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Maulana Shaykh Nazim Adil al-Haqqani 2000 Sohbats 1979-2013 (18/777)
t they are asking to be No.1. That parties - every party asking to reach point of power. In Islam for whole Muslim world only one and Allah saying: “If getting two, one of it: cut his head!” This is Sharî´at I am saying. Therefore: Leader, leader… Conservative Party, Liberal Party, Christian Democratic Party, Communist Party, Socialist Party, this party, that party - so many heads…and in Iraq hundreds heads are asking to come to the point of power. No! Point of power for Allah! They should be punished! They are going to kill themselves by themselves, no one can stop it - Russians, Americans, Turks, Iran - finished. Now you must may look… Come and join to Prophet’s nation, Prophet’s followers, you should be [in] safety! If not, [you] should be taken away. Bird flu! Bird flu more dangerous than democracy? Democracy destroying everything Heavenly, democracy fighting every Heavenly Rule, you must (4 von 5)04.07.2013 23:02:41

222 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: AllahHasAbsolutePower

understand, but they are running after hens and chicken to burn them and to kill them, that no one can burn a living creature! Haram, forbidden! They are doing this. The Lord is not sleeping! Looking what they are doing and He is going to punish them! O people, come right way! Try to be accepting truth; don’t run after imaginated things that are coming from shaitanic ways. Shaitans and Shaitan’s representatives [are] making man to make themselves by themselves to destroy everything. Come, accept truth and try to be true ones and try to be truth defenders. If not, taken away... May Allah forgive us. Fatiha. Lefke, 12.02.2006 Transcribed by Khairiyah Siegel

BookKhairiyahSiegel, CategoryMuslimNation (5 von 5)04.07.2013 23:02:41

223 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: AllahHasEndlessPower

Maulana Sheikh Nazim : AllahHasEndlessPower


Allah Almighty has endless Power Subhanak, Subhanak, Subhanak, la ilaha illa Anta, Subhanak, inna kunna mina dhalimin, waghfir lana wa tub alayna… Allah Almighty has endless Power, no one can know about our Lord’s Power Oceans and whole universe with billions of galaxies what is their position in front of Allah Almighty’s Dominions Power Oceans? Do you think that they may have a position as an atom? This huge universe that we can’t reach to cover. Our mindly energy, mindly authority that we have been granted to look around ourselves, what is its amount? We are living on a planet earth, our mindly authority may ask to reach to know about this planet and through its bigness our minds going to stop. Leave this universe that billions galaxies running in it, no one knowing from where coming, no one knowing to where going, When we are going up, when you leave this planet, no direction, no East, no West, no North, no South, no up, o down, no right hand, no left hand, no forward, backward. When getting up, you can’t approve where are you. Are you falling on our brothers on Mars, just we are on South direction or North and we are looking over us some other particular galaxies just passing and we are asking to get a sign as this galaxy, but it is moving also, after a while just disappeared, no direction, finished. Allahu akbar! If no base, nothing can be in existence. Must have a base to be built on it their existence. If no earth, we are going to be like this… in air your hands, your legs…what happening? Of no base for mankind, this world no, where are you? Everything must have some base for approving their existence. If not, no. This huge universe (is) signing to our minds: Don’t approach too much. From far away you may see something and be enjoyful, because not you, your base that is earth, not earth, bit its base solar system or not solar system, that it is their base this our galaxy, if approaching one of these gigantic galaxies going to disappear, going to be like atom and less just disappearing and don’t work on it too much, because such (1 von 4)04.07.2013 23:02:42

