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313 Suhbat of Mawlana Shaykh Nazim (1195 pages, 115/120)
for their souls, no; Allah Almighty (is) not using for our souls (any) material. Therefore (the) souls and our physical being (are) never going to be (the) same and never (it is) going to be ended (the) arguing between souls and material beings. (Our) material being (is) asking to be boss, and (our) spiritual being (is) saying: ŖNo, you canřt be my boss, because what I am carrying from divinely Power, you havenřt.ŗ You have not that power, because (the) material world, everything that belongs to materiality, it is in limits, but what we have been granted through our souls it is not going to be in limits. Therefore our power through our souls (is) reaching to the ends of creation and (the) power of our souls in such a position may be present everywhere, because (our soul is) never going to be prevented by (our) material being. The area (of our souls), their field, (is) unlimited, but our physical beingsř field (is) only (a) very short and small area, which is making (people) to loose the essence for their real being. They are not understanding that we have a physical being that (is) never going to be in existence without material and (that) there is another existence through ourselves, that (it) is our spiritual being, which (is) never getting to be in need (of) material and never (it is) going to be in limits, because it is (an) Order from Allah Almighty. Therefore no one can be reaching to (the) real knowledge about the Lord of Heavens, until they are reaching to a real understanding of their spirituality. Through spirituality you can touch- that means: you can reach- some knowledge from the Creator. But donřt think that your material being can think on it and can be able to bring any real information for the Creator! People now are asking: ŖHow is Allah?ŗ ŖWhere He is?ŗ And: ŖWhen He was?ŗ And: ŗUp to where He is going to be?ŗ These are nonsense questions

because it is not your responsible area to ask, as long as you are in prison through (the) material world. You must cut it out! When you are cutting this prison, you can find yourself in a world that (there is) no materiality, only spirituality. And spirituality, you canřt bring any description on it, no! Anything you can bring for an understanding of spirituality, (the) material being (is) never understanding. It is impossible, no! This is something, that is something else. With your material being you canřt understand your spiritual being. Therefore you must try to melt it, to destroy your material being, either here or after death. Then you should find yourself in an Ocean of Spirituality that belongs to Allah Almightyřs Will. When He is going to say: ŖCome in existenceŗ (it is) coming (in existence), and that existence of our souls may be understood through our spiritual being. And our spiritual being- as was saying our Grandsheikh- (it) is like a drop (that is) coming (down) from (the) clouds and reaching to (the) ocean: It is becoming an ocean- you canřt find it, you canřt bring a limit for it- that (drop, our soul) just reached to an Ocean that never can be known. Therefore man, when (he is) trying to reach to Allah Almightyřs divinely Presence, they are in need (of) some training, some practising, to break down their material being and (for) that drop (our soul)- that it is through your material being- to be free; as that drop (to be) coming and entering (the) ocean (and) going to be (the) ocean. But you need to break down that material being! For (the) material being (there is) no room in Existence! It is an imitated existence. But (our) soul, when (it is) coming (to be free), without (the) hindrance (of our physical being), (it is) reaching to the Oceans of Unity of Allah Almighty and (it is) going to disappear (in them)… May Allah give us a good understanding for His Knowledge, to be able to understand (something from it). As long as you are surrounded by materiality, it is impossible to approach an understanding of our Lordřs divinely Position. Therefore we are asking and try to reach to that point and to save ourselves from the heaviness and darkness of materiality, to reach to peace and contentment and the Oceans of Lights of the Oceans of Power through His Almightyřs Unity Oceans. May Allah grant us and bless you and forgive me. For the honour of the Seal of Prophets, S.Muhammad sws, Fatiha.

Sohbet-298 Don't let Shaytân extinguish your lights

Suhba by Maulana Sheikh Muhammad Nâzim ´Adil al-Haqqânî

Lefke, Cyprus, 05. April 2003 transcribed and slightly edited by Abd al-Hafidh Wentzel

Dastur ya Sayyidî, ya Sultânu l-Awliyâ Maddad ya rijâlAllah, Maddad A´ûdhu billahi mina Shaytâni r-rajîm Bismillahi r-Rahmâni r-Rahîm La haula wa la quwwatta illa billahi l-´Aliyyi l-´Azîm

May Allah forgive us and protect His servants from falling into traps of Satan!

