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313 Suhbat of Mawlana Shaykh Nazim (1195 pages, 15/120)
ing A`udhu billahi min ash-Shaytani' r-rajeem. Bismillahi 'r-Rahmani 'r-Raheem, biggest honour that our Creator, the Lord of the Divinely Existence, that our Lord just created us to be for our most Beloved one's nation. And we hope to be under his (s) holy flag here and Hereafter. Ask, o people, to be from those ones whom they shall be sheltered under the most high flag through Creation! That most praised flag through Heavens!

O People! As-salamu `alaykum wa rahmatallahi wa barakatuh! It is only a short association daily we have been granted through our Holy Master, who is looking

after this nation through the last period of life on it. Because after a short while, this world going to reach the Day of Resurrection to be Judgment Day. And after it is going to reach what it is appointed by its Creator to be. May be said to it:, "Get in through My Endless Power Oceans" and disappearing. And whom they were living on it, they are going to be either to Paradise or either they are going to Hells. And the book of this world, it is going to be closed down, taken away.

O People! Give a time daily, a time for your Lord, for your Creator, to hear about Himself Almighty. That gives to you more honor! As much as you are going to give a time to be with your Creator, you are taking much more honor and praisings. Please, O People! O People living on this planet! Try to give a time for your Creator. It is normal. If anyone that he has a normal understanding, it is easy to understand what had been said now through one weak servant's tongue.

I am knowing nothing, but whom they have been granted Holiness, they have been granted also some Heavenly attributes because they are understanding for what they have been created. If a person not knowing for which purpose he has been created and he is in existence, not knowing that their level under the level of animals. Animals, even an ant, knowing for what it is created. Nothing can be in existence and not knowing for what they are created, and they are in existence. What about Mankind? Mankind that they are on top, most highest level through Creation! How they are not knowing? Or why they are not asking, for what we have been in existence? And how we are being in existence? How is our beings beginning in existence? That, a little bit understanding, given one, must know it or must ask it!

We have been granted an understanding, yes! If an ant, it has an understanding according to its position, or according for its creation, rabbana ma khalaqta hadha baatila. The Lord of Heavens saying through Holy books, through the understanding of Holy ones. He is teaching them and they are teaching people and saying, "Subhanak! You are that One, that it is impossible to be known." Only maybe, you maybe granted from your Creator something, and that something must give to you an understanding, and you are getting to understand, "For what I am in existence?" Nothing created without understanding.

That is a tree; so many kinds of trees and so many kinds of roses, so many kinds of flowers. Everyone knowing for what they are in existence. Must know. If not knowing, a palm tree never giving dates. If a pine tree not understanding for what it is created it is going to be like a palm tree. If a wolf not knowing for which purpose created, going to be cats. And cats, if not knowing for which purpose they are in existence, going to be a mouse.

Everything must know for what or for which purpose they have been in existence. That is wisdom! And wisdom is not such a grant that you may reach it through material things, no! Wisdom is something else. Through that wisdom, you may say it is like a shining sun. If no sun, the world is in a darkness. Sun coming and making it clear. And wisdom has been granted from our Creator, it is like the sun. That means it is a noor, light, lightening, lightening! When lightening opening the curtain on darkness, on happenings, on Creation.

You are not understanding anything, you are going to be a blind one; a blind person like (any) other person but only blind! No lights to look, to see, to

understand. But you, you have been granted a noor, lights, that making you to look and to understand. Therefore, wisdoms is a so high and precious gift from our Lord to His deputies. Deputies, they have been granted, and if they are looking through that Holy grant, understanding and seeing why Creation is Creation.

Creatures understanding why they are in creation. Yes. Therefore, most important purpose for mankind that they are on top level through Creation. They have been granted a praised level that they are going to be through lights. They are like lightening, looking, seeing and understanding and running after it.

