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Suhbah 2015: Maulana Shaykh Mehmet Adil ar-Rabbani (26/30)
ing quiet, Allah is together with them. Allah will protect them.

May this day of Ashura be a rescue for the Islamic world inshaAllah. May Allah send us the Sahib - May Mahdi alaihi salam come inshaAllah. It's not going to improve otherwise. InshaAllah it won't last long.

Today is the day of Ashura, 10th Muharram meaning Ashura. It is a very holy day. It is a blessed day. Allah Azza wa Jalla make this day like for get away from every bad thing. It was like this since sin of Adam alaihi salam, Nuh alaihi salam, every Prophet, they have the day that Allah accept repentance of Adam alaihi salam, and make Nuh alaihi salam to land after this water flood and Ibrahim alaihi salam, he was saved from fire. And Musa alaihi salam, he was also saved from Pharaoh. It is like this nearly all Prophets, Allah blessed them in this day, Ashura day. They are coming to be safe and to be blessed. And Awliyaullah also, many of them they are get their wilayah and the highest position in this day Allah give them.

So it is holy blessed day. And it's still continuing same until Qiyama. Because in this day there is many things you can do. You can get

blessed. First of this, if you wash yourself for niyah of this Ashura day, Allah make you in health one year until next year unless Allah make some... If you pass away, it is different. But for health, when you wash yourself, you'll be healthy in this year. Because this day Allah mix zamzam with all water. And you may put some kohl in your eyes. You will be... your eyes safe and healthy also. And if you you give sadaqa, Allah bless you and make you more rich inshaAllah. And for gift for your children, for your house you take something, also Allah give barakah. And there is praying also. This day we will pray inshaAllah after sohbah four rakat.

And to be fasting. But it must be fast two days. Today, yesterday also, or today and tomorrow. It is very holy and very blessed. Because before Islam, there was fasting only in Muharram, not in Ramadan. So it is very blessed day today. It is gift from Allah for everybody. It is not... Some people because... Sayyidina Hussain, grandson of Prophet (saw), today he became shahid [martyr]. But it is really... We are not happy, but it is Allah's will. Allah's will and He is most Merciful. And people after this they become big fitna. But what happened, Sayyidina Hussain, he was getting to higher position - to be shahid, it is the highest thing in Islam. And he was get his... Normally, he's in highest but Prophet (saw), he said they are, he and his brother, they are Sayyid Ahlu l-Jannah, shabab ul-Jannah. They are in top of, masters of, jannah people. So Allah give him this also and make him to be shahid, he and his companions.

So after this, people, because they are... We are not judging how it happened. What happened, it has happened. And we love him because he is from Prophet (saw). And Prophet (saw), he's saying: "I am leaving after me two things. If you respect them and obey them, you will never be lost. One of them Quran, second my Ahlu l-Bayt and my descendants." And we are accepting this. And other hadiths also, there is saying "Don't swear on, don't curse on my sahaba. My sahaba, who curse them, I will never look for him in Qiyama."

So there is after this, they make it three parts in Islam. Two parts, they are extreme. One of them not like sahaba. Other, they are not liking Ahlu l-Bayt. And even there was one hundred years, they were doing very bad things for Ahlu l-Bayt. They are not respecting. Others, they swearing for sahaba. But there is not two part in Islam - three parts. They are extreme from one side, they are extreme from other side but there is third one who is part of followers of Prophet (saw). And they are respecting and loving Ahlu l-Bayt and they are respecting and

loving sahaba and they are following way of Prophet (saw). They are not being cheated by non-believers with... not cheated by shaitan and his followers. Shaitan army, they are not cheated by them. How they've been saved like this? Because they are following Prophet. And Prophet, from Sayyidina Abu Bakr and Sayyidina Ali the tariqa coming, the real way of Islam, [those] who are saving Islam from this shaitan and his army. Others only following and helping non-believers and shaitan and his followers.

And there was this fitna coming since the time after Prophet (saw). And they are trying to finish Islam with this. And they are happy with people who's claiming they are Islam and they are not in right way, not in right way. Right Prophet (saw), he make one line and many lines they are coming out. He said "This is my line, line of truth - straight line." But others, if even sometimes, many times...

I'm now nearly 60 years old and I'm seeing people since childhood. And the most people who are - you must be careful from them - who are saying "I am true one. I am real one. I am doing that. I am doing that" and he speak by himself. But when you see him and you look for him, "MashaAllah" you say. But it is every time this kind of people, you feel, you know, after their all what they do against what they are saying, nothing what they are saying. They speak about manhood, they are not men even. They speak about generous, they are the most stingy ones. They're speaking about courage and they are the most coward. They're speaking about trustful, they are not trustful at all. This is people who are making too much voice. And it is this what... This out of right way they are doing.

