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313 Suhbat of Mawlana Shaykh Nazim (1195 pages, 78/120)
hans, Padishahs, Shahs down and coming them and since two centuries they did only their worst; they were never doing anything for benefit of mankind. All they are doing what Shaytan saying to them: to fight Allah, to fight holy people, to fight prophets and to deny everything that coming from Heavens.

But - al-hamduliLlah, Allah Almighty He is most power(ful) One, whole Power Oceans for Him! - when He is asking to change anything, He may change with so simple things!

I was remembering it, when beginning, when Allah Almighty asking to make communism down: There was one person from Poland, one simple worker. He was working in factory, and one day he was taking this clothes, putting there, and putting his hammer there and saying: ŖO people, those people they are cheating ourselves. What they promised, never reality! At the time of Caesars, we are same and through their time we are same; not same, but more down. They are not giving any price for ourselves, making us more than anyone that can be put down through Caesars time. Therefore, just I am going to leave my work. Who is coming with me, may come, who is going to be, to continue, may continue!ŗ Whole people putting down, getting out…

No armies, no navy, no aircrafts, no atomic bombs, no nuclear bombs, nothing. He was coming - finished… ŖWe are not believing such people. Leave them!ŗ It is true or not? Hahahaha!

Allah no need; if He is asking to do something, He is not in need to use weapons: one person, one worker, saying: ŖI am not believing.ŗ

Those people more than Pharaoh, more than Nimrod, killing people more than zalim, than Nero. Shooting, without closing their eyes, they were killing thousands… You are knowing, His Holiness, his Eminence, he is knowing more than me so many times… but I know also…

And I am their brother in law, because my halal was Tartarian, Kazan. Therefore

I am "Enishte" [brother in law] to them all… Alhamdulillah, I am so happy that Allah Almighty giving me a lady, my wife, that very few a person may reach such a mukhlisa, mumina lady. If I reached something through my spirituality, she is my supporter, she was my supporter. I am radi [well-pleased] from her, Allah Almighty radi from her also.

And today - SubhanaLlahi-l ´Aliyu-l ´Azim - Allah yughayir wa la yataghayir, Allah changing, but He is not changing - everything, every moment, every second going to be changed: "Kulla yaumin Huwa fi shan." [Quran, 55:29] Today is not same yesterday, tomorrow is not going to be same, because Allah Almighty never making copy, photocopy, like mankind, no!

Mubdi´u, that He is creating and everything that He is creating through seconds or less from unit of time, never going to be same. Mubdi´u- everything, it is only one, you canřt find same two ones to be same. Allah Almighty!

Therefore, what we are saying - Allah Almighty changed and making communism under the feet of people that they killed at least 150 million Muslims… but our foolish Muslims they are not speaking on it. They are making applause for Russians, thinking that Russians going to be supporters for Islam. Never! "Al-Kufr milatun wahida, fahdaru!" [Hadith of the Prophet -sallaLahu alayhi wa sallam: "Unbelief is one single Nation, so beware!"] You must beware from whole Kafir, Kufr!

Now, today since two days I was informed that his Eminence Grand Mufti of all Russian territory asking to visit and I am saying: Subhanallah, Subhan al-Muharrik. I am saying: I am nothing, I am nothing… no value, no any rank for me. I am a simple servant from beginning up to end, nothing else. If He is accepting me!… So many years I am crying and I am asking forgiveness and blessing from My Lord Allah Almighty, to give me from His endless Mercy Oceans, not to send me to Hells, but I am happy to be last one entering to Paradise. I am only asking that our Lord Allah Almighty to call me and say: ŖO My servant! Welcome! I am pleased with you! I am pleased with you!ŗ This is biggest reward of our …

(Here the Grand Mufti gets on his knees before Sheikh, takes his hands and kisses them. He stays like this for quite some time [reciting over and over: "kullu man alayha fan wa yabqa wajhu Rabbika dhu l-jalali wa l-ikram," (Quran, 55:26- 27)] until Mawlana reads a prayer)

