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Heavenly Wisdom (Shaykh Nāzim, 185 pages, 7/11)
er imagine him!
Everyone has seven names in the Heavens. Everyone living on Earth has seven names, one written in each Heaven. Sometimes our names are suitable for us and we have less problems in our lives, sometimes our names are not suitable, and as a result we experience many more problems. Therefore, in our traditional way, when a new baby comes we name him, or her, after seven days have passed. Dur- ing that time the parents meditate, to connect themselves with their Lord. Then some waves come, some heavenly waves of inspiration come and someone says a name, either the mother or father. One name comes, and that is truly one of their seven names. Then it will be a suitable name for the baby, for his family, and for his life, then he will find enjoyment and success in his life.
Now people are not looking in their hearts. They never give any care to the Heavens. They think that they are only earthly, physical beings. But we are not only physical. Yes, our physical body belongs to this Earth, but we have a spiritual being – our soul belongs to the Heavens. Therefore, you must try to connect yourself to the Heavens. This is essential for Mankind’s life on Earth. We need a heavenly con- nection, and those that reach that connection are fortunate, happy, joyful people. Peaceful people, merciful people, respected people.
Nowadays people are not looking for this. They are not interested in their heavenly beings. Most people are only engaged with their physical being. Our physical being distracts us, never allowing us to connect to the Heavens. Most people nowadays never take any interest in the Heavens – they only look at the stars in the sky, but are not asking what is beyond the stars. What is beyond the darkness? What is beyond the darkness? What is darkness – what is light? What is the extent of darkness? What is the extent of light?
A person interested in their spiritual being should ask: For what purpose is prophecy? What were prophets for? What are Holy Books, heavenly messages and messengers for? They may ask this, and if they ask that question they must learn that the prophets belong to the

Heavens. They are in full connection with the Heavens. They have a distinguished structure, that is not the same as our physical bodies. They have a special construction so that they may be in constant contact with the Heavens and heavenly beings. And who was the mediator between the Heavens and the prophets? Archangel Gabriel. He was created and prepared for that purpose. He is the only one to bring heavenly messages to heavenly messengers; bringing that connection to their hearts.
There are some electrical points in this wall through which come lights, and a heavenly connection without the Archangel Gabriel cannot be. He brings that to the prophets. Their souls are always in the Heavens even though their bodies are here. Their souls are always in the Heavens. They are like power stations of heavenly powers, if you reach to them, and come to them, and accept them, their power also runs to you. That is their purpose, to bring us heav- enly power: because the Angel Gabriel does not come to everyone. It is not necessary for everyone to be a prophet. One power station to which everyone may be connected is enough. It is not necessary for every house to have its own transformer, one is enough for each town, and so is one prophet enough to transmit what is coming to him to hundreds, thousands, millions, or billions of people. He can carry that much power.
Therefore, if anyone desires a connection with heavenly beings or to the Heavens, he must search for those people who are already connected to heavenly powers. When you find such a person, Heav- enly Lights come to you and darkness leaves. You are enlightened. Some people’s faces are dark – not dark-skinned, no – there are so many dark-skinned, light ones, and so many light-skinned ones are dark. Enlightenment comes from the Heavens ... O to be basking in the lights of the seven Heavens! Reach for the first one, move to the second, to the third, to the fourth ... And according to your power, and according to your wish and will, and according to your need, you will be given that power. But if a person is not interested, he is without lights, his inner being is in darkness and that person is unable to even smile. Smiling faces reflect the lights within. Smiling