Shaytân, that he is biggest enemy against human nature, Shaytân (is the) most dangerous creature against humanity, Shaytan (is the) most terrible one through creation against mankind. Shaytan's aim is one aim: to destroy the honour of mankind that (was) granted (to them) by their Lord, that he was asking (for) it and never reaching. Therefore his enmity (is) never ending. Never ending! And (the) only aim for Shaytan (is) to take the honour of mankind and to leave them without honour.

If a candle is burning, or you are lighting it, it is o.k.. Giving lights! And mankind, they have been granted a secret flame from heavens and that flame is enlightening them. And Shaytan is trying to extinguish that flame, running everywhere and going: "Phhhhh", blowing on it, to extinguish (it) and to leave mankind only as a figure, unenlightened, to be only a mass, a material being, in its form. Shaytan is asking to bring these extinguished ones to his territory, because he lost his lights. Shaytan is no longer enlightened, he is only a mass of material, no flame, no more lights on him. Finished! And he is running, as he was running before when Allah Almighty enlightened Adam and Eve and putting them through enlightened paradise.

He was running after them to extinguish their lights and to bring them into a dark atmosphere, to bring them to a dark place, and to (make them) lose their lights and to remain in that darkness. And Allah Almighty, who knowseverything, because Adam and Eve they were [in] rebellion, and rebellion people can't be through Dâru l-Karâma, the holy place that Allah Almighty (is) granting those people, whom they should be through that holy paradises.

He is never accepting to be a person a rebellious one and to be in Dâru l-Karâma, that is Allah Almighty's Divinely favour lands. It can't be! Therefore, "al-´âsî lan yadkhul al-janna", therefore, as through traditional knowledge that (has been) reaching to ourselves from Holy Prophet -- most honoured one -- that a rebellious person (is) never going to enter paradise. [Hadith in al-Bukhari: "All my Umma shall enter Janna except those that refuse. Whoever obeys me enters Paradise and whoever disobeys me ('asânî) has refused!"] Therefore (He was) ordering (them to) get out.

And they (were) just falling into a dark place, landing on earth and it was not daytime. Through the darkness of night just they have been sent down. And Adam and Eve they were breathing, drop by drop, the heaviness and misery and trouble and suffering of being through a dark atmosphere, to be through a dark land. Just they lost heavenly lights through paradise and had been sent on earth through that dark darkness. They were crying. They (were) lost. And Allah Almighty (was) saying to them:

" O Adam! You and your children, just I accepted your repentance and I am not going to leave you through that darkness. I am sending to you from heavens enlightened servants of Mine, to give to you heavenly lights, to save you from (the) darkness of this prison. That is your prison! I am imprisoning you on that planet, on earth and it is dark darkness. But because I accepted your repentance and I am forgiving you and I am sending to you from my heavenly lights through my representatives through your children, to give to you and your children heavenly lights of Mine (so) that you may find your way to Me. Who is finding his way to Me, that is the way of My paradises. Therefore I am sending to you my Divinely lights through My beloved servants who they are representing My

authority on earth."

Then He was saying, the Lord of Heavens:

"When I am sending My lights through My distinguished servants of Mine, (those) whom they are going to follow them they should reach eternal life, they should reach My eternal favours, they should reach My eternal generosity up to eternity!"

And He granted first to Adam, as he was (the) first one who (was) carrying that lights. After repenting, Allah Almighty (was) dressing him with His heavenly lights and he was shining -- Adam.

After that it was continuosly running, that heavenly lights, from one prophet, from one beloved messenger, to another one, to another one and to another one and reaching to the last one that he was yumidduhum, he was supporting them.

"And (he was) giving them My Divinely support as well as My Divenely lights, to the chain of prophets. He was the main source of My Divinely and heavenly lights. Therefore, I am keeping that one and I was sending through that one, through his heavenly being, to Gabriel and Gabriel bringing to my distinguished servants, whom they are representing my Lordship. Through that one, who was My most beloved, most respectful, most honoured, most praised one in My Divine Presence. I was keeping that one with Me and I am sending from him to prophets, that they are representing Me on earth with heavenly lights of Mine. When all prophets (had) just (been) coming and finishing, as last one I was sending him to be on earth. To come and to be with whole mankind living on earth. Therefore just he brought (the) last message that (is) concerning everyone living on earth, through every kind of people, his prophecy was for all. Not like other prophets, only for their nations! Not for only a limited time, but along the times I sent him."

