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313 Suhbat of Mawlana Shaykh Nazim (1195 pages, 82/120)
ent going getting dirty.

For what? Because following Satan and running after dunya . That making mankind to be dirty. And Allah Almighty making holy Ramadan for cleaning, asking to clean His servants and cleanliness is the main purpose that had been asked from mankind.

Adam - peace be upon him - why he (was) thrown away from Paradise? Because Paradise is the place of clean ones! Dirty ones canřt enter; they should be thrown away! And what is dirtiness that (is) making us to be thrown away from (the) Divine Presence? They were in Divine Presence, in Paradise and then… When they were clean, they were in (the) Divine Presence, (but) when they are going to be lost their cleanliness, just coming Order: ŖGet out!ŗ -

This is a place, (a) mosque, Cami - you canřt enter in it, if you are dirty. You must be clean and then you must come in. This is a small place, mosque, Mescid, Cami, Haram-u Sharif - no one can enter dirty, no, no! Must be clean, then coming. (So) what about who asking to enter to Divinely Presence? What do you think - that you may enter inside dirty? No!

When they were doing something, they became dirty in (the) Divinely Presence and (the) Holy Command (was) coming: ŖGet out! Get out, o Adam! You are not keeping My holy Order, that makes you dirty (and) therefore you canřt be here! Who is not hearing My Orders, whom they are not obeying and being obedient servant, canřt be in My Divine Presence. Haram, forbidden!ŗ

This is so simple. Through whole religions it is same; all holy Books saying that Adam he did something that making him to be get out from Paradise, because Paradise is the place of clean ones.

What is dirtiness? Which thing making Adam not to be in Paradise and to be thrown away?

Disobediency! Disobediency is dirtiness! If a person going to be (a) disobedient one, he is a dirty one, may be anyone, even Adam - alayhi salat wa salam wa Řala nabiyi salat wa salam! Allah never accepting; never (He is) leaving dirtiness in His Paradise. He never likes to be a person disobedient in His Paradise, (ordering): ŖTake that, get out!ŗ Injil, Taurah, Sabur, Quran, Holy Quran, saying, as Old Testament and New Testament and Psalms they are declaring and whole Prophets saying, saying to people: ŗO people! You canřt enter, you canřt be in Paradise, if you are not a clean one!ŗ What is dirtiness? They are saying: ŖDisobediency!ŗ

Anything that you are not understanding? So simple! You know this! All holy Books and whole Prophets advises for that point: Be clean! Who is going to be clean, the doors of Paradise just open. From which entrance asking to enter, may enter, because clean! There were 40 doors of (the) Baitu-llah, the House of Lord. And a person, who was clean - they were be able to enter Paradise from which door, from which entrance he likes, because he is clean - for clean ones, (the) 40 doors entrances was open. Paradise it has originally 8 main entrances. But also through that main entrances (there are) countless (other) entrances that to come clean ones through that entrance to their Paradise.

Coming people - believers and muřmins - in front of Paradise. That they are clean ones, going to be in a row. When Sayyiduna Muhammad - sallaLlahu alayhi wa sallam - coming, first (knocking on the door) and the Guardian of Paradise Sayyiduna Ridwan - Allah bless him - asking: ŖWho is knocking [at the] door?ŗ Just one Angel on behalf of Prophet saying: ŖO Ridwan, the Guardian of Paradises, just knocking [on the] door to be opened he is the Seal of Prophets, most praised servant of Allah Almighty and His Representative from pre-eternity up to eternity, Muhammad - sallaLlahu alayhi wa sallam. Just he is knocking [at the] door!ŗ And [the] guardian of Paradise [is] saying: ŖOhhh, open!ŗ and coming, giving Salut, welcoming Sayyidina Muhammad - sallaLlahu alayhi wa sallam - saying: ŖOhhh, most praised one, most beloved one in our Lords

Divinely Presence! I have been ordered not to open the doors of Paradise before you to anyone! You are coming first, and then coming (others)! ŗ (and the) Prophet (is) putting his holy foot at the door and everyone also they are putting their foot to enter in it and everyone one step and they are finding their Paradise!

