Maulana Shaykh Nazim Adil al-Haqqani 2000 Sohbats 1979-2013 (525/777)
di? Weißt du, was Shabak ist? Guck in den Spiegel und du siehst, was Shabak ist. Es ist dein Ego. Sie gucken so in den Spiegel. Besonder die weibliche Spezie der Menschheit, wenn sie ausgehen wollen, machen sie sich hübsch vom Morgen bis zum Mittag und gehen am Nachmittag aus, um sich zu zeigen, um schön auszusehen. Schön auszusehen, schön zu sein, ist eine Gabe Allahs. Es kommt nicht von allen Arten von Makeup, das du ins Gesicht schmierst, nicht von Rouge, Puder, Lotionen.. Es ist nicht das Kleid, was du trägst. Manchmal machen sie sich das Haar wie Ziegenhaar, manchmal sieht es aus wie das Haar von Hunden. Manch andere machen ihre Haare wie andere Tiere, deren Attribute sie tragen. Warum solltest du dein Haar machen? Was wirst du werden? Was wirst du zeigen? Sie verbringt ihren Tag, ihr Leben mit Mode, Makeup und Sich-Zurechtmachen. Und sie läßt alles, ohne irgendetwas zu gewinnen. Für wen hat sie gearbeitet? Für ihr blindes Ego. Und sie stirbt, ohne ihr blindes Ego zu befriedigen, und wird häßlicher. Jene, die Diener ihres Herrn sind und sagen 'Wir leben für Allah', auf deren Gesichtern ist Nur, es ist Freude und Glück in ihren (6 von 9)04.07.2013 23:31:42
7271 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: ReligionIsGoodAdvice
Herzen. Es ist Hoffnung da. Für die anderen gibt es keine Hoffnung. Du stirbst und alles ist zu Ende. O Herr, mögest Du uns vergeben. "Dullani Khayra d-Dalila" - Wir sollten gute Führer finden, die uns sagen 'Lebt ihr für euer Ego oder lebt ihr für Allah?' Aber es gibt niemanden mehr, der für Allah lebt. Jeder lebt für sein Ego, um sein blindes Ego zu befriedigen, um seine wertlosen Titel zu führen, um sich zu zeigen und sich selbst zu loben. Möge Allah die Menschen vor diesen Ibtilas, Unglücken retten. Möge Er uns einen Meister senden. Wir sind ohne Meister. Ad-Dinu Nasihat. Es gibt niemanden mehr, der den Menschen guten Rat gibt. Schande auf uns... Wir sind heute hier, und morgen verschwinden wir. Wo ist er hingegangen? Sie haben ihn auf dem Friedhof begraben, er ist fort. Huuuu Rabbi la Yazal. Möge Allah uns Verstehen gewähren. Wir leben für Allah, und alles öffnet sich vor uns. Die Menschen streben für ihr eigenes Ego und keine Tür öffnet sich für sie. Sie sind alle bankrott. Es gibt kein Nur mehr auf ihren Gesichtern, keine Gesundheit in ihren Körpern. Sie haben keinen Verstand mehr im Kopf. Die meisten sagen 'O mein Herz' und durchlaufen Herzchirurgie. Nein, es macht Probleme. Sagt 'Allah'. Euer Herz schlägt und sagt 'Allah'. Hört auf euer Herz. Sagt 'Allah' und seht, ob es irgendwelche Probleme gibt. Und es gibt jetzt eine Neue Mode, ihre Herzen aufzureißen, zu operieren. Herzchirurgie.. Kann das Herz mit Chirurgie gesunden? Es gesundet, wenn es 'Allah' sagt. Wir sollten 'Allah' sagen, mit dem Herzen und der Zunge. La ilaha illa Allah, la ilaha illa Anta Subhanak! Subhanak! Du bist Sultan, Du bist Subhan, o unser Herr! Ruft Ihn so an. Wir sind schwache Diener. Qawwi Da'fana fi Ridak, ya Rabbi. Wir konnten nichts tun. Und Tag für Tag die Dunya... weil die Menschen dieses Jahrhunderts danach streben, ihr eigenes Ego zu befriedigen. Sie streben nicht danach, die Rechte und den Adab für Allah (jj) zu bewahren. Sie streben nicht danach, die Rechte und den Adab Seines Propheten (saws) zu bewahren. Ihr Zweck ist die Dienerschaft, aber sie haben das vergessen. Sie haben vergessen, Diener Allahs zu sein und sind Sklaven ihres eigenen Egos geworden. Sie sind Sklaven geworden. Sie sind Sklaven geworden, und das Ego will auf dem Menschen reiten, und dann beginnt es, ihn zu peitschen. Überall ist alles voller Krankheiten. Aman ya Rabbi, mögest Du uns nicht diese Krankheiten bekommen lassen. O Baytu l-'Atiq, As-Salamu Alayka. Allahumma zid Baytika hadha, Ta'ziman wa Tashrifan wa Takriman wa Mahabatan wa Birran, o Herr. In der Kaaba al-Muazzama gibt es einen Schatz. Deshalb sagt jeden Morgen: 'O Herr, mögest Du uns mit dem Gewand des Glaubens von den (7 von 9)04.07.2013 23:31:42
7272 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: ReligionIsGoodAdvice
Schätzen der Kaaba bekleiden. Bekleide uns mit dem Gewand von Gesundheit und Wohlbefinden. Bekleide uns mit dem Gewand des Wissens, dem Gewand des Adab ya Jalil.' Das kam heute in mein Herz. Sh. Mehmet Effendi, du weißt das. Laß es sie manchmal rezitieren. Sie rezitieren das nie. Ya Latifan lam tazal. Ultuf bina fima nazal. Innaka Latifun lam tazal, bi Lutfika Awadtana. Ya Rabbi, Amin Khawfana. Ya Rabbi, Amin Khawfana. Ya Rabbi, Aman Khawfana. Fa`fu anna ya Karim. Kennst du das? Lehre es die Leute. Das ist sehr stark. Es kam mir heute Morgen. Ya Latifan lam tazal. Ultuf bina fima nazal. Innaka Latifun lam tazal, bi Lutfika Awadtana. Ya Rabbi, Amin Khawfana. Ya Rabbi, Amin Khawfana. Ich lernte das, als ich in Homs war, Shaykh Mehmet Effendi. In der Moschee von Khalid ibn al- Walid (ra) rezitierte der Muazzin das laut im Fajr Gebet. Ya Latifan lam tazal. Ultuf bina fima nazal. Innaka Latifun lam tazal, bi Lutfika Awadtana. Ya Rabbi, Amin Khawfana. Ya Rabbi, Amin Khawfana. Fa'fu anna ya Karim. Kannst du das auswendig? Laß sie das rezitieren, Sohn. Wir können auch nichts machen. Wir können auch nichts machen. Tawba, wir machen Tawba. Was können wir tun? Ya Rabbi, Amin Khawfana. Ya Rabbi, Amin Khawfana. Fa'fu anna ya Karim. Sein eines Bein war verkrüppelt, der Arme, der Muazzin. Sein Stimme war stark. Mit seinem verkrüppelten Bein kletterte er auf das riesige Minarett zum Fajr und rief den Adhan. Er ging so. Sein Behinderung war größer als die von Abu Rajab. Möge Allah seine Seele segnen. Manchmal, wenn er nicht da war, kletterte ich auf das Minarett. Meine Stimme war auch gut. Sie bemerkten, daß ich es war, meine Stimme kam heraus wie seine Stimme oben. Sie hörten es von der Burg. Sieh, wer es hörbar macht. O Heiliger, Khalid ibn al-Walid Hz. Wir haben viele Sünden.. Ich habe viele Sünden, ich bin ungezogen. Bete auch für mich. Daß Allah der Allmächtige die Diener nicht zerschmettert. Was können wir tun? Tausende Shukur für meine Lage. Wie viele Male lud uns der Prophet (s) in seine heilige Gegenwart. Mit der Barakah von meinem Shaykh Sultanu l-Awliya erreichte ich Sham von Homs aus. Ich fand unseren Sultan in Sham. Der Sultan in Istanbul sandte mich dorthin. Möget ihr Diener der Sultane sein. Ich strengte mich an, aber was konnte ich tun? Ich konnte nichts tun. O Allah, mögest Du uns einen Meister senden. O Allah, mögest Du uns einen Meister senden. Ya Latifan lam tazal. Ultuf bina fima nazal. Innaka Latifun lam tazal, bi Lutfika Awadtana. Ya Rabbi, Amin Khawfana. Ya Rabbi, Amin Khawfana. Wenn diese Menschen das rezitieren würden, könnte weder Bashar noch irgendein Nashar ihnen etwas tun. Was auf sie kommt, würde zerstreut und (8 von 9)04.07.2013 23:31:42
7273 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: ReligionIsGoodAdvice
weggenommen werden. Wir haben Macht. Es ist nicht so, daß wir keine Macht haben, aber es gibt noch keine Erlaubnis. Jedermans Gedanken sind auf etwas anderes gerichtet. Ya Rabbi, Tawba ya Rabbi. Möge unser Heute khayr sein. Möge jeder unserer Tag khayr sein. Rezitiere immer "Ya Latifan lam tazal". Rezitiere und laß sie rezitieren. Wir werden wie Löwen sein, bi Idhni Allah, bi Hurmati Habib (saws). Unsere Kinder sind Dir anvertraut, die Nation des Geliebten, sie alle. Ya Rabbi, Du weißt. Fatiha. Lefke, 07.01.2013
