313 Suhbat of Mawlana Shaykh Nazim (1195 pages, 77/120)
coming and passing, coming and passing, till the number (of souls) that should come [into] this life to be complete. When it is going to be complete, then Allah Almighty (is) ordering that Israfil to make trumpet and everything that (is) living on earth, on heavens, they are going to fall down dead - (even) angels (are) falling down - only (not) what Allah Almighty (is) asking not to fall.
Shaytan also going to die and Azrail, (the) Death Angel, (is) running after him to take his soul also. He was running away. When (he is) running away, he is finding Azrail in front of him. Coming another direction, running, finding him there. East - finding, West - finding, North - finding, South - finding him and taking (his) soul and he is falling down. Then Allah Almighty (is) ordering to Death Angel: ŖYou also, you must die! You must take your soul, through My Command: die!ŗ And he was falling dead and he was saying: ŖIf I was knowing the pain, when I am taking souls of people, (that it is) going to be so painful - I wasnřt (knowing, but), now I tasted! If I was knowing (before), I was never going to be able to take one soul!ŗ
O people, death (is) coming! Donřt think you are created forever to be on this planet, no! It is only a short period that you may be here, then you must leave -another one (is) coming… the number that Allah Almighty(is) knows… all souls should come here, then finishing. This earth also (is) going to be like a sandy plain - from East to West, no any sign of life on it. No mankind, no animals, no trees - nature (is) going to be a dry desert; from East you may look and see to West: a sandy plain. Allah!
Then Allah Almighty (is) asking: ŖO mankind, you were claiming that ŘThis for me, that (is) for you… this (is) for you, that (is) for meř…, (that) lands (are) for you or cities for you, even seas, oceans. You were fighting to say that ŘThis (is) for me, (that is) for youř, you were never going to be happy, if (some)one (is) passing from your limit (even) one foot! You were fighting and you were claiming that just earth belongs to you! Now I am asking: ŖLi-man al-mulk al-yaum? O mankind, that you are going, you were fighting for lands, for everything on earth, saying: ŘThis (is) for meř- now what you are saying? To whom (belongs) now that world? For what you were fighting? Anyone may say that (this) world now ŘIt is for meř?ŗ No one can say anything; Allah Almighty (is) answering (Himself): ŖLi-llahi l-Wahidu l-Qahhar! That is for Me and I am (the) Owner, I am (the) Creator! … Say, now!ŗ No one (is) saying (anything)…
That Day (is) coming! On doors! Just we reached the last point of this period; (it is) going to finish and foolish people, foolish mankind (is) fighting yet that ŘThis (is) for me, that (is) for youř!
English (are) asking (for that), Americans (are) asking, Russians (are) asking, Iranians also (are) asking… Hindus (are) asking, Chinese (are) asking. (The) Japanese (are) saying: ŖWhat are you doing? I am here! Must be (the) whole world under my command, I must be (the) owner!ŗ … (Here Sheikh is sneezes, then says: ŖAllah Shahidu-l Haqq! What we are saying it is true!ŗ)…
No mind people; (they are) making troubles on earth, to reach much more land. It is only one handful, Cyprus also, they are fighting with Greeks, Turks. They are saying that: ŖNo! Cyprus is for us!ŗ Greeks (are) saying: ŖNo! You are liars! We have much more land, therefore Cyprus (is) for us!ŗ
Palestinians also (are) so clever ones; they are also fighting through each other: Arabs, Muslims, and Palestinians - fighting to each other. For what? I am asking: For what? ŖTo be (the) command to be for me! I must be leader, I must be president, I must be no.1 here!ŗ Your name is Fettah, your name is Hummus…
Hummus? Hamas it was really hummus [arabic for chick peas], they are changing (it), not to be known that they are hummus, saying: ŖHamas. We are Hamas. Therefore, if we are going to be (the) owners, that time we are going to be hummus; now we are not hummus, we are Hamas…ŗ
Turks (are) fighting each other, Afghans (are) fighting each other, Arabs (are) fighting each other - for what? Looking every day, every hour, that so many people they are sending them, shooting them, killing them, and they are living, but never (they are) thinking for themselves that maybe a bullet comes on them and (is) taking them away… ŖNo, no! We must be on Lebanon! North for us, South for you, (the) Middle (is) for shaytans…ŗ They are making so no-good things;
they are thinking on it and they are spending - not spending, (but) wasting their lives - for nothing. For nothing!
O people, we are reaching the end of this period that Allah Almighty should call everyone for their judgment! If you are not hearing and listening and obeying to your Creators Commands, then you should kill each other, you should eat some of you some others! O people, come and follow Holy Orders of Heavens!
This is not an addressing to you, in front of me, in Cyprus, in Lefke, for a handful of people, but my declaration (is) through East and West! I am addressing to all mankind: Use your minds and come and accept truth!
Till you are keeping Holy Booksř Orders… No crisis, no trouble, like in our days, but when they are changing everything against Holy Books, particularly the Seal of Prophetsř last Message, (the) Holy Quran, they fall in(to) a deepless well, they (are) never finding any way (out).
Everyone (is) sitting: ŖYes Sir, we are thinking to do something that you may be in peace.ŗ Another one (is) coming - they have so many like this Ŕ and saying: ŖNo, that is Shaytan, donřt listen to him! What I am saying, you must listen to me!ŗ Another (one is) coming, saying: ŖNo, you are Iblis, we are not listening to you! You are against our idea life, modern life! We are modern people! We are never going to be such (like the people) before that they are never leading their life. We are modernized people and all of you (are) Shaytans!ŗ
Everyone - from early morning up to early morning (of the) second day - everyone I am looking: coming a person, speaking… coming another one, speaking… coming another one…
We have a saying: If by speaking you may do pilaw, rice, if we are asking to do pilaw by speaking, we were in need samna, butter, like oceans! So big amount butter must be, because everyone (is) speaking, speaking: ŖWhat we shall do this pilaw, rice?... We canřt reach, even (if) ocean bringing… Perhaps may be pilaw to eat and to be happy…ŗ, but never (there is) going to be anything by their speaking!
They are… what you are saying… insisting on shaytanic ideas, shaytanic teachings. Shaytan (is) saying: ŖNo! Die and donřt listen to Heavenly Teachings! No! I am carrying you to a safe life here, and donřt believe [in] the life after this life!ŗ That is their ideas now; they (are) never believing (in the) next life, eternal life, no. They are saying: Ŗ(The) only life (is) here.ŗ Let them go to Hell then, all of those, who are not believing in eternal life! O people, if not today, tomorrow may reach (you) death! If not tomorrow, next month. If not next month, next year! Must reach (you); (it is) running after you, death, must catch you! Donřt escape from Allah! Run to Allah! Donřt run away from Allah, run to Allah! Safety, peace, eternity (are) with Allah Almighty!
