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Make It Easy for Us to Give (10 April 2023/ 19 Ramadan 1444)
Make It Easy for Us to Give

Shaykh Mehmet Adil al-Ḥaqqānī
(10 April 2023/ 19 Ramadan 1444)

As-Salāmu ‘alaykum wa-raḥmatu Llāhi wa-barakātuh.

A‘ūdhu bi-Llāhi mina sh-shayṭāni r-rajīm. Bismi Llāhi r-Raḥmāni r-Raḥīm.

Aṣ-ṣalātu wa-s- Salāmu ‘alá Rasūlinā Muḥammadin Sayyidi l-awwalīna wa-l-ākhirīn. Madad yā Rasūla Llāh, madad yā Sādātī Aṣḥābi Rasūli Llāh, madad yā Mashāyikhanā, dastūr Mawlānā Shaykh ‘Abdu Llāh al-Fā’iz ad-Dāghistānī, Shaykh Muḥammad Nāẓim al-Ḥaqqānī. Madad.

Ṭarīqatuna ṣ-ṣuḥbah, wa-l-khayru fi l-jam’iyyah.

Allāh ‘Azza wa-Jalla says, Bismi Llāhi r-Raḥmāni r-Raḥīm. "Wa-ātū z-zakāt" (2:43). Giving zakāh is obligatory in Islām. Giving it in Ramaḍān, to give in this month is both good and full of virtue, and people won't get confused whether a year has passed or not. Every year in Ramaḍān, even if they don't distribute it, they should separate their money or property, or whatever [for zakāh] from the money that is their's. It is the right of Allāh جل جلاله. It is the order of Allāh ‘Azza wa-Jalla and the right of poor people. Allāh جل جلاله gave our money. May He جل جلاله give barakah with it. But that is their right. We cannot interfere or touch it. You must give it when there is a need. It will be out of your possession then.

When Islām had just appeared, it came to our Holy Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم slowly over 23 years. In the beginning he صلى الله عليه وسلم used to call it zakātu l-fiṭr. It was not for all property but for everyone. We call it fiṭr when you pay per individual. It was like this at that time. Afterwards, this zakāh became farḍ, obligatory. It is farḍ now. And the other one is like ṣadaqah (charity) zakāh. Fiṭr must be given before ‘Īd prayer so that it counts as fiṭr. When it is given after ‘Īd prayer, our Holy Prophet ṣallá Llāhu ‘alayhi wa-sallam says it is ṣadaqah. You are losing the virtue of and reward of fiṭr then.

But zakāh is a very important thing. Our Holy Prophet ṣallá Llāhu ‘alayhi wa-sallam says, "Mā naqaṣa mālu ‘abdin min ṣadaqah." Your property never decreases from giving ṣadaqah. And because zakāh is farḍ, it won't decrease at all. Moreover, it will increase. Whoever gives zakāh, his money, property, everything he has, increases and gets blessing. Therefore, we shouldn't be scared. But shayṭān prevents people from giving. He is scaring them. He says, "It will be gone. Why are you giving so much?" and doesn't want it. There are many rich people who live in our Islamic world as Muslims. They have so much money that if they gave zakāh, there would be no poor or hungry people in this time. But Allāh جل جلاله is not letting them . Allah جل جلاله gave them money. But they think this favour is from themselves and don't give. And when they don't give, the more they don't give, the more sins will be on them in ākhirah. They will be punished for it.

May Allāh جل جلاله protect us. May we have giving hands. May we not be scared of giving, in shā’a Llāh. Because...

There is a story, a true story. There was a trader in Damascus. He had a Shaykh there, who was making ṣuḥbah. After ṣuḥbah, the trader told him, "I will ask something from you. Do me a favour." He asked, "What kind of favour?" "I have money. I want to give zakāh but I cannot do it. I will take you home now. Bring a couple of people. No, bring three to five strong men with you. I will show you its place when we reach home. And I will tell you where the key is. Please hold me. Calculate zakāh from it and take out my zakāh. And don't listen to me if I scream and shout. Take it and go." Indeed, they did this. They went home, and when they were about to take the money, he started shouting. He started swearing, asking them to leave it. But they had been instructed to open and to take the money, so they did it. They took the zakāh money and they left. Next day he came to thank them and said, "May Allāh جل جلاله be pleased with you. Otherwise I would not have been able to give it myself even if they cut off my head . That’s why I chose this way , so that my zakah is paid .”

There are people like this. There are many people who want to give but cannot. They have a lot of money and everything. They spend five times, hundred times the amount of their zakāh in other places but they don't give on the way of Allāh جل جلاله, as it is ordered by Allāh جل جلاله. May Allāh جل جلاله make us from the giving ones. May Allāh جل جلاله make us from those who guard the rights of Allāh جل جلاله. This is taking away someone's right. You are taking the rights of the poor. You are taking Allāh's جل جلاله right. You are taking it away. May Allāh جل جلاله protect us.

