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Heavenly Wisdom (Shaykh Nāzim, 185 pages, 8/11)
e biggest sin for anyone to leave here without finding his Lord. Allāh will ask, “You were not looking for Me? You were not asking to find Me? You were not asking to know Me? Didn’t you recognise Me?” Then what should you answer? They are running after something that has no reality. No, you must run, you must ask for your Creator Allāh Almighty, ask for Him, find Him and be happy here and hereafter, forever, for eternity.
All Greatness, all Glory, all Greatness, all Pride, all Praising, all Thanks, endless Glorifiying, endless Praise is due Allāh Almighty. Be happy, be proud that you are His servants, be happy and be proud that you are His Most Beloved Servant’s ummah – Sayyidinā Mukammad, salla llâhu ‘alayhi wa sallam. You must try and be with him – you must enlighten every meeting with salla an-nabiyy. Every meeting that is without as-salātu wa-s-salām will be a dirty meeting. You must clean your meetings. You must enlighten your meetings with as-salātu wa-s-salām, salla llâhu ‘alayhi wa sallam, for Rasûl, salla llâhu ‘alayhi wa sallam. May Allāh bless you and forgive us.
O Muslims, it is a dangerous and powerful time for all people in the whole world. Everything is acting against Islām and Muslims, against the whole Islamic World. They are hopeless in the face of Islām because they have never been able to bring something better or more perfect than Islām. Nothing can be more perfect than Islām. Islām is like a sun. When the sun is shining can you see the stars? No, they vanish. Can you see the moon? No, they cannot approach the perfection of Islām. But they are trying to destroy anyone who is Muslim, or living in the name of Islām. They are trying to take away

every Muslim, to finish them. So that no-one believes in Islām. Every devilish principle is intended to take away Islām and Muslims.
Beware! Do not follow them. Try to follow Islām in its perfection. Do everything you can. Try to be seen as a Muslim. Do not hide your- self! Do not hide that you are a Muslim, show that you are a Muslim. Be proud that you are Muslim. There is no blame on Muslims. They are denying the sun and running after unseen stars. They are saying, “Oh! In this sky there are so many stars! We believe in them, but we do not believe in the sun!” They are foolish. Yes, at night there are so many stars, but when the sun shines there are no more stars. But in the daytime they insist, “We believe in those invisible stars!” Leave them! Look at the sun! Say! This is the sun! But they are asking to take away the sun – people may come and extinguish this lamp, but what about the sun? Those non-Muslim people think that they can blow out the sun! No, the sun of Islām is never-ending. It will never be extinguished. No.


ORPINGTON, 8. 2. 1998

Clarendon: I would just like to repeat what I said

earlier, that we welcome Shaykh Nāzim and all his friends here today, it’s a very great honour, unusual, strange, but no less wonderful for that, and we’re delighted to see him here. What we would like now, I’m sure what we’ve all come here for, what we would like to hear is a few words from the Shaykh, to tell us, to give us a message, to tell us very briefly something about his Sufi way, and then if there are any questions from any of you – not too many – he’d be glad to answer them if you have anything very much on your mind. So I think the Shaykh is ready now, I think he’s plugged in ... so let’s give him a round of applause ...
Shaykh Nāzim: As-salâmu ‘alaykum, raªmatu llâh, greetings from Allāh Almighty to all of us, and we are asking His blessings. This is

