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Maulana Shaykh Nazim Adil al-Haqqani 2000 Sohbats 1979-2013 (19/777)
n! Möge die Stärke unserer Vorfahren sichtbar werden. Ihr warft sie hinaus, jetzt bekämpft ihr euch untereinander. Und ihr tötet euch gegenseitig. Der Islam hat das nicht befohlen. Der Islam befiehlt, wiederzubeleben. Er sagt nicht, die Menschen zu töten. Laßt die Menschen leben. Lehrt die Menschen ihre Menschlichkeit. Tötet nicht! Tötet nicht, unterdrückt nicht. Allah sagt: Ich habe Mir Selbst Unterdrückung verboten. Ich machte Dhulm haram für Mich Selbst. Fala Tadhalamu - Seid nicht grausam zu einander. Ich Selbst werde gegen die Unterdrücker kommen. Allahu Akbar. Ay Shah Mardan, masha'Allah. Sagt Subhanallah, "Inna Fatahna Laka Fathan Mubina" - Gewiß, Wir haben dir einen deutlichen Sieg verliehen (48:1). Hißt die islamische Flagge, o Muslimstaaten! Jeder einzelne von euch hat eine künstliche Fahne gemacht für euer Land. Das hat keine Bedeutung, ergibt keinen Sinn. Sagt: "Inna Fatahna Laka Fathan Mubina" (48:1) Damit die Engel euch zu Hilfe kommen. Nein, sagt ihr, wir haben Geld, und Europa wird uns Waffen geben, Amerika wird uns Waffen geben. Traut ihnen nicht! Seid fest, aufrecht. Shah Mardan, Shah Mardan, möge Allah sein Geheimnis heiligen, der Löwe Allahs ist nicht glücklich mit dem, was ihr macht. O Muslime, wenn er sein Schwert Dhu l-Fiqqar zieht, schlägt er erst die Köpfe jener ab, die die Muslime in (8 von 11)04.07.2013 23:02:43

234 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: AllahHasPromised

diesen Zustand gebracht haben. Ich weiß nicht, was diesen kommenden Rajab geschehen wird. Hajjahu dh-Dhalim sagte in seiner ersten Khutba an die Menschen in Basrah: Ich sehe die Köpfe, die gesammelt werden sollen, bereit. Ich bin dafür hergekommen, sagte er. Bereitet euch vor, die Köpfe zu sammeln, nicht nur Millionen, sondern Billionen von ihnen. Schlaft nicht! Wenn Shah Mardan sein Schwert zieht, wird niemand in der Dunya übrig bleiben, der gegen den Islam ist. Er wird sie alle wegfegen! Ihr werdet sehen, wie der Löwe Allahs ist. Wer seid ihr? Wer sind euere Soldaten? Macht ruhig, was ihr macht. In Europa mochten sie die Sultane nicht. Sie verleiteten unsere Dummköpfe, die Sultane zu beseitigen. Und sie beseitigten die Sultane. Elend kam auf die Länder, die ihre Sultane beseitigten. Lybien, Ägypten, Hijaz, die Türkei, der Balkan, der Kaukasus, der Iran sind alle in dieser Lage. Sie sind Saifu l-Maslul min Sufulillah. Die Sultane sind die gezogenen Schwerter Allahs! Dhillullahi fi l-Ard. Sultan Dhillullah fi l-Ard. Der Sultan ist das gezogene Schwert Allahs auf Erden. Ihr habt euere Sultane beseitigt, Shaytan ist auf eueren Köpfen. Ihr kamt in so eine Lage, daß ihr nicht mehr herauskommen könnt, weder mit Krieg, noch mit Frieden. Ya Shah Mardan, o Sultan der Maydan Arena, sende uns Hilfe! Sende uns den Sultan. Jene, die den Sultan nicht wollen, erreichen vielleicht den nächsten Ramadan nicht. Möge es nicht bekannt werden, wo sie begraben werden. Möge Allah ihre Götzen erledigen. Hier kommt der Islam! Also denken der alte und neue Papst: Was werden wir bloß tun? Ich kann sie nicht kontrollieren, also gebe ich auf. Wenn es etwas gibt, was du tun kannst, tue es, sagte der alte Papst. Wir können sie nicht mehr einschläfern. Das ist, was der alte Papst zum neuen sagt. Unsere Taten schläfern sie nicht mehr ein, sondern weckt die schlafende Islamische Welt eher noch auf. Ich konnte nichts tun. Tu du, was du kannst, sagte der alte Papst. Und der neue sagte: Was soll ich tun? Ich sage nicht, daß ich tun kann, was du nicht tun konntest. Sie gaben mir einen Titel. Ich habe sonst nichts. Ich kann auch nicht sagen, ich hätte Hilfe von den Himmeln, noch kann ich die Menschen auf der Erde beeinflussen. Ich bin genau wie du. Und ich sehe, daß es nach dir nichts gibt, was ich tun kann. Derjenige, der mir vorausging, wußte es und gab auf. Du bist gegangen und ich gehe auch, mag er sagen. Vielleicht ändert sich der neue Papst, und der Prophet Isa (as) kommt herab. O Shah Mardan, mögen deine Zeichen sichtbar werden. Rajabun Ajaibun, Rajab kommt in einem Monat. Der Prophet (saws) sagte: Rajabun Ajaibun. Im Rajab wird es merkwürdige (9 von 11)04.07.2013 23:02:43

