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313 Suhbat of Mawlana Shaykh Nazim (1195 pages, 65/120)
ir feet! (If they are) saying: ŖStop, donřt go anythingŗ - from East to West every instrument that belongs to technology, (is) stopping… (And people are) making like this… like that… saying: ŖWhat happened?ŗ ŖAsk someone else…ŗ

Awliya, 100 % they are obedient to their Lord! What He is ordering, they are fulfilling, completing (it), as He likes!

(It is) according to our capacity. Even an ant may do its importance, as its Creator (is) asking (it) to do. They have much more honour from those foolish mankind that they are not knowing, who created them and who (is) giving them (the) authority, who is opening a power station (for them) to do, what they like: that is technology; and that (is) based on electricity. One way from Heavenly Authority (has been) granted to mankind and everything (is) going to appear, to work by electricity.

People (are) saying: ŖOhhhh, so…!ŗ Computers and internet… email… flying gigantic planes… running on oceans big aircrafts, like islands… (they are all) only depending on that (power)! Even some of them (that are) just working by atomic power, (that) atomic power also depends on that power! If (they are) closing down that power, one of those awliyas, just finished everything! Finished!

Why you are not asking such a people, if you need something? Why you are not asking? And why you are not looking after such a special servants, whom they have been dressed from Divinely Presence? They have been dressed a power with an honour, because every power that you are carrying, (is) giving to you an honour.

(The) whole (of) creation (is) under the control of the Seal of Prophets! The power, the secret power that (has been) granted to Sayyidina Muhammad - sallaLlahu Řalayhi wa sallam - that (is) commanding and directing (the) whole universe! May be universe, thousands of universes, under his control! Rasulullah - sallaLlahu Řalayhi wa sallam! You must know his rank!

Any ordinary person, when he is going to be obedient to his Creator, (he is also) granted such a power… and slowly (it is) growing up, then he can do, what Allah Almighty (is) ordering to him. He is not doing by himself anything, no, no!

An ant, it is doing, what its Creator (is) ordering to it. A small ant (is) running on a direction that its Creator (is) directing it - (but) now people are so proud; they (are) never asking to be directed, (and) therefore even (the) Muslim World, they are not running to be under their Lordřs, their Creatorřs, direction that (is) directing them, (but they are) coming against (it), coming opposite.

Therefore Ŗ…la khayru fihim…ŗ, therefore mankind, they are in a big danger! A terrible future, they are approaching to that direction!

Allah Almighty (is) preventing them, not to go in that direction, Allah Almighty (is) directing whole nations through (the) Holy Quran, but (the) nations are saying… including our foolish Muslim World also, they are not looking to follow what their Lord (is) directing them (to)! They are directing themselves towards Western countries and technology, they are making…, bowing to technologia, not bowing to the Lordřs of Heavens Directing!

Therefore their honour (is) finished! They should kill each other! Because ŖZahara-l fasadu fi l-barri wa-l bahr fima kasabat aydi n-naas…ŗ; that is, (the) whole world now (is) in a big chaos! It is impossible to get out, if they are not coming back and following the direction of Heavens that the Lord of Heavens (is) directing them (to)! Therefore (the) punishment (is) just approaching to them… step by step, step by step… (they) should be taken away…

O people! Therefore, at least you must say… for every movement or for every effort, for every work (that) you are asking to do, to say: ŖBismillahir Rahmanir Rahim!ŗ Donřt do anything without saying: ŖBismillahir Rahmanir Rahimŗ! And ŖBismillahir Rahmanir Rahimŗ (is) protecting you and correcting your advances; correcting, not leaving you, to run against (the) direction of Heavens directing them!

That is the reason that Allah Almighty (is) ordering: ŖKunu mařa sadiqin! O My servants, (I am) asking true ones, asking obedient ones, asking perfect ones! And try to be with him! To be with him, to obey to him, your obedience to him, it is obedience to Me, you canřt be on (the) wrong way, you should be on (the) right way, you should be true ones also! To be true ones helps you here and Hereafter, nothing else!