WebSaltanatOrg, CategoryDressing, CategoryWoman, CategoryBiography, CategorySyria (9 von 9)04.07.2013 23:31:42
7274 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: RememberMe
Maulana Sheikh Nazim : RememberMe
Remember Me; I Remember You
We may say Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. May Allah (jwa) not make us without religion, may He not make us without understanding either. Our tongues should say "Allah". Our tongues should say Salawat for the pure Prophet Ahmad-i Muhammad Mustafa (sas). Our tongues should always recite Salawat for the Beloved of Allah Almighty, recite the Salawat al-Sharif. And we may say: "Kullu amrin dhi baalin lam yabda'a fihi bi Bismillah, fa huwa abtar". For every matter... The saying of "dhi baalin" is for teaching us. What is the meaning of "dhi baal"? An important, valuable matter. What suits the believer is to perform beautiful deeds, good deeds. "Dhi baal" is the matter which has value. Allah Almighty orders us this: "Do beautiful acts, perform good deeds". "Dhi baal" which means something that has a value. What suits the believer is to do clean things. The glory of the believer is in doing beautiful actions, doing beautiful service, doing beautiful deeds, doing beautiful servanthood. Because servanthood requires beautiful service. A servant is who makes good service. Who strives to do foolish, meaningless things is far away from servanthood. The things a servant does are solid and firm. He doesn't do a rotten thing. Why? Because he will say the Bismillah. When he says the Bismillah, the service he does is clean, it is firm. A believer's work can't be corrupt. It will be clean. He has Nur on his face and joy in his heart. A believer does not live a sad life. A believer is happy. A believer is the owner of good deeds and he is in the first class when making service for Allah Almighty. May Allah not remove us from His servanthood. Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. O our Lord, (1 von 15)04.07.2013 23:31:43
7275 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: RememberMe
may You forgive us. Don't make us to forget! Don't make us forget to remember Your Holy Name. "Nasu Al-Laha Fanasiyahum" (9:67). They forgot Allah and Allah leaves them forgotten. Who runs away from Allah becomes forgotten. A person who Allah forgot cannot find goodness. A nation which doesn't accept Allah cannot find goodness. A person who does not keep the Order of Allah before everything else cannot find goodness. What does he become? He becomes the animal of shaytan. Shaytan bridles and mounts that person. When you say Bismillahir- Rahmanir-Rahim, shaytan can't put a bridle on you. Shaytan wants to make Man animal to himself. One he makes man an animal, he makes him do all kinds of dirty things. Men who do dirty, dishonoured things is the animal of shaytan. A person with a dark face is the animal of shaytan. A person who has a clean face with Nur is the servant of his Lord, is from the nation of our Prophet (sas). You should be careful with this. This should be taught: With which deed does Man's face shine? Which deed darkens the faces of people? The faces of people today; 99 percent of them are dark. They are dark. Who looks at their faces finds no goodness. Who works for them has no goodness. Aman Ya Rabbi. Aman Ya Rabbi; may our Lord save us from being animals to shaytan. Allah Almighty sent us His Most Beloved so that we know our way, our street and attain to the acceptance of our Lord Almighty. They are strong: Whenever a nation kept Allah, then Allah kept them. Whosoever does not keep Allah, Allah Almighty leaves them. "Nasu Al-Laha Fanasiyahum". Who forgets Allah becomes forgotten. Say, Allah! How should we say? Say Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. When you get up, when you sit, when you work, when you do your everything: say Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. Put the Bismillah signs inside your home. Put everywhere Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim signs and don't fear. Neither stones rain on you nor do you get stuck under snow or are taken prisoner by the enemy. Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim, we should hang its signs everywhere. And also the "Adab Ya Hu" signs. Adab; the value and honour of Man is measured by however much adab he has. When it says "Adab Ya Hu!" be ashamed O Man. Don't forget your Lord. This is what adab is. Who forgets his Lord has no adab. He is zero. He or she is ugly. No matter how much makeup (2 von 15)04.07.2013 23:31:43
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she puts on her face, she can't be beautiful. The beauty Allah Almighty grants does not fade off a man's face. The beauty on the face of those who don't forget Allah is the same until they go down to their graves. In the grave when angels come, they recognize them. They recognize their Nur and question accordingly. There is Nur on the faces of those who don't forget Allah and there is joy in their hearts. There is happiness. Their every work succeeds. Aman Ya Rabbi. Who moves away from adab are all fighting each other. What they do is only to oppress, to kill, to burn, to destroy each other. May Allah forgive us. Allah did not create us to kill each other but to be believers. When we become believers, the sword is lifted off us. Otherwise Qahar (Wrath) sword comes and the sword of wrath ruins the people. O our Lord, may You make us from those who always remember You, who never forget You. How can you forget, how can you forget Who created you? Why don't you recite the Bismillah? Why don't you teach the Bismillah? You put portraits and make people show respect for the portraits. You don't remember Allah Dhul Jalal and don't recite the Bismillah but you put portraits, statues, idols, stones everywhere, stand in front of them and worship them. This is a shame for the people; to forget the One Who created them is not suitable for the mankind. Man's honour is for his Lord Who Granted him the honour, Who Created him. May Allah make us from those who always remember their Lord. Don't forget the Bismillah. Otherwise he has no value. Everything he does goes wrong. They always fight each other. These are who forget Allah. Allah Almighty says "Fadhkuruni 'Adhkurkum" (2:152). Don't forget me and I will not forget you. I don't forget you but some of them I feast with My blessings, I don't leave them. And some of them I leave forgotten. I forget those who forget Me; I don't forget but leave them as forgotten". Because he doesn't accept Who created him, does not remember His Holy Name. They don't recite the Bismillah even once. They don't ever make sajda. Shame on them. We are not able to teach these things. They distort the minds of our children with all kinds of unnecessary, stupid, complicated things and drive them to shaytan's way. Shame on those people that they don't make the children walk towards Allah. They cannot teach the life that Allah (3 von 15)04.07.2013 23:31:43
