313 Suhbat of Mawlana Shaykh Nazim (1195 pages, 114/120)
ng any respect for their Creator, the Lord of Heavens. What do you think, what is going to be (the future) for these people? And we are speaking on an important point: that from (the) beginning of prophecy Prophets teaching is only on two pillars: One (is that they are) calling people to try to be best servants for their Lord, and (the) second (is that they are calling people) to be good ones to teach other and to give their best to everyone. As much as possible you must give your best to every creature, even you must not harm anything. We are looking an ant- if you are asking to kill it, it is running away, fearing to be killed. Without harming you are running to kill (it)? And He created that one and it has a private position through creation. Nothing is created for nothing, everything (is) created for something, for some purposes. You canřt say: ŖWhy this is created?ŗ No. You donřt know, but the Creator is knowing and therefore He is creating that. People (are) on (the) wrong way, they are following shaitanic teachings that (are) saying: ŖAs much as possible harm people, give trouble to them, be trouble makersŗ, because (the) first troublemaker who was (it)? (The) first troublemaker was Shaitan, Sadanas. When Allah Almighty was ordering: ŖBow to Adamŗ he was saying: ŖNoŗ, making trouble, making trouble through whole angels. Angels were ashaming (for) what he did in (the) divinely Presence, saying Ŗnoŗ. And (the) first troublemaker Shaitan and every kind of troublemakers are Shaitans, Sadanas. That is shaitanic teaching that is bringing the whole world now on the edge of Hell. O people! You have been ordered to be from mankind! Keep you honour and your honour is to be best servants in divinely Presence and when you are going to be best servants for the Lord of Heavens (it is) coming on you blessings and (these) blessings (are) giving life to this earth and everything on it. But if you are not giving your servanthood to your Lord, cursing (is) coming and cursing (is) giving harm to everything on earth. May Allah forgive us! Once S.Musa was passing through a village and (he was) entering and finding a spring running, so cold and sweet water. Just he drank and (he was) making ablution and he was so keen to be there, happy and passing through. Everything (was) green, areas, meadows, peopleřs faces (were) shining, their
animals, cattle so happy, so healthy and so clean weather breathing, Everything (was) okay, he was so happy. He passed. After a while he was thinking to come and to see once again that village and he came and l(he was) looking: ŖWhere is that village? I am coming (to) a wrong place? What happened? But I know that I (was) coming through that same way, (and there is) no any other village in that area. But what happened? (the) spring (is) no more running, (there is) no more water, no more people in it and (all the) trees (are) just dried and everything (is) in ruins! And he was saying: ŖO my Lord, what happened? You know what happened to such a people here, where they went (and) how their village was destroyed?ŗ And Allah Almighty was answering: ŖO Musa, it is the same village. But once (there) was coming a person who was never taking any care for My obedience and servanthood. He came and he was drinking from this water and he was entering passing through and my divinely Anger was on him. My divinely Anger and Cursing was coming on that person and (on the) people who were welcoming such a person (and) I was making to dry that spring and to be everything dry. I was taking My blessings for them and cursing was coming on them. This is the same village that you have been here before.ŗ (And) now- what you are saying? Everyone (is) never taking any care for their Lordřs obedience. Everyone is running away, everyone is thinking only for their Dunya, this life, nothing else. They are never taking care for their Lordřs obedience, they (are) never taking care to be a good servant of Allah Almighty and therefore cursing (is) coming on them. Every time you are looking this TV (you see) explosion, explosion, explosion…people dying, earth quakes, floods, storms and fires and also countless illnesses coming on people, one (is) finishing (and) another one (is) coming, one (is) finishing, (and) another unknown cursing (is) coming on them. Therefore the way of mankind to be saved from heavenly cursing and to reach heavenly blessings is that they must say: ŖOur way now is (the) wrong way. We must change this wrong way to right wayŗ or all of them are going to finish. And now just began a cleaning. (It) just began and everyone who is not taking care for their souls to be clean, they should be taken away. Not only (a few): ŖOhhh, ten people died, fifteen people died, hundred people died…ŗ - leave that! Even Ŗmillionsŗ (are) never going (to be) a real account of people (that are going to) die when (the heavenly) cursing (is) coming now! I am running to Allah, to His shelter to be sheltered, because billions of people are going to die now. Billions, not millions! From 6 one (is) remaining and 5 (are) going to be taken away. He knows! He knows who is harming people, who is harmful for people and (He is) taking them away. Good ones (are) remaining, bad ones (are) going away… May Allah forgive us and give us a good understanding for heavenly Messages! It is written also in the Old Testament, (in the) New Testament, in (the) Psalms and finally in the last Message from Heavens, the holy Quran. (They are) saying (the) same point to people: to be good servants, not to be Shaitanřs followers. May Allah forgive us to be in safety! For the honour of the most honoured one in the divinely Presence, S.Muhammad sws, Fatiha.
