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Heavenly Wisdom (Shaykh Nāzim, 185 pages, 6/11)
ere looking at you. Did you ever think, did you think at any time: ‘My Lord is looking at my heart. Therefore I must be careful about my Lord’s Gaze. I must try to give my heart an excellent ap- pearance.’ Did you? Did you ever?” This is the first question. “You were taking so much care of your appearance, but My servants, I am your Lord, and I was not looking at your wrappings, your clothes, your eyes, your image. No! I am not interested, I am never interested in your external appearance. My interest is with your heart. Your heart belongs to Me. Everything else is for you, O My servant, but your heart is Mine! Did you ever prepare and take care of your heart, saying, ‘My Lord is not looking at my trousers, my coat, my jewels, my ‘so many things’, my Lord is looking at my heart.’ Did you ever ask yourself this?” If you can say that you did, He will be happy with you. Otherwise He will not be happy with your service.
Particularly in our days, people are so interested in having an excel- lent image, but they are not thinking about that one day that will come to them, when they will be carried to the Divine Presence of Allāh Almighty. How will he look on that journey? How will she present herself on that journey? The journey to their Lord’s Divine Presence. This is important. All ladies are asking to be seen as beautiful, too

beautiful, much too beautiful, ladies are asking for this, and men are asking to be very handsome ones, but beauty is not only connected to our age. Beauty is really a grant from the Heavens to His servants. There are young ones whose skin is fresh but they never communicate goodness to others. Some old ladies, old people, have been granted some Heavenly Lights on their faces. Even though their skin is not fresh, in spite of their age, they are seen to be beautiful and handsome. We have knowledge of something strange. India is a special conti- nent, with all kinds of creatures and plants live and grow there that have never grown on other continents. Such different and surprising animals live there, that are not to be found on other continents. There are also so many precious mines and stones that cannot be found on other continents. Also such different races, different human beings live there that never lived anywhere else. And all learned people were
saying that there is a very rare plant that grows in India.
It is a very strange plant with a very beautifully scented flower. The secret of this flower is that if a person finds the plant and takes the scent from that flower, anointing him- or herself, he will become irresistible. People will not be able to look away from him, they will be so surprised by that beautiful smell. Who ever wears this smell attracts people to him. He will be so lovely to people. She or he will have such a beauty, a familiarity, that you cannot imagine – but, Shaykh M.! Do not think that it is easy to find. He is asking to go tomorrow! No, that plant, subkān Allāh, belongs to Allāh, and grows among huge snakes. Cobras. That plant is always surrounded by cobras. So many cobras surround it because it is so precious. So you cannot reach this plant without great sacrifice. That is an unchanging rule. – Shaykh M., if you are asking to reach that which is precious you must sacrifice something.
Therefore if you wish to reach Paradise you must make some sacrifice. It is not free. You must sacrifice something, then you may enter. People think that it is free. No it is not free. You must sacri- fice this life, you must give your life to your Lord and then He takes you in. If you do not sacrifice your life for the sake of the Lord of Heavens – No! Perhaps millions of Christians are saying that Jesus

was crucified, that is their belief and I am now speaking according to their belief – that he sacrificed his soul to reach His Lord. And if you do not make this sacrifice you cannot enter that precious state. Everyone who is asking to reach a precious target must make some sacrifice. Lazy ones cannot become doctors, or be graduates. If you are running around on the streets will you become a graduate of Oxford or Cambridge or London University? No. Therefore every precious thing needs sacrifice, and so it is with that plant, you cannot reach that plant because so many cobras are protecting it.
Bees give honey, their hives are full of honey, but if you approach them, a bee will attack you, biting you, then you will run away! If you are not patient with the attack of the bees you are not going to reach the honey. They say, “How can we reach it? These bees are not leaving us alone!” So for every precious thing you must pay, you must sacrifice. Look at pearls: you can find shells on the beach but there is nothing in them – pearls are under the sea. There also, the fields of pearls are protected by sharks. Sharks – you know sharks? So hungry! Some sacrifice is required if you wish to swim through the sharks. Without fear you may reach there, but fear comes to you
... and you cannot reach that plant.
All holy people and prophets say that every night the Lord is look- ing at His servants. He is looking to see if anyone is thinking about Him or is everyone sleeping? “O My servants, I am not sleeping. Why are you sleeping? O My servants, you are asking for so many things and I am here, why are you not looking to Me? Stand up! Come to My Divine Presence and ask Me to give what you are asking. O My servants!” Servants? All night cutting trees – the servant never hearing or listening – just sawing, snoring, and sleeping. And the Lord says, “Get up, wake up! I am looking at you. You are in need of everything. Ask it from Me! Come to My Divine Presence!” But again you must sacrifice: something from your sweet sleep.
Whoever spends their nights with their Lord, during the day their face will be more beautiful, more handsome, without having to go to India to find that plant! If you awaken, wash and then sit, even for a short time, and say, “O my Lord I am here.” Even ten minutes,

