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Maulana Shaykh Nazim Adil al-Haqqani 2000 Sohbats 1979-2013 (7/777)
million. The people of Chechnya said that they would face this army with their faith, because they are grandsons of lions like Imam Shamil. The people of Chechnya all belong to tariqat, they won their independence through, "La illaha illaLlah". The Muslims of the Balkan were under communism for a long time and they lost their tariqats. They need tariqats and dhikr, that is what will give power to their hearts. They are now loving this world more than Allah and are unable to give their souls for the sake of Allah. The Russians signed the independence of Chechnya because their armies were moving with, "La illaha illaLlah", "La illaha illaLlah", "La illaha illaLlah". This is what I am advising the people of the Balkans to do. They left the spiritual path and a curse came on (1 von 2)04.07.2013 23:02:12

81 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: AdviceForTheBalkans

them. Let them open their tekkes, their zawiyas and their derghas and follow the command of Allah and do

zikr. - 01.01.1997

BookPureHearts, CategoryOppression, CategoryDiaspora, CategoryShahada (2 von 2)04.07.2013 23:02:12

82 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: AdviceToLadies

Maulana Sheikh Nazim : AdviceToLadies


Advice to Ladies for Protection

(RatschlagFürSchwestern, dt.) A`oodhu billahi min ash-Shaytani 'r-rajeem. Bismillahi 'r-Rahmaani 'r-Raheem. Nothing is going to be as we like, understand? We must have two wings: one for shukr, thanks, and one for sabr, patience; then we may fly together. That is Allah Almighty’s custom. Therefore, it is better to be patient and to give thanks is best. Do all of you have mothers and fathers? (Yes.) Are all of you working now? (Yes.) You are all teachers? (Yes.) May Allah give you happy days. (Mawlana Shaykh Nazim gives bay`a.) Everyday, recite “RabbunAllah, HasbunAllah” 100 times. If you would like to do more, you may. Every closed door will open for you, don’t worry. Keep your prayers and try to recite Holy Qur’an. Do not get out at night, stay home. Tell your husbands, brothers, or fathers that you must not leave your house without a man. Don’t leave your house during the day and particularly at night without a man. Close your doors from the night life; keep yourself indoors. So many things are going to happen now. You must have heard about what happened in Japan. No one can give you a guarantee that this place cannot be like that place, no! Keep yourself indoors and trust in your Lord’s Protection. Fatihah. Lefke, 15.03.2011 (1 von 2)04.07.2013 23:02:12

83 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: AdviceToMureedsInEngland

Maulana Sheikh Nazim : AdviceToMureedsInEngland


Advice to Mureeds in England

Bismillahi 'r-Rahmani 'r-Raheem. Welcome to our beloved guests who are coming from long distances, from London. I like to live in London more than any other place. My heart is never going to be happy and in satisfaction, except to be in UK, in England. I don’t like that word also, “UK.” I reached the silver jubilee of His Majesty, the King of England and Emperor of India, the late King George V, and I was granted a silver medal because I was the first in my class in elementary school. We were happy in those days that the British way of governing was always on top. I went east and west, north and south, throughout the Islamic and Christian worlds, I lived among Arabs and in America also, but I never found a civilization and governing methods like the British Empire and the Indian emperor, the late King George V. Then he passed away. He always had a beard that he never shaved and His Majesty also wore robes. (Mawlana Shaykh sings British national anthem, “God save the King”.) He passed away and is buried in Westminster. Then, O my children, my brother, my daughter, my grandson, came the late Prince of Wales, Edward VIII, because his grandfather was Edward VII, the son of late Queen Victoria. He was with Lady Wallace Simpson and people said, “You can’t marry her because she is not from the royal family,” and he said, “No, I am leaving the throne and the crown, and I am marrying this lady.” SubhaanAllah, glory to Allah, as He likes. He was asking to be the Prince of Wales and to marry the princess. (1 von 3)04.07.2013 23:02:13

