Suhbah 2015: Maulana Shaykh Mehmet Adil ar-Rabbani (24/30)
thar". What is Kawthar? They should look at its interpretation. What is Kawthar? That verse is enough for them. They examine themselves. "Where did we go wrong?" they should ask because the substructure there, cannot carry just this number of people, but 20 times more, 30 times more people, easily. They can easily move around without even touching each other. How can they smash and crush each other? Same thing happened once in a tunnel. Tunnel might be, but in an open area how is it possible? This is the will of Allah, but it is a lesson for people that it took place during this king's time. Because these Salafi and Wahabis have gone wild, they have crossed the line. Whatever they do is upside down. They mess everything up. They harm all people. They harm especially Islam and Muslims. Same thing happened once. Mawlana told us that these people will reach stations like Habibu n-Najjar because they died by being crushed. When the apostle of Isa (as) came to Antioch the wild people there expelled the apostle. When he told them to stop, they crushed him under their feet and martyred him. InshaAllah their station is like his station. It is a station, Mawlana gave good news about. Also when Muslims are dead, they should be respected by people. Salafi and
Wahabis do not know this. They even blow up Awliyas' and Prophets' graves. Even if you find a piece of bone, you should bury it. Those people are dead, martyred. Now I see everyone looking on the internet, on phones they are looking at images, "Look how they are crushed etc." I tell you not to look. Mawlana never allowed us to look at such images. You have to respect those people. You cannot look. In old times, they used to cover the dead bodies. I do not know how they did there, because we did not look. Do not look at such images. It depresses you and overpasses their rights. Say "May Allah have mercy on them" without looking. Today [is the] second day of Eid. Mubarak for all of you again Insha'Allah. This day, it is Eid. [It is] very important and Allah give this for the Prophet (saws). And especially [He] gave him Kawthar on this Eid. Kawthar meaning, the river or lake [in] front of Paradise. Everybody who will enter paradise, he will come, and he will wash and he will drink from this. When he drinks this, every bad thing in his heart, in his mind, and in his body, it will be out. And it will be pure [There will be] nothing wrong with him. Everything, perfect it will be. And this is gift, only for Sayyidina Muhammad (saws) and it is a big honour for him. A big honour for him and second [ayat] in this surah saying - I give you also to pray. Praying, it is very important. Prophet (saws) he was saying, it is my best and more [most] thing I love in my life [is] to pray. "wanhar" [108:2] to cut for sheep or slaughter cow or camel. It is also order from Allah to Prophet (saws). From each blood [drop], first drop of blood, Allah forgives all your sins and when, [He will] give you in akhira for each hair one paradise, one palace in paradise. And the last one 'Inna shani'aka huwa l-abtar' [108:3] Meaning who are, make you, they are they are insulting you; he is the [one] who has nothing after him. Why this happened? Because Prophet (saws) he was coming to Ka'aba and he passed, and when he was out there was a few people, two or more. Many people of unbeliever mushrik from Quraish they are, they are speaking like in cafe or like there was before, in that time no Islam. So they were coming near [the] Ka'aba and coming to speaking nonsense things, only looking and they are doing backbiting and everything. They are sitting like this, like they are sitting in a pub
or sitting in cafe, and they were doing, speaking too much. And when they were speaking, they did not realize Prophet (saws) coming and after when he finished, he was going from another door. They saw his back. And there was one, coming from that side, he said 'Who was that person he was coming out from there?' And this person, he was [a] bad person, his name [was] also bad - 'As' meaning who [is] not obeying, he is coming against Allah. And this name, these people they were very proud and they put very bad name for themselves also. And they were proud with these names. And he said, 'This is who has no son.' And he [has] no generation who was going from there. Saying [to] Prophet (saws) - because before [a] little while Prophet (saws) he had a son, his name [was] Abdullah, and he passed away. And they were happy, these people, because they are not accepting daughters [to be] like human beings those people. So Allah Azza wa Jalla, He said 'Who are blaming [insulting] you, he is [there will be] no generation for him and you are, you will be, your name it is with My Name forever. In adhan, in praying, in salat, in everywhere [in the] universe, your name it will be forever insha'Allah." He said "Don't be sad" to Prophet (saws) and this mushrik he was in jahannam forever. This is what Allah, generate [is generous with] people who are accepting Prophet (saws) and loving him, Allah makes these people everything good for them. What they are doing it is with baraka, with baraka - meaning help from Allah. Without knowing, it is a secret for Islam - baraka Because other religions they don't have this, what we call baraka. Everything they are doing, even if they do some wrong; Allah change it to right, to [a] good thing. And why we say this? For [because] what happened now, yesterday also, since ten days [it is the] second time hajjis becoming shaheed [martyr]. And it is [an] open area. It is not like before, in tunnels or in a narrow place. It is open! Maybe if you put 20 times of these hajjis [on this] pilgrimage, or 50 times, it is enough [space] for all of them. How these people they are coming on top of them, each people? More than thousand people they become shaheed. This is, you must think for this.
[The] last king, King Abdullah (ra) he was the best. He was respecting Prophet (saws). Coming [and] visiting him, and making respect for him and make people to be [have] more respect for Prophet (saws). But this one, he is, I don't think. From [the] beginning we heard he is with salafi, with wahabi. And Allah if He don't, they are only depending on money and material, this is the result. But if they are, even if they have a strong belief without building anything, it will be [able to] take all of [the] hajjis. But they don't have belief. Of course if they don't have belief of - ok, but they must be respect for Prophet (saws) and ask permission. But these people, they are not accepting. Even, they said he is dead. How these people they can be succeed? Everything they are doing, they are doing wrong. And Allah showing them one King before how it was, everything good. Now, how everything become like this. We must be [have] respect for Prophet (saws) because Allah Azza wa Jalla saying, 'I put his name with My Name forever!' Every time I am mentioned, he is also. In adhan, in salaat, everywhere the Prophet (saws) he [is] mentioned with Allah Azza wa Jalla. But people, they are cheated by shaytan and it is the most terrible enemy for human beings. He will never be a friend and don't be cheated with him. Only, obey Allah. Allah Azza wa Jalla, " 'atiu l-llaha wa atiu l-rasula" (obey Allah and obey the Messenger) (4:59). This order of Allah Azza wa Jalla We must follow this. Wa min Allahi t-Tawfiq, Al Fatiha.
163.TRUE KNOWLEDGE Monday, September 28, 2015.
Assalamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatuh, Auzu Billahi Minashaytanir Rajeem. Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem, Wassalatu Wassalamu ala Rasulina Muhammadin Sayyidul Awwalin wal Akhirin, Madad Ya Rasulallah, Madad Ya As’habi Rasulillah, Madad Ya Mashayikhina, Sheykh Abdullah Daghestani, Sheykh Nazim al- Haqqani. Dastur. Tariqatunas sohba, wal khayru fil jamiyya.
Nowadays the whole world is formed into a mold and everybody thinks the same thing. The only concern they have is getting an education. There are schools and universities opening and to be opened today all over the world. People are only concerned about their children’s education and nothing else: Let them be whatever but let them be educated. Nothing else. They are thinking, “Where should I enroll them, where should I send them, which is a better place?” Yet they are not thinking for the child to gain knowledge but to be educated well. We need to think for them to gain knowledge and good manners. However, Shaitan has made us forget that. Shaitan’s assistants have separated teaching manners and knowledge, and only left getting an education. Not to get educated and learn knowledge but to learn shaitanic ways and to learn ignorance. They have managed this matter of separation well.
They are trying to send them where more rebellion against Allah is taught. They have put people in such a mold. The knowledge that teaches Allah is knowledge. The other is ignorance, not knowledge. Call it whatever you will: it is education, reading books. It is reading philosopher’s books and reading what Shaitan teaches. That is not called knowledge. Knowledge is what recognizes Allah. Knowledge is what shows the way of Allah.
They start from grade one, slowly until reaching the highest education places, universities. May Allah protect us. They are hotbeds of mischief. Wherever they go, they ruin that country. What can you say? May Allah protect us. May Allah help us. May Allah grant these children that are studying true knowledge Inshallah. May Allah help us all Inshallah. Because if they knew Allah’s way, no problems would be left, not in the country nor in the world. But there, you are planting
wind and at the end sawing hurricane. May Allah be of our assistance. May Allah give faith to the hearts of children who are getting educated and about to get educated.
Wa Minallah at-Tawfeeq, Al-Fatiha.
Tuesday, September 29, 2015
Assalamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatuh, Auzu Billahi Minashaytanir Rajeem. Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem, Wassalatu Wassalamu ala Rasulina Muhammadin Sayyidul Awwalin wal Akhirin, Madad Ya Rasulallah, Madad Ya As’habi Rasulillah, Madad Ya Mashayikhina, Sheykh Abdullah Daghestani, Sheykh Nazim al- Haqqani. Dastur. Tariqatunas sohba, wal khayru fil jamiyya.
He says do not leave today’s work for tomorrow. This is the secret of success. Now people leave everything for later saying they will do it tomorrow. Tomorrow has as much duties as today. They are leaving duties of tomorrow for other days. They always procrastinate saying they will do it later. While a little work becomes like a mountain. Then they can never do it and it is left. Then they complain, “We could not do this and we could not do that.” This happens because of people’s laziness. Work gets late then they complain. When in fact Allah has not given anybody a burden they cannot handle. Every day has a duty so everybody can do it. Allah Azza wa Jalla did not create you to lay down. Take care of that duty of yours and do not leave it for the next day, otherwise it accumulates as debt. It is not good to stay indebted. Some people like staying in debt and do not care. But that weight, even if they do not feel it, ride on them and crush them. That is whenever there is something to be done, getting it done immediately makes a person relieved.
This applies to everybody. It is the same for little children as it is for grown ups. This needs to be taught to people from an early age. When they come home, it is best to do what the teacher taught in the morning: assignments, homeworks, and whatever and be relieved. Otherwise, as people say, “I will do it later. I will do it later,” they get used to it. They would go like that till the end of their lives and roam around without doing anything.
