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313 Suhbat of Mawlana Shaykh Nazim (1195 pages, 72/120)
o make argument with You, to make argument about their destinations. I am going to do everything, every bad thing to make those people, not to be obedient servants to You and when they are getting disobedient servants, they never going to reach real honour that You granted to them, not giving to me!ŗ

Therefore, O people, you must think on it, you must try to know who is your worst and most dangerous enemy! Therefore, before saying: ŖBismillahir Rahmanir Rahimř you must say: ŖAudhu bi-llahi mina shaytani rajim, O our Lord, we are running to You from those most dangerous enemies attacking on ourselves and taking us from the line of obedience to the line of disobedience!ŗ

Yes, you must say: ŖAudhu bi-llahi mina shaytani rajim, O our Lord, we are asking Your Divinely Protection against that worst servant, (not) to put ourselves in a position that we [will] never be able to reach to You or ourselves and we can be free to be Your servants without going to be cheated through that bad creature, perhaps worst creature! O our Lord, keep ourselves!ŗ

We are speaking on obedience. That is the base of obedience towards our Lord.

Shaytan, devil, diabolo, that calling ourselves: ŖCome, come to me, come to my way, I am leading you to a very brightened life, to be free for your willings, for your pleasure. I am here, come to me!ŗ [Mawlana makes a spitting sound] ŘTuř

on that Shaytan! ŘTuř! Make tu on him ŘTuř! Audhu bi-llah!

But - that cursed one saying: ŖI am happy to make you, I am trying to make for you (a) trapŗ - and we are saying: ŖYour trap is nothing! We are running to our Lord and our Lordřs trap catching you! Whole traps, whole that ones whom they are running after you, obeying to you they are like yourself also, you are going to fall in heavenly trap that just put on earth!ŗ

May Allah forgive us! And we are saying now, if understanding this, you may say ŘBismillahir Rahmanir Rahimř. Ohhh, endless honour, endless honour to you, to me, to everyone to say ŘBismillahir Rahmanir Rahimř!

Bambo! Understanding English? A little bit! He is coming from Bambostan, not too much understanding Yes, O our Lord, You granted us, you honoured Your weak servants! So weak servants, we are so weak, but You are giving for ourselves a power ocean! ŖO my servantsŗ, saying Allah Almighty, Ŗif you are getting to be in a difficult position, if your problems never going to reach a solution, call Me and say ŘBismillahir Rahmanir Rahim! That is My sword granted to you against Shaytan, diabolo and its followers!ŗ

Power! Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim (Dhikr… about 20 times)!

So sweet! So powerful! If dead person may say, standing up, if ill person saying this, may stand up, if weak person saying this, standing up with power! Power reaching from Heavens to you, o mankind, but you are also idiot ones, following Shaytan! Leave him! Come and say: ŖBismillahir Rahmanir Rahim!ŗ Subhan Allah Sultan Allah! What honour Allah Almighty granted us!

Therefore, at least 40 times daily say: Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim! If you can do 100 times, it is better. Through 24 hours make a time; (it) may take you 5 minutes to say 100 times ŘBismillahir Rahmanir Rahimř, but coming on you such a power, feeding your physical being as well as your soul!

Donřt be heedless, O people! That is the key that granted from Heavens to you, to bring solution for every problem and also to open to you the doors that [are] shut down. You may say ŘBismillahir Rahmanir Rahimř and Allah Almighty granted to you opening, opening, endless, endless doors. Allah - jalla jalaluhu - Almighty preparing His servants if they are using, treasures! Not treasures of earth, but heavenly treasures going to be opened to you!

O people, come and listen! Enough your drinking and going to be drunk ones! No, you must be awakened!

You must find a time that you can say at least 40 times ŘBismillahir Rahmanir Rahimř.

If you like to make it 100 times, it is okay!