or five minutes, or a quarter of an hour ... And the longer you stay with your Lord more gifts, more grants come to you. When you say, “It is enough, it is enough!“ and run away, then it stops. Through our traditional knowledge if a person stands at midnight, and later, addressing their Lord saying, “O my Lord, I am your servant. You may grant me this, or grant me that – but I am not happy with this or that, I am happy with You. O my Lord, leave me with You!” Then from the Heavens comes a dress illuminated with Heavenly Lights, in which he is clothed. If you spend time at night with your Lord, speaking to Him, addressing Him, it is enough to reach that grant from Allāh Almighty.
Therefore, O my – here are some who are like my brothers, but more are like this lady (seated next to him) and Mrs L., like my sisters, then so many of you are like my sons, my daughters, granddaughters, grandsons – try, try, even a little bit to take more Heavenly Lights. One day you will be in need of those lights. And those lights are going to appear to you particularly when you leave this life. Then it will not be a dark life for you when you leave. Then you will move into lights. Your soul will not enter darkness. According to that which you are now striving for, your soul will move into lights. When you are leaving this life, you will enter an enlightened world hereafter. May Allāh grant you lights and forgive me. May He grant you from His Heavenly Lights that we should be happy forever because en- lightened people are beloved ones.
On the day of Judgement, Judgement Day, the Day of Resurrec- tion, everyone must come to that Plain and people are going to be divided into two kinds – enlightened people and not enlightened. Look after yourself, if you would like to come to the Divine Pres- ence enlightened, do it. You have your chance now. Your Lord, our Lord, your Creator, our Creator, your God, our God, is One – you are a servant. I am a servant, he is a servant, she is a servant, all of us are servants. He is looking and asking service from all of us. And He pays us from His Divine Lights, Heavenly Lights. Try to come to His Divine Presence, then you will leave this life as an enlightened soul; not in darkness.

Ad-dînu n-nasîªah: the Prophet says the meaning of religion is to advise people, and religions are asking to make people happy and enlightened, here and hereafter. They are advising people to try to be enlightened. All prophets are saying to all of us, “Try to be enlightened, don’t stay in darkness.” A person who is with his ego, will be in darkness, whoever follows prophets, will be enlightened. And that is the main target for Mankind, not to remain in darkness. Everyone coming to this life must find a light from which to be en- lightened, and then go.
When I was a small boy in Cyprus, our neighbours, Armenians and Greeks, would sometimes have wedding ceremonies in the churches. They would leave the church with candles in their hands. They would light them in the church and try to bring that light to their homes. Some of them were extinguished, some of them remained lit, and the people ran to those still burning to rekindle their extinguished can- dles. Similarly, everyone has candles, and the prophets come from the Heavens with lights from which we must try to kindle our candles. Every prophet brought light. That is all I think it is enough. “Thank you for your attention ...” On the plane they always say, “Thank you for your attention.” They show us how to fasten our seat belts, then say, “Thank you for attention.” I have seen this a thousand times ... therefore I say to you also, “Thank you for your attention!”
Your name please? (To the elderly lady sitting next to him.) “Beryl,” I am sorry? “Beryl.”
No! That is not your name, it is Pearl, you are a pearl! ...

