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Maulana Shaykh Nazim Adil al-Haqqani 2000 Sohbats 1979-2013 (312/777)
ok, what a beautiful way is he showing. We may also enter that way". Man's ego is shaytan's friend. One is the female, the other is the male. Sometimes one is male, the other is female. What is it that they give birth to? Evil. When your ego follows shaytan, what it will give birth to is evil. No good comes out of it. "'Inna n-Nafsa La'ammaratun Bis-Su'i" (12:53) The ego always orders what is evil; with the traps of shaytan, with the deceits of shaytan. When he says "Look, what a beautiful way is this" your ego follows him and makes you fall in a crisis no matter what. Welcome to you, O the listening believers. Yawm al-jadid, rizq al-jadid. Allah Almighty sends people their provision everyday. Provision is of two kinds. First is the provision for our external body. Allah Almighty never leaves anyone hungry. And there is also the spiritual provision which is the spiritual table sent to us through the Prophets. Everyday a new one comes. We may say Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. O our Lord! La ilaha illa Allah Anta Subhanak! Subhanak! Subhanak! Wa Nabiyyuka Sayyid al Awwalin wal Akhirin, Habibuka Sayyidil Awwalin wal Akhirin. We send Salatu Salam on him. To stand up is adab. For this, qiyam (standing up) is fardh (obligatory) in prayer. Man can be in the Divine Presence by standing up. He can't enter the Presence by sitting. He enters by saying "Allahu Akbar! I stand in the Divine Presence and follow the present Imam". "I follow the Imam". When one (1 von 16)04.07.2013 23:21:12

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says Imam, there is the Imam who leads the prayers, and this is because he is in the front. And there is the Imam who is the Imam of all the Muslims and these are the inheritors of our Prophet (sas). Their station is; they appear with the rank our Prophet (sas) dressed on them. Ok, let this be the prelude. And what is our beginning? Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. La Ilaha Illa Anta Subhanaka. Subhanaka. Subhanaka. We say the Bismillah, Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. And you should say "Subhanaka llahumma wa bi Hamdika". How beautiful. How beautiful, first the glorification: "Subhanaka llahumma wa bi Hamdika" O Allah! Wa Tabara Kasmuka wa Ta'ala Jadduka wa la Ilaha Ghairuka. And there is also "Wa Jalla Thanauka" but they recite it in Salat al-Janaza. Don't say "Shaykh doesn't know anything" We know as much as they inform us. How can we know what they don't inform? Say "Subhanaka". Subhanim Allah Sultanim Allah Nabim Muhammad Alayhi Salam. Say this. As soon as you open your eyes, do your tahara (purification), be clean and then stand in the Presence saying "I stand in the Presence and follow the mighty Imam who is present". Tell yourself that "I follow the Imam". Who is the Imam? They are the holy ones who are the inheritors of our Prophet, the Sultan of the Prophets (sas), they are the ones appointed by him. Say "I follow him", that shaytan won't be able to touch you. When you say "I follow the Imam", there is the apparent Imam and there is also the spiritual, the real Imam who is the inheritor of the Prophet (sas). When you say "I follow the Imam", you follow the Imam in prayer and you also follow that one who is the inheritor of the Prophet in this time; that holy one who receives Nur from the Prophet directly. Say "I stand in the Presence of Haqq and follow them". Masha Allah! Bismillahi r- Rahmani r-Rahim. Start: Bismillahi r- Rahmani r-Rahim. Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. Bismillahi r- Rahmani r-Rahim. May You dress us from its Nur O Lord. Say Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim and ask for Nur; your face becomes like the moon, your body becomes inclined to the Worship of Lord. It doesn't leave any illnesses in it. Start, Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. What a great honour did Allah Almighty grant us; the Bismillah. Don't forget it! The Holy Pen wrote the Bismillah on the Preserved Tablet. How many years did it take? It is said to have taken 700 years, is it not? It wrote in 700 years, Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. It wrote everything that happened or is going to happen in it. Take from it! You can take every kind of power from the Bismillah. You can take external and internal powers, don't forget. Who says Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim is dressed with a dress, we call it aswab, that it is a dress from Nur. It is all clean, white and enlightened. It had stayed in the presence of its Lord and "Let him stay in My presence" the announcement comes. For this don't forget the Bismillahi r- Rahmani r-Rahim. May Allah not make us from those who are without the Bismillah. His Ism Al-Jalal (Most Majestic Name) and His Ism Al- (2 von 16)04.07.2013 23:21:12