Donřt think that Paradise is like dunya (where) people may be invited by [a] Sultan and coming to [a] palace and they are one after one entering! They are looking: first entered, then second. This (is) dunya, dunya's protocol. But (the) Paradise protocol (is such:) coming not one behind second one, no, all on one row!

And then, when the Seal of Prophets - (the) most praised and most beloved servant and His representative from pre-eternal up to eternal - Sayyiduna Muhammad - sallaLlahu alayhi wa sallam - is stepping inside and also everyone who was on that row (is) putting their steps and finding themselves through their Paradises, their territories that Allah granted to them.

Everyone (is) entering to their Paradise; private Paradise for everyone! You canřt look second one's Paradise, (and) he canřt look what you have from Paradise, no! Everyone just entering to his private Paradise! No anyone can look or can enter to their Paradise. Everyone just reached to their Paradise and they are saying: ŖOhhh, Alhamdulillah wa Shukrulillah!ŗ and Angels saying: ŖSalaman salama, salaman salama, ohhh Muřmins!Ŗ, and the Lord of Heavens, Allah Almighty, saying: ŖSalamun qaulan min Rabbin Rahim, salamun salam!ŗ -

No one opening and speaking such a things through mosques! They are only speaking: ŖJewish like thisŗ, ŖKurdish like thisŖ, ŖTurkish like thisŗ and ŖDemocracy like thatŗ and ŖAll people they are like each other, equal!ŗ Hahaha! Not equal! When you are on mimbar - you are equal to who is sitting there? You are in mihrab - everyone is equal for you? No! Such a foolishness learned people now speaking! No meaning. No living words. They are saying Cliché, same words. Saying: ŖDemocracy, democracy…ŗ and Satan making in it… Satan using democracy as WC, saying: ŖYou must enter in it also, get in!ŗ Allah ordering Sultans! Sultan must be, no democracy! -

And everyone that entering to their special and private Paradise and everyone (is) thinking that no one (has been) granted as he (has been) granted! Because if (anyone is) looking and seeing what you have (been) granted, (he) may say: ŖOhhh, he is more than me grantedŗ and getting to be sad. No sadness in Paradise! Therefore everyone (who is) entering to Paradise (is) going to thank to Allah Almighty and say: ŖOhhh, no one (has been) granted as I am granted!ŗ And no one can look and see another one's Paradise!

Eh, he is building… (If anyone was to look and say): ŖHis house, his palace, much more than meŖ, (he was) going to be sad. No, no sadness in Paradise! In Paradise everything (is) making people to be happy and to be enjoyful and to be in satisfaction and to be in peace, to be in endless pleasures! Oh, oh oh!

I am asking: ŖO our Lord, let us to be last one even to enter Paradise!ŗ And last one, last one- that last one he has been called from Hells and getting out, Prophet intercession for him coming- and he was looking, he is just reaching to

entrance of Paradise looking. And Order coming to him: ŖGet in, O My servant!ŗ He is coming, looking and just it is seen for him that it is full, full! And he is getting… ashaming and coming back. Then second Command coming to him: ŖO My servant, come in, get in in Paradise!ŗ Coming and looking: ŖParadise full, to where I am getting to be in?ŗ Then third time khitab, addressing from Heavens, coming: ŖO My servant, get in and I am granted to you ten… a paradise (that) its lands (are) equal for ten dunyas lands!ŗ Ten (for) the last one who entering Paradise! -

Donřt ask… Ŗwa li kullin darajatinŖ, you canřt find two persons from Paradise people to be granted same Paradises, because Allah Almighty not making serial houses, no!… X. very happy… Going to be… Not making photocopy, no! Each Paradise just different, fully, 100 % different! Allahu akbar! He is Allah, and when He is asking to be something, to come in existence, saying ŖCome, beŗ and being!