May Allah bless you, and forgive us, and to be sincere servants! We must live for Allah, not for Dunya! Use your mentality, donřt be cheated through Shaytan and shaytanic groups of people. They are on top, everywhere (they are) on top, forcing people not to believe in eternity. Eternity - so sweet word!
May Allah forgive us! For the honour of the most honoured one, respected servant, honoured servant, glorious servant for Allah Almighty, Sayyidina Muhammad - sallaLlahu alayhi wa sallam -,
Sohbet-206 Sohbet from 28.01.07
Willpower is a secret power!
As-salamu alaikum! Audhu bi-llahi mina shaytani rajim Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim La haula wa quwatta illa bi-llahi-l řAliyyi-l řAzim.
May Allah forgive me and bless you - we are in need His forgiveness here and Hereafter… It is a short association. You are coming from far distances for hearing something. May Allah grant us to listen and to obey! Perhaps so many people they are hearing or listening, but not obeying. The biggest reward or biggest honour for you is to obey. To obey gives us honour. Disobedience (is) taking everything…
And we are saying: Alhamdu-li-llahi Rabbi-l ŘAlamin. We are saying: By the Name of Allah Almighty, Most Merciful, Most Beneficent and Most Magnificent.
(The) biggest chance for a person is to be an obedient servant and disobedience taking from mankind every grant that Allah Almighty (is) asking to grant to them. Disobedience (is) carrying away. Therefore, O people, every jumuřa our Imams always they are reminding people and saying: ŖO people, be fearful from Allah Almighty!ŗ
Not fear from hells, but you must know that disobedience is worst for everyone. Disobedience (is) carrying away from you your Lords Mercy, your Lords Love, Your Lords Favours. He is asking to grant to you everything that He knows - you (are) never knowing. Always Allah Almighty (is) asking to grant to His obedient servants that they never seeing that before or never hearing before or He is granting to you from His endless Favour Oceans that even your imagination (is not) reaching to that. Every time that Allah Almighty (is) granting (it is something) what is beyond that you are knowing or you are tasting or you are looking before. Always He is granting unknown, unseen, unlooked grants. Everything in His divinely Presence is new. He is never asking to grant to His servants (the) same thing, no! Everything in His divinely Presence is new, unseen, unheard, unknown- from His endless Grants to His obedient servants.
What we are doing? We are doing that what our egos (are) enjoying - from physical desires your ego is enjoying - to fulfill some tasting from everything, to make your ego happy.
Now we are living in a time that people they are (the) same people, (the) same creation; (there is) no difference through first man and living man now. If
anything different - may be (if the) first man (had) two legs, you can be four legs - if you are thinking on it.
If (the) first man (was) eating with one mouth, you can think that: ŖIf going to be for me two mouths to reach much moreŗ and so on… Physical desires (are) in first line now for man.
Living man through this century, (the) 21st century, for what they are living? They may say: ŖI am living to fulfill my physical desires according to my ego, (my) egos desires.ŗ ŖAnything else?ŗ They may say: ŖWe are never thinking anything else; that its our last point, (the) last horizon that we are thinking on it. Beyond that we are not thinking anything else.ŗ Therefore people now they are living and trying to make themselves much more enjoyful with their physical desires that they are fulfilling. They are going to be happy, but they are not thinking that to fulfill our physical desires (is) carrying our personality first, making ourselves to be on the level of animals that they (are) never rising their heads (up) from (the) meadow, from grass. If you are leaving a cow, a sheep and such animals, you can find them always their heads on grass, never thinking anything else and now 21st century people also their importance (is) only to eat and to drink, to drink and to enjoy with eating and drinking.
That is Řtanazulř, coming down from high level that Allah Almighty (is) asking mankind to keep their levels and to begin to arise up to Dominions of Allah Almighty through His endless Heavens. (He is) asking you to arise up, but people they are asking to come down, down, down (to) the levels of animals. Therefore people (are) going to be like beasts, beasts, wild animals; no one (is) carrying through their hearts mercy or justice or a good desire for others, only they are thinking for themselves, how they may be able to give much more pleasure to their physical being.
O people! You have been granted mind that it is only granted to you, not to animals! Animals they have brains, but no mind. Everything they have a brain, but brain, over it we have been granted a mind power, a secret authority, (a) secret power. We have been granted to use that power for the sake of our Lord and for His Pleasure. Animals are not in need to have, over their brains to be minds, no, no need. They are knowing what they have been created (for). But man they have been created in another way and He (the) Almighty (is) creating you and giving your form, Řahsani taqwimř, (the) best form, that you canřt be able to think much more perfect from our forms.
May say someone: ŖWe were asking sometimes to be for ourselves wingsŗ and some people may look some pictures that (are) showing some drawings about angels, that angels (are) carrying on their… behind their bodies wings; but to have wings it is not a good form for mankind. If you are thinking on it, you must know that it was not so suitable for your form to have two wings or four wings or more wings, no, but some people may say: ŖIf I have some wings for flying…ŗ No, it is not true, it is not a perfect form. (The) perfect form (is) that Allah Almighty created you and the Lord of Heavens is saying: ŖIf I am asking to make you to fly - (it can be) by wings or without wings.ŗ So many people may ask to fly by wings that they have, but Allah Almighty (is) saying that: ŖNo, I prefer for you to fly without wings!ŗ To fly by wings it is not a perfection, because mankind is much more perfect than angels. Angels may fly with their wings, but we may fly without wings! Because we have been granted willpower, angels havenřt
been granted that, no! Willpower just is a grant (that) through countless creatures is for mankind (only).
And He Almighty is saying: ŗIf you are using your willpower not against My Will, I may grant to you to fly without wings. But as long as you are not coming to use My Orders, as long as you are not using your willpower through My Willpower, if you are getting another ways and leaving My Willpower, (using) another way, you (are) never reaching anything here or Hereafter!ŗ Willpower - that is from Allah Almighty biggest grant to mankind, to humanity, but now we are not using our willpower, but we are using shaytanic will. We are following shaytanic willpowers, but not using our willpower according our Lords Will.
That is two ways. If you can use according Allah Almightyřs Willpower, you may reach everything here and Hereafter. If you are leaving and trying to follow shaytanic will, (you are) coming down, down, down and (you are) going to be (the) ugliest creature; He is going to change mans form on (the) ugliest form, (so that) even going to be an ass (in a) much better form than that ones form. Even a scorpions form (is) going to be much better than those people their form!