Allâh Allâh, Allâh Allâh, Allâh Allâh, ‘Azîz Allâh, Allâh Allâh, Allâh Allâh, Allâh Allâh, Karîm Allâh, Allâh Allâh, Allâh Allâh, Allâh Allâh, #ubªân Allâh, Allâh Allâh, Allâh Allâh, Allâh Allâh, Sul†ân Allâh!

He is Sult ân and that means that all power is with Him. He has endless power. He may do anything and nothing can prevent Him. His Will is over the will of everyone. There is no will for anyone beside His Will. That is the Sul†ān. He is Sul†ān, forever Sul†ān. He cannot be lower than that, He is always Sul†ān – from the pre-eternal, which your imagination cannot reach, to the eternal.
Pre-eternal, do not try to imagine it, do not force your imagination to know about azal – this is respect, this knowledge is only for your Lord Allāh Almighty. Do not force yourself. You are not the Sul†ān so you cannot know about Him. You are only a servant, and you may only know what He shows you about Him and about yourself.
It is a bad characteristic of Mankind now that they are trying to be Sul†āns. He may give you authority to use natural powers, but do not think that you can reach His level. No! No! No! Never. They think that with their computers they can achieve knowledge of eve- rything! They are so proud. And look at yourselves – what are you, five feet tall? And if you fly up into the skies and look down at this world it looks like an orange, if you used a telescope to look down and you would not see anyone! Then they still claim that they are Lords! Twentieth century people show such display such foolishness that “Insane”, should be written on their foreheads.
Such completely foolish people, with their scientists, with their professors, with their philosophers, even with their religious people. Religious people! Billions of people are making crosses, and on their cross hangs a crucified man. What is that? Is He the Lord? A‘ûdhu bi-llāh! God is the Sul†ān, the Sultan is Allāh, King of kings! His is the endless sultanate. And we sit here thinking we are something ... but we are nothing, nothing. Even our galaxy, the Milky Way, is noth- ing, it is less than an atom! What is this foolish pride? Allāhumma! Lâ ªawla wa lâ quwwata illâ bi-llâhi l-‘aliyyi l-a|îm.
You must change your minds. You must come down to your real size. These words are not to be heard anywhere throughout the East or West. But the East and West must speak about the greatness of their Lord, Allāh Almighty. Not about themselves. We are nothing except through Allāh Almighty’s grant that you know of His Exist-

ence. Yes, only your Lord is in Existence. Is anyone from a hundred years ago still here, and in a hundred years time do you think that any of you are going to be here? Then how can you claim that you are in existence?
Everyone must say, “Allâhumma, laka aslamnâ wa bika ’âmannâ – O our Lord, we are surrendering to you!” You must surrender. Do not be stubborn. Say, “I am surrendering to You.” To that One whom no-one can truly know except Himself. Even prophets only know what He told them about Himself. And He said, “I am the One Who is the only One Who has Real Existence. I am the only One Who may stand on His Own, no-one else.” You must believe in Him and surrender to Him, if you are not surrendering with your will, one day you will surrender by force. Allâhumma, laka aslamnâ ... Say! O our Lord! ...
The Lord is not a man. You must understand that the Lord could not have been created. Man was created. Allāh created man. Do not say that a man is the Lord. No! They are saying that Jesus is Lord. Jesus can- not be Lord! He is a servant of the Lord. “O my Lord, Lord of Heavens, Allāh Almighty, we are surrendering to You!” You must say this if you are asking to be his servants, you must say this, “I surrender to you.” It is your honour to say this! “We believe in You, in your Endless Existence. We believe in Your Endless Existence. You cannot be encompassed.”
No-one can encompass Him, He is as-samad: He cannot be encom- passed, but He encompasses everything. Everything in His Divine Presence is nothing. Allāh! Say! “I surrender to You, I am nothing. And I am trying to give my endless respect and endless praise to You as You give to Yourself. I cannot do it, the best I can do is to repeat the praise that You give to Yourself.” Aslamnā – we have surrendered, we have become Muslims. Do not say Christian, do not say Jewish, do not say Buddhist. Do not even say Mukammadan, say Muslim. It means that we have surrendered to our Lord, Allāh Almighty Who created us.
The One Who created you is your Lord. Did Jesus create you? Is he your Lord? What mentality is that? The One Who created you is your Lord. The One Who created Jesus is your Lord. Jesus was cre- ated in the Divine Presence. And if you have eyes in your heart you

