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Maulana Shaykh Nazim Adil al-Haqqani 2000 Sohbats 1979-2013 (17/777)
reed went back again. To his surprise he saw that the name of his Sheikh was on the list of the people of Paradise again. When he told his Sheikh, the Sheikh said to him: 'This is Allah's reward for my keeping the Adab with Him for 40 years. It was a test to see if I would accept, whatever Allah sees as good for me. Who is interfering in the Divine Will, makes a mess. Fire or light- His Anger is also suitable for us.' Who is really a follower on the way of Islam says: 'I am leaving everything and I am turning towards Allah.' Where else can we turn? 'Inna li-llahi wa inna ilayhi rajiun'- we are coming from Allah and we return to Him. There is (3 von 5)04.07.2013 23:02:38

209 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: AllahEndlessThanksAndPraiseToYou

no choice. If you want Allah you say: 'May His Will happen.' What is giving life to people is this beneficial knowledge- it makes them to advance on the path of Suluk. This knowledge makes them light, so they may be able to fly. Look an airplane with 600 people on board. An unseen power is moving it and makes it to take off- the lighter, the more easy the take-off. Its weight is maybe 1000 tons and for a flight of 14 hours it may need 100 barrels of petrol. It needs to be prepared for the take-off. We have the power of 100 million barrels of petrol! But we are not prepared for a take-off. We are loosing the power through our eyes, our tongue and the heart. There is a hole in the heart, and that is our love to and worry about Dunya. We have such a power, but we cannot take off. Only those may get up who can say: 'O Allah, You are my aim!' Nowadays nobody is looking for this knowledge anymore how to make Allah pleased. And if I would offer it on a market for sale, no one would buy it. People are closed to spirituality. And they are eating one another. The reason for the actual crisis is that people are not knowing about the precious jewels inside of them. They don't know about their value, so they are not looking for them, only for rubbish... And everyone is shouting: Crisis! Crisis! Beneficial knowledge is also to know whose friend you are. Who is going with liars, will become a liar; who is going with thieves, will become a thief. Everyone finds something according to whom he is going with. Who is going with Shaitan will never become an angel, but a Shaitan. That is why we are asking for Shaitan to be kept away from us. The whole world is guilty, because people made friendship with Shaitan. They pay him respect and call him 'honourable Dr. Shaitan'... If we were not saying 'Audhu bi-llahi mina shaitani rajim', he would interfere in our gathering, too. O Allah, ya Muhauli hauli wal ahwal, hauli halina ila ahsani hal'...People (4 von 5)04.07.2013 23:02:38

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are finishing, because of Shaitan.. May Allah not write us from among them. Lefke, 13.12.2001

CategoryAdab, CategoryKnowledge, CategoryShaitan, CategoryHeart, CategoryDestiny (5 von 5)04.07.2013 23:02:38

211 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: AllahGibUnsDeineVergebung

Maulana Sheikh Nazim : AllahGibUnsDeineVergebung


Oh Allah, gib uns deine Vergebung!

Destur ya sayyidi, Madad ya Sultan ul Awwliya. Madad ya Rijal Allah. Audhu billahi mina shaitani-r-rajim. Bismillahi-r- Rahmani-r-Rahim.La hawla wa la quwata billahi l-azeem. Oh Allah, gib uns deine Vergebung. Wir sagen Pardon. Gib dein Segen zu deinen schwachen Dienern. Möge Allah uns vergeben und uns ändern. Der Grund für Vergebung ist die Veränderung, wenn jemand um Vergebung fragt weiß er das er sich auf dem falschen Weg befindet. Wenn dich dein Herr in göttlicher Gegenwart empfängt, wird er wissen wollen was ihr mit euren Eseln gemacht habt. Etwas anderes als dem Verlangen des Esels, konnte man nicht nachkommen. Dies ist die größte Herausforderung für den Menschen, denn der Herr guckt mit was wir handeln. Der Mensch wird mit seinem Esel überlassen und dieser wird so maulen das ihr sogar den Eid vergeßt den ihr an euren Herrn geleistet habt. Jedesmal wenn dein Esel mault, muß man gucken das es ruhig bleibt. Aber euer Esel ist 70000 sturer als ein Baby und wenn ihr den Willen nicht erfüllt wird, droht er seinem Halter ihn vor den anderen bloßstellen. Die Leute laufen zu 100% ihren physischen Verlangen hinterher. Schaut einem Löwendompteur an, er war in der Lage seine Löwen zu bändigen. Er war in der Lage diese wilden Tiere zu bändigen, aber du fragst nicht nach einem Weg zum bändigen deines wilden Egos. Der Herr hat euch die Mittel gesandt, aber ihr habt sie nicht benutzt. Ihr unterwerft euch eurem Ego. Das Ego ist der Partner von Shaitan. Deswegen werden so viele in das Feuer geworfen werden. Möge Allah uns davor bewahren. Sie werden den Allmächtigen anbetteln sie aus den Feuern zu befreien und sie wieder zum Leben (1 von 3)04.07.2013 23:02:39