At the end, if they believe in Allah, Allah would forgive them but they will have sufferred themselves throughout their lives. The other way, they would spend their life comfortably. People feel a relief, a comfort, after accomplishing every task. Children have all started school now.
Their families need to pay attention to this matter. Because it is said that “a tree is bent when it is moist”. If children are trained well, they continue well throughout life. If they do as they do themselves, they would also continue the same way.
Wa Minallah at-Tawfeeq, Al-Fatiha.
165.ALLAH’S KNOWLEDGE Thursday, October 1, 2015.
Assalamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatuh, Auzu Billahi Minashaytanir Rajeem. Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem, Wassalatu Wassalamu ala Rasulina Muhammadin Sayyidul Awwalin wal Akhirin, Madad Ya Rasulallah, Madad Ya As’habi Rasulillah, Madad Ya Mashayikhina, Sheykh Abdullah Daghestani, Sheykh Nazim al- Haqqani. Dastur. Tariqatunas sohba, wal khayru fil jamiyya.
Auzu Billahi Minashshaytanir Rajim. Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim. Afahasibtum annama khalaqnakum „abathan wa‟annakum ilayna la turja‟oon. (Mu‟minoon: 115) Allah Azza wa Jalla says: “Did you think We created you for nothing and you will not be returned onto Us?” This is the thinking of faithless people. They do everything they want in the world and think they will not answer for it. Allah Azza wa Jalla is saying: “You are not created by chance.” Allah Azza wa Jalla created you. You will be held accountable for what you do and will answer for it. When you do good, Allah will give you its good deeds in return and will reward you. But if not, when you do things that have nothing to do with good, Allah will question that. It has its punishment and you will suffer. Allah Azza wa Jalla is the Creator. There is no such thing as a creator other than Allah. People sometimes use the term “creative ones” but that is also said out of ignorance. There is no creator other than Allah. When you do something, that is also the will of Allah. What you do is through what Allah taught you of knowledge. People cannot comprehend what Allah Azza wa Jalla creates. How did He create? How did He place in us this will? Allah Azza wa Jalla placed willpower inside of people so they do not oppress anybody. Allah Azza wa Jalla gave people that willpower so they could come against their ego and Shaitan and be on the right path. It is in the hands of people. Willpower is in the hands of everybody but if their ego or Shaitan get the upper hand they lose against them. As for destiny, it is Allah‟s knowledge. Do not mingle with that says our Holy Prophet and do not open that subject. Allah is capable of everything. Many people go ahead and do all kinds of filth and then say if Allah wanted they would not have done so. They know Allah, they say Allah, then they say as such. It is not too smart. We cannot interfere with Allah‟s work. We cannot ever reach Allah‟s knowledge. Your knowledge is not even zero, so it is not considered anything. Even the knowledge of the greatest scholar or the
greatest philosopher is nothing next to the knowledge of Allah. Allah did not create us by chance. Allah surely created us as a favor. We need to be thankful for this. Because if you are thankful, Allah will be content with you. If you are not thankful, Allah will not be content. And that would not be good for you. May Allah be content with all of us.
Assalamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatuh, Auzu Billahi Minashaytanir Rajeem. Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem, Wassalatu Wassalamu ala Rasulina Muhammadin Sayyidul Awwalin wal Akhirin, Madad Ya Rasulallah, Madad Ya As’habi Rasulillah, Madad Ya Mashayikhina, Sheykh Abdullah Daghestani, Sheykh Nazim al- Haqqani. Dastur. Tariqatunas sohba, wal khayru fil jamiyya.
Jamis (large mosques), masjids (small mosques), and these zikr gatherings are things granted by Allah to people in this world. Allah Azza wa Jalla says: “They are gardens of paradis.” Allah has granted them for people to get rid of their distress. They are called Allah’s houses. Allah does not need a house. Allah Azza wa Jalla says they are His houses. Go in to reach safety. May Allah be content, they made this week a thing called “mosque week”. It is a good thing in terms of remembrance. To remind the houses of Allah and remember Allah. It is a means for people to come to masjids and jamis when there is a distress. There are big mosques. When big mosques are built, it is a little difficult to go to them. Shaykh Mawlana would say, “If a masjid and a jami were built in every neighborhood, people would make it as soon as Azan calls.” It was like that in the past. Sometimes large mosques are built - instead of building small mosques a large mosque is decided to be built. And that becomes far for people and they cannot make it. There is no hindrance in building as many. However, it should not just be for prayer but to also make zikr of Allah. Whoever wants can do their zikr, and whoever wants can sit and read the Koran. It has to be open. Allah’s house is open. It becomes a blessing (baraka) and a guidance for the people there. Bad places are open twenty four hours but they shut good places as soon as the congregation leaves and run away. You leave it open, and do not leave anything valuable. Valuable: of course the most valuable is the Koran Karim. They do not give much importance to it materially. There is no need to put anything else either. Let people go in and out and see that place as their home. If there is something they need to ask let them ask. These are days of discord (fitna). Let them go and make dua (supplicate), make zikr, and beg Allah. Allah would help. It is the house of Allah. Allah does not leave you unanswered. Allah Azza wa Jalla does not leave His guests
unanswered. May Allah increase these mosques everywhere and not leave a place without a mosque Inshallah. In other countires we go to, especially in the area of Russia, when Communism came they destroyed and burnt tens of thousands of mosques. Thanks to Allah approximately more than half of them have been completed. May mosques always be seen over there too Inshallah. May they increase everywhere and in every place that has a need Inshallah. May good Muslims, good imams, and good scholars come there so they show the right way. May Allah not misguide them.
Wa Minallah at-Tawfeeq. Al-Fatiha.
167.DO NOT WASTE YOUR LIFE Saturday, October 3, 2015
Assalamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatuh, Auzu Billahi Minashaytanir Rajeem. Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem, Wassalatu Wassalamu ala Rasulina Muhammadin Sayyidul Awwalin wal Akhirin, Madad Ya Rasulallah, Madad Ya As’habi Rasulillah, Madad Ya Mashayikhina, Sheykh Abdullah Daghestani, Sheykh Nazim al-Haqqani. Dastur. Tariqatunas sohba, wal khayru fil jamiyya.
This world is temporary. People think they will never die. Most people spend their days in vain and are sometimes regretful. They are sorry they wasted so many years of their lives: “We went after that man for years. He wasted so many years of our life.”
Lives wasted are those not in the way of Allah. If you follow a man for worldly gain, you look and find that your life has passed and you are finished. Then you are in loss. But if you are initiated to a shaykh, a murshid, and even if 20-25 years pass without you noticing, that life has not passed in vain. You have remembered Allah, you have made zikr of Allah, and you have lived as Allah wanted. You have to be thankful to Allah for having such a life.
There were no pictures in the past. Now you look at a picture and say, “Subhanallah, this picture was taken 20 years ago.” However, you are not on a wrong way, you are on a good way, and you have to be thankful. You have made your hair and your beard grey on this path. You should say, “Thanks be to Allah, we were not on a path to be regretful.” You need to say, “We have been on this path for so long. This is a beautiful path. May Allah not misguide us from this path.”
May Allah make our end well. Shaitan can deceive people at any moment, especially people who are not connected. A person who is not connected to a shaykh or a murshid, while they were praying and supplicating you observe them leaving everything and becoming something else. When connected to a shaykh, thank Allah we are in safety. We are in more safety. Yet again, Shaitan can fool people. Even if Shaitan fools, with the permission of Allah their shaykh does not leave them. He reaches them even if in their last breath. But of course, people who have followed Shaitan regret it.
Your end will never be well if you are going after this one and that one, especially if you are with someone for worldly gain. Your end would not be as you wish and you would be sorry. May Allah grant us to continue on this way. Inshallah may everybody also be on these ways. This is something everybody knows and sees. It is something tangible such that life passes suddenyl. You look at a picture from 20 years ago and think it is like yesterday. Allah forbid.
Do not bewail thinking we have grown old, this happened and that happened. Thank Allah if you are on the right way. You know by your own self. If you see your life and the path you have taken as empty, the fault is with you. Look at yourself and do not look for fault in others.
Wa Minallah at-Tawfeeq, Al-Fatiha
168.ALLAH IS WITH US Saturday, October 3, 2015.
Auzu Billahi Minashaytanir Rajeem Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem Madad Ya Rasulallah, Madad Ya As’habe Rasulallah, Madad Ya Mashayikhina, Sheykh Abdullah Daghestani, Sheykh Nazim al- Haqqani. Dastur. Abu Ayyub al-Ansari. Madad. Tariqatunas sohba, wal khayru fil jamiyya. Assalamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatuh.