Thursday, 22nd (The summary of all Holy Books: people must learn to be a good servant to Allah and to do their best to each other- contentment, pleasure, satisfaction and peace do not depend on material aspects such as money Ŕ
religions are to teach people true ways: that to be satisfied with little is a big treasure and that you must run to be a good servant for Allah, not to run after Dunya, because Allah Almighty is saying: ŖEveryone who is going to be with Me, I am giving to him refreshment of life and peace and contentment and enjoyment.ŗ Ŕ we must listen to heavenly advices and put a limit for our desires)
Audhu bi-llahi mina shaitani rajim, Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim, la haula wa la quwatta illa bi-llahi-l ŘAliyu-l ŘAzim… It is an association. We are coming here, asking to be a good servant. That is our aim and (it) must be for everyone (his) target- to be a god servant for his Lord and to be a good one on earth to people. All holy books are coming on (the) same point- what I am saying now and the summary of allholy Books is what I am saying now: to make people (to become) a good servant for their Lord Almighty Allah and to do their best to each other. That is all. But as long as Shaitan (is) living and he is not retired he is never getting to be tired and (he is) running after people to make each other enemies, someone to someone. Now people (are) never looking if they are from (the) same nation, from (the) same religion, from (the) same belief; they are only thinking about themselves, how they are going to be enjoyful with their physical desires. They are asking for their enjoyments to climb. (Their) main target is to fulfil their physical desires. That is all, and (what) they are knowing (is) that (the) fulfilment (of) physical desires is with money, with material. But material is something and enjoyment is not a material aspect, (a) material thing, no! (Someone) may be billionaire- not (in) Turkish Lira, no, (he) may be (a) billionaire (of) Dollars, Rial, Euro, Pounds- but he (is) never enjoying, because (there are) so many reasons (that are) making people not to be in pleasure or enjoyful. A person may be trillionnaire and he may do everything for his pleasure, but there is something (happening) that it canřt be a reason for (them to reach to) their full pleasure. (For example:) One person just passed away last week in Turkey. He was billionaire by Dollars only and every chance was for him for enjoying himself. But there is a bad characteristic in people, a bad characteristic of our ego, (that it is) envy, Řhasadř, or to be jealous. (So a) man may be trillionnaire, but he is looking: ŖThere is another person. That one (is) also trillionnaire. Why he is trillionnaire? I think he has more than me. How I can do that person to be taken away? I must think on it, I must prepare some traps to make than person to come down!ŗ Therefore every day (he is lookoing in the newspaper where they are) showing (the) stock market: ŖThis is that ones exchange. His shares (are) getting up, my shares (are) coming down!ŗ (And he is cursing (him:) ŖAllah takes that person from our life!ŗ…(There are) so many (people like this), it is not (only) one; so many people I am looking coming and running…This (thought) is enough to make that person unhappy and night times (he is) thinking on it, (and) daytime (he is also) always thinking on it: ŖHow, what is happening? My exchange, my shares (are) coming down and his shares (are coming) up- what (is) happening?ŗ This (only) is enough. That person is trillionnaire, but (he is) never happy, because (there are) so many people in (the) market, (in the) money-market, (in the) stock-market (and when he is worrying): ŖWhat I am going to do!ŗ- finished. (Even) trillions (are) never giving any pleasure to that person, finished… Therefore we are saying: Contentment, satisfaction, enjoyment, pleasure and peace through the heart is something else; it is not (a) material aspect and
material aspects never bring a person to that line (of contentment). No. But people (are) thinking that if they have much more money, they should reach (the) top level of enjoyment! That is Shaitanřs influence on them. (For) these people (that are) living everywhere on earth now that is their main aspect. But Shaitanic teachings (are only) cheating them and they are never going to be happy and in peace and enjoyment, finished! (There) may be a person (who) daily has only a little bit (of) money, he is working (and) he is happy, but billionaires are not happy. Therefore religions that (are) coming from Heavens (are) teaching people true ways, but people (are) refusing and (they are) coming to wrong ways.(The) Prophet (was) saying: ŖAl kanaatu kanzun la yabnaŗ…To be satisfied with a small amount is giving to people peace and also it is a never ending, never finishing treasure. It is a real treasure (for someone) to be satisfied in himself (with) what he has been given or granted. Because (it has) no meaning to collect billons or trillions, no meaning! Never (that money is) giving any enjoyment and never (it is) giving any benefit to these people here or Hereafter. This is an important point that people now left (the) real aspects, (the) real targets for their creation. Therefore we are saying that (the) best position (is that) what the Prophets are bringing: they are teaching or calling people to be a good servant. Run after servanthood, donřt run after Dunya, no. Run (and) try to be a good servant, an excellent servant in (the) divinely Presence. That gives to you contentment and peace. ŖAla bi dhikrillaha tatmainna qulub.ŗ Allah Almighty is saying: ŖEveryone who is going to be with Me, never forgetting Me, keeping Me in his memory, I am giving to him (a) refreshment of life and peace and contentment and enjoyment.ŗ They are so happy people, even they may dress only one shirt with a shalva, a trouser. They are happy. Once our Grandsheikh was passing trough a market (and) I was with him in Damascus, in Shamu Sherif. We were passing through (that) market; so many people (were) selling, buying. And there was a pedestrian way, one person (was) sitting (there), on the floor, (and) in front of him there was a newspaper or such a thing that he was putting what he was selling, making show, display. Putting (his goods) and he was asking to sell and to buy for his provision. And what was on it, I was looking also… If I am giving to you 1oo Dollars or Pounds or Euro, you are not going to bring from (the) dustbin (and) to collect that pieces that he was selling: Old nails, old gillettes and boxes of medicine, then empty bottles of shoe polish…putting there and Sheikh Effendi (was) asking (him): ŖNasil ticaret? How is todayřs business?ŗ And he was standing up and saying: ŖOh excellent!ŗ ŖAnyone (is) coming to look?ŗ No one…if (he is) doctor, (he) must look (for) one bottle of alcohol for washing his hands, because so many bacteria on it…And old keys, so many things-if I am giving to you 1oo Pounds, (you are) never taking (them from the dustbin)…Doctor, 2oo? Never taking (these things even) to take to dustbin…ŗAll microbes, bacteria! Leave it, put on it some alcohol!ŗ ŖWhat alcohol? I am a merchant.ŗ ŖHow is it?ŗ Ohhh, first class!ŗ This person has contentment, but millionaires, trillionnaires (have) no contentment. Subhanallahi-l ŘAliyu-l ŘAzim! People (are never listening (to) heavenly advice, (but listen from Shaitan and Shaitan (is) never getting to make people happy and in contentment and we are looking that people (are) running to kill themselves by themselves to finish and all efforts are to invent new type weapons to kill people and Allah Almighty is saying: ŖDonřt kill! Donřt injure, donřt give harm!ŗ Allah is saying, (but) Shaitan is saying: ŖNo, don řt listen! Kill, injure, harm peopleŗ, so that (there is) no peace on earth.
May Allah forgive me and bless you and give us a good understanding that we may put a limit for our desires. Desires (are) going, running always in front of a person and (that) person (is) running after it and his death (is) always nearest to him, but he is running, asking to jump over death line to reach to such a nonsense targets. May Allah give us good understanding that we may be good for His servanthood and good for mankind, for creatures and for creation. For the honour of the most honoured one in His divinely Presence, S.Muhammad sws, Fatiha.