can see that Jesus is standing in the Divine Presence. He is standing in the Divine Presence. Even if he had been waiting there for two billion years, he would not sit. No matter how long, he would never sit. He is standing in the Divine Presence. We tire just from making prayers five times a day! We tire. And in churches and cathedrals they sit down! Why? Stand up! Jesus Christ is standing now in his Lord’s Divine Presence. Sometimes we stand up, then we sit down and sleep. You must stand up! You must stand up to praise your Lord! O Allāh Almighty! ...
I am speaking as He makes me speak – this is heavenly speech. And Jesus is coming. In the second millenium he will come, and he is going to stand and address you ... Do not think that Shaykh Nāzim’s speech was wrong. I shall be with him, inshā’ llāh, I shall be standing with him. Try to be with him and to be among the luckiest of people when he speaks, and tells people how they have wronged him. “Al- lāhumma, laka aslamnā – O Allāh we are surrendering to you, let our beliefs be like those with whom You are happy!”
Hold onto your honour, do not run after imagination. Allāh is Sul†ān. What about human sul†āns? They are His shadows on the Earth. They should be respected, you must respect those people Al- lāh Almighty has chosen to be His shadow on Earth, to secure justice for His servants. Try to be good and respectful servants to those sul†āns, if you serve those sul†āns you are serving Allāh. For peace to reign on Earth there must be sul†āns. But the sul†āns are gone and the twentieth century has no peace. Blood is flowing already. More blood is going to flow. People are going to be swimming in rivers of blood. There is no more mercy. No more mercy. Therefore we are praying for real sul†āns; they give people their rights. Real sul†āns are ones who give, not take.
You are weak. There is no doubt that you have been created weak
– after five minutes without breathing you are finished. One strike may make you fall down dead. If you do not eat and drink you fall down dead. Such a weak Creation, and the weak need support. Yes, you are in need. You are in need of your Lord’s support. Support for your physical being comes through your soul, and for your spiritual

being you need His Endless Support. You are constantly in need of His Support. In every second, in all fractions of a second, you are in need of His Support. If His Support is cut away, even for a fraction of a second, you will fall down dead. Finished.
You are so weak and yet you are so proud! Particularly when you are carrying a pistol on your hip, you feel very important. Very im- portant. It is not enough to write, IP, not just important person. No. We must be Very Important, Very Important Persons. Particularly if sitting in such a place as this (Shaykh is sitting on a comfortable chair in the minbar). It makes you even more big-headed. What a VIP. VIPs running amok. There are some mirrors that make people look like giants: like our personality that thinks it fills the whole universe: “There is no-one here, only me.” But only Allāh may truthfully say that, not you! He is not limited by time and space. He is not in need of space and time. But we need to exist in time and space, if there were no time and space we would disappear. But Allāh Almighty is not in need of time and space. He created time and space. The Crea- tion cannot carry the Creator, but people are claiming, insisting on claiming, that they are VIPs! Come down to your real size!
Therefore, the final aim of all religions is to take you to fanâ’, (annihilation in God), to finally make you nothing. To bring people to the realisation that they are nothing. When you are nothing, you have been saved. As long as you claim to be something in this exist- ence, you are in danger! Danger surrounds you, thunder forms over you, when you say that you are something. But if you say that you are nothing – nothing can touch you.
Allāh blesses all awliyā’. Sayyidinā ‘Abd al-Qādir al-Jîlānî, may Allāh grant us from his madad, from his power to support us ... Every saint is a heavenly power station. Not nuclear power stations – there are so many in England, Russia. Those strange buildings stand in so many countries. Awliyā’ are heavenly power stations, if they were to just look, ‘like this’ – in a second, in a second, they could remove all nuclear power stations. Those who have been granted heavenly power may do that in the blink of an eye. If you live to the end of this century you will witness this overnight disappearance! Awliyā’