Some people coming and saying to me that: ŖO Sheikh, we are running to tariqat, to ways of Heavens, Heavenly Ways, and we are trying, but we are not reaching. What do you think on it?ŗ I am saying: ŖI am giving to you something, if you can do, you are going to be prepared for a Heavenly opening!ŗ ŖWhat is that?ŗ ŖAfter morning praying, till sun rising, make 1000 times ŘBismillahir Rahmanir

Rahimř. Continue on it 40 days, then going to appear to you some rays of Nur, Heavenly Lights. For every 40 days that rays going to be more stronger, till you can look and see what is in malakut, heavens!ŗ

…When adhan call coming, we are saying: ŖYet we have time, we may sleep…ŗ Ehhh! sun shining…!

I am giving permission! Who can do may do, through 40 days, must appear a ray from Heavens to his heart. If you are keeping along that way, you may reach the fountain. You can reach fountain of lights. It is not from earth, but it belongs to Heavens. And we are not in need to take missile to be in it… no no no! You have such a power that you may destroy whole missiles in less than one minute, through one second!

We are so powerful creatures, but we are not arranging the power station, to reach to our position that we have been granted from our Lord Almighty Allah! We are not putting this in charge, therefore we are half way, (and then) we are sinking (back down) …

Therefore, O people, we are beginning now to teach people something that it is real foundation, real base for servanthood. If you are not making that base, you canřt be able to do your service in Divinely Presence. Therefore we are trying to establish first to be on strong base, then we can build on it…

May Allah forgive us! It is enough; we are only beginning, we are saying only ŘBismillahir Rahmanir Rahimř. If we were speaking, if they were leaving to me to speak on it, may be (continue up to) next Sunday, may be next month, may be next year, may be next century, not finishing!…

O people, you have been created for eternity! Eternity, try to reach eternal life! Allah Almighty (is) eternal, and (He) granted to real servants from His Eternity Oceans something to be forever in his Divinely Presence.

May Allah forgive us and bless you! For the honour of the most honored one, Sayyidina Muhammad sallaLlahu alayhi wa sallam, Fatiha!


Sohbet from 13.05.07

Our Ego - the Representative of Shaytan within us

As-salamu alaikum! Shukr, ya Rabbi, Shukr, ya Rabbi, Shukr, Alhamdulillah, Tawba, ya Rabbi, Tawba, ya Rabbi, Tawba, Astaghfirullah! Audhu bi-llahi mina shaytani rajim, Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim, La haula wa laquwatta illa bi-llahi-l ŘAliyi-l ŘAzim! Meded, ya Sultanu-l Awliya! Meded, ya Rijalallah! Ainuna bi madadikum!

Welcome to you once again! We are hoping to be greeted by angels the Day of Resurrection, to be said: ŖWelcome, o good servant!ŗ

Everyone is servant; Shaytan also (he is a) servant. Canřt be - everyone is servant - but (he is a) bad servant. Who (is) following Heavenly Orders, following Prophets, they are trying to be good servants. But (that) bad servant -that Shaytan - (he is) asking to make people, all of them, bad servants. And he is trying from the time of Adam - peace be upon him - up today; trying, never tiring, never retiring, never sleeping, never resting, and his importance (is) to make people bad servants.

Who is helper for Shaytan? Your ego! Your ego is Shaytanřs assistant! Shaytan (is) saying: ŖOhhh, I have so many assistants, I am using them!ŗ Mankind they are thinking that they are something - as Pharaoh was saying: ŖAna rabbukum al-Řala!ŗ Pharaoh was saying: ŖOh people, I am your Lord and I am your most important God that you are praying and following themŗ, because Egyptian people they had so many imaginated gods. So many! They were praying to them, bowing to them, and giving their high respect to them, even they were making (them) their idol, yes! Pharaoh (was) saying: ŖNo, I am not (like an) ordinary one that you are bowing to them - I am over, I am the most high God for you!ŗ Same characteristic just going to be with everyone!

Everyone they have ego, nafs, through themselves that (is) ordering to them. That is not outside, looking to you, no, your idol (is) sitting through your heart and (is) using you! As now computer or internet, playing people… Shaytan (is) making your ego your idol, as his computer or internet… spreading Shaytanřs internet through East and West…

As (the) telephone… this (is) controlled by someone! You now that? No! You are using this, but you are not thinking that it is controlled by someone! Anything that you are asking, (it is) answering, because you (are) under his control!

