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Suhbah 2015: Maulana Shaykh Mehmet Adil ar-Rabbani (25/30)
front of an idol, if you adore in front of a cross, or if you do meditation. You cannot find tranquility in anything but Allah. They are all lies. Only relying on Him and trusting in Him while believing in Allah provides tranquility to people. Nothing else.

A couple of words. How have you been? “Asbahna wa asbahal mulku Lillah.” There is no other dominion and no other god. Allah is one.

Wa Minallah at-Tawfeeq, Al-Fatiha.

174.START OF THE NEW YEAR Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Assalamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatuh, Auzu Billahi Minashaytanir Rajeem. Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem, Wassalatu Wassalamu ala Rasulina Muhammadin Sayyidul Awwalin wal Akhirin, Madad Ya Rasulallah, Madad Ya As’habi Rasulillah, Madad Ya Mashayikhina, Sheykh Abdullah Daghestani, Sheykh Nazim al- Haqqani. Dastur. Tariqatunas sohba, wal khayru fil jamiyya.

Today is the end of the year in our calendar, in Allah’s calendar. This year ends tonight. Our new year starts after tomorrow night Inshallah. Tonight is the Hijri new year. May Allah bless it (mubarak).

All of Allah’s holy days are in this year. That is why we need to pray (make dua) so this year passes in goodness Inshallah. May it be the rising of Islam and may Mahdi Alayhis Salam be next to us Inshallah. There is no other salvation for people. Because people made everything comply with their own ego; they are doing according to their own pleasures and jows. They are doing the opposite of what Allah says.

The new day starts after midnight in the Gregorian calendar. Whereas in the sight of Allah, the new day has started after the evening. The start of the new day is with the Maghrib call to prayer (azan). We see in the breaking of fast (iftar) also that fasting is from morning to evening. The new day has started with Maghrib prayer. Shaitan and his supporters did the opposite of what Allah said in everything, in things we do not see with our eyes. They do not try to do anymore. They did it. Evil has reached its peak. The world has not seen such evil ever since it was built. It is also getting worse as days pass. It does not get any better but worse.

Inshallah, Allah (JJ) sends an owner and he saves. It says in the Hadith Sharif that when evil reaches its peak like this, when everything turns bad, Allah sends a savior. Allah (JJ) will send Mahdi Aleyhis Salam and he will save Inshallah. We are again hoping this year is the year of salvation Inshallah. May Allah protect us and may we be with him Inshallah. May we reach days Islam enlightens everywhere Inshallah.


175.HİJRİ NEW YEAR Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Tariqatunas sohba wal khayru fil jamiya

The diseased Mr Nefel, May Allah have mercy on him, our older brother, he helped us much. We were together. Mashallah, what do they say, meaning, “Words that nobody else has though of would come out of his mouth.” Shaykh Mawlana would say, “This man is a majzoob.” He would curse. Now, why are we saying this? Inshallah, the beginning of the Hijra Year is coming. Wednesday is the 1st, by the permission of Allah. Most people are not aware. One day, there was a mosque close by to our work place there. He was upset and did not go there. Why are you not going there? He said, “I fought with the imam.” He listened to the Juma sermon (khutba) on the Hijri New Year. The man did not mention anything about the New Year, the Hijra nor anything else. He got up during the Juma time. In fact he should not have but he was a majzoob. He said, “When New Year’s comes, you speak about not slaughtering turkeys, not to do this and not to do that. You give us a headache for 15 days. Now, our New Year has arrived. You are not mentioning this!” he cursed at the imam and left. Now, with the permission of Allah, our New Year is coming. This is the true year. All of our worships, all obligatory (fard) are in it. You do the Hajj according to it. You cannot go ahead and do it according to the other year. The same with Ramadan. But there are some super intelligent, perverted groups, people who give fatwas. There was a group in America. Days were hot and long in the summer. They said, “It is best that we do it in December.” They used to always do Ramadan in December. “This fits us,” they said. It does not work this way. We have nothing to do with that year. The true year is the lunar year that Allah appointed to us, the Nation of Muhammad (Umma Muhammadiyya). It is the Hijra year. Zakat is the same way. If you give your zakat according to the other year, you will have swallowed a year every 33 years. That time, you will have committed sin. However, if you do it according to this normal Hijra year it is alright. Just like this, there are many things: mawlids, holy nights, and our festivals (eids). They are all done according to the Hijra year. So this year is not something to be taken lightly. We need to regard it and respect it.