are heavenly power stations; so even if you speak their names their power reaches to you spiritually.
When Abû Yazîd Bas†āmî addressed people he was in his Lord’s Divine Presence. Those listening told him, “O our Shaykh, you are claiming lordship for yourself and that only belongs to Him!” Abû Yazîd replied, “If it is so, according to your understanding, if I am claiming this, then take your swords and cut me down. Strike me down, do not leave me alive!” Once again it happened, so they took their swords and struck him – but they made no mark, their swords cut nothing. When he came back to himself, they said, “O our Mas- ter, we struck you, because you once again claimed lordship: but nothing happened!”
“It is because I am not here, He is here. I am with Him, not with me! Pharaoh said this with his ego, he was a king claiming to be lord through his ego, but I am not speaking. Allāh is saying, ‘I am Lord!’”
If anyone is with Allāh Almighty, everything gives him his full respect, full respect. The most respected servant, the most praised by Allāh Almighty is Sayyidinā Mukammad k, and he is the one most praised by all creatures. He is the one most praised in His Lord’s
Divine Presence. As long as you are with your Lord you too will be respected. Be with your Lord, do not be with your ego. All prophets came to take you from your ego and to bring you to your Lord. Be with your Lord, leave your ego – that is the final aim of all religions. When you are with your ego you are with Shay†ān. That ego repre- sents Shay†ān, Satanas. Leave being a representative of Shay†ān and try to be a representative of your Lord. He is asking you to be His representative. But we are asking to live with Shay†ān.
Everyone can understand what I am saying. Everyone in the East and West needs to understand, needs to hear these words. We must obey these words, we must heed this advice. Then we shall be re- spected, here and there, here and hereafter ...
Allâh Allâh, Allâh Allâh, Allâh Allâh, ‘Azîz Allâh Allâh Allâh, Allâh Allâh, Allâh Allâh, Karîm Allâh,

Allâh Allâh, Allâh Allâh, Allâh Allâh, #ubªân Allâh, Allâh Allâh, Allâh Allâh, Allâh Allâh, Sul†ân Allâh! Only Sul†ān! Laka aslamnâ ...

ST ANNE’S, LONDON, 4.2.1998

The highest level of respect, the highest level of belief, is to always accept that everything comes to you from your Lord. Never complain, never argue, always be happy and accept that every situ- ation is from your Lord, Allāh Almighty. Everything is perfect, even imperfection, is perfect. Low-level people say to high level people, “Yes, sir.” For two reasons: one, highly qualified people have usually reached their position because they have a more perfect understand- ing, assistants know this and therefore say, “Yes sir! What you say is okay. Your station is wider and higher therefore you know better.” Sometimes they are imperfect but it is adab, good manners, to respect his rank and still say, “You are in perfection.”
This counts as good manners amongst people. What about our manners towards Allāh? Laysa fi l-imkân aªsan mimmâ kân, said His Holiness Imām Ghazālî Hazretleri: It is impossible for there to be in existence a more suitable appearance than what has just appeared. The situation that appeared today is the most suitable for now, for today, but tomorrow it is going to change. The servant must learn to accept everything from his Lord in an excellent way. With excellent and perfect manners and say, “As You like. What You did is perfect.” That is the highest adab of the servant to his Lord. Any objection is an involvement from your own will, and it is the biggest sin to put your will against His Will. His Will orders everything. If you are asking to stop it and change it according to your will, to prevent His Will, trying to have your way: that means you are asking for what you want to be in existence as opposed to what He has ordered. When you weigh things up, you should realise that that is the biggest