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zurückschicken, um sie sich bessern können. Aber der Herr hat die Menschen getestet und sie haben ihm keinen Teil ihrer Zeit ihm gewidmet. Sie können sich nicht ändern, auch wenn er sie 70000 zurückschicken würde. Wenn eine Person ein Gift zu sich genommen, aber durch die Ärzte und dem göttlichen Willen gerettet werden konnte, wird er es auf jeden Fall beim nächsten Mal ablehnen, wenn es ihm angeboten wird. So muß es bei uns auch laufen, wenn wir Sachen ausprobieren und wir merken das es uns schadet, müssen wir davon ablassen. Wir müssen erkennen, daß das System nach der Monarchie für uns schädlich ist. Es verleit keinem Respekt laut ihrer Stellung und Benehmen. Sie sagen das sie alle gleich sind und so lassen sie sich auf das Level der Tiere runter. Das letzte Ziel ist für sie eine Freiheit wie im Dschungel zu haben. Dort hat der stärkste das sagen. Dort folgt keiner irgendwelchen himmlischen Befehlen und Gerichten. Diesen Weg erreicht man durch das System der Demokratie. So viele Unruhen auf dieser Welt, die die erste Periode der Dschungelkratie ist. Ihre alternative sind die Terrorgruppen. Kein Gesetz kann sie einschränken. Das System der Demokratie hat sie dorthin gebracht. Es kann nur den Weg geben mit nur einer Gewalt zu regieren, so wie ein Löwe. Es könnten sich Schakale, Hyänen und Füchse um ihn herum kommen, jeder wird Angst haben. Alles muß eine Alternative haben, aber die Leute tarnen diese hinter Vorhängen, hinter die keiner durchschauen kann. Die Demokratie wurde durch ein großes Massaker eingeführt, wo viele Köpfe gerollt sind. Aber einige verblenden die Bevölkerung und stellen die Demokratie als bestes dar. Das Theokratische System wird kommen. Guckt nach euch, habt keine Angst vor den Terroristischen Gruppen, habt Angst vor dem Schöpfer. Denn nur mit seinem Schutz kann euch nichts geschehen. Wahrer Glaube ist keine Angst zu haben, nur wenn es der Wille des Herrn ist. Ich verteidige die heiligen Befehle des Herrn und das werde ich auch dann noch tun, wenn die ganze Welt nur Terroristen hat. Von den werde ich den letzten Kopf nehmen und in die Hölle schmeißen. Mögen wir mit guten Leuten verweilen, auch wenn unser Ego es nicht mag. Möge Allah mir vergeben und euch segnen, für die Ehre des Geehrtesten in göttlicher Gegenwart, Sayyidina Muhammad s.s.w. Fatiha - 08.09.2003 (2 von 3)04.07.2013 23:02:39

213 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: AllahGivesProphetEverythingMankindNeed

