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Maulana Shaykh Nazim Adil al-Haqqani 2000 Sohbats 1979-2013 (8/777)

country & they took control with false promises. They were supporting shaytan, the worst enemy to Islam. These people who raised the revolution in Egypt they changed the events from the beginning to the end. And they brought a system, a rubbish system of shaytans. They were the worst enemies of the Muslim people, out of all the different religions & different nations. And they came up with false promises, til it reached the point that we are at now. O people of Egypt, you are the honour of the Muslims! With your scholars, with your Kings, with everything that you were dealing with in the name of Islam. They used to put all their efforts into keeping the Islamic Sharia. Then O Muslims, people of Egypt... The evening of (Lailatul Raghaib) Rajab Al Murajjab, raghaib/wishes. Raghaib/wishes it arrived. Maybe today is the 10th or 11th day of the month. May it be full of blessings for you! We ask Allah (swt) that in this blessed month your situation may be corrected according to the powerful Sharia. This is our hope for the people of Egypt. I am reminding you O Muslims, because Allah (awj) says "Wa Dhakkir.."(51:55) "Remind." This was addressed to the Prophet (sas). To remind, it is important to remind. And we see the situation of what happened in this past year: shaytan & his supporters planted... planted the seed of unbelief in the country, in the countries. And until now through the tyrants and those who poisoned the thoughts of the Muslims with a deadly poison, making them divided & in factions. O people of Egypt, you understand Arabic, what did the Prophet (saws) say? "My nation will become divided into 73 groups all of them will be in hell except 1 group."? They asked "who are they Ya Rasulallah?" He said "they are the ones that follow me and my sahaba (as). The ones who are with me & my sahaba (as)." It is very clear. And all the rest, the corrupt people are the people of hell. So may the month of Rajab al Murajjib, the month of Allah (jwa), be blessed for the people of Egypt. And I see the situation now that the people are arguing, fighting each other to elect a president. An inspiration came to me & I wonder about this president: Did the order come from the president of the Heavens? O people of Egypt, do you think that the Lord of Heavens is a president or a Sultan? Allah (jwa) Is The Absolute Sultan, the King of Kings, the Creator of all creation. He (swt) Is One. Was He (swt) elected? From where did you bring this presidency system? I spit on those who support that in Egypt there should be a president, hasha! He will never succeed. To succeed they have to bring a King to rule with what Allah (jwa) has ordered. This is enough for us as an advice for everyone, because if they are ordered to elect a president this would be from the President of the Heavens. We would accept this. But in the Heavens there is a Sultan, (2 von 6)04.07.2013 23:02:18

97 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: AgeOfMahdi

not a president & no elections. These things were brought from the worst of unbelievers. Shame on them! Shame on the scholars of Egypt! Because they don't explain to them about this matter: That in the Heavens there is a Sultan for the Heavens & Earths. How do you bring and argue to elect a president, shame on you O people of Egypt? Shame on you! Not only 1 time, 70 times! Return to the Sharia of Allah (swt) so you may have a King in Egypt who follows the Khalifa according to the principles of the Prophet (saws). From a Sharif to a Sharif. And now this fits the King of Jordan. His Royal Highness King Abdullah, he is the last of the descendents of the Prophet (saws).It's obligatory for Muslims to follow him and to give him ba'ya because he is carrying the banner of Islam. He will carry until the appearance of Mahdi (as). O scholars of Egypt, my Arabic is little but, from it you understand a lot. And this weak servant is reminding you that Allah (jwa) said "Wa Dhakkir Fa'inna Adh-Dhikra Tanfa`u Al-Mu'uminina" (51:55). If what I am saying is wrong, my punishment is from Allah(swt). If it is correct, then Allah (awj) & His Prophet (saws) may reward me. O scholars of Egypt, O believers leave this & do not be divided. Allah (jwa) reminds you, O people "Wa A`tasimu Bihabli Allahi Jami`an Wa La Tafarraqu" (3:103) How come you are making different parties in Egypt? Don't you have a religion,faith, virtue, honour? How do you accept this? How can you refuse the orders of Allah (swt), when He (swt) says "and do not be divided" (3:103) If you do not follow this, Allah (swt) Will give you a lesson, a lesson such as was never given before. This addressing was inspired to my heart, to a weak servant and illiterate also. You are the scholars. Woe to the scholars who go against the orders of Allah (swt). The worst punishment on Resurrection Day is for the scholars. O scholars keep your honour, show what is True and return to the powerful Sharia & leave this presidencial election - finish! I am warning you! I am warning you! Take your precaution otherwise "Inna Batsha Rabbika Lashadidun" (85:12) He (swt) will teach you a lesson, He (swt) will not leave even one of you. This Vengence is coming closer from the Lord of the Heavens & the Earths. O common people of Egypt do not be proud of these people who still are behind the tail & footsteps of the worst of unbelievers; who do not want the power of Islam & its people to appear. It will appear! The time has come for Mahdi (as) to appear. And his(as) vengeance is mighty, because his(as) vengeance is from Allah (swt). Wa Min Allah Al Tawfiq. (3 von 6)04.07.2013 23:02:18