84 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: AdviceToMureedsInEngland

I think in 1933 he came to see the first president of Turkey, in Istanbul. There were no such instruments then (video cameras), only photographs. He came to visit the first president of Turks and he was hosted in Dolmabahce Palace. We have seen photographs. After insisting, he ceased to be the King of England and Emperor of India. Before World War II was King and Emperor of India, George VI, father of Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth. George VI had a coronation and for that occasion I was also granted another medal. (Mureed: Why are you not wearing it?) I don’t know where it is, people took it from me! Then came Her Majesty, the Queen, and we respect her as she is a model of a modest queen. We are very happy and my birthday and her birthday are the same, April 21st. She became a queen and I became nothing! And I like Crown Prince Charles. May Allah Almighty grant to them from His endless Mercy Oceans. I am taking a little bit longer for a chance to be with you a little bit more. His Highness, Prince of Wales, Prince Charles, knows something about me and is sending salaams to me. I pray for him to be honored in Eternity, just as he is honored here. I am happy with this book that you brought here (Harmony, written by Prince Charles). He has good understanding and is a very clever one. This book is a way of life that people have abandoned and have now fallen in endless troubles, miseries, problems, and crises. If people follow such a way (as mentioned in the book), not going against nature, but are friendly with nature, they will live an excellent and sweet life. However, since they left it, they fell down in endless problems, miseries, crises, and dangerous thoughts, making them like mental house people. (...) It is a sign that your works are giving pleasure to you here and Hereafter, as well as that you are going to be with them. Goodness and heavenly gifts will come from you to people. Keep your way and try to be kind to everyone, because everyone is from one man and from one woman. (Mureed: What should people in England do if they live in big cities?) I have always said that big cities are dangerous. I don’t think that anyone living in big cities will be saved, because if they bomb the center of electricity everything is going to die. Therefore, I always say go to the countryside. These big cities are all dangerous and I don’t like them. I say this to Turks in Istanbul also; don’t be there. (2 von 3)04.07.2013 23:02:13

85 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: AdviceToMureedsInEngland

(Mureed: Should they leave now?) You may prepare a place and be there on the weekends. If you understand (recognize) anything about the beginning of war, quickly take everything to that side or else I can’t carry any responsibility. I am saying this

to Istanbul people also. It is very difficult now. SubhaanAllahi 'l-`Aliyyu 'l-`Adheem. What we are saying now is okay. I like Glastonbury. There is spirituality there and in Nelson there is also spirituality, as well as Windsor, Edinburgh and the last point of Scotland. All of Scotland is safe, Wales not too much, but the countryside is okay. (Mureed: Happy birthday to you for next month!) Happy Birthday to me! Lefke, 19.03.2011

WebSufiLive, CategoryUK, CategoryBiography, CategoryNature, CategoryArmageddon, CategoryTurkey (3 von 3)04.07.2013 23:02:13

86 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: AdviceToPeopleWhoJustGotAMosque

Maulana Sheikh Nazim : AdviceToPeopleWhoJustGotAMosque



SHEIK NAZIM: Asalamualeikum. You now have a mosque. Is it rented? Who is looking after it? A: All of us. SHEIK NAZIM: No! You can't do it like that. All of you must see to the prayer , that as many as possible attend, also for the dhikr and other associations. If it is possible, then attend daily. If that is not possible, then come every three days. If that is not possible, then come weekly. If that is not possible, then come every 15 days. If that is not possible, then once a month. If that is not possible, then come once every forty days. But don't let there be more than 40 days between your visits to that place. Whoever comes there daily, or weekly, or monthly, or every 40 days, they must support and help to sustain that place financially and also spiritually. Therefore we want a warden to be there to look after the place daily and prepare it for Juma and Zikr and for associations. He should take care of the building and make everything which is necessary for visitors and worshippers and murids, for the followers of the most distinguished Naqshibandi order. As is the custom, whoever can give more time than the others to the place, and who lives closer, we would prefer to be the chief of the ward. Whoever gives less help and lives further away may be the assistant for him. This should happen with a good mutual understanding. This should be done for the sake of Allah. Titles (1 von 2)04.07.2013 23:02:14

