Keep Family on the Way of Light (11 April 2023/ 20 Ramadan 1444)
Keep Family on the Way of Light
Shaykh Mehmet Adil al-Ḥaqqānī
(11 April 2023/ 20 Ramadan 1444)
As-Salāmu ‘alaykum wa-raḥmatu Llāhi wa-barakātuh.
A‘ūdhu bi-Llāhi mina sh-shayṭāni r-rajīm. Bismi Llāhi r-Raḥmāni r-Raḥīm.
Aṣ-ṣalātu wa-s-Salāmu ‘alá Rasūlinā Muḥammadin Sayyidi l-awwalīna wa-l-ākhirīn. Madad yā Rasūla Llāh, madad yā Sādātī Aṣḥābi Rasūli Llāh, madad yā Mashāyikhanā, dastūr Mawlānā Shaykh ‘Abdu Llāh al-Fā’iz ad-Dāghistānī, Shaykh Muḥammad Nāẓim al-Ḥaqqānī. Madad.
Ṭarīqatuna ṣ-ṣuḥbah, wa-l-khayru fi l-jam’iyyah.
“Yā-ayyuhā lladhīna ’āmanū qū anfusakum wa-ahlīkum nāran waqūduhā n-nāsu wa-l-ḥijārah” (66:6). Allāh ‘Azza wa-Jalla saying: ‘‘Keep yourself safe from fire of hell. And your family, your children, keep them safe from all bad things.” It is important for – today we are making from English, we beginning, in shā’a Llāh, later we make Turkish. It is very important, this, every time. Because, your children, your grandchildren, they will be... give you happiness. Allāh جل جلاله, subḥāna Llāh, He جل جلاله give happiness with them, here and hereafter.
This is very, very good thing Allāh جل جلاله gave for human being, to love. For human being or for other even. For other – animal also they have, they love too much their children. But until certain time. After, they are not looking at all for them. Maybe six months or more. After this, they are even not happy to be together with them. But human being – different. They are... Allāh جل جلاله give them this love, for if they are together forever, they will be, in shā’a Llāh, together. This is... if they are way of Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم, way of Allāh ‘Azza wa-Jalla, they will be helpful for each other in dunyā and in ākhirah. Because in dunyā also, to be love each other, help each other, respect each other, it is also very good feeling, very good thing, for anyone they have like this. And we are trying to be happy with them and they to be happy with us.
But time, it is difficult time, especially for non-believer world – Western, Eastern or anywhere. Now shayṭān, they very attacking to family, to destroy family, and to make people unhappy. They said, we must, we like to make people happy, but their main aim: to destroy and make family, human being, unhappy. This is what shayṭān and his followers most important job for themselves. They make this job for themselves: to make people misery, to make people unhappy, to make people only looking for their... looking after pleasure, to find a pleasure, but with this what they doing? Only they can get misery, and stress, and unhappiness, and every bad thing. They cannot... you cannot find good thing from bad thing. There is a saying. They said, ‘‘Who plant wind, he will harvest storm or hurricane.’’ This is what it will be, nothing else. You plant dirty thing, you can find good thing? No.
For this Allāh ‘Azza wa-Jalla saying, For what, how you will live in this life? For you, for your family, for relative, for other. This is very important in Islām: family. “Ṣilatu r-raḥīm”, to connect each other, brothers, aunties, uncle, father, grandfather, nephews, all these – ṣilatu r-raḥīm. When you do this, Allāh جل جلاله happy with you, and you get barakah. When not do this, you... it is barakah going and misery coming. Allāh جل جلاله help us. This, we are living time, difficult time, but we are depend on Allāh جل جلاله to keep our family, our children, together, in shā’a Llāh in way of Allāh جل جلاله, way of Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم, in way of light, in shā’a Llāh.
Allāh ‘Azza wa-Jalla is saying “Yā-ayyuhā lladhīna ’āmanū qū anfusakum wa-ahlīkum nāran waqūduhā n-nāsu wa-l-ḥijārah” (66:6). Protect yourself and your family from the fire of hell. How should we protect them? By showing them the right way and by walking on the right way. It is not good to leave them alone. They are living, and you must teach them how to live. How will you teach them? You must do goodness. You must do beautiful things so that they are together with you.
