Suhbah 2015: Maulana Shaykh Mehmet Adil ar-Rabbani (23/30)
g people to give charity (sadaqa) everyday. However much owners of businesses can give everyday, let them give it as alms for their wellbeing. This way accidents and troubles would be pushed off. Do not say, “This is a good machine. Nothing would hapen
to this machine.” Anything could happen once Allah wants, and nothing could happen as long as Allah protects. If Allah protects, you could walk in fire if you like and nothing would happen. May Allah have mercy on the Hajjis (pilgrims) there. They are considered Hajji now because they have started the Hajj path. Their Hajj is alright. If Allah accepts, they are also martyrs (shahid). May Allah give patience to their families and their close ones Inshallah. Eid al-Adha (Sacrifice Feast) is approaching. Of course, the Hajj obligation is not for everybody, but it is obligatory (fard) for people who have the money and good health. Yet there are obstacles. The intention matters if an obstacle appears when they were about to do it. It is complete if they can live up to that time, but if they cannot, Allah Azza wa Jalla also accepts them as Hajji because they had the intention. Becasue the Hajji that takes that road is considered a Hajji.
A person has made the intention for Hajj. Sometimes they get to go not in one year, not in three years, not in five years, but in the end of the eighth year. In the past, they could go in five or six months. They could go from further distant places in eight or nine months. But now, even though transportation is so fast, that trip sometimes takes eight years and sometimes takes ten years. This is also Allah’s wisdom and it has its rewards. Waiting has its rewards. Allah gives according to our intentions. It is not clear how this world might turn. The state [of the world] gets worse everyday. We say one thing and our ikhwan (brothers and sisters) sometimes write with exaggeration in this kook thing, the internet. Our intention is for people to be cautious. We do not want people saying “Don’t do anything else!” and to leave everything and stop. Then it is, “Shaykh said so and I stopped, I lost my job, and I cannot face anybody anymore...” It is not the saying of the shaykh. Allah says so. Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim.
“Iqtarabatis sa’atu wanshaqqal qamar.” Allah Azza wa Jalla says Judgment Day has approached. It is approaching and even if it is not approaching people are not certain to be alive tomorrow. Therefore, always be in worship and do not forget Allah. Earn the livelihood of your children. That is also worship. It is also worship if you earn the livelihood of the children, the family, the surroundings, and the people you are to help. “I will let it go since Mahdi Alayhis Salam will come anyway. I am not going to work. There will be a lot of blessings that time, and people will not need to work anyway.” True, but nobody but Allah knows the unseen future (ghayb). Our Holy Prophet has given good tidings of Mahdi Alayhis Salam. Our Holy Prophet has a good tiding saying, “He will come out of my descendants. His name will be
like mine, his mother’s name will be like my mother’s name, and his father’s name will be like my father’s name.” He did not tell its time though. There is something and it is out and apparent, but its time is not clear. However, there are signs. The signs also point to the time being near. But we are not saying to leave work and wait. Wait, wait internally. Be ready when he is here. Be ready at any moment. Of course it is hard to supply these big cities when something happens elsewhere. Keep some light provisions ready. Anyway, it does not require much for people to store and place provisions for 20-25 days or a month. We are not saying tons. 5-10 kilograms is enough Allah willing. Let this not be misunderstood either. Now there are these latest events. The ikhwan are asking, “What should we do?” We will make dua. We will pray for Muslims. We will damn the kafirs. There is never a need to go out and scream in the streets. We can make dua where we are sitting. May Allah deal with the others. Because they are tyrannizing people. There are also confused Muslims. A Muslim does not keep a grudge. There is loving for Allah and hating for Allah. That is what it is. Is the opposing man cursing at Islam, at the Prophet, and at Allah? Does he hate? He does. You need to hate him too.
You need not be with him. Because if you are with him, you will be disgraced in the world and disgraced in the hereafter. How will you know whether a person is good? If all the bad ones are an enemy to him, that man is good. Now, the whole world and all the people of unbelief have become enemies to Turkey. Why? Becasue, Shaykh Mawlana used to say it too, the Ottomans are here. If the Ottomans rasie their heads, nobody can withstand them. This is why they would not leave us alone from of old. They have raged more and attacked more because there is a man like this as a leader now. They are attacking from all over the world. Becasue the situation of the Islamic world is known. The Islamic world is miserable, and none of them utter a sound. They have embroiled everything. Only this place is left. They are saying, “Let us finish this one too so nothing called Islam will be left anymore.” Allah is with the truth. Allah is with us. We have no fear. Do not fear at all. May Allah (JJ) give strength, and may He protect Islam Inshallah. May the Ottomans come back with their glory and honor and reach Mahdi Alayhis Salam. As soon as possible Inshallah. There, that is what we are waiting for. Inshallah it is near. May there be no fear and no anxiety Inshallah. Allah (JJ) says, “Allah will grant victory to those who grant victory to (help) Allah.”
“Walayansuran nallahu man yansuruh.” (Sura Hajj:40) We are with Allah. Anatolia is the abode of awliya (saints). They came from all over,
before the Ottomans too, and knead this place upon Islam. They are the beloved of Allah, Inshallah. It is the wisdom of Allah that the people of unbelief could not change our flag. The sign of Islam is the moon and star, the crescent and star. That is the sign of Islam and nothing else. That is why it is the flag. It needs to be respected as well. Becasue it is something crusaders do not like. But they could not remove it. There is a wisdom of Allah. They left it at [the Treaty of] Luassane. They could not even get rid of it in our weakest time. May Allah make it last until Judgment Day Inshallah.
Wa Minallah at-Tawfeeq, Al-Fatiha.
157.THE HEAVENLY PILGRIMAGE Sunday, September 20, 2015.
As-salamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh. Audhu billahi min ash-shaytani r-rajim. Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. As-salatu wa s-salamu ala Rasulina Muhammadin Sayyidi lawwalina wa l-akhirin. Madad ya RasulAllah, madad ya Sadati Ashabi RasulAllah, dastur, madad ya Mashaykhina fi t-Tariqati n-Naqshbandiyya, Sheikh Abdullah Faiz Dagestani, Sheikh Muhammad Nazim al-Haqqani, madad. Tariqatuna as-sohbah, wa l-khayru fi jam'iyyah.
These days are holy days. Pilgrims have a couple of days remaining to complete their hajj obligation. There are thousands, 100 thousands, millions of people who can afford and are going. Some people have money but not everyone who wants can go. That is different. Our Prophet said when someone makes the intention for hajj and starts his journey towards hajj; it is as if he has completed his obligation, because he is on that way. There is no way back. Moreover, our Prophet says when a pilgrim is on his way to hajj and if something happens like a snake bites him, or he falls off a horse, or a car hits him, or he passes away on the way, he is rewarded as a martyr. He has a reward of martyrdom and hajj. He becomes hajji too.
Pilgrimage is a very big duty. One Bedouin approached our Prophet after hajj and said that he was late and he went there afterwards. He asked "Is my pilgrimage accepted?" He said, "No, you didn't go on time." Therefore... There is a mountain called Abu Qubais in Mecca. Even if you give as much gold in sadaqa as this mountain, it won't substitute for the hajj you didn't make." Hajj is different. Its virtue is very big. But if a man makes a sincere intention, there happen accidents, as you see, this happens, that happens. Who dies before reaching Arafah becomes a martyr. Allah accepts their pilgrimage.
Pilgrimage is fard. It's not fard only for elderly people. It is fard for those who have money and can afford to go, as it is fard to pray,
fast and pay zakat. Hajj is also fard. Most people nowadays say "You're still young. Why are you going to hajj?" Hajj is an order of Allah. When you can afford to go, it is fard. When you don't have money or your health is not good, you're not required. If you borrow money for going, it is not fard for you too. It is fard when you have enough money to sustain yourself, to leave to your family and to have enough while on your journey. But you can see now, even if someone wants, he can't go. There is quota etc. That's a different matter. You still should make an intention.
Sheikh Effendi used to say it was easier to go on hajj before. You would save a little bit every day and if it is possible to save enough for hajj in one year. If not, in two years. If not two, then in five or ten years. You can do so too. It worked in older days. InshaAllah now as well, people will get the virtue of that intention and inshaAllah will be accepted as if they're going to hajj. May Allah make it holy for hajjis. May Allah let many people go and may people who are called go inshaAllah.
These days are holy, very holy days, especially for now [there is] pilgrimage in Mecca and Medina. They are now, it is three days, or after two days. After two days they must go to Arafat and it is a very holy duty. [It is] obligatory for who is able to be there with money. Because this is not only for old people, for every Muslim, who has enough money to go, it is obligatory - like praying, like fasting, like zakat. It is obligatory. Many people they are, especially in Muslim countries when they see young people going to hajj 'Why you are going if you are so young, you can go when you are old' Many of them [say], we hear this. But they don't have guarantee to be old people. Allah knows when his, if he can reach to be old or not be old. It is, you don't have guarantee for this.
Or, this if you have enough money and you have this visa, nowadays they are not giving for everybody, only, [to] very few people, so you will be, if you have this chance you must go quickly. And Prophet (saws) saying 'Who intended [to go to hajj] and going out from their house and they are travelling to the Ka'aba, to Hijaz to make Hajj, If
anything happen to them, even a bite from a snake, and died or has any accident and died; he will be shaheed [martyr]. And, he will be rewarded for this, and his Hajj is also accepted said Prophet (saws). Because Allah He is giving for intention and he has the real intention and he is travelling to that area, so he will be shaheed.
There is of course now, more than three or four million people going there. Everyday, normally they have to be, they are dying and by accident they are dying also. So, all of these people, Allah give them shaheed degree, high degree for them. So it is [a] big thing to be [a] hajji, to be [on] pilgrimage. It is not like there are many religions they say pilgrimage, but it is not because only this pilgrimage to House of Allah. it is, there is time, once around year, one year. [It is once a year]. Others they are going every time. They say when they are going any time they said they go by themselves; 'their pilgrimage.' It is not like this.