Ten like this dunya a land, full with every kind of blessings and pleasures and enjoyments in it (that) you canřt be able to imagine, ŘhayyalŘ! You canřt imagine, you never see, you never hear, you never imagining!

And donřt think that when you are entering first and second day you are looking and seeing same Paradise! No, this changed! Another glorious opening coming to their Paradise and opening, getting bigger, getting more beautiful! Allahu akbar!

O people, you canřt enter in it, if you are not clean one! Cleanliness is (the) real means for you to get in(to) Paradise. If you are not completely clean, you canřt enter, therefore Allah Almighty (is) asking from His servants through this life to be clean.

And this (month Ramadan) is (the) most holiest month that people may reach cleanliness. Therefore it is most important month for believers. And they are reaching cleanliness through fasting daytime and praying nighttime.

O people, just we are now last day of this holy month. 1400 years people are fasting and asking cleanliness, asking forgiveness and asking blessings from the Lord of Heavens.

O people, cry and be sad that this holy month just passing; after three four hours (it is) finishing. It was like yesterday beginning and today finishing. And who knows that (he is) reaching for coming Ramadan! It was a chance for mankind, this holy month, to reach to Lords blessings - but people they are drunk ones and they are not asking to be clean ones. Therefore cursing coming on them…

May Allah forgive us and protect and shelter ourselves here and Hereafter. For the honour of the most honoured on in His Divine Presence, Sayyidina Muhammad - sallaLlahu alayhi wa sallam -, Fatiha…Oh, ya Rabbi!…

Sohbet-221 Sohbet from 15.10.06

Try to be Insan Kamil!

As-salamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh!

Ash-hadu an la ilaha ill-Allah wa ash-hadu ana Sayyiduna Muhammadun abduhu wa habibuhu wa rasuluh - sallaLlahu alayhi wa sallam! Awdana hadihi kalimatain shahadatain indaka, ya Rasulullah, wa hyiyatan wadiyatan yauma-l qiyama, ya man arsalahu-llaha taala rahmatan li-l alamin!...

Astaghfirullah, Astaghfirullah, Astaghfirullah, Tauba, ya Rabbi, Tauba, ya Rabbi, Tauba, Astaghfirullah!

Audhu bi-llahi mina shaitani rajim, Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim, La haula wa la quwatta illa bi-llahi-l Aliyu-l Adhim.

Welcome to you, servants of our Lord! May Allah forgive us and bless (us). It is an honour to be proud that we are Muslims! No any honour can be for anyone after being a Muslim and you must know this and you must believe in this! It is not enough to know, but (we have) to believe (also) that we have been granted from Allah Almighty (the) highest honour to be Muslims.

We are Muslims! "Muslim" means: (someone who is) surrendering (to the) Holy Command of Allah Almighty and (who is) believing through His Messengers that we have been granted (the) last Message, (the) Heavenly Message, (the) Holy Quran.

You are not created for eating and drinking- that is the life of animals!- but you have been created to reach (a) high, respected position and honour by being His (Allah Almighty's) servants. O people, you must know and believe that you are servants and (that) you have been created to be servants of your Creator! Who created you, you must be His servants! You have been created for that purpose and He is asking from you servanthood.

For what He is calling you and offering to you to surrender His Holy Commands? For what? Because He is asking to grant to you more, higher honours! He likes to grant to you. He is (the) most Glorious, endless glory (is) for Your Lord, for Allah Almighty. His Glory Oceans (are) endless. For what (they are)?

Glory is His Own divine Attribute. Absolute Glory (is) for Him, Almighty Allah, and He is asking to grant to you glory also.

O heedless people, your Lord (is) asking to grant to you from His Glory Oceans. He is asking to make you also glorious! And your glory (is) going to be according to your being, but absolute glory Oceans (are) for Him (only). Only one point (of) glory from His endless glory Oceans (is)

making whole mankind (glorious)…it is enough to make them glorious. One point - (like) if you put a needle in an ocean, what (it is) taking, that amount glory from His glory oceans. And that glory ocean is only for His creation. How (is) His Own Glory Oceans no one knows! (The) Glory that belongs to your Lord, don't think that (it is the same) as (what) He is granting to you from glory oceans! You are creatures, He is Creator! Therefore (the) Creators Glory Oceans no one knows!