Therefore, whoever fasts the last day and the first day of the year, our Holy Prophet says, is like fasting one year. Before the Ramadan fast was obligatory, fasting was done in Muharram. Of course not for one whole month in Muharram. Some days were ordered to be fasted. Not the whole month though. The first month fasting occurred was in this month of Muharram. Because the Hijra also occurred in the month of Muharram, they called it Hijri. With the order of Allah, our Holy Prophet went out of Mecca to Medina. He, of course, suffered much pain. Without permission, he is not moving anywhere. Everything is to be done with the order of Allah and with the permission of Allah. When

the time came, our Holy Prophet was ordered: leave. Outside there were forty haramis (bandits). We call them harami because they are committers of haram. What else would men who lift a sword against our Holy Prophet be? They become the world’s most dishonorable men. From amongst them there were those who with a mujiza (miracle)… Karamat is for awliya (saints) and mujiza is for prophets. People confuse mujiza with karamat. They tell of nonsense things as if they were mujizas and attribute them to people who are not even awliya. Mujiza means it only happens to prophets. From amongst those wild unbelievers (kafirs), he got out with Hadrat Abu Bakr and arrived at Medina. Of course, a lot of mujizas occurred on the way again. Mujizas happened at that hour and mujizas that will stay until the Day of Judgment were there. Our Holy Prophet arrived in Medina and in the house of Khalid Abu Zayd al-Ansari. That was also a mujiza: wherever the camel would stop, our Holy Prophet would stay as a guest, for one year. Abu Ayyub al-Ansari later became a baraka (blessing) to this city, this sacred city. He became a sultan of the city of Istanbul. His baraka, the baraka of the Prophet, is here until the Day of Judgement. Meaning this place is a holy place. No harm comes to this place from a kafir, Allah willing. People who want to do harm to this place, will be in loss at the end. This New Year, Inshallah, will be good (khayr). Anyway, Shaykh Mawlana had said whatever happens from now on is a goodness for us. No harm will happen Allah willing. People see some things as harmful,

but there is goodness for Islam in everything. It has no harm. Islam sometimes falls to a state of laxness and due to that needs to be inflicted a whipping so that it gets itself together. To avoid otherwise falling to laxity then suddenly the enemy attacking. So it is not good to fall to laxness. It is not good to drop precautionary measures, to depend on everything and stop. That is why, once in a while, Allah Azza wa Jalla cautions Muslims: Do not be heedless. Who should you not be heedless from? From the enemy. Who is the greatest enemy? Our own selves. Then Shaitan. Now the ego does not want any goodness. It only likes its own pleasures and its own bad habits. It does not like anything else. It does not like goodness. It does not like generosity, nor helping, nor worship. It does not like anything as such. What are we going to do with it? We are going to force it so that however much contrary the ego is, our forcing it becomes so much more beneficial for us. That much more Allah’s mercy descends upon us and that much more good deeds we earn. Many people say, “I cannot do it.” Of course, nobody can do it… nobody does it gladly, it does not happen wantingly. Of course pushing occurs. No matter how much you are, again beating the ego and attending prayer (namaz), the person becomes relieved. When you beat your ego and fast, again the person is relieved. When you beat your ego and give your zakat and charity (sadaqa), again you are relieved. The hardest, harder than prayer and fasting, is doing good works. A person might have millions but they cannot give. That there is Allah’s misfortune on that person. That person cannot give. Even if they wanted to, they cannot give, those types of people. And this is present in most people. “Shuhun mutaa”,” says He. Avaricious stinginess. He says don’t give and he cannot give. We see this a lot. Our richest people, as we explained, listen to their stories and you will notice how true it is. Meaning you will know how much this thing of Allah called ego is obeyed. As we said, those who beat it and give will at the end be happy in the world and their hereafter will be built. And this of course happens with training. Human beings go as they have learned. At the time of the Ottomans these things were taught. These days, not only in our country, there is one type of education in the world and nothing else. Shaitan has took over the world. All laws

and the system are in his hands. So there is no possibility to change it. Only, as our Holy Prophet says, the Sahib (Owner) of the End of Times comes out and he can change it. For now, we manage like this, but we have to train our egos. So even if we cannot change the outer system, we need to show these beautiful ways to our own surroundings, our family, and our children. Our whole life is not to run after the world but for the hereafter. A little ago the Hafiz Effendi recited qasidas (spiritual songs). It says, “It will come one day.” Everybody will that day… Nobody will be able to run from that day. Everybody has a day. They cannot live till the end. That day will come to everybody. Do not think you will escape. Take precaution accordingly. In the end, do not regret in the hereafter. Our Holy Prophet has a hadith, “Humans will be sorry. Those who have faith will be sorry and those who have no faith will be sorry. Those who have faith, when they go to the hereafter will wish they had done more good. Those who do evil, or those who have no faith, will regret that they did not believe and ended in that situation. Therefore, this world is not left for anybody. The hereafter is what is important. Let us work for our hereafter and do things for it. Let our works be for it. Of course, the world is temporary. It is not worth getting upset for the world. Yet, of course, most people are only upset for the world. The world is within Allah’s orders. He makes it as He likes. May Allah make this year a good year Inshallah. For Islam. May true Islam come Inshallah. Every year we wait for Mahdi Alayhis Salam so that he saves people. Inshallah. Wa Minallah at-Tawfeeq, Al-Fatiha.

176.THE MINDLESS PERSON Thursday, October 15, 2015.

Assalamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatuh, Auzu Billahi Minashaytanir Rajeem. Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem, Wassalatu Wassalamu ala Rasulina Muhammadin Sayyidul Awwalin wal Akhirin, Madad Ya Rasulallah, Madad Ya As’habi Rasulillah, Madad Ya Mashayikhina, Sheykh Abdullah Daghestani, Sheykh Nazim al- Haqqani. Dastur. Tariqatunas sohba, wal khayru fil jamiyya.