235 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: AllahHasPromised

Geschehnisse geben. Für diejenigen auf der Seite von Haqq wird es Ehre geben. Diejenigen, die nicht auf der Seite von Haqq sind, werden sich schämen. Hinweggefegt. Sagt Bismillahi r- Rahmani r-Rahim. Ay Yaran, Liebende des Sahibu l-Maydan, Ay Yaran. Der Sultan Shah Mardan! Sagt und lehrt die Wahrheit. Sonst wird euer Kopf auch rollen.. Ihr werdet erledigt werden. Es wird den Muslimen kein Schaden zugefügt. Wisset das. Die anderen werden alle zur anderen Seite geschickt, wie Abfall, ohne den Himmel zu sehen. Sagt Allah, fürchtet euch nicht! Sagt Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. Allah (jj) ist mit uns! Wenn ihr nicht Allah sagt, wird Shaytan mit euch sein. Und Shaytan wird euch mit Unterdrückung heimsuchen. Aman ya Rabbi, Tawba ya Rabbi, Tawba Astaghfirullah. Überlaß uns nicht unserem schlechten Ego. Laß die guten Nachrichten, die unser Prophet (saws) brachte, wahr werden. Astaidhubillah: "Wa`ada Allahu Lladhina Amanu minkum wa `Amilu s-Salihati Layastakhlifannahum fi l-Ardi Kama Wa Layumakkinanna Lahum Dinahum Lladhi Artada Lahum" (24:55). Das ist ein heiliger Vers, den sie alle kennen. Ein heiliger Vers. Allah verspricht: 'Allah hat denjenigen von euch, die glauben und rechtschaffene Werke tun, versprochen, daß Er sie ganz gewiß als Nachfolger der früheren Völker auf der Erde einsetzt.' Macht kommt zum Islam. Gelehrte, dies ist ein heiliger Vers. Habt ihr ihn nicht gelesen? Wa `ada Llahu Lladhina Amanu minkum wa `Amilu s-Salihati - Allah verspricht, daß Er sie als Nachfolger auf der Erde einsetzt, Kama Stakhlafa Lladhina min Qablihim - wie Er die Vorherigen als Nachfolger einsetzte, daß Er für sie ihre Religion, der Er für sie zugestimmt hat, festsetzen wird und daß Er ihnen nach ihrer Angst stattdessen Sicherheit gewähren wird. Sie dienen Mir und gesellen Mir nichts bei. Sadaqa Allahu l-`Azim. Subhan Allahi l-`Aliyyi l-`Azim. Fatiha. Dein schwacher Diener, vergib mir, mein Herr! Mögen wir auch diese Tage des Wadullahi sehen. Allah verspricht die Überlegenheit des Islam, um dem Unglauben ein Ende zu setzen. Der heilige Vers sagt, wir haben keine Furcht. Glaubt und seid sicher. Das ist, was Shah Mardan heute sagt. Das ist unser Sohbat heute. Ay Yaran, hören wir hier auf, gehen nicht tiefer. Möge Allah euch Licht geben, Licht auf dem Gesicht und Freude im Herzen. Möget ihr nicht über etwas klagen. Bewahrt den Weg Shah Mardans. Sagen wir Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. Ya Rabbi, Du weißt es am besten. Wir sind schwach. Sende uns Sahib, den Sultan. Fatiha. Lefke, 26.03.2013 (10 von 11)04.07.2013 23:02:43