The real Muslim, they are humble. They are following Prophet and following murshid, following tariqa and accepting. Not fighting with people. And Allah show us now in these days since maybe 5 years, 10 years, these people what we are saying, people who are not liking Ahlu l-Bayt and people who are swearing for sahaba, they are on stage now. They are acting. And you are seeing what happened. There are everywhere fire, war, blood, tears. People, they are poorness, badness. Everything now in this what they are claiming, they are Islam, these people, but when real Islam, it was ruling even non-believers, Jewish, Christian, other religions, all they were together and peaceful. And it is order from Allah to be merciful for people. You cannot be oppressor for people in real Islam.

But others, this is people who are following fitna from time of first Islam after Prophet (saw). And they succeed to do this. So Sayyidina Hussain, he's not happy with this. He's real, our Beloved one. We are asking from his blessing also. We are asking from Prophet (saw) to help us. Because we are loving him and to be this Ashura day of real Islam, to come back for whole human being it will be good. InshaAllah Allah send Mahdi alaihi salam who will make this world again peaceful and merciful and justice. Not like these days with these crazy people who are not knowing what they are doing. They are only like doll in hand of shaitan. This is summary of what happened. And we are not happy with this. We are real following Prophet (saw). Allah keep us in this way inshaAllah.

Wa min Allahi t-tawfiq, Al-Fatiha.

184.DON’T BE STUBBORN Saturday, October 24, 2015.

As-salamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh. Audhu billahi mina sh-shaytani r-rajim. Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. As-salatu wa s-salamu ala Rasulina Muhammadin Sayyidi lawwalina wa l-akhirin. Madad ya RasulAllah, madad ya Sadati As-habi Rasulillah, dastur ya

Mashayikhina, madad ya Shaykh Abdullah ad-Daghistani, Shaykh Muhammad Nazim alHaqqani, dastur. Tariqatuna s-sohbah, wa l- khayru fi jam'iyyah. There are certain characteristics that Allah does not like, Allah does not like these characteristics. One of these disliked characteristics is stubbornness, Allah dislikes stubbornness. A person who knows the truth but does not swerve from his own opinion, he is what we call a stubborn person. A stubborn person is not respected or accepted. One the one hand there is stubbornness, on the other hand there is adherence to the truth. Adhering firmly to the truth is not stubbornness. To persist in injustice and evil, that is stubbornness. Not to turn away from that is stubbornness. All those who opposed our Holy Prophet, all of them were stubborn ones. In the Qur'an, Allah, exalted be His Majesty, disparages stubborn people, He speaks ill of them. They know the truth, but because of their pride, on account of their stubbornness, they do not accept it. They set themselves against the truth. They have the characteristics of shaytan. The chief of all stubborn ones is shaytan because he knows about everything, Shaytan was the greatest scholar. Nobody can achieve the level of shaytan's knowledge. But though he could see the truth, he opposed it, he set himself in stubborn opposition. He even set himself against Allah. Therefore he is called stubborn. People resembling him are stubborn people. As we have said, sometimes people cannot say the real sense of stubbornness, but Allah, exalted be He, has given a very beautiful description of it. The chief of all stubborn ones is shaytan. You must accept the truth. Religion is not about your desires, not about your wishes. It is about whatever is true. Accept the truth, follow the truth. Don't say: I like this man, or I don't like that man. I don't like this place because that man is present, I don't like that jama'at [gathering]. I don't like Islam because of that person. To speak like this is to be a perfect follower of shaytan. Islam is above and beyond all such things. Whatever Islam orders, that we should follow. We should accept this. We should abide by this. Not judging according to what is in your

mind, to stick to what you like, that is stubbornness. May Allah keep this from all of us. May Allah send guidance to stubborn people. Allah Azza wa Jalla, He make many different kinds of people. Many people [have] something Allah not like attribute - stubborn. To be stubborn, it is one of the attributes Allah, He not like it. He hates this attribute. It is because what meaning stubborn? Meaning you not accept truth, you not accept right, and [you] stop in front of this and say "I'm not changing my mind." It is to be staying in wrong way, to be against Allah, against Prophet (saw), against good things. This is stubborn. It is what Allah, He not like it. And He, many place in Quran, many place in hadith, Prophet was saying against this attribute. It is not good. Don't be stubborn one. Stubborn one, it is who stay in wrong way. But if you have good thing what Allah ordered, what Prophet ordered and you are doing this, not going back from this, this is not stubborn. This is to be stable, not moving. This is not stubborn. To be in right - stable [steadfast]. But if you are in wrong and you are staying like this, you are stubborn. So there is difference between these two. Don't mix between these. Because people, maybe they have thought "We are stubborn. We can stay with Allah". But you cannot say this. Because this word, it is word Allah and Prophet not like it, stubborn. To be stable and to be not moving from what Allah ordering - this is good. But if you are stubborn... First stubborn one, he was shaytan because he know everything. Big scholar, the head of scholars, he have hundred PhD. From his small pocket take maybe like our scholars thousand. So he is knowing what is right, what is wrong. But he is not happy with what Allah ordering, coming against Allah. He said "No, I not accept this. I don't accept this." This is their master, stubborn people's master - shaytan. This is what must be everybody knowing this. But when this illness, ego illness, he cannot take off this illness from themselves. But who are following Islam, following tariqat, Mashaikh, they are curing this slowly. Slowly slowly they are curing. Don't say "I cannot be..." No. InshaAllah if you are pure intention, Allah make it easy to cure yourself. But don't be stubborn in what wrong you are. You look

