313 Suhbat of Mawlana Shaykh Nazim (1195 pages, 81/120)
ing away, finished - dunya going to be clean!
Believe in Allah, believe in His Power, in His Force, in His Endless Authority on everything. Beginning from atoms up to gigantic galaxies. Everyone (is) directed and under their Lords Endless Power, keeping them and directing them. You must believe in it. You canřt direct yourself! You can do that according satanic teachings, but (the) Lord of Heavens (is) going to take away Satan and also (those) who (are) following him!
Man must think on such things what we are saying now! May Allah forgive us! O people, say: ŖAstaghfirullah! Astaghfirullah, Astaghfirullah! Tauba, ya Rabbi, Tauba, ya Rabbi, Tauba, Astaghfirullah! East and West, everything (is) for You! You are (the) Creator and Your Order (is) going on, we are nothing! Forgive us and send us from Your glorious servants to make the heads of satanic people down and to step on their heads who following satanic ways.
May Allah bless you and forgive us. For the honour of the most honoured and praised one in His Divine Presence Sayyidina Muhammad - sallaLlahu alayhi wa sallam - Fatiha!
Sohbet-217 Sohbet from 29.10.06
Reality is Eternity and Eternity is Real Reality!
As-salamu alaikum! Welcome, welcome to you! Ahlan wa sahlan! Eid Mubarak, Bayram mubarak olsun! Destur, ya Sultanu-l Awliya Meded, ya Sultanu-l Awliya Meded, ya Rijalallah!... Ya Allah!…Ya Allah!... Audhu bi-llahi mina shaytani rajim Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim La haula wa la quwatta illa bi-llahi-l ŘAliyu-l ŘAdhim.
Ŗ…wa khuliqa-l insanu daifa…ŗ Just we have been created weak… May Allah blessings you and forgive us… Just we are here for a short time, it is not a long life.
If... you may say: ŖI was with Sayyidina Nuh - peace be upon him... we were in his Arch, now we are here and perhaps thousands and thousands (of) years just passed awayŗ and (even) if we have been granted thousands and thousands (of) years or millions or millions (of) years, when we are saying something in limits, it is (always) going to finish…
What about that... the Seal of Prophets Sayyidina Muhammad - sallaLlahu alayhi wa sallam - was saying that: ŖThe ages of my nation (is going to be) between 60 and 70 yearsŗ? Only! And very few people in our days - they are not reaching more than 60 years - very few ones (are) going to be reaching 70 years or 80 or 90. But, as we said, (even) if we have been granted thousands of years, (it is) going to be (passing:) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10... and coming less, coming less... our days, our weeks, our months or years (are) coming to be less, less, less, less... and then one day we are surrendering to death and we are going to be taken away…
But people in our days are drunk, they are not thinking. They are thinking that they are going to live hundreds and thousands (of) years or they are thinking that they should live forever, but they are only imagination, imagining. Imagining, and imagination (has) no value! Imagination it is not a reality! Like dream, you may say this.
We must think! (The) biggest trouble that (is) coming to mankind now, (is coming), because (they are) not thinking, even they are asking not to think! They are using so many drinks to loose themselves and they are using also so many kinds of drugs, not to come to themselves and to think and to learn something that is reality, but (they are) using drugs not to think, not to learn, not to know reality! That is (the) biggest cursing on people. And (the) sources of miseries and sufferings it is, because mankind they are not thinking!
At least mankind, if they are thinking about reality, they are not going to be sad, because they are getting older, no, because reality is eternity! Eternity, that is reality, but people are never interesting for eternity. They are saying
only: ŖWe are thinking through this life what we are doing, what we are doing?Ŗ And it is not real life, because today you are in existence, tomorrow no - why you are insisting that it is reality?
No! Reality is eternity and eternity is never ending, a way never ending. Here our lives (are) going to reach an end, but if we can jump (onto) the line of eternity, that is never ending, never finishing!…
But people they are not thinking on it and they are happy to be through this life that it is a very short time. They are happy to be here for a short time, but they are not asking or they are not believing in eternity. Eternity!... They are surprising and saying: ŖIf there is eternal life, never ending a life, how it can be?ŗ They are thinking on it.
They are not using their mentality and their minds to say that we were not in existence yesterday, but today we are in existence and tomorrow also we are going to be out of existence, no more going to be our beings on this planet forever, no, but they are not thinking on it… and they are not trying to understand which power (is) sending them from unseen worlds to a place, a planet like dunya, and we are looking and seeing and touching and hearing and enjoying, but it is not also permanent, (it is) passing. And they are not thinking (to) where we are passing, where we are going? From where we are coming and existence, from whom granted to ourselves? That is biggest trouble for (the) solution of our problems as living deputies on earth!
And Allah Almighty just granted us a high honour that you canřt imagine an honour… (Look to me!)… they are not thinking on it that canřt be an honour (over that) that Allah Almighty honoured us (with) and we are asking some another honours. Or: people are not understanding the glory that we have been granted. We have been honoured and also we have been granted glory from Heavens! This - 2 meters (person) - that if you are thinking on it, you are getting in contentment and peace through your hearts.
But people (are) running after something that it is imaginated honour and also it is a glory that never should be forever. (The) honour or glory that people (are) asking now on earth, it is… both of them is not heavenly, no! Heavenly Glory (is) from the Lord of Heavens and Heavenly Honour also (is) just granted to you through Heavenly Glory from Allah Almighty. But people (are) running after - on this planet - for imitated honour or glory.
They are thinking that if they are learning through schools, high schools, universities, and academies and they are reaching from one rank to another rank -that all of them (are) imitated things - they say: ŖWe have been granted an honour with a piece of page!ŗ (They are) putting on their heads a hat and dressing a black coat like ghurab, craws… keeping like this… ŖOhhh, we have been honoured with this paper!ŗ Honour, your honour (is) through that paper, not through yourself! (That) honour (is) written on that paper, but you havenřt reached that honour! And everything you have been granted on papers is a cheating from Satan, shaytanic cheating and shaytanic deceiving people.
ŖWho are you?ŗ ŖI am Dr. A, B, C, Master of wooden worlds (?), C, G, H, and also I am Dr. of being V, U, Z…Ŗ ŖAnd then, after Z?ŗ ŖNothing.ŗ ŖNo honour after 28, 29 (letters)? You used every letter and finishing honour?ŗ ŖYes, Sir, finished,
because after a while, if I am trying, I am going to die and never reaching moreŖ…
No. I am sorry to say that peoples minds (are on) 0 km now, that means never used minds now, as a car in (the) gallery, in (the) showroom, but never used. For what this (Sheikh is pointing to his brain)?… Think on realities and realities is eternity!
No one (is) teaching through their universities or academies or high schools that eternity is real reality! (They are) never speaking on it in any university or high school or academy!
