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Heavenly Wisdom (Shaykh Nāzim, 185 pages, 9/11)
tanate of Shay†ān! Are you ready?
“Are you with me?!” “Yes!”
‘Alayhi Takbîr! ...
I intend to bring the Sultanate of Allāh Almighty on Earth! The weak servant who is with His Lord is the most powerful one! Óaqq! I am not in need of digital phones, mobile phones, electronic phones, no I am a weak servant. What does my Lord say? My Lord says when I am with Him, I am the most powerful one on Earth!
Audience: Takbîr! Allâhu Akbar! Takbîr! Allâhu Akbar!
Takbîr! Allâhu Akbar!
Shaykh Muªammad Nâ|im al-Óaqqânî! Zindabad! Shaykh Risâlah! Zindabad!
I am only a servant of Allāh Almighty, and a servant of His Most Be- loved, Most Praised Servant Sayyidinā Rasûl Allāh, salla llâhu ‘alayhi wa sallam. Do not think that what we are saying is not important for you. I am not that one, Mawlānā Mukyîuddîn, I am the smallest one, the weakest one, but I may travel making trouble for Shay†ān ... Therefore, O believers, O Muslims, I am happy to find a big crowd of Muslims and Mu’minas here. Not tiring, even though it is so late and this Conference began this morning, and it is now midnight. I am hungry, but you are not tiring – Al-ªamdu li-llâh!
That is a good sign that Allāh Amighty’s Will is running through you now! He is calling the youth, young people, to wake up, to stand

up, from east from west. And the whole English nation is going to be Muslim! By the Millenium, I may tell you that I am going to be imām for all the English people then. In that mosque they are building for the Millenium, I will be imām for all English Muslims and they will come there running. As Mukyîuddîn ibn ‘Arabî, Allāh bless his secret, gave good tidings that before yawm al-qiyāmah when the Last days are approaching the whole English nation will be Muslim. But the Germans are going to be first! There are so many German Muslims here, stand up and show them – Jamāluddîn! (Shaykh Jamāluddîn stands up) Look!
New flowers. Islām is flowering, Europeans are not going to be westernised Muslims. Dust – westernised ones are going to be dust. ...
Yes all westernised things are going to vanish in the second millenium, to be dust, thrown away. Islām is flowering. It is most perfect – you shall see the crown of Muslims at that time. Oh! It is going to be like Paradise in the third millenium. These are good tidings for you. I am a weak servant and people are surprised how a weak servant I am
not claiming to be of high rank – no, I use only one kadîth from the Prophet, salla llâhu ‘alayhi wa sallam, to make western people to come to Islām, in that kadîth, the Prophet said, “Make Islām easy. As easy as posssible. Do not make it a difficult thing. Make it easy. And you must take the side of good tidings, good tidings, good tidings, making people to come to love Islām and to embrace Islām.”
But I am sorry to say that in our days so many proud doctors are not making Islām easy. They put the whole sharî‘ah in front of people and say, “You must follow this!“ I ask them, “O ‘ālim – the sakābah, the companions of Rasûl, salla llâhu ‘alayhi wa sallam, were not able to carry in one day all the orders and rules of the sharî‘ah, Allāh sent it over twenty-three years, then they were able to keep the sharî‘ah. So how can you say to European people that this is the sharî‘ah, you must follow it?!” You must use wisdom, Islām holds wisdom, you must use it, we are not in need of European ideas.
All other ways, all -isms, -isms, -isms, communism, socialism, ca- pitalism, and so many other -isms, are like a shop in a market place selling everything for one pound, but Islām is a Mega supermarket.