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Adham (Greatest Name) is in Bismillahi r- Rahmani r-Rahim. Allah Hu Allah, Allah Hu Allah Allah Hu Allah, Allah Hu Rabbi. Allah Hu Allah, Allah Hu Rabbi. Allah Hu Allah, Allah Hu Rabbi. You are Subhan Ya Rabbi. How beautiful. O Kings, do you ever think about this? Do you ever make Allah's Ism Al-Jalal, Who enthroned you as King, recite it? You think that there is no one greater than you, richer than you, more powerful than you? But your power or richness has no value. Your value is with your adab. When you enter the throne room, stand on your feet O Kings! Say Allah Hu Allah, Allah Hu Allah, Allah Hu Allah, Allah Hu Rabbi. Allah Hu Allah Allah Hu Rabbi. Hasbuna llahu wa Ni'ma-l Wakil. Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim and He (swt) dresses you with majesty. Don't forget Allah! Don't say "I got rich from lamp oil". We used to call petroleum "lamp oil" before. There was lamp oil which is like an ocean under the ground. They extract it. Instead of extracting water they extract lamp oil. They sell it, become rich and then say "I am the richest, strongest one". Leave this. Your life is in between two breaths: One goes in and one goes out. You should know this, O Kings! You are the people to whom we are ordered to show respect. Whichever level of respect and adab you show for Your Lord and His Prophet, Allah's servants should show the same respect for you. Not with selling lamp oil... They call it petroleum now. Petrol, petroleum. It is a Greek word in origin, which means the oil that comes from rocks. Allah didn't grant it to you so that you could say "I have so much" and wear fancy dresses, build palaces and sit in luxury. You should say Bismillahi r-Rahmani r- Rahim O attending servants of Allah. Call to our Lord like this: Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim O our Lord! O our Lord, you made us sit in this place. May we be upon Your Order. May You send us the one who will help us O Lord. Look for good servants! "'Inna Llaha Yuhibbu l- Muhsinina" Who is the good servant? Who gives, not who closes his hands like this. Dunya is something that has no value. Keep your hand open so that your value increases. Serve the servants of Allah. Why do you hoard? What benefit does what you store have for you? You should stand up and say: Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. Allahu Akbarul Akbar. Allahu Akbarul Akbar. Allahu Akbarul Akbar. Subhanaka Rabbana. Subhanaka Rabbana. Subhanaka llahumma wa bi Hamdika, Wa Tabaraka smuka wa Ta'ala Jadduka wa la Ilaha Ghairuka. Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. O our Lord! You appointed us as deputies here, over Your servants: "'Inna Llaha Ya'muru Bil- `Adli Wa l-'Ihsani" (16:90). What does Allah Almighty want from us? "'Inna Llaha Ya'muru Bil- `Adli Wa l-'Ihsani". And He (swt) says, in every Jum'a the King who is the Imam should read the khutba. He should climb up and read. He should not appoint an Imam but should himself climb up. When he is present, he should climb up (3 von 16)04.07.2013 23:21:12