a holy meeting, and we hope that our Lord will be happy with our meeting, because it is in His Holy Name. We are glorifying His Name and we are asking forgiveness and blessings from Him Almighty. There is no doubt that all of us are servants of God Almighty, Allāh Almighty, and that He is our Creator. We are all His servants, from the beginning up to the end, all Mankind, beginning from Adam and Eve, are servants of their Lord. And that service station is the highest honour for everyone of humanity.
There cannot be any other honour above the honour of being servants in His Divine Service. We may be Christians, Jews, Mus- lims, Hindus or Buddhist, kings, emperors, sultans, saints, awliyā’, angels – all of us have been ordered to be His servants. There is no difference, our nations may be different, our times may be different times, but from the beginning up to today the mission of Mankind has never changed – it is only to serve the Lord Almighty Allāh.
It is written in all Holy Books – that is what came to Adam, peace be upon him, came to Noah, peace be upon him, came to Abraham, peace be upon him, came to Ismā’îl and Iskāq, peace be upon them, came to Jacob, Israel and the Twelve Tribes, from their Lord, peace be upon them, it came to Moses, peace be upon him, it came to David, peace be upon him, it is what came from the Heavens to Solomon, peace be upon him. It is written.
It is also written through what came to Zakharia, it is also what came to Jesus Christ, peace be upon him, from his Lord to the Children of Israel, and it is what came from his Lord to Mukammad, peace be upon him. That is what came from the Heavens to Mankind, that is what is written. It has never changed. Mankind has been appointed, and has been honoured to be servants in their Lord’s Divine Service
... Anything else? (Laughter)
Professor Clarendon: That’s fine! Thank you very much! Would you like to answer one or two questions?
Shaykh Nāzim: Yes, if anyone is asking.
Professor Clarendon: If you have any questions, just two or three, not more, if you have a burning question please put up your hand and speak up.

Shaykh Nāzim: Because my English is not such good English and you are not understanding me, you may ask. (More laughter). I just learned English, when I was seven years old, now I am seventy-seven years and have forgotten half of it ... Yes, and our Lord’s ...
First questioner: Can I ask Shaykh, what do you think that the Christian church and Muslims can do to work for peace in the world?
Shaykh Nāzim: I was in Istanbul, Constantinople, two years ago. His Holiness Patriarch Bartholomew, the Orthodox Patriarch, my friend – he is younger than me and he also knows very good Tur- kish, better than my English – he asked me, “O Shaykh Nāzim, what do you think about these crises, these wars and troubles?” And I asked him one question, “Your Holiness, what do you think about Satanas, Shay†ān, Satan? Do you think that he has retired or is he still working?” He said, “Enough, I understand!” If, my daughter – she is like my daughter, who asked that question – yes, if there were no Satan we would all be friendly, asking for peace, but Satan has not yet retired. Therefore these troubles will con- tinue until the Lord of Heavens changes everything. Our hope is with our Lord and our hope is also that the second millenium ... This millenium, the twentieth century, particularly, is the dirti- est century amongst the centuries, people are running away from faith, running away from religions, running away from their Lord. Running – in Heathrow airport I have seen so many cards with “Follow Me”, “Follow Me”, written on them. Follow Me, what were all these signs? Then I realised that they were guiding planes to their parking place. Shay†ān has also written, Follow Me, on his back and people are following him.
Most people this century have been following Shay†ān. They are not following good people, they are following bad ones, they are fol- lowing devils, and devils are carrying people to Hell not to peace. Therefore, we see whole nations preparing, spending huge amounts of money, billions of pounds, billions perhaps trillions of dollars, quatrillions of Marks, for what? To prepare more and more terrible weapons to destroy everything on Earth! That is Satan’s idea, not

