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Maulana Shaykh Nazim Adil al-Haqqani 2000 Sohbats 1979-2013 (311/777)
said, in the original words of a Tradition (hadith), "The calamity of knowledge is forgetfulness." The thing that destroys knowledge is to forget it. Therefore, each scholar is always worried about that point because he or she is growing older. At every moment his or her mind's power grows weaker. Everything it may hold little by little leaves. Scholars are always thinking about this, about forgetting. There are so many things that causes our memory to grow weaker and weaker. Now people, even if they are scholars, are under the command of their egos. They do as their egos want so that their memories weaken. They do not use their hearts. Hearts are never weak. Hearts are strong, but we do not use them. My Grand Shaykh, Sultan of the Friends of God, Shaykh Abdullah ad-Daghistani, may God Almighty bless him, was about 113 when he died. He used heart memory. When the heart's memory is all right, it never weakens. Such a person may know from the beginning of his life up to its end. He never loses his memory. However, those who leave their heart and use only their mind's memory, are going to find that their knowledge decreases in time. Therefore that Grand Shaykh, Abu Yazid Bistami, said to scholars, "If you have no books, you are finished. If you forget what is in your memory, you are going to be empty vessels with nothing in them. You bring from outside and put into the minds' memory. When your minds are finished, they are like empty cups. Our (3 von 5)04.07.2013 23:21:08

4388 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: Illusions

knowledge, on the other hand, are springs in our hearts." Therefore, you can see that when they are old people, they lose everything. They lose what they say, what they do. But it is impossible to stop the springs of wisdom of those who have them in their hearts. It is impossible to stop those springs. The springs carry them, as well. Wisdom is a Divine power. It does not have ordinary properties, no. Divine powers come through wisdom and may take that person, by his physical body, from the East to the West in a second, may take them from earth to the heavens. I am seeing that there are some desires appearing among western people, because I have never seen people who like to read books like western people. Muslims always tried to read the Holy Qur'an. They never tired of reciting the Holy Book. Now, however, most people are occupied with their egos. This is also true of the Islamic world. Therefore, they have put aside reciting the Holy Qur'an and also they do not really want to read other books in the way that western people do. You have a hobby of reading books. But for what? A person may say, "I have read perhaps one thousand books and I still want to read more and more, but - for what? What is the main purpose for which I am reading and reading, and am still hungry to read and read'?" Then it comes to their hearts. After all that reading there must be something else. Therefore, now a lot of people are asking about Sufi knowledge. Then, also, they are beginning to read more and more and more, reading, reading. But yet they feel that they are still thirsty. They are thirsty, even though they say that it is a spring, still it is not enough to quench their thirst. Now they are asking the Real springs as a person in a desert asks for water and springs. But most people see only illusions, so many illusions. And now in our time, so many western people are running after such illusions. They imagine that there may be a spring there, water. They run toward it, but find that it is only an illusion. It is very rare to find an oasis amidst huge deserts. Very rare, but there are so many illusions, mirages. Now, I am sorry to say, western people are all like a person in a huge desert and thirsty. They are looking everywhere, asking for water that will give them life - looking and running and finding that finally, that they are all illusions. Still they must run after an oasis. Therefore, our brothers who have come to visit us this morning are among those people who feel that they are in a desert and thirsty, asking to reach an oasis to drink. Otherwise, they will see only illusions everywhere. I am seeing here in England, in France, in Germany, in Holland, in America everywhere, everywhere - so many illusions; in India, in Pakistan, in Tibet, in China, in Russia, in the Caucasus, in Iran, in Turkey, in Arab countries - so many illusions, but very few oases. Rather, they are full-up with illusions. The Lord of the (4 von 5)04.07.2013 23:21:08

4389 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: Illusions

heavens! the Lord of the Children of Adam, says, "Do not cut off your hope" (39:53). Therefore whoever seriously asks to find, he must find. Why is it that He makes wisdom difficult to find? Because everything that the one finds easily is cheap, taken for granted while everything that one finds with difficulty, one looks after more carefully. One may say that it is so difficult to obtain. Yes, that is true. Therefore, if you are asking for an oasis, it is difficult to find and you must face every difficulty to find it. As long as you are alive, you must walk towards somewhere. There may be one hundred illusions. Then you may find, at the end of one hundred, that oasis. Don't say, "I went there and found that it was an illusion. Then I turned to another one and that also was an illusion. I have run after all ninety-nine and found them all to be illusions. why should I try this one?" Don't say it! To the extent that you can walk, you must go on and try. Ninety-nine may be illusions but one may be a real oasis for you because the Lord says, "Don't cut off hope. Don't despair." When you cut off hope, you are going to die. Finished. No one dies until he cuts of his hope of living, but whoever hopes to live, may live. Whoever hopes to find, must find. 01.06.1985