Allah yarju rahmatahu li-l Muslimin fi mashariqi l-ardi wa magharibiha! Ya Rabbi, adkhilna fi rahmatika mař Řibadika salihin! Ya Rabbi, ya Allah, adkhilna fi rahmatika, ya Rabbi bi-rahmatika al-wasi´a! Ya Rabbi akrimna, akrimna, ya Rabbi, bi-ihsanika l-qadim, ya Rabbi, ya Allah, ya Rabbi, ya Allah… ´ibadaka, Anta Rabb, nahnu Řabd wa nahnu al-´ibad, fa-arham dhullana wa-rhman da´fana, af´al bina ma Anta bihi ahlun wa la taf´al bina ma nahnu bihi ahlun, wa innaka ahlu taqwa wa ahlu maghfirati, ya Allah - bi jahi nabiyyika-l karim, nabiyyi Rahma, Sayyidina Muhammad al-Mustafa, astafaytahu, ya Rabb, wa ajtabaytahu, ya Rabb, wa ja´alatu, ya Rabb, sururan, wa ghururan wa iftikharan li l-awwalina wa l-akhirin… Fatiha!

That is highest honour, the top of our aims, that Allah Almighty to say: ŖO My servant, you make Me pleased, I am pleased with you and eternity for you,

eternal life for you, O My servant!ŗ That is biggest aim, but people going to follow shaytanic ways… asamanAllah, Allah Almighty protects ourselves!

We have been honoured with Grand Mufti Effendi, his Eminence.

He is sending and I am nothing… but our souls they were happy with each other; through spiritual world we were together, therefore he is recognizing me, he is happy to come and to be with us… He is, Alhamdulillah, his Eminence, young… I like to go there and once I had been there, but now…

I am asking to visit them, but my physical being never giving any chance. Therefore I am asking: ŖO my Lord, give me a traveling ticket, without paying money, without making a visa on it, to be in a blink of eye in Bukhara, in a blink of eye in Moscow, in a blink of eye in Kazan… in a blink of eye in east, in a blink of eye in west… I am asking this, but He knows… Egypt!… Now I am finishing with traveling with passports, but I am asking some another… and they are saying: ŖYou are so heavy one, we canřt carry you!ŗ Make it "khafif", light, I may go… By Your permission so big gigantic planes flying… I am so small… what happened, if I am flying?… Better!

This is an introduction for His Eminence Grand Mufti Effendi, to know people about our respected guest.

Now we are requesting from his Eminence, Grand Mufti of Russian Muslims, to give some words that Allah Almighty making him to speak.

Listen and obey! Sohbet-209 Sohbets from 31.12.06

Speech for the occasion of EID-ul ADHA

ŖWho is on the Right Path Finds Me!ŗ

Audhu bi-llahi mina shaytani rajim Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim, La haula wa la quwatta illa bi-llahi-l řAliyu-l řAzim.

O people, we are coming for Eid praying, Eidu-l Adha, Kurban Bayram. Allah has gathered us for this. We hope that next year the flag of Islam to be raised in East and West and that Dunya will be in peace. Shaytans Sultanate is disturbing the peace.

We are waiting for the Sultan! We are looking after a Sultan that just he had been promised through our most praised Prophet Muhammad - sallaLlahu alayhi wa sallam -, when Last Days approaching and going to be Islam only to be by name and Muslims never taking any care for Islam, they are not practicing, not obeying. That day should come that shaytan (is) establishing his sultanate on earth and from East to West all nations going to follow him. Muslims therefore only going to be by name, but not practicing Islam, Holy Rules sent by Allah Almighty.

We are in it now and I am not happy! And every Muslims I think they are never happy with sultanate of shaytan. Shaytan just divided Muslims through 40, 45, 50 states and everyone they are against each other and Allah Almighty (is) saying: Ŗ…wa atassimu bi habli-llahi jamian wa la tafarraqu: O believers! You must be all together, like one hand! Donřt be separated!ŗ What Allah Almighty saying, first Arabs understanding wrong! They are separated. Turks, Pakistanis, Berberians, Malaysians - everywhere Muslims separated, not hearing (?). But Allah Almighty preparing (something) for them, to make them on right path! One slap coming on them!