98 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: AgeOfMahdi

I am weak, I got tired. O my Lord forgive us & remove burdens from us. Send us a King so we may fight in Your Way, O our Lord. O our Lord.. O our Lord.. Woe to us if we do not listen to Your orders O our Lord. Tawba Ya Rabbi, tawba Ya Rabbi, Tawba Ya... O Saints of Egypt, Nujabaa, Ya Budala' reach the Muslims in Egypt. O Men of Allah (swt) O Men of Allah (swt), look for the worst people. We are asking safety from them. Forgive us & have Mercy on us O our Lord, O our Lord, O our Lord. Ya Sayyidi Al Awwalin Wa Al Akhirin, Ya Habib Allah (swt) Ya Rasulallah. Let us turn back to you. Send us, Ya Rasulullah, those who can arrange all matters, who will put everything in place. Send us Mahdi (as), the Just King. Ask for The Mahdi (as). Do not say nonsense about Mahdi (as) or vengeance from the Heavens will come upon you immediately. Let none of these people who are against these words reach this Blessed Ramadan & Blessed Feast. Tawba Ya Rabbi. I have declared what was given to my heart. Thank you O Prophet (saws) of Allah (swt). Tawba Ya Rasulallah, Ya Rabbu Al 'Izzati Wa Al 'Azama. The Lord of Heavens. O our Lord, for the sake of Your Beloved Prophet (saws) - Wa Bihurmati Al Fatiha. Tubna Wa Raja'ana Ilayk Ya Rabbana. This is my Arabic, who can understand may understand & has permission for the listeners to correct it and arrange it & present it to the Muslims. May Allah (swt) reward them with all goodness & specially the Shaykh of Az'har Al Sharif & the rest of the scholars - we kiss their hands and if it is possible their feet also. I would kiss them because they are people of knowledge, they are honoured & glorified. Tawba Ya Rabbi. Fatiha. All nations are bankrupt, finished. The ruling has to go back to the Kings, with Allah's (swt) permission. With the order of Allah (swt). It is not possible for any power to accept or bring them back to their previous condition. It will happen to all the Muslim countries. And support now the King of Jordan who is from the descendents of The Prophet (saws) & we have given him ba'ya/allegiance because he is representing the family tree of the Prophet (saws) in our days now. And our days now are the days of the time of Mahdi (as). May Allah (swt) grant him power and honour and glory. Because he is carrying a great responsibility. May Allah (swt) support him. May Allah (swt) honour him. May Allah (swt) glorify him for the sake of His (swt) Prophet (saws). Return & give him Bay'a/allegiance. Those who do not give him bay'a, have bay'a with shaytan & his followers. Woe to them! I am reminding you. "Fadhkuruni/Therefore remember Me 'Adhkurkum/ I will remember you" (2:152) Allah! Subhansin Ya Rabbi Sultansin Ya Rabbi You are not a president of a republic! Is He? S.N. Hasha! (4 von 6)04.07.2013 23:02:18

