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Maulana Shaykh Nazim Adil al-Haqqani 2000 Sohbats 1979-2013 (33/777)
where you are coming?” and he is saying: “From here.” “To where you are going?” “To here.” “Where is your homeland?” “Here...” True or not true? Don’t say: “I am coming from Germany, from London, from UK, from Africa”- no, no! Our real homeland (is) here! We are going to there- (we are) coming from there also! But people they are not thinking now. People they have been occupied by Shaitan. Shaitan (is) making contract with you that: “You are going to work for me only! If you are not working for me, you can’t reach anything through our life!” Okay? Everyone (is) just making that contract, taking and you are signing that: “I am your worker up to (the) end of my life!” Signing. Now- who is that one? Shaitan! Shaitan (is) making (a) contract with everyone. Very few (rarely) you can find a person (that is) not making (a) contract with Shaitan and (that is) not (going) to be his workers! Everyone! As-salamu alaikum! Welcome to you and we hope that you should be happy here! This is our humble... I am ashaming to say that it is a center, no, a humble place. We are making two rooms, one and sitting here, as (a) spider (is) sitting on the corner of (the) walls, waiting... (If there is) coming one mosquito or fly, (it is) looking... (And) we are sitting here and you are coming or not coming... yes? Okay? And sometimes (there are) coming big flies like Doctor... (1 von 8)04.07.2013 23:03:22

414 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: AllMankindMustComeToAllah

no mind people from America coming here... Some people (are) saying: “We are coming from (the) last point of Africa, I am looking, but that (one) is not like Americans... American flies, South Africans mosquito... all bigger, smaller than mosquito ... and I am trying to make an oil from flies to be... I am making some bottles oil and people (are) asking. “This is fly oil- for what?” “That is (a) famous oil, famous medicine, to keep you young!” “Hmmmm. And that is mosquitoes oil. For what?” “To make ladies without making diet... to be slim... !” “How much it is?” “This is... for men it is a little bit cheap, but for ladies it is very expensive! I am tiring to bring that oil from mosquito and from flies...” “Eh, doesn’t matter...” Why you are saying... They are saying that I am sitting here (in an) unknown place, unknown place and we are saying first: Audhu bi-llahi mina shaitani rajim, We must say daily! At least say: Audhu bi-llahi mina Shaitan rajim. On every step (he is) coming to you and saying something here and another thing here and we are surprising: “I must do this or that?” Both of them (are) Shaitans revelation on you! Therefore you must say daily 40 x : Audhu bi-llahi mina shaitani rajim. Ask protection from your Lord Allah Almighty! If you are not asking, Shaitan may carry you and (he is) making you its donkey, riding on you and taking you between East and West. (There is) no more rest for that person, who (is) making Shaitan his rider! Never! Therefore, Ahlu-l Dunya, people whom they are not believing (that) after Dunya (there is an) eternal life, they are just 100 % donkeys of Shaitan! Therefore we are saying: Audhu bi-llahi mina shaitani rajim... Audhu bi-llahi mina shaitani rajim!... Ask heavenly Protection! That is (a) holy Command from Allah Almighty from (the) beginning of mankind on earth up to (the) end! And say also: Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim! Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim, that is your sword against dragons , dragons that they may forming themselves as they like- as a man or as a woman, but they are Shaitans... and they are asking to (2 von 8)04.07.2013 23:03:22