The days of tyrants coming ??? One after one (they are) going to be taken away… therefore I am asking, O Allah Almighty, to reach coming year with full power of Islam over all world, global! No any wrong way - wrong ways should be destroyed -only one way, Sirata-l Mustaqim, that Allah Almighty saying: ŖThis is My Way that is just (the) true way, (the) right path, because who (is) coming on that way, (is) coming and finding Me and (is) going to be with Me and I am rewarding them for eternal life, for eternity!ŗ

O people, ask eternity, (ask) to reach eternity! We are not going to live forever on earth, no, everyone born must die. But that is good chance, perfect chance for a person to be taken from this life to other life and he is on path of Allah Almighty.

Try to be on right path, O people! Leave wrong ways - wrong ways all shaytanic! If you like to be in good life, perfect, peaceful life here, hear and obey to Allah Almighty Orders! If not - no one (is) going to be (in a) peaceful life on this planet, and when (they are) going to die, (they will be) going to Hells. No peace for them here or Hereafter.

O people! Therefore you must ask from Allah Almighty: ŖYa Rabbi, let us to be for us good shepherds, O our Lord, to make our ways good ways and to follow Your good shepherds to reach to Your Pleasure!ŗ

O people, ask from Allah Almighty: ŖYa Rabbi, we live (for You???)… O our Lord, give us a chance to make You pleased with us!ŗ

For everything ask: ŖIf I am doing this, (is) my Lord going to be pleased with me or not?ŗ This is (the) balance through all Holy Books - Old Testament, New Testament, Psalms, Holy Quran - and all Messengers from Sayyidina Adam - alayhi salam - up to end, ending with Sayyidina Muhammad - sallaLlahu alayhi wa sallam -, all of them (were) trying to teach people that they should do their best to make their Lord pleased with them!

La ilaha ill-Allah, la ilaha ill-Allah, la ilaha ill-Allah, Muhammadun Rasulullah!

SubhanAllah, SultanAllah! SubhanAllah SultanAllah!

Subhan Sensin, Sultan Sensin! Subhan Sensin, Sultan Sensin! Ya Allah!

No any Khatib may speak what we speak! This is one place here and just reached East and West!

May Allah forgive me and you and bless you, His Muřmin servants!

May Allah give us from His endless Mercy Oceans to be strong believers and full with love of Allah and His most Beloved, most praised servant, Rasulullah, and His Awliya and Muřmins!

Sohbet after Zuhr Prayer

Who caused the Big Bang?

As-salamu alaikum wa rahmatullah wa barakatuh! Welcome to you!

Allah Almighty granted us His Blessings today and we are asking to continue His Blessings on Ummatul-Muhammad, the Nation of Sayyidina Muhammad...

Meded, ya Sultanu-l Awliya, Meded, ya Rijalallah!

O people! We are weak created servants. Very gentle. (A) small virus may kill a person! Virus that means smaller than bacteria…

Audhu bi-llahi mina shaytani rajim Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim

By the Name of Allah Almighty All-Merciful, Most Beneficent and Most Magnificent!...

Allah Almighty has endless Oceans, from pre-eternal up to eternal, and His Kingdom no one knows except Him and His Dominions (are) endless, endless! We are only through an endless ocean… our being on this planet (is) only (like) if you are putting a needle in an ocean - what (it is) taking, that is. But Allah Almighty (is) giving (to) mankind a situation that He created them to be His caliphs on this world. And this world (is) so small; even with solar system or with billions of galaxies - they are swimming, swimming through an endless space, endless!

I am asking sometimes some scientist or professor or (those) whom they are saying: ŖWe are scholarsŗ: ŖO that one, what do you think about space? What is your opinion for space? You are saying that you are knowing everything and you are asking to cheat people, not to ask a deeply question about this creation and you are bringing some nonsense theories for the beginning of this universe. You are saying that (in the) beginning there was one atom. Yes? One atom. I am asking: Where it was?ŗ

No answer. No answer, because he is saying that that one atom was in existence, but once or one day it exploded. Just happened an explosion and through that explosion so huge energy (was) coming and spreading everywhere.ŗ I am saying: ŗWhat is everywhere? What do you mean [by] "everywhere"? That ŘBig Bangř Ŗ- they are saying - Ŗwhere it was put? It was free being in existence or it was just related around itself?ŗ No answer.