What was the name of the holy one (Shaykh Effendi laughs here)? Niyazi Effendi (An old deranged (majzub) called Niyazi visits Shaykh Effendi and makes some requests from him). May Allah be content with him. He said nice things. Hadrat Shaykh Mawlana says majzubs might be good but there is no need to argue much with mazjubs. Because you never know what they will do. They say, “Even mountains cannot lift people of states (hal).” Shaykh Mawlana says to treat with kindness. I wish this place was like that so people could take out 5,000 liras and give it here. Even a bank cannot give out immediately. He left with words from his own mouth and on good terms. What can we do? May Allah give the good. To do good is Allah Azza wa Jalla’s order. Our living in the world is to do good. Inshallah, may Allah (JJ) predestine it for people who deserve. May He not allow it to be given to people who do not deserve Inshallah. Most of the time people ask money for the sake of Allah, and people give for the sake of Allah. However, it is not appropriate to take that money and spend it in other places. Now, it is out of the [responsibility of the] person who gave. That is a sincere sadaqa (charity) and zakat (obligatory alms) given for the sake of Allah. Because people give trusting in the person in front of them. But when that person does not deliver the given alms, charity, or zakat to its proper place, the responsibility is upon him. Our Holy Prophet says, “On the Day of Judgment they will melt it into a thin layer of gold and pour it over those people’s heads.” People do not heed to halal (lawful) or haram (unlawful) for a twopenny world. They asked our Holy Prophet if the halal goes away. He said sometimes it does. The haram also goes away. The haram of those spenders goes away through their children. Of course these are End Times (Akhir Zaman). We witness many things. The guys say it is for the sake of Allah and fool people so much. They only do this for their ego. Not for Allah nor for the Prophet. They use it for other means. They are doing an immense wrong. What they are doing will also be questioned in the world before the hereafter. These mistakes will also be questined in the
world before going to the hereafter. They will suffer its consequences. First of all, there is no blessing (baraka) in haram money. You see that the man robs the bank he works for. When he gets caught after a couple of months, you see that
he spent half the money. You could not spend that much money in ten years. He finishes it in a couple of weeks. So how does this man spend? Because there is no blessing. It is haram money. There is nothing. It goes. Let us say he robbed a bank and this is still to a certain extent. There is worse. They collect zakat money. They tell you to give your zakat to them, that they will educate students, and that you should give them your sacrificial animal (qurban). Then they slaughter these sacrificials and instead of giving them to poor people, they deliver it all to the hands of Jews. Then they claim to be Muslim. And people are naive. They believe. These are people Allah does not like. No friends of Allah, awliya of Allah, can become of these people. You will stay away from these kinds of people. Those who follow them deserve it too. They are deceiving people. For one, people who do not accept tariqa have gone astray. You might not join a tariqa. We can understand that. But if you say tariqa is unnecessary, then there is certainly a mistake, a wrong. Because tariqa is the way shown by our Holy Prophet (SAW). The heirs of our Holy Prophet are shaykhs of tariqas. Whoever there is, they are the Prophet’s heir. However, they can be as powerful a congregation, a trust, or an association as they like, whoever it may be, there is something wrong with the man who does not accept tariqa. The Tariqatin Naqshibandiyyatil Aliyya has never been against the sultan. How has it not been against the sultan? Because the sultan is not against tariqas. Sultans would respect the mashayikh, shaykhs, of tariqa. They would take heed of their advice. Yet, the largest congregation and its head in Turkey were opposed to the sultan, were against the sultan. In this case they are corrupt from the beginning. That is why they should be careful, and examine carefully. Let them not go on empty paths and get tired in vain. There is no opposing the sultan, opposing the khalifa, in Islam. What does that mean? To oppose the khalifa is to oppose the Hadrat Prophet. It does not matter who you are. You can be a scholar, a mufti, or a Shaykhul Islam if you like. None of them can oppose him. Only people outside of tariqa, people who do not know manners (adab), do this. They are getting tired in vain. Their whole aim is to collect money. There is nothing else. If they would only, as we said, deliver the money to its place, you would not grieve. If you want money, your dervishes should not smoke cigarettes and give money instead of smoking. You can get 5,000 or 10,000 liras a month. The man says I am poor and in financial difficulty, and he smokes 300
liras worth of cigarettes. This is how people have become. Tariqa teaches adab and shows people the right way. It teaches the way of the Hadrat Prophet. Other things come from philosophy. They are sort of being philosophical. However many men there are outside of tariqa, their one end leads to philosophy. What is philosophy? Philosophy is somewhat being suspicious of everyhting. Suspicion brings out that disease in people, and they become suspicious of everything. It becomes anxiety, and they place Shaitan’s apprehension. Nothing else. Allah Azza wa Jalla showed us the right way. Apprehension and suspicion are from Shaitan. We seek refuge in Allah. May Allah protect us. May Allah (JJ) give guidance to the Nation of Muhammad (Ummat Muhammad) and to all people Inshallah. Mostly to this homeland of ours, Anatolia. Because it is the leader of Islam. They never want it to raise its head. However many people of unblief there are, however many there are without religion and faith, however many people there are that have gone astray, however many there are that have perverted, they are all against it. They are ready to kill on the slightest pretext. You could even observe that the devils in this country have no power left, and again they rise from the dead from somewhere. Now, in the same manner, such wild, such people with perverted ideas, however many there are with animosity towards Allah, towards the Prophet, and towards Islam, they are attacking with the people of unbelief (kufr), with the enemy. Congregations outside of tariqa move with what Shaitan teaches, with philosophy. Philosophy orders people to be against religion, against Islam, and to be with Shaitan. Do not be with infidels (kafirs) in these times. Don’t fall for it. Because Allah Azza wa Jalla says: “Wala tarkanu ilallathina thalamu fatamassakum annar.” (Sura Hud:113) He says not be with the oppressors and not to lean towards them. For what? If you lean, the fire will reach you too. So fire will come to them by the will of Allah. It will burn them all. It will also burn those who are with them! When the whole world was in disbelief, the darkest unbelief was in Mecca. Our Holy Prophet (SAW) came out alone inside that unbelief. Allah (JJ) brought out His religion with him. The whole world was lit with his light. He was alone, he did not fear, he did not lose heart, and never had doubt. He said, “Allah is with us." In fact, even in the darkest hour,
He said, “La tahzan, innallaha ma’ana,” (Sura Tawba:40) to Abu Bakr as-Siddiq. “Do not fear, do not grieve, Allah is with us.” Allah is with Muslims. They can cringe as much as they want to the unbelievers, whether it is a congregation or what not: it does not matter. Allah is not with the kafirs. Allah is with us. These are the words of our Holy
Prophet. Inshallah they will all burn. Time is approaching Allah willing. Allah’s promise and words are true. It will happen Inshallah. May we see those days as soon as possible Inshallah. May we see Mahdi Alayhis Salam. The world will turn Muslim. However many wild ones there are who do not become Muslim will burn and go away. Shaykh Mawlana said one in seven would be left. They have gone so wild now that it is near. The other day they put it again: they did a caricature and what not. What will happen with your caricature? Allah (JJ) is opening your way so you may go wilder and
suffer more punishment. You are making war with Allah: you are going to suffer. Allah (JJ) will burn you all, both in the world and in the hereafter. A kafir is the worst thing. Our Holy Prophet (SAW) says there is no sin after unbelief. It is such a great sin that after disbelief, whether this person drank alcohol, killed someone, did whatever, or robbed everything, none of these matter anymore. Nothing is as great of a sin as unbelief. Kufr, Allah forbid. People in Turkey are sometimes with unbelievers. They think highly of themselves. Who do you think you are? You cannot even be a dust inside this universe. The man goes ahead saying there is freedom and what not, that there is freedom of press and freedom of what not. For God’s sake (Yahu), what would be of you if you were the whole press?! What would happen if seven of your generation were in the press?! You are going to suffer. Wild ones. Talking about press, may they press you. In Cyprus to press means to crush. They say “The car pressed him” meaning the car crushed him. Do not care a whit. Nobody should fear or anything. Do not be sad. Allah is with us. May Allah make him appear as soon as possible. Once Allah says it to happen, the great powers of the world cannot stand in front of us Allah willing. May Allah help Muslims. May He not leave this homeland in the hands of these vile ones a second time Inshallah.
Walhamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alamin, Al-Fatiha.
169.POLYTHEISTS ARE DIRTY Sunday, October 4, 2015.
Assalamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatuh, Auzu Billahi Minashaytanir Rajeem. Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem, Wassalatu Wassalamu ala Rasulina Muhammadin Sayyidul Awwalin wal Akhirin, Madad Ya Rasulallah, Madad Ya As’habi Rasulillah, Madad Ya Mashayikhina, Sheykh Abdullah Daghestani, Sheykh Nazim al- Haqqani. Dastur. Tariqatunas sohba, wal khayru fil jamiyya.
Auzu Billahi Minashshaytanir Rajim. Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim. Innamal mushrikuna najasun fala yaqrabul masjidal haram ba‟da „amihim haza.” (Sura At-Tawba:28) Sadaqallahul Azim.
Allah Azza wa Jalla says: “Mushriks (polytheists) are najis.” Najis means dirty. He says for them not to come to Mecca and Medina any longer. It is not lawful for mushriks and kafirs (unbelievers) to enter Mecca any longer after our Holy Prophet opened (conquered) it. Why? Because they are dirty. People are only clean once they declare the Kalima Shahadat (Testimonial word). They are not dirty but that polytheism, that unbelief, loads upon them the character of dirtiness. They can wash and clean as much as they want. As long as they are in that attribute, it does not change. Allah Azza wa Jalla called it najis, dirty.
Islam cleanses. The religion of Islam is cleanliness both externally and spiritually. Of course spiritually is more important. But externally too, cleanliness comes first in Islam. The first thing they teach when studying the Ilmihal (Islamic catechism), science of fiqh, is the book of purification called Kitab ut-Tahara. Firstly, explained in very fine detail are: which one is clean, what is clean, what is not clean, what do people need to be cleansed from, how should they clean, and which water should they use to clean.
Islam is beautiful and is the greatest favor Allah gave. Those who do not accept it and do not follow it are unacceptable people both in the world and in the hereafter. They can be as good and as nice as they want next to people. They are unacceptable people in the sight of Allah. If people learned this truth, they would all become Muslim
anyway. However, Shaitan is showing them the dirty and the evil as good. They drink the dirt. If alcohol
touches on somebody, they need to wash it. You go ahead and take that dirt in, you drink it. This is a big proof that the people of unbelief are in dirt. Those who resemble them, those who accept that dirt, are also harming themselves. Both externally and spiritually.
May Allah give people plain good sense. May Allah give common sense to these people who are pretending to be clever so they may see the truth and come to Allah.
Assalamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatuh, Auzu Billahi Minashaytanir Rajeem. Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem, Wassalatu Wassalamu ala Rasulina Muhammadin Sayyidul Awwalin wal Akhirin, Madad Ya Rasulallah, Madad Ya As’habi Rasulillah, Madad Ya Mashayikhina, Sheykh Abdullah Daghestani, Sheykh Nazim al-Haqqani. Dastur. Tariqatunas sohba, wal khayru fil jamiyya.