415 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: AllMankindMustComeToAllah

make some trap for you, to make you to fall in it. When you are falling in it- finished, (they are) covering you! Therefore Allah Almighty (is) giving (a) sword to believers. That is- what is that sword? Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim! Catch it always! For every occasion, for every doing, for every effort, for every action you must keep with you their sword from Heavens: Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim. If anyone (is) asking: “What is that Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim?” you must say that: “That is our heavenly Sword, granted (to) us, we are carrying this!” May Allah forgive us!... Welcome to you! And we are saying: As-salamu alaikum! Now (it is) coming to me to say ‘As-salamu alaikum’. So many things we must prepare, (so) that we can walk and we are reaching to: As-salamu alaikum, my Lords humble servants, whom you are asking something, to make your Lord happy with you! If a person (is) not asking this, (a) donkey is better than them! If anyone (is) not asking to make his Lord to be happy with him, Allah Almighty (is) saying (about them): “Ulaika kam... those people, they are like animals. (They are) not (even on) animals level, but lower, under the level of animals level!” May Allah forgive us! Therefore- we are coming from East and West, from different countries, far countries... I am surprising that our island Cyprus it is so small, like a spot on (the) world map, and this place on it... how (people are) coming, reaching? From Far East, from Far West, from North, from South- how? I was in London, so many years ago, and we are doing some association with our listeners and just reached a person and saying to me: “I am coming on behalf of London Television.” Yes. He was making with people interview. He heard (about me) and (he was) coming and saying to me: “O Sheikh, I am looking here since one hour and looking your listeners; they are so different kind of people- from every kind, from every colour, from every race.” (3 von 8)04.07.2013 23:03:22

416 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: AllMankindMustComeToAllah

“But”, I am saying, “Even their colours (are) different, (their) races (are) different, but they are from (the) same father and mother, from (the) same family that they are from Paradise coming, Adam and Eves generation. Yes. Therefore no. Why (you are) surprising? You are looking peoples outlooking or their languages or their races- it is not important. Important (is) that all of them, even (they are of) different colours, different countries, different languages, but (they have the) same senses!” All of us we have how many senses? Say! 5 senses; this is a common thing for every mankind, even their colours (are) different, (and their) languages, but they are on (the) same level (in that) they are all, they have 5 senses. (In that) they are equal. “I am surprising”, he is saying to me, “how those people (are) coming to you and sitting here and hearing, listening to you. What you are making with those people? Are you a wizard?” “If I am (a) wizard, I may take you, hanging you up to fall on people. I am not (a) wizard!” “You are black magic making people?” “If you are saying (this), I may take you from here up to (the) Seychelles Islands in (the) Indian Ocean. I am not that one!” “How you are making people to come to you and to listen to you?” “Yes, easy, (it is an) easy question. I am asking to you now one question. When you are asking to me, I am asking to you one question.” “Yes, Sir, I am listening to you.” “Look, o my Lords servant, Abdu Rabbi! I am asking you: If I am putting here one plate, do you think that... (if it is) empty, do you think that anything (is) coming on it?” He is saying: “No.” “Look! If I am bringing a plate full with honey, what do you think? Just (after) a while you can’t find that plate, but you can see only on it countless bees and flies, coming on it. What is (the) difference between this and that? Why (to the) second (one bees are) coming and (to the) different (one they are) not (4 von 8)04.07.2013 23:03:22

417 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: AllMankindMustComeToAllah

coming?” “It is easy”, he is saying, “because you are putting honey and when they are smelling honey, they are coming from far distances.” “So that perhaps our association (is) giving them something; they are tasting (something) through their spirituality, so that they are coming! If (there is) no spirituality there, they are not coming... And we are (such a) center- if you are saying center- (that) it is free; we are not making people to pay something to enter, no, it is free and they are coming. Freely coming. That is.” And he said: “Just o Sheikh, just I understand now!” Therefore I am not surprising that through this holy month (there is) coming as oceans waves people, running, rushing and coming her. (It is) an unknown place, but their feeling (is) showing them that there is some honey. If not, they are not coming. If I am sending them away, as I am making for bees: ‘Go away’, and (then they are) coming back... Therefore!... And Allah Almighty, He is going to show (the) real faith for mankind, (to those,) whom they are following Shaitan, not following heavenly Orders! He is asking to do that with a weakest servant that (has) no value and this crowd (is) going to cover through East and West! As (in) the time of (the) Prophet- peace be upon him. He was alone, then 1, 2, 3, 4 (people were) coming, coming and through 25 years that (the) Prophet (was) coming, (Islam was) reaching from East to West, from North to South. No anyone can do that through historical periods except S.Muhammd sws- alfu salat, alfu salam alaika S.Muhammad, sahibu Miraj, sahibi Isra wa-l Miraj! No one can do that, but Shaitan and its followers (are) asking to make his message out of reality and they are trying to make this that his message had been sent from Heaven. Who can do this? Where is their powers? I am making their dirty powers under my feet- bi idhni-llah. Enough, I am more than enough for them! They are not using anyone else, I am enough for them to make them, to bring their Batil under this (5 von 8)04.07.2013 23:03:22