sin: trying to prevent the course of your Lord’s Will. Perhaps at the beginning things may appear as you like, but after a while they will be changed, and some much more powerful events will come, that will cover and carry away your will.
For example, they have built a barrier, a dam in front of the Nile. According to their will, thus limiting the flow of the Nile. They wanted to make the Nile run as they liked, not as their Lord had willed. Yes, they did this. They asserted their will, and built a huge barrier. That was an interference in something that was not appropriate, it was not their place to do this but they did. What is the result? Now the Nile is eroding, underneath one column of the dam – the dam descends perhaps one hundred meters, but the water is going underneath and beginning to eat one column, to carry the earth away from under this huge dam. It is beginning to run under the foundations of the dam, and after a while that water will make it appear like a small piece of wood, like a matchstick, carrying it away. Flooding Egypt. Egypt is going to be under water. This will be another lesson for people not to interfere with things that do not concern them.
Today I received a letter from a sister, she wrote to me: “I bought you a rose a couple of days ago, astaghfiru llāh,” she says, “I thought that it was a normal natural rose, but then I realised that is has no smell. It has lost its smell because its smell was sacrificied in order to grow it quickly.” Man is playing with genetics to make something that normally takes three to seven days to flower ... man is playing with genetics in such a way that this rose will flower in three hours. And man is running after such monstrous involvement in everything that this will result in a terrible end. They are making tomatoes grow quickly, they normally need three to four days to become red, now they go red in three to four hours. Or chickens, may reach in three or four days what it normally takes three to four months to reach. And all of these things are harming people now, destroying people. The scientists involved in this terrible work are also causing terrible harm to themselves: to their physical bodies as well as to their spiritual lives.
You see how †arîqah gives the best training for servants and how they should be with their Lord? Genetic manipulation is horrific.

They say there is not enough food to feed everyone. Their aim is for faster, more economical food production, for mass production, for quick consumption ... Why is there not enough food? Because people are wasting their food on a huge scale. Man’s daily needs are one percent of what they produce. They produce one hundred per cent and throw away ninety-nine percent! Their wastefulness has made heavenly involvement obligatory. Everything in life is getting worse, worse, worse. Judgement has just been passed on them, wa lâ tubadhdhir tabdhîra; inna l-mubadhdhirîna kânû ikhwâna sh-shayâ†în [“But squander not in the manner of a spendthrift. Verily spendthrifts are brothers of the evil ones ...” Koran, 17:26/27], all people now have become brothers of Shay†ān. Why? Because of their wasteful- ness. If they were not wasting naturally grown food there would be enough for all Mankind. But because they are wasting everything it is impossible for it to suffice. They need to use three times, four times, ten times more than nature normally produces because they are throwing it away. Without using it they destroy it! That is another way in which Mankind is meddling in Allāh Almighty’s affairs, and it is harming people.
So they have no peace. They have lost their physical health and
they have also lost their spiritual contentment, there is no peace for them. They are being punished from both sides. Punishment is com- ing on them. You see how one word of advice from †arîqah may save all nations? Do not interfere in Allāh Almighty’s affairs. He knows, He knows what is necessary for all nations, for all Mankind, for the animals’ world. They are killing. They are saying that all the oceans are polluted, dirty because so many poisons are flowing into it, killing everything. Technology is the biggest threat to Mankind, physically and spiritually. Therefore, until technology is defeated and thrown away, there will be no more peace for our physical bodies or for our spiritual life.
This is the reason that Mahdî, ‘alayhi salâm, has been ordered to come, after the greatest war that we are expecting by 2000, because Mankind is using everything against the life of Mankind, against the continents, against the oceans, against the animals. Against every-