Sins place burden on people. The affairs of people who commit sins are bound to go wrong. People who try to be happier by sinning are mistaken and are on the wrong path. However much sin you commit, that much the sin takes you captive. Sin ties you down. You fall under its orders. It directs you as it likes. This way you are solely under your shaitan's orders. Shaitan has rode on you and is directing you as he likes.
Sins are heaviness. Sins are poison. Meaning they are a poison in every sense. We need to avoid sin. We even need to avoid the reprehensible (makruh). Now some call smoking makruh. Smoking is a very fitting example for this topic. Smoking enslaves people in such a way that people want to escape from it but they cannot.
However, if people still want and they put their willpower into it they can get rid of this addiction. Let them reduce not one a day but one a month with a sincere intention. Let them reduce one every month. If not one a month, we are also OK with them reducing one every two months. They will surely quit in one or two years. This addiction effects people’s blood and people cannot quit instantly. But if they reduce slowly, if they reduce little by little, Allah willing they can quit. Some people leave it at one go. Some become enslaved and cannot quit.
Smoking is something that has no benefits. It is harmful in every way. It is nothing but harm. Let alone your health and that odor, it is also harmful for your pocket. The man is poor, he has no money, yet again he finds money, wherever he finds it, to buy that poison.
We caution once in a while like this. Because if you do not whip people like this, they do not quit and they do not come to their senses. It would become a torment for them and those around them till the end of their
lives. It is a pure loss in every way for his family, his body, his health, and his appetite. How do they say it? It is a distilled harm.
May Allah save them. Most people want to get rid of it. Inshallah, for the sake of this morning and this hour may Allah save people from bad habits.
Assalamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatuh, Auzu Billahi Minashaytanir Rajeem. Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem, Wassalatu Wassalamu ala Rasulina Muhammadin Sayyidul Awwalin wal Akhirin, Madad Ya Rasulallah, Madad Ya As’habi Rasulillah, Madad Ya Mashayikhina, Sheykh Abdullah Daghestani, Sheykh Nazim al-Haqqani. Dastur. Tariqatunas sohba, wal khayru fil jamiyya.
Allah Azza wa Jalla showed everything to people. Our Holy Prophet (SAW) said the lawful (halal) and unlawful (haram) are clear in most things. Sometimes there are doubtful things in between, but they are not that important. It is not much. The basics of what are halal and what are haram are clear.
You will have committed a great sin if you go ahead and call the halal haram. Allah called it halal and you are calling it haram. It cannot be. Calling the haram halal does not work either. There are things that take to suspicion. Yet, the haram and the halal are clear in most things. Most people know it too.
Nobody can call theft halal. Theft is haram and nobody can call it halal. If some people think of themselves as very faithful and call something halal haram according to their own head, they are falling in sin then. We need to be careful of this. They would be committing sin.
There are many examples of these matters. We come across them every day. They try to make us a witness too asking, “Is it not so my hodja (teacher)?” and trying to make us a witness saying, “No, it is not so my hodja.” No, it is like this in the Koran. What do you understand from the Koran and the Hadith? The Koran clearly says it is haram anyway. You go ahead and call it halal according to your own head. It does not work that way.
You mind your own business. Do not interfere in other matters, meaning matters that are beyond you. This applies to everyone. Its responsibility is great. You are falling in harm trying to do good. You are losing much trying to gain something. May Allah grant us learning true religion.Our Holy Prophet said, “Khayrukum men ta‟allamad dina
wa „allamah.” The good amongst you are those who teach the religion. And the best are, “Tafaqqaha fid deen,”
those who learn the religion. Who are they? Those who learn the halal and the haram. They are the best amongst you.
That is why, do not speak with authority on subjects you do not know about. Everybody should know their own boundaries. Be a seeker, be a student, and be a student of knowledge. Do not be a person giving religious opinions (fatwas). Giving fatwas is not easy. It is a difficult thing. Stay away from such things.
Wa Minallah at-Tawfeeq, Al-Fatiha.
172.ENDOWMENT OF ALLAH Sunday, October 11, 2015.
Assalamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatuh, Auzu Billahi Minashaytanir Rajeem. Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem, Wassalatu Wassalamu ala Rasulina Muhammadin Sayyidul Awwalin wal Akhirin, Madad Ya Rasulallah, Madad Ya As’habi Rasulillah, Madad Ya Mashayikhina, Sheykh Abdullah Daghestani, Sheykh Nazim al- Haqqani. Dastur. Tariqatunas sohba, wal khayru fil jamiyya.
Just as Allah has created all works and created a person in charge, works need to be learned from the beginning. People should lean towards whatever capabilities they may have. Allah Azza wa Jalla created everyone differently. Allah gave everyone a separate skill and a separate knowledge.
Now, just as humans interfere in everything, they interfere in this too. Everybody needs to study and be what they want [they say]. They go to university and are then left in the open. They do not know a thing and go to wrong ways. They either go to the wrong way or roam and get bored like mad.
They study now, but do not know anything other than what they studied. They do not stoop down to anything else either. They do not stoop down to do other jobs after studying and graduating from university. They say more than half of people are depressed or in stress. This is the reason. This is what happens if you interfere with the work of Allah.
Allah Azza wa Jalla gave everybody a skill. When a seed is planted, as it blossoms into one leaf and two leaves it turns into a tree. Yet a tree grows slowly. You bring a huge tree and plant it somewhere else, but it still has to come out of a seed. They have these capabilities now. They grow the tree, take it as a whole from the ground, and plant it somewhere else. Yet again, it has stemmed out of a seed. It did not come from anywhere else. Nothing will happen if you plant a log mold that did not stem from a seed. This is it. Allah gave an example in everything. Do not stir yourself and make people a single type according to your own heads. Children are not to work [they say]. In the past, so many people, millions of men worked. Did it turn out bad for them? They stood the country up and revived it. But those who
came afterwards say, “Oh no, do not let children work. Let them lie at home and not get tired.” It does not work so.
Everything is learned from a young age. A thing learned at a young age is like engraving on stone. It is like inscribing and you do not forget it. If learned when grown up, it is like writing on water. When it is done later they cannot learn anything. It is hard.
There is a wisdom of Allah here. Do not leave children idle. Teach them in their early years. Teach them knowledge and if they have the skills, teach them things they know and like. Teach them manners, teach them respect, and teach them to get along nicely with people. These are the things ordered to us by Allah. Allah foreordained where the mind given to that person by Allah is to be used. Direct them accordingly. They will not be in need of anyone Allah willing.
The person who is to study should study. Do not force a person who is not fit to study. People have learned one thing and nothing else. They say, “My son cannot study. Pray that he studies.” This does not happen with prayer (dua). If Allah had given that child the ability to study, he would have studied. You explore something else. They spend a lot of moeny as they think about prep school, private university, and school. Whereas, you can make a fortune for the kid with that money you are to spend on schooling. This way they can be good people in the future with what they know. He could become a good craftsman and do a good job. On the contrary, you will have tried in vain. Both you and them would be sorry. And in the end, they sit at home and do nothing. Those who graduate from university say they cannot find a job. Let them show humility and start from zero. Like what? Let them do whatever work is given to them. Let them not say, “No, I went to university. I am this and that. I have a university degree. I cannot do this job.” Allah gives blessings (baraka) to those who do work. They can start anew from the beginning Allah willing, and it becomes blessed Inshallah. They studied so much, but not to sit at home. If they show humility and do their job, Allah would open a door of sustenance and they would rise. It does not work by descending from the top. You rise from the bottom up. May Allah give everyone a mind at first. Let them think well, then may Allah give them a good livelihood Inshallah. May Allah not make anyone be in need of someone else.
173.THE DOMINION BELONGS TO ALLAH Monday, October 12, 2015.
Assalamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatuh, Auzu Billahi Minashaytanir Rajeem. Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem, Wassalatu Wassalamu ala Rasulina Muhammadin Sayyidul Awwalin wal Akhirin, Madad Ya Rasulallah, Madad Ya As’habi RasuLillah, Madad Ya Mashayikhina, Sheykh Abdullah Daghestani, Sheykh Nazim al- Haqqani. Dastur. Tariqatunas sohba, wal khayru fil jamiyya.
“Asbahna wa asbahal mulku Lillah. Aflaha man qala „La Ilaha Illallah‟.” Our Holy Prophet used to ask, “How are you? How was your night? How was your morning?” We have woken. We have woken in the dominion (mulk) of Allah. The dominion belongs to Allah and the universe belongs to Allah. No panic, no fear, and nothing. Nothing has changed and it does not change. Thank Allah. Those who are in salvation say, “Aflaha man qala „La Ilaha Illallah‟.” The rest is not important. “How was your morning? How are you?” “So so. We are good,” or, “We are troubled. This happened and that happened. Work is not good. Worldly affairs are very bad.”
It is nothing. Since you are in the dominion of Allah, nothing should effect you. There is no need to panic. There is no need for fear. Allah gave you the most beautiful gift. Those who reach salvation within all this confusion are those who say, “La Ilaha Illallah.”
That is why say this when you wake in the morning, “Asbahna wa asbahal mulku Lillah. Aflaha man qala „La Ilaha Illallah‟.” These are a couple of words but are very effective. If they say it with belief, all of people‟s troubles and worries would go away. Nothing woul effect them, no fear would remain, no panic would remain, and no excitement would remain. No anxiety as, “What are we going to do? What will happen to us?” would remain.
Your situation is like this: you will live for a while, and when Allah ordains you will leave this world. If you have said, “La Ilaha Illallah,” when leaving the world, you are saved. If you have not said it, that is the time for fear, sadness, panic, and frustration. But since you wake every morning with faith, do not fear, be happy, and thank Allah.
It is appropriate if we remind people of this subject every day. People say they have no morale left. Raise your morale and never fear. Whatever happens, in the end you are the winners. Because there is no dominion except this dominion. It says, “La Ilaha Illallah.” There is no deity other than Allah, there is no other god. No matter how many idols you place and do whatever you do, Allah is one.
