Maulana Shaykh Nazim Adil al-Haqqani 2000 Sohbats 1979-2013 (597/777)
Geliebten gesandt wurde... dem Geliebten (saws). Der Heilige Quran wurde nicht gesandt für die Rezitatoren oder um auf Beerdigungen rezitiert zu werden. Nein. Hasha! Allah (swt) wird ihnen Manieren beibringen. Tawba ya Rabbi, Tawba... Deshalb brauchen wir jemanden, der erneuert, erneuert... 'Und nach mir kommen Khalifas..' sagte der Prophet (saws). Solche mit Ehre, Macht und Befähigung. 'Nach mir kommen Khalifas, und nach den Khalifas, Amire, und nach den Amiren, Könige, und nach den Königen, Tyrannen.' Diese Leute zählen zu den Tyrannen. Allah (swt) wird sie ausmerzen. 'Dann kommt ein Mann von meinem Haushalt, um die Erde mit Fairness und Gerechtigkeit zu füllen, wie sie mit Unterdrückung gefüllt war.' (Hadith) Laßt ihre Gelehrten sprechen. Laßt sie sagen, daß 'dieser Shaykh'... Ich bin kein Shaykh, ich bin ein schwacher Diener. Was ich von unseren Meistern gehört habe, spreche ich aus. Laßt sie das Buch "Jami' s- Saghir" aufschlagen von Imam Al Suyuti, und laßt sie zum Index zu den Buchstaben "Sayakun, Sayakun.." gehen - es wird sein... es wird sein. Tawba ya Rabbi, Tawba ya Rabbi, Tawba Astaghfirullah. Sie werden nie Erfolg haben. Und sie werden sich gegenseitig umbringen. Allah (jmk) sagt: "Er ist Derjenige, Der fähig ist, euch Strafe von oben zu schicken.' (6:65). Der Prophet (saws) sagte: 'Aman, mein Herr, sende über meine Nation keine Strafe von den Himmeln.' oder 'Er ist Derjenige, Der fähig ist, euch Strafe von oben oder von unter eueren Füßen zu schicken' (6:65). Der Prophet (saws) bat: Aman ya Rabbi! 'Ich werde ihnen keine (3 von 4)04.07.2013 23:34:42
8257 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: SovereigntyIsForWhom
Strafe von den Himmeln oder von der Erde schicken, aber wenn sie beharren... 'oder euch in Sekten durcheinanderbringen und die einen von euch die Gewalt der anderen kosten lassen' (6:65). "Aw Yalbisakum Shiya`an Wa Yudhiqa Ba`dakum Ba'sa Ba`din" (6:65). Das ist euere Strafe. Wo seid ihr Gelehrte, Ägypter? Ikhwan, Muslimbruderschaft oder Himarghi, Esel? Astaghfirullah, Astaghfirullah. Dies ist eine Erklärung für Menschen im allgemeinen, aber besonders für die Muslimwelt. Es gibt einen Heiligen Vers: 'Allah wird Menschen bringen, die Er liebt und die Ihn lieben' (5:54). Sie werden kommen. Astaghfirullah, ich bereue und wende mich Allah (swt) zu. Bereut vor euerem Herrn, o Muslime. Ägypter, Ägypter... Alle Muslime müssen dazu zurückkehren, Allah (swt) und Seinem Propheten (saws) zu gehorchen, und den Heiligen Quran zu ihrer Verfassung machen. Es gibt für uns keine Verfassung außer dem Heiligen Quran. Die Gelehrten während des Osmanischen Reiches stellten eine Majalla, eine Verfassung, zusammen und wurden belohnt... SN: Ein Lohn... In Frankreich gewährten sie für die Verfassung, genannt Al Majalla, Gold. Sie würdigten sie und die Muslime nicht! La Hawla wa la Quwwata illa Billah. Tawba ya Rabbi.. 'Bestimme für uns einen König, damit wir auf Allahs Weg kämpfen.' (2:246) Tawba ya Rabbi, wir bereuen und wenden uns zu Dir. Fatiha. Lefke, 30.11.2012
WebSaltanatOrg, CategoryEgypt (4 von 4)04.07.2013 23:34:42
8258 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: SpainIslamFromWithin
Maulana Sheikh Nazim : SpainIslamFromWithin
Spain: Islam from within
One thousand years ago Islam came from the outside to Spain and then it was thrown out. Now Islam is coming back again. This time from the Spanish people themselves. You can tell the Muslims who have come from the outside to go back home again, because you are the hosts, the landlords of Spain. No-one can tell you to leave. They were Arabs who came here, and the Spanish Christians told them to go away. But the Lord is watching and is giving His Revenge. Your ancestors threw out the Muslims, but now their descendants are becoming Muslims. No-one can push you away. It is impossible. Al hamdulillah! 01.01.1997
BookPureHearts, CategorySpain 23:34:44
8259 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: SpanishPeopleAndMehdi
Maulana Sheikh Nazim : SpanishPeopleAndMehdi
The Special Position of the Spanish People in the Time of Mahdi
(Mawlana Shaykh speaks with mureed guests from Spain.) Allahu, Allahu, Allahu Haqq! Allahu, Allahu, Allahu Haqq! Allahu, Allahu, Allahu Haqq. Haqq al-Haqq subhaanahu wa Ta`alaa! Allahuma thabitna` ala ‘l-Haqq! We are not saying we are Turkish, we are not Russians or English: we are ummati Muhammad! That is the highest honor. All people on the Day of Resurrection will be asking to be from the nation of the Seal of Prophets (s)! (Mawlana Shaykh stands and sits) Only some nights there is a patrol, but with my body it is difficult; therefore, I only made patrol in Spain for three nights in holy Ramadan, to Andaluz, Alhambra. The flag of Mahdi (a) is there, although not everyone is seeing it, but from there people's hearts are coming to Islam. Those Spanish people are regiment Number One for Mahdi (a)! Seventy European regiments are passing in front of Mahdi (a) to come to Damascus. We are happy that you're hearts are running to Alhambra! In one night our soldiers from jinn may build ten (1 von 3)04.07.2013 23:34:45
8260 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: SpanishPeopleAndMehdi