X., Arab, Ar-rabs (they are) thinking that glory (is) with their petrol! Hahaha!

'How many you have, O my brother, oil fields?' 100? (It is) nothing! 1000? (It is still) nothing!'? You are asking glory through your oil fields, eh? Ar-rabs Hahaha! La haula wa la quatta illa bi-llahi-l Aliyul Adhim!

"We have skyline buildings now, sky scrapers!" "What happened?"? "We have now… we just destroyed (the) old cities of Mecca and Medina and we built so many skyscrapers. We have (them) now instead (of) old Mecca (and) Medina. We destroyed (the old buildings) and we built new buildings, skyline buildings!…

"How many (floors), O my brother, (is) your building (high)?" -(The) Prophet (was) saying - sallaLlahu alayhi wa sallam: "When (the) Last Days (are) approaching, people (are) going to be proud with their high buildings." "How many floors (is) your building (high)?" "O Sir, 20."? "And) you(rs), Professor X.?" "50."? "Hmmm" (and) you(rs)?"? "80!"? "Ahhh!" " You are VIP person that you have 90 floors!" Y. - hearing to me?"

Now that is new fashion. People (are) taking honour through their high buildings… And? (the) Prophet (was) saying, "People should make competition through their buildings."(They are saying:) "My building is higher, you are nothing!"

Their minds (are) on 0 kms - as a car in (that is yet in the) showroom! What is that! "We are 21st century people, O Sheikh! You were living (in buildings with only) one floor or two floors - you are nothing! (But) we have honour that we are building (skyscrapers) through Jeddah or Riyadh" There is (are) some of our foolish people when (they are) trying to reach our buildings that we have in Jeddah or Riyadh in Mecca and Medina (also)… "and we built also Saray, palaces, and we have honour to have such palaces!" ? That is their honours! They are thinking that their glory (is) through their high buildings! And what they are using - even in (the) toilet? You can't enter in it! You may put a bed (there), you may sleep there! Bait ul Raha, Abdesthane… WC…

You can't enter in it, it is forbidden, because you may steel something from it, because everything metal (there) is gold (in their toilets)!

Like you (a) person (they are) never leaving to enter! (They are) making

a hole (to look what you are doing): "Look, if (he is) taking something in it! First look what he is bringing to take (something) away! Look after that person, not to be a Satan and to take golden and leave!" With (that) 00-golden (one) may say (for that) person: "(He is a) rich one!" 0 km their minds, never using! If (they were) using (their minds), (they) may understand that it is not glory! Glory (is) what Allah Almighty (is) giving (to you)!

And (the) Pope also (is) thinking that glory (is) with his sooo decorated ?… putting on himself - never (he is) dressing like me!… And with (their) golden crowns… they are thinking that is glory for them! (They are) finished! And (they are) saying that our religion is nothing, because: " Fuqara, poor people you are! You are living in deserts, you don't know what is dunya, what is its glory! We know!"

And then (the Pope is) asking to make, to criticize our (prophet), the honour of (the) universe, Sayyidina Muhammad sallaLhau alayhi wa sallam! Because he is dressing that (cross), glory (is) with that cross, you are thinking!

They are also - non-Muslims world - on 0 km minds! (They are) not looking to Islam, real Islam! La hawla wa la quwatta illa bi-llah!

Your Lord Allah Almighty (is) asking to grant to you, O Muslims, from (the) glory oceans that belong to creation. He is not in need (of) that glory oceans, no! His (Own) Glory no one (is) knowing, and that glory oceans that belong to creation, it is going to be zero through His divine Glory Ocean!

O people, say: Allahu akbar! Allahu akbar! Allahu akbar!

People (are) on (the) wrong way! (They have a) wrong understanding and wrong way (they are) following. Wrong things (they are) learning and they are making their honour down, down, down!