Donřt say: ŖHow (it) can be? One that you are saying it is Shaytan (is) controlling (the) whole mankind?ŗ

And I am saying: ŖWhy you are asking such a foolish question? Just you made an instrument, it is now telephone, and (the) whole world (is) under that ones control!ŗ

There is a big computer - they are saying, over the earth, up. From there (its commands are) coming to you and (the phone is) ringing and (you are) saying, quickly saying: ŖHello, who is there? Ŗ ŖGeorge Bush!ŗ ŖHow can be? I was asking Pope!ŗ ŖNo, what we are opening to you, (you) must speak to that one.ŗ ŖBut I am asking someone else!ŗ ŖJust a moment! Shut down and I am making (a) speaking, a line for you to (the) Pope!ŗ… Then: ŖYes, Sir!ŗ ŖWho is speaking?ŗ ŖYou donřt know who am I?ŗ Never… ŖI am that one controlling whole world, its speeches or speaking through

themselves. I am over you, I am the controller! Ŗ

Yes!… A man just making such an instrument, and controlling whole mankind now Shaytan. Shaytan (is) much more powerful than our ego and Shaytan he may be in a… anywhere! And without touching he may reach to you as well as to everyone from mankind!

He has such an authority, because he is authorized; from beginning the Lord of Heavens (was) authorizing him, saying: ŖAs you like, to make My servants not to be My servants, you are free. Who is following you, may follow you - you and them all of them, I am sending all of you to Hells! Go, Shaytan!ŗ From Heavens (the) Řkhitabř, (the heavely) addressing (was coming): ŖDonřt think that your Lord (is ever) going to be overcome! Your Lord always (is) victorious! You are thinking that you can be able to carry whole mankind after you to hells, but I am the Lord of mankind - as well as for every creation - you canřt do anything! You should be tired, you are going not to be rest, running after everyone to make them to follow you! I gave that authority to you; whom they are listening to you, carry them!ŗ

Therefore Shaytanřs representative through yourself it is your ego and Shaytan (is) addressing to your ego, not to you - and saying: ŖLook, try to make everyone from people of hells; what you need, I may send to you!ŗ Therefore Shaytan he is so happy to make sucha power, reaching to everyone from mankind: (he is) putting one representative through everyone, through yourself, and that (is) controlling you and saying to you: ŖDo this, donřt do that!ŗ According (to) shaytanic waves, orders (are) coming to you and you are saying: ŖYes, O my commander, I am fully obedient to you, what(ever) you are saying!ŗ And that is the way of hells!

(The) first one and (the) first cursed one is Shaytan, because he said to his Lord: ŖNo, I am not bowing!ŗ Therefore, everyone whom they are not bowing to their Lord, they are also one Shaytan and they are cursed ones! Beware, O people, what (is) coming to your heart through your ego! (Your) ego (is the) representative of Shaytan and also (the) first servant to Shaytan! Therefore they are going to be bad servants…

Prophets (were) coming and calling them to be good servants, but they were saying: ŖNo, we have our lord, our lord; we are waiting for our lord, we are not following your Lord!ŗ Just now people on that line! As much as you can call man to come the line of obedience, the line of servanthood, they are saying: ŖWe are not in need, we are not believing in you!ŗ ŖTo whom you are believing?ŗ ŖI am believing what inside my heart (is) saying to me!ŗ They are all bad servants and cursing (is) coming on them! Anyone that (is) working for Shaytan, that is (a) bad servant. Good servants (Are those) whom they are following Prophets.

Now (the) whole world they are working for Shaytan! They are saying: ŖDemocracyŗ, they are not accepting Holy Books, they are not accepting Holy Orders, (the) Holy Commands from Heavens. They are saying: ŖWe are voting and we are electing for our peopleŗ - whom they are 100 % followers [of] Shaytan - ŖWe are making a Parliament and we are doing our orders and we are trying to make people to be obedient to our orders.

And we are following (the) true way, we are not believing (in) your ways!ŗ Now (the) whole world (is saying): ŖParliament, Democracy… Parliament, Democracy!...ŗ Everywhere now troubles, endless problems and that is a punishment, the result of cursing (is) beginning to appear!... Understanding, X., or sleeping?...

