Maulana Shaykh Nazim Adil al-Haqqani 2000 Sohbats 1979-2013 (524/777)
shaitani r-rajim“ sagen. Wahrhaft geht es darum, Allah den Allmächtigen um Schutz zu bitten. Tariqatuna ss- ssuhba wa l-khairu fi l-jam‘iyya. Es ist ein Ozean, der unseren Seelen Unterstützung gibt. Und der unseren Seelen Kraft gibt, damit sie sich gegen die Stürme und Angriffe Shaitans und seiner Anhänger verteidigen können. Denn Shaitan läßt niemanden frei, nicht einen unter den Menschen kannst du finden, mit dem nicht ein Shaitan ist. Von den Menschen gibt es eine bestimmte Anzahl, und von den Shaitanen dieselbe Anzahl, die durch den großen Shaitan gelenkt werden. Er dirigiert alle Shaitane – die kleinen. Ein großer aber, der sich dem heiligen Befehl widersetzt hat, sich gegen den Befehl Allahs des Allmächtigen aufgelehnt hat, das ist die Nummer eins der Shaitane. Und einem jeden schickt er einen Shaitan. Und du kannst niemanden finden, der nicht von Shaitan bestürmt und angegriffen wird. Und der Prophet sagte, der Friede sei auf ihm: „Selbst für mich gab es einen Shaitan, aber Allah Allmächtige ließ ihn sich mir ergeben. Und ich behielt diesen, und er wurde zu einem ergebenen Diener für mich. Ich tat es, damit er mein Diener wurde. Er akzeptierte mich und wurde Muslim.“ Das sagte der Prophet, und er sagte (1 von 3)04.07.2013 23:31:39
7257 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: ReitedeinPferd
etwas darüber, man müsse das nehmen, was notwenig für einen zu nehmen sei. Das heißt: „O meine Gemeinde, o meine Umma, ihr müßt versuchen, euren Shaitan dazu zu bringen, sich euch zu ergeben und euer ergebener Diener zu werden.“ Denn Allah der Allmächtige tut niemals etwas, das den Menschen schadet. Aber jeder mag einen Quadratkopf fragen, warum Er uns Shaitan sandte, warum Er uns nicht ohne Shaitan sein läßt. Ja. Hätte Allah der Allmächtige nicht unsere Egos erschaffen, hätte er nicht Shaitan auf uns gesandt. Da wir Egos haben, läßt Allah der Allmächtige Shaitan Seine Diener bestürmen und angreifen. Denn Shaitan hat auch gewaltige Kraft. Du wirst nicht in der Lage sein, Shaitans Kraft zu bändigen oder zu kontrollieren; jene Kraft ist dazu da, dir zu helfen, zu himmlischen Stationen aufzusteigen. Und ohne Shaitan kannst du nicht zu den Himmeln aufsteigen. Du bliebest nur auf der Erde. Und einer fragte, warum wir unsere Egos hätten, wo sie doch so schrecklich und gefährlich sind und gegen uns arbeiten. Wir sagen, daß in Wahrheit das Nafs, das Ego, nicht dazu da ist, uns zu schaden. Nein. Es ist wie eine elektrische Leitung – ohne Plastikumhüllung ist sie schädlich, und wenn es schädlich ist, sagst du: „Wir können es nicht anfassen, und so können wir es nicht nutzen.“ Und wenn du so bleibst, ohne diese Kraft zu nutzen, wird dir eine große Gelegenheit entgehen, die Allah der Allmächtige dir gewährt hatte. Auf dieser Leitung ohne Ummantelung liegt kein Schutz. So muß diese Leitung einen Schutz für uns haben, damit wir sie anfassen können und die Kraft in ihr uns nicht überkommt. Wenn du sagst: „Warum ist dieses schädliche Kabel darin? Laß es weg!“, und wenn diese Leitung in dieser Plastikumhüllung weggenommen würde, was bedeutete das? Daß du jene gewaltige Kraft verloren hast. Uns wurde dieses Ego, Nafs, gewährt, es ist eine große Gabe von Allah dem Allmächtigen an uns. Der Prophet, auf dem der Friede sei, sagte: „Dies ist dein Pferd, auf daß du auf ihm reitest und erreichst.“ Du fragst, warum das Ego uns aufgesetzt worden ist, und wir sagen, hätten wir kein Ego, Nafs, wären wir wie Engel. Aber Allah der Allmächtige wollte ein neues Wesen erschaffen, und es sollte hundert Prozent verschieden sein von den Engeln. Das hat bestimmte Gründe, Zwecke und Weisheiten. Und Er erschuf Adam und gab ihm Nafs, und hätte er ihm kein Nafs gegeben, wäre Adam dasselbe wie die Engel. Und ohne Nafs, ohne dieses Pferd, könntest du nicht die Ehre erreichen, die Allah der Allmächtige jenen Wesen gewährte, die ein Ego, Nafs, besitzen. Dies ist eine große Weisheit, die es zu verstehen gilt. Ihr müßt verstehen! Ihr dürft nicht sagen: „Warum Shaitan?“ oder: „Warum Nafs?“ Beide helfen dir, zu den sieben Himmeln aufzusteigen, bis zum heiligen Maqam [...] Ohne sie kannst du nicht hinaufreichen. Deshalb zielen alle (2 von 3)04.07.2013 23:31:39
7258 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: ReitedeinPferd
Überlieferungen des Propheten æ, alle Tariqas, die Weisheit von Schari‘a und Tariqa darauf, dich in die Lage zu versetzen, diese gewaltige Kraft unter Kontrolle zu bringen. So daß du sie benutzen kannst, die sieben Himmel zu erreichen. Wenn nicht, kann es dich umbringen, dich zerstören, so wie eine Leitung ohne Plastikumhüllung töten kann – jene gewaltige Kraft. Aber in Wirklichkeit suchen die Menschen während des ganzen Jahrhunderts hindurch nicht danach, zu verstehen, warum uns ein Ego gegeben wurde. Und wir sollen nicht fragen: „Warum wurde uns das gegeben?“ Es ist nicht, daß uns bloß etwas gegeben wurde, sondern es ist eine Gewährung von Allah dem Allmächtigen. Denn Allah der Allmächtige fordert dich auf: „Benutze es und komm zu Mir.“ So erging es Sultan al-‘Arifin, Bayazid Bistami, als er vor Allah den Allmächtigen und die Göttliche Gegenwart gelangte, da bat Er ihn, in die Göttliche Gegenwart einzutreten und sagte: „O Bayazid, nun laß dein Nafs und komm zu Mir.“ Das ist der Hauptzweck des Nafs: dich zu befähigen, von der untersten zur höchsten Stufe zu gelangen, so wie jemand mit dem Flugzeug eine Höhe zu erreichen vermag, die er möchte ... [das Ende der sohba fehlt leider] Lefke - 01.02.2000 (3 von 3)04.07.2013 23:31:39
7259 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: RelationshipBetweenIslamHinduismAndBudhism
Maulana Sheikh Nazim : RelationshipBetweenIslamHinduismAndBudhism
And for Hinduism and Buddhism we are not saying that they are heavenly religions - they are such preliminary beliefs which belong to very old times. They are like idol-worshippers. Therefore, we do not find any relationship between Islam and Buddhism or Hinduism, not any relationship, because they are mostly based on imagination and idol-worshippers. We are not accepting. Do not accept any other faith, Islam is the best. If any religion or any type of belief is better than Islam, then people may choose. Islam brings a discipline, a perfect discipline, physically and spiritually, here and in the hereafter. Everyone knows that no-one likes to be under a perfect discipline, every time our ego is asking to be more free, to do everything. Therefore, even though Islam is the best, people try to run away from Islam. They may ask Buddhism, Hinduism or Zen - they are not doing anything but putting their hands together and kneeling down in front of statues and that's all. After that they are free to do everything and when they want to worship they come to the statue of Buddha and catch their hands and come on knees and say what they are saying - that is enough for them. Therefore, Hinduism may find millions of people, Buddhism may find millions of people to follow their ways, so easy - there is no authority or discipline on their followers saying do this, don't do that. Islam is concerned with every moment of the life of mankind, Islam is giving a perfect discipline for the life of (1 von 2)04.07.2013 23:31:40
7260 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: RelationshipBetweenIslamHinduismAndBudhism
mankind from the beginning of their birth and before birth, from marriage time up to the end of their lives. Islam is bringing a perfect discipline for the whole life of mankind. Therefore, people never like to follow Islam, because at any moment you can't find any freedom for them to act according to their satanic ideas or satanic freedom, Islam is never giving them a chance.