This is a preface, tamhîd!

(With a loud, theatrical voice:) Then . . . what happened? Shaytan, that he never accepted that heavenly lights, to say: "I repent!" and: "O my Lord! Let to reach to me also from that heavenly lights, to be an illuminated one also! Whole prophets illuminated, only I am in darkness."

Not saying! Saying: "No!"

As long as coming much more lights he was getting much more anger. Getting much more angry and jealous and hasad, envious and much more enmity. And much more he was increasing in enmity and hatred and envy and jealousy against the childeren of Adam. That is the characteristic of Shaytan. that must be well known. An this is a secret Tabir, description, about (the) characteristic of worst, most

dangerous enemy of mankind, to (be) know(n) (by) people. Then . . . what he is going to do from beginning? Satan, when Allah Almighty (was) accepting (the) repentance of Sayyidina Adam and beginning to send to him heavenly lights and also to grant to him from His heavenly favours and coming on him heavenly mercy, Shaytan was increasing(ly) more and more angry and envious and jealous and hatred. As much as Allah Almighty (was) granting to His prophets, Shaytan was getting more and more in enmity for the children of Adam.

Then . . . what he did?

He was, from first step, when he (was) bringing Adam on earth, and he was with Adam and his children, with all of them (who) just had been sent on earth. Adam, and in front of him (was their) most dangerous enemy. And he was saying:

"O Adam! You are trying to do your best for your children, but I am going to make my worst for your children. I am swearing, that I am never going to leave even one from your generation to get in paradise. I shall try to do everything from badness and harmful things to make your descendants, your generation, even not one to enter with you to paradise"

He was swearing.

What he did? How he was doing this satanic ways to make people to fall into trap?

"Wa makaru wa makarAllah!"<>

He was using every kind of traps, small ones, small trap for mouse, (or) big trap, according to bigness of animals people are using big traps. Satan, he was running to bring and to make countless traps for the children of Adam. And, as it is mentioned through Holy Prophets teachings, the number of satanic traps (is) 800. Just 800 traps he did up today and no more. No more, can't be 801. 800 kinds of traps for cheating people to fall in trap, to be caught in trap.


And Satans most importance is to make traps for mankind. He is busy only for that purpose. And he asked from Allah Almighty to be granted a life up to (the) end of the world. For what asking? To make traps and to make the children of Adam to fall in it, to be caught. Every kind! And he was beginning (with the) first trap making Kabil to kill his brother Habil, (Maulana sweeps his hands against each other twice with a clapping sound) (and they were) falling in it. And then, up today, now just 800 kind of traps just put for the children of Adam. If you can save yourself from one you may fall in(to) a second one. Therefore Prophet's praying:

"Allahumma la taj´alna mina l-ghafilin!" "O our Lord, don't leave ourselves to be heedless!"

Because, when you are going to be heedless, quickly one trap catching you.

Finished! When you have been caught it is so difficult. One big trap, that (is) over whole world (is) ?Smoking'! He he heh! Asta´udhu billah: "Yauma ta'ti s-sama'u bi-dukhan ... yakhsha n-nas"<< See Qur'an, 44:10-11>>

Allah Almighty informing, that (there) shall come days on earth, that a kind of smoke (is) going to cover (the) whole world. Now if you're taking this smoke, not going (to) blow away, going to cover whole world with a dark smoke. That people they are never taking any care, even religious people, whom they are claiming (that) they are religious people - and they are workers of Shaytan - they've fallen in his trap, and they are saying:

" Doesn't matter. It is only (a) disliked thing, it is not haram!" No mind people saying this! And 800 kinds of tricks and traps just put for mankind on earth now and so difficult to save a person from that traps. You may fall through your eyes, through your speaking, through your listening, through your thinking, through your taking, through your walking, through your making. From any one of your organs you may be caught (in) one trap, big or small, that Shaytan put for mankind. And now (the) whole world full with traps, through homes, through streets, through villages, on mountains, every where, through oceans. Everywhere you can find different kinds of traps that are camouflaged, like soldiers using tree branches not to be seen. And everywhere that you are looking (there is) advertising, only advertising the traps of Shaytan or satanic traps. And it is much more dangerous to walk around continents, around cities, around towns, it is more dangerous than to walk on a mine field. Mine fields may kill a person, but satanic traps (are) taking their faith, (are) taking what it is most expensive, (the) most precious thing, our Iman, our beliefs, destroying that.

