313 Suhbat of Mawlana Shaykh Nazim (1195 pages, 51/120)
rty people canřt enter!
This is a humble meeting and we are trying to say something by our Masters; Masters that they are following heavenly holy people, step by step. Step by step (they are) following and they are coming, heavenly beings (are) coming to make people to step on their steps, because their steps (are) taking you to paradise. But shaytanic steps (are) carrying you to hells, to fire. We must understand this point!
And they (the Prophets) are saying: ŗWe are not coming to you to ask (anything) from (the) material life - golden or jewels or to be kings or sultans on yourselves, no! We are like you from mankind, but only we have been dressed some heavenly dress.ŗ Sayyiduna Muhammad Ŕ sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he was from mankind, but he was dressed an honour and glory from Heavens. Therefore, if he was looking (to) someone, (that one) may fall down. ŘNazar al-haybař! If he is looking (to) a person with his real appearance, no one can be able to look to him! No one, it was impossible! But prophecy (is) coming, coming, coming down - at the level of common people.
Yes, there is (the) helicopter. (A) helicopter (is) coming, coming, coming in front of you also, but donřt say that: ŖThis (helicopter is) like me. (The) helicopter (is) going to be like ourselves, because they are on earth, like ourselves.ŗ No, after a while he may begin to leave your level and (he is) going up! And prophets commonly (were) with common people. But donřt think that he is like yourself! If he is like anyone of ourselves, what is the benefit to be dressed the honour, the title of being Prophets? Prophecy is something else that prophecy (is) making a person to be in connection with heavenly beings.
(A) helicopter may leave people, up to 5.000 feet or more, but (then it) canřt be able to get up. But prophets, they may be with you on your level, then through a Řtarfatu ainř, blink of our eye, (he) may be up, finished!
And (the) big mistake of people now (is) that they are thinking that: ŖProphecy is nothingŗ, or: ŖProphets, they are like ourselves, people, and they were speaking on some subjects, nothing else, and their speeches (are) just written on books; when we are reading, we are going (to be) like themselves.ŗ How you can say when you are learning their messages, their declaration on books: ŖWe are like prophetsŗ?
But they are now so proud people! ŖWho is that one?ŗ ŖDoctor of shariat.ŗ
ŖDoctor of shariat, hah? Eh. Then? Anything else? ŗ
ŖWe are not in need to follow anyone; we are only hearing those prophets and prophecy just passed away, now we are… what they bring, they brought it, now we are also looking through that books so that no any difference between ourselves and Prophets. No, no any more rank for them. What they are sayingŗ, they are saying, Ŗwhat they are saying, we are reading now through that books, then we are going to be like themselves.ŗ
Biggest mistake!
(It is a) biggest mistake and now that biggest mistake Shaytan (is) using it to make people not to believe in any Holy Sources, Holy Books and Holy Ones. Just now people (are) finished, they (are) never asking (for) a Holy One, and Holy Ones they are escaping from them, hiding themselves, because they (these people) are saying: ŖYou and we are all (the) same. Why I am going to respect you or for what I am asking something from you to learn? I can learn and I must be (a) respected one!ŗ
They lost the most beautiful and most powerful relation among Heavens and man, Awliya. Awliya, Wahhabis (are) never accepting and hundreds of years (the) Ummah they were respecting them, making Maqams for them and saying: ŖThose people (are) more closer to our Lord. They are pure people and now they are in (the) Divinely Presence - we may visit them and ask Heavenly Support through themselves.ŗ
Now Muslims (are) following (the) Wahhabi way and (they are) destroying (the) old domes. (They are) taking away domes and tekkes and dergahs, saying: ŖNo need, we are not in need (of them)!ŗ
Therefore mankind (is) coming to be more closer to (the) animal level, morethan to be closer to Heavenly Beings. Therefore - animals most distinguished sign (is) to be wild. (The) animals world, all animals, they have, less or more they have wildness. Therefore, those people whom they are denying holy People, whom they are closer to their Lord, they are coming closer to (the) animals world and animals, they are wild creatures. And now look whole mankind - how they are? They are more calm people or more wild people?
Day by day you are hearing from East, West, North, South, through Arabs, Turks, Europeans, Western countries, Eastern countries, that there is fire, killing, killing, killing… Allah (is) never ordering to kill, but Allah Almighty (is) ordering: ŖMake people to live, make people to be happy, make people to be in satisfaction and peace through their lives!ŗ But now people only they are growing up through wildness. (They are) wild people, even they are saying for themselves, bringing a description and saying: ŖWe are most civilized people.ŗ
Tu [spitting] on your civilization! That is their civilization: to kill everything, every living creatures, and killing mankind, killing innocent people, killing small one, old ones, and nothing-can-do, ´ajizř, weak people. That is their civilization? That is Shaytanřs civilization!
But Allah Almighty now, as He promised to the Seal of Prophets: ŖO Muhammad Ŕ sallaLlahu alayhu wa sallam! I am sending one (Holy One) to clean (the) earth from those wild animals!ŗ Beasts! Beast is more than wildness. (They are)
becoming beasts! Allah should kill them, should take them away!
O people, come, come and keep (the) rights of Allah Almightyřs people, Allah Almightyřs servants! Help them! Help them! Who is hurting Allah Almightyřs creatures, they are not Muslims, they are not Mu´mins, they are not believers - they are Shaytanřs people!
May Allah forgive us! For the honour of most honoured one in His Divinely Presence, Sayyidina Muhammad Ŕ sallaLlahu alayhi wa sallam,
Sohbet from Thursday, 22.05.08 O People - Join that Heavenly Supported Group! OR: Your heart must be with your Lord!
As-salamu alaikum! Ya Rabbi afwak wa ridaak! O our Lord, forgive us and give Your blessings to Your weak servants!
Audhu bi-llahi mina shaytani rajim - O our Lord, keep Your weak servants from Shaytan and its traps, not to fall in it. Who is falling (in) Shaytans traps, it is so difficult to get out. So difficult! Therefore you must be careful not to fall, not to be caught by a trap of Shaytan. Keep yourself, because Shaytan, it has hundreds and hundreds traps, putting there...
Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim - that is our sword. Always carry that sword, because if a person (is) going to (the) fighting field without (a) sword, (he) may be killed. If (he is) carrying (a) sword, people (are) thinking for him. Therefore we must be careful and waking, awake up, not to be sleepers, (or) quickly (they are) taking you as a prisoner or injuring you or killing (you). Therefore weare saying: Audhu bi-llahi mina shaytani rajim, Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim. Allah protects us!
