313 Suhbat of Mawlana Shaykh Nazim (1195 pages, 66/120)
ed…(they) had been saved…
Now people, democracy, (are the) same; they canřt get out from problems and they canřt be able to reach to a new situation; they canřt be able to save themselves from problems and miseries and sufferings, they canřt be able!
70 times they may do elections, (but the) same mentality (is) coming, nothing happened. And Allah Almighty (is) saying: ŖAlaysa fikum rajulun Rashid? O people, you are not looking (for) a perfect mind people?ŗ A perfect mind people means (someone,) who is going to be in connection with Heavenly Stations. You must look such a person! If you are not looking such a person, you are going to finish, as the Children of Israel just finished and a new generation, that they are asking Řrajulun rashidř, a perfect man, that he is in connection with Heavenly Station, they should be saved!
Now whole people should die… only (a) handful (of) people (are) going to stay… (those,) whom they are running to a Řrajulun rashidř, a perfect one… First Mehdi - Řalayhi salam - (is) coming…
(It is) impossible without asking a perfect man! A perfect man, who is (in) full connection with Heavenly Stations. If you are not asking such a person, you should be finished.
May Allah forgive us! O people, look after such a person!... They are hidden now, but if you are asking and saying: ŖCome, we are following you!ŗ, they may come! As long as people (are) not asking about them, they are saying nothing… They are sitting and (they are) hidden…
May Allah forgive us and send us (a) Řrajulun rashidř, a perfect one, who is in perfect connection with Heavenly Stations!
For the honour of (the) most honoured one, Sayyidina Muhammad Ŕ sallaLlahu Řalayhi wa sallam - in (the) Divine Presence,
Fatiha. Sohbet-176 ohbet from Sunday, 02.09.07
Two kinds of water: Pure, blessed water from Heavens and dirty water from Shaytan‟ s sewage
As-salamu alaikum! Huuu, Huuu... Audhu bi-llahi mina shaytani rajim Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim
La haula wa la quwatta ill bi-llahi l-Aliyyi l-ŘAzim
O our Lord! We are asking Your Heavenly Support to Your weak servants! We are weak servants and we are running to You, O our Lord, from Shaytan and shaytanic people, whom they surround to Shaytan, surrender to Shaytan. Shaytan (is) asking to make you from his group. May Allah forgive us and protect…
Audhu bi-llahi mina shaytani rajim La haula wa la quwatta illa bi-llahi l-Aliyyi l-ŘAzim.
We are weak ones, therefore you must ask Allah Almightyřs Power to reach to you. Which way (is) using Allah Almighty to send His Divinely Support? Under roads or streets there are two channels: one channel (is) carrying dirty water, and (a) second (channel is) carrying clean water…
Meded, ya Sultanu-l Awliya! We are not ignorant people, not to understand what is clean, what is dirty! Everyone may understand quickly. And His Divinely Support (is) running to people to those, whom they are following Prophets. And Prophets (are) bringing clean water from (the) spring.
And (the) second channel is (carrying) dirty (water) that (is) coming from homes and (that is) running through streets down.
Clean waters (are) entering homes, dirty waters (are) running away from houses. Even (a) house is unhappy to keep dirty water in it, but it likes to keep clean water in it - but dirty waters, (it is) never asking, (it is) asking to put (them) in channels, to run away…
Therefore, real life, as Allah Almighty (is) saying, Allah Almighty created everything from pure water. Pure water, everything (is) coming from pure water: Ŗ…wa jaŘalna min al-maři kulla shayřin hayy…!ŗ Allah Almighty (is) saying: ŖWe did everything in existence from clean water.ŗ Therefore keep clean water lines that (are) running into you as (they are) running through your home. That is important. Clean waters (are) from Heavens, dirty channels (are) from Shaytan.
Allah Almighty (is) teaching His servants to: Ŗ... wa-drib lahum mathalan… Give them examples, O My beloved servant, make for them, to understand what clean water (is) doing, through bringing (an) example.ŗ For example: Ŗ… wa-drib lahum mathalan…ŗ make for them (an) example, because (an) example (is) making you to understand everything quickly.
Yes, therefore, you must try to understand: If clean water makes ourselves to be happy, to be healthy - He is giving us examples: This is water, that is water. Clean water and dirty water channels, running from East to West, from North to South. Look, all holy Books (are) saying this: Ŗ…wa-drib lahum mathalan…ŗ ŖO my Prophet, give them examples, to understand what We mean to say!ŗ
Yes, therefore, it is an example: O people, if you are using dirty water, even plants or grass or trees (are) never growing up, because dirty water (is) full with poison; (it is) poisoned water. And (the) poisoned water spring that (is) running on earth, running after mankind, that is Shaytanřs channel! Shaytanřs channel (is) always dirty and poisoned, donřt use it! Allah (is) saying, (the)
Almighty: ŖUse clean water!ŗ Even… therefore I am never happy that people drinks from bottled water, no! It is also a kind of dirtiness, that Shaytan (is) making it, not to give any benefit to our physical being. They are saying: ŖWe are purifying water.ŗ It is against the reality, because they are not purifying. The Lord of Heavens just prepared water for mankind and other living creatures.
They may use it, but I donřt think that any creature (is) drinking from dirty water - (they are) running away (from it), only mankind they are not thinking on it, to say: ŖThis (is) so dirty smelling!ŗ Why (Allah is) giving this for us? Why (is He) giving (us the) eyes, why (he is) giving (us the) tongue? Your eyes (are) looking and seeing a dirty colour- leave it! You may taste and you are going to taste something, it is so dirty, making your stomach to get out - leave it! From this point even water, bottled water, it is a shaytanic way to harm people, to harm their health, to harm everything from mankind!
What about if bottled water is prohibited to be drunk? Heavenly warning: ŖDonřt use bottled water!ŗ Donřt look, what they are making, so many advertisement on it, donřt believe! You must know that if something (is) getting too much advertised, that means, Shaytan (is) asking to cheat people and to harmpeople!
Up today we are not seeing a water it is written on it and to put on bottles to be said: ŖThis is famous water, this is such and such…ŗ no, but Shaytan, for harming people, (is) making this bottled water also.