for yourself. If you have this bad, bad manner, bad attribute, try to finish it. Don't be when people advise you, quickly coming angry "No, I know. You don't know this". When even Sheikh saying - they are not happy coming against. You must be accept. Don't be... You must be soft and accept. If it is truth, you must change yourself. InshaAllah Allah help us, all of us. Because all we are... Everybody they have small small... But some people, if they give chance for ego, they make this bad attribute to be bigger, bigger and after it become giant and it will be eat them. Allah keep us from every badness. Wa min Allahi t-tawfiq, Al-Fatiha.

185.BE RESPONSIBLE (MUKALLIF) Sunday, October 25, 2015.

Audhu billahi min ash-shaytani r-rajim. Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. As-salatu wa ssalamu ala Rasulina Muhammadin Sayyidi l-awwalina

wa l-akhirin. Madad ya RasulAllah, madad ya Sadati Ashabi Rasulillah. Madad ya Mashayikhina, dastur, madad ya Shaykh Abdullah ad-Daghistani, Shaykh Muhammad Nazim al-Haqqani, madad. Tariqatuna ssohbah, wa l-khayru fi jam'iyyah.

Audhu billahi mina sh-shaytani r-rajim. Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. "Wa laqad karramna bani Adama" (17:70) Allah, exalted be His Majesty, says in the Holy Qur'an: We have made humankind to be the highest, the most esteemed of all creatures. For a human being in the afterlife there is paradise and hell. In order to gain one or the other, man must either abide by what Allah commands, or he must do the opposite of it. In that case he will merit Hell. Or if he does as he is commanded he will be deserving of Paradise. Allah created mankind and all creatures. On mankind He has imposed duties, obligations: he must believe in Allah and the Prophet, perform his duties, first and foremost of which is the ritual prayer - to pray, to fast, to give zakat, to perform the Hajj. When does the ritual prayer become obligatory? When man reaches the age of reason. Train a child to pray when he is 7, and at 10 he should observe prayer more seriously. On reaching the age of reason, prayer becomes obligatory on him, he must perform it. Turning 18 years of age has no meaning with Allah. As soon as a child reaches reason, he assumes the obligation, he must perform it. And for how long does it go on? “We prayed one day, a second day, for five days, when will it stop?” It will go on until the end of your life. Some people say: "This is too difficult, the Hojas are accustomed to this." But you eat every day and drink water every day, it is the same way with prayer. It may be the same, but still it is somewhat different. Eating and drinking is something all creatures do, the four-legged ones and the two-legged ones. But the act of worship is given to mankind alone. When man has reached the age of reason, he must perform this duty his whole life long. This elevates man, and by it man attains his humanity. When there were people who did not pray, Shaykh Effendi used to say, they are not responsible, they have no obligation. As Shaykh Effendi

later explained this means that fourlegged beasts are not obliged, they have no responsibility. Whether they worship or not, they are always remembering Allah. They are still far better than those two-legged beasts with no responsibility - at least they recognize their Lord, Allah. They remember Allah. But those two-legged creatures, who do not pray and do not worship, they place themselves in the category of four- legged beasts. Prayer is a necessary thing. We have great need of it. To know Allah, to worship Him, to pray for His Mercy, to ask from Him every good thing, to never forget Allah - that is a great duty and obligation on us. Therefore we say that prayer never ends. Every time you pray, so many blessings come down upon you, so much light comes on you. By eating food your soul is not elevated. Only through prayer and worship does your soul find enjoyment - you encounter Allah's mercy and your rank is raised - not by eating. We feed animals in the same way as we feed ourselves. As much as you might, 100 kg in 3 months, 500 kg in 5 months, but an animal is always an animal, it never changes. It does not rise. The important thing is worship. Man must be raised, that is the favour Allah has granted us. "I have made you the most honoured of creatures," Allah says, exalted be His Majesty. For the honour that He has granted us we must give thanks. We must not be lazy in this, but rather we must be glad to have been granted this honour. 5 times a day this favour comes to us. We come to His Presence, we prostrate before Him, we give Him our thanks, we must be grateful to Him. Most people when you tell them to pray 2 raka'ats they will say: "I can't do that." That is Allah's special grace and we must strive for it. If man makes this effort, Allah will support His servant. Allah Azza wa Jalla says "Wa laqad karamna bani Adam" (17:70) He said "We make the human being the highest rank." He give us the highest rank. Allah, He created millions of creatures, million kinds of creatures. And the high rank He make for us, for human being. Human being - it is to be human being big honor for us. Some people, ignorant people, they are not knowing value of to be human being. They are, even, some of them, they said "We are not happy. We are... Our work not good" or "We are not rich. We are not