I am asking: ŖBig Bang, I know, as you are saying, it is a theory, but - where it was? Another question: Who was putting that one atom there?ŗ No answer!

And I am asking also: ŖWhat do you think? When it was exploded, do you think that it was like a remote control? It was under a power like (a) remote control and (the) time (was) coming and (it was) exploding?ŗ No answer!

(There is) no answer, but they are so foolish people, they are insisting. (And) so many foolish governments also they are insisting to teach people (this) for the beginning of this creation, but no one can answer, what I am asking to them.

By itself canřt be! It was just related by time? Time - only we are knowing on earth time through suns movement and also through our planets turning around it; but that time, do you think that there was time? No answer, but they are insisting!

They are shaytan people, not to say that Allah created! And their theories are nonsense! Canřt be Big Bang! (It is a) new fashion! New fashion shaytan teaching them: ŖYou must, if anyone asking you how this creation just coming in existence, say this: ŘIt was one atom, big atom, but we donřt know its size, its bigness. We donřt know, only our teacher teaching us.řŗ Who is that one teaching them? Shaytan!

They are not saying!… Shaytan saying that: ŖThe beginning of this creation was with one big atom that, when it was exploded, (was) spreading so many things that it has in it and then they were beginning to turn around themselves and coming suns, solar systems, galaxies malaxiesŗ…Ehhh!

This is "batil", nonsense! But every government through their educational system they are teaching this, not to say (that) Allah created!

And we are on this planet. Who landed us on this planet? Another question - no answer…!

I am asking: ŖWho was first planting pine trees on Alps? Do you know? Italian people, German people, English people? Who was first planting pine trees on that (mountains)?ŗ Saying: ŖWe donřt know.ŗ But someone planted on that high rock - who is going and planting it? Rocks and mountains (are) full with trees! And you are looking (that in) one forest (in) some places (there are) only pine trees; a little bit further, you find another kind of plant, anther kind of tree growing -why not continues this? Who (is) making these different plants to be on mountains? Who is that one? Why you are saying lie? Why you are trying tocheat people? Why you are following shaytans way? Why you are not believing in Holy Books? Why you are not believing in holy Prophets? Why you are not believing in the Seal of Prophets Sayyidina Muhammad - sallaLlahu alayhi wa sallam?

But they are graduated from University of Shaytan! Graduated, everyone (has) a piece of paper, making like this… and putting on their heads a shaytanic cap…They are saying: ŖGraduated students (of) this year, from Lefke University.ŗ Or: ŖThis is a photograph for Oxford University students that they graduated this year.ŗ ŖWhat you are knowing?ŗ Knowing nothing!…

We must try to think! We must try to understand! We must try to believe! We must

try to follow truth! We must try to follow true ones, to be with true ones!

If not, this world (is) going to be as a surface of moon! Surface of moon, nothing on it; no plants, no water, no animals, no amoebas… No man, no animals! Should be this planet also like that, if people they are not coming to say: ŖO our Lord, You are Creator and we are Your creation; one kind of creation that You granted us something: to think, to know, to learn and to follow and to reach to You!ŗ If not, this planet soonerly going its surface (to be) like (the) surface of moon and life (is) going to finish. May Allah forgive us! O people, think and come and accept truth and follow true ones, if you like to reach the Creatorřs Pleasure! If not, (a) bad end (is) waiting for those whom they are denying everything coming from Heavens, (whom they are) refusing to accept Holy Books and holy Messengers and their holy Messages!