Wednesday, 21st (Everything is appearing in its private time and place without the possibility of appearing before or after its appointed time, and it is under Heavenly Control, and therefore everything is constantly changing- every ending is bringing a new beginning- Allahřs Essence is unknown, but He is giving signs of His Essence and Existence in the form of divinely Attributes that Prophets may understand and they tell to people the Names that are coming from these divine Attributes- from these Names (for example ŘHayyř) are coming the Afřal, the actings of everything; holy Names arrange everyone řs actings; their beginning and end and their time and space- the most important sign of perfect servanthood is patience with Allahřs Will and Commands and Islam (is) coming to teach people their relationship as servants towards their Lord)
Destur, ya Sayyidi, ya Sultanu-l Awliya, Meded, ya Rijalallah…Audhu bi-llahi mina shaitani rajim, Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim, la haula wa la quwatta illa bi-llahi-l ŘAliyu-l ŘAzim… „Kulli amrin fi waqtihi marhuun.Ŗ Everything (is) in its time and its space, or his place. Nothing (is) happening every day in this world, (but that) for every happening (there is) a private time. (It) must come on that line and either it is going to finish or to begin. 24 hours 24.ooo appearances (are) coming, every day, and through (these) 24.ooo appearances everyone (is) taking their shares and each one (is) coming through its private line and time. No one (is) getting involved or coming and making an accident, no. Everything (is) in its private way and appointed time and prepared space or place; (it) must appear and must go on it, and when it is going to finish, a second happening must take its time. Therefore everything under heavenly Control (is) going to appear or to disappear. In (and) out. Through time units billions of happenings (are) getting in, (and) billions of happenings (are) getting out and our world is seen as never before, it is changed. (Then) that is changing also, because it is going to be used- from that world something (is) taken and something (is) given (also)- and (so) every time (there is) going to be a changing. And nothing (is) going to happen before (its appointed time) or going to be delayed. Everything that we are saying is just in one holy Verse: ŖLa yastakhiruna saata wa la yastaqdimunŗ. (there is no delay for an event and no making it appear before its time). That (Verse) is not (only) for our last moment, (our) last breathing only, no, (but) it is for everything. Nothing (is) going to get out from its private line that it is their destination. For everything there is a destination; (there) must be a beginning, (and there) must be an end, and that beginning you canřt get it before and (also) you canřt expect it (to come) after its appointed time. That is Allah Almightyřs Greatness that you canřt reach to understand
anything, and what we are speaking on, it belongs (to the) ŘAfřal Allahř, (the actions of Allah). The Essence of Allah Almighty is darkness; no one is knowing the real Being of Allah Almightyřs Existence, His Essence. (For) His Name on that position we are saying only ŖHuŗ, (and) Hu means Řunknownř! Unknown. If (there are) no stars on (the) sky nighttimes, you canřt understand skies or space. When appearing those lights through darkness, you are understanding about that darkness. Without these lights you are not understanding anything from (that) darkness, because darkness means: you can řt see. Daytime you can see through (the light of the) sun. If (there is) no sun on (the) sky, you canřt see anything, and (so) nighttimes, when (the) sun (is) setting, you canřt see anything. These artificial lights (through electricity) never give anything to you; only you can understand (about darkness) by (the) lights of (the) stars on (the) sky (and then) you are knowing (that) something (is) there. You can understand that there isa dark darkness and that (light) is (the) sign (for it). If (that sign was) not (there), you canřt see anything. You canřt see, that means: you canřt know anything. If you are not seeing, you are not understanding anything. (There is) no understanding. Therefore daytime and nighttimes you are in need lights from Heavens to see. If you are not seeing you are understanding nothing. No. Think on it! These artificial lights (are) giving nothing to you. If daytime (there is) no sun or nighttimes there is no moon or no stars you canřt see. If you are not seeing, you never understand the existence (of) anything. Therefore- Allah Almighty, for (an understanding of) His Essence (He) is giving to His deputies divinely Attributes that belong to Him. That divinely Attributes (are) making you to understand the existence (of) that One, Hu. If these (deputies) are not there, if Allah Almighty (is) not showing or sending His divinely Attributes, His Essence (is) unknown. From His divinely Essence may be known (something) only according to His divinely Attributes. That lights are making you to understand that their light is coming from somewhere. A candle without wax or oil in it, it is not going to shine, no, it is dark. When (you are) putting (wax) in it, that (is) showing you that candle. (And) Allah Almighty (is) putting some signs from His real Essence, signs that are going to be seen as a light. That light (is) signing the existence (of) someone that He is Unknown. You may see a candle lightening, no more; you canřt see how it is in existence and how it is getting to be enlightened. These Attributes (are) signing and they are signs also (for) the real Existence of the Lord of Creation, the real Existence of the Lord of Heavens, the real Existence of Allah Almighty. (They are) only signs. From that divinely Attributes (are) coming Names, written on it ŘNamesř, appearing Names, and we are the first level selected ones or chosen ones, (because) we are knowing the Names of (these) lights. As everyone now (is) looking nighttimes (to the) sky; but you are not knowing the name of (the) stars, only chosen people know that (this) is Pole Star, that is Bear, that is Scorpion, that is Taurus, that is Balance, that is Fish…(There are) only twelve main signs to be understood our sky, Řsemař. Twelve- Ŗwa samau wa dhatu-l burujŗ- for (a) description this (is). And you are not knowing, but (there are) special people that they are knowing about it (and) only they may say their names. And also divinely Attributes not everyone (is) knowing. (Only) chosen people from mankind that they have relationship to Heavens- one foot (is) on earth, one foot (is) on Heavens- they may understand; they may read: this is this,
and they may tell us- not everyone (is) knowing about divinely Attributes- and they may say (for example): ŖŘHayyř, that is (the) divinely Attribute (of) Řhayatř, Life.ŗ His divinely Attribute ŘHayyř- alive- (it is a) Name; they may say to you the Name. Names (are) coming for (the) description of all divinely Attributes. Then that Names also (are) going to be understood (only) by chosen people who are inheriting heavenly Knowledge through heavenly chosen servants of Allah Almighty, whom they are Prophets. (The Names are) coming and bringing ŘAfřalř, actings. Everything that is going to be (an) acting (it) belongs to them. Never ending (actings) are coming; actings for the Names that belong to (the) divinely Attributes which are signs of the unknown Essence of the Lord of Heavens. And everything, even every atom, (is) just in (the) actings of that holy Name of Allah Almighty. Holy Names (are) arranging everythingřs actings; everything that (is) appearing here- when it is going to appear, (and) when it is going to finish its period and (it will be) finished. (Holy Names are) showing (the) real beginning of everything and (the) real point of ending; in which area it is going to happen, (and) in which time they are going to appear. Subhanallah! Therefore here now we must know only that. Sometimes- not sometimes, every time- we are asking to be everything so high, quickly. No, (we) must await its time, (its) beginning and (its) end. When (it is) coming to (its) end, no one (is) getting it back, no, (that) finished. But man (is) asking to be everything so quickly, (and it) canřt be! Therefore the most important sign of servanthood is to be patient; to be with Allah and His divinely Will. Not to put our will on it, (but) to follow His Will. That is real respect for the holy Commands of Allah Almighty. ŖBe patientŗ, (is) saying Allah. He knows when it is going to finish, He knows when it is going to (begin); because every finishing is bringing a new beginning. Ending and beginning- leave it for the Lord of Heavens! That is real sign of servanthood, that you are giving a kind of perfect servanthood to your Lord, to your Creator Allah Almighty. Therefore Islam (is) coming to teach people their relationship as servants towards their Lord; as He is (the) Creator, how it is going to be our relationship as servants to our Lord. That is all and all Holy Books only (are) bringing that Essence. But people lost it and they are running to nonsense directions and they lost the way. And when they lose the way, they fall in troubles and problems and they are punishing themselves by themselves. May Allah forgive me and bless you for the honour of the most honoured one in His divinely Presence, S.Muhammad sws, Fatiha.