Allah Azza wa Jalla states: “Laqad khalaqnal insana fi ahsani taqweem.” “We created humans in the best form, in the most perfect fashion,” says Allah Azza wa Jalla. If a person knows that Allah created oneself in the most perfect form and in the highest qualities, that person’s end is well. But the end of people who do not know that, associate partners with Allah, and do not recognise Allah is bad. Some people say we come from monkeys now. They become like monkeys anyway. Allah (JJ) created man in the most beautiful form, but these faithless people do not know Allah’s greatness and Allah’s ability, and end their lives in the most contemptible way. The end of those who believe in Allah is good. They will be rewarded. They would not be contemptible in the world, and they would gain rewards in the hereafter. Allah (JJ) created humans by Himself. Allah knows what He created. Since you say you come from monkeys, Allah will make you worse than a monkey. People sometimes laugh when watching a monkey, but the person who does not believe in Allah and does not recognise Allah is always vile. That person is in loss and their end is bad. Allah (JJ) warns people not to be like that. If you know Allah, you are respected well, appreciated in life, and you have a great reward and pay in the hereafter. May Allah give people guidance. May they not ruin their hereafter for the sensation of the world of a couple of days. The clever person thinks. The person who believes in Allah is clever and the person who does not believe is mindless. They can be, not a professor but a distinguished professor. It does not matter. A person who does not believe in Allah is a foolish person. This is the summary of it all.

Wa Minallah at-Tawfeeq, Al-Fatiha.

177.THE MONTH OF MUHARRAM Friday, October 16, 2015.

Assalamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatuh, Auzu Billahi Minashaytanir Rajeem. Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem, Wassalatu Wassalamu ala Rasulina Muhammadin Sayyidul Awwalin wal Akhirin, Madad Ya Rasulallah, Madad Ya As’habi RasuLillah, Madad Ya Mashayikhina, Sheykh Abdullah Daghestani, Sheykh Nazim al- Haqqani. Dastur. Tariqatunas sohba, wal khayru fil jamiyya.

The month of Muharram is the last of the Ash’hurul Hurum (Sacred Months). These are four months: Zulqada, Zulhijja, Muharram, and Rajab. These are honored months. Because people are not allowed to wage war on each other during these months, these are months of mercy.

To encourage a ceasefire between people, waging war during these months is considered a sin in our religion. Yet if they attack you, then you defend yourself. However, people now, even those who say they are Muslim, do not abide by this. Then they claim, “We are Muslim, and we are what not.”

Everything has a value. The value of Allah’s words are the highest because they are Allah’s orders. Respect these months and respect these people. But some never pay regard to these. They say they are Muslim but make judgments as, “You did shirk (polytheism), and you did such.” Whereas Allah Azza wa Jalla gave everything a value.

Are you a mushrik for respecting these months? Are you a mushrik for loving the awliya (friends of Allah). Are you a mushrik for loving the prophets? There, these people are people who are following Shaitan. All those who are on a different path than the right path, the path of our Prophet, are in danger in the end. Their faith is in danger.

Allah (JJ) says, “Obey Allah and obey the prophets.” When you do not show respect to these, when you do not love what Allah loves, you have not obeyed Allah. Allah (JJ) says to even show respect to the sacrificials in Hajj.

The religion of Islam is a beautiful religion. It is the religion of mercy.

Mercy and compassion come first in everything. Mercy, as well as compassion, as well as manners (adab) come first. Tariqa (a sufi order) teaches these. It is difficult for those who are not in tariqa. They do it rarely. It is not done most of the time. Because when there is no tariqa people think something is right, when in fact they have been doing wrong.

The month of Muharram is a very blessed (mubarak) month. They do not respect it because other people are respecting it. Whereas we need to respect them all. It should not be as what they say, “Getting upset at the priest and breaking the fast.” A sunna (tradition) of our Holy Prophet, fasting was done before in the beginning of Muharram. They are the most blessed days of Muharram. Do as much good and good deeds as possible during this month, Allah willing. Inshallah we fast on the 9th and the 10th too. The tenth day is the day of Ashura. Ashura means the tenth day.

On that day, Allah’s help reached the prophets who were in distress. The awliya rose to their stations (maqams) on that day. It is a blessed day. It is also the day our Master Hadrat Husayn was martyred. That is to say because it is a blessed day, Hadrat Allah Azza wa Jalla took our Master Husayn on that day. This way he will be remembered until Judgment Day Inshallah.

May his abundance (fayd) and blessings (baraka) be upon us Inshallah. May Allah help Islam. May He be helpful to people who are on the right path, to people with Islam.


178.REPENTANCE Saturday, October 17, 2015.

Assalamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatuh, Auzu Billahi Minashaytanir Rajeem. Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem, Wassalatu Wassalamu ala Rasulina Muhammadin Sayyidul Awwalin wal Akhirin, Madad Ya Rasulallah, Madad Ya As’habi Rasulillah, Madad Ya Mashayikhina, Sheykh Abdullah Daghestani, Sheykh Nazim al- Haqqani. Dastur. Tariqatunas sohba, wal khayru fil jamiyya.

