Maulana Shaykh Nazim Adil al-Haqqani 2000 Sohbats 1979-2013 (34/777)
(Dt.: AlNamusAlAkbarDt) Assalam Alaykum, O people! Keep your Namus/True Heavenly Nature. When a person does not respect his true Heavenly Nature he has no value. The Great Angel, used to be sent to the Prophets, Sayyidina Jibril (as). This is an important matter. The honour of human beings is according to his Namus/ Heavenly Revealed Nature. When they loose this Nature, they have no value. The honour of a person is according to his keeping his Nature, in the world & in the Hereafter. Dastur Ya Sayyidi, Madad Ya Sultan Al Awliya'. The Great Angel was sent to the Prophets (as). The Great Angel that represents the Heavenly Revealed Nature. He used to come down to the Prophets (as). He was not sent to just anyone, no. The Great Angel represented by Sayyidina Jibril (as) was sent to the Prophets (as). The greatest honour for humanbeings is their Heavenly Nature. If they loose it, they have no value. Today, we are saying Audhu Billahi min al shaytan al rajim Bismillah Al Rahman Al Rahim La Ilaha illa Allah Sayyidina Muhammad Rasulullah... was granted the hightest revelation - La Ilaha illa Allah Muhammad Rasulullah. This is the greatest Namus/Revelation. Subhana Allah! The great Namus has been granted to him from among all Prophets (as), to Sayyidina Muhammad (saws). Allahumma zid'hu Izzan wa Sharafan, Nuran (1 von 4)04.07.2013 23:03:24
428 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: AlNamusAlAkbar
wa Sururan, Ridwanan wa Sultanan. The greatest revelation from Heavens was to the Prophets (as). They are chosen to carry Al Namus, and the honour of human beings is according to their Heavenly Nature. O scholars, explain this to people. What is the Namus? From where it is coming and from what it is? The duty of scholars is to explain what is the Namus that was sent to the Prophets (as), the Great Namus from Heavens, Jibril (as) And the great Namus was granted to the people with Heavenly Trust not to just anyone, no. The great revelation was granted to The Master of the beginning & the end. He (saws) is granted the Namus Al Akbar, because he has the greatest honour; the great honour for humanity is his (saws) Namus. But who looses his Heavenly Nature has no value. Subhana Allah, all Prophets (as) came & advised their nations to keep their Namus/Heavenly Nature because your honour is with keeping your Heavenly Nature. If it is wasted, you have no value, finish! Subhana Allah! The first lesson that is obligatory on the scholars is to teach people, what is their Namus/Heavenly Nature. The Namus is what gives human beings the greatest honour. And his value is according to his keeping respect for his Heavenly Nature. Who has Namus has the highest station with Allah (swt). Who lost it, they have no value. O people! Look for the people of Heavenly Nature. Do not look for names of people who became famous, with titles that have no value. But we are asking about the honour of human beings according to their Heavenly Nature. If a person does not keep his Namus/Heavenly Nature, with respect, then that person has no value here or in the Hereafter. Therefore O Egyptian people & all the others, look for the people of Namus, they can save you. Otherwise with all the votings/election a person does not gain honour, no! The value of a person is according to his keeping respect for his Heavenly Nature. That Heavenly Nature that was granted to and honoured the children of Adam (as). Namus! Look for people of Namus, you will be saved here & in the hereafter & be honoured, O children of Adam (as). All the Prophets (as) carry the great Namus from Heavens. The greatest Namus was carried by the Master from beginning to end, Sayyidina Muhammad (saws). And his (saws) Namus is from Allah (swt) by means of the Archangel Jibril (as). Honour is according to his Namus, the greatest Heavenly Revealed Nature is with the Master of beginning to end. So hold to him. He is the one who has the greatest Namus. You will be saved in this world & in the hereafter. Otherwise you will have no way out, neither in this world nor in the hereafter. (2 von 4)04.07.2013 23:03:24
429 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: AlNamusAlAkbar
Instead you will be dishonoured people. The Holy Quran made everything clear. "Hum 'Aradhiluna" (11:27) (the lowest among us). The past nations when their Prophets (as) came and offered the Namus/Heavenly Nature from Heavens, people used to call them "Hum 'Aradhiluna" (11:27). (the meanest among us) "the meanest among us" (11:27) How can we obey them? The dishonoured ones are the ones who deny the Namus. Namus/Heavenly Nature that is coming from Heavens. Take your share O people, especially you believers take your share from Namus Al Malakut/ Heavenly Nature. This grants you your value here & in the hereafter. If you loose it you will have no honour here or in the Hereafter. Do not think that collecting votes from people gives honour. No! The honour of a person is in respecting his Heavenly Nature. And the Namus is from Al Namus Al Akbar which comes from Heavens to people who are the chosen ones, specialized ones who can carry Namus/Heavenly virtues. The rest are the dishonoured ones. O Egyptian people & the rest, pay attention and try to understand what is Namus/ heavenly Nature, what it means. Namus came down on the Master of beginning & end, Sayyidina Muhammad (saws) from The Lord of The Great Throne. Take your share from the Namus, you will be saved & honoured in this world & in the hereafter. Otherwise you have no way out in this life & in the Hereafter. Astaghfirullah for me & for you. O believers! Believe in Allah (swt) & in His Prophet & what was sent with His Prophet (saws). You will be saved... you will be saved. Expend all your efforts and learn. Aman Allah Ya Rabbi! Tawba Ya Rabbi, tawba astaghfirullah. The biggest traitor is the one who looses his Trust. And the Namus/Heavenly Nature is a Trust from Heavens; who looses it, looses his honour in this world & in the Hereafter, they have no value! Tawba Ya Rabbi. Repent to your Lord. Astaghfirullah Al Azim wa atubu Ilayh. Tawba Ya Rabbi, tawba Ya Rabbi. Tawba Ya Rabbi send us the people of Namus, to teach the people from Your favors for the sake of who You sent as a mercy to humanity & honour to the children of Adam (as), the holder of the highest Namus/heavenly Nature, the Master of beginning to end, Sayyidina Muhammad (saws). Fatiha. This is not from mind productions. This does not develop at the level of thoughts, but this is coming from Heavens. So keep your Namus/Heavenly Nature, you will be saved here & in the hereafter. Otherwise people will perish. (3 von 4)04.07.2013 23:03:24