Mankind’s idea, but they are taught by Satan and they are following Satan. We now see your Government is also participating in a big war in the Gulf – patrol boats of all governments and the ABC? USA? The USA are selling weapons and are asking to fight again. They are bringing such huge weapons, for what? For killing a person who may fall dead just like this. And they are inventing such huge and terrible weapons that even after a hundred years grass cannot grow. That is their civilisation.
Twentieth century people are very proud of their civilisation
– they are liars! Technology is the worst enemy of humanity, and technology has destroyed all human values. Now Mankind are like robots without feelings or values. They would not care if all of them were to be killed. It is terrible. It is written in the Holy Books – in the Old Testament, the New Testament, and the Last Testament, the Holy Qur’ān, that a big war, Armageddon you say, will come, we call it al-Malkamat al-Kubrā. It means that the biggest war will be on Earth. It may take away six from seven, leaving only one so if in the whole world there are seven billion, six billion will go, and only one billion will remain.
It will be such a terrible war and it is coming, no-one can prevent it. If small nations are fighting, the USA and UK come and say, Stop! And they stop. But when the US comes to fight, who is going to say to them, Stop? No-one. They are going to carry away everything Mankind has tried to build on Earth for thousands of years, this war will take away all of it, and Shay†ān will come and sit on the ashes and laugh, “Ha ha ha! I have taken my revenge on Mankind!”
And men are following him! Nations are following him. No-one is following their Holy Books. They have democracy, they have Parliaments, they have so many rules – laws, rules. But those are productions of their minds, they are not using the Rules of Heavens. That is dangerous for Mankind. Yet I hope, not hope, it is my belief, I believe that the second millenium should be a clean millenium, the twenty-first century should be bright, enlighted, enlighted with Heavenly Light, and there should be only good people then, bad people will have been taken away. Yes? Anyone has any questions,

not understanding what we are saying? ... (Laughter) Even the walls understand ...!
Professor Clarendon: May I ask you a question? Shaykh Nāzim: Not understanding? (Laughter) Yes.
Professor Clarendon: Last Sunday, we had a young lady here who spoke to us about the Whirling Dervishes of Turkey, which is I believe, a Sufi order?
Shaykh Nāzim: Yes!
Professor Clarendon: Can you tell us has your order, the Naqsh- bandî Order, any relation to the Whirling Dervishes?
Shaykh Nāzim: Yes, we have. It is a traditional knowledge that the first believer in Mukammad, peace be upon him, was Abû Bakr, Allāh bless him. He spent everything for charity, for the sake of his Lord and his Prophet, and one day, Archangel Gabriel came to Sayyidinā Mukammad, peace be upon him, and said, “O Mukammad, your Lord is giving His salāms, His salute to you, and He says, ‘Ask Abû Bakr,’ would it please him if His Lord is happy with him?” And the Prophet asked Abû Bakr, who said this while doing this (Shaykh Nāzim stands up and whirls, slowly) “I am happy, as long as my Lord is happy with me, I am happy!” That was the beginning of whirl- ing. He stood and turned like this for happiness. Yes, all angels are whirling around the Chair of the Lord, in the Heavens everyone is whirling, and you can see that the galaxies are also like this, they are also turning – yes?! (Shaykh whirls faster, and then sits down. The audience laughs and claps.)
Professor Clarendon: Anymore questions?
Shaykh Nāzim: Because my Grandfather from my mother’s side was Rûmî, I also have that with me, the Mevlevi, and from my father’s side I have the Qādirî, from ‘Abdu l-Qādirî al-Jîlānî. If you like, I shall give your Holiness to be a Whirling Dervish?! (more laughter)
First questioner: Can I ask ...?
Shaykh Nāzim: Only you asking? Are you asking for yourself or on behalf of everyone?
First questioner: I’m asking a question on behalf of someone who asked me earlier how many wives you have, and I said I’d no idea?

Shaykh Nāzim: In Paradise? Countless! ... (more laughter.) Second questioner: I believe your religion expects a new messiah,
a new prophet to arrive. I was wondering if you have any signs that he might come on the next millenium.
Shaykh Nāzim: There can’t be a new prophet, but we are expecting Jesus Christ to come, that is what we believe.
Second questioner: No signs of anything immediate happening?
Shaykh Nāzim: It must be through this – when I say that the next century will be clean, then there must be some involvement from the Heavens on Earth. There must be, we are expecting this, as our Jewish brothers are expecting a prophet, a nabiyy to come, and it is well known that you are expecting Jesus to come, and we Muslims are also expecting Jesus to come. We must believe that Jesus should come, because if we do not believe it our faith will not be perfect. He must come. And we say that when he comes he is going to clean everything on Earth.
Professor Clarendon: Everything will be allright?
Shaykh Nāzim: Yes, and every difference that separates Christ- ians, Muslims, and Jews, that causes strife among all people – will be judged by him, he should give his judgement on everything that we are fighting about, for that which we are not finding a solution. He will come and bring people peace and make everyone happy. Yes that is what we are expecting from him.
Question: May I ask if you have any idea how many followers of the Sufi Way there are?
Shaykh Nāzim: I am putting in computer ... We are asking that good people increase, that makes me happy, I don’t like bad ones to increase. We are seeing that, though slowly, youngsters, not old ones or middle-aged people, but youngsters, are asking something from the Heavens, and therein lies hope. Our belief is that in the second millenium every nation will have their rights, everyone will reach their rights, no-one will be saying, “I have lost my rights, you have taken my rights, you are not keeping my rights, you are not keeping my respect!” No. Everyone will be respected when Jesus is coming.