7277 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: RememberMe
accepts. They make them wander far away from it. A person who forgets his Lord has no value left. Therefore let us say Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. Don't forget: O son, don't forget Allah or else you will be forgotten later. If you seek Allah's help, say Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim and Allah helps you in your every work. "This one may help, that one may help..." It is not true. Say Allah and He (swt) sends you His servants who will help you, sends you His honoured servants. He (swt) sends His majestic servants, He (swt) informs you about His awliyas and your every work becomes right. But they don't teach these things and whole world has fallen into a madness. It is the year of 2013 in their calendar. Dunya today has fallen into its darkest era ever. Why? Because people don't say Allah. They make people forget Allah and they whip the horse of shaytan! Shame on you, O people of the 21st century: Allah knows how many centuries passed but it is in the calculation they know. The people of the 21st century, collect yourselves, pull yourselves together. Know the purpose of your life. Know Who brought you into existence. Don't forget about His servanthood and you won't be forgotten, in dunya as well as in akhirah. May You send us from Your servants who will teach us Your ways. Send us Your sincere servants who will defeat shaytan O Lord. If they say "Be!", it will be and will not be if they say "Don't be!". Allah Almighty has such awliyas. If they say "Stop!", it stops and carries on if they say "Carry on". They forgot the awliyas. They forgot the Prophets. Yahu this man even forgot Allah! How can he ask about the Prophet (sas)? How can he ask about the awliyas? The one they follow is shaytan. Therefore each country established a building without a foundation and now it has collapsed over their heads. It collapsed on the whole world because what they built is a rotten building. In one quake all of them collapsed, whole world. Because unless Allah Almighty keeps you, no matter what you build, it will collapse on your head. And the world collapsed, they call it the 21st century. Dunya collapsed on the people of this century. They can't pull themselves out from under it either. Of course you can't. What will pull you out is the Will of Allah Almighty. When He (swt) said "Fall down", whole world fell down: fell down over these disobedient, (4 von 15)04.07.2013 23:31:43
7278 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: RememberMe
denying and unbelieving people. And now, they are trying to remove that debris. No, you can't. Because the debris is like a mountain and your power is like that of an ant. What turns the ant into an elephant is the power of Allah. What makes an elephant like an ant is again Him (swt). Step firmly! Step into the stirrup of the horse like a man! Rule over your ego fully so that Allah helps you. Allah Almighty knows where you are going and knows that you are following shaytan too. He (swt) leaves you and shaytan makes you ragged. Today's mankind is ridiculed by shaytan and they have become the animal of shaytan. Come to yourself O Man! Say "I am Man" and if you are man, don't do evil. All the people in whole world learn evil, want to do evil and they sink themselves sink as well as make others sink also. O Lord, tawba Ya Rabbi, tawba Ya Rabbi, tawba Astaghfirullah. "Fadhkuruni 'Adhkurkum": Remember Me and I protect you with My Mercies and remember you. "Fadhkuruni 'Adhkurkum Wa Ashkuru Li": Be grateful (make shukur) to Me, "Wa La Takfuruni": Don't deny Me" says Allah Almighty. What kind of a man are you that you don't know what you do. Who doesn't know what he does is an animal. How can it be that man doesn't know what he does? But your doings are like this. Before they would say like this: "You do too much but because all you do is evil tie up your pants and then do it. It comes down between your legs! What is it that you are doing?" So this is what the whole world is doing. And everyone keeps quiet. But this, my voice will be heard, in the East and in the West! Because I have the intention to serve Allah and am determined to destroy the sultanate of shaytan, even in this old age of mine. Allah supports us, His (swt) Great Prophet (sas) guides us. How beautiful is Islam. What a clean path Islam is. Every clean, pure act is in Islam. Every dirty life condition is in unbelief and in forgetting Allah. O our Lord, may You forgive us. I am weak O Lord. I am weak O Lord. Qawwi dha'fi fi ridaq. I am crying; I am crying to myself. I am sad & crying because of the troubles that those who misguided the people caused, loaded on the nations. I am sad and crying because of what mankind is suffering through. But mankind has fallen into such a state that they are welcoming what shaytan makes them do and they forget Allah Almighty. Aman Ya Rabbi. Tawba Ya Rabbi, we ask tawba O Allah on their behalf also. (5 von 15)04.07.2013 23:31:43
7279 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: RememberMe
Tawba Ya Rabbi. We started with Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim and we finish with Bismillahi r-Rahmanir- Rahim. May our grave be filled with Nur and may our destination be paradise. O our Lord, may You forgive us O Allah. Wa Al Hamdulillahi Rabbil 'Alamin, wal 'aqibatul lil muttaqin. Fala `udwana 'Illa `ala az-zalimina. May You not make us from the oppressors. Don't leave us in the hands of oppressors either O Lord. It is Rabiul Awwal, the holy month of Mawlid al-Sharif. It has been three days since it started. May our strength and joy be more. Allah Almighty is with the true ones. Allah Almighty is not with the people who are twisted. Twisted people are with shaytan. How do you tell if one is twisted? Because he is without the Bismillah! The way of a person without the Bismillah is twisted, it doesn't succeed. It is a dead end road, it is dead. They will be finished, destroyed. O Lord, send us the Master. Send us the ones who will teach us our religion, who will teach us our servanthood for You, who will make us keep the adab of our Prophet(s) O Lord. You are Subhan, You are Sultan O our Lord. You are the Subhan, You are the Sultan. Say this and don't fear. Ya Rabbi, tubna wa raja'na ilayk. O Lord, may You make our end a good end. O Lord, I am weak. Send us the Master O Lord, send us the Master who will execute Your Order. You sent a Sultan but now the dunya is left without a Sultan. Send us a Sultan. Who is Sultan? The man who starts with Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim is Sultan. Who worship the portraits, statues, they become soldiers to shaytan in the way of shaytan. Who say Allah are the soldiers of Allah (swt), of His Beloved (sas). May the Great Prophet (sas) forgive us. He is Al- Shafi' and Al-Mushaffa' in the Divine Presence of Allah Almighty; He (sas) intercedes and his intercession is accepted. Read the Mawlid al-Sharif in this holy month. Read so that Mercy rains on you. If not they will suffer much more. May Allah not make us from those who go astray. Who go astray are animals to shaytan. O Lord, You forgive us. You send us the Master, send us a Sultan O Lord! Tawba Ya Rabbi, tawba Ya Rabbi, tawba Astaghfirullah. We repent for ourselves too. We repent for everyone and for ourselves also,we should say tawba Astaghfirullah. We should say Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. We should make sajda even if it is two rakats. Don't drink! Troubles come on your head. Don't smoke! You catch a disease that (6 von 15)04.07.2013 23:31:43