is a sign of happiness, and a sign of being in connection with some heavenly beings.
Now there are no more prophets on Earth, therefore there must be other heavenly beings living among people until the end of time, so that anyone who is asking for illumination may reach it. Our need for light comes from our souls. We feel this need, because our souls are asking to return to the Heavens. Our physical body never asks for lights, therefore the graveyard has been prepared for the body. Our physical body is never friendly to our spirit. However, if a suitable heavenly name comes to you, you will feel some peace and enjoyment, even though it is a very weak connection, it is still a connection. If you have a suitable heavenly name, one of your names that is written in the seven Heavens, you will be connected to the Heavens from the moment of your birth. If you are lucky to receive one of your real names from amongst those seven, you will be, even weakly, connected to the Heavens. You should feel pleasure in yourself.
The right name also gives access to the possibility of spiritual improvement: if you are following a spiritual tradition that gives you a connection through the prophets, through the Holy Books. If you are following an authorised spiritual way, you may quickly reach to a level at which your physical body has no more power over your spiritual body. You will be like a fish that has been returned to the ocean: swimming in the ocean. Otherwise you will remain like a bird in a cage wishing to escape. To escape.
Most people are in darkness, sadness, because they have no spir- itual connection. Not me. No. Ask to strengthen your connection, then more Heavenly Lights will illuminate you and make your face shine. You will be shining ... You have some icons and they show holy people surrounded by lights, they are like this because holy people must have lights on their faces – they must shine. And you may attain this, you too may reach this.
The times we are living in are difficult and fearful. We have fear for our physical being: our physical body may be so easily harmed, everything may affect your physical body. This fear comes from your physical being, not from your spiritual being, no. That is always in

enjoyment, in light. People are swimming through fear oceans be- cause they are not asking to take shelter from fear in their heavenly being – there is no fear in your soul, no fear.
We are now so much more in need of spirituality, and as we said, we can connect to spirituality through the prophets. In Harrods – carrots? – you may find everything except spirituality. If you have money you may buy everything there, but spirituality is not avail- able in Harrods. You can buy, buy, buy, filling carloads of goods, and have these things sent to your home, but there is never any real enjoyment, there will never be complete enjoyment through these things. Enjoyment only comes through your hearts, through your spirituality, and you find it in obscure places with unknown persons, in uninteresting ones.
Do you think that treasure may be found in skyscrapers? Do you think that you can find treasure in those places? No. People look through the ruins of old buildings, that is where they dig for treasure. No-one comes to these new buildings hunting for treasure. Therefore, do not think that official people can give you that power. Someone who appears to be a beggar, perhaps these powers are with him. No-one says that Jesus Christ dressed as a pope, or bishop, or patriarch – they dress in very important clothes – do you think he dressed like that? Never! He dressed so simply, but he was the bearer of heavenly powers. So many saints appear half covered but they are full of spirituality – they can take you by the hand and throw you from here to Jerusalem like a football! Official people have nothing. Therefore, you cannot expect spirituality from everyone. It is certainly not fanaticism. Titles are not a sign of spirituality, they are not important. It is not what you claim to be. What is important is to have the secret power of the Heavens with you. It flows from heart to heart: these people have powers, a secret current flows through these people, running to you if you are open and asking. If you are really in need, and you ask the Lord of Heavens that those special beings reach to you, then that is enough to make a way for them to enter your heart, you may or may not be aware of it, but the con-
nection will be there.

I saw a car one morning, its owner was trying to make it start but the battery was flat. So they brought another car to transmit power to that car. Is man not also able to transmit power? These spiritual beings, holy ones, may do so, they are so full of power. Heavenly people are always among us. Therefore, be respectful to everyone, and one day some of these holy ones may reach you and give refreshment to your heart, never-ending refreshment, from here to eternity.

He is

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all imagination. Allāh. He is beyond our imagi-

nation. Subkān Allāh! You must correct your beliefs about Allāh Almighty. He is not a man. Astaghfirullāh! When we say that He is Great, do not imagine, do not try to imagine His greatness, because there is no measuring Him. There is no measure of His greatness ... And do not say that He is seated on something, a throne! He has a Throne, but not like we imagine, it cannot be – there is no measur- ing His greatness.
The Archangel Gabriel, peace be upon him, he is a big, a great angel, he has six hundred wings, and if he slightly opened just two wings, east and west would disappear – and he has six hundred! If one feather touched the Himalayan mountains they would be taken away at the roots!
Once Allāh Almighty sent him with a message to another angel. Gabriel, is a distinguished angel, he was chosen from all the creatures of the Lord of Heavens to deliver the Messages, Commands and Or- ders of Allāh Almighty. Nobody else may come to the Divine Presence to take Divine Messages. And Allāh Almighty sent that Archangel Gabriel, about whose greatness you can now imagine something, with a Message to another angel. When Archangel Gabriel, who is such a gigantic angel, came and addressed that other angel he could not hear him, so he took Gabriel on his hand, lifting him to his ear