O People, beware of Shaytan! People (are) writing: "Beware of dog!". No, that is nothing. But never anyone writing: "Beware of Shaytan!" And (the) biggest danger (is) coming from Shaytan. And its cost may be endless hells for a person. He may lose everything forever for being heedless and falling in(to) a trap of Shaytan.

May Allah protect ourselves, for the honour of the most honoured one in His divinely presence, Sayyidina Muhammad, al-Fatiha



A Suhba by Sultan al-Awliya, our beloved Mawlana Shaykh Muhammad Nazim Adil al-Haqqani

Cyprus. 18th November 2003 36' Transcribed and slightly edited by AHW and GFH


Dastur ya Rijalallah. Dastur, Madad. A`udhu bi-llahi minal-shaytani al-rajim. Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim. La hawla wala quwatta illa bi-llahi-l 'Aliy al-`Azim. O believers! O members of mankind! There is a speciality that [was] granted -- through [all] other creatures on earth -- only to members of mankind. What is that?

A man can think! But an ass can't think, a cat can't think, a dog can't think.

Because [the] whole [of] creatures are imprisoned only through their days -- [in the sense] that it is in limits. They can't think for [the] future. Because [for the] whole [of all] other creatures it is only the time that they are in it. Beyond that they can't ask anything.

Because thinking -- to think -- it is a key that is granted to mankind for their future, for their coming days. But other creatures -- they are not in need to think for anything for [the] future.

There is a traditional knowledge from the Seal of Prophets, [a hadith] that if an animal was going to know their final position, for example, for cattle - for a cow, for an ox, a sheep, a goat - a hen, a chicken, a cock, a goose, [with] real knowledge, [he is] saying that if they were knowing this, that their final point is coming to be cut or to be shot down, you were going not to find on their bodies even one gram or kilogram [of] meat.

I was, before one week, in the kitchen. X., you saw this head of cow or ox. You showed to me that in his forehead there was a hole. I was very sorry for that cow or ox, because first it was shot down, then slaughtered. If that animal was thinking and knowing that finally that's coming to them, you are not going to find even one gram [of] meat on them. Only bones and skin.

The Prophet is saying, "Ahsinu bidh-dhabh" -- (Slaughter well) [idha dhabahtum fa-ahsinu: Sahih Muslim, Sunan, Musnad Ahmad].

It is forbidden in Islam, such a slaughtering. No! Men -- they are oppressors. they are giving trouble and uncarryable (unbearable) pain to an animal in such a way that they are slaughtering.

Therefore the Prophet is saying, "If you are asking to [perform] a slaughter, make it gently."

Not to give that animal such pains that if it is going to be divided to mankind, no one can carry, they may fall down. It is Haram! But people now they are not knowing Haram or Halal, forbidden or permitted. That animal is surrendering to you; preparing itself as a favour from its Creator: eating grass and making meat. You must, at least, you must do your best for it! But people are doing their worst for it. Therefore Allah is now punishing people with the worst punishments. Everywhere they (the animals) are no bones, no flesh. That is heavenly Punishment, heavenly intiqam - Revenge. Allah is taking its revenge, that animal['s revenge].

What is it taking from you? What time? Tie its legs and gently take it down and once make the slice. Why make that animal to fall down with shooting? For what?

If I am getting power, first I am preventing everything in such a way slaughtering! If they are doing another one, I am shooting their heads! To look if it is good or not! I am Defender of Haqq, I must say Truth! Al-hamdu-li-llah. You must be defenders of Haqq, defenders of Truth!

That they are saying, "Animals' rights..." Shaitan's people are saying this! Go and look what they are doing for those animals! They are surrendering to us to eat- how we are slaughtering them? And civilized countries, Europeans, Americans, Russians, Chinese, everywhere, in the Islamic world also, here also! Allah [is] looking and seeing and preparing for everyone a dress; a dress and then a hufra [pit], a hole, a deep place, a grave! Allah [is] not sleeping! [He is] looking and saying, "I am taking your revenge!"