Alhambras, each of which will have a different ornamentation, tajalli, because it is Mahdi’s (a) sign, that his is a miraculous time. They will not built brick by brick, but in one night they can build ten! You are also guardians on the border, because so many jinn are asking to come from across the sea to attack Mahdi (a) from behind, but Mahdi’s (a) sword is like this, finishing them! Fatihah. Enough. May Allah Almighty grant to you to be with Mahdi (a) and then `Isa (a). (We have five maqaams in Spain now.) (Mawlana retrieves a Portuguese book from the shelf.) Who understands Portuguese? I was given this book a week ago and was looking inside, and my spirituality is taking refreshment just looking in it even though it is in Portuguese. So I give it to you who can understand, and through this book I hope many, many people will come to Islam. La ilaaha illa-Llah Muhammadun Rasoolullah. Thank you for your visit. Pray for me, please. Muharram, for three months must be changing, inshaa-Allah, for the benefit of Muslims. Never a tyrant will return, finished. Allah (swt) is now sending those who will be with Mahdi (a). Pray for me, that I can reach to Mahdi (a)! Everything that Allah Almighty granted to me is exceptional, but I am only waiting for Mahdi (a), there is nothing else for me in this world, finished. (We hope to be with you, Mawlana!) Inshaa-Allah, if you ask for us you will find us, it must be, it must be. Send our salaams. May Allah protect you. Fatihah. Allahu, Allahu, Allahu Haqq. Haqq, subhaanahu wa Ta`alaa. Lefke, 19.09.2011
WebSufiLive, CategorySpain, CategoryMehdi (2 von 3)04.07.2013 23:34:45
8261 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: SpanishPeopleAndMehdi (3 von 3)04.07.2013 23:34:45
8262 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: SpiritualityHappyPhysicalBeingHappy
Maulana Sheikh Nazim : SpiritualityHappyPhysicalBeingHappy
When spirituality is getting happy, more support to your physical being
Destur ya Sayyidi, Ya Sultanu-l Awliya, Meded, ya Rijalallah, Destur, Meded, ya Sayyidi…Audhu bi-llahi mina shaitani rajim Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim, la haula wa la quwatta illa bi-llahi-l ‘Aliyu-l ‘Azim… It is an association and it is for our physical being a support, because associations (are) giving spiritual support to our physical being and associations are addressing to our spirituality. When your spirituality (is) getting happy, (it) gives much more support to your physical being. If you are not taking care for your spirituality, normally your physical being (is) always going down, down, down, and finishing. This is a recorder. It is working in two ways: One, you may use it with batteries, but also it has two holes (so) that you may use a wire, connecting (it) to (the) central electric and from the central electric (is) coming power and it works; as long as this central electric is working, this is working (also). But if you are using batteries, you may use the recorder (only) until that battery is finished and the batteries power is also (is) slowly slowly coming down, coming less and less. Therefore- a person may use his physical being and he is trusting on his physical being- working and running, and trying to do something and through their youth time it is okay. He thinks that he (will) never be in need any other power. He feels that his physical being is okay. And how he us understanding he may run like (1 von 5)04.07.2013 23:34:47
8263 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: SpiritualityHappyPhysicalBeingHappy
horses, he may carry heavy loads as donkeys, and he may jump high jumping like chimpanzees, apes, that they are very proud: “Ohhh, first class sportsman”, they are saying. “We are preparing Olympics in Athens!” First I was going and looking after such a place. It was at the beginning for people, first 1936, when (it was) beginning (in the) Amphitheatre. I was standing there, saying: “Take a photograph that Sheikh also now he is first…” No one (else was) there. “(The) first medal (must be) for Sheikh to be there before other athletes”… Running people- particularly our African brothers- no one can reach to them! “From where you are learning?” I am asking. “From Gita, leopards. We learned to run looking Gitas. We learned from leopards. We learned from our countries and no one can reach to us.” “Jumping?” “We are learning from apes, jumping from tree to tree, high jumping! And faster from that leopard we are learning from them.” They are very happy when (they are) getting first, but (they are) not using this heavy things to take it up like this, like that… (then letting it) fall…weight-champion, they are never interesting. White people very much interesting in this…This (is) much better; (they) look like horses, but who (is) carrying that load (they) look like donkeys… Subhanallahi-l ‘Aliyu-l ‘Azim, Glory to Allah! Everyone (is) running to show their powers and all of it is youth power, for a level. After that level your physical being is no more giving to support you, it is coming down, coming down and finished. (The) real support for our physical being that (is) never cut off, it is (coming) from our spiritual power. If that is giving to you support, you should be powerful and keeping your youth power as (if) you are 15 years and you may be 9o years! But people now (are) thinking that (their) physical being can be supported only by material things; (they are) asking power from their physical being and they are using material things to give much more support to their physical being. (This is) never going to be useful, but making it to come down. Spirituality may take you up! A plane may fly; it is not flying by material things, no! That material (is) changing into another position, (so) that (the plane) may fly! If you are putting that petrol through a plane (and) you are asking (if it is) that petrol, (that is) making it as it is to fly- (it) can’t be! That petrol is coming (into the plane), changing its position and (it is) going to be another material, but it is not a seen material, no, you can’t touch it. When you are putting that petrol in the plane, you may touch it. When (the plane is) getting up, you can’t touch it, that power is just changed into another form; it is going to be like a spiritual being for that plane and making it to fly. (2 von 5)04.07.2013 23:34:47
8264 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: SpiritualityHappyPhysicalBeingHappy