(In the) Muslim world also they are following (the) Shaytanic advice. They are saying: ŖThere is election in Asia, election in Syria, election (in) Iran…ŗ Eh, whom they are here, our first class Muslims, they are saying, the first class Muslim: ŖWhat is Parliament?ŗ ŖParliament that makinglaws.ŗ ŖAllah (is) sending His Heavenly Laws and Orders - what you are sitting there? How you are Muslims? Youřll never be Muslim!ŗ Cursing (is) coming on them! Turkey (is) making election… (In the) Non-Muslim world everywhere they are saying - they are never following Holy Books - they are making Parliaments, making elections, making so any parties… ŗWorkers party!ŗ We are saying: ŖWhat is that, workers party? What they are doing in Parliament?ŗ ŖThey have also a right to be MP!ŗ ŖThey are leaving axe and shovel and coming to Parliament? Worker, what doing in Parliament? Worker party!ŗ ŖNot worker, Labour! Ya Sheikh, correct your word! They are not workers, labourer, and they are working!ŗ ŖLabourers, what they are doing in Parliament?ŗ ŖO Sheikh, you must know this, that we have rights to be government and governing.ŗ ŖOhhh, idiot ones! If you are giving… there is a big aircraft in America- Roosevelt or Eisenhower or Bush? Big aircraft!... If you are making an election on aircraft and saying: ŘWho is going to win must be commander on aircraftř, what it should be? Heh? ŖAnzilu nas manazilahumŗ; that is important! The Lord of Heavens was saying to His most beloved and praised servant, Sayyidina Muhammad: ŖO Muhammad, say to your nation that you must put everyone on their own places!ŗ

Donřt put chairs on the heads of people; donřt put shoes through the pockets of people; donřt put (the) crew in (the) captains place! (The) captain put the place of captain, (the) servant put on his servanthood! Donřt say: ŖWe selectedŗ, you canřt select, you canřt elect, no!

Must be - therefore - from beginning there is two lines: (the) line for (the) Prophets, (the) line for (the) kings! That is (a) good governing system or best governing system that Allah Almighty (is) saying: ŖThat line (is) going to be for kings, sultans, that line (is) for Prophets!ŗ Therefore you canřt find any sultan not to be from that line, all of them (are) from that line!

(There were) 12 tribes of Israel; one of them, the first line, is (the) line of Prophets. (The) second most important (line is the line of the) kings that they should be able to govern people. You canřt bring a worker or a labourer to be sultan, to be king, no! Noble people; they have been granted something for that purpose!

Now people, from the time of 1789, (the) Big French Revolution, that (is) bringing them, up today, to burn everything in France… they were so happy that they brought Řfreedomř to nations, now they are crying and surprising,

astonishing: ŖWhat we can do now?ŗ Daily canřt reach police forces to people to stop them from doing bad things, because (there is) no king (but the) elected!… People (are) saying: ŖAs you have right to be (the) head of state, I am also!ŗ That is quarrelling! Shaytan (is) making that parties to quarrel (with) each other and to be cursed.

No, true! Say, show to me! In Pakistan, Pakistan also; you are so happy people, they are claiming ŘWe are first class Muslimsŗ, killing each other! For what? For nothing! Not for nothing, (but) for Shaytan! Then they are claiming that ŖPakistan, that clean, clean country!ŗ For what? That is clean that (the) blood of people (is) running on streets, making dirty streets? Men and women (are) running on streets and shouting…

O Pakistan people, you havenřt mosques to go and ask from Allah Almighty? Why (you are) running on ways, (on) streets, and (you are) quarrelling, fighting with each other, fighting with immigration powers, police powers? That is (what) your shariŘa (is) saying? Holy Quran like this (is) saying? And you have so many ŘMawlanař, ŘMawlanař, ŘMawlanař… full Pakistan also (with ŘMawlanasř) and they are claiming: ŖWe are (the) most learned peopleŗ!