May Allah forgive us through this holy month, holy day. And we have been honored that we are Muslims! Our aim (is) only to be a good servant to our Lord, nothing else! Today we are in existence, tomorrow Allah knows, if we are on this planet or under it…

SubhanAllah, SultanAllah! SubhanAllah, Sultan Allah! Subhan Sensin, Sultan Sensin! Subhan Sensin, Sultan Sensin! Subhan Sensin, Sultan Sensin, ya Allah!

Send us the Sultan! Shaytans head will be broken! The flag of Islam will be raised! Send us the Sahib, ya Allah! For the sake of Your Habib, Fatiha!…

…I have to speak in English, because these people are coming from far and they donřt know Turkish. They come maybe once a year or less, once in their life, to listen to these words. They bring these words to their countries. There they donřt say ŘAllahř and these words are to break their wrong beliefs and this advice and addressing is to break the "batil" there!. .. May Allah wake up also our people, to come to the Way of Truth, not to run after the Europeans. If they run after the Europeans, they will fall with them! May Allah protect us.

Keep the way of the Prophet, who is His Beloved! Who follows and loves Him and keeps his way, is accepted in Allahřs Presence and finds eternal Happiness! If not…

Fatiha. Sohbet-210 Sohbet from 17.12.06

Choose your direction: blessed or cursed!

Audhu bi-llahi mina shaitani rajim Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim La haula wa la quwatta illa bi-llahi-l ŘAliyu-l ŘAzim

As-salamu alaiukum, salamu-llah alaikum.

May be bestowed Allah AlmightyŘs blessings on you forever! Meded, ya Sultanu-l Awliya! Run (toward) the direction that blessings (are) coming; on that direction. Now we are on this planet, we are living, billions of people. There is only two directions: One direction (is the) blessed direction, another direction (is the) cursed direction. Allah granting us mind. That is a big grant or (the) biggest grant for mankind: to have a mind. Mind it is a state or balance. With that, when you are using it, you may understand blessed direction or cursed direction. It is so simple. That is the… just it is heavenly messages what is in it, (the) real point?…(the) essence… (the) essence of whole revelations. And also for whole nations. Never this message… and the essence of messages canřt be changed - from Adam up to… from (the) first messenger up to (the) last messenger, (it is) never changing.

But- Subhanallah, Subhanallah - Ahlu-l Kitab, Jewish 71 sects, and Christians 72 sects, and the last Ummah, (the) most honoured Ummah also, (is) just divided into 73 sects.

For what? For what? It is so clear. Blessed direction, cursed direction, what you are playing on it, saying: ŖI am this one, I am that one, you are wrongŗ? No! True way and wrong way. True way that (it is the) blessed way, it is clear. And (the) wrong way, that (it is the) cursed way, it is clear also.

(The) Lord (is) saying: ŖDonřt drink!ŗ This is blessed waysř command, calling people: ŖCome, donřt drink, donřt be drunk! I donřt like drunk people! I am sending My chosen servants to you to teach you, because you are My deputies on earth, you must learn! You must learn, because I dressed you a honoured dressing that I never dressed anyone!Ŗ - Even Angels they are not dressing, what we have been dressed - ŖAnd I am saying to you: O My honoured servants, donřt be drunk, donřt drink. I am saying to you!ŗ But Shaitan (is) saying to you: ŖDonřt listen, donřt go on that direction, come to my direction! When you are going to be drunk, you should be in pleasure!ŗ What is that! Which one (is) going and being pleased, when they are drinking?

So many years I have been in London. Every night we are going some other places for breakfast or for any invitation, for praying, and after Maghreb we are moving and mostly London (is) full with pubs. After Asr, people, when they are finishing their works, (are asking themselves): ŖWhere we must go?ŗ Shaitan (is) saying to them… ŖWe may go to church, we may go to synagogue, we may go to mosque…ŗ ŖNo, no! What you are doing there? Come and enjoy yourself! I am building for you hundreds of pubs - you must go there! Why going to mosque, what are you doing in mosque? Come here!ŗ and they are coming and sitting… beginning from Asr. When we are going, they are yet silence. When I was coming (back), so many times I am looking: ŖOh, what (is) happening?ŗ.. tüt tüt tüt tüt... police, emergency, police force coming, running …. Ehhh! [Hitting with] tables on each one, taking this table on another, seats on another, people their heads broken, hands broken, ehhh and they are in full dirtiness…

This direction do you think that (it is a) good direction, (a) blessed direction? Allah (is) happy to be His servants in pubs?