87 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: AdviceToPeopleWhoJustGotAMosque

are not important. We are trying to make people more humble. The most humble-one should be the chief- one. The chief-one should be so humble, that when he sees that the toilets need cleaning, he will do it himself. If the mosque needs sweeping, then he will do it. If the towels need cleaning, then he will do it. If the whole place needs cleaning, then he will do it. If the kitchen needs cleaning, then he will do it. Without asking anyone else, he will do it. That kind of person is the most humble, he should be the chief. The people who are around this director of the mosque should try to help him. He is humble enough to do all that, but the others must keep their respect towards him and help him run the place and see what they can do. They should try to make it easy and happy and find enjoyment in helping and giving service for the sake of Allah. They should be happy and not angry if they have to do everything, thinking that the others are not doing anything. Whoever does more, should be much more happy and enjoyful. Because Allah Almighty will reward them. Now something else has to be taken into consideration. This place has been opened with two intentions: one, as a mosque. The other one is as a Naqshibandi-Centre for people who are interested in sufi-ways, these are often non-muslim. They come to make zikr. Then we also have Pakistanis and Arabs. So when we give these two very different people a lecture, this must be remembered. The place is open for everyone, and that is why we have to keep the middle way and not go extremely with anyone. No-one should be disturbed. Whoever comes should not be disturbed! A: That can not be helped. Because we do zikr many are already disturbed. People have great difficulties, so everything disturbs them. SHEIK NAZIM: You must write, "This is for Muslims. No-one should be criticised with their beliefs. Please don't discuss. Whoever makes zikr, is free to do so. Whoever does not make zikr, is free not to. Whoever only comes for prayer is welcome. Whoever comes only for zikr is welcome. Please don't discuss! Don't quarrel. If you are not happy with the zikr, then leave and go. Don't force anyone!". Fatiha! London, 16.03.1992

BookPowerOceansofLove, CategoryHumbleness, CategoryServanthood, CategoryMosque (2 von 2)04.07.2013 23:02:14

88 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: AfterKingsComeTyrants

Maulana Sheikh Nazim : AfterKingsComeTyrants


After Kings Will Come Tyrants

(Regarding current protests in Egypt.) A`oodhu billahi min ash-Shaytani 'r-rajeem. Bismillahi 'r-Rahmani 'r-Raheem. Dastoor, yaa Sayyidi. Let the people look, that the Lord Almighty never left them and never forgot what they did to His servants. The holy verse says three words, ista`eedhu billah:     Laqad ahsahum wa `addahum 'addaan. He does take an account of them (all) and has numbered them (all) exactly. (Surah Maryam, 19:94) Who is "He" Who counted? He never forgets! It is written in the Heavens, how they oppressed and abused Allah's servants, one after the other; it is written on them and Allah (swt) will punish them. Let them fear! Let them fear! All of them are jabaabira, tyrants, from east to west. How many tyrants there are! What they have done has been counted; by the order of the Lord Almighty the angels have counted them. What is "counted"? It means, "one by one." So there is a warning for the tyrants, because their end is going to be worse than the punishment of the (1 von 2)04.07.2013 23:02:15