so..." They are only thinking for material things. But Allah Azza wa Jalla not looking for this. He give us this honor and we must be happy. And when He honor us to be human being, He give us special thing to make us different, between us and another creature. We are eating. They are eating. We are doing everything same like them. All creatures, they are doing same. Only one thing different between us and them - He give us worshipping, to do worshipping. And we are... First of this, to believe in Him and to believe in Prophet (saw). After, to pray, to fast, to give charity, to go to Hajj. But first, after believing, to pray and to be worshipping Allah Azza wa Jalla. This is difference between us and between all creatures. Of course, all creatures they are knowing Allah Azza wa Jalla and they are mentioning Him. Everything in this remembering. But to have certain order only for human being this, for human being and for jinn also. But now we are seeing ourselves and we speak to you. This is for our duty to pray five times a day. From when? From when we are... our mind, it becomes good, to be capable and since 7 years we beginning to teach these children to pray. 10 years, they are also more. Because they are more clever becoming. After when they become teenagers, it is obligatory for them. In Islam not like this to be 18. It is not... Only when becoming man time, he will be ordering to pray, he's obligatory. If he is not praying, so there is in second life, there is paradise, there is hell. And this also, only for human being and jinn, not for other creatures. For animal, they will be not... No another life for them to go. Only after Judgment Day, they will be earth again. So it is for human being. When they are worshipping, they are taking difference between them and between animals. And who are not worshipping, he is, they said, Allah Azza wa Jalla said they are - animals better than them. Because animals they know their Creator but these people, they are not knowing. So we pray alhamdulillah 5 times a day. And these 5 times until when? Many people, when they are beginning, "Today we pray, tomorrow we pray, after tomorrow we pray. Not finish this. What is this? Until when it will be? It take so long." No, it is... Many imams or other people, when they ask this for them, they have special answer - quickly they say "You are eating every

day, you are drinking every day. Until when this? Until death." This is also good answer. But the main answer - everybody, animals also, they are drinking, eating until their death. We are also like this. But they don't have any responsibility, animals. So we have responsibility and we have mind. So this giving us, to our soul, food for our soul, not for our body. Our soul needs this. If not taking this, they become irresponsible. Mawlana many times he was saying this. When some people, they are not doing [praying], by politeness he said - "They are not responsible." What meaning not responsible? Animals not responsible. So when we are responsible, we will do this. And every time you do this, you take whole mercy and blessing and every good thing from Allah. Because 5 times you are in front of Him. You feel you are worshipping Him and He is looking for you and taking your soul. You become higher and higher. So if you pray one day, second day not praying - it is not good. All time we must take this for our soul to be more and more blessed and more to be light coming on us. This is gift from Allah. We must appreciate this, not to look as it is heavy duty to do. It is not heavy. Only shaitan and your ego make it to be like it is very heavy. Because people, they are doing more heavy things only for their body. They are doing 8 hours gym to look like gorilla. So this is really it's like gorilla they are doing this. But when you are saying for your soul to look like angel, you will look like light - you are not doing. Only 5-10 minutes every time it is too heavy for them. And this is from ego and from shaitan to make look like it is heavy. And it is real benefit and real what we are in need for our life here and hereafter also. The most important to be for afterlife. Allah make acceptable for this worship because we are doing, we are just quickly doing. And Allah, He is merciful and He will accept inshaAllah. Wa min Allahi t-tawfiq, Al-Fatiha.

186.PRAYING (DUA) Monday, October 26, 2015.

As-salamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh.

Audhu billahi min ash-shaytani r-rajim Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. As-salatu wa s-salamu ala Rasulina Muhammadin Sayyidi l-awwalina wa al-akhirin. Madad ya RasulAllah, madad ya Sadati Ashabi RasulAllah. Madad ya Mashaykhina dastur. Madad ya Sheikh Abdullah Dagestani, Sheikh Muhammad Nazim al-Haqqani, madad. Tariqatuna as-sohbah, wa l-khayru fi jam'iyyah.

One of virtuous kindnesses of Allah, one of His gifts for us is praying. He says "Pray and I will answer your prayer". Poor, weak people get strength by praying. It is a favour for them. Praying is a big favour of Allah Azza wa Jalla to His Muslim servants. We should pray for each other. When we pray for someone who is not present it is more acceptable.

Our Prophet says so in hadith sharif, for Muslim brothers. You both remember and think of your Muslim brother. You are rewarded because you prayed for him. That prayer is more effective, for the one who is prayed for. You can also pray in front of someone in Islam but our Prophet didn't like to praise someone in his face. He said "If someone comes to praise you, take a handful of soil and throw it on his face. Our Prophet said this in humbleness and taught people adab so. Of course, it is good for people to love each other. However, it's more acceptable to remember and pray for someone. A mother's prayer for her children is acceptable. A father's prayers too. Therefore, when praying, even if children are bad, don't curse them. Ask Allah to improve them. Both are prayers, Allah Azza wa Jalla will accept both. Therefore, pray for your children to be good ones. Not to send them to hell, but for them to be useful both here and hereafter. They'll be useful after you too. If you curse them, they'll go astray. Also, if you curse and they lose their way, you will have no benefit.