Follow His Holy Orders, you should be in safety here and Hereafter. Donřt say that: "I know, I know, I know..." you donřt know, you know nothing! You can be mistaken. Therefore we are saying: "Audhu bi-llah mina shaytani rajim, Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim" (and) we are coming through a protected area. If you are going (through an) unprotected area, must touch you something that you are not going to be happy (with). (The) Prophet (was) saying - sallaLlahu alayhi wa sallam -, (the) most praised and most glorified one in Divine Presences, Prophet Muhammad - sallaLlahu alayhi wa sallam -, he was saying: "Itaqqu bi wadia-l tuham" (?), you must keep yourselves not to fall in a trap."
May be so many advertising, not (only) so many, perhaps whole advertisings (are) calling people to be caught through one trap. Advertising - that is the meaning (of it). They are advertising man, advertising every kind, for everything... even they are advertising for cats meals... (A) cat (is) asking (for) advertising? Without that advertising (it is) jumping on (the) table, eating as it likes. It needs advertising? But (they are) so clever one, man, they are making for everything advertising and through every advertising there is one or
more traps. When you entered that field, you must be caught by anyone of (these) hundreds of traps.
(The) first (one to) fall in Shaytanřs trap, who was (he)? Adam - alayhi salam! First. What about for ourselves? Every time, daily, daily hundred times (we are falling)! If Adam - alayhi salat wa salam - just fall in a trap, what about for you? And he was saying: "O my sons and grandsons and my generation up to (the) Last Day, I am warning you and saying: ŘBeware of Shaytanř!" Eh, we are writing: Beware (of the) dog! Yes? We are writing and people, (if they) are looking (this) if (they are) coming nearer, quickly (they are) coming to be far away, (because)perhaps that dog may bite him. (They are) taking a care. Which of ourselves (is) taking care for Shaytan? Every day hundreds of traps (are) catching our legs, hands, heads- beginning from first ones.
Shaytan, donřt think that it is an idiot creature! Uhhh! You are idiot, but Shaytan never (is an) idiot! Therefore he is always looking, looking... Not looking (to the) flock, no! Shaytan (is) saying:
"(I have) nothing to do with (the) sheep, with (the) flock - where is (the) shepherd? Shepherd!"
"I am here!"
"What are you doing?" "(I am) sleeping..." "Yes, you must sleep much more, because it is a safe valley, you take your rest... "
This (is his) Řnasihař, (his) advising to shepherds... And (it is) coming (the) same thing to (the) shepherds of nations and (he is) saying:
"Do this, donřt do that!" "What is it I am doing?" "You are doing best." "For me or for my nation?"
"No, no, Sir! Nation, they are flock, you must consider always your ego, yourself! Make them to sleep and you do as you like!"
Haaa... Shaytan... - Abdul Jalil, look to me! - ... Shaytan (is) not going to Řfeetř, no need, (but he is) coming to top ones, and (he is) saying:
"Do this, do that, to be dressed , because something may be against yourself!" (He is) coming (to) the top ones, coming to Kings or Sultans or Emperors or Presidents or Prime-Ministers or their ministers... Shaytan (is) very clever - shaytanic cleverness (is) with him. From beginning up today (he is) camouflaging himself and no one (is) asking: "Who is that one?" Camouflaging... so that
people (are) thinking: "(That one) that (is) our best friend and best advisor. We must ask our advisor how we can do!" Sayyidina Adam (was) just cheated by Shaytan. Up today hundreds of Kings, Sultans (and) thousands (of) powerful ones Shaytan (is) making them to fall (into) a valley that they canřt be able to get out.
Now every country (is) in flames. Muslim territories more than Western countries. Look - everywhere that there is Muslims, there is a fire. (Shaytan is) making Muslims to kill each other. For what? For Allah? Allah Almighty should ask Kenyan Muslims, may ask Afghan people, may ask Iranian, may ask Turkish one, may ask Iraqian ones: "Why you were carrying that weapons? What was your target? Why you are killing? Why you are making trouble? Why you are running through streets? It is not blame for you to run in streets, O Muslims, and (you are) shouting for democracy, not saying: ŘO we are asking Shariatullah, Holy Commands of Allah.ř Why you are not going (through) streets, you are calling shaytanic words. Why not coming to Mosque, Muslim, that they are not knowing that Allah Almighty (is) looking (to) those people whom they are in mosque? And: As-sharru biqa fil ard miswaq... Arabs... say your people not to look mosque, to look outside or my stick ready! After stick my sword - we have sword also! Donřt look mosques, look what happening through aswaq, streets, what they are thinking, why they are shouting, to whom shouting! Shouting to Allah or shouting to Shaytan? Did you see or did you never see those people that they are making demonstration, carrying Holy Quran through their hands and saying: "We asking Heavenly Rules"? Anywhere you heard or you see? Hah? How they are Muslims! How Allah Almighty (is) supporting them? They should be taken away! Yaumu... ard... it is not the surface of world changing, but people that they are on Řhukmř, on power, Allah should change it! Time is over!
First whip on Muslims and their heads coming! Keep amanatullah that He sent us His Oath, Heavenly Oath from Heavens! Keep it and Rasulullah was saying: "12.000 of believers, whom they are supported by their Lord, (there is) no any power on earth to take them away or to win (over them)! Finished!" But we are never finding (even) 12 people... what is that?
Time is over and (a) Heavenly punishment (is) approaching, approaching, approaching... as (a) Heavenly punishment (was) approaching to that nation that Allah Almighty punished them through that day, Yaumu-l Dhulla...
Up is open, open... unbelievers they are asking to make something if that one (is) throwing something, not fall on them - (a) protection. But they are not asking... if Allah (is) sending a punishment, no one can prevent nothing!
O people, come and join that group whom they are supported through Heavenly Powers! Donřt trust on kufr, donřt trust to unbelievers! Trust (those), whom they are believing. They are, all of them they are supported! Now no one can be winner - from East or from West countries - if Allah Almighty (is not) protecting and giving His Heavenly Support! No one can be victorious or winner, winning! This must be well-known. Subhanallah, Allah Almighty (is) leaving people to make such an instruments that we are sitting in an unknown place on earth, but our declaration (is) reaching through East and West, so that no one (is) going to say: "Never (there was) reaching any warning, Heavenly Warning to ourselves, O our Lord!"
Reaching this, Subhanallah! They are proud with such an instruments, yes, and they are saying: "We are much more powerful from Muslims, because Muslims, their people, some people (they are) retarded..." Whole unbelievers, they are saying: "We are so strong, powerful, with such an instruments, but Muslims, they canřt do!" Yes, Muslims they are not in need such a things, to make their sound to reach anywhere!