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and say "Ana Abd'Allah. Ana Abd'Allah. I am a servant of Allah. Ya'muru li Rabbi: "'Inna Llaha Ya'muru Bil- `Adli Wa l-'Ihsani" My Lord ordered me this. Every King that climbed up for khutba would recite this Verse: "'Inna Llaha Ya'muru Bil-`Adli Wa l-'Ihsani Wa 'Ita'i Dhi l-Qurba Wa Yanha `Ani l-Fahsha'i Wa l-Munkari" "Wa Ladhikru Llahi Akbaru!" (29:45). Allahu Akbar! Say O attending ones, say! Say "Allahu Akbar! Allahu Akbar! Allahu Akbar!" You are granted such a sword; Allah Almighty grants you such a sword. Allah Almighty Who made you Kings dresses on you such a dress of majesty that when your name is mentioned, the servants of Allah say "O Lord! May the sword of this King of ours be sharp, may it reach from the East to West. He grants us, he keeps our rights, he protects the weak ones. O our Lord, may You grant him more". Did you teach them about all this, O King? They say "Well, we have universities". Tie donkeys to your universities! Tie donkeys! What are these universities? What do they call university? Jamia. Don't go to jamia, go to jami' (mosque). Ingorant ones graduate from jamia. From the jami', scholars, sincere, clean servants of Allah graduate. Where are you? What is this jamia? Take them to jami'. Before they would be taught in mosques. There would be a circle of knowledgable people in the mosque and they would teach. I don't know if they still keep the same arrangement in al-Azhar ash-Sharif. Others have forgotten. Don't forget! You should say Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim and be a King like this. You should close all the places of corruption, because "'Inna Llaha Ya'muru Bil-`Adli Wa l-'Ihsani Wa 'Ita'i Dhi l-Qurba Wa Yanha `Ani l-Fahsha'i Wa l-Munkari". You should close all the dirty places. If you don't, then they will bury you inside that filth. "Wa Yanha `Ani l-Fahsha'i Wa l-Munkari. Ya`izukum La`allakum Tadhakkaruna". Allah Almighty advices you to give a sermon: "'Inna Llaha Ya'muru Bil-`Adli Wa l-'Ihsani Wa 'Ita'i Dhi l-Qurba Wa Yanha `Ani l-Fahsha'i Wa l- Munkari". "Wa Ladhikru Llahi Akbaru!" The remembering of Allah is the greatest! Where are you scholars? You prohibit making dhikr in the mosques. Which scholars are these? Which Kings are these? "'Inna Llaha Ya'muru Bil-`Adli Wa l-'Ihsani". First justice! Put the sword. This is the justice. If not this sword falls on his head. "Wa l-Ihsani". You keep the justice and Ihsan. Your hand should be open like this to give, not be closed like this. Your hand should be like this, so that whoever comes may take. Wa 'Ita'i Dhi l-Qurba, don't withhold your grants from the ones close to you. "Wa Yanha `Ani l-Fahsha'i Wa l- Munkari" Prohibit obscenity, dirty life and dirt acts, ugly deeds. Allah Almighty orders this, you should say it in the khutba. There is so much obscenity where these Kings are. But being a King is not about wearing beautiful clothes, (4 von 16)04.07.2013 23:21:12