Therefore- if we are not asking from our physical being to be changed through our spiritual power into spirituality you can’t reach a real power to do something from heavenly aspects or to reach a peace, to reach a hope, to reach a good position, better condition. If you are not using your spirituality, you can’t reach aspects and never-ending powers. You can’t reach! Now people (are) not thinking on such aspects, but really we are in need for that. We need support, spiritual support, personally and commonly. People now through (the) 21st century (they are) not asking that support; they are thinking that material powers (are) enough for them. It is never going to be enough! You must use heavenly Power (from heavenly Power Stations) that these stations (are) very rare, but if you are asking, you can find someone that (is) leading you or guiding you to that power stations. All Awliya that they are inheriting from Prophets, they are heavenly power stations on earth. If you are reaching to them, then they may give you that power to make you to reach to your heavenly stations. Or (else) you can’t fly to that stations by planes, rockets, missiles and such things, no! Mostly all of them they may get up a little bit, then turning back down. No more (than this they) can carry people to high stations through Heavens, and man is in need to reach to Heavens, because Allah Almighty just granted to His servants a private seat, a private station to be there. You must ask: “How I can reach? With whom I can reach?” If a person (is) not using a plane, (he) can’t move from one side to another side on this earth. They are beginning and ending on earth. What about if you are asking to reach your heavenly stations, that you are not asking to come back? You should be happy there, because (you) should be dressed the dress of honour of being servant for the divinely Presence, in His divinely Presence! That glorious station (is) giving to you glory, never ending (glory)! People are drunk now, drunk with their materials and their trust (is) only for material aspects. They are thinking that material may support them for every target, but finally they are looking and seeing that their materials can’t reach to them, (and) can’t be able to support them. (There) may come a kind of virus through that person who was thinking that he is powerful and (the) richest one, or (that) he is (on the) highest position of his nation. He is thinking that such things should help him and (then) Allah Almighty (is) sending a virus and that person (is) looking for help from his soldiers, but soldiers can’t help him. (He is) asking from his missiles: “Help me”, they are saying: “We can’t.” Asking from his golden: “Help me”, they are saying: “We can’t.” Asking from his jewels: “Help me against that virus! Just I am so weak in front of that unseen virus!” (3 von 5)04.07.2013 23:34:47
8265 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: SpiritualityHappyPhysicalBeingHappy
One person was sitting with a King. He was a heavenly supported person and the King was sitting on his Throne. Allah Almighty (was) asking to show something to that King and (he was) leaving (a) fly (to come to him), coming there, making like this… running away… coming like that… making like this… (hitting), but the fly was never escaping. He was so angry and unrest, and saying. “For what these flies?” And that spiritual powerful person (was) saying: “Oh, command to them! Order them to get away!” And the King was saying: “I can’t.” “If you can’t be able to send away flies (and) you are so weak- how you are claiming: ‘I am so powerful one’, keeping in your hand a globe, (and in the) other hand your sword and on your head crown and even flies (are) never listening and obeying to you. Why you are going to be there, sitting (on that throne), such a proud person?” This is a small fly. Smaller (than that) I said a virus may come, (then he is) calling all doctors, physicians and asking: “Help me and I should give to you everything!” And they are saying: “I tried everything for you, but we can’t do anything more!” No one (is) helping! If (you are) not asking help from Saints- that are (the) Sultans of Akhirat, Sultans for eternal life- if you are not going to look after them and to see them, to find them and ask help from them- your rank, your richness, your soldiers, your atomic bombs, your nuclear weapons, your aircrafts (are) never helping you! Oh Man! Don’t be proud! Come down, bow to Allah! Ask help from Him! If you are asking: “How we can reach to ask from Him?” we may say: “You must look after those people who are His servants. His servants they have such power to help you. (They) may take everything (away) that (is) hurting you, harming you, they may help you, they may take everything from you.” Then that Wali (was) saying: “Look, oh King! I am ordering (now): Oh flies, get out!” And then, one after one, there was a hole, coming, coming, coming and going (out)… ”You are Sultan or I am? Look, flies (are) never keeping your order, (but they are) keeping my order! Because I am His servant, (they) must obey to me. But you are claming: ‘I am not servant, I am King’, and therefore they are not obeying to you!” Everything is asking to teach people, but people are drunk, running after Shaitan and shaitanic teachings (are) never giving a way to them to learn heavenly knowledge. They are taking away heavenly Knowledge, traditional knowledge is thrown out of universities, academies and such places. (There are) all satanic teaching in it and satanic teachings are bringing people on the edge of cliffs- (they) should fall into fire… (4 von 5)04.07.2013 23:34:47
8266 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: SpiritualityHappyPhysicalBeingHappy
May Allah forgive me and bless you, for the honour of the most honoured servant in His divinely Presence, S.