ŖWhat you are learning?ŗ ŖWe are learning, trying to find (out) how many legs (there are) of (the) bird-flu virus… How many legs it has and how they are jumping from one (animal) to another... how they are leaving birds and rushing on man - such a things we are learning!ŗ Ya Hu, this, what is this! That is sewage channels material!
Why you are not asking real reality? Why you are not teaching people for eternity and you are coming from pre-eternal to eternal, last eternity, (the) everending. Why (you are) not teaching?
They are saying: ŖWe are not interesting (in) ourselves, but we are interesting in (the) virus!ŗ I am saying: ŖInsha Allah (that) virus (is) eating you, never leaving anything on you!ŗ Like Nimrods armies: mosquitoes armies (were) eating their flesh all and they were remaining through their armour only (as) skeletons!
HE was sending that! But they are saying: ŖThat is not a positive knowledge!ŗ What is your Řpositive knowledgeŘ? Your knowledge also (is) nothing, passive knowledge, passive knowledge, no reality!
O people, try to learn something that really gives to you an honour and Heavenly Glory! Never giving to you (any glory) now what you are inventing from nuclear bombs or weapons; they are not giving to you any honour. Therefore their names (are) never written on that big missiles, rockets; (it is) never written that: ŖThis is invented by that oneŖ, no, because it is not honour for mankind. It is not our mission to kill or to destroy, or to burn or to give trouble topeople!
But humanity just finished now! Mankind they are living, but humanity (is) never going (to be) in existence now. If someone (is) asking to reach the honour of being from human nature, just they have been defeated out and they are only asking violent people, (a) violent generation, violent and wild animalsř characteristic people! They are producing through their universities, high schools only mankind, but mankind is not a perfect creation!
For perfection Allah Almighty (was) sending His Prophets, to give a perfection. But people (are) running away, not to be perfect person, but (instead they are) running after to be a wild creature or (a) wild animal, (a) beast. Producing beasts, universities; teaching them to kill, to disturb, to give trouble, to kill, to burn, to destroy, to do every wildness that a beast can carry! And they are so happy and proud that they are (on the) Řtop of civilizationŘ! That is (a) shaytanic program that (he is) giving to people to learn it. Therefore
everything that (is) invented, (is) just used to make new generations more than beasts!
O people! If you are not coming to believe and to act as (the) Holy Commands of Heavens (are ordering), you are going to be like beasts - eating someones some others, burning and killing! Donřt say: ŖOhhh, in Iraq daily 60, 70 from Iraqian people (are dying)ŗ then Ŗ40, 50 American soldiersŗ or Ŗ(There are daily) 100 or 1000 in Afghanistan killed peopleŗ! This is honour (for) you? O mankind, you have been created for that?
(The) biggest sin that it is mentioned through Holy Books (is) to kill a person without a proof, without a reason, and they are bombing through flights (airplanes), bombing from sea, from earth - for what? You canřt... even you canřt kill an ant without a reason! And so many people, innocent people - small ones, old ones and (those that there is) nothing for them to make that troubles -they are killing. For what? Allah (is) never happy with them!
But we are reaching to (the) Last Days; perhaps we reached (the) Last Days and Last Days (there) should be Řyakthuru-l harjŘ... ŖMa huwa-l harj, ya Rasulallah?ŗ ŖAl qatl!ŗ Harju marj... (The) Prophet (was) saying: ŖWhen (the) Last Days (are) coming, (there is) going to be much more killing.ŗ By any reason or without, innocent or not, killing, killing! No, you havenřt been created to kill, but you have been created to try to give people life, to make people happy, not sad, unhappy, no!
(But) what we can do?
Now - at time of Sayyidina Nuh - 950 years he was calling people: ŖCome, O people, to Allah!ŗ and they were running away and then Allah Almighty (was) sending (the) flood on them and killing them, drowning (them)… - How many people (were) getting in Arch? Between 70-80, others (were) taken away... Now people they are doing themselves... for themselves... ŖWhen (the) Last Days (are) coming,ŗ (the) Prophet was saying, Ŗnations (are) going to fight through themselves.ŗ Before nations (were) fighting another nation; now, when (the) Last Days (are) coming, people (are) going to fighting through, among themselves:
Turks (are) fighting, Iraqians (are) fighting, Palestinians (are) fighting, Afghans (are) fighting, Hindistan (are) fighting - everywhere you are looking that they are fighting through themselves. For what? No mind, because they are not using their mentality, (they are) never thinking.
Allah Almighty is not going to take commission from your servanthood! He is not taking commission, when you are making goodness to each other, no! But you are doing such a trouble and giving trouble to people and killing.
We must say (this)! I am a weak servant and I am only speaking to all nations to think what they are doing; to think on it, or they should be taken away... As (in the) time of Nuh: 80 people (were) saved. May be more than this, but billions of people should be taken away. Allah Almighty may take all of them, killing all of them and it is not a heavy work for Him, no! (He) may take them away and bring another, bringing some other, some other nation... as from 80 people now 8 billion people (are) living on earth!
O people, ask forgiveness from Allah Almighty! Ask His Mercy! And the way to (His) Mercy (is) passing through forgiveness!
Come and keep Islam that it means surrendering to Allah Almighty!
Some people (are) coming and saying to me and saying: ŖO Sheikh, we like to be Sufi without being Muslim.ŗ I am saying: ŖWhat is reason that you are asking not to say ŘI am MuslimŘ? What is the meaning of Islam? You are not knowing!
Islam means to surrender (to the) High Commands of Allah Almighty! Why you are saying ŘWe are asking to be Sufi peopleř without accepting (the) Holy Commands that (are) leading you to the Divine Presence?ŗ But people, they like to be Sufi -that Sufi people are asking to come more closer from Divinely Presence- but they are saying: ŖNo, we are not asking this, we are only asking to be Sufi.Ŗ What does it mean? No meaning. If you are not surrendering (to the) Holy Commands of Allah, (there is) no meaning to be Sufi!
So people foolish and crazy becoming! Shaytan (is) teaching them: ŖSay: ŘWe are accepting Sufi ways, but it is a condition to us not to be MuslimŘ!ŗ
Jahannam! Go to Hells!... May Allah forgive us!… Ya Rabbi, tubna wa rajana ilayk! Tauba, ya Rabbi, Tauba, ya Rabbi, Tauba, Astaghfirullah!
Shukr, ya Rabbi, Shukr, ya Rabbi, Shukr, Alhamdulillah! Alhamdulillahi ladhi hadana li hadha wa ma kunna li nahtadiya lau la an hadanaAllah... Wa ma taufiqi wa illa Řala-llah Wa nashhadu an la ilaha ill-Allah, wahdahu la sharika lah, wa nashhadu anna Sayyiduna Muhammadun abduhu wa habibuhu was rasuluh… Nurun ala nur wa badrin minnak... Fa aktubna, ya Rabbi, mařa al-shahidin!...Rabbana amana bima anzalta wa tabana Rasul, faktubna mařa shahidin... Bi jahi man anzalta alayhi Surata-l Fatiha.