Churches (they are saying): ŖWe have Sunday Service. We are inviting our brothers and sisters - or sisters and brothers - to come and to be present with our service. From 10 ořclock to 12 ořclock…ŗ Then churches (are) in darkness, because Europe is a Christian Continent… and they were very happy, even (the) Pope (was) happy! He was trying to make Islam down and to say: ŖIslam (is) coming with (the) sword, making people Muslim.ŗ Haha! From where (you are) bringing that knowledge, you? You look Europe! Look after your people, (you) that you are saying: ŖI am their Lord; on behalf of our Lord I am here!ŗ Why (you are) not training Catholics not to drink, not to do bad things, not to do cursed works, why? (You are) only coming and making... (the Sheikh is imitating the blessing ceremony of the Pope)…

Our Muslims also (are) saying: ŖWe must try to be westernised Muslims.ŗ Hmmm. From where (you are) bringing, ya Shaitan, this? What westernised Muslims? (If they are) western coming, they are Christians. You are coming to be like them? How they are Muslim? Westernised Muslim - in which book you are finding this, ya Shaitan? Audhu bi-llahi mina shaitani rajim! And people now 99% they are on (the) cursed way. They are saying, Ya Hu, even I am saying: ŖYou make your outlooking as a Muslim. According to (the) high Command of Allah dress a dressing that (is) covering your blamed place!ŗ

And I am saying - modernised, westernised Muslims (have) even no moustache - I am calling one of them, saying: ŖCome, look that cat! (A) cat (is) never happy to be taken its moustache, how you are taking? Heh? How you are shaving your moustaches?ŗ

Westernised Muslims! In Arabia (they are) dressing clothes, galabiyya, (then they are) coming to London or Paris or any European (country) - (and changing their clothes) - where is (the) Holy Command of Allah?

O people, use your mind! If you are not using your mind, coming a punishment! That Allah Almighty should punish them, whom they are insisting to be on (the) wrong way, on (the) cursed way, (the) cursed direction!

True direction, who is (on it)? Ehhh… true direction: Sheikh Abdul Hafiz - Sheikh Abdul Aziz-ehh-Scheikh Abdul Hafiz, representing Germans, SheikhHassan Dyck [Mawlana pronounces 'Dyck' "deek', laughs, then continues in turkish: doesn't 'deek' mean rooster? I never heard of a rooster becoming sheikh, but rooster Hassan, Hassan rooster, he became Sheikh] … Then we are looking in Italy: Nizamuddin. Nizamuddin also, when his wife (is) getting angry, cutting half of his beard… when she is happy, he [lets it grow]…

So many… People never using their minds! And when Allah Almighty (is) asking to punish people, first (He is) taking their minds; (then they have) no aql, no mentality, (and) then they are doing something that never mind (is) accepting that and (then) cursing (is) coming on them.

Sham… eh, Sham, I was there since 60 years, everything (was) so good, they were also dressing - women - galabiyya and men all (had a) beard and also they were dressing galabiya and they were putting turbans or like this tarbusch… so

beautiful, so handsome people! And they were covering their faces.

Now I'm going… ŖWhat happened?ŗ ŖO Sheikh, from where you are coming?ŗ I am saying: ŖFrom Marikh, from Mars coming. First one coming from Mars coming, I am that one. 60 years ago I was here, then I disappeared. I was in Saturn and now I am comingŖ... ŖAhhh…what you are asking?ŗ ŖI was here, but now I am not recognizing Damascus and people in such a way!ŗ ŖYa Hu, I am born here and people they were like this! I never knowing that Dimashq people going to be before in such a way, no! Even - that time is another time, now… O Sheikh, you are really coming from Saturn?ŗ ŖNo doubt!ŗ ŖWhat is your object[ion], why you are objecting?Ŗ ŖBecause I was so happy in that time; ladies they were covering and people they were using their traditional clothes - (but) now…ŗ ŖO Sheikh, we are living (in the) 21st century! What you are saying? We must do as Europeans (are) going to be, because Europeans (are) coming and saying: ŘYou are qaumun muta-akhkhir…backward peopleŘŗ