418 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: AllMankindMustComeToAllah

earth! Islam (is) high! Must get up through East and West, from North and South- (the) whole world (is) coming to run to Islam! Some people (are) asking: “Eh, o Sheikh, you are Sufi and we like to be Sufi, but we like not to be Islam.” I am saying: “Go away, Shaitan (is) teaching you that way! (There is) no way to real life and Heavens without surrendering. That is Islam- (it is an) Arabic word that means: to surrender. You must say: ‘You are my Lord, I am Your servant, You order, I am obeying’!” O people, time is over and Qiyama, (the) Last Day, (is) approaching. And so many signs of Qiyama, Last Day, (are) just appearing. Keep your faith, try to be with Allah Almighty! And that means you can’t be with Allah by yourself, but you may be with Almighty’s Friends. If you can find a friend of Allah, you may reach to Allah! Without, you can’t! Eh. “I am going to America without using (an) aeroplane!” Yallah, you may go! You are asking: ‘I am denying aeroplane, flights, but I like to be in America.’ Take that flight, you can go. When (you are) reaching there, come down, leave (that) flight... May Allah forgive us! O people, try to be with Allah! If you are not trying, Shaitan (is) coming and putting on your mouth its reins. Reins (are) making you its donkey, (and he is) riding on it through East and West and you can’t find any way to save yourself, as mankind now just fall under shaitanic hegemony. Shaitan (is) making them like this, like that, like this, like that... saying: “Democracy” , saying ... What is that? Yet not putting your mind, not using your mind? In (the) Holy Quran, where you are finding Democracy? Democracy means: “Take away (the) holy Rules that (are) coming from Heavens and we may do our (own) rules!” You do, (and) come, look, what happening! Think on it! Keep yourself to be obedient ones for Allah Almighty! What we are (6 von 8)04.07.2013 23:03:22

419 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: AllMankindMustComeToAllah

saying that is real truth! Real Truth, who can speak, follow him! VIP clothes (are) never giving to you anything. You must find a real one that he can give to you what you are in need! Oh, ma sha Allah, every religion (is) using so many brilliant clothes on their heads! I am looking someone going to make people to... putting on his head... “We are giving plastic! Plastic orange, plastic grapes, plastic apples, plastic pearls, plastic figs, plastic grapes”... and people (are saying) first: “Oh...! We shall take fig...” 2000 years people and more, they are going to be cheated by plastic. Plastic, giving... big buildings, high buildings, but inside you can’t give anything! They tried it and finding... “Oh! 1ooo of years we tried this- what is going to be? You can’t give us heavenly fruits, we are fed up from your plastic fruits, plastic fruits- fed up! We like real ones, even not to be seen as like you can see bananas and apples- but... small, but they are... O people, come and think on it, for your future! 100 years ago no one in existence, those people, after 100 years, no one here. You must ask who bringing us in existence, who is taking us from existence once again? And look. Go to (the) cemetery, ask them how they are underground... May Allah forgive us! For the honour of the most honoured and glorified servant of Allah Almighty S.Muhammad ... Allahumma salli ‘ala Sayidina Muhammadin Nabi-l ummiyi wa ‘ala alihi wa sahbihi wa sallim... Zid Habibika ya Rabbi izzan wa sharafa, wa nuran wa sururan, wa ridwanan wa sultanan, ya Rabbi! Adkhilna, ya Rabbi, fi ummatihi, fi shafatihi, huna wa hunak, bi jahi man arsalta alayhi Suratu-l Fatiha... Lefke, 30.7.2008 Transcribed by Khairiyah Siegel (7 von 8)04.07.2013 23:03:22