BookLadyChadijasQuestions, CategoryHinduism, CategoryBuddhism, CategoryAdab, CategoryIslam (2 von 2)04.07.2013 23:31:40
7261 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: ReligionIsForTrainingPeople
Maulana Sheikh Nazim : ReligionIsForTrainingPeople
Religion Is Only for Training People in Good Manners
...that is our beliefs, and must be out beliefs in such a way, that if a mosquito cannot move its wings without the Will of the Lord Almighty, what about mankind that they are not believers in heavenly messages, that they may do something by themselves. They can't do. If Allah Almighty leaving, may do, may do something; if not even whole armies of world, other nations, they can't do anything. Heh! It was enough or it is enough only to say, the Lord of Heavens, for teknologia, or to say to new bombs: "Stop and don't do anything!" Finished. Finished. Finished. But We are not trying to understand something. Maybe at least we must know, we must believer that the Creator everything that He is asking to be or not to be, to say "Be!" and coming in existence. And if saying "don't be!" just disappearing. Correct, O Muslim communities, nation of Sayyidina Muhammad (s), that if Allah Almighty ordering for something to be or not to be, must be! But Muslims beliefs going to be on deepest lowest level, lowest level a Muslim must believe that everything by (1 von 4)04.07.2013 23:31:41
7262 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: ReligionIsForTrainingPeople
Holy Order, by Holy Command of heavens may be or not to be. That is the reason the Prophet (s) was saying, "coming some days that should remain from Islam only its name and nothing else." You must believe that real command for everything coming from heavens and Allah Almighty, He is not, He is not, heh, we may say "empty" to look after your weapons, to look after your armies, no. No He is not looking. He may order one creature, to make those proud nations living thru 21st century to make them to trembling, to tremble, haha, yes. Now everyone hearing everywhere just heard and known that we are saying "pig flu, pig flu”. What is that pig flu and you have such huge huge weapons? O 21st Century people, you have so huge armies and huge weapons that may destroy this world into pieces, you think so, but Allah Almighty putting in front of you a pig flu and its reason is only that flu they are saying coming from microbes, virus? Wireless? Eh, wireless also. You need such a things, but they are not in need to use such instruments - that virus is taking directly from its Creator and it knows for what it is in existence. That if Allah willing may do something. If you are asking, "For what your Creator created you, O virus? Tell me, I can't see you, I can hear you, I can't touch, but tell me what is the secret power of secret of secrets through yourself that mankind they are so powerful but they are fearing from you. What is the reason?” And it (the virus) may say, "Ooooh...” I am asking, ?? I am asking him if that virus has eyes to look. It saying, "I am not a virus to know." But making Baba Tahseen, trembling from that virus if coming. I am saying "don't fear, if it is coming walking, may bite you and you may fall down and then you should be not exists one. But if virus coming riding on horse or donkey or coming on camel or coming with plane, don't fear.” You understand? Never understanding. Hehe. Why you are fearing from virus? Fear from that One who creating it and sending on proud mankind and they are running away from it but they are not seeing it but saying, "Our scientists they are doctors, saying that it is a very dangerous virus, that we can't fight them and (2 von 4)04.07.2013 23:31:41
7263 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: ReligionIsForTrainingPeople
we must run away." But we are asking to run away but they are saying “it is running before ourselves to that place we are running on it.” Understanding? Never understanding. Abdur Rauf, understanding? (you know best) Show me a balena, whale, asking "from where coming that virus?" It may know but you can't know. O people, fear from your Creator and try to give most high Respect and Glory and Majesty for your Lord Almighty Allah that He may be the only One to protect you from that virus. Yes, we are saying this because mankind is saying, "We are mighty ones." "Why you are claiming that you have mighty powers?" “Because we have such and such an instruments and we are so proud and powerful with such a instruments.” Ay, I am saying "if you have such a powerful things why not running on that virus to send jet planes?" Try it! Abdul Haqq! Abdur Rauf! Try it. Surround them with jet planes that they have might powers. Send on that virus such a miraculous power that your are claiming to take that away. Religion (is) only for training people and to give to them a politeness and to give them a good characteristics, to grant to them whole good good characteristics. That is purpose of religion. Try to be a good one for your Lord Almighty Allah, for your most most respected Prophet Sayyidina Muhammad (s) and try to keep their ways because coming some days you should be taken away from this life to another life. Try to use your mind and your knowledge for an understanding that why you are in existence and why you are on this planet and who is that One bringing you from nothing to be something, o people! O people! Keep your Lord's most high respect. Give to Him that He Almighty may protects you and may shelters you here and hereafter. (3 von 4)04.07.2013 23:31:41
7264 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: ReligionIsForTrainingPeople
We are weak ones. We are coming only two weeks once the Day of most holiest day for whole nations, day of pleasure, day of honor, day of majesty, day of glory, the Day Jumah, Day Jumah, May Allah forgives us and gives us a good understanding and to be His...His Huuuuuuuuw, weak servants. May Allah forgives us and grants you from His Endless Mercy Oceans for the honor of the most honored one Sayyidina Muhammad (s). Salam `alaykum. Allahuma salli `ala Sayyidina Muhammadin an-Nabee'il-Ummee wa `ala aalihi wa sahbihi wa sallim. Lefke, 14.08.2009
WebSufiLive, CategoryIslam, CategoryAdab, CategoryHealth, CategoryTraining (4 von 4)04.07.2013 23:31:41
7265 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: ReligionIsGoodAdvice
Maulana Sheikh Nazim : ReligionIsGoodAdvice
Religion is good advice