Professor Clarendon: Well, I think we won’t take any more que- stions, you’ve been ...
Shaykh Nāzim: Yes, I am sitting it is allright, if I were standing it would be difficult, but when I am sitting it is okay.
Questioner one: If any one would like to ask anything about Chri- stianity in relation to Islām, now’s your chance!
Shaykh Nāzim: They are happy?
Professor Clarendon: Tell them to read my book! Shaykh Nāzim: They are happy? And we are happy. Professor Clarendon: I think they’re happy.
Third Questioner: Can you just tell us, Shaykh, how you view the coming together of people who are Muslims? We in the Christian faith have problems in bringing everyone together in unity, and that’s one of our difficulties in trying to preach peace. And it seems that we also need to bring our faiths together in order to create peace in the world.
Shaykh Nāzim: Look, your Holiness – big, big efforts need a big man. It is not for you or for me or for him, it needs a big man, and therefore we are asking for Jesus to come. It is not possible for ordinary people, ordinary people cannot do this, it is impossible. No.
Fourth questioner: You went to see the Pope didn’t you? The Pope of Rome ...
Shaykh Nāzim: Pope? Papa di Roma?
Fourth questioner: So you’ve worked together with the Pope?
Shaykh Nāzim: The Pope was looking, but I don’t know if he was seeing, only looking – like this ...
Professor Clarendon: Yes, he’s an old man.
Shaykh Nāzim: Very old, very old person – must be changed for a new one!
Professor Clarendon: I think so! (Much laughter) ... I think this is where we thank you formally, we are delighted that you’ve chosen to come here, in our church, as I’ve said before it is a unique occasion, we’ve never had anything like it before, and we hope you’ll come again, and we look forward to you and all your friends coming. And I would like to give you from my own behalf ... (his book).

Shaykh Nāzim: Cheque Book ...?!
Professor Clarendon: I’m not selling it, I’m giving it to you ... Shaykh Nāzim: Thank you, sir!
Allâh Allâh, Allâh Allâh, Allâh Allâh, ‘Azîz Allâh, Allâh Allâh, Allâh Allâh, Allâh Allâh, Karîm Allâh, Allâh Allâh, Allâh Allâh, Allâh Allâh, Subªân Allâh, Allâh Allâh, Allâh Allâh, Allâh Allâh, Sul†ân Allâh!
The only Sul†ān, the only King – Allāh, the Lord of Heavens. That is right. Lâ ilâha illâ llâh ... sayyidinâ nabiyy mawlânâ muªammadu r-rasûlu llâh, salla llâhu ‘alayhi wa sallam, yâ ªa¡rat sharafi n-nabiyy, salla llâhu ‘alayhi wa sallam, jami‘a al-anbiyâ’ wa l-awliyâ’ ... al-fâtiªah:
bismi llâhi r-raªmâni r-raªîm al-ªamdu li-llâhi rabbi l-‘alamîn
ar-raªmâni r-raªîm mâliki yawmi d-dîn
iyyâka na‘budu wa iyyâka nasta‘în ihdina s-sirâ†a l-mustaqîm
sirâta lladhîna an‘amta ‘alayhim ghayri l-magh¡ûbi ‘alayhim wa lâ ¡-¡âllîn
Professor Clarendon: Thank you, sir!
Shaykh Nāzim: Now we are going to Birmingham. Professor Clarendon: Oh! Are you?
Shaykh Nāzim: Yes, or I would stay here ’til maghrib with you, then you may ask hundreds of questions!