420 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: AllProphetsTaughtGoodness

Maulana Sheikh Nazim : AllProphetsTaughtGoodness


All Prophets Taught Goodness

Dastoor yaa Sayyidee, madad yaa Sultan al-Awliya. (Mawlana Shaykh stands.) Laa ilaaha illa-Llah. Laa ilaaha illa-Llah. Laa ilaaha illa-Llah Muhammadun Rasoolullah! Alfu salaat, alfu salaam `alayka wa `ala aalika yaa Sayyidi 'l-awwaleen wa 'l-aakhireen. Zidhu yaa Rabbee `izzan wa sharafan wa nooran wa surooran wa ridwaanan wa sultaana. (Mawlana Shaykh sits.) As-salamu `alaykum, Our Attenders! And we are beginning by saying, a`oodhu billahi min ash-Shaytani 'r- rajeem. Bismillahi 'r-Rahmani 'r-Raheem.. O our Lord, grant us from your heavenly support to fight against Shaytan and its followers! Yes, all `ulamas through east and west, including Christian's learned people, including Jewish learned people, what is our mission? We must know it. Dastoor, yaa Sultan 'l-Awliya, madad! A question; what are you teaching people? Christians or Jewish people, and Islamic `ulamas, including Salafia `ulamas, a question: what you are teaching people? What was the mission of Jesus Christ? His followers were saying, “our teacher.” People are running to prophets for what? For learning and then knowing and then understanding, and then they are standing up. What is their mission? And they are standing up and they are trying to fulfill their missions. (1 von 5)04.07.2013 23:03:23

421 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: AllProphetsTaughtGoodness

This addressing is from east to west, from north to south. I’m a weak person. I am asking in front of all nations to holy people, from Christianity and Judaism, and I am asking Muslim authorities for teaching people, I am asking, what was the teachings of prophets to people? Just making it clear, the Seal of Prophets (s), (Mawlana Shaykh stands and sits) and saying one word, that he has been sent to teach people, mu`allimun-naasu 'l-khayr (goodness)! This one word including all teachings from all prophets. Allah Almighty is sending 124,000 prophets, all of them were calling people and saying, “O my Lord’s servants, come to me! Come to me! And listen to me! And try to understand me! O People, I am coming to you to teach you al-khayr, goodness. What is opposite of goodness? Badness." That means on this world people are learning and practicing good things and some of the people are not trying to learn and they are doing their worst badness, and asking to follow badness. What is goodness, al-khayr? Every kind from goodness, Man must know, because Man is born not knowing anything and his parents are teaching him something first. O People, our Attenders! Look to me and try to keep through your minds, it is our whole adab, good manners. When a new child growing up and beginning to ask to say something, our good manners is to say to that baby, say “Al-Lah, Al-Lah, Al-Lah.” It is the top point of khayr to teach that new baby to open his mouth and to speak first and to learn to say “Al-Lah.” And through our traditional knowledge, if a person from the beginning must go on it, when you are teaching a small one to say, "Al-Lah." The last moment that one is passing away and he stands to say, "Al-Lah, Al-Lah, Al- ..."(draws his last breath). The opening (of his life) and finishing (death) is going to be on saying, "Al-Lah, Al-Lah.” From Allah (swt) we come and to Him is our return. Salafi `ulamas, say, is this baatil?   Ad-deenu naseeha, "Religion is advice." is making me to sit down here and to speak to people, to advise to people. If anything is wrong, say to me that, “You are wrong one.” I am sitting here emptying that heavenly madad, support, making me to be full for addressing. O Salafi `ulamas! There is some new instruments like a finger, there is a part (coughs) and they are saying to me that this small-like finger part, they may contain perhaps 20 hours speaking or more? Much more. Yes. SubhaanAllahu Mu`alim (salawat) very important point they are giving sometimes. That just granted to common people and there is an important reality. What is that, I am asking to `ulamas? O People! On the Day of Promising, Allah Almighty (swt) jala jalaalahu subhaanAllah, sultaan Allah. (2 von 5)04.07.2013 23:03:23