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walking in fashion or becoming arrogant. If you are a King, you should be like Sulaiman (as): what was it that made the Queen of Sheba Balqis tremble in the letter he wrote? "Innahu min Sulaiman", not that but "Wa Innahu Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim" His saying of Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim scared her. It was not from Sulaiman, the Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim scared her; the Queen of Sheba Balqis was scared and trembled. He said "Innahu min Sulaiman wa innahu Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim". This is from Sulaiman but its title is Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim". She said "we surrender". Her viziers said "Nahnu 'Ulu Quwatin Wa 'Ulu Ba'sin Shadid" (27:33) to Sultan Balqis, the Queen of Sheba. She said "Look at who is coming, don't say 'Ulu Quwatin. Look at his holy letter: Innahu min Sulaiman wa Innahu Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim!" Take lesson from this O Kings! Take lesson. You should form an assembly which will remind you, make you remember this everyday. The Ottoman Sultans, may their abode be paradise, the 40 Sultans, when they were coming for Juma ceremony (they had someone to remind them): "O My Sultan, don't claim to be great. There is Allah who is greater than you!" And they would make like this, all Sultans would bow, those lions; who conquered from East to West. Whole world would tremble before them. Whole world would tremble, but Arabs and Turks came together to destroy such a pure family and now the world collapsed on their heads like this. When they said "O My Sultan, don't be arrogant, don't claim to be great. There is Allah Who is greater than you", Sultan would do like this. Where are you Kings? "No, the people elected us and we sit here". What are you? Who are you? Do you have the adab of Kings? You don't. They all made the people fight each other in Egypt, in Sham, in Iraq, in Turkey, in Iran, in Arabia, in Libya. They brought the people into a state of humiliation in all Arab nations, they made them pour into streets. For what? They didn't do what the Kings would have done. Don't store money, don't save treasures and people won't pour into the streets. Why do these men pour into the streets? They can't find anything to eat. They can't find jobs. These are only 5-10 people but they took everything people had in their hands saying "democracy". It is unbelief! It is not a system but they robbed the people to carry out this system of unbelief. People are tired of your rule. They don't say "May Allah defeat you", they don't know this. They should say "May Allah defeat you", instead of screaming in the streets. Enter the mosques and say "O Lord, only You can defeat them. We can't defeat them. There is nothing in our hands. We have nothing to eat or to dress. We are left in the middle like this. O our Lord! You can defeat them, O our Lord! May You send us the Sultan who will rule us with justice. Ya Rabbi, send us the Sultan". They all threw out the Sultans. And who came after them? The harmful and no value ones, the insects came. Insects; there are the camel spiders. (5 von 16)04.07.2013 23:21:12

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There is that black spider and when do its young ones come out? They come out eating up their mother. And their mother vanishes as they come. So the same happened for the people now; what they call democracy eats up the people like this, finishes them, kills them. If it was a good thing, would the people all pour into the streets from East to West? This is the way of shaytan. Democracy is the way of shaytan and also the way of dogs.It is not in Islam. Soon I will inflict something on them. I am zero but if I am the zero in front of one, I have power. It is not that I don't have power. But we leave them so they are disciplined. In Egypt there are awliyas, they keep quiet. There are awliyas in Sham, they keep quiet. There are awliyas in Turkey, they keep quiet. There are awliyas in Arabia. They keep quiet. For what? So that these people are disciplined. They expelled, threw away the Sultans who ruled with justice and He (swt) sent in their place the ones who overpowered them, who made them uncomfortable. They can't manage them and pour into the streets. They scream but don't know what they want. O Lord, may You send us a Sultan who will show us our way. Send us a Sultan, to whom the people will call. How would they call? "Don't be arrogant O Sultan! There is Allah Who is greater than you" and the Sultan would be like this, bow like this.The ones now go like this, they don't know the way to mosque. We may not say where they go instead and what they do. Here, what they did is they made the people pour into streets. They are all hungry and say "We have no bread, we have no job. We have no money and we have no men either". O our Lord, You are Al-Qadira l-Muqtadir. "Faquti`a Dabiru l-Qawmi lladhina Zalamu Wa l-Hamdu Lillahi Rabbi l- Alamina" (6:45). Allah Almighty says "We cut off the roots of the oppressing tribe". They are cut off, will be destroyed soon. May Allah not make us from them. Stay away from them and be saved. And if you are a King, do it right! Look at Prophet Sulaiman. Men and jinns are under his command. He is the King; he is supported, he is honoured, he is respected, he is magnificent. He is all bright. May Allah bless their souls. Wa min Allah at-tawfiq. We may say Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. Don't run in the streets. Go to the mosques and call there. Say "O our Lord! Send us the servant who will save us". If you don't say they will humiliate you in the streets. The Pope in Rome who is the head of the Christians, he finally said "I am tired of them. They don't listen to me. They only applaud me on the feast days. I am not here to be applauded, I am calling you to the way Prophet Jesus called. But you don't do it. I am tired of you! Take this seal and go! I gave up on you and you give up on me too". He said like this and left. I said "Bravo". I said "Bravo". These ones can't say what he said. O Lord, may You forgive us. (6 von 16)04.07.2013 23:21:12