99 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: AgeOfMahdi

M: Or is He Sultan? O scholars what do you say? Is Allah (swt) a president in the Heavens or Sultan? Sultan of the worlds, Allah (swt) dressed the Prophet (saws) to be Sultan of the worlds. Return to him & listen to him you will be saved & will be honoured. Allah (swt) will dress you with glory & honour here & hereafter. Sharpen your swords on the ones who are against the Muslim people. Fatiha. Welcome to you people of Egypt. Do not get upset from me, then "Verily, The Vengence of Your Lord is Mighty." (85:12) Go against your ego & egoistic desires Go against your ego & egoistic desires, you understand O scholars. Masha'Allah, Masha'Allah! I am happy that the people of Egypt are accepting my addressing & who does not accept this addressing will not reach the month of Ramadan. This is a warning for them, Fatiha. My heart is full, but my situation is weak. O people of Egypt! My grand-father is also from Egypt! From Yusuf Pasha Surughi - he is my grand-father, from Alexandria. I am honoured to be from the people of Egypt, because they are the people of knowledge, dignity, power & solidity. And they have high aspirations. Allah! Allah (jwa) chose Sayyidina Yusuf (as) to be a King for them, not a president. You should be ashamed O people of Egypt! Sayidina Yusuf (as) took from Pharaoh & did the best for the Egyptian people, Sayidina Yusuf (as) did the best. O Egyptian people wake up! Allah (awj) chose Sayidina Yusuf (as) to be a King for you not an elected president. Remember & wake up O people of Egypt! O our scholars woe to you if you do not wake up! Fatiha. The best of countries is yours, Egypt. I love Egypt. Why? Masha'Allah because they have nobility, they have generosity & courage. And nobility... Nobility, they have it. And they have bravery & virtue. Allah (jwa) He granted this to you. Woe, to who denies, & great tidings to who believes, greatest reward. Come to Haqq! And accept & be defenders of Truth. Defending Haqq is not defending falsehood. Naudhu Billah! Naudhu Billah! May Allah (swt) grant an opening to the people of Egypt, don't be upset with me. I am a weak servant, but nobody knows about another person's nearness to his Lord. Correct my addressing - these are not my words. And declare to the servants of The Lord between East & West. Subhana Allah! Subhana Allah! Sultan Allah! Subhana Allah! Sultan Allah! Support us O men of Allah (swt)! Support us O men of Allah (swt)! Support us O men of Allah (swt)! Support us O Sahib Al Zaman (as). Fatiha. May Allah (swt) reward you with the best rewards. (5 von 6)04.07.2013 23:02:18

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I will pray 2 rakaat for this addressing. Ij'alna Ya Rabbina Fi Huzfika Wa Amanika Min Sharr al shayatin Wa Min 'Azabi Al Nar Yawm Al Qiyamati. Fatiha. Lefke, 31.05.2012

WebSaltanatOrg, CategoryMehdi, CategoryJordan, CategorySultanat, CategoryEgypt, CategoryBiography, CategoryPunishment (6 von 6)04.07.2013 23:02:18

101 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: AgeOfMiracles

Maulana Sheikh Nazim : AgeOfMiracles


Entering the Age of Miracles: The Green Man on the Horse

Discussion with Mawlana Shaykh Hisham Kabbani (Translated from Arabic) The age of Mahdi (a) is the age of miracles. The manifestation of all the works will not be ordinary. How do they call it? (al-asbaab, “The outward causes.”) Mawlana Shaykh Hisham: Extraordinary. Everything is walking on sunnatullah, but at the time of appearance [of Sayyidina al-Mahdi (s)] the manifestation will be Qudratu ‘Llah, Allah’s Divine Power. Qudratu ‘Llah for the sake of Islam is the last order. Now sunnatullah people are working here and there, but at the time of appearance it will not be possible to walk on sunnatullah. Miracles will happen with Qudratu ‘Llah. The power of Islam will appear to one hundred out of one hundred! Na`oodhu billaahi min ghadabi ‘l-Jabbaar, astaghfirullah. Bismillahi ‘r-Rahmani ‘r-Raheem. Alhamdulillah. (1 von 3)04.07.2013 23:02:19

