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Maulana Shaykh Nazim Adil al-Haqqani 2000 Sohbats 1979-2013 (596/777)
BookMercyOceansHiddenTreasures, CategoryQuran, CategoryEternity (3 von 3)04.07.2013 23:34:37

8241 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: SoulsFoodIsDivineLight

Maulana Sheikh Nazim : SoulsFoodIsDivineLight


The Soul's food is Divine Light

The Prophets brought Divine Lights for our souls, which go through the hearts of people. Souls can only be fed by Nur, Divine Lights. There is no need for eating and drinking; their food is Lights. Everyone's soul is in need of Light. If they are not asking for Light today, they will ask for it tomorrow, or next month, next year or on their last day in Dunya. This is important: Souls are thirsty for the stream of Divine Lights. If there are no Lights, there is no Love. If Allah's Beauty Oceans can't be seen, no Love comes to His servants. Souls know that, and therefore they are asking for those Divine Lights. Through them, those Oceans become visible, and souls should be satisfied. 01.04.1999

BookOnthebridgetoEternity, CategoryDivineLight 23:34:38

8242 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: SoulTheElectricityOfOurBody

Maulana Sheikh Nazim : SoulTheElectricityOfOurBody


Soul: The Electricity of our Body

When a lady is pregnant, a form of a human is created within 3 times 40 days. But it is only a piece of flesh, without any movement or any sign of life. Then suddenly its heart begins to beat and the body starts to move. That is now a new guest who has been sent to this world. It has not been sent from the material world, but from somewhere else. We cannot see it, but we know it as the spiritual world. There are two worlds: the material and the spiritual. Finally the soul, which belongs to the spiritual world, comes into the body and the baby will develop quickly. He will prepare himself to come to this world, to be here; to grow, to know, to learn, to do, to feel and to understand. Then he must leave everything of this material world, even his body in which he has been for so many years, and go back. No-one sees how the soul comes. No-one sees our souls leave, because they do not belong to this world. Can you see electricity? Can you cut it? It is something else. It is from the Divine Heavens. The soul is the electricity of our bodies. The power of electricity kills! The power of the soul keeps us alive! 01.01.1997 (1 von 2)04.07.2013 23:34:39

8243 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: SoulTheElectricityOfOurBody

BookPureHearts, CategoryReproduction, CategorySpirituality, CategorySoul (2 von 2)04.07.2013 23:34:39

8244 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: SoundOfHaqqMustBeHeard

Maulana Sheikh Nazim : SoundOfHaqqMustBeHeard


The Sound of Haqq must be heard in East and West!

Destur ya Sayydi, Meded. As-salamu alaikum! About one week I am not enough strong to speak to you and people (are) rushing on me. Alhamdulillah, today a little bit my Lord granted (me) power for addressing to you. May Allah bless His most beloved servant, (His) most glorious servant S.Muhammad sws, that we are in existence through that one. Audhu bi-llahi mina shaitani rajim, Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim. Allah Almighty first of all (is) warning: “O people, o My servants, beware (of) Shaitan!” Up to day I (am) never looking and seeing a writing: ‘O people, beware (of) Shaitan’. But (in front of) so many houses you may find a writing: ‘Beware (of the) dog!’ That means (that) dogs (are) more, much more important than Shaitan. That means! They are saying: ‘Beware (of the) dog!’ Why (they are) not warning people, (those,) whom they are leaders or guides, to say to people: “Beware (of) Shaitan”? Therefore, we are asking to follow and to listen and to obey to our (1 von 6)04.07.2013 23:34:40

8245 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: SoundOfHaqqMustBeHeard