ŘYauma yanfaŘu s-sadiqina sidquhum…ř (The) only thing from servants that should

give to them benefit and should be helping them here and Hereafter that is: To be true ones and to follow true ones!

May Allah forgive us!

It is (a) holy month; try to make your direction, as our Lord directed for us to follow it! Donřt quarrel, donřt do sins! Try to be a true one, try to be a good one, try to be an acceptable servant, try to reach an acceptable service in (the) Divinely Presence! I am asking forgiveness and Allah blessing you!

For the honour of (the) most honoured servant, (the) most obedient, (the) most praised, (the) most glorified servant in His Divinely Presence, Sayyidina Muhammad - sallaLlahu Řalayhi wa sallam -, Fatiha!

Tauba ya Rabbi! Tauba, ya Rabbi! Tauba, Astaghfirullah, Shukr ya Rabbi! Shukr, ya Rabbi! Shukr, Alhamdulillah! Subhan Allah, Sultan Allah! Subhan Allah, Sultan Allah! Subhan Allah, Sultan Allah! Subhan Sensin, Sultan Sensin! Subhan Sensin, Sultan Sensin! Subhan Sensin, Sultan Sensin!…


Sohbet-173 13.09.07

Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Aziz Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Karim Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Subhan Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Sultan Allah!

Running inside fly… making me - Shaytan sending to make Řkař… shameless Shaytan… Astaghfirullah! Astaghfirullah, tubtu wa rajatu, ya Allah… Ma sha Allah… all of them clever class… no need hook or chain… without hook or chain, it is okay… Sheikh W. VIP person, therefore never smiling…

Welcome to you! As-salamu alaikum! Narju salamatak, ya Rabbi! Narju rahmatak, ya Rabbi! Narju sitrak, ya Rabbi! Narju ikramak, ya Rabbana… especially through this holy month… Allah!… Who knows to reach second holy month! Therefore we must try to make our Lord happy with us!

AŘudhu bi-llahi minashaitanirajim Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim May Allah forgive us!

By the Name of Allah Almighty All-Merciful, (the) most Beneficent and most Magnificent…

Endless glory for our Lord, Allah Almighty! He (was) never born or borning (giving birth?) and nothing can be like Himself, Allah, that He is Samad…

Everywhere, everything (is) for Him; no one may claim that: ŖThis is for me!ŗ Who can say?

AŘudhu bi-llahi minashaitanirajim Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim.

It is a humble meeting, to carry even one handful people from shaytanic territories… to carry them to (the) Divinely Dominions, (to the) Divinely Presence…

May Allah grant us something to understand! Who (is) understanding, (is) gaining, (those,) whom they are not understanding, they are loosing…

As much as possible, you are going to be with your Lordřs Divinely Presence, you are gaining; as much as you are running away, you are loosing.

Meded, ya Sultanu-l Awliya!

Oh, our Sultan! He is, Allah Almighty, (He is) dressing some of His servants to be kings, sultans. Who is going to be (a) sultan? Not everyone can be a sultan! Sultan (are) those people, whom they are, they have enough ability and power to keep their egos!

Who may control (with a) full control! If (there is) not (a) full control for a person, (he) canřt be Sultan; even his zahir, his appearance, (may be) king, (he) must be able to control himself. When he is controlling (himself), (he) may control his kingdom.

For example - Meded, ya Sultanu-l Awliya! - if you are riding, a small boy, on a horse - he is able to control (the) horse? And from horses attributes or specialty or description (is that) it (is) never coming under (the) command of a person, who is weak! (A) horse (is) never happy to carry one boy or to carry a woman or to carry an old person like me… (he is) throwing (them) away and (is) running… (A) horse (is) always asking a powerful one, when (he is) riding on it and (the) reigns keeping, it is understanding: ŖThat (one) is suitable for me, I must bow to him!ŗ And (a) sultan, if he is not able to control himself, (if he is a) weak person, his territory (is) coming down; people (are) getting up, everywhere you can find troubles beginning, because he is weak one…