430 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: AlNamusAlAkbar
Astaghfirullah! Astaghfirullah! Astaghfirullah, tawba Ya Rabb. Fatiha. This may shake the whole world. This addressing is not coming from looking in books but it is an inspiration from Heavenly inspirations. Fatiha. This is the peak of humanity. These words indicate how to reach the peak of humanity. Allahu Akbar! Allahu Akbar! Namus Al Akbar! Therefore Archangel Jibril (as) was called by this because he was sent to the Prophet (as), Al Namus Al Akbar. These words are not from thinking. The greatest lesson for humanity is this, from a weak servant who does not know anything. We are asking forgiveness... We are asking forgiveness... Fatiha. O Lord Forgive us. Lefke, 30.06.2012
WebSaltanatOrg, CategoryProphet, CategoryHoliness, CategoryRevelation (4 von 4)04.07.2013 23:03:24
431 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: AlNamusAlAkbarDt
Maulana Sheikh Nazim : AlNamusAlAkbarDt
An-Namusu l-Akbar
(Engl.: AlNamusAlAkbar) As-salamu alaykum, ihr Leute! Bewahrt eueren Namus, euer wahres Himmlisches Wesen. Wenn jemand sein wahres Himmlisches Wesen nicht achtet, hat er keinen Wert. Der Große Engel wurde für gewöhnlich zu den Propheten gesandt, Sayyidina Jibril (as). Dies ist eine wichtige Sache. Die Ehre der Menschen bemißt sich nach seinem Namus, nach seinem Himmlisch Geoffenbarten Wesen. Wenn sie ihr Wesen verlieren, haben sie keinen Wert. Die Ehre einer Person bemißt sich nach der Bewahrung seines Wesens in der Welt und im Jenseits. Dastur ya Sayyidi, Madad ya Sultanu l-Awliya'. Der Große Engel wurde zu den Propheten (as) gesandt. Der Große Engel, der das Himmlisch Geoffenbarte Wesen vertritt. Er pflegte zu den Propheten (as) herabzukommen. Er wurde nicht zu irgendjemandem geschickt. Nein. Der Große Engel, von Sayyidina Jibril (as) repräsentiert, wurde zu den Propheten (as) gesandt. Die größte Ehre für die Menschen ist ihr Himmlisches Wesen. Wenn sie es verlieren, haben sie keinen Wert. Heute sagen wir: Audhu Billahi mina sh-shaytani r-rajim. Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. La ilaha illa Allah. Sayyidina Muhammad Rasulullah wurde die größte Offenbarung gewährt: La ilaha illa Allah, Muhammad Rasulullah. Das ist der größte Namus, die größte Offenbarung. Subhana Allah! Der große Namus wurde unter allen Propheten (as) ihm, Sayyidina Muhammad (saws) gewährt. Allahumma zidhu Izzan wa Sharafan, (1 von 4)04.07.2013 23:03:25
432 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: AlNamusAlAkbarDt
Nuran wa Sururan, Ridwanan wa Sultanan. Die größte Offenbarung von den Himmeln richtete sich an die Propheten (as). Sie sind erwählt, Al Namus zu tragen. Und die Ehre des Menschen bemißt sich nach seinem Himmlischen Wesen. Ihr Gelehrten, erklärt dies den Leuten. Was ist der Namus? Woher kommt er und worin besteht er? Die Pflicht der Gelehrten ist es, zu erklären, was der Namus ist, der den Propheten (as) geschickt wurde, der Große Namus von den Himmeln. Und der große Namus wurde den Menschen gewährt als Himmlisches Unterpfand. Nicht irgendjemandem, nein. Die große Offenbarung wurde dem Meister von Anfang und Ende gewährt. Ihm (saws) wurde der Namus Al Akbar gewährt, weil er die größte Ehre besitzt. Die große Ehre für die Menschheit ist sein (saws) Namus. Aber wer sein Himmlisches Wesen verliert, hat keinen Wert. Subhanallah, alle Propheten (as) kamen und rieten ihren Nationen, ihren Namus, ihr Himmlisches Wesen zu bewahren. Weil euere Ehre in der Bewahrung eueres Himmlischen Wesens liegt. Wenn es verschwendet wird, habt ihr keinen Wert. Schluß! Subhanallah! Die erste Lehrstunde, die den Leuten zu geben verpflichtend ist für die Gelehrten, ist, was ihr Namus, ihr Himmlisches Wesen ist. Namus ist das, was den Menschen die größte Ehre gibt. Und sein Wert erschließt sich aus der Achtung seines Himmlischen Wesens. Wer Namus hat, hat die höchste Stufe bei Allah (swt). Wer ihn verloren hat, hat keinen Wert. Ihr Leute, haltet Ausschau nach Menschen von Himmlischem Wesen. Schaut nicht auf Namen von Leuten, die berühmt sind mit Titeln, die keinen Wert haben. Aber wir fragen hier nach der Ehre des Menschen in Übereinstimmung mit ihrem Namus, ihrem Himmlischen Wesen. Wenn jemand seinen Namus nicht bewahrt, mit Achtung, dann hat der Mensch keinen Wert hier oder im Jenseits. Deshalb, Ägypter und alle anderen, sucht nach Leuten des Namus. Sie können euch retten. Andernfalls, mit all den Stimmabgaben und Wahlen gewinnt ein Mensch doch keine Ehre. Nein. Der Wert eines Menschen bemißt sich nach der Achtung seines Himmlischen Wesens. Dieses Himmlische Wesen, das den Kinder Adams (as) gewährt wurde und sie ehrt. Namus! Haltet Ausschau nach Menschen des Namus, und ihr werdet gerettet und geehrt werden hier und im Jenseits. Ihr Kinder Adams (as). Alle Propheten (as) tragen den großen Namus von den Himmeln. Der größte Namus wurde vom Meister des Anfangs und Endes getragen, Sayyidina Muhammad (as). Und sein (saws) Namus ist von Allah (swt), vermittelt durch den Erzengel Jibril (as). Die Ehre bemißt sich nach seinem Namus, das größte Himmlisch Geoffenbarte Wesen gehört dem Meister von Anfang und Ende. Also haltet an ihm fest. Er ist der, der den größten Namus hat. Ihr werdet gerettet in dieser Welt und im Jenseits. Sonst habt ihr keinen Ausweg, weder in dieser Welt, noch im Jenseits. Stattdessen werdet ihr Entehrte sein. Der Heilige Quran hat alles deutlich gemacht. "Hum 'Aradhiluna" (11:27) - der Niedrigste unter uns. Die (2 von 4)04.07.2013 23:03:25
433 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: AlNamusAlAkbarDt
vergangenen Nationen pflegten, wenn ihre Propheten (as) zu ihnen kamen und ihnen den Namus, ihr Himmlisches Wesen, von den Himmeln anboten, sie "Hum 'Aradhiluna" (11:27) zu nennen, die Niedrigsten unter uns. Wie können wir ihnen gehorchen? Die Entehrten sind jene, die den Namus leugnen. Namus, das Himmlische Wesen, das von den Himmeln kommt. Nehmt eueren Anteil, ihr Leute, besonders ihr Gläubigen, nehmt eueren Anteil vom Namus Al Malakut, dem Himmlischen Wesen. Das gibt euch eueren Wert hier und im Jenseits. Wenn ihr ihn verliert, habt ihr keine Ehre mehr hier und im Jenseits. Glaubt nicht, daß das Sammeln von Wählerstimmen den Leuten Ehre gibt! Die Ehre eines Menschen liegt in der Achtung seines Himmlischen Wesens. Und der Namus ist von Al Namus Al Akbar, der von den Himmeln kommt zu den Leuten, die auserwählt sind, besonders Ausgestattete, die den Namus, das Himmlische Wesen, tragen können. Der Rest sind die Entehrten. Ägypter und der Rest, paßt auf und versucht zu verstehen, was Namus, Himmlisches Wesen, bedeutet. Namus kam auf den Meister von Anfang und Ende, Sayyidina Muhammad (saws) herab vom Herrn des Großen Thrones. Nehmt eueren Anteil von dem Namus, und