And now Muslims, so many Muslims, (are) not praying! (They are) saying: "5 x (praying is) too much! (The) Juma prayer (is) enough!" They are also no mind people!

Allah Almighty, for what (He) ordered 5 x (praying)? Every time to dress to you from His glory ocean that belongs to creation! Therefore (He is) calling you and dressing and leaving you. But mostly (people in the) Muslim world also their minds (are) on 0 km - never used!

O people, we are saying truth and truth (is) coming with true ones! True ones only may bring truth and Allah Almighty should help them! Even (they) may be (only a) handful people, they should be winners. And wrong and false should be taken away- wrong ways and false never going to be on earth! Any false, because Mehdi - alayhi salam - (is) coming!

May Allah grant us to be (with him), to reach to him, to be his servants! And through his servanthood we are asking to be servants of

(the) Lord of Heavens and to be dressed glory from (the) glory oceans that belong to creation. Oceans!… you must look!… Only one little spot of glory (is) coming with Mehdi - alayhi salam - and then (there is) coming another point (of glory) the time of Jesus Christ and you should find that glory on earth that time!

This dunya (is) dirty, dirty, dirty… People (are) going to be dirty, (because) they like to live through sewage channels. Now whole dunya (is) like sewage channels and people like to be forever in it, but (the) time (is) coming that (these sewage channels are) going to be dried (up), taken away and thrown away and heavenly glory, one spot from (heavenly) glory oceans (is) coming and to make people glorious!… If you put a peak of gold (in front of them), never (they are even) looking (to it) or never spreading their hand to take anything (from that gold)! O people, try to be Insan Kamil, try to be a perfect servant with your servanthood- that is our honour!

May Allah forgive me and bless you! For the honour of the most honoured one in His divine Presence, Sayyidina Muhammad - sallaLlahu alayhi wa sallam, Fatiha!

Sohbet-222 Sohbet from CUMA, FRIDAY 13.10.06

(Short summary of the Turkish part of Khutba: )

O believers, it is the last third of the blessed month Ramadan. The last ten days have arrived. Allah Almighty is opening the Doors of His Divine Mercy, of His Divine Faiz, Allah is giving us, what we are asking. The first ten days were the days of Rahmat, the second the days of maghfirat, of forgiveness.

In these last ten days there is the Laylatu-l Qadir. Every year Allahs Grants are different and this year His Divine Mercy exceeds the Rahmat of the 1400 years before! Be careful, what you are speaking in these last ten days! Everything should be clean, your heart should be for Allah Almighty. At least for one hour a day be with Allah and say: ŖO Allah Almighty, I am now in Your Presence!ŗ

People now have become hard and ignorant, because they left Islam. It is the second time of Jahiliya. O Allah, please send us someone to save us. Help is coming from You alone. One person is enough!

The English part of Khutba:

O people, just we reached the last, the 3rd part of the Holy Ramadan and it is the most precious days of the most precious month, the Holy month Ramadan, and also through that 3rd part, its ten days and ten nights are the most precious days and nights of the whole year. And Allah is granting believers, Muslims, to be happy with His endless Mercy Oceans, endless Blessings.

O people, come to yourself! Donřt follow Satan and satanic ways! Satans ways -

leave it! Come to Islam, come to Allah!

Through these ten days there is one night that its value no one can be able to say about the greatness and holiness of that night, Laylatu-l Qadir. That night whole Heavens are just dressed with such blessings and Nur, Lights from the Holy Throne, Arshu Rahman, is coming down on 7 Heavens and 7 Heavens are going to be in such beautiful magnificent Glory from Allah Almighty. Just He is dressing that Night!

O people, try to reach to you also something from that Heavenly Lights, to make you accepted servants in His Divine Presence, to be your Lord happy with you! O people, try this! O mankind, come to Allah, donřt run away, you run in(to) Hells!