Mega! Europeans say supermarket, but it is Mega supermarket, like Harrods. They say you may go to Harrods and ask for anything from them and you may have it. That is a very, very, very, simple example of Islām – you may find everything in Islām, but they are afraid to understand because they fear that dunyā may be taken away. Even though dunyā is like a dead, a dead body, it is like a dead body, may none of us ever run after it!
O people, say Astaghfirullāh, astaghfirullāh, astaghfirullāh, astagh- firullāh. Dunyā, we must ... (tape ends)


O Believers ! Allāh Almighty sent His Last Messenger with His Last Message. He is His Mercy, he has His Respect, he brought His Justice, he means Love. Allāh Almighty introduced His Last Messenger to be a Mercy for All Universes, for All Worlds, here and hereafter. Sayyidinā Mukammad, peace be upon him, is the Most Praised, Most Respected servant in the Divine Presence! He repre- sents Allāh Almighty’s Mercy Oceans, and he advises and orders his nation by the Holy Command of Allāh Almighty. He says, “O people! Give your mercy on Earth so that the Lord of the Heavens gives His Mercy to you. If you are not merciful to people, Allāh Almighty will not be merciful to you!”
This is a warning about those terrible weapons that, those who claim to be Christians, are preparing to kill everyone. Innocent women and children, they are not only for fighting armies, they are intended to kill everything on Earth! And they claim they are Chris- tians! It is impossible to accept that Jesus Christ ever suggested or approved of such merciless fighting with or without reason. There- fore, the Last Prophet, Sayyidinā Mukammad, peace be upon him, by Holy Command, advises all nations to be merciful to everyone on Earth, so that Allāh Almighty keeps you, and protects you, and

dresses you for here and hereafter. You must do your best to stop cruelty on Earth. I have looked and see that even students are stand- ing and saying, “You are not on the right way, you are not doing the best for people!” Therefore, I am asking Allāh Almighty’s Mercy for those youngsters who are asking why they have to fight.
But we are such ‘big’ people, running after dunyā, we forget that qiyāmah and the Last Day are coming. Judgement Day is coming, and that everyone is going to be held responsible for his actions. Look to the right way! Keep on the right way! Be merciful, then Mercy from the Lord of Heavens reaches you.


Vicar: Welcome Shaykh Nāzim. We are mindful that this is the second time you have visited us here. The first occasion was a little over a year ago, so we feel very much blessed and pleased that you should return to us for the second time after such a short interval. But there is quite a difference between the two occasions, I think when you came it was the 1st or 2nd of February, 1997, but this time you have come with many more of your friends.
Those of you who are here and have been here for a while wait- ing for Shaykh – thank you very much for coming and being with us today – of course you are here for Shaykh, but we are feeling greatly blessed at your visit, you give us such a wonderful occa- sion, and it’s wonderful to think of the prayers you’ve just offered to God here in this place, we thank you. We are grateful that other friends have joined us today. Friends from other traditions in Islām. Friends from different Christian churches with whom we have common endeavour to ensure that we try to understand one another more and more.
I would like now to give apologies for the fact that our Bishop is not able to be present today. He would dearly have loved to be here

– he has only been in office as our Bishop for six weeks and I think his diary was already rather full at the beginning, but I would like to mention that he, his name is Bishop Peter Price, during this week, has been one of the Anglican Bishops, of whom some of us are rather proud, because they have raised the issue quite strongly about the British Government’s attitude to the possibility of conflict relating to Iraq and that region. Bishop Peter Price has been one of those who have worked together and written to the newspapers, if you saw, The Independent, in particular on Tuesday of this week you would have seen the way in which they have written questioning the Govern- ment’s policy and also very much mindful of the importance of our community relations here in London, here in Britain, and how they can be put under stress and strain by events around the world, and some of us are very pleased that our own Bishop is one of those who have taken this move. He sends his apologies not to be here and he hopes he will meet you, Shaykh, on another occasion. Having said my word of welcome I propose now to sit down and I’m sure, Shaykh, that we may await a word from you with great confidence that God will speak through you to us. Thank you.
Shaykh Nāzim: As-salāmu ‘alaikum. Good afternoon! Shalom! Shalom people here also?
Vicar: Possibly.
Shaykh Nāzim: Possibly – sometimes they are too proud to come, but Shaykh is happy. Yes we are happy and honoured also that your Holiness invited us to be here again and you no doubt understand that we are His servants. He likes His servants to be friendly to each other, not fighting each other, not hating each other, not harming each other, not hurting each other, not killing each other. I think I am speaking the truth. I do not think anyone can say that our Crea- tor likes His servants to fight, to kick, to harm each other; to kill each other. Do you think that the father, the head of the family is asking for a peaceful life in his family or a fighting group? Fighting each other, hurting each other and killing and injuring each other? I do not think anyone can say yes. No, it cannot be.