Lords Advice. He created us and (He is) warning us: “Beware (of) Shaitan!” Now we are saying: Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim, (the) first awakening. (The) first awakening is to say: Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim. That prevents Shaitan to reach to you. We are weak people, coming here... through billions of people coming here a handful people, but the sound of Haqq may be heard through East and West, that the Lord (is) saying : “My servants, beware Shaitan!” If they are not hearing today, tomorrow (they) must hear, or after tomorrow, after tomorrow. Today we are here a handful people from different places of this world, from different countries, different races, different colours, different languages... we are here, and today is a holiday. It is not good to say a ‘holy day’, but that is, for whole people, when they are not working, it is ‘holiday’.’ Holiday’ means to give yourself that day for holy tings, to make Allah Almighty happy with you. That is ‘holy’ day. Not those people that they are getting disobedient to their Lord and they are saying: “This is a holiday!” No, that is Shaitans holiday! Now, today there is a speciality through East and West, including (the) Islamic world, including Muslims. For what? They are saying: “Today (is) the first of a new year!” What is new year, new born year? 2008. They are adding this. Today (is) 1st January of 2008. This happening that just before (to)day, last night, it was the last night, they are saying, for 2007. And people, I don’t know from where they are making such a things? Perhaps it was something in Christianity; they are saying: “That it is the birthnight or birthday of S.Isa a.s., Jesus Christ.” Even Christians they are not coming all together to say: “That night was the birth night of Jesus Christ.” They are coming (to) each other with wrong ideas. Some of them (are) saying: “It was (the) 25th,” some (are) saying: “Just (it was the) 31st of January”, some others (are) saying another, another, another... and it is just clear... And every historian person they are knowing (2 von 6)04.07.2013 23:34:40

8246 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: SoundOfHaqqMustBeHeard

that no one was expecting that should come such a person and he should be a prophet, just surrounded with ‘hawariq’, miraculous powers, miracles... No one (was) expecting and no one knowing that S.Maryam a.s. she was carrying a baby, no, because she was well-known that (she was) unmarried and she was just granted for the Lords service. Therefore it was impossible (for) anyone to follow her (to) where she was going and bringing that baby, no, in opposite. When they are hearing that, such a thing, they were so angry people. First of all their nation, Banu Israel, Children of Israel, (were) very angry. And there was Zakariya a.s.; they were accusing S.Zakariya- Astaghfirullah! Therefore, (it was) never written through any history book that Jesus Christ (was) born on that night or that night. (There is) no any ‘delil’, proof. (There is) no proof for them! Therefore it is, from the base, it is nonsense, (it) can’t be believed such a thing! And historians, they never writing such a thing, if they are not... 100% or less or more satisfaction through their hearts. All of them after written and they are saying: “This night or that night.” Yes, if they are accepting that, before time it was, if we are accepting that, it was a holy night. Holy night, not dancing night! Not to do every bad thing that Heavens (are) preventing and cursing! That is not such a night! If really it was that night, it was a holy night and they must come to their churches or their monasteries or everywhere that they are praying, Christians; they must come, they must do their thanks to Allah Almighty and to ask forgiveness! That was suitable (for) such a heavenly event (that) just happened, to say: “O our Lord, thanks that You sent us a guide to reach to Your divinely Presence!” That was suitable. But now... what they are doing? What they are doing! They are doing every cursed acting and they are saying: “This is a free night for us to do everything!” Governments (are) coming to be drunk; governments (are) drunk (?), everywhere whole people, they are drunk, they are saying: “This night is (3 von 6)04.07.2013 23:34:40

8247 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: SoundOfHaqqMustBeHeard

free to do everything. We can do everything!” Okay, you can do, but what about for Muslims? (In Turkish: Eh, we celebrated it in our house. We prepared a Turkey, prepard the table, we dressed new clothes, we danced, we congratulated each other for the new year, we did money is left in our pockets... we woke up in the dirt next morning... ) What about for (the) Muslims world?... S.!... Sleeping?... For (the) Muslim world we are saying... they are following (the) Christian world. And the Seal of Prophets was saying... in a paper, (on a) calendar, in one paper, it is written the meaning of one Hadith Sharif... I am saying (the) origin of (this) Hadith Nabawi Sharif sws, then (about its) meaning a little bit I may say, insha Allah... Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim. Qla Nabi alayhi salat wa salam... Once the Seal of Prophets was saying to his companions: “O my companions”, ...(?) That is a ‘mujize’, miracle, that he is warning his nation from coming days (that) they are reaching... Rasulullah (was) saying: “O my nation and o my companions! You are going to follow the ways of those people, first Jewish people, second Christians; both of them, they passed before you. (The) Old Testament for Jewish people, they left it. (The) New Testament, Christians, they are changing every kind, and they are doing every bad thing and (they are) saying: ‘That is true way, our nations (way)!’ O my nation, I am looking and seeing that you are running after Jewish and Christians ways, that it is Haram, prevented, Allah Almighty never likes it! (It is) never acceptable, but you are going to do, as they are doing, following them on their foot(step)s; where they are putting their foot, you are putting our foot there! Even... there is a creature, (it has) small legs, but you can see no any bones. Small feet. They are making their holes to get in safety from other creatures so narrow, only it may enter; because (it has) no bones, (it is) coming (in). If they are doing this, from those people, whom they (have been) (4 von 6)04.07.2013 23:34:40