The conqueror of Constantinople, Abu l-Fath Sultan Muhammad Khan, his father, Sultan Murad Khan, he was saying: ŖI am just getting older and so many battles, fightings, so many territories I conquered, putting the Řalamř, (the) holy Flag of (the) Prophet through (the) Balkans, through Europe - now I am tired from that, I like to rest; rest meaning to be with my Lord., to make His servanthood. I like it. Therefore I am leaving my throne, (my) sultanate, to my son.ŗ

He was calling whole generals, princes, and (he was) saying to them: ŖO my precious and heroes of my army! You know that I did, or I tried to do, my best. I tried to do my best for Allah Almighty and for His most beloved and praised and glorified servant and Prophet, our Rasul, Sayyidina Muhammad sallaLlahu Řalayhi wa sallam. Now I like to leave my throne…ŗ - Because they are sitting on (the) throne not for their egoistic desires, no! They are sitting on their

thrones for Allah! They were knowing that: ŖI am sultan here, but I am servant there!

I am not happy to be sultan here, but I am happy to be my Lordřs servant! (The) sultanate for dunya (is) never giving to me an honour or glory; may be among people, they are giving to me glory, but peopleřs glory and their respects and honours (have) no meaning.

I (am never run after such a nonsense aspects! (Those) whom they are running after such a nonsense aspects, (are) no mind people! They are donkeys of their egos, (they have) no any value or respect in (the) Divinely Presence! You know this; I tried to do it, a little bit I did it, now I am thinking that I may leave my sultanate, my kingdom, and occupying myself only (with) my Lordřs obedience and servanthood.

Therefore I am leaving my sultanate to my son Muhammad, Shahzade Mehmet. He is (a) small one, I know, doesnřt matterŗ, - he was that time 11 or 12 years old, I think; so small…- And whole his ministers and generals (were) saying: ŖO our sultan, you are alright! What you are saying, no any objection on it, but yet your crown-prince (is) so small! We donřt think that he may be able to stop or to face (the) attacks from (the) enemies on Islam and Islamic territories! But you know it!ŗ And he was saying: ŖNo, you are alright, but I am leaving him. That is my intention.ŗ

(They were) saying: ŖOkay, we must listen to your ferman!ŗ, kingřs declaration, decree. Sultans, that (are) ordering, kingřs orders, there is a special name for it…

And Shahzade, (the) crown-prince - (he) was 11 or 12 years old - he was in a little bit further place from Bursa, (in) Manisa, he was... ŖAs you like! You may order, we can obey.ŗ ŖYes.ŗ

Then they were taking (the) crown-prince, Sultan Muhammad, and (they were) bringing (him) and making (the) oath, giving their oath to him, bowing to him, saying: ŖYou are our sultan, we are under your command now!ŗ

It was good for a short time. And then, when (the) enemies of Islam, living in Europe, when they were hearing that Sultan Murad just left his sultanate and (that the) whole command now (was) in the hands of his small crown-prince, (they thought that) just it is (the) chance to attack and to take, what they were conquering, back.

Why they did this? Whole European countries (were coming) against (the) Ottoman Empire, because they were looking (that the) sultanate now it is for a small crown-prince. They were fearing from his father, but that (one), (they were thinking that there is) no such a power on him, therefore they were asking to attack on (the) Ottoman Empire.

This I am saying, that, if Allah Almighty (is) dressing His servant (the) dress of braveness, (the) dress of (the) real sultanate, everyone they are going to think on it (before they do something against him). When they are finding that small one, they are not fearing.

Therefore Shaytan, if (he is) finding a person so weak, (he is) riding on him, but when (he is) finding him powerful and dressed also Řheybetř, greatness, then people (are) coming down and also Shaytan… When (he is) looking a person weak one - may be his age 30, 40, 50, 60, but (he is a) weak one, never taking any care, (Shaytan) may put its hook and carry (him)…

Therefore, Allah Almighty (is) ordering to whole nations through their Prophets for fasting. Fasting, what (it is) giving to people?