Because this time we are living in is a very difficult time. It is the time when badness is shown as goodness and goodness is shown as badness. We are living in a tough time. But people must do good things no matter what, difficult or easy. It is important to save your family. Even if one by one people save themselves, the same will happen to others, in shā’a Llāh. But if they leave them alone, everywhere will be full of evil. They are not teaching goodness to people. The biggest specialty of this time is showing goodness as badness and striving to make them get into all kinds of troubles and all kinds of punishments. They are showing and teaching badness so that they do it as much as they want. We are living in the time of shayṭān. The things he shows are not good for people. They are not good for anyone. Shayṭān wants people to live badly, in discomfort, in troubles and with all kinds of grief.
Allāh ‘Azza wa-Jalla says in Qur’ān: “Innamā yurīdu sh-shayṭānu an yūqi‘a baynakumu l-‘adāwata wa-l-baghḍā’a” (5:91). “Ash-shayṭānu ya‘idukumu l-faqra wa-ya’murukum bi-l-faḥshā’i” (2:268). Aw kamā qāl Allāhu ta‘ālá. The promise shayṭān gives you is to put you in trouble, to lead you to poverty. Because everything he says and shows is nothing but poverty. You will spend all your money on your ego and your desires. You will spend it on bad ways. And then will you be happy? You will not be. You will live a sad, troubled life.
Therefore, you must strive to protect your family, yourself and everyone from that way. May جل جلاله help us. The time we are living in is at one time difficult and beneficial. May Allāh جل جلاله Allāh give us from its benefits.
May He جل جلاله protect us from its badness, in shā’a Llāh.
Wa-min Allāhi t-tawfīq, al-Fātiḥah.
أبقِ العائلة على طريق النور (11-4-2023)
يقول الله عز وجل
يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا قُوا أَنفُسَكُمْ وَأَهْلِيكُمْ نَارًا وَقُودُهَا النَّاسُ وَالْحِجَارَةُ
احمِ نفسك وعائلتك من نار جهنم. كيف يجب أن نحميهم؟ من خلال إظهار الطريق الصحيح لهم والسير على الطريق الصحيح. ليس من الجيد تركهم وشأنهم. إنهم يعيشون، ويجب أن تعلّمهم كيف يعيشون. كيف ستعلمهم؟ يجب أن تفعل الخير. يجب أن تفعل أشياء جميلة حتى يكونوا معك.
لأن هذه الوقت الذي نعيش فيه هو وقت صعب جداً. إنه الوقت الذي يظهر فيه الشر على انه خير ويظهر الخير على أنه شر. نحن نعيش في وقت عصيب. لكن يجب على الناس أن يفعلوا أشياء جيدة سواء كانت صعبة أو سهلة. المهم هو حماية عائلتك. حتى لو حفِظ شخص واحد نفسه، سيحدث نفس الشيء للآخرين إن شاء الله. لكن إذا تركوهم، سيكون كل مكان مليئًا بالشر. إنهم لا يُعلّمون الناس الخير.
إن أكبر تخصص في هذا الوقت هو إظهار الخير على أنه شر والسعي لجعلهم يعانون من جميع أنواع المشاكل وجميع أنواع العقاب. إنهم يُظهرون ويُعلّمون الشر حتى يفعلوا ذلك بقدر ما يريدون.
نحن نعيش في زمن الشيطان. الأشياء التي يُظهرها ليست جيدة للناس. ليست جيدة لأي شخص. يريد الشيطان أن يعيش الناس في سوء، انزعاج، ضيق ومع كل أنواع الحزن.
يقول الله عز وجل في القرآن الكريم "الشَّيْطَانُ يَعِدُكُمُ الْفَقْرَ وَيَأْمُرُكُم بِالْفَحْشَاءِ". الوعد الذي يُعطيك إياه الشيطان هو أن يوقعك في المشاكل، يقودك إلى الفقر. لأن كل ما يقوله ويظهره ليس سوى فقر. ستُنفق كل أموالك على نفسك ورغباتك. ستنفقها على طرق سيئة. وبعد ذلك هل ستكون سعيدا؟ لن تكون سعيدا. ستعيش حياة حزينة مضطربة.
لذلك، يجب أن تجتهد لحماية أسرتك، نفسك والجميع من هذا الطريق. الله ﷻ يُعينُنا. الزمن الذي نعيش فيه صعب ومفيد من جانب آخر. الله ﷻ يُعطينا من نفعه. ويحفظنا ﷻ من شرّه إن شاء الله. ومن الله التوفيق . الفاتحة .
