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Breaths from beyond the Curtain (Shaykh Nazim, 135 pages, 3/13)
best, IsI am is the best. Christianity is has lost its power to affect people, just as Judaism is has lost that power. IsI am is the best, keeping people at their normal capacity and normal ability. They may do everything according to its own reality.** That is important.

Therefore, IsI am says, “You may do this, you can’t do that.” That is perfection, not to be like the craziness of the democratic system that leaves people free to do everything; no. That is only for cattle in the meadow; they can do that, or in the jungle wild animals can do everything as they like. Or as each night on Discovery they are showing people un- der the seas, under the oceans. There you can find every- thing that they can do. But for man, the best way of life is in “Ina realistic manner, according to what is good for people and they are capable of.


Islam. IsI am gives freedom when we are in need of it and prevents it when it is going to be harmful to you and others,

May Allah forgive us and give us a good understanding of Islam. For the honour of the most honoured one in His

Divine Presence—Fatelia! &


“The opening surah [chapter] of the Qur'an,

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A‘udhu bil-Lahi min ash-Shaytant-r-rajeem. Bismillahi-r- Rahmani-r-Raheem. La hawla wa la quwwata illa bil-Lahi-l-‘Aliyi-l-"Azheem. Oour Lord, ya Rabbana, gather our hearts to hear, from Your divine station—to be gathered and listen and obey.

Understand? When you collect water, much more power comes for turning the mill. If that water is spread over a wide space, it is weak; can’t turn. Therefore, the mill always collects the water, when coming on the stones to turn them, not letting it flow in a wide space—no; collecting, collecting, collecting. Then it gives that power.

Therefore, we are asking from Allah Almighty to do everything for His sake, for His glory, for His divine hon- our. Everything that you are going to do, you must do it for His divine glory and divine pleasure. That is important!

When you want to do something for Him, Almighty, you must gather your every power. Therefore we are say-


ing, “Allalw Akbar!"* That means we are putting away eve- rything that occupies us and making ready all our spiritual- ity, and also our physical being, to be a hundred per cent present in His Divine Presence. If not, it is so wide a space, [unlike the mill], never turning.

Yes; power. That is important, to collect your whole power. You must think about it: In whose Presence am! standing now? Whom am I addressing now? Whom am] worshipping now? Therefore we are saying, “Allahu Akbar,” putting aside everything because nothing is valuable in comparison to what we are doing.

There is deep heedlessness now. People think that their works, their business, their efforts, their doing of everything that belongs to this life is important. I am saying, “Come and give your obedience to your Lord who created you.”

They are saying [parodies], “No time. No time for praying because we have so many thing to do.”

They do not think that the most important work for man is to stand up and pray for the sake of his Lord’s divine glory—to do that work, obedience, for His divine glory. In- stead, people think that this life and their works are so im- portant, so important, saying, “No. No time.”

“What are you doing? Rubbish! What you are doing will finally go to the W.C.* For what are you doing this?”

The lalbir, meaning “Allah is Most Great,” uttered by Muslims at the beginning and at each change of posture during prayers. “Brit, toilet,

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Satan is showing them that what they are doing is so important. “I am the President, I am the Prime Minister, I am a minister, I am a mayor, I am a governor, I am the King, I am the Queen, I am the Sultan, I am the biggest director, manager, of this or that company, or I am the chairman of this bank or that bank,” they are thinking. They think that these titles that they give make their works so important, while for obedience they are saying, “No time to look at such things. We are busy!”

What is this? Such a mentality is bringing the whole world to the worst condition, for which they will never find asolution. The whole world’s people, all of them, have just fallen into a dark and narrow place, and they are hopeless and full of fear for their future.

The U.S. is saying, “In 2004, we are making big plans and projects, and planning only for war, not anything else. We are preparing every department, everything, only for war in 2004, no other project, because we must pass this nar- row strait safely. Then we can think about it. Now we see that we are in the most dangerous situation and in the most

terrible conditions.”

That is the statement of the U.S., which is the super- power and patron on earth. Due to that they are saying this. What about others? All countries are now only thinking about preparing for their defense—how they will be able to protect themselves, small ones and big ones. The small ones are preparing themselves: “We may take the side of the US.” Others may say, “We can take our way with Russia or China or other big countries. We can be under their wing,

and we must also be prepared ourselves.”