So many people whom their mentality (is the) mentality of donkeys, they are saying: ŖWhat does it mean, not to eat or not to drink?ŗ (They are) joking and saying: ŖWhat does it mean, not to eat and drink? What is the benefit? Nothing!ŗ Their mentality (is) donkeyřs mentality; they are not understanding that not to eat and not to drink (is) in spite of ego. (The) ego (is) asking to eat and drink, not to stop; (the) ego asking to make its orders to be done, to be kept, therefore (it is) saying to people: ŖDonřt fast, because I must… I like to eat and to drink.ŗ

My small grandson, today they are making him to fast, and making, awakening him the time of Sahur, the time of eating before beginning of fasting. He was eating and he slept and (he was) awakening nine ořclock, I am looking and (he was) coming to me (, saying): ŖO my grandfather, my stomach (is) making gurr, gurr, gurr… I am unhappy, I am asking to eat something…ŗ La hawla wa la quwatta illa bi-llahi l-ŘAliyu l-ŘAzim! I am saying: ŖStay, wait a little bit, till (your) mummy comes and gives to you something!ŗ I am saying and I am busy. After a while I am looking (that he is) bringing a big plate, full with food… eating, eating... and saying to me: ŖNow gurr gurr finished. My stomach is okay…ŗ

Shaytan (is) saying to people! ŖI donřt like fasting.ŗ ŖWhy?ŗ ŖMy stomach (is) making gurr gurr… asking something to eat and drink…ŗ ŖWe are saying: ŘNo, I am not going to be under your command! I am now in the service of my Lord, Allah Almighty! He ordered not to eat, not to drink, you must wait till maghrib!ŗ

That (is) giving to you power! That (is) opening to you the way of being (a) sultan! Therefore whole awliyas, they are sultans! They are commanding their egos and (the) ego (is) coming, saying: ŖYes, Sir! As you like, Sir!ŗ If it is not (like this), you and (a) donkey (are) on (the) same level, no any difference. You must think on it and you must fast! Fast makes you to be able to make a control on your ego!

And fasting… therefore (the) Prophet (was) saying that (fasting is) on three steps: First step: a person, simple fasting, (is), not to eat and drink, no sexual thing. This (is) for common people.

(The) second step fasting (is that) they are keeping this and keeping their tongues, not to speak that ShariŘa (is) preventing, forbidden things. He is leaving, what they are doing by their hands, by their tongues, through their eyes… must stop. That is (a) higher level for fasting people.

And (the) third one also, the most precious fasting, (is, that) those people, they are always going to be… they are sultans, sultanřs fasting… they (are) never leaving their Lord! When they are fasting, nothing (is) coming through

their hearts, only their Lordřs Love and Obedience…

May Allah forgive us! O people, try to come… if you are not fully coming, but try to follow some of (those) sultans, then that sultans may take you, here and Hereafter to be happy and (to a) peaceful life and honorable life and glory through eternity, eternal life!

May Allah forgive us! Fatiha! For the honour of the Seal of Prophets Ŕ sallaLlahu Řalayhi wa sallam…

Allah ya Daim… Allah ya Daim… Allah ya Daim… Hasbun Allah, Rabbun Allah… Hasbun Allahu wa niŘama l-Wakil, niŘma-l Mawla wa niŘama n-Nasir, ghufranaka, Rabbana, wa ilayka l-masir…

Rabbana taqabbal minna, bi jahi man arsaltahu Surata l-Fatiha!


15.09.07 As-salamu alaikum! Welcome to you, welcome to you! As-salamu alaikum! As-salam qabla l-kalam. Meded, ya Sultanu-l Awliya! As-salamu alayka, ya Sahibu Zaman! As-salamu alayka, ya Sahiban amna wa l-aman! As-salamu alayka, ya Sultan! As-salamu alayka, ya man bi yadihi tasarruf bi hadha l-asr, Řalayka as-salam!

Welcome to you! Alhimna rushdana, ya Rabbana, wa aŘidhna min sharri anfusina! AŘudhu bi-llahi mina shaitani rajim!