O people, Allah Almighty (is) granting to you through your form, for man to be handsome, to women to be beautiful ones. And you must know that that outlooking to be handsome is a grant from Allah to you and women must know that their beauty is not with such a cosmetics. They are thinking that cosmetics (are) giving them beauty. (Really they are) making them much more ugly, but they are not thinking on it, no. Allah Almighty (is) granting to His servants to be handsome with his willpower; light dressing on you and for women dressing on them also from (His) Divinely Beauty Oceans; coming on them, (so) that they are going to be so sweet and so beautiful!
But now 21st century people they are thinking that they are getting handsome with their first class clothes, confection. Look, ma sha Allah…. so handsome Sheikh Khalid…. Eh, they are thinking that: ŖEhhh, what we are dressing, this is nothing real?ŗ No, nothing! They are looking first class confection from California, San Francisco, or Los Angeles. They are so foolish now mankind; their beauty, they are thinking that this label makes them handsome or beautiful -and they are liars… ŖLook my shoes,ŗ Sheikh Salim saying, ŖI am that one that I am dressing that shoes, it is just brought from North Pole. Making me to be ladies to look my shoes and their minds (are) flying away, when they are looking: ŘOhhhh, if that person his shoes (are) going to be in such a way, how they should be?ř Ŗ
They should be like coal (that) putting man before in these ships… so many things on their faces, they are not looking like a man, looking like someone coming from jungle…
O people ask from Allah Almighty to grant to you from His Endless Beauty Oceans!
One spot (was) just granted to paradise; one drop from that beauty that just granted to eight paradises, (it is) only one drop from (the) Endless Beauty Oceans of Allah Almighty and everything that (is) beautiful on earth, it is from that one drop. Only one spot (was) just granted and much more (of it was) granted to ladies, a little bit less for men…
O mankind, use your minds, to find (the) right path to make your Lord happy with you. He granted to you everything that it is good and beautiful for you through your eternal life.
For the honour of the most honoured one, Sayyidina Muhammad - sallaLlahu alayhi wa sallam,
Fatiha. Sohbet-207 Sohbet from 14.1.07
O people, ask forgiveness from Allah!
Destur, ya Sayyidi Meded, Meded, ya Rijalallah… Audhu bi-llahi mina shaitani rajim Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim, La haula wa la quwatta illa bi-llahi-l ŘAliyu-l ŘAzim.
To be our bodies fresh and strong… people (are) thinking that (the) refreshment of our bodies it is from our care for our eating and drinking. It is not true! Material is something no life on it; that belongs (to) our physical being, (and) our physical being (is) from earth. And first Allah Almighty created our form from clay; it was perfect, (a) perfect creation, but it was (only) lying (there) and you are looking to it (and) only it is a clay form - never moving, never seeing, never speaking, never hearing- it was like a statue.
When Allah Almighty (was) asking (for it) to stand up and to do, what he has been ordered (to do), (He was) giving from His Holy Breath; breathing, blowing in it and it is our spirituality. (He was) giving us spirituality and spirituality (was) coming from head to down, going on that form, (and) anywhere (that was) reaching (the) Holy Breathing of Allah Almighty, (it was) beginning to look, to see, to hear, to listen, to speak, to move. That (was) beginning with that Holy Blowing.
That means: our power that (is) giving our material being life and to stand up, it belongs to Heavens, it is not something from our material world, no. (The) material world (is) giving our clay form, but our real being (is) standing up with that Heavenly Blowing from Allah Almighty.
But people in our days, they (are) never thinking on it. They are thinking that our material being - that it is our physical being - may stand up by eating and drinking. They think so, therefore for every occasion they are asking to support our physical being with some material aspects, some materially.
Therefore doctors are not using anything from heavenly (means) and from our spirituality for curing our weakness, for curing our sickness or illness. It is wrong, big wrong from… In our days atheist ideas (are) just covering everywhere. They are teaching everywhere atheist ideas and it is so wrong! Therefore now we canřt be able to bring a peace to people, we are never going to bring some goodness for people, therefore they are not able to bring solutions for (the) troubles of mankind, therefore they are not going to be able to bring a comfort
and confidence and satisfaction and peace through mankind!
No, because they are not using (the) Heavenly Powers, (the) Heavenly Grants that Allah Almighty just granted to ourselves. They are saying: ŖThat (is) useless; we can do everything through materiality.ŗ That is biggest wrong of mankind, therefore they are falling in endless troubles - personally and commonly, on (a) personal level or communal level. They are not able to bring any peace to people, and people, (as) you are looking, everywhere they are in trouble. They are not happy, because they have so many troubles and materialism and atheism canřt be able to take away from them that troubles.
That is a very important point, because they are denying everything about spirituality, they are saying: ŖNo spirituality.ŗ
I was in New York, before several years, and it was suitable to go and to see (the) UN building. There was someone that she was asking to take ourselves to see inside and we went in. And some of our brothers they were saying: ŖO Sheikh, we (were) yet not praying Zuhr. Let us to pray in a corner inside of (the) building, then we shall follow you.ŗ I said: ŖDoesnřt matter, go!ŗ They were beginning to pray and two - like polar bears or forest bears - guardians (were) running on them, attacking on them, rushing on them, saying: ŖWhat you are doing? Get out! You donřt know that (in) this place (there is) no Allah? No Allah (is) entering here!ŗ I said: ŖAudhu bi-llah, Audhu bi-llah, Audhu bi-llah!ŗ Those people (are) asking to bring peace and solutions for mankind? Those people - tuuu (the Sheikh is spitting) on all of them! - (they are) cursed people! (And) everyone going in it, also (they are) cursed ones! They are asking… and people (are) thinking: ŖOhhh - United Nations, they are giving some decision, making this, making that…ŗ Ohhh! United Nations, they are with Shaytan, not with Allah!
Up today… I was born and from my age that I may understand something - sometimes newspapers (were) coming here also and (the) newspaper was only 15 days once coming - and there was, at the beginning of nations, United Nations, it was in Geneve, Switzerland, it was there, ŘJamiati l-Aqwamř; (in) Arabic that means: United Nations… 1925 up today- how much it is?... 80 years?... 80 years this United Nations they are coming together and (they are) discussing and arguing and quarreling and fighting inside and outside…
Up today I never heard that (the) UN (is) bringing a solution for that problem, for that troubles. (No), but they are making (it) to get up; to be small troubles for them getting to be big troubles. That is, because they are worshipping Shaytan! I left very angry and (I was) cursing them and I (was) getting out…
I am sorry that Arabs and Turks and Iranians and Pakistan, Egyptians… that they may be (altogether) 45 states, they are yet members in such a cursed place! What we shall say for such a Jamiat? How you can expect that they are bringing something for the benefit of mankind and their teachers, their guides, their leaders (are) Shaytan(s)?