ihr werdet gerettet und geehrt werden in dieser Welt und im Jenseits. Sonst habt ihr keinen Ausweg in diesem Leben und im Jenseits. Astaghfirullah für mich und für euch. Ihr Gläubigen! Glaubt an Allah (swt) und an Seinen Propheten (saws) und an das, was Seinem Propheten gesandt wurde, und ihr werdet gerettet, ihr werdet gerettet. Richtet all euere Anstrengungen darauf und lernt. Aman Allah ya Rabbi! Tawba ya Rabbi, Tawba Astaghfirullah. Der größte Verräter ist derjenige, der sein Unterpfand verliert. Und der Namus, das Himmlische Wesen, ist ein Unterpfand von den Himmeln. Wer es verliert, verliert seine Ehre in dieser Welt und im Jenseits. Sie haben keinen Wert! Tawba ya Rabbi. Wendet euch in Reue an eueren Herrn. Astaghfirullahu l-Azim wa Atubu Ilayh. Tawba ya Rabbi, Tawba ya Rabbi. Tawba ya Rabbi. Sende uns Leute des Namus, um die Menschen zu lehren über Deine Wohltaten um dessenwillen, den Du gesandt hast als eine Gnade für die Menschheit und Ehre für die Kinder Adams (as), den Besitzer des höchsten Namus, den Meister von Anfang und Ende, Sayyidina Muhammad (saws). Fatiha. Das kommt nicht aus dem Verstand. Dies entwickelt sich nicht auf der Ebene der Gedanken, sondern dies kommt von den Himmeln. Also bewahrt euren Namus, euer Himmlisches Wesen, und ihr werdet gerettet hier und im Jenseits. Sonst werden die Leute untergehen. Astaghfirullah. Astaghfirullah. Astaghfirullah. Tawba ya Rabb. Fatiha. Dies kann die ganze Welt erschüttern. Diese Ansprache kommt nicht von Bücherwissen, sondern ist eine Eingebung von Himmlischen Eingebungen. Fatiha. Dies ist der Gipfel der (3 von 4)04.07.2013 23:03:25
434 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: AlNamusAlAkbarDt
menschlichen Situation. Diese Worte weisen darauf hin, wie der Gipfel der menschlichen Situation zu erreichen ist. Allahu Akbar! Allahu Akbar! Namus Al Akbar! Deshalb wurde der Erzengel Jibril (as) damit gerufen, weil er zum Propheten (saws) gesandt worden war, Al Namus Al Akbar. Diese Worte kommen nicht vom Denken. Die größte Lektion für die Menschheit ist dies, von einem schwachen Diener, der nichts weiß. Wir bitten um Vergebung. Wir bitten um Vergebung. Fatiha. O Herr, vergib uns. Lefke, 30.06.2012
WebSaltanatOrg Transcript des Videos: 30_ar_AnnamusulAkbar.mp4 (4 von 4)04.07.2013 23:03:25
435 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: AlQahhar
Maulana Sheikh Nazim : AlQahhar
Tafsir of the Divine Beautiful Attribute, “Al-Qahhar”
Suhbah before Jumu’ah Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar. Azaamatu lillah, allahu-Akbaru’l-Akbar! Sultan sen, Subhaan sen, Amaan Yaa Rabb! Allahu Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah, `Azeez Allah! Marhaban, Hisham Effendi! ... nahnu nusalli wa nusallim `ala Sayyidi ‘l-Awaleen wa ‘l-Akhireen Sayyidina Muhammad (s). Zidhu yaa Rabb `izzan wa sharafan wa nooran wa suroora. SubhaanAllah, alhamdulillah, wa laa ilaaha illa-Llah wa ‘l-Allahu Akbar,, wa la hawla wa la quwatta illa billahi ‘l-`Aliyyi ‘l`Azheem. A`oodhu billahi min ash-Shaytaani ‘r-rajeem. Bismillahi ‘r-Rahmaani ‘r-Raheem. Tariqatuna as-suhbah wa ‘l- khayru fi ‘l-jami`yya, “Our way is suhbah and the good is in the gathering.” Suhbat is what raises up and disciplines the children of Sayyidina Adam (a), who are normally like wild animals; there are not found more wild animals than Bani Adam! The angels said, “Our Lord, Most Glorious and High, are You putting in the Earth someone who will sow corruption and shed blood?" Rabbana, our Lord Most Glorious and High, said, "I know what you know not." (1 von 5)04.07.2013 23:03:26
436 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: AlQahhar
Madad, yaa RijaalAllah. SubhaanAllah! In our outer form, Bani Adam are all wild beasts. There is the earth, there is the stone, and our Lord Most High wanted to give the sultanate of His Kingdom to Bani Adam, and said: innee ja`ilun fi 'l-`ardi khalifah. Verily, I am making in the Earth a deputy. (Surat ‘l-Baqara: 2:30) Angels looked at the outer shell of Bani Adam and saw that he will shed blood (in the outer form), however, Allah Almighty created Bani Adam as the His khalifah on Earth. Laa ilaaha illa-Llah! Huwa! In the World of Jabaroot, there appears in Bani Adam something special, “jabbareen.” Mankind are oppressors, tyrants, and that is one of the attributes of human beings. In the ancient past, far beyond time as we know it, Allah (swt) chose Sayyidina Adam (a) to be His khalifah on Earth. Allah (swt) is Ancient, Ever-Lasting, “Qidam.” Ancientness is the Divine Attribute of al-Haqq, Allah (swt), and in that pre-Eternity He wished for a khalifah to be on Earth, a Creation that had never before existed. He Almighty knows the character of human beings; we are His servants, ordered to know that our realities are something chosen in the World of Jabaroot. Therefore, Mankind must know his own reality that appears also in this life, dunya, and by the divine law Allah will erase that character present under stress in Bani Adam, and He will send prophets to make clear to them and train them that He, The Most High, wants to dress the reality of khulafah, deputyship, on Bani Adam! Allah Almighty gives the power and ability for Mankind to sit in the station that our Lord, The Glorious and Most High, made: that Bani Adam is His khalifah on Earth. Which Earth and which khalifah? Know that time does not encompass the Lord. We were in that station between pre-Eternity and Eternity; it was granted to Bani Adam to be eternal, otherwise human beings would not be khalifah! And then bit by bit the reality appeared, revealing the wisdom of Allah, that He wished to bestow on His khalifah. SubhaanAllah. In that time, Hisham Effendi, there was perfect obedience to the Lord. : " ... . Ma zaala `abdee yataqaraba ilayya bi ’n-nawaafil hatta uhibah. Fa idha ahbabtahu kuntu sam`ahulladhee (2 von 5)04.07.2013 23:03:26
437 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: AlQahhar