Ah! Ten people died! Oh! Fifteen people died! Oh! An explosion making people to be in pieces! Ah, hum. How it is coming? How it is coming? Zulm! [Injustice] Al-zulm yajurru al-zulm. Oppression carries oppression. One bomb- then 1000 people. Boom.

Therefore, I don't like to buy oxen or cow's meat. And I am advising you not to buy. Don't buy. Don't buy. Don't eat. It may give a poison to you. Because you are preparing those foolish and oppressor butchers to make slaughtering in such a way. Say, "We are not taking this. We are not buying." Go away. Don't eat! It is poisoned.

Even small animals you are slaughtering: that `amud al-fiqri [neckbone], you can't touch it in Islam! Till that slaughtered animal finishing -- then you cut it. If not [waiting], it is makruh -- prevented -- to eat.(*)

Therefore I am advising our people they may buy one [animal] and take [to the] countryside and slaughter it as Allah Almighty giving permission. If they are not listening to heavenly Rules. Therefore unknown illnesses-- sicknesses.

Doctors are saying, "We are not knowing such illnesses." Allah is assaulting them [with] countless illnesses, that they are going not to be able to cure.

Look [at] Jewish people bringing their Rabbi to [attend] slaughtering. Not shooting! For what are Muslims, for what are Christians doing this? That is Haram, forbidden! Therefore don't buy! [Even] if you are given it free [of charge], say, "As long as you are shooting that animal we are not eating." Eat grass and don't eat that! Cursed people!

That is a bombarding to whole nations now! Allah Almighty is angry with them and Prophet saying, "Ahsinu bidh-dhabh".

Astaghfirullah. Yes. Thinking. To think -- it is a grant from Allah Almighty to mankind only, because they have been promised an eternal life! Therefore, they must prepare for eternal life: they must think on it. According to Holy Books and Prophet's Wisdoms. [Knocks That is a grant from Allah Almighty.

Animals -- they are not mukallaf, they have not any responsibility. Therefore they are not thinking anything. What is coming tomorrow-- they are not responsible for that. But you-- mankind-- we, we must use [our thinking]. That is the difference: tamyiz [discernment], from meeza: to distinguish, it is a kind of grant from Allah Almighty to mankind, because they are offered for the Lord's servanthood and they have [been] promised for an eternal life, they have been loaded responsibility here and Hereafter.

We have been informed that we are going to be asked, to be questionedthrough Judgment Day when Allah Almighty [is] giving His Judgment for everyone.

That is for mankind. Therefore they must think on it. And it is ourdifference between ourselves and other creatures. Through all creatures we have been *elected and selected*.

Yes. To think -- this is for whole mankind. Therefore, if you are using that, you are on the level of mankind--*Humanity*. If not using it, you are coming [down], falling down to the level of animals -- that they are not thinking.

And the first thing that Shaytan tried and [is still] trying now also, is to occupy mankind with such things: lahw al-hadith. Holy Quran says, lahw al-hadith [31:6 'idle talk']. That [is] occupying a man [from] think[ing] about himself, about his creation, about his future. And thinking-- it is [the] only key for opening coming days and future, here and Hereafter. But Shaytan [is] first attacking and assaulting the minds of people and occupying their minds with such useless and harmful things that mankind now-- they forget to think. They are not thinking, because [for] 24 hours they are occupied with nonsense, with useless, dirty opinions, dirty opinions thrown through their minds and mentalities. And Shaitan is trying to enter to the heart of mankind, because the heart is the Throne of heavenly Power. [The] Throne!

[There] must be on [the] Throne the heavenly One as a Sultan; and He must control [the] whole [of] our organs, our bodies. If you are not taking care for it and leaving open [the] doors and leaving [the] Throne, not protecting it for heavenly being, then Shaytan [is] coming and sitting on it and making itself your commander and that commander [is] making you his donkey and sending you

through every tariq, through every direction, that [each] one is much more harmful than the second one. If you are asking to save yourself from one, Shaitan is saying, "Leave it, come to another one", and saying, "Ohhh, it is so bad, I am changing you to another one"...

Shaytan [is] making people to run into dirty channels that it has countless dirty channels, to make yourself to drink and to live in it. [He is] never giving you a chance to think, "What I am doing through that dirty channel?" No! He is saying, "No, you must not be with your memory, you must try to forget your memory. Drink this. Drink this to forget what touched you from so many bad things through this life. If you are asking to be happy, you must forget it, and the way of forgetting is only [to] use this, so that your mind [is] not going to have any memory of past time."