Maulana Sheikh Nazim : AllahGivesProphetEverythingMankindNeed


Allah Almighty (was) giving to (the) last Prophet everything that may be mankind in need Allah, Allah…Allah, Allah…Subhan Allah, Sultan Allah!… Destur, ya Sayyiduna, ya Rasulullah, ya Sultanu-l Awliya, Meded…Audhu bi-llahi mina shaitani rajim, Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim, la haula wa la quwatta illa bi-llahi-l ‘Aliyu-l ‘Azim… Allah Almighty (was) giving to (the) last Prophet everything that may be mankind in need; never leaving anything that people up to (the) Day of Resurrection may be in need- just sent to him. If this period (was) going to continue up to… not 15 centuries, but 5o centuries or more- mankind may look and find what is necessary for them to be here in peace and happiness and Hereafter also, what it is necessary for (the) eternal life through eternity…Meded, ya Sultanu-l Awliya… Audhu bi-llahi mina shaitani rajim, Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim… Destur! One Rule that may be written or must be written in Golden Letters: “Quli-l Haqq aw iskut”- Say, speak what is true or don’t speak! Or: “Quli-l Khair aw iskut”- Say what brings to you a benefit, to you or to others, or keep your tongue, don’t speak! This is a formula that if mankind may keep this, they should reach to a level from their lives that it should be through the conditions of this temporary life (the) highest level for the life of mankind. (But) what people (are) doing now! This is a formula from Heavens that belongs to Allah Almighty’s Commands and Rules and He is asking His servants to follow His Wasiyat, His Commands and Rules. He is asking that servants may keep His Advise. He looks- but what is the situation now? Through (this) 21st century people just cut off their relationship from Heavens and they are saying: “We are a creation”- they are not saying creation- “we are the holders (of) the land of this planet. We are landlord. Whole world’s landlord we are! Can’t be anyone else from Heavens, no, we are landlords!” German people- what you are saying: “French people saying this, what (1 von 5)04.07.2013 23:02:40

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about ourselves? We are better than French people to be landlords!” English people saying: “No, I am your master, I am patron. Patronage must be for me! “ US saying: “Oh- who are you? If I am here, you are speaking this?” English people saying: “You are long ones, long people not too much clever. I am your master; masterhood I may give. Academic masterhood I may give to people, for politics and every kind for keeping lordship for lands, because once upon a time I had an International Empire that when sun shining from one way, from another way setting down. I am that one! Who are you!” America (saying): “Hm, hm, I may control you!” Italians saying: “What about us? We are coming from Romus and Remulus, we have been milked with that giant wolf, giving us milk. Roman Empire! I am coming to you also, English people, what you are saying!” Greek saying: “Who are you? You learnt from ourselves! You were living in caves. When we were building Pantheon on that hill you were yet running after pigs to hunt them. Who are you!” Iranian people saying: “Why? We were a gigantic Empire, before you we were leaders, patrons and masters at the time of Darius that we were coming from Thearon (?) and Shiraz. Darius’ armies coming through Asia Minor up to your country with whips and swords. You were coming and kissing our feet!” Russians saying: “What about ourselves?” “Psss- you are working with bears in the North, go there. Your land there, don’t come downstairs!” And every country asking… Egyptians: “We are lords of land before you are coming through the wombs of your mummies. We have rights to be (the) patrons of whole lands on earth!”…and I am not speaking (about) Arabs and Turks…Chinese people always (eating and sleeping)…when they are awakening, they are always rushing here or that side… Japanese they are new, but Chinese people old time people. And Indians… Subhanallah- so many nations! If I am going to say about everyone (it is) going (on) from now up to next week what happened for them. My historical histories (are) something else (than) what they have written; my analysis (is) in another way… Switzerland people, what they have- nothing. Switzerland people, they are cashiers, nothing else. Wars, fightings, no. “I am keeping your gold, don’t approach, don’t come here, no, go away, or I am calling French, whips you”…(to) another (one saying): “I am calling this one”…All nations are guardians on Switzerland, because everyone has (a) private treasure there. Therefore: “Don’t speak. If I am saying this person has this amount, too much headache for you”…Subhanallahi-l ‘Aliyu-l ‘Azim…Ya Allah! (2 von 5)04.07.2013 23:02:40

215 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: AllahGivesProphetEverythingMankindNeed