This is by order of Allah, heavenly order, and it has very strong heavenly support and heavenly for.. heavenly [It is] special - [for] only half day on 360 days, they have only this. And it is 'tajalli' the manifestation of Allah coming in this time. and this area also, outside of this area nothing -you cannot be [on] pilgrimage. Everything in Islam it is perfect because it is not human being-made it is heavenly arranging and saying, and giving time by Allah. So, it is really [a] very special place. Nobody can reach this [at] any time else and if he is in any religion outside of Islam. Only this [was] given for Prophet (saws) and his ummah. If there are other people not accept - this is their fault. We are not responsible because Prophet (saws) he asked and calling everybody to come to this good place and special place and what Allah Azza wa Jalla calling people. He said for Ibrahim (as) 'Call people to come to this place and they will come running, riding, flying, going by ship; they will come.'
If they have this good chance, if they are lucky, they will come. Allah make all of us who are not going, also to go there Insha'Allah, to be hajji, to have this big precious gift from Allah. Because one of Bedouwi, he came when it was time, not hajj time. He was making umrah and asking Prophet (saws) If 'I am take reward of hajji?' Prophet
(saws) 'There is Jabal Abu Qubais' Now, I don't think, maybe they take it out. Because they are digging, taking these mountains from around the Ka'aba. [It was a] big mountain. He said 'If you give this, all [in] gold you cannot reach the reward of a Hajji'. It is like this; very precious thing.
And Prophet (saws) his saying, the most truthful one. So it is real. Not easy. It is not so cheap, it is very precious. You must appreciate this and try to go there. Maulana was saying for people who have no money - 'Everyday you can put in one box only for to be in hajj. Maybe in one year you can go to Hajj. Maybe, if it is not enough, two years. May be afer five years it will be enough money. Even maybe in ten years also, you can try. And Insha'Allah when there is intention and trying, Allah makes it easy for you.
Wa min Allahi t-Tawfiq, Al Fatiha
Monday, September 21, 2015.
As-salamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh. Audhu billahi min ash-shaytani r-rajim. Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. As-salatu wa s-salamu ala Rasulina Muhammadin Sayyidi lawwalina wa l-akhirin. Madad ya RasulAllah, madad ya Sadati Ashabi RasulAllah, madad ya Mashaykhina, dastur, madad ya Sheikh Abdullah Daghestani, Sheikh Muhammad Nazim alHaqqani, dastur. Tariqatuna s-sohbah, wa l-khayru fi jam'iyyah.
Allah Azza wa Jalla has made some places holy. He made some places sacred. Allah does what He wants. No one can interfere with Allah. Some people... Of course, it happens sometimes. Now there are some people who talk here and there according to their minds saying this is haram, this is halal, you shouldn't do this and that. They appear on TV too and speak as they like. No. The way we follow is the way of our Prophet.
After Hadhrat Omar became khalifa, he went on hajj together with sahabas. There is this big sahaba Abu Sayid al-Khudri. He said "We went together and entered Kaba, Masjid alHaram." Circumambulation starts from the Black Stone, Hajar ul-Aswad. Hadhrat Omar, radhiAllahu anh, went towards Hajar ul-Aswad and stopped. He addressed the Black Stone and said "You are just a stone. If I didn't see our Prophet kissing you, I would not kiss you. You bring neither harm, nor benefit." Sahabas were varied, different. Hadhrat Omar was famous for his justice, his help to Islam. Hadhrat Omar did all the foundation of the state and law.
Hadhrat Ali was there too. He said "Ya Amir ul-Mu'mineen, it gives both harm and benefit, with permission of Allah. Allah didn't put this stone here without a purpose". Hadhrat Omar said "Does it have anything?" Hadhrat Ali said "Of course. It's written in Qur'an "Alastu birabbikum qalu bala"(7:172) When Allah Azza wa Jalla acknowledged
the servanthood of all people, He wrote their names on a paper and threw it inside that Black Stone. The Black stone swallowed it. The names of those who came and will come are written there. And the names of all people are written. And there are the names of those who came and will come. Everything is written there. That's it."
Hadhrat Omar is the one who accepted the truth. He said "May Allah make your life longer. MashaAllah your knowledge is much above ours". Hadhrat Omar accepted the truth immediately. When he entered, first... Of course, during the time of our Prophet they couldn't ask our Prophet "Why did you kiss it?" and so on. But after him, because those people were worshipping rocks and wood before, he thought it was like this. Hadhrat Ali, radhiAllahu anhu, enlightened him. And he accepted it. And it was a lesson for people there, for all people. Allah makes what He wants sacred. Even camels sacrificed there are seen as sacred. They are "min sha'airi Llahi" (22:36) It is one of the things to be done over there, and it is sacred. An ayah in Qur'an says to people "Pay attention to this". Therefore... There are these people now - they can't be called scholars. They are just people who come to conclusions as they like. These people appear to confuse people's minds. They are not scholars, they are ignorant ones. While people are on the right path, they are trying to mislead them from the right path and put on a wrong path. They are people of shaitan. They don't accept the truth and reality. Sahabas are the ones who accept the truth. Our Prophet said whomever you follow of them, you will reach the truth. They are never arrogant on the way of Allah. They don't take a share for their egos. They fear from the truth and rights. Hadhrat Omar lived his life as the poorest Muslim. He was doing so in order not to take anyone's right. He was such a man.
May Allah be pleased with all of them. May Allah let us follow their ways inshaAllah.
Allah Azza wa Jalla He is making some places holy, some things holy. Sometimes, He makes it holy and His Will, we cannot say - 'why You do this?' And, it is written in Qur'an and written in hadith also, so it is no problem. You cannot say this is shirk. You don't say this - Why is He doing this. He is the Creator and He is not afraid from anyone and
nobody can give Him ideas. But of course, many people these days, they are approaching and they are giving people ideas. Not advice, advice making good, but when you give ideas, you make people confused, more confused, and after this confusion they can, if their belief is not strong, they can go anywhere out of [the] right way. And especially in Hajj.
Sayyidina Omar, after Prophet (saws), after Sayyidina Abu Bakr, when he became khalifa, he was going to Hajj. And there was of course thousands of sahaba with him and there was one who was saying this - Abu Sayid Khudri sahaba (ra). He said we went with him, entering to majid al haraam; to kaba and Sayyidina Omar, Amir-ul Mu'minin he came to the front of hajar ul-aswad, the black stone, the holiest. And this stone coming from jannat, from paradise. It was bright, and very white. But when coming to dunya, from the darkness of people, [it was] becoming black. And he came to the front of this black stone, Sayyidina Omar. And Sayyidina Omar he was the second khalifah after Sayyidina Abu Bakr, and he was very just. He was just, justice, just and he put all 'Devlet' State, everything in the state he calculate and established. Everything of this Islamic state, he was establishing. Everything. And he was very strict. He came to Hajar ul Aswad and He said 'O Black stone, you don't have any benefit or any harm. I am kissing you because I saw Prophet (saws) kissing you and you are only stone." And there was near him, Sayyidina Ali (ra). He said 'O Amir ul Mu'minin, don't say this! He got [has] harm, and we can get benefit from him by order of Allah. And it is written in Qur'an, if you read Qur'an and you understand you can know about this." Sayyidina Omar said 'What is this ayat?' And he read 'alastu birabbikum qaloo bala' (7:172). He said, when Allah Azza wa Jalla took a promise from whole human beings in time of spirit.. 'ruhler alemi' spirit time, before the creation. Allah Azza wa Jalla took a promise from all our spirits to be, 'we are Your servants and we accept You.' And all of this is written in paper and He put in this black stone. And he is, when somebody coming to him he is promising, and he get benefit from him.
Hazrat Omar said 'Thank you very much. You have knowledge. We are not reaching to your knowledge at all. You are right.' he said and he accepted. And because they are accepting truth and accepting right,
sahaba. And he was happy. And it is, many things like this Allah gives holiness. Even in, for Hajj time - "sha'airi Llahi" (22:36). Many things, one of them even qurban, to cut sheep or to cut a camel - also this is from "sha'airi Llahi" (22:36). You must be [have] respect for this Allah Azza wa Jalla saying. People, they are, some people [are] not looking for Qur'an, only reading Qur'an without understanding. If they understand, they will know all Muslims they are in right, they never say to them - 'you are in wrong' or 'you are not any more believer, you are mushrik.' They cannot say this. Because everything that we are knowing, what our mashayikh teaching us, [it is] coming from Qur'an [and] from hadith. Nothing out of it. And Allah put some people, holy, more than others. And we are following them, insha'Allah.
These people also must know the reality [and] accept reality - to be like Sayyidina Omar ibnul Khattab, who as he was very strong but he was accepting. And he was afraid from any small thing, even he was living like very poor; the poorest Muslim maybe he was better [off] than him. When he was in khalifat - Amir ul Mu'minin but he is accepting the truth. You must be accept[ing] truth insha'Allah.
Wa min Allahi t-Tawfiq, Al Fatiha
Tuesday, September 22, 2015.
As-salamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh. Audhu billahi min ash-shaytani r-rajim. Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. As-salatu wa s-salamu ala Rasulina Muhammadin Sayyidi lawwalina wa l-akhirin. Madad ya RasulAllah, madad ya Sadati Ashabi Rasulillah, dastur, Sheikh Abdullah Faizi d-Daghistani, Sheikh Muhammad Nazim al- Haqqani, madad. Tariqatuna as-sohbah, wa l-khayru fi jam'iyyah.
Shukur to Allah today is the 8th day of Dhul Hijjah, it is a holy day. It is called Yawm utTarwiyah. That is its name in Allah's presence, Hz. Muhammad's (sas) presence. Tarwiyah means getting prepared for going to Arafah. People make hajj ut-tamattu. They wear their ihram again and go to Arafah on foot normally. They move today. In the evening they stay at Muzdalifah and in the morning they are in Arafat. This is the Sunnah.
For Tarwiyah they drink a lot of water from Zam Zam until they are content and then they hit the road. Because it is before the Day of Arafah it is a very blessed day among these 10 days. Tomorrow is the Day of Arafat, of course it is the most blessed one, after that it is Eid ul Adha. These are the days that Allah likes. These are the days that Allah gave as a gift to His servants, so that people would be happy. He made these days for people to repent. Allah Azza wa Jalla is generous.
Some people are generous. Most of the time generous people are people, who believe in Allah, who love Allah. They are generous. Our Prophet (sas) is the most generous of all people. He (sas) loved giving. He never turned down anybody. If he received something in the evening, he would not leave it for morning. He used to distribute it among the poor. He did not like keeping even a penny for himself, because worldly possessions are valuable only if you give them. If you keep them they are not valuable. People think the opposite - if they keep it is valuable, if they give it is a loss. On the contrary if you give Allah pays you back a thousand times more both in this world and in the hereafter.