224 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: AllahHasEndlessPower

gigantic galaxy there is some holes. If approaching that, then, if something coming near to Niagara Falls, through second disappearing, you may think and imagine the bigness of that holes that they are saying: It is Black Holes, and Black colour is base of…and black colour also is sign of endless power Dominions. Whole secret ‘Alamu ghujub, everything in it just covered, can’t appear. Everything in it, in that darkness, black colour most powerful colour, but foolish people fighting for their colours. Much more power colour is black colour, dark black that is in it ‘Alamu ghujub, unseen, unknown Dominions that only the Owner of that Dominion He is knowing. That base for His Dominions you can’t find beginning or ending. Black Hole only like this, one mm diameter, so small, but swallowing, sucking, taking in unknown territories, cant be anyone to reach there, no, ‘Alamu ghujub, ‘Alam, Allahu akbar! We are so foolish ones, we are claiming that we are knowing something, we are reaching something from knowledge, they are using only mind productions, mind powers and this their claming something that they have some power or can do everything. This is foolishness of 21st century people. That dark darkness, unknown territories for the Lord’s Dominion Oceans. Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar! Wasting time people! They have been offered to think such things for understanding their Lord’s Greatness oceans and greatness oceans that belongs to Allah Almighty’s Dominions and that Dominions one after one getting more dark, more dark. Where He is, the Lord? Don’t speak. Don’t speak. Don’t speak. Allahu akbar! When Mehdi a.s. coming and using not to take away that darkness of ignorance from earth, he had been granted to say: “Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar” and in a second whole technology finished! 1oo % technology power finished. Center in hands of one Wali, Qutbu-l Mutassarif, one of 5 big Awliya that he is authorized for opening and closing. Now the centre is open. When Mehdi a.s. saying: “Allahu akbar”, shelter by itself coming down, no need to touch that Qutb, no, by itself. And no more any instrument going to be in act, no power for man for these foolish mankind living on earth now and everyone claiming to be like a Nimrod or Pharaoh that trusting on their technology. One word: “Allahu akbar”- finished! And using from that power only to say once, 3 times, enough to say: “Allahu akbar”, with that power from that power oceans very, very, very weak power he is going to use to change everything from earth from their wrong direction to put them in right direction. Who is getting objecting, getting against , blown, just taken away. We come to now about our Lord, to know who created us and it is also in limits, according to our capacity. (2 von 4)04.07.2013 23:02:42

225 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: AllahHasEndlessPower

You must learn. “Quli Rabbi Allah”, say: “My Lord is Allah!” You just teach your children first who is you Lord, to say: “My Lord is Allah”, that makes Allah Almighty happy with His creatures. As long as not saying this and running after idols, idols should be taken away. Oh people, try to learn more and more, as much as possible for Allah Almighty, because our promising from our Lord according to our knowledge to Him. If we are knowing more, you may give more respect, more praising and more glorifying. Therefore Prophet’s two Rakaat much more valuable from all mankinds’ praying. Why? What Prophet knowing about his Lord, people not knowing. And they are not trying, and Prophet saying: “I am that one that no one can know about our Lord, Allah Almighty what I am knowing, and no one can be much more fearful than me in front of his Lord.” Try to know more for reaching to His divine Presence and to welcome you: “Oh My servant, welcome to My divine Dominions from every kind enjoyment that you should enjoyful. Come, My beloved servant!“ Try to be welcomed in His divine Presence. But we are preferring to collect rubbish of this life and then losing any chance and going in front of our Lord, asking: “Who am I?” They can’t say: “You are my Lord.” They should say: “My Lord is my ego.” Even not learning to say: “Rabbi Allah”, he should say: “My Lord is my nafs. I was walking under his commands and trying to fulfil his pleasures. That was my wish.” And He is asking: “That was your mission? Nothing else? To fulfil every kind of pleasure for your ego? You never think about your Creator, what I am asking from you? You never bring to Me something to be enjoyful with you? Oh, my no mind and respectless servant, you are not My servant, you are servant of your ego, of your Shaitan. Now you lost and coming to Me.” May Allah forgive us and bless you and give us good understanding! Up today such things not coming to Ummah, but it is time of Mehdi a.s. and slowly coming an opening to wake up servants of Lord Allah Almighty… May Allah forgive me and bless you, for the honour of that most honoured one in His divine Presence, S.Muhammad sws, Fatiha. When Mehdi a.s. coming, who is going to be in his time, flying like angels… Lefke, 15.07.2004, transcribed by Khairiyah Siegel (3 von 4)04.07.2013 23:02:42