BookTheDivineKingdomVolume1, CategoryKnowledge, CategoryHeart (5 von 5)04.07.2013 23:21:08

4390 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: ImaginationIsNotReality

Maulana Sheikh Nazim : ImaginationIsNotReality


Imagination is not Reality!

As-salamu alaikum, ya Mu’minien, ahlan wa sahlan, welcome to you, o believers! Salamun alaikum, thumma thabartum ... Allahu akbar! Eh, Shukr Allaha, Shukr Allaha, Shukr Allaha. Thanks, whole thanks, whole absolute praising, absolute thanks, absolute glorifying to Allah Almighty! May Allah forgive us… O Allah, You are Creator, o Allah, You are our Lord, o Allah, You are our Protector, o Allah, You are that One who (is) giving us everything here and Hereafter. We were not in existence and You created us. You are giving us, granting everything, o our Lord, endless praisings, endless glorifying, endless honouring, endless blessings from You on Your creatures. You are Creator, we are Your creatures… Audhu bi-llahi mina shaitani rajim, Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim. You must live for Allah! This is a humble meeting. You are coming from East, from West- from (1 von 9)04.07.2013 23:21:09

4391 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: ImaginationIsNotReality

different directions you are coming here and you are asking to listen, to hear something that you are not knowing. And we are asking from our Masters a support, something that makes ourselves much more able to listen to His holy Commands and to follow His holy Orders. From beginning up today there is two different ways: one way is (the) right way, and another one is (the) wrong way. It is mentioned. I was once upon a time in America and on our traveling I was looking and seeing a writing on a plate: ‘Wrong way!’ Wrong way, for drivers to make them to be awaken, because if a person (is) going (to the) wrong way, that means every effort that he did (is) going to be nothing, (is) going to finish. Therefore people, when (they are) looking and seeing that writing on a plate ‘Wrong way!’, no one (is) asking who (is) writing (that), no. Only it is a writing ‘Wrong way’. No one from drivers (is) going to ask who writes it, no, they are taking care! Subhanallahi-l ‘Aliyu-l ‘Adhim! We are on (the) way also; we are walking, we are moving from unknown to unknown. Now we are living a life and we are saying (that) our lives (are) from (the) unknown coming and finally people (are) running away, disappearing and they are also running to (an) unknown direction, unknown territories. From where we are coming, we don’t know. To where we are going, we don’t know. If it is not mentioned through Holy Books, no one (is) going to know from where they are coming and to where they are going, because it is not something to think on it and your thinking (is) bringing to you a real answer. You can’t find it; it is impossible to think from where we are coming. As much as or as long as you may think on it- but what you are going to reach? Because it is only (something that) belongs to our imagination. Allah granted us also imagination; that you can think and you can (2 von 9)04.07.2013 23:21:09

4392 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: ImaginationIsNotReality

imagine. But don’t think that the answer of imagination is a true answer, no! You are imagining, you are factoring through your brain, (it is something you) imagined. You can’t be able to bring a reality. That (is) going to be more powerful for our minds, for our hearts! Can’t reach, can’t bring this, must be cut off! Imagining is not reality, but people now they are living in an imaginated world. Everyone (is) imagining and saying and writing and believing. You may imagine for something. That imagination should be for you only. Another one may think, may imagine another world. So that your world, your imaginated world, (is) something else and belongs to you only and his also, his imaginated world, for X., is different, 100 % different. And reality is one! (The) Real, or reality, is only one; never (it is) going to be changed according to you, according to that, according to another one… Therefore, reality that (is) coming and teaching people from Heavens, through Prophets, (is) never changing. Same points from beginning up to end they are giving to you and calling you: “Come and believe! Come and believe in this point, that point, that point…” Therefore Prophets mental existence (is) going to be in different ways; only for Prophets (there is) real Knowledge! Reality (is) never going to be changed, therefore man must believe to those people that they are coming all together on (the) same points, on (the) same subjects. (The) first Prophet was saying: “O my children, you must know and you must believe that mankind, as I am representing them, is a creation created by the Lord of Heavens!” And every Prophet, that their Knowledge is so powerful, their knowledge (is) reality. Reality has (a) strong basis that no one can move it, no! Imagining, but (if) it is going to be built on reality, (it is) never going to be changed or destroyed, no, (3 von 9)04.07.2013 23:21:09