What about the Lord of Heavens, who created man to be His representatives on Earth – do you think He likes His servants to be fighting each other instead of being in His Divine Service? What is that foolishness? In which book is this written? Which religion says this? Judaism? If they say this they are wrong! Christianity? If they say this they are wrong! Islam? If they say this they are wrong. It cannot be. He who created man, and honoured them is asking His servants to be friendly, supporting each other. Loving each other. Upholding justice. Looking after everyone’s rights. Even ants have rights! The smallest creatures have the right to live, you cannot take them away. Every creature was created by your Creator, the Lord of Heavens, Allāh. If He did not like that creature he would not have created it. Why are you using so many poisons to kill them? No.
And you must believe that without Allāh Almighty’s permission nothing harms you or hurts you. But when you leave His Divine Serv- ice and become enemies of each other Allāh Almighty permits harm to come to you. Even death. The smallest bacteria may kill a person, a man of two meters, a very big man can be killed by unseen bacteria. One can enter his body and grow there into an army, one growing into millions, then killing that person. But if you are on the right path, keeping the rights of your Creator, He keeps you and protects you from everything. Everything helps you. It never harms you.
Now the twentieth century is coming to an end and the second millenium is coming. What are they doing – six to seven billion people – are they living for their Lord or are they living for Shay†ān? Are they working for Allāh in His Divine Service or are they living only for Satanic traps that harm each other. Living to hurt each other, to kill each other, to take everyone, to kill as many people as possible? To kill masses of people, millions of people. To kill them in moments – they are aiming for this. They are trying to destroy everything that Mankind has built from the beginning up to today. That is your civilisation. Particularly western countries’ people are very proud of their civilisation. But it is not real civilisation. They have become slaves of technology – they will not go on their knees before their Lord but they are in fear of the technology that they have

made themselves, with their own hands. Hand-made technology, it is not from the Heavens, they made it. And they fear it.
Therefore, in our days only a very, very, very small group of people has come here, even though this is a huge city of perhaps fifteen million people. Do you think that you can find fifteen meet- ings, such as this, of people coming together to look at themselves, to be friendly and to be sincere servants of their Lord? No. Fifteen? You cannot even find five. Therefore, something is approaching. The second millenium is coming closer and something from the Heavens is approaching people. And if we are not changing our attributes, curses will come. It will be impossible to stop, there is no power on Earth that can stop it. And every day you watch television and you see the terrible weapons that we, Mankind, have made to kill each other and destroy countries. That is the curse.
The Lord of Heavens, Allāh Almighty, is not going to punish these people living on Earth as He punished past nations who were against their prophets and not obeying heavenly rules. He punished them, the Lord of Heavens punished them – some by flood, some by earthquake, some by fire, some by wind, some with birds ... Dif- ferent kinds of punishment fell on them from above and they were destroyed, taken away. But Allāh Almighty is not punishing this nation from above, from the Heavens, or through the Earth. He has divided people into different groups, who are killing each other. That is their punishment.
Therefore, every government is putting their whole financial ca- pability into having more dangerous, terrible and horrible weapons. All nations are asking the same for themselves, so that everyone is under this curse. There is a rule, a traditional rule, al-bâ†il wa l-maqtûl fî n-nâri abada, – who has killed goes to Hells and he who was killed also goes to Hells. Why? Because the one who was killed was intending to kill, but the other was quicker and killed them first
– people’s intentions must be punished. Every government, every nation is asking to have much more terrible and powerful weapons, not only for defence, but to attack others and they hope then to be patrons of the Earth. Shay†ān is telling them, working on them,