Tuesday, 2oth !!! (Every day brings unexpected events- everyone has a private destination, which is signing the Greatness of Allah and our own weakness and smallness- In the divinely Presence there is no material and no existence for anything and everything is created by only His immaterial Order: ŖBe!ŗ -even though in our sight and knowledge existence has material, but in front of Him it is nothing, only an Order- our soul is an Order through our physical being, and material is only for physical beings, so the soul and the physical being are not the same and there is always arguing between them- the physical being is asking to be boss, but the soul is refusing because it is carrying divinely
Power. With that power it has no limits and can reach to the ends of creation and be present everywhere, whereas the physical being is always in the limits of materiality- no one can reach real knowledge about the Lord of Heavens, until they are reaching to a real understanding of their spirituality- the material being can never reach an understanding of the Creator, therefore you must get out of the prison of your physical being either here or after death to find yourself in the Ocean of Spirituality of Allah Almighty- to free your soul and make it to join that ocean, like a drop that is falling from Heavens into an ocean becomes that ocean, you need training and practising; you need to save yourself from the heaviness and darkness of materiality, to reach to peace and contentment and the Oceans of Lights of the Oceans of Power through His Almightyřs Unity Oceans)
Audhu bi-llahi mina shaitani rajim, Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim, la haula wa la quwatta illa bi-llahi-l ŘAliyu-l ŘAzim… ŘYaumun jadid, rizqun jadidř…Every day (is) coming Řfi fulqin mashhuun ř…Every (is) coming with new things. Every day (is) coming with unexpected events. No one can know what is bringing tomorrow. And today also now we are not knowing how (is) going to end today, up to evening there are 4 or 5 hours, countless events individually and commonly. That (is) showing the Greatness of Allah Almighty, because each one has a private destination; never going to be two peopleřs destination (the) same- (it) canřt be! And that is the reason that the Creator, the Lord of Heavens, our Lord, Allah Almighty, it is impossible (for Him) to be understood, no. Impossible! We are so weak ones, we are so small ones! (And we are always weak and small, even if you may) let a person be not 1 ½ meter, or 2 metres height; (even) anyone or everyone from mankind, it may be their figures as (tall as) this huge universe- not to be 2 metres, but to be through that greatness that your mind (is) never carrying the greatness of universe. He Almighty may create everyone in such a way!He is able (to do that) and He is not in need to use material, no. Material is for you, for your understanding, but in divinely Presence there is no material and no existence for anything. Millions and billions and trillions (of universes) like this huge universe He may create with (only) an Order. He is only going to say: ŖBe!ŗ that means: ŖCome in existenceŗ, and it is ready. It is ready and its existence through our sight, through our knowledge, we have material, but in front of Him (it is) nothing, it is only an Order. (There is) no need to use material for creation; He (is) never using material for (the creation of) universes or Heavens, no! If (he was) using material, that material must be from Him and He is never in need to have material, because His Existence is never depending on material, but everything in existence their being depends on material. Therefore material is for creatures and the Creator (is) never using any material for (His) creation. He is only using (an) Order; no material, no projects, no! Projects to make Heavens, to make something and using? No! He Almighty (is) using His Order only, saying: ŖBe, come in existenceŗ, (and) finished. Just that Order according to His Will (is) coming and (the creation is) appearing. But you canřt touch (it). Abu Ahmad, Abdu Rahman Sughuri Hazretleri, one of our Golden Chainřs Grandsheikhs, he was saying: ŖJust I have been in Hijaz, on Hajj, 37 times: Seven times with my physical being and thirty times with my real being, spiritually.ŗ People think that this physical being (is) more important, no. Important (is) your spiritual being. That is important, not this material
being, no! And he was saying: ŖI have been in Hijaz on Arafat 37 times; seven times I was with my material existence and thirty times I was attending Arafat with my spiritual beingŗ, that through (the) spiritual being (there is) no material. Your spirituality (has) no material, no. ŖAndŗ , he was saying, ŖPeople sometimes were meeting me through Mecca Mukarrama or on Arafat, and (they were) saying: ŘO Sheikh, welcome to you! How? You were making Dua for Hajj people when they were asking to move to (the) Kaaba, (the) House of (the) Lord and (you were) sending ourselves- how you are here (now)? We left you in Daghestan, how you are here?ř And I was saying. ŘO my sons, after you (there was) coming another caravan and calling me also: ŘCome with usř, and (so) I am coming with them...ŗ When they were trying to take and kiss his hand, he was not giving (it to them), saying: ŖI have also excuse for my Wudhu, donřt touch my handŗ, because if (they were) making like this…(touching him), finishing, nothing (there)…and people may fear. Therefore (he was) making his hands like this…(hiding them), not giving to them, because it was only an appearance without material. Therefore: ŖAsalunaka Řani-l ruh. Quli: ar-ruh min amri Rabbiŗ. When people (were) asking from the Seal of Prophets to say (something) about our spirituality, our souls, Allah Almighty (was) saying: ŖO My Beloved one! Say to them that: ŘIt is an Order from my Lord!.ŗ It is an Order and you can Řt understand. You may understand only (something about) material beings, but beyond that you (are) never going to understand (anything). The soul is only an Order through your physical being and all worlds and so many creations all of them they have materials; (and there are) different materials for their creation. They have (material) for their physical beings, but