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We may say Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. May You grant us this sword! "Americans sent cannons". May it explode on your head! Russians sent this,that kind of bombs. May it explode on your head! And it already will. I am a weak person but I am full inside. That, Man, the most honoured creation Allah created, followed shaytan These people left the way of Allah and followed shaytan. Aman Ya Rabbi, and we are striving to not follow him also. Whole world has become a mess. Insha Allah our hope is that our Kings can make the honour of Islam reach everywhere. And Allah Almighty will send a Sultan for the Kings. We wait for this; unless the Sultan comes, the situation of dunya won't change. They can finish all the instruments of shaytan in one breath. The time is near. O Budala of Sham! O Budala, and there are the Nuqaba who are the awliyas in Egypt, even one them can destroy with one sign. They can stop all of it but they keep quiet so that these people come to their senses. Tawba Ya Rabbi, tawba Ya Rabbi. May You not make us from those who follow shaytan O Lord. O Kings! Taidhu'! Accept the advice and change your attitude before death reaches you. Aman Ya Rabbi. May You make us from those who pass with faith. O our Lord, may You make us from those who serve Your Shari'ah, Your Divine Law. What do you call that new law? H.F. Constitution. M. In Arabic? Dustur. Who are you to make dustur? Did Allah not send the dustur? What kind of shamelessness is this? Can they ever find goodness? "We will make dustur". Who are you to make dustur? For whom did Allah send the Shari'ah? Shameless men, they are all traitors. Did the Shari'ah come for mountains and rocks, that you come out and say "I will make dustur?" And yet you are not ashamed to say "I am Muslim". Who says this becomes unbelievers seven times! And they also have mother law, father law (constitution in Turkish). All of them have left faith and religion. The first to crush their heads are the angels inside the grave. Tawba Ya Rabbi, I also repent. Tawba Ya Rabbi, tawba Astaghfirullah. O Lord, forgive us. Forgive us, there are so many of us who don't know. May You send us from Your servants to teach us this, Your majestic servants. Send us the Sultan O Lord, send us the Sultan. A majestic Sultan from the pure line of our Prophet (sas) is in Jordan. You should help him. If you don't, all that is in your hands will be taken from you. It is his turn. Give him allegiance, I also gave him my allegiance. King Abdullah, Ayyadahullah. He is who Allah glorified and honoured. He is a dragon. He will destroy unbelief. His way is the way of Shari'ah, take heed. This is enough for today. This can make everywhere upside down but what can we do? May Allah forgive me also. Tawba Ya Rabbi, tawba Ya Rabbi. Fatiha. (7 von 16)04.07.2013 23:21:12