89 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: AfterKingsComeTyrants

pharaoh in the time of Sayyidina Musa (a), Prophet Moses. Allahu Akbar! May Allah (swt) protect us from their evilness! The greatest fault is not on the people, but on the `ulama, the scholars that did not declare what Allah (swt) ordered to be declared! Rasoolullah (s) foretold the news about the future and gave warnings about the most important things to come. In a noble hadith, he (s) said:                                          Sayaatee min ba`dee khulafaun wa min ba`d al-khulafaun umarraun wa min b`ad al-umarau mulookan wa min ba`d al-mulook jabaabira. There will come after me caliphs, and after caliphs will come princes, and after princes, kings, and after kings will come tyrants. Why didn't the scholars declare it? Why didn't they stand against Abdul Nasser when he incited a revolution against King Farouk of Egypt? They threw away the king! Then, why didn't the scholars say, "After the kings there will be tyrants." This is their fault, (and from it) they are carrying all the faults of the ummah; it's on them. From them comes the corruption and to them it will return. Astaghfirullah! Aman, yaa Rabbee! Fatihah. May Allah Almighty free the nation from tyrants. Yaa Rahmaan! (Mawlana Shaykh makes du`a.) Lefke, 16.01.2011

WebSufiLive, CategoryEgypt, CategoryOppression, CategoryKingdom (2 von 2)04.07.2013 23:02:15

90 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: AfterKingsComeTyrants2

Maulana Sheikh Nazim : AfterKingsComeTyrants2


After Kings Come Tyrants!

Yaa Rabbee! (Mawlana Shaykh stands) Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, Allahu akbar, laa ilaaha illa-Llah, w ’Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar wa lillaahi 'l-hamd! Allahuma salli wa sallim wa baarik `alaa Sayyidi 'l-awwaleen wa ’l-akhireen, habeebik, habeebi Rabbi 'l-`alameen ya rabb ighfir w’arham bi-jaahihi `indak, aslih shaananaa wa shaan al-muslimeen. Bi jaahi man anzaltahu `alayhi Surat al-Fatihah. (Mawlana Shaykh sits) Madad, yaa Sultan al-Anbiya, (Mawlana Shaykh stands) Sayyidi 'l-awwaleen wa ’l-akhireen. Zidhu yaa Rabbee, `izzan wa sharafan, nooran wa surooran, sultaanan wa ridwaana. Allahuma ab`ath lana malakan min `indak bi jaahihi `indak yaa Rabb! (Mawlana Shaykh sits) Thumma ’s-salaat wa ’s-salaam `alaa Sayyid al-Anbiyaa wal-Mursaleen wa `alaa aalihi was-saahbihi ajma`een. We are weak servants. Al-Haqq (swt) is saying: (Mawlana Shaykh stands)    Wa khuliq al-insaanu da’eefa. Man is created weak. (4:28) (Mawlana Shaykh sits) Sadaqallahu 'l-`azheem. We are saying, a`oodhu billahi min ash-Shaytani 'r-rajeem. Yaa Rabbee! Who is your deputy from Shaytan? For everyone there is a deputy. Who is it? Nafsak! Nafsuna! (1 von 6)04.07.2013 23:02:16

91 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: AfterKingsComeTyrants2

The deputy of Shaytan is the ego and the whole world now is Shaytan’s donkey, and all the Arab states that refuse Shari`atullah are donkeys! Yaa Rabbee! Every president has a deputy of Shaytan with him! Ptuh (spit) on them! People are asking about this. The deputies of Shaytan are number ones, and every country that thinks they are special ones. If you are a special one, why do you go to the WC (toilet)? Do you understand? "I am the most important one!" If they are saying, "We are special ones," how many times are you visiting the WC, making like this and like that? Ptuh `alaykum! Do you understand? Arabs! They are saying: "We represent the Seal of Prophets." When they are fighting and saying, "We must bring a new constitution." Azhar ash-Shareef, may Allah give you much more power! If he says something, everyone must listen to him, all kings or mulooks can't say anything, rather they must bow and say, "Yes." Now those who are leaving Shari`atullah are tyrants, jabaabira. Where is Palestinian law? They are saying, "We are moderate ones." Moderate ones go to Jahannam! Allah (swt) said: (Mawlana Shaykh stands) Asta`eedhu billah.    Ha. Meem. Wal-kitaabi ‘l-Mubeen. Ha. Meem. I swear by the Book that makes manifest (the truth). (Surat ad- Dukhan, 44:1-2) (Mawlana Shaykh sits) Inna anzalnahu Qur'anan Arabiyya, “The Holy Qur’an came in the Arabic language,” and I am sorry to say that Arabs are the first one leaving Shari`atullah and I am saying pttu! We are `ajam (non-Arabs), and it means we are following Muslim Arabs. If they are leaving Shari`atullah, what shall we do? No one is listening to the Holy Qur'an, but Allah Almighty will show them what it means to take Shari`atullah away and to bring Marxism. That jahannami (inhabitant of Hell), Marx made communism or socialism. They (2 von 6)04.07.2013 23:02:16