Today, also Allāh جل جلاله say, "Wa-ātū z-zakāt" (2:43). "Wa-aqraḍū Llāha qarḍan ḥasanan" (57:18). Many āyah for zakāt. To give zakāt, it is order and obligatory, one pillar of Islām. Who has enough money, he must give this zakāt money, every year, once. Not like government, every day you must pay tax. Every, what, go, there, everything – they have you pay tax. You will not saying anything for this. But when once a year when you pay for Allāh جل جلاله you are not happy. Many people they are not happy. They are not doing this.

But it is obligatory from Islām and, before obligatory, there was in Ramaḍān also giving. They gave ṣadaqah – zakātu l-fiṭr they call it. that zakāt before it was for each people to give like barley, one barley, two kilo or three kilo barley or what equal from money. It was before zakāt. After, when zakāt coming, this become like ṣadaqah and it must be, they call it zakātu l-fiṭr. But in Ramaḍān, when you give it, you give zakātu l-fiṭr. But after praying ‘Īd, Prophet ṣallá Llāhu ‘alayhi wa-sallam saying it is ṣadaqah, not more zakātu l-fiṭr. So, we must give it before ṣalātu l-‘Īd, ‘Īd prayer. But zakāt, in one year – any time in year. When this money stay one year with you, you must pay for this each, each year you must pay for this. And, as we said, you can pay any time, but better and more blessed, more reward in Ramaḍān. So, in Ramaḍān you know you not mix, "I give this month? That month?" and you give this money and you will be reward more, many time from other time.

But in Ramaḍān how we can do? You must in each Ramaḍān, what you have money leave this for one year, no need to ask, say from this Ramaḍān to next Ramaḍān, from Ramaḍān to Ramaḍān. Count your money and collect what, calculate what you must pay and separate this zakāt money from other money. Say this for Allāh جل جلاله, for poor people. "From this money I put it beside in Ramaḍān and I will give for who are in need." And you can give it little by little, not use it anymore for yourself. So, it is acceptable as you pay whole in Ramaḍān, in shā’a Llāh. And it is –

Don't worry your money it will be less, Prophet ṣallá Llāhu ‘alayhi wa-sallam saying, "Mā naqaṣa mālu min ṣadaqah." No money coming less from ṣadaqah even. How for zakāt? Zakāt more important, more, cannot be less money from zakāt. Zakāt make your money growing more and more. And, many people in this time, they're not giving zakāt. Ṣadaqah, they never will. If they not give zakāt, ṣadaqah they will never give. We living in time, the most richest time in history – we are living in this time. They have money, gold, everything. If this people, rich people, they give their zakāt as what Allāh جل جلاله say, no more any poor people. You cannot find even poor people to give zakāt. No hunger, nothing. But, there are not maybe who give zakāt from rich people maybe ten percent or five percent maybe, I don't know, Allāhu a'lam. Because it is difficult for people, many people to give something, it is too difficult for them. Especially for rich people, it become more difficult, more hard for them to give.

Allāh جل جلاله make us from who give, they love to give, not to keep. Why they will keep? For ākhirah, for grave, for graveyard? No. Because, there is one story, real story. I don't know if I said before.

In Damascus, there was one rich trader and he like to give zakāt and he coming for ṣuḥbah of mashāyikh. And one big ‘ālīm from Shām, he is, he like him. He [the trader] said, "I want to speak something for you. You can help me, if you can help me to do this." "Ah yes, what you want?" He said, "I want to give zakāt, but I am, every time I cannot give, very difficult for me. For this, I like ask you to bring strong, five or six people, with you to my house and I will give you key, my money drawer key. And you will look, you will find there zakāt, you take. But before, you must this people hold me – strongly hold me. Because, I will be very angry, maybe do something wrong. So, maybe I will not give you this. For this, I want you to bring these people and to hold and you take this and quickly go give what they need to people." And really they was coming to his house and when he sit, Shaykh coming to open. But [he] beginning to shout to swear, shout and swear, "Don't take this! What are you doing?" But, this people, they was holding him. He cannot move. So, they take and they left him. After, next day he come was saying, "Thank you Shaykh, I cannot, every time doing this. It's too hard for me to give. But I must give, so this is the best way to control myself, to control my ego."

So, it is, al-ḥamdu liLlāh, he was, even he know he must give, and he was happy with this. This one example from people. Really, there is people... Before they was saying, "Your life or your money?" Many people they can say, "My life, I keep my money, don't take my money."

So, Allāh جل جلاله make us to not be slave for dunyā. You must use this for yourself, for ākhirah, for poor people, for benefit of human being, in shā’a Llāh. Allāh جل جلاله give us to make to give, to make it easy for us to give, in shā’a Llāh.

Allāh جل جلاله give barakah for zakāt for all of you, in shā’a Llāh.

Wa-min Allāhi t-tawfīq, al-Fātiḥah.