AlHamdulillah. May Allah make us come together for goodness. Welcome to you. "Sabah ribahu" they said. Is it not so? Everything is gained in the morning. The day opens - The Heavenly grants of Allah Almighty reach to the servants, reach to the mountains & stones. It starts to close at night. We may say, Audhu Billahi min al shaytan al rajim. May Allah protect us from the evil of shaytan. May He protect us from following the dirty ego. What can the people do? Our way is "Ad-dinu nasiha". Did we say the Basmala? Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. Bismillahi r- Rahmani r-Rahim is a pillar from earth to the Heavens. It is an honour for the people. It is descended upon this Ummah. Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. All the Prophets know it, alaihum selam. You came in safety. May our day start in safety & be closed in safety. O our Lord, may You send us from Your servants one who will teach us to keep Your way with Your Heavenly Grants. What can we do? "Ad-dinu nasiha". Religion is advice. And what is advice? Allah Almighty wants goodness for the servants and through the means of advice directs them to the way He accepts. First of all, our Prophet (sas) who is the Sultan of Prophets, honoured this world being entrusted with the mission of advice. Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. Rabbi Yassir wa la tu'assir. Rabbi tammim bil khair. May You make our service, our service of servanthood, come to be easy today. May we not face difficulties, find difficulties in our way when serving You as Your servants O Lord. Rabbi tammim bil khair- may we complete this day in goodness. Ya Rabbi, Shukur. Shukur to You. May we refrain from sins & being disobedient to Allah Almighty. May we refrain. Allah Allah..Allah Allah..Allah Allah.. (1 von 9)04.07.2013 23:31:42
7266 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: ReligionIsGoodAdvice
Ad-dinu nasiha. Religion means the advice which shows people the path they should walk on. If there is no institution of advice in a country, that country is in the hand of shaytan. It is ridiculed & mocked by shaytan. May Allah protect us from the evil of shaytan, from the evil of the ego & its desires. When a person follows his desires, shaytan finishes him, leaves no goodness for him. Today's people don't know for what they are created. For what are we created? For Whom are we created? What are we created to do? This is not taught. When it is not taught, then people can't know. "Ad-dinu nasiha". Advice teaches people for what they have been created & what they are responsible to do. This is the first thing that people should know- For whom are we working? For whom are we working in dunya? For whom are we running & striving & working in dunya? "For whom are we working? We work for ourselves" they say. Here, the first thing to be taught is, we are created in this dunya to make service for Allah Dhul Jalal Hz. Not to be the servant of our own egos. We are created to make honoured service to Allah Dhul Jalal. They are not teaching this. Shaytan intervened & messed it up. He says to the people "No! You should live for yourself". Why should I live for me? What is its value- what is the value of me living for myself? I should live for such a One that an honour comes to me from Him; that he dresses me with the dress of honour, with the dress of glory, with the dress of heavenly grants. May we be lateef/gentle, nice, beautiful. Allah Almighty wants a beautiful service. No, they don't teach this. "No, we live for ourselves". Because they live for themselves, they have become like "mushatta". Do you know what mushatta is? They become like shabak (monkey). Shabak. "What is shabak, Shaykh Effendi?" "Do you not know shabak? Look into the mirror & see who shabak is". It is your ego. They look like this (into the mirror). Especially the female species of mankind when they will go out, they dress up from the morning till noon & go out in the afternoon- To show herself, to look beautiful. To look beautiful, to be beautiful is a grant from Allah. It is not with all kinds of makeup you put on your face- not with blushes, powders, lotions..It is not with the dresses you wear. Sometimes (2 von 9)04.07.2013 23:31:42
7267 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: ReligionIsGoodAdvice
they make their hair like the hair of goats, sometimes it looks like the hair of the dogs. Some others make their hair like other animals whose attributes they carry. Why should you do your hair? What will you become? What is it that you'll show? She spends her day, her life with fashion, makeup & dressing up... And she leaves it all without gaining anything. For whom did she work? For her blind ego. And she dies without satisfying her blind ego & becoming uglier. Those who are servants to their Lord & say "we live for Allah", there is Nur in their faces, there is joy & happiness in their hearts. There is hope. For the others there is no hope. You die & it is all finished. O Lord, may You forgive us. "Dullani khaira d-daleela"- we should find good guides that they tell us "Do you live for your ego or do you live for Allah?" But there is no one left who lives for Allah. Everybody lives for his ego, to satisfy his blind ego; lives to dress their no value titles, to show himself & to praise himself. May Allah save the people from these ibtilas/calamities. May He send us a Master. We are left without a Master. Ad-dinu nasihat. There is no one left to give people advice. Shame on us... We are here today & tomorrow we disappear. "Where did he go?" "They buried him to the graveyard, he disappeared". Huuuuu Rabbi la Yazal. May Allah grant us understanding. We live for Allah & everything opens in front of us. People are striving for their own egos & no door opens for them. All of them went bankrupt. There is no Nur left on their faces, no health left in their bodies. They have no mind left in their heads. Most people say "O my heart" & go through heart surgery. No, it gives trouble. Say Allah, your heart beats saying "Allah". Listen to your heart. Say Allah & look if there will be any problem. And there is a new fashion now, they rip apart their hearts, do surgery. Heart surgery.. Can the heart recover with surgery? It recovers with saying Allah. We should say Allah, both by heart & by tongue. La ilaha illa Allah, la ilaha illa Anta Subhanak! Subhanak! You are Sultan, You are Subhan O our Lord" call Him like this. We are weak servants. Qawwi da'fana farid ak Ya rabbi. We couldn't do anything. And day by day dunya... because the people of this century are striving to satisfy their own egos. They don't strive to keep the right & adab of Allah (jj). They don't strive to keep the right & adab of His Prophet (sas). The purpose of them is for servanthood but they forgot this- they forgot being servants to Allah & they are being slaves to their own egos. They have become slaves. They have (3 von 9)04.07.2013 23:31:42
7268 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: ReligionIsGoodAdvice