92 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: AfterKingsComeTyrants2

are saying, “We are new (fashioned) Muslims,” no, you are not Muslims for Allah, you are Muslims for Shaytan! Then they think that they have enough power to keep the way of Shaytan; they are keeping armies, and they are keeping billions and trillions of golden coins. They are saying, "No one can move us from our thrones!" They are making weak people kiss and lick their feet, saying, "No one can take us from our thrones!" Now, Allah (swt) encouraged one person to say, "Enough! Come down," and that one answered, "Are you saying this?" "Yes I am." "Is it only you?” “Now I am only one, but tomorrow I will be like a mass of oceans," he said with hope. O People of Egypt! Why are you not saying “Muslims”? Do you think that Egypt is a kaafir state? Never! He (Hosni Mubarak) thought that he could do everything and without any weapons people came together, shouting, "Go away!" Second will be Tunis, third Libya, fifth Algeria, sixth Yemen, then Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, and we are waiting for Turks also. Allah Qadiru ‘l-Mutlaq. (Mawlana Shaykh stands) Asta`eedhu billah.           Innamaa amruhu itha araada shay-an an yaqoola lahu kun fayakoon! Verily, His Command, when He intends a thing, is only that He says to it, "Be!" and it is! (YaSin 36:82) (Mawlana Shaykh sits)     Wa min ba`di 'l-mulooki jabaabiratun. After kings, and sultans, and padishahs, and emperors, are coming oppressors, tyrants. They are taking away Shari`atullah and bringing a Marxist system! Marx is saying to them, "Fill your (3 von 6)04.07.2013 23:02:16

93 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: AfterKingsComeTyrants2

pockets! Don't fear, and don't give to those people. If you give, they may get stronger, and they may carry you away, always make them to be weak ones, coming to you begging." I am saying this to mulook who do not know that one word, and every knowledge is coming through Prophet's teachings. There is a word in Arabic that they do not know: Al-insaan `abeedu ‘l-ihsaan. Man is the servant of goodness. Man is will be like a servant, in that as much as you give to people, they will come after you. Do they not know, “Al-insaan `abeedu ‘l-ihsaan”? Why are they filling their pockets? That is a good word, that the more you grant to people, the more they will come to be your servants, because giving makes the hearts of people love and respect to you! You are all saving, saving, saving! That one saved 70 billion dollars! Why are they not giving? When you give, people will follow you through their hearts. Look, if you give a cat one piece of food, it will run after you. If you throw a bone to a dog, it will follow you. How are insaan (human beings) or mulook chiefs or presidents, for what? Now they can't save themselves, so they are leaving. It is now reaching the limits, and all of them will fall down, except sultans! All sultans are going to be ministers of Mahdi (a)! Haqq wa ’l-Haqq! Here he is shouting, "Haqq, Haqq, Haqq." Why are people hungry? That hunger gives anger that no one can stop, no. O People! The Last Day, Judgment Day, is coming now. Don't think that we are at the beginning, no. We are the last Prophet's nation and our nation is reaching to the Day of Resurrection. Take care! Keep Islam! If you are not keeping and respecting Islam, the Lord of Heavens will make you under the level of animals. It is enough to know this word, “Al-insaan `abeedul-ihsaan.” It is never going to be a headache for them. Al- insaan `abeedul-ihsaan. There would be no headaches, but instead they are keeping, "Don't give, don't give, don't give," and people are saying, "No we don't like that one." Now the chief authority of Islam in Azhar ash-Shareef was declaring that, “We are never accepting any constitution except Shari`atullah,” and that is a big, and very good tiding for the ummah. That means one (4 von 6)04.07.2013 23:02:16