and said, “Now tell me my Lord’s Message.” That story may give you some understanding!
Allāh is the Greatest – every other greatness is nothing. Correct your belief about Allāh Almighty. Correct your belief about the reality of your being. We are saying something ... they are making me address people, particularly twentieth century people, who have some false ideas about themselves. People look at themselves and think, even though they are hardly two meters tall, “No one can be like me!” Even if you were twenty meters, even twenty kilometers, even 20,000 kilometers – do not think to yourself that that would make you important. And you are only six foot, or between seven foot and eight foot, no more than this, and ladies, if they are taller than ourselves, eat off our heads!
You must return to your real position! The Lord of Heavens, your Creator, our Creator, created man weak. Weak, we were just created weak, He approves of our weakness. He says, “I created you weak, perhaps the weakest of creatures.” But we think that we are the most powerful ones, you look in the mirror, a round mirror that Satan made and put in front of you and you see yourself as such an important one! And you say, you claim, “I am not an ordinary being, I am, I am, I am a very special being, not like everyone else, I am very special.” Our ego claims this, men and women, everyone says, “Don’t be fooled by my situation, I am really such a special being.” Everyone claims that they are very special ones. It is from Satan, to make you one of his people, to make you proud! And when Satan has planted that idea then you say, “I am such a special person, to whom am I going to prostrate! That is for servants, but I am not a servant!”
That is the main aim of Satan, to make people so proud that they do not accept that they are servants. Though servanthood is written on everyone’s forehead, Satan tells you you must never accept it. You are a graduate, you have a PhD, you are a doctor, you are majestic, you are trying to be majestic – perhaps it should be written on your tombstone: PhD, Majestic Person, but sorry, that special person just died. O my special friend how came it that you died? You were from Oxford, or Cambridge, or the Moon! Yet you died? Yes, unfor-

tunately, you died. You think that you are so important that you cannot die – just look at the graveyard it is full, but they too never accepted that they must die.
We must change, the century is changing, the millenium is chang- ing, man must change. I am only a primary school teacher but powerful ones are coming – now they are waiting for the command to come to people and speak to them about their reality. If we spoke on that level now, next week no-one would be coming to me. Now we must have a coffee shop ... perhaps if we spoke just a little over this level inshā’ llāh, you should still be happy. This is a preparation for all nations about yourselves and your work.
There is only Lordship for One and service for everyone else. No- one can leave the level of service to reach the level of Lordship. It cannot be. Lordship is for Allāh Almighty, from pre-eternal to eternal, He has no partner, and service is for us. This talk is a preparation for welcoming a new century and welcoming a second millenium, that will never be completed to reach a third millenium, time will never reach to a twenty-second century ... This is not our imagination, but a reality that the twenty-first century will end with this genera- tion. This planet will be transformed, and everyone that lived on it, from the beginning up to the end, will be called and asked about their responsibilities. Did they live on it as representatives of Allāh Almighty on Earth?
Everyone is going to be called to Judgement Day and asked how they carried the responsibilities that were loaded on their shoul- ders, because Allāh Almighty is asking to give His Responsibility to us. The angels said, “Excuse us from this, O our Lord, we cannot carry it.” And He offered this Responsibility to the Heavens and the mountains and they said they could not carry it. But man came and said, “We can carry it.” So Allāh Almighty loads that heavy burden on our shoulders, and with that very heavy Responsibility comes the highest honour for any creature. No creature, except Mankind, accepted to carry that Responsibility. And that Responsibility is to be the Representative of Allāh Almighty on Earth. But most people have lost their way. Shay†ān is leading people on the wrong way.