thing on Earth. That is the reason Allāh Almighty has ordered him to stop everything and to say, “Allâhu Akbar! Allâhu, Akbar! Allâhu Akbar!” These three takbîrs are going to destroy technology.
Man has been granted great power by Allāh Almighty, electric- ity is a huge power, but instead of using it solely for the benefit of Mankind, man has used it mainly for destroying each other physically and spiritually. Therefore He will make these takbîr stop technol- ogy. It will cease. It will be taken away. That electrical power will be finished.
Therefore try not to be slaves of technology. Avoid technology as much as posible. Reduce your dependancy. Do not be slaves. Every- one is a slave of technology. Try to use natural methods in your life. Use it if you are obliged to, but generally return to nature. Live your life in harmony with nature. Do not run away from nature. When you run away from nature, everything that is against nature follows you, harming you, destroying you, killing you, throwing you away. The best way is to be as Allāh created you to be. He is asking you to be simple. Be free. Do not let someone enslave you. Try freeing yourself from technology. Recognise that the natural form of things as Allāh Almighty has made them is the most excellent form, it is the best.
And when your thinking, when your thoughts become pure, you are purified from everything. But as long as your mind is unclean or dirty you cannot reach purity. Dirtiness disturbs you, physically and spiritually. Most people now are losing their spiritual balance, they are losing their spirituality. When they become spiritually weaker, they must also be weakened physically.
Beware of standing in front of your Lord, Allāh Almighty, and saying, “This or that, this is right and that is wrong!” No, what He says is right, is right. And what He says is wrong, is wrong. Keep this manner with you. If you are asking to know what is wrong and what is true, what is right or what is a mistake – use the balance of sharî‘ah, the balance of Islām, that is the balance of the Heavens. Then you may find moral clarity so quickly. If it is good, keep it, if it is bad throw it away. Try to leave badness for goodness. Do not let yourself abandon goodness for badness. That is shakwah, rebellion,

o nly is lâ m p rot ec ts huma n it y
and the first rebellious one was Shay†ān. May Allāh forgive us and transform our inner lives from badness to goodness.
Allâhumma salli wa sallim ‘alâ nabiyyinâ Muªammad ‘alayhi s-salâm,
salâtan tadûmu wa tuhdâ ilayh, ma‘ marri layâli wa †ûli d-dawâm.
Allâhumma salli wa sallim ‘alâ nabiyyinâ Muªammad ‘alayhi s-salâm,
salâtan tadûmu wa tuhdâ ilayh, ma‘ marri layâli wa †ûli d-dawâm.
Yâ ªa¡rata n-nabiyy, sall Allâhu ‘alayhi wa sallam.
[O Allâh, send blessing and peace on our Prophet Muªammad, peace be upon him,
The prayer that stays and is given as a present to him, The passage of the night the length of eternity.
O saintly master, holy prophet – may Allâh bless him and send him peace.]
Invisible armies will be sent on them.


I speak so long to my Turkish people because they are very anxious to be western Muslims, they come here from their countries and want to become modern Muslims.
Most generations now grow up with western culture. It is a culture based in Christian and Judaic values. It is not correct for Muslims to follow the culture of Christianity and Judaism. We have been honoured to be from the ummah of Mukammad – that is your honour! Jesus Christ is a servant to him, Mûsā is a servant to him, all prophets are servants to him. And they are happy with this, they know it is their honour; because the Most Praised, Most Honoured, Most Respected, through all universes is Sayyidinā Mukammad. Allāh respected him, Allāh Almighty granted him honour against Shay†ān’s people. Allāh Almighty granted him the honour that where Allāh

Almighty’s name is written, there is also written: Mukammadun Rasûl Allāh.
Islām is alive. Christianity is dead. Judaism is finished. The only real discipline, the only real religion is in Islām. Therefore, those who come here and think that it is something special to build sixty storey buildings, or to make Concorde, or to make faster trains, are being fooled. Do not think that that means something – no, it is nothing. These things give no value to humanity. Only Islām protects human values. No other religion has the power to protect them now. We are asking to maintain the value of all members of humanity. You must stay with Islām, through the twentieth century into the twenty-first century, but do not think that there is going to be a twenty-second century. Time will finish in the twenty-first century. Qiyāmah, Judgement Day is coming.
Therefore, O believers! I am happy that you are giving enough honour and enough value to Islām, and that you are trying to keep it in its proper way. Now I am addressing Turkish, Pakistani and Arab Muslims who are running after westernisation – do not follow western people’s -isms, -isms, -isms. So many endless -isms! You have abandoned the truth and are running after those foolish ideas! Take heed! What Allāh Almighty granted to you is not like Mankind’s ideas. Mankind’s ideas have reached the limit of foolishness, therefore leave them and follow the prophets and the Last Message! The Holy Qur’ān should be a light like the sun for you.


From which country are you? “England.”
Who is your patron saint? “Saint George.”
Saint George ... Can you imagine him?

“Not very well.”
You can nev