“You must be patron of the whole world, the boss on Earth. Patron- age on Earth must be for you.” Every nation desires this. Shay†ān is saying, “Americans say, ‘No, it can’t be English people, it must be Americans.’” Germans say, “No it can’t be the Russians,” Russians say, “No it can’t be the Germans.” French say, “Patronage can’t be for Germans,” Italians say, “Patronage can’t be for the Greeks.” Turks say, “It can’t be for the Arabs,” Arabs say, “It can’t be the Turks” ... In this way the teachings of Satan make people harbour bad intentions against each other.
We have not been ordered to think bad things of each other! We were never ordered to harbour bad intentions against others. No. Pure hearts never carry bad intentions. Pure hearts are never jealous. Pure hearts are never envious. Pure hearts never harbour hatred. Pure hearts never harbour harmful intentions. Pure hearts never carry thoughts of malice against other people. Pure hearted people live only for their Lord. However dirty people are not living for their Lord, they are running after dunyā, for this and that.
Today many brothers and sisters in Mankind are present. His Holiness, my brother, told us that we are going to hear from Shaykh Nāzim that which our Lord makes him speak. Those were very good words that I heard from him – my English is so bad but sometimes I understand – he said the truth. Yes. I have not prepared something in advance which I am now going to read to you. No. That is the official approach; official things are artificial. Artificial, like plastic. If you were to offer me plastic fruit – I may take one, I may take another (the Shaykh mimicks trying to eat plastic fruit) – they look like grapes, like oranges, like bananas, like apples, but are plastic. Plastic gives nothing. Similarly, officiality makes people artificial. Artificiality takes sincerity away from people and they become like plastic figures. No, come to your Lord and try to be His sincere serv- ants. Do not try to be official servants just seeking official titles. No. Our real title cannot be taken away from us – it is, servant.
You can be a king or a queen but your real title is, servant. Em- peror: servant. Pope: servant. Jesus Christ: servant. Mukammad, peace be upon him: servant. Saints: servants. Their real title cannot

be changed. Does anyone disagree? Ha! Who says other than this? It cannot be. Do not think because you have been dressed in golden robes and wear golden crowns you have become someone else. If you take a horse and you put – there are some statues of horses with crowns on their heads – if you put a golden crown on a horse and dress it in gold, do you think it has changed, that it is no longer a horse? Do other horses come to it and ask, “Are you a horse?” Does he say, “No, I am dressed in gold, and on my head is a golden crown, I am certainly not like you!”
Yet you cannot be above your level. Lordship is only for one, for one: for the Creator. Everyone’s real title is stamped on their fore- head – Servant of the Lord. Therefore I humbly ask ... I always feel angry when I speak of what I see of people, and then I am angry with myself and with my ego. Try not to hurt yourself. You must not be hurt, you must accept reality. What I am saying is Real. If you accept it, it will be the cause for your happiness here and hereafter, it will be the cause of your receiving blessings.
And ... we are made in different forms, different races, different colours. As I was praying today a meadow came to my vision. Do you think the meadow is more beautiful if it is only green grass or if there are different kinds of flowers growing among that green grass? Which is better? A flowering meadow is more beautiful, no doubt. And do you think, or did you ever witness, those different colour flowers, living side by side ... did you ever see those yellow flowers fighting the red flowers? Or do they live together in a friendly and peaceful manner? And Mankind? What is your foolishness?! In the meadow so many colours and so many kinds of flowers live happily with each other, giving way, so friendly, so peaceful, and that gives enjoyment. What about you Mankind? Mankind! Why is this not apparent among Mankind? Why are you not seeing that harmony, enjoyment and peace between women, between races, between nations? Why are you not trying to make a peaceful world? We are not thinking!
Once again – we must come to ourselves. This is a new chance for the second millenium, the first millenium is ending in the worst condition. Nations are fed up with wars, with fighting, with killing,