We must admit that Shaytan (is) just running after us, Řmusallat alaynař, for hunting. Shaytan (is) one of (the) best hunters; (a) hunter (that is) not hunting animals. It is not interested in hunting for animals; his interest (is) to hunt people. (He is) running after everyone, therefore we must say: ŖO Rabbana, aŘidhna min sharri shaitan!ŗ

As a child, when he is fearing from something, (he is) running to his mum or dad, (to his) parents, because he knows that his parents may put a protection on him. And who is awakened, he knows that, if Shaytan (is) attacking on him and asking to hunt him, (there is) no way, only to call to Allah Almighty (and say): ŖAŘudhu bi-llahi mina shaitani rajim!ŗ

Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim. We are asking for (the) defense (of) ourselves to use the sword of ŖBismillahir Rahmanir Rahim!ŗ

Therefore we must say: ŖAŘudhu bi-llahi mina shaitani rajimŗ; if something, some terrible thing (is) coming to your mind, you must ask (a) protection and you must say, yourself, you must ask Řwasilař, some means for protection.

Allah, SubhanaHu wa taŘala, He is so big, so great! Absolute Greatness (is) for

Him, and absolute… to be for Him only… He is only in real ŘMawjudř, in Existence, no one else, only He is in Existence. So big! You canřt say Řbigř, you may say great. Greatness (is) one of His Divinely Attributes. Greatness; no any imagination may reach to say anything about His Greatness. If whole peoples imagining (was) coming together and asking to bring some description - (it is) impossible, impossible, impossible!

He is Great; the Greatness (is) for Him, He is (the) only Great. When you are saying that He is Great, (it) means (that) nothing can be in front of Him in any position of existence. Always (the) existence for (the) whole (of) creation (is) on zero. Zero! (A) zero (is) never understanding Greatness!

But Allah Almighty created man; He created and - Subhanallah - we are in existence on (the) zero point. We are only running through zero oceans… You never heard about zero oceans?... Your whole existence (is) on zero ocean, because: to be or not to be, that is (the) creatureřs main position. To be or not to be. (The) whole things that (are) appearing, their existence (is) only through two words, or only one: ŖBe!ŗ and it is in existence everything. ŖKun, fa yakun.ŗ To say: ŖBeŗ, (He) may say, (and) they are appearing. Their appearance, no one (is) knowing. When we are coming and just seen in existence, we are looking and seeing (and) we are thinking that: ŖReally we are in existence, we have something for usŗ, (but) no!

You heard about Black Holes?... How is Black Holes?... Who was from galaxies claiming: ŖI am here (the) biggest galaxyŗ, (when it is) coming nearby to that… (that Black Hole is sucking it in)… Where is that gigantic galaxy?...(In the) Black Hole… (To) where (it) disappeared? To show that no existence, all of them, (is) on zero point, through zero oceans… There is zero ocean?… Yes, there is zero oceans! If no zero oceans, then (there was) going to be another ones existence and (there is) no (other) existence ŘLa mawjuda illa Huř; nothing (is) going to be in existence, only Him Almighty!

When that gigantic galaxy… with billions galaxies… not only one galaxy, but combined with billons, trillions, quadrillions gigantic galaxies… you canřt know the unity of time that that time that nearby to zero. Time also (is) running through Nothing Oceans… Time (is in) zero oceans also… time (is) running init! The infinity, Řmuntahař, of time… this huge galaxies combined, just disappeared.

He is showing: ŖI am Jabbar! I am Qahhar! I am Khallaq! I am in Existence! La sharika li fi l-wujudŗ, no one can be… an existence for that One!