Allah Almighty is calling you to eternal life, eternity, eternity, eternity! May Allah forgive us! Allah Almighty is hiding that Holy Night, so that people may ask every night if it is the Holy Laylatu-l Qadir, Night of Power, that just appearing (in it) as an atom from that Power, (from the) Power Oceans of Allah. Only one dharra, one atom, is coming and appearing that Night and making all creation through Divine Lights… (That is) through that (one) point of oceans of Power! Allahu akbar! Allah the Great!

May Allah forgive us!

We hope that it should be Thursday night, Wednesday to Thursday. We hope that it should be that night, but it may be tonight, maybe 21st, 23rd or 25th or 27th or 29th night… but we hope it should be this year on the 27th night (that) the Tajalli, the Appearance, of Allah Almighty is coming on earth to make it clean!

O people, beware and try to be awakening! Wake up, O mankind, to welcome that Holy Night! You should be happy here and Hereafter for eternity, eternity, eternity… May Allah forgive us! Sohbet-223 Sohbet from 8.10.06

The world now is a sinking Titanic!

Astaghfirullah, Astaghfirullah, Astaghfirullah al-'Azim wa atubu ilayh Taubatan 'abdin zalimin li nafsi la yamliku li nafsihi mautan wa la hayyatan wa la nushura... Ya Rabbi afet, ya Rabbi afet, ya Rabbi afet! Innaka 'Afuwun Karimun tuhibbu 'afwa fa-'afu anna ya Karim, fa-'afu anna, ya Rahim, ya Arhama r-Rahimin, ya Akrama-l Akramin, ya Arhama r-Rahimin... Irhamna bi jahi nabiyyika-l karim!

A'udhu bi-llahi mina shaytani rajim

Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim La haula wa la quwatta illa bi-llahi-l 'Aliyu-l 'Azim

O people, As-salamu 'alaikum! Ayyuhan naas, O people, say always among yourselves 'As-salamu alaikum'! As-salamu 'alaikum that is Salut, but (at the) same time... you are saluting someone and it is also as a praying: 'As-salamu 'alaikum', we are asking blessings from Allah Almighty. It is a praying and we are asking Rahmatallah, His Mercy. (So when) I am saying to you 'As-salamu 'alaikum', that means I am asking from Allah Almighty to send to you from His Blessings.

(It is) so beautiful, so sweet Salut; you never finding such a Salut - only in Islam, but people are like rocks now; rocks (that have) no feeling, and like animals, never understanding, only for eating and drinking and sexual actings.

(The) whole world people (are) just falling in a ocean (of physical desires) and some of them (are) trying to swim, but mostly they are sinking and never going to appear, sinking... Some of people are trying to swim and some of them are happy to swim through that ocean, but they are never thinking to swim and to reach (the) beach or land. They are very happy to be in that ocean!

Firstly they are going to be happy - as a person (who is) going to swim through sea - and they are very happy and they are asking to be forever in that sea and swim. But after a while they are going to be tired. After a while that enjoyment that they are finding through swimming (is) going to be less, to be less, to be less; their enjoyment (is) going to be less, (un)till (it is) reaching to (the) point of zero and they are going to be tired. (They are) beginning to tire and if a person (is) going to tire, that means he is loosing his enjoyment. Tiring (is) the limit of enjoyment. When tiring, when beginning to tire... it is not going to be remain on (the) same level, but tiring (is) going to be more, increasing, increasing, increasing... (and) when (it is) increasing, he can't be able to come in front of it and to stop it. Then (he is) beginning to surrender (to the) sea... And (that) sea never (is) going to be pity(ful) for anyone that they are tiring, no, (there is) no mercy through that sea! And then that sea (is) asking to swallow that person and beginning to take (him) down, down, down... and that person (is) finished...that person finished... This is ordinary sea I am saying.

But now I am saying that people (are) just falling in a worst ocean. Our sea may have a mercy, a kind of mercy for you, but the sea, the ocean of your physical desires - eating, drinking, and sexual ocean - it has never mercy for you! O people, hear and understand! Listen!

And now people - 99 % - they are through that worst ocean of physical desires: eating, drinking and making sexuality... (People in the) whole world they are thinking that their mission to be through this life (is) only to eat and drink and enjoy with their sexual organs.