226 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: AllahHasPromised

Maulana Sheikh Nazim : AllahHasPromised


Allah Has Promised

Thanks to our Lord, Salams to our Holy Prophet. Salams to the Awliyyaullah. Asbahna wa asbahal mulku lillah. We reached the morning in the property of Allah Almighty. Property belongs to Allah. We reached the morning in it, we have been honoured. We are in the property of Allah Almighty Maliku l-Mulk; The owner of the property is Allah. Know your situation. Assalamu alaikum. Ayyuhal yaran, marhaba. Ay yaran Sahibul Maydan Shah Mardan.Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar. Say Allahu Akbar. Praise our Lord. Subhan Allah Walhamdulillah Wa la ilaha illAllah, waLlahu Akbar Allahu Akbar wa lillahi l-hamd. What a beauty, beautiful beginning. In the palaces of kings and sultans the trumpeters were blowing their trumpets for the coming morning. This was the tradition of palaces. In the palaces of Sultans the first ceremony in the morning, the Ottoman army band(Mehteran) were praising Allah saying Allahu Akbar. Mehteran, calling Allahu Akbar. Glory is for Allah who is the Owner of earth and heavans, our Lord. This delightful and honourable status is a gift from Allah Almighty. Call Allahu Akbar,Allahu Akbar, our army is forever victorious. O! glorious soldiers, our army is always victorious. Why? Because they say Allah! The ones who are calling Allah(swt), Allah won't let them down. Allah wont let them be in misery. Say in the morning, Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar. Our army is forever victorious. Allahu Akbar, Masha'Allah. This is Gulbanki Muhammedi. Gulbanki Muhammedi. Ya Rabbi, destur.Ya Sahibu l-Imdad. Give us strength, this is the morning greeting ceremony. From the palace of the Sultan of Islam, gulbanki Muhammedi (Mehteran)is called. Mehter is playing, soldiers are calling Allahu Akbar, the earth and sky trembling. Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar Our army is forever victorious. Learn, know the way. May Allah (jj) dress you with majesty. Oh! Allah may send us blessings. Welcome,O yaran! Sahib devran Shah Mardan (1 von 11)04.07.2013 23:02:43

227 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: AllahHasPromised

assembly.Look for such an assembly. Lets say, Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. Begin with the name of Allah Who is the Owner of the earth and heavens. Begin with His Name, teach all to begin with His Name. Let the earth know that over it there is the deputy of Allah Almighty -the human being. Say Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar. Let our army be forever victorious. They forgot. They have an army band. They play harmonica, what is the value? Shaytan's instrument. No value. Subhan Allah. People nowadays can't tell the difference between stone and diamond. Marhaban. Ay yaran. Shah Mardan. He is the Shah of lions; Shah Mardan. Say Marhaba to him. Then the marhaba comes back to us, opening our hearts to comfort. May Allah dress us with His Greatness so that when unbelievers see us they tremble with fear. May the weapons in their hands misfire! Say Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim! Oh people! say Bismillahi r-Rahmani r- Rahim O man, say BismiLlahir Rahmanir Rahim. If you forget, you will be forgotten. Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar. May our army be victorious. What a beautiful beginning, what a strong base. Janabu l-Haqq dresses them with the robes of majesty. When nations hear BismiLlahir Rahmanir Rahim, they fear. What is all of Frangistan (Europe/west) afraid of? That the Muslims once again say: Allahu Akbar. They made the Muslims forget to say BismiLlahir Rahmanir Rahim, and the Takbir Muhammadi. Let us make them forget it, because there is no other way to control them. Their soldiers used to tremble and run from the sound of the Takbir. Because when we would call the Takbir. O look the secret! ‚O Because when we would call the Takbir, the honourable angels of Heavens also would make Takbir. And the Takbir of Heavens would throw fear into the hearts of the unbelievers. They would get confused and ask: What can be done? Our money is finished. Ya‚ how can your money finish?! Eh, it is finished and we are left like this. You are left like this because you are unbelievers. In Islam there is no paper (money). The measure of value in Islam is gold and silver. Everything apart from this is toys. And so we see the whole world like this today:All of them are bankrupt. Listen, ey yaran, what Shahu Mardan says, Marhaban! Be at ease, don't be afraid. From unknown places gold will come to you. And silver will come, too. When you are with Allah, Allah doesn't let us to be deprived of anything. He doesn’t leave us hungry or dishonoured. Then you will make the world tremble. Unfortunately the Islamic world has forgotten the Takbir. Make Takbir! And you will make earthquakes in dunya. No! From here (2 von 11)04.07.2013 23:02:43