7280 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: RememberMe
can't be cured. Don't eat the dirty things! They suffer troubles that can't be cured. O our Lord, may You forgive us. Send us a Sultan O our Lord. For the honour of Your Beloved, for Your Beloved may You send us, that we see him also. Our children see him also. May our homes be joyous. May you recite the Holy Quran in your homes. May Nur come and calamities go away from our homes! May Nur rain on us. O people, pull yourselves together! Or else this wheel of life will chop you up, finish you and throw you away. Aman Ya Rabbi, forgive us. Send us the Master. Wa min Allah at-tawfiq. We may say Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. "Whoever remembers the Name of Allah first, Allah makes his every doing easy for him". How beautiful! How beautiful! Allah straightens the work of who says Allah. The work of who doesn't say it is all corrupt. When Sultan Mahmud one day was passing through a place, he saw two blind men sitting together. One of them was saying "Ya Ma'bud! Ya Ma'bud!" And the other one was saying "Ya Mahmud, Ya Mahmud, Ya Mahmud". Both of them are blind, and both beg from the people. They live with what people give. So Sultan Mahmud said "Fill a chicken with gold and send it to that one who says Ya Mahmud". And they sent. He was saying Mahmud and the other saying Ma'bud. He said to give it to the one who says Mahmud. And they gave. He looked at it and said "O friend, they brought me something but I am full. It is something like a chicken but I am full. Give me a few coins and I give it to you, you eat it". He also struggled to understand what it is and found out it is chicken. He gave a few coins and took it. Then he saw that it is full with gold inside. He took it to his house and came back again and sat. The other one was saying "Ya Mahmud, Ya Mahmud, Ya Mahmud" (in a weak voice). The other one's work succeeded, so he was saying even more "Ya Ma'bud! Ya Ma'bud! Ya Mabud". He was saying it strongly. "What happened to them?" the Sultan asked. "One of them, that one who says Ya Mahmud, agains calls Ya Mahmud". "What about the other one?" "The other one calls in a strong voice". He filled a duck with gold inside and sent. Again he had it prepared and sent. To that one who calls "Ya Mahmud" he sent. Again that one looked, "O my friend, again they brought me something similar but I am full. Whatever you can give, give me its equivalent and take this". He was ready (7 von 15)04.07.2013 23:31:43
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from last time so he checked: it is full. He took and said "Take this, I give you more this time". He took and left that place, went to his home. Sultan Mahmud was investigating what happened. They said "The situation is the same". He said "Ok. Bring me that one who says Ya Mahmud". So they brought him. He said "O poor servant of Allah, you are calling to me and I granted you gifts so many times but you are still begging there". He then said "Take this one to my treasury and put a shovel in his hand so he shovels the treasury. Whatever amount he shovels, give it to him". So they took him to the treasury, and the Sultan was watching. They said to him "Take a shovel and shovel". And that poor one cannot see so he held the shovel from the wrong side and when he shoveled like this, only a few things remained on it. At that time Sultan Mahmud said: "If Ma'bud does not grant, what can Mahmud do?" (famous saying) These ones now too, strive like this but they hold the shovel by the wrong end. No one has money in his pocket. For 40 years the Sultan of the Ottomans ruled a state which was seven times greater than Turkey is now and every one had gold in his pocket. Now people have paper in their pocket. This is the power of Sultan and this is the work of other imitated states. They don't even have paper in their pocket. They can't even provide enough paper for the people, let alone gold. Because that Sultan was with Allah. These are with shaytan - whole world. May Allah forgive us. Fatiha. Erinnert euch an Mich; Ich erinnere Mich an euch
Wir sagen Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. Möge Allah (jwa) uns nicht ohne Religion sein lassen, möge Er uns auch nicht ohne Verständnis sein lassen. Unsere Zungen sollten "Allah" sagen. Unsere Zungen sollten Salawat für den reinen Propheten sagen, Ahmad-i Muhammad Mustafa (sas). Unsere Zungen sollten immerzu Salawat für den Geliebten Allahs des Allm. rezitieren, das Salawat al-Sharif rezitieren. Und wir mögen sagen: "Kullu amrin dhi baalin lam yabda'a fihi bi Bismillah, fa huwa abtar". Für jede Sache... Der (8 von 15)04.07.2013 23:31:43
7282 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: RememberMe
Ausdruck "Dhi baalin" dient dazu, uns zu lehren. Was ist die Bedeutung von "Dhi baal"? Eine wichtige, bedeutungsvolle Sache. Was zu dem Gläubigen passt ist, schöne Taten, gute Taten zu vollbringen. "Dhi baal" ist die Sache, die Wert hat. Allah der Allmächtige befiehlt uns dies: "Macht schöne Dinge, tut gute Taten." "Dhi baal" bedeutet etwas, das Wert hat. Was zu dem Gläubigen passt, sind reine Taten. Die Glorie des Gläubigen liegt in schönen Werken, schöne Dienste zu leisten, schöne Taten zu vollbringen, schöne Dienerschaft zu leisten. Denn Dienerschaft verlangt einen schönen Dienst. Ein Diener ist der, der gute Dienste verrichtet. Wer nach dummen, bedeutungslosen Dingen strebt ist weit weg von Dienerschaft. Die Dinge die ein Diener tut sind fest und solide. Er tut nichts verdorbenes. Warum? Weil er Bismillah sagen wird. Wenn er Bismillah sagt, ist der Dienst den er macht rein, es ist sicher. Die Arbeit eines Gläubigen kann nicht verdorben sein. Es wird rein sein. Er hat Nur auf seinem Gesicht und Freude in seinem Herzen. Ein Gläubiger lebt kein trauriges Leben. Ein Gläubiger ist glücklich. Ein Gläubiger ist der Besitzer von guten Taten und er ist erstklassig wenn er Dienste für Allah den Allmächtigen tut. Möge Allah uns nicht aus Seiner Dienerschaft entlassen. Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. Oh unser Herr, mögest Du uns vergeben. Lass uns nicht vergessen! Lass uns nicht vergessen, uns Deines Heiligen Namens zu erinnern. "Nasu Al-Laha Fanasiyahum" (9:67). Sie haben Allah vergessen und Allah hat sie auch vergessen- Wer vor Allah davonrennt wird vergessen. Eine Person die von Allah vergessen wurde, kann nichts Gutes finden. Ein Volk was Allah nicht akzeptiert kann nichts Gutes finden. Eine Person die die Befehle von Allah vor allem anderen einhält, kann nichts Gutes finden. Was wird aus ihr? Sie wird zu einem Tier Shaytans. Shaytan zäumt und besteigt diese Person. Wenn du Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim sagst, kann Shaytan dir keinen Za