Eternal life is important. This life is not important. This life finishes in the blink of an eye. One of the awliya was digging the earth. He heard a voice coming. "Do not dig, you hit my head. Do not dig you hit my ear, you hit my head." He was surprised but of course he was an awliya, so he understood. That voice said "I was a human being, I died and turned into dust." This worldly life is like this. There is no one, who will not die or turn into dust. No matter how much you collect, it does not give you benefit. Only if you give, you get benefit - it becomes provision for akhirah, your wealth won't be lost. There is a long life, if you give, you keep it with you eternally. If you do not give, you will lose it eternally.
Today it is 8th of Dhul Hijjah It is a very holy day also, it is called Yawm ut-Tarwiyah in divine presence. Prophet (saws) also he was giving very good tidings for this day. You must be, for a hajji, it is day of travelling, moving to Arafat, to complete the Hajj. Order of Allah, obligatory order of Allah for people who are able to do it. Because there are three kinds of Hajj. One of them, two of them, they are taking and putting ihram in this [day, the] eight of Dhul Hijjah and making niyat [intention] for hajj. The third one, he is never taking out [the ihram]. But if it is, they are hajj al-ifrad from before this day he was in Mecca, he will be also in ihram. But Hajj ut-tamattu or who are living in Mecca, today they will take, [and] put ihram on themselves and making niyat, intention to be hajji. And they will drink zamzam, for this tarwiyah meaning taking water too much. And they will move to Arafat.
It is sunnah, of course [in] that time before forty, fifty years or more until Prophet (saws), it was not so crowded and it was easy to do all sunnah of Hajj. But these days it is so difficult to do it, but also some, they can do it. Some of them, they were doing [it]. Even we went four times to hajj, all times they take us in Yawm ut-Tarwiyah to Arafat. But the sunnah is to be in Muzdalifa. Before going to Arafat, sleeping in Muzdalifa and second to be in Arafat. But also, [it is] good to be from eight of Dhul Hijjah to be in Arafat. To take this blessing.
And it is very loved day for Allah Azza wa Jalla and Allah Azza wa Jalla He is generous. Generous; He likes to give. And He is asking 'who wants to take, I will give'. And He is happy to give. Not happy to keep. And He is teaching us for this. And the most generous people they are believers, especially prophets, and especially our Prophet (saws), Sayyidina Muhammad (saws) he was never leaving anything until [the] next day. To - Even at nighttime if anything coming hadiya 'gift' for him, he quickly distribute this for people who are in need. And for [the] morning, not even one penny. Because, this money he see it like, if it
will be staying, like dirty. But if he gives it is very precious thing. When you give it, it is precious. When you keep it, it is dirty, not good. This is what the Prophet (saws) teaching us.
If you leave anything for yourself it is not good. You must give for akhira. When, if you leave something after you it is not good for you. But if you send before you, it will be good for you. And it is good because our life here, very short life. No need to keep too much for yourself. You must, every time make charity. You must obey and follow what Prophet (saws) doing. Because after your short life, you will be dead, one of, you will be dust.
One of awliya'ullah, he was digging and he was hitting the earth to take dust from this. He heard some voice coming - "O Beloved one for Allah Be careful! You hit my nose!" After he heard a voice 'You hit my eyes!' And after he said, 'You just hit my brain!' 'You hit my ear!' And he looked, what, from where, coming this voice. He said, this earth, Allah make him to hear. He said 'I was like you, I was very rich man and then, now I am dust. And it is my, this is my ear, this is my head, this is my... all dust! I was so rich man! But now, only dust."
This is what the Prophet (saws) showing, giving us example also for this. You will be nothing. Be benefit for you for this life, for akhira, you can give as much as you can. And Allah will reward you, a thousand, million times more [than] what you give. Allah, make us to not forget this Insha'Allah.
Wa min Allah at-Tawfiq, Al Fatiha
160.YAWM UL ‘ARAFAH Wednesday, September 23, 2015
As-salamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh. Audhu billahi min ash-shaytani r-rajim. Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. As-salatu wa s-salamu ala Rasulina Muhammadin Sayyidi lawwalina wa l-akhirin. Madad ya RasulAllah, madad ya Sadati Ashabi Rasulillah, madad ya Mashayihina, dastur, ya Shaykh Abdullah Faizi d-Daghistani, Shaykh Muhammad Nazim alHaqqani. Tariqatuna s-sohbah, wa l-khayru fi jam'iyyah.
Audhu billahi min ash-shaytani rrajim. Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. "Say, indeed my prayer, my rites of sacrifice, my living and dying are for Allah, Lord of the worlds. No partner has He, and this I have been commanded. I'm the first of the Muslims." (6:162,163) In everything, we are for Allah. Allah gave us everything. There is nothing we take from someone else. Everything belongs to Allah. This holy Day of Arafah is also His gift. On the Day of Arafah all pilgrims will be on Arafat at a certain time, then they will fulfill Allah's order and go back. They both do the fardh, and they are cleaned of their sins and come back. Just like the child is born without sins, the pilgrims become free of sins. If the pilgrims commit some sins after that, again Allah accepts their repentance, Allah is merciful. He (JJ) does not turn down anyone, who repents. He gives people the chance every time, everywhere, so that they repent and clean themselves from sins. "Whoever fasts today, on the Day of Arafah, is cleaned from last year's and next year's sins" says the Prophet (sas) in a hadith. The more you worship on the Day of Arafah Allah's blessings is endless. He knows what He is going to give. He gives as He likes. When He gives, He does not give a little. For today's worship, Mawlana used to say - read 1000 Ikhlas for yourself and for your ancestors. That will be a barakah (blessing) for you. Your sins are forgiven. You spend the whole year in peace InshaAllah. Of course there is lots of worship on the Day of Arafah, you can do if you want. InshaAllah we are going to pray 2 rakaats after the
sohbah. It is the prayer that the Prophet (sas) did. In the first rakaat after Fatiha, you say 3 times Qul ya ayyuha l-kafirun (109), 1 time Ikhlas, then in the second rakaat it is the same. After that inshaAllah we pray and it is accepted. May Allah make us reach many years to come. Now it is the time of fitnah. It is the end of times but the more difficult it is, the more blessings are coming. But still it is worship to wait for survival (improvement) - I mean it is not right to pray that we keep on like this, in order to get more blessings. Keep on asking that Allah take away these troubles. InshaAllah He sends us Mahdi alaihi s-salam. The Prophet gave good tidings about him. When he comes, he is going to fill the world with light and beauty, justice - as now it is filled with darkness and oppression. Waiting for Mahdi (as) is worship Praying for him is a good act of worship. Praying is already a worship. "Call upon Me. "(40:60) It is Allah's order. He says 'call upon Me'. May Allah give us goodness inshaAllah. May He protect us, all Muslims, from badness. Because all the devils in the world attack to finish this religion. And Allah says that He is going to make it victorious. "Allah is predominant over His affair" (12:21). Allah Azza wa Jalla promised this. It will be InshaAllah. No matter how strong the devils and their soldiers are, no matter how many tricks and traps they have. They can collect weapons and men as much as they want, still Allah is victorious. No one can challenge Allah. Whatever they do is useless with Allah's permission. Today, Arafat, and we read "qul inna salati wa nusuki wa mahyaya wa mamati liLlahi rabbi l-'alamina la sharika lahu wa bidhalika umir'tu wa ana awwalu l-muslimin" (6:162,163) This is what Sayyidina Ibrahim (as) said and we are also repeating. We are praying, we are what we do from Hajj, from order of Allah. Everything, we are only for Allah. The reason of being [is] to be knowing this. Allah gives us this life and gives us everything and we mustn't say 'it is for me'. No! Everything, we give for Allah. Even, what we are worshipping, [when] we are doing good things - Everything [is] for Allah. Don't think it is from yourself. And we are thanking Allah because He created us. [He] granted us these days.
Yawm ul Arafat it is a very holy day and it is a day of Allah's gift. Allah give everything for mu'min, believers and even this area, Arafat and Ka'aba, only for believers. Not allowing anybody else who does not believe in Him and His Beloved Prophet (saws) to enter this area. Because it is real special area and it is this time - every time it is holy, but especially this day it is a very holy day. In half day, everybody who is in this area, they become Hajji. This is grant from Allah and it is a big thing. First, they made the obligatory of what Allah He say for them. Second, every sin they do from their young time [youth] until they are going to Hajj, Allah forgives them. And they become without sin like a newborn baby. This [is] for Hajjis. For others also, if you pray, pray on this day and you fast, especially if you fast this day, Prophet (saws) saying Allah forgives you from one year before, last year, and one year later. He will forgive us InshaAllah who are fasting these days. And this day, it is day of Allah accepting du'a. So we can - there is many duas in this day, afternoon or until night, you can do. Especially 1000 times to read Ikhlas ash-Sharif - Qul huwa Allahu Ahad - it give you barakat for whole one year and gives you the blessing and make you [have a] strong iman also InshaAllah. And there is, of course, many praying. We are, InshaAllah after sohbah, we pray two rakaats. First rakaat - 3 'Qul ya ayyuhal kafirun' and one 'Qul huwa Allahu Ahad'. Second rakaat - [the] same. And after we make du'a. Du'a it is worshipping. Allah says du'a means praying. 'Pray, and I am accepting.' It is order. You must make, ask from Allah. Don't be hopeless. Everything you can ask from Allah. Allah He said: 'I am accepting and I am happy to see My servant not forget Me and continue to make du'a.' Especially, these days, the day of bad days, it is very dangerous days. The time of the sultanate of shaytan its followers. shaytan and its followers [are] attacking now all believers to... They will say and they think they will finish them - but it is not [so]. They cannot finish because Allah [is] with us. And these days are days of trading. When sometimes in war or when it's [there is] nothing, many people they can take, make, [and] become rich. These days [are] also like this for believers. When it is too difficult, it is more reward from Allah. And to wait to be, to be safe from this badness it is also worshipping. We are waiting [for an] opening from
Allah It is also, but we make du'a also for Sayyidina l-Mahdi to come. It is also an order for us. To make du'a, not to wait in this darkness, in this injustice. No! We are making du'a for Mahdi (as) to come to make justice and to be light, to be barakat everywhere. And to finish shaytan and its army because they are thought [they think] they have everything - they have weapons, they have people, they have knowledge, they have... they think this. But they are fighting with, not with believers, they are not knowing they are fighting with Allah. And Allah - nobody can win [against] Him. He is the, He will be on them, and to finish them InshaAllah. We are waiting [for] this InshaAllah. Wa min Allahi t-Tawfiq, Al Fatiha
Thursday, September 24, 2015.
Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. As-salatu wa s-salamu ala Rasulina Muhammadin Sayyidi lawwalina wa l-akhirin. Madad ya RasulAllah, Madad ya Sadati Ashabi Rasulillah, madad ya Mahayihina, dastur. ya Shaykh Abdullah Daghistani, Shaykh Muhammad Nazim alHaqqani, madad. Tariqatuna as-sohbah, wa l-khayru fi jam'iyyah.
Eid Mubarak, Eid mubarak. InshaAllah it is khayr. This is the Eid of Allah. There are 2 eids given from Allah. One is Eid ul Ramadan, one is Eid ul Adha. There are no other eids. The other feasts that people celebrate they are not for Allah. They are only for getting benefit, for trade, for worldly benefit. They are man-made feasts. They say "Everyday is a feast for a crazy person". May Allah never separate us from the right path.
The days Allah appointed as eid for people especially, the whole nation gets benefit if they are accepting. If not accepting, of course they can't get benefit. Muslims get benefit because they remember Allah even if they are rebellious and do not keep any of Allah's orders. If they keep respect for these eids, even by saying "Eid Mubarak" Allah will definitely give them a gift - He (JJ) won't forget them. InshaAllah we hope that their situation changes; that they may leave with iman in their last breaths.
This is also to make people benefit, Allah Azza wa Jalla gave these eids, just to protect people from destruction InshaAllah. They are a sufficient means to remember Allah. Most people pray once in their lives or twice a year. They only pray on eids, from one eid to the next. Some people only pray 2 rakaat. Most people did not miss that in the old times. Now there are few people, who do that. But even by remembering eid inshaAllah it will be a benefit. Allah gives its blessing. He leads people to the right way.
Mawlana always used to say, after returning from each eid prayer, we used to sit. He used to read people odes (qasidahs). Laysa l-aidu liman labasa l-jadeed, innama l-aid liman khafa min al-waid. Eid is not about those, who wear new clothes and go around. Eid is about those, who
fear Allah and keep Allah's orders. Eid is for not forgetting Allah, it is for remembering Allah. InshaAllah people pay more attention. Allah does not need anyone. He is not in need of eid. He gave these days for people to get benefit - to save people. May Allah grant all the Muslims to be on the right path for the sake of this holy day. InshaAllah they don't fall into shaitan's tricks and traps.
This tariqa way is the way of our Prophet (sas). It is the real path. May Allah grant it to them all. Everyone can come with Allah's permission.
Today, Mubarak Eid Feast of Eid al Adha. Allah Azza wa Jalla He appointed two days from His calendar to Ummat Muhammad, Prophet (saws). These two days - feasts. One [is] after Ramadan and one now on the 10th of Dhul Hijjah and it is really holy and a feast day. Because normally, people they make now, for everything [a] feast. But it is human beings [who] made these feasts. And when somebody making feast or celebrate everything - making celebration, like feasts for everything. Only we celebrate for two [days], these what Allah give us. And Allah, when He gives something He wants people to get benefit from this because [it is] to be happy and to remember Him. But when people, they are doing feasts [it is] only for benefit for themselves, for their pockets and they make people to be stressed. Everyday, every month we have two or three celebrations for something. It is not, it is just rubbish. We call [it] in Turkey, for crazy everyday celebration.
But Allah, Allah only He made two days - two feasts. And it is a real feast and He gives from His endless Mercy and pleasure for people when they are remembering Him. And even, many people they are not practicing Islam, not doing anything, and they doing all wrong, but Allah, because they are when in Eid [of] Ramadan or Eid al Adha, they visit each other and they remember, we hope Allah He will be happy with them. Because, even very very small things it is important [for there] to be some point in the heart. One very small point of belief in [their] heart. It is, even this [it is] enough for people to survive. But Allah, He is happy with people who remember Him and celebrate and give importance for these days - to visit each other, to be happy, to make people happy also. All will be rewarded from Allah.
Mawlana, every time he said some like poem - laysa al Eid liman labasal jadeed innama alEid liman khaf al-wa'id the celebration it is not to be [about] wearing new clothes and to go around. No, it is to remember Allah and to be away from what He wants you to be away [from] and to make what He wants [you] to do. This is a real
celebration because you will be in safety. But also to remember. The minimum remembrance of Allah [is] also good. And it is big reason for Allah to make it holy, and two days. Because real celebration, who even they [are] visiting each other and not doing anything, they will be rewarded for this and it will be real feast for them in akhira. This is also because every time, Mawlana saying this, just we hearing, but Alhamdulillah we are now giving more explaining. Because for dunya, it is ok - one day after, you're finished. But this one, you cele... Respect what Allah gives for you, Allah He will reward you.
Alhamdulillah, Wa min Allahi t-Tawfiq, Al Fatiha
162.HIS NAME WITH MY NAME FOREVER Friday, September 25, 2015. As-salamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh. Audhu billahi min ash-shaytani r-rajim. Bismillahi Rahmani r-Rahim. As-salatu wa s-salamu ala Rasulina Muhammadin Sayyidi lawwalina wa l-akhirin. Madad ya RasulAllah, madad ya Sadati Ashabi Rasulillah, madad ya Mashayihina, dastur, madad ya Sheikh Abdullah Faizi d-Daghistani, Sheikh Muhammad Nazim al-Haqqani, madad. Tariqatuna s-sohbah, wa l-khayru fi jam'iyyah.
This is the second day of eid. Eid Mubarak! Because this eid lasts four days. May Allah give barakah inshaAllah. We'll be protected from all evil things. Allah Azza wa Jalla tells the Prophet (sas) that He gave Him (sas) Kawthar. "Indeed we have granted you al-Kawthar "(108:1) Before entering paradise when drinking from it, all sins, all the illnesses related to the nafs in the world go away. Nothing tastes like it. Allah tells our Prophet (sas) "So pray to your Lord."(108:2) So pray to your Lord, praying is a big blessing. He (awj) ordered, offered that to the Prophet (sas). Slaughter an animal if you can He also says. With every drop of the sacrifice your sins are forgiven. For each of its hairs, a palace is given in paradise. It is important to slaughter an animal, if you can afford it. Do not neglect it. Allah granted it to people, a gift of Allah. You get benefit also in this world. Its meat, its hair, its skin, it is all halal, can be used, can be distributed. You can eat it all or you can distribute it all. It is both a grant and has high value. It has big reward. Do not start thinking "Why has He ordered it?" for Allah's orders concerning worship this is a bad way to think. Every worship He ordered has thousands, hundreds of thousands of benefits. The benefit you get is unlimited. If you calculate until the Day of Judgment you cannot count the benefit of that worship and order. It is solely to benefit the people. "Indeed your enemy is the one cut off. "(108:3). People, who defame the Prophet (sas) do not have a good ending. There had been an incident before this verse came. Allah Azza wa Jalla immediately relieved our
Prophet (sas) with this verse. He made him happy. When unbelievers were sitting at the Ka'ba, our Prophet (sas) entered from a door. These men did not see him entering. When he (sas) going out, a wild unbeliever whose name was 'As saw him. 'As means rebellious, rebellious to Allah. His father is Wail, his son is 'As. They used to give such names. They used to give very bad names. Our Prophet (sas) did not like these names. He used to change some people's names and some not. But some people they did not change, some did not accept the names given by the Prophet (sas). Unbelievers were sitting around the Ka'ba. They don't have a religion of course. They worship the stones, drink alcohol, they don't pray. They sit there as if it is a cafe. They looked to see to whom that man is talking. He did not come and talk. "Who was that one?" he said. At that time it was not as crowded as now. The whole population was ten thousand, twenty thousand. People, who came to sit near the Kaba were a small number. "Who is that one going out from there?" He answered "Abtar". Our Prophet's son Abdullah had died. They did not see girls as human beings. 'Abtar' means someone, whose lineage has stopped. Allah Azza wa Jalla said at that moment "The one, who tells you such a bad thing, who insults you, he is 'abtar'." He went to hell, he is creeping in hell because he said a vicious word to our Prophet (sas). Allah Azza wa Jalla said then: "Whenever My Name is mentioned, Yours will be mentioned as well." La ilaha illAllah, Muhammadun Rasulullah. Ash'hadu an la ilaha illAllah wa sh'hadu anna Muhammadan abduhu wa Rasuluhu. Every time there is a call to prayer our Prophet's (sas) name is mentioned, in Quran also. His name must be mentioned in all prayers. Everywhere, every corner of the universe until the Day of Judgment, his name is mentioned. Allah Azza wa Jalla made him so high. He called the other one 'abtar'. People, who respect our Prophet (sas) they will be high. When they do something, Allah gives them blessings and makes it good. People, who do not respect him, their work does not go smoothly. Even if it goes well sometimes, Allah Azza wa Jalla makes it like that so that, he gets more punishment in Akhirah. His work goes well, so that he gets
wilder in this world. But in fact, people, who love and respect the Prophet (sas), they get blessings, barakah. Barakah is very important. These hajjis, they were all martyred, May Allah have mercy on them. The previous king used to respect the Prophet (sas). Everything went well, smoothly. The new king does not have much respect. He listens to people, who are disrespectful. Because of this there are bad consequences, all these people are being harmed. It is destiny, but Allah Azza wa Jalla is showing people. This destiny is written by Allah, that they would be martyred. But there is a lesson to learn, in that it took place during this king's time. Allah praises the one, who praises His Beloved (sas). He makes his efforts easy for him. Because without going into Kawthar people cannot enter paradise, cannot be cleaned from their sins. They have to go inside and be cleaned. Then they enter paradise. There are hadith about this. They do not want the hadith now. Mawlana used to say "they say: Hadith is weak or hadith is strong". Allah says in the Glorious Quran, "We gave you Kaw
g people to give charity (sadaqa) everyday. However much owners of businesses can give everyday, let them give it as alms for their wellbeing. This way accidents and troubles would be pushed off. Do not say, “This is a good machine. Nothing would hapen
to this machine.” Anything could happen once Allah wants, and nothing could happen as long as Allah protects. If Allah protects, you could walk in fire if you like and nothing would happen. May Allah have mercy on the Hajjis (pilgrims) there. They are considered Hajji now because they have started the Hajj path. Their Hajj is alright. If Allah accepts, they are also martyrs (shahid). May Allah give patience to their families and their close ones Inshallah. Eid al-Adha (Sacrifice Feast) is approaching. Of course, the Hajj obligation is not for everybody, but it is obligatory (fard) for people who have the money and good health. Yet there are obstacles. The intention matters if an obstacle appears when they were about to do it. It is complete if they can live up to that time, but if they cannot, Allah Azza wa Jalla also accepts them as Hajji because they had the intention. Becasue the Hajji that takes that road is considered a Hajji.