228 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: AllahHasPromised

and there the latest fashion weapons are coming to us! They have no value. O Islamic world, your strength is not with the weapons which unbelievers give to you. O Muslims, don’t look to the weapon in your hand, but to the robe of majesty that Allah Dhul Jalal grants you. Once you have been dressed in this robe of heybet(majesty), the whole of world will experience an ”earthquake”. Ya a new Pope has come. He is thinking now: There is movement in the Islamic World. We shouldn't under estimate them. They are not few, there are 3 billion Muslims in the world. Their faith is firm like steel. They say La ilaha illaLlah. We tremble when they say La ilaha illaLlah. We use these bells to make the sound of their Takbir not heard. We ring our bells, the Islamic World makes Gulbanki Muhammadi. They ring bells when they rise in the morning. Making Takbir is not like ringing the bells! That is why there is confusion in their hearts and fear comes. If ever these Muslims happen to return back to themselves, their ways, they will sweep us all! Ring the bells! May the Takbir of the Muslims not be heard. Muslims say Takbir and the Muslim soldiers say: Allahu Akbar. Muslim soldiers say: Allahu Akbar. Are you making your soldiers say Allahu Akbar? O Islamic states! Are you letting your soldiers call the Takbir in the morning? No, you aren't. You have no value, no value at all. Make Gulbanki Muhammedi. Say Allahu Akbar! Allahu Akbar, our army is forever victorious! Allahu Akbar. Mehter is calling! Raise the Ottoman flag, let its majesty be seen! May the strength of our ancestors be seen. You threw them away, now you are fighting each other! And you kill one another. Islam has not ordered this. Islam orders to revive! It doesn't say to kill people! Make people live. Teach people their humanity. Don't kill! Don’t kill, don’t oppress. Allah says, I have forbidden oppression to Myself!(I made it haram to Myself) I have made Dhulm Haram for Myself. Fala tadhalamu – don’t be cruel to one another. I Myself will come against the oppressors. Allahu Akbar. Ay Shah Mardan Masha'Allah. Say Subhan Allah, Inna Fatahna Laka Fathan Mubina (48:1). Raise the Islamic Flag, O Muslim states! Every one of you has made an artificial flag for your country! That has no meaning, makes no sense. Say: Inna Fatahna Laka Fathan Mubina. (48:1) So that the angels will come to you for help! Ya, No, you say: We have money, and, Europe will give us weapons. America will give us cannons. Do not trust them! Be firm/straight, Shahu Mardan, Shahu Mardan, may Allah sanctify his secret, the Lion of Allah, (3 von 11)04.07.2013 23:02:43