Turn to Allah. Seek refuge in Allah. Salvation is in Him. All goodness and all beauty is in Him. Tranquility is in Him. You cannot find tranquility in anything else. You cannot find tranquility if you go and adore in
thar". What is Kawthar? They should look at its interpretation. What is Kawthar? That verse is enough for them. They examine themselves. "Where did we go wrong?" they should ask because the substructure there, cannot carry just this number of people, but 20 times more, 30 times more people, easily. They can easily move around without even touching each other. How can they smash and crush each other? Same thing happened once in a tunnel. Tunnel might be, but in an open area how is it possible? This is the will of Allah, but it is a lesson for people that it took place during this king's time. Because these Salafi and Wahabis have gone wild, they have crossed the line. Whatever they do is upside down. They mess everything up. They harm all people. They harm especially Islam and Muslims. Same thing happened once. Mawlana told us that these people will reach stations like Habibu n-Najjar because they died by being crushed. When the apostle of Isa (as) came to Antioch the wild people there expelled the apostle. When he told them to stop, they crushed him under their feet and martyred him. InshaAllah their station is like his station. It is a station, Mawlana gave good news about. Also when Muslims are dead, they should be respected by people. Salafi and
Wahabis do not know this. They even blow up Awliyas' and Prophets' graves. Even if you find a piece of bone, you should bury it. Those people are dead, martyred. Now I see everyone looking on the internet, on phones they are looking at images, "Look how they are crushed etc." I tell you not to look. Mawlana never allowed us to look at such images. You have to respect those people. You cannot look. In old times, they used to cover the dead bodies. I do not know how they did there, because we did not look. Do not look at such images. It depresses you and overpasses their rights. Say "May Allah have mercy on them" without looking. Today [is the] second day of Eid. Mubarak for all of you again Insha'Allah. This day, it is Eid. [It is] very important and Allah give this for the Prophet (saws). And especially [He] gave him Kawthar on this Eid. Kawthar meaning, the river or lake [in] front of Paradise. Everybody who will enter paradise, he will come, and he will wash and he will drink from this. When he drinks this, every bad thing in his heart, in his mind, and in his body, it will be out. And it will be pure [There will be] nothing wrong with him. Everything, perfect it will be. And this is gift, only for Sayyidina Muhammad (saws) and it is a big honour for him. A big honour for him and second [ayat] in this surah saying - I give you also to pray. Praying, it is very important. Prophet (saws) he was saying, it is my best and more [most] thing I love in my life [is] to pray. "wanhar" [108:2] to cut for sheep or slaughter cow or camel. It is also order from Allah to Prophet (saws). From each blood [drop], first drop of blood, Allah forgives all your sins and when, [He will] give you in akhira for each hair one paradise, one palace in paradise. And the last one 'Inna shani'aka huwa l-abtar' [108:3] Meaning who are, make you, they are they are insulting you; he is the [one] who has nothing after him. Why this happened? Because Prophet (saws) he was coming to Ka'aba and he passed, and when he was out there was a few people, two or more. Many people of unbeliever mushrik from Quraish they are, they are speaking like in cafe or like there was before, in that time no Islam. So they were coming near [the] Ka'aba and coming to speaking nonsense things, only looking and they are doing backbiting and everything. They are sitting like this, like they are sitting in a pub
or sitting in cafe, and they were doing, speaking too much. And when they were speaking, they did not realize Prophet (saws) coming and after when he finished, he was going from another door. They saw his back. And there was one, coming from that side, he said 'Who was that person he was coming out from there?' And this person, he was [a] bad person, his name [was] also bad - 'As' meaning who [is] not obeying, he is coming against Allah. And this name, these people they were very proud and they put very bad name for themselves also. And they were proud with these names. And he said, 'This is who has no son.' And he [has] no generation who was going from there. Saying [to] Prophet (saws) - because before [a] little while Prophet (saws) he had a son, his name [was] Abdullah, and he passed away. And they were happy, these people, because they are not accepting daughters [to be] like human beings those people. So Allah Azza wa Jalla, He said 'Who are blaming [insulting] you, he is [there will be] no generation for him and you are, you will be, your name it is with My Name forever. In adhan, in praying, in salat, in everywhere [in the] universe, your name it will be forever insha'Allah." He said "Don't be sad" to Prophet (saws) and this mushrik he was in jahannam forever. This is what Allah, generate [is generous with] people who are accepting Prophet (saws) and loving him, Allah makes these people everything good for them. What they are doing it is with baraka, with baraka - meaning help from Allah. Without knowing, it is a secret for Islam - baraka Because other religions they don't have this, what we call baraka. Everything they are doing, even if they do some wrong; Allah change it to right, to [a] good thing. And why we say this? For [because] what happened now, yesterday also, since ten days [it is the] second time hajjis becoming shaheed [martyr]. And it is [an] open area. It is not like before, in tunnels or in a narrow place. It is open! Maybe if you put 20 times of these hajjis [on this] pilgrimage, or 50 times, it is enough [space] for all of them. How these people they are coming on top of them, each people? More than thousand people they become shaheed. This is, you must think for this.
[The] last king, King Abdullah (ra) he was the best. He was respecting Prophet (saws). Coming [and] visiting him, and making respect for him and make people to be [have] more respect for Prophet (saws). But this one, he is, I don't think. From [the] beginning we heard he is with salafi, with wahabi. And Allah if He don't, they are only depending on money and material, this is the result. But if they are, even if they have a strong belief without building anything, it will be [able to] take all of [the] hajjis. But they don't have belief. Of course if they don't have belief of - ok, but they must be respect for Prophet (saws) and ask permission. But these people, they are not accepting. Even, they said he is dead. How these people they can be succeed? Everything they are doing, they are doing wrong. And Allah showing them one King before how it was, everything good. Now, how everything become like this. We must be [have] respect for Prophet (saws) because Allah Azza wa Jalla saying, 'I put his name with My Name forever!' Every time I am mentioned, he is also. In adhan, in salaat, everywhere the Prophet (saws) he [is] mentioned with Allah Azza wa Jalla. But people, they are cheated by shaytan and it is the most terrible enemy for human beings. He will never be a friend and don't be cheated with him. Only, obey Allah. Allah Azza wa Jalla, " 'atiu l-llaha wa atiu l-rasula" (obey Allah and obey the Messenger) (4:59). This order of Allah Azza wa Jalla We must follow this. Wa min Allahi t-Tawfiq, Al Fatiha.
163.TRUE KNOWLEDGE Monday, September 28, 2015.
Assalamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatuh, Auzu Billahi Minashaytanir Rajeem. Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem, Wassalatu Wassalamu ala Rasulina Muhammadin Sayyidul Awwalin wal Akhirin, Madad Ya Rasulallah, Madad Ya As’habi Rasulillah, Madad Ya Mashayikhina, Sheykh Abdullah Daghestani, Sheykh Nazim al- Haqqani. Dastur. Tariqatunas sohba, wal khayru fil jamiyya.
Nowadays the whole world is formed into a mold and everybody thinks the same thing. The only concern they have is getting an education. There are schools and universities opening and to be opened today all over the world. People are only concerned about their children’s education and nothing else: Let them be whatever but let them be educated. Nothing else. They are thinking, “Where should I enroll them, where should I send them, which is a better place?” Yet they are not thinking for the child to gain knowledge but to be educated well. We need to think for them to gain knowledge and good manners. However, Shaitan has made us forget that. Shaitan’s assistants have separated teaching manners and knowledge, and only left getting an education. Not to get educated and learn knowledge but to learn shaitanic ways and to learn ignorance. They have managed this matter of separation well.
They are trying to send them where more rebellion against Allah is taught. They have put people in such a mold. The knowledge that teaches Allah is knowledge. The other is ignorance, not knowledge. Call it whatever you will: it is education, reading books. It is reading philosopher’s books and reading what Shaitan teaches. That is not called knowledge. Knowledge is what recognizes Allah. Knowledge is what shows the way of Allah.
They start from grade one, slowly until reaching the highest education places, universities. May Allah protect us. They are hotbeds of mischief. Wherever they go, they ruin that country. What can you say? May Allah protect us. May Allah help us. May Allah grant these children that are studying true knowledge Inshallah. May Allah help us all Inshallah. Because if they knew Allah’s way, no problems would be left, not in the country nor in the world. But there, you are planting
wind and at the end sawing hurricane. May Allah be of our assistance. May Allah give faith to the hearts of children who are getting educated and about to get educated.
Wa Minallah at-Tawfeeq, Al-Fatiha.
Tuesday, September 29, 2015
Assalamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatuh, Auzu Billahi Minashaytanir Rajeem. Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem, Wassalatu Wassalamu ala Rasulina Muhammadin Sayyidul Awwalin wal Akhirin, Madad Ya Rasulallah, Madad Ya As’habi Rasulillah, Madad Ya Mashayikhina, Sheykh Abdullah Daghestani, Sheykh Nazim al- Haqqani. Dastur. Tariqatunas sohba, wal khayru fil jamiyya.
He says do not leave today’s work for tomorrow. This is the secret of success. Now people leave everything for later saying they will do it tomorrow. Tomorrow has as much duties as today. They are leaving duties of tomorrow for other days. They always procrastinate saying they will do it later. While a little work becomes like a mountain. Then they can never do it and it is left. Then they complain, “We could not do this and we could not do that.” This happens because of people’s laziness. Work gets late then they complain. When in fact Allah has not given anybody a burden they cannot handle. Every day has a duty so everybody can do it. Allah Azza wa Jalla did not create you to lay down. Take care of that duty of yours and do not leave it for the next day, otherwise it accumulates as debt. It is not good to stay indebted. Some people like staying in debt and do not care. But that weight, even if they do not feel it, ride on them and crush them. That is whenever there is something to be done, getting it done immediately makes a person relieved.
This applies to everybody. It is the same for little children as it is for grown ups. This needs to be taught to people from an early age. When they come home, it is best to do what the teacher taught in the morning: assignments, homeworks, and whatever and be relieved. Otherwise, as people say, “I will do it later. I will do it later,” they get used to it. They would go like that till the end of their lives and roam around without doing anything.