Sayyiduna Umar on Mimbar he was saying: "Ya Sariya, al Jabal, al Jabal!" Using this... but no more faith through Muslims! They are official Muslims, not real Muslims. They are by name Muslims, not real Muslims! They are saying:"Europeans (are) making such a..." Sayyiduna Umar on mimbar for juma praying, khutba, he was calling that head of, Commander in Chief of Muslim armies, saying: "Ya Sariya, al Jabal, al Jabal!" Among Medina Munawwara and that (it is) 3 months walking. I think it was on Caucasian direction! We have power? We have power, we are not using yet! Let them to be proud with their, such a instruments. Real power Allah azza wa jal Řata li-l Muslimin, Řata li-l Islam!
Unexpected powers (Allah Almighty) just granted to Muslims. That time it was enough that - now we have a power! We can stop whole weapon factories or flying towers from steel! We have power! We are not fearing from them, but we are so smooth one and very soft ones now... But what Allah was saying: "Ash-shidařu Řala-l kufar"... Ash-shidař - that Muslims they are like lions! When they have been ordered, they are like lions! Lions may carry whole deers and zebra or ox or so many animals... Lions may take them in front of them and they are escaping. Muslims, we are Muslim - if (kafir are) looking to himself, armies (are) going to fall down!
They are thinking that Islam is something easy, easy... as they may do for Muslims as they like, and Řghafil Ř,heedless ones, they are fearing from (the) weapons that Europeans and (the) non-Muslim world they are inventing and making. No! Your heart must be with your Lord! Allah Almighty (is) saying: "I am sending (the) Holy Quran and I am that One who (is) taking on His responsibility to protect it!" Who can take away (the) Holy Quran? No one, no one, no one!
O people, O whole world people, beware (of) Shaytan, not to be cheated by Shaytan - Shaytan (is) asking people to fall into fire here and Hereafter! And we are asking forgiveness from Allah Almighty, for protection here and Hereafter! For the honour of the most honoured one Sayyidina Muhammad Ŕ sallaLlahu alayhi wa sallam, Fatiha.
Sohbet-134 Sohbet from Monday, 19.05.08 Learn, know and practise! As-salamu alaikum! The sign of Muslims (is) to say: As-salamu alaikum! Therefore use it, as much as possible use it more, say: As-salamu alaikum! Welcome to you, ayyuha-l ghafilun! Welcome to you, O famous mental-house visitors. Welcome to you!... That is Cavus, Sergeant... You are happy? Must be, must be!
Destur, ya Sultanu-l Anbiya, Destur, ya Sultanu-l Awliya, Destur, ya Rijalallah! We are knowing nothing! If knowing something, we are never practising! To learn
and to know it is order to believers! And we are saying: Audhu bi-llahi mina shaitani rajim, Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim. Say: Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim... (small Dhikr)
O our Lord, You granted us a biggest favour to be able to say Your Holy Name and to say: Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim!
We are very lucky and we are granted to say: Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim. (It is) one of biggest favours of Allah Almighty that we are able to say: Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim. And to say ŘBismillahir Rahmanir Rahimř saves you here and Hereafter. Fortunate people to be able to say ŘBismillahir Rahmanir Rahimř. When you are saying Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim, you have been dressed an honoured dressing from (the) Glory Oceans of Allah Almighty. Everyone around yourself - from nature, from animals world - they are knowing that you are (an) accepted servant in (the) Divinely Presence. Because if you are not accepted servant, you canřt be able to say: Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim!
That is a sign and everything around yourself (is) knowing and understanding that you have been dressed from (the) endless Mercy and Favours of Allah Almighty. You have been dressed and then everything, everyone around yourself, (is) dealing (with) you in a different way that they are not dealing with other people, whom they are not saying: Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim. And if you can be able to keep that honour, you should be finally (a) well-known one from servants. (Sheikh is drinking, saying: Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim)... With Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim you can taste favours when you are drinking. It is never going to be same two persons: (if) one (is) saying: ŖBismillahir Rahmanir Rahimŗ and drinking and eating, (he is) never going to be (the) same as a person who is not saying: Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim. 100 % it is just different and changed!
Yes, we are saying, asking forgiveness and blessings. The title of our association was: To learn and to know. That is obligatory for everyone: to learn and to know. Then you have been ordered, when you are learning and knowing, you have been ordered to practice, what you are knowing.
Now we are saying: You must know about ŘBismillahir Rahmanir Rahimř. If we are sitting and saying (about) the honour and the power of saying: ŘBismillahir Rahmanir Rahimř from (the) beginning of creation up to end, you canřt finish it. So powerful! It is so powerful to say: Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim. And mankind must say now, all of them: Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim. Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim. Whom they are saying, they are going to be saved and others (are) taken away. Taken away. La haula wa la quwatta illa bi-llahi-l ŘAliyyi-l ŘAzim!
Daily perhaps hundreds books (are) written through different languages, but they are not using (the) Holy Names of Allah Almighty to be the title of their book or their books, to write: Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim! Bismillahir RahmanirRahim is like a crown on a king, giving to you such an honour and Řheybetř, glory, and greatness. You must know it and you must practice on it! Your life - even you are living with so many kinds of people, but never (it is) going (to be the) same life with that one, who was knowing and saying: Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim. We must, it is obligatory to learn.
Now people (are) building ohhh!, so huge buildings and (they are) making so big
-what is that? Making for something through reklam, advertise(ment)... so many advertise... if a person (is) making every means for themselves as an advertise(ment), it is going to be like a small drop through a sea and through an ocean. So powerful! If people (are) learning and knowing about the real benefits or real blessing that (is) coming on a person when he is saying: Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim, they should be (quiet), not to speak anything, except: Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim. Try it! Free!
Trying is free; make it for one day, that: ŖI am going to say and to work on something today, to say: Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim!ŗ And finally look yourself at the end of the day and one day that you (are) never saying the holy Name of Allah, to say: Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim. And that person (is) coming so tired and unsuccessful. Success (is) just built on (the) Holy Name of Allah Almighty: Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim. Say! (That is) saving you here and Hereafter. Donřt forget it! When (you are) forgetting, you are going to be lost through endless oceans or endless sandy oceans... Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim... Allah, Allah...! How it can be? To say: Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim is to make your ego under your feet, to put your feet on the head of Shaytan! Shaytan (is) always blowing, blowing through your ego. Shaytan, that is its mission: to make (the) egos of people (big), to make them to think that each one is bigger from that globe. Even they say that you are much more important from whole heavenly beings! That is shaytanic ideas, asking to make people to say that you are most important ones and really they are Ŗwa khuliqa insana daifaŗ... Allah Almighty (is) saying that man (is) created so weak, so weak, weaker than an ant!