No country feels safe about its future. Germany, France, England, Russia, China, Pakistan, India, Japan, Ar- abs, Turks—none of them feels that it is in safety. None of them looks at its future and says to itself, “We have a guar- antee through our power,” no one. That is the result of the heedlessness of people, because they are throwing away the first important duty that they should keep, to be their Lord's obedient servants. Always they are kicking away that obe- dience, but yet they are asking for a safe way. They can't find it! Personally or collectively or globally, safety is im-

possible if they throw away obedience to their Lord, Al- mighty Allah.

That is biggest crisis for mankind. No one is hopeful and fearless about his future, no. Even the U.S. is finished because people are throwing away the most important thing: to be obedient to their Lord, to keep obedience to the Divine Presence of the Lord of Heavens. The first punish- ment is coming for that.

They think that through their weapons they will reach something, but with their weapons they should only reach damar, destruction, all buildings down and fields full of dead bodies. That is the result because they are trusting in their weapons and the whole world is trusting in its tech- nology.

Their hope and trust is in their technology. They think that when they use high technology, they should be able to reach their goals on earth—a safe life and a peaceful and en- joyable life. They do not think that another technology may come and destroy their technology. And the boss of the su- perpowers, US.A,, is saying, “In 2004, we are planning and


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making every project and plan only for war.” Therefore, no hope for all the world’s people for tomorrow. “Fa‘tabiru.”” Take your lessons, O people, from what Allah Almighty is sending to us, saying, “Only J give peace. I am the only One who can give peace to you, to your life. But as long as you are not obedient servants to Me, until you make My obedi- ence, My servanthood, the first aim, you are never going to reach peace or a peaceful, enjoyable life in this world. You can’t, you can’t reach that!

Therefore, this world must be changed. We are the smallest state on earth, and the Northern Turkish govern- ment is coming and asking me, “Do you think that we are in need of a change?”

I am saying, “Yes. You need a change because your condition now is the worst. If you insist on not changing, you are never going to reach a good and hopeful and peace- ful life because you are on wrong way. You are kicking away obedience to your Lord and He is punishing you so that you can’t reach a peaceful life. You must change your- selves,” I am saying to them.

And now I am saying to the whole world that they must change their way if they want a peaceful life, a peace- ful world, global peace. If you like that, you must change, you must change your position. Now you are servants of Shaytan. You must change; you must be servants of your Lord, and everything is going to be changed. If not, no one, no technology, can help. Technology has only come for de- struction and to take away everything on the face of this

*"Then learn a lesson (or, take warning)." (59:2)


earth, and to remain only ashes and dead bodies and broken buildings and destroyed cities. That will be the result.

This is a warning from Spiritual Headquarters* to all nations. If they listen and change, they should reach a safe and peaceful life. If not, they know! They can do as they like, but they are never going to be welcomed with a good life, a peaceful life. Always they should be faced with trou- bles, crises, wars, fighting, destruction, sufferings and miser- ies here, before the Day of Resurrection.

May Allah forgive us and send us some ones from His saints, from His valued servants, honoured servants, to tum our faces from the wrong direction to the right direction, to leave Shaytan and to be with Allah. For the honour of the most honoured one in His Divine Presence, Sayyidina Mu-

hammad #—Fatela! &

*All living saints live under an established hierarchy of command, through which they receive their orders and inspirations. The “spiritual headquarters” refers toShaykh Nazim’s master, Grandshaykh “Abdullah ad-Daghestani who receives directly from the Prophet #.

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A'udlu bil-Lahi min ash-Shaytani-r-rajeem. Bismillahi-r-

Rahmani-r-Raheem. La hawla wa la quwwata illa bil-Lahi-l- ‘Aliyi-l-“Azheem. It is an Association,” to wake up people.

If Allah Almighty had not sent His prophets, peace be upon them, to mankind, and especially the last, the Seal of the Prophets, the Honour of Creation, the most honoured servant in the Divine Presence, for whose honour all crea- tures were created, [we would not have any criteria for our actions]. All the prophets, they were sent to mankind to show them what is wrong and what is right; because man has been granted a will, granted a mind, and granted a physical being so that, acting within his area of permissibil- ity, he has been granted to do something.