Look, now, what (is) happening now? Man (is) eating man, man (is) killing man - that (it is the) biggest cursed sin to kill a person and no reason! Even shariat (is) never giving a permit to kill an ant, if (it is) not giving a trouble or
harming! Because He created everything on earth; (the) Creator, our Lord Allah Almighty, He created to live on earth ants, scorpions, snakes, lions, birds, fish… countless kinds of creatures He created to be on earth - till one of them (is) giving trouble. (Then, so the) shariat (is) saying, you may kill it or - without reason - you canřt kill!
Where is mankind, humanity, that they are top cream? Top cream: when you are boiling milk, (it is) going on it cream… Mankind, through creation they are chosen, most precious creatures - how you can kill it? Particularly - how you can kill innocent ones? And (the) Prophet (was) saying - sallaLlahu alayhi wa sallam - that Allah Almightyřs anger (is) getting more and more on those tyrants or oppressors that they are killing without a reason women, children, old ones and praying people and also animals!
O people, 21st century people just lost their ways, (and) therefore (the) Divinely anger (is) approaching now, till - (the) Divinely anger may know whom they are (the) oppressors - they should be taken away!
O people, keep the rights of humanity! Keep (the) rights of mankind, keep (to) give your kindness and mercy and pity for creatures, particularly mankind! Try to give life, donřt try to kill! Make people to live, donřt make them to die! That is humanity! That is, what Islam (is) bringing to mankind! (The) last message from Allah Almighty (is): Make people to live, make people to be in safety, make people to be happy, make people to be in peace.
That is Islam, but Shaytan (is) changing, changing, changing (it), making Islam so hated, hated way. But they are all wrong! Therefore I never like that (the) Islamic world (is) following western countries! (The) first punishment therefore (is) coming on (the) Islamic world and you are looking that fire just burned through islamic countries, because they are not following heavenly Orders!
May Allah forgive us!
O people, come to real Islam and keep yourself! Donřt get out; everyone (who is) getting out, they should be shot down, they should be killed, they should be taken away!...
May Allah forgive us!
Ask forgiveness: Astaghfirullah, Astaghfirullah, Astaghfirullah! Now from Divinely anger sign, look: (the) whole world this year (is) dry. Dry, it is not a sign of happiness of Allah for His servants, no! He is not happy with His servants, (with) what they are doing, therefore (He is) closing, closing down (the) Mercy Oceans from Heavens (not) to come on earth and everywhere now they are fearing from dry!
They are thinking: ŖYes, sometimes happened such a draughtŗ; so many times - that it is written through our Holy Books - that happened. Even some knowledge (is) reaching to me from old books, from awliyas, that people they were in such a bad conditions that they were going around cemeteries and trying to open some graves, thinking that: ŖThat one, just (he was) buried soonerly - we may find on that dead body some flesh to eatŗ…
O people, fear from Allah! He may do everything! Where is your technology to bring (rain), if Allah Almighty (is) keeping His Mercy from up? If He is keeping, not rains to rain - where is your technology to bring rains? They are saying: Ŗ(The) wells (are) dry now, going to be dry!ŗ… Allah Allah! And sometimes it was going to be so several years also…
And I was knowing some knowledge from about Mehdi - alayhi salam, the Saviour of mankind, Mehdi - alayhi salam - and then Saviour Sayyidina Jesus Christ: before they are coming, (there) should be a draught…I am fearing this… not to be this, but (it) must be, because Mehdi - alayhi salam - must come!… Coming and Jesus Christ (is) waiting; from up asking to come down. By His Lordřs Order, not by his (own) order, no! He is looking and seeing what Christians (are) doing about Christianity and he was so sorry, looking that people (are) making New Year… He was so sorry to look and asking: ŖO, those people, whom they are thinking that they are following me - do you think that I have ordered to you to make New Year or Christmas? What is that?ŗ He is sorry, he is sorry, crying… but people are drunk… May Allah forgive us!
O people, come and accept truth and reality, to be under Heavenly Protection. If not, you should be taken away…
May Allah forgive us - for the honor of the Seal of Prophets, (the) most praised, most glorious servant of Allah Almighty, Sayyidina Rasulullah - sallaLlahu alayhi wa sallam,
Fatiha. Sohbet-208 Sohbet from 7.1.2007
Allah is changing everything, but He is never changing!
For the occasion of the visit of the Grand Mufti of Russia As-salamu alaykum wa rahmatullah wa barakatuh! Meded, ya Sultanu-l Anbiya Meded, ya, Sultanu-l Awliya Meded, ya Rijalallah! Audhu bi-llahi mina shaytani rajim Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim La haula wa la quwatta illa bi-llahi-l ´Aliyyu-l ´Azim
It is an honour that Allah Almighty is sending His Eminence, Grand Mufti "diari Rus", from Russia… and Allah Almighty granting to His servant to be Grand Mufti after a long time that communist people they were thinking to take away whole religions and to make people slaves of Shaytan - shaytanic kingdom. They were fighting to make Russia and everyone living in that area not to believe in Allah Almighty and His Prophets, Messengers, and also what He sent through His honoured servants Holy Books; particularly He sent the Seal of Prophets, most honoured, most praised and glorified one in Divinely Presence, Sayyidina
Muhammad - sallaLlahu alayhi wa sallam - just since 15 centuries. And they fight also whole religions and especially they were fighting to Islam, to take away Islam, to take away Muslims. But the Lord of Heavens never giving that chance to anyone, no! They did their worst, but they canřt do anything!
And Allah Almighty giving for every kind of people, as He said through His Holy Quran: asta´idhu biLlah: "wa tilka ayamu nudawiluha baina nasŗ [Quran, 3:140], that means, He is not giving to some nations, or anyone from nations, to be over whole nations up to end. Changing and giving every kind of people, every kind of nation, every kind of mankind a chance and making them to be through their hands power, power, and He is looking - because they may say Last Day: ŖO our Lord, if You are going to give us power, we were going to do our best for people.ŗ So that they canřt find such an excuse in Divinely Presence to say: ŖO our Lord, You are not giving us anything and we did our worst.ŗ But therefore He was giving every group of people to be on power, in power, and looking how they are going to deal with Allah Almightyřs servants.