You may use your endless imagining for bringing a description for the bigness of -you canřt say great - bigness of universes, universes… all of them, you must know that they are swimming through zero oceans… and also their time; they are also Řmahkumř, They are also under the control of time and time also is running through zero oceans… Řmakan wa zamanř, time and space, both of them, (are) running through unexpected zero oceans…

Who are you? Ask: Who are you? That is an ocean… ohhh, nothing can bring a description on Allah Almightys Existence! Up today no one can say these words about the existence of universes, Řmawjudatř, that (are) appearing as something. You are seeing that they have an existence, your eyes (are) looking and seeing,

but they are as you… you also in zero ocean running… and when Allah Almighty (is) asking to make (an) existence for universes and universes, (He is) ordering zero - not using one, one (is) Himself! Real Existence for Him, canřt be for anyone else (any) existence, you must know, you must understand! One (is) only for Him, you canřt be with one, no, (you are) out of one! What is out of one? Zero! Whole that we are looking and seeing, (is) imagination, no real existence, that means, zero, nothing! He is only One, Allah Jabbar wa Qahhar wa Khallaqun ŘAzim, SubhanaHu wa taŘala!

What we are claiming now! What we are saying? And we are really looking and seeing that we are in zero ocean, because today we are appearing, yesterday (we were) disappeared. That means, disappeared means, you, you are appearing from zero and coming back to zero. From zero to zero.

Therefore: ŘLa sharika lahř, (there is) no one, only He Almighty, SubhanaHu wa taŘala!

Ya Rabbi afet, ya Rabbi afet! Tauba, ya Rabbi! Tauba, Astaghfirullah! But (He is) giving such an understandings to those zero oceans; zero oceans (is) giving to you and showing to you something. That is honour for creatures: that He granted to zero from zero oceans to show them… Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar wa li-llahi l-hamd!...

Enough… deeply oceans!… We may stop here…

May Allah forgive us. Ya Rabbi, forgive us! For the honour of (the) most honorable, most glorious, most praised servant of You, Sayyidina Muhammad Ŕ sallaLlahu Řalayhi wa sallam,


Sohbet-175 17.09.07

As-salamu alaikum wa rahmatullah wa barakatuh.

Be active! Don‟ t belike me… like old donkey, young donkey…

Alhamdulillah! Ya Rabbi, Shukr! Ya Rabbi, Shukr! Thanks to Allah, whole thanks and praising for Allah, that we are going, coming, eating, drinking, sleeping, and healthy, Alhamdulillah!

I heard that half (of) Africa (is) in flood, thousands of people (have) no home, everything (is) in (the) flood… taking away, carrying! I am looking cars, cars like this… running through flood… Alhamdulillah, we are in Paradise here!… But you must not trust, if nothing (is) coming on this island or in Turkey or in Near-East countries - for every country (is) just prepared something. Something…! May Allah forgive us!

Welcome to you and thanks for Allah Almighty. If He asking to punish His servants, nothing or no one (is) preventing Him, no. ŘFaŘalun lima yuridř; He

can do everything, as He likes, no on (is) preventing Him.

AŘudhu bi-llahi minashaitanirajim Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim

Say: ŖO our Lord, we are sinners!ŗ

If one sin that happened from (the) first man (was) making (the) first couple to be thrown away from Paradise, one sin, what do you think that we are doing daily hundreds of sins! But He is Halim, He is not hurry to punish His servants, no, any time He may punish them! He is Halim, who He is patient, never getting hurry for punishing His servants. But this, you must not be cheated that punishment (is) not coming so quickly. You must not be in trust what Shaytan is saying! Donřt trust Shaytan and shaytanic people! Donřt believe what Shaytan (is) putting through your heart, some wrong ideas, that he is urging people to do bad things. Urging Shaytan people that they may do everything freely, saying: ŖDonřt worry, donřt fear, donřt fear, it is okay, you make yourself to enjoy, as you like, and donřt believe that some people saying: ŘO people, donřt do this, donřt do thatř, but do as you like, live, as you likeŗ…

Meded, ya Sultanu-l Awliya! Meded, ya Rijalallah!

You must try to have such a pillar that may take your life up, as a pillar (that is) keeping a tent up. But if it is not (an) enough powerful pillar, (the tent) may fall down.

You must ask Řrukn shadidř for your life, man must ask Řrukn shadidř, that means, (someone, who) may carry (the) whole world on his shoulders and (who is) never getting to be tired.