Not most (learned) - (but) worst learned people! Worst, not best, most, no! Iran - same, they are also… Doing something that it is no good for them and for whole mankind! Yes, they may quarrel with one big state and a war (is) beginning, then that war (is) firing and burning everywhere! Who (is) giving to you that authority? ShariŘa (is) saying this? No! They are not knowing shariŘa! Turkey, Iran, Pakistan, Arabistan, Egypt, Libya - (they are) not knowing shariŘa, not keeping shariŘa! They are following ŘDemocracy, Parliament Systemř. No Parliament System in Islam! Islam, they have only one sultan and his orders (are) orders as (the) Orders from Heavens! Yes, Sir! Sheikh Muhammad, say: true or no!... Sudan people - Democracy! Abyssinia - Democracy! Somalia…. What is this? This is coming from Heavens?

No one (is) saying (this), (they are) fearing from Shaytan! Why you are fearing from Shaytan? Say truth! May Allah forgive us!

O people, try to be good servants and goods servants (are those) whom they are following (the) Holy Commands of Allah Almighty, not anyone else! No Parliament System in Islam! No new laws in Islam! Islam just brought everything in its perfection!

ŖAl-yauma akmaltu lakum dinakum!ŗ Allah Almighty (is) saying: ŖJust I sent to you My shariŘa; it is (the) most perfect rules for mankind! If you are not going (to listen), My revenge (is) coming on you!ŗ May Allah forgive us!

O people, come and accept truth or people (are) going to finish! Therefore from five (people) four (are) dying and one living.

Now Armageddon (is) coming!... (The) Biggest War, Malhamat al-kubra, (is) coming!…

Ya Rabbi! Tawba, ya Rabbi, Tawba, ya Rabbi, Tawba, Astaghfirullah!

Say: ŖO our Lord, we are on (the) wrong way, please send us (someone) who shows

us Your Right Path to follow!ŗ

For the honour of most honoured and praised servant, Sayyidina Muhammad - sallaLlahu alayhi wa salam, Fatiha

Sohbet-194 Sohbet from 29.04.07

Ar-Rahman‟ s Endless Knowledge Oceans

As-salamu alaikum! Audhu bi-llahi mina shaitani rajim, Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim, La haula wa la quwatta illa bi-llahi-l řAliyu-l řAzim Ya ŘAliyu, ya ŘAzim! Ya ŘAliyu, ya ŘAzim! Ya ŘAliyu, ya ŘAzim! Allah Allah! Ehhh… Meded, ya Sultanu-l Anbiya, alaika alfu salatu, alfu salam As-salamu alaikum ya Rijalallah, alaikum ridwanallah alfu alfa marra!

O people, welcome to you that you are coming and asking what it is last target for mankind, what is the last point that mankind going to reach?

Now we are here and we may think and we may ask and we may learn something.

There is a holy hadith, hadithu sharif, that reaching to our time also and reachingto me also, that Prophet saying: ŖRutbatu-l ŘilmiaŘla rutab!ŗ Highest rank that a person asking to reach that is Řilm. ŘIlm that opening that dark veils of ignorance and cutting it and showing something from reality. Therefore most important through our lives it is to learn.

First: „Man Řarifa nafsah, faqad Řarifa Rabbah!Ŗ First of all you must look to yourself; you must try to learn about yourself and then you are reaching to another level of knowledge that it is just different from first level.

We may say: level of earth and level of heavens. When you are learning something on first level, then you can find a way to reach heavenly level of knowledge. Therefore first of all look yourself! Carry your care, full care, from any other creatures and look to yourself, to know Řyouř. That is a knowledge that belongs to our physical being, and physical being it is not your identity, no. You have physical being and you have an identity. That is something, that another thing. Look to yourself and give your whole care on yourself. Try to learn something about your physical being.

Up [to] today perhaps doctors that they are trying to reach the secrets of our physical being, but they are now so far away, (like the) earth, how much far (it is) from heavens, yet they are so far from understanding our physical being and its secrets! Thousand of years trying so many learned people, doctors or scientists, and now also they are making, trying to find some ways to reach identity of our structure.