What about drinks? ŖO Sheikh, (it is) so tasteful to drink Coca-Cola…ŗ ŖNo, Sir, Pepsi Cola is much better I think…ŗ ŖI donřt think! Pepsi-Cola may be faster for harming (your) body, but Coca-Cola (is) making everything in such a way that man (is) loosing himself and never tasting after that anything…ŗ
What about wines that Allah Almighty making it haram, forbidden, forbidden, forbidden…! ŖDoesnřt matter, o Sheikh, if we are drinking beer…ŗ
ŖWhat is that?ŗ
ŖIt is not from grapes, it is only from barley…ŗ ŖHmmm, why not you are eating barley?ŗ ŖWe canřt eat, because only donkeys may eat (that); they have big teeth and they are very happy, but if we are trying to eat,we canřt eat. Therefore we are boiling it, making so many things, making this beeeeer and saying: ŖYou must drink beeeeer every day, to loose or to forget everything, every day…ŗ
I am saying only this: ŖFor what?ŗ
ŖBecause we canřt eat barley through our teeth… therefore we are asking to do something from beer, to make, to keep our teeth…ŗ
What about alcohol? (It is) harming (our) body or not? Which doctor or physician
may say that to drink wines doesnřt matter? Who may say, ŖDoesnřt matter!ŗ? ŖHow you are saying, doesnřt matter?ŗ ŖIt is good for sometimes.ŗ ŖFor what?ŗ ŖBecause sometimes man (is) in need to shout like a cock: kukurukuuu, but (he) canřt say this, (but) when (he is) drinking, (he) may say (it)! That is one benefit, therefore they must drink!ŗ
Every harmful drink (is from the) shaytanic source, from shaytanic sources, from dirty channels, sewage channels, but whole people (are) drinking. They are saying: Ŗ(It) doesnřt matter, Sheikh, a little bit we may enjoy ourselves!ŗ
If you are asking to enjoy yourself, go to (the) stable of donkeys, make there… you should be very happy… (it is) enjoyful, their place also, because they are eating barley… Barley eating, therefore they are very strong, because they are working daytime…
ŖHaaa! Therefore we must drink this, to be much more powerful daytime for working!ŗ Man tashabbaha bi qaumin, fahuwa minhum… which (one is) going to make himself as any creature, he is going to be from that creature… Therefore who (is) very happy to drink beeeeer… that animal also, they are so happy to eat it and you are going to be like animals…Donkeys, they are very happy to drink or to eat, but you canřt eat, you can drink... then you are going to be on (the) same level of donkeys…
Dirty channel! Putting so many advertising also… Walky, Johnny Walker…look, how he is moving!... I am saying write under it: ŘLike donkeysř, they are coming so powerful… look, 80 years person, how he is walking!… Because they are using too much beeeeer. Beer for Germans, whiskey for English people, champagne for French people, and vodka for Russians... yes? Yes. Eh, our people also, they are going to be like Western people… ŖWe are now Western Muslims!ŗ
I am asking: ŖWestern Muslim? How it can be? Kufr maŘa l-Iman? They are unbelievers, (and) you are running to be like unbelievers - how you are going to be believers?ŗ ŖDoesnřt matter! We are producing millions or thousand hectares and we are planting barley, therefore we must look a market for our barley, because it is too much for our donkeys… and we are asking two legs creatures to eat and drink its water…ŗ
From where (this is coming)? That advertisement (is) Shaytanřs advertising: People (are) drunk and (it) doesnřt matter…
Islam is (a) pure religion, pure, most pure, purest and most clean - come and drink! If not, you are going to be… Now, what they are doing, you know?... When they are going to fight, they must drink from dirty channels of Shaytan, to forget and to see themselves so hero!
Once a mouse (was) falling in a barrel of wine. It was drinking, drinking… (and)
asking to get out. (It was) getting out and it was calling: ŖWhere is those… our enemies, cats? May come here! I am now not like cat, I am now like lion! Where they are?ŗ
Like this (drinks are) making people: ŖWhere is that angels, coming to take my soul? I am here, keeping my sword! If (they are) coming, I am cutting their heads!ŗ
(He) may say (this), because he is drunk, like that mouse (that was) falling in (a) barrel of wine… Making people to be in such a way, that drinks!
Therefore it is also from Shaytan, from shaytanic dirty channels!
(The) Heavenly Order to whole nations (is): ŖDonřt drink from dirty channels, but I am sending to you pure drinks from My Heavenly Oceans. O people, use what it is clean for you, donřt use dirty channels!ŗ
That is the summary of whole Heavenly Books: (They are) preventing people, not to be drunk, but to be awakening, to know from which channel they are drinking, he is drinking. Now all people (are) drinking from dirty channels…
Sometimes looking something (in the water)… making like this… pure water… They are so clean, but when they are asking to drink a vodka or champagne, (they are) never looking, what is in it: Ŗ One more, one more… one more…ŗ They are getting to be… barrel of wine… so dirty inside and their outside. Making their bodies so dirty and also making everything (that) belongs to their honor, making it to be dirty.
Therefore, when Mehdi Ŕ alayhi salam (is) coming, first of all (he is) making an order: ŖNo more! No anyone should drink!Ŗ If Jesus (is) coming after him, he is also saying that: ŖNo more drink of wines!ŗ Never, because it is from shaytanic channel, (the) dirty channel! Donřt use it, whom (they are) asking to be clean here and Hereafter!
O people, think something! Give some time, even very short time, for thinking on such a points! That (is) saving your physical being and (is) giving from Heavenly Lights on your face and to your hearts. ?May Allah forgive us and protect us, not to fall into dirty channels!
May Allah bless you and forgive me! For the honor of the most honoured one in His Divinely Presence, Sayyidina Muhammad Ŕ sallaLlahu alayhi wa sallam,
Sohbet-177 Sohbet from Sunday, 9.9.07
Beauty is a Heavenly Light from Allah granted to His good servants Or: Give more time for worshipping to be granted Heavenly Light and Happiness
As-salamu alaikum, welcome to you! Welcome to you, that Allah Almighty, His angels, (are) welcoming you! Try to be from those people, whom they should be welcomed! When they are leaving this life for eternal life, angels (are) coming and opening the doors of Eternal Life and inviting them, welcoming (them): ŖWelcome, good servant!ŗ
Audhu bi-llahi mina shaytani rajim Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim. Ya Rabbana, laka-l hamd! Hamdan daima mařa khuludik! Wa salatu wa salamu Řala Sayyidina Muhammadin wa Řala alihi wa sahbihi, haqqa qadrihi wa miqdarihi l-Řazim!
O people, ask forgiveness! Everyone needs to ask forgiveness from Allah Almighty, because we are doing something - Meded, ya Rijalallah - it is not so precious servanthood. We are doing servanthood on (the) last level of servant and we are giving our whole power or effort for dunya!
That is balařun Řazim, that is (the) biggest reason of cursing. If we can do, as we are doing for dunya, for Allah Almighty, this world (is) going to belike paradise! But believers, they are doing very weak obediency or servanthood, that is, (those,) whom they are saying: ŖWe are good servants.ŗ
You canřt say that: ŖI am a good servant!ŗ No one can claim (this), (there is) no any authority for anyone to say: ŖI am a good servant.ŗ Always you must look and you must say: ŖO our Lord, we are never able to worship to You!ŗ
Once Jesus Christ, always (he was) traveling… because Prophets, they have Heavenly Lights, (they are) enlightened from Heavens and that light or enlightening (is) just appearing on their faces… Also common people, whom they are trying to worship their Lord, it is going to appear on their faces lights or enlightening from Heavens…
People they are trying to be seen their faces beautiful or handsome or to be enlightened - for whom? For other people! Everybody likes to be seen by other people: ŖOhhhh, so handsome person… so beautiful lady!ŗ… They are using material aspects to show themselves beautiful or handsome - never!