At the end, if they believe in Allah, Allah would forgive them but they will have sufferred themselves throughout their lives. The other way, they would spend their life comfortably. People feel a relief, a comfort, after accomplishing every task. Children have all started school now.
Their families need to pay attention to this matter. Because it is said that “a tree is bent when it is moist”. If children are trained well, they continue well throughout life. If they do as they do themselves, they would also continue the same way.
Wa Minallah at-Tawfeeq, Al-Fatiha.
165.ALLAH’S KNOWLEDGE Thursday, October 1, 2015.
Assalamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatuh, Auzu Billahi Minashaytanir Rajeem. Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem, Wassalatu Wassalamu ala Rasulina Muhammadin Sayyidul Awwalin wal Akhirin, Madad Ya Rasulallah, Madad Ya As’habi Rasulillah, Madad Ya Mashayikhina, Sheykh Abdullah Daghestani, Sheykh Nazim al- Haqqani. Dastur. Tariqatunas sohba, wal khayru fil jamiyya.
Auzu Billahi Minashshaytanir Rajim. Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim. Afahasibtum annama khalaqnakum „abathan wa‟annakum ilayna la turja‟oon. (Mu‟minoon: 115) Allah Azza wa Jalla says: “Did you think We created you for nothing and you will not be returned onto Us?” This is the thinking of faithless people. They do everything they want in the world and think they will not answer for it. Allah Azza wa Jalla is saying: “You are not created by chance.” Allah Azza wa Jalla created you. You will be held accountable for what you do and will answer for it. When you do good, Allah will give you its good deeds in return and will reward you. But if not, when you do things that have nothing to do with good, Allah will question that. It has its punishment and you will suffer. Allah Azza wa Jalla is the Creator. There is no such thing as a creator other than Allah. People sometimes use the term “creative ones” but that is also said out of ignorance. There is no creator other than Allah. When you do something, that is also the will of Allah. What you do is through what Allah taught you of knowledge. People cannot comprehend what Allah Azza wa Jalla creates. How did He create? How did He place in us this will? Allah Azza wa Jalla placed willpower inside of people so they do not oppress anybody. Allah Azza wa Jalla gave people that willpower so they could come against their ego and Shaitan and be on the right path. It is in the hands of people. Willpower is in the hands of everybody but if their ego or Shaitan get the upper hand they lose against them. As for destiny, it is Allah‟s knowledge. Do not mingle with that says our Holy Prophet and do not open that subject. Allah is capable of everything. Many people go ahead and do all kinds of filth and then say if Allah wanted they would not have done so. They know Allah, they say Allah, then they say as such. It is not too smart. We cannot interfere with Allah‟s work. We cannot ever reach Allah‟s knowledge. Your knowledge is not even zero, so it is not considered anything. Even the knowledge of the greatest scholar or the
greatest philosopher is nothing next to the knowledge of Allah. Allah did not create us by chance. Allah surely created us as a favor. We need to be thankful for this. Because if you are thankful, Allah will be content with you. If you are not thankful, Allah will not be content. And that would not be good for you. May Allah be content with all of us.
Assalamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatuh, Auzu Billahi Minashaytanir Rajeem. Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem, Wassalatu Wassalamu ala Rasulina Muhammadin Sayyidul Awwalin wal Akhirin, Madad Ya Rasulallah, Madad Ya As’habi Rasulillah, Madad Ya Mashayikhina, Sheykh Abdullah Daghestani, Sheykh Nazim al- Haqqani. Dastur. Tariqatunas sohba, wal khayru fil jamiyya.
Jamis (large mosques), masjids (small mosques), and these zikr gatherings are things granted by Allah to people in this world. Allah Azza wa Jalla says: “They are gardens of paradis.” Allah has granted them for people to get rid of their distress. They are called Allah’s houses. Allah does not need a house. Allah Azza wa Jalla says they are His houses. Go in to reach safety. May Allah be content, they made this week a thing called “mosque week”. It is a good thing in terms of remembrance. To remind the houses of Allah and remember Allah. It is a means for people to come to masjids and jamis when there is a distress. There are big mosques. When big mosques are built, it is a little difficult to go to them. Shaykh Mawlana would say, “If a masjid and a jami were built in every neighborhood, people would make it as soon as Azan calls.” It was like that in the past. Sometimes large mosques are built - instead of building small mosques a large mosque is decided to be built. And that becomes far for people and they cannot make it. There is no hindrance in building as many. However, it should not just be for prayer but to also make zikr of Allah. Whoever wants can do their zikr, and whoever wants can sit and read the Koran. It has to be open. Allah’s house is open. It becomes a blessing (baraka) and a guidance for the people there. Bad places are open twenty four hours but they shut good places as soon as the congregation leaves and run away. You leave it open, and do not leave anything valuable. Valuable: of course the most valuable is the Koran Karim. They do not give much importance to it materially. There is no need to put anything else either. Let people go in and out and see that place as their home. If there is something they need to ask let them ask. These are days of discord (fitna). Let them go and make dua (supplicate), make zikr, and beg Allah. Allah would help. It is the house of Allah. Allah does not leave you unanswered. Allah Azza wa Jalla does not leave His guests
unanswered. May Allah increase these mosques everywhere and not leave a place without a mosque Inshallah. In other countires we go to, especially in the area of Russia, when Communism came they destroyed and burnt tens of thousands of mosques. Thanks to Allah approximately more than half of them have been completed. May mosques always be seen over there too Inshallah. May they increase everywhere and in every place that has a need Inshallah. May good Muslims, good imams, and good scholars come there so they show the right way. May Allah not misguide them.
Wa Minallah at-Tawfeeq. Al-Fatiha.
167.DO NOT WASTE YOUR LIFE Saturday, October 3, 2015
Assalamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatuh, Auzu Billahi Minashaytanir Rajeem. Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem, Wassalatu Wassalamu ala Rasulina Muhammadin Sayyidul Awwalin wal Akhirin, Madad Ya Rasulallah, Madad Ya As’habi Rasulillah, Madad Ya Mashayikhina, Sheykh Abdullah Daghestani, Sheykh Nazim al-Haqqani. Dastur. Tariqatunas sohba, wal khayru fil jamiyya.
This world is temporary. People think they will never die. Most people spend their days in vain and are sometimes regretful. They are sorry they wasted so many years of their lives: “We went after that man for years. He wasted so many years of our life.”
Lives wasted are those not in the way of Allah. If you follow a man for worldly gain, you look and find that your life has passed and you are finished. Then you are in loss. But if you are initiated to a shaykh, a murshid, and even if 20-25 years pass without you noticing, that life has not passed in vain. You have remembered Allah, you have made zikr of Allah, and you have lived as Allah wanted. You have to be thankful to Allah for having such a life.
There were no pictures in the past. Now you look at a picture and say, “Subhanallah, this picture was taken 20 years ago.” However, you are not on a wrong way, you are on a good way, and you have to be thankful. You have made your hair and your beard grey on this path. You should say, “Thanks be to Allah, we were not on a path to be regretful.” You need to say, “We have been on this path for so long. This is a beautiful path. May Allah not misguide us from this path.”
May Allah make our end well. Shaitan can deceive people at any moment, especially people who are not connected. A person who is not connected to a shaykh or a murshid, while they were praying and supplicating you observe them leaving everything and becoming something else. When connected to a shaykh, thank Allah we are in safety. We are in more safety. Yet again, Shaitan can fool people. Even if Shaitan fools, with the permission of Allah their shaykh does not leave them. He reaches them even if in their last breath. But of course, people who have followed Shaitan regret it.
Your end will never be well if you are going after this one and that one, especially if you are with someone for worldly gain. Your end would not be as you wish and you would be sorry. May Allah grant us to continue on this way. Inshallah may everybody also be on these ways. This is something everybody knows and sees. It is something tangible such that life passes suddenyl. You look at a picture from 20 years ago and think it is like yesterday. Allah forbid.
Do not bewail thinking we have grown old, this happened and that happened. Thank Allah if you are on the right way. You know by your own self. If you see your life and the path you have taken as empty, the fault is with you. Look at yourself and do not look for fault in others.
Wa Minallah at-Tawfeeq, Al-Fatiha
168.ALLAH IS WITH US Saturday, October 3, 2015.
Auzu Billahi Minashaytanir Rajeem Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem Madad Ya Rasulallah, Madad Ya As’habe Rasulallah, Madad Ya Mashayikhina, Sheykh Abdullah Daghestani, Sheykh Nazim al- Haqqani. Dastur. Abu Ayyub al-Ansari. Madad. Tariqatunas sohba, wal khayru fil jamiyya. Assalamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatuh.