Muhammad sws, Fatiha. Lefke, 30.06.2004
BookKhairiyahSiegel, CategoryBody, CategoryHealth, CategorySpirituality, CategoryArt, CategoryAnimal, CategoryKingdom (5 von 5)04.07.2013 23:34:47
8267 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: SpiritualMonarchy
Maulana Sheikh Nazim : SpiritualMonarchy
Spiritual Monarchy
The English used to say that there were two kinds of people living in Cyprus: Muslims and Christians, not Greeks and Turks, but Muslims and Christians. All troubles of this century have been made dirty and so many wars have been fought in the name of nationalism. We have not been ordered to fight the People of the Book. Allah has granted them to be living with Muslims in the same villages and town without being attacked. Islam never touched them or harmed them. When nationalism came all this changed. The same is happening on this island too: Scottish people are unhappy with English people, English people are unhappy with Scottish people. Irish people are unhappy with English people and the English people are unhappy with them too. The same in France: the people in the North are unhappy with the South and the other way around. The West Germans are unhappy with the East Germans. The people in Singapore are unhappy with the people in Malaysia. The Malaysians are unhappy with the Indonesians and they are unhappy with Brunei and Brunei is unhappy with Singapore! Iraq is unhappy with Southern Iraq. The Syrians are unhappy with Lebanon. South Lebanon is unhappy with North Lebanon. North Turkey is unhappy with South Turkey... all these partitions give so much trouble. It is what satan is asking for. The Labour Party is unhappy with the Conservatives... A wisdom tells us that a believer cannot make the same mistake twice by putting his finger into a hole. If he (1 von 3)04.07.2013 23:34:48
8268 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: SpiritualMonarchy
has done it once and a scorpion has bit him, he would not repeat it, unless there is something seriously wrong with him. How many times have the English people tried the Labour Party? Every time when they get angry with the Conservatives they do it again, even though the Labour Party will put them in a worse situation than the Conservatives did. Neither the Conservatives nor the Labour Party will bring any solution, only a traditional Kingdom can. This applies to every country. Democracy is hypocrisy! Democracy is for you today, tomorrow for him... But the monarchy is there all the time, which is why they do not need to take as much as possible for themselves once they are in power. In a democracy the rulers will be changed so they will try to fill their pockets as much as possible. People are unhappy when I say this, but in a democracy you are allowed to say what you want. In a monarchy people will develop to their high positions, but in a democracy they will just be put there without having achieved anything. That is wrong. Kings and Caliphs have been trained all their lives for their position. But what can we say? They are advertising everywhere that democracy is good, but it isn't. This is why Allah the Almighty is preparing the spirituality of the Caliphs and is making them much more powerful. The power of monarchy is in the hands of the sultan. He is responsible to protect the Divine Law here on earth. The spiritual leaders were more powerful than the sultan. If they said that he was not suitable for the umma, he would be taken away and killed. At the time of the Ottoman Empire this is how it was. If anyone tried to split up the Empire he would be killed. It is mentioned in the Holy Quran that when the children of Israel were defeated by King Nebukhanezzed and he destroyed the Temple of Jerusalem, they ran to the prophet of the time and said, "Oh Messenger of God, please ask The Almighty to send us a King!". They were not asking for a president! They wanted someone to be able to control the whole country and who could help them to win against the enemies. They were asking Allah to elect their leader, their king. That is how it is written in the Holy Book. You cannot be like the rulers. He must be on top. The children of Israel went to their Prophet to ask for intercession. Why didn't they ask Allah directly? People have no mind. They are denying intercession. So many young people are asking, "What is sheikh, what is wasila...? We must ask Allah directly..." Ask! And look if He will answer your prayer! Why does it say in the Quran that the Children of Israel went to (2 von 3)04.07.2013 23:34:48
8269 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: SpiritualMonarchy
their Prophet and asked him to ask Allah to send them a King, a Sultan. You are such weak people, heedless Muslims, too weak to follow that example. You go to the UN for Kashmere, to the UN for Cyprus, to the UN for Kosova, to the UN for Palestine... What is that? We should be ashamed that we are not asking the Prophet*. I am quoting the Quran, no-one can object on it. Allah is showing us the way for all problems. As long as we are not going to the Prophet* we will be going, coming, going, coming to the UN and waste a lot of shoes! Let us ask the Prophet* to send us a Sultan. We hope that he is coming... UK, 01.01.1997
BookPureHearts, CategoryNationalism, CategoryRassism, CategoryDemocracy, CategoryKingdom, CategoryJudaism (3 von 3)04.07.2013 23:34:48
8270 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: SpiritualPlacesInUK
Maulana Sheikh Nazim : SpiritualPlacesInUK
Spiritual Places in UK Connected to Imam Mahdi (a)
A`oodhu billahi min ash-Shaytani 'r-rajeem. Bismillahi 'r-Rahmani 'r-Raheem. … they reach to Paradise. Don’t follow Shaytan or you will reach the Fire, here and Hereafter. Be a strong one in your beliefs, for we are Muslims and have been honored! Our religion is a true religion, and haqq is reaching Heavens! Among all the religions their false, wrong ways will reach hells. May Allah forgive us. Fatihah. (Mawlana Shaykh asks an attendee.) Are you from Nelson? (Yes) I like it and sometimes at night I am looking there. I’m not saying this to everyone, but then some people must know that Nelson has a spirituality that is the same, more or less, as Glastonbury. These are two places; the third is Winston Castle, and also Edinburgh. In seven places they have a special spirituality in England, so when Mahdi (a) comes all English people will say, “laa ilaaha illa-Llah, Muhammadan rasoolullah (s).” May Allah forgive us and give you a chance to reach to Mahdi (a), and may Allah bless you! Fatihah. (1 von 2)04.07.2013 23:34:48