Man saying now through (the) 21st century: “We are landslords here! Landlordship (is) for (the) people whom they are living on earth We are not asking anyone to involve or to come and to say that: ‘I have also a share through this planet’ from other planet or from up.” That is Shaitanic teaching for them to deny everything that belongs to Heavens. Shaitan making them to accept that they are (the) owners of this planet and no one (else) can be landlords on this planet. When they are saying this, they are falling the way of Shaitan, under his hegemony. What Shaitan making them to do, they are doing. Therefore they are never using (truth)- from (the) beginning they are denying truth. When they are saying that: “Lordship on earth that is on our shoulders, we are that ones”, finished, just they are running to wrong way. It is not true! They left truth. When they left truth, finished- they can’t speak truth, they can’t be true ones. Therefore whole politic people can’t speak truth and can’t be true ones, finished. Now we are in it. And (the) Prophet (was) saying: “You must accept truth and when you are accepting truth you are going to be true ones, and true ones (are those) that they are going to be supported by heavenly support. And whole prophets have been supported by heavenly support and now you are refusing heavenly support and you are saying: “We are making missiles with minds and we are ordering that rockets to find that one or this one and that missile (is) running and finding”- it is nothing! Man (is) claiming: “We are not in need heavenly support, no, no, we have supports!” Now they are in a trouble that (is) growing up daily. If it was yesterday one, it is going to be today two. Tomorrow going to be double two: 4. Next day going to be four and four: 16. 16 with 16- (in) such a (way), double, going to grow up troubles. Do you think that they are finding any solution for (the) problems of mankind? Even we are not. Here in Cyprus- (a) handful people- whole nations (are) involving to find a way for our problems, they can’t bring, what about big ones! What about big ones? And it is important now we are saying- that is the advice of prophecy, (of) the Seal of Prophets: “If you are speaking, speak truth or don’t speak!” Another important Command (is) coming through that words, that also it is important as the importance of this first Hadith, that (he was) bringing, (and) that means: “O people, if you are asking to do something, if it is going to be useful for you, for mankind, do it, or ,(if not,): don’t do!” (This) must be written in Golden Letters! So that if you are asking to do something that you are asking to be useful for you and for others, you (3 von 5)04.07.2013 23:02:40

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are in need a balance, and that balance you can’t use (for) it, or you can’t find it or you can’t bring it on earth by your minds. Mindly productions never giving to you a balance if something is good or bad. Therefore we must use as balance (the) heavenly Balance. Heavenly Balance must be! (Through that) heavenly Balance that we have now there are 5oo different attributes or actings or efforts that all of them are good ones, giving benefit personally and commonly. (And there is) another table that on it there are 8oo kinds of works or actings or intentions or efforts that all of them (are) harming people, giving trouble, or all of them going to be trouble makers. Which one (of these) 8oo you are taking or trying to make one, you are going to be a trouble maker; your name (is going to be) written under the list of trouble makers and those trouble makers belong to (the) first trouble maker Shaitan. He did first trouble in divinely Presence, and all whom they are making that trouble they are belonging to (him, the) first trouble maker and written their names under that one’s name. We lost it. People just lost it and it is impossible to change man’s way from wrong way to right way till the Lord of Heavens involving (and) sending someone for arranging everything with a power that it is over the powers of nature. That power which belongs to Heavens is miraculous power. When miracle coming, everything (is) going to finish. Pharaoh was claiming that he is the Lord of Egyptians and Egyptian people because their mind small one they said: “Yes, yes”… Tauba Astaghfirullah!…Once the teacher of Pharaohs (was) coming. Pharaoh was sitting on his throne and thinking something, and suddenly looking a person in front of him. Saying: “Who are you? How you came? Without my permission how you are here? …Porters, who is that one, how you are leaving (him) to come in front of me?” (And they came) running, with spears…”Kill him!” They are making their swords like this, like that…(but that person was still) standing up…”Who are you?” “You are not recognizing me? Who are asking who am I? I am your master, I am your teacher, I am your supporter.” “Oh… how you came?” “Your swords can’t cut me, your spears can’t touch me, your power can’t reach to me, I am here.” “Why you are coming?” “You are saying, o Pharaoh: ‘I am the lord of these Egyptians people’ and making them your servants, and you are not knowing who I am? I am asking you, coming to check up pharaohood, how you are saying: “I am the lord of there heedless Egyptian people’. How you are claiming this?” “Because I have hundreds of witches and wizards, therefore I am claiming that I am their lord.” “Call them here! I must look your power, I am examining you, making big check up for you.” (Pharaoh) calling all (4 von 5)04.07.2013 23:02:40