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ng any respect for their Creator, the Lord of Heavens. What do you think, what is going to be (the future) for these people? And we are speaking on an important point: that from (the) beginning of prophecy Prophets teaching is only on two pillars: One (is that they are) calling people to try to be best servants for their Lord, and (the) second (is that they are calling people) to be good ones to teach other and to give their best to everyone. As much as possible you must give your best to every creature, even you must not harm anything. We are looking an ant- if you are asking to kill it, it is running away, fearing to be killed. Without harming you are running to kill (it)? And He created that one and it has a private position through creation. Nothing is created for nothing, everything (is) created for something, for some purposes. You canřt say: ŖWhy this is created?ŗ No. You donřt know, but the Creator is knowing and therefore He is creating that. People (are) on (the) wrong way, they are following shaitanic teachings that (are) saying: ŖAs much as possible harm people, give trouble to them, be trouble makersŗ, because (the) first troublemaker who was (it)? (The) first troublemaker was Shaitan, Sadanas. When Allah Almighty was ordering: ŖBow to Adamŗ he was saying: ŖNoŗ, making trouble, making trouble through whole angels. Angels were ashaming (for) what he did in (the) divinely Presence, saying Ŗnoŗ. And (the) first troublemaker Shaitan and every kind of troublemakers are Shaitans, Sadanas. That is shaitanic teaching that is bringing the whole world now on the edge of Hell. O people! You have been ordered to be from mankind! Keep you honour and your honour is to be best servants in divinely Presence and when you are going to be best servants for the Lord of Heavens (it is) coming on you blessings and (these) blessings (are) giving life to this earth and everything on it. But if you are not giving your servanthood to your Lord, cursing (is) coming and cursing (is) giving harm to everything on earth. May Allah forgive us! Once S.Musa was passing through a village and (he was) entering and finding a spring running, so cold and sweet water. Just he drank and (he was) making ablution and he was so keen to be there, happy and passing through. Everything (was) green, areas, meadows, peopleřs faces (were) shining, their
animals, cattle so happy, so healthy and so clean weather breathing, Everything (was) okay, he was so happy. He passed. After a while he was thinking to come and to see once again that village and he came and l(he was) looking: ŖWhere is that village? I am coming (to) a wrong place? What happened? But I know that I (was) coming through that same way, (and there is) no any other village in that area. But what happened? (the) spring (is) no more running, (there is) no more water, no more people in it and (all the) trees (are) just dried and everything (is) in ruins! And he was saying: ŖO my Lord, what happened? You know what happened to such a people here, where they went (and) how their village was destroyed?ŗ And Allah Almighty was answering: ŖO Musa, it is the same village. But once (there) was coming a person who was never taking any care for My obedience and servanthood. He came and he was drinking from this water and he was entering passing through and my divinely Anger was on him. My divinely Anger and Cursing was coming on that person and (on the) people who were welcoming such a person (and) I was making to dry that spring and to be everything dry. I was taking My blessings for them and cursing was coming on them. This is the same village that you have been here before.ŗ (And) now- what you are saying? Everyone (is) never taking any care for their Lordřs obedience. Everyone is running away, everyone is thinking only for their Dunya, this life, nothing else. They are never taking care for their Lordřs obedience, they (are) never taking care to be a good servant of Allah Almighty and therefore cursing (is) coming on them. Every time you are looking this TV (you see) explosion, explosion, explosion…people dying, earth quakes, floods, storms and fires and also countless illnesses coming on people, one (is) finishing (and) another one (is) coming, one (is) finishing, (and) another unknown cursing (is) coming on them. Therefore the way of mankind to be saved from heavenly cursing and to reach heavenly blessings is that they must say: ŖOur way now is (the) wrong way. We must change this wrong way to right wayŗ or all of them are going to finish. And now just began a cleaning. (It) just began and everyone who is not taking care for their souls to be clean, they should be taken away. Not only (a few): ŖOhhh, ten people died, fifteen people died, hundred people died…ŗ - leave that! Even Ŗmillionsŗ (are) never going (to be) a real account of people (that are going to) die when (the heavenly) cursing (is) coming now! I am running to Allah, to His shelter to be sheltered, because billions of people are going to die now. Billions, not millions! From 6 one (is) remaining and 5 (are) going to be taken away. He knows! He knows who is harming people, who is harmful for people and (He is) taking them away. Good ones (are) remaining, bad ones (are) going away… May Allah forgive us and give us a good understanding for heavenly Messages! It is written also in the Old Testament, (in the) New Testament, in (the) Psalms and finally in the last Message from Heavens, the holy Quran. (They are) saying (the) same point to people: to be good servants, not to be Shaitanřs followers. May Allah forgive us to be in safety! For the honour of the most honoured one in the divinely Presence, S.Muhammad sws, Fatiha.