A person has made the intention for Hajj. Sometimes they get to go not in one year, not in three years, not in five years, but in the end of the eighth year. In the past, they could go in five or six months. They could go from further distant places in eight or nine months. But now, even though transportation is so fast, that trip sometimes takes eight years and sometimes takes ten years. This is also Allah’s wisdom and it has its rewards. Waiting has its rewards. Allah gives according to our intentions. It is not clear how this world might turn. The state [of the world] gets worse everyday. We say one thing and our ikhwan (brothers and sisters) sometimes write with exaggeration in this kook thing, the internet. Our intention is for people to be cautious. We do not want people saying “Don’t do anything else!” and to leave everything and stop. Then it is, “Shaykh said so and I stopped, I lost my job, and I cannot face anybody anymore...” It is not the saying of the shaykh. Allah says so. Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim.
“Iqtarabatis sa’atu wanshaqqal qamar.” Allah Azza wa Jalla says Judgment Day has approached. It is approaching and even if it is not approaching people are not certain to be alive tomorrow. Therefore, always be in worship and do not forget Allah. Earn the livelihood of your children. That is also worship. It is also worship if you earn the livelihood of the children, the family, the surroundings, and the people you are to help. “I will let it go since Mahdi Alayhis Salam will come anyway. I am not going to work. There will be a lot of blessings that time, and people will not need to work anyway.” True, but nobody but Allah knows the unseen future (ghayb). Our Holy Prophet has given good tidings of Mahdi Alayhis Salam. Our Holy Prophet has a good tiding saying, “He will come out of my descendants. His name will be
like mine, his mother’s name will be like my mother’s name, and his father’s name will be like my father’s name.” He did not tell its time though. There is something and it is out and apparent, but its time is not clear. However, there are signs. The signs also point to the time being near. But we are not saying to leave work and wait. Wait, wait internally. Be ready when he is here. Be ready at any moment. Of course it is hard to supply these big cities when something happens elsewhere. Keep some light provisions ready. Anyway, it does not require much for people to store and place provisions for 20-25 days or a month. We are not saying tons. 5-10 kilograms is enough Allah willing. Let this not be misunderstood either. Now there are these latest events. The ikhwan are asking, “What should we do?” We will make dua. We will pray for Muslims. We will damn the kafirs. There is never a need to go out and scream in the streets. We can make dua where we are sitting. May Allah deal with the others. Because they are tyrannizing people. There are also confused Muslims. A Muslim does not keep a grudge. There is loving for Allah and hating for Allah. That is what it is. Is the opposing man cursing at Islam, at the Prophet, and at Allah? Does he hate? He does. You need to hate him too.
You need not be with him. Because if you are with him, you will be disgraced in the world and disgraced in the hereafter. How will you know whether a person is good? If all the bad ones are an enemy to him, that man is good. Now, the whole world and all the people of unbelief have become enemies to Turkey. Why? Becasue, Shaykh Mawlana used to say it too, the Ottomans are here. If the Ottomans rasie their heads, nobody can withstand them. This is why they would not leave us alone from of old. They have raged more and attacked more because there is a man like this as a leader now. They are attacking from all over the world. Becasue the situation of the Islamic world is known. The Islamic world is miserable, and none of them utter a sound. They have embroiled everything. Only this place is left. They are saying, “Let us finish this one too so nothing called Islam will be left anymore.” Allah is with the truth. Allah is with us. We have no fear. Do not fear at all. May Allah (JJ) give strength, and may He protect Islam Inshallah. May the Ottomans come back with their glory and honor and reach Mahdi Alayhis Salam. As soon as possible Inshallah. There, that is what we are waiting for. Inshallah it is near. May there be no fear and no anxiety Inshallah. Allah (JJ) says, “Allah will grant victory to those who grant victory to (help) Allah.”
“Walayansuran nallahu man yansuruh.” (Sura Hajj:40) We are with Allah. Anatolia is the abode of awliya (saints). They came from all over,
before the Ottomans too, and knead this place upon Islam. They are the beloved of Allah, Inshallah. It is the wisdom of Allah that the people of unbelief could not change our flag. The sign of Islam is the moon and star, the crescent and star. That is the sign of Islam and nothing else. That is why it is the flag. It needs to be respected as well. Becasue it is something crusaders do not like. But they could not remove it. There is a wisdom of Allah. They left it at [the Treaty of] Luassane. They could not even get rid of it in our weakest time. May Allah make it last until Judgment Day Inshallah.
Wa Minallah at-Tawfeeq, Al-Fatiha.
157.THE HEAVENLY PILGRIMAGE Sunday, September 20, 2015.
As-salamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh. Audhu billahi min ash-shaytani r-rajim. Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. As-salatu wa s-salamu ala Rasulina Muhammadin Sayyidi lawwalina wa l-akhirin. Madad ya RasulAllah, madad ya Sadati Ashabi RasulAllah, dastur, madad ya Mashaykhina fi t-Tariqati n-Naqshbandiyya, Sheikh Abdullah Faiz Dagestani, Sheikh Muhammad Nazim al-Haqqani, madad. Tariqatuna as-sohbah, wa l-khayru fi jam'iyyah.
These days are holy days. Pilgrims have a couple of days remaining to complete their hajj obligation. There are thousands, 100 thousands, millions of people who can afford and are going. Some people have money but not everyone who wants can go. That is different. Our Prophet said when someone makes the intention for hajj and starts his journey towards hajj; it is as if he has completed his obligation, because he is on that way. There is no way back. Moreover, our Prophet says when a pilgrim is on his way to hajj and if something happens like a snake bites him, or he falls off a horse, or a car hits him, or he passes away on the way, he is rewarded as a martyr. He has a reward of martyrdom and hajj. He becomes hajji too.
Pilgrimage is a very big duty. One Bedouin approached our Prophet after hajj and said that he was late and he went there afterwards. He asked "Is my pilgrimage accepted?" He said, "No, you didn't go on time." Therefore... There is a mountain called Abu Qubais in Mecca. Even if you give as much gold in sadaqa as this mountain, it won't substitute for the hajj you didn't make." Hajj is different. Its virtue is very big. But if a man makes a sincere intention, there happen accidents, as you see, this happens, that happens. Who dies before reaching Arafah becomes a martyr. Allah accepts their pilgrimage.
Pilgrimage is fard. It's not fard only for elderly people. It is fard for those who have money and can afford to go, as it is fard to pray,
fast and pay zakat. Hajj is also fard. Most people nowadays say "You're still young. Why are you going to hajj?" Hajj is an order of Allah. When you can afford to go, it is fard. When you don't have money or your health is not good, you're not required. If you borrow money for going, it is not fard for you too. It is fard when you have enough money to sustain yourself, to leave to your family and to have enough while on your journey. But you can see now, even if someone wants, he can't go. There is quota etc. That's a different matter. You still should make an intention.
Sheikh Effendi used to say it was easier to go on hajj before. You would save a little bit every day and if it is possible to save enough for hajj in one year. If not, in two years. If not two, then in five or ten years. You can do so too. It worked in older days. InshaAllah now as well, people will get the virtue of that intention and inshaAllah will be accepted as if they're going to hajj. May Allah make it holy for hajjis. May Allah let many people go and may people who are called go inshaAllah.
These days are holy, very holy days, especially for now [there is] pilgrimage in Mecca and Medina. They are now, it is three days, or after two days. After two days they must go to Arafat and it is a very holy duty. [It is] obligatory for who is able to be there with money. Because this is not only for old people, for every Muslim, who has enough money to go, it is obligatory - like praying, like fasting, like zakat. It is obligatory. Many people they are, especially in Muslim countries when they see young people going to hajj 'Why you are going if you are so young, you can go when you are old' Many of them [say], we hear this. But they don't have guarantee to be old people. Allah knows when his, if he can reach to be old or not be old. It is, you don't have guarantee for this.
Or, this if you have enough money and you have this visa, nowadays they are not giving for everybody, only, [to] very few people, so you will be, if you have this chance you must go quickly. And Prophet (saws) saying 'Who intended [to go to hajj] and going out from their house and they are travelling to the Ka'aba, to Hijaz to make Hajj, If
anything happen to them, even a bite from a snake, and died or has any accident and died; he will be shaheed [martyr]. And, he will be rewarded for this, and his Hajj is also accepted said Prophet (saws). Because Allah He is giving for intention and he has the real intention and he is travelling to that area, so he will be shaheed.
There is of course now, more than three or four million people going there. Everyday, normally they have to be, they are dying and by accident they are dying also. So, all of these people, Allah give them shaheed degree, high degree for them. So it is [a] big thing to be [a] hajji, to be [on] pilgrimage. It is not like there are many religions they say pilgrimage, but it is not because only this pilgrimage to House of Allah. it is, there is time, once around year, one year. [It is once a year]. Others they are going every time. They say when they are going any time they said they go by themselves; 'their pilgrimage.' It is not like this.