8271 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: SpiritualPlacesInUK
(Baya`, du’a.) (Mureed tells Mawlana Shaykh: … He is living in Norway and every Friday Prophet [s] is visiting him, not in a dream, and his uncle is preparing food for him and Prophet [s] is eating the food with him every Friday.”) (Mawlana Shaykh smiles.) He is the deputy of Holy Prophet (s) and he is coming to that one. Prophet (s) is sending him to pure, clean people. Shaykh Bayazid (q), from our masters, said to people, “I just prayed Jumu`ah in 12,000 places.” Now, there are some awliya who are in 70,000 places at the same time, seen just as they actually are! That representative is coming because that person is a holy one. To whom is he coming? (Mureed: To grandfather and a few other members.) Now, this dunya can’t carry Prophet’s appearance; it is impossible. That one who is coming is as we said. (Thank you.) Thank you, too. Sometimes he is coming to his (…) and also one from Prophet (s) comes to be with their teacher and eat. (Allahu Akbar!) Don’t worry. Therefore, it is going to be like a mental house! (It is already!) Mashaa-Allah. Lefke, 05.09.2011
WebSufiLive, CategoryUK, CategoryMehdi, CategoryMuhammad (2 von 2)04.07.2013 23:34:48
8272 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: SpiritualPossibilitiesToBeAlwaysTogether
Maulana Sheikh Nazim : SpiritualPossibilitiesToBeAlwaysTogether
Annihilation of the Self - in Sheikh - in Rasool - in Allah If Allah is willing (insha Allah), this is a technique which will be useful to all of you after I leave your physical presence and go away. You will be in need of this technique, In this life, our physical meetings with each other shall be from time to time. It is not possible for a person
Geliebten gesandt wurde... dem Geliebten (saws). Der Heilige Quran wurde nicht gesandt für die Rezitatoren oder um auf Beerdigungen rezitiert zu werden. Nein. Hasha! Allah (swt) wird ihnen Manieren beibringen. Tawba ya Rabbi, Tawba... Deshalb brauchen wir jemanden, der erneuert, erneuert... 'Und nach mir kommen Khalifas..' sagte der Prophet (saws). Solche mit Ehre, Macht und Befähigung. 'Nach mir kommen Khalifas, und nach den Khalifas, Amire, und nach den Amiren, Könige, und nach den Königen, Tyrannen.' Diese Leute zählen zu den Tyrannen. Allah (swt) wird sie ausmerzen. 'Dann kommt ein Mann von meinem Haushalt, um die Erde mit Fairness und Gerechtigkeit zu füllen, wie sie mit Unterdrückung gefüllt war.' (Hadith) Laßt ihre Gelehrten sprechen. Laßt sie sagen, daß 'dieser Shaykh'... Ich bin kein Shaykh, ich bin ein schwacher Diener. Was ich von unseren Meistern gehört habe, spreche ich aus. Laßt sie das Buch "Jami' s- Saghir" aufschlagen von Imam Al Suyuti, und laßt sie zum Index zu den Buchstaben "Sayakun, Sayakun.." gehen - es wird sein... es wird sein. Tawba ya Rabbi, Tawba ya Rabbi, Tawba Astaghfirullah. Sie werden nie Erfolg haben. Und sie werden sich gegenseitig umbringen. Allah (jmk) sagt: "Er ist Derjenige, Der fähig ist, euch Strafe von oben zu schicken.' (6:65). Der Prophet (saws) sagte: 'Aman, mein Herr, sende über meine Nation keine Strafe von den Himmeln.' oder 'Er ist Derjenige, Der fähig ist, euch Strafe von oben oder von unter eueren Füßen zu schicken' (6:65). Der Prophet (saws) bat: Aman ya Rabbi! 'Ich werde ihnen keine (3 von 4)04.07.2013 23:34:42
8257 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: SovereigntyIsForWhom
Strafe von den Himmeln oder von der Erde schicken, aber wenn sie beharren... 'oder euch in Sekten durcheinanderbringen und die einen von euch die Gewalt der anderen kosten lassen' (6:65). "Aw Yalbisakum Shiya`an Wa Yudhiqa Ba`dakum Ba'sa Ba`din" (6:65). Das ist euere Strafe. Wo seid ihr Gelehrte, Ägypter? Ikhwan, Muslimbruderschaft oder Himarghi, Esel? Astaghfirullah, Astaghfirullah. Dies ist eine Erklärung für Menschen im allgemeinen, aber besonders für die Muslimwelt. Es gibt einen Heiligen Vers: 'Allah wird Menschen bringen, die Er liebt und die Ihn lieben' (5:54). Sie werden kommen. Astaghfirullah, ich bereue und wende mich Allah (swt) zu. Bereut vor euerem Herrn, o Muslime. Ägypter, Ägypter... Alle Muslime müssen dazu zurückkehren, Allah (swt) und Seinem Propheten (saws) zu gehorchen, und den Heiligen Quran zu ihrer Verfassung machen. Es gibt für uns keine Verfassung außer dem Heiligen Quran. Die Gelehrten während des Osmanischen Reiches stellten eine Majalla, eine Verfassung, zusammen und wurden belohnt... SN: Ein Lohn... In Frankreich gewährten sie für die Verfassung, genannt Al Majalla, Gold. Sie würdigten sie und die Muslime nicht! La Hawla wa la Quwwata illa Billah. Tawba ya Rabbi.. 'Bestimme für uns einen König, damit wir auf Allahs Weg kämpfen.' (2:246) Tawba ya Rabbi, wir bereuen und wenden uns zu Dir. Fatiha. Lefke, 30.11.2012
WebSaltanatOrg, CategoryEgypt (4 von 4)04.07.2013 23:34:42
8258 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: SpainIslamFromWithin
Maulana Sheikh Nazim : SpainIslamFromWithin
Spain: Islam from within
One thousand years ago Islam came from the outside to Spain and then it was thrown out. Now Islam is coming back again. This time from the Spanish people themselves. You can tell the Muslims who have come from the outside to go back home again, because you are the hosts, the landlords of Spain. No-one can tell you to leave. They were Arabs who came here, and the Spanish Christians told them to go away. But the Lord is watching and is giving His Revenge. Your ancestors threw out the Muslims, but now their descendants are becoming Muslims. No-one can push you away. It is impossible. Al hamdulillah! 01.01.1997
BookPureHearts, CategorySpain 23:34:44
8259 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: SpanishPeopleAndMehdi
Maulana Sheikh Nazim : SpanishPeopleAndMehdi
The Special Position of the Spanish People in the Time of Mahdi
(Mawlana Shaykh speaks with mureed guests from Spain.) Allahu, Allahu, Allahu Haqq! Allahu, Allahu, Allahu Haqq! Allahu, Allahu, Allahu Haqq. Haqq al-Haqq subhaanahu wa Ta`alaa! Allahuma thabitna` ala ‘l-Haqq! We are not saying we are Turkish, we are not Russians or English: we are ummati Muhammad! That is the highest honor. All people on the Day of Resurrection will be asking to be from the nation of the Seal of Prophets (s)! (Mawlana Shaykh stands and sits) Only some nights there is a patrol, but with my body it is difficult; therefore, I only made patrol in Spain for three nights in holy Ramadan, to Andaluz, Alhambra. The flag of Mahdi (a) is there, although not everyone is seeing it, but from there people's hearts are coming to Islam. Those Spanish people are regiment Number One for Mahdi (a)! Seventy European regiments are passing in front of Mahdi (a) to come to Damascus. We are happy that you're hearts are running to Alhambra! In one night our soldiers from jinn may build ten (1 von 3)04.07.2013 23:34:45