di? Weißt du, was Shabak ist? Guck in den Spiegel und du siehst, was Shabak ist. Es ist dein Ego. Sie gucken so in den Spiegel. Besonder die weibliche Spezie der Menschheit, wenn sie ausgehen wollen, machen sie sich hübsch vom Morgen bis zum Mittag und gehen am Nachmittag aus, um sich zu zeigen, um schön auszusehen. Schön auszusehen, schön zu sein, ist eine Gabe Allahs. Es kommt nicht von allen Arten von Makeup, das du ins Gesicht schmierst, nicht von Rouge, Puder, Lotionen.. Es ist nicht das Kleid, was du trägst. Manchmal machen sie sich das Haar wie Ziegenhaar, manchmal sieht es aus wie das Haar von Hunden. Manch andere machen ihre Haare wie andere Tiere, deren Attribute sie tragen. Warum solltest du dein Haar machen? Was wirst du werden? Was wirst du zeigen? Sie verbringt ihren Tag, ihr Leben mit Mode, Makeup und Sich-Zurechtmachen. Und sie läßt alles, ohne irgendetwas zu gewinnen. Für wen hat sie gearbeitet? Für ihr blindes Ego. Und sie stirbt, ohne ihr blindes Ego zu befriedigen, und wird häßlicher. Jene, die Diener ihres Herrn sind und sagen 'Wir leben für Allah', auf deren Gesichtern ist Nur, es ist Freude und Glück in ihren (6 von 9)04.07.2013 23:31:42
7271 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: ReligionIsGoodAdvice
Herzen. Es ist Hoffnung da. Für die anderen gibt es keine Hoffnung. Du stirbst und alles ist zu Ende. O Herr, mögest Du uns vergeben. "Dullani Khayra d-Dalila" - Wir sollten gute Führer finden, die uns sagen 'Lebt ihr für euer Ego oder lebt ihr für Allah?' Aber es gibt niemanden mehr, der für Allah lebt. Jeder lebt für sein Ego, um sein blindes Ego zu befriedigen, um seine wertlosen Titel zu führen, um sich zu zeigen und sich selbst zu loben. Möge Allah die Menschen vor diesen Ibtilas, Unglücken retten. Möge Er uns einen Meister senden. Wir sind ohne Meister. Ad-Dinu Nasihat. Es gibt niemanden mehr, der den Menschen guten Rat gibt. Schande auf uns... Wir sind heute hier, und morgen verschwinden wir. Wo ist er hingegangen? Sie haben ihn auf dem Friedhof begraben, er ist fort. Huuuu Rabbi la Yazal. Möge Allah uns Verstehen gewähren. Wir leben für Allah, und alles öffnet sich vor uns. Die Menschen streben für ihr eigenes Ego und keine Tür öffnet sich für sie. Sie sind alle bankrott. Es gibt kein Nur mehr auf ihren Gesichtern, keine Gesundheit in ihren Körpern. Sie haben keinen Verstand mehr im Kopf. Die meisten sagen 'O mein Herz' und durchlaufen Herzchirurgie. Nein, es macht Probleme. Sagt 'Allah'. Euer Herz schlägt und sagt 'Allah'. Hört auf euer Herz. Sagt 'Allah' und seht, ob es irgendwelche Probleme gibt. Und es gibt jetzt eine Neue Mode, ihre Herzen aufzureißen, zu operieren. Herzchirurgie.. Kann das Herz mit Chirurgie gesunden? Es gesundet, wenn es 'Allah' sagt. Wir sollten 'Allah' sagen, mit dem Herzen und der Zunge. La ilaha illa Allah, la ilaha illa Anta Subhanak! Subhanak! Du bist Sultan, Du bist Subhan, o unser Herr! Ruft Ihn so an. Wir sind schwache Diener. Qawwi Da'fana fi Ridak, ya Rabbi. Wir konnten nichts tun. Und Tag für Tag die Dunya... weil die Menschen dieses Jahrhunderts danach streben, ihr eigenes Ego zu befriedigen. Sie streben nicht danach, die Rechte und den Adab für Allah (jj) zu bewahren. Sie streben nicht danach, die Rechte und den Adab Seines Propheten (saws) zu bewahren. Ihr Zweck ist die Dienerschaft, aber sie haben das vergessen. Sie haben vergessen, Diener Allahs zu sein und sind Sklaven ihres eigenen Egos geworden. Sie sind Sklaven geworden. Sie sind Sklaven geworden, und das Ego will auf dem Menschen reiten, und dann beginnt es, ihn zu peitschen. Überall ist alles voller Krankheiten. Aman ya Rabbi, mögest Du uns nicht diese Krankheiten bekommen lassen. O Baytu l-'Atiq, As-Salamu Alayka. Allahumma zid Baytika hadha, Ta'ziman wa Tashrifan wa Takriman wa Mahabatan wa Birran, o Herr. In der Kaaba al-Muazzama gibt es einen Schatz. Deshalb sagt jeden Morgen: 'O Herr, mögest Du uns mit dem Gewand des Glaubens von den (7 von 9)04.07.2013 23:31:42
7272 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: ReligionIsGoodAdvice
Schätzen der Kaaba bekleiden. Bekleide uns mit dem Gewand von Gesundheit und Wohlbefinden. Bekleide uns mit dem Gewand des Wissens, dem Gewand des Adab ya Jalil.' Das kam heute in mein Herz. Sh. Mehmet Effendi, du weißt das. Laß es sie manchmal rezitieren. Sie rezitieren das nie. Ya Latifan lam tazal. Ultuf bina fima nazal. Innaka Latifun lam tazal, bi Lutfika Awadtana. Ya Rabbi, Amin Khawfana. Ya Rabbi, Amin Khawfana. Ya Rabbi, Aman Khawfana. Fa`fu anna ya Karim. Kennst du das? Lehre es die Leute. Das ist sehr stark. Es kam mir heute Morgen. Ya Latifan lam tazal. Ultuf bina fima nazal. Innaka Latifun lam tazal, bi Lutfika Awadtana. Ya Rabbi, Amin Khawfana. Ya Rabbi, Amin Khawfana. Ich lernte das, als ich in Homs war, Shaykh Mehmet Effendi. In der Moschee von Khalid ibn al- Walid (ra) rezitierte der Muazzin das laut im Fajr Gebet. Ya Latifan lam tazal. Ultuf bina fima nazal. Innaka Latifun lam tazal, bi Lutfika Awadtana. Ya Rabbi, Amin Khawfana. Ya Rabbi, Amin Khawfana. Fa'fu anna ya Karim. Kannst du das auswendig? Laß sie das rezitieren, Sohn. Wir können auch nichts machen. Wir können auch nichts machen. Tawba, wir machen Tawba. Was können wir tun? Ya Rabbi, Amin Khawfana. Ya Rabbi, Amin Khawfana. Fa'fu anna ya Karim. Sein eines Bein war verkrüppelt, der Arme, der Muazzin. Sein Stimme war stark. Mit seinem verkrüppelten Bein kletterte er auf das riesige Minarett zum Fajr und rief den Adhan. Er ging so. Sein Behinderung war größer als die von Abu Rajab. Möge Allah seine Seele segnen. Manchmal, wenn er nicht da war, kletterte ich auf das Minarett. Meine Stimme war auch gut. Sie bemerkten, daß ich es war, meine Stimme kam heraus wie seine Stimme oben. Sie hörten es von der Burg. Sieh, wer es hörbar macht. O Heiliger, Khalid ibn al-Walid Hz. Wir haben viele Sünden.. Ich habe viele Sünden, ich bin ungezogen. Bete auch für mich. Daß Allah der Allmächtige die Diener nicht zerschmettert. Was können wir tun? Tausende Shukur für meine Lage. Wie viele Male lud uns der Prophet (s) in seine heilige Gegenwart. Mit der Barakah von meinem Shaykh Sultanu l-Awliya erreichte ich Sham von Homs aus. Ich fand unseren Sultan in Sham. Der Sultan in Istanbul sandte mich dorthin. Möget ihr Diener der Sultane sein. Ich strengte mich an, aber was konnte ich tun? Ich konnte nichts tun. O Allah, mögest Du uns einen Meister senden. O Allah, mögest Du uns einen Meister senden. Ya Latifan lam tazal. Ultuf bina fima nazal. Innaka Latifun lam tazal, bi Lutfika Awadtana. Ya Rabbi, Amin Khawfana. Ya Rabbi, Amin Khawfana. Wenn diese Menschen das rezitieren würden, könnte weder Bashar noch irgendein Nashar ihnen etwas tun. Was auf sie kommt, würde zerstreut und (8 von 9)04.07.2013 23:31:42
7273 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: ReligionIsGoodAdvice
weggenommen werden. Wir haben Macht. Es ist nicht so, daß wir keine Macht haben, aber es gibt noch keine Erlaubnis. Jedermans Gedanken sind auf etwas anderes gerichtet. Ya Rabbi, Tawba ya Rabbi. Möge unser Heute khayr sein. Möge jeder unserer Tag khayr sein. Rezitiere immer "Ya Latifan lam tazal". Rezitiere und laß sie rezitieren. Wir werden wie Löwen sein, bi Idhni Allah, bi Hurmati Habib (saws). Unsere Kinder sind Dir anvertraut, die Nation des Geliebten, sie alle. Ya Rabbi, Du weißt. Fatiha. Lefke, 07.01.2013