No matter how bad a person is, pray to Allah and ask for them to come to the right way and to improve. Whoever it is. May Allah bring our nation to the right way too. May Allah bring the Islamic world to the right way because they have all gone astray. Running after shaitan, their egos and useless things. May Allah improve them for the better, because if they are good, it is better for us. It's not good to be with bad people. It's good to be with good people.

Allah make our leaders good and put good ones over us. InshaAllah they shall not be oppressors. May Allah guide everyone to His

beautiful way. What we ask, what Muslims ask for is beauty and goodness. We don't want badness for anyone. InshaAllah may Allah accept our prayers. We have big favour from Allah, many favours and one of them He said, to pray. "Pray to Me, I accept your praying." It is good weapon for believer to be praying for Allah to give good people, to give good generation. To pray one mu'min for his brother it is big, 'iyilik', big favour for two of them. Prophet (saw) saying: "If some mu'min, he pray for his brother without his knowing he's praying for him, it is more acceptable [than] to pray in front of him.

Of course, to pray when he is not there, it is more sincere for these people. For this, Allah He's more happy and more acceptable if you pray for anyone of believer to be in good health, to be Allah make his work easy, to be, have good life, something like this. When you pray for your Muslim believer brother, Allah, He accept more. But if you pray on him when he is there also, it's good. But Prophet (saw) he was more humble for people to not do just, or front of people and after not doing. He encouraged people to do it more after him; to be remember his friend, to remember his family, other people.

So this praying, it's very important. Very important for everybody in this ummah. Especial, praying relative, mother, father is also, they are most acceptable. Many people, they are complaining for their relative, for son, daughter or something, so we must pray for them to come to right way, to good way, to clean way. Way of Allah. There is two kinds of praying. One you pray for people to be to come to right way. There is another pray, you cursing them.

No need to curse people, because, especial relative or believer, better to pray to Allah make them good people. Because good people, it is good for you here and hereafter also. Allah reward you. Because you make good children, not reward you to make your children not good people, they are follower of shaitan or their ego. No. Better to pray for these people to be good people. Good people, it is better. Of course, no compare between good people and bad people.

We are praying for people to be good because to live with good people, it is more easy, more happiness, more baraka. Every part respect. But if you, to live with bad people, it is curse and it is bad luck. Not [as] nice [as] to live with good people. With this we are praying for all ummah to be in right way. Because ummah now, they are most of them, they are out of right way. They are following shaitan, they are following their ego, they are following bad people.

We are praying to them to come to right way inshaAllah. We are like goodness for people. Mu'min must be like this, to hope and to ask for good people, for hidayah for all of people because we have mercy and it is way of Allah. Allah order us to be mercy, to be in right way, to be with good people. We are praying for this inshaAllah. Allah give hidayah for all ummah.

Wa min Allahi tawfeeq, Al-Fatiha.

187.ALLAH’S HELP Thursday, October 29, 2015.

Assalamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatuh,

Auzu Billahi Minashaytanir Rajeem. Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem, Wassalatu Wassalamu ala Rasulina Muhammadin Sayyidul Awwalin wal Akhirin, Madad Ya Rasulallah, Madad Ya As’habi Rasulillah, Madad Ya Mashayikhina, Sheykh Abdullah Daghestani, Sheykh Nazim al-Haqqani. Dastur. Tariqatunas sohba, wal khayru fil jamiyya.

May Allah help us Inshallah. Because without Allah’s help, people would only run after their egos. We need to ask for help from Allah. May Allah show the right way and the truth for both the world and the herafter. Humans forget everything. The worst is: humans forget the good done. Let alone the good done by people, they never think about all these favors of Allah. They do not call these Allah’s favors and blessings, but they call it normal. However, people only wake up when something harmful befalls them. They think of all the blessings afterwards. They only wake up when a harm inflicts them, but most of the time it is too late then. That is why, may Allah show us the right, may we not go astray, and may we not be deceived by Shaitan and Shaitan’s soldiers. They are fooling people a lot. They fool people and then people are regretful. But we need to pay attention to some things as opportunities do not come every day. Instead of being sorry later, think about what Allah wants. People need to think, “Is the work that I will be doing useful for Islam? What benefits does it have for people?” so they are not deceived. There are many people who say they cannot be fooled, but however clever you are there is someone who can fool you. That is why, may Allah protect us. May we be careful Inshallah. May Allah help us.


188.BEING A BELIEVER (MU’MIN) Friday, October 30, 2015.

Assalamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatuh, Auzu Billahi Minashaytanir Rajeem. Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem, Wassalatu Wassalamu ala Rasulina Muhammadin Sayyidul Awwalin wal Akhirin, Madad Ya Rasulallah, Madad Ya As’habi Rasulillah, Madad Ya Mashayikhina, Sheykh Abdullah Daghestani, Sheykh Nazim al- Haqqani. Dastur. Tariqatunas sohba, wal khayru fil jamiyya.