102 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: AgeOfMiracles

(Mawlana Shaykh makes du`a after eating.) Yaa Rabbee, shukr! Amaan, yaa Rabbee. Tawbah, yaa Rabbee. Tawbah, yaa Rabbee. Astaghfirullah. O our Lord! Keep us under Your safety, security and protection, Your divine safety. Allah, Allah! Amaan, yaa Rabbee. Don’t make us among those who deserve Your divine revenge. Allah! Allah Allah. Allah, Allah. Allah, Allah. Amaan, yaa Rabbee. Amaan, yaa Rabbee. (Someone asks about the green man on a horse seen in Cairo MSNBC newscast.) This is a very ordinary matter to prepare the people, to wake them up. Such things are happening, which people will accept or not, according to their mentalities, but this is beyond their minds. The mind stops when Allah Almighty wants makes a man riding a horse, flying among people and moving towards the sky. That is in order that they may wake up. Then the scientist and materialist people want to find a valid reason for this happening, and they conclude that it was their imagination. They may say this, but it happened, because many people witnessed it. If it was only one person who had seen it, it would have been okay (acceptable as something imagined), but there were many people who saw that vision so there is no room for them to deny it as “impossible”! They interpret that it happened because of this or that, but no, this is something true and it is a sign that we are entering the Age of Miracles so that they may take heed! It is for their protection, here and Hereafter. If they don’t pay attention and realize what’s happening, they will be taken away. May Allah protect us. Fatihah. May Allah protect us from committing mistakes in understanding or in speaking. The Christians accepted that it was Khidr (a), but the Muslims denied it. The Christians have improved in heavenly matters, but unfortunately, the Muslims’ spirituality has descended from a high station to the lower station. It means the denial of Muslims is much more than the denial of Christians, because the Muslims deny the principles of the religion of Islam. Otherwise, Islam is full with spirituality! However, in these days, these “doctors”, may Allah correct their ways, want everything from the Heavens to come down so they may measure them in materialistic ways. They want to deny everything that is related to spirituality as they don’t (2 von 3)04.07.2013 23:02:19

103 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: AgeOfMiracles

have any spirituality. It started with Shaykh Abdul Jamaluddin Afghani and all his followers and their groups; everything for them begins with the material world. Christians have a greater desire for spirituality and unfortunately the Muslim world doesn’t even have a drop of desire for spirituality. May Allah protect us from falling into the traps made by Shaytan or shayateen. Tawbah, yaa Rabbee! Astaghfirullah. Muslims in all countries deny everything related to spirituality and have become like dried wood. They don’t have a soul, only a material being. On the Day of Judgment, Allah (swt) will ask to finish their material bodies to release their spiritual being, and they will burn and burn. Na`oodhu billah! O People! Work hard to accept spirituality; this is what is missing in the Muslim world. They don’t believe anything related to spirituality. They want all the spirituality to be dragged to the material world. Na`oodhu billah, na`oodhu billah! Fatihah. (The green man on the horse) is one of As-haab an-Nawba, because Egypt is protected and it is not easy. Allah, Allah. As-haab an-Nawba are from the people of Earth, but he is from the spiritual world. They are from the Ahlu ‘l-Fadl, “the favored people/saints”. They leave their physical body and dress in spirituality. Fatihah. Lefke, 20.05.2011

WebSufiLive, CategoryMehdi, CategoryEgypt, CategoryResurrection, CategoryChristianity, CategorySpirituality, CategoryHoliness (3 von 3)04.07.2013 23:02:19