This is by order of Allah, heavenly order, and it has very strong heavenly support and heavenly for.. heavenly [It is] special - [for] only half day on 360 days, they have only this. And it is 'tajalli' the manifestation of Allah coming in this time. and this area also, outside of this area nothing -you cannot be [on] pilgrimage. Everything in Islam it is perfect because it is not human being-made it is heavenly arranging and saying, and giving time by Allah. So, it is really [a] very special place. Nobody can reach this [at] any time else and if he is in any religion outside of Islam. Only this [was] given for Prophet (saws) and his ummah. If there are other people not accept - this is their fault. We are not responsible because Prophet (saws) he asked and calling everybody to come to this good place and special place and what Allah Azza wa Jalla calling people. He said for Ibrahim (as) 'Call people to come to this place and they will come running, riding, flying, going by ship; they will come.'
If they have this good chance, if they are lucky, they will come. Allah make all of us who are not going, also to go there Insha'Allah, to be hajji, to have this big precious gift from Allah. Because one of Bedouwi, he came when it was time, not hajj time. He was making umrah and asking Prophet (saws) If 'I am take reward of hajji?' Prophet
(saws) 'There is Jabal Abu Qubais' Now, I don't think, maybe they take it out. Because they are digging, taking these mountains from around the Ka'aba. [It was a] big mountain. He said 'If you give this, all [in] gold you cannot reach the reward of a Hajji'. It is like this; very precious thing.
And Prophet (saws) his saying, the most truthful one. So it is real. Not easy. It is not so cheap, it is very precious. You must appreciate this and try to go there. Maulana was saying for people who have no money - 'Everyday you can put in one box only for to be in hajj. Maybe in one year you can go to Hajj. Maybe, if it is not enough, two years. May be afer five years it will be enough money. Even maybe in ten years also, you can try. And Insha'Allah when there is intention and trying, Allah makes it easy for you.
Wa min Allahi t-Tawfiq, Al Fatiha
Monday, September 21, 2015.
As-salamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh. Audhu billahi min ash-shaytani r-rajim. Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. As-salatu wa s-salamu ala Rasulina Muhammadin Sayyidi lawwalina wa l-akhirin. Madad ya RasulAllah, madad ya Sadati Ashabi RasulAllah, madad ya Mashaykhina, dastur, madad ya Sheikh Abdullah Daghestani, Sheikh Muhammad Nazim alHaqqani, dastur. Tariqatuna s-sohbah, wa l-khayru fi jam'iyyah.
Allah Azza wa Jalla has made some places holy. He made some places sacred. Allah does what He wants. No one can interfere with Allah. Some people... Of course, it happens sometimes. Now there are some people who talk here and there according to their minds saying this is haram, this is halal, you shouldn't do this and that. They appear on TV too and speak as they like. No. The way we follow is the way of our Prophet.
After Hadhrat Omar became khalifa, he went on hajj together with sahabas. There is this big sahaba Abu Sayid al-Khudri. He said "We went together and entered Kaba, Masjid alHaram." Circumambulation starts from the Black Stone, Hajar ul-Aswad. Hadhrat Omar, radhiAllahu anh, went towards Hajar ul-Aswad and stopped. He addressed the Black Stone and said "You are just a stone. If I didn't see our Prophet kissing you, I would not kiss you. You bring neither harm, nor benefit." Sahabas were varied, different. Hadhrat Omar was famous for his justice, his help to Islam. Hadhrat Omar did all the foundation of the state and law.
Hadhrat Ali was there too. He said "Ya Amir ul-Mu'mineen, it gives both harm and benefit, with permission of Allah. Allah didn't put this stone here without a purpose". Hadhrat Omar said "Does it have anything?" Hadhrat Ali said "Of course. It's written in Qur'an "Alastu birabbikum qalu bala"(7:172) When Allah Azza wa Jalla acknowledged
the servanthood of all people, He wrote their names on a paper and threw it inside that Black Stone. The Black stone swallowed it. The names of those who came and will come are written there. And the names of all people are written. And there are the names of those who came and will come. Everything is written there. That's it."
Hadhrat Omar is the one who accepted the truth. He said "May Allah make your life longer. MashaAllah your knowledge is much above ours". Hadhrat Omar accepted the truth immediately. When he entered, first... Of course, during the time of our Prophet they couldn't ask our Prophet "Why did you kiss it?" and so on. But after him, because those people were worshipping rocks and wood before, he thought it was like this. Hadhrat Ali, radhiAllahu anhu, enlightened him. And he accepted it. And it was a lesson for people there, for all people. Allah makes what He wants sacred. Even camels sacrificed there are seen as sacred. They are "min sha'airi Llahi" (22:36) It is one of the things to be done over there, and it is sacred. An ayah in Qur'an says to people "Pay attention to this". Therefore... There are these people now - they can't be called scholars. They are just people who come to conclusions as they like. These people appear to confuse people's minds. They are not scholars, they are ignorant ones. While people are on the right path, they are trying to mislead them from the right path and put on a wrong path. They are people of shaitan. They don't accept the truth and reality. Sahabas are the ones who accept the truth. Our Prophet said whomever you follow of them, you will reach the truth. They are never arrogant on the way of Allah. They don't take a share for their egos. They fear from the truth and rights. Hadhrat Omar lived his life as the poorest Muslim. He was doing so in order not to take anyone's right. He was such a man.
May Allah be pleased with all of them. May Allah let us follow their ways inshaAllah.
Allah Azza wa Jalla He is making some places holy, some things holy. Sometimes, He makes it holy and His Will, we cannot say - 'why You do this?' And, it is written in Qur'an and written in hadith also, so it is no problem. You cannot say this is shirk. You don't say this - Why is He doing this. He is the Creator and He is not afraid from anyone and
nobody can give Him ideas. But of course, many people these days, they are approaching and they are giving people ideas. Not advice, advice making good, but when you give ideas, you make people confused, more confused, and after this confusion they can, if their belief is not strong, they can go anywhere out of [the] right way. And especially in Hajj.
Sayyidina Omar, after Prophet (saws), after Sayyidina Abu Bakr, when he became khalifa, he was going to Hajj. And there was of course thousands of sahaba with him and there was one who was saying this - Abu Sayid Khudri sahaba (ra). He said we went with him, entering to majid al haraam; to kaba and Sayyidina Omar, Amir-ul Mu'minin he came to the front of hajar ul-aswad, the black stone, the holiest. And this stone coming from jannat, from paradise. It was bright, and very white. But when coming to dunya, from the darkness of people, [it was] becoming black. And he came to the front of this black stone, Sayyidina Omar. And Sayyidina Omar he was the second khalifah after Sayyidina Abu Bakr, and he was very just. He was just, justice, just and he put all 'Devlet' State, everything in the state he calculate and established. Everything of this Islamic state, he was establishing. Everything. And he was very strict. He came to Hajar ul Aswad and He said 'O Black stone, you don't have any benefit or any harm. I am kissing you because I saw Prophet (saws) kissing you and you are only stone." And there was near him, Sayyidina Ali (ra). He said 'O Amir ul Mu'minin, don't say this! He got [has] harm, and we can get benefit from him by order of Allah. And it is written in Qur'an, if you read Qur'an and you understand you can know about this." Sayyidina Omar said 'What is this ayat?' And he read 'alastu birabbikum qaloo bala' (7:172). He said, when Allah Azza wa Jalla took a promise from whole human beings in time of spirit.. 'ruhler alemi' spirit time, before the creation. Allah Azza wa Jalla took a promise from all our spirits to be, 'we are Your servants and we accept You.' And all of this is written in paper and He put in this black stone. And he is, when somebody coming to him he is promising, and he get benefit from him.
Hazrat Omar said 'Thank you very much. You have knowledge. We are not reaching to your knowledge at all. You are right.' he said and he accepted. And because they are accepting truth and accepting right,
sahaba. And he was happy. And it is, many things like this Allah gives holiness. Even in, for Hajj time - "sha'airi Llahi" (22:36). Many things, one of them even qurban, to cut sheep or to cut a camel - also this is from "sha'airi Llahi" (22:36). You must be [have] respect for this Allah Azza wa Jalla saying. People, they are, some people [are] not looking for Qur'an, only reading Qur'an without understanding. If they understand, they will know all Muslims they are in right, they never say to them - 'you are in wrong' or 'you are not any more believer, you are mushrik.' They cannot say this. Because everything that we are knowing, what our mashayikh teaching us, [it is] coming from Qur'an [and] from hadith. Nothing out of it. And Allah put some people, holy, more than others. And we are following them, insha'Allah.
These people also must know the reality [and] accept reality - to be like Sayyidina Omar ibnul Khattab, who as he was very strong but he was accepting. And he was afraid from any small thing, even he was living like very poor; the poorest Muslim maybe he was better [off] than him. When he was in khalifat - Amir ul Mu'minin but he is accepting the truth. You must be accept[ing] truth insha'Allah.
Wa min Allahi t-Tawfiq, Al Fatiha
Tuesday, September 22, 2015.
As-salamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh. Audhu billahi min ash-shaytani r-rajim. Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. As-salatu wa s-salamu ala Rasulina Muhammadin Sayyidi lawwalina wa l-akhirin. Madad ya RasulAllah, madad ya Sadati Ashabi Rasulillah, dastur, Sheikh Abdullah Faizi d-Daghistani, Sheikh Muhammad Nazim al- Haqqani, madad. Tariqatuna as-sohbah, wa l-khayru fi jam'iyyah.
Shukur to Allah today is the 8th day of Dhul Hijjah, it is a holy day. It is called Yawm utTarwiyah. That is its name in Allah's presence, Hz. Muhammad's (sas) presence. Tarwiyah means getting prepared for going to Arafah. People make hajj ut-tamattu. They wear their ihram again and go to Arafah on foot normally. They move today. In the evening they stay at Muzdalifah and in the morning they are in Arafat. This is the Sunnah.
For Tarwiyah they drink a lot of water from Zam Zam until they are content and then they hit the road. Because it is before the Day of Arafah it is a very blessed day among these 10 days. Tomorrow is the Day of Arafat, of course it is the most blessed one, after that it is Eid ul Adha. These are the days that Allah likes. These are the days that Allah gave as a gift to His servants, so that people would be happy. He made these days for people to repent. Allah Azza wa Jalla is generous.
Some people are generous. Most of the time generous people are people, who believe in Allah, who love Allah. They are generous. Our Prophet (sas) is the most generous of all people. He (sas) loved giving. He never turned down anybody. If he received something in the evening, he would not leave it for morning. He used to distribute it among the poor. He did not like keeping even a penny for himself, because worldly possessions are valuable only if you give them. If you keep them they are not valuable. People think the opposite - if they keep it is valuable, if they give it is a loss. On the contrary if you give Allah pays you back a thousand times more both in this world and in the hereafter.