4409 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: ImamsAreOfTwoKinds

Imame gibt es zweierlei

As-Salamu Alaykum Ayyuha l-Hadhirun. Möge Allahs Salam auf euch sein. "As-Salamu Alaykum Bima Sabartum Fani`ma `Uqba d-Dari" (13:24). Allahu Akbar! Engel grüßen die Gläubigen mit Salam am Gerichtstag. Ihr wart geduldig und seid nicht Shaytan gefolgt, und auch nicht euerem Ego. Und wegen euerer Geduld: "Fadkhulaha!" Kommt herein in Mein Paradies. "Fadkhulaha Salimin." Allah der Allmächtige befiehlt den Engeln, die Gläubigen willkommen zu heißen mit den Worte: Betretet Mein Paradies. Und die Engel begrüßen sie so: "Fadkhulaha! Salamu Alaykum Bima Sabartum." Ihr wart geduldig. Ihr wart geduldig in der Dunya. Ihr wart geduldig, Meinen Dienst zu tun. Shaytan attackierte euch aus allen Richtungen, um euch zu täuschen, aber ihr ließet euch nicht täuschen von seinen Angriffen. Euer Ego trieb euch auch. Euer Ego sagte auch: Sieh, was für einen schönen Weg er zeigt. Wir können auch diesen Weg gehen. Das Ego des Menschen ist Shaytans Freund. Einer ist weiblich, der andere männlich. Manchmal ist einer männlich, der andere weiblich. Was ist es, das sie gebären? Böses. Wenn dein Ego Shaytan folgt, was es gebären wird, ist Böses. Nichts Gutes kommt von ihm. "Inna n- Nafsa La'ammaratun Bi s-Su'i" (12:53). Das Ego befiehlt immer das, was böse ist, mit den Fallen Shaytans, mit dem Betrug Shaytans. Wenn es sagt, 'Sieh, was für ein schöner Weg das ist', folgt ihm dein Ego und läßt dich in eine Krise geraten, koste es, was es wolle. Ein Willkommen euch, den zuhörenden Gläubigen. Yawmu l-Jadid, Rizqu l-Jadid. Allah der Allmächtige sendet den Menschen ihre Versorgung jeden Tag. Die Versorgung ist von zweierlei Art. Zuerst ist die Versorgung des äußeren Körpers. Allah der Allmächtige läßt niemals jemanden hungrig. Und da ist auch die geistige Versorgung, welches der geistige Tisch ist, der uns durch die Propheten gesandt wurde. Jeden Tag kommt ein neuer. Wir sagen: Bismillahi r- Rahmani r-Rahim. Unser Herr, La ilaha illa Allah, Anta Subhanak! Subhanak! Subhanak! Wa Nabiyyuka Sayyidu l-Awwalin wa l-Akhirin, Habibuka Sayyidi l-Awwalin wa l-Akhirin. Wir senden ihm Salatu Salam. Aufzustehen ist Adab. Deshalb ist dies, das Stehen, fardh, verpflichtend, im Gebet. Der Mensch kann in der Göttlichen Gegenwart sein durch das (8 von 16)04.07.2013 23:21:12

4410 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: ImamsAreOfTwoKinds

Aufstehen. Er kann in die Gegenwart nicht sitzend eintreten. Er tritt ein mit den Worten 'Allahu Akbar! Ich stehe in der Göttlichen Gegenwart und folge dem anwesenden Imam.' 'Ich folge dem Imam.' Wenn man Imam sagt, so gibt es den Imam, der die Gebete leitet, und das ist so, weil er vorne ist. Und es gibt den Imam, der der Imam aller Muslime ist, und diese sind die Erben unseres Propheten (saws). Ihre Station ist: Sie erscheinen mit dem Rang, mit dem unser Prophet (saws) sie bekleidet hat. Okay, das soll die Einleitung sein. Und was ist unser Anfang? Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. La ilaha illa Anta Subhanaka. Subhanaka. Subhanaka. Wir sagen das Bismillah. Bismillahi r Rahmani r-Rahim. Und Ihr solltet sagen: Subhanaka Allahumma wa bi Hamdika. Wie schön! Wie schön, zuerst der Lobpreis: "Subhanaka Allahumma wa bi Hamdika". O Allah! Wa Tabaraka Smuka wa Ta'ala Jadduka wa la ilaha Ghayruka. Und es gibt auch "Wa Jalla Thanauka", aber sie rezitieren es im Salatu l-Janaza. Sagt nicht: Shaykh weiß gar nichts. Wir wissen so viel, wie sie uns bekannt geben. Wie können wir wissen, was sie uns nicht bekannt machen? Sagt: "Subhanaka". Subhanim Allah, Sultanim Allah, Nabim Muhammad Alayhi Salam. Sagt das. Sobald ihr die Augen öffnet, macht euere Tahara, Reinigung. Seid sauber, und dann steht in der Gegenwart und sagt: Ich stehe in der Gegenwart und folge dem mächtigen Imam, der anwesend ist. Sagt euch selbst: Ich folge dem Imam. Wer ist der Imam? Sie sind die Heiligen, die die Erben unseres Propheten sind, des Sultans der Propheten (saws). Sie sind diejenigen, die von ihm eingesetzt sind. Sagt: Ich folge ihm! damit Shaytan euch nicht berühren kann. Wenn ihr sagt, 'Ich folge dem Imam', ist der offenkundige Imam da, und es gibt auch den geistigen, den wahren Imam, der der Erbe des Propheten (saws) ist. Wenn ihr sagt, 'Ich folge dem Imam', folgt ihr dem Imam im Gebet und ihr folgt auch jenem, der der Erbe des Propheten in dieser Zeit ist, jener Heilige, der Licht direkt vom Propheten empfängt. Sagt, 'Ich stehe in der Gegenwart Haqqs und folge ihnen'. Masha'Allah! Bismillahi r-Rahmani r- Rahim. Beginnt: Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. Bismillahi r- Rahmani r-Rahim. Mögest Du uns von seinem Licht kleiden, o Herr. Sagt: Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim und bittet um Licht. Euer Gesicht wird wie der Mond, euer Körper neigt sich der Anbetung des Herrn zu. Es läßt keine Krankheiten darin zurück. Beginnt: Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. Welch große Ehre gewährte uns Allah der Allmächtige. Das Bismillah. Vergeßt es nicht! Das Heilige Schreibrohr schrieb das Bismillah auf die Wohlverwahrte Tafel. Wieviele (9 von 16)04.07.2013 23:21:12