Beauty or whom handsome (they are) from Heavens and Allah Almighty He is granting to His servants Lights from Heavens and Allah Almighty (is) enlightening His servants!
He likes that His servants to be seen and on their faces beauty appearance, He likes that. Anyone from rich people or sultans or kings or emperors, you canřt find among their soldiers or servants to be (someone) in an ugly face and dark face; you may see all of them so beautiful and handsome and their appearance (is) as an appearance of a hero and heavenly Light (is) just seen on their faces. They are using, a king around himself, staff; everyone that belongs to
(a) king or sultan, to be their faces good face, enlightened, not to be hated. Not to be hated ones, no, everyone may look to them and may feel through their hearts satisfaction and more love and loyalty to their kings. That is important. And Allah Almighty He likes that His servants to be seen as much as possible beautiful or handsome and to be seen on their faces beauty and lightening.
Therefore, now - such a people before our time, they were so many, but now those people they are all of them hidden, hidden… so that (there are) so many ugly faces, dark faces, darkness through their faces, filling everywhere and they are saying: ŖWe are on Divinely service!ŗ Canřt be! Canřt be! Whom they are belonging (to the) Divinely service, must be enlightened, (and the) hearts of people (are) attracted by themselves.
Therefore, we as much as giving much more time, perhaps fully our time, for the Heavenly service of Allah Almighty and His Divinely service, you should be seen Řheybetř, glory on themselves, and (their) faces (are) enlightening.
Jesus Christ was traveling… whole Prophets (were) traveling, because people mostly they are ignorant. Ignorant ones, if they are hearing something advertised by Shaytan, they may run: ŖOh, coming a famous pianist… a famous professor…(?) a famous that and this…ŗ - (and they are) running to see, to meet them. But for Heavenly people even their hairs (are) not moving, saying: ŖEh!ŗ
Therefore you are looking, every day you may see in TV that some person, someone (is) coming, (that,) if you are looking (to) his face, (there is) nothing on his face, only (the) signs of… shaytanic signs on that man or woman! They are beginning to sing or to play on their instruments Ŕ ohhh - thousands of people (are) getting up and sitting down…
That means, people commonly (are) going to be (for) Shaytanřs service; they are only making everything for Shaytan, nothing for Allah, therefore they are so, so ugly faces and so bad voices… they are shouting, and they are dancing, playing... such a dirty actions they are doing…
Jesus Christ… because people, from beginning up today, they like to be for Shaytan; it is lovely for common people to follow shaytanic people…shaytanic people, whom they are belonging to Shaytan…
Jesus Christ - (Allah) dressing him dress of honor and dress of glory and he was protected in his secretness, Allah (was) protecting him- once he was traveling, to meet some people, (that) may be interested with him.
One day he reached to a place on (a) mountain and (he was) looking and seeing one Řabid; Řabid means, (some)one whom they are giving themselves only for their Lords service… like monks; they are trying to imitate real one, but they are so far away… far away… He met a person, sitting on earth and praying.
Then Jesus Christ (was) asking to him: ŖWho are you?ŗ and he was saying: ŖO Jesus Christ! How you are asking my name? Why you are not asking that I am (not?) saying to you: How you are here, O Jesus Christ? Why you are not asking this and you are saying: ŘHow are you?ř I am saying about yourself that you are Jesus Christ - you are not knowing, who am I?ŗ
He said: ŖYes, I know, but I donřt like to show you something that without Heavenly Permission I canřt do. Therefore I am asking you, who are you.ŗ
And that monk or Řabid, praying person, was saying: ŗI am also a weak servant of my Lord.ŗ
ŖWhat are you doing here?ŗ Such a questions that Prophets (are) asking, it is for taŘlim, (for) teaching and also (for) training…
ŖI am here, trying to do something for my Lord, Allah Almighty.ŗ ŖOhhh! How many years you are here?ŗ ŖI am here about 700 years.ŗ ŖWhere is your home?ŗ He is saying: ŖI am here only, I am not in need to build a house, even (only) one room.Ŗ
Asking Isa, Jesus Christ: ŖYou are not going to build a building for yourself. But for protection from (the) sun or protection from (the) cold, you may do at least one small hut! Here you are living so many years, there is seasons, changing, sometimes it is hot season, sometimes it is cold season, and sometimes (it is) raining, sometimes shining sun… you are not in need?ŗ
(He was) saying: ŖNo, no time for me! No time for me to build anything, because just I have (been) informed… some of my Lords special servants, some Prophets, just met me and they are giving good tidings to me that I am going to live only 700 years… and 700 years it is not so long life, therefore I am… not enough time to build anything here... I am sitting here, day and night, under (the) sun shining, under (the) snowing - never changing… I am happy, because (I have) no time to put one brick on another brick for a building…ŗ
Then Jesus Christ was saying: ŖOh, that is… that person (is a) real one, who (is) working or who (is) doing his best to make his Lord pleased with him!ŗ
That is (the) most important aim for people: to try to make pleased their Lord from him, but people (are) running away… and (they are) asking to be pleased! If anyone (is) running away, not to make pleased their Lord, they (are) never going to be pleased through their lives! That is (the) Divinely Judgment: ŖWho (is) trying to make Me happy, pleased with him, I am making that servant through this life to be happy and pleased! Who is trying to give Me pleasure, I am also granting to be that servant always in pleasure!ŗ
That is (an) unchangeable balance to be known, to be worked on it!
Then Jesus Christ was saying: ŖOhhh…ŗ, he was making like this… ŖYou are saying, O my Lords servant, you are saying (that) 700 years only you are living and you are not looking and seeing to build even a very simple hut… I am wondering and thinking that when (the) Last Days (are) approaching, Allah Almighty (is) sending the Seal of Prophets, Sayyidina Muhammad Ŕ sallaLlahu alayhi wa sallam,
and his nationsř ages (are) never getting much more than 60 or 70ŗ - very few ones (are) getting up - Ŗand they are building such a buildings, as Nimrod just built, a tower, they should try to make to build such a buildings…ŗ
-Subhanallah! Before 2000 years ago that news (was) coming that (it is) reaching to me also such a knowledge… Subhanallah! - Surprising Jesus Christ and saying. ŖYou are saying this and the Seal of Prophetřs umma, their lives, (is) going to be between 60 and 70 years - what was you are going to do, if your life between 60 and 70 years?ŗ ŖO Jesus Christ! O Jesus Christ! That time I was making ŘAllahu akbarř, putting my head, bowing in (the) Divinely Presence for His Endless Glory, making one sajda and I was remaining there, till the Angel of Death (is) coming and taking my soul! Nothing else I am going to do, only one sajda and one bowing, (until) I am finishing…ŗ That ones that coming the Day of Resurrection and they are on sajda - Subhanallah!