Therefore, that is communism, that began through beginnings of 19th century or at the end of 18th century with big French Revolution and beginning to take away Kings, Emperors, Sultans, K
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coming and passing, coming and passing, till the number (of souls) that should come [into] this life to be complete. When it is going to be complete, then Allah Almighty (is) ordering that Israfil to make trumpet and everything that (is) living on earth, on heavens, they are going to fall down dead - (even) angels (are) falling down - only (not) what Allah Almighty (is) asking not to fall.
Shaytan also going to die and Azrail, (the) Death Angel, (is) running after him to take his soul also. He was running away. When (he is) running away, he is finding Azrail in front of him. Coming another direction, running, finding him there. East - finding, West - finding, North - finding, South - finding him and taking (his) soul and he is falling down. Then Allah Almighty (is) ordering to Death Angel: ŖYou also, you must die! You must take your soul, through My Command: die!ŗ And he was falling dead and he was saying: ŖIf I was knowing the pain, when I am taking souls of people, (that it is) going to be so painful - I wasnřt (knowing, but), now I tasted! If I was knowing (before), I was never going to be able to take one soul!ŗ
O people, death (is) coming! Donřt think you are created forever to be on this planet, no! It is only a short period that you may be here, then you must leave -another one (is) coming… the number that Allah Almighty(is) knows… all souls should come here, then finishing. This earth also (is) going to be like a sandy plain - from East to West, no any sign of life on it. No mankind, no animals, no trees - nature (is) going to be a dry desert; from East you may look and see to West: a sandy plain. Allah!
Then Allah Almighty (is) asking: ŖO mankind, you were claiming that ŘThis for me, that (is) for you… this (is) for you, that (is) for meř…, (that) lands (are) for you or cities for you, even seas, oceans. You were fighting to say that ŘThis (is) for me, (that is) for youř, you were never going to be happy, if (some)one (is) passing from your limit (even) one foot! You were fighting and you were claiming that just earth belongs to you! Now I am asking: ŖLi-man al-mulk al-yaum? O mankind, that you are going, you were fighting for lands, for everything on earth, saying: ŘThis (is) for meř- now what you are saying? To whom (belongs) now that world? For what you were fighting? Anyone may say that (this) world now ŘIt is for meř?ŗ No one can say anything; Allah Almighty (is) answering (Himself): ŖLi-llahi l-Wahidu l-Qahhar! That is for Me and I am (the) Owner, I am (the) Creator! … Say, now!ŗ No one (is) saying (anything)…
That Day (is) coming! On doors! Just we reached the last point of this period; (it is) going to finish and foolish people, foolish mankind (is) fighting yet that ŘThis (is) for me, that (is) for youř!
English (are) asking (for that), Americans (are) asking, Russians (are) asking, Iranians also (are) asking… Hindus (are) asking, Chinese (are) asking. (The) Japanese (are) saying: ŖWhat are you doing? I am here! Must be (the) whole world under my command, I must be (the) owner!ŗ … (Here Sheikh is sneezes, then says: ŖAllah Shahidu-l Haqq! What we are saying it is true!ŗ)…
No mind people; (they are) making troubles on earth, to reach much more land. It is only one handful, Cyprus also, they are fighting with Greeks, Turks. They are saying that: ŖNo! Cyprus is for us!ŗ Greeks (are) saying: ŖNo! You are liars! We have much more land, therefore Cyprus (is) for us!ŗ
Palestinians also (are) so clever ones; they are also fighting through each other: Arabs, Muslims, and Palestinians - fighting to each other. For what? I am asking: For what? ŖTo be (the) command to be for me! I must be leader, I must be president, I must be no.1 here!ŗ Your name is Fettah, your name is Hummus…
Hummus? Hamas it was really hummus [arabic for chick peas], they are changing (it), not to be known that they are hummus, saying: ŖHamas. We are Hamas. Therefore, if we are going to be (the) owners, that time we are going to be hummus; now we are not hummus, we are Hamas…ŗ
Turks (are) fighting each other, Afghans (are) fighting each other, Arabs (are) fighting each other - for what? Looking every day, every hour, that so many people they are sending them, shooting them, killing them, and they are living, but never (they are) thinking for themselves that maybe a bullet comes on them and (is) taking them away… ŖNo, no! We must be on Lebanon! North for us, South for you, (the) Middle (is) for shaytans…ŗ They are making so no-good things;
they are thinking on it and they are spending - not spending, (but) wasting their lives - for nothing. For nothing!
O people, we are reaching the end of this period that Allah Almighty should call everyone for their judgment! If you are not hearing and listening and obeying to your Creators Commands, then you should kill each other, you should eat some of you some others! O people, come and follow Holy Orders of Heavens!
This is not an addressing to you, in front of me, in Cyprus, in Lefke, for a handful of people, but my declaration (is) through East and West! I am addressing to all mankind: Use your minds and come and accept truth!
Till you are keeping Holy Booksř Orders… No crisis, no trouble, like in our days, but when they are changing everything against Holy Books, particularly the Seal of Prophetsř last Message, (the) Holy Quran, they fall in(to) a deepless well, they (are) never finding any way (out).
Everyone (is) sitting: ŖYes Sir, we are thinking to do something that you may be in peace.ŗ Another one (is) coming - they have so many like this Ŕ and saying: ŖNo, that is Shaytan, donřt listen to him! What I am saying, you must listen to me!ŗ Another (one is) coming, saying: ŖNo, you are Iblis, we are not listening to you! You are against our idea life, modern life! We are modern people! We are never going to be such (like the people) before that they are never leading their life. We are modernized people and all of you (are) Shaytans!ŗ
Everyone - from early morning up to early morning (of the) second day - everyone I am looking: coming a person, speaking… coming another one, speaking… coming another one…
We have a saying: If by speaking you may do pilaw, rice, if we are asking to do pilaw by speaking, we were in need samna, butter, like oceans! So big amount butter must be, because everyone (is) speaking, speaking: ŖWhat we shall do this pilaw, rice?... We canřt reach, even (if) ocean bringing… Perhaps may be pilaw to eat and to be happy…ŗ, but never (there is) going to be anything by their speaking!
They are… what you are saying… insisting on shaytanic ideas, shaytanic teachings. Shaytan (is) saying: ŖNo! Die and donřt listen to Heavenly Teachings! No! I am carrying you to a safe life here, and donřt believe [in] the life after this life!ŗ That is their ideas now; they (are) never believing (in the) next life, eternal life, no. They are saying: Ŗ(The) only life (is) here.ŗ Let them go to Hell then, all of those, who are not believing in eternal life! O people, if not today, tomorrow may reach (you) death! If not tomorrow, next month. If not next month, next year! Must reach (you); (it is) running after you, death, must catch you! Donřt escape from Allah! Run to Allah! Donřt run away from Allah, run to Allah! Safety, peace, eternity (are) with Allah Almighty!