The holy verse (ayat karima) says, “Repent to Allah.” Allah accepts repentance and Allah forgives.

Allah Azza wa Jalla is referring to everyone, not only to sinners but to everyone. That means everyone is a sinner. People saying they do not commit sins are mistaken. No, everyone knowingly or unknowingly makes a mistake. That is why He says repent every day. Even our Holy Prophet (SAW) says, “I ask for forgiveness from Allah 70 times a day.” This is also a good thing, a favor (lutuf) of Allah. What were we to do if He had refused to accept repantance? We could do nothing. Whether you repent a 100 times or a 1000 times, Allah accepts repentance do to His mercy. It is up until the door of repentance shuts, and that occurs close to Judgment Day. Let us repent until that time from whatever little or big sins we may have so Allah would forgive them.

Do not be stubborn. Obstinacy is not a good thing, it is a trait of Shaitan. He tells him to repent, and he refuses to do so. We will not be like him Inshallah. He does not ever show humility because we are sinners. In fact, all of us are sinners. You cannot do without committing sin in this world. There are Shaitan, ego, and desires (hawa) that disturb people every minute. They continuously drag you to sin and it occurs knowingly or unknowingly. That is why, since Allah forgives, let us make use of this opportunity. Let us take advantage of the opportunity. Let us continuously benefit, let us continuously repent and ask for forgiveness Inshallah. May Allah forgive us all. May He give us all a good long life with repentance Inshallah. May we not leave without repentance Inshallah.

Wa Minallah at-Tawfeeq, Al-Fatiha.

179.ALL YOU CAN GIVE IS YOUR THANKS Sunday, October 18, 2015.

As-salamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh. Audhu billahi min ash-shaytani r-rajim. Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. As-salatu wa s-salamu ala Rasulina Muhammadin Sayyidi lawwalina wa l-akhirin. Madad ya RasulAllah, madad ya Sadati Ashabi RasulAllah, madad ya Mashaykhina dastur. Sheikh Abdullah Daghestani, Sheikh Muhammad Nazim al-Haqqani madad. Tariqatuna as-sohbah wa l-khayru fi jam'iyyah.

Audhu billahi min ash-shaytani r-rajim. "Inna 'iddata sh-shuhuri 'inda Allahi ithna 'ashara shahran fi kitabi llahi yawma khalaqa s-samawati wa l-arda minha arba'atun hurum." (9:36) The explanation of ayah is - in the presence of Allah a year consists of 12 months. Four months are more respected months. Goodness done during these months is more respected and badness is more forbidden. The more Allah respects something, we have to show respect to it in the same way. We have to appreciate it. Allah Azza wa Jalla made everything for us and our benefit. And He made holy months and ordinary months for our benefit. Normal worship is for us and all charity and goodness is for us. They won't bring any benefit to Allah in His presence. He is the Possessor of everything. Can you give something to its owner? You can't. Allah is Akramu l-Akramin to people - there's no one more generous than He. Men think of something, some benefit when they give something. At least they say, "I did something good, Allah will reward me". However, there's no such a thing in the presence of Allah. These given favours and holy days and months are only for our benefit. We are in Muharram al-Haram now. It is a holy month too. It is a favour of Allah for us too. InshaAllah we will receive as much of its blessings and virtues as we can. This world, dunya, is not for earning it. Allah says in Quran Azimu Shan "Wa drib lahum mathala l-hayati d- dunya kama'in anzalnahu min as-sama'i fa khtalata bihi nabatu l-ardi fa 'asbaha hashiman tathruhu r-riyahu wa kan Allahu 'ala kulli shayin

muqtadiran"(18:45) Allah Azza wa Jalla made our life like rain falls from the sky, grass and crops grow out of the soil, then after the crop is harvested, a wind comes and scatters it. Nothing remains. Life of this world is like this. Allah tells us not to struggle for this world. All Quran is full of this advice, from the beginning until the end. But mankind still follows what his ego and shaitan say, not what Allah says. May Allah protect us from our ego and the evil of shaitan. May He make it easy to go on the way of Allah. Sheikh Effendi was telling and ordering us this all his life. Don't be cheated by dunya, don't work for dunya. Dunya will disappear in a moment one or the other way. Therefore, since our Prophet until now, Murshid Kamil ordered to remind about this - "Wadhakkir fa'inna dh-dhikra tanfa'u l- mu'minin"(51:55) May the blessings of this holy month be upon us inshaAllah. We will have its blessings and sawab in dunya and akhira inshaAllah. There is [an] ayat Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim Inna 'iddata sh- shuhuri 'ind Allahi ithna 'ashara shahran fi kitabi llahi yawma khalaqa s-samawati wa l-arda minha arba'atun hurum [9:36] Allah saying in Divine presence of Allah the months - twelve months. Four of them [are] holy. And, holy or special, they have special thing - you cannot make fighting or especially in these months, four months Rajab, Dhul Qa'ada, Dhul Hijja, Muharram. This is the end of [the] month of holy Muharram month. It is meaning, Allah He put some holiness in this month. We must keep and try to make more benefit from take for us to make our last day more. To go there, reach. Because, Allah, everything He created in this world [is] for believers, for human beings or believer or not believer but he must, He is telling people to be not looking for dunya, only to look for what Allah He wants. Not for this dunya, for this life - [but] for the next life, next life it is the eternal life. Allah giving, He is giving everything for us, and He want us to take because He is generous and He is giving everything forever for our benefit. You cannot give anything for Him because He is Creator, He is Owner of whole universe, whole existence. Everything, He is [the] only one He is Owner. So, what you can do? What you can give for Him? You