Subhanallah, Nabil! Stand up! Nabil is our brother from Egypt. They have pyramids. That is a building and they are built by Pharaohs. But they put such a

secret ways, plans, on it, yet now mankind, through everything they have, they canřt be able to bring a solution for secrets and opening for secrets of Pyramids. They are only looking, but they never be able, up today, to reach secrets of Pyramids! That is, what we are saying, if it is a man-production. Man building, Pharaoh, perhaps before 7.000 years ago more or less, Allah knows. They are saying 7.000, but it is not true…

If a man-built building (that) whole science canřt reach to its secrets, what about Allah-made: a man? How, who can say: ŖWe reached the secrets of the body of mankindŗ? I am saying: Leave mankinds secrets - take a mosquito. Mosquito, do you think that science reached to bring an understanding about a mosquito? Leave Pyramids - that is a small creature, if you are blowing on it, you may destroy it.

What about mankind or a man? How they are in existence? Which mechanism making each one to be free to spread over this world, to go, to come, to do so many things - how it is going to be? Secrets through secrets!

Therefore - you can understand something through your knowledge, but that knowledge never making you to be satisfied. Man, everyone is different being. You may say mankind all of them they have same mechanism, but never, never! Each one is independent being, signing the unity of Allah Almighty! He is Creator! Therefore knowledge that we must try to learn, it is unlimited, because the limits of the knowledge of structure of a person, for their physical being, it is so complicated. But people, they are not learning about their structure, only some people they are trying to learn something, but it is only a drop of an ocean. That is we are saying that Hadith: ŖMan Řarifa nafsah, faqad Řarifa Rabbah!ŗ Azamatu l-Rabb! Allah Almightyřs endless Power, absolute Power Oceans, absolute knowledge oceans, absolute wisdom oceans, endless endless oceans…that coming on a man, giving from every ocean something to man, so that when you are trying to learn about yourself, then getting an opening about the Lord of Heavens, your Creator.

Therefore we have an order or report from our Holy Books: „Talabu-l Řilm faridatun Řala kulli Muslim wa Muslima!Ŗ To learn, it is an obligatory for everyone, man or woman. They are saying what does it mean for themselves, Ř…talabu-l Řilm…ř? It was that knowledge, Řilmu-l hal, about yourself - to know about yourself. And it has countless levels for reaching a real knowledge about yourself. Everyone… for everyone opening another ocean, to enter in it and to know, because each one is different. When you are… therefore it is so important hadithu sharif: ŖMan Řarifa nafsa…ŗ

Through his knowledge that belongs to his existence, a man can find a way to the Creator, to their Lord Almighty. If not knowing about themselves, it is closed down and they are in darkness. To take away that darkness, Allah Almighty sending His chosen servants, that their lives belongs to Heavens. They are really heavenly beings, just dressed as a man. Therefore people they were asking: ŖWhy not coming [an] angel to bring heavenly orders to ourselves and just had been sent through mankind such a distinguished people to say?ŗ and Allah Almighty refusing their claiming, saying: ŖIf I am sending [an] angel, I was dressing them as a man dressed for understanding mankind, because angels canřt know the secrets of mankind! Therefore, if coming such an angels to bring My Orders to people, they must be dressed as a man!ŗ

Beware of women! People trying to make women president! Bangladesh people also they have woman president… Women good for kitchen only…nothing else, how they are going to be president! Must be there also in their room [a] kitchen, to fulfill their feelings, because their feeling always running to kitchen… They never like our cooking, our preparing houses… ŖTake away! Outside! We know, you donřt know…ŗ

Understand? It is important! Man… Prophets must be all of them men. Wilaya, Sainthood, can be granted to ladies also… not to women, ladies… Who is lady? Ladies, whom they are keeping their honours and they are: Ŗ…wa qarna fi buyutikunna… [and stay in your houses... (Qurřan 33:33)]ŗ, not those that are running around cites, streets! No, they are not ladies, they are women! La haula wa la quwatta illa bi-llahi-l ŘAliyu-l ŘAzim!

It is a very big ocean and we may take only a little drop on an edge of a needle we can say. O people, ask how can be man and woman, or how can be male or female? Who is appointing someones through their wombs, mothers womb: ŖThat must be man, maleŗ, then: (ŖThat) must be femaleŗ? From there we must begin… and who (is) giving through males special feelings, who giving, granting female special feeling or specialty? Who is that one, male, that one, female? Ask: your mum or your dad giving that feelings or specialty, through the womb of mum or your wife? O people they are not thinking on it, they are fighting! You are not created to fight, no, you created to know!