yasma`u bihi wa basarahulladhee yubsiru bihi, wa yadahulladhee yubtishu bihi wa rijlahulladhee yabtishu bih. My servant does not cease to approach Me through voluntary worship until I will love him. When I love him, I will become the ears with which he hears, the eyes with which he sees, the hand with which he acts, and the leg with which he acts. That is the honor granted to Bani Adam, to be khalifatullah! Finished, that is present in the Ocean of Oneness. “If my servant approaches Me through voluntary worship ...until he says to a thing, “Be!” and it will be.” He is rabbaani, lordly, at that time. So we say don’t say, “I am wahabi, salafi or sufi.” Don’t say this, but instead be rabbaaniyoon, those are lordly (who implement what the Lord asked). Be rabbaani, as in that state there is no “servant.” Then be baaqibillah, subsistent in Allah's Divine Presence! Then we say, we in dunya are here for a short time and Allah does with us whatever He likes; every movement and stillness is by His Knowledge and Power. We have reached to be servants until the Judgment Day, and things will appear that never appeared before from stress and testing between human beings, as our Lord Most High likes and wishes. That is to build from fresh what will be strong, to carry from the Heavenly Kingdom, Malakoot, what Allah has dressed us in His address that He is creating a khalifah on Earth. (In this state one knows) everything is allowed and must be as He is The Most High, The Most Knowledgeable. In our days, difficulties have begun to appear that prophets predicted and there is wisdom in them, for us to correct our manners when we see these events occur, which are terrible and difficult in the Last Days. How are we to behave? The Prophet (s) on the day of the conquest of Mecca, stood on the minbar and said, “This house and this house (family), whoever enters their home and closes the door is safe.” We are ordered to remind Bani Adam: qaalat namlatun yaa ayyuha 'n-namlu 'dkhulu masaakinakum laa yahtimannakum sulaymaanu wa junooduhu wa hum laa yash`uroon. An ant exclaimed, "O ants! Enter your dwellings unless Solomon and his armies crush you, unknowingly." (an-Naml, 27:18) We are in days of fitan, confusion and tribulation, about which Shari`ah states, “do not to come out, stay in (3 von 5)04.07.2013 23:03:26
438 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: AlQahhar
your homes,” which is safety and protection. Adkhuloo masaakinakum, “enter your homes.” There will appear or before, there appeared the government that is present, and enter your home. What will the government do in that time? It is necessary to appear, subhaanAllah. Hisham Effendi, Allahu Akbar. waman dakhalahu kaanaa aaminan. Whoever enters there will be in safety. (Aali-`Imraan, 3:97) Now we are in a time in which Allah ordered, as the Prophet (s) addressed the people, as they say, “As the people are, so shall their ruler be.” It means correct yourselves, and your leaders will be correct. We use the methods of going out in the streets shouting and crying, “Remove yourself!” “Get out!” That is not right. Go to the mosque and ask Allah, “O the Changer of Conditions, change our condition! The hearts of the servants are between the two fingers of the Most Merciful.” Do that instead of going on the streets. The Prophet (s) informed us that people in the Last Days are behaving like wild animals! There is another order from Allah Almighty: wa a'idda lahum mastataa`tum min quwattin. Against them make ready your strength to the utmost of your power. (al-Anfaal, 8:60) What power do they have? Instead say, “We repent and turn back! O our Lord, correct us and our leaders. We are Your servants in Your Hands! O Our Lord! Have mercy on us in our weakness!” ( cut...) Mawlana Shaykh Hisham: We never heard such an explanation as you just gave on the meaning of the verse, “I am putting a khalifah on Earth,” that the meaning of “Allah” is al-Qahhar, “the Destroyer” who destroys sins and wrong deeds! Mawlana Shaykh Nazim: I am a weak servant. He is Doer of what He likes, and He wished to bring out realities on the tongue of the one who is the weakest of servants, and whose Arabic is very slight. If that khutbah came from one of the `ulama, they would say, “He brought that information from the tafseer (commentary).” Mawlana Shaykh Hisham: That is a very high explanation! (4 von 5)04.07.2013 23:03:26
439 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: AlQahhar
Mawlana Shaykh Nazim : That is to who can understand. Mawlana Shaykh Hisham: Your address indicates the one speaking is the sultan, son of the sultan, son of the sultan, son of the sultan, up to the Prophet (s)! I read many books on this subject and this explanation you gave on the Divine Attributes "Al-Jabbar" and "al-Qahhar" is very unusual, and I never heard it before. Mawlana Shaykh Nazim: We speak as Allah makes us speak; the inspirations come and we speak. Mawlana Shaykh Hisham: These inspirations are from a very high station and my hair was standing on end from the depth of that explanation! Mawlana Shaykh Nazim: My Arabic is very slight. Allahu Akbar. Fatihah. Lefke, 29.04.2011
WebsufiLive, Category99Names, CategoryMankind, CategoryRabbaniyin, CategoryQuran (5 von 5)04.07.2013 23:03:26
440 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: AlwaysAskForMore
Maulana Sheikh Nazim : AlwaysAskForMore
Always Ask for More in the Divine Presence
(Mawlana Shaykh stands.) Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar, la ilaha illa-Llah, Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar, wa lillahi ‘l-hamd! Alfu salaat, alfu salaam `ala sayyidi ‘l-awwaleen wa ‘l-aakhireen habeeb Rabbi ‘l-`alameen Sayyidina Muhammad! We have been honored to be from his nation and we must say daily alhamdulillah, thanks to the Lord of Heavens, that He Almighty granted us from His endless blessings to be His most honored and glorified nation. O people, be thankful to our Lord! O our master, master in our days, master for this world, for this planet, for Adam’s children! He is now one of the most blessed ones. The pole of this world is looking after everything up to ants. Ants, never left to themselves, no. Who created them is taking care of the whole Creation. Allah Almighty, `azheemu ‘s-shaan, He is Almighty! No one knows the real being of the Lord of Heavens and the Creator of creatures. No one knowing, but He is granting whole creatures a being to be something in existence. He is creating! An atom can’t be in existence by itself. No one can create himself by himself. Impossible! How? Because we are creatures, we are not Creator. Creator is only One. Therefore, for whole of Creation in existence, their Creator is Allah Almighty (swt.) (Mawlana Shaykh sits.) (1 von 6)04.07.2013 23:03:27
441 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: AlwaysAskForMore
We can’t say He is responsible; no, the responsibility is for creatures. You may be responsible for yourself or for others, and your responsibility going to be in Divine Presence. You are going to be questioned about your responsibility. But no one can ask Allah Almighty, because He is the Creator and He is not responsible to anyone. That is our Lord’s Attribute. He is never responsible for anything, because no one can ask Him, “What did You do or what are You doing?” No. The last level is reaching to Him. He may ask everything about their responsibility, because everything is responsible to their Creator in the Divine Presence. An ant is responsible according to the main wisdom for its creation. An atom