BIRMINGHAM, 15. 2. 1998

Shaykh Hisham Kabbani: Shaykh Mukammad Nāzim al-Óaq- qānî is the recognised Mufti of Cyprus, he is the leader of the world Naqshbandî tarîqah and founder of the International Óaqqānî Insti- tute of Education. His lineage on his father’s side is traced to Shaykh

‘Abdu l-Qādir al-Jîlānî founder of the Qādirî tarîqah, his lineage on his mother’s side goes back to Mawlānā Jalāluddîn Rûmî, founder of the Mevlevi tarîqah. Shaykh Nāzim is both Óasanî and Óusaynî. Mawlānā Shaykh Nāzim received his degree in chemical engineering from the university of Istanbul.
Shaykh ‘Abdullāh Fa’iz ad-Dāghistānî named him as his successor when he finally departed this life in 1978. Shaykh Nāzim is a scholar in fiqh according to the Hanafî madhhab, a scholar in kadîth, a scholar in tafsîr. He has been, and continues to be, a staunch foe of secula- rism both in his native Cyprus and in Turkey. In Cyprus he began a campaign to revive Islām in the face of fierce pressure from the Cyprus and Turkish governments – at one point there were 140 cases brought against him by the state. Shaykh Nāzim is keenly aware of the difficulties faced by Islām in the modern era, and as we approach the twenty-first century.
He has an uncanny ability to combine traditional faith and mo- dern practise. Mawlānā has been credited as being the first Muslim leader of the modern era to make traditional Islām a mass move- ment both in the Muslim countries and in the West. This is no mean achievement when so many Muslim youths are being carried off today by the pseudo-judicious movements of the neo-salafis and other so-called non-religious organisations. This explains why he is known as Mukyîuddîn as-sunnah an-nabawiyyah – the Revivor of the Way of the Prophet, and Champion of the Faith. His titles mir- ror his committment to making Islām a reality in every household of the world, not just the Muslim world, every household, I repeat, of the world.
Shaykh Nāzim has met with many world leaders – in October 1993 he was invited to the dedication of a mosque and school of Imām Bukhārî in Uzbekistan. He has been particularly active in interfaith dialogues with both Christians and Jews. He presents Islām to non- Muslims with no compromises but with the Spirit of the Message
–of love, peace and tolerance. Mawlānā Shaykh Nāzim follows the middle path of sharî‘ah, the spirit of awliyā’, and the details of the Prophet’s pure sunnah, at the same time he treats everyone with