104 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: AhluHawa

Maulana Sheikh Nazim : AhluHawa


Ahlu Hawa

Bismillah Al Rahman Al Rahim. Allah (swt) gives to everyone what is suitable for them. Subhana Allah! "Wa At-Tayyibatu Li t-tayyibina" (24:26) (Good women are for good men) "Al- Khabithatu Li l-khabithina" (24:26) (bad women for bad men). This is the scale of Al Haqq. If they are good men, Allah (swt) gives them good women. If they are bad, their egos are unclean; they will have what suits them. "Wa Likulli Qawmin Hadin" (13:7) (For every people there is a guide). It does not change. The good men are for good women, and the bad men are for bad women. According to people's desires; the ones who like good ones, good women are given to them. Those who like dirtiness are given unclean women. Therefore, this scale does not change. Therefore the scholars of Egypt should not interfere. They left the matters in the hands of the people and most of them do not know what is true and what is false. Why you give? Why you give? The good women are for good men, & unclean women are for unclean men. Let them choose... Sharia'...Sharia Al Ahmadiya is for the good ones, while dirtiness is from shaytan and those who call for democracy. Let them eat it, their dirtiness. It is not suitable for them, the mighty Sharia'. Let them eat one another. And their situation will not become stable even if the world continues forever, their situation will not become stable. The mighty Sharia' makes clear what is Haqq & what is false. They leave what is Haqq/True and they want what is false. Let them be... Leave them.. And they are mentioned in the verse they "will never prosper." (16:116) Then they told me, some of the Masters, "they will not only be unsuccessful these people will never be successful!" Leave them to one another. (1 von 5)04.07.2013 23:02:20

105 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: AhluHawa

"Wa At-Tayyibatu Li t-tayyibina" (24:26) "Al-Khabithatu Li l-khabithina" (24:26). The mighty Sharia' is for the good ones, the rest, let them be with the badness. Aside from Sharia' everything is dirty. If they understand or not, let them be, let them eat one another. And their situation will never become stable. May Allah (swt) protect us. This is... If you see greed obeyed, and egos being followed... (Hadith). This is the time... leave them... if every person favours his own opinion this is greed obeyed & they follow their egoistic desires, then you must keep to yourself. And the Saints of Egypt chose and it is enough for them to be for service, in service of The Lord (jwa) according to the order of the Divine Sharia'. May Allah (swt) forgive us. The Prophet (saws) says, "leave them". This news is for the future, from his Prophecy. The message speaks about events of the past. The Prophet (saws) gave news about what is coming on us. So pay attention O people! If you are good ones good women are for you. If you are vile, will come on you what is more vile. May Allah (swt) protect us. Allahumma Ya Rabbi may we be given refuge and be on the side of Haqq. We want the people of Haqq to rule over us. We do not want the worst of people, these ones who have endless opinions. This applies to the people of our time now. Finish! May Allah (swt) forgive us for the blessing of this Holy month, the honourable month of Dhul Hijja. Let them come & accept the honorable Sharia' of Allah (swt) & bring a Sultan who may rule them with the Divine Sharia', then you will succeed. Otherwise you will be from the unsuccessful people. Tawba Ya Rabbi. Repent to your Lord O people. He (swt) accepts those who repent. He (swt) changes all situations from one state to another. And you understand what you understand, but you are following your egoistic desires & the desires of the worst of unbelievers, those who are the enemies of Islam. They want to erase the Muslim Religion & the honour of faith in people. With permission of Allah (swt), they will not be able to do this. Tawba Ya Rabbi, tawba... "Appoint for us a king so we may fight in Allah's (swt) way." (2:246) A King. People asked their Prophet (as) to appoint for them a King, not like these elections, this & that. From the beginning it is false. Tawba Ya Rabbi, tawba Ya Rabbi, we repent & turn to You. We repent & return to You (swt), Ya Rabbi Ya Allah.. For the blessing of the Prophet (saws) Al Mustafa "Appoint for us (2 von 5)04.07.2013 23:02:20