Sohbet-218 Sohbet from 05.11.06
Allah is inviting you to His Divinely Presence!
As-salamu alaikum wa rahmatullah wa barakatuh, Meded, ya Sayidi, ya Sultanu-l Awliya, Meded, ya Rijalallah! Audhu bi-lllahi mina shaitani rajim Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim, La haula wa la quwatta illa bi-llahi-l ŘAliyu-l ŘAdhim.
Allahumma alimna ma yanfauna, wa zidna Řilma, ya Rabb! O our Lord, grant us from such a knowledge that belongs to Heavens to make ourselves to know something about ourselves! Man, as much as (he is) knowing about this world, never teaching material
knowledge to know yourself, therefore we are not knowing. If Allah Almighty not sending from Heavens Heavenly Books, we are knowing nothing about ourselves. Then we are going to be like other material things or we are going to be like zoo-garden people… even they are knowing something more than mankind… that mankind they are coming together for materials, materials making a person to be like materials, no life. Animals life - that time going to be much more clear for them to know their Lords, but man, when they are getting (to be) too much with materials, (they are) going to be like materials and their levels (are) coming much more down from the levels of animals.
Therefore we are asking from Allah Almighty: ŖAllahumma alimna ma yanfauna wa zidna Řilma!ŗ Oooh, this is a praying reaching from the Seal of Prophets to ourselves that he is saying, asking from Allah Almighty: ŖO our Lord, teach us from Divinely and Heavenly (Knowledge)!ŗ…Heavenly Knowledge and then Divinely Knowledge. Heavenly Knowledge (is) preparing you for Divinely Knowledge and Heavenly Knowledge- ŖAllahumma alimna ma yanfauna…ŗ- Heavenly Knowledge (is) for preparing mankind to reach the level of Heavens. And (the Prophet was also) asking: Ŗ…wa zidna Řilma (and grant us more of this knowledge)Ŗ That level (Heavenly Knowledge), it is not our last target or (our) last horizon for reaching and that knowledge… ŗO our Lord, grant us such a knowledge that we can be able to be closer to Your Divinely Presence!ŗ
ŖMan arifa nafsa faqad arifa RabbaŖ - first you are going to learn about yourself. Who are you?… No answer! This material knowledge (is) never giving an answer to you to say (that) you are that one, therefore every time man may ask: ŖWho am I?ŗ and others may ask: ŖWho are you?ŗ and we are not yet knowing about yourselves to recognize our mission and the reason of (our) being on existence! Therefore Allah Almighty (has been) sending His Prophets. (The) first level (of knowledge is) for teaching about yourself - that you may ask: ŖWho am I?ŗ or may ask someone: ŖWho are you?ŗ - to know about yourself.
Now (the) whole world (is) trying to learn only materialism and it is a dead body, nothing giving to you about yourselves. Therefore the valueof mankind now in our days (is) coming less, less, less and coming down, even coming less from the level of animals. They are coming down! La haula wa la quwatta illa bi-llahi-l ŘAliyu-l ŘAdhim… Therefore man (is) not giving value for others. They are killing, burning, destroying and they are looking and seeing mankind as a simple material. If they are knowing about mankind and their honour andtheir creation target and their levels, they are not dealing with others as they are dealing with others!
People now they are like the Children of Israel (whom) they were making a Golden Cow and worshipping on it and their value (was) just in it, not through each other…
Now people they are only running after money, richness, business and such a foolish things, foolish targets and making each other - whom they are closing their ways or preventing them to reach to their targets, to reach to treasures of this temporary life, anything coming in front of them, they are taking it away - as a rock, as a animal, as a tree, (and) nothing else. Therefore the value of mankind through 21st century (is) coming less, coming down…
And we must know about ourselves and Allah Almighty (is) sending His honoured servants to teach ourselves that we are not like rocks, like animals, no! We have been honoured and we have been selected through (the) whole creation and we have been crowned to be caliphs of Allah Almighty on earth, to be His deputies on earth and to have the qualities from Heavens not to look down, but to look up!
Therefore we are in need to learn first of all who we are, whom we are. For what? Materials (are) never giving to you an answer or a knowledge! ŖAllahumma alimna ma yanfauna…ŗ- ŖO our Lord, teach us from such a knowledge that gives us a benefitŗ and (that) benefit (is) not materials; material they are nothing and (they have) no value, (they are) thrown away.
Therefore we are asking now from Allah Almighty: ŖAllahumma, O our Lord, teach us ma yanfauna, that gives us a benefit there and Hereafterŗ (and) then: Ŗ…wa zidna Řilma…(give us more from that knowledge).ŗ
When we are reaching the level of Heavens and learning (about) ourselves, then we are asking more, another kind of knowledge that (is) making ourselves closer. Closer from His Divinely Presence, because we have been created to be His servants in His Divinely Presence! No any honour can reach anyone (over) that horizon, (over) that level! And we are so far away! So far away from such a valuable target and therefore we are in need (of) a changing…
We are here a handful people or, you can say, you can find on (the) whole world (only a) handful people, whom they are knowing about themselves and preparing to reach (the) Divinely Presence of the Lord Almighty Allah - ŖAllahu yadŘu ila dari-l Salam.ŗ (The) whole knowledge, as a summary, that we must know and we must try to reach is, that we have been invited to His Divine Presence, Daru-l Jalal, Daru-l Salam!
(Our) whole ability, capacity, (and the) power that we have been granted, we must try to make that on that direction, to be prepared for (the) Divinely Presence, Daru-l Salam. ŖAllahumma yadŘu ila dari-l salam.ŗ
Allah Almighty (is) inviting you to His Divinely Presence, O people, whatyou are doing? What you are doing? Why you are not hearing that Divinely Addressing? And it is from the time of Adam - alayhi salatu wa salam. Just had been sent to mankind 124.000 Prophets, all of them… and their missions (was) to invite people to (the) Divinely Presence, Daru-l Salam. ŖAllahu yadŘu ila dari-l Salam.ŗ And their missions was (the) same and their ŘjahadŘ, efforts, was only to make people to prepare themselves for that day that Allah Almighty (is) calling them to be in His Divinely Presence!
No difference, therefore, through prophecy and through their missions and through the main spirit… through whole Holy Books (it) is (the) same, (it has) never changed, but people, as (the) Prophet was saying, (have) just (been) divided (into) so many groups of people and (they are) bringing so many different understandings. Why? No, it is so clear, so clear, why you are bringing another understanding? Every understanding beyond this understanding is false, no reality! From Adam up to (the) Seal of Prophets (it is the) same mission, but every religion (is) going to be… to run after some different ways, different understanding. Ya Hu! Keep your understanding in that point: we have
been invited to (the) Divinely Presence, nothing else!