217 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: AllahGivesProphetEverythingMankindNeed

the head ones, and they are coming: “Show your power!” (And) the head ones of wizards making a huge vision. “This is your power?” “Yes, this is my power that I am claiming I am lord of Egyptians.” (And) Shaitan making: “Phhh…” (blowing on it)- disappeared. “Where is your power?” “I don’t know, just disappeared.” “I am your master. Look what I am putting now- my power.” Making a power, (and) Pharaoh (was) falling down from his seat. Falling down, (hiding himself), so full with fear. “O Pharaoh, how is my power?” (Pharaoh was trembling), (he) can’t speak from fear. (And Shaitan) making: “Phhh” (spitting) on Pharaoh. “Look! I have such a power and the Lord of Creation, the Lord of Heavens (is) not accepting me even (as His) servant- how (He is) accepting you to be His partner?” Spitting on him once again…Why we are saying this? People now they are thinking what they have is something! If (it is) given a permission to Shaitan, in one second (he) may finish all these things, taking from their heads every knowledge, (so that) they can’t even know how to make fire. Even if you are giving (a) matchbox (to them), people (are) not going to know how they can do fire! If (the) Lord of Heavens (is) saying to Shaitan: “Make them to be under zero”, whole power they are going they are forgetting, even forgetting (what) to make (with) a match, making like this (striking)… they are thinking that they reached to power. Heedless people 21st century people! May Allah forgive me and bless you… and we are asking His heavenly Support for Islam, for Majdu-l Islam, the Glory of Islam, to appear soonerly, before sun setting or before sun rising…For the honour of the last Prophet, (the) most praised and most honoured one in His divinely Presence, Fatiha Lefke, 17.03.2004, transcribed by Khairiyah Siegel

BookKhairiyahSiegel, CategoryPharao, CategoryHaram, CategoryHalal (5 von 5)04.07.2013 23:02:40

218 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: AllahHasAbsolutePower

Maulana Sheikh Nazim : AllahHasAbsolutePower


Allah has absolute Power to do what He wants! Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim As-salamu alaikum! It is a short conversation and we are asking (it) to be for Allah and for His service, even the whole day or the whole week people are occupied for dunya and we are trying to take even a short time to be with Allah Almighty - as much as possible - and asking an opening through our hearts to know something. What you are knowing, that knowledge, if you are thinking on it, you may find a way to the Creator, the Lord of Creation, the Lord of Heavens. Everything signing to people to think for their Creator and the Creator He is the Lord. We are so small ones, our material being nothing. Your 60 kg or 100 kg or 150 kg - may be a gigantic person 200 kg - what is value of your material being? If your material being costs something for another material thing, very small amount. If you are looking [at] yourself only for your material being, an ox is bigger than you. If your value [is] with your weight, a donkey may be more than you. If you are looking [at] yourself and making your muscles like this and saying: “We may carry heavy iron piece from earth and we can take it up, up to my height”, donkey much more can carry than you. If your value coming from your material being, you must say that: “An ox, it has more material than me “, may be 1000 kg, more or less. If you are asking that your value [is] with your material power, that donkey can carry more than you. If you are asking that running gives you honour, making their hand up: “Champion for 100 meters“, [a] rabbit may be faster than you. If not, a dog may be faster (1 von 5)04.07.2013 23:02:41