Now what people (are) doing? They are so greedy; greedy to give even very short time for their Lord, to bow and to make sajda for Him!
What is your feeling or opinion, what you can say, what a big event should face the people of 21st century people? What you are saying?... Only cursing! Only cursing! Only cursing… till they are coming back, leaving Shaytan, then blessings (is) coming...
O people, keep yourself, give your Lords Rights through their times, donřt fear from anyone! Keep your worshipping and complete your servanthood as much as possible, then you should find that you are through your Lords Divine Protection -nothing can touch, nothing can harm you, here or Hereafter!
For the honor of the Seal of Prophets… Say: ŖAstaghfirullah, Astaghfirullah! Tubna wa rajana ilayka, ya Rabbana!ŗ
Bi hurmati man anzaltahu Řalayhi Suratu l-Fatiha. Sohbet-178 Suhba by Mawlana Shaykh Nazim al-Haqqani Lefke, 03.09.2007
`Ulumu l-Awwalin wa l-Akhirin
Dastur, ya Sayyidi! Madad ya Sultanu l-Awliya! Madad! As-salamun alaykum, ya `ibadaLlah! Assalamu alaykum!
Happy?.... Happy? Unhappy, Jahannam!! Unhappy people all will go to Jahannam!! .... Hafazana Allah! Happy people in Paradise! Allah, Allah.
Audhu bi-Llahi mina shaytani rajim Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahmim.
O our Lord, give Their protection on weak servants of You! are saying, You Allah Almighty saying: "Wa khuliqa l-insanu da'ifa" [Qur'an, 4:28], Allah Almighty saying that man created and he is weak! Weak! And we are thinking that we powerful.
So many mistakes of people now, so many mistakes and every mistake coming as a punishment on them... mistake carrying cursing truth carrying blessings but people... people making countless mistakes and he never saying "I made a mistake or I am on wrong way!" Always any everyone defending himself, defending himself saying "No! I am a truth one! I am not doing any wrong thing! My belief is that I am on true way!"
And now any proof of it how we are proving that we are true one or we are on true way and you are not making mistakes! You have any proof?? No! No one! But people thinking everyone of our egos saying egos every day is declaration "I am on true way! I am not doing wrong things! I haven't any mistake! I am pure and a while I am like so pure person like angels, angels flying with their wings. I may fly without wings... oh oh oh...
Madad, ya Sultanu l-Awliya! Ya Rabbana, laka l-hamd, hamdan da'iman ma` khuludik!
O our Lord, endless praisings for You! Countless glory oceans for You! Countless ilahi, Divenely Dominions for You! Those saying His people and He is looking. From where looking to you? From up, from down! There is six directions, from every direction may look, looking and seeing, seeing you through you. He is all, all in Him also... all things for Him and He is for all ones! Allah in all! And all in Allah! Nothing as Allah! Huuu! His dominions countless dominions!
What do you think if I am saying to you that Allah Almighty may put this world on a atom?! What is your opinion? Ahmet, nasil? What you are saying if I am saying Allah may put on board whole world on board on a atom. You are believing?? You must believe!! But how you can't ask! Allah Almighty never likes to be asked how happen this or what happen this. Allah Almighty never likes from his servants to say "Why happened this?" He never like this. No! And you can't ask how happening this!
Never likes that servant's asking to Him how happened this, why happening this? Now everything happening on earth without his will? And without his knowledge? He is not knowing what happening in Baghdad? Do you think that He is not knowing what is happening through or through West or through African deserts? Do you think that He is sleeping? Hasha! Do you think that His knowledge less than your knowledge? Biggest sin! Do you think that anyone preventing Him Almighty to do anything? No one! Do you think that your will covering His Will? Do you think that your technolojiyya over His Power? AstaghfiruLlah! Who granting man to think and to bring in existence technolojiyya, technology? Yes! Man they bringing through themselves. That is biggest ignorance. But people they are ignorant now.
Everyone likes to ask why happening this? Why happened that? And Allah Almighty just He sent His Prophets, and particularly the Seal of Prophets, most praised one in His Divinely Presence. Sayyidina Muhammad - peace to upon him - giving knowledge, `ulumu l- awwalina wa l-akhirin.
The Seal of Prophet, Sayyidina Muhammad - sallaLlahu alayhi wa sallam - he has been granted knowledge from beginning... from past times and past time when it... just it began, you know? You know? Who knowing? I am asking some people ... they are saying to me and I am asking what you studying... saying "history, I am in history branch of university". I am asking, "History, when it began?"
No answer! No answer! And some of them or mostly they are answering foolishly that our mentality never accepting that and I am asking what is history and what is its sources? Sources all events that happened before we are coming and borne now....
Now we are 2007 they are saying it is not a beginning and Egyptians saying that now their history just showing us and we are learning from past time ofour country. so many monuments that just built they are saying and claiming that we are first mentioned living on earth and history beginning from our country and first civilization just appeared in Egypt. They are saying this but they are not knowing that time what was the position of whole world! No! Now you may know through 21st century.
They are saying Russia! They are saying US! They are saying UK! They are saying Japan! You are knowing something about themselves because they are on same time now! You may know... connection between continents between... devletler, states but that time who was knowing in Egypt what happened in Asia, America or in Africa or Europe?! No! They want or they may claim that we are first nation whom just appeared on earth...
That is not the beginning also... it is not a beginning. before must be something else... Therefore, when we are saying "`ulumu l-awwalin" till the Seal of Prophets had been sent and giving honor by his existence on earth, countless nations just lived on earth who knows? He knows! And if He is giving a knowledge about past times just he granted to Sayyidina Muhammad - sallaLlahu alayhi wa sallam - the knowledge about past time but when you are saying past time beginning is important what is the beginning of past times and "`ulumu l-awwalin", the knowledge that belongs of past time. You may enter, enter deeply, deeply more, deeply through past time but I don't think that anyone reaching the beginning of past times. if only Allah Almighty granting from His Divinely Gift about some beginnings... may know something about But for the Seal of Prophets Sayyidina Muhammad - sallaLlahu alayhi wa sallam - He granted him whole past time, that beginning no one knowing except Allah Almighty. and also coming "`ulumu l-awwalin wa l-akhirin", He granted also who coming after his period his time whole world, whole world where it is going to be ended no one knowing also that is an ocean but that ocean only according to our understanding level...
He granted to Seal of Prophets most beloved servant but He giving only one little spot from an ocean, knowledge because whole nations can't carry that knowledge that granted to the Seal of Prophets and His oceans no one can enter in it and looking everywhere! Impossible! And when Allah Almighty saying "`ulumu l-awwalin wa l-akhirin", just I granted to my most beloved most praised servant from knowledge he is going to be an ocean and
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ed…(they) had been saved…
Now people, democracy, (are the) same; they canřt get out from problems and they canřt be able to reach to a new situation; they canřt be able to save themselves from problems and miseries and sufferings, they canřt be able!