Eternal life is important. This life is not important. This life finishes in the blink of an eye. One of the awliya was digging the earth. He heard a voice coming. "Do not dig, you hit my head. Do not dig you hit my ear, you hit my head." He was surprised but of course he was an awliya, so he understood. That voice said "I was a human being, I died and turned into dust." This worldly life is like this. There is no one, who will not die or turn into dust. No matter how much you collect, it does not give you benefit. Only if you give, you get benefit - it becomes provision for akhirah, your wealth won't be lost. There is a long life, if you give, you keep it with you eternally. If you do not give, you will lose it eternally.
Today it is 8th of Dhul Hijjah It is a very holy day also, it is called Yawm ut-Tarwiyah in divine presence. Prophet (saws) also he was giving very good tidings for this day. You must be, for a hajji, it is day of travelling, moving to Arafat, to complete the Hajj. Order of Allah, obligatory order of Allah for people who are able to do it. Because there are three kinds of Hajj. One of them, two of them, they are taking and putting ihram in this [day, the] eight of Dhul Hijjah and making niyat [intention] for hajj. The third one, he is never taking out [the ihram]. But if it is, they are hajj al-ifrad from before this day he was in Mecca, he will be also in ihram. But Hajj ut-tamattu or who are living in Mecca, today they will take, [and] put ihram on themselves and making niyat, intention to be hajji. And they will drink zamzam, for this tarwiyah meaning taking water too much. And they will move to Arafat.
It is sunnah, of course [in] that time before forty, fifty years or more until Prophet (saws), it was not so crowded and it was easy to do all sunnah of Hajj. But these days it is so difficult to do it, but also some, they can do it. Some of them, they were doing [it]. Even we went four times to hajj, all times they take us in Yawm ut-Tarwiyah to Arafat. But the sunnah is to be in Muzdalifa. Before going to Arafat, sleeping in Muzdalifa and second to be in Arafat. But also, [it is] good to be from eight of Dhul Hijjah to be in Arafat. To take this blessing.
And it is very loved day for Allah Azza wa Jalla and Allah Azza wa Jalla He is generous. Generous; He likes to give. And He is asking 'who wants to take, I will give'. And He is happy to give. Not happy to keep. And He is teaching us for this. And the most generous people they are believers, especially prophets, and especially our Prophet (saws), Sayyidina Muhammad (saws) he was never leaving anything until [the] next day. To - Even at nighttime if anything coming hadiya 'gift' for him, he quickly distribute this for people who are in need. And for [the] morning, not even one penny. Because, this money he see it like, if it
will be staying, like dirty. But if he gives it is very precious thing. When you give it, it is precious. When you keep it, it is dirty, not good. This is what the Prophet (saws) teaching us.
If you leave anything for yourself it is not good. You must give for akhira. When, if you leave something after you it is not good for you. But if you send before you, it will be good for you. And it is good because our life here, very short life. No need to keep too much for yourself. You must, every time make charity. You must obey and follow what Prophet (saws) doing. Because after your short life, you will be dead, one of, you will be dust.
One of awliya'ullah, he was digging and he was hitting the earth to take dust from this. He heard some voice coming - "O Beloved one for Allah Be careful! You hit my nose!" After he heard a voice 'You hit my eyes!' And after he said, 'You just hit my brain!' 'You hit my ear!' And he looked, what, from where, coming this voice. He said, this earth, Allah make him to hear. He said 'I was like you, I was very rich man and then, now I am dust. And it is my, this is my ear, this is my head, this is my... all dust! I was so rich man! But now, only dust."
This is what the Prophet (saws) showing, giving us example also for this. You will be nothing. Be benefit for you for this life, for akhira, you can give as much as you can. And Allah will reward you, a thousand, million times more [than] what you give. Allah, make us to not forget this Insha'Allah.
Wa min Allah at-Tawfiq, Al Fatiha
160.YAWM UL ‘ARAFAH Wednesday, September 23, 2015
As-salamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh. Audhu billahi min ash-shaytani r-rajim. Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. As-salatu wa s-salamu ala Rasulina Muhammadin Sayyidi lawwalina wa l-akhirin. Madad ya RasulAllah, madad ya Sadati Ashabi Rasulillah, madad ya Mashayihina, dastur, ya Shaykh Abdullah Faizi d-Daghistani, Shaykh Muhammad Nazim alHaqqani. Tariqatuna s-sohbah, wa l-khayru fi jam'iyyah.
Audhu billahi min ash-shaytani rrajim. Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. "Say, indeed my prayer, my rites of sacrifice, my living and dying are for Allah, Lord of the worlds. No partner has He, and this I have been commanded. I'm the first of the Muslims." (6:162,163) In everything, we are for Allah. Allah gave us everything. There is nothing we take from someone else. Everything belongs to Allah. This holy Day of Arafah is also His gift. On the Day of Arafah all pilgrims will be on Arafat at a certain time, then they will fulfill Allah's order and go back. They both do the fardh, and they are cleaned of their sins and come back. Just like the child is born without sins, the pilgrims become free of sins. If the pilgrims commit some sins after that, again Allah accepts their repentance, Allah is merciful. He (JJ) does not turn down anyone, who repents. He gives people the chance every time, everywhere, so that they repent and clean themselves from sins. "Whoever fasts today, on the Day of Arafah, is cleaned from last year's and next year's sins" says the Prophet (sas) in a hadith. The more you worship on the Day of Arafah Allah's blessings is endless. He knows what He is going to give. He gives as He likes. When He gives, He does not give a little. For today's worship, Mawlana used to say - read 1000 Ikhlas for yourself and for your ancestors. That will be a barakah (blessing) for you. Your sins are forgiven. You spend the whole year in peace InshaAllah. Of course there is lots of worship on the Day of Arafah, you can do if you want. InshaAllah we are going to pray 2 rakaats after the
sohbah. It is the prayer that the Prophet (sas) did. In the first rakaat after Fatiha, you say 3 times Qul ya ayyuha l-kafirun (109), 1 time Ikhlas, then in the second rakaat it is the same. After that inshaAllah we pray and it is accepted. May Allah make us reach many years to come. Now it is the time of fitnah. It is the end of times but the more difficult it is, the more blessings are coming. But still it is worship to wait for survival (improvement) - I mean it is not right to pray that we keep on like this, in order to get more blessings. Keep on asking that Allah take away these troubles. InshaAllah He sends us Mahdi alaihi s-salam. The Prophet gave good tidings about him. When he comes, he is going to fill the world with light and beauty, justice - as now it is filled with darkness and oppression. Waiting for Mahdi (as) is worship Praying for him is a good act of worship. Praying is already a worship. "Call upon Me. "(40:60) It is Allah's order. He says 'call upon Me'. May Allah give us goodness inshaAllah. May He protect us, all Muslims, from badness. Because all the devils in the world attack to finish this religion. And Allah says that He is going to make it victorious. "Allah is predominant over His affair" (12:21). Allah Azza wa Jalla promised this. It will be InshaAllah. No matter how strong the devils and their soldiers are, no matter how many tricks and traps they have. They can collect weapons and men as much as they want, still Allah is victorious. No one can challenge Allah. Whatever they do is useless with Allah's permission. Today, Arafat, and we read "qul inna salati wa nusuki wa mahyaya wa mamati liLlahi rabbi l-'alamina la sharika lahu wa bidhalika umir'tu wa ana awwalu l-muslimin" (6:162,163) This is what Sayyidina Ibrahim (as) said and we are also repeating. We are praying, we are what we do from Hajj, from order of Allah. Everything, we are only for Allah. The reason of being [is] to be knowing this. Allah gives us this life and gives us everything and we mustn't say 'it is for me'. No! Everything, we give for Allah. Even, what we are worshipping, [when] we are doing good things - Everything [is] for Allah. Don't think it is from yourself. And we are thanking Allah because He created us. [He] granted us these days.
Yawm ul Arafat it is a very holy day and it is a day of Allah's gift. Allah give everything for mu'min, believers and even this area, Arafat and Ka'aba, only for believers. Not allowing anybody else who does not believe in Him and His Beloved Prophet (saws) to enter this area. Because it is real special area and it is this time - every time it is holy, but especially this day it is a very holy day. In half day, everybody who is in this area, they become Hajji. This is grant from Allah and it is a big thing. First, they made the obligatory of what Allah He say for them. Second, every sin they do from their young time [youth] until they are going to Hajj, Allah forgives them. And they become without sin like a newborn baby. This [is] for Hajjis. For others also, if you pray, pray on this day and you fast, especially if you fast this day, Prophet (saws) saying Allah forgives you from one year before, last year, and one year later. He will forgive us InshaAllah who are fasting these days. And this day, it is day of Allah accepting du'a. So we can - there is many duas in this day, afternoon or until night, you can do. Especially 1000 times to read Ikhlas ash-Sharif - Qul huwa Allahu Ahad - it give you barakat for whole one year and gives you the blessing and make you [have a] strong iman also InshaAllah. And there is, of course, many praying. We are, InshaAllah after sohbah, we pray two rakaats. First rakaat - 3 'Qul ya ayyuhal kafirun' and one 'Qul huwa Allahu Ahad'. Second rakaat - [the] same. And after we make du'a. Du'a it is worshipping. Allah says du'a means praying. 'Pray, and I am accepting.' It is order. You must make, ask from Allah. Don't be hopeless. Everything you can ask from Allah. Allah He said: 'I am accepting and I am happy to see My servant not forget Me and continue to make du'a.' Especially, these days, the day of bad days, it is very dangerous days. The time of the sultanate of shaytan its followers. shaytan and its followers [are] attacking now all believers to... They will say and they think they will finish them - but it is not [so]. They cannot finish because Allah [is] with us. And these days are days of trading. When sometimes in war or when it's [there is] nothing, many people they can take, make, [and] become rich. These days [are] also like this for believers. When it is too difficult, it is more reward from Allah. And to wait to be, to be safe from this badness it is also worshipping. We are waiting [for an] opening from
Allah It is also, but we make du'a also for Sayyidina l-Mahdi to come. It is also an order for us. To make du'a, not to wait in this darkness, in this injustice. No! We are making du'a for Mahdi (as) to come to make justice and to be light, to be barakat everywhere. And to finish shaytan and its army because they are thought [they think] they have everything - they have weapons, they have people, they have knowledge, they have... they think this. But they are fighting with, not with believers, they are not knowing they are fighting with Allah. And Allah - nobody can win [against] Him. He is the, He will be on them, and to finish them InshaAllah. We are waiting [for] this InshaAllah. Wa min Allahi t-Tawfiq, Al Fatiha
Thursday, September 24, 2015.
Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. As-salatu wa s-salamu ala Rasulina Muhammadin Sayyidi lawwalina wa l-akhirin. Madad ya RasulAllah, Madad ya Sadati Ashabi Rasulillah, madad ya Mahayihina, dastur. ya Shaykh Abdullah Daghistani, Shaykh Muhammad Nazim alHaqqani, madad. Tariqatuna as-sohbah, wa l-khayru fi jam'iyyah.
Eid Mubarak, Eid mubarak. InshaAllah it is khayr. This is the Eid of Allah. There are 2 eids given from Allah. One is Eid ul Ramadan, one is Eid ul Adha. There are no other eids. The other feasts that people celebrate they are not for Allah. They are only for getting benefit, for trade, for worldly benefit. They are man-made feasts. They say "Everyday is a feast for a crazy person". May Allah never separate us from the right path.
The days Allah appointed as eid for people especially, the whole nation gets benefit if they are accepting. If not accepting, of course they can't get benefit. Muslims get benefit because they remember Allah even if they are rebellious and do not keep any of Allah's orders. If they keep respect for these eids, even by saying "Eid Mubarak" Allah will definitely give them a gift - He (JJ) won't forget them. InshaAllah we hope that their situation changes; that they may leave with iman in their last breaths.
This is also to make people benefit, Allah Azza wa Jalla gave these eids, just to protect people from destruction InshaAllah. They are a sufficient means to remember Allah. Most people pray once in their lives or twice a year. They only pray on eids, from one eid to the next. Some people only pray 2 rakaat. Most people did not miss that in the old times. Now there are few people, who do that. But even by remembering eid inshaAllah it will be a benefit. Allah gives its blessing. He leads people to the right way.
Mawlana always used to say, after returning from each eid prayer, we used to sit. He used to read people odes (qasidahs). Laysa l-aidu liman labasa l-jadeed, innama l-aid liman khafa min al-waid. Eid is not about those, who wear new clothes and go around. Eid is about those, who
fear Allah and keep Allah's orders. Eid is for not forgetting Allah, it is for remembering Allah. InshaAllah people pay more attention. Allah does not need anyone. He is not in need of eid. He gave these days for people to get benefit - to save people. May Allah grant all the Muslims to be on the right path for the sake of this holy day. InshaAllah they don't fall into shaitan's tricks and traps.
This tariqa way is the way of our Prophet (sas). It is the real path. May Allah grant it to them all. Everyone can come with Allah's permission.
Today, Mubarak Eid Feast of Eid al Adha. Allah Azza wa Jalla He appointed two days from His calendar to Ummat Muhammad, Prophet (saws). These two days - feasts. One [is] after Ramadan and one now on the 10th of Dhul Hijjah and it is really holy and a feast day. Because normally, people they make now, for everything [a] feast. But it is human beings [who] made these feasts. And when somebody making feast or celebrate everything - making celebration, like feasts for everything. Only we celebrate for two [days], these what Allah give us. And Allah, when He gives something He wants people to get benefit from this because [it is] to be happy and to remember Him. But when people, they are doing feasts [it is] only for benefit for themselves, for their pockets and they make people to be stressed. Everyday, every month we have two or three celebrations for something. It is not, it is just rubbish. We call [it] in Turkey, for crazy everyday celebration.
But Allah, Allah only He made two days - two feasts. And it is a real feast and He gives from His endless Mercy and pleasure for people when they are remembering Him. And even, many people they are not practicing Islam, not doing anything, and they doing all wrong, but Allah, because they are when in Eid [of] Ramadan or Eid al Adha, they visit each other and they remember, we hope Allah He will be happy with them. Because, even very very small things it is important [for there] to be some point in the heart. One very small point of belief in [their] heart. It is, even this [it is] enough for people to survive. But Allah, He is happy with people who remember Him and celebrate and give importance for these days - to visit each other, to be happy, to make people happy also. All will be rewarded from Allah.
Mawlana, every time he said some like poem - laysa al Eid liman labasal jadeed innama alEid liman khaf al-wa'id the celebration it is not to be [about] wearing new clothes and to go around. No, it is to remember Allah and to be away from what He wants you to be away [from] and to make what He wants [you] to do. This is a real
celebration because you will be in safety. But also to remember. The minimum remembrance of Allah [is] also good. And it is big reason for Allah to make it holy, and two days. Because real celebration, who even they [are] visiting each other and not doing anything, they will be rewarded for this and it will be real feast for them in akhira. This is also because every time, Mawlana saying this, just we hearing, but Alhamdulillah we are now giving more explaining. Because for dunya, it is ok - one day after, you're finished. But this one, you cele... Respect what Allah gives for you, Allah He will reward you.
Alhamdulillah, Wa min Allahi t-Tawfiq, Al Fatiha
162.HIS NAME WITH MY NAME FOREVER Friday, September 25, 2015. As-salamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh. Audhu billahi min ash-shaytani r-rajim. Bismillahi Rahmani r-Rahim. As-salatu wa s-salamu ala Rasulina Muhammadin Sayyidi lawwalina wa l-akhirin. Madad ya RasulAllah, madad ya Sadati Ashabi Rasulillah, madad ya Mashayihina, dastur, madad ya Sheikh Abdullah Faizi d-Daghistani, Sheikh Muhammad Nazim al-Haqqani, madad. Tariqatuna s-sohbah, wa l-khayru fi jam'iyyah.
This is the second day of eid. Eid Mubarak! Because this eid lasts four days. May Allah give barakah inshaAllah. We'll be protected from all evil things. Allah Azza wa Jalla tells the Prophet (sas) that He gave Him (sas) Kawthar. "Indeed we have granted you al-Kawthar "(108:1) Before entering paradise when drinking from it, all sins, all the illnesses related to the nafs in the world go away. Nothing tastes like it. Allah tells our Prophet (sas) "So pray to your Lord."(108:2) So pray to your Lord, praying is a big blessing. He (awj) ordered, offered that to the Prophet (sas). Slaughter an animal if you can He also says. With every drop of the sacrifice your sins are forgiven. For each of its hairs, a palace is given in paradise. It is important to slaughter an animal, if you can afford it. Do not neglect it. Allah granted it to people, a gift of Allah. You get benefit also in this world. Its meat, its hair, its skin, it is all halal, can be used, can be distributed. You can eat it all or you can distribute it all. It is both a grant and has high value. It has big reward. Do not start thinking "Why has He ordered it?" for Allah's orders concerning worship this is a bad way to think. Every worship He ordered has thousands, hundreds of thousands of benefits. The benefit you get is unlimited. If you calculate until the Day of Judgment you cannot count the benefit of that worship and order. It is solely to benefit the people. "Indeed your enemy is the one cut off. "(108:3). People, who defame the Prophet (sas) do not have a good ending. There had been an incident before this verse came. Allah Azza wa Jalla immediately relieved our
Prophet (sas) with this verse. He made him happy. When unbelievers were sitting at the Ka'ba, our Prophet (sas) entered from a door. These men did not see him entering. When he (sas) going out, a wild unbeliever whose name was 'As saw him. 'As means rebellious, rebellious to Allah. His father is Wail, his son is 'As. They used to give such names. They used to give very bad names. Our Prophet (sas) did not like these names. He used to change some people's names and some not. But some people they did not change, some did not accept the names given by the Prophet (sas). Unbelievers were sitting around the Ka'ba. They don't have a religion of course. They worship the stones, drink alcohol, they don't pray. They sit there as if it is a cafe. They looked to see to whom that man is talking. He did not come and talk. "Who was that one?" he said. At that time it was not as crowded as now. The whole population was ten thousand, twenty thousand. People, who came to sit near the Kaba were a small number. "Who is that one going out from there?" He answered "Abtar". Our Prophet's son Abdullah had died. They did not see girls as human beings. 'Abtar' means someone, whose lineage has stopped. Allah Azza wa Jalla said at that moment "The one, who tells you such a bad thing, who insults you, he is 'abtar'." He went to hell, he is creeping in hell because he said a vicious word to our Prophet (sas). Allah Azza wa Jalla said then: "Whenever My Name is mentioned, Yours will be mentioned as well." La ilaha illAllah, Muhammadun Rasulullah. Ash'hadu an la ilaha illAllah wa sh'hadu anna Muhammadan abduhu wa Rasuluhu. Every time there is a call to prayer our Prophet's (sas) name is mentioned, in Quran also. His name must be mentioned in all prayers. Everywhere, every corner of the universe until the Day of Judgment, his name is mentioned. Allah Azza wa Jalla made him so high. He called the other one 'abtar'. People, who respect our Prophet (sas) they will be high. When they do something, Allah gives them blessings and makes it good. People, who do not respect him, their work does not go smoothly. Even if it goes well sometimes, Allah Azza wa Jalla makes it like that so that, he gets more punishment in Akhirah. His work goes well, so that he gets
wilder in this world. But in fact, people, who love and respect the Prophet (sas), they get blessings, barakah. Barakah is very important. These hajjis, they were all martyred, May Allah have mercy on them. The previous king used to respect the Prophet (sas). Everything went well, smoothly. The new king does not have much respect. He listens to people, who are disrespectful. Because of this there are bad consequences, all these people are being harmed. It is destiny, but Allah Azza wa Jalla is showing people. This destiny is written by Allah, that they would be martyred. But there is a lesson to learn, in that it took place during this king's time. Allah praises the one, who praises His Beloved (sas). He makes his efforts easy for him. Because without going into Kawthar people cannot enter paradise, cannot be cleaned from their sins. They have to go inside and be cleaned. Then they enter paradise. There are hadith about this. They do not want the hadith now. Mawlana used to say "they say: Hadith is weak or hadith is strong". Allah says in the Glorious Quran, "We gave you Kaw