But people, they are not asking… That is a teaching to whole mankind: ŖO people, you are doing so many bad things and you are thinking that: ŖIt is okay, I may do, I am free to do everythingŗ, but it is not true! Whole nations now (are) never asking (a) Řrajulun rashidř, a perfect man, that his conscience (is) in a best form and his mind (is) excellent and his connection with Heavenly Positions (is) perfect!

That, as through airports they have control power; if (the) pilot (is) not getting in connection with that person, (the airplane) may fall down, and (may) burn (the) plane and everyone in it, including (the) pilots! That flight, he is in need to have a connection with someone that may show to them which way is save for landing or departuring or reaching.

People, they are looking (to the) Holy Quran as an ordinary book! Hasha! (The) Quran Karim (is) to show (the) safe way for nations, not to touch them anything from troubles here and punishment here and Hereafter.

Therefore, Allah Almighty (is) teaching (in the) Holy Quran: ŖO people, when you are ordering for something, you must look (for) a perfect man who his conscience (is) just in connection, in a full connection, with Heavenly Beings, (so) that he may show you, what is good for you, better for you, which one is safety for you here and Hereafter!ŗ

Now people they are not asking. Everyone (is) saying: ŖWe knowŗ, everyone (is) saying: ŖWe know, we are not in need to be in connection through spirituality, as you are saying. We are not understanding from spirituality; we are onlyŗ - looks like four legs animals - Ŗour importance (is) only our eating, drinking and dressing and enjoying with our females… nothing else!ŗ That is (the) life routine, (the) life-style of 21st century people!

ŖAlaysa fikum rajulun rashid?ŗ

O people, you reached to a point that your knowledge it is not enough to save you from that dangerous position, but yet you are trying to find a way with your mindly productions and you are not asking (for someone), who may be a perfect man that he is in connection with spirituality, with Heavenly Beings!

That is important now! People, till they are looking and asking a perfect man… (and to be) Řperfectř is not only with your physical body, no, (a) perfect one (is he,) who is in full connection through his physical being to Heavens!

What we are in need now, (the) whole world?

May be there seven billion people, they (are) never knowing which way is good or best for them. They are saying: ŖThis party is best for us, that style of democracy may save ourselves.ŗ Ya Hu, leave these foolish ideas, foolish, fully foolish democracy that (is) bringing whole cursing on people! Because they are only asking among themselves a way to get out, and it is impossible! As democracy, as…

When Allah Almighty (was) imprisoning the Children of Israel through (the) desert of Ti, they were insisting, insisting to get out from (the) crisis that they fell in it, troubles and problems, and with them there was Moses - Řalayhi salam. They are… every day they are saying: ŖEven we are in (the) desert and Moses (is) saying - Řalayhi salam - that we should be here, but…ŗ they are looking (that there is) no any patrol around, it is a free desert… Ŗwhy we are going to sit here? We must use our minds and we must get out from this desert!ŗ Eh.

And they are beginning; every day (they are) beginning and marching, walking, to find a way to get out, but when they are reaching to (the) darkness of maghrib, they are finding themselves on (the) same point... ŖWe must use another way!ŗ And 40 years they were imprisoned through that desert and every day they were getting up and running to find a way through their minds and it was impossible!

They are running (after) what our people (are) using now, they are saying: ŖEvery problem or every troubles or every chaos may be solved by democracy.ŗ Eh. Ja, come and make a solution! Every day they are fighting to reach the point of power, everywhere, but (it is always the) same position, never changing, they are in same point.

And 21st century people, they are trusting on their mindly productions, (they are) not asking (a) Řrajulun rashidř, a perfect person, who his connection is, his connection (is) with Heavenly Stations… Till 40 years (the) whole (of) the Children of Israel that they were getting against (the) Holy Law from Heavens

that Moses (was) bringing, passed away and (it was) remaining (only) young ones… Moses also passed (away) with those people… and (it was) coming young ones… Sayyidina Yusha… Young ones (were) coming and joining to him and they are saying: ŖYou only, who had been sent from Heavens, (are the) Heavenly Řrajulun rashidř! You are (that one), we are following you! Come in front of us and we are after you, we are following you!ŗ Then they (were) sav