ŖHow it can be, Sheikh? We are much more weaker than an ant?ŗ ŖYes, O my no mind fellow! Do you think that an ant needs a blanket to put on it?ŗ ŖNo.ŗ ŖTo put winter clothes, summer-times to put summer clothes, season-times to put season clothes? It is so strong and (more) powerful than you! You are in need to change your clothes through difference of season, that means: that small ant (is) much more powerful than you. It (is) never asking something as you are in need, putting on yourself and to follow fashions, new fashions! New fashions always. Do you think that ants (are) worried (if) they have new fashion or they are using (the) same, same fashion from beginning up to end? But you are changing!ŗ
And that is something coming to you from the side of Shaytan, because Shaytan (is) asking to find a way to you through your out-looking. And dressing (is) giving to you a different scene, appearance. Therefore, people, why they are using fashions? They like so much to be seen in a different position, (a) different appearance. Everyone likes this. Therefore so many people, particularly women, if they can be able... if men (are) asking to change themselves 5 times, women, ladies, they are asking to be seen in 500 kinds... that is their mission. And Shaytan therefore (is) playing through the minds of no mind people and (he is) saying: ŖOh, my Darling, we must change our fashion, because now (it is) 2008... (A) new fashion (is) coming, (the) spring fashion, then (the) summer comes...ŗ
ŖWhich one you like, o my Darling?ŗ
They are going also, this, what is that? Defile... Sitting one 85-years (old) lady and that side, 99 years old, her husband. Every time (one model is) going, coming, (she is) saying: ŖO my Darling, how we are going to be... how beautiful do you think that if I am dressing like this...?ŗ That habit (is) never leaving
mankind. (It is a) habit! Yes, you must change everything, to be seen on another personality, to make shock on Abdul S... Yes... To be seen... Subhanallah! Subhanallah!
Therefore, in Paradise, you (are) never going to see your paradise lady and (she is the) same (like just) before one minute! Always changing! Kullu jadidun laziz -everything new is sweet! Therefore, in paradise you canřt see your lady always on same, no! Ohhh, so happiness for paradise people! So happiness! That means we have such a speciality through our egos not to be (the) same, but (the) tajalli, (the) manifestation of every time, to be changed. That is (a) hobby. For what? To be happy more and more paradise people! But it canřt be through this life, no! (It) canřt be. That (is) the reason that Shaytan (is) throwing through (the desire into) your heart to be seen in different positions among people and people they say: ŖWho is that beautiful one? Ŗ
(They are) looking (to) her dressing and (then she is) coming: ŖOh, (the) same lady (is) coming, but she is so fashionable lady... fashionable lady, (the) most fashionable lady through this Gala-Night!ŗ Eh. Therefore Shaytan (is) making its most effort to make people to look on themselves to be seen in another position, to be said: ŖOh, this lady (is) like a paradise lady - from where (she is) coming?ŗ (Then she is) coming... that is the old one, but she dressed so heavy dressings that people (are) thinking: ŖThat (is the) same lady?ŗ... From this putting Shaytan its hook on men and women.
And you may look that now whole nations, men and women, they are running after to be seen (as) a new personality, nothing else. Therefore they are making fashion-makers to make such a strange things, to take other peopleřs lookings on them. And that is making economy to come (down), to sink on (the) last point, never getting out. And that is the opening (of) the door of Řisrafř, wasting. They are wasting everything, only to be seen in another appearance. I donřt think that anyone (is) saying on that point now. (They) canřt say. We are saying on the worst demands of people.
Yesterday someone, they are asking to me: ŖO Sheikh, I am going to make a consulting with you for some important thing.ŗ I am saying: ŖYes, you may ask.ŗ He was saying: ŖO my Sheikh! We have a car; it is in a good condition, very good condition, its motor, its tyres is excellent. But my wife (is) saying: ŘO my Darling, what do you think, that we can change our car, because it is just (the) new year, coming with (a) new fashion. We must change our old car in a new model car. What do you think, O my darling? You know, O my Darling, (it is) my hobby that I like to have a Mercedes car, because our car is Ford car and (the) Ford car - Ford (is) not like Mercedes. And I am looking, looking through magazines that new models of Mercedes cars (are) first class!ŗ ŖO my Darling, what you are saying! (Even) if (there is a) new fashion of Mercedes cars - do you think that they are flying? Or they are also travelling on same Autobahns?ŗ ŖO my Darling, donřt say this! Only we must put our new fashion Mercedes car, you and me to stand up in front of our new car, in front of our house, so that people may say: ŘOhř- it is enough for me: to be seen in front of new fashion Mercedes car!ŗ ŖO my Darling, I must look... I must look for that...ŗ ŖO my Darling, I donřt like to say: ŘI must lookř. You must follow what I am saying, what (is) making me happy! O my Darling, ohh, I am going to cry...!ŗ
Hundreds and thousands (of) traps (is) putting for mankind, Shaytan, to occupy
them from their real missions through this life! They are not going to think on (the) most important position that the Day of Resurrection Allah Almighty (is) calling them: ŖO My servant, come and show your real face! Show your real habits, show (your) real mission, what you did through your life!ŗ To make them to forget it, (Shaytan is) engaging people with fashions.
Therefore you must learn and you must know and you must follow. (The) Holy Quran (is) coming for to be known, coming to be learnt and (for) knowing and practising. That gives to you an honour and glory along of your eternal life; (it) gives to you honour and over honour glorifying up to endless, up to eternity!
O people, donřt waste yourselves, your efforts, for nothing, but try to use your efforts to reach eternity! Eternity, that you should find... through every moment or second you should find something that never happened before and you should take such a pleasure through your eternal life! Think on it! Donřt waste your times with shaytanic things! And through that way Shaytan (is) just occupying people and catching them and doing what he is asking to do on people... Learn! Now so many people (are) speaking, speaking, speaking, speaking... we are not asking too much speaking - from (something) small you must understand an ocean! May Allah forgive us! For the honour of the most honoured one in His Divinely Presence, Sayyidina Muhammad Ŕ sallaLlahu alayhi wa sallam, Fatiha. Sohbet-135 Sohbet from 15.5.08 Send your S.O.S. to Allah! Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Karim Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Sultan Allah, Sultan Sensin! O our Lord, You are Sultan, everything (is) for You! We are Your creatures. By the Name of Allah Almighty All-Merciful, most Beneficent and most Magnificent. Audhu bi-llahi mina Shaytani rajim Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim La hala wa la quwatta illa bi-llahi-l ŘAliyu-l ŘAzim Ya ŘAliyu, ya ŘAzim, adrikna, ya Allah, bi inayatika uzma!
Forgive us and bless our souls to be always through Your Divinely Presence! Not to be on earth, to be in Heavens! We are forcing our souls to be on
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rty people canřt enter!
This is a humble meeting and we are trying to say something by our Masters; Masters that they are following heavenly holy people, step by step. Step by step (they are) following and they are coming, heavenly beings (are) coming to make people to step on their steps, because their steps (are) taking you to paradise. But shaytanic steps (are) carrying you to hells, to fire. We must understand this point!
And they (the Prophets) are saying: ŗWe are not coming to you to ask (anything) from (the) material life - golden or jewels or to be kings or sultans on yourselves, no! We are like you from mankind, but only we have been dressed some heavenly dress.ŗ Sayyiduna Muhammad Ŕ sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he was from mankind, but he was dressed an honour and glory from Heavens. Therefore, if he was looking (to) someone, (that one) may fall down. ŘNazar al-haybař! If he is looking (to) a person with his real appearance, no one can be able to look to him! No one, it was impossible! But prophecy (is) coming, coming, coming down - at the level of common people.
Yes, there is (the) helicopter. (A) helicopter (is) coming, coming, coming in front of you also, but donřt say that: ŖThis (helicopter is) like me. (The) helicopter (is) going to be like ourselves, because they are on earth, like ourselves.ŗ No, after a while he may begin to leave your level and (he is) going up! And prophets commonly (were) with common people. But donřt think that he is like yourself! If he is like anyone of ourselves, what is the benefit to be dressed the honour, the title of being Prophets? Prophecy is something else that prophecy (is) making a person to be in connection with heavenly beings.
(A) helicopter may leave people, up to 5.000 feet or more, but (then it) canřt be able to get up. But prophets, they may be with you on your level, then through a Řtarfatu ainř, blink of our eye, (he) may be up, finished!
And (the) big mistake of people now (is) that they are thinking that: ŖProphecy is nothingŗ, or: ŖProphets, they are like ourselves, people, and they were speaking on some subjects, nothing else, and their speeches (are) just written on books; when we are reading, we are going (to be) like themselves.ŗ How you can say when you are learning their messages, their declaration on books: ŖWe are like prophetsŗ?
But they are now so proud people! ŖWho is that one?ŗ ŖDoctor of shariat.ŗ
ŖDoctor of shariat, hah? Eh. Then? Anything else? ŗ
ŖWe are not in need to follow anyone; we are only hearing those prophets and prophecy just passed away, now we are… what they bring, they brought it, now we are also looking through that books so that no any difference between ourselves and Prophets. No, no any more rank for them. What they are sayingŗ, they are saying, Ŗwhat they are saying, we are reading now through that books, then we are going to be like themselves.ŗ
Biggest mistake!
(It is a) biggest mistake and now that biggest mistake Shaytan (is) using it to make people not to believe in any Holy Sources, Holy Books and Holy Ones. Just now people (are) finished, they (are) never asking (for) a Holy One, and Holy Ones they are escaping from them, hiding themselves, because they (these people) are saying: ŖYou and we are all (the) same. Why I am going to respect you or for what I am asking something from you to learn? I can learn and I must be (a) respected one!ŗ
They lost the most beautiful and most powerful relation among Heavens and man, Awliya. Awliya, Wahhabis (are) never accepting and hundreds of years (the) Ummah they were respecting them, making Maqams for them and saying: ŖThose people (are) more closer to our Lord. They are pure people and now they are in (the) Divinely Presence - we may visit them and ask Heavenly Support through themselves.ŗ
Now Muslims (are) following (the) Wahhabi way and (they are) destroying (the) old domes. (They are) taking away domes and tekkes and dergahs, saying: ŖNo need, we are not in need (of them)!ŗ
Therefore mankind (is) coming to be more closer to (the) animal level, morethan to be closer to Heavenly Beings. Therefore - animals most distinguished sign (is) to be wild. (The) animals world, all animals, they have, less or more they have wildness. Therefore, those people whom they are denying holy People, whom they are closer to their Lord, they are coming closer to (the) animals world and animals, they are wild creatures. And now look whole mankind - how they are? They are more calm people or more wild people?
Day by day you are hearing from East, West, North, South, through Arabs, Turks, Europeans, Western countries, Eastern countries, that there is fire, killing, killing, killing… Allah (is) never ordering to kill, but Allah Almighty (is) ordering: ŖMake people to live, make people to be happy, make people to be in satisfaction and peace through their lives!ŗ But now people only they are growing up through wildness. (They are) wild people, even they are saying for themselves, bringing a description and saying: ŖWe are most civilized people.ŗ
Tu [spitting] on your civilization! That is their civilization: to kill everything, every living creatures, and killing mankind, killing innocent people, killing small one, old ones, and nothing-can-do, ´ajizř, weak people. That is their civilization? That is Shaytanřs civilization!
But Allah Almighty now, as He promised to the Seal of Prophets: ŖO Muhammad Ŕ sallaLlahu alayhu wa sallam! I am sending one (Holy One) to clean (the) earth from those wild animals!ŗ Beasts! Beast is more than wildness. (They are)
becoming beasts! Allah should kill them, should take them away!
O people, come, come and keep (the) rights of Allah Almightyřs people, Allah Almightyřs servants! Help them! Help them! Who is hurting Allah Almightyřs creatures, they are not Muslims, they are not Mu´mins, they are not believers - they are Shaytanřs people!
May Allah forgive us! For the honour of most honoured one in His Divinely Presence, Sayyidina Muhammad Ŕ sallaLlahu alayhi wa sallam,
Sohbet from Thursday, 22.05.08 O People - Join that Heavenly Supported Group! OR: Your heart must be with your Lord!
As-salamu alaikum! Ya Rabbi afwak wa ridaak! O our Lord, forgive us and give Your blessings to Your weak servants!
Audhu bi-llahi mina shaytani rajim - O our Lord, keep Your weak servants from Shaytan and its traps, not to fall in it. Who is falling (in) Shaytans traps, it is so difficult to get out. So difficult! Therefore you must be careful not to fall, not to be caught by a trap of Shaytan. Keep yourself, because Shaytan, it has hundreds and hundreds traps, putting there...
Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim - that is our sword. Always carry that sword, because if a person (is) going to (the) fighting field without (a) sword, (he) may be killed. If (he is) carrying (a) sword, people (are) thinking for him. Therefore we must be careful and waking, awake up, not to be sleepers, (or) quickly (they are) taking you as a prisoner or injuring you or killing (you). Therefore weare saying: Audhu bi-llahi mina shaytani rajim, Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim. Allah protects us!
Follow His Holy Orders, you should be in safety here and Hereafter. Donřt say that: "I know, I know, I know..." you donřt know, you know nothing! You can be mistaken. Therefore we are saying: "Audhu bi-llah mina shaytani rajim, Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim" (and) we are coming through a protected area. If you are going (through an) unprotected area, must touch you something that you are not going to be happy (with). (The) Prophet (was) saying - sallaLlahu alayhi wa sallam -, (the) most praised and most glorified one in Divine Presences, Prophet Muhammad - sallaLlahu alayhi wa sallam -, he was saying: "Itaqqu bi wadia-l tuham" (?), you must keep yourselves not to fall in a trap."
May be so many advertising, not (only) so many, perhaps whole advertisings (are) calling people to be caught through one trap. Advertising - that is the meaning (of it). They are advertising man, advertising every kind, for everything... even they are advertising for cats meals... (A) cat (is) asking (for) advertising? Without that advertising (it is) jumping on (the) table, eating as it likes. It needs advertising? But (they are) so clever one, man, they are making for everything advertising and through every advertising there is one or
more traps. When you entered that field, you must be caught by anyone of (these) hundreds of traps.
(The) first (one to) fall in Shaytanřs trap, who was (he)? Adam - alayhi salam! First. What about for ourselves? Every time, daily, daily hundred times (we are falling)! If Adam - alayhi salat wa salam - just fall in a trap, what about for you? And he was saying: "O my sons and grandsons and my generation up to (the) Last Day, I am warning you and saying: ŘBeware of Shaytanř!" Eh, we are writing: Beware (of the) dog! Yes? We are writing and people, (if they) are looking (this) if (they are) coming nearer, quickly (they are) coming to be far away, (because)perhaps that dog may bite him. (They are) taking a care. Which of ourselves (is) taking care for Shaytan? Every day hundreds of traps (are) catching our legs, hands, heads- beginning from first ones.
Shaytan, donřt think that it is an idiot creature! Uhhh! You are idiot, but Shaytan never (is an) idiot! Therefore he is always looking, looking... Not looking (to the) flock, no! Shaytan (is) saying:
"(I have) nothing to do with (the) sheep, with (the) flock - where is (the) shepherd? Shepherd!"
"I am here!"
"What are you doing?" "(I am) sleeping..." "Yes, you must sleep much more, because it is a safe valley, you take your rest... "
This (is his) Řnasihař, (his) advising to shepherds... And (it is) coming (the) same thing to (the) shepherds of nations and (he is) saying:
"Do this, donřt do that!" "What is it I am doing?" "You are doing best." "For me or for my nation?"
"No, no, Sir! Nation, they are flock, you must consider always your ego, yourself! Make them to sleep and you do as you like!"
Haaa... Shaytan... - Abdul Jalil, look to me! - ... Shaytan (is) not going to Řfeetř, no need, (but he is) coming to top ones, and (he is) saying:
"Do this, do that, to be dressed , because something may be against yourself!" (He is) coming (to) the top ones, coming to Kings or Sultans or Emperors or Presidents or Prime-Ministers or their ministers... Shaytan (is) very clever - shaytanic cleverness (is) with him. From beginning up today (he is) camouflaging himself and no one (is) asking: "Who is that one?" Camouflaging... so that
people (are) thinking: "(That one) that (is) our best friend and best advisor. We must ask our advisor how we can do!" Sayyidina Adam (was) just cheated by Shaytan. Up today hundreds of Kings, Sultans (and) thousands (of) powerful ones Shaytan (is) making them to fall (into) a valley that they canřt be able to get out.
Now every country (is) in flames. Muslim territories more than Western countries. Look - everywhere that there is Muslims, there is a fire. (Shaytan is) making Muslims to kill each other. For what? For Allah? Allah Almighty should ask Kenyan Muslims, may ask Afghan people, may ask Iranian, may ask Turkish one, may ask Iraqian ones: "Why you were carrying that weapons? What was your target? Why you are killing? Why you are making trouble? Why you are running through streets? It is not blame for you to run in streets, O Muslims, and (you are) shouting for democracy, not saying: ŘO we are asking Shariatullah, Holy Commands of Allah.ř Why you are not going (through) streets, you are calling shaytanic words. Why not coming to Mosque, Muslim, that they are not knowing that Allah Almighty (is) looking (to) those people whom they are in mosque? And: As-sharru biqa fil ard miswaq... Arabs... say your people not to look mosque, to look outside or my stick ready! After stick my sword - we have sword also! Donřt look mosques, look what happening through aswaq, streets, what they are thinking, why they are shouting, to whom shouting! Shouting to Allah or shouting to Shaytan? Did you see or did you never see those people that they are making demonstration, carrying Holy Quran through their hands and saying: "We asking Heavenly Rules"? Anywhere you heard or you see? Hah? How they are Muslims! How Allah Almighty (is) supporting them? They should be taken away! Yaumu... ard... it is not the surface of world changing, but people that they are on Řhukmř, on power, Allah should change it! Time is over!
First whip on Muslims and their heads coming! Keep amanatullah that He sent us His Oath, Heavenly Oath from Heavens! Keep it and Rasulullah was saying: "12.000 of believers, whom they are supported by their Lord, (there is) no any power on earth to take them away or to win (over them)! Finished!" But we are never finding (even) 12 people... what is that?
Time is over and (a) Heavenly punishment (is) approaching, approaching, approaching... as (a) Heavenly punishment (was) approaching to that nation that Allah Almighty punished them through that day, Yaumu-l Dhulla...
Up is open, open... unbelievers they are asking to make something if that one (is) throwing something, not fall on them - (a) protection. But they are not asking... if Allah (is) sending a punishment, no one can prevent nothing!
O people, come and join that group whom they are supported through Heavenly Powers! Donřt trust on kufr, donřt trust to unbelievers! Trust (those), whom they are believing. They are, all of them they are supported! Now no one can be winner - from East or from West countries - if Allah Almighty (is not) protecting and giving His Heavenly Support! No one can be victorious or winner, winning! This must be well-known. Subhanallah, Allah Almighty (is) leaving people to make such an instruments that we are sitting in an unknown place on earth, but our declaration (is) reaching through East and West, so that no one (is) going to say: "Never (there was) reaching any warning, Heavenly Warning to ourselves, O our Lord!"
Reaching this, Subhanallah! They are proud with such an instruments, yes, and they are saying: "We are much more powerful from Muslims, because Muslims, their people, some people (they are) retarded..." Whole unbelievers, they are saying: "We are so strong, powerful, with such an instruments, but Muslims, they canřt do!" Yes, Muslims they are not in need such a things, to make their sound to reach anywhere!
Sayyiduna Umar on Mimbar he was saying: "Ya Sariya, al Jabal, al Jabal!" Using this... but no more faith through Muslims! They are official Muslims, not real Muslims. They are by name Muslims, not real Muslims! They are saying:"Europeans (are) making such a..." Sayyiduna Umar on mimbar for juma praying, khutba, he was calling that head of, Commander in Chief of Muslim armies, saying: "Ya Sariya, al Jabal, al Jabal!" Among Medina Munawwara and that (it is) 3 months walking. I think it was on Caucasian direction! We have power? We have power, we are not using yet! Let them to be proud with their, such a instruments. Real power Allah azza wa jal Řata li-l Muslimin, Řata li-l Islam!
Unexpected powers (Allah Almighty) just granted to Muslims. That time it was enough that - now we have a power! We can stop whole weapon factories or flying towers from steel! We have power! We are not fearing from them, but we are so smooth one and very soft ones now... But what Allah was saying: "Ash-shidařu Řala-l kufar"... Ash-shidař - that Muslims they are like lions! When they have been ordered, they are like lions! Lions may carry whole deers and zebra or ox or so many animals... Lions may take them in front of them and they are escaping. Muslims, we are Muslim - if (kafir are) looking to himself, armies (are) going to fall down!
They are thinking that Islam is something easy, easy... as they may do for Muslims as they like, and Řghafil Ř,heedless ones, they are fearing from (the) weapons that Europeans and (the) non-Muslim world they are inventing and making. No! Your heart must be with your Lord! Allah Almighty (is) saying: "I am sending (the) Holy Quran and I am that One who (is) taking on His responsibility to protect it!" Who can take away (the) Holy Quran? No one, no one, no one!
O people, O whole world people, beware (of) Shaytan, not to be cheated by Shaytan - Shaytan (is) asking people to fall into fire here and Hereafter! And we are asking forgiveness from Allah Almighty, for protection here and Hereafter! For the honour of the most honoured one Sayyidina Muhammad Ŕ sallaLlahu alayhi wa sallam, Fatiha.
Sohbet-134 Sohbet from Monday, 19.05.08 Learn, know and practise! As-salamu alaikum! The sign of Muslims (is) to say: As-salamu alaikum! Therefore use it, as much as possible use it more, say: As-salamu alaikum! Welcome to you, ayyuha-l ghafilun! Welcome to you, O famous mental-house visitors. Welcome to you!... That is Cavus, Sergeant... You are happy? Must be, must be!
Destur, ya Sultanu-l Anbiya, Destur, ya Sultanu-l Awliya, Destur, ya Rijalallah! We are knowing nothing! If knowing something, we are never practising! To learn
and to know it is order to believers! And we are saying: Audhu bi-llahi mina shaitani rajim, Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim. Say: Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim... (small Dhikr)
O our Lord, You granted us a biggest favour to be able to say Your Holy Name and to say: Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim!
We are very lucky and we are granted to say: Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim. (It is) one of biggest favours of Allah Almighty that we are able to say: Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim. And to say ŘBismillahir Rahmanir Rahimř saves you here and Hereafter. Fortunate people to be able to say ŘBismillahir Rahmanir Rahimř. When you are saying Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim, you have been dressed an honoured dressing from (the) Glory Oceans of Allah Almighty. Everyone around yourself - from nature, from animals world - they are knowing that you are (an) accepted servant in (the) Divinely Presence. Because if you are not accepted servant, you canřt be able to say: Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim!
That is a sign and everything around yourself (is) knowing and understanding that you have been dressed from (the) endless Mercy and Favours of Allah Almighty. You have been dressed and then everything, everyone around yourself, (is) dealing (with) you in a different way that they are not dealing with other people, whom they are not saying: Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim. And if you can be able to keep that honour, you should be finally (a) well-known one from servants. (Sheikh is drinking, saying: Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim)... With Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim you can taste favours when you are drinking. It is never going to be same two persons: (if) one (is) saying: ŖBismillahir Rahmanir Rahimŗ and drinking and eating, (he is) never going to be (the) same as a person who is not saying: Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim. 100 % it is just different and changed!
Yes, we are saying, asking forgiveness and blessings. The title of our association was: To learn and to know. That is obligatory for everyone: to learn and to know. Then you have been ordered, when you are learning and knowing, you have been ordered to practice, what you are knowing.
Now we are saying: You must know about ŘBismillahir Rahmanir Rahimř. If we are sitting and saying (about) the honour and the power of saying: ŘBismillahir Rahmanir Rahimř from (the) beginning of creation up to end, you canřt finish it. So powerful! It is so powerful to say: Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim. And mankind must say now, all of them: Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim. Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim. Whom they are saying, they are going to be saved and others (are) taken away. Taken away. La haula wa la quwatta illa bi-llahi-l ŘAliyyi-l ŘAzim!
Daily perhaps hundreds books (are) written through different languages, but they are not using (the) Holy Names of Allah Almighty to be the title of their book or their books, to write: Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim! Bismillahir RahmanirRahim is like a crown on a king, giving to you such an honour and Řheybetř, glory, and greatness. You must know it and you must practice on it! Your life - even you are living with so many kinds of people, but never (it is) going (to be the) same life with that one, who was knowing and saying: Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim. We must, it is obligatory to learn.
Now people (are) building ohhh!, so huge buildings and (they are) making so big
-what is that? Making for something through reklam, advertise(ment)... so many advertise... if a person (is) making every means for themselves as an advertise(ment), it is going to be like a small drop through a sea and through an ocean. So powerful! If people (are) learning and knowing about the real benefits or real blessing that (is) coming on a person when he is saying: Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim, they should be (quiet), not to speak anything, except: Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim. Try it! Free!
Trying is free; make it for one day, that: ŖI am going to say and to work on something today, to say: Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim!ŗ And finally look yourself at the end of the day and one day that you (are) never saying the holy Name of Allah, to say: Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim. And that person (is) coming so tired and unsuccessful. Success (is) just built on (the) Holy Name of Allah Almighty: Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim. Say! (That is) saving you here and Hereafter. Donřt forget it! When (you are) forgetting, you are going to be lost through endless oceans or endless sandy oceans... Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim... Allah, Allah...! How it can be? To say: Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim is to make your ego under your feet, to put your feet on the head of Shaytan! Shaytan (is) always blowing, blowing through your ego. Shaytan, that is its mission: to make (the) egos of people (big), to make them to think that each one is bigger from that globe. Even they say that you are much more important from whole heavenly beings! That is shaytanic ideas, asking to make people to say that you are most important ones and really they are Ŗwa khuliqa insana daifaŗ... Allah Almighty (is) saying that man (is) created so weak, so weak, weaker than an ant!
ŖHow it can be, Sheikh? We are much more weaker than an ant?ŗ ŖYes, O my no mind fellow! Do you think that an ant needs a blanket to put on it?ŗ ŖNo.ŗ ŖTo put winter clothes, summer-times to put summer clothes, season-times to put season clothes? It is so strong and (more) powerful than you! You are in need to change your clothes through difference of season, that means: that small ant (is) much more powerful than you. It (is) never asking something as you are in need, putting on yourself and to follow fashions, new fashions! New fashions always. Do you think that ants (are) worried (if) they have new fashion or they are using (the) same, same fashion from beginning up to end? But you are changing!ŗ
And that is something coming to you from the side of Shaytan, because Shaytan (is) asking to find a way to you through your out-looking. And dressing (is) giving to you a different scene, appearance. Therefore, people, why they are using fashions? They like so much to be seen in a different position, (a) different appearance. Everyone likes this. Therefore so many people, particularly women, if they can be able... if men (are) asking to change themselves 5 times, women, ladies, they are asking to be seen in 500 kinds... that is their mission. And Shaytan therefore (is) playing through the minds of no mind people and (he is) saying: ŖOh, my Darling, we must change our fashion, because now (it is) 2008... (A) new fashion (is) coming, (the) spring fashion, then (the) summer comes...ŗ
ŖWhich one you like, o my Darling?ŗ
They are going also, this, what is that? Defile... Sitting one 85-years (old) lady and that side, 99 years old, her husband. Every time (one model is) going, coming, (she is) saying: ŖO my Darling, how we are going to be... how beautiful do you think that if I am dressing like this...?ŗ That habit (is) never leaving
mankind. (It is a) habit! Yes, you must change everything, to be seen on another personality, to make shock on Abdul S... Yes... To be seen... Subhanallah! Subhanallah!
Therefore, in Paradise, you (are) never going to see your paradise lady and (she is the) same (like just) before one minute! Always changing! Kullu jadidun laziz -everything new is sweet! Therefore, in paradise you canřt see your lady always on same, no! Ohhh, so happiness for paradise people! So happiness! That means we have such a speciality through our egos not to be (the) same, but (the) tajalli, (the) manifestation of every time, to be changed. That is (a) hobby. For what? To be happy more and more paradise people! But it canřt be through this life, no! (It) canřt be. That (is) the reason that Shaytan (is) throwing through (the desire into) your heart to be seen in different positions among people and people they say: ŖWho is that beautiful one? Ŗ
(They are) looking (to) her dressing and (then she is) coming: ŖOh, (the) same lady (is) coming, but she is so fashionable lady... fashionable lady, (the) most fashionable lady through this Gala-Night!ŗ Eh. Therefore Shaytan (is) making its most effort to make people to look on themselves to be seen in another position, to be said: ŖOh, this lady (is) like a paradise lady - from where (she is) coming?ŗ (Then she is) coming... that is the old one, but she dressed so heavy dressings that people (are) thinking: ŖThat (is the) same lady?ŗ... From this putting Shaytan its hook on men and women.
And you may look that now whole nations, men and women, they are running after to be seen (as) a new personality, nothing else. Therefore they are making fashion-makers to make such a strange things, to take other peopleřs lookings on them. And that is making economy to come (down), to sink on (the) last point, never getting out. And that is the opening (of) the door of Řisrafř, wasting. They are wasting everything, only to be seen in another appearance. I donřt think that anyone (is) saying on that point now. (They) canřt say. We are saying on the worst demands of people.
Yesterday someone, they are asking to me: ŖO Sheikh, I am going to make a consulting with you for some important thing.ŗ I am saying: ŖYes, you may ask.ŗ He was saying: ŖO my Sheikh! We have a car; it is in a good condition, very good condition, its motor, its tyres is excellent. But my wife (is) saying: ŘO my Darling, what do you think, that we can change our car, because it is just (the) new year, coming with (a) new fashion. We must change our old car in a new model car. What do you think, O my darling? You know, O my Darling, (it is) my hobby that I like to have a Mercedes car, because our car is Ford car and (the) Ford car - Ford (is) not like Mercedes. And I am looking, looking through magazines that new models of Mercedes cars (are) first class!ŗ ŖO my Darling, what you are saying! (Even) if (there is a) new fashion of Mercedes cars - do you think that they are flying? Or they are also travelling on same Autobahns?ŗ ŖO my Darling, donřt say this! Only we must put our new fashion Mercedes car, you and me to stand up in front of our new car, in front of our house, so that people may say: ŘOhř- it is enough for me: to be seen in front of new fashion Mercedes car!ŗ ŖO my Darling, I must look... I must look for that...ŗ ŖO my Darling, I donřt like to say: ŘI must lookř. You must follow what I am saying, what (is) making me happy! O my Darling, ohh, I am going to cry...!ŗ
Hundreds and thousands (of) traps (is) putting for mankind, Shaytan, to occupy
them from their real missions through this life! They are not going to think on (the) most important position that the Day of Resurrection Allah Almighty (is) calling them: ŖO My servant, come and show your real face! Show your real habits, show (your) real mission, what you did through your life!ŗ To make them to forget it, (Shaytan is) engaging people with fashions.
Therefore you must learn and you must know and you must follow. (The) Holy Quran (is) coming for to be known, coming to be learnt and (for) knowing and practising. That gives to you an honour and glory along of your eternal life; (it) gives to you honour and over honour glorifying up to endless, up to eternity!
O people, donřt waste yourselves, your efforts, for nothing, but try to use your efforts to reach eternity! Eternity, that you should find... through every moment or second you should find something that never happened before and you should take such a pleasure through your eternal life! Think on it! Donřt waste your times with shaytanic things! And through that way Shaytan (is) just occupying people and catching them and doing what he is asking to do on people... Learn! Now so many people (are) speaking, speaking, speaking, speaking... we are not asking too much speaking - from (something) small you must understand an ocean! May Allah forgive us! For the honour of the most honoured one in His Divinely Presence, Sayyidina Muhammad Ŕ sallaLlahu alayhi wa sallam, Fatiha. Sohbet-135 Sohbet from 15.5.08 Send your S.O.S. to Allah! Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Karim Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Sultan Allah, Sultan Sensin! O our Lord, You are Sultan, everything (is) for You! We are Your creatures. By the Name of Allah Almighty All-Merciful, most Beneficent and most Magnificent. Audhu bi-llahi mina Shaytani rajim Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim La hala wa la quwatta illa bi-llahi-l ŘAliyu-l ŘAzim Ya ŘAliyu, ya ŘAzim, adrikna, ya Allah, bi inayatika uzma!
Forgive us and bless our souls to be always through Your Divinely Presence! Not to be on earth, to be in Heavens! We are forcing our souls to be on
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