WebSaltanatOrg, CategoryDressing, CategoryWoman, CategoryBiography, CategorySyria (9 von 9)04.07.2013 23:31:42
7274 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: RememberMe
Maulana Sheikh Nazim : RememberMe
Remember Me; I Remember You
We may say Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. May Allah (jwa) not make us without religion, may He not make us without understanding either. Our tongues should say "Allah". Our tongues should say Salawat for the pure Prophet Ahmad-i Muhammad Mustafa (sas). Our tongues should always recite Salawat for the Beloved of Allah Almighty, recite the Salawat al-Sharif. And we may say: "Kullu amrin dhi baalin lam yabda'a fihi bi Bismillah, fa huwa abtar". For every matter... The saying of "dhi baalin" is for teaching us. What is the meaning of "dhi baal"? An important, valuable matter. What suits the believer is to perform beautiful deeds, good deeds. "Dhi baal" is the matter which has value. Allah Almighty orders us this: "Do beautiful acts, perform good deeds". "Dhi baal" which means something that has a value. What suits the believer is to do clean things. The glory of the believer is in doing beautiful actions, doing beautiful service, doing beautiful deeds, doing beautiful servanthood. Because servanthood requires beautiful service. A servant is who makes good service. Who strives to do foolish, meaningless things is far away from servanthood. The things a servant does are solid and firm. He doesn't do a rotten thing. Why? Because he will say the Bismillah. When he says the Bismillah, the service he does is clean, it is firm. A believer's work can't be corrupt. It will be clean. He has Nur on his face and joy in his heart. A believer does not live a sad life. A believer is happy. A believer is the owner of good deeds and he is in the first class when making service for Allah Almighty. May Allah not remove us from His servanthood. Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. O our Lord, (1 von 15)04.07.2013 23:31:43
7275 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: RememberMe
may You forgive us. Don't make us to forget! Don't make us forget to remember Your Holy Name. "Nasu Al-Laha Fanasiyahum" (9:67). They forgot Allah and Allah leaves them forgotten. Who runs away from Allah becomes forgotten. A person who Allah forgot cannot find goodness. A nation which doesn't accept Allah cannot find goodness. A person who does not keep the Order of Allah before everything else cannot find goodness. What does he become? He becomes the animal of shaytan. Shaytan bridles and mounts that person. When you say Bismillahir- Rahmanir-Rahim, shaytan can't put a bridle on you. Shaytan wants to make Man animal to himself. One he makes man an animal, he makes him do all kinds of dirty things. Men who do dirty, dishonoured things is the animal of shaytan. A person with a dark face is the animal of shaytan. A person who has a clean face with Nur is the servant of his Lord, is from the nation of our Prophet (sas). You should be careful with this. This should be taught: With which deed does Man's face shine? Which deed darkens the faces of people? The faces of people today; 99 percent of them are dark. They are dark. Who looks at their faces finds no goodness. Who works for them has no goodness. Aman Ya Rabbi. Aman Ya Rabbi; may our Lord save us from being animals to shaytan. Allah Almighty sent us His Most Beloved so that we know our way, our street and attain to the acceptance of our Lord Almighty. They are strong: Whenever a nation kept Allah, then Allah kept them. Whosoever does not keep Allah, Allah Almighty leaves them. "Nasu Al-Laha Fanasiyahum". Who forgets Allah becomes forgotten. Say, Allah! How should we say? Say Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. When you get up, when you sit, when you work, when you do your everything: say Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. Put the Bismillah signs inside your home. Put everywhere Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim signs and don't fear. Neither stones rain on you nor do you get stuck under snow or are taken prisoner by the enemy. Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim, we should hang its signs everywhere. And also the "Adab Ya Hu" signs. Adab; the value and honour of Man is measured by however much adab he has. When it says "Adab Ya Hu!" be ashamed O Man. Don't forget your Lord. This is what adab is. Who forgets his Lord has no adab. He is zero. He or she is ugly. No matter how much makeup (2 von 15)04.07.2013 23:31:43
7276 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: RememberMe
she puts on her face, she can't be beautiful. The beauty Allah Almighty grants does not fade off a man's face. The beauty on the face of those who don't forget Allah is the same until they go down to their graves. In the grave when angels come, they recognize them. They recognize their Nur and question accordingly. There is Nur on the faces of those who don't forget Allah and there is joy in their hearts. There is happiness. Their every work succeeds. Aman Ya Rabbi. Who moves away from adab are all fighting each other. What they do is only to oppress, to kill, to burn, to destroy each other. May Allah forgive us. Allah did not create us to kill each other but to be believers. When we become believers, the sword is lifted off us. Otherwise Qahar (Wrath) sword comes and the sword of wrath ruins the people. O our Lord, may You make us from those who always remember You, who never forget You. How can you forget, how can you forget Who created you? Why don't you recite the Bismillah? Why don't you teach the Bismillah? You put portraits and make people show respect for the portraits. You don't remember Allah Dhul Jalal and don't recite the Bismillah but you put portraits, statues, idols, stones everywhere, stand in front of them and worship them. This is a shame for the people; to forget the One Who created them is not suitable for the mankind. Man's honour is for his Lord Who Granted him the honour, Who Created him. May Allah make us from those who always remember their Lord. Don't forget the Bismillah. Otherwise he has no value. Everything he does goes wrong. They always fight each other. These are who forget Allah. Allah Almighty says "Fadhkuruni 'Adhkurkum" (2:152). Don't forget me and I will not forget you. I don't forget you but some of them I feast with My blessings, I don't leave them. And some of them I leave forgotten. I forget those who forget Me; I don't forget but leave them as forgotten". Because he doesn't accept Who created him, does not remember His Holy Name. They don't recite the Bismillah even once. They don't ever make sajda. Shame on them. We are not able to teach these things. They distort the minds of our children with all kinds of unnecessary, stupid, complicated things and drive them to shaytan's way. Shame on those people that they don't make the children walk towards Allah. They cannot teach the life that Allah (3 von 15)04.07.2013 23:31:43