Dede (is) coming here, dressing turban and shalwar… Servet, that is Turkish one -Turkish they are most active people to be like Europeans! Alhamdulillah, Europeans - even they are 100 years trying to be like European people - but now Europeans (are) saying that: ŖYou (are) never going to be like Europeans, no, we are not accepting (you)!ŗ ŖYa Hu, we tried to change everything, we changed everything and you are not accepting us as Europeans?ŗ ŖNo, go away!ŗ


Daghestan people, Ghumuq people (it) doesnřt matter, because they were under the tyrants that they tried to take away Islam from Muslims… But, Al-hamdulillah, they canřt do! Because Islam (is the) building of Allah! (It) canřt be destroyed, no! If anyone (is) asking to destroy, to make to fall one stone, he must put his head instead of that stone! That is (the) Heavenly Command for people on earth!

They passed away, tyrants in Russia! Even the time of czars, Caesars, he was not doing anything for Muslims; if they were building mosque, prayings and doing their obediency to their Lord; he was giving them freedom. But that Shaitan, big Shaitan, that (was) coming and killing Caesars and bringing that communism, they tried to destroy everything. They destroyed so many things, but they canřt be able to take everything. Islam yet (is) standing up, because Islam it is a building from Heavens!

That person that (was) bringing communism to Russia - what is his name? Lenin… What remained from that Shaitans empire? Only his dirty body in that big square, nothing else! Yet churches (are) standing up, that Christians they were building (them) according to their beliefs, to their religions. They are standing up; even their domes, even golden, but that Shaitan canřt be able to take them, a fearing (was) coming (to him)!

And Islam - they did their worst for Muslims! Millions of people they killed. More than 90 million Muslims that communism tyrants killed to take away Islam and to make their wrong way standing up. But they canřt do! They killed, but they canřt take, they canřt be able to take away Islam buildings. Islam now in Russia (is) much more powerful to be from Turkey! Much more freedom for them in Russian territory, more than (for the) Muslims that (are) living in Turkey.

But Allah (is) not sleeping; Allah knows who is attacking on Islam! (He knows those) whom they are prefering to follow His good direction, blessed direction, and He knows (those) whom they are asking to make people to follow (the) cursed way. Everyone that (is) on (the) cursed way, they should be taken away. Islam should be forever!

O people, therefore - this is not a prepared speech to you, no, but this coming to me. I am speaking on that way, because people are not taking any care which way, which direction, they are on it.

O people, there is only two directions: (the) direction to be blessed, (and the) direction (that is) cursed. Mostly people (are) on (the) cursed direction. (It) doesnřt matter - (they) should be taken away!

Allah Almighty (was) sending Noah alayhi sala; 950 years (he was) calling them (to Allah), they are refusing. He built (the) Heavenly Religion by his Lordřs Command, but people (were) never coming to his direction, (the) direction of Paradise, (the) direction of Eternity. They were insisting. Then Allah Almighty (was saying): ŖO My servant, O Noah, donřt worry, I am going to punish them! I am sending on them (a) flood, I am drowning them. Donřt worry!ŗ And through 40 days (there was) no one (of them) on earth… (He was) just taking them away. Only 70, 75, or 80 people they were accepting Nabi Nuh - alayhi salam - and landing in (the) ship. They have been saved and whole these nations (in the world are) coming from him…

Allah Almighty, He can do everything! When He is getting angry with His servants, (He is) punishing, punishing, punishing them. Allah Almighty (is) saying: Ŗ…falama asafuna intaqamna minhum - ayy - aghdabuna… When they are making to be Heavens angry with them, We are sending our punishment and taking them away!ŗ

Now people (they are) going to take some of them some others… some others… (The holy) Prophet was saying