4393 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: ImaginationIsNotReality

(it is) same. What Adam a.s. said, he said, the last, the Seal of Prophets. He is saying also the same points, without making it less or without making it more, no, same: “O people, you must believe in (the) Existence of your Lord, because you are created, you are not Creators, and for creatures they need a Creator!” (The) first man (was) saying this, (the) first Prophet that (was) taking real Knowledge from Heavens, Adam! Adam (is) one of those people, whom they are taking their Knowledge from Heavens; they are (all) on (the) same line, no difference: You must believe in Allah Almighty, you must believe in Angels, you must believe in Heavens, you must believe in Holy Books, you must believe in (the) Last Day, you must believe for Reality that whole Prophets they were saying: “You are coming (on) the Day of Resurrection to be questioned! You are responsible for every effort. For every acting that you did it, you have (a) responsibility on it and you should be questioned!” That is real, Reality; (it) never changed, but things that (are) just built on imagination, that is going to be so different! Everyone’s imagination (is) going to be in another way- Subhanallah, Glory to Allah Almighty- and (He is) making everyone (whom) He created to have an understanding, a true understanding, and to fix on it unchangeable realities! Therefore- those people that we are saying they are Prophets, prophecy from (the) beginning up to end (is) on (the) same line. Nothing changed. (4 von 9)04.07.2013 23:21:09

4394 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: ImaginationIsNotReality

But imagination (is) just going to be changed: every month, every week, every day it is going to be changed and you can’t be able to trust on imagination, because your imagination is something else. Leave holy People from Heavens; but ourselves (are) going to be changed, according to people, not two imagining heads coming together, no, must be different! But heavenly Realities and whom they are asking to teach people, they are on (the) same line. That is the source of troubles that we are living in it now, because everyone they are asking to be their imagining accepted by common people. It is impossible, because how many people (are) coming in existence, their imagining (is) just different. Maybe some parts (are going) to be same, but originally everyone is imagining and according to their mentality that imagination also (is) going to be changed. Therefore Allah Almighty (is) saying: “Inna hadha sirata-l mustaqima. O people, that is My Way, as I am sending (it) to you through My holy Servants, chosen Servants. I am sending to you, fa tabiu, o people, follow them, don’t follow your imagination!” That is (the) biggest cursing on people through (the) 21st century, because everyone (is) saying: “No! What I am saying, you must follow me!” And you may say: “No, why? I think that this should be like this!” Another one (is) coming: “I think both of you are wrong! What I am saying, it is okay!” Hahaha! Like now there is newspapers- it makes it so clear- newspapers, so many writers; this (one is) writing on that column, another one (is) writing there… Even one newspaper people they can’t be able to come all together! Perhaps maybe in a newspaper writing board (there) may be 5o (5 von 9)04.07.2013 23:21:09

4395 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: ImaginationIsNotReality

people. Everyone (is) taking that pen on their hands and (is) beginning to write and (is) saying: “Just I wrote down the best one!” Then Y. (is) saying: “Why? My article is so strong, I don’t think that your article may be followed!” If (there are) 5o newspapers, in it 5o writers- how much it is going to be? 25o! If (it is a) bigger newspaper, (there) may be 100 people writing in it and saying: “That what I am thinking is best for humanity!” Never (they are) saying that: “Y.’s article is best, therefore I am not going to write anything else. I must follow him!” No, they are also so proud people! Chief writer, editor, he is saying: “I am your boss! You can’t write, as I am writing, you can’t think, as I am thinking, you can’t reach to my mentality! All of you (are) down and I am the up!” That is… That means, everyones, if I am giving to (a) pheasant also: “Write something”, he may write and looking: “Yes, what I am writing, government must follow! I am writing that pheasants must, even they must have a right to be on governing board! Why they are not giving (to) us? Always (it is) going to be Blair, always to be putting always to be Bush, always to be Karamansis, always to be Hercules- why?” That pheasant, farmer (is saying): “I think, if we can be able also to have (a place) on board, governing board, you must look how we are going to make a good community, a good economy! Ahhh, economy! Those foolish city people (are) making ourselves like animals, no one (is) listening to our writings! Yes? They are saying: ‘Ehhh, what you are understanding? You may understand from sheep, you understand only cows, why you are writing?’ You never give a chance to our imagination! That imagination for farmers! Citizens…” That is the source of chaos; now we are in it, because everyone (is) saying: “I know much better than Dr.” Dr. (is) saying: “Who knows? What (6 von 9)04.07.2013 23:21:09