What was the name of the holy one (Shaykh Effendi laughs here)? Niyazi Effendi (An old deranged (majzub) called Niyazi visits Shaykh Effendi and makes some requests from him). May Allah be content with him. He said nice things. Hadrat Shaykh Mawlana says majzubs might be good but there is no need to argue much with mazjubs. Because you never know what they will do. They say, “Even mountains cannot lift people of states (hal).” Shaykh Mawlana says to treat with kindness. I wish this place was like that so people could take out 5,000 liras and give it here. Even a bank cannot give out immediately. He left with words from his own mouth and on good terms. What can we do? May Allah give the good. To do good is Allah Azza wa Jalla’s order. Our living in the world is to do good. Inshallah, may Allah (JJ) predestine it for people who deserve. May He not allow it to be given to people who do not deserve Inshallah. Most of the time people ask money for the sake of Allah, and people give for the sake of Allah. However, it is not appropriate to take that money and spend it in other places. Now, it is out of the [responsibility of the] person who gave. That is a sincere sadaqa (charity) and zakat (obligatory alms) given for the sake of Allah. Because people give trusting in the person in front of them. But when that person does not deliver the given alms, charity, or zakat to its proper place, the responsibility is upon him. Our Holy Prophet says, “On the Day of Judgment they will melt it into a thin layer of gold and pour it over those people’s heads.” People do not heed to halal (lawful) or haram (unlawful) for a twopenny world. They asked our Holy Prophet if the halal goes away. He said sometimes it does. The haram also goes away. The haram of those spenders goes away through their children. Of course these are End Times (Akhir Zaman). We witness many things. The guys say it is for the sake of Allah and fool people so much. They only do this for their ego. Not for Allah nor for the Prophet. They use it for other means. They are doing an immense wrong. What they are doing will also be questioned in the world before the hereafter. These mistakes will also be questined in the
world before going to the hereafter. They will suffer its consequences. First of all, there is no blessing (baraka) in haram money. You see that the man robs the bank he works for. When he gets caught after a couple of months, you see that
he spent half the money. You could not spend that much money in ten years. He finishes it in a couple of weeks. So how does this man spend? Because there is no blessing. It is haram money. There is nothing. It goes. Let us say he robbed a bank and this is still to a certain extent. There is worse. They collect zakat money. They tell you to give your zakat to them, that they will educate students, and that you should give them your sacrificial animal (qurban). Then they slaughter these sacrificials and instead of giving them to poor people, they deliver it all to the hands of Jews. Then they claim to be Muslim. And people are naive. They believe. These are people Allah does not like. No friends of Allah, awliya of Allah, can become of these people. You will stay away from these kinds of people. Those who follow them deserve it too. They are deceiving people. For one, people who do not accept tariqa have gone astray. You might not join a tariqa. We can understand that. But if you say tariqa is unnecessary, then there is certainly a mistake, a wrong. Because tariqa is the way shown by our Holy Prophet (SAW). The heirs of our Holy Prophet are shaykhs of tariqas. Whoever there is, they are the Prophet’s heir. However, they can be as powerful a congregation, a trust, or an association as they like, whoever it may be, there is something wrong with the man who does not accept tariqa. The Tariqatin Naqshibandiyyatil Aliyya has never been against the sultan. How has it not been against the sultan? Because the sultan is not against tariqas. Sultans would respect the mashayikh, shaykhs, of tariqa. They would take heed of their advice. Yet, the largest congregation and its head in Turkey were opposed to the sultan, were against the sultan. In this case they are corrupt from the beginning. That is why they should be careful, and examine carefully. Let them not go on empty paths and get tired in vain. There is no opposing the sultan, opposing the khalifa, in Islam. What does that mean? To oppose the khalifa is to oppose the Hadrat Prophet. It does not matter who you are. You can be a scholar, a mufti, or a Shaykhul Islam if you like. None of them can oppose him. Only people outside of tariqa, people who do not know manners (adab), do this. They are getting tired in vain. Their whole aim is to collect money. There is nothing else. If they would only, as we said, deliver the money to its place, you would not grieve. If you want money, your dervishes should not smoke cigarettes and give money instead of smoking. You can get 5,000 or 10,000 liras a month. The man says I am poor and in financial difficulty, and he smokes 300
liras worth of cigarettes. This is how people have become. Tariqa teaches adab and shows people the right way. It teaches the way of the Hadrat Prophet. Other things come from philosophy. They are sort of being philosophical. However many men there are outside of tariqa, their one end leads to philosophy. What is philosophy? Philosophy is somewhat being suspicious of everyhting. Suspicion brings out that disease in people, and they become suspicious of everything. It becomes anxiety, and they place Shaitan’s apprehension. Nothing else. Allah Azza wa Jalla showed us the right way. Apprehension and suspicion are from Shaitan. We seek refuge in Allah. May Allah protect us. May Allah (JJ) give guidance to the Nation of Muhammad (Ummat Muhammad) and to all people Inshallah. Mostly to this homeland of ours, Anatolia. Because it is the leader of Islam. They never want it to raise its head. However many people of unblief there are, however many there are without religion and faith, however many people there are that have gone astray, however many there are that have perverted, they are all against it. They are ready to kill on the slightest pretext. You could even observe that the devils in this country have no power left, and again they rise from the dead from somewhere. Now, in the same manner, such wild, such people with perverted ideas, however many there are with animosity towards Allah, towards the Prophet, and towards Islam, they are attacking with the people of unbelief (kufr), with the enemy. Congregations outside of tariqa move with what Shaitan teaches, with philosophy. Philosophy orders people to be against religion, against Islam, and to be with Shaitan. Do not be with infidels (kafirs) in these times. Don’t fall for it. Because Allah Azza wa Jalla says: “Wala tarkanu ilallathina thalamu fatamassakum annar.” (Sura Hud:113) He says not be with the oppressors and not to lean towards them. For what? If you lean, the fire will reach you too. So fire will come to them by the will of Allah. It will burn them all. It will also burn those who are with them! When the whole world was in disbelief, the darkest unbelief was in Mecca. Our Holy Prophet (SAW) came out alone inside that unbelief. Allah (JJ) brought out His religion with him. The whole world was lit with his light. He was alone, he did not fear, he did not lose heart, and never had doubt. He said, “Allah is with us." In fact, even in the darkest hour,
He said, “La tahzan, innallaha ma’ana,” (Sura Tawba:40) to Abu Bakr as-Siddiq. “Do not fear, do not grieve, Allah is with us.” Allah is with Muslims. They can cringe as much as they want to the unbelievers, whether it is a congregation or what not: it does not matter. Allah is not with the kafirs. Allah is with us. These are the words of our Holy
Prophet. Inshallah they will all burn. Time is approaching Allah willing. Allah’s promise and words are true. It will happen Inshallah. May we see those days as soon as possible Inshallah. May we see Mahdi Alayhis Salam. The world will turn Muslim. However many wild ones there are who do not become Muslim will burn and go away. Shaykh Mawlana said one in seven would be left. They have gone so wild now that it is near. The other day they put it again: they did a caricature and what not. What will happen with your caricature? Allah (JJ) is opening your way so you may go wilder and
suffer more punishment. You are making war with Allah: you are going to suffer. Allah (JJ) will burn you all, both in the world and in the hereafter. A kafir is the worst thing. Our Holy Prophet (SAW) says there is no sin after unbelief. It is such a great sin that after disbelief, whether this person drank alcohol, killed someone, did whatever, or robbed everything, none of these matter anymore. Nothing is as great of a sin as unbelief. Kufr, Allah forbid. People in Turkey are sometimes with unbelievers. They think highly of themselves. Who do you think you are? You cannot even be a dust inside this universe. The man goes ahead saying there is freedom and what not, that there is freedom of press and freedom of what not. For God’s sake (Yahu), what would be of you if you were the whole press?! What would happen if seven of your generation were in the press?! You are going to suffer. Wild ones. Talking about press, may they press you. In Cyprus to press means to crush. They say “The car pressed him” meaning the car crushed him. Do not care a whit. Nobody should fear or anything. Do not be sad. Allah is with us. May Allah make him appear as soon as possible. Once Allah says it to happen, the great powers of the world cannot stand in front of us Allah willing. May Allah help Muslims. May He not leave this homeland in the hands of these vile ones a second time Inshallah.
Walhamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alamin, Al-Fatiha.
169.POLYTHEISTS ARE DIRTY Sunday, October 4, 2015.
Assalamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatuh, Auzu Billahi Minashaytanir Rajeem. Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem, Wassalatu Wassalamu ala Rasulina Muhammadin Sayyidul Awwalin wal Akhirin, Madad Ya Rasulallah, Madad Ya As’habi Rasulillah, Madad Ya Mashayikhina, Sheykh Abdullah Daghestani, Sheykh Nazim al- Haqqani. Dastur. Tariqatunas sohba, wal khayru fil jamiyya.
Auzu Billahi Minashshaytanir Rajim. Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim. Innamal mushrikuna najasun fala yaqrabul masjidal haram ba‟da „amihim haza.” (Sura At-Tawba:28) Sadaqallahul Azim.
Allah Azza wa Jalla says: “Mushriks (polytheists) are najis.” Najis means dirty. He says for them not to come to Mecca and Medina any longer. It is not lawful for mushriks and kafirs (unbelievers) to enter Mecca any longer after our Holy Prophet opened (conquered) it. Why? Because they are dirty. People are only clean once they declare the Kalima Shahadat (Testimonial word). They are not dirty but that polytheism, that unbelief, loads upon them the character of dirtiness. They can wash and clean as much as they want. As long as they are in that attribute, it does not change. Allah Azza wa Jalla called it najis, dirty.
Islam cleanses. The religion of Islam is cleanliness both externally and spiritually. Of course spiritually is more important. But externally too, cleanliness comes first in Islam. The first thing they teach when studying the Ilmihal (Islamic catechism), science of fiqh, is the book of purification called Kitab ut-Tahara. Firstly, explained in very fine detail are: which one is clean, what is clean, what is not clean, what do people need to be cleansed from, how should they clean, and which water should they use to clean.
Islam is beautiful and is the greatest favor Allah gave. Those who do not accept it and do not follow it are unacceptable people both in the world and in the hereafter. They can be as good and as nice as they want next to people. They are unacceptable people in the sight of Allah. If people learned this truth, they would all become Muslim
anyway. However, Shaitan is showing them the dirty and the evil as good. They drink the dirt. If alcohol
touches on somebody, they need to wash it. You go ahead and take that dirt in, you drink it. This is a big proof that the people of unbelief are in dirt. Those who resemble them, those who accept that dirt, are also harming themselves. Both externally and spiritually.
May Allah give people plain good sense. May Allah give common sense to these people who are pretending to be clever so they may see the truth and come to Allah.
Assalamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatuh, Auzu Billahi Minashaytanir Rajeem. Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem, Wassalatu Wassalamu ala Rasulina Muhammadin Sayyidul Awwalin wal Akhirin, Madad Ya Rasulallah, Madad Ya As’habi Rasulillah, Madad Ya Mashayikhina, Sheykh Abdullah Daghestani, Sheykh Nazim al-Haqqani. Dastur. Tariqatunas sohba, wal khayru fil jamiyya.
Sins place burden on people. The affairs of people who commit sins are bound to go wrong. People who try to be happier by sinning are mistaken and are on the wrong path. However much sin you commit, that much the sin takes you captive. Sin ties you down. You fall under its orders. It directs you as it likes. This way you are solely under your shaitan's orders. Shaitan has rode on you and is directing you as he likes.