We are not created for dunya, but we are landed on that world to prepare ourselves for His Divinely meeting, in His Divinely Presence, Daru-l Salam!
Therefore - we are saying, but shaytan, shaytanic trainings, shaytanic teachings (are) making people to leave (the) real target and to run after so many useless and tasteless targets… and people (are) eating some of them some others. For what (they are) biting???
Allah Almighty (is) saying: ŖInna shaytana lakum aduwan, fatakhidhuhu aduwan … O people, shaytan is your most dangerous enemy, fight to him! You are leaving to fight shaytan and (you are) trying to fight with My Prophets that they have been prepared and have been sent from My Divinely Presence for you, to teach (you) for what you have been created (and) what should be your final station.ŗ But people are saying for shaytan: ŖOur best friend!ŗ When you are speaking about prophets, they are saying: ŖThis is ŘasatirŘ [fairytales], no reality; reality (is only) what you are looking and seeing, no more, no more.ŗ
Therefore people, their hearts (are) going to be like rocks; giving nothing to people; no more through their hearts you can find kindness, pity, or mercy, nothing! Just finished and people (are) going to punish someones some others…
May Allah forgive us and give us a good understanding on that point that it is very important!
May Allah forgive us. O Allah, send us whom they may be our real shepherds, real guides to You, Almighty Allah! For the honour of the most honoured one in His Divinely Presence, Sayyidina Muhammad - sallaLlahu alayhi wa sallam - Fatiha…
Allah Allah…!
Sohbet-219 Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim Speech on Eid, Monday, 23.10.06 Come to the way of Paradise and ask for the holy ones!
O people, it is a short time for… I am trying to say something to make you to be awakened, because people now are sleeping or drunk ones, too much drinking… even not knowing their tight hands from left hand!
Our mission is to say: ŖO people, you are on wrong way! Donřt come this side! If (you are) not coming, you are going to fall down in Hells. Wake up! Wake up, come the way of Paradise!ŗ Therefore (an) advisor must advise people on that way.
I am hearing that (the) Pope is speaking something about Islam. Why (is he) speaking against Islam? What Islam (is) saying? Islam (is) showing people (a) bad way? Islam (is) calling people to Hells or to Paradise? Why you are not advising your nation to accept (the) last Messenger with his last Message and (you are) saying (that) Islam (is like) this, (like) that! (He) who is bringing
Islam, he is such a man (as you are saying)? What is that! But they (are) lost… even whom saying ŖWe are religious people.ŗ Only they are religious people, (but) we are not asking religious people, we are asking holy ones!
I was passing through Switzerland; there is St.Nicolaus, a big monastery. That person was really (a) believer in (the) last Prophet also, but he was hiding himself and running away from people and never getting out from his hut. I am coming down and looking that small hut. He was living there, without coming with people. He said: ŖI am only for Allah Almighty!ŗ Always when I am coming, his spirituality (is) calling me; ŖCome and visit me!ŗ and every time I am passing, (I am) coming and visiting his tomb.
Once I was passing and visiting (and) getting out. One person (was) coming, dressed (in a) black suit and here… (at the neck) they have a sign that they are priest… and I am saying: ŖYour holiness (is) looking after this place?ŗ And he said: ŖO Sheikh, I am not (a) holy one, donřt address to me Řholinessř.ŗ I am asking: Ŗ(Not) even (the) Pope?ŗ ŖEven (the) Pope is not a holy one. He is only (an) official personŗ (he was saying)…
Holiness (is) coming from Heavens to people, holinessness (is a) dressing to people from Heavens, you canřt give holiness to anyone, (even) if all people (are) saying: ŘX. is holinessř…
We are not in need religious people, we are in need (of) holy people! You must understand, O mankind, or you are falling down through valleys of Hells… and beginning now!… Day by day (there is) getting (to be) much more trouble and cursing (is) coming on earth, because people (are) not asking (for) holy ones!
I am sorry to say that Muslims also (are) denying holy ones, not accepting Awliya! (They are) coming and destroying their holy places. (A) holy one and (those) around him (are) getting blessings from Allah Almighty - who (is) coming and destroying their holy places, they are very unhappy!
I am saying: ŖO Iraq people! Why you are killing yourself, each other?ŗ ŖBecauseŖ, (they are) saying, Ŗ(there are) coming Americans or English or German or other nations (into our country) and we are fighting (them)!ŗ You are not fighting, you canřt do anything! Why (you are) not going to JeylaniSultan, saying: ŖO, you are a big one, you are in Divine Presence! Please ask forgiveness for ourselves and ask our Lords blessings to save us from those peopleŗ? Because (it is) Allah (who is) sending them on people! Americans (are) never coming (a distance of) 20.000 kms and shooting them. Why (should they)? Who (is) making them to come there? Why (you are) not going to say, ask from that Sultan Jeylani and (all the) thousands (of) Awliyas in Baghdad? Why (the Iraqis are) not going (there)? No one (is) going! (They are saying:) ŖWe have missiles, rockets!ŗ Hmmm! Rockets, Satan (is) urinating on your missiles and rockets!
O people, ask holy ones!…There is living ones also… and in Barzakh passed away (ones)… They are the sources of Divine Mercy Oceans! Why (you are) not going (to them)? You donřt go! Angels should bite you, should hit you, making you down! (There is) no honour for you! If (people were) knowing this, Allah (was) never making them under (the) feet of kuffar! But they lost their ways. Muslims lost also (holy ones), because (they) have only religious people, (they are) not
asking holy ones! (Un)til (they are) asking holy ones, (they) canřt be able to save themselves!
Therefore we ask: ŖO Allah, send us Your holy ones! Even one (is) enough and this world (is) under Your Power! Give your Blessings to one friend of You, (one) friend of Your most beloved servant Sayyidina Muhammad - sallaLlahu alayhi wa sallam! Send us Sayyidina Mehdi - alayhi salam! If (he is) not coming, never (there is) going to be anything (good) on earth, only fighting, killing, destroying, burning, earthquakes and storms, hurricanes coming and taking up…
Before three years ago coming one wave from ocean… Tsunami - I never heard such a foolish word… - where is your technology to stop it?
O man, try to learn adab with your Lord Allah Almighty or you should be taken away! Angels (are) carrying you to Hells!
May Allah forgive us!…Alhamdulillah! I am a weak servant, asking to wake up nations, not only you! My addressing (is) to (the) whole world from East to West and someone… sometimes should be understood what we are saying… There is heavenly support for us!
May Allah bless you!
Sohbet-220 Sohbet from Sunday, 22.10.06
No sadness in Paradise!
As-salamu alaikum! Audhu bi-llahi mina shaitani rajim Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim, La haula wa la quwatta illa bi-llahi-l ŘAliyu-l ŘAdhim
Welcome to you, servants of our Lord, Allah Almighty servants! Meded, ya Sultanu-l Awliya! This holy month or holiest month - for what? For cleaning! Cleaning, because man every day, every hour, every mom
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ing away, finished - dunya going to be clean!