become slaves. And the ego wants to mount man & once it does, it starts whipping. Everywhere is filled with diseases. Aman ya Rabbi, may You not makes us catch these diseases. O Bait al-'Atiq, Assalamu Alaika. Allahumma zid baitika haza, ta'zeeman wa tashreefan wa takreeman, wa mahabatan wa birran, O Lord". Inside the Kaaba al-Muazzama, it is a treasure. For this, say every morning "O Lord, may You dress on us the dress of faith from the treasures of Kaaba. Dress on us the dress of health & wellness. Dress on us the dress of knowledge, the dress of adab Ya Jalil" This came to my heart today, Shaykh Mehmet Effendi you know this. Make them recite this sometimes, they never recite this. Ya Latif-an lam tazal Ultuf bina feema nazal. Innaka Latif-un lam tazal, bi lutfika awadtana. Ya Rabbi, amin khawfana. ya Rabbi, amin khawfana. Ya Rabbi, amin khawfana. Fa'fu anna Ya Karim. Do you know this? Teach this to people. This is very strong- it came this morning. Ya Latif-an lam tazal Ultuf bina feema nazal. Innaka Latif-un lam tazal, bi lutfika awadtana. Ya Rabbi, amin khawfana. Ya Rabbi, amin khawfana. I learned this one when I was in Homs Shaykh Mehmet Effendi. In the mosque of Khalid ibn al-Walid (ra), the muazzin would recite this aloud in fajr prayer. Ya Latif-an lam tazal Ultuf bina feema nazal. Innaka Latif-un lam tazal, bi lutfika awadtana. Ya Rabbi, amin khawfana. Ya Rabbi, amin khawfana. Fa'fu anna Ya Karim. You know this by heart? Make them recite this, O son. We can't do anything either. We can't do anything either.. Tawba, we make tawba. What can we do? Ya Rabbi, amin khawfana. Ya Rabbi, amin khawfana. Fa'fu anna Ya Karim. His one leg was disabled, poor one- the muazzin. His voice was strong. With his crippled leg he would climb the huge minaret at fajr & recite the adhan. He would walk like this. His disability was more than Abu Rajab's. May Allah bless his soul. Sometimes when he was not there I would climb the minaret. My voice was good too. They wouldn't realize that it was me, my voice would come out like his voice upstairs. They would hear it from the castle. Look to who makes it heard- O holy one, Khalid ibn al-Walid Hz. We have many sins.. I have many sins, I am naughty one. Pray for me also. That Allah Almighty (4 von 9)04.07.2013 23:31:42
7269 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: ReligionIsGoodAdvice
may not crush the servants. What can we do? Thousands of shukur for my situation. How many times the Prophet (s) invited us to his holy presence. With the barakah of my Shaykh Sultanul Awliya I reached to Sham from Homs. I found our Sultan in Sham. The Sultan in Istanbul sent me there. May you be servants to the Sultans. I strived but what could I do? I couldn't do anything. O Allah, may You send us a Master. O Allah, may You send us a Master. Ya Latif-an lam tazal Ultuf bina feema nazal. Innaka Latif-un lam tazal, bi lutfika awadtana. Ya Rabbi, amin khawfana. Ya Rabbi, amin khawfana. If these people recited this, neither Bashar nor any nashar can do anything to them. What comes on them would be scattered & taken away. We have power, it is not that we don't have power, but there is no permission yet. Everyone's mind is on something else. Ya Rabbi, tawba ya Rabbi. May our today be khair. May our every day be khair. Recite always "Ya Latif-an lam tazal". Recite & have them recite. We will be like lions, bi idhni Allah, Bi hurmati Habib (sas). Our children are entrusted to You, the nations of the Beloved, all of them. Ya Rabbi, You know. Fatiha. Religion ist guter Rat
Al Hamdulillah. Möge Allah uns zusammenkommen lassen für Gutes. Willkommen. "Sabah Ribahu", sagten sie. Ist es nicht so? Alles wird am Morgen gewonnen. Der Tag öffnet sich, die himmlischen Gaben Allahs des Allmächtigen erreichen die Diener, erreichen die Berge und Steine. Es beginnt zu schließen in der Nacht. Wir sagen: Audhu Billahi mina sh-shaytani r-rajim. Möge Allah uns vor dem Übel Shaytans schützen. Möge Er uns davor schützen, dem schmutzigen Ego zu folgen. Was können die Menschen tun? Unser Weg ist "Ad-Dinu Nasiha". Haben wir die Basmala gesagt? Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim ist ein Pfeiler von der Erde zu den Himmeln. Es ist eine Ehre für die Menschen. Es ist herabgekommen auf diese Ummah. Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. Alle Propheten wußten es, (5 von 9)04.07.2013 23:31:42
7270 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: ReligionIsGoodAdvice
`alayhum Salam. Du kamst in Sicherheit. Möge unser Tag in Sicherheit beginnen und in Sicherheit enden. O unser Herr, mögest Du uns von Deinen Dienern einen senden, der uns lehrt, Deinen Weg einzuhalten mit Deinen himmlischen Gaben. Was können wir tun? "Ad-Dinu Nasiha." Religion ist guter Rat. Und was ist guter Rat? Allah der Allmächtige will Gutes für die Diener und vermittels guten Rates führt Er sie auf den Weg, den Er anerkennt. Zuerst einmal ehrte unser Prophet (saws), der der Sultan der Propheten ist diese Welt dadurch, daß ihm die für uns selbst, sagen sie. Hier ist das erste, was gelehrt werden muß, daß wir in dieser Dunya geschaffen wurden, um Allah Dhu l-Jalal Hz Dienst zu leisten, nicht, um der Diener unseres eigenen Egos zu sein. Wir wurden geschaffen, um ehrenvollen Dienst an Allah Dhul Jalal zu leisten. Sie lehren das nicht. Shaytan griff ein und brachte es durcheinander. Er sagt den Leuten: Nein! Ihr solltet für euch selbst leben. Warum sollte ich für mich leben? Was ist sein Wert, was ist es Wert, für mich selbst zu leben? Ich sollte für so Einen leben, von Dem mir Ehre zukommt, Der mich mit dem Ehrenkleid bekleidet, mit dem Kleid des Ruhmes, mit dem Kleid der himmlischen Gaben. Mögen wir latif, sanft, nett, schön sein. Allah der Allmächtige will einen schönen Dienst. Nein, sie lehren das nicht. Nein, wir leben für uns selbst. Weil sie für sich selbst leben, sind sie wie "Mushatta" geworden. Wißt ihr, was Mushatta ist? Sie sind wie Shabak, Affen, geworden. Shabak. Was ist Shabak, Shaykh Effen
shaitani r-rajim“ sagen. Wahrhaft geht es darum, Allah den Allmächtigen um Schutz zu bitten. Tariqatuna ss- ssuhba wa l-khairu fi l-jam‘iyya. Es ist ein Ozean, der unseren Seelen Unterstützung gibt. Und der unseren Seelen Kraft gibt, damit sie sich gegen die Stürme und Angriffe Shaitans und seiner Anhänger verteidigen können. Denn Shaitan läßt niemanden frei, nicht einen unter den Menschen kannst du finden, mit dem nicht ein Shaitan ist. Von den Menschen gibt es eine bestimmte Anzahl, und von den Shaitanen dieselbe Anzahl, die durch den großen Shaitan gelenkt werden. Er dirigiert alle Shaitane – die kleinen. Ein großer aber, der sich dem heiligen Befehl widersetzt hat, sich gegen den Befehl Allahs des Allmächtigen aufgelehnt hat, das ist die Nummer eins der Shaitane. Und einem jeden schickt er einen Shaitan. Und du kannst niemanden finden, der nicht von Shaitan bestürmt und angegriffen wird. Und der Prophet sagte, der Friede sei auf ihm: „Selbst für mich gab es einen Shaitan, aber Allah Allmächtige ließ ihn sich mir ergeben. Und ich behielt diesen, und er wurde zu einem ergebenen Diener für mich. Ich tat es, damit er mein Diener wurde. Er akzeptierte mich und wurde Muslim.“ Das sagte der Prophet, und er sagte (1 von 3)04.07.2013 23:31:39