A man is not a solid figure, motionless, not doing any- thing. Rather, we have been created to act, and our physical system in its foundation and the manner of its creation is prepared to move and act.

"Arabic, sukhah; Turkish, solibet meaning to associate 0 i : ssociate or kee with the shaykh. eep company


Allah Almighty is the Designer and Creator of man- kind. No one can design or think of such a figure as ours. Our outward aspects and the inside are so perfect in their design, and in our faculties or in the specialized actions that wedo,

He is able to design our outward aspects and make the inside solid. But He does not do that. The inside is not closed, a solid piece of flesh, no. If you think about it, it makes you more astonished that you have such things in- side you that you don’t know about—so many organs inside ourselves, and we do not even know what is inside.

Somany systems in our physical being! So many veins, and they say that there are veins as fine as a hair or finer, and running through those veins there is blood. And He does not make cells sealed in their kibaru, size. Such small cells, one next to the other; each one keeps its position and each one also keeps the rights of the ones next to it. And those thinner-than-hair veins are reaching and pouring into each cell what it needs, according to its nature. What we eat, drink, breathe, veins take that and reach, coming and knocking at each cell.

Each cell has a special entrance, not coming to it from everywhere, That is the order of the Creator: “Wa atu-l- buyita min abwabiha.”* Each cell is like a special place, a special home, and Allah is ordering, “If you want to enter your homes, you must use their doors.” Therefore, each cell has a special entrance, so that even the thinnest veins must ysiadhin, ask permission. “Is it ready for me to bring some- thing?” And it is answers, “Yes. Bring it.” And the veins

™ And enter houses by their doors.” (2:189)

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are saying, “We are bringing full ones,” and the cell is say- ing, “Take the empty, used ones. Bring new,” and taking away, like natural gas tanks, the yust‘amal, used-up, ones.

In such a way, for those billions and billions of cells, this process goes on with each breath. This breath that we take from the air goes in, going through blood carried by the thinnest veins, reaching every cell, giving fresh oxygen, and taking away each one’s used CO:, carbon dioxide.

It is impossible to think how it goes on. That is the greatness that the Lord of Heavens, designing and creating. The circulatory system or digestive system or ‘asabi, nervous system, all work in the utmost perfection. And at the same time, you can see, you can hear, you can talk; at the same time, you can grasp, you can walk, you can feel, you can think, and you can eat, you can drink, and you can sleep, also. When sleeping, no longer is your will working on it.

“Huwa-l-ladhi yusawwirukum fil-arham.”*! He is the only One who designs you and creates you in the darkness of the wombs of your mothers. Those foolish doctors, they want to involve themselves, to put their wills there. They say, “We are controlling it.”

Who are you to control? What is this foolishness? Such ignorance with them! How can you claim this? Your con- trol is to put a measuring tape on a woman’s waist and say, “Oh, now it is bigger. In one month, it is going to be one centimeter, two centimeters bigger. Okay?” Then putting her on the scale: “Yes, now you are growing, going to be ten

stone.” And they are putting this and listening to the heart "Ibis He who forms you in the wombs [as He wills).” (3:6) “A stone is British measure of weight, equivalent to fourteen pounds.



of the new creation in the womb of its mother. That is their control. And they are saying to women, “You must come. We must control you.” Who are you to control? Each time they are involving themselves, it gets worse, the new creaton, When you are thirsty, your body is going to fall down. Subhanallak, you may drink one cup of water and then quickly stand up. How did it reach everywhere? How can it be?

The Creator created and designed man as such a mi- raculous being, subhanallahu-I-Aliyu-l-“Azheem! If for years, a hundred years, even a thousand years, you could think about it, you couldn’t find an end to knowledge about the creation of man and his workings. Subhanallah! No one can think of such a design, such handsome and beautiful designs!

We are coming to this point, that we have been created in such a manner and design, and we are a working figure of flesh. That figure, thousands of books aren’t able to give a description of it, And we do something; everyone does something. And that something that we have been asked to do, to work on, is because we are not, as we said, solid figures, not moving. No, we are moving.