229 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: AllahHasPromised

is not happy with what you are doing. O Muslims if he draws Dhul Fiqqar (his sword) he will first cut the heads of those who have brought the Muslims to this state. I don’t know what will happen this coming Rajab. Hajjaj al -Dhalim said in his first Khutba to the people of Basrah. I am seeing ready the heads that are to be collected. I have come here for that, he said. Get ready the heads to be collected. Not only millions, but billions of them. Don't sleep! If Shahu Mardan draws his sword no one in dunya will remain who is against Islam. He will sweep them all! You will see how is the Lion of Allah! Who are you, who are your soldiers! Just do what you are doing! In Europe they didn’t like the Sultans, they deceived our foolish ones into removing the Sultans! And they removed the Sultan! Misery came to countries that remove their Sultan! Libya, Egypt, Hijaz, Turkey, Balkans, Caucasus, Iran are all in this situation. They are Saifu l-Maslul min Sufulillah. Sultans are the drawn swords of Allah! Dhillullahi Fil Ard. Sultan dhillullah fil ard; the Sultan is the drawn sword of Allah on earth. You removed your Sultans, Shaytans are on your heads. You came into such a situation that you cannot get out of it, neither with war nor with peace. Ya, O Shah Mardan, O Sultan of the Meydan(arena) send us help! Send us the Sultan! Those who don't want the Sultan,may not reach to Ramadan. May it not be known where they will be buried! May Allah finish their idols. Here Islam is coming! So the old and new pope are thinking - What are we going to do? I cannot control them, so I quit. If there is anything you can do, do it, said the old Pope. We cannot make them (Islam) sleep any more. This is what the old pope is saying to the new one. Our actions do not make them sleep, but rather wakes the sleeping Islamic World. I couldn’t do anything. Do what you can do, said the old Pope. And the new one said, What shall I do? I am not saying that I can do what you couldn’t do. They gave me a title, I have got nothing else! I can neither say I have help from Heavens nor can I influence people on earth. I remained like you and I see that after you there is nothing I can do. The one that preceded me knew it, he quit. You left and I will also leave, he may say. Maybe the new Pope changes and Prophet Isa(as) will come down. O Shah Mardan, may your signs be seen. Rajabun ajaibun, Rajab is coming after one month. The Prophet(saw)said Rajabun ajaibun. In Rajab there will be strange happenings. For those on the side of Haqq, there will be honour. For those who don’t keep the side of Haqq they will (4 von 11)04.07.2013 23:02:43

230 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: AllahHasPromised

be ashamed. Sweeping away. Say Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. Ay yaran, lovers of the Sahibu l-Maydan, ay yaran. The Sultan, Shah Mardan! Say and teach the truth! If not, your head will also roll‚You will be finished! There will be no harm for Muslims! Know this! The others will all be sent to the other side‚ like rubbish, not seeing the heaven. Say Allah. Dont fear! Say Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. Allah(jj) is with us! If you don’t say Allah, shaytan will be with you. And shaytan will curse you with oppression. Aman, ya Rabbi. Tawba ya Rabbi, Tawba, Astaghfirullah. Don't leave us to our bad ego. Let the good news our Prophet(saw) said, happen. Astaizubillah, Wa`ada Allahu l-Ladhina 'Amanu Minkum Wa 'Amilu s-Salihati Layastakhlifannahum Fi l-'Ardi Kama Astakhlafa Lladhina Min Qablihim Wa Layumakkinanna Lahum Dinahumu Lladhi Artada Lahum (24:55) This is a holy verse that all of them know. Holy verse, Allah is promising. Wa'ada Llahu Lladhina 'Amanu Minkum Wa 'Amilu s-Salihati La yastakhlifannahum Fi l-'Ardi Kama Astakhlafa Lladhina Min Qablihim. Power is coming to Islam! O scholars, this is a holy verse! Have you not read it? Wa'ada Llahu Lladhina 'Amanu Minkum Wa 'Amilu s-Salihati - Allah is promising. La Yastakhlifannahum Fi l-'Ardi Kama stakhlafa lladhina Min Qablihim. Wa La yumakkinanna Lahum Dinahumu lladhi Artada Lahum Wa La yubaddilannahum Min Ba'di Khawfihim 'Amnan Ya'budunani La Yushrikuna Bi Shay'an Sadaq'Allahul azim. Subhan Allahil aliyyil azim. Fatiha. Your weak servant, forgive me my Lord! May we also see those days of wadullahi. Allah is promising the superiority of Islam, to finish unbelief. The holy verse says, we have no fear - Believe and be safe! This is what Shah Mardan is saying today. This is our sohbet today. Ay yaran, let us stop here, not go deeper! May Allah give you light; light on your face and joy in your hearts. May you not complain of anything. Keep the way of Shah Mardan. Let's say Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. Ya Rabbi, You know best. We are weak. Send us Sahib, the Sultan. Fatiha. Allah hat versprochen (5 von 11)04.07.2013 23:02:43