7257 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: ReitedeinPferd
etwas darüber, man müsse das nehmen, was notwenig für einen zu nehmen sei. Das heißt: „O meine Gemeinde, o meine Umma, ihr müßt versuchen, euren Shaitan dazu zu bringen, sich euch zu ergeben und euer ergebener Diener zu werden.“ Denn Allah der Allmächtige tut niemals etwas, das den Menschen schadet. Aber jeder mag einen Quadratkopf fragen, warum Er uns Shaitan sandte, warum Er uns nicht ohne Shaitan sein läßt. Ja. Hätte Allah der Allmächtige nicht unsere Egos erschaffen, hätte er nicht Shaitan auf uns gesandt. Da wir Egos haben, läßt Allah der Allmächtige Shaitan Seine Diener bestürmen und angreifen. Denn Shaitan hat auch gewaltige Kraft. Du wirst nicht in der Lage sein, Shaitans Kraft zu bändigen oder zu kontrollieren; jene Kraft ist dazu da, dir zu helfen, zu himmlischen Stationen aufzusteigen. Und ohne Shaitan kannst du nicht zu den Himmeln aufsteigen. Du bliebest nur auf der Erde. Und einer fragte, warum wir unsere Egos hätten, wo sie doch so schrecklich und gefährlich sind und gegen uns arbeiten. Wir sagen, daß in Wahrheit das Nafs, das Ego, nicht dazu da ist, uns zu schaden. Nein. Es ist wie eine elektrische Leitung – ohne Plastikumhüllung ist sie schädlich, und wenn es schädlich ist, sagst du: „Wir können es nicht anfassen, und so können wir es nicht nutzen.“ Und wenn du so bleibst, ohne diese Kraft zu nutzen, wird dir eine große Gelegenheit entgehen, die Allah der Allmächtige dir gewährt hatte. Auf dieser Leitung ohne Ummantelung liegt kein Schutz. So muß diese Leitung einen Schutz für uns haben, damit wir sie anfassen können und die Kraft in ihr uns nicht überkommt. Wenn du sagst: „Warum ist dieses schädliche Kabel darin? Laß es weg!“, und wenn diese Leitung in dieser Plastikumhüllung weggenommen würde, was bedeutete das? Daß du jene gewaltige Kraft verloren hast. Uns wurde dieses Ego, Nafs, gewährt, es ist eine große Gabe von Allah dem Allmächtigen an uns. Der Prophet, auf dem der Friede sei, sagte: „Dies ist dein Pferd, auf daß du auf ihm reitest und erreichst.“ Du fragst, warum das Ego uns aufgesetzt worden ist, und wir sagen, hätten wir kein Ego, Nafs, wären wir wie Engel. Aber Allah der Allmächtige wollte ein neues Wesen erschaffen, und es sollte hundert Prozent verschieden sein von den Engeln. Das hat bestimmte Gründe, Zwecke und Weisheiten. Und Er erschuf Adam und gab ihm Nafs, und hätte er ihm kein Nafs gegeben, wäre Adam dasselbe wie die Engel. Und ohne Nafs, ohne dieses Pferd, könntest du nicht die Ehre erreichen, die Allah der Allmächtige jenen Wesen gewährte, die ein Ego, Nafs, besitzen. Dies ist eine große Weisheit, die es zu verstehen gilt. Ihr müßt verstehen! Ihr dürft nicht sagen: „Warum Shaitan?“ oder: „Warum Nafs?“ Beide helfen dir, zu den sieben Himmeln aufzusteigen, bis zum heiligen Maqam [...] Ohne sie kannst du nicht hinaufreichen. Deshalb zielen alle (2 von 3)04.07.2013 23:31:39
7258 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: ReitedeinPferd
Überlieferungen des Propheten æ, alle Tariqas, die Weisheit von Schari‘a und Tariqa darauf, dich in die Lage zu versetzen, diese gewaltige Kraft unter Kontrolle zu bringen. So daß du sie benutzen kannst, die sieben Himmel zu erreichen. Wenn nicht, kann es dich umbringen, dich zerstören, so wie eine Leitung ohne Plastikumhüllung töten kann – jene gewaltige Kraft. Aber in Wirklichkeit suchen die Menschen während des ganzen Jahrhunderts hindurch nicht danach, zu verstehen, warum uns ein Ego gegeben wurde. Und wir sollen nicht fragen: „Warum wurde uns das gegeben?“ Es ist nicht, daß uns bloß etwas gegeben wurde, sondern es ist eine Gewährung von Allah dem Allmächtigen. Denn Allah der Allmächtige fordert dich auf: „Benutze es und komm zu Mir.“ So erging es Sultan al-‘Arifin, Bayazid Bistami, als er vor Allah den Allmächtigen und die Göttliche Gegenwart gelangte, da bat Er ihn, in die Göttliche Gegenwart einzutreten und sagte: „O Bayazid, nun laß dein Nafs und komm zu Mir.“ Das ist der Hauptzweck des Nafs: dich zu befähigen, von der untersten zur höchsten Stufe zu gelangen, so wie jemand mit dem Flugzeug eine Höhe zu erreichen vermag, die er möchte ... [das Ende der sohba fehlt leider] Lefke - 01.02.2000 (3 von 3)04.07.2013 23:31:39
7259 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: RelationshipBetweenIslamHinduismAndBudhism
Maulana Sheikh Nazim : RelationshipBetweenIslamHinduismAndBudhism
And for Hinduism and Buddhism we are not saying that they are heavenly religions - they are such preliminary beliefs which belong to very old times. They are like idol-worshippers. Therefore, we do not find any relationship between Islam and Buddhism or Hinduism, not any relationship, because they are mostly based on imagination and idol-worshippers. We are not accepting. Do not accept any other faith, Islam is the best. If any religion or any type of belief is better than Islam, then people may choose. Islam brings a discipline, a perfect discipline, physically and spiritually, here and in the hereafter. Everyone knows that no-one likes to be under a perfect discipline, every time our ego is asking to be more free, to do everything. Therefore, even though Islam is the best, people try to run away from Islam. They may ask Buddhism, Hinduism or Zen - they are not doing anything but putting their hands together and kneeling down in front of statues and that's all. After that they are free to do everything and when they want to worship they come to the statue of Buddha and catch their hands and come on knees and say what they are saying - that is enough for them. Therefore, Hinduism may find millions of people, Buddhism may find millions of people to follow their ways, so easy - there is no authority or discipline on their followers saying do this, don't do that. Islam is concerned with every moment of the life of mankind, Islam is giving a perfect discipline for the life of (1 von 2)04.07.2013 23:31:40
7260 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: RelationshipBetweenIslamHinduismAndBudhism
mankind from the beginning of their birth and before birth, from marriage time up to the end of their lives. Islam is bringing a perfect discipline for the whole life of mankind. Therefore, people never like to follow Islam, because at any moment you can't find any freedom for them to act according to their satanic ideas or satanic freedom, Islam is never giving them a chance.