Those movements are ordinary movements. But the Lord of Heavens, our Creator, is giving His statement to such a perfectly-designed creature through His chosen ser- vants, prophets, saying to all mankind, “O mankind, we have been sent on behalf of your Creator, because it is not according to His divine wisdoms to address everyone di-


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rectly. He is only addressing and choosing one among yourselves, and through that one He is addressing you.”

Therefore, prophets’ words are Allah Almighty’s words. You must accept this. “In huwa illa wahyun yuha®— it is nothing but what is revealed,” coming from the Lord of Heavens, and when you hear it, you must hear that Allah is addressing you.

“We have been sent to you, O mankind, to teach you or to show you what you are doing—among your actions, which ones are acceptable and which are unacceptable in His Divine Presence. We have come to show you wrong movements, wrong actions, and right actions, correct ac- tions.”

And they brought the balance. From time to time, prophets brought the heavenly balance to mankind accord- ing to man’s level of understanding. And the last balance, He, Almighty, sent through His most honoured and glori- fied servant in His Divine Presence with His divine Message to all mankind, to teach and to show them which are right movements and actions, and which are wrong.

That must be taught to the children of mankind, noth- ing else, If you are able to learn this heavenly teaching that was sent from Heavens, then you may build your life on a very strong foundation, never going to fall or to be de- stroyed by Shaytan and his followers and supporters and workers. They can’t destroy that foundation.

But it is a sad thing that people in the twenty-first cen- tury, 2004, are not asking and no one is taking care about

“It is not but a revelation revealed.” (53:4)


such true teachings that make people establish their lives on a powerful foundation and be protected here and Hereafter, and reach eternal peace, eternal enjoyment, eternal happi- ness, eternal life. Therefore, they have just fallen into a bot- tomless crisis. They are shouting, some of them are step- ping on others, and this world that we are seeing now, itis so bad, so dark, so violent that you can’t imagine.

This is the result of people's not using the heavenly bal- ance that shows them whether their actions are good or bad, whether they are right or wrong. They are not using that balance; they have just thrown it away and this is a punishment for them. And till they change and ask, their situation will go from bad to worse, from worse to worst. No way for their safety; no one can save them from this most dangerous situation. Only by a hand from Heavens, if they grasp it and hold it, can they be protected, and others are going to be thrown away like rubbish thrown into a dustbin.

May Allah give us good understanding to follow the heavenly declaration, the heavenly program, what is programed for mankind, because people have changed it and they are falling down into Hells. When we come and follow the heavenly program on earth, we should reach happiness and eternal life throughout eternity.

For the honour of the most honoured one in His Divine Presence, Sayyidina Muhammad *—Fateha! &

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A‘udhu bil-Lahi min ash-Shaytani-r-rajeem. Bismillahi-r-Rahmani-r-Raheem. La hawla wa la quwwwata illa bil-Lahi-l- ‘Aliyi-l-‘Azheem. By the Name of Allah, the Lord of Heavens, our Creator.

We are asking forgiveness for our wrong actions, wrong doings, wrong intentions, wrong beliefs, wrong works; we are asking forgiveness. And if He, Almighty, forgives His servant, that means taking him from the wrong way and putting him on the right way. Then you must be thankful to Allah Almighty, and for being thankful, the first thing is to say, “Thanks be to my Lord who saved me from the wrong way and guided me, putting me on His right way.”

What is the wrong way and what is the right way? All prophets came and brought the same declaration from Heavens. And through their holy books* that include the “That is, the divinely-revealed scripture granted to Abraham, no longer in existence; the original Torah/ Taurat to Moses; the Zabur, possibly in-


heavenly declaration, they made clear to mankind about their lives, about themselves on this planet, Dunya, the world. And then they also made clear to us that there is another life that you can’t reach till you pass from this life to that life. That means that death takes you from this life to another life that is veiled. You can’t see it till you die. If you have not died, those veils can't be opened to you, but when you die they are opening.

Therefore, prophets came and said that you must be- lieve that after this life, which is a temporary one, you will reach a permanent life. That is a belief that has never changed from first one, the first prophet, to the last one—I mean to say, from Adam #2 to the Seal of Prophets after Je- sus Chnist, the most honoured prophet and the last messen- get from the Heavens to the earth, Sayyidina Muhammad & This, first of all, is the right path for all nations, for all man- kind.