(Dt.: AlNamusAlAkbarDt) Assalam Alaykum, O people! Keep your Namus/True Heavenly Nature. When a person does not respect his true Heavenly Nature he has no value. The Great Angel, used to be sent to the Prophets, Sayyidina Jibril (as). This is an important matter. The honour of human beings is according to his Namus/ Heavenly Revealed Nature. When they loose this Nature, they have no value. The honour of a person is according to his keeping his Nature, in the world & in the Hereafter. Dastur Ya Sayyidi, Madad Ya Sultan Al Awliya'. The Great Angel was sent to the Prophets (as). The Great Angel that represents the Heavenly Revealed Nature. He used to come down to the Prophets (as). He was not sent to just anyone, no. The Great Angel represented by Sayyidina Jibril (as) was sent to the Prophets (as). The greatest honour for humanbeings is their Heavenly Nature. If they loose it, they have no value. Today, we are saying Audhu Billahi min al shaytan al rajim Bismillah Al Rahman Al Rahim La Ilaha illa Allah Sayyidina Muhammad Rasulullah... was granted the hightest revelation - La Ilaha illa Allah Muhammad Rasulullah. This is the greatest Namus/Revelation. Subhana Allah! The great Namus has been granted to him from among all Prophets (as), to Sayyidina Muhammad (saws). Allahumma zid'hu Izzan wa Sharafan, Nuran (1 von 4)04.07.2013 23:03:24
428 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: AlNamusAlAkbar
wa Sururan, Ridwanan wa Sultanan. The greatest revelation from Heavens was to the Prophets (as). They are chosen to carry Al Namus, and the honour of human beings is according to their Heavenly Nature. O scholars, explain this to people. What is the Namus? From where it is coming and from what it is? The duty of scholars is to explain what is the Namus that was sent to the Prophets (as), the Great Namus from Heavens, Jibril (as) And the great Namus was granted to the people with Heavenly Trust not to just anyone, no. The great revelation was granted to The Master of the beginning & the end. He (saws) is granted the Namus Al Akbar, because he has the greatest honour; the great honour for humanity is his (saws) Namus. But who looses his Heavenly Nature has no value. Subhana Allah, all Prophets (as) came & advised their nations to keep their Namus/Heavenly Nature because your honour is with keeping your Heavenly Nature. If it is wasted, you have no value, finish! Subhana Allah! The first lesson that is obligatory on the scholars is to teach people, what is their Namus/Heavenly Nature. The Namus is what gives human beings the greatest honour. And his value is according to his keeping respect for his Heavenly Nature. Who has Namus has the highest station with Allah (swt). Who lost it, they have no value. O people! Look for the people of Heavenly Nature. Do not look for names of people who became famous, with titles that have no value. But we are asking about the honour of human beings according to their Heavenly Nature. If a person does not keep his Namus/Heavenly Nature, with respect, then that person has no value here or in the Hereafter. Therefore O Egyptian people & all the others, look for the people of Namus, they can save you. Otherwise with all the votings/election a person does not gain honour, no! The value of a person is according to his keeping respect for his Heavenly Nature. That Heavenly Nature that was granted to and honoured the children of Adam (as). Namus! Look for people of Namus, you will be saved here & in the hereafter & be honoured, O children of Adam (as). All the Prophets (as) carry the great Namus from Heavens. The greatest Namus was carried by the Master from beginning to end, Sayyidina Muhammad (saws). And his (saws) Namus is from Allah (swt) by means of the Archangel Jibril (as). Honour is according to his Namus, the greatest Heavenly Revealed Nature is with the Master of beginning to end. So hold to him. He is the one who has the greatest Namus. You will be saved in this world & in the hereafter. Otherwise you will have no way out, neither in this world nor in the hereafter. (2 von 4)04.07.2013 23:03:24
429 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: AlNamusAlAkbar
Instead you will be dishonoured people. The Holy Quran made everything clear. "Hum 'Aradhiluna" (11:27) (the lowest among us). The past nations when their Prophets (as) came and offered the Namus/Heavenly Nature from Heavens, people used to call them "Hum 'Aradhiluna" (11:27). (the meanest among us) "the meanest among us" (11:27) How can we obey them? The dishonoured ones are the ones who deny the Namus. Namus/Heavenly Nature that is coming from Heavens. Take your share O people, especially you believers take your share from Namus Al Malakut/ Heavenly Nature. This grants you your value here & in the hereafter. If you loose it you will have no honour here or in the Hereafter. Do not think that collecting votes from people gives honour. No! The honour of a person is in respecting his Heavenly Nature. And the Namus is from Al Namus Al Akbar which comes from Heavens to people who are the chosen ones, specialized ones who can carry Namus/Heavenly virtues. The rest are the dishonoured ones. O Egyptian people & the rest, pay attention and try to understand what is Namus/ heavenly Nature, what it means. Namus came down on the Master of beginning & end, Sayyidina Muhammad (saws) from The Lord of The Great Throne. Take your share from the Namus, you will be saved & honoured in this world & in the hereafter. Otherwise you have no way out in this life & in the Hereafter. Astaghfirullah for me & for you. O believers! Believe in Allah (swt) & in His Prophet & what was sent with His Prophet (saws). You will be saved... you will be saved. Expend all your efforts and learn. Aman Allah Ya Rabbi! Tawba Ya Rabbi, tawba astaghfirullah. The biggest traitor is the one who looses his Trust. And the Namus/Heavenly Nature is a Trust from Heavens; who looses it, looses his honour in this world & in the Hereafter, they have no value! Tawba Ya Rabbi. Repent to your Lord. Astaghfirullah Al Azim wa atubu Ilayh. Tawba Ya Rabbi, tawba Ya Rabbi. Tawba Ya Rabbi send us the people of Namus, to teach the people from Your favors for the sake of who You sent as a mercy to humanity & honour to the children of Adam (as), the holder of the highest Namus/heavenly Nature, the Master of beginning to end, Sayyidina Muhammad (saws). Fatiha. This is not from mind productions. This does not develop at the level of thoughts, but this is coming from Heavens. So keep your Namus/Heavenly Nature, you will be saved here & in the hereafter. Otherwise people will perish. (3 von 4)04.07.2013 23:03:24
430 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: AlNamusAlAkbar