BookLadyChadijasQuestions, CategoryHinduism, CategoryBuddhism, CategoryAdab, CategoryIslam (2 von 2)04.07.2013 23:31:40
7261 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: ReligionIsForTrainingPeople
Maulana Sheikh Nazim : ReligionIsForTrainingPeople
Religion Is Only for Training People in Good Manners
...that is our beliefs, and must be out beliefs in such a way, that if a mosquito cannot move its wings without the Will of the Lord Almighty, what about mankind that they are not believers in heavenly messages, that they may do something by themselves. They can't do. If Allah Almighty leaving, may do, may do something; if not even whole armies of world, other nations, they can't do anything. Heh! It was enough or it is enough only to say, the Lord of Heavens, for teknologia, or to say to new bombs: "Stop and don't do anything!" Finished. Finished. Finished. But We are not trying to understand something. Maybe at least we must know, we must believer that the Creator everything that He is asking to be or not to be, to say "Be!" and coming in existence. And if saying "don't be!" just disappearing. Correct, O Muslim communities, nation of Sayyidina Muhammad (s), that if Allah Almighty ordering for something to be or not to be, must be! But Muslims beliefs going to be on deepest lowest level, lowest level a Muslim must believe that everything by (1 von 4)04.07.2013 23:31:41
7262 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: ReligionIsForTrainingPeople
Holy Order, by Holy Command of heavens may be or not to be. That is the reason the Prophet (s) was saying, "coming some days that should remain from Islam only its name and nothing else." You must believe that real command for everything coming from heavens and Allah Almighty, He is not, He is not, heh, we may say "empty" to look after your weapons, to look after your armies, no. No He is not looking. He may order one creature, to make those proud nations living thru 21st century to make them to trembling, to tremble, haha, yes. Now everyone hearing everywhere just heard and known that we are saying "pig flu, pig flu”. What is that pig flu and you have such huge huge weapons? O 21st Century people, you have so huge armies and huge weapons that may destroy this world into pieces, you think so, but Allah Almighty putting in front of you a pig flu and its reason is only that flu they are saying coming from microbes, virus? Wireless? Eh, wireless also. You need such a things, but they are not in need to use such instruments - that virus is taking directly from its Creator and it knows for what it is in existence. That if Allah willing may do something. If you are asking, "For what your Creator created you, O virus? Tell me, I can't see you, I can hear you, I can't touch, but tell me what is the secret power of secret of secrets through yourself that mankind they are so powerful but they are fearing from you. What is the reason?” And it (the virus) may say, "Ooooh...” I am asking, ?? I am asking him if that virus has eyes to look. It saying, "I am not a virus to know." But making Baba Tahseen, trembling from that virus if coming. I am saying "don't fear, if it is coming walking, may bite you and you may fall down and then you should be not exists one. But if virus coming riding on horse or donkey or coming on camel or coming with plane, don't fear.” You understand? Never understanding. Hehe. Why you are fearing from virus? Fear from that One who creating it and sending on proud mankind and they are running away from it but they are not seeing it but saying, "Our scientists they are doctors, saying that it is a very dangerous virus, that we can't fight them and (2 von 4)04.07.2013 23:31:41
7263 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: ReligionIsForTrainingPeople
we must run away." But we are asking to run away but they are saying “it is running before ourselves to that place we are running on it.” Understanding? Never understanding. Abdur Rauf, understanding? (you know best) Show me a balena, whale, asking "from where coming that virus?" It may know but you can't know. O people, fear from your Creator and try to give most high Respect and Glory and Majesty for your Lord Almighty Allah that He may be the only One to protect you from that virus. Yes, we are saying this because mankind is saying, "We are mighty ones." "Why you are claiming that you have mighty powers?" “Because we have such and such an instruments and we are so proud and powerful with such a instruments.” Ay, I am saying "if you have such a powerful things why not running on that virus to send jet planes?" Try it! Abdul Haqq! Abdur Rauf! Try it. Surround them with jet planes that they have might powers. Send on that virus such a miraculous power that your are claiming to take that away. Religion (is) only for training people and to give to them a politeness and to give them a good characteristics, to grant to them whole good good characteristics. That is purpose of religion. Try to be a good one for your Lord Almighty Allah, for your most most respected Prophet Sayyidina Muhammad (s) and try to keep their ways because coming some days you should be taken away from this life to another life. Try to use your mind and your knowledge for an understanding that why you are in existence and why you are on this planet and who is that One bringing you from nothing to be something, o people! O people! Keep your Lord's most high respect. Give to Him that He Almighty may protects you and may shelters you here and hereafter. (3 von 4)04.07.2013 23:31:41
7264 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: ReligionIsForTrainingPeople
We are weak ones. We are coming only two weeks once the Day of most holiest day for whole nations, day of pleasure, day of honor, day of majesty, day of glory, the Day Jumah, Day Jumah, May Allah forgives us and gives us a good understanding and to be His...His Huuuuuuuuw, weak servants. May Allah forgives us and grants you from His Endless Mercy Oceans for the honor of the most honored one Sayyidina Muhammad (s). Salam `alaykum. Allahuma salli `ala Sayyidina Muhammadin an-Nabee'il-Ummee wa `ala aalihi wa sahbihi wa sallim. Lefke, 14.08.2009
WebSufiLive, CategoryIslam, CategoryAdab, CategoryHealth, CategoryTraining (4 von 4)04.07.2013 23:31:41
7265 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: ReligionIsGoodAdvice
Maulana Sheikh Nazim : ReligionIsGoodAdvice
Religion is good advice