Believe in Allah, believe in His Power, in His Force, in His Endless Authority on everything. Beginning from atoms up to gigantic galaxies. Everyone (is) directed and under their Lords Endless Power, keeping them and directing them. You must believe in it. You canřt direct yourself! You can do that according satanic teachings, but (the) Lord of Heavens (is) going to take away Satan and also (those) who (are) following him!
Man must think on such things what we are saying now! May Allah forgive us! O people, say: ŖAstaghfirullah! Astaghfirullah, Astaghfirullah! Tauba, ya Rabbi, Tauba, ya Rabbi, Tauba, Astaghfirullah! East and West, everything (is) for You! You are (the) Creator and Your Order (is) going on, we are nothing! Forgive us and send us from Your glorious servants to make the heads of satanic people down and to step on their heads who following satanic ways.
May Allah bless you and forgive us. For the honour of the most honoured and praised one in His Divine Presence Sayyidina Muhammad - sallaLlahu alayhi wa sallam - Fatiha!
Sohbet-217 Sohbet from 29.10.06
Reality is Eternity and Eternity is Real Reality!
As-salamu alaikum! Welcome, welcome to you! Ahlan wa sahlan! Eid Mubarak, Bayram mubarak olsun! Destur, ya Sultanu-l Awliya Meded, ya Sultanu-l Awliya Meded, ya Rijalallah!... Ya Allah!…Ya Allah!... Audhu bi-llahi mina shaytani rajim Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim La haula wa la quwatta illa bi-llahi-l ŘAliyu-l ŘAdhim.
Ŗ…wa khuliqa-l insanu daifa…ŗ Just we have been created weak… May Allah blessings you and forgive us… Just we are here for a short time, it is not a long life.
If... you may say: ŖI was with Sayyidina Nuh - peace be upon him... we were in his Arch, now we are here and perhaps thousands and thousands (of) years just passed awayŗ and (even) if we have been granted thousands and thousands (of) years or millions or millions (of) years, when we are saying something in limits, it is (always) going to finish…
What about that... the Seal of Prophets Sayyidina Muhammad - sallaLlahu alayhi wa sallam - was saying that: ŖThe ages of my nation (is going to be) between 60 and 70 yearsŗ? Only! And very few people in our days - they are not reaching more than 60 years - very few ones (are) going to be reaching 70 years or 80 or 90. But, as we said, (even) if we have been granted thousands of years, (it is) going to be (passing:) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10... and coming less, coming less... our days, our weeks, our months or years (are) coming to be less, less, less, less... and then one day we are surrendering to death and we are going to be taken away…
But people in our days are drunk, they are not thinking. They are thinking that they are going to live hundreds and thousands (of) years or they are thinking that they should live forever, but they are only imagination, imagining. Imagining, and imagination (has) no value! Imagination it is not a reality! Like dream, you may say this.
We must think! (The) biggest trouble that (is) coming to mankind now, (is coming), because (they are) not thinking, even they are asking not to think! They are using so many drinks to loose themselves and they are using also so many kinds of drugs, not to come to themselves and to think and to learn something that is reality, but (they are) using drugs not to think, not to learn, not to know reality! That is (the) biggest cursing on people. And (the) sources of miseries and sufferings it is, because mankind they are not thinking!
At least mankind, if they are thinking about reality, they are not going to be sad, because they are getting older, no, because reality is eternity! Eternity, that is reality, but people are never interesting for eternity. They are saying
only: ŖWe are thinking through this life what we are doing, what we are doing?Ŗ And it is not real life, because today you are in existence, tomorrow no - why you are insisting that it is reality?
No! Reality is eternity and eternity is never ending, a way never ending. Here our lives (are) going to reach an end, but if we can jump (onto) the line of eternity, that is never ending, never finishing!…
But people they are not thinking on it and they are happy to be through this life that it is a very short time. They are happy to be here for a short time, but they are not asking or they are not believing in eternity. Eternity!... They are surprising and saying: ŖIf there is eternal life, never ending a life, how it can be?ŗ They are thinking on it.
They are not using their mentality and their minds to say that we were not in existence yesterday, but today we are in existence and tomorrow also we are going to be out of existence, no more going to be our beings on this planet forever, no, but they are not thinking on it… and they are not trying to understand which power (is) sending them from unseen worlds to a place, a planet like dunya, and we are looking and seeing and touching and hearing and enjoying, but it is not also permanent, (it is) passing. And they are not thinking (to) where we are passing, where we are going? From where we are coming and existence, from whom granted to ourselves? That is biggest trouble for (the) solution of our problems as living deputies on earth!
And Allah Almighty just granted us a high honour that you canřt imagine an honour… (Look to me!)… they are not thinking on it that canřt be an honour (over that) that Allah Almighty honoured us (with) and we are asking some another honours. Or: people are not understanding the glory that we have been granted. We have been honoured and also we have been granted glory from Heavens! This - 2 meters (person) - that if you are thinking on it, you are getting in contentment and peace through your hearts.
But people (are) running after something that it is imaginated honour and also it is a glory that never should be forever. (The) honour or glory that people (are) asking now on earth, it is… both of them is not heavenly, no! Heavenly Glory (is) from the Lord of Heavens and Heavenly Honour also (is) just granted to you through Heavenly Glory from Allah Almighty. But people (are) running after - on this planet - for imitated honour or glory.
They are thinking that if they are learning through schools, high schools, universities, and academies and they are reaching from one rank to another rank -that all of them (are) imitated things - they say: ŖWe have been granted an honour with a piece of page!ŗ (They are) putting on their heads a hat and dressing a black coat like ghurab, craws… keeping like this… ŖOhhh, we have been honoured with this paper!ŗ Honour, your honour (is) through that paper, not through yourself! (That) honour (is) written on that paper, but you havenřt reached that honour! And everything you have been granted on papers is a cheating from Satan, shaytanic cheating and shaytanic deceiving people.
ŖWho are you?ŗ ŖI am Dr. A, B, C, Master of wooden worlds (?), C, G, H, and also I am Dr. of being V, U, Z…Ŗ ŖAnd then, after Z?ŗ ŖNothing.ŗ ŖNo honour after 28, 29 (letters)? You used every letter and finishing honour?ŗ ŖYes, Sir, finished,
because after a while, if I am trying, I am going to die and never reaching moreŖ…
No. I am sorry to say that peoples minds (are on) 0 km now, that means never used minds now, as a car in (the) gallery, in (the) showroom, but never used. For what this (Sheikh is pointing to his brain)?… Think on realities and realities is eternity!
No one (is) teaching through their universities or academies or high schools that eternity is real reality! (They are) never speaking on it in any university or high school or academy!