A holy one said, “Let us see what He does, whatever my Lord does, good He does, and turns evil good.” These people do not understand the good or the bad much. May Allah Inshallah forgive them for what they do unknowingly. May Allah give guidance for those who do knowingly too.

Thank Allah our nation is patient. Their ancestors have followed the orders of Allah. They sacrificed their lives for Allah, served in the name of Islam, and established a state, Thank Allah. In the very end they said, “It is over,” and finished the Ottomans. Just as it is now, they said, “It is over,” a hundred years ago too. They found a state saying, “Everything is over. No Islam!” Thank Allah this state now is the head of Islam again. As long as Allah wants, things that look evil turn good.

Thank Allah Islam’s head is still here. That is why we need to be patient. We need to follow Allah’s orders. Allah is our helper and nobody can stand against us. Most people sometimes act in haste. What is important is Allah’s help. However evil you might see something, Allah (JJ) turns that into good with His omnipotence (qudra).

Thank Allah this blessing (ni’mat) of Islam is the greatest blessing. It exists here, Thank Allah. They have divided the whole Islamic world into pieces, and because this is remaining they are attacking from all sides. But no one can oppose as long as Allah is helping. Allah is great. Allah is of Great Glory (Azim-ush-Shan). There is no limit to His ability and grandeur. He is the Capable (Muqtadir). He is helping Islam, helping Muslims, and helping Mumins. There are verses (ayats): “Innallaha la yuhibbul kafireen.” (Aali Imran:32) “Allah does not like unbelievers.” Allah (JJ) created people so they may worship Him, obey Him, and carry out His commands. That is why humanity is solely in being Muslim. Do not search for it in other things. Do not ever search. Do not engage in humanism and the like nonsense. Allah Azza wa Jalla

openly informs in the Koran in so many places that He does not like unbelievers (infidels).

Therefore, be Believers (Mumins). Even if you cannot obey what Allah says, admit it as, “We have believed in You but cannot practice.” At least do this. Do not say, “This is good and that is good,” because all of us become ignorant when we say things we do not know. At least it is better for us to be silent if we do not know.

Wa Minallah at-Tawfeeq, Al-Fatiha.

189.HAPPINESS IS IN ISLAM Friday, October 30, 2015.

Assalamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatuh, Auzu Billahi Minashaytanir Rajeem. Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem, Wassalatu Wassalamu ala Rasulina Muhammadin Sayyidul Awwalin wal Akhirin, Madad Ya Rasulallah, Madad Ya As’habi RasuLillah, Madad Ya Mashayikhina, Sheykh Abdullah Daghestani, Sheykh Nazim al-Haqqani. Dastur. Tariqatunas sohba, wal khayru fil jamiyya.

This world is the world of trials. Allah did not send us here to be comfortable but to be thankful. Humans do not know what they are looking for in the world. Humans are searching for happiness. Happiness can only be if Allah wants. Forty years of rain of surrow rained upon Adam Alayhis Salam in the world, and one year of rain of relief. That is to say, there is forty times more sadness, sorrow, being uncomfortable, and uneasiness in the world. There is no such worry for those who are with Allah. Be with Allah. Nothing would affect you as long as your faith is strong. People who are affected are people with no faith. They are people who do not think of the hereafter or people who do not value the hereafter much. All people have delved into the world saying it is more important. When this is the case, sorrow does not end. Sorrow is plenty. They run here and there trying to find relief and trying to find happiness. Their life is spent in research institutes. While those who are faithful in the end reach happiness in the hereafter. We see it in the world. People who are faithless do all kinds of improper acts and all kinds of dirt so they can be happy. O immoral, ignorant person! Can good be with dirt, can cleanliness be with dirt? Happiness is cleanliness. Relief is cleanliness. It is light. You are entering in the sewers and doing all kinds of dirt. Then if you say you want a clean life and a happy life you will not get anything. You will also become filth there and go away. They are looking for happiness in drinking. Does drinking make you happy? We do not know whether it makes them happy or not either, but drinking makes people crazy. Actually madness is not happiness. Foolishness is not happiness. If foolishness were happiness, people would not become psychiatry doctors and psychologists. Let everyone be crazy and happy: it does not work like that. There is no happiness in madness. They are people who need treatment. You will only be happy if you are on the path of Allah and the path of the Prophet. At that time you would have peace of mind, you would be relieved and not constricted inside. Otherwise, the person drinks more and more. That poison does not suffice, and this time they take pills, snort from their nose, or take from their vein. In the mean time, they sink lower and lower in the most disgraced