Thursday, 22nd (The summary of all Holy Books: people must learn to be a good servant to Allah and to do their best to each other- contentment, pleasure, satisfaction and peace do not depend on material aspects such as money Ŕ
religions are to teach people true ways: that to be satisfied with little is a big treasure and that you must run to be a good servant for Allah, not to run after Dunya, because Allah Almighty is saying: ŖEveryone who is going to be with Me, I am giving to him refreshment of life and peace and contentment and enjoyment.ŗ Ŕ we must listen to heavenly advices and put a limit for our desires)
Audhu bi-llahi mina shaitani rajim, Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim, la haula wa la quwatta illa bi-llahi-l ŘAliyu-l ŘAzim… It is an association. We are coming here, asking to be a good servant. That is our aim and (it) must be for everyone (his) target- to be a god servant for his Lord and to be a good one on earth to people. All holy books are coming on (the) same point- what I am saying now and the summary of allholy Books is what I am saying now: to make people (to become) a good servant for their Lord Almighty Allah and to do their best to each other. That is all. But as long as Shaitan (is) living and he is not retired he is never getting to be tired and (he is) running after people to make each other enemies, someone to someone. Now people (are) never looking if they are from (the) same nation, from (the) same religion, from (the) same belief; they are only thinking about themselves, how they are going to be enjoyful with their physical desires. They are asking for their enjoyments to climb. (Their) main target is to fulfil their physical desires. That is all, and (what) they are knowing (is) that (the) fulfilment (of) physical desires is with money, with material. But material is something and enjoyment is not a material aspect, (a) material thing, no! (Someone) may be billionaire- not (in) Turkish Lira, no, (he) may be (a) billionaire (of) Dollars, Rial, Euro, Pounds- but he (is) never enjoying, because (there are) so many reasons (that are) making people not to be in pleasure or enjoyful. A person may be trillionnaire and he may do everything for his pleasure, but there is something (happening) that it canřt be a reason for (them to reach to) their full pleasure. (For example:) One person just passed away last week in Turkey. He was billionaire by Dollars only and every chance was for him for enjoying himself. But there is a bad characteristic in people, a bad characteristic of our ego, (that it is) envy, Řhasadř, or to be jealous. (So a) man may be trillionnaire, but he is looking: ŖThere is another person. That one (is) also trillionnaire. Why he is trillionnaire? I think he has more than me. How I can do that person to be taken away? I must think on it, I must prepare some traps to make than person to come down!ŗ Therefore every day (he is lookoing in the newspaper where they are) showing (the) stock market: ŖThis is that ones exchange. His shares (are) getting up, my shares (are) coming down!ŗ (And he is cursing (him:) ŖAllah takes that person from our life!ŗ…(There are) so many (people like this), it is not (only) one; so many people I am looking coming and running…This (thought) is enough to make that person unhappy and night times (he is) thinking on it, (and) daytime (he is also) always thinking on it: ŖHow, what is happening? My exchange, my shares (are) coming down and his shares (are coming) up- what (is) happening?ŗ This (only) is enough. That person is trillionnaire, but (he is) never happy, because (there are) so many people in (the) market, (in the) money-market, (in the) stock-market (and when he is worrying): ŖWhat I am going to do!ŗ- finished. (Even) trillions (are) never giving any pleasure to that person, finished… Therefore we are saying: Contentment, satisfaction, enjoyment, pleasure and peace through the heart is something else; it is not (a) material aspect and
material aspects never bring a person to that line (of contentment). No. But people (are) thinking that if they have much more money, they should reach (the) top level of enjoyment! That is Shaitanřs influence on them. (For) these people (that are) living everywhere on earth now that is their main aspect. But Shaitanic teachings (are only) cheating them and they are never going to be happy and in peace and enjoyment, finished! (There) may be a person (who) daily has only a little bit (of) money, he is working (and) he is happy, but billionaires are not happy. Therefore religions that (are) coming from Heavens (are) teaching people true ways, but people (are) refusing and (they are) coming to wrong ways.(The) Prophet (was) saying: ŖAl kanaatu kanzun la yabnaŗ…To be satisfied with a small amount is giving to people peace and also it is a never ending, never finishing treasure. It is a real treasure (for someone) to be satisfied in himself (with) what he has been given or granted. Because (it has) no meaning to collect billons or trillions, no meaning! Never (that money is) giving any enjoyment and never (it is) giving any benefit to these people here or Hereafter. This is an important point that people now left (the) real aspects, (the) real targets for their creation. Therefore we are saying that (the) best position (is that) what the Prophets are bringing: they are teaching or calling people to be a good servant. Run after servanthood, donřt run after Dunya, no. Run (and) try to be a good servant, an excellent servant in (the) divinely Presence. That gives to you contentment and peace. ŖAla bi dhikrillaha tatmainna qulub.ŗ Allah Almighty is saying: ŖEveryone who is going to be with Me, never forgetting Me, keeping Me in his memory, I am giving to him (a) refreshment of life and peace and contentment and enjoyment.ŗ They are so happy people, even they may dress only one shirt with a shalva, a trouser. They are happy. Once our Grandsheikh was passing trough a market (and) I was with him in Damascus, in Shamu Sherif. We were passing through (that) market; so many people (were) selling, buying. And there was a pedestrian way, one person (was) sitting (there), on the floor, (and) in front of him there was a newspaper or such a thing that he was putting what he was selling, making show, display. Putting (his goods) and he was asking to sell and to buy for his provision. And what was on it, I was looking also… If I am giving to you 1oo Dollars or Pounds or Euro, you are not going to bring from (the) dustbin (and) to collect that pieces that he was selling: Old nails, old gillettes and boxes of medicine, then empty bottles of shoe polish…putting there and Sheikh Effendi (was) asking (him): ŖNasil ticaret? How is todayřs business?ŗ And he was standing up and saying: ŖOh excellent!ŗ ŖAnyone (is) coming to look?ŗ No one…if (he is) doctor, (he) must look (for) one bottle of alcohol for washing his hands, because so many bacteria on it…And old keys, so many things-if I am giving to you 1oo Pounds, (you are) never taking (them from the dustbin)…Doctor, 2oo? Never taking (these things even) to take to dustbin…ŗAll microbes, bacteria! Leave it, put on it some alcohol!ŗ ŖWhat alcohol? I am a merchant.ŗ ŖHow is it?ŗ Ohhh, first class!ŗ This person has contentment, but millionaires, trillionnaires (have) no contentment. Subhanallahi-l ŘAliyu-l ŘAzim! People (are never listening (to) heavenly advice, (but listen from Shaitan and Shaitan (is) never getting to make people happy and in contentment and we are looking that people (are) running to kill themselves by themselves to finish and all efforts are to invent new type weapons to kill people and Allah Almighty is saying: ŖDonřt kill! Donřt injure, donřt give harm!ŗ Allah is saying, (but) Shaitan is saying: ŖNo, don řt listen! Kill, injure, harm peopleŗ, so that (there is) no peace on earth.
May Allah forgive me and bless you and give us a good understanding that we may put a limit for our desires. Desires (are) going, running always in front of a person and (that) person (is) running after it and his death (is) always nearest to him, but he is running, asking to jump over death line to reach to such a nonsense targets. May Allah give us good understanding that we may be good for His servanthood and good for mankind, for creatures and for creation. For the honour of the most honoured one in His divinely Presence, S.Muhammad sws, Fatiha.