cannot give anything. Nothing you can give for Him. Only, what you [can] give [is] to be thankful for Him This is what you can do. And He appreciates this. And He is giving everything for you only take, He is the Most Generous And He is for His - [there is] no limit for his generosity. No limit, and He is happy with people who are accepting His generosity. But people, they are not looking for this. Only looking for dunya, for this life, for this, what they have small rubbish thing. And it is giving example for this in Qur'an also "Wa drib lahum mathala l-hayati d-dunya kama'in anzalnahu min as-sama'i fa khtalata bihi nabatu l-'ardi fa 'asbaha hashiman tathruhu r-riyahu wa kan Allahu 'ala kulli shayin muqtadiran"(18:45) He giving example it is like rain coming from heaven and growing wheat and other things and after, when people take this, they make it like straw everything. If wind coming taking everything, nothing [left] any more. It is just like this our life. Not more valuable than this. Only what you can keep for yourself - the good deeds what you do for Allah for accepting His order. And listening for the advice of holy people especially from Prophet (saws) until now. Mawlana, whole life he is doing this. He, every time saying this life, this dunya it is rubbish, it is nothing, it is nothing. But people they are knowing this, after they forget. Every time they are forgetting and still. So, we are Insha'Allah Wa dhakkir fa-inna dh-dhikra tanfa'u lmu'minin [51:55] ayah also He saying, you must remind people every time every time every time to not forget. No, no harm to say it 1000 times, million times. Because our ego, every second we must remember, it is don't be sorry for dunya, don't be afraid from dunya what will happen [or] what will we do. Everything, exactly what Allah wants it is going on. Nothing [is] out of Allah's order. And we are living in a time of last times. So insha'Allah we are looking what Allah He will do and we are happy Insha'Allah to, maybe Sayyidinah Mahdi (as), his coming is more near. So don't be afraid, don't be sorry. Be happy and accept what Allah give you and what we are taking from His generosity, especially in this month. Insha'Allah [of what] we make in this [month], [He is] giving double reward in this month. Especially until 10th of this month, Muharram. So insha'Allah

we fast on 9th and 10th also. Allah keep us with our family, with our brothers, from all human beings to be in right way Insha'Allah. Wa min Allahi t-tawfiq, Al-Fatiha

180.BE HUMBLE TOGETHER Monday, October 19, 2015.

Tariqatuna s-sohbah, wa l-khayru fi jam'iyyah.

The Prophet (sas) says: "man tawada'a lillahi rafa'a", Whoever is humble for Allah, Allah raises him. There is another hadith - "The more a person is arrogant Allah Azza wa Jalla degrades and humiliates him. The more he is humble, the more Allah raises him. They are more respected, valued by people. This is one of the manners, orders of Islam -to be humble. Especially among Muslims, to be humble among Muslims is one of the best attributes. It is an attribute loved by RasulAllah (sas). This is among Muslims. But for kafir if they are arrogant, you have to be twice as arrogant against them. Your station is high in Allah's presence because you are a Muslim. Kafir cannot be superior to you. You've got Allah's blessing, they have nothing. Allah created them as human beings but they did not accept. At that point they go out of humanity. They have no reason to be arrogant, proud or superior to you. You are superior. "So don't become weak, nor be sad" (3:139). So, don't be sad, do not think you are lower than kafir. This is also important. We are humble but you cannot be humble with kafir. Muslims are humble with each other. May Allah bless you all. Mawlana taught us humbleness all his life. All the mureeds follow that. May Allah bless Sheikh Hisham. He is also humble. Allah, what He likes from good attribute of Islam - to be humble. Prophet (saws): "man tawada'a lillahi rafa'a" - he says, who is being humble for Allah, Allah He is make this person high. The humbleness it is the best attribute for Muslims, for believers. And who are proud, Prophet (saws) [said] who making himself proud Allah every time, he make this, He make it down. But when make himself humble Allah making [him] up. This is not changing in Allah. And Islam ordering humble, humbleness, to be humble, to not be proud for believers. Who are believers, you must be humble together. "Muhammadu r-rasulullaha wa lladhina ma'ahu ashidda-u 'ala l- kuffar" (48:29) But what it is - if these who are not believers you mustn't