with devils, with evil – they are fed up. And we hope that everyone is hoping for the second millenium to be a peaceful millenium, with good understanding between nations, between every race, every religion, every belief; all to come together and to be their Lord’s servants.
Therefore, when I am invited, as my brother, his Holiness, has done, to participate in “Interfaith Meetings”, I am eager to attend. May Allāh grant that I speak of something that may be acceptable. If a handful of people accept this it may grow to become millions. So many prophets gathered only a handful of people – Jesus Christ just gathered twelve people and through them billions of people follow Jesus Christ. And Sayyidinā Mukammad, peace be upon him, had a handful of campanions, living in the desert, and the travellers went out and called to common people and billions of people followed them. But we must try, seriously and carefully, to follow their way! You must take care to be in your Lord’s service! May Allāh bless you and forgive me.
Allâh Allâh, Allâh Allâh, Allâh Allâh, ‘Azîz Allâh, Allâh Allâh, Allâh Allâh, Allâh Allâh, Karîm Allâh, Allâh Allâh, Allâh Allâh, Allâh Allâh, Subªân Allâh, Allâh Allâh, Allâh Allâh, Allâh Allâh, Sul†ân Allâh!
There is only one Sul†ān, only one Lord, and all others are serv- ants. The highest honour, the most praised honour for Mankind is to be in the Divine Service. Keep it and then your Lord will protect you. Fire may even come raining from the skies – but it cannot touch you. You have been saved. As in the Flood of Noah some people were saved and others were washed away.
Allâhumma salli wa sallim ‘alâ nabiyyinâ Muªammad ‘alayhi s-salâm,
salâtan tadûmu wa tuhdâ ilayh, ma‘ marri layâli wa †ûli d-dawâm. Yâ ªa¡rati n-nabiyy ... mashaykhinâ ... Fâtiªah:
A‘ûdhu bi-llâhi mina sh-shay†âni r-rajîm, bismi llâhi r-raªmânî r-raªîm, al-ªamdu li-llâhi rabbi l-‘alamîn, ar-raªmâni r-raªîm, mâliki yawmi d-dîn, iyyâka na‘budu wa iyyâka nasta‘în, ihdinâ s-sirâ†a l-mustaqîm, sirâta lladhîna an‘amta ‘alayhim, ghayri l-magh¡ûbi ‘alayhim wa lâ ¡-¡âllîn, âmîn.

ST ANNE’S, LONDON, 15. 2. 1998

We must try to keep to the right way. We must keep away from the wrong direction ...
All prophets were enlightened people. Try to be among those who reach to the light. You must at least try to be with enlightened people
– because their Lights will come to you. Even if you do nothing but ask to be with them, their Lights come to you. On yawm al-qiyāmah all prophets will come and cover their nations with their Lights. All prophets will come with their different Lights and carry their nations; as all saints will come in their real form, with Lights, Divine Lights. O people, you must try to reach one of them, to reach Lights, Real Lights. If you are not enlightened yourself, ask to be with enlightened people. And they are not going to be found among ‘officials’.
The easy way is for everyone to ask for enlightened people but unfortunately people are following ‘dark people’, and darkness is coming to their hearts. People are running after devils that never give or carry Lights. They are following them and falling into darkness, not running after enlightened people. In our day shay†āns are making people follow their ways and not to ask for good ones – not to ask for awliyā’ Allāh. They are saying, “Don’t ask for them, don’t follow them! Follow only us!” And people follow them, although they are bringing all nations to the edge of Hell. Just one more step and they will fall down. I do not know if it is going to be this year or ’99, or if it is going to be delayed one year, but if they do not change their direction and stop following devils, they will fall down.
Those who keep themselves from following devils, will be saved. Through the help of holy people they should be saved. Allāh Almighty saved ninety people in Noah’s Ark, and He drowned those who had not accepted Him. The people of the Ark were saved. Why had Allāh

Almighty punished them? They refused to accept their Divine Serv- ice. They would not accept the Heavenly Lights that Noah brought to them. They were rude and fought him, saying, “We are not in need of your lights, we are following devils!” And do not think that Allāh Almighty is sleeping, that He does not know what is going on in this world. Your actions and your intentions determine your end. Bad intentions will send people to Hell. People of good intentions must ask for good ones. Good ones are the Friends of Allāh, the Friends of Allāh are the Awliyā’ Allāh: look for them. Search for them, and when you find them: follow them! Do not leave them; then Heavenly Lights will always be coming to your heart. Those who gather lights now will stand on the Last Day with Lights. Whoever stands up with Lights is saved, whoever comes in darkness will be in Hell.
May Allāh bless you and forgive me.
Allâhumma salli wa sallim ‘alâ nabiyyînâ Muªammad ‘alayhi salâm,
salâtan tadûmu wa tuhdâ ilay, ma‘ marri lâyali wa †ûli d-dawâm.