236 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: AllahIsAbsolutelyUnlimited

Maulana Sheikh Nazim : AllahIsAbsolutelyUnlimited



So many holy-people say that if they lose the sight of the face of the Holy Prophet infront of them just for one moment, they do not consider themselves to be believers. They always look at him. The whole universe exists from the light of Muhammad. It is the main material of the universe; of Heavens and earth, the lights of Muhammad, may peace be upon him. It belongs to the Divine Power Oceans of Allah, to that which has put us into existence. When the power of that ocean catches you, you will be ready to disappear. When an object is surrounded by different powers from different directions, it is not possible to direct it from one side. If equal power is put into you from all sides, you will not be able to move. Every atomic piece must be balanced from 6 directions by unseen power oceans. Mass is dissolved in energy. The first type of mass is energy. All the universes are produced by energy. The Lights of the Prophet is produced by the same energy. Condensed with other powers it becomes an atom. Computers will not be able to count them, but each one has a special position, a special situation, a special function, a special name, a special wisdom, each one has a special art. That is why it is impossible to understand the real essence of Allah Almighty. It is complete sacredness into which no-one can enter. That in which you are moving and which you are feeling is only a little spot of the endless power oceans. No imagination can imagine it. If all the imaginations of mankind and angels are put together, it can still not be imagined: the endless power oceans of Allah. The Unlimited Being cannot be understood by the imagination of a limited being. Our imagination is in limits. And even if your (1 von 2)04.07.2013 23:02:44

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imagination gets bigger and bigger and bigger, it will still be in limits. It will never be an unlimited pot. It may be great, but it will always be in limits. But everything which belongs to Allah Almighty is absolutely unlimited. People ask of Allah Almighty where He is and how He is. Those questions show foolishness and ignorance. If someone asks you to give a description of yourself, you cannot give it. No-one can give a perfect description of themselves. To be able to do that you would have to name everything on the inside and on the outside of you and say how many of them you have and what their function is. You would also have to say within which time- span all this happens; in minutes, in hours, days, weeks, months, years... which change will you undergo in that time? Sometimes I ask people how many teeth they have, and they are very surprised and start counting. So what foolishness! People cannot even describe themselves, but they want to be able to describe their Lord, Almighty Allah! Everything has been created from the Lights Of Muhammad, may peace be upon him. How do lights come into existence? The material of light is one thing, but to be able to create everything out of that light, is something else. For example, if cotton comes to a factory, it will come in as a piece of material on one side, and come out as a dress on the other, even as different kinds of dresses with all kinds of colours and all kinds of qualities. Or a factory may obtain iron and turn it into cars. On its own, iron cannot do anything, but the factory makes it into something. In the same way the Lord Almighty Allah gives existence to everything in the universe. And the first material is the Light of Muhammad, may peace be upon him. At first Allah Almighty created atoms, elements and all these elements come together as one. Through this divine art He created the universe, the planet. He is an endless designer and He designs so many things, but all of them come from 100 elements. That is Divine Art! This is why they say that holy- people always look around and see the Prophet. In different appearances, but they know that it is the Prophet. Italy - 01.11.1994