4396 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: ImaginationIsNotReality

he is knowing that is only to make a long beard, nothing else. But I am shaving; therefore, when I am shaving, my mind (is) getting, growing up. But when he is making (a) long beard, (that is) taking everything from their minds and their minds (are) going to be dry. But our minds (are) always (going to be) wet, fresh…” I am sitting here to say such things that people (are) going to be surprised: “I never heard such things!” Yes, that is perhaps my imagination- you bring your imagination! They can’t bring anything! They may say: “Oh, for governing a country, democracy is no good, but we must do democracy, including every creature in it, even dogs, cats, because they have rights also! Our citizens leading ourselves- we must give them a chance for governing ourselves, for leading!” They are making us to speak so widely for understanding that everyone’s imagination is something else, but heavenly Orders they are not like our imaginations; that they are real, realties, and realities only (are) coming from Heavens. You can’t reach Reality on earth through your mentalities, through your imagination! That is all everyone’s imagination and I am saying: “If you are claming (something) opposite (to) what I am saying, do it! Do and correct everything wrong on earth! If you can’t do, come to me! I am (doing it in) 24 hours… I am not ordering something through my imagination, but my ordering (is) coming from Heavens and I am not on imagination! I may correct everything on earth (in) 24 hours! No need 25 hours! If you can do, do! You may do? Come, come, do!” But people they are so proud now and everyone (is) trying to represent Nimrod. Everyone’s ego (is) asking to be like Nimrod. Nimrod was saying and people (are) saying: “You are alright”, even their conscience (is) (7 von 9)04.07.2013 23:21:09

4397 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: ImaginationIsNotReality

saying something else. But they are not coming to declare (the) Truth. Truth is only one, but lies… You can’t find a limit for lies, but for truth: truth (is) only one! If you accept it, you should be happy here and Hereafter. If not, if you are asking to go according to your imagination, you may walk, you may do, but (there is) no result, no contentment, no good future for them, no! (They) should be in such a road that (is) coming (to be) tied up, if you are asking to open it, (it is) coming (to be) much more tied. That is peoples suffering now. And I am calling whole people: “Come! If you are not knowing, come to me, I can teach you!” And they are saying to me: “No, you don’t know anything!” I know some things that you are not knowing, because our knowledge (is) heavenly Knowledge, Heavenly Knowledge that may correct everything, and any other imaginated orders, commands, regimes, it is useless! You may see from far away good, when you are entering in it, it is going to be nonsense. Therefore- (the) Prophet was saying, sws: “When (the) Antichrist (is) coming, (he is) calling people and saying: ‘Come, I am carrying fire and Paradise! If anyone (is) going and listening to (the) Antichrist and (he is) putting him in (his) Paradise, (there is) going to be countless troubles in it (for him). If (the Antichrist is) saying: ‘This is fire’, that people (are) running away and not coming to real Paradise, they are going to fall in(to) endless troubles, suffering, and endless miseries, endless suffering (is) covering them.” Now people (are) in it! Now (it is the) period of Dajjal, Antichrist; making everything, showing people that: “You are living in Paradise” and really they are living in fire! May Allah forgive us and grant us a good understanding and good (8 von 9)04.07.2013 23:21:09

4398 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: ImaginationIsNotReality

willpower to follow realties that Prophets just reached to us from Heavens, for arranging our good life, to bring humanity the last point of humanity for people… But people (are) running away. If (they are) running away, they should suffer… May Allah forgive us, for the honour of the most honoured servant of Allah Almighty, S.Muhammad sws, Fatiha. Lefke, 18.2.2007 Transcribed by Khairiyah Siegel

BookKhairiyahSiegel, CategoryArmageddon, CategoryDiscord, CategoryMind, CategoryDemocracy (9 von 9)04.07.2013 23:21:09

4399 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: ImaginationStopsYouFromSeeingTheTruth