May Allah bless you, and forgive us, and to be sincere servants! We must live for Allah, not for Dunya! Use your mentality, donřt be cheated through Shaytan and shaytanic groups of people. They are on top, everywhere (they are) on top, forcing people not to believe in eternity. Eternity - so sweet word!
May Allah forgive us! For the honour of the most honoured one, respected servant, honoured servant, glorious servant for Allah Almighty, Sayyidina Muhammad - sallaLlahu alayhi wa sallam -,
Sohbet-206 Sohbet from 28.01.07
Willpower is a secret power!
As-salamu alaikum! Audhu bi-llahi mina shaytani rajim Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim La haula wa quwatta illa bi-llahi-l řAliyyi-l řAzim.
May Allah forgive me and bless you - we are in need His forgiveness here and Hereafter… It is a short association. You are coming from far distances for hearing something. May Allah grant us to listen and to obey! Perhaps so many people they are hearing or listening, but not obeying. The biggest reward or biggest honour for you is to obey. To obey gives us honour. Disobedience (is) taking everything…
And we are saying: Alhamdu-li-llahi Rabbi-l ŘAlamin. We are saying: By the Name of Allah Almighty, Most Merciful, Most Beneficent and Most Magnificent.
(The) biggest chance for a person is to be an obedient servant and disobedience taking from mankind every grant that Allah Almighty (is) asking to grant to them. Disobedience (is) carrying away. Therefore, O people, every jumuřa our Imams always they are reminding people and saying: ŖO people, be fearful from Allah Almighty!ŗ
Not fear from hells, but you must know that disobedience is worst for everyone. Disobedience (is) carrying away from you your Lords Mercy, your Lords Love, Your Lords Favours. He is asking to grant to you everything that He knows - you (are) never knowing. Always Allah Almighty (is) asking to grant to His obedient servants that they never seeing that before or never hearing before or He is granting to you from His endless Favour Oceans that even your imagination (is not) reaching to that. Every time that Allah Almighty (is) granting (it is something) what is beyond that you are knowing or you are tasting or you are looking before. Always He is granting unknown, unseen, unlooked grants. Everything in His divinely Presence is new. He is never asking to grant to His servants (the) same thing, no! Everything in His divinely Presence is new, unseen, unheard, unknown- from His endless Grants to His obedient servants.
What we are doing? We are doing that what our egos (are) enjoying - from physical desires your ego is enjoying - to fulfill some tasting from everything, to make your ego happy.
Now we are living in a time that people they are (the) same people, (the) same creation; (there is) no difference through first man and living man now. If
anything different - may be (if the) first man (had) two legs, you can be four legs - if you are thinking on it.
If (the) first man (was) eating with one mouth, you can think that: ŖIf going to be for me two mouths to reach much moreŗ and so on… Physical desires (are) in first line now for man.
Living man through this century, (the) 21st century, for what they are living? They may say: ŖI am living to fulfill my physical desires according to my ego, (my) egos desires.ŗ ŖAnything else?ŗ They may say: ŖWe are never thinking anything else; that its our last point, (the) last horizon that we are thinking on it. Beyond that we are not thinking anything else.ŗ Therefore people now they are living and trying to make themselves much more enjoyful with their physical desires that they are fulfilling. They are going to be happy, but they are not thinking that to fulfill our physical desires (is) carrying our personality first, making ourselves to be on the level of animals that they (are) never rising their heads (up) from (the) meadow, from grass. If you are leaving a cow, a sheep and such animals, you can find them always their heads on grass, never thinking anything else and now 21st century people also their importance (is) only to eat and to drink, to drink and to enjoy with eating and drinking.
That is Řtanazulř, coming down from high level that Allah Almighty (is) asking mankind to keep their levels and to begin to arise up to Dominions of Allah Almighty through His endless Heavens. (He is) asking you to arise up, but people they are asking to come down, down, down (to) the levels of animals. Therefore people (are) going to be like beasts, beasts, wild animals; no one (is) carrying through their hearts mercy or justice or a good desire for others, only they are thinking for themselves, how they may be able to give much more pleasure to their physical being.
O people! You have been granted mind that it is only granted to you, not to animals! Animals they have brains, but no mind. Everything they have a brain, but brain, over it we have been granted a mind power, a secret authority, (a) secret power. We have been granted to use that power for the sake of our Lord and for His Pleasure. Animals are not in need to have, over their brains to be minds, no, no need. They are knowing what they have been created (for). But man they have been created in another way and He (the) Almighty (is) creating you and giving your form, Řahsani taqwimř, (the) best form, that you canřt be able to think much more perfect from our forms.
May say someone: ŖWe were asking sometimes to be for ourselves wingsŗ and some people may look some pictures that (are) showing some drawings about angels, that angels (are) carrying on their… behind their bodies wings; but to have wings it is not a good form for mankind. If you are thinking on it, you must know that it was not so suitable for your form to have two wings or four wings or more wings, no, but some people may say: ŖIf I have some wings for flying…ŗ No, it is not true, it is not a perfect form. (The) perfect form (is) that Allah Almighty created you and the Lord of Heavens is saying: ŖIf I am asking to make you to fly - (it can be) by wings or without wings.ŗ So many people may ask to fly by wings that they have, but Allah Almighty (is) saying that: ŖNo, I prefer for you to fly without wings!ŗ To fly by wings it is not a perfection, because mankind is much more perfect than angels. Angels may fly with their wings, but we may fly without wings! Because we have been granted willpower, angels havenřt
been granted that, no! Willpower just is a grant (that) through countless creatures is for mankind (only).
And He Almighty is saying: ŗIf you are using your willpower not against My Will, I may grant to you to fly without wings. But as long as you are not coming to use My Orders, as long as you are not using your willpower through My Willpower, if you are getting another ways and leaving My Willpower, (using) another way, you (are) never reaching anything here or Hereafter!ŗ Willpower - that is from Allah Almighty biggest grant to mankind, to humanity, but now we are not using our willpower, but we are using shaytanic will. We are following shaytanic willpowers, but not using our willpower according our Lords Will.
That is two ways. If you can use according Allah Almightyřs Willpower, you may reach everything here and Hereafter. If you are leaving and trying to follow shaytanic will, (you are) coming down, down, down and (you are) going to be (the) ugliest creature; He is going to change mans form on (the) ugliest form, (so that) even going to be an ass (in a) much better form than that ones form. Even a scorpions form (is) going to be much better than those people their form!