be humble for them. Only for believers you must be humble but for non-believers, don't be humble because Allah give you the biggest favour. They don't have this, they don't have belief. They don't have any favour from Allah so why they are becoming proud? They are proud - "we are civilization, we have art, we have, we have knowledge, we have something." Your knowledge is nothing comparing what Allah [has]. The most important knowledge [is] to know Allah, to be believer. And you are not believer, and you are come and be proud for believer? Don't be humble for these people. You must be proud because Allah give you the best thing. You can be proud on [in front of] them. You are believer, you are following Allah. But who, you mustn't be proud for [in front of] believer people because they are like you and you don't know who is better than you - you are not better.. You must even every time you must say - these people they are all better than me. This is humbleness. Don't be [or] think you are better because all Allah give this favour for you. So between believers we must be humble to each other, to not be proud for each other - "I am like this, I am scholar, I. I know better than this.." It is, Allah He hides between people who are more high station, more low. For this, we must respect and to be humble for our brothers and our believer people. This is Insha'Allah short for Sheikh Hisham. Masha'Allah he is also showing humbleness and coming. Alhamdulillah he is long time, from beginning he is like this - they have good attribute. Alhamdulillah all our brothers, and Mawlana's teaching this. He is, was Sultan, but never he was proud, never saying, “I am Sultan and this..” So, Alhamdulillah we are, Insha'Allah under his eyes. He is still with us and he is happy to be all together and to follow this best order to be humble insha'Allah. Wa min Allahi t-Tawfiq, Al Fatiha

181.THE BARAKA OF TIME Wednesday, October 21, 2015.

As-salamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh. Audhu billahi mina sh-shaytani r-rajim. Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. As-salatu wa s-salamu ala Rasulina Muhammadin Sayyidi lawwalina wa l-ahkirin. Madad ya RasulAllah, madad ya Sadati Ashabi RasulAllah, dastur ya Mashaykhina, Madad. Tariqatuna s-sohbah wa l-khayru fi jam'iyyah. Madad ya Sheikh Abdullah Daghestani, Sheikh Muhammad Nazim al- Haqqani. Allah Azza wa Jalla is beyond space and time. Both time and space are under His command. Saints and Prophets can go where He wants them to go. They say teleportation - It means to go through space. Prophets can be here, then on the other side of the world if they want. Same with saints, they also have such power. Allah has given them this possibility. For saints who want to show miracles it is given. Apart from this, time is also under their command. If they want, they can do the work of a year within a minute. Allah can do both so and stop the time as well. Allah is the Possessor of power over everything. Yusha, alaihi salam, fought for 80 years. He was such a Prophet. During one of his battles, in the afternoon before the evening when the battle was at its worst, it would be dangerous for people there if evening came. He would pray and the sun stopped until Yusha, alaihi salam, returned victorious. Then it happened in the same manner during the battle of the Ottomans. It was due to the baraka of saints there. Blessings of saints and Prophets spread over everything, both in time and space. Sheikh Effendi used to do things in a day that were impossible to do in a month. He used to make visits, when he was not able to move quickly. Sheikh Effendi used to do everything slowly. But Allah gave such baraka to time that it would expand and Sheikh Effendi managed to do everything he wanted, then the day would be over. If another person ran around, he would not be able to do in ten days what Sheikh

Effendi did in one day. And this is one of the miracles of Sheikh Effendi as an Awliya. Because there are many miracles of Sheikh Effendi. May Allah give us the baraka of time. May He give us baraka in our life. Where is baraka? Baraka is when you are on the way of Allah. Allah doesn't give you baraka to be fierce and wild. Neither in time, nor in space will you have baraka then. If it happens, Allah allows it for your sins to increase and for you to deserve hell. But the real baraka is in good things. We can't call bad deeds blessed. May Allah give baraka to all of us inshaAllah. May we use our time in good things and value it, not waste it. Some people want to kill time now. Ahlu l-dunya, people who have no idea about akhira think about passing their days. They are bored. Whereas we don't have time to be bored in our life. We have many things to do. A person who says he is bored pushes Allah's favours away. We should pay attention to that as well. Allah Azza wa Jalla He has no place [There is] no time for Allah Nothing can limit him. He is above our mind [There] cannot be any mind reaching to any place, not near what our brain or our thinking can reach. For Allah, Allah He is - you cannot say He is here, He is there. He is everywhere, of course but no place can surround Him. And His Prophet and His time also. Time and place it is created by His 'qudrat' - by His will. And He created this and for Prophet, for holy people like awliya'ullah. There is to go from place to place Allah can make it in one second. [There is] no need to [use] technology for this. Technology cannot reach what Prophet or awliya'ullah can reach. They are thinking about how to go to moon, how to go to another planet. And it is taking ten years, 100 years. They said sometimes maybe by this technology that they are, even by "siratu l-dhu' " speed of light, and even taking 1000 of years to go to the nearest one. But for awliya'ullah, for Prophet, by 1 second they can be where they want, no problem for them. Other thing, this is for place. Time, also [is] created by Allah. And Allah give this time also for Prophet, for holy people, for awliya'ullah. They can, time, hundred thousand years in one hour, half an hour, even one