7277 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: RememberMe
accepts. They make them wander far away from it. A person who forgets his Lord has no value left. Therefore let us say Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. Don't forget: O son, don't forget Allah or else you will be forgotten later. If you seek Allah's help, say Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim and Allah helps you in your every work. "This one may help, that one may help..." It is not true. Say Allah and He (swt) sends you His servants who will help you, sends you His honoured servants. He (swt) sends His majestic servants, He (swt) informs you about His awliyas and your every work becomes right. But they don't teach these things and whole world has fallen into a madness. It is the year of 2013 in their calendar. Dunya today has fallen into its darkest era ever. Why? Because people don't say Allah. They make people forget Allah and they whip the horse of shaytan! Shame on you, O people of the 21st century: Allah knows how many centuries passed but it is in the calculation they know. The people of the 21st century, collect yourselves, pull yourselves together. Know the purpose of your life. Know Who brought you into existence. Don't forget about His servanthood and you won't be forgotten, in dunya as well as in akhirah. May You send us from Your servants who will teach us Your ways. Send us Your sincere servants who will defeat shaytan O Lord. If they say "Be!", it will be and will not be if they say "Don't be!". Allah Almighty has such awliyas. If they say "Stop!", it stops and carries on if they say "Carry on". They forgot the awliyas. They forgot the Prophets. Yahu this man even forgot Allah! How can he ask about the Prophet (sas)? How can he ask about the awliyas? The one they follow is shaytan. Therefore each country established a building without a foundation and now it has collapsed over their heads. It collapsed on the whole world because what they built is a rotten building. In one quake all of them collapsed, whole world. Because unless Allah Almighty keeps you, no matter what you build, it will collapse on your head. And the world collapsed, they call it the 21st century. Dunya collapsed on the people of this century. They can't pull themselves out from under it either. Of course you can't. What will pull you out is the Will of Allah Almighty. When He (swt) said "Fall down", whole world fell down: fell down over these disobedient, (4 von 15)04.07.2013 23:31:43
7278 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: RememberMe
denying and unbelieving people. And now, they are trying to remove that debris. No, you can't. Because the debris is like a mountain and your power is like that of an ant. What turns the ant into an elephant is the power of Allah. What makes an elephant like an ant is again Him (swt). Step firmly! Step into the stirrup of the horse like a man! Rule over your ego fully so that Allah helps you. Allah Almighty knows where you are going and knows that you are following shaytan too. He (swt) leaves you and shaytan makes you ragged. Today's mankind is ridiculed by shaytan and they have become the animal of shaytan. Come to yourself O Man! Say "I am Man" and if you are man, don't do evil. All the people in whole world learn evil, want to do evil and they sink themselves sink as well as make others sink also. O Lord, tawba Ya Rabbi, tawba Ya Rabbi, tawba Astaghfirullah. "Fadhkuruni 'Adhkurkum": Remember Me and I protect you with My Mercies and remember you. "Fadhkuruni 'Adhkurkum Wa Ashkuru Li": Be grateful (make shukur) to Me, "Wa La Takfuruni": Don't deny Me" says Allah Almighty. What kind of a man are you that you don't know what you do. Who doesn't know what he does is an animal. How can it be that man doesn't know what he does? But your doings are like this. Before they would say like this: "You do too much but because all you do is evil tie up your pants and then do it. It comes down between your legs! What is it that you are doing?" So this is what the whole world is doing. And everyone keeps quiet. But this, my voice will be heard, in the East and in the West! Because I have the intention to serve Allah and am determined to destroy the sultanate of shaytan, even in this old age of mine. Allah supports us, His (swt) Great Prophet (sas) guides us. How beautiful is Islam. What a clean path Islam is. Every clean, pure act is in Islam. Every dirty life condition is in unbelief and in forgetting Allah. O our Lord, may You forgive us. I am weak O Lord. I am weak O Lord. Qawwi dha'fi fi ridaq. I am crying; I am crying to myself. I am sad & crying because of the troubles that those who misguided the people caused, loaded on the nations. I am sad and crying because of what mankind is suffering through. But mankind has fallen into such a state that they are welcoming what shaytan makes them do and they forget Allah Almighty. Aman Ya Rabbi. Tawba Ya Rabbi, we ask tawba O Allah on their behalf also. (5 von 15)04.07.2013 23:31:43
7279 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: RememberMe
Tawba Ya Rabbi. We started with Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim and we finish with Bismillahi r-Rahmanir- Rahim. May our grave be filled with Nur and may our destination be paradise. O our Lord, may You forgive us O Allah. Wa Al Hamdulillahi Rabbil 'Alamin, wal 'aqibatul lil muttaqin. Fala `udwana 'Illa `ala az-zalimina. May You not make us from the oppressors. Don't leave us in the hands of oppressors either O Lord. It is Rabiul Awwal, the holy month of Mawlid al-Sharif. It has been three days since it started. May our strength and joy be more. Allah Almighty is with the true ones. Allah Almighty is not with the people who are twisted. Twisted people are with shaytan. How do you tell if one is twisted? Because he is without the Bismillah! The way of a person without the Bismillah is twisted, it doesn't succeed. It is a dead end road, it is dead. They will be finished, destroyed. O Lord, send us the Master. Send us the ones who will teach us our religion, who will teach us our servanthood for You, who will make us keep the adab of our Prophet(s) O Lord. You are Subhan, You are Sultan O our Lord. You are the Subhan, You are the Sultan. Say this and don't fear. Ya Rabbi, tubna wa raja'na ilayk. O Lord, may You make our end a good end. O Lord, I am weak. Send us the Master O Lord, send us the Master who will execute Your Order. You sent a Sultan but now the dunya is left without a Sultan. Send us a Sultan. Who is Sultan? The man who starts with Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim is Sultan. Who worship the portraits, statues, they become soldiers to shaytan in the way of shaytan. Who say Allah are the soldiers of Allah (swt), of His Beloved (sas). May the Great Prophet (sas) forgive us. He is Al- Shafi' and Al-Mushaffa' in the Divine Presence of Allah Almighty; He (sas) intercedes and his intercession is accepted. Read the Mawlid al-Sharif in this holy month. Read so that Mercy rains on you. If not they will suffer much more. May Allah not make us from those who go astray. Who go astray are animals to shaytan. O Lord, You forgive us. You send us the Master, send us a Sultan O Lord! Tawba Ya Rabbi, tawba Ya Rabbi, tawba Astaghfirullah. We repent for ourselves too. We repent for everyone and for ourselves also,we should say tawba Astaghfirullah. We should say Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. We should make sajda even if it is two rakats. Don't drink! Troubles come on your head. Don't smoke! You catch a disease that (6 von 15)04.07.2013 23:31:43