70 times they may do elections, (but the) same mentality (is) coming, nothing happened. And Allah Almighty (is) saying: ŖAlaysa fikum rajulun Rashid? O people, you are not looking (for) a perfect mind people?ŗ A perfect mind people means (someone,) who is going to be in connection with Heavenly Stations. You must look such a person! If you are not looking such a person, you are going to finish, as the Children of Israel just finished and a new generation, that they are asking Řrajulun rashidř, a perfect man, that he is in connection with Heavenly Station, they should be saved!
Now whole people should die… only (a) handful (of) people (are) going to stay… (those,) whom they are running to a Řrajulun rashidř, a perfect one… First Mehdi - Řalayhi salam - (is) coming…
(It is) impossible without asking a perfect man! A perfect man, who is (in) full connection with Heavenly Stations. If you are not asking such a person, you should be finished.
May Allah forgive us! O people, look after such a person!... They are hidden now, but if you are asking and saying: ŖCome, we are following you!ŗ, they may come! As long as people (are) not asking about them, they are saying nothing… They are sitting and (they are) hidden…
May Allah forgive us and send us (a) Řrajulun rashidř, a perfect one, who is in perfect connection with Heavenly Stations!
For the honour of (the) most honoured one, Sayyidina Muhammad Ŕ sallaLlahu Řalayhi wa sallam - in (the) Divine Presence,
Fatiha. Sohbet-176 ohbet from Sunday, 02.09.07
Two kinds of water: Pure, blessed water from Heavens and dirty water from Shaytan‟ s sewage
As-salamu alaikum! Huuu, Huuu... Audhu bi-llahi mina shaytani rajim Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim
La haula wa la quwatta ill bi-llahi l-Aliyyi l-ŘAzim
O our Lord! We are asking Your Heavenly Support to Your weak servants! We are weak servants and we are running to You, O our Lord, from Shaytan and shaytanic people, whom they surround to Shaytan, surrender to Shaytan. Shaytan (is) asking to make you from his group. May Allah forgive us and protect…
Audhu bi-llahi mina shaytani rajim La haula wa la quwatta illa bi-llahi l-Aliyyi l-ŘAzim.
We are weak ones, therefore you must ask Allah Almightyřs Power to reach to you. Which way (is) using Allah Almighty to send His Divinely Support? Under roads or streets there are two channels: one channel (is) carrying dirty water, and (a) second (channel is) carrying clean water…
Meded, ya Sultanu-l Awliya! We are not ignorant people, not to understand what is clean, what is dirty! Everyone may understand quickly. And His Divinely Support (is) running to people to those, whom they are following Prophets. And Prophets (are) bringing clean water from (the) spring.
And (the) second channel is (carrying) dirty (water) that (is) coming from homes and (that is) running through streets down.
Clean waters (are) entering homes, dirty waters (are) running away from houses. Even (a) house is unhappy to keep dirty water in it, but it likes to keep clean water in it - but dirty waters, (it is) never asking, (it is) asking to put (them) in channels, to run away…
Therefore, real life, as Allah Almighty (is) saying, Allah Almighty created everything from pure water. Pure water, everything (is) coming from pure water: Ŗ…wa jaŘalna min al-maři kulla shayřin hayy…!ŗ Allah Almighty (is) saying: ŖWe did everything in existence from clean water.ŗ Therefore keep clean water lines that (are) running into you as (they are) running through your home. That is important. Clean waters (are) from Heavens, dirty channels (are) from Shaytan.
Allah Almighty (is) teaching His servants to: Ŗ... wa-drib lahum mathalan… Give them examples, O My beloved servant, make for them, to understand what clean water (is) doing, through bringing (an) example.ŗ For example: Ŗ… wa-drib lahum mathalan…ŗ make for them (an) example, because (an) example (is) making you to understand everything quickly.
Yes, therefore, you must try to understand: If clean water makes ourselves to be happy, to be healthy - He is giving us examples: This is water, that is water. Clean water and dirty water channels, running from East to West, from North to South. Look, all holy Books (are) saying this: Ŗ…wa-drib lahum mathalan…ŗ ŖO my Prophet, give them examples, to understand what We mean to say!ŗ
Yes, therefore, it is an example: O people, if you are using dirty water, even plants or grass or trees (are) never growing up, because dirty water (is) full with poison; (it is) poisoned water. And (the) poisoned water spring that (is) running on earth, running after mankind, that is Shaytanřs channel! Shaytanřs channel (is) always dirty and poisoned, donřt use it! Allah (is) saying, (the)
Almighty: ŖUse clean water!ŗ Even… therefore I am never happy that people drinks from bottled water, no! It is also a kind of dirtiness, that Shaytan (is) making it, not to give any benefit to our physical being. They are saying: ŖWe are purifying water.ŗ It is against the reality, because they are not purifying. The Lord of Heavens just prepared water for mankind and other living creatures.
They may use it, but I donřt think that any creature (is) drinking from dirty water - (they are) running away (from it), only mankind they are not thinking on it, to say: ŖThis (is) so dirty smelling!ŗ Why (Allah is) giving this for us? Why (is He) giving (us the) eyes, why (he is) giving (us the) tongue? Your eyes (are) looking and seeing a dirty colour- leave it! You may taste and you are going to taste something, it is so dirty, making your stomach to get out - leave it! From this point even water, bottled water, it is a shaytanic way to harm people, to harm their health, to harm everything from mankind!
What about if bottled water is prohibited to be drunk? Heavenly warning: ŖDonřt use bottled water!ŗ Donřt look, what they are making, so many advertisement on it, donřt believe! You must know that if something (is) getting too much advertised, that means, Shaytan (is) asking to cheat people and to harmpeople!
Up today we are not seeing a water it is written on it and to put on bottles to be said: ŖThis is famous water, this is such and such…ŗ no, but Shaytan, for harming people, (is) making this bottled water also.