Sins are heaviness. Sins are poison. Meaning they are a poison in every sense. We need to avoid sin. We even need to avoid the reprehensible (makruh). Now some call smoking makruh. Smoking is a very fitting example for this topic. Smoking enslaves people in such a way that people want to escape from it but they cannot.
However, if people still want and they put their willpower into it they can get rid of this addiction. Let them reduce not one a day but one a month with a sincere intention. Let them reduce one every month. If not one a month, we are also OK with them reducing one every two months. They will surely quit in one or two years. This addiction effects people’s blood and people cannot quit instantly. But if they reduce slowly, if they reduce little by little, Allah willing they can quit. Some people leave it at one go. Some become enslaved and cannot quit.
Smoking is something that has no benefits. It is harmful in every way. It is nothing but harm. Let alone your health and that odor, it is also harmful for your pocket. The man is poor, he has no money, yet again he finds money, wherever he finds it, to buy that poison.
We caution once in a while like this. Because if you do not whip people like this, they do not quit and they do not come to their senses. It would become a torment for them and those around them till the end of their
lives. It is a pure loss in every way for his family, his body, his health, and his appetite. How do they say it? It is a distilled harm.
May Allah save them. Most people want to get rid of it. Inshallah, for the sake of this morning and this hour may Allah save people from bad habits.
Assalamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatuh, Auzu Billahi Minashaytanir Rajeem. Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem, Wassalatu Wassalamu ala Rasulina Muhammadin Sayyidul Awwalin wal Akhirin, Madad Ya Rasulallah, Madad Ya As’habi Rasulillah, Madad Ya Mashayikhina, Sheykh Abdullah Daghestani, Sheykh Nazim al-Haqqani. Dastur. Tariqatunas sohba, wal khayru fil jamiyya.
Allah Azza wa Jalla showed everything to people. Our Holy Prophet (SAW) said the lawful (halal) and unlawful (haram) are clear in most things. Sometimes there are doubtful things in between, but they are not that important. It is not much. The basics of what are halal and what are haram are clear.
You will have committed a great sin if you go ahead and call the halal haram. Allah called it halal and you are calling it haram. It cannot be. Calling the haram halal does not work either. There are things that take to suspicion. Yet, the haram and the halal are clear in most things. Most people know it too.
Nobody can call theft halal. Theft is haram and nobody can call it halal. If some people think of themselves as very faithful and call something halal haram according to their own head, they are falling in sin then. We need to be careful of this. They would be committing sin.
There are many examples of these matters. We come across them every day. They try to make us a witness too asking, “Is it not so my hodja (teacher)?” and trying to make us a witness saying, “No, it is not so my hodja.” No, it is like this in the Koran. What do you understand from the Koran and the Hadith? The Koran clearly says it is haram anyway. You go ahead and call it halal according to your own head. It does not work that way.
You mind your own business. Do not interfere in other matters, meaning matters that are beyond you. This applies to everyone. Its responsibility is great. You are falling in harm trying to do good. You are losing much trying to gain something. May Allah grant us learning true religion.Our Holy Prophet said, “Khayrukum men ta‟allamad dina
wa „allamah.” The good amongst you are those who teach the religion. And the best are, “Tafaqqaha fid deen,”
those who learn the religion. Who are they? Those who learn the halal and the haram. They are the best amongst you.
That is why, do not speak with authority on subjects you do not know about. Everybody should know their own boundaries. Be a seeker, be a student, and be a student of knowledge. Do not be a person giving religious opinions (fatwas). Giving fatwas is not easy. It is a difficult thing. Stay away from such things.
Wa Minallah at-Tawfeeq, Al-Fatiha.
172.ENDOWMENT OF ALLAH Sunday, October 11, 2015.
Assalamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatuh, Auzu Billahi Minashaytanir Rajeem. Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem, Wassalatu Wassalamu ala Rasulina Muhammadin Sayyidul Awwalin wal Akhirin, Madad Ya Rasulallah, Madad Ya As’habi Rasulillah, Madad Ya Mashayikhina, Sheykh Abdullah Daghestani, Sheykh Nazim al- Haqqani. Dastur. Tariqatunas sohba, wal khayru fil jamiyya.
Just as Allah has created all works and created a person in charge, works need to be learned from the beginning. People should lean towards whatever capabilities they may have. Allah Azza wa Jalla created everyone differently. Allah gave everyone a separate skill and a separate knowledge.
Now, just as humans interfere in everything, they interfere in this too. Everybody needs to study and be what they want [they say]. They go to university and are then left in the open. They do not know a thing and go to wrong ways. They either go to the wrong way or roam and get bored like mad.
They study now, but do not know anything other than what they studied. They do not stoop down to anything else either. They do not stoop down to do other jobs after studying and graduating from university. They say more than half of people are depressed or in stress. This is the reason. This is what happens if you interfere with the work of Allah.
Allah Azza wa Jalla gave everybody a skill. When a seed is planted, as it blossoms into one leaf and two leaves it turns into a tree. Yet a tree grows slowly. You bring a huge tree and plant it somewhere else, but it still has to come out of a seed. They have these capabilities now. They grow the tree, take it as a whole from the ground, and plant it somewhere else. Yet again, it has stemmed out of a seed. It did not come from anywhere else. Nothing will happen if you plant a log mold that did not stem from a seed. This is it. Allah gave an example in everything. Do not stir yourself and make people a single type according to your own heads. Children are not to work [they say]. In the past, so many people, millions of men worked. Did it turn out bad for them? They stood the country up and revived it. But those who
came afterwards say, “Oh no, do not let children work. Let them lie at home and not get tired.” It does not work so.
Everything is learned from a young age. A thing learned at a young age is like engraving on stone. It is like inscribing and you do not forget it. If learned when grown up, it is like writing on water. When it is done later they cannot learn anything. It is hard.
There is a wisdom of Allah here. Do not leave children idle. Teach them in their early years. Teach them knowledge and if they have the skills, teach them things they know and like. Teach them manners, teach them respect, and teach them to get along nicely with people. These are the things ordered to us by Allah. Allah foreordained where the mind given to that person by Allah is to be used. Direct them accordingly. They will not be in need of anyone Allah willing.
The person who is to study should study. Do not force a person who is not fit to study. People have learned one thing and nothing else. They say, “My son cannot study. Pray that he studies.” This does not happen with prayer (dua). If Allah had given that child the ability to study, he would have studied. You explore something else. They spend a lot of moeny as they think about prep school, private university, and school. Whereas, you can make a fortune for the kid with that money you are to spend on schooling. This way they can be good people in the future with what they know. He could become a good craftsman and do a good job. On the contrary, you will have tried in vain. Both you and them would be sorry. And in the end, they sit at home and do nothing. Those who graduate from university say they cannot find a job. Let them show humility and start from zero. Like what? Let them do whatever work is given to them. Let them not say, “No, I went to university. I am this and that. I have a university degree. I cannot do this job.” Allah gives blessings (baraka) to those who do work. They can start anew from the beginning Allah willing, and it becomes blessed Inshallah. They studied so much, but not to sit at home. If they show humility and do their job, Allah would open a door of sustenance and they would rise. It does not work by descending from the top. You rise from the bottom up. May Allah give everyone a mind at first. Let them think well, then may Allah give them a good livelihood Inshallah. May Allah not make anyone be in need of someone else.
173.THE DOMINION BELONGS TO ALLAH Monday, October 12, 2015.
Assalamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatuh, Auzu Billahi Minashaytanir Rajeem. Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem, Wassalatu Wassalamu ala Rasulina Muhammadin Sayyidul Awwalin wal Akhirin, Madad Ya Rasulallah, Madad Ya As’habi RasuLillah, Madad Ya Mashayikhina, Sheykh Abdullah Daghestani, Sheykh Nazim al- Haqqani. Dastur. Tariqatunas sohba, wal khayru fil jamiyya.
“Asbahna wa asbahal mulku Lillah. Aflaha man qala „La Ilaha Illallah‟.” Our Holy Prophet used to ask, “How are you? How was your night? How was your morning?” We have woken. We have woken in the dominion (mulk) of Allah. The dominion belongs to Allah and the universe belongs to Allah. No panic, no fear, and nothing. Nothing has changed and it does not change. Thank Allah. Those who are in salvation say, “Aflaha man qala „La Ilaha Illallah‟.” The rest is not important. “How was your morning? How are you?” “So so. We are good,” or, “We are troubled. This happened and that happened. Work is not good. Worldly affairs are very bad.”
It is nothing. Since you are in the dominion of Allah, nothing should effect you. There is no need to panic. There is no need for fear. Allah gave you the most beautiful gift. Those who reach salvation within all this confusion are those who say, “La Ilaha Illallah.”
That is why say this when you wake in the morning, “Asbahna wa asbahal mulku Lillah. Aflaha man qala „La Ilaha Illallah‟.” These are a couple of words but are very effective. If they say it with belief, all of people‟s troubles and worries would go away. Nothing woul effect them, no fear would remain, no panic would remain, and no excitement would remain. No anxiety as, “What are we going to do? What will happen to us?” would remain.
Your situation is like this: you will live for a while, and when Allah ordains you will leave this world. If you have said, “La Ilaha Illallah,” when leaving the world, you are saved. If you have not said it, that is the time for fear, sadness, panic, and frustration. But since you wake every morning with faith, do not fear, be happy, and thank Allah.
It is appropriate if we remind people of this subject every day. People say they have no morale left. Raise your morale and never fear. Whatever happens, in the end you are the winners. Because there is no dominion except this dominion. It says, “La Ilaha Illallah.” There is no deity other than Allah, there is no other god. No matter how many idols you place and do whatever you do, Allah is one.
Turn to Allah. Seek refuge in Allah. Salvation is in Him. All goodness and all beauty is in Him. Tranquility is in Him. You cannot find tranquility in anything else. You cannot find tranquility if you go and adore in