106 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: AhluHawa

a King so we may fight in Your way O Lord" (2:246) Fatiha. Al Haqq has witnessed our words. Fatiha. "And I free not myself from the blame." (12:53) Who is speaking to you these few words is not free from blame. Sayyidina Yusuf (as) said "And I free not myself from the blame. Verily, the ego is inclined to evil." (12:53) Do not let us become followers of our egos. The ego "Verily, the ego is inclined to evil." (12:53) Finished! These leaders - leave them. They are in the forefront: They are the people following their egos, Ahlu l-hawa. "Verily, the ego is inclined to evil." (12:53) They listen to the desires of their egos, they will not be successful. Tawba Ya Rabbi, tawba astaghfirullah. .......O Allah (swt) forgive us, and have mercy on us. We repent to You (swt). Fatiha. Ahlu Hawa

Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. Allah (swt) gibt jedem, was angemessen für ihn ist. Subhanallah! "Wa t-Tayyibatu Li t-Tayyibina" (24:26) - Gute Frauen sind für gute Männer. "Al-Khabithatu Li l-Khabithina" (24:26) - Schlechte Frauen sind für schlechte Männer. Das ist der Maßstab von Al Haqq. Wenn sie gute Männer sind, gibt Allah (swt) ihnen gute Frauen. Wenn sie schlecht sind, ihre Egos unrein sind, werden sie haben, was zu ihnen paßt. "Wa Likulli Qawmin Hadin" (13:7) - Für jedes Volk gibt es einen Führer. Es ändert sich nicht. Die guten Männer sind für die guten Frauen, und die schlechten Männer sind für die schlechten Frauen. In Übereinstimmung mit den Wünschen der Menschen, diejenigen, die Gute mögen, denen werden gute Frauen gegeben. Jenen, die Schmutz mögen, werden unreine Frauen gegeben. Deshalb, dieser Maßstab ändert sich nicht. Deshalb sollten die Gelehrten Ägyptens sich nicht einmischen. Sie ließen die Angelegenheiten in den Händen der Menschen, und die meisten wissen nicht, was wahr und was falsch ist. Warum gebt ihr? Warum gebt ihr? Die guten Frauen sind für gute Männer, und die unreinen Frauen sind für unreine Männer. Sie sollen wählen... Sharia'... Sharia' l-Ahmadiyya ist für die Guten, während Schmutz von (3 von 5)04.07.2013 23:02:20

107 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: AhluHawa

Shaytan ist, und jene, die nach Demokratie rufen, sollen ihn essen, ihren Schmutz. Sie ist nicht angemessen für sie, die mächtige Sharia'. Sollen sie einander aufessen. Und ihre Situation wird sich nicht stabilisieren. Auch wenn die Welt für immer fortdauerte, würde ihr Situation sich nicht stabilisieren. Die mächtige Sharia' macht deutlich, was Haqq ist und was falsch ist. Sie lassen das, was Haqq -Wahr- ist, und wollen das, was falsch ist. Laßt sie in Ruhe... Überlaßt sie sich selbst... Und sie werden erwähnt in dem Vers, sie 'werden nie gedeihen' (16:116). Dann sagten mir einige der Meister: 'Sie werden nicht nur keinen Erfolg haben, diese Leute werden niemals Erfolg haben.' Überlaßt sie einander. "Wa t-Tayyibatu Li t-Tayyibina" (24:26). "Al-Khabithatu Li l-Khabithina" (24:26). Die mächtige Sharia' ist für die Guten, der Rest, sollen sie mit dem Schlechten sein. Neben der Sharia' ist alles schmutzig. Ob sie verstehen oder nicht, laßt sie in Ruhe. Sollen sie sich gegenseitig essen. Und ihre Situation wir sich nie stabilisieren. Möge Allah (swt) uns schützen. Dies ist... Wenn ihr seht, daß sie ihrer Gier gehorchen und ihren Egos folgen... (Hadith). Dies ist die Zeit. Laßt sie. Wenn jederman seine eigene Meinung bevorzugt, ist das der Gier gehorchen und den eigenen egoistischen Trieben folgen, dann müßt ihr für euch bleiben. Und die Heiligen Ägyptens wählten, und es ist genug für sie, zu Diensten zu sein, im Dienst des Herrn (jwa), in Übereinstimmung mit dem Befehl der Göttlichen Sharia'. Möge Allah (swt) uns vergeben. Der Prophet (saws) sagte: 'Laßt sie'. Diese Nachricht ist für die Zukunft, von seiner Prophezeiung. Die Botschaft spricht über Geschehnisse der Vergangenheit. Der Prophet (saws) gab Nachrichten über was auf uns zukommt. Also paßt auf, Leute! Wenn ihr Gute seid, sind gute Frauen für euch. Wenn ihr abscheulich seid, wird kommen, was noch abscheulicher ist. Möge Allah (swt) uns schützen. Allahumma ya Rabbi, möge uns Zuflucht gegeben werden und wir auf der Seite von Haqq sein. Wir wollen, daß die Leute von Haqq über uns herrschen. Wir wollen nicht die schlimmsten der Leute, diese, die endlose Meinungen haben. Das trifft jetzt auf die Menschen unserer Zeit zu. Schluß! Möge Allah (swt) uns vergeben, für den Segen dieses Heiligen Monats, dem ehrenwerten Monat Dhul Hijja. Sie sollen kommen und die ehrenwerte Sharia' Allahs (swt) anerkennen und einen Sultan bringen, der herrscht über sie mit der Göttlichen Sharia'. Dann werdet ihr Erfolg haben. Sonst werdet ihr zu den erfolglosen Leuten zählen. Tawba ya Rabbi. Bereut vor eurem Herrn, (4 von 5)04.07.2013 23:02:20