Most people are running in the wrong direction, living on the wrong track, their train never reaches to the purpose that Allāh Almighty asked of them. They are running in the wrong direction and never asking for anything else.
Therefore, we ask the Lord of Heavens to bring a barrier down on their track, warning: Wrong Way! With traffic lights shining red, so that they must come to a stop and see that they have taken a wrong turn! “We have lost our whole lives following the wrong road, that is a great pity, the biggest pity for us!” Shay†ān, makes people forget their Lord’s service. It is so difficult to find people who are thinking about serving their Lord. They are serving someone else. Everyone is in service – you cannot find anyone not in service. We cannot leave that level. What does it say on the motorway? Services. This shows that everyone is serving, they must be servants. You cannot find anyone who is not in service. Even in sleep you are serving – some people are sleeping to serve their egos, others are sleeping to take a rest to be strong enough to be for their Lord, but most people are sleeping so that the next day they may continue in the service of their egos.
All people are serving someone, but most serve themselves. They are in the service of their egos, every action in twenty-four hours is service for their egoistic desires. Egoistic desires are endless, you can- not limit your egoistic desires. For example, you may ask, “Just give me five minutes for your Lord’s service,” but ego says, “I can’t.” If you force it it tells you, to hurry up, “I can’t do it, I can’t,” and it makes you anxious, “Who is that imprisoning me in a church on Sunday?! Pray quickly pray and let’s go!” That is your ego – never giving a chance for Allāh Almighty’s service. You must always face and fight your ego so that you are able to serve the Lord of the Heavens, Who has honoured us to be in the best service.
All cases of suffering, misery, and fighting, all problems grow from the fact that people are running after their egos, they are loyal to their egos and not to anyone else. They only help someone else if they hope to get something from them. Our egos are never happy with service. No! But fear – fear makes your ego back down and be

loyal. See, O people, Christianity is finished it is not serving Allāh Almighty any more, Judaism – they think they are doing something but it is not real either, they are not giving anything. But Muslims have a daily discipline that, if they really keep it, then they may be in their Lord’s Divine Service. Therefore everyone must change their wrong ways to the right direction, to follow the Divine Discipline of being for the Lord of Heavens. All other religions have lost the Divine Discipline of being for the Lord of Heavens.
And we hope that it is close now, the big change. It is our belief, our desire, our position, our idea, that the biggest change is coming now. The biggest change for all of us. Now our lives are controlled by shay†āns, men and women live as they programme, under their command. Dressing as they command. For the ladies there is a new fashion every four seasons. New fashion! And you men, look to your hair! Last night I saw a lady whose hair was like a mummy – Shay†ān is making people, particularly ladies, run after fashion. And fashions just concentrate on the surface, they have lost their real taste. There is no more taste with people in their dress or appearance. Ten or twenty people are controlling millions, organizing and telling every- one, millions, how to dress, how to eat, how to live!
No! You must be free! You must be free for the sake of the Lord of Heavens and for the sake of His Divine Service. Don’t be a slave to fashion. Dress with the intention of showing your high respect to your Lord, Allāh Almighty! Shay†ān and his followers are very angry with me, trying to bribe me with millions to advertise for them! No, you must keep the fashions of heavenly beings, of our ancestors from the prophets, of the saints, of real believers. Look how they present themselves and follow them! May Allāh bless them. Keep the right direction, come to the right direction, O people! Do we look so strange when we put hats on our heads? May Allāh forgive me and bless you.
And the time is approaching, big events are coming closer, and everything must be changed. Every satanic building will collapse and new structures will come into existence. They will be lucky, the ones who reach to a new world system, who reach to a new world,

living a life that will be safe. A peaceful life, with no more wrong ways, and no more devils.
It is kaqq. The right people will be on Earth guiding people to their destinations, to their real destinations, so that their lives may end in Heavens and not in Hells. It is approaching, year by year, coming closer. So mind yourself, mind yourself on your way. Continue to keep your steps on the right way, then Allāh supports you.