8260 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: SpanishPeopleAndMehdi
Alhambras, each of which will have a different ornamentation, tajalli, because it is Mahdi’s (a) sign, that his is a miraculous time. They will not built brick by brick, but in one night they can build ten! You are also guardians on the border, because so many jinn are asking to come from across the sea to attack Mahdi (a) from behind, but Mahdi’s (a) sword is like this, finishing them! Fatihah. Enough. May Allah Almighty grant to you to be with Mahdi (a) and then `Isa (a). (We have five maqaams in Spain now.) (Mawlana retrieves a Portuguese book from the shelf.) Who understands Portuguese? I was given this book a week ago and was looking inside, and my spirituality is taking refreshment just looking in it even though it is in Portuguese. So I give it to you who can understand, and through this book I hope many, many people will come to Islam. La ilaaha illa-Llah Muhammadun Rasoolullah. Thank you for your visit. Pray for me, please. Muharram, for three months must be changing, inshaa-Allah, for the benefit of Muslims. Never a tyrant will return, finished. Allah (swt) is now sending those who will be with Mahdi (a). Pray for me, that I can reach to Mahdi (a)! Everything that Allah Almighty granted to me is exceptional, but I am only waiting for Mahdi (a), there is nothing else for me in this world, finished. (We hope to be with you, Mawlana!) Inshaa-Allah, if you ask for us you will find us, it must be, it must be. Send our salaams. May Allah protect you. Fatihah. Allahu, Allahu, Allahu Haqq. Haqq, subhaanahu wa Ta`alaa. Lefke, 19.09.2011
WebSufiLive, CategorySpain, CategoryMehdi (2 von 3)04.07.2013 23:34:45
8261 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: SpanishPeopleAndMehdi (3 von 3)04.07.2013 23:34:45
8262 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: SpiritualityHappyPhysicalBeingHappy
Maulana Sheikh Nazim : SpiritualityHappyPhysicalBeingHappy
When spirituality is getting happy, more support to your physical being
Destur ya Sayyidi, Ya Sultanu-l Awliya, Meded, ya Rijalallah, Destur, Meded, ya Sayyidi…Audhu bi-llahi mina shaitani rajim Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim, la haula wa la quwatta illa bi-llahi-l ‘Aliyu-l ‘Azim… It is an association and it is for our physical being a support, because associations (are) giving spiritual support to our physical being and associations are addressing to our spirituality. When your spirituality (is) getting happy, (it) gives much more support to your physical being. If you are not taking care for your spirituality, normally your physical being (is) always going down, down, down, and finishing. This is a recorder. It is working in two ways: One, you may use it with batteries, but also it has two holes (so) that you may use a wire, connecting (it) to (the) central electric and from the central electric (is) coming power and it works; as long as this central electric is working, this is working (also). But if you are using batteries, you may use the recorder (only) until that battery is finished and the batteries power is also (is) slowly slowly coming down, coming less and less. Therefore- a person may use his physical being and he is trusting on his physical being- working and running, and trying to do something and through their youth time it is okay. He thinks that he (will) never be in need any other power. He feels that his physical being is okay. And how he us understanding he may run like (1 von 5)04.07.2013 23:34:47
8263 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: SpiritualityHappyPhysicalBeingHappy
horses, he may carry heavy loads as donkeys, and he may jump high jumping like chimpanzees, apes, that they are very proud: “Ohhh, first class sportsman”, they are saying. “We are preparing Olympics in Athens!” First I was going and looking after such a place. It was at the beginning for people, first 1936, when (it was) beginning (in the) Amphitheatre. I was standing there, saying: “Take a photograph that Sheikh also now he is first…” No one (else was) there. “(The) first medal (must be) for Sheikh to be there before other athletes”… Running people- particularly our African brothers- no one can reach to them! “From where you are learning?” I am asking. “From Gita, leopards. We learned to run looking Gitas. We learned from leopards. We learned from our countries and no one can reach to us.” “Jumping?” “We are learning from apes, jumping from tree to tree, high jumping! And faster from that leopard we are learning from them.” They are very happy when (they are) getting first, but (they are) not using this heavy things to take it up like this, like that… (then letting it) fall…weight-champion, they are never interesting. White people very much interesting in this…This (is) much better; (they) look like horses, but who (is) carrying that load (they) look like donkeys… Subhanallahi-l ‘Aliyu-l ‘Azim, Glory to Allah! Everyone (is) running to show their powers and all of it is youth power, for a level. After that level your physical being is no more giving to support you, it is coming down, coming down and finished. (The) real support for our physical being that (is) never cut off, it is (coming) from our spiritual power. If that is giving to you support, you should be powerful and keeping your youth power as (if) you are 15 years and you may be 9o years! But people now (are) thinking that (their) physical being can be supported only by material things; (they are) asking power from their physical being and they are using material things to give much more support to their physical being. (This is) never going to be useful, but making it to come down. Spirituality may take you up! A plane may fly; it is not flying by material things, no! That material (is) changing into another position, (so) that (the plane) may fly! If you are putting that petrol through a plane (and) you are asking (if it is) that petrol, (that is) making it as it is to fly- (it) can’t be! That petrol is coming (into the plane), changing its position and (it is) going to be another material, but it is not a seen material, no, you can’t touch it. When you are putting that petrol in the plane, you may touch it. When (the plane is) getting up, you can’t touch it, that power is just changed into another form; it is going to be like a spiritual being for that plane and making it to fly. (2 von 5)04.07.2013 23:34:47