What about drinks? ŖO Sheikh, (it is) so tasteful to drink Coca-Cola…ŗ ŖNo, Sir, Pepsi Cola is much better I think…ŗ ŖI donřt think! Pepsi-Cola may be faster for harming (your) body, but Coca-Cola (is) making everything in such a way that man (is) loosing himself and never tasting after that anything…ŗ
What about wines that Allah Almighty making it haram, forbidden, forbidden, forbidden…! ŖDoesnřt matter, o Sheikh, if we are drinking beer…ŗ
ŖWhat is that?ŗ
ŖIt is not from grapes, it is only from barley…ŗ ŖHmmm, why not you are eating barley?ŗ ŖWe canřt eat, because only donkeys may eat (that); they have big teeth and they are very happy, but if we are trying to eat,we canřt eat. Therefore we are boiling it, making so many things, making this beeeeer and saying: ŖYou must drink beeeeer every day, to loose or to forget everything, every day…ŗ
I am saying only this: ŖFor what?ŗ
ŖBecause we canřt eat barley through our teeth… therefore we are asking to do something from beer, to make, to keep our teeth…ŗ
What about alcohol? (It is) harming (our) body or not? Which doctor or physician
may say that to drink wines doesnřt matter? Who may say, ŖDoesnřt matter!ŗ? ŖHow you are saying, doesnřt matter?ŗ ŖIt is good for sometimes.ŗ ŖFor what?ŗ ŖBecause sometimes man (is) in need to shout like a cock: kukurukuuu, but (he) canřt say this, (but) when (he is) drinking, (he) may say (it)! That is one benefit, therefore they must drink!ŗ
Every harmful drink (is from the) shaytanic source, from shaytanic sources, from dirty channels, sewage channels, but whole people (are) drinking. They are saying: Ŗ(It) doesnřt matter, Sheikh, a little bit we may enjoy ourselves!ŗ
If you are asking to enjoy yourself, go to (the) stable of donkeys, make there… you should be very happy… (it is) enjoyful, their place also, because they are eating barley… Barley eating, therefore they are very strong, because they are working daytime…
ŖHaaa! Therefore we must drink this, to be much more powerful daytime for working!ŗ Man tashabbaha bi qaumin, fahuwa minhum… which (one is) going to make himself as any creature, he is going to be from that creature… Therefore who (is) very happy to drink beeeeer… that animal also, they are so happy to eat it and you are going to be like animals…Donkeys, they are very happy to drink or to eat, but you canřt eat, you can drink... then you are going to be on (the) same level of donkeys…
Dirty channel! Putting so many advertising also… Walky, Johnny Walker…look, how he is moving!... I am saying write under it: ŘLike donkeysř, they are coming so powerful… look, 80 years person, how he is walking!… Because they are using too much beeeeer. Beer for Germans, whiskey for English people, champagne for French people, and vodka for Russians... yes? Yes. Eh, our people also, they are going to be like Western people… ŖWe are now Western Muslims!ŗ
I am asking: ŖWestern Muslim? How it can be? Kufr maŘa l-Iman? They are unbelievers, (and) you are running to be like unbelievers - how you are going to be believers?ŗ ŖDoesnřt matter! We are producing millions or thousand hectares and we are planting barley, therefore we must look a market for our barley, because it is too much for our donkeys… and we are asking two legs creatures to eat and drink its water…ŗ
From where (this is coming)? That advertisement (is) Shaytanřs advertising: People (are) drunk and (it) doesnřt matter…
Islam is (a) pure religion, pure, most pure, purest and most clean - come and drink! If not, you are going to be… Now, what they are doing, you know?... When they are going to fight, they must drink from dirty channels of Shaytan, to forget and to see themselves so hero!
Once a mouse (was) falling in a barrel of wine. It was drinking, drinking… (and)
asking to get out. (It was) getting out and it was calling: ŖWhere is those… our enemies, cats? May come here! I am now not like cat, I am now like lion! Where they are?ŗ
Like this (drinks are) making people: ŖWhere is that angels, coming to take my soul? I am here, keeping my sword! If (they are) coming, I am cutting their heads!ŗ
(He) may say (this), because he is drunk, like that mouse (that was) falling in (a) barrel of wine… Making people to be in such a way, that drinks!
Therefore it is also from Shaytan, from shaytanic dirty channels!
(The) Heavenly Order to whole nations (is): ŖDonřt drink from dirty channels, but I am sending to you pure drinks from My Heavenly Oceans. O people, use what it is clean for you, donřt use dirty channels!ŗ
That is the summary of whole Heavenly Books: (They are) preventing people, not to be drunk, but to be awakening, to know from which channel they are drinking, he is drinking. Now all people (are) drinking from dirty channels…
Sometimes looking something (in the water)… making like this… pure water… They are so clean, but when they are asking to drink a vodka or champagne, (they are) never looking, what is in it: Ŗ One more, one more… one more…ŗ They are getting to be… barrel of wine… so dirty inside and their outside. Making their bodies so dirty and also making everything (that) belongs to their honor, making it to be dirty.
Therefore, when Mehdi Ŕ alayhi salam (is) coming, first of all (he is) making an order: ŖNo more! No anyone should drink!Ŗ If Jesus (is) coming after him, he is also saying that: ŖNo more drink of wines!ŗ Never, because it is from shaytanic channel, (the) dirty channel! Donřt use it, whom (they are) asking to be clean here and Hereafter!
O people, think something! Give some time, even very short time, for thinking on such a points! That (is) saving your physical being and (is) giving from Heavenly Lights on your face and to your hearts. ?May Allah forgive us and protect us, not to fall into dirty channels!
May Allah bless you and forgive me! For the honor of the most honoured one in His Divinely Presence, Sayyidina Muhammad Ŕ sallaLlahu alayhi wa sallam,
Sohbet-177 Sohbet from Sunday, 9.9.07
Beauty is a Heavenly Light from Allah granted to His good servants Or: Give more time for worshipping to be granted Heavenly Light and Happiness
As-salamu alaikum, welcome to you! Welcome to you, that Allah Almighty, His angels, (are) welcoming you! Try to be from those people, whom they should be welcomed! When they are leaving this life for eternal life, angels (are) coming and opening the doors of Eternal Life and inviting them, welcoming (them): ŖWelcome, good servant!ŗ
Audhu bi-llahi mina shaytani rajim Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim. Ya Rabbana, laka-l hamd! Hamdan daima mařa khuludik! Wa salatu wa salamu Řala Sayyidina Muhammadin wa Řala alihi wa sahbihi, haqqa qadrihi wa miqdarihi l-Řazim!
O people, ask forgiveness! Everyone needs to ask forgiveness from Allah Almighty, because we are doing something - Meded, ya Rijalallah - it is not so precious servanthood. We are doing servanthood on (the) last level of servant and we are giving our whole power or effort for dunya!
That is balařun Řazim, that is (the) biggest reason of cursing. If we can do, as we are doing for dunya, for Allah Almighty, this world (is) going to belike paradise! But believers, they are doing very weak obediency or servanthood, that is, (those,) whom they are saying: ŖWe are good servants.ŗ
You canřt say that: ŖI am a good servant!ŗ No one can claim (this), (there is) no any authority for anyone to say: ŖI am a good servant.ŗ Always you must look and you must say: ŖO our Lord, we are never able to worship to You!ŗ
Once Jesus Christ, always (he was) traveling… because Prophets, they have Heavenly Lights, (they are) enlightened from Heavens and that light or enlightening (is) just appearing on their faces… Also common people, whom they are trying to worship their Lord, it is going to appear on their faces lights or enlightening from Heavens…
People they are trying to be seen their faces beautiful or handsome or to be enlightened - for whom? For other people! Everybody likes to be seen by other people: ŖOhhhh, so handsome person… so beautiful lady!ŗ… They are using material aspects to show themselves beautiful or handsome - never!