... They did their worst to their own nations. Christians to Chris- tians. Hypocritical Christians were so cruel to the true Christians. Now they are in such a position that the Children of Israel have nothing from the Reality left in their beliefs. They have changed every belief and act of worship. What they are doing in cathedrals and churches is not what Jesus Christ taught them or brought them. It is all imitation, it is not from the Reality. But Islām has come with power, it is growing and winning, it is coming along, victorious through the east and west. All Shay†ān’s strongest forces tried to do the same thing to Sayyidinā Mukammad, peace be upon him, as they did to the Jews and Christians but they could not do it. They were defeated. They are still working to destroy Islam but there are always true Muslims representing the Reality. But everything from the Christian world and Jewish world is finished. They have no dis- cipline, they cannot give anything to the souls of people. Yet Islām is still empowered with living beliefs, addressing all Mankind, all people. Addressing their minds, addressing their hearts, addressing their Real beings, spiritually or physically. May Allāh forgive us. Âmîn, al-ªamdu li-llâhi rabbi l-‘âlamîn: fâtiªah.

SLOUGH, 7. 2. 1998

[It is late in the evening and a child is persistently crying.]
There is only one Sul†ān. Bismi llâhi r-raªmâni r-raªîm. That mother must take her child out! With that child crying, no-one can feel at peace and no-one can hear anything! It is allright for those people who have children to stay at home. At night children are asking to sleep, to rest, in the daytime it does not matter, but at night they are ask- ing to rest! Look – because that child is crying one thousand people [literally] cannot hear anything! Do not bring small children, because everyone else will miss the talk! A‘ûdhu bi-llâhi mina sh-shay†âni r- rajîm. This is one chance, once a year to hear something, for half an hour, maybe a little more, and people are asking to hear, to listen ... We ask forgiveness from Allāh Almighty. We ask to know some- thing that brings us closer to Allāh Almighty. That is our purpose. I am not calling you, “Come to me, respect me!” No, I am a servant and you are servants, all of us are servants. Do you think that if a donkey stands on two legs it will be a man? Do you think that dressing a donkey in a golden saddle will change its identity? No, it is always a donkey. It cannot be any different.The donkey is always a donkey, even if dressed in gold, it is still a donkey. So, do not think that if a man sits on a golden chair and puts a golden crown with jewels on his head he is any different. No. He is still a servant. But we are heedless people, we think that golden chairs, golden robes, golden cars, golden planes, even golden buildings change us. No. You may be a labourer, you may be a crowned king or emperor – yet you are the same. On the Last Day, each person, the poorest person and the richest, most powerful emperor are going to be in the same position.
But Shay†ān is cheating you, telling you to run after dunyā, collect
everything from dunyā!

Perhaps you may buy half of London, or you may buy Slough, or you may buy Birmingham, or you may buy Kent, or you may buy a small village. But even if papers for the whole of London are in your name, you will finally have to leave it. Allāh Almighty granted Alex- ander the Great, Iskandar Sharîf, to be emperor of the whole world. Our Pakistani Muslims know Jayla very well, it was the last point that Iskandar reached to. He was on his return home but still near Jayla when he called his people, because he knew that ‘Azrā’îl was coming to take his soul. He knew that he was leaving, that he was going.
You must know that everyone must taste death. Finally you are go- ing to meet with the Angel of Death, ‘Azrā’îl, ‘alayhi salam. Can anyone deny this? Everyone must meet ‘Azrā’îl, ‘alayhi salam. Alexander was one of the biggest emperors but ‘Azrā’îl took him too. Alexander called his priests and ministers, “I have a last wish. Listen to me – I am on my way, I am leaving – they are sending ‘Azrā’îl for me.” And they said, “O our Emperor don’t die! What will we do without you? Let us go instead of you, you must live forever!” He laughed, “You are saying this, but I this is not a test of your obedience, I am really going, so listen to me. Don’t talk too much, listen to my wish. Listen. I have a wish that you must fulfill.” “What is your Majesty’s will ?” “When I die and you put me in my coffin, leave my hands outside.” Everyone’s hands are put inside their coffin when they die. “Perhaps you are surprised at this, but do as I ask, because I would like to show people that the one who conquered the whole world and its treasures, Iskandar, Alexander the Great, is taking nothing with him, that his hands are empty. I want everyone to know that he who conquered everything on Earth and all its treasures, is taking nothing. That is my last order.”
This story shows you that even if you use your whole life to reach something from this world, you are never going to be like Iskandar, to have what Alexander the Great reached. And it is a big lesson for everyone who is running after dunyā and leaving mawla, running and finishing their lives for nothing, for nothing. Billions of people claim, “That is for me and this for you,” but all of them, when they have left and reached their Lord, will not have taken anything with them from dunyā. Allāh Almighty says, “O people, you must not be cheated