respect. Under Shaykh Nāzim’s leadership thousands are coming to Islām every year in the Western countries – the United States, Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Portugal, as well as here in the United Kingdom. These represent converts from Buddhism, Judaism and New Age movements of every type.
Most of you will have encountered him and his message disse- minated in the series, Mercy Oceans, as well as in numerous tapes and videos. I won’t delay any longer, and present to you Mawlānā Shaykh Nāzim ...
From the audience: ‘Alayhi Takbîr! Allāhu Akbar! ‘Alayhi Risālah!
Yā Rasûl Allāh! ...
Shaykh Nāzim with audience:
Allâhu Akbar, Allâhu Akbar, lâ ilâha illâ llâh, Allâhu Akbar, Allâhu Akbar wa li-llâhi l-ªamd, Allâhu Akbar, Allâhu Akbar, lâ ilâha illâ llâh, Allâhu Akbar, Allâhu Akbar wa li-llâhi l-ªamd, Allâhu Akbar, Allâhu Akbar, lâ ilâha illâ llâh, Allâhu Akbar, Allâhu Akbar wa li-llâhi l-ªamd.
#all Allâh ‘alâ Muªammad, sall Allâh ‘alayhi wa sallam,
sall Allâh ‘alâ Muªammad, sall Allâh ‘alayhi wa sallam,
sall Allâh ‘alâ Muªammad, sall Allâh ‘alayhi wa sallam ...
Shaykh Nāzim: I could stand ’til yawm al-qiyāmah for Allāh. If it is for Allāh I do not tire, I could stand ... A‘ûdhu bi-llâhi mina sh-shay†âni r-rajîm, bismi llâhi r-raªmâni r-raªîm, yâ rabbanâ laka l-ªamd... Rabbî wa lâ ªawla wa lâ quwwata illâ bi-llâh ... salla llâhu ‘alayhi wa sallam, wa s-salâm ‘alaykum!
Audience (A few thousand people are present): Wa ‘alaykum s- salâm!
Shaykh Nāzim: We are Mu’minîn, and we believe that everything occurs by the Will of Allāh Almighty. We believe that everything happens through Allāh Almighty, but sometimes we think that we are free – that we can do everything. But when you look closely you can see that you are not really in such a position. His Will directs events. This is a holy meeting and we hope that Allāh Almighty is

happy with our meeting for the sake of His Beloved, Most Beloved, Most Blessed Servant Sayyidinā Mukammad, peace be upon him. He is happy with it. Yes.
When I begin to speak my heart belongs first to Allāh Almighty; to Rasûl Allāh, salla llâhu ‘alayhi wa sallam, second, and thirdly my heart is in the hands of the Hands of Allāh, the servants of the Divine. My intention is to speak from Allāh Almighty. Everyone who speaks here is carrying responsibility as a speaker. And we must always give shukr, because we are under inspection all the time.
We have on our right hand and left hand malā’ikah, angels, and they are writing and registering everything that we are doing. Our actions, our words. Therefore, a Mu’min must not be heedless, he must be aware – he must know what he is doing, he must know what he is saying. He must know if what he does will be written by the right hand angel or if it will be written by the left hand angel. If it is for the right hand angel then say it and do it, make, move and think, but if it is not you must be wary that it may be written by the left hand angel. They will be questioned in the Divine Presence, on yawm al-qiyāmah, the Judgement Day.
Therefore, I am asking support from the awliyā’. They are living powers, they represent the Divine. Heavenly powers run through them. Divine and Heavenly Powers first run through the prophets
–if prophets had had no Divine Power they could not have achieved anything – they were calling people to their Lord’s, Divine Service, and people asked, “What is your proof that you have been sent by the Heavens? Give us a sign so that we believe you have been sent by the Lord of Heavens, Allāh Almighty! Or we will not accept you. We are not going to accept just anyone who says, “I am a prophet!” No! give us proof, then we will believe.” And Allāh Almighty gave them miracles. The heavenly powers that run through them enables them to do things that ordinary people cannot bring into existence.
The Holy Prophet tells us, one full moon night the unbelievers of the Quraysh, the idol worshippers from among the Quraysh, said, “If you can split the moon into two parts we will believe you.” He said, “O my Lord, this is what they are asking!” And the Archangel