O youngsters! You are coming from far distances, from different countries, and you are running to Western countries! Some people, whom they are running to Western countries, if they are over 40 or 50, (and) even 60, they are asking much more money: much more Dollars, Dollars, Dollars... some of them: Pounds, Pounds, Pounds, Pounds, Pounds... (and) now European people are runningafter

'Euro'... What ugly word 'Euro'... (I am) asking to (vomit)... (They are) running to collect much more...

"Put (the Euros) in (our) case!" "O Sir, (the) case just it is full!" "(Then) carry them to our case in England Bank" or: "Carry now these Euros to Deutschland Bank" or: "Carry (them) to Luxemburg. Haha! (There the) case (is) much more strong!"

"But, O Sir, Luxemburg is (a) small land!" - (It is a) small (country), but big (with), full with banks!...

"If (it is) not (possible), carry (our Euros) to Switzerland, because" - it is (there) ohhh, (the) eldest city that (is) famous with banks - "(the) Switzerland Bank is most safe", because they are making cases through Alpian mountain...

They are not keeping that golden and jewelleries of royal people or big, biggest business men, people. Their golden and precious jewelleries, they are not keeping (it) through (the) city, because (in the) city (it) is dangerous. (There) may be some revolution - as (the) foolish revolution of French Revolution - and (people are) destroying (everything), everywhere killing people and taking their monies, golden and jewelleries from their homes... Therefore they are not keeping (it in cases in the city), they are only making (cases) under Alpian mountains that no one (is) knowing (the entrance for them).

As (it is with the) Pyramids of (the) Egyptians - no one (is) knowing where it is (the entrance), from where you can get in! Till now they are not knowing!

They are saying: "We found something", (but there are) 7 levels! This that can be seen in Egypt (as) Pyramids that is only (a) sign. And (they were only) putting something in it for deceiving people, (to think) that: "We reached (the) treasures of (the) Pharaohs!" Uh... (and) 7 (levels) down (it is) full (with treasures of a kind) that you (are) never even dreaming (of) such a treasures!

And (in) Switzerland also; there are so many secret ways under earth, they are using it... (There is) one entrance from here, (and) another entrance (as) exit, or: in and out - (from) one side (that) you can see, you are entering, but you (can) never find (the) exit or: from exit side (you can get) out, (but you) can't get in. If (you are) coming (in), you are loosing (the way), because it is so different... (there are) different traps and tricks for people!... (They are) putting (their gold and money) there...

And then, finally, what they are going to be, O people? (Finally they are going to be tired...)

People now (are) running to take much more Euro, much more Sterling, much more Dollars! And also they are using (it like a Dhikr)... those people (are) using instead to say "Allah Allah...", saying "Dollar, Dollar, Dollar"...33 x Dollar, 33 x "Euro, Euro, Euro"... then 33 x "Pound, Pound, Pound"...

They are saying: "There is Yen (also)!" What is Yen! (The) main pillar is

Sterling and Euro and Dollars - (3 x 33 makes) 99... They are asking to go to Paradise... If you are giving (charity), you may get in...! But they are not giving (anything), only they are saying: "Dollar, Dollar, Dollar"...(asking more and more).

Finally, O our friends, that you are very clever also... What we were saying? We were saying that 40, 50, 60 year old people they are running to Europe, to Western countries. For what?

'O my brother, chellow'... chellow [Urdu expression for "let's go"] means come? [Where is Pakistan people?] (Someone says: "Lets go.")... Go to Europe! Aukam! Aukam! Aukam! They are saying: 'O brother, aukam! Like hills you can find (in Europe) golden, money. Come and collect this!"

That coming down people (elder people), they are running after money. Youngster people, they are not running to Western countries for collecting money; they are taking money to give for sexuality. Because (people in) Western countries (are) record men for sexuality, and people (are) dreaming (of that), oriental people: "Ohhh, oh, how I can be in Western countries, (so that) day and night that I may swim through sexual