ŖWhat you are learning?ŗ ŖWe are learning, trying to find (out) how many legs (there are) of (the) bird-flu virus… How many legs it has and how they are jumping from one (animal) to another... how they are leaving birds and rushing on man - such a things we are learning!ŗ Ya Hu, this, what is this! That is sewage channels material!
Why you are not asking real reality? Why you are not teaching people for eternity and you are coming from pre-eternal to eternal, last eternity, (the) everending. Why (you are) not teaching?
They are saying: ŖWe are not interesting (in) ourselves, but we are interesting in (the) virus!ŗ I am saying: ŖInsha Allah (that) virus (is) eating you, never leaving anything on you!ŗ Like Nimrods armies: mosquitoes armies (were) eating their flesh all and they were remaining through their armour only (as) skeletons!
HE was sending that! But they are saying: ŖThat is not a positive knowledge!ŗ What is your Řpositive knowledgeŘ? Your knowledge also (is) nothing, passive knowledge, passive knowledge, no reality!
O people, try to learn something that really gives to you an honour and Heavenly Glory! Never giving to you (any glory) now what you are inventing from nuclear bombs or weapons; they are not giving to you any honour. Therefore their names (are) never written on that big missiles, rockets; (it is) never written that: ŖThis is invented by that oneŖ, no, because it is not honour for mankind. It is not our mission to kill or to destroy, or to burn or to give trouble topeople!
But humanity just finished now! Mankind they are living, but humanity (is) never going (to be) in existence now. If someone (is) asking to reach the honour of being from human nature, just they have been defeated out and they are only asking violent people, (a) violent generation, violent and wild animalsř characteristic people! They are producing through their universities, high schools only mankind, but mankind is not a perfect creation!
For perfection Allah Almighty (was) sending His Prophets, to give a perfection. But people (are) running away, not to be perfect person, but (instead they are) running after to be a wild creature or (a) wild animal, (a) beast. Producing beasts, universities; teaching them to kill, to disturb, to give trouble, to kill, to burn, to destroy, to do every wildness that a beast can carry! And they are so happy and proud that they are (on the) Řtop of civilizationŘ! That is (a) shaytanic program that (he is) giving to people to learn it. Therefore
everything that (is) invented, (is) just used to make new generations more than beasts!
O people! If you are not coming to believe and to act as (the) Holy Commands of Heavens (are ordering), you are going to be like beasts - eating someones some others, burning and killing! Donřt say: ŖOhhh, in Iraq daily 60, 70 from Iraqian people (are dying)ŗ then Ŗ40, 50 American soldiersŗ or Ŗ(There are daily) 100 or 1000 in Afghanistan killed peopleŗ! This is honour (for) you? O mankind, you have been created for that?
(The) biggest sin that it is mentioned through Holy Books (is) to kill a person without a proof, without a reason, and they are bombing through flights (airplanes), bombing from sea, from earth - for what? You canřt... even you canřt kill an ant without a reason! And so many people, innocent people - small ones, old ones and (those that there is) nothing for them to make that troubles -they are killing. For what? Allah (is) never happy with them!
But we are reaching to (the) Last Days; perhaps we reached (the) Last Days and Last Days (there) should be Řyakthuru-l harjŘ... ŖMa huwa-l harj, ya Rasulallah?ŗ ŖAl qatl!ŗ Harju marj... (The) Prophet (was) saying: ŖWhen (the) Last Days (are) coming, (there is) going to be much more killing.ŗ By any reason or without, innocent or not, killing, killing! No, you havenřt been created to kill, but you have been created to try to give people life, to make people happy, not sad, unhappy, no!
(But) what we can do?
Now - at time of Sayyidina Nuh - 950 years he was calling people: ŖCome, O people, to Allah!ŗ and they were running away and then Allah Almighty (was) sending (the) flood on them and killing them, drowning (them)… - How many people (were) getting in Arch? Between 70-80, others (were) taken away... Now people they are doing themselves... for themselves... ŖWhen (the) Last Days (are) coming,ŗ (the) Prophet was saying, Ŗnations (are) going to fight through themselves.ŗ Before nations (were) fighting another nation; now, when (the) Last Days (are) coming, people (are) going to fighting through, among themselves:
Turks (are) fighting, Iraqians (are) fighting, Palestinians (are) fighting, Afghans (are) fighting, Hindistan (are) fighting - everywhere you are looking that they are fighting through themselves. For what? No mind, because they are not using their mentality, (they are) never thinking.
Allah Almighty is not going to take commission from your servanthood! He is not taking commission, when you are making goodness to each other, no! But you are doing such a trouble and giving trouble to people and killing.
We must say (this)! I am a weak servant and I am only speaking to all nations to think what they are doing; to think on it, or they should be taken away... As (in the) time of Nuh: 80 people (were) saved. May be more than this, but billions of people should be taken away. Allah Almighty may take all of them, killing all of them and it is not a heavy work for Him, no! (He) may take them away and bring another, bringing some other, some other nation... as from 80 people now 8 billion people (are) living on earth!
O people, ask forgiveness from Allah Almighty! Ask His Mercy! And the way to (His) Mercy (is) passing through forgiveness!
Come and keep Islam that it means surrendering to Allah Almighty!
Some people (are) coming and saying to me and saying: ŖO Sheikh, we like to be Sufi without being Muslim.ŗ I am saying: ŖWhat is reason that you are asking not to say ŘI am MuslimŘ? What is the meaning of Islam? You are not knowing!
Islam means to surrender (to the) High Commands of Allah Almighty! Why you are saying ŘWe are asking to be Sufi peopleř without accepting (the) Holy Commands that (are) leading you to the Divine Presence?ŗ But people, they like to be Sufi -that Sufi people are asking to come more closer from Divinely Presence- but they are saying: ŖNo, we are not asking this, we are only asking to be Sufi.Ŗ What does it mean? No meaning. If you are not surrendering (to the) Holy Commands of Allah, (there is) no meaning to be Sufi!
So people foolish and crazy becoming! Shaytan (is) teaching them: ŖSay: ŘWe are accepting Sufi ways, but it is a condition to us not to be MuslimŘ!ŗ
Jahannam! Go to Hells!... May Allah forgive us!… Ya Rabbi, tubna wa rajana ilayk! Tauba, ya Rabbi, Tauba, ya Rabbi, Tauba, Astaghfirullah!
Shukr, ya Rabbi, Shukr, ya Rabbi, Shukr, Alhamdulillah! Alhamdulillahi ladhi hadana li hadha wa ma kunna li nahtadiya lau la an hadanaAllah... Wa ma taufiqi wa illa Řala-llah Wa nashhadu an la ilaha ill-Allah, wahdahu la sharika lah, wa nashhadu anna Sayyiduna Muhammadun abduhu wa habibuhu was rasuluh… Nurun ala nur wa badrin minnak... Fa aktubna, ya Rabbi, mařa al-shahidin!...Rabbana amana bima anzalta wa tabana Rasul, faktubna mařa shahidin... Bi jahi man anzalta alayhi Surata-l Fatiha.