ŖBismillahir Rahmanir Rahim! Ar-Rahman, Řallama l-quran, khalaqa l-insan, Řallamahu l-bayan… (Qurřan 55:1-4)ŗ His teaching just granted to man, it is a specialty only for mankind, living on earth: to be able to take knowledge from Divinely Presence.

ŖAr-Rahmanŗ, that is endless Mercy Oceans, granted to every creature. If not reaching His endless Mercy Oceans, canřt be anything in existence. Therefore saying: ŖAr-Rahman, Řallama-l Quran, khalaqa l-insan, Řallamahu l-bayanŖ...That is oceans, we are not entering in it… We canřt do, because only we can speak (according to) the level of our attenders, not too much, no…

Then you can find a way to your Lord, your Creator…that Ŗar-Rahman, Řallama l-Quranŗ, teaching coming from ar-Rahman to some people, that they have been granted such a special power through their understanding and special power that growing through our minds or through your hearts, as much as we are taking ourselves from physical being and its demands. Then you can reach to learn, what Ar-Rahman (is) teaching: ŖŘallamahu l-Quran…ŗ To whom? First to Nabi - alayhi salatu wa salam -, then coming, coming, coming, everything taking their shares from the knowledge, holy knowledge of Holy Quran… Ŗkhalaqa l-insan…ŗ. He created man, then giving Ŗ…Řallamahu l-bayanŗ, giving such a specialty, that they may speak, what they are knowing. What they are learning, they may say. Not coming to be inside, they may say also, what they are knowing, and then that is endless oceans… Therefore Řbahru l-maŘrifař, the oceans of holy knowledge for Allah Almighty, they are countless oceans and endless oceans…

May Allah bless you and forgive me and grant us to understand something!… We may speak on lowest level (only), we canřt reach even one millimeter up. May melt whole people, if they are not prepared for that level! That level Nur, Lights of

that level may burn their physical being, they canřt be coming once again…

May Allah forgive us! For the honour of the most honoured one in His Divine Presence Sayyidina Muhammad Ŕ sallaLlahu alayhi wa sallam, Fatiha…

Sohbet-195 Sohbet from 22.4.07

Glorifying Allah gives you real life! Or: The Whole Universe is an Orchestra of Divine Glorifying!

Destur, ya Sayyidi, ya Sultanu-l Awliya, Meded, ya Rijalallah! Allah Allah, Subhan Allah! Subhan Allah, Sultan Allah! Allah ya Daim! ca. 2o x Allah ya Subhan! ca. 1o x Allah ya Sultan! ca. 1O x Allah ya Jalil! ca. 1o x Allah Dhu-l Jalal! ca. 1Ox Hasbi Allahu wa niřmal Wakil, La haula wa la quwatta illa bi-llahi-l ŘAliyi-l ŘAzim!

Audhu bi-llahi mina shaitani rajim, Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim, La haula wa la quwatta illa bi-llahi-l ŘAliyi-l ŘAzim! Ya ŘAzimu, ya Allah! ca. 13 x Ya Karimu, ya Allah! ca. 8 x Ya ŘAzizu, ya Allah! ca. 12 x Ya Subhanu, ya Allah! ca. 8x Ya Sultanu, ya Allah! ca. 8 x Hasbi Allahu wa niřmal Wakil, La haula wa la quwatta illa bi-llahi-l ŘAliyu-l ŘAzim! Meded, ya Sultanu-l Awliya!

Nothing can be (more) sweet for our souls (than) to make dhikr! angels - their lives real life - their lives is Tesbih, to say: ŖSubhan Allah, Sultan Allah!ŗ

Countless kinds of Tesbih may be; it is countless. Everything (is) glorifying Allah, everything! Everything - Meded, ya Sultanu-l Awliya - everything it has a private structure, everything it has a personality, so that we canřt find through creation, through universe, through universes, to be on same personality. You may say atoms; for example hydrogen, it is an element. It is different from oxygen. D