minute it can be for them. Like Prophet (saws) He went to Mi'raj 'Isra al Mi'raj, he go to all Heavens, all Paradise, he saw everything for last day in two hours - even less than two hours. Because when he came back, his bed it was still hot [warm]. And for other Prophets also, like Yusha (as) - he was 80 years, he was fighting making jihad and once he was fighting it was between Asr, afternoon, near night - maybe one hour before night - still continuing very hard fighting. And if it will be sunset, maybe it will be a problem, so he made du'a and the sun was waiting maybe two hours and when he finished, he won, finished [then] coming sunset. This is also what happened, and it happened also in Ottoman time also. When they were fighting also, happened with one awliya was making du'a and the time made wide [longer]. Because, all in [by] order of Allah. And, this was with Mawlana also. Mawlana he was not fast. He did not hurry for anything. We know this. But he was, when he is going, doing one day Allah give barakat for his day. And he was very relaxed, and he is not [in a] hurry and seeing for everybody. And he is.. And everything was enough for him to do this. This is, many people, maybe they don't recognize this But it was like this, because, you saw there was 100 people coming or he going to some place, or going from place to place. If we would do this, what he did in one day, ten days would not be enough for us. But Allah give him barakat for time, and making time wider [longer] for him. This is very big karamat for him. And Allah giving barakat for the people in everything, [for] who believes, especially for His beloved ones. And he was beloved one, and Allah gave him barakat for everything. And this barakat, alhamdulillah it will continue insha'Allah. And we are asking for barakat for everything. Because, really, time it is a very valuable gift from Allah. We ask for barakat for time, our time. Time, for mu'min, it is very precious thing. We don't want to lose any minute, any second from this without thinking for Allah, or thinking for Prophet, for awliya.

But for other people, time it is just sometimes they are bored. People say "Oh I am bored." No time for boring! Allah gave you this very precious thing, how you can bore? You mustn't be bored from

anything. If you are a believer, you must be happy - "Alhamdulillah I have time to think, time to do good things." Not bored, boring for people who are, they don't have, they are empty people. Empty people, they are boring [bored] because they don't have anything good to do. And there is no barakat for not believer people. Only for believer people there is barakat. And barakat for time, for everything in our life Insha'Allah. Allah make us to be happy with what Allah give us from barakat Insha'Allah Wa min Allahi t-Tawfiq, Al-Fatiha

182.DON’T WORRY Thursday, October 22, 2015.

As-salamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh. Audhu billahi mina sh-shaytani r-rajim. Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. As-salatu wa s-salamu ala Rasulina Muhammadin Sayyidi lawwalina wa l-akhirin. Madad ya RasulAllah, madad ya Sadati Ashabi RasulAllah, madad ya Mashaykhina, dastur. Madad ya Sheikh Abdullah Faiz Daghestani, Sheikh Muhammad Nazim al-Haqqani, madad. Tariqatuna s-sohbah, wa l-khayru fi jam'iyyah.

Sheikh Effendi used to say many times "la tukthir li hammak ma quddar yakun Allahu muqaddir wa li l-‘alam shu'un" Don't think too much about what has happened and what will happen. Allah has appointed everything. Everything is in the hands of Allah. Wherever you will go, He has prepared that place beforehand. Wherever your rizq [provision] is, you'll go there. Where you will drink water and where you will breathe, everything is written by Allah Azza wa Jalla. You just do it. That's why, don't think too much if this or that happens. Don't stress your mind. Your duty is to worship Allah and to carry out Allah's orders. The rest, wherever your share is you will be there. It won't be as you wish, no matter how much you try. As long as Allah doesn't want, nothing will happen. That's why, try to do what Allah wants and to worship Him. Of course, you should struggle for other things too. But don't worry about dunya. You must worry about your worship, if you haven't done it. Be worried if you go against Allah's orders. No need to be worried about other things. Mawlana Sheikh, every time he was repeating this - Don't worry, What Allah, He wants, it will be. So, what you will eat, where you will be where you will breathe, what will happen for you, Allah He knowing better, and His will it will appear. You must only worry about if you are following Allah's order or following right way. This is only what you must worry. Don't worry for what will happen if, and if something not [doesn't] happen don't be sad. It is like this, this is Allah's will. We cannot go in front of this will. So, only worry for your obedience for Allah. If you are obedient you will be happy. If you are against Allah, you must be sad that time.

But if something you want, and [it does] not happen, it is Allah's will. Not everybody can reach what they want. There are billions of people, everybody they want the best but Allah He makes [for] them what He wants. Some of them rich, some of them poor. Some of them good health, some of them ill. Some of them ugly, some of them beautiful, some of them handsome. This is Allah's will. Some of them succeed in life, some of them not. So it is. Allah created everybody and He put secret, don't worry for this. Only worry [about] the most important thing - the obedience of Allah and to following what His order. This is the important thing. Mawlana he was repeat this poem, it is Poem. Every time he repeat it. And sometimes we were very anxious - what will be, we said. Don't be, don't worry. What Allah wants it will be. It will happen insha'Allah. Only insha'Allah, Allah keep us in His way. Amin Insha'Allah Wa min Allahi t-Tawfiq, Al Fatiha


Friday, October 23, 2015.

Tariqatuna s-sohbah, wa l-khayru fi jam'iyyah.

Today is the holy day of Ashura. It is a very holy and valuable day in the presence of Allah. Today Allah has favoured us with gifts both for today, for akhira, and for the whole year. And if you take ghusl for the honor of this day, your whole year will be healthy, you'll be in good health inshaAllah. It is on Friday this time and with Ashura this Friday is holy. It is sunnah to take a bath on Friday. In general it shouldn't be skipped and it is even better today. You take a bath both for Ashura and for Juma and it is a gift from Allah.