422 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: AllProphetsTaughtGoodness

(Mawlana Shaykh stands and sits.) addressing to our real beings, not this body, but to our real beings. It is beyond our ruh, souls, zarrah, atoms, and beyond atoms there is another reality that only this knowledge you can find through heavenly people. Allah Almighty was addressing,   alastu bi rabbikum! “O My creatures from Mankind! Are you accepting Me as your Lord and Creator?”   qaaloo bala, "They said, 'Yes, O our Lord!'" (7:172) "You are our Lord and You are our Creator." This part of the holy verse is what we are understanding, three, four words. But the Lord’s addressing, kalaamullah, (Allah's Divine Words), is from pre-Eternal up to Eternal, and through that question, believe that countless secret Knowledge Oceans appeared! Allah Almighty said, alastu bi rabbikum, all the souls answered, qaaloo bala, admitting His lordship and that they are His servants. Through that addressing, oceans of knowledge come. Therefore, anbiya (prophets) are taking knowledge from that divinely addressing. Which oceans are coming through alastu bi rabbikum? Oceans that you can’t find a shore or a bigness for it! Therefore, when He Almighty was addressing, don’t think that addressing should be for everyone same addressing, the same zahir, appearance. It is the same, but don’t think that His addressing to prophets is the same as to their followers. There is a general addressing for all, but everyone is taking from that ocean what is for them, private knowledge from endless oceans, and through that they are coming to say, mu`allimu nassu 'l-khayr. That holy word that Seal of Prophets (s) declared to nations, he knows the meaning of khayr, goodness, he knows it is such an ocean and he is saying, “I am coming to teach people goodness.” And, what is goodness? One, two three, four, five, six, seven; how many goodnesses? There are five hundred goodnesses that the Seal of Prophets (s) was saying to his nation. Teaching them every kind of goodness. The Seal of Prophets (s) (Mawlana Shaykh stands) just taught them (Mawlana Shaykh sits) and others, every kind, that it is mentioned and just they have been taught to his nation. First of them, what is? First, the beginning of khayr is to say, Allahu Rabbee, Allahu Rabbee, Allahu Rabbee! khalaqani razaqani ahjani amatani thumma yuhyini. The first of khayr, goodness is to know Who created him or her, they must learn. (3 von 5)04.07.2013 23:03:23

423 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: AllProphetsTaughtGoodness