94 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: AfterKingsComeTyrants2

step, no way for them, everyone everywhere who is not keeping holy Shari`atullah of Islam will be taken away. All nations must try to make their ways according to the holy commands of their holy books. If not, they are going to be taken away. People! I am a weak one. I have been ordered to declare this to the east and west. I am asking forgiveness for myself from Allah Almighty and intercession of the Seal of Prophets (s). I have been waiting for Mahdi (a) for ninety years, and inshaa-Allah, all of you who are accepting and looking for Mahdi, will be with Mahdi (a)! Laa hawla wa la quwatta illa billahi 'l-`Aliyyu 'l-`Azheem. O People! Come to Islam! O People! Keep Shari`atullah, holy laws, holy rules that are coming from Heavens for Mankind to make them in good situations here and to have clean hearts for reaching Paradise and reaching to hazeerat al-Quds, the Holy Presence? Every Friday, Allah Almighty will invite people from Paradise for a feast, rabbani. Try to be there! I am asking forgiveness, you also ask forgiveness and then His blessings will reach you. If we do not asking His forgiveness, Allah Almighty’s favors will never reach us. Yaa Rabbee! Subhaan Sen! Sultaan Sen! You are Sultan al-Mutlaq. Allah Almighty is not using parliament systems, no! You must look … you must follow Allah Almighty's Attributes. He is never using parliaments, no, He is al-Hakim al-Mutlaq. Allah! You must have a sultanate, because sultans were so generous. People were keeping them, but this Shaytan, Marx (brought destruction) and all shaytans from every nation are making this crisis everywhere. Come to Allah's order and you will be happy here and Hereafter. May Allah forgive us. Fatihah. Tawbah, yaa Rabbee. Tawbah, yaa Rabbee. Inshaa-Allah we shall reach to Mahdi (a) and everyone who is sending away their sultans, those sultans will return to their thrones because of the holy order. `Ati kulli dhi haqqin haqqah, "Give everyone who has a right his right." Jalla Jalaaluh. Fatihah. Lefke, 18.02.2011 (5 von 6)04.07.2013 23:02:16

95 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: AgeOfMahdi

Maulana Sheikh Nazim : AgeOfMahdi


The Age Of Mahdi (as)

(Dt.: ZeitalterVonMehdi) Dastur Ya Sahib Al Zaman (as). Madad Ya Rijal Allah (swt). Al Salamu alaikum. O believers & Muslims. Al Hamdulillah that He (swt) granted us the month of Rajab Al Murajjab. The month of Allah (swt), may it be a blessed month to all of you, to the Muslim world & specially to the people of Egypt. May Allah (swt) protect us from all the fitna/corruption. I am a weak servant. It came to my mind to speak to the people of Egypt, the Muslims of Egypt. Al Salam alaikum, O people of Egypt. The biggest country... The biggest & strongest country within the Muslim world, Egypt, Misr Al Mah'rousa, (the protected Egypt), protected from the time of the Prophet (saws) until our time now. They are holding... they are holding onto Islam & believing and thanking Allah (swt) for His (swt) favours on them; that they accepted the religion of Islam and they defended.. they defended Islam against the non Muslims, the unbelievers & the corrupt. Until the year 1952 they were defending the Sharia of Islam & were glorifying it. We ask Allah (swt) that they may be supported in this matter and that they may return to how they were before the satanic, faithless revolution. These devilish ones, because they were against the Muslim people, and they exiled King Faruk from his (1 von 6)04.07.2013 23:02:18

96 Maulana Sheikh Nazim: