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313 Suhbat of Mawlana Shaykh Nazim (1195 pages, 52/120)
earth and our souls (are) asking to be up, through Heavens. That is our fighting! Fighting through ourselves.

Everyone - Destur, ya Sayyidi - (is) fighting through themselves. And (there is) fighting through our people, but really everyone (is) fighting in himself, in herself. If your spirituality (is) going to be victorious, peace (is) coming to ourselves. If not, it is impossible to reach peace through yourself, and if people they are not getting in peace through themselves, never (are they) going to be in peace among other people.

Heavens (are) asking our spirituality to reach to their Heavenly Stations, but our material being (is) asking to carry ourselves to be on this world, on (the) material world. Therefore (there is) no peace. No peace, as long as you are

making that fighting and our egos (are) running to be happy on earth. If they are running (after) this material aspects, it is impossible to reach to Heavenly Stations. Heavenly Stations (are) asking from you to reach your private station. As everyone living on this planet, they are beginning their days as workers, then, when sunset (is) coming, everyone (is) asking to reach to their homes, because dunya (is) making them to be tired; (they are) tiring and asking a rest. And our real being also (is) getting to be tired (from the) attacks of our egos. Our egos (are)attacking, attacking on ourselves and making ourselves to be tired. And Allah Almighty, He is teaching His Prophets and Prophets (are) teaching common people, how they should be happy and restful. That is just received through Heavenly Messages, through Prophets. If you are not following Prophets or not following the directions of Heavens that (are) correcting your life-style, you (are) never going to be rest. Yes, Allah Almighty created man and (He is) sending (man) on this planet and He put a program for our life-style. We have a program.

ŖEh, Sheikhŗ, I am asking, Ŗwhat are you doing?ŗ Mr.Firdaus (is) saying: ŖI am programmer.ŗ ŖWhat program?ŗ ŖProgrammer.ŗ

ŖFor what program?ŗ

ŖTo go (to) Jakarta and to come to Malaysia, and to go to Burma, then to go Singapora, then to go to China...ŗ (where) that happened... Programming for people. That is nothing! That is such a program, it is not a Heavenly Program! But... everyone (is) just granted a program for their lives, but people (are) throwing that programs and Shaytan (is) saying: ŖCome to me! Leave that, it is not (a) program. Your life program, it is with me, follow me! Follow me, I shall take you to an area that you should find your best program of your life, best life-style you should find there! You should be happy there, you should be very very very happy and full with pleasure! Come and follow me!ŗ

What do you think now (of) people? Whole, 99 % and more, they are following the program of Shaytan!

ŖHow are you Sir? Are you happy?ŗ I am asking. ŖO Sheikh, where is that happiness!ŗ ŖI think that you are billionaire!ŗ

ŖYes Sir, I know it, but my billions (are) never giving to me a rest and peace and happiness and pleasure through myself...ŗ

If all of you (are) going to be billionaires - do you think that you are going to be happy? People they are happy now? I am asking to East and West! I am (a) weakest servant, I am zero, nothing, but I am asking to whole nations, to all people: ŖDo you reach what promised to you Shaytan? A perfect life, full with pleasure? Do you think that people living through (the) 21st century, they

reached that pleasure and high style life? I am asking! Say! Donřt be liar!ŗ ŖNo!ŗ Therefore time by time also coming Heavenly Warning, as earthquake- Allahumma ahfazna! Earthquake, or... what is this turning?... Cyclone... another name... hurricane...tornado... as a whip, to make people to wake up. Wake up, o people! Who (is) living on that planet, wake up and look and try to see reality!

They are saying, now I am hearing that people (are) saying: ŖOh, nature (is) getting to be no balance, O Sheikh!ŗ

ŖWhat happened?ŗ

ŖYou are not hearing what happened in Burma or in China or in Turkey or in. .. ŗ Turkey means that flying hen... big hen... you know it? Eating ... that always thinking...not speaking, very silent...

They are saying, ŖNature just lost its balance, therefore happening such a things and mankind canřt be able to save themselves from that attacks!ŗ

Yet they are not coming to say: ŖThe Lord of Heavens, your Creator, our Creator, (is) warning ourselves and (He is) saying: ŘO My servants, wake up, wake up! You are on wrong way, wake up and come to Me! Follow me, donřt follow Shaytan!ŗ They are saying: ŖEh, nature lost its balance ..ŗ Whole nations (are) not yet to come and to say: ŖO our Lord, our Creator, give Your Forgiveness and send us Your blessings!ŗ

They are not saying, they are so proud people. So proud people! Never asking to say: ŖWe are created. The Lord of Heavens and earth, the Lord of Creation, He is doing everything!ŗ Not yet coming to declare that declaration, nations and governments, and they are running from this side and another side and they are going to be people of mental-house. .. a little bit more cursing coming on earth, people (are) going to be crazy ones - they should loose their mind, they should loose everything of their feelings!

O people, O mankind, whom living through East and West, come and say: ŖO our Lord, You created us, give Your Mercy and save ourselves, save our spirits, souls!ŗ Eh, people time by time, if something (is) happening, they are sending ŖSOS, SOS . ŗ You know SOS? What does it mean? Save our soul. Yes, they know it. They are not calling to Allah! Sending that through East and West, saying ŖSOSŗ, and people saying: ŖWhere are you?ŗ

ŖJust we are through the huge waves of oceans, save our souls, save ourselves!ŗ Not saying: ŖO our Lord, save ourselvesŗ, not sending to Allah, sending to people: ŖSend us some plane, some helicopter, some submarine, send us some huge ships to save ourselves, because our souls (are) going to finish, we are going to loose ourselves!ŗ

Why you are not asking (Him) to save your soul, who created you and your soul? But people, they are drunk! May Allah forgive us! It is enough... May Allah send us some special servants, whom they can beable to carry people after themselves, whom they may do people to follow them with

their high spirituality. O people, ask such a people to save yourself, your souls and your physical being.

For the honour of the Seal of Prophets Sayyidina Muhammad ŔsallaLlahu alayhi wa sallam... Zidhu, ya Rabbi, izzan wa sharafan wa nuran wa sururan wa ridwanan wa sultanan, bi hurmati-l Fatiha...

I was so tired, on zero point, but orders from our masters ordering (me) to address to you, what they are asking to say, to inform people. To make them to be awakened, we are speaking. I am not a lecturer, no, it is something that is coming through heavenly masters through our heart, to speak on it. And we are speaking on the lowest level; our program (is) always on (the) lowest level to understand everyone something, because if we are going up a little bit, no one can understand...

May Allah forgive us! For the honour of the most honoured one, most glorified one in His divinely Presence Sayyidina Muhammad ŔsallaLlahu alayhi wa sallam, Fatiha. Sohbet-136 Sohbet from Saturday, 03.05.08

The safe way is the way of the Prophet

As-salamu alaikum! Astaghfirullah, Astaghfirullah, Astaghfirullah min kulli dhanbin wa maŘsia, min kulli ma yukhallifu l-Islam!

We are asking forgiveness from Allah Almighty. AŘudhu bi-llahi mina shaytani rajim Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim La haula wa la quwwata illa bi-llahi l-ŘAliyyi l-ŘAzim

We are claiming to follow the Seal of Prophets, Sayyidina Muhammad Ŕ sallaLlahu alayhi wa sallam. That is what we are claiming, but - Řshattana ma baynahumař- we are so far away to keep advices of the Seal of Prophets Sayyidina Muhammad Ŕ sallaLlahu alayhi wa sallam.

As he was saying: ŖAd-dinu nasihatŗ, the main target from Islam, the meaning of Islam, it is advising people. For what? To find (the) safe way to Heavens. I was in London and once I am looking and seeing a big market, super-market, written on it: Safeway. You know - Safeway. I was thinking that there is people advising there, they are showing safe way, I am going, I am asking: ŖWhere is safe way?ŗ (They were) saying: ŖSafeway inside, go in.ŗ

I am going, going around: ŖYa Hu, that is market or safe way - for what this?ŗ ŖHow old are you?ŗ I am saying: ŖOver 90...ŗ

ŖGo around and look, you can find safe way to get out...ŗ

And Prophets - sallaLlahu alayhim wa sallam - they are asking (the) safe way from the Seal of Prophets. Every Prophet (is) asking safe way, to learn from the Seal of Prophets, because Sayyidina Muhammad Ŕ sallaLlahu alayhi wa sallam - he is (the) only one who is knowing (the) safe way. Allah Almighty (was) never keeping a student to teach him directly, except Sayyidina Muhammad Ŕ sallaLlahu alayhi wa sallam. No any other Prophet (was) going to be learning from Allah Almighty directly. AstaŘidhu bi-llah: ŖAr-Rahman, Řallama l-Quran...ŗ Allah Almighty, He is that One who taught one person on whom (the) Holy Quran (was) just coming - only Sayyidina Muhammad Ŕ sallaLlahu alayhi wa sallam. Other Prophets... Sayydina Musa (was) Kalimullah; Kalimullah (was) hearing from Allah Almightyřs Divinely Sound that belongs to our Heavens. Hearing, learning something, but he is not able to enter through that Oceans. Therefore so many times (he was) going there to Tur Sina, Sinai, and Allah Almighty was speaking to Moses and he was such a one, always asking questions, always asking questions.

Rasulullah, the Seal of Prophets Sayyidina Muhammad Ŕ sallaLlahu alayhi wa sallam -, he had been invited once. Laylatu l-MiŘraj, (the) Holy Night that he had been invited to be in (the) Divinely Presence once, (and) never asking the Seal of Prophets any question to Allah, finished. Therefore whole Prophets they are asking (the) safe way from Rasulullah Ŕ sallaLlahu alayhi wa sallam.

Particularly he was teaching whole Prophets and his nation also, teaching everything that may be in need anyone from Prophets, from mankind. He was able to answer, to show them what is (the) safe way to reach the pleasure of Allah. For what we are asking (the) safe way? (The) safe way is (that one) that (is) leading people to Allah Almightyřs Pleasement or Pleasure. That is (the) safe way. If you are going, going, going and not finding that Allah Almighty (is) happy with you, and He is not pleased with you, that means you are on (the) wrong way, (a) dangerous way. Safe way and unsafe way. Who is asking safety here and Hereafter, may ask that way from the Seal of Prophets.

(The) most honoured or most honourable one in (the) Divinely Presence and (the) most glorified one in (the) Divinely Presence and (the) most praised one in (the) Divinely Presence - who is that one?

That one (is) Sayyidina Muhammad Ŕ sallaLlahu alayhi wa sallam. Mankind must know that! If they are asking (a) safe way, that is safe way! Or they are on dangerous ways, they should disappear and finishing, vanishing, never coming into existence once again, finishing. Therefore, the ways of Prophets inheritors, they are followers (of) the steps of the Seal of Prophets. Whole Prophets must step his steps. Whole Awliya, Saints, Holy Ones must step on his steps. No one can be holy without stepping on his steps! (It) canřt be; they are liars, they are agents of Shaytan! Who is not stepping on the steps of the Seal of Prophets, they are all Shaytanřs students, Shaytanřs followers, Shaytanřs representatives Ŕ kasahumullah - cursing (is) coming on them!

We are living through (the) 21st century and just they entered through a tunnel, mankind. No lights, no guides. They are going, going... Shaytan (is) in front of them, saying: ŖFollow me, follow me, follow me...Ŗ

I was looking in airport some cars, it is written on it: ŖFollow me.ŗ

ŖOh! Follow me? To whom, how we are following? We are coming down and following that car?ŗ

ŖNo, that is not for you, that is for that big planes. (They are) coming and they are not knowing about the situation on (the) airport. That small one, written onit: ŘFollowmeř, Řfollow meř, Řfollow meř... that gigantic panes, flies, (are) coming and following.ŗ

ŖIf (they are) not following, what (is) happening?ŗ

Ŗ(They are) getting out from (the) runway. Getting out- uhhhh... finished...ŗ

Yes. Follow me. Canřt say (the) captain of that gigantic plane: ŖFor what I am following this one? I am coming from a distance (of) 14 hours and more and (I am) coming here and I am following that small car, written on it: ŘFollow meř? I am not such a camel!ŗ

(A) caravan - always in front of camels there is a donkey. You know? Camels, the owner (is) riding on a donkey, ass, in front of them and whole camels (are) following - and (the) camels (are) very angry. Very angry!

ŖWhat is that? We are like gigantic creatures, what our owner (is) riding on donkey in front of us and we are following (a) donkey?ŗ

ŖWhat we shall do? This is (the) 21st century, you must follow donkeys. You canřt follow big ones.ŗ

21st century people, just they throw away their Sultans and bringing something that they are like legs or feet. Do you think that your foot can take you to (the) safe way? But people living through (the) 21st century, they are saying: ŖWe must follow our foots footsteps. We are not carrying our heads, we must follow our feet...ŗ

Where they reached with you? Your steps, your feet, to where (they are) bringing you? Look now (in) East and West! (They are) carrying you to a fire-land, (a) burning world, no peace and (the) whole world now it is in fire everywhere, because people (are) following feet and (they are) leaving (the) heads. Heads they were Sultans. They (were) throwing away (their) Sultans, that they are like heads, (and they were) bringing feet, (a) foot (instead), saying; ŖEh, today there is election in Turkeyŗ... election in Arabia, election in Russia, election in Pakistan also, that they are saying: ŖWe are No. 1 Muslims.ŗ Pu (on) such a Muslims!

From where (they are) bringing that Řelectionř? (Is the) Holy Quran saying (that) there is election, there is democracy? Pocracy!

Alhamdulillah, UK okay... UK okay, Alhamdulillah; no fighting there. Even they are making a Řtemsiliř... election, but, Alhamdulillah, yet there is an honour on (the) UK, ŘHer Majesty Queenř or ŘHis Majesty Kingř, that that title that (is) bringing blessings on that country. Therefore I am not happy anywhere, except in London, in UK. I am happy, because there are Sultans, they have Kings and for Kings (is) coming that blessings on them. I donřt like Germany, Italy, Spain, Turkey, Russia, Egypt, Libya, Pakistan... Pakistan people (are saying):

ŖWe are, ya Sheikh, we are Islamic republic.ŗ

In which book you are finding that ŘIslamic Republicř? Iranian people, they are saying: ŖIranian Republic.ŗ ŘIslam republicř - ma sha Allah! Where is your Imam? Allah (is) saying: ŖThere is one Imam.ŗ Must be for (the) whole Islamic World, that they are now reaching their number two Billions.

Why people (are) fearing from China, Chinese people? Because their inhabitants (are) over one billion or more, two billions. Whole world Řyatahazarř, they are expecting for them. Where is Muslims? Muslims, how many republics? Where is your Iman, O Pakistan people? Eh, coming Bhutto? Bato? Bata Ŕ that making shoes Ŕ? Understanding my English, Sir? Not understanding? I may speak in Arabic Řhatta bisubbunř...

(The) Prophet was saying, Sayyidina Rasulullah Ŕ sallaLlahu alayhi wa sallam: ŖWhen (the) Last Days (are) approaching, (it is) from the signs of Qiyama to be Řheadsř Řfeetř, (and) Řfeetř to be Řheadsř. ZaŘimuhum li-yuqařiduhum nufař (?)

May Allah forgive us! (There is) no way for mankind to be saved, except (when) they are asking (the) safe way, (the) steps of the Seal of Prophets! May Allah forgive us, As-salamu alaikum!

He is hungry and getting angry...

Once there was a fire on (a) mountain and (it was) burning a lot of area, trees. Then (the) police (was) inquiring and finding who was that one making fire. They found an old woman and bringing her to court. (The) Hakim (was calling): ŖCavus!ŗ (The) Cavus, (the) General Attorney, (was) standing up, saying; ŖO, your Highness. We are bringing that lady, woman, because she is the main reason for that fire.ŗ (The) Judge (was) looking: ŖHow old are you?ŗ (And the) Cavus, General Attorney, (was saying): ŗHow old are you, O my Grandmummy?ŗ ŖOhhh, my parents just passed away, but I was from the time that (the) British Government just they are landing in Larnaca... I donřt know which year it was...ŗ

It was over 100 years. (The) Hakim (said): ŖCavus! You (are a) no mind person, bringing that woman that her age (is) over 100 years! (You are) bringing (her) and occupying our Court with such a nonsense? Take her to her home, quickly! I was sitting here, I am thinking that someone can carry responsibility. That is my grandmotherřs grandmother, you are bringing, to make a case on her? Take her!ŗ ŖI canřt walk, O my son. I canřt walk! Let two ones catch me and take me with a car to my home...ŗ

Now I am swearing (to) all of them, because also my age (is) 90, therefore... I am only spending (from my brain), spending... and nothing in it now...

And your heads also from football, it is empty, therefore, doesnřt matter. Who is going to make a blaming me? No one can blame me, I may swear! But what I am saying, it is true, it is true...

May Allah forgive me, forgive you and send us someone that (He is) dressing him from the Greatness of Heavens, to carry people (from) behind of Shaytan and (to) bring them to the line of (the) Prophets, Amin, Fatiha.

Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Aziz Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Karim Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Subhan Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Sultan Allah.

Sultan Sensin, ya Rabb. Hukum Senin, ya Rabbi, Awwalan wa Akhiran. Wa hukmu kafina al adil, abdu-l adil! IbŘath lana malikan yuqatil fi sabilik. Fatiha.

Ya Nabiyy, salam alaika, ya Rasul, salam alaika, ya Habib salam alaika salawatulla alaika... Allahumma, zid Habibika izzan wa sharafan wa nuran wa sururan wa ridwanan wa sultanan, Amin, Amin, wa salamun ala-l mursalin, khususan ala-l Sayyidi-l Mursalin wa salamatan ala-l hadirin wa l-ghaibin wa-l muminin, Al-hamdulillahi Rabbi-l ŘAlamin. Rabbana taqabbal minna, waŘfu Řanna, wa-ghfirlana, wa-rhamna, wa-tub Řalaina wa-hdina wa-sqina, wa-slih shanana wa shana-l muslimin, wa-nsurna Řala-l qaumi-l kafirin, wa-nsur Sultanana, Sultana-l muslimin, Sultana-l Insi wa-l Jinn, Sayyidina Mehdi Ŕ alayhi salam. Az-harahullah, ajallahullah, ayadahullah, akramahullah, sharafahullah, bi jahi man ansalta alayhi Surat al Fatiha!

Sohbet-137 Sohbet from Thursday 01.05.08

Ask the safe way to Paradise!

Allah Hu, Allah Hu, Allah Hu, Allah Hu, Allah Hu, Allah Hu... Allah, ya Daim, Allah ya Daim, Allah ya Daim, Allah ya Daim, Allah ya Daim... Allah ya Subhan, Allah ya Subhan, Allah ya Subhan, Allah ya Subhan, Allah ya Subhan... Allah ya Sultan, Allah ya Sultan, Allah ya Sultan, Allah ya Sultan, Allah ya Sultan... Allahumma salli Řala Muhammadin wa Řala ali Muhammadin wa sallim tasliman kathiran! Huuu! Meded, ya Sultanu-l Awliya! Meded, ya Rijalallah, aŘinuna bi Řaunullah...

Alayhi salatu wa salam - he was saying: ŖAd-dinu nasihaŗ, that means: ŖAd-din means advice.ŗ Prophetřs hadith. That knowledge that granted from Allah subhanahu wa tařala through His most beloved and glorified servant Sayyidina Muhammad, that knowledge belongs to Heavens, belongs up over Heavens also, up!

Therefore its meaning you canřt bring a limit, no, no, that is like an ocean and you canřt reach its beach or you canřt reach its bottom. Now we are repeating this holy Hadith, as my Grandsheikh was always everyone sitting for addressing people: ŖAd-dinu nasihaŗ and from that ocean Shah-u Naqshband was saying: ŖTariqatuna as sohbet.ŗ Shahu Naqshband- Allah bless him. O people, we have been ordered to bring the names of holy people and to speak about themselves, because: ŖŘInda-l dhikri sulahaři tanzilu-l rahmaŗ: When we are saying about a Saint, coming blessings and mercy. Mercy, blessings. Therefore, every time when we are speaking and when we were listening to our Grandsheikhs, mostly they were

speaking about Awliya, to make blessings to come closer, closer.

Blessings (are) endless mercy oceans. Endless and gives us strength through our organs and coming power to our hearts. Coming much more urging power, as when spring coming, the weather bringing new life to trees. Therefore, when blessings coming to the hearts of people, giving, bringing also that secret power to make them to wake up. Subhanallah!

Now they are making me to speak, as they like. They are my leading power, they are carrying me like this, like that, like this, like that... Now it is a proper meaning; perhaps we repeated before or coming in a new way: What is the benefit of advice? When you are asking that question, you are asking:

ŖO Sheikh, knowledge it is not something that we can touch it with our materiality. Blessings is something else. Advice, for what advice?

We are saying: ŖFor what prophets? Why Allah Almighty just sent us prophets?ŗ

You must know it! Allah Almighty making clear for some servants that they have been granted heavenly powers to understand and to speak on it and to make peoples real being to be guided. Why Allah Almighty sent His Prophets? That is important question, then we can understand the meaning of advice, the meaning of religion.

Everyone knowing, but not everyone believing. Some of them knowing and believing, some of them they are learning, knowing, but not believing. Some others they are believing only. Some specialized people they are knowing and believing. To know and to believe is excellent, highest level.

Yes, prophets, for what they are coming? What was their missions or what was missionary of prophecy?... You are English, donřt leave me in the hands of Pakistan people...

As we learnt and we are believing - and we are believers what we learnt -, we are believing in it also, that first man, Adam, he created and he had been put in paradise. Then happened what happened and he had been landed on earth. First coming descendants of Sayyidina Adam, they were believing that their father just had been sent from paradise to be on earth for a while and they were knowing that their father or grandfather just he did something wrong, then he had been landed on a land, no any relationship between our land and between paradise. And they were knowing that their grandfather Adam - peace be upon him and upon every prophet, particularly the Seal of Prophets - they were knowing that he was asking to get back to that level, heavenly level, to be there. They were appreciating. Adam he was always crying and asking to be returned to paradise, to that paradise that you canřt put any measure to make a description between earth, to be on earth and to be on that level. He was knowing and his sons and grandsons, descendants, they are not knowing, what he was knowing and Adam Ŕ alayhi salam - he was crying and asking forgiveness from Allah Almighty. And when forgiveness just granted to him, he was asking:

ŖO my Lord, I like to be on first level that I have been granted from You to me to be there. This I am looking dunya as a jail, prison. Therefore, O my Lord, make me to reach to my first homeland. I am, Subhanallah, always my heart just

drawn to be on my first home, my home that You granted to me. I like to be there, O my Lord!

But his sons they were not generation in paradise, their generation on earth, therefore they are not understanding what their grandfather longing, longing, longing- to be in paradise.

Out of paradise it is like hells or at least out of paradise it is such a prison. Even prison it is good, but there is some people on earth they are through hospitals or through mental-houses or through prisons, they are longing to come out. And Adam was longing to come back to his first home, homeland, and he was crying. Then Allah Almighty accepting his tauba, repentance, and He accepted:

ŖO Adam, I am taking you back to your homeland.Ŗ He is not saying homeland, but: ŖI am calling you once again to your paradise that you should be there up to eternity.ŗ

Eternity that no any limit for that time. You understand this, insha Allah. And He Almighty was advising to Adam:

ŖO Adam, I am sendingŗ- because he was asking also about his descendants, he was asking also that his descendants to be in Paradise, and Allah Almighty saying:ŗ O Adam, as I am going to grant to you, accepting your tauba, repentance, I am making you to come back to paradise, I am giving My Divinely Blessings on you and opening paradise for you, I am sending to your descendants up to Day of Resurrection to follow some chosen servants of Me to call them to paradise, paradise way. Come and go through this way, you should find yourself finally through Paradise, because your grandfathers they are waiting for you!ŗ

Yes! That was Allah Almighty promising Sayyidina Adam: ŖI shall send some special chosen servants with my Heavenly Messages, as they are my messengers, to call for your descendant to come to paradise.

Therefore, O our listeners, Subhanallah, Allah calling everyone to come and enter Paradise, but mostly his sons refusing, saying:

ŖWe are not in need, we are not believing in a eternal life, no.ŗ

Therefore, Allah Almighty sending His chosen servants, whom they are Prophets, to call people:

ŖO people, come, come, come after Me, I am leading you to paradise, that no ones eyes looking and seeing, no ones hears hearing and learning something. It is a grant from Me to them to believe that beliefs carrying them to Paradise back.ŗ

Therefore: ŖAd-dinu nasiha.ŗ What is the meaning of nasiha? They are making me to make a wider explanation. It is not something to say: ŖI am Muslimŗ or ŖI am Protestantŗ or ŖI am Popeŗ or ŖI am Christianŗ, ŖJewishŗ or ŖMuslimŗ - important is to ask the way back to paradise! Therefore Prophets coming and giving that

advice: ŖO people, prepare yourself to come back to paradise, to be with your grandfather, grandmother and to be thousands of Prophets, to be with their followers, muqmins, and to be sent your messages millions people, to take care and to come paradise.ŗ

Now we are living on a time that people just cut off, cut off, they are not asking anything about paradise. And our scholars, I am sorry to say, scholars that their new title to be doctors, Dr. Hussein, PhD. ŖWhat PhD?ŗ ŖYou are not understanding such a things.ŗ ŖI am also I must understand.ŗ ŖIf you are asking to understand something about PhD, you must go at least you must spent at least 20 years to be a doctor... at least to be a doctor. Your head a little bit hard -you are in need 25 years to be a... not PhD, PhD (title is) up, (but an) assistant. Doesnřt matter, because after a while you are quickly forgetting half of it and assistant, we canřt cut him to pieces, therefore, eh, 30 years, doesnřt matter. Work on it, we shall give you assistant... half assistant, doesnřt matter... Ŗ

Like Pakistan people - all of them they are ¾ doctors... Yes?... Our Turks, eh, ¼... doesnřt matter... Arabs, they are saying:

ŖWe are not in need to be PhD. We are born from our mums and we have PhD...ŗ

If you are asking for Egyptian people, they are saying: ŖWhat about Lebanon people - half Maronite, half Muslim? What is your knowledge? We have knowing from the time of Orthodox... Ŗ

People they are trying to learn, but not to believe. They are only giving their whole ability, capacity for to be PhD, not to be a believer. That they have that title PhD, professor, but if you are asking:

ŖAre you believing?ŗ

ŖNo, I am knowing only, not believing.ŗ

Prophets asking to make people to believe! Scientists and scholars:

ŖWe are only asking to know, not to believe and not to practise. We like to be doctors.ŗ And nasiha, that advice from Prophets, making people to believe and to use their capacity to come to back the line of eternity, to be shawq, ashk, longing, there is another word also... appreciating... yes? Asking too much. Some of them, they are not interesting; interesting to learn, not interesting to practice and to reach the line of eternity.

So sweet word through the western peopleřs language, I like that word most from everything: Eternity. Eternity, ebedi, sarmadi... abadi, sarmadi, eternity, eternity... so refreshment coming to me and power coming to me!... But people (are) dead people, people are dead, they are not asking.

If through a donkey - ajallakum Allah -, through a donkey bringing Beirut sweet to a table, put there, and put here straw in front of a donkey, donkey... running to straw, leaving famous sweets of Lebanon. People now, what we are saying... therefore I am trying to mix up something. When people eating with straw this... tray remaining some sherbet. That sweet, people eating Baklawa,

remaining syrup. I am mixing straw with this and let people eat... Happy, very happy!

If you are giving Curry to an ox, never looking. Eh, what he is doing then? Making what remaining, putting on it straw and giving to ox, ox... never knowing, eating... for the honour of straw donkeys and cows and oxen they are eating...

That is the way for some people. But if you are giving mujarrat, only, only curry, they are never eating, your donkey eats? Never eating! Biriani never eating, saying: ŖWe donřt like.ŗ Not interesting. But mankind interesting in Biriani, Chapatti, Tandoori and Curry... Salata and Turshu, Pickles, Chutney... ŖOther things?ŗ