مولانا الشيخ محمد عادل الرباني
Keep Family on the Way of Light
Shaykh Mehmet Adil al-Ḥaqqānī
(11 April 2023/ 20 Ramadan 1444)
As-Salāmu ‘alaykum wa-raḥmatu Llāhi wa-barakātuh.
A‘ūdhu bi-Llāhi mina sh-shayṭāni r-rajīm. Bismi Llāhi r-Raḥmāni r-Raḥīm.
Aṣ-ṣalātu wa-s-Salāmu ‘alá Rasūlinā Muḥammadin Sayyidi l-awwalīna wa-l-ākhirīn. Madad yā Rasūla Llāh, madad yā Sādātī Aṣḥābi Rasūli Llāh, madad yā Mashāyikhanā, dastūr Mawlānā Shaykh ‘Abdu Llāh al-Fā’iz ad-Dāghistānī, Shaykh Muḥammad Nāẓim al-Ḥaqqānī. Madad.
Ṭarīqatuna ṣ-ṣuḥbah, wa-l-khayru fi l-jam’iyyah.
“Yā-ayyuhā lladhīna ’āmanū qū anfusakum wa-ahlīkum nāran waqūduhā n-nāsu wa-l-ḥijārah” (66:6). Allāh ‘Azza wa-Jalla saying: ‘‘Keep yourself safe from fire of hell. And your family, your children, keep them safe from all bad things.” It is important for – today we are making from English, we beginning, in shā’a Llāh, later we make Turkish. It is very important, this, every time. Because, your children, your grandchildren, they will be... give you happiness. Allāh جل جلاله, subḥāna Llāh, He جل جلاله give happiness with them, here and hereafter.
This is very, very good thing Allāh جل جلاله gave for human being, to love. For human being or for other even. For other – animal also they have, they love too much their children. But until certain time. After, they are not looking at all for them. Maybe six months or more. After this, they are even not happy to be together with them. But human being – different. They are... Allāh جل جلاله give them this love, for if they are together forever, they will be, in shā’a Llāh, together. This is... if they are way of Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم, way of Allāh ‘Azza wa-Jalla, they will be helpful for each other in dunyā and in ākhirah. Because in dunyā also, to be love each other, help each other, respect each other, it is also very good feeling, very good thing, for anyone they have like this. And we are trying to be happy with them and they to be happy with us.
But time, it is difficult time, especially for non-believer world – Western, Eastern or anywhere. Now shayṭān, they very attacking to family, to destroy family, and to make people unhappy. They said, we must, we like to make people happy, but their main aim: to destroy and make family, human being, unhappy. This is what shayṭān and his followers most important job for themselves. They make this job for themselves: to make people misery, to make people unhappy, to make people only looking for their... looking after pleasure, to find a pleasure, but with this what they doing? Only they can get misery, and stress, and unhappiness, and every bad thing. They cannot... you cannot find good thing from bad thing. There is a saying. They said, ‘‘Who plant wind, he will harvest storm or hurricane.’’ This is what it will be, nothing else. You plant dirty thing, you can find good thing? No.
For this Allāh ‘Azza wa-Jalla saying, For what, how you will live in this life? For you, for your family, for relative, for other. This is very important in Islām: family. “Ṣilatu r-raḥīm”, to connect each other, brothers, aunties, uncle, father, grandfather, nephews, all these – ṣilatu r-raḥīm. When you do this, Allāh جل جلاله happy with you, and you get barakah. When not do this, you... it is barakah going and misery coming. Allāh جل جلاله help us. This, we are living time, difficult time, but we are depend on Allāh جل جلاله to keep our family, our children, together, in shā’a Llāh in way of Allāh جل جلاله, way of Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم, in way of light, in shā’a Llāh.
Allāh ‘Azza wa-Jalla is saying “Yā-ayyuhā lladhīna ’āmanū qū anfusakum wa-ahlīkum nāran waqūduhā n-nāsu wa-l-ḥijārah” (66:6). Protect yourself and your family from the fire of hell. How should we protect them? By showing them the right way and by walking on the right way. It is not good to leave them alone. They are living, and you must teach them how to live. How will you teach them? You must do goodness. You must do beautiful things so that they are together with you.