by dunyā!” Dunyā is cheating everyone. Dunyā says, “I am yours, I love you, I love you, I love you!” And heedless people think that it is speaking the truth, and run, run, running, tiring, retiring, tiring, and finishing and finally their body is brought and given to the Earth. Then they say to the Earth, “Take this person. He is very angry with you, he loved you so much, and you fooled him into believing that you loved him. Now take him and give him what he was asking.” Those shovels of earth that they put over that person – that is what he takes from dunyā. He is put under the earth, it is closed over him and he is finished. Yet still he is saying, “O I wish for that which I was asking from you!” And everyone is going to be there one day.
O people! All prophets came to call us to Allāh. No prophet came to call us to dunyā. Listen, everyone must follow someone. Every- one must listen to someone, must keep the advice of someone, and a good sign of whom to follow is if they are calling you to Allāh. Then follow them. If they are calling you to dunyā, leave them. That is a sign that you can use to decide who is a genuine one, worthy of fol- lowing. You need to follow someone. Allāh Almighty sent Sayyidinā Mukammad, salla llâhu ‘alayhi wa sallam, to the sakābah, the compan- ions of Sayyidinā Mukammad, salla llâhu ‘alayhi wa sallam and they followed him. If it was not necessary to follow someone, if a person could reach what he is asking through books Allāh Almighty would send books from the Heavens to people. Sometimes planes would come and throw advertising that people pick up and read ... If it was not necessary for a person to be in front of a man to lead him, and books were enough, you could, you would find your way by taking a book and reading – every now and then perhaps Allāh Almighty would throw messages from the Heavens to Earth, and people would collect them and read ...?
No. Allāh Almighty sent Messengers and through His Messengers He has sent His Message! That is important – Muslims must follow someone. Now in our time Shay†ān is asking to separate Muslims. His people are saying, “No, there are so many books, everyone may take these books and find their way! It is not necesssary to follow Messen- gers, it is not necessary to follow †arîqah, it is not necessary to follow

an imām, it is not necessary to follow a Shaykh! Yes, read books and you will find your way!” That is a trick and trap of Shay†ān to split Muslims. Allāh Almighty is asking Mu’mins to follow someone. He sent Rasûl, salla llâhu ‘alayhi wa sallam, and all the sakābah gathered around him. Therefore it is a sunnah for the ummah to find someone from among them who is close to Rasûl Allāh, salla llâhu ‘alayhi wa sallam, to Allāh Almighty, and to be with him, as the sakābah were with the holy Prophet. You must find a learned one who is inheriting from the Prophet, salla llâhu ‘alayhi wa sallam. But nowadays shay†āns are saying, “There is no message, no †arîqah, no imām, no shaykh.” Those who say this are shay†āns.
The Yahûd destroyed Christianity. Christianity came through them, Jesus Christ was the Last Prophet of the Children of Israel, from the Yahûd, the Jews, but they were never happy with Jesus Christ, ‘Îsā, ‘alayhi salâm, therefore they did everything in their power to destroy what he brought. They changed everything that he brought and left nothing remaining. They changed everything and they say that this is Chrisitianity. But did ‘Îsā, ‘alayhi salâm, bring such things? Did he bring a cross and say, “You must come on your knees in front of the cross? You must make a statue of a person hanging on the cross and you must cry for him and make sajdah before him?” Is that Jesus Christ’s religion? Is that what he brought from Heaven?
But they did this so that what Jesus Christ brought would not continue in their religion. They destroyed it. Also, Jesus Christ was never permitted to carry a sword for fighting. No. If someone were to hit you, Christ’s orders are to turn and offer the other cheek too! That is his sharî‘ah, but Islām was sent with a sword, a sword to be used against devils. To use against those foolish people, with mistaken beliefs, who make accusations against Islām because it came with a sword. Yes we have a sword – for dragons! For cobras, for scorpions, for jackals, for wolves! We must use this sword, if we had not, Islām would not have survived up to today!
Inshā’a llāh, all Óaqqānî belong to Allāh, and we are not going to give way for dragons to enter our ranks. Those jealous people are not able to make Islām fall down, from the beginning of this