BookPowerOceansofLight, CategoryMuhammad, CategoryCreation, Category99Names (2 von 2)04.07.2013 23:02:44

238 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: AllahIsDirectlyDirectingHisServants

Maulana Sheikh Nazim : AllahIsDirectlyDirectingHisServants


Allah Almighty (is) directly directing His servants (In Arabic to Sheikh Adnan: The attribute of creation is to move- and that needs a power to move it from its position, and creatures need to move for their provision. But the Attribute if Allah is not to move, to be Stable. He has Tajallis, not movement, for the Af’alu-llah, Asmau-llah, Sifatu-llah, Dhatu-llah…Sahibu Maqam has no more movement, he is fixed…but the seeker, Salik, he has to move to arrive to his Maqam… and he needs a power… Salik is Sahib Ahwal, Sahib Maqam has no more Ahwal, movement, he is fixed…) Destur, ya Sayyidi, ya Rasulullah, ya Sultanu-l Anbiya, Meded, ya Sultanu-l Awliya, Meded, ya Rijalallah… Subhanak, la ‘ilma lana illa ma ’alamtana… Audhu bi-llahi mina shaitani rajim, Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim, la haula w ala quwatta illa bi-llahi-l ‘Aliyu-l ‘Azim… It is an association. May Allah grant us what is necessary for our beings! But no one may understand that Allah Almighty (is) directly directing His servants! Indirectly, ghaira mubashi. Directly, we are knowing or we must know that, no one can be directly related to their Lord’s divinely Presence. Leave mankind- but even S. Archangel Gibrail he can’t be able ‘mubasharatan’, directly, to reach to the divinely Presence. Impossible! But shuuni-llah, the works of Allah or Allah Almighty’s Actings, you can’t balance them through your mindly balance, impossible. He is reaching directly to every creation, but no one from His creatures directly reaching to Him! He must be directly with every kind of creation, without any mediator, or it is impossible to be in existence anything from creatures. Because He Almighty (is) keeping every creature in existence by His divinely Existence. If He is not with His creatures directly, can’t be anything in existence. If you are saying He is not reaching to His creation directly, that means: that creature is going to be in existence by itself, by himself, Can’t be! But you can’t be able to reach to your Lord’s divinely Presence directly, no! You must be with a mediator, (who is) bringing you indirectly to His divinely Presence. But His Attribute (is) to reach (1 von 4)04.07.2013 23:02:45

239 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: AllahIsDirectlyDirectingHisServants

every creation by Himself. And (He is) accompanying (everything); everything must be under His divinely Dominion, Hegemony, and over His Hegemony Dominion must be with that creation but they are in need even Allah is saying that He is accompanying everything, He is closer to you more than you: “Wa Nahnu akrabu ilaykum min habli warid”, these two life giving veins, this is in yourself, no distance. Your veins are in yourself and He is saying: “We are closer to you more than your veins” , but we are in need (a) mediator to reach to Him. And He is saying: “We are more closer than your veins”, mutashabihat. Qurani Karim is oceans, understanding is not easy. If Sahibu Zaman, Mehdi a.s. is coming, taking away those meaning that are written now around the Holy Quran as a ma’al, asking to make a translation from Holy Verses, taking all of them and throwing into oceans or burning them! It is Haram to look to that translations around (the) Holy Quran! It is not your station! You can’t understand that! Because they are trying to put oceans through a thimble. What is that! For what? They are trying to make people not to use mediators, saying: “You, by yourself, you may understand.” What your are understanding! If I am putting in front of you newspaper, you are not understanding- what about Holy Quran, that for every letter (there are) at least meanings! If you are saying: “Alif, Lam, Mim”- Alif, at least must be granted meanings. At least and going up, (there is) no any limits for the meanings of Alif. (It is only) one letter- why you are making this around the Holy Quran now, printing and bringing, saying: “Read”, and so many people now are coming, saying: “Oh Sheikh, what you are saying we are not finding it in it. This is it's (meaning), look!” Oh- what is that! Muhyiuddin ibn Arabi, Allah bless him- was saying: “I may bring to you the names of all Prophets from Holy Quran, Prophets.” What it is mentioned? (There are only) 28 names of Prophets (mentioned) through (the) Holy Quran, and Muhyiuddin ibn Arabi was saying: “I may bring the names of Prophets.” And people were saying: “Oh Sheikh, what you are saying? From where (you are bringing them)?” “Don’t make me angry!” Their anger is divinely! “I may bring all names of all Adam’s generation from the Holy Quran!” La haula wa la quwatta illa bi-llah! Ohhh! Talim! Therefore it was a teaching for nations that Allah Almighty was using Archangel Gabriel as a mediator to all Prophets. People must know that it is not possible for everyone to reach to there Lord’s divinely Presence directly, but (that) they are in need to take one mediator. (2 von 4)04.07.2013 23:02:45

240 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: AllahIsDirectlyDirectingHisServants

We were in Athens last week. They were bringing a car and in it there was a tourist guide for showing ourselves that city, and no one was saying: “Why we are in need that person? Leave him- we may look everywhere.” You may look, but you can’t understand, you know nothing. If no guide there, you don’t know this building, that building, this temple, that temple, this area, that area, this mountain, that mountain… What about for your Lord? Therefore those people (were) teaching (the) Holy Quran, whom they have been granted to be guides for (the) servants of the Lord of Heavens. No one directly going to reach to Allah, no, can’t be. Therefore for everything (there is) a rule or protocol, they are saying now protocol. For reaching to President or Prime Minister or minister or other high level people, there is a protocol among mankind- what about for you? You are asking to be no protocol for reaching to your Lord and you are going like this (stepping up)? Then, the protocol that we may be asking to reach to Sultans presence (is)… perhaps a pheasant (is) coming on his donkey and asking at the gate of palace: “Just I am coming to meet our King. Let me get in!” What they are saying: “Come down from your donkey!” And that ignorant pheasant was saying. “No I can’t, because I am bringing something also...I am coming from suq, from market, and on my way I like to meet him. If I am leaving my donkey here, may be stolen, therefore I must be on my donkey to come in palace and to meet him!” Asking like this! Therefore Abu Yazid, Sultanu-l Arifin, was asking: “Oh, my Lord, let me to come to You, (to) Your divinely Presence!” and the Lord of Heavens was answering: “Daa nafsak wa ta’al! Leave your donkey and come!” But that pheasant is asking to go on his donkey to meet Sultan, to meet King! Ohhh! That is protocol, main protocol, never changed! From ‘Ezzeli ila-l abad’ never changed: “Daa nafsak wa t’al! Leave your ride and come in!” You must come down and walking you must go! Therefore mubasharatan, directly you can’t reach to your Lord, until you are leaving your ego, your ride, that it is your ego- then (you are) coming in. And all Tariqats are asking to do this- to teach people and to make them to practice. Therefore communist people and materialist people are saying: “Mankind, on all of them are on (the) same level.” No, (they are) not (all on the) same level! (There are) two levels: One (group of people that they are) riding on their ride, (and) another (group of people that) their donkey (is) riding on them! (There are only) two kinds (of) people (in the) whole world! (Therefore: “Wa la tanzau fadla baynahum”, that means: “Give honour to the honorable ones among you!”) (3 von 4)04.07.2013 23:02:45

241 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: AllahIsDirectlyDirectingHisServants

No, mankind they are not on (the) same level! Some of them (are) riding on their donkeys (according to Allah’s Order:)- “Nafsak kama tiyatuka”…”Your ego is your horse or donkey or ride, ride on it!” Some of them (are) riding, (and) some (others) of them (are) carrying their horses on their shoulders. Two kind people, no third one. No third one- anyone (is) knowing a third one? No- either (one is) riding on his horse or (he is) making his horse to ride on him… (A) horse is a noble creature, but donkeys, their level (is) down. And our egos’ level is donkeys’ level- (so) people (are of) two kinds: some (are) riding on their donkey, some (others) of them (are) making their donkeys to ride on them, (and so) their level (is) going to be (even) under the level of donkeys! Mubasharatan, directly, no- you can’t enter (the) divinely Presence directly; you must keep (the) protocol and (the) protocol is: “Leave your ego, leave your donkey outside and come in!” Finished! Who (is) leaving their donkeys outside and coming in, doors (are) open to them: “Come, come to My divinely Presence, oh My servant! You are My servant! Others, they are servants for their donkeys, they can’t be here! Whom they are servants to their donkey, they can’t be here, no! (Those) who left their donkey, they are My servants; who is not leaving their donkey, they are ‘donkey servants’, not My servants!” May Allah forgive me and bless you, for the honour of the most honoured one in His divinely Presence, who was teaching people (the) realities of being in existence and their importance and mission, S.Muhammad sws, Fatiha. Lefke, 17.05.2004, transcribed by Khairiyah Siegel

BookKhairiyahSiegel, CategoryQuran, CategorySufism (4 von 4)04.07.2013 23:02:45

242 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: AllahIsGrantingWillpowerToMan

Maulana Sheikh Nazim : AllahIsGrantingWillpowerToMan


Allah is granting willpower to man Ya Daim, ya Daim, ya Daim….(for some time, about 4o times, Maulana is making Dhikr with this holy Name of Allah)…Hasbi Allahu wa niamal Wakil, la haula wa la quwatta illa bi-llahi-l ‘Aliyu-l ‘Azim…Huuu! Meded, ya Sultanu-l Awliya, Meded, ya Rijalallah… Audhu bi-llahi mina shaitani rajim, Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim, la haula wa la quwatta illa bi-llahi-l –A’Aliyu-l ‘Azim…“Ya man alayka kulli asiin yassir!” Subhanallah! We must believe that only one’s Will is going on. Only One’s Will should be in acting, no anyone else’s will may face force for anything to be done; only His Will must be for everyone, (and) everyone’s desires must be related to His divinely Will. Yes- our Lord, Allah Almighty, granted to us as an honour willpower, but we have been ordered also to know (and) to accept that only His Will is on power. Because He created man to be His representatives, to be His deputies, to be His caliphs on earth, and (He is) granting to them willpower. That is an honour that (is) never granted to any other creature, no! Even Angels haven’t been granted willpower, directly they are under Allah’s Willpower. The animals world, animals level (is) that they are under the level of mankind; also they haven’t been given willpower, no. All of them with His divinely Will (are) moving, working, or acting. Mankind has been granted (willpower). When a person is just granted an honour, (he) must also be given a responsibility! When he is going to be an ordinary worker and employee, he has no any responsibility; his responsibility belongs to his headmaster that he is under his command. He is not using his will, when his master is keeping that honour through himself. (But) when he is getting up and (is) given an honour, he must be loaded also a responsibility. Therefore- mankind has been granted that honour, and (at the) same time they have been offered from the Lord of Heavens to do everything under His Willpower. That means: you may use your willpower, but you can’t ask to be your willpower over His Willpower! That one who (is) asking to be something according to his (1 von 5)04.07.2013 23:02:46