8248 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: SoundOfHaqqMustBeHeard

given holy books, you are going to follow them foot on foot; you are going to do, as they are doing!” And you may see in streets people, their dressings; particularly young girl, what they are dressing, (is) so narrow, so narrow! Because it is new fashion. And (they are) sending (that)- Jewish and Christians- to (the) Islamic world, to do (it) and to dress (in such a way) and (they are) saying: “That is (the) new fashion and (it is) modern, modern life, this!” That is Prophets informing ourselves. Is it alright or not? (The) Prophet was saying with a powerful speaking that: “You are going to do that! ‘Muhaqqaq’, no doubt, you are going to do!” Before 15 centuries he was saying what we are in it now. And we are asking... and today, (in the) morning, I am asking: “What news? Any news?” and first, just as (we are) opening (the TV), (they are showing) from Baghdad, Baghdad, that people are living, killing and bombing... and they are all of them through streets, shouting, drinking, making every forbidden thing... Look! If I am saying to them: “Go, there is Sultan Gilani, Abdul Qadr Gilani -qaddassallahu sirruhu-l ‘ali! Go there and ask him, he is Sultan, he may send away every ‘mushrim’, criminal, may send them away through one night!” they are saying: “Ehhh, for what we are going? Yet you are believing in such a things?” And they should be punished! (The) Arab world should be punished! (The) Islamic world should be punished! Just now trees (are) throwing their leaves, (and the) Islamic world (is) going to be like this... Beware, beware (of) Shaitan! Shaitan, (to) where (he is)bringing people? May Allah forgive us! O our Lord, don’t write our names with such a people! Keep ourselves on Your right path! Amen, ya Allah! That is a warning! Anyone listening, (it is) for himself! (If) not listening, his punishment for him or for her should be. May Allah forgive us and send us (5 von 6)04.07.2013 23:34:40

8249 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: SoundOfHaqqMustBeHeard

such a people! If they are coming and finding... Also there is 4o powerful people on earth that may be their power like (the) power of Sayydine Gilani - Allah bless him. If you can find one of them, he may do as (he is) doing, Gilani Hazretleri... But they are not looking! They are saying: “This is (fairy-)tales”... Therefore, today, Alhamdulillah, just I am warning my ego and all of you also here: Beware! When a heavenly Punishment (is) coming, it is so difficult to be taken away! If (it is) reaching, (it is) reaching and finishing them... May Allah forgive us! For the honour of the Seal of Prophets S.Muhammad sws wa alihi wa sahbihi... Fatiha! Lefke, 01.01.2008

BookKhairiyahSiegel, CategoryIsa, CategoryDressing, CategoryWoman, CategoryIraq, CategoryHoliness (6 von 6)04.07.2013 23:34:40

8250 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: SourceOfWisdomIsTheHeart