How can there be a partner for the Lord of the Heavens? How can there be a partner for the Sul†ān Who has Endless Power, Endless Authority, whose Kingdom is endless so that everywhere you look, must belong to Him. There cannot be a second one claiming, “This is mine.” When men fight each other one must finally win. But there is no fighting for Him because He is the only one, there cannot be another Sul†ān. He is pre-eternal and eternal. Everything belongs to Him.
A‘ûdhu bi-llâhi mina sh-shay†âni r-rajîm – we are asking protec- tion from evil. We are asking Allāh’s protection from Satan. We are asking Allāh’s shelter from devils. Therefore we say, a‘ûdhu bi-llâhi mina sh-shay†âni r-rajîm. Whoever works for Shay†ān is also shay†ān. Look at yourself – for whom are you working? Everyone must know, must ask himself, “For whom am I living? For whom am I working?”

Everyone must find his or her answer. If you do not know, you must ask yourself, because everything has been created for some purpose, for some reason.
That is a flower, for what was it created? Yes, for what are we using it? That has been created for a reason – we put it here to give enjoyment to people, to make people happy, that is one reason for which it was created. And something else comes through that carna- tion – perhaps it has some other quality that helps people, not just for enjoyment, perhaps it is a medicine for curing some disease, for some illness. But in our days people are running after artificial medicines, leaving the natural medicines, that are calling to us, “Come to us! Come to us! We have something that you may find of benefit for your- selves!” But people are deaf and blind. Technology has made people blind – science has blinded people. Science has made us deaf, science has deadened our hearts. Science has given man a new identity, a new form. Technology has given man another identity, it is turning us into robots. This is the new identity for all people now – they are like robots. Doing what technology says – technology is making people take on another identity and that is terrible. It has made people lose their human values. Mankind has just lost its humanity.
Now you must examine, you must examine what you are following. Look at what you have been ordered to watch, to hear, to aim for, to do, to move. Everything is programmed by devils, so that Mankinds’ lives are run according to technology. Therefore they are losing eve- rything of nature that has been created for their benefit, to help them. Everything has been created for you, to help you, to make your life on Earth a happy life, a peaceful life, but you are leaving that and are going in the wrong direction. It is a terrible direction. This is an old city named Oxford with a famous university. I ask myself, what are they teaching their thousands of students, what are they learning and what are they going to be? What are they going to be? Are they going to be terrible, or horrible, or violent, all for the sake of technology?
Lâ ªawla wa lâ quwwata illâ bi-llâhi l-‘aliyyi l-‘a|îm. Shay†ān is never happy with meetings such as this. We are speaking of Oxford University’s graduates, all those thousands of people ... What are they