4411 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: ImamsAreOfTwoKinds

Jahre dauerte es? Es heißt, es habe 700 Jahre gedauert, stimmt's? Es schrieb in 700 Jahren: Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. Es schrieb alles, was geschah oder geschehen wird darin. Nehmt davon! Ihr könnt alle Arten von Macht vom Bismillah nehmen. Ihr könnt äußerliche und innerliche Macht nehmen, vergeßt das nicht. Wer Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim sagt, wird mit einem Gewand bekleidet, wir nennen es Aswab. Das ist ein Gewand aus Licht. Es ist ganz sauber, weiß und erleuchtet. Es war in der Gegenwart seines Herrn gewesen, und die Ankündigung kommt: Laßt ihn in Meiner Gegenwart bleiben. Deshalb vergeßt nicht das Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. Möge Allah uns nicht von denen machen, die ohne Bismillah sind. Sein Ismu l-Jalal (höcht majestätischer Name) und Sein Ismu l-Adham (Größter Name) ist im Bismillahi r-Rahmani r- Rahim. Allah Hu Allah, Allah Hu Allah, Allah Hu Allah, Allah Hu Rabbi. Allah Hu Allah, Allah Hu Rabbi. Allah Hu Allah, Allah Hu Rabbi. Du bist Subhan ya Rabbi. Wie schön! Könige, denkt ihr jemals darüber nach? Macht ihr jemals Allahs Ismu l-Jalal, Der euch als König einsetzte? Rezitiert es? Ihr denkt, es gäbe niemanden, der größer als ihr ist, reicher als ihr, mächtiger als ihr? Aber euere Macht oder Reichtum haben keinen Wert. Euer Wert ist mit euerem Adab. Wenn ihr den Thronraum betretet, steht auf eueren Füßen, Könige! Sagt: Allah Hu Allah, Allah Hu Allah, Allah Hu Allah, Allah Hu Rabbi. Allah Hu Allah, Allah Hu Rabbi. Hasbunallahu wa Ni`ma l-Wakil. Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim und Er (swt) bekleidet euch mit Majestät. Vergeßt Allah nicht! Sagt nicht: Ich bin durch Lampenöl reich geworden. Wir nannten Petroleum früher 'Lampenöl'. Es gab Lampenöl, das wie ein Ozean unter der Erde ist. Sie entnehmen es. Statt Wasser entnehmen sie Lampenöl. Sie verkaufen es, werden reich, und dann sagen sie: Ich bin der reichste und stärkste. Laßt das! Euer Leben ist zwischen zwei Atemzügen. Einer geht hinein und einer geht heraus. Ihr solltet das wissen, ihr Könige! Ihr seid die Leute, denen Respekt zu erweisen uns befohlen wird. Welche Ebene des Respektes und Adab ihr euerem Herrn und Seinem Propheten auch zeigt, denselben Respekt sollten die Diener Allahs euch zeigen. Nicht durch den Verkauf von Lampenöl, sie nennen es jetzt Petroleum, Treibstoff, Petroleum. Es ist ursprünglich ein griechisches Wort, das bedeutet, das Öl kommt von Steinen. Allah gab es euch nicht, damit ihr sagen könnt: Ich habe so viel! und damit ihr schicke Kleider tragt, Paläste baut und im Luxus sitzt. Ihr solltet sagen Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim, o anwesende Diener Allahs. Ruft eueren Herrn so an: Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim, o (10 von 16)04.07.2013 23:21:12