8264 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: SpiritualityHappyPhysicalBeingHappy
Therefore- if we are not asking from our physical being to be changed through our spiritual power into spirituality you can’t reach a real power to do something from heavenly aspects or to reach a peace, to reach a hope, to reach a good position, better condition. If you are not using your spirituality, you can’t reach aspects and never-ending powers. You can’t reach! Now people (are) not thinking on such aspects, but really we are in need for that. We need support, spiritual support, personally and commonly. People now through (the) 21st century (they are) not asking that support; they are thinking that material powers (are) enough for them. It is never going to be enough! You must use heavenly Power (from heavenly Power Stations) that these stations (are) very rare, but if you are asking, you can find someone that (is) leading you or guiding you to that power stations. All Awliya that they are inheriting from Prophets, they are heavenly power stations on earth. If you are reaching to them, then they may give you that power to make you to reach to your heavenly stations. Or (else) you can’t fly to that stations by planes, rockets, missiles and such things, no! Mostly all of them they may get up a little bit, then turning back down. No more (than this they) can carry people to high stations through Heavens, and man is in need to reach to Heavens, because Allah Almighty just granted to His servants a private seat, a private station to be there. You must ask: “How I can reach? With whom I can reach?” If a person (is) not using a plane, (he) can’t move from one side to another side on this earth. They are beginning and ending on earth. What about if you are asking to reach your heavenly stations, that you are not asking to come back? You should be happy there, because (you) should be dressed the dress of honour of being servant for the divinely Presence, in His divinely Presence! That glorious station (is) giving to you glory, never ending (glory)! People are drunk now, drunk with their materials and their trust (is) only for material aspects. They are thinking that material may support them for every target, but finally they are looking and seeing that their materials can’t reach to them, (and) can’t be able to support them. (There) may come a kind of virus through that person who was thinking that he is powerful and (the) richest one, or (that) he is (on the) highest position of his nation. He is thinking that such things should help him and (then) Allah Almighty (is) sending a virus and that person (is) looking for help from his soldiers, but soldiers can’t help him. (He is) asking from his missiles: “Help me”, they are saying: “We can’t.” Asking from his golden: “Help me”, they are saying: “We can’t.” Asking from his jewels: “Help me against that virus! Just I am so weak in front of that unseen virus!” (3 von 5)04.07.2013 23:34:47
8265 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: SpiritualityHappyPhysicalBeingHappy
One person was sitting with a King. He was a heavenly supported person and the King was sitting on his Throne. Allah Almighty (was) asking to show something to that King and (he was) leaving (a) fly (to come to him), coming there, making like this… running away… coming like that… making like this… (hitting), but the fly was never escaping. He was so angry and unrest, and saying. “For what these flies?” And that spiritual powerful person (was) saying: “Oh, command to them! Order them to get away!” And the King was saying: “I can’t.” “If you can’t be able to send away flies (and) you are so weak- how you are claiming: ‘I am so powerful one’, keeping in your hand a globe, (and in the) other hand your sword and on your head crown and even flies (are) never listening and obeying to you. Why you are going to be there, sitting (on that throne), such a proud person?” This is a small fly. Smaller (than that) I said a virus may come, (then he is) calling all doctors, physicians and asking: “Help me and I should give to you everything!” And they are saying: “I tried everything for you, but we can’t do anything more!” No one (is) helping! If (you are) not asking help from Saints- that are (the) Sultans of Akhirat, Sultans for eternal life- if you are not going to look after them and to see them, to find them and ask help from them- your rank, your richness, your soldiers, your atomic bombs, your nuclear weapons, your aircrafts (are) never helping you! Oh Man! Don’t be proud! Come down, bow to Allah! Ask help from Him! If you are asking: “How we can reach to ask from Him?” we may say: “You must look after those people who are His servants. His servants they have such power to help you. (They) may take everything (away) that (is) hurting you, harming you, they may help you, they may take everything from you.” Then that Wali (was) saying: “Look, oh King! I am ordering (now): Oh flies, get out!” And then, one after one, there was a hole, coming, coming, coming and going (out)… ”You are Sultan or I am? Look, flies (are) never keeping your order, (but they are) keeping my order! Because I am His servant, (they) must obey to me. But you are claming: ‘I am not servant, I am King’, and therefore they are not obeying to you!” Everything is asking to teach people, but people are drunk, running after Shaitan and shaitanic teachings (are) never giving a way to them to learn heavenly knowledge. They are taking away heavenly Knowledge, traditional knowledge is thrown out of universities, academies and such places. (There are) all satanic teaching in it and satanic teachings are bringing people on the edge of cliffs- (they) should fall into fire… (4 von 5)04.07.2013 23:34:47
8266 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: SpiritualityHappyPhysicalBeingHappy
May Allah forgive me and bless you, for the honour of the most honoured servant in His divinely Presence, S.