Beauty or whom handsome (they are) from Heavens and Allah Almighty He is granting to His servants Lights from Heavens and Allah Almighty (is) enlightening His servants!
He likes that His servants to be seen and on their faces beauty appearance, He likes that. Anyone from rich people or sultans or kings or emperors, you canřt find among their soldiers or servants to be (someone) in an ugly face and dark face; you may see all of them so beautiful and handsome and their appearance (is) as an appearance of a hero and heavenly Light (is) just seen on their faces. They are using, a king around himself, staff; everyone that belongs to
(a) king or sultan, to be their faces good face, enlightened, not to be hated. Not to be hated ones, no, everyone may look to them and may feel through their hearts satisfaction and more love and loyalty to their kings. That is important. And Allah Almighty He likes that His servants to be seen as much as possible beautiful or handsome and to be seen on their faces beauty and lightening.
Therefore, now - such a people before our time, they were so many, but now those people they are all of them hidden, hidden… so that (there are) so many ugly faces, dark faces, darkness through their faces, filling everywhere and they are saying: ŖWe are on Divinely service!ŗ Canřt be! Canřt be! Whom they are belonging (to the) Divinely service, must be enlightened, (and the) hearts of people (are) attracted by themselves.
Therefore, we as much as giving much more time, perhaps fully our time, for the Heavenly service of Allah Almighty and His Divinely service, you should be seen Řheybetř, glory on themselves, and (their) faces (are) enlightening.
Jesus Christ was traveling… whole Prophets (were) traveling, because people mostly they are ignorant. Ignorant ones, if they are hearing something advertised by Shaytan, they may run: ŖOh, coming a famous pianist… a famous professor…(?) a famous that and this…ŗ - (and they are) running to see, to meet them. But for Heavenly people even their hairs (are) not moving, saying: ŖEh!ŗ
Therefore you are looking, every day you may see in TV that some person, someone (is) coming, (that,) if you are looking (to) his face, (there is) nothing on his face, only (the) signs of… shaytanic signs on that man or woman! They are beginning to sing or to play on their instruments Ŕ ohhh - thousands of people (are) getting up and sitting down…
That means, people commonly (are) going to be (for) Shaytanřs service; they are only making everything for Shaytan, nothing for Allah, therefore they are so, so ugly faces and so bad voices… they are shouting, and they are dancing, playing... such a dirty actions they are doing…
Jesus Christ… because people, from beginning up today, they like to be for Shaytan; it is lovely for common people to follow shaytanic people…shaytanic people, whom they are belonging to Shaytan…
Jesus Christ - (Allah) dressing him dress of honor and dress of glory and he was protected in his secretness, Allah (was) protecting him- once he was traveling, to meet some people, (that) may be interested with him.
One day he reached to a place on (a) mountain and (he was) looking and seeing one Řabid; Řabid means, (some)one whom they are giving themselves only for their Lords service… like monks; they are trying to imitate real one, but they are so far away… far away… He met a person, sitting on earth and praying.
Then Jesus Christ (was) asking to him: ŖWho are you?ŗ and he was saying: ŖO Jesus Christ! How you are asking my name? Why you are not asking that I am (not?) saying to you: How you are here, O Jesus Christ? Why you are not asking this and you are saying: ŘHow are you?ř I am saying about yourself that you are Jesus Christ - you are not knowing, who am I?ŗ
He said: ŖYes, I know, but I donřt like to show you something that without Heavenly Permission I canřt do. Therefore I am asking you, who are you.ŗ
And that monk or Řabid, praying person, was saying: ŗI am also a weak servant of my Lord.ŗ
ŖWhat are you doing here?ŗ Such a questions that Prophets (are) asking, it is for taŘlim, (for) teaching and also (for) training…
ŖI am here, trying to do something for my Lord, Allah Almighty.ŗ ŖOhhh! How many years you are here?ŗ ŖI am here about 700 years.ŗ ŖWhere is your home?ŗ He is saying: ŖI am here only, I am not in need to build a house, even (only) one room.Ŗ
Asking Isa, Jesus Christ: ŖYou are not going to build a building for yourself. But for protection from (the) sun or protection from (the) cold, you may do at least one small hut! Here you are living so many years, there is seasons, changing, sometimes it is hot season, sometimes it is cold season, and sometimes (it is) raining, sometimes shining sun… you are not in need?ŗ
(He was) saying: ŖNo, no time for me! No time for me to build anything, because just I have (been) informed… some of my Lords special servants, some Prophets, just met me and they are giving good tidings to me that I am going to live only 700 years… and 700 years it is not so long life, therefore I am… not enough time to build anything here... I am sitting here, day and night, under (the) sun shining, under (the) snowing - never changing… I am happy, because (I have) no time to put one brick on another brick for a building…ŗ
Then Jesus Christ was saying: ŖOh, that is… that person (is a) real one, who (is) working or who (is) doing his best to make his Lord pleased with him!ŗ
That is (the) most important aim for people: to try to make pleased their Lord from him, but people (are) running away… and (they are) asking to be pleased! If anyone (is) running away, not to make pleased their Lord, they (are) never going to be pleased through their lives! That is (the) Divinely Judgment: ŖWho (is) trying to make Me happy, pleased with him, I am making that servant through this life to be happy and pleased! Who is trying to give Me pleasure, I am also granting to be that servant always in pleasure!ŗ
That is (an) unchangeable balance to be known, to be worked on it!
Then Jesus Christ was saying: ŖOhhh…ŗ, he was making like this… ŖYou are saying, O my Lords servant, you are saying (that) 700 years only you are living and you are not looking and seeing to build even a very simple hut… I am wondering and thinking that when (the) Last Days (are) approaching, Allah Almighty (is) sending the Seal of Prophets, Sayyidina Muhammad Ŕ sallaLlahu alayhi wa sallam,
and his nationsř ages (are) never getting much more than 60 or 70ŗ - very few ones (are) getting up - Ŗand they are building such a buildings, as Nimrod just built, a tower, they should try to make to build such a buildings…ŗ
-Subhanallah! Before 2000 years ago that news (was) coming that (it is) reaching to me also such a knowledge… Subhanallah! - Surprising Jesus Christ and saying. ŖYou are saying this and the Seal of Prophetřs umma, their lives, (is) going to be between 60 and 70 years - what was you are going to do, if your life between 60 and 70 years?ŗ ŖO Jesus Christ! O Jesus Christ! That time I was making ŘAllahu akbarř, putting my head, bowing in (the) Divinely Presence for His Endless Glory, making one sajda and I was remaining there, till the Angel of Death (is) coming and taking my soul! Nothing else I am going to do, only one sajda and one bowing, (until) I am finishing…ŗ That ones that coming the Day of Resurrection and they are on sajda - Subhanallah!