Therefore [he is] making people to be alcoholic at least, or using the poison heroin and such things-- all of them their first aim to make their memories out of order. Whole drinks and whole such poisoned drugs, all drugs-- for what? One purpose: to make the memory of people not to work, to forget everything. Because when [someone] is thinking, keeping through his memory, that [is] giving trouble to them -- and they are asking to save themselves from troubles -- [so] Shaytan, their teacher, [is] saying, "No, use this; you should reach to another world where there is no trouble, because [there is] no memory. It is always white [blank], nothing written on it, no, use it."

And now, perhaps 99% people are using drugs. If not using drugs, they areusing so many tablets that must be in it [something] from that poison. They are saying, "You are resting, you are resting, you are forgetting your pains. This is painkiller-- take it, take it, no more pain for you." That is the shaytanic way.

May Allah forgive me and save us from falling through the traps of Shaytan and shaytanic tricks. For the honour of the most Honoured one Sayyidina Muhammad sallAllahu `alayhi wa-Sallam, Fatiha.

99% of people [are] in such a way. They are going to lose everything, to lose [their] humanity. Finishing.

May Allah keep us on His right Path; with His true ones; and to be truth defenders. Al-Fatiha.

Especially this [is] for youngsters! X, are you thinking or not? You tried it before? So many times... Allah, Allah protects and [give you] blessings.


(*) Note by Hajj Gibril: In Sahih al-Bukhari, Book of sacrifices, chapter on slaughter:

<> [i.e. at least three of the four tracts: the trachea (hulqum), esophagus (mari'), and the two jugulars (wadajan).]




A Suhba full of blessing, reflection and serenity by our Beloved Mawlana Shaykh Nazim al-Haqqani, may Allah bless him and raise his station always!

Lefke, Cyprus. Tuesday 22 Shawwal 1424 / 16 December 2003

26' Transcribed by GFH

Dastur ya Sayyidi, Ya Sultan al-Awliya. Madad ya Rijal Allah.

A`udhu billahi min al-Shaytan al-Rajim. Bismillah al-Rahman al-Rahim. La Hawla wala Quwwata illa bilLah al-`Ali al-`Azim.

Ya Rabbana! Ya Rabbi ighfir wa-irham wa-anta khayru al-Rahimin. [O our Lord! O my Lord, forgive and grant mercy and You are the best of those that grant mercy!]

Allahumma alhimna rushdana. [O Allah, inspire us our right guidance!]

It is an association that [is] feeding our souls! But people, they are running only feeding their material being; physical being. They are running after it only. That-- it is only for a short period, giving to people a power to stand up, to look and to enjoy, to hear and enjoy, to learn and enjoy, to do something and to enjoy. Everything that belongs to our physical being and its works and efforts, it is only a short enjoyment for our--for mankind. Very short period. Because our physical being only may be 60 years standing up, 70 years, 80, 90, or [smiling] 100 years.

People [are] asking [for] long life. But they're thinking that long life--it is on the same level. But it is not on the same routine, our lives. People, when they are young, they are enjoying with their physical being, by giving it what their physical being [is] asking and enjoying. But they're not thinking that when their ages [are] growing and getting more, they're getting older, older, eh--[smiling, softens voice, strikes a similitude:] it is not a car, when you're buying it today: don't think that that car, after 10 years, [is] going to be the same car. It became an old car. But people, they're not thinking on it. They're asking long life. Long life, you are getting older. But people are asking to be younger, always--to be young. No, it is impossible. Our physical being [tapping thigh with index], as much as you are looking after it carefully, but it is going to be old, as we said of a car. As much as possible you may look [after] a car but it it is getting old . And people ask how old is this car, if saying "10

years" they say--"oh, old one."

People [are] asking for a new one,. new model. Or asking for it to be 1, 2, 3 years old, it doesn't matter. But ten years-- what shall we do [with it]? You don't know what we shall do? There is a cemetary of old cars, take it there. Hah hah! They're taking to the cemetary of old cars. But people are interesting [themselves], through their lives, to enjoy with their physical desires. But it is impossible. Because we are getting older... older... older... and we are going to be an old one... and an old one is not like a young one. But people are asking to be as t