyond

Christianity. They are saying we are locking our doors and walls and [hypocritically sheepish sounding voice:] "It is enough what we find in it. We are happy to make this dramatical or sometimes comedic and dramatic stages and plays in it, sometimes looking [like] we are happy and sometimes we are going to be sad. It's OK for us." [If somebody says to them:] "Open these doors to enter new lights in it!" They are saying no no no no no no. Therefore they are yet using candles now, everywhere. They are saying candles--it is enough. Candles, trees, Papa Noel, sledge also, some dogs, some lambs, some old people..ehh... This is their imaginationing and they're saying [sheepish voice] "We are happy here, it is enough for us ... " OPEN YOUR DOORS to look new lights! They say, "new light-- we are not in need."

Up to today they are insisting, Jewish people are insisting not to open for new lights that are coming from heavens, also Christians: They are unhappy if they are asked for new lights to be opened to enter to their places.

Islam brings that light. They're never accepting throught their souls to come into Islam. But those lights--so powerful that they are giving to their minds, even very little enlightening through that new lights they invented countless instruments, countless inventions! They did it, and they did it mostly because they were using their minds without using their mentalities, mostly what they invented and what they are making it is for harming humanity and to take away the good characteristics or best specialities from humanity. Now. They are using their mindly-production to kill, to burn, to destroy and to bring every satanic work for mankind. That's it. Because they are not opening their souls to the lights of heavens.

[In Turkish to Haji Cemal:] Haji: Be attentive to this point! [Flipping invisible pages]

This is a very important point. They just wrote thousands, perhaps millions books, all of them from some rays from Islamic heavenly lights coming on their minds and through that light they're writing and inventing. LEAVE THEM with their world! They are living in another world! But I am sorry to say that Muslims are asking to get in their worlds! Non-Muslims' world! They are asking to enter in it! Muslims now, they are aksing to leave enlightened souls and asking to join to them! And now, for the occasion of Christmas, the Muslim world also, you may say, if you may say 100% it is a shame, 40% it is a shame, even if the Muslim world is involving [itself] for Christmas enjoyments may be 10%, it is a big shame for the Muslim world to do that.

But [they are] running to their nonsense and dishonored world, and blind world, dark world, full-with-problems world instead of being in Islam's enlightening world, changing, changing enlightened world and running to dark world. Therefore trhey are using the night of new year, they're making a [count]down [3, 2, 1] switching off the lights to be in darkness!! Whole world going to be in darkness. To show that that is our last target: to reach to that point. We are trying from year to year to reach to that dark minutes, to be in it. That is our last target. No-mind Muslims never thinking on it.

That is a sign that their world which they are asking to be in always, shouting and saying, don't open, leave it dark! Darkness is best for us! And their lives are in darkness. It continues from 1 year to the 2nd year through darkness. Thay

are asking: We are signing and showing that thay are living in a dark world. And they like it, they like it , they are never asking to be enlightened, asking to be in darkness always! "O, so quickly passing, 1 minute, 2 minutes, 3 minutes, and we are always asking this to reach all three minutes from year to year! That is the top point, the top point for our target." As a man while reaching with his lady the last point, only after a tiring--[making lively circular motions with both hands while moving his mouth as if munching]-- how long is it? Only in seconds, no--never reaching to one minute! But reaching top point and giving that... Their target, last target is that [few] seconds, finishing, and laaa... [lying back] ... How finishing? [Tearful voice] Must continue....

From year to year, Christians are waiting for that midnight, midnight to close down, to put down lights one minute or two minutes, some of them saying destroy this [light], not to be opened [ever again]! That is their target. That is the proof that they like the dark world and their world is dark. Therefore you can't find through their faces a shining face, enlightened frace. No, it is impossible. All of them very serious. Never going to smile! Never going to laugh! Never going to be peaceful. No! Their life's in trouble because darkness is giving fear and hopless[ness] to people. We are asking the night of Power lights --Islamic world, real world-- we are asking from year to year toreach the lights that are coming from heaven. Look and make a comparison between Islam and Christianity. Can you understand? It is an important point.

We were beginning to speak on books but they changed my direction to another valley, to another direction which was necessary for everyone to know. Never written through books or spoken on it. May Allah forgive me and bless you and send us enlightened people from heavens to take away darkness from earth to be people in lights and to know through that lights who they are for what they are, for whom they are working, for whom they are living. For the honor of the Most Honored one, Sayyidina Muhammad --peace be upon him -- al-Fatiha.



A Suhba by our Beloved Mawlana Shaykh Nazim al-Haqqani Lefke, Cyprus. Tuesday 15 Shawwal 1424 / 9 December 2003 37?

Transcribed and slightly edited by GFH Wednesday 21 Dhul-Qi`da 1424/13 January 2004, Damascus

Dastur ya Sultan al-Anbiya. Dastur ya Sultan al-Awliya. Madad ya Rijal Allah. ..... Dastur ya Sultan al-Anbiya. Madad ya Sultan al-Awliya. Madad......

A`udhu billahi min al-Shaytan al-Rajim. Bismillah al-Rahman al-Rahim. La Hawla wala Quwwata illa bilLah al-`Ali al-`Azim.

Madad ya Sultan al-Awliya. Madad ya Rijal Allah.

It is a humble place. [An] unknown place. And a simple meeting with something we are trying to bring to our minds. To feed our minds. Because everything [is] in need [of] feeding. [Part 1. Unknowing] I don't know anything. He knows. Who-- is He. He is Hu. He knows. `Allam al-Ghuyub. He knows everything. And no one knows about Himself anything. Only--

What we are looking on a picture , if there is no writing under it, even a description for this view or picture, we are all so ignorant. If someone is saying to you this, about that picture, you may think from the beginning of the world up to the end, you can't bring [meaning] Yes, it is a picture, it is a photograph, but if you haven't given a--tafarru`aat: the not (details, contexts) direction but description, more than description, you can't know. From the beginning up to the end you are never going to know who is that one. Someone must say: "it is that one," or it must be written under it, "this picture belongs to that one."

?The Lord of heavens.? It is so simple [a] description. And Awliyas are ashamed to say this [mere] word for His description, that creatures, particularly human beings, may understand. ?Lord of Heavens.? Very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very simple description. That is according [to] our understanding or according to our ability or according to our mindly capacity for a ta`rif -- definition.

No one can say, "I understand, when we are saying 'Allahu Akbar,' about his greatness"! And we have been offered, on our understanding level, to know, to say: The Lord of heavens. That belongs to our existence. And our existence is not a real existence. [There] can't be an existence for anyone else. He's the only One in Existence.

[Part 2. Two Levels in His Divine Attributes of Infinite Knowledge]

`Allam al-Ghuyub... Oh..... `Allam al-Ghuyub S[uch] magnificent *ta`bir* (expression): "something that a person may understand". `Allamul-ghuyub. `Allam is our--through our dictionary: "Who knows endlessly." Endlessly. Nothing can be out[side] of His knowing.

`Allam. Sifatun (Attribute)... what we are saying "mubalagha fil-ghaya" (maximum magnification). You can say for His knowing that no one can be like that one that His existence is real existence, to know anything. Only he--`Alimul-ghaybi wal-shahada. Allah is saying, Almighty, He knows ghayb that it is clo