Maulana Sheikh Nazim : SourceOfWisdomIsTheHeart


The Source of Wisdom is the Heart, not any Book

A wise man may utter words of wisdom, but once they are recorded they join the body of knowledge that is generally available to listeners and readers far and wide. Once words of wisdom have been transferred to the realm of knowledge through such mediums as books and tapes, they lose something essential. Of course one may derive so much benefit from them still, but they can't replace the draught of wisdom from the gushing source that source is the heart, and what comes from the heart of a wise man passes through his words directly into the heart of the seeker. Where may one find wisdom? Not necessarily in the same place one would find a wealth of knowledge. A source of wisdom may be a Sheikh, a scholar or a professor, but may also be a plumber, a peasant or a totally illiterate person. Treasures are mostly sought in ruins not in modern skyscrapers; buried under layers of debris, not sitting in the open, lying on the counter. And when the searcher finds some broken pottery or bits and pieces of a treasure that serves to enlighten him as to the realities of what ho is excavating, he does not concern himself with the fact that these relics are not intact, for how could he expect to find that? And if you offer him brand new items from a supermarket that correspond in use to those ancient ones he found, he will not even consider your offer, and think you to be just joking, saying: "How do these two compare?" Therefore, take wisdom wherever you may find it, and don't ask for titles or diplomas. Remember that your (1 von 4)04.07.2013 23:34:41

8251 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: SourceOfWisdomIsTheHeart

Lord may grant you wisdom through any means, so don't turn your nose up at anyone, but take a look at what he is offering, and if it be from ruins or in a ruinous state you must be ready to salvage it. Wisdom belongs to the realm of the heart: once it has been grasped it is never lost. One of our Grandsheikhs, Abu-Yazid al- Bistami, once addressed seekers of knowledge as follows: "Oh scholars, you are carrying your knowledge like a horse carries a load of books, you are loaded down and ever tiring, and you know that the Holy Prophet said, 'Forgetfulness is the destroyer of knowledge'. As a termite comes and devours a piece of wood, so does time and age consume all you know. As long as you are in the hands of your egos your memory will decline with age, but the heart of hearts, once it has been awakened, strengthens with age. The heart is a source of wisdom that never dries up; but beware if you have not sought and received divine powers, for in the end your cup, which now runneth over will be as dry as a bone." My Grandsheikh, may Allah bless him, was over one-hundred years old but his memory was remarkable. This wakefulness of mind was a result only of his spiritual condition, otherwise it it would have been impossible. As I meet more and more Westerners I find that they are very avid readers of books. I have never seen people who read so much! Centuries ago Muslims used to read, but now all that remains is that some people read the Holy Qur'an, but when that practice is lost they usually stop reading altogether. But in the West, your hobby is reading, and perhaps, if you are seeking wisdom through books, you have asked yourself: "Perhaps I have read one-thousand books, and I hope to read another thousand yet, but for what? To what end am I reading and reading and reading?" Then it may occur to you that you are seeking something else through your reading, something that reading draws you close to, but cannot get you to. And when, as a result of this soul- searching you begin to read from books of Sufi knowledge, of the Prophet, of Abu Bakr and Ali, of Rumi, of Attar, you only feel your longing more strongly and feel that you are even thirstier. Through all this reading you have tasted only a trickle, just enough to know how sweet a spring this is. By now you must realize that books are not the best vessels for wisdom of the heart, for the heart itself is the vessel, and the precious draught is passed from heart to heart. Where may such heart-springs be found in a time that has turned verdant fields into desert wastes Wandering through huge desert wastes, how many of us may just happen to stumble upon an oasis? First you may stumble upon one-hundred mirages! But you must keep on, don't turn back saying, "I have found only illusions". No, no one said that you have embarked on an easy journey, so you must be perseverant. Because (2 von 4)04.07.2013 23:34:41

8252 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: SourceOfWisdomIsTheHeart