Muhammad sws, Fatiha. Lefke, 30.06.2004
BookKhairiyahSiegel, CategoryBody, CategoryHealth, CategorySpirituality, CategoryArt, CategoryAnimal, CategoryKingdom (5 von 5)04.07.2013 23:34:47
8267 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: SpiritualMonarchy
Maulana Sheikh Nazim : SpiritualMonarchy
Spiritual Monarchy
The English used to say that there were two kinds of people living in Cyprus: Muslims and Christians, not Greeks and Turks, but Muslims and Christians. All troubles of this century have been made dirty and so many wars have been fought in the name of nationalism. We have not been ordered to fight the People of the Book. Allah has granted them to be living with Muslims in the same villages and town without being attacked. Islam never touched them or harmed them. When nationalism came all this changed. The same is happening on this island too: Scottish people are unhappy with English people, English people are unhappy with Scottish people. Irish people are unhappy with English people and the English people are unhappy with them too. The same in France: the people in the North are unhappy with the South and the other way around. The West Germans are unhappy with the East Germans. The people in Singapore are unhappy with the people in Malaysia. The Malaysians are unhappy with the Indonesians and they are unhappy with Brunei and Brunei is unhappy with Singapore! Iraq is unhappy with Southern Iraq. The Syrians are unhappy with Lebanon. South Lebanon is unhappy with North Lebanon. North Turkey is unhappy with South Turkey... all these partitions give so much trouble. It is what satan is asking for. The Labour Party is unhappy with the Conservatives... A wisdom tells us that a believer cannot make the same mistake twice by putting his finger into a hole. If he (1 von 3)04.07.2013 23:34:48
8268 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: SpiritualMonarchy
has done it once and a scorpion has bit him, he would not repeat it, unless there is something seriously wrong with him. How many times have the English people tried the Labour Party? Every time when they get angry with the Conservatives they do it again, even though the Labour Party will put them in a worse situation than the Conservatives did. Neither the Conservatives nor the Labour Party will bring any solution, only a traditional Kingdom can. This applies to every country. Democracy is hypocrisy! Democracy is for you today, tomorrow for him... But the monarchy is there all the time, which is why they do not need to take as much as possible for themselves once they are in power. In a democracy the rulers will be changed so they will try to fill their pockets as much as possible. People are unhappy when I say this, but in a democracy you are allowed to say what you want. In a monarchy people will develop to their high positions, but in a democracy they will just be put there without having achieved anything. That is wrong. Kings and Caliphs have been trained all their lives for their position. But what can we say? They are advertising everywhere that democracy is good, but it isn't. This is why Allah the Almighty is preparing the spirituality of the Caliphs and is making them much more powerful. The power of monarchy is in the hands of the sultan. He is responsible to protect the Divine Law here on earth. The spiritual leaders were more powerful than the sultan. If they said that he was not suitable for the umma, he would be taken away and killed. At the time of the Ottoman Empire this is how it was. If anyone tried to split up the Empire he would be killed. It is mentioned in the Holy Quran that when the children of Israel were defeated by King Nebukhanezzed and he destroyed the Temple of Jerusalem, they ran to the prophet of the time and said, "Oh Messenger of God, please ask The Almighty to send us a King!". They were not asking for a president! They wanted someone to be able to control the whole country and who could help them to win against the enemies. They were asking Allah to elect their leader, their king. That is how it is written in the Holy Book. You cannot be like the rulers. He must be on top. The children of Israel went to their Prophet to ask for intercession. Why didn't they ask Allah directly? People have no mind. They are denying intercession. So many young people are asking, "What is sheikh, what is wasila...? We must ask Allah directly..." Ask! And look if He will answer your prayer! Why does it say in the Quran that the Children of Israel went to (2 von 3)04.07.2013 23:34:48
8269 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: SpiritualMonarchy
their Prophet and asked him to ask Allah to send them a King, a Sultan. You are such weak people, heedless Muslims, too weak to follow that example. You go to the UN for Kashmere, to the UN for Cyprus, to the UN for Kosova, to the UN for Palestine... What is that? We should be ashamed that we are not asking the Prophet*. I am quoting the Quran, no-one can object on it. Allah is showing us the way for all problems. As long as we are not going to the Prophet* we will be going, coming, going, coming to the UN and waste a lot of shoes! Let us ask the Prophet* to send us a Sultan. We hope that he is coming... UK, 01.01.1997
BookPureHearts, CategoryNationalism, CategoryRassism, CategoryDemocracy, CategoryKingdom, CategoryJudaism (3 von 3)04.07.2013 23:34:48
8270 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: SpiritualPlacesInUK
Maulana Sheikh Nazim : SpiritualPlacesInUK
Spiritual Places in UK Connected to Imam Mahdi (a)
A`oodhu billahi min ash-Shaytani 'r-rajeem. Bismillahi 'r-Rahmani 'r-Raheem. … they reach to Paradise. Don’t follow Shaytan or you will reach the Fire, here and Hereafter. Be a strong one in your beliefs, for we are Muslims and have been honored! Our religion is a true religion, and haqq is reaching Heavens! Among all the religions their false, wrong ways will reach hells. May Allah forgive us. Fatihah. (Mawlana Shaykh asks an attendee.) Are you from Nelson? (Yes) I like it and sometimes at night I am looking there. I’m not saying this to everyone, but then some people must know that Nelson has a spirituality that is the same, more or less, as Glastonbury. These are two places; the third is Winston Castle, and also Edinburgh. In seven places they have a special spirituality in England, so when Mahdi (a) comes all English people will say, “laa ilaaha illa-Llah, Muhammadan rasoolullah (s).” May Allah forgive us and give you a chance to reach to Mahdi (a), and may Allah bless you! Fatihah. (1 von 2)04.07.2013 23:34:48
8271 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: SpiritualPlacesInUK
(Baya`, du’a.) (Mureed tells Mawlana Shaykh: … He is living in Norway and every Friday Prophet [s] is visiting him, not in a dream, and his uncle is preparing food for him and Prophet [s] is eating the food with him every Friday.”) (Mawlana Shaykh smiles.) He is the deputy of Holy Prophet (s) and he is coming to that one. Prophet (s) is sending him to pure, clean people. Shaykh Bayazid (q), from our masters, said to people, “I just prayed Jumu`ah in 12,000 places.” Now, there are some awliya who are in 70,000 places at the same time, seen just as they actually are! That representative is coming because that person is a holy one. To whom is he coming? (Mureed: To grandfather and a few other members.) Now, this dunya can’t carry Prophet’s appearance; it is impossible. That one who is coming is as we said. (Thank you.) Thank you, too. Sometimes he is coming to his (…) and also one from Prophet (s) comes to be with their teacher and eat. (Allahu Akbar!) Don’t worry. Therefore, it is going to be like a mental house! (It is already!) Mashaa-Allah. Lefke, 05.09.2011
WebSufiLive, CategoryUK, CategoryMehdi, CategoryMuhammad (2 von 2)04.07.2013 23:34:48
8272 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: SpiritualPossibilitiesToBeAlwaysTogether
Maulana Sheikh Nazim : SpiritualPossibilitiesToBeAlwaysTogether
Annihilation of the Self - in Sheikh - in Rasool - in Allah If Allah is willing (insha Allah), this is a technique which will be useful to all of you after I leave your physical presence and go away. You will be in need of this technique, In this life, our physical meetings with each other shall be from time to time. It is not possible for a person