7280 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: RememberMe
can't be cured. Don't eat the dirty things! They suffer troubles that can't be cured. O our Lord, may You forgive us. Send us a Sultan O our Lord. For the honour of Your Beloved, for Your Beloved may You send us, that we see him also. Our children see him also. May our homes be joyous. May you recite the Holy Quran in your homes. May Nur come and calamities go away from our homes! May Nur rain on us. O people, pull yourselves together! Or else this wheel of life will chop you up, finish you and throw you away. Aman Ya Rabbi, forgive us. Send us the Master. Wa min Allah at-tawfiq. We may say Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. "Whoever remembers the Name of Allah first, Allah makes his every doing easy for him". How beautiful! How beautiful! Allah straightens the work of who says Allah. The work of who doesn't say it is all corrupt. When Sultan Mahmud one day was passing through a place, he saw two blind men sitting together. One of them was saying "Ya Ma'bud! Ya Ma'bud!" And the other one was saying "Ya Mahmud, Ya Mahmud, Ya Mahmud". Both of them are blind, and both beg from the people. They live with what people give. So Sultan Mahmud said "Fill a chicken with gold and send it to that one who says Ya Mahmud". And they sent. He was saying Mahmud and the other saying Ma'bud. He said to give it to the one who says Mahmud. And they gave. He looked at it and said "O friend, they brought me something but I am full. It is something like a chicken but I am full. Give me a few coins and I give it to you, you eat it". He also struggled to understand what it is and found out it is chicken. He gave a few coins and took it. Then he saw that it is full with gold inside. He took it to his house and came back again and sat. The other one was saying "Ya Mahmud, Ya Mahmud, Ya Mahmud" (in a weak voice). The other one's work succeeded, so he was saying even more "Ya Ma'bud! Ya Ma'bud! Ya Mabud". He was saying it strongly. "What happened to them?" the Sultan asked. "One of them, that one who says Ya Mahmud, agains calls Ya Mahmud". "What about the other one?" "The other one calls in a strong voice". He filled a duck with gold inside and sent. Again he had it prepared and sent. To that one who calls "Ya Mahmud" he sent. Again that one looked, "O my friend, again they brought me something similar but I am full. Whatever you can give, give me its equivalent and take this". He was ready (7 von 15)04.07.2013 23:31:43
7281 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: RememberMe
from last time so he checked: it is full. He took and said "Take this, I give you more this time". He took and left that place, went to his home. Sultan Mahmud was investigating what happened. They said "The situation is the same". He said "Ok. Bring me that one who says Ya Mahmud". So they brought him. He said "O poor servant of Allah, you are calling to me and I granted you gifts so many times but you are still begging there". He then said "Take this one to my treasury and put a shovel in his hand so he shovels the treasury. Whatever amount he shovels, give it to him". So they took him to the treasury, and the Sultan was watching. They said to him "Take a shovel and shovel". And that poor one cannot see so he held the shovel from the wrong side and when he shoveled like this, only a few things remained on it. At that time Sultan Mahmud said: "If Ma'bud does not grant, what can Mahmud do?" (famous saying) These ones now too, strive like this but they hold the shovel by the wrong end. No one has money in his pocket. For 40 years the Sultan of the Ottomans ruled a state which was seven times greater than Turkey is now and every one had gold in his pocket. Now people have paper in their pocket. This is the power of Sultan and this is the work of other imitated states. They don't even have paper in their pocket. They can't even provide enough paper for the people, let alone gold. Because that Sultan was with Allah. These are with shaytan - whole world. May Allah forgive us. Fatiha. Erinnert euch an Mich; Ich erinnere Mich an euch
Wir sagen Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. Möge Allah (jwa) uns nicht ohne Religion sein lassen, möge Er uns auch nicht ohne Verständnis sein lassen. Unsere Zungen sollten "Allah" sagen. Unsere Zungen sollten Salawat für den reinen Propheten sagen, Ahmad-i Muhammad Mustafa (sas). Unsere Zungen sollten immerzu Salawat für den Geliebten Allahs des Allm. rezitieren, das Salawat al-Sharif rezitieren. Und wir mögen sagen: "Kullu amrin dhi baalin lam yabda'a fihi bi Bismillah, fa huwa abtar". Für jede Sache... Der (8 von 15)04.07.2013 23:31:43
7282 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: RememberMe
Ausdruck "Dhi baalin" dient dazu, uns zu lehren. Was ist die Bedeutung von "Dhi baal"? Eine wichtige, bedeutungsvolle Sache. Was zu dem Gläubigen passt ist, schöne Taten, gute Taten zu vollbringen. "Dhi baal" ist die Sache, die Wert hat. Allah der Allmächtige befiehlt uns dies: "Macht schöne Dinge, tut gute Taten." "Dhi baal" bedeutet etwas, das Wert hat. Was zu dem Gläubigen passt, sind reine Taten. Die Glorie des Gläubigen liegt in schönen Werken, schöne Dienste zu leisten, schöne Taten zu vollbringen, schöne Dienerschaft zu leisten. Denn Dienerschaft verlangt einen schönen Dienst. Ein Diener ist der, der gute Dienste verrichtet. Wer nach dummen, bedeutungslosen Dingen strebt ist weit weg von Dienerschaft. Die Dinge die ein Diener tut sind fest und solide. Er tut nichts verdorbenes. Warum? Weil er Bismillah sagen wird. Wenn er Bismillah sagt, ist der Dienst den er macht rein, es ist sicher. Die Arbeit eines Gläubigen kann nicht verdorben sein. Es wird rein sein. Er hat Nur auf seinem Gesicht und Freude in seinem Herzen. Ein Gläubiger lebt kein trauriges Leben. Ein Gläubiger ist glücklich. Ein Gläubiger ist der Besitzer von guten Taten und er ist erstklassig wenn er Dienste für Allah den Allmächtigen tut. Möge Allah uns nicht aus Seiner Dienerschaft entlassen. Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. Oh unser Herr, mögest Du uns vergeben. Lass uns nicht vergessen! Lass uns nicht vergessen, uns Deines Heiligen Namens zu erinnern. "Nasu Al-Laha Fanasiyahum" (9:67). Sie haben Allah vergessen und Allah hat sie auch vergessen- Wer vor Allah davonrennt wird vergessen. Eine Person die von Allah vergessen wurde, kann nichts Gutes finden. Ein Volk was Allah nicht akzeptiert kann nichts Gutes finden. Eine Person die die Befehle von Allah vor allem anderen einhält, kann nichts Gutes finden. Was wird aus ihr? Sie wird zu einem Tier Shaytans. Shaytan zäumt und besteigt diese Person. Wenn du Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim sagst, kann Shaytan dir keinen Za