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than you. If not, a horse can be faster than you. [Do] they have honour, because they can run so speedfully? No. For eating and drinking - so many animals can eat more than you. If too much eating [was] giving to you some honour, no, [an] ox [is] eating more than you. If not, [a] buffalo may eat more than you. If not, elephant can eat what you cannot be able to eat through one month - one elephant may eat [that amount] through one hour. What is [the] point that you have been granted an honour? As we said, your material being not giving to you honour or (the) material beings activities never giving to you any honour, because so many creatures may do more than you. What is that secret point that you have been granted an honour through creatures? As we said, it is not [a] material aspect, no, [it] must be something else, but I am sorry to say that now people are not thinking on it. Everyone now getting like animals and beyond the level of animals they can’t say anything; they can’t think on it and they say: “It is not necessary to think on it. We are enjoying with our material being, that is our last aim: to eat, and drink, and dress. “ As much as possible good eating, drinking and enjoying with material world goods - beyond this [they are] never asking. They are saying: “It is enough or more than enough what we are tasting for our physical or material being. No need to think beyond that - for what? We may look up to skies nighttimes, we may say (very nice)…” Subhanallah! It is so magnificent scene in space, but no one thinking to reach to that levels, they are saying: “We are not interested, we are interested [in] what we are eating and drinking, it is enough. For what we are reaching up, what we are doing (there)?” Yes, they are never thinking that a material can’t do anything; (it) can’t move or can’t stop, without taking a command from outside; this… by itself, can’t move. If you are using and giving a power - look (what is happening), Subhanallah, (but) (2 von 5)04.07.2013 23:02:41

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that power can’t be seen. Our hand making this and it is a material and that is a material, but where is that power that can carry or can push? No one (is) thinking on it that material by itself can’t move. May be in existence, in its place, one billion years - if nothing coming on it from outside, it is not going to be changed its place or doing anything. They are not thinking on it. They are saying: “No God.” And God (has) full power! God Almighty, He has full power on everything, not only on you. Millions or trillions material pieces joined to each other and just appeared as a cat or appeared as a dog or as a donkey or a horse or appeared as - a man. Who is that One that (is) making such countless levels and on every level different creatures with different activities? People (are) not saying (about this), (they are) saying: “No God.” What is that foolishness! At least you must, [you] may say: “God, that representing whole power. He is that One that whole powers under His Hegemony and He may use His endless power Oceans, as He likes.” Not coming to say this, why? Materialist theories just finished! No more anyone thinking on it, because it is nonsense. Material by itself can’t do anything and can’t be able to change itself. Golden is golden, silver is silver, iron is iron, copper is copper, tin is tin - billions of years - they are [the] same. If coming on it a power, [it] may change them. Without that power, (even) billions years, iron is iron; can’t change itself from being a tin to be a copper. Can’t be able a copper by itself to change itself to be a golden and Subhanallahi l-‘Aliyyu l-‘Azim - [in] billions of years [the] earth can’t bring [forth] an amoeba a living fish. [In] billions [of] years [the] inorganic world can’t bring [forth] an organic [being], how? But yet they are insisting to make people to believe that ‘materialist vision that is the real knowledge for mankind‘! Ptuh - no honour people, those Shaitan people; liars, representatives of Shaitan, those balain, cursed people! But I am sorry to say that even [in the] Muslim world now they are on [the] same way. Same way; they have been granted Holy Quran but they are not looking (3 von 5)04.07.2013 23:02:41

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and thinking on it and following such a nonsense lies and theories! Therefore Allah should punish them: Punishing Iraq, punishing Turkey, punishing Iran, punishing Syria, punishing Saudia, punishing Libya, punishing Egypt, punishing Sudan… [the] whole Islamic world also [He is] punishing. They should be punished. They are not looking and thinking! No one thinking on it! Hal min mudhakkir?!… al Quran li-dhikr - We did it so clear for thinking, think on it! What we are saying is real knowledge, they can’t refuse it, but the Muslim world is in a deep heedlessness, following blindly those materialist people and atheist people. They should be punished. If now [the] punishment [is] coming, if [the] non-Muslim world [is] punished once, [the] Muslim world seven times should be punished. Allah is not sleeping, no, knowing what they are doing! First their heads going to be grinded that they are making Parliament and speaking nonsense theories. Allah Almighty should punish them through that nonsense of democracy. No democracy in Islam! Democracy [is] bringing countless heads tha