Now what people (are) doing? They are so greedy; greedy to give even very short time for their Lord, to bow and to make sajda for Him!
What is your feeling or opinion, what you can say, what a big event should face the people of 21st century people? What you are saying?... Only cursing! Only cursing! Only cursing… till they are coming back, leaving Shaytan, then blessings (is) coming...
O people, keep yourself, give your Lords Rights through their times, donřt fear from anyone! Keep your worshipping and complete your servanthood as much as possible, then you should find that you are through your Lords Divine Protection -nothing can touch, nothing can harm you, here or Hereafter!
For the honor of the Seal of Prophets… Say: ŖAstaghfirullah, Astaghfirullah! Tubna wa rajana ilayka, ya Rabbana!ŗ
Bi hurmati man anzaltahu Řalayhi Suratu l-Fatiha. Sohbet-178 Suhba by Mawlana Shaykh Nazim al-Haqqani Lefke, 03.09.2007
`Ulumu l-Awwalin wa l-Akhirin
Dastur, ya Sayyidi! Madad ya Sultanu l-Awliya! Madad! As-salamun alaykum, ya `ibadaLlah! Assalamu alaykum!
Happy?.... Happy? Unhappy, Jahannam!! Unhappy people all will go to Jahannam!! .... Hafazana Allah! Happy people in Paradise! Allah, Allah.
Audhu bi-Llahi mina shaytani rajim Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahmim.
O our Lord, give Their protection on weak servants of You! are saying, You Allah Almighty saying: "Wa khuliqa l-insanu da'ifa" [Qur'an, 4:28], Allah Almighty saying that man created and he is weak! Weak! And we are thinking that we powerful.
So many mistakes of people now, so many mistakes and every mistake coming as a punishment on them... mistake carrying cursing truth carrying blessings but people... people making countless mistakes and he never saying "I made a mistake or I am on wrong way!" Always any everyone defending himself, defending himself saying "No! I am a truth one! I am not doing any wrong thing! My belief is that I am on true way!"
And now any proof of it how we are proving that we are true one or we are on true way and you are not making mistakes! You have any proof?? No! No one! But people thinking everyone of our egos saying egos every day is declaration "I am on true way! I am not doing wrong things! I haven't any mistake! I am pure and a while I am like so pure person like angels, angels flying with their wings. I may fly without wings... oh oh oh...
Madad, ya Sultanu l-Awliya! Ya Rabbana, laka l-hamd, hamdan da'iman ma` khuludik!
O our Lord, endless praisings for You! Countless glory oceans for You! Countless ilahi, Divenely Dominions for You! Those saying His people and He is looking. From where looking to you? From up, from down! There is six directions, from every direction may look, looking and seeing, seeing you through you. He is all, all in Him also... all things for Him and He is for all ones! Allah in all! And all in Allah! Nothing as Allah! Huuu! His dominions countless dominions!
What do you think if I am saying to you that Allah Almighty may put this world on a atom?! What is your opinion? Ahmet, nasil? What you are saying if I am saying Allah may put on board whole world on board on a atom. You are believing?? You must believe!! But how you can't ask! Allah Almighty never likes to be asked how happen this or what happen this. Allah Almighty never likes from his servants to say "Why happened this?" He never like this. No! And you can't ask how happening this!
Never likes that servant's asking to Him how happened this, why happening this? Now everything happening on earth without his will? And without his knowledge? He is not knowing what happening in Baghdad? Do you think that He is not knowing what is happening through or through West or through African deserts? Do you think that He is sleeping? Hasha! Do you think that His knowledge less than your knowledge? Biggest sin! Do you think that anyone preventing Him Almighty to do anything? No one! Do you think that your will covering His Will? Do you think that your technolojiyya over His Power? AstaghfiruLlah! Who granting man to think and to bring in existence technolojiyya, technology? Yes! Man they bringing through themselves. That is biggest ignorance. But people they are ignorant now.
Everyone likes to ask why happening this? Why happened that? And Allah Almighty just He sent His Prophets, and particularly the Seal of Prophets, most praised one in His Divinely Presence. Sayyidina Muhammad - peace to upon him - giving knowledge, `ulumu l- awwalina wa l-akhirin.
The Seal of Prophet, Sayyidina Muhammad - sallaLlahu alayhi wa sallam - he has been granted knowledge from beginning... from past times and past time when it... just it began, you know? You know? Who knowing? I am asking some people ... they are saying to me and I am asking what you studying... saying "history, I am in history branch of university". I am asking, "History, when it began?"
No answer! No answer! And some of them or mostly they are answering foolishly that our mentality never accepting that and I am asking what is history and what is its sources? Sources all events that happened before we are coming and borne now....
Now we are 2007 they are saying it is not a beginning and Egyptians saying that now their history just showing us and we are learning from past time ofour country. so many monuments that just built they are saying and claiming that we are first mentioned living on earth and history beginning from our country and first civilization just appeared in Egypt. They are saying this but they are not knowing that time what was the position of whole world! No! Now you may know through 21st century.
They are saying Russia! They are saying US! They are saying UK! They are saying Japan! You are knowing something about themselves because they are on same time now! You may know... connection between continents between... devletler, states but that time who was knowing in Egypt what happened in Asia, America or in Africa or Europe?! No! They want or they may claim that we are first nation whom just appeared on earth...
That is not the beginning also... it is not a beginning. before must be something else... Therefore, when we are saying "`ulumu l-awwalin" till the Seal of Prophets had been sent and giving honor by his existence on earth, countless nations just lived on earth who knows? He knows! And if He is giving a knowledge about past times just he granted to Sayyidina Muhammad - sallaLlahu alayhi wa sallam - the knowledge about past time but when you are saying past time beginning is important what is the beginning of past times and "`ulumu l-awwalin", the knowledge that belongs of past time. You may enter, enter deeply, deeply more, deeply through past time but I don't think that anyone reaching the beginning of past times. if only Allah Almighty granting from His Divinely Gift about some beginnings... may know something about But for the Seal of Prophets Sayyidina Muhammad - sallaLlahu alayhi wa sallam - He granted him whole past time, that beginning no one knowing except Allah Almighty. and also coming "`ulumu l-awwalin wa l-akhirin", He granted also who coming after his period his time whole world, whole world where it is going to be ended no one knowing also that is an ocean but that ocean only according to our understanding level...
He granted to Seal of Prophets most beloved servant but He giving only one little spot from an ocean, knowledge because whole nations can't carry that knowledge that granted to the Seal of Prophets and His oceans no one can enter in it and looking everywhere! Impossible! And when Allah Almighty saying "`ulumu l-awwalin wa l-akhirin", just I granted to my most beloved most praised servant from knowledge he is going to be an ocean and
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