Then if you give sadaqa today to the poor and the needy, it is protection from poverty for your household and children. Allah will give you baraka several times over and your rizq [provision] will open today with permission of Allah, if you read surah al-Waqi'ah. You can apply kohl or just rub your eyes with the intention of kohl, Allah will cure you and you won't have eye sickness through the year. It will be strength for your eyes with Allah's permission. This day of Ashura inshaAllah people... What a beautiful day it was for the Prophets, all of them were saved during their hardest times on the day of Ashura. It was meant for nearly all Prophets.

The repentance of Adam (as) was accepted, the end of flood and reaching the land of Nuh (as), the crossing of the sea of Musa (as) - Allah granted these to all Prophets on the day of Ashura. Allah relieved them. And it continues the same way with the ummah of Muhammad. The day of Ashura is a blessed, good day. Who shows respect for it - we have a four-rakat prayer to be made after a while - of these favours, Allah will give you more and more. Visiting your relatives and all good deeds done today will be accepted. They are accepted on other days too but today even more. How Isa (as) was related to Zakariya (as), just like they were together, who visits his relative will be close to the Prophets in paradise.

Of course, when you say Ashura, some people have the bad memory of the martyrdom of Hadhrat Hussain Effendi. Hadhrat Hussain Effendi earned the highest rank then. Allah wanted it so. There is no higher rank than becoming a martyr. He let him reach that rank. And if you think, actually, he was rescued from all those people because there was no need to remain among people who don't know his value. Therefore, Allah Azza wa Jalla took him to Himself with the highest rank. That is a big matter.

Shaitan made this beautiful matter as fitna among people because there is nothing like mourning in Islam. But there's high respect for Ahlu l-

Bayt. Our respect is great. When that fitna appeared, people divided into two. Not two, even three parts, in fact. One part is people who see Ahlu l-Bayt as enemies. The others are people who see sahabas as enemies. But the real Muslims in between are people who love both Ahlu l-Bayt and sahabas. They respect them, they respect our Prophet, and do whatever worship they can. They follow the way of our Prophet. How shall we know and follow the way of our Prophet? Some of these people ask so, the others say different things. There is a way which comes from our Prophet, we follow it and that is the way of tariqats.

Tariqats come from our Prophet. They respect sahabas and they respect Ahlu l-Bayt. Our Prophet said "If you hold tight to two things after me, you won't lose your way. Those are Quran and Ahlu l-Bayt". He said who holds tight to these won't be lost. Also he said who curses sahabas will not deserve his intercession. Our Prophet has miracles. Karamat is given to Awliya. Mu'jiza belongs to our Prophet. Our Prophet knew everything, and he told everything. He told his Khalifas, Hadhrat Umar, Hadhrat Uthman, and Hadhrat Ali that they would become martyrs. And then he knew about Hadhrat Hussain Effendi too.

There are many hadiths and narrations on how he knew. But because he was a Prophet, he had to obey. Allah increased his glory. Mushriks saw him as worthless because he was poor. They didn't want to see him as a Prophet. And as there was Islam, there was enmity too. There was enmity against Ahlu l-Bayt. Of course, this is not our business - no need to go deep into it. We want to mention about it so that we don't fall into the same mistake. We follow the way of our Prophet. We have nothing to do with the rest.

Are you going to take revenge for Hadhrat Hussain? From whom? Are you going to attack Ahlu l-Bayt? What you are going to attack? There is Allah Azza wa Jalla. Will Allah leave it to you? Are you the one who will question it? You can't. You must deal with your own ego. Mind your own business. That's it, no need for anything else. This fitna is brought up by the people of kufr in order to destroy Islam, not for your sake. They're killing millions of people and don't care. But in order to make fitna, they are making a blood feud for a 1,400-year old matter, a meaningless thing. There is no blood feud. When our Prophet came to Mecca, he said there won't be any more blood feuds. There is Islam and there is justice. If that person wasn't punished in this world, he'll be punished in akhira.

What we should do is only to respect our Prophet, to respect Ahlu l- Bayt, to pray for them so that baraka comes from them to us. We should pray so that their support comes to us. They will reach us with the permission of Allah. They were lions. They didn't need you. If Allah wanted, He would leave no unbeliever there, He would leave no oppressor there. Wasn't He able? He was. That's why we should come back to our senses. Don't be a servant of unbelievers by listening to this and that. Let us not do what unbelievers want. What unbelievers want from you is to walk on those two ways.

When walking on two ways, it happens how we see it. Blood, tears, oppression, destruction, fire; all kinds of troubles are their actions that we see in the Islamic world. It is the actions of people who follow those two ways. But when there is true Islam, there is the mercy of Allah, there is the baraka of Allah. Everybody will live in happiness. Neither Jews, nor Christians, nor other people will be oppressed. A true Muslim doesn't oppress anyone. But as we said a person who's like a toy in the hands of an unbeliever can do all kinds of oppression. The world can fall into the worst condition. Of course shaitan is happy with them. He doesn't say anything to them and doesn't attack them. Shaitan and his followers want to remove true Muslims and think that when they're finished, they can finish Islam. You can't finish it. Even if true Muslims are be