All `ulamas, what you are saying every Jumu`ah on minbars? Why are you not saying such things? So many people are using the minbar to speak on political aspects, it is haraam! `Ulamas can’t speak on political subjects. You are only authorized to teach people al-khayr, goodness. That is your mission. If you are going, giving that direction and you are going like this, left or right, you are getting out from Siraat al-Mustaqeem. Therefore Allah Almighty, ordering us everyday to stop and ask from His Majestic and most glorious existence, “O our Lord, give me Siraat al-Mustaqeem.” Who is going through that siraat just direct way, they are falling into traps of Shaytan. Therefore, O People! O `ulamas from Muslim world, or Christian world `ulamas and Jewish nations `ulamas, you must say what we are saying now! It is a heavenly announcement for everyone from Mankind that they will know what is rightness! What is goodness, top point of goodness and rightness that people must learn this. Then they may walk on it, or they are coming down, cant move, can't do anything that people may say to them, "capital to you," or when they are passing through Judgment Day in the Divine Presence for Divine Judgment, all of them will be thrown away! O Holy People for Christianity, from Judaism, and our `ulamas! You must say from early morning up to evening as the command of the Lord of Heavens, wa dhakkir, because when you are saying it you may keep your ways in safety, coming in Divine Presence and shining. O People! I am addressing to learned people tonight, according to inspiration coming to me from heavenly ones, I am addressing to you. Try to keep it and run after goodness, to do goodness and try to make badness less, less, less, until you are leaving it. When you leave badness it means you are leaving Shaytan. When you try to complete goodness, it means you are approaching Seal of Prophets (s). (Mawlana Shaykh stands and sits.) Fatihah. (Mawlana Shaykh speaks to Shaykh Hisham Effendi on the phone.) Shaykh Hisham: Mawlana's suhbat is being translated into 12 languages on the fly and this is a total now of 300 suhbahs translated. (4 von 5)04.07.2013 23:03:23

424 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: AllProphetsTaughtGoodness

Mawlana Shaykh Nazim: That is the result of madad of awliya and they want to erase kufr and establish imaan. And there is a hadith, “Whoever is sincere to Allah for 40 days, then fountains of wisdom will spring from his heart.” There are oceans coming and never ending. Lefke, 14.04.2010

WebSufiLive, CategoryAdab (5 von 5)04.07.2013 23:03:23

425 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: All We Want Is Peace For The Whole Mankind

Maulana Sheikh Nazim : AllWeWantIsPeaceForTheWholeMankind


Sheik Nazim, What is your Greatest Wish'?

All we want is peace for the whole of mankind. Every year we look out for a general peace all over the world, one that will enter everyone's home. Don't think that peace will only be amongst nations. The smallest cell of the community is the family. Sadly throughout this century family problems are increasing and chaos is spreading in all homes. You cannot find any home where family members are living peacefully with each other. That is the biggest problem occupying people's conscience, heart and mind. They want a solution. I heard it is written that nations are spending 5 million dollars every day on weapons. How can there be peace in this year, or in the next like that? We know that weapons are for killing and destroying. As long as nations are running after that, you will not find a general solution for peace. Good people are not in power in our world now. Kind people are not in power. If some people have a good heart they will always be on a second level, not on the point of being able to give orders. That is the problem. Within governments you can find good ones, but the important decisions will be made by others. This is why we are looking for a merciful solution to be sent to us through a Heavenly Intervention. Someone who will be able to stop devils from harming mankind. If someone like that doesn't come, it will be very difficult. We Muslims are waiting for someone called Mehdi a.s.. He has been authorised by Heavens. He has miraculous powers to take away evils and devils. Christians are expecting Jesus Christ to come back from (1 von 2)04.07.2013 23:03:23

426 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: All We Want Is Peace For The Whole Mankind

Heavens and to give his last decision for the nations. Jewish people are also preparing for the Messiah to come and to arrange every wrong thing on earth. We are pleading with Heavens to send us someone with miraculous powers. Otherwise those dangerous atomic weapons will remove the whole civilisation from East to West and kill billions of people. We cannot stop it. Only the Lord of Heavens can bless and send some power to his weak servant. Earthly power cannot give any result. It is finished. No tariqats can control anything now. We need spiritual power to stop every evil and devil. Naqshbandis are only a peaceful group consisting of so many different nationalities asking for peace for all nations. We are on a ship and wherever the captain wants to take us, we have to go. There is nothing you can do. We will never be against anything except evil and devils. That is all. Everyone should be against devils and evil. - 01.01.1997

BookDefendingTruth, CategoryArmageddon, CategoryNaqshbandi, CategoryMehdi (2 von 2)04.07.2013 23:03:23

427 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: AlNamusAlAkbar

Maulana Sheikh Nazim : AlNamusAlAkbar


Al Namus Al Akbar