231 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: AllahHasPromised

Dank sei unserem Herrn, Salams für unseren heiligen Propheten. Salams für die Awliyyaullah. Asbahna wa Asbahal Mulku Lillah. Wir haben den Morgen erreicht im Besitz Allahs des Allmächtigen, der Besitz ist Allahs. Wir haben den Morgen als solcher erreicht, wir sind geehrt worden. Wir sind im Besitz Allahs des Allmächtigen. Maliku l-Mulk, der Eigner des Besitzes ist Allah. Kennt euere Lage. As-Salamu `alaykum. Ayyuha l-Yaran, Marhaba. Ay Yaran, Sahibu l- Maydan, Shah Mardan, Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar. Sagt Allahu Akbar. Preist unseren Herrn. Subhan Allah wa l-Hamdulillah wa La ilaha illa Allah wa Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar wa Lillahi l-Hamd. Was für eine Schönheit, was für ein schöner Anfang. In den Palästen der Könige und Sultane bliesen die Trompeter in ihre Trompeten für den kommenden Morgen. Das war die Tradition der Paläste. In den Palästen der Sultane war die erste Zeremonie am Morgen der Lobpreis Allahs durch die Osmanische Armeekapelle (Mehteran), die sagten: Allahu Akbar! Die Mehteran riefen: Allahu Akbar. Preis ist Allahs, Der der Eigner von Erde und Himmeln ist, unser Herr. Dieser herrliche und ehrenwerte Status ist ein Geschenk Allahs des Allmächtigen. Ruft: Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, unsere Armee ist für immer siegreich. O, glorreiche Soldaten, unsere Armee ist immer siegreich! Warum? Weil sie sagen "Allah"! Diejenigen, die "Allah" rufen, wird Allah (swt) nicht enttäuschen. Allah wird sie nicht im Elend lassen. Sagt am Morgen: Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar. Unsere Armee ist für immer siegreich. Allahu Akbar, Masha'Allah. Das ist Gulbanki Muhammadi. Gulbanki Muhammadi. Ya Rabbi, Dastur, Ya Sahibu l-Imdad. Gib uns Kraft. Das ist die Morgengrußzeremonie. Vom Palast des Sultans des Islam wird Gulbanki Muhammadi (Mehteran) gerufen. Mehter ist spielen. Die Soldaten rufen Allahu Akbar! Die Erde und der Himmel erzittern. Allahu Akbar! Allahu Akbar! Unsere Armee ist für immer siegreich. Lernt, kennt die Art und Weise. Möge Allah (jj) euch mit Majestät bekleiden. O, Allah möge uns Segnungen senden. Willkommen, o Yaran! Sahib Devran Shah Mardan Versammlung. Sucht so eine Versammlung. Sagen wir Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. Beginnt mit dem Namen Allahs, Der der Eigner von Erde und Himmeln ist. Beginnt mit Seinem Namen, lehrt alle, mit Seinem Namen zu beginnen. Laßt die Erde wissen, daß über ihr der Stellvertreter Allahs des Allmächtigen ist, der Mensch. Sagt Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar. Laßt unsere Armee für immer siegreich sein. Sie haben es vergessen. Sie (6 von 11)04.07.2013 23:02:43