Sohbet-218 Sohbet from 05.11.06
Allah is inviting you to His Divinely Presence!
As-salamu alaikum wa rahmatullah wa barakatuh, Meded, ya Sayidi, ya Sultanu-l Awliya, Meded, ya Rijalallah! Audhu bi-lllahi mina shaitani rajim Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim, La haula wa la quwatta illa bi-llahi-l ŘAliyu-l ŘAdhim.
Allahumma alimna ma yanfauna, wa zidna Řilma, ya Rabb! O our Lord, grant us from such a knowledge that belongs to Heavens to make ourselves to know something about ourselves! Man, as much as (he is) knowing about this world, never teaching material
knowledge to know yourself, therefore we are not knowing. If Allah Almighty not sending from Heavens Heavenly Books, we are knowing nothing about ourselves. Then we are going to be like other material things or we are going to be like zoo-garden people… even they are knowing something more than mankind… that mankind they are coming together for materials, materials making a person to be like materials, no life. Animals life - that time going to be much more clear for them to know their Lords, but man, when they are getting (to be) too much with materials, (they are) going to be like materials and their levels (are) coming much more down from the levels of animals.
Therefore we are asking from Allah Almighty: ŖAllahumma alimna ma yanfauna wa zidna Řilma!ŗ Oooh, this is a praying reaching from the Seal of Prophets to ourselves that he is saying, asking from Allah Almighty: ŖO our Lord, teach us from Divinely and Heavenly (Knowledge)!ŗ…Heavenly Knowledge and then Divinely Knowledge. Heavenly Knowledge (is) preparing you for Divinely Knowledge and Heavenly Knowledge- ŖAllahumma alimna ma yanfauna…ŗ- Heavenly Knowledge (is) for preparing mankind to reach the level of Heavens. And (the Prophet was also) asking: Ŗ…wa zidna Řilma (and grant us more of this knowledge)Ŗ That level (Heavenly Knowledge), it is not our last target or (our) last horizon for reaching and that knowledge… ŗO our Lord, grant us such a knowledge that we can be able to be closer to Your Divinely Presence!ŗ
ŖMan arifa nafsa faqad arifa RabbaŖ - first you are going to learn about yourself. Who are you?… No answer! This material knowledge (is) never giving an answer to you to say (that) you are that one, therefore every time man may ask: ŖWho am I?ŗ and others may ask: ŖWho are you?ŗ and we are not yet knowing about yourselves to recognize our mission and the reason of (our) being on existence! Therefore Allah Almighty (has been) sending His Prophets. (The) first level (of knowledge is) for teaching about yourself - that you may ask: ŖWho am I?ŗ or may ask someone: ŖWho are you?ŗ - to know about yourself.
Now (the) whole world (is) trying to learn only materialism and it is a dead body, nothing giving to you about yourselves. Therefore the valueof mankind now in our days (is) coming less, less, less and coming down, even coming less from the level of animals. They are coming down! La haula wa la quwatta illa bi-llahi-l ŘAliyu-l ŘAdhim… Therefore man (is) not giving value for others. They are killing, burning, destroying and they are looking and seeing mankind as a simple material. If they are knowing about mankind and their honour andtheir creation target and their levels, they are not dealing with others as they are dealing with others!
People now they are like the Children of Israel (whom) they were making a Golden Cow and worshipping on it and their value (was) just in it, not through each other…
Now people they are only running after money, richness, business and such a foolish things, foolish targets and making each other - whom they are closing their ways or preventing them to reach to their targets, to reach to treasures of this temporary life, anything coming in front of them, they are taking it away - as a rock, as a animal, as a tree, (and) nothing else. Therefore the value of mankind through 21st century (is) coming less, coming down…
And we must know about ourselves and Allah Almighty (is) sending His honoured servants to teach ourselves that we are not like rocks, like animals, no! We have been honoured and we have been selected through (the) whole creation and we have been crowned to be caliphs of Allah Almighty on earth, to be His deputies on earth and to have the qualities from Heavens not to look down, but to look up!
Therefore we are in need to learn first of all who we are, whom we are. For what? Materials (are) never giving to you an answer or a knowledge! ŖAllahumma alimna ma yanfauna…ŗ- ŖO our Lord, teach us from such a knowledge that gives us a benefitŗ and (that) benefit (is) not materials; material they are nothing and (they have) no value, (they are) thrown away.
Therefore we are asking now from Allah Almighty: ŖAllahumma, O our Lord, teach us ma yanfauna, that gives us a benefit there and Hereafterŗ (and) then: Ŗ…wa zidna Řilma…(give us more from that knowledge).ŗ
When we are reaching the level of Heavens and learning (about) ourselves, then we are asking more, another kind of knowledge that (is) making ourselves closer. Closer from His Divinely Presence, because we have been created to be His servants in His Divinely Presence! No any honour can reach anyone (over) that horizon, (over) that level! And we are so far away! So far away from such a valuable target and therefore we are in need (of) a changing…
We are here a handful people or, you can say, you can find on (the) whole world (only a) handful people, whom they are knowing about themselves and preparing to reach (the) Divinely Presence of the Lord Almighty Allah - ŖAllahu yadŘu ila dari-l Salam.ŗ (The) whole knowledge, as a summary, that we must know and we must try to reach is, that we have been invited to His Divine Presence, Daru-l Jalal, Daru-l Salam!
(Our) whole ability, capacity, (and the) power that we have been granted, we must try to make that on that direction, to be prepared for (the) Divinely Presence, Daru-l Salam. ŖAllahumma yadŘu ila dari-l salam.ŗ
Allah Almighty (is) inviting you to His Divinely Presence, O people, whatyou are doing? What you are doing? Why you are not hearing that Divinely Addressing? And it is from the time of Adam - alayhi salatu wa salam. Just had been sent to mankind 124.000 Prophets, all of them… and their missions (was) to invite people to (the) Divinely Presence, Daru-l Salam. ŖAllahu yadŘu ila dari-l Salam.ŗ And their missions was (the) same and their ŘjahadŘ, efforts, was only to make people to prepare themselves for that day that Allah Almighty (is) calling them to be in His Divinely Presence!
No difference, therefore, through prophecy and through their missions and through the main spirit… through whole Holy Books (it) is (the) same, (it has) never changed, but people, as (the) Prophet was saying, (have) just (been) divided (into) so many groups of people and (they are) bringing so many different understandings. Why? No, it is so clear, so clear, why you are bringing another understanding? Every understanding beyond this understanding is false, no reality! From Adam up to (the) Seal of Prophets (it is the) same mission, but every religion (is) going to be… to run after some different ways, different understanding. Ya Hu! Keep your understanding in that point: we have
been invited to (the) Divinely Presence, nothing else!
We are not created for dunya, but we are landed on that world to prepare ourselves for His Divinely meeting, in His Divinely Presence, Daru-l Salam!