came saying, “You may do this, you may do this, you may do even more than this, O Óabîb, if you request it. Just point with your shahādah finger, it is enough.” And he pointed like this, and the moon became two halves, one on this side of the mountain and the other on that side of the mountain! That is what those who were looking only with this physical view saw – that the moon split into two, one part on this side, the right side, and the other part on the left side, and then coming together again, complete. But those who saw the whole truth saw that the two pieces of the moon, moved to the Prophet, one came through his right hand, one came through his left hand, then they entered here (indicates the heart) as a full moon and made sajdah! That is Real. Reality. What the Quraysh asked for, what the idol worshippers asked for they saw, but the sakābah saw another vision.
No doubt, before the greatness of Rasûl Allāh, salla llâhu ‘alayhi wa sallam, the moon did this. Rasûl Allāh’s greatness may carry the whole universe. And that Divine Power, Heavenly Power must run through all prophets. If it were not so they would not have attracted anyone, and that the Last Prophet, with the Last Message, the Last Messenger, was the most powerful, there is no doubt. And Heavenly Power runs from Rasûl Allāh, salla llâhu ‘alayhi wa sallam, to his com- panions. First to Abû Bakr as-Ziddîq to whom he gave everything. The Prophet passed everything that was in his heart to the heart of Sayyidinā Abû Bakr, ra¡iya llâhu ‘anhu. If he had kept it to himself and gone, then after the death of Rasûl Allāh, salla llâhu ‘alayhi wa sallam, Islām would have ended. But until today what comes to your hearts, and from where? Is it from yourself? If his power was not still running through your hearts you would not be able to say, lâ ilâha illâ llâh Muªammadun Rasûl Allâh, salla llâhu ‘alayhi wa sallam. You could not do sajdah. You could not fast, you could not pay zakāh. You could not give anything for charity. You could not be a walî, you could not be a Mu’min. You could not be a trustworthy believer.
All awliyā’ have Heavenly Powers and they inherit that Heavenly Power from Rasûl Allāh salla llâhu ‘alayhi wa sallam. Those Heavenly Powers came to the sakābah and from the sakābah to the qadirî,

those who followed them. And then to those qadirî who followed them, and from them through the ummah and the distinguished and special servants who gave themselves for Allāh, who are living for Allāh. He taught the ummah you must live your lives for Allāh and you must die for Allāh, your life and death must be for Allāh! For whom you are living?
But now the most valuable thing, the most important target for Muslims, is to follow dunyā! They only think how they should fol- low western countries, to be westernised Muslims. But you cannot be a westernised Mu’min. If you are westernised you have forgotten ākhirah. For whom you are living? You must ask yourself, and I also ask myself. I am not excluded from this question – no. Everyone must ask, “For whom I am running, from early in the morning until late in the evening? What is my target?” You are runing after dunyā and therefore, life is becoming so difficult. You are living such dif- ficult lives to find something only to fill your stomachs. People are running for the contentment of their stomachs. They ask, “How can we fill our stomachs? With fish and chips? How shall I fill my stomach today? Fish and chips, or Macdonalds? Or curry? Curry, curry, curry?“
Have we been created only to feed our stomachs? What is that? To where we are heading? That is westernisation. Western people say, “You must only look after your physical body, do not take any care of your spiritual being.” Because they know that Islām is kaqq, one hundred percent kaqq is with Islām, and if Islām stood up every- thing with which they claim to rule the whole of dunyā would finish and vanish. They think that they are the rulers of this world. No. They are not. They think that they are able to do everything as they like – no, they cannot. We have power, but it is a different power. They look so proud with their technology and their weapons – that is all nothing.
One story, or tale: Once upon a time ... so you begin your tales, to wake you up when you are sleeping I clap my hands ... you have heard about the pharaohs; that there were, once upon a time, so many, and how they hid themselves under their pyramids. But they were carried