When Allah Almighty forgives His servant, he is going to know about this temporary life and, after it, about the permanent life or eternal life. The wrong way for people is not fo think about it. Ninety-nine percent or more of people now donot think about it. They think that life is granted to them only once and that it is, also—according to their imagination, according to their thinking, according to their claims—by accident, tasaduf, coincidence.

They are saying that our life happens with no balance or measure. No one makes a dilekge, application, to come this life. Does anyone write a application and ask, “May I come and be on earth”? No. It is a grant to us, but people hiding some of the Psalms, to David; the Injil, the original Gospel, to Jesus; and the Holy Qur‘an to Muhammad, peace be upon them all.

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now are saying that it is an accident or coincidence. “It is a chance that we came, that we are in this life.” And what is beyond this life no one thinks about, particularly in our time when all religions and their beliefs have gone down.

People who lived thousands of years ago were with their prophets. But no nation welcomed its prophets. The Lord of Heavens sent His representatives, His messengers, to speak to people about unchangeable realities, but nations did not welcome them, and they wanted to attack them, to fight them, and, if they were able, to kill them.

That is the characteristic of no-mind people who are donkeys for their egos—donkeys, because they are running to the meadows and fighting their riders. Their riders want to take them to the King’s feast but their donkeys are saying, “No, we don’t want to go there. We are enjoying grass in the meadows.”

And now, people are in such a way. They are saying, “It is enough for us to enjoy ourselves in the meadows. For what shall we go? You say that there is the King’s feast but we do not see it,” and they are denying it.

Now all nations are denying, including Turks and Ar- abs, also. Pakistanis and all the Muslim world, they are not keeping real faith. They are also looking to the life that they are in now and they are not interested in eternal life, the life after death—no. They are saying, “Our job is to be here, to arrange our life as our egos like, to make our egos happy and joyful during this life, and no more. We are running

after this goal only. After death, as you say, there is a per- manent life. We are not interested in it.” BREATHS FROM BEYOND THECURTAIN

Those wrong ideas are just carrying people into this cri- sis that now the whole world has fallen into and they do not know how they can save themselves from it. The Seal of the Prophets & as well as other prophets, was informing people that when the Last Days approach, nations are going to fight among themselves internally. Let alone neighbours, they are trying to fight among themselves.

“Every country, O Shaykh? For example, now America is the patron of the world and its power is reaching from Fast to West, from West to East, and it is fighting another country. How you are saying that all nations will fight intemally?””

Yes, because of the igtidar, the power that they are hold- ing in their hands. In every country there is a government that holds power for governing the country. Each group wants fo reach power, yes, When reaching power and be- ginning to do something as they like, in front of them there are some other groups that are unhappy. They are saying, “You are wrong, doing wrong things. Go away! We must come.

Mukhalafah, opposition—prediction of that is a miracle of the Seal of the Prophets. At the beginning, they claimed that there is no opposition in democracy. All of them were against the nobility—kings and queens or emperors or siil- {ans or shals, But after that, Shaytan was still unhappy so he put in front of the common people in 1789 a big revolution, the French Revolution. That was the worst revolution. Other, even worse revolutions followed that.

That was the beginning. They killed all the nobility in France who were in power and they put their people in-

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stead—not as they were advertising, no. And those people opened the doors of the Bastille [to lawless elements], say- ing, “Come and do as you like now. You can establish your state, your governing body. You can do it.” You can do to the nobility as violent animals in the jungle do. Little ones and adults, men and women, they took them away, killing them under the guillotine.

They were in opposition to the King, monarchy. They finished it. Then Shaytan was saying, “I don’t want man- kind to be in peace. Come now!” Saying to this one, “Why are you letting that one be at the point of power? You are much more suitable for that. Why are you going to be un- der his command? No! You must oppose them, you must establish an opposition group. Ha-ha!”

Then they made these two parties, the one-party system finished. “Now you must keep democracy. Everyone may form a party and everyone must try to reach power.” That is the meaning of the Prophet's saying that every nation is going to fight within itself, not outside.

America is fighting now, opposing the President and his party. In Turkey, oppositions are fighting the govern- ment th