Therefore, man, they are on top level of creation and they have been granted such a noor, lights that just is a grant from the level of Heavens. Upon that Heavenly levels there is levels of Divinely Lights. No one knowing it, only Allah Almighty and only one reaching that Divine Wisdoms and Real Beings, only that one, only one. No a second one. No second one. Therefore, (Sultan stands up) Sayyidina Muhammad (s), he is only one. You must believe. If you are not believing and giving such a respect to him, no iman, no Islam, no value, no lights for them. (Sultan sits)

Therefore, it is important to look once again. Heavenly warning to whole religions to look once again to see who is Muhammad (s), who is that one. If they are looking at skies and saying, "This is gigantic galaxy, we are looking and seeing but not understanding for what that galaxy is in existence. What is the reason"? Without reason or without a wisdom, how that galaxy is there? We are saying millions of years distance, of light speed. For what? Why you are not asking? For whom prepared Heavens? For angels? No. Angels, they are on their ways of creation. Heavens for whom?

Our people they are not even asking about this planet. For whom created? Why not asking? They are saying, "We are PhD." Hah! PhD, ...alaykum, (Arabic word, swearing.) If you are PhD, why you are not knowing for Whom this space is created and Who created? Must be for some reason, for some wisdom of Creation. Creator never creating without wisdom. He is not in need for His creatures. Hasha! Never! No. He may say, "Be", coming such a space; billions and billions and trillions and trillions and quatrillion and pentrillion galaxies. He is Creator! He is not in need for that. But He is Lord of Heavens, created Mankind and giving to them an understanding so that they must ask.

"Yes, O my brother," for this planet running through space. "O my brother, how this solar system on its perfect position in existence?" Or saying, "O my teacher, you are following harakaat, movements of that solar system. Do you think that it has been in existence by itself? And do you think that everything in existence is under a law? Our solar system running after Alpha Star and that star may be like our galaxy, much bigger? And what thing making our solar system to move towards that star?"

Why you are not asking, why our solar system moving towards that Alpha star? Billions and billions stars, it means there is a Mighty Command that we can't see. Must be Someone Who has mighty power that you can't imagine its limits. Unlimited Mighty Oceans must be for Someone that He is making this our solar system and ordering it to move towards Alpha galaxy, Alpha star.

We are speaking about this only on lowest level, we can't speak more than this up, no. We are asking answers from those people who claiming we are knowing everything. If knowing, give answers for this point, who arranged the solar system? Then, whom making our solar system to move to a direction? And you may ask for understanding, why is our solar system running on that direction and through space you can't find a direction? Direction east, west, north, south, up and down, left and right. There you can't find this and through which thing they are running? Space, what is space? How they are moving with a fuel? Fuel, or they have captains? What is the name... showing through planes. They have radar. Must be radar, because without radar, plane can't move. What is your opinion? This solar system making its way towards alpha stars. Such a question is only to make people to wake up and not to live drunk, no.

And therefore, they're making me to speak on such a point and to call people for an understanding, to call people to ask and understand for something. Don't make yourself as a rock. Rock also has understanding, but not like us. You are Mankind! Human nature on this planet. They are looking for other planets and are seeing nothing. They are seeing nothing on other planets, but for the greatness of Allah Almighty, they are going to be able to think in such a small size thing that we are knowing; it is in existence, but we are not knowing what it is.

Therefore, O people, living on earth through east and west, don't waste your most precious life. Don't be like blind people, deaf people or non-understanding people. What you have been granted, use it to reach some realities. People now they are saying we are living in 21st century. I am asking what you learned about this world? About what we are asking now to learned people? Say it. Your biggest telescope on this earth is like a piece of match, so small, and you are looking through that. Do you think that if you can do that million times bigger than such a telescope, you are even reaching any result? Only to say subhanAllah, Glory to the Creator. And you may run to sajda (prostration) saying, Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar!

Final point. Therefore, in our days, the captain or master for this planet looking on Preserved Tablet. They are looking and seeing. They are not in need to look through gigantic telescope. That it is nothing compared to greatness