AlHamdulillah. May Allah make us come together for goodness. Welcome to you. "Sabah ribahu" they said. Is it not so? Everything is gained in the morning. The day opens - The Heavenly grants of Allah Almighty reach to the servants, reach to the mountains & stones. It starts to close at night. We may say, Audhu Billahi min al shaytan al rajim. May Allah protect us from the evil of shaytan. May He protect us from following the dirty ego. What can the people do? Our way is "Ad-dinu nasiha". Did we say the Basmala? Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. Bismillahi r- Rahmani r-Rahim is a pillar from earth to the Heavens. It is an honour for the people. It is descended upon this Ummah. Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. All the Prophets know it, alaihum selam. You came in safety. May our day start in safety & be closed in safety. O our Lord, may You send us from Your servants one who will teach us to keep Your way with Your Heavenly Grants. What can we do? "Ad-dinu nasiha". Religion is advice. And what is advice? Allah Almighty wants goodness for the servants and through the means of advice directs them to the way He accepts. First of all, our Prophet (sas) who is the Sultan of Prophets, honoured this world being entrusted with the mission of advice. Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. Rabbi Yassir wa la tu'assir. Rabbi tammim bil khair. May You make our service, our service of servanthood, come to be easy today. May we not face difficulties, find difficulties in our way when serving You as Your servants O Lord. Rabbi tammim bil khair- may we complete this day in goodness. Ya Rabbi, Shukur. Shukur to You. May we refrain from sins & being disobedient to Allah Almighty. May we refrain. Allah Allah..Allah Allah..Allah Allah.. (1 von 9)04.07.2013 23:31:42
7266 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: ReligionIsGoodAdvice
Ad-dinu nasiha. Religion means the advice which shows people the path they should walk on. If there is no institution of advice in a country, that country is in the hand of shaytan. It is ridiculed & mocked by shaytan. May Allah protect us from the evil of shaytan, from the evil of the ego & its desires. When a person follows his desires, shaytan finishes him, leaves no goodness for him. Today's people don't know for what they are created. For what are we created? For Whom are we created? What are we created to do? This is not taught. When it is not taught, then people can't know. "Ad-dinu nasiha". Advice teaches people for what they have been created & what they are responsible to do. This is the first thing that people should know- For whom are we working? For whom are we working in dunya? For whom are we running & striving & working in dunya? "For whom are we working? We work for ourselves" they say. Here, the first thing to be taught is, we are created in this dunya to make service for Allah Dhul Jalal Hz. Not to be the servant of our own egos. We are created to make honoured service to Allah Dhul Jalal. They are not teaching this. Shaytan intervened & messed it up. He says to the people "No! You should live for yourself". Why should I live for me? What is its value- what is the value of me living for myself? I should live for such a One that an honour comes to me from Him; that he dresses me with the dress of honour, with the dress of glory, with the dress of heavenly grants. May we be lateef/gentle, nice, beautiful. Allah Almighty wants a beautiful service. No, they don't teach this. "No, we live for ourselves". Because they live for themselves, they have become like "mushatta". Do you know what mushatta is? They become like shabak (monkey). Shabak. "What is shabak, Shaykh Effendi?" "Do you not know shabak? Look into the mirror & see who shabak is". It is your ego. They look like this (into the mirror). Especially the female species of mankind when they will go out, they dress up from the morning till noon & go out in the afternoon- To show herself, to look beautiful. To look beautiful, to be beautiful is a grant from Allah. It is not with all kinds of makeup you put on your face- not with blushes, powders, lotions..It is not with the dresses you wear. Sometimes (2 von 9)04.07.2013 23:31:42
7267 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: ReligionIsGoodAdvice
they make their hair like the hair of goats, sometimes it looks like the hair of the dogs. Some others make their hair like other animals whose attributes they carry. Why should you do your hair? What will you become? What is it that you'll show? She spends her day, her life with fashion, makeup & dressing up... And she leaves it all without gaining anything. For whom did she work? For her blind ego. And she dies without satisfying her blind ego & becoming uglier. Those who are servants to their Lord & say "we live for Allah", there is Nur in their faces, there is joy & happiness in their hearts. There is hope. For the others there is no hope. You die & it is all finished. O Lord, may You forgive us. "Dullani khaira d-daleela"- we should find good guides that they tell us "Do you live for your ego or do you live for Allah?" But there is no one left who lives for Allah. Everybody lives for his ego, to satisfy his blind ego; lives to dress their no value titles, to show himself & to praise himself. May Allah save the people from these ibtilas/calamities. May He send us a Master. We are left without a Master. Ad-dinu nasihat. There is no one left to give people advice. Shame on us... We are here today & tomorrow we disappear. "Where did he go?" "They buried him to the graveyard, he disappeared". Huuuuu Rabbi la Yazal. May Allah grant us understanding. We live for Allah & everything opens in front of us. People are striving for their own egos & no door opens for them. All of them went bankrupt. There is no Nur left on their faces, no health left in their bodies. They have no mind left in their heads. Most people say "O my heart" & go through heart surgery. No, it gives trouble. Say Allah, your heart beats saying "Allah". Listen to your heart. Say Allah & look if there will be any problem. And there is a new fashion now, they rip apart their hearts, do surgery. Heart surgery.. Can the heart recover with surgery? It recovers with saying Allah. We should say Allah, both by heart & by tongue. La ilaha illa Allah, la ilaha illa Anta Subhanak! Subhanak! You are Sultan, You are Subhan O our Lord" call Him like this. We are weak servants. Qawwi da'fana farid ak Ya rabbi. We couldn't do anything. And day by day dunya... because the people of this century are striving to satisfy their own egos. They don't strive to keep the right & adab of Allah (jj). They don't strive to keep the right & adab of His Prophet (sas). The purpose of them is for servanthood but they forgot this- they forgot being servants to Allah & they are being slaves to their own egos. They have become slaves. They have (3 von 9)04.07.2013 23:31:42