Therefore - we are saying, but shaytan, shaytanic trainings, shaytanic teachings (are) making people to leave (the) real target and to run after so many useless and tasteless targets… and people (are) eating some of them some others. For what (they are) biting???
Allah Almighty (is) saying: ŖInna shaytana lakum aduwan, fatakhidhuhu aduwan … O people, shaytan is your most dangerous enemy, fight to him! You are leaving to fight shaytan and (you are) trying to fight with My Prophets that they have been prepared and have been sent from My Divinely Presence for you, to teach (you) for what you have been created (and) what should be your final station.ŗ But people are saying for shaytan: ŖOur best friend!ŗ When you are speaking about prophets, they are saying: ŖThis is ŘasatirŘ [fairytales], no reality; reality (is only) what you are looking and seeing, no more, no more.ŗ
Therefore people, their hearts (are) going to be like rocks; giving nothing to people; no more through their hearts you can find kindness, pity, or mercy, nothing! Just finished and people (are) going to punish someones some others…
May Allah forgive us and give us a good understanding on that point that it is very important!
May Allah forgive us. O Allah, send us whom they may be our real shepherds, real guides to You, Almighty Allah! For the honour of the most honoured one in His Divinely Presence, Sayyidina Muhammad - sallaLlahu alayhi wa sallam - Fatiha…
Allah Allah…!
Sohbet-219 Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim Speech on Eid, Monday, 23.10.06 Come to the way of Paradise and ask for the holy ones!
O people, it is a short time for… I am trying to say something to make you to be awakened, because people now are sleeping or drunk ones, too much drinking… even not knowing their tight hands from left hand!
Our mission is to say: ŖO people, you are on wrong way! Donřt come this side! If (you are) not coming, you are going to fall down in Hells. Wake up! Wake up, come the way of Paradise!ŗ Therefore (an) advisor must advise people on that way.
I am hearing that (the) Pope is speaking something about Islam. Why (is he) speaking against Islam? What Islam (is) saying? Islam (is) showing people (a) bad way? Islam (is) calling people to Hells or to Paradise? Why you are not advising your nation to accept (the) last Messenger with his last Message and (you are) saying (that) Islam (is like) this, (like) that! (He) who is bringing
Islam, he is such a man (as you are saying)? What is that! But they (are) lost… even whom saying ŖWe are religious people.ŗ Only they are religious people, (but) we are not asking religious people, we are asking holy ones!
I was passing through Switzerland; there is St.Nicolaus, a big monastery. That person was really (a) believer in (the) last Prophet also, but he was hiding himself and running away from people and never getting out from his hut. I am coming down and looking that small hut. He was living there, without coming with people. He said: ŖI am only for Allah Almighty!ŗ Always when I am coming, his spirituality (is) calling me; ŖCome and visit me!ŗ and every time I am passing, (I am) coming and visiting his tomb.
Once I was passing and visiting (and) getting out. One person (was) coming, dressed (in a) black suit and here… (at the neck) they have a sign that they are priest… and I am saying: ŖYour holiness (is) looking after this place?ŗ And he said: ŖO Sheikh, I am not (a) holy one, donřt address to me Řholinessř.ŗ I am asking: Ŗ(Not) even (the) Pope?ŗ ŖEven (the) Pope is not a holy one. He is only (an) official personŗ (he was saying)…
Holiness (is) coming from Heavens to people, holinessness (is a) dressing to people from Heavens, you canřt give holiness to anyone, (even) if all people (are) saying: ŘX. is holinessř…
We are not in need religious people, we are in need (of) holy people! You must understand, O mankind, or you are falling down through valleys of Hells… and beginning now!… Day by day (there is) getting (to be) much more trouble and cursing (is) coming on earth, because people (are) not asking (for) holy ones!
I am sorry to say that Muslims also (are) denying holy ones, not accepting Awliya! (They are) coming and destroying their holy places. (A) holy one and (those) around him (are) getting blessings from Allah Almighty - who (is) coming and destroying their holy places, they are very unhappy!
I am saying: ŖO Iraq people! Why you are killing yourself, each other?ŗ ŖBecauseŖ, (they are) saying, Ŗ(there are) coming Americans or English or German or other nations (into our country) and we are fighting (them)!ŗ You are not fighting, you canřt do anything! Why (you are) not going to JeylaniSultan, saying: ŖO, you are a big one, you are in Divine Presence! Please ask forgiveness for ourselves and ask our Lords blessings to save us from those peopleŗ? Because (it is) Allah (who is) sending them on people! Americans (are) never coming (a distance of) 20.000 kms and shooting them. Why (should they)? Who (is) making them to come there? Why (you are) not going to say, ask from that Sultan Jeylani and (all the) thousands (of) Awliyas in Baghdad? Why (the Iraqis are) not going (there)? No one (is) going! (They are saying:) ŖWe have missiles, rockets!ŗ Hmmm! Rockets, Satan (is) urinating on your missiles and rockets!
O people, ask holy ones!…There is living ones also… and in Barzakh passed away (ones)… They are the sources of Divine Mercy Oceans! Why (you are) not going (to them)? You donřt go! Angels should bite you, should hit you, making you down! (There is) no honour for you! If (people were) knowing this, Allah (was) never making them under (the) feet of kuffar! But they lost their ways. Muslims lost also (holy ones), because (they) have only religious people, (they are) not
asking holy ones! (Un)til (they are) asking holy ones, (they) canřt be able to save themselves!
Therefore we ask: ŖO Allah, send us Your holy ones! Even one (is) enough and this world (is) under Your Power! Give your Blessings to one friend of You, (one) friend of Your most beloved servant Sayyidina Muhammad - sallaLlahu alayhi wa sallam! Send us Sayyidina Mehdi - alayhi salam! If (he is) not coming, never (there is) going to be anything (good) on earth, only fighting, killing, destroying, burning, earthquakes and storms, hurricanes coming and taking up…
Before three years ago coming one wave from ocean… Tsunami - I never heard such a foolish word… - where is your technology to stop it?
O man, try to learn adab with your Lord Allah Almighty or you should be taken away! Angels (are) carrying you to Hells!
May Allah forgive us!…Alhamdulillah! I am a weak servant, asking to wake up nations, not only you! My addressing (is) to (the) whole world from East to West and someone… sometimes should be understood what we are saying… There is heavenly support for us!
May Allah bless you!
Sohbet-220 Sohbet from Sunday, 22.10.06
No sadness in Paradise!
As-salamu alaikum! Audhu bi-llahi mina shaitani rajim Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim, La haula wa la quwatta illa bi-llahi-l ŘAliyu-l ŘAdhim
Welcome to you, servants of our Lord, Allah Almighty servants! Meded, ya Sultanu-l Awliya! This holy month or holiest month - for what? For cleaning! Cleaning, because man every day, every hour, every mom
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