Astaghfirullah! Astaghfirullah! Astaghfirullah, tawba Ya Rabb. Fatiha. This may shake the whole world. This addressing is not coming from looking in books but it is an inspiration from Heavenly inspirations. Fatiha. This is the peak of humanity. These words indicate how to reach the peak of humanity. Allahu Akbar! Allahu Akbar! Namus Al Akbar! Therefore Archangel Jibril (as) was called by this because he was sent to the Prophet (as), Al Namus Al Akbar. These words are not from thinking. The greatest lesson for humanity is this, from a weak servant who does not know anything. We are asking forgiveness... We are asking forgiveness... Fatiha. O Lord Forgive us. Lefke, 30.06.2012
WebSaltanatOrg, CategoryProphet, CategoryHoliness, CategoryRevelation (4 von 4)04.07.2013 23:03:24
431 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: AlNamusAlAkbarDt
Maulana Sheikh Nazim : AlNamusAlAkbarDt
An-Namusu l-Akbar
(Engl.: AlNamusAlAkbar) As-salamu alaykum, ihr Leute! Bewahrt eueren Namus, euer wahres Himmlisches Wesen. Wenn jemand sein wahres Himmlisches Wesen nicht achtet, hat er keinen Wert. Der Große Engel wurde für gewöhnlich zu den Propheten gesandt, Sayyidina Jibril (as). Dies ist eine wichtige Sache. Die Ehre der Menschen bemißt sich nach seinem Namus, nach seinem Himmlisch Geoffenbarten Wesen. Wenn sie ihr Wesen verlieren, haben sie keinen Wert. Die Ehre einer Person bemißt sich nach der Bewahrung seines Wesens in der Welt und im Jenseits. Dastur ya Sayyidi, Madad ya Sultanu l-Awliya'. Der Große Engel wurde zu den Propheten (as) gesandt. Der Große Engel, der das Himmlisch Geoffenbarte Wesen vertritt. Er pflegte zu den Propheten (as) herabzukommen. Er wurde nicht zu irgendjemandem geschickt. Nein. Der Große Engel, von Sayyidina Jibril (as) repräsentiert, wurde zu den Propheten (as) gesandt. Die größte Ehre für die Menschen ist ihr Himmlisches Wesen. Wenn sie es verlieren, haben sie keinen Wert. Heute sagen wir: Audhu Billahi mina sh-shaytani r-rajim. Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. La ilaha illa Allah. Sayyidina Muhammad Rasulullah wurde die größte Offenbarung gewährt: La ilaha illa Allah, Muhammad Rasulullah. Das ist der größte Namus, die größte Offenbarung. Subhana Allah! Der große Namus wurde unter allen Propheten (as) ihm, Sayyidina Muhammad (saws) gewährt. Allahumma zidhu Izzan wa Sharafan, (1 von 4)04.07.2013 23:03:25
432 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: AlNamusAlAkbarDt
Nuran wa Sururan, Ridwanan wa Sultanan. Die größte Offenbarung von den Himmeln richtete sich an die Propheten (as). Sie sind erwählt, Al Namus zu tragen. Und die Ehre des Menschen bemißt sich nach seinem Himmlischen Wesen. Ihr Gelehrten, erklärt dies den Leuten. Was ist der Namus? Woher kommt er und worin besteht er? Die Pflicht der Gelehrten ist es, zu erklären, was der Namus ist, der den Propheten (as) geschickt wurde, der Große Namus von den Himmeln. Und der große Namus wurde den Menschen gewährt als Himmlisches Unterpfand. Nicht irgendjemandem, nein. Die große Offenbarung wurde dem Meister von Anfang und Ende gewährt. Ihm (saws) wurde der Namus Al Akbar gewährt, weil er die größte Ehre besitzt. Die große Ehre für die Menschheit ist sein (saws) Namus. Aber wer sein Himmlisches Wesen verliert, hat keinen Wert. Subhanallah, alle Propheten (as) kamen und rieten ihren Nationen, ihren Namus, ihr Himmlisches Wesen zu bewahren. Weil euere Ehre in der Bewahrung eueres Himmlischen Wesens liegt. Wenn es verschwendet wird, habt ihr keinen Wert. Schluß! Subhanallah! Die erste Lehrstunde, die den Leuten zu geben verpflichtend ist für die Gelehrten, ist, was ihr Namus, ihr Himmlisches Wesen ist. Namus ist das, was den Menschen die größte Ehre gibt. Und sein Wert erschließt sich aus der Achtung seines Himmlischen Wesens. Wer Namus hat, hat die höchste Stufe bei Allah (swt). Wer ihn verloren hat, hat keinen Wert. Ihr Leute, haltet Ausschau nach Menschen von Himmlischem Wesen. Schaut nicht auf Namen von Leuten, die berühmt sind mit Titeln, die keinen Wert haben. Aber wir fragen hier nach der Ehre des Menschen in Übereinstimmung mit ihrem Namus, ihrem Himmlischen Wesen. Wenn jemand seinen Namus nicht bewahrt, mit Achtung, dann hat der Mensch keinen Wert hier oder im Jenseits. Deshalb, Ägypter und alle anderen, sucht nach Leuten des Namus. Sie können euch retten. Andernfalls, mit all den Stimmabgaben und Wahlen gewinnt ein Mensch doch keine Ehre. Nein. Der Wert eines Menschen bemißt sich nach der Achtung seines Himmlischen Wesens. Dieses Himmlische Wesen, das den Kinder Adams (as) gewährt wurde und sie ehrt. Namus! Haltet Ausschau nach Menschen des Namus, und ihr werdet gerettet und geehrt werden hier und im Jenseits. Ihr Kinder Adams (as). Alle Propheten (as) tragen den großen Namus von den Himmeln. Der größte Namus wurde vom Meister des Anfangs und Endes getragen, Sayyidina Muhammad (as). Und sein (saws) Namus ist von Allah (swt), vermittelt durch den Erzengel Jibril (as). Die Ehre bemißt sich nach seinem Namus, das größte Himmlisch Geoffenbarte Wesen gehört dem Meister von Anfang und Ende. Also haltet an ihm fest. Er ist der, der den größten Namus hat. Ihr werdet gerettet in dieser Welt und im Jenseits. Sonst habt ihr keinen Ausweg, weder in dieser Welt, noch im Jenseits. Stattdessen werdet ihr Entehrte sein. Der Heilige Quran hat alles deutlich gemacht. "Hum 'Aradhiluna" (11:27) - der Niedrigste unter uns. Die (2 von 4)04.07.2013 23:03:25
433 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: AlNamusAlAkbarDt
vergangenen Nationen pflegten, wenn ihre Propheten (as) zu ihnen kamen und ihnen den Namus, ihr Himmlisches Wesen, von den Himmeln anboten, sie "Hum 'Aradhiluna" (11:27) zu nennen, die Niedrigsten unter uns. Wie können wir ihnen gehorchen? Die Entehrten sind jene, die den Namus leugnen. Namus, das Himmlische Wesen, das von den Himmeln kommt. Nehmt eueren Anteil, ihr Leute, besonders ihr Gläubigen, nehmt eueren Anteil vom Namus Al Malakut, dem Himmlischen Wesen. Das gibt euch eueren Wert hier und im Jenseits. Wenn ihr ihn verliert, habt ihr keine Ehre mehr hier und im Jenseits. Glaubt nicht, daß das Sammeln von Wählerstimmen den Leuten Ehre gibt! Die Ehre eines Menschen liegt in der Achtung seines Himmlischen Wesens. Und der Namus ist von Al Namus Al Akbar, der von den Himmeln kommt zu den Leuten, die auserwählt sind, besonders Ausgestattete, die den Namus, das Himmlische Wesen, tragen können. Der Rest sind die Entehrten. Ägypter und der Rest, paßt auf und versucht zu verstehen, was Namus, Himmlisches Wesen, bedeutet. Namus kam auf den Meister von Anfang und Ende, Sayyidina Muhammad (saws) herab vom Herrn des Großen Thrones. Nehmt eueren Anteil von dem Namus, und ihr werdet gerettet und geehrt werden