out and now so many are lying in the British Museum. You may go to the British Museum, and see a lot of pharaohs there looking very ... (imitates their expression, and much laughter follows). Shay†ān was Pharaoh’s teacher. He who accepts Shay†ān as his teacher becomes a pharaoh. One day Shay†ān knocked on Pharaoh’s door and Pharaoh said, “Who is there?”
Shay†ān said, “You claim that you are a god yet you do not know who is here? How can you claim that you are divine if you do not know who is coming to visit? I am your teacher!” And Shay†ān said to him, “With what authority, with what power dare you go against me – claim- ing that you are a god over all other gods?” And Pharaoh said, “I have hundreds and thousands of wizards!” To this Shay†ān replied, “Show me your power, your wizards’ power!” So Pharaoh ordered everyone of his wizards to come to him. When they arose, Pharaoh ordered them, “Show the power that gives authority to me, to claim that I am your God!” Then all the wizards blew and made such a terrifying show that an ordinary person would not have be able to watch.
It was an impressive show, but Shay†ān said, “Is this your power?” “Yes.” “For this you are claiming you are lord and god?” “Yes.” And then Shay†ān blew and everything of Pharaoh’s magic disappeared, and with another breath Shay†ān performed such magic that Pharaoh and everyone of his wizards fell to the ground in terror. The show from Iblîs, from Shay†ān was so immensely horrible, terrrible. Shay†ān asked Pharaoh, “Now what do you think? Whose power is greater?” Pharaoh said, “It is your power. It is a huge power!” “So listen to me! O Pharaoh, I cannot say I am Lord ... but I am one who has such power that your Lord and my Lord would not accept me as His serv- ant and He kicked me out! Then how are you claiming that you, who are nothing, that you are god? Are you not ashamed?!”
I am emphasising this point for one purpose: Shay†ān has such power, but it is only a show from bā†il, that is falsehood, illusion. What do you think if ahl al-kaqq blew even once – it would be enough to extinguish all technology from the beginning to the end. A sufi shaykh may finish all of it with one breath. They think that Islām is an imitated thing, they are not accepting Islām as a real faith. Europeans

claim that their religions are the real religions but they have passed away – Christianity is finished, Judaism is finished – and the one living religion is Islām. We have real power, but we are waiting for permis- sion from the Heavens. Do not think that dunyā is empty of servants of the Divine – no. There are Members of Parliament, MPs, Members of the House of Commons, MPs, and if one dies, another comes to take his place. It is like this with awliyā’: if one goes away and his chair becomes empty another one comes. Do not think that they are finished. They will be here unto qiyāmah, they must stand up.
Therefore, O believers! You must try to follow those people. Awliyā’ follow the ways of prophets, and particularly, the Last Prophet, Sayyidinā Rasûl Allāh, salla llâhu ‘alayhi wa sallam, they give themselves for Allāh and Allāh accepts them in His Divine Service. It is a way that is open for all of you. If you give your time and energy to reach Allāh, to be counted amongst His Friends, the way is open. The door of prophecy is closed, there is no more prophecy, even when Jesus comes he is not coming as a prophet, he is coming as a follower of the sharî‘ah of Rasûl Allāh, salla llâhu ‘alayhi wa sallam. He is not coming as a prophet. He is coming for the honour of being one of this ummah of Mukammad, salla llâhu ‘alayhi wa sallam! Yes. But the way of wilāyah, Friendship of Allāh, is open. If you would like to be walî, it is open. Now, what is the price? You must give yourself. You must sacrifice your ego and say, “Bismi llâh, allâhu akbar!” Your most terrible, dangerous enemy is your ego, your nafs. But you are taking so much care of your ego and your nafs. You live for your ego, for your nafs. No! You must put it down, and say, Bismi llâh, allâhu akbar! Then your spiritual being becomes kaqqānî, belongs to Allāh. Óaqqānî means one belongs to Allāh.
I am hopeful that Allāh Almighty will make me only for Himself, not for dunyā, not even for ākhirah, for Paradise, it is only important to be for Him. That is Islām. Not fighting each other. Our egos fight each other, if you leave that fighting and direct yourselves to His Divine Presence, you should be happy here and hereafter. If you al- lowed me to speak until morning I would not finish until next week, nor would I finish until next year, I would never finish ... But it is

enough for a portion – as you serve a plate with rice and a chapati. Rice, chapatai, a kebab, and halva ... Therefore be happy! Do not think that Islām is finished! No! We have knowledge, we have wis- dom, we also have power, and my aim is to destroy kufr!
Audience: ‘Alayhi Takbîr! Allâhu Akbar! ‘Alayhi Risâlah! Yâ Rasûl Allâh!
Shaykh Muªammad Nâ|im al-Óaqqânî! Zindabad!
Allāh Almighty made His Prophet say, that our value is according to our intentions! I am intending to destroy the Sul