states. No happines comes with these. O people! Turn to Allah before falling in those situations. Unbelievers (kafirs) want to make Muslims like themselves because they are envious. They neither have tranquility nor happiness. They have nothing. They see that even though Muslims are not in their level of prosperity, they are tranquil, they are happy according to their own faith, and are not complaining of their situation. They are sending the diseases they have to the world, especially upon Muslims. Muslims are naive, clean, and people who do not want harm for anyone. Our Holy Prophet (SAW) says, “There is no harm nor loss in a Muslim. They do not think of harming anyone.” There is no such thing in them. They are thinking, “How can these people live differently than us?! We need to make them also like us.” They have jealousy and spite. Where do these come from? They come from Shaitan. These are Shaitan’s attributes. They are not a Muslim’s attributes. They show Muslims as bad. True Muslims are harmless and beneficial. They have a duty to bring tranquility to everyone. They are responsible to invite everybody to tranquility. But there are different groups that are deceived by unbelief (kufrs) and Shaitan. They have invented a being Muslim according to their own heads. Are they thinking they are being of service? I do not think so anymore. Certainly they know they are Shaitan’s soldiers. Because this is not the way shown by Allah. The way shown by Allah is the way of mercy. The way of being a Muslim is the way of happiness. Tranquility and happiness is only in Islam. Do not emulate anyone. The greatest disease of our nation is to want to be like others. Our Holy Prophet praised these nations. He said to the Arabs, “If you do not follow the the Prophet and his way, Allah will bring the nation that He loves. That nation He loves is ferocious against unbelievers. They fear nobody. They are merciful people amongst themselves.” And these are our ancestors. That is why this matter of emulating is not a good thing. Imitating is not good. Either the parrot imitate, or, saving your presence, the monkey imitates. People laugh when they imitate. We, thank Allah, have a character. Our ancestors have served Islam for a thousand years. Their services have reached everywhere. Their services have even reached thousands of kilometers away, to ever unthinkable places. All the way to to the ends of Africa, and all the way to the easternmost of Asia. There is no place they did not go or they did not serve. That is why this emulating is nothing. We are not to emulate them. They should emulate us to see how Islam brings tranquility, brings felicity, and brings happiness. This is why our nation needs to refuse what they do. Especially this drinking, smoking, and drugs. Let it be theirs. Happiness cannot be achieved with them. Only evil and uneasiness occurs with them and people get ruined. In the end, they

also incur the wrath of Allah in the hereafter. If they do not repent, they go to hell. Allah forbid. We need to thank Allah that we were born Muslim, and that we were born in this country. Most people are born and grow up but they are unaware of being a Muslim. Those who are aware see being Muslim like a monstrosity and cannot get close. Thank Allah we are in it. We have everything and thanks are due. Those affairs do not have blessings (baraka). Their trade is also forbidden (haram), and dealing with them is forbidden too. That is why nobody should be fooled by money and sell their hereafter for money. Because that money you get is cursed money and it does not benefit you. Let alone yourself, it does not benefit your progeny either. You would suffer its consequences in the world before the hereafter. The consequences suffered by people who do these things are a lot. They would be more comfortable if they were hungry for their whole lives. Do not throw yourselves in fire for twopenny. As we said, you would suffer its consequences before the hereafter, in this world too. Do not harm anyone. Becasue a day would come, and just as you burnt other people’s children, your children would be burnt. May Allah protect from Shaitan’s evils Inshallah. May Allah save children, youth, adults, and all, whoever they may be, from these troubles Inshallah.

Wa Minallah at-Tawfeeq, Al-Fatiha.

190.IGNORANT PEOPLE Saturday, October 31, 2015

Assalamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatuh, Auzu Billahi Minashaytanir Rajeem. Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem, Wassalatu Wassalamu ala Rasulina Muhammadin Sayyidul Awwalin wal Akhirin, Madad Ya Rasulallah, Madad Ya As’habi RasuLillah, Madad Ya Mashayikhina, Sheykh Abdullah Daghestani, Sheykh Nazim al- Haqqani. Dastur. Tariqatunas sohba, wal khayru fil jamiyya.

Auzu Billahi Minashshaytanir Rajim. Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim. “Wa iza khatabahum aljahiluna qaalu salama.” (Furqan:63) Do not address ignorant people. Do not try to sit and talk with them. The holy verse (ayat karima) says, “When the ignorants address them (of course ignorants do not say good things to them, they say bad things, and make rude remarks), they only say „salam‟ and pass.” No need to address ignorants. They would greet them and pass, because the more you talk to them the more you fall into sin and the more it upsets you. Now, ignorant people are everywhere. This is also a good advice. Do not address them. Do not stoop down to their level. If someone wants advice, you may talk to them. There is no need to argue or debate. Because they are unable to understand and they sadden you. It would have no benefit either. This is good advice. So there is no need to be sad because “This one said this and that to me”. Allah knows the truth. You know it too. It is even a bad thing to befriend some people. A poet said, “Fa izaja‟atka mazlumatin, imma sefatu makamaluhum.” It is good when a bad one says a bad thing about me. Because what is really bad is being called “My friend” and “You are good” then being harmed. For this reason, do not get into an argument. Do not try and explain to people. Let them grumble as they like and talk as they like. You smile and pass. That is the best answer for them. Allah gave the best answer. There is never need to be sad, to take offence, and to crush yourself. Allah gave their answer and called them ignorants. May Allah save the nation from ignorance. Do not address the ignorants either.


191.TO SUSPECT Sunday, November 1, 2015.

Assalamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatuh, Auzu Billahi Minashaytanir Rajeem. Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem, Wassalatu Wassalamu ala Rasulina Muhammadin Sayyidul Awwalin wal Akhirin, Madad Ya Rasulallah, Madad Ya As’habi RasuLillah, Madad Ya Mashayikhina, Sheykh Abdullah Daghestani, Sheykh Nazim al- Haqqani. Dastur. Tariqatunas sohba, wal khayru fil jamiyya.

Auzu Billahi Minashshaytanir Rajim. Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim. “Ya ayyuhallathena aamanujtanibu kathiran minathonni, inna ba’dath thonni ithmun, wa la tajassasu.” (Hujurat:12) Allah Azza wa Jalla forbids you from suspecting and assuming about someone else. What He means by suspicion (thon) is to assume about people that they did this and they did that. It cannot be like that. You cannot assume about someone and put that person under suspicion. It is a great sin to accuse someone else with something in your imagination. Because you are implicating that person for an aspect that person does not posses. You are only suspecting without any definite information in your hands. To suspect is not good because it is like imagination. You cannot, while imagining, go ahead and say, “This one did this and that one did that.” You are making up in your head something they did not do. It does not matter even if they do it. That is not your duty. It is not your job to implicate that person with that offense. Your job is something else. Everyone has defects and flaws, but suspicion is something else. Allah forbid it. Those who do it have entered into sin. What is suspicion like?

Sometimes people imagine different things in front of them at night. There is nothing when you turn the light on. They see the blanket as a man, the pillow as I don’t know what, and something in the distance as a monster. Suspicion is such a thing. Meaning it is something that has nothing to do with reality. To suspect and also tell others is something worse. People are staying away from Allah’s orders, and Shaitan says think bad of everyone. He says, “Do not think well, you will think bad of everyone, and everything done is bad.” Shaitan likes suspicion because he wants for you to be an enemy to people, and for there to be animosity between people. And Allah Azza wa Jalla wants people and Believers (Mu’mins) to be siblings. Allah (JJ) wants you to be siblings without suspecting, without talking behind each other’s backs, and

without spying on each other. Allah’s orders are good while Shaitan’s orders are bad. Let us follow what Allah says Inshallah.

Wa Minallah at-Tawfeeq, Al-Fatiha.

192.GOOD PEOPLE Monday, November 2, 2015.

Assalamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatuh, Auzu Billahi Minashaytanir Rajeem. Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem, Wassalatu Wassalamu ala Rasulina Muhammadin Sayyidul Awwalin wal Akhirin, Madad Ya Rasulallah, Madad Ya As’habi Rasulillah, Madad Ya Mashayikhina, Sheykh Abdullah Daghestani, Sheykh Nazim al- Haqqani. Dastur. Tariqatunas sohba, wal khayru fil jamiyya.

Thanks be to Allah. It means that Allah looked on us with compassion (marhamat). Because Allah (JJ) says, “I make people go through what they deserve.” Thank Allah people with faith and compassion are leading us. These are people who serve for Allah and are on the way of Allah. No harm comes from a Muslim. A Muslim is compassionate and affectionate. Serve people in the way of Allah, treat people well, and work for Allah. This is how the order of Allah is. Those who do that become human.

Those who torment, oppress, and harm people are not human. They are monsters or wild creatures. What makes humans human, what differentiates us from wild animals, is compassion and goodness. And Allah Azza wa Jalla orders this. Those who are outside of this, as we said, order evil, and commit every kind of harm and loss. Whatevere it is, they do for their own interests. They do not care if the world burns. They have nothing to do with humanity nor with Islam. This nightfall (election results were declared) is a mercy of Allah towards us. For this reason we are thankful and grateful. May good ones come to lead us from now on Inshallah. The whole Islamic world is looking here. Thank Allah we are the head of the Islamic world. We go everywhere and the people in places we go to are a lot more happier and thankful. Becasue the world of unbelief is a world that has nothing to do with humanity, is merciless, is unscrupulous, and can do anything for their own interests. They are number one in hypocrisy (nifaq) but do not leave humanity nor humanism to anybody. They are a hundred percent hypocrites (munafiq).

They are both munafiqs and kafirs (unbelievers). Can good come from them? Good comes from Allah. We are thankful to Allah that there is still good in this nation that Allah brought good people. May Allah be of help to them. May Allah not embersass them. May they serve with

sincerity (ikhlas) for Allah and not lean towards their ego. They treat all people with compassion, and that is for sure thank Allah.

Wa Minallah at-Tawfeeq, Al-Fatiha.

193.ABOUT DEPUTIES Friday, November 13, 2015.

Auzu Billahi Minashaitanir Rajim. Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim.

Shaykh Mawlana used to say, “No dirtiness can last.” However, now after Shaykh Mawlana, to continue this way carefully we should not betray the trust. For this reason, May Allah be content with them, people are coming in tides, and because of these deputies (wakils) they are running away in tides. That is why from now on, these kinds of people, when they become deputies for their interests, not for the sake of Allah but for their own interests, we are remov