4412 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: ImamsAreOfTwoKinds

unser Herr! O unser Herr, Du hießest uns auf diesem Platz sitzen. Mögen wir auf Deinen Befehl hin sein. Mögest Du den senden, der uns hilft. Haltet Ausschau nach guten Dienern! "Inna Allaha Yuhibbu l-Muhsinina". Wer ist der gute Diener? Der gibt, nicht der, der die Hand so schließt. Dunya ist etwas, das keinen Wert hat. Haltet euere Hand offen, damit euer Wert zunimmt. Dient den Dienern Allahs. Warum hortet ihr? Welchen Nutzen hat, was ihr speichert, für euch? Ihre solltet aufstehen und sagen: Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. Allahu Akbaru l-Akbar. Allahu Akbaru l-Akbar. Allahu Akbaru l-Akbar. Subhanaka Rabbana. Subhanaka Rabbana. Subhanaka Allahumma wa bi Hamdika, wa Tabaraka Ismuka wa Ta`ala Jadduka wa la ilaha Ghayruka. Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. Unser Herr, Du hast uns als Stellvertreter hier eingesetzt über Deine Diener: "Inna Allaha Ya'muru bi l-`Adli wa l-'Ihsani" (16:90). Was will Allah der Allmächtige von uns? "Inna Allaha Ya'muru bi l-`Adli wa l-Ihsani". Und Er (swt) sagt: Bei jedem Jumu'a sollte der König, der der Imam ist, die Khutba lesen. Er sollte hinaufsteigen und lesen. Er sollte keinen Imam einsetzen, sondern selbst hinaufsteigen. Wenn er anwesend ist, sollte er hinaufsteigen und sagen: "Ana `Abd Allah. Ana `Abd Allah.' Ich bin ein Diener Allahs. Ya'muru li Rabbi: "Inna Allaha Ya'muru bi l-`Adli wa l-Ihsani." Mein Herr befahl mir das. Jeder König, der für die Khutba hochsteigt, rezitierte diesen Vers: "Inna Allaha Ya'muru bi l-`Adli wa l-Ihsani wa 'Ita'i Dhi l-Qurba wa Yanha `ani l-Fahsha'i wa l-Munkari." "Wa Ladhikrullahi Akbaru!" (29:45). Allahu Akbar! Sagt, Anwesende, sagt! Sagt Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar! Euch wird so ein Schwert gewährt, Allah der Allmächtige gewährt euch so ein Schwert! Allah der Allmächtige, Der euch zu Königen machte, kleidet euch in solche Kleider der Majestät, daß wenn euer Namen genannt wird, die Diener Allahs sagen: 'O Herr! Möge das Schwert dieses unseres Königs scharf sein! Möge es von Ost bis West reichen. Er gibt uns, er bewahrt unsere Rechte, er schützt die Schwachen. O unser Herr, mögest Du ihm mehr geben.' Hast du sie all das gelehrt, o König? Sie sagen: Nun, wir haben Universitäten. Bindet Esel an euere Universitäten! Bindet Esel dran. Was sind diese Universitäten? Wie nennen sie Universität? Jamia. Geht nicht zur Jamia, geht zur Jami', Moschee. Ignoranten machen ihren Abschluß an der Jamia. An der Jami' machen Gelehrte, aufrichtige, reine Diener Allahs ihren Abschluß. Wo seid ihr? Was ist diese Jamia? Bringt sie zur Jami'. Früher wurden sie in den Moscheen unterrichtet. Es gab einen (11 von 16)04.07.2013 23:21:12

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