Maulana Sheikh Nazim : ImaginationStopsYouFromSeeingTheTruth



How can you put the whole universe into one atom? If you would claim such things people will at once think that you are crazy. So how can they say that the Lord of Universes came into the womb of a woman? What kind of foolishness is this still in the 20th century? Compared to this universe we are even smaller than an atom. This huge universe! Compared to the greatness of the Lord, this huge universe is even less than an atom. How should such a lord, who is even too big to be in this universe, be in a woman? Is that religion? Is that faith? Is that the way religion was brought from Heavens? Very strange... What is it Christians want people to believe in? In a person nailed to the cross? What should he be able to do for me when he cannot even do anything for himself? If he is not the Lord and his lord cannot find any other way than to have his son nailed to the cross, then he is also not a lord. They say that the father left his son to be nailed on the cross to save mankind. If he is the lord, is that the only way he can find to save mankind? I would also like to know who of the 12 disciples were witnessing the cruxifiction. There isn't one! Whoever says he saw it, is a liar! We must correct our beliefs. We must correct our faith. Christians are running after Muslims to make them Christians. For what? To believe in the cross? What does the cross mean to us? We want to call people to truth, to the Endless Power Oceans, Endless Wisdom Oceans, Endless Unity Oceans, Endless Love Oceans, (1 von 3)04.07.2013 23:21:10

4400 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: ImaginationStopsYouFromSeeingTheTruth

Endless Life Oceans, Endless Mercy Oceans and Endless Endless Oceans of the Lord. So what is wrong with Islam? What is it Christianity is offering? A cross? We must look at which way we are going. Maybe there are things which our ego likes to see in Christianity, like our Lord on a postcard. Because Christians are claiming such things our world is now coming close to the edge of hell. Leave imaginations and come to reality. The Lord cannot be in your imagination. Everything which you are imagining is your own. Our Lord is beyond imagination. He created your imagination, how should He be inside your imagination? That is why you must try to take away every imagination from your heart. Then you will be with your Lord. Every imagination which appears in your heart has been produced by your ego. Reality is with your Lord and that is where we want to reach to. So until you have left your imagination you cannot reach the real existence of your Lord's Divine Presence. When you are in the Divine Presence you will have appearances which are beyond imagination. That is endless enjoyment, it will be ever new and any kind of imagination will appear as pure rubbish! Instead you will be witnessing parts of Allah's Appearances which could never reach your imagination. You will be shocked at the endless surprises when the Divine Appearances will open up. You will melt. Islam came to fight idols and figures. The ones that are visible have to be taken away first. Then the order will come for the hearts. When that has happened a new appearance will come into your heart all the time and you will be so happy. That is the real mission of Islam, to call people. As long as you belong to your idols, you cannot belong to your Lord. Oh, people, you must try to understand the real mission of Islam, particularily Christians and Jews and particularily Europeans. They think that Islam only has to do with killing and such things. No! Islam only wants to destroy idols, so that no idols will be worshipped on earth and to destroy the kingdom of satan and egos and devils. May Allah give us power to destroy the idols in ourselves and then everywhere. London - 01.03.1994

BookPowerOceansofLight, CategoryChristianity, CategoryDawa, CategoryMind, CategoryIslam (2 von 3)04.07.2013 23:21:10

4401 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: ImaginationStopsYouFromSeeingTheTruth (3 von 3)04.07.2013 23:21:10

4402 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: ImamsAreOfTwoKinds

Maulana Sheikh Nazim : ImamsAreOfTwoKinds


Imams Are Of Two Kinds

As-Salamu Alaikum Ayyuhal Hadhirun. May Allah's Salam be upon you. "As-Salamu Alaikum Bima Sabartum Fani`ma `Uqba d-Dari" (13:24). Allahu Akbar! Angels greet the believers with Salam on the Day of Judgement. "You were patient and did not follow shaytan, did not follow your ego either. And because of your patience Fadkhulaha! Enter My paradises. Fadkhulaha Salimin". Allah Almighty orders the Angels to welcome the believers saying "Enter My Paradises". And the angels greet them as: "Fadkhulaha! Salamu Alaikum Bima Sabartum". You were patient ones. You were patient in dunya. You were patient to make My service. Shaytan attacked you from all directions to deceive you, but you were not deceived by his attacks. Your ego also was driving you; your ego was also saying "Lo