Wednesday, 21st (Everything is appearing in its private time and place without the possibility of appearing before or after its appointed time, and it is under Heavenly Control, and therefore everything is constantly changing- every ending is bringing a new beginning- Allahřs Essence is unknown, but He is giving signs of His Essence and Existence in the form of divinely Attributes that Prophets may understand and they tell to people the Names that are coming from these divine Attributes- from these Names (for example ŘHayyř) are coming the Afřal, the actings of everything; holy Names arrange everyone řs actings; their beginning and end and their time and space- the most important sign of perfect servanthood is patience with Allahřs Will and Commands and Islam (is) coming to teach people their relationship as servants towards their Lord)
Destur, ya Sayyidi, ya Sultanu-l Awliya, Meded, ya Rijalallah…Audhu bi-llahi mina shaitani rajim, Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim, la haula wa la quwatta illa bi-llahi-l ŘAliyu-l ŘAzim… „Kulli amrin fi waqtihi marhuun.Ŗ Everything (is) in its time and its space, or his place. Nothing (is) happening every day in this world, (but that) for every happening (there is) a private time. (It) must come on that line and either it is going to finish or to begin. 24 hours 24.ooo appearances (are) coming, every day, and through (these) 24.ooo appearances everyone (is) taking their shares and each one (is) coming through its private line and time. No one (is) getting involved or coming and making an accident, no. Everything (is) in its private way and appointed time and prepared space or place; (it) must appear and must go on it, and when it is going to finish, a second happening must take its time. Therefore everything under heavenly Control (is) going to appear or to disappear. In (and) out. Through time units billions of happenings (are) getting in, (and) billions of happenings (are) getting out and our world is seen as never before, it is changed. (Then) that is changing also, because it is going to be used- from that world something (is) taken and something (is) given (also)- and (so) every time (there is) going to be a changing. And nothing (is) going to happen before (its appointed time) or going to be delayed. Everything that we are saying is just in one holy Verse: ŖLa yastakhiruna saata wa la yastaqdimunŗ. (there is no delay for an event and no making it appear before its time). That (Verse) is not (only) for our last moment, (our) last breathing only, no, (but) it is for everything. Nothing (is) going to get out from its private line that it is their destination. For everything there is a destination; (there) must be a beginning, (and there) must be an end, and that beginning you canřt get it before and (also) you canřt expect it (to come) after its appointed time. That is Allah Almightyřs Greatness that you canřt reach to understand
anything, and what we are speaking on, it belongs (to the) ŘAfřal Allahř, (the actions of Allah). The Essence of Allah Almighty is darkness; no one is knowing the real Being of Allah Almightyřs Existence, His Essence. (For) His Name on that position we are saying only ŖHuŗ, (and) Hu means Řunknownř! Unknown. If (there are) no stars on (the) sky nighttimes, you canřt understand skies or space. When appearing those lights through darkness, you are understanding about that darkness. Without these lights you are not understanding anything from (that) darkness, because darkness means: you can řt see. Daytime you can see through (the light of the) sun. If (there is) no sun on (the) sky, you canřt see anything, and (so) nighttimes, when (the) sun (is) setting, you canřt see anything. These artificial lights (through electricity) never give anything to you; only you can understand (about darkness) by (the) lights of (the) stars on (the) sky (and then) you are knowing (that) something (is) there. You can understand that there isa dark darkness and that (light) is (the) sign (for it). If (that sign was) not (there), you canřt see anything. You canřt see, that means: you canřt know anything. If you are not seeing, you are not understanding anything. (There is) no understanding. Therefore daytime and nighttimes you are in need lights from Heavens to see. If you are not seeing you are understanding nothing. No. Think on it! These artificial lights (are) giving nothing to you. If daytime (there is) no sun or nighttimes there is no moon or no stars you canřt see. If you are not seeing, you never understand the existence (of) anything. Therefore- Allah Almighty, for (an understanding of) His Essence (He) is giving to His deputies divinely Attributes that belong to Him. That divinely Attributes (are) making you to understand the existence (of) that One, Hu. If these (deputies) are not there, if Allah Almighty (is) not showing or sending His divinely Attributes, His Essence (is) unknown. From His divinely Essence may be known (something) only according to His divinely Attributes. That lights are making you to understand that their light is coming from somewhere. A candle without wax or oil in it, it is not going to shine, no, it is dark. When (you are) putting (wax) in it, that (is) showing you that candle. (And) Allah Almighty (is) putting some signs from His real Essence, signs that are going to be seen as a light. That light (is) signing the existence (of) someone that He is Unknown. You may see a candle lightening, no more; you canřt see how it is in existence and how it is getting to be enlightened. These Attributes (are) signing and they are signs also (for) the real Existence of the Lord of Creation, the real Existence of the Lord of Heavens, the real Existence of Allah Almighty. (They are) only signs. From that divinely Attributes (are) coming Names, written on it ŘNamesř, appearing Names, and we are the first level selected ones or chosen ones, (because) we are knowing the Names of (these) lights. As everyone now (is) looking nighttimes (to the) sky; but you are not knowing the name of (the) stars, only chosen people know that (this) is Pole Star, that is Bear, that is Scorpion, that is Taurus, that is Balance, that is Fish…(There are) only twelve main signs to be understood our sky, Řsemař. Twelve- Ŗwa samau wa dhatu-l burujŗ- for (a) description this (is). And you are not knowing, but (there are) special people that they are knowing about it (and) only they may say their names. And also divinely Attributes not everyone (is) knowing. (Only) chosen people from mankind that they have relationship to Heavens- one foot (is) on earth, one foot (is) on Heavens- they may understand; they may read: this is this,
and they may tell us- not everyone (is) knowing about divinely Attributes- and they may say (for example): ŖŘHayyř, that is (the) divinely Attribute (of) Řhayatř, Life.ŗ His divinely Attribute ŘHayyř- alive- (it is a) Name; they may say to you the Name. Names (are) coming for (the) description of all divinely Attributes. Then that Names also (are) going to be understood (only) by chosen people who are inheriting heavenly Knowledge through heavenly chosen servants of Allah Almighty, whom they are Prophets. (The Names are) coming and bringing ŘAfřalř, actings. Everything that is going to be (an) acting (it) belongs to them. Never ending (actings) are coming; actings for the Names that belong to (the) divinely Attributes which are signs of the unknown Essence of the Lord of Heavens. And everything, even every atom, (is) just in (the) actings of that holy Name of Allah Almighty. Holy Names (are) arranging everythingřs actings; everything that (is) appearing here- when it is going to appear, (and) when it is going to finish its period and (it will be) finished. (Holy Names are) showing (the) real beginning of everything and (the) real point of ending; in which area it is going to happen, (and) in which time they are going to appear. Subhanallah! Therefore here now we must know only that. Sometimes- not sometimes, every time- we are asking to be everything so high, quickly. No, (we) must await its time, (its) beginning and (its) end. When (it is) coming to (its) end, no one (is) getting it back, no, (that) finished. But man (is) asking to be everything so quickly, (and it) canřt be! Therefore the most important sign of servanthood is to be patient; to be with Allah and His divinely Will. Not to put our will on it, (but) to follow His Will. That is real respect for the holy Commands of Allah Almighty. ŖBe patientŗ, (is) saying Allah. He knows when it is going to finish, He knows when it is going to (begin); because every finishing is bringing a new beginning. Ending and beginning- leave it for the Lord of Heavens! That is real sign of servanthood, that you are giving a kind of perfect servanthood to your Lord, to your Creator Allah Almighty. Therefore Islam (is) coming to teach people their relationship as servants towards their Lord; as He is (the) Creator, how it is going to be our relationship as servants to our Lord. That is all and all Holy Books only (are) bringing that Essence. But people lost it and they are running to nonsense directions and they lost the way. And when they lose the way, they fall in troubles and problems and they are punishing themselves by themselves. May Allah forgive me and bless you for the honour of the most honoured one in His divinely Presence, S.Muhammad sws, Fatiha.