O people, Allah Almighty (is) granting to you through your form, for man to be handsome, to women to be beautiful ones. And you must know that that outlooking to be handsome is a grant from Allah to you and women must know that their beauty is not with such a cosmetics. They are thinking that cosmetics (are) giving them beauty. (Really they are) making them much more ugly, but they are not thinking on it, no. Allah Almighty (is) granting to His servants to be handsome with his willpower; light dressing on you and for women dressing on them also from (His) Divinely Beauty Oceans; coming on them, (so) that they are going to be so sweet and so beautiful!
But now 21st century people they are thinking that they are getting handsome with their first class clothes, confection. Look, ma sha Allah…. so handsome Sheikh Khalid…. Eh, they are thinking that: ŖEhhh, what we are dressing, this is nothing real?ŗ No, nothing! They are looking first class confection from California, San Francisco, or Los Angeles. They are so foolish now mankind; their beauty, they are thinking that this label makes them handsome or beautiful -and they are liars… ŖLook my shoes,ŗ Sheikh Salim saying, ŖI am that one that I am dressing that shoes, it is just brought from North Pole. Making me to be ladies to look my shoes and their minds (are) flying away, when they are looking: ŘOhhhh, if that person his shoes (are) going to be in such a way, how they should be?ř Ŗ
They should be like coal (that) putting man before in these ships… so many things on their faces, they are not looking like a man, looking like someone coming from jungle…
O people ask from Allah Almighty to grant to you from His Endless Beauty Oceans!
One spot (was) just granted to paradise; one drop from that beauty that just granted to eight paradises, (it is) only one drop from (the) Endless Beauty Oceans of Allah Almighty and everything that (is) beautiful on earth, it is from that one drop. Only one spot (was) just granted and much more (of it was) granted to ladies, a little bit less for men…
O mankind, use your minds, to find (the) right path to make your Lord happy with you. He granted to you everything that it is good and beautiful for you through your eternal life.
For the honour of the most honoured one, Sayyidina Muhammad - sallaLlahu alayhi wa sallam,
Fatiha. Sohbet-207 Sohbet from 14.1.07
O people, ask forgiveness from Allah!
Destur, ya Sayyidi Meded, Meded, ya Rijalallah… Audhu bi-llahi mina shaitani rajim Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim, La haula wa la quwatta illa bi-llahi-l ŘAliyu-l ŘAzim.
To be our bodies fresh and strong… people (are) thinking that (the) refreshment of our bodies it is from our care for our eating and drinking. It is not true! Material is something no life on it; that belongs (to) our physical being, (and) our physical being (is) from earth. And first Allah Almighty created our form from clay; it was perfect, (a) perfect creation, but it was (only) lying (there) and you are looking to it (and) only it is a clay form - never moving, never seeing, never speaking, never hearing- it was like a statue.
When Allah Almighty (was) asking (for it) to stand up and to do, what he has been ordered (to do), (He was) giving from His Holy Breath; breathing, blowing in it and it is our spirituality. (He was) giving us spirituality and spirituality (was) coming from head to down, going on that form, (and) anywhere (that was) reaching (the) Holy Breathing of Allah Almighty, (it was) beginning to look, to see, to hear, to listen, to speak, to move. That (was) beginning with that Holy Blowing.
That means: our power that (is) giving our material being life and to stand up, it belongs to Heavens, it is not something from our material world, no. (The) material world (is) giving our clay form, but our real being (is) standing up with that Heavenly Blowing from Allah Almighty.
But people in our days, they (are) never thinking on it. They are thinking that our material being - that it is our physical being - may stand up by eating and drinking. They think so, therefore for every occasion they are asking to support our physical being with some material aspects, some materially.
Therefore doctors are not using anything from heavenly (means) and from our spirituality for curing our weakness, for curing our sickness or illness. It is wrong, big wrong from… In our days atheist ideas (are) just covering everywhere. They are teaching everywhere atheist ideas and it is so wrong! Therefore now we canřt be able to bring a peace to people, we are never going to bring some goodness for people, therefore they are not able to bring solutions for (the) troubles of mankind, therefore they are not going to be able to bring a comfort
and confidence and satisfaction and peace through mankind!
No, because they are not using (the) Heavenly Powers, (the) Heavenly Grants that Allah Almighty just granted to ourselves. They are saying: ŖThat (is) useless; we can do everything through materiality.ŗ That is biggest wrong of mankind, therefore they are falling in endless troubles - personally and commonly, on (a) personal level or communal level. They are not able to bring any peace to people, and people, (as) you are looking, everywhere they are in trouble. They are not happy, because they have so many troubles and materialism and atheism canřt be able to take away from them that troubles.
That is a very important point, because they are denying everything about spirituality, they are saying: ŖNo spirituality.ŗ
I was in New York, before several years, and it was suitable to go and to see (the) UN building. There was someone that she was asking to take ourselves to see inside and we went in. And some of our brothers they were saying: ŖO Sheikh, we (were) yet not praying Zuhr. Let us to pray in a corner inside of (the) building, then we shall follow you.ŗ I said: ŖDoesnřt matter, go!ŗ They were beginning to pray and two - like polar bears or forest bears - guardians (were) running on them, attacking on them, rushing on them, saying: ŖWhat you are doing? Get out! You donřt know that (in) this place (there is) no Allah? No Allah (is) entering here!ŗ I said: ŖAudhu bi-llah, Audhu bi-llah, Audhu bi-llah!ŗ Those people (are) asking to bring peace and solutions for mankind? Those people - tuuu (the Sheikh is spitting) on all of them! - (they are) cursed people! (And) everyone going in it, also (they are) cursed ones! They are asking… and people (are) thinking: ŖOhhh - United Nations, they are giving some decision, making this, making that…ŗ Ohhh! United Nations, they are with Shaytan, not with Allah!
Up today… I was born and from my age that I may understand something - sometimes newspapers (were) coming here also and (the) newspaper was only 15 days once coming - and there was, at the beginning of nations, United Nations, it was in Geneve, Switzerland, it was there, ŘJamiati l-Aqwamř; (in) Arabic that means: United Nations… 1925 up today- how much it is?... 80 years?... 80 years this United Nations they are coming together and (they are) discussing and arguing and quarreling and fighting inside and outside…
Up today I never heard that (the) UN (is) bringing a solution for that problem, for that troubles. (No), but they are making (it) to get up; to be small troubles for them getting to be big troubles. That is, because they are worshipping Shaytan! I left very angry and (I was) cursing them and I (was) getting out…
I am sorry that Arabs and Turks and Iranians and Pakistan, Egyptians… that they may be (altogether) 45 states, they are yet members in such a cursed place! What we shall say for such a Jamiat? How you can expect that they are bringing something for the benefit of mankind and their teachers, their guides, their leaders (are) Shaytan(s)?