سهّل علينا العطاء (10-4-2023)
يقول الله عز وجل، بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم "وَآتُوا الزَّكَاةَ". إخراج الزكاة من فرائض الإسلام. العطاء في رمضان، العطاء في هذا الشهر أحسن وأفضل، ولا يُشوّش الناس بمرور السنة أم لا. كل سنة في رمصان، حتى لو لم يوزعوها، عليهم فصل أموالهم أو ممتلكاتهم أو ما في ذلك عن أموالهم الخاصة. إنه حق الله ﷻ. وهو أمر الله عز وجل وحق الفقراء. أعطانا الله ﷻ مالنا. نرجو أن يبارك به. لكن هذا حقهم. لا يمكننا التدخل أو لمسه. يجب أن تعطيه عند الحاجة. سيكون خارج ممتلكاتك بعد ذلك.
عندما ظهر الإسلام- وصل إلى نبينا الكريم ﷺ شيئا فشيئا خلال ثلاثة وعشرين عاما. كان ﷺ يُسميها زكاة الفطر من قبل. لم يكن لجميع الممتلكات ولكن على الجميع. نحن نسميها فطرة عندما تدفع عن كل فرد. كان الأمر كذلك حينها. بعد ذلك أصبحت هذه الزكاة فرض. إنها فرض الآن. والآخر مثل صدقة الزكاة. يجب أن تُعطى قبل صلاة العيد لتحتسب على أنها فطرة. إذا أعطيت بعد صلاة العيد، فإن نبينا الكريم صلى الله عليه وسلم يقول إنها صدقة. إنك تُضيّع فضيلة وثواب الفطرة.
لكن الزكاة مسألة مهمة جدا. يقول نبينا الكريم صلى الله عليه وسلم "ما نقص مالٌ من صدقةٍ". لا تنقص أموالك من الصدقة. وبما أن الزكاة فرض، فإنها لن تنقص على الإطلاق. على العكس من ذلك، ستزداد. من أخرج زكاة ماله، أملاكه وكل ما لديه زاد ونال البركة. لذلك، يجب أن لا نخاف. لكن الشيطان يمنع الناس من العطاء. يُخيفهم. يقول "سينتهي. لماذا تُعطي كل هذا؟" ولا يريد ذلك.
هناك الكثير من الأثرياء الذين يعيشون في عالمنا الإسلامي كمسلمين. لديهم الكثير من المال لدرجة أنهم إذا أعطوا الزكاة فلن يكون هناك فقراء أو جائعون في هذا الوقت. ولكن الله ﷻ لم يعطهم ذلك. أعطاهم الله ﷻ مالاً، لكنهم يعتقدون أن هذه النعمة منهم، ولا يُعطون. وعندما لا يُعطون، كلما لم يُعطوا، كلما زادت الذنوب عليهم في الآخرة، وسيُعاقبون بنفس القدر. حفظنا الله. نرجو أن يكون لدينا أيدي تُعطي. نرجو ألا نخاف من العطاء إن شاء الله.
هناك قصة، قصة حقيقية. كان هناك تاجر في الشام. كان له شيخ هناك، وكان يُعطي صحبة. قال له بعد الصحبة "سأطلب منك شيئاً. اصنع لي معروفاً". سأل "أي نوع من المعروف؟" "لدي مال، أريد أن أعطي زكاة، لكني لا أستطيع، سآخذك إلى المنزل الآن. أحضر اثنين من الناس. لا، أحضر من ثلاثة الى خمسة رجال أقوياء معك. سأريك مكانه عندما نصل إلى المنزل. وسأخبرك أين المفتاح. أمسكني. احسب الزكاة منه وأخرج الزكاة. ولا تستمع إليّ إذا صرخت. خذها واذهب". في الحقيقة، فعلوا ذلك. ذهبوا إلى البيت، وعندما كانوا على وشك

أخذها، بدأ بالصراخ. بدأ بالشتائم يطلب تركها. لكنهم تلقوا تعليمات بفتحها وأخذ النقود، ففعلوا. أخذوا أموال الزكاة. ثم تركوه. جاء ليشكرهم في اليوم التالي وقال "رضي الله ﷻ عنكم. وإلا لما كنت لأخرجها بنفسي حتى لو قطعوا رأسي. لهذا اخترت هذه الطريقة لإخراج الزكاة".
هناك أناس هكذا. هناك الكثير من الناس الذين يريدون العطاء لكنهم لا يستطيعون. لديهم الكثير من المال وكل شيء. يعطون خمسة أضعاف، مئة ضعف الزكاة في مواضع أخرى. لكنهم لا يُعطون في سبيل الله ﷻ، كما أمر الله ﷻ.
الله ﷻ يجعلنا من الذين يُعطون. الله ﷻ يجعلنا ممن يُحافظون على حق الله ﷻ. هذا يسلب المرء حقه. أنت تأخذ حقوق الفقراء. إنك تأخذ حق الله ﷻ. أنت تأخذه. حفظنا الله. ومن الله التوفيق . الفاتحة .
مولانا الشيخ محمد عادل الرباني