century they have tried to make Islām disappear. They have spread so many lies, manipulating everything, introducing lies hoping to pervert the truth that the Prophet brought. They say, “You must only write, at most, lâ ilâha illâ llâh ...” In their new mosques they only write, lâ ilâha illâ llâh, they do not write, muªammadu r-rasûlu llâh. Or if they write, Allāh, Allāh, they do not write the name of Mukammad, salla llâhu ‘alayhi wa sallam! What is that foolishness? The Jews were also saying, lâ ilâha illâ llâh, but because they do not say, muªammadu r-rasûlu llâh, Rasûl Allāh, salla llâhu ‘alayhi wa sal- lam, has been ordered to fight them until they do say, Mukammadu r-Rasûlu Llāh ...
Allāh Almighty never accepts tawhîd, the unity of a person, until they say, Mukammadu r-Rasûlu Llāh. Yet they are not ashamed to only write the name of Allāh without mentioning the name of Mukammadu r-Rasûlu Llāh. They have been trying through the whole of the twenti- eth century to change everything that ahlu s-sunnati wa l-jamā‘ah are following, to change and pervert every belief. They claim that we are wrong. They have introduced some foolish ideas and say, “This is the truth, what you believe is shirk, you are mushrik, idol worshippers,
...” They are calling Muslims kāfir, unbelievers, but they are kāfir, they are calling Muslims mushrik, and they are becoming mushrik.
Therefore, it is necessary for Muslims to follow the Friends of Allāh. The Friends of Allāh, are the anbiyā’ and awliyā’ Allāh. But these liars never accept awliyā’, they refuse them, they are refusing to accept their signs, even though Allāh praises them. There are two kinds of awliyā’ – awliyā’ Allāh, and awliyā’ Shay†ān, those people are awliyā’ of Shay†ān. Whoever denies awliyā’, whoever denies true ones, denies imāms, denies shaykhs – they are the awliyā’ of Shay†ān, the friends of Satan. Beware of them, if you wish to keep your honour, to keep your faith, to be honest, to be accepted in the Divine Presence. To keep your faith you must respect and love Rasûl Allāh, salla llâhu ‘alayhi wa sallam, and his sakābah, and their followers. Look for, ask for, awliyā’ Allāh, maybe you will find one of them who may make du‘ā’ for you, and then you should reach pleasure and contentment here and hereafter. May Allāh grant you to be with His awliyā’.

If anyone is asking to find Allāh, they should try to find them, because in the same way a person does not ask the King personally to visit Buckingham Palace, if he is asking to find Allāh, he must find someone who represents Him. On the way here we had to ask ten people to find this place, so whoever is asking for Allāh must ask for those who are with Allāh, because Allāh is with them. Then you find Him. Ask! Do not leave this life without finding your Lord. Look for your Lord, Allāh Almighty, find Him, then you may leave this life contentedly. Ask for Him, that is important, ask for Him and find Him, then go – because it is th