Look, now, what (is) happening now? Man (is) eating man, man (is) killing man - that (it is the) biggest cursed sin to kill a person and no reason! Even shariat (is) never giving a permit to kill an ant, if (it is) not giving a trouble or
harming! Because He created everything on earth; (the) Creator, our Lord Allah Almighty, He created to live on earth ants, scorpions, snakes, lions, birds, fish… countless kinds of creatures He created to be on earth - till one of them (is) giving trouble. (Then, so the) shariat (is) saying, you may kill it or - without reason - you canřt kill!
Where is mankind, humanity, that they are top cream? Top cream: when you are boiling milk, (it is) going on it cream… Mankind, through creation they are chosen, most precious creatures - how you can kill it? Particularly - how you can kill innocent ones? And (the) Prophet (was) saying - sallaLlahu alayhi wa sallam - that Allah Almightyřs anger (is) getting more and more on those tyrants or oppressors that they are killing without a reason women, children, old ones and praying people and also animals!
O people, 21st century people just lost their ways, (and) therefore (the) Divinely anger (is) approaching now, till - (the) Divinely anger may know whom they are (the) oppressors - they should be taken away!
O people, keep the rights of humanity! Keep (the) rights of mankind, keep (to) give your kindness and mercy and pity for creatures, particularly mankind! Try to give life, donřt try to kill! Make people to live, donřt make them to die! That is humanity! That is, what Islam (is) bringing to mankind! (The) last message from Allah Almighty (is): Make people to live, make people to be in safety, make people to be happy, make people to be in peace.
That is Islam, but Shaytan (is) changing, changing, changing (it), making Islam so hated, hated way. But they are all wrong! Therefore I never like that (the) Islamic world (is) following western countries! (The) first punishment therefore (is) coming on (the) Islamic world and you are looking that fire just burned through islamic countries, because they are not following heavenly Orders!
May Allah forgive us!
O people, come to real Islam and keep yourself! Donřt get out; everyone (who is) getting out, they should be shot down, they should be killed, they should be taken away!...
May Allah forgive us!
Ask forgiveness: Astaghfirullah, Astaghfirullah, Astaghfirullah! Now from Divinely anger sign, look: (the) whole world this year (is) dry. Dry, it is not a sign of happiness of Allah for His servants, no! He is not happy with His servants, (with) what they are doing, therefore (He is) closing, closing down (the) Mercy Oceans from Heavens (not) to come on earth and everywhere now they are fearing from dry!
They are thinking: ŖYes, sometimes happened such a draughtŗ; so many times - that it is written through our Holy Books - that happened. Even some knowledge (is) reaching to me from old books, from awliyas, that people they were in such a bad conditions that they were going around cemeteries and trying to open some graves, thinking that: ŖThat one, just (he was) buried soonerly - we may find on that dead body some flesh to eatŗ…
O people, fear from Allah! He may do everything! Where is your technology to bring (rain), if Allah Almighty (is) keeping His Mercy from up? If He is keeping, not rains to rain - where is your technology to bring rains? They are saying: Ŗ(The) wells (are) dry now, going to be dry!ŗ… Allah Allah! And sometimes it was going to be so several years also…
And I was knowing some knowledge from about Mehdi - alayhi salam, the Saviour of mankind, Mehdi - alayhi salam - and then Saviour Sayyidina Jesus Christ: before they are coming, (there) should be a draught…I am fearing this… not to be this, but (it) must be, because Mehdi - alayhi salam - must come!… Coming and Jesus Christ (is) waiting; from up asking to come down. By His Lordřs Order, not by his (own) order, no! He is looking and seeing what Christians (are) doing about Christianity and he was so sorry, looking that people (are) making New Year… He was so sorry to look and asking: ŖO, those people, whom they are thinking that they are following me - do you think that I have ordered to you to make New Year or Christmas? What is that?ŗ He is sorry, he is sorry, crying… but people are drunk… May Allah forgive us!
O people, come and accept truth and reality, to be under Heavenly Protection. If not, you should be taken away…
May Allah forgive us - for the honor of the Seal of Prophets, (the) most praised, most glorious servant of Allah Almighty, Sayyidina Rasulullah - sallaLlahu alayhi wa sallam,
Fatiha. Sohbet-208 Sohbet from 7.1.2007
Allah is changing everything, but He is never changing!
For the occasion of the visit of the Grand Mufti of Russia As-salamu alaykum wa rahmatullah wa barakatuh! Meded, ya Sultanu-l Anbiya Meded, ya, Sultanu-l Awliya Meded, ya Rijalallah! Audhu bi-llahi mina shaytani rajim Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim La haula wa la quwatta illa bi-llahi-l ´Aliyyu-l ´Azim
It is an honour that Allah Almighty is sending His Eminence, Grand Mufti "diari Rus", from Russia… and Allah Almighty granting to His servant to be Grand Mufti after a long time that communist people they were thinking to take away whole religions and to make people slaves of Shaytan - shaytanic kingdom. They were fighting to make Russia and everyone living in that area not to believe in Allah Almighty and His Prophets, Messengers, and also what He sent through His honoured servants Holy Books; particularly He sent the Seal of Prophets, most honoured, most praised and glorified one in Divinely Presence, Sayyidina
Muhammad - sallaLlahu alayhi wa sallam - just since 15 centuries. And they fight also whole religions and especially they were fighting to Islam, to take away Islam, to take away Muslims. But the Lord of Heavens never giving that chance to anyone, no! They did their worst, but they canřt do anything!
And Allah Almighty giving for every kind of people, as He said through His Holy Quran: asta´idhu biLlah: "wa tilka ayamu nudawiluha baina nasŗ [Quran, 3:140], that means, He is not giving to some nations, or anyone from nations, to be over whole nations up to end. Changing and giving every kind of people, every kind of nation, every kind of mankind a chance and making them to be through their hands power, power, and He is looking - because they may say Last Day: ŖO our Lord, if You are going to give us power, we were going to do our best for people.ŗ So that they canřt find such an excuse in Divinely Presence to say: ŖO our Lord, You are not giving us anything and we did our worst.ŗ But therefore He was giving every group of people to be on power, in power, and looking how they are going to deal with Allah Almightyřs servants.
Therefore, that is communism, that began through beginnings of 19th century or at the end of 18th century with big French Revolution and beginning to take away Kings, Emperors, Sultans, K
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