108 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: AhluHawa

Leute. Er (swt) nimmt jene an, die bereuen. Er (swt) wandelt alle Situationen von einem Zustand zum anderen. Und ihr versteht, was ihr versteht, aber ihr folgt eueren egoistischen Trieben und den Trieben der schlimmsten Ungläubigen, jenen, die die Feinde des Islam sind. Sie wollen die muslimische Religion auslöschen und die Ehre des Glaubens in den Menschen. Mit der Erlaubnis Allahs (swt) werden sie dazu nicht in der Lage sein. Tawba ya Rabbi, Tawba. 'Bestimme für uns einen König, damit wir auf Allahs (swt) Weg kämpfen können.' (2:246) Ein König, die Menschen baten ihren Propheten (as), für sie einen König zu bestimmen, nicht wie diese Wahlen, dies und das. Von Anfang an ist das falsch. Tawba ya Rabbi, Tawba ya Rabbi, wir bereuen und wenden uns Dir zu. Wir bereuen und kehren zu Dir (swt) zurück, ya Rabbi ya Allah.. Für den Segen des Propheten (saws) Al Mustafa 'Bestimme für uns einen König, damit wir auf Deinem Weg kämpfen können, o Herr' (2:246). Fatiha. Al Haqq hat unsere Worte bezeugt. Fatiha. 'Und ich spreche mich nicht selbst frei von Schuld.' (12:53) Der zu euch diese Worte spricht, ist nicht frei von Schuld. Sayyidina Yusuf (as) sagte: 'Und ich spreche mich nicht selbst frei von Schuld. Das Ego gebietet fürwahr das Böse.' (12:53) Laß uns nicht Gefolgsleute unseres Egos werden. Das Ego, 'Das Ego gebietet fürwahr das Böse.' (12:53) Schluß! Diese Führer - laßt sie. Sie sind an der Spitze. Sie sind die Leute, die ihrem Ego folgen, Ahlu l-Hawa. 'Das Ego gebietet fürwahr das Böse.' (12:53) Sie hören auf die Wünsche ihres Egos, sie werden nicht erfolgreich sein. Tawba ya Rabbi, Tawba Astaghfirullah. ...O Allah (swt), vergib uns und sei gnädig mit uns. Wir bereuen vor Dir (swt). Fatiha. Lefke, 16.10.2012