in dieser Welt und im Jenseits. Sonst habt ihr keinen Ausweg in diesem Leben und im Jenseits. Astaghfirullah für mich und für euch. Ihr Gläubigen! Glaubt an Allah (swt) und an Seinen Propheten (saws) und an das, was Seinem Propheten gesandt wurde, und ihr werdet gerettet, ihr werdet gerettet. Richtet all euere Anstrengungen darauf und lernt. Aman Allah ya Rabbi! Tawba ya Rabbi, Tawba Astaghfirullah. Der größte Verräter ist derjenige, der sein Unterpfand verliert. Und der Namus, das Himmlische Wesen, ist ein Unterpfand von den Himmeln. Wer es verliert, verliert seine Ehre in dieser Welt und im Jenseits. Sie haben keinen Wert! Tawba ya Rabbi. Wendet euch in Reue an eueren Herrn. Astaghfirullahu l-Azim wa Atubu Ilayh. Tawba ya Rabbi, Tawba ya Rabbi. Tawba ya Rabbi. Sende uns Leute des Namus, um die Menschen zu lehren über Deine Wohltaten um dessenwillen, den Du gesandt hast als eine Gnade für die Menschheit und Ehre für die Kinder Adams (as), den Besitzer des höchsten Namus, den Meister von Anfang und Ende, Sayyidina Muhammad (saws). Fatiha. Das kommt nicht aus dem Verstand. Dies entwickelt sich nicht auf der Ebene der Gedanken, sondern dies kommt von den Himmeln. Also bewahrt euren Namus, euer Himmlisches Wesen, und ihr werdet gerettet hier und im Jenseits. Sonst werden die Leute untergehen. Astaghfirullah. Astaghfirullah. Astaghfirullah. Tawba ya Rabb. Fatiha. Dies kann die ganze Welt erschüttern. Diese Ansprache kommt nicht von Bücherwissen, sondern ist eine Eingebung von Himmlischen Eingebungen. Fatiha. Dies ist der Gipfel der (3 von 4)04.07.2013 23:03:25
434 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: AlNamusAlAkbarDt
menschlichen Situation. Diese Worte weisen darauf hin, wie der Gipfel der menschlichen Situation zu erreichen ist. Allahu Akbar! Allahu Akbar! Namus Al Akbar! Deshalb wurde der Erzengel Jibril (as) damit gerufen, weil er zum Propheten (saws) gesandt worden war, Al Namus Al Akbar. Diese Worte kommen nicht vom Denken. Die größte Lektion für die Menschheit ist dies, von einem schwachen Diener, der nichts weiß. Wir bitten um Vergebung. Wir bitten um Vergebung. Fatiha. O Herr, vergib uns. Lefke, 30.06.2012
WebSaltanatOrg Transcript des Videos: 30_ar_AnnamusulAkbar.mp4 (4 von 4)04.07.2013 23:03:25
435 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: AlQahhar
Maulana Sheikh Nazim : AlQahhar
Tafsir of the Divine Beautiful Attribute, “Al-Qahhar”
Suhbah before Jumu’ah Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar. Azaamatu lillah, allahu-Akbaru’l-Akbar! Sultan sen, Subhaan sen, Amaan Yaa Rabb! Allahu Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah, `Azeez Allah! Marhaban, Hisham Effendi! ... nahnu nusalli wa nusallim `ala Sayyidi ‘l-Awaleen wa ‘l-Akhireen Sayyidina Muhammad (s). Zidhu yaa Rabb `izzan wa sharafan wa nooran wa suroora. SubhaanAllah, alhamdulillah, wa laa ilaaha illa-Llah wa ‘l-Allahu Akbar,, wa la hawla wa la quwatta illa billahi ‘l-`Aliyyi ‘l`Azheem. A`oodhu billahi min ash-Shaytaani ‘r-rajeem. Bismillahi ‘r-Rahmaani ‘r-Raheem. Tariqatuna as-suhbah wa ‘l- khayru fi ‘l-jami`yya, “Our way is suhbah and the good is in the gathering.” Suhbat is what raises up and disciplines the children of Sayyidina Adam (a), who are normally like wild animals; there are not found more wild animals than Bani Adam! The angels said, “Our Lord, Most Glorious and High, are You putting in the Earth someone who will sow corruption and shed blood?" Rabbana, our Lord Most Glorious and High, said, "I know what you know not." (1 von 5)04.07.2013 23:03:26
436 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: AlQahhar
Madad, yaa RijaalAllah. SubhaanAllah! In our outer form, Bani Adam are all wild beasts. There is the earth, there is the stone, and our Lord Most High wanted to give the sultanate of His Kingdom to Bani Adam, and said: innee ja`ilun fi 'l-`ardi khalifah. Verily, I am making in the Earth a deputy. (Surat ‘l-Baqara: 2:30) Angels looked at the outer shell of Bani Adam and saw that he will shed blood (in the outer form), however, Allah Almighty created Bani Adam as the His khalifah on Earth. Laa ilaaha illa-Llah! Huwa! In the World of Jabaroot, there appears in Bani Adam something special, “jabbareen.” Mankind are oppressors, tyrants, and that is one of the attributes of human beings. In the ancient past, far beyond time as we know it, Allah (swt) chose Sayyidina Adam (a) to be His khalifah on Earth. Allah (swt) is Ancient, Ever-Lasting, “Qidam.” Ancientness is the Divine Attribute of al-Haqq, Allah (swt), and in that pre-Eternity He wished for a khalifah to be on Earth, a Creation that had never before existed. He Almighty knows the character of human beings; we are His servants, ordered to know that our realities are something chosen in the World of Jabaroot. Therefore, Mankind must know his own reality that appears also in this life, dunya, and by the divine law Allah will erase that character present under stress in Bani Adam, and He will send prophets to make clear to them and train them that He, The Most High, wants to dress the reality of khulafah, deputyship, on Bani Adam! Allah Almighty gives the power and ability for Mankind to sit in the station that our Lord, The Glorious and Most High, made: that Bani Adam is His khalifah on Earth. Which Earth and which khalifah? Know that time does not encompass the Lord. We were in that station between pre-Eternity and Eternity; it was granted to Bani Adam to be eternal, otherwise human beings would not be khalifah! And then bit by bit the reality appeared, revealing the wisdom of Allah, that He wished to bestow on His khalifah. SubhaanAllah. In that time, Hisham Effendi, there was perfect obedience to the Lord. : " ... . Ma zaala `abdee yataqaraba ilayya bi ’n-nawaafil hatta uhibah. Fa idha ahbabtahu kuntu sam`ahulladhee (2 von 5)04.07.2013 23:03:26
437 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: AlQahhar