7268 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: ReligionIsGoodAdvice
become slaves. And the ego wants to mount man & once it does, it starts whipping. Everywhere is filled with diseases. Aman ya Rabbi, may You not makes us catch these diseases. O Bait al-'Atiq, Assalamu Alaika. Allahumma zid baitika haza, ta'zeeman wa tashreefan wa takreeman, wa mahabatan wa birran, O Lord". Inside the Kaaba al-Muazzama, it is a treasure. For this, say every morning "O Lord, may You dress on us the dress of faith from the treasures of Kaaba. Dress on us the dress of health & wellness. Dress on us the dress of knowledge, the dress of adab Ya Jalil" This came to my heart today, Shaykh Mehmet Effendi you know this. Make them recite this sometimes, they never recite this. Ya Latif-an lam tazal Ultuf bina feema nazal. Innaka Latif-un lam tazal, bi lutfika awadtana. Ya Rabbi, amin khawfana. ya Rabbi, amin khawfana. Ya Rabbi, amin khawfana. Fa'fu anna Ya Karim. Do you know this? Teach this to people. This is very strong- it came this morning. Ya Latif-an lam tazal Ultuf bina feema nazal. Innaka Latif-un lam tazal, bi lutfika awadtana. Ya Rabbi, amin khawfana. Ya Rabbi, amin khawfana. I learned this one when I was in Homs Shaykh Mehmet Effendi. In the mosque of Khalid ibn al-Walid (ra), the muazzin would recite this aloud in fajr prayer. Ya Latif-an lam tazal Ultuf bina feema nazal. Innaka Latif-un lam tazal, bi lutfika awadtana. Ya Rabbi, amin khawfana. Ya Rabbi, amin khawfana. Fa'fu anna Ya Karim. You know this by heart? Make them recite this, O son. We can't do anything either. We can't do anything either.. Tawba, we make tawba. What can we do? Ya Rabbi, amin khawfana. Ya Rabbi, amin khawfana. Fa'fu anna Ya Karim. His one leg was disabled, poor one- the muazzin. His voice was strong. With his crippled leg he would climb the huge minaret at fajr & recite the adhan. He would walk like this. His disability was more than Abu Rajab's. May Allah bless his soul. Sometimes when he was not there I would climb the minaret. My voice was good too. They wouldn't realize that it was me, my voice would come out like his voice upstairs. They would hear it from the castle. Look to who makes it heard- O holy one, Khalid ibn al-Walid Hz. We have many sins.. I have many sins, I am naughty one. Pray for me also. That Allah Almighty (4 von 9)04.07.2013 23:31:42
7269 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: ReligionIsGoodAdvice
may not crush the servants. What can we do? Thousands of shukur for my situation. How many times the Prophet (s) invited us to his holy presence. With the barakah of my Shaykh Sultanul Awliya I reached to Sham from Homs. I found our Sultan in Sham. The Sultan in Istanbul sent me there. May you be servants to the Sultans. I strived but what could I do? I couldn't do anything. O Allah, may You send us a Master. O Allah, may You send us a Master. Ya Latif-an lam tazal Ultuf bina feema nazal. Innaka Latif-un lam tazal, bi lutfika awadtana. Ya Rabbi, amin khawfana. Ya Rabbi, amin khawfana. If these people recited this, neither Bashar nor any nashar can do anything to them. What comes on them would be scattered & taken away. We have power, it is not that we don't have power, but there is no permission yet. Everyone's mind is on something else. Ya Rabbi, tawba ya Rabbi. May our today be khair. May our every day be khair. Recite always "Ya Latif-an lam tazal". Recite & have them recite. We will be like lions, bi idhni Allah, Bi hurmati Habib (sas). Our children are entrusted to You, the nations of the Beloved, all of them. Ya Rabbi, You know. Fatiha. Religion ist guter Rat
Al Hamdulillah. Möge Allah uns zusammenkommen lassen für Gutes. Willkommen. "Sabah Ribahu", sagten sie. Ist es nicht so? Alles wird am Morgen gewonnen. Der Tag öffnet sich, die himmlischen Gaben Allahs des Allmächtigen erreichen die Diener, erreichen die Berge und Steine. Es beginnt zu schließen in der Nacht. Wir sagen: Audhu Billahi mina sh-shaytani r-rajim. Möge Allah uns vor dem Übel Shaytans schützen. Möge Er uns davor schützen, dem schmutzigen Ego zu folgen. Was können die Menschen tun? Unser Weg ist "Ad-Dinu Nasiha". Haben wir die Basmala gesagt? Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim ist ein Pfeiler von der Erde zu den Himmeln. Es ist eine Ehre für die Menschen. Es ist herabgekommen auf diese Ummah. Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. Alle Propheten wußten es, (5 von 9)04.07.2013 23:31:42
7270 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: ReligionIsGoodAdvice
`alayhum Salam. Du kamst in Sicherheit. Möge unser Tag in Sicherheit beginnen und in Sicherheit enden. O unser Herr, mögest Du uns von Deinen Dienern einen senden, der uns lehrt, Deinen Weg einzuhalten mit Deinen himmlischen Gaben. Was können wir tun? "Ad-Dinu Nasiha." Religion ist guter Rat. Und was ist guter Rat? Allah der Allmächtige will Gutes für die Diener und vermittels guten Rates führt Er sie auf den Weg, den Er anerkennt. Zuerst einmal ehrte unser Prophet (saws), der der Sultan der Propheten ist diese Welt dadurch, daß ihm die für uns selbst, sagen sie. Hier ist das erste, was gelehrt werden muß, daß wir in dieser Dunya geschaffen wurden, um Allah Dhu l-Jalal Hz Dienst zu leisten, nicht, um der Diener unseres eigenen Egos zu sein. Wir wurden geschaffen, um ehrenvollen Dienst an Allah Dhul Jalal zu leisten. Sie lehren das nicht. Shaytan griff ein und brachte es durcheinander. Er sagt den Leuten: Nein! Ihr solltet für euch selbst leben. Warum sollte ich für mich leben? Was ist sein Wert, was ist es Wert, für mich selbst zu leben? Ich sollte für so Einen leben, von Dem mir Ehre zukommt, Der mich mit dem Ehrenkleid bekleidet, mit dem Kleid des Ruhmes, mit dem Kleid der himmlischen Gaben. Mögen wir latif, sanft, nett, schön sein. Allah der Allmächtige will einen schönen Dienst. Nein, sie lehren das nicht. Nein, wir leben für uns selbst. Weil sie für sich selbst leben, sind sie wie "Mushatta" geworden. Wißt ihr, was Mushatta ist? Sie sind wie Shabak, Affen, geworden. Shabak. Was ist Shabak, Shaykh Effen