of the immense challenge involved in this quest for inner wisdom, for finding the bubbling spring in the desert wastes, so many people choose to totally ignore this most important facet of human life, and either devote fhemselves to the pursuits of worldly gain, or, if "religiously inclined", to the accumulation of religious knowledge. Imam al-Ghazzali, a world-famous figure in the history of Islam, was simultaneously a great scholar and a sufi master. He wrote so many books that, to read all of them in a lifetime is challenge enough. It is said about his master work, "Ihya-Ulum-ud-Din", "The Revival of Religious Sciences", that if aIl other books written by Islamic scholars throughout history were lost, this book alone would be enough to preserve all the essential knowledge of the centuries of Islam, and enough to keep Islam strong and vital. As his heart was opened to Divine Wisdom, he was able to expand our understanding of The Holy Qur'an and the Prophetic Traditions through his writings. According to Imam al-Ghazzali, when a person dies, he is as a sleeper who has awakened. When he thus passes from the world of images to the world of reality, he faces immediately an evaluation of his time in this life. Even before he is buried in his grave the Lord will put forty questions to him. The first and most important of these questions is, "Oh My servant, during your life you were so careful to care for your appearance, to ornament yourself for the sake of your fellow creatures: wearing fine clothes, and arranging your hair. But did you bother to arrange your heart for your meeting with Me? You knew that I am not concerned with your physical beauty, the colour of your hair or skin, or whether you are short or tall. You knew that I wanted from you only to purify your heart and to come to My presence prepared, with your heart turned towards Me and not back to that place which you have left, and which you knew you must eventually leave?" In the Holy Qur'an, Allah Almighty declares: "A man cannot have two hearts in the hollow of his breast", therefore, the goal of all sufi endeavour is to rid the heart of extraneous pre-occupations, and turn towards Allah fully. This is the purification of the heart, and when this is accomplished, the ' light of Allah's eternal beauty will shine on and from the mirror of your heart. This is why, for those who have attained the inner reality to live up to such a practice, the meaning of fasting is not only what it implies for the normal believer, i.e. abstinence from food, drink, indulgence and anger for a certain period of time, but the total absorption in the Divine Presence. Therefore, whenever a worldly whim seems to invade the heart of such people they consider themselves ritually impure and immediately take a (3 von 4)04.07.2013 23:34:41

8253 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: SourceOfWisdomIsTheHeart

shower. That is the level of saints, it is a practice impossible to be undertaken by others- we would always be wet. Yes, the Lord is calling us saying: "Oh my servant, why are you trying to escape from Me? If I were to leave you for even one moment you would cease to exist." 01.07.1985

BookMercyOceansRisingSun, CategoryFasting, CategoryPurification, CategoryHeart, CategoryKnowledge, CategoryWesternNation (4 von 4)04.07.2013 23:34:41

8254 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: SovereigntyIsForWhom

Maulana Sheikh Nazim : SovereigntyIsForWhom


Die Oberherrschaft gehört wem?

Als sie widersprachen und sagten, die 'Absolute Oberherrschaft ist Allahs', sagten die Liberalen: Das ist eine bekannte Tatsache.. aber wie du sagtest.. M: Sie werden nicht erfolgreich sein, noch werden sie jemals erfolgreich sein. Es gibt keine Unterstützung für sie, ganz egal, was sie tun, ganz egal, was sie tun. Niemals. Es gibt keinen Erfolg für sie. Nein. Hast du je eine Maschine gesehen, die mit Wasser statt Benzin läuft? Oder ohne Kraftstoff oder Diesel? Nein! Schluß. Schluß, es wird nicht funktionieren. Die Oberherrschaft - wem gehört sie, sagen sie? SN: Sie sagen, sie gehöre dem Volk. M: Sie werden vernichtet werden. SN: Niemals! Die Oberherrschaft ist, was der Allmächtige Herr Seinem Geliebten (saws) gewährte. Die Oberherrschaft kommt von den Himmeln, nicht von... Ein Fuß kann kein Kopf sein, und der Kopf kann kein Fuß sein. Das ist die Ursache der Verderbtheit. Laßt sie doch arbeiten, geschäftig sein - es wird ohne Ergebnis sein, weil eine Maschine nicht mit Wasser läuft. Oder ohne Kraftstoff oder Gas wird die Maschine nicht funktionieren. Schluß! Sie werden nie Erfolg haben. Sie werden nie Erfolg haben, nie! Diese Leute werden keinen Erfolg haben. Ich habe es mit dem Himmlischen Siegel besiegelt. Audhu Billah. Jene, die sich ihren Meinungen unterwerfen, werden Ungläubige. Sie sagen, daß die Oberherrschaft dem Volk gehört. Haben sie keinen Herrn? Was ist das? Sie sind alle Ungläubige (1 von 4)04.07.2013 23:34:42

8255 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: SovereigntyIsForWhom

geworden. Wenn sie dem Volk die Oberherrschaft geben, wer sind diese Leute? Naudhu Billah... Naudhu Billah... Möge Allah (swt) uns schützen. Wie oft haben sie es versucht... Und was alle Menschen auf der Welt in Schwierigkeiten stürzen ließ, ist, daß sie nicht zugeben, daß die Oberherrschaft dem Allmächtigen Herrn gehört. Sie werden nie Erfolg haben. Richtig... sie werden nie Erfolg haben. Es ist wie "La Yuflihuna" (10:69). "La Yuflihuna", sie werden keinen Erfolg haben. "Lan Yuflihuna", sie werden nie Erfolg haben. Niemals! Sollen sie es doch versuchen... Sollen sie es versuchen. Sie verschwenden ihre Zeit, das ist alles. Sollen sie doch geschäftig sein, sie werden nie Erfolg haben. Wer die Oberherrschaft den Menschen gibt und den Herrn der Himmel vergißt, Der die Schöpfung erschuf... und sie geben sie den Menschen, das ist ihr Ende. Sie werden sich gegenseitig vertilgen. Naudhu Billah... Naudhu Billah... Die Menschen stürzten in Schwierigkeiten, weil sie den Ungläubigen folgten, und sie erreichten den Punkt, wo sie niemals Erfolg haben werden. Sollen sie doch geschäftig sein... SN: Selbst die US sagten, nachdem sie den Präsidenten gewählt hatten, daß ihr System nicht funktioniert und sie ein anderes System finden müßten. M: Ein anderes System - das System der Himmel. Wenn sie nicht die Oberherrschaft der Himmel anerkennen, werden sie nie Erfolg haben, nicht die Amerikaner, nicht die Russen, nicht die Chinesen, nicht die Türken, noch die Araber. Allahumma ya Allah! Tubna wa Raja'na Ilayk. Wir bereuen und wenden uns Dir zu, o unser Herr. Wir hätten nie gedacht oder uns vorgestellt, wir hätten uns nie träumen lassen, daß die Muslime die Oberherrschaft, die sie von ihrem Herrn nehmen, an das Volk geben würden. Sag es auf Arabisch... Die Absolute Oberherrschaft gehört dem Herrn. SN: Als sie widersprachen, sagten sie: Wir sind alle Muslime und diese Sache (der Oberherrschaft Allahs) ist eine Tatsache, aber dies ist nur die Terminologie der Verfassung, daß die Oberherrschaft dem Volk gehört. Es ist Terminologie. M: Das Osmanische Reich bestand 700 Jahre und mehr. Sie regierten die Nation. Und das System der Nation gründete auf der Sharia' 800 Jahre lang. Als sie es erst einmal verlassen hatten, stürzten sie in Schwierigkeiten. "Fa`tabiru ya Uli l-Absari" (59:2). Die (2 von 4)04.07.2013 23:34:42

8256 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: SovereigntyIsForWhom

Menschen haben keinen Verstand. Sie sind unwissend, unwissend. Sie sind die, die Gläubige waren und Ungläubige wurden. Das ist Unglauben, klarer Unglauben. Die Oberherrschaft den Menschen zu geben, ist klarer Unglauben. Und sie werden nie Erfolg haben. Sollen sie es doch versuchen. Laßt sie einander vertilgen, sich gegenseitig bekämpfen. Es gibt keinen Erfolg für sie. Naudhu Billah. Ich hätte nie gedacht, daß die Araber, denen der Glorreiche Quran in ihrer Sprache gegeben wurde, in ihrer Muttersprache, daß sie den Heiligen Quran verleugnen würden, wo Allah (jwa) sagt: 'Und wer auch immer nicht mit dem urteilt, was Allah offenbart hat, das sind die Ungläubigen' (5:44). "Wa Man Lam Yahkum Bima Anzala Allahu Fa'ula'ika Humu l-Kafiruna" (5:44) "Wa Man Lam Yahkum Bima Anzala Allahu Fa'ula'ika Humu z-Zalimuna" (5:45). Das ist Türkisch oder Arabisch? Wie konnten sie das tun? Ihr müßt herrschen... regieren mit dem, was dem