232 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: AllahHasPromised

haben eine Armeekapelle. Sie spielen Harmonika. Was ist der Wert? Shaytans Instrument. Kein Wert. Subhanallah. Die Menschen heutzutage kennen den Unterschied zwischen Stein und Diamant nicht. Marhaban. Ay Yaran. Shah Mardan. Er ist der Shah der Löwen. Shah Mardan. Sagt Marhaba zu ihm. Dann kommt das Marhaba zu uns zurück und öffnet unser Herz als Trost. Möge Allah uns mit Seiner Größe bekleiden, so daß die Ungläubigen, wenn sie uns sehen, vor Furcht erzittern. Mögen die Waffen in ihren Händen explodieren! Sagt Bismillahi r-Rahmani r- Rahim. Leute, sagt Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. O Mensch, sag Bismillahi r-Rahmani r- Rahim. Wenn du vergißt, wirst du vergessen sein. Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar. Möge unsere Armee siegreich sein. Was für ein schöner Anfang, was für eine starke Grundlage. Janabu l-Haqq bekleidet sie mit dem Gewand der Majestät. Wenn die Nationen hören Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim, fürchten sie sich. Wovor fürchtet sich ganz Frankistan (Europa, der Westen)? Daß die Muslime wieder sagen Allahu Akbar. Sie ließen die Muslime vergessen, zu sagen Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim und das Takbir Muhammadi. Lassen wir es sie vergessen, weil es keinen anderen Weg gibt, sie zu kontrollieren. Ihre Soldaten erzitterten und rannten vor dem Klang des Takbir davon, weil wenn sie das Takbir riefen - seht das Geheimnis! - weil wenn sie das Takbir riefen, die ehrenwerten Engel der Himmel auch Takbir machten. Und das Takbir der Himmel warf Furcht in die Herzen der Ungläubigen. Sie wurden verwirrt und fragten: Was kann getan werden? Unser Geld ist aus. Ya.. Wie kann euer Geld aus sein? Eh, es ist aus und wir bleiben so zurück. Ihr bleibt so zurück, weil ihr Ungläubige seid. Im Islam gibt es kein Papier(geld). Der Wertmaßstab im Islam sind Gold und Silber. Alles andere ist Spielzeug. Und so sehen wir die ganze Welt heute: Sie sind alle bankrott. Hört, Ay Yaran, was Shah Mardan sagt. Marhaban! Seid gelassen, fürchtet euch nicht. Von unbekannten Orten wird Gold zu euch kommen, und Silber wird auch kommen, wenn ihr mit Allah seid. Allah beraubt uns nicht. Er läßt uns nicht hungrig oder entehrt zurück. Dann werdet ihr die Erde erzittern lassen. Leider hat die islamische Welt das Takbir vergessen. Macht Takbir! Und ihr werdet Erdbeben entfachen in der Dunya. Nein! Von hier und dort kommen die neuesten Waffen zu uns! Sie haben keinen Wert. O islamische Welt, euere Stärke ist nicht in den Waffen, die euch die Ungläubigen geben. O Muslime, guckt nicht auf die Waffe in euerer Hand, sondern auf das Gewand der Majestät, das euch Allah Dhu l-Jalal gewährt. Wenn (7 von 11)04.07.2013 23:02:43

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ihr einmal in dieses Gewand von Heybat, Majestät, gekleidet seid, wird die ganze Welt ein Erdbeben erleben. Ya.. ein neuer Papst ist gekommen. Er denkt jetzt: Es gibt Bewegung in der Islamischen Welt. Wir sollten sie nicht unterschätzen. Sie sind nicht wenige. Es gibt 3 Billionen Muslime in der Welt. Ihr Glaube ist fest wie Stahl. Sie sagen, La ilaha illah Allah. Wir zittern, wenn sie sagen, La ilaha illa Allah. Wir benutzen diese Glocken, damit der Klang ihres Takbirs nicht zu hören ist. Wir läuten unsere Glocken. Die Islamische Welt macht Gülbank Muhammadi. Sie läuten Glocken, wenn sie am Morgen aufstehen. Takbir zu machen ist nicht wie das Läuten der Glocken! Deshalb herrscht Verwirrung in ihren Herzen und Furcht kommt. Wenn diese Muslime jemals zu sich selbst zurückfinden, zu ihrer Art und Weise, werden sie uns alle hinwegfegen! Läutet die Glocken! Möge das Takbir der Muslime nicht zu hören sein! Die Muslime sagen Takbir und die muslimischen Soldaten sagen Allahu Akbar. Die Muslimsoldaten sagen Allahu Akbar. Laßt ihr euere Soldaten sagen Allahu Akbar? O Islamische Staaten! Laßt ihr euere Soldaten das Takbir rufen am Morgen? Nein! Ihr habt keinen Wert, überhaupt keinen Wert. Macht Gulbank Muhammadi. Sagt Allahu Akbar! Allahu Akbar, unsere Armee ist für immer siegreich. Allahu Akbar. Mehter ruft! Hißt die Osmanische Flagge, laßt die Majestät sichtbar werde