Because this time we are living in is a very difficult time. It is the time when badness is shown as goodness and goodness is shown as badness. We are living in a tough time. But people must do good things no matter what, difficult or easy. It is important to save your family. Even if one by one people save themselves, the same will happen to others, in shā’a Llāh. But if they leave them alone, everywhere will be full of evil. They are not teaching goodness to people. The biggest specialty of this time is showing goodness as badness and striving to make them get into all kinds of troubles and all kinds of punishments. They are showing and teaching badness so that they do it as much as they want. We are living in the time of shayṭān. The things he shows are not good for people. They are not good for anyone. Shayṭān wants people to live badly, in discomfort, in troubles and with all kinds of grief.
Allāh ‘Azza wa-Jalla says in Qur’ān: “Innamā yurīdu sh-shayṭānu an yūqi‘a baynakumu l-‘adāwata wa-l-baghḍā’a” (5:91). “Ash-shayṭānu ya‘idukumu l-faqra wa-ya’murukum bi-l-faḥshā’i” (2:268). Aw kamā qāl Allāhu ta‘ālá. The promise shayṭān gives you is to put you in trouble, to lead you to poverty. Because everything he says and shows is nothing but poverty. You will spend all your money on your ego and your desires. You will spend it on bad ways. And then will you be happy? You will not be. You will live a sad, troubled life.
Therefore, you must strive to protect your family, yourself and everyone from that way. May جل جلاله help us. The time we are living in is at one time difficult and beneficial. May Allāh جل جلاله Allāh give us from its benefits.
May He جل جلاله protect us from its badness, in shā’a Llāh.
Wa-min Allāhi t-tawfīq, al-Fātiḥah.
أبقِ العائلة على طريق النور (11-4-2023)
يقول الله عز وجل
يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا قُوا أَنفُسَكُمْ وَأَهْلِيكُمْ نَارًا وَقُودُهَا النَّاسُ وَالْحِجَارَةُ
احمِ نفسك وعائلتك من نار جهنم. كيف يجب أن نحميهم؟ من خلال إظهار الطريق الصحيح لهم والسير على الطريق الصحيح. ليس من الجيد تركهم وشأنهم. إنهم يعيشون، ويجب أن تعلّمهم كيف يعيشون. كيف ستعلمهم؟ يجب أن تفعل الخير. يجب أن تفعل أشياء جميلة حتى يكونوا معك.
لأن هذه الوقت الذي نعيش فيه هو وقت صعب جداً. إنه الوقت الذي يظهر فيه الشر على انه خير ويظهر الخير على أنه شر. نحن نعيش في وقت عصيب. لكن يجب على الناس أن يفعلوا أشياء جيدة سواء كانت صعبة أو سهلة. المهم هو حماية عائلتك. حتى لو حفِظ شخص واحد نفسه، سيحدث نفس الشيء للآخرين إن شاء الله. لكن إذا تركوهم، سيكون كل مكان مليئًا بالشر. إنهم لا يُعلّمون الناس الخير.
إن أكبر تخصص في هذا الوقت هو إظهار الخير على أنه شر والسعي لجعلهم يعانون من جميع أنواع المشاكل وجميع أنواع العقاب. إنهم يُظهرون ويُعلّمون الشر حتى يفعلوا ذلك بقدر ما يريدون.
نحن نعيش في زمن الشيطان. الأشياء التي يُظهرها ليست جيدة للناس. ليست جيدة لأي شخص. يريد الشيطان أن يعيش الناس في سوء، انزعاج، ضيق ومع كل أنواع الحزن.
يقول الله عز وجل في القرآن الكريم "الشَّيْطَانُ يَعِدُكُمُ الْفَقْرَ وَيَأْمُرُكُم بِالْفَحْشَاءِ". الوعد الذي يُعطيك إياه الشيطان هو أن يوقعك في المشاكل، يقودك إلى الفقر. لأن كل ما يقوله ويظهره ليس سوى فقر. ستُنفق كل أموالك على نفسك ورغباتك. ستنفقها على طرق سيئة. وبعد ذلك هل ستكون سعيدا؟ لن تكون سعيدا. ستعيش حياة حزينة مضطربة.
لذلك، يجب أن تجتهد لحماية أسرتك، نفسك والجميع من هذا الطريق. الله ﷻ يُعينُنا. الزمن الذي نعيش فيه صعب ومفيد من جانب آخر. الله ﷻ يُعطينا من نفعه. ويحفظنا ﷻ من شرّه إن شاء الله. ومن الله التوفيق . الفاتحة .
مولانا الشيخ محمد عادل الرباني