going to do? What is their aim? They are awarding so many diplomas, masters, doctorates – so many things – but what are they finally going to be? And there are so many other universities in England, and in Europe there are hundreds of universities, in Turkey we have universities, Arabs have so many universities. In all of dunyā, in the whole world there are thousands of universities. All those universities
... and what are they preparing for the benefit of humanity? Those people – what are they giving for the benefit of humanity?
I am also a graduate, but now I regret that I wasted my youth, my energy for nothing. Young people are like water – as water runs where you direct it, so do they, if water runs in a dirty place it becomes dirty, if it runs in a clean place, it stays clean. But now no government pays attention to this point. No education departments, no ministeries, they just say, “It doesn’t matter! Clean or dirty environments? Just tell them to come and study. Give us money so you may study, and we shall give you: a piece of paper!” Useless paper. If you are asking for work they look at your paper and say, “We have so many appli- cants like you sir, we can’t employ you.”
I read in the ‘papers’ – sometimes I read newspapers to find news about earthly living – that in Germany there are five million ... When I was small, eight years old, I heard that in Europe they have billions of shoe shiners who have diplomas! How can this be? We were in a British Colony, in Cyprus, and when we finished secondary school we could find a job either as a policeman or a schoolmaster. Two jobs were ready for us when we finished secondary school. Maybe they looked at your height and said, “Your literacy is fine but there is no hope for you in the police!” But for a schoolmaster height does not matter. So I was surprised – how could it be that educated people were boot shiners?
Now I understand. Yet even in our country there are no more boot shiners because everyone throws away his old shoes and buys new ones. No-one uses old shoes. So many years ago, people with diplomas were doing that work, and now I have read that there are five million unemployed people in Germany. The government is urging the youth to learn and get a degree. But after their studies, can you give them a job? No. There are five million unemployed people in Germany, and

here? Allāh knows how many in England are unemployed, also with their diplomas. That is because there is no balance. They promote learning: go and study! Get your diplomas, your Masters, your PhD, become an academic, a Professor! And finally?
We must change our lifestyle. The second millenium is approach- ing and every nation needs to contemplate this. Many of them are planning new buildings, they think that for example, “This building is not going to be big enough next year, we must make it bigger.” And many nations are thinking of new buildings for their nations. Very few are looking for a new style of life. Most are looking at the outer shell and imagining these grand new bildings, but what this inspiration is asking for is a new way of life. The unlimited freedom that was given to people in the twentieth century has really made them slaves; they are not free. Every time they are granted more freedom they become more enslaved to their egos. And this twen- tieth century slavery is destroying the whole world. Therefore, we must think about how we are to change our lifestyles on every level: our family relations, relations with our neighbours; from the local community to the national and international.
The whole of Mankind’s lifestyle must be changed from A to Z! It must be! Everything is in ruins! Everything. Every twentieth century structure is in ruins, and must be replaced. This change is coming. Everything from A to Z will be replaced and renewed. The second millenium will be built on new foundations.
It is not enough to think of building a new building like they are building on the Blackwall Tunnel – no, that is a joke. You have heard of that building on the Blackwall Tunnel? That new building – the Greenwich Dome? And they think that to build this type of building is renewal enough? No. The change will be from the roots up. The devilish foundations of the twentieth century will be thrown away, and all foundations will be rebuilt anew: through people of sincerity. Artificial people will not be in charge. The Devil’s supporters will not be in power. Devils will not be able to do anything, they will be thrown away. This must be – a new millenium based on good people and good structures.

I am now approaching eighty, but my conscience is not happy. I am not at peace about people because I see that people are suffering. Whoever belongs to the Heavens never suffers. But those who have bound themselves to the Earth are suffering. Only those whose lives are connected to the Heavens never suffer. Therefore, my conscience is unhappy about the state of Mankind. They are suffering. And I am not a statue. I am not a slave of technology. I am not heedless or feelingless. I have not been numbed. Therefore I share their suffering. That is a human trait: if anyone is suffering you also suffer; at least you must try alleviate that suffering. That is a human value that we have been granted but has now been lost. Instead nations are aiming to turn people to ashes, to bury them under the seven Earths. This fate threatens everyone from east to west. Christian nations have led this development and the Islamic world is following them. Muslims are asking to be westernised Muslims – this is wrong! It is so wrong. It is a huge mistake! Muslims must hold onto their values. Christians also need to hold onto their values. Christians have lost their values and we of the Muslim world think that when we follow the West we will attain something better than what we have. We are not recognis- ing that western civilisation has destroyed humanity. People are no longer people. People have vanished. Technology has ground them; it has finished their humanity. They are like iron, like robots.
So I am giving thanks to Allāh that the whole of technology, and everything based on it, is coming to an end. All things based on technology are going to finish with the second millenium. Ha, ha! Then they will be sitting in front of their computers ...! Allāh Almighty says, “They are making a trap for Me? I am making a Trap for them! A big Trap!” They never tho