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will, he is going to be failed. Failing that person. For what? For his bad manner. Bad manner! He has a bad manner, because he is asking to be his willpower going on and (he is) never concerning or observing his Lord’s Willpower. He may say: “I wish this, I wish that, I like this, I don’t like that…” Everyone is using this, and we are passing through hundreds of events daily. For every work that they are intending to do, people are insisting, asking that: “I like it to be like this.” For example: “I like to be that one for me”, or (he) may say: “I like this thing to be as I like”- never leaving a chance for his Lord’s Will, (but he is) saying: “I like it”… “I don’t like it”… Oh! Who are you! You are master or worker? You are Sultan or you are servant? People now in our days just forget that they are servants. They are trying to break down servanthood and everyone is asking to be (something, saying): “I am here. I am Sultan. I am King. I am ordering. I like this, I don’t like that.” That is (the) biggest mistake from servants: to try to break down (the) Sultan’s Will! Now the whole world is running after that way. Everyone is asking: “I like to be a Commander, I like to be a Judge, I like to be a MP, I like to be a big business man, I like to be President, I like to be Nr.1- that is my hobby. That is my life’s style. I like that style of life that everywhere I must be Nr.1 and everywhere I like to be everything as I like. I am never taking any other one’s will, no! I am thinking only for myself. I like to be everything as I like.” That is the worst characteristic from our ego. It means: he is claming to break down his servanthood and to claim to be the Lord of people, as Pharaoh was saying to people. “You are all my servants and I am your Lord”, or as Nimrod was saying to Abraham: ” I am the King of lands, the King of all the world, and your Lord is on skies. I don’t like that He involves in my work. I am free to do everything as I like! I am not understanding, oh Ibrahim. You are coming and speaking something about the Lord of Heavens. I don’t care (about) this, because I am lord on earth and your Lord (is) through skies, in Heavens.” And now the same characteristic is just covering the whole world and people are going to be from every size of Nimrods- small size, medium size, and king size- army people, (saying:) “We have power!” Second (ones to claim to be powerful they are) Civil Government, saying: “We have power with ourselves and we are going to de everything as we like.” And (then) youngsters, because governments (are) urging them and saying: “You must learn, because as long as you are learning, you are reaching (to the) top level of servanthood and you may step on Lordship area. When you are reaching (the) top point of your education, (of) your studying, then you may look yourself and say: “’I like that one, I don’t like this one…” (2 von 5)04.07.2013 23:02:46

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(In the) whole education of mankind and their studying, they are saying: “Oh, when I am finishing, I must go to London! It is not enough to be in Malaysia or Brunei, or Singapore, or Thailand or Ceylon or Pakistan- their universities are not very well-known and I like to be someone well-known, (so) if anyone is asking me:” Do you have any graduation”, I may say: “Yes, I am graduated from Oxford!” That one saying: “Oh, you are also (graduated), my friend? You have such a graduation? “Yes, Sir, I am graduated from Cambridge!” You, Haci Jamal? “Yes, I am graduated from Boston University, America.” America- very famous…You? Another foolish one- Jamaludin? “Yes, I am from Berlin University, Berlin Academy, just graduated.” What about French ones? Sheikh Abu Bakr? “Yes, Sir, I am from Sorbonne graduated.” If you are asking poor Nuruddin, (he is saying): “I was a cook, I am graduated cook”…Better… Yes- everyone (is) asking to show themselves that: “We reached to a point that just we break down to be an ordinary one on earth. We are claiming to be top-level people; we don’t like to be on servants’ level, we like to be on Lord’s level.” Ohhh, true or not? In Spain, I don’t know which university (is famous)…Madrid? Not too much…Perhaps Rome University? “Yes, we have such glorious history, glorious past time that no one can reach to our Caesars, that we reached to East and West of this world and our Rome University is the first one that I just graduated.”…What about for Sheikh Filfil from Trablus? He is saying: “Eh, I am not graduated, but I can do more than graduated people. (They are) empty pocket (people), but I graduated from market and my pockets are full with money, therefore I have rights to say this and that…” You haven’t any right to say such a thing: “I will, I don’t will…I like, I don’t like…” No! And people are running on that! Ferhad? Ferhad saying: “Oh Sheikh, from Canada up to Damascus I have a long graduation paper, written on it in French, in Arabic, in English, Berber language…every kind I have- finally a shovel is coming on me…I have such a big graduating degrees and suddenly coming one shovel on my head- I never take any benefit to keep me, only Allah Almighty protected me or His deputies protecting me, from to be in pieces…” Allahu akbar! You are learning? Never…Allahu akbar wa li-llahi-l hamd! We are coming now to complete our association. Everyone (is) asking to reach to a point that that level never belongs to servants, asking to be on the level of Lordshipness, to order, not to be ordered; to order, to be commander and others his servants! (3 von 5)04.07.2013 23:02