yasma`u bihi wa basarahulladhee yubsiru bihi, wa yadahulladhee yubtishu bihi wa rijlahulladhee yabtishu bih. My servant does not cease to approach Me through voluntary worship until I will love him. When I love him, I will become the ears with which he hears, the eyes with which he sees, the hand with which he acts, and the leg with which he acts. That is the honor granted to Bani Adam, to be khalifatullah! Finished, that is present in the Ocean of Oneness. “If my servant approaches Me through voluntary worship ...until he says to a thing, “Be!” and it will be.” He is rabbaani, lordly, at that time. So we say don’t say, “I am wahabi, salafi or sufi.” Don’t say this, but instead be rabbaaniyoon, those are lordly (who implement what the Lord asked). Be rabbaani, as in that state there is no “servant.” Then be baaqibillah, subsistent in Allah's Divine Presence! Then we say, we in dunya are here for a short time and Allah does with us whatever He likes; every movement and stillness is by His Knowledge and Power. We have reached to be servants until the Judgment Day, and things will appear that never appeared before from stress and testing between human beings, as our Lord Most High likes and wishes. That is to build from fresh what will be strong, to carry from the Heavenly Kingdom, Malakoot, what Allah has dressed us in His address that He is creating a khalifah on Earth. (In this state one knows) everything is allowed and must be as He is The Most High, The Most Knowledgeable. In our days, difficulties have begun to appear that prophets predicted and there is wisdom in them, for us to correct our manners when we see these events occur, which are terrible and difficult in the Last Days. How are we to behave? The Prophet (s) on the day of the conquest of Mecca, stood on the minbar and said, “This house and this house (family), whoever enters their home and closes the door is safe.” We are ordered to remind Bani Adam: qaalat namlatun yaa ayyuha 'n-namlu 'dkhulu masaakinakum laa yahtimannakum sulaymaanu wa junooduhu wa hum laa yash`uroon. An ant exclaimed, "O ants! Enter your dwellings unless Solomon and his armies crush you, unknowingly." (an-Naml, 27:18) We are in days of fitan, confusion and tribulation, about which Shari`ah states, “do not to come out, stay in (3 von 5)04.07.2013 23:03:26
438 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: AlQahhar
your homes,” which is safety and protection. Adkhuloo masaakinakum, “enter your homes.” There will appear or before, there appeared the government that is present, and enter your home. What will the government do in that time? It is necessary to appear, subhaanAllah. Hisham Effendi, Allahu Akbar. waman dakhalahu kaanaa aaminan. Whoever enters there will be in safety. (Aali-`Imraan, 3:97) Now we are in a time in which Allah ordered, as the Prophet (s) addressed the people, as they say, “As the people are, so shall their ruler be.” It means correct yourselves, and your leaders will be correct. We use the methods of going out in the streets shouting and crying, “Remove yourself!” “Get out!” That is not right. Go to the mosque and ask Allah, “O the Changer of Conditions, change our condition! The hearts of the servants are between the two fingers of the Most Merciful.” Do that instead of going on the streets. The Prophet (s) informed us that people in the Last Days are behaving like wild animals! There is another order from Allah Almighty: wa a'idda lahum mastataa`tum min quwattin. Against them make ready your strength to the utmost of your power. (al-Anfaal, 8:60) What power do they have? Instead say, “We repent and turn back! O our Lord, correct us and our leaders. We are Your servants in Your Hands! O Our Lord! Have mercy on us in our weakness!” ( cut...) Mawlana Shaykh Hisham: We never heard such an explanation as you just gave on the meaning of the verse, “I am putting a khalifah on Earth,” that the meaning of “Allah” is al-Qahhar, “the Destroyer” who destroys sins and wrong deeds! Mawlana Shaykh Nazim: I am a weak servant. He is Doer of what He likes, and He wished to bring out realities on the tongue of the one who is the weakest of servants, and whose Arabic is very slight. If that khutbah came from one of the `ulama, they would say, “He brought that information from the tafseer (commentary).” Mawlana Shaykh Hisham: That is a very high explanation! (4 von 5)04.07.2013 23:03:26
439 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: AlQahhar
Mawlana Shaykh Nazim : That is to who can understand. Mawlana Shaykh Hisham: Your address indicates the one speaking is the sultan, son of the sultan, son of the sultan, son of the sultan, up to the Prophet (s)! I read many books on this subject and this explanation you gave on the Divine Attributes "Al-Jabbar" and "al-Qahhar" is very unusual, and I never heard it before. Mawlana Shaykh Nazim: We speak as Allah makes us speak; the inspirations come and we speak. Mawlana Shaykh Hisham: These inspirations are from a very high station and my hair was standing on end from the depth of that explanation! Mawlana Shaykh Nazim: My Arabic is very slight. Allahu Akbar. Fatihah. Lefke, 29.04.2011
WebsufiLive, Category99Names, CategoryMankind, CategoryRabbaniyin, CategoryQuran (5 von 5)04.07.2013 23:03:26
440 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: AlwaysAskForMore
Maulana Sheikh Nazim : AlwaysAskForMore
Always Ask for More in the Divine Presence
(Mawlana Shaykh stands.) Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar, la ilaha illa-Llah, Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar, wa lillahi ‘l-hamd! Alfu salaat, alfu salaam `ala sayyidi ‘l-awwaleen wa ‘l-aakhireen habeeb Rabbi ‘l-`alameen Sayyidina Muhammad! We have been honored to be from his nation and we must say daily alhamdulillah, thanks to the Lord of Heavens, that He Almighty granted us from His endless blessings to be His most honored and glorified nation. O people, be thankful to our Lord! O our master, master in our days, master for this world, for this planet, for Adam’s children! He is now one of the most blessed ones. The pole of this world is looking after everything up to ants. Ants, never left to themselves, no. Who created them is taking care of the whole Creation. Allah Almighty, `azheemu ‘s-shaan, He is Almighty! No one knows the real being of the Lord of Heavens and the Creator of creatures. No one knowing, but He is granting whole creatures a being to be something in existence. He is creating! An atom can’t be in existence by itself. No one can create himself by himself. Impossible! How? Because we are creatures, we are not Creator. Creator is only One. Therefore, for whole of Creation in existence, their Creator is Allah Almighty (swt.) (Mawlana Shaykh sits.) (1 von 6)04.07.2013 23:03:27
441 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: AlwaysAskForMore
We can’t say He is responsible; no, the responsibility is for creatures. You may be responsible for yourself or for others, and your responsibility going to be in Divine Presence. You are going to be questioned about your responsibility. But no one can ask Allah Almighty, because He is the Creator and He is not responsible to anyone. That is our Lord’s Attribute. He is never responsible for anything, because no one can ask Him, “What did You do or what are You doing?” No. The last level is reaching to Him. He may ask everything about their responsibility, because everything is responsible to their Creator in the Divine Presence. An ant is responsible according to the main wisdom for its creation. An atom