Tuesday, 2oth !!! (Every day brings unexpected events- everyone has a private destination, which is signing the Greatness of Allah and our own weakness and smallness- In the divinely Presence there is no material and no existence for anything and everything is created by only His immaterial Order: ŖBe!ŗ -even though in our sight and knowledge existence has material, but in front of Him it is nothing, only an Order- our soul is an Order through our physical being, and material is only for physical beings, so the soul and the physical being are not the same and there is always arguing between them- the physical being is asking to be boss, but the soul is refusing because it is carrying divinely
Power. With that power it has no limits and can reach to the ends of creation and be present everywhere, whereas the physical being is always in the limits of materiality- no one can reach real knowledge about the Lord of Heavens, until they are reaching to a real understanding of their spirituality- the material being can never reach an understanding of the Creator, therefore you must get out of the prison of your physical being either here or after death to find yourself in the Ocean of Spirituality of Allah Almighty- to free your soul and make it to join that ocean, like a drop that is falling from Heavens into an ocean becomes that ocean, you need training and practising; you need to save yourself from the heaviness and darkness of materiality, to reach to peace and contentment and the Oceans of Lights of the Oceans of Power through His Almightyřs Unity Oceans)
Audhu bi-llahi mina shaitani rajim, Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim, la haula wa la quwatta illa bi-llahi-l ŘAliyu-l ŘAzim… ŘYaumun jadid, rizqun jadidř…Every day (is) coming Řfi fulqin mashhuun ř…Every (is) coming with new things. Every day (is) coming with unexpected events. No one can know what is bringing tomorrow. And today also now we are not knowing how (is) going to end today, up to evening there are 4 or 5 hours, countless events individually and commonly. That (is) showing the Greatness of Allah Almighty, because each one has a private destination; never going to be two peopleřs destination (the) same- (it) canřt be! And that is the reason that the Creator, the Lord of Heavens, our Lord, Allah Almighty, it is impossible (for Him) to be understood, no. Impossible! We are so weak ones, we are so small ones! (And we are always weak and small, even if you may) let a person be not 1 ½ meter, or 2 metres height; (even) anyone or everyone from mankind, it may be their figures as (tall as) this huge universe- not to be 2 metres, but to be through that greatness that your mind (is) never carrying the greatness of universe. He Almighty may create everyone in such a way!He is able (to do that) and He is not in need to use material, no. Material is for you, for your understanding, but in divinely Presence there is no material and no existence for anything. Millions and billions and trillions (of universes) like this huge universe He may create with (only) an Order. He is only going to say: ŖBe!ŗ that means: ŖCome in existenceŗ, and it is ready. It is ready and its existence through our sight, through our knowledge, we have material, but in front of Him (it is) nothing, it is only an Order. (There is) no need to use material for creation; He (is) never using material for (the creation of) universes or Heavens, no! If (he was) using material, that material must be from Him and He is never in need to have material, because His Existence is never depending on material, but everything in existence their being depends on material. Therefore material is for creatures and the Creator (is) never using any material for (His) creation. He is only using (an) Order; no material, no projects, no! Projects to make Heavens, to make something and using? No! He Almighty (is) using His Order only, saying: ŖBe, come in existenceŗ, (and) finished. Just that Order according to His Will (is) coming and (the creation is) appearing. But you canřt touch (it). Abu Ahmad, Abdu Rahman Sughuri Hazretleri, one of our Golden Chainřs Grandsheikhs, he was saying: ŖJust I have been in Hijaz, on Hajj, 37 times: Seven times with my physical being and thirty times with my real being, spiritually.ŗ People think that this physical being (is) more important, no. Important (is) your spiritual being. That is important, not this material
being, no! And he was saying: ŖI have been in Hijaz on Arafat 37 times; seven times I was with my material existence and thirty times I was attending Arafat with my spiritual beingŗ, that through (the) spiritual being (there is) no material. Your spirituality (has) no material, no. ŖAndŗ , he was saying, ŖPeople sometimes were meeting me through Mecca Mukarrama or on Arafat, and (they were) saying: ŘO Sheikh, welcome to you! How? You were making Dua for Hajj people when they were asking to move to (the) Kaaba, (the) House of (the) Lord and (you were) sending ourselves- how you are here (now)? We left you in Daghestan, how you are here?ř And I was saying. ŘO my sons, after you (there was) coming another caravan and calling me also: ŘCome with usř, and (so) I am coming with them...ŗ When they were trying to take and kiss his hand, he was not giving (it to them), saying: ŖI have also excuse for my Wudhu, donřt touch my handŗ, because if (they were) making like this…(touching him), finishing, nothing (there)…and people may fear. Therefore (he was) making his hands like this…(hiding them), not giving to them, because it was only an appearance without material. Therefore: ŖAsalunaka Řani-l ruh. Quli: ar-ruh min amri Rabbiŗ. When people (were) asking from the Seal of Prophets to say (something) about our spirituality, our souls, Allah Almighty (was) saying: ŖO My Beloved one! Say to them that: ŘIt is an Order from my Lord!.ŗ It is an Order and you can Řt understand. You may understand only (something about) material beings, but beyond that you (are) never going to understand (anything). The soul is only an Order through your physical being and all worlds and so many creations all of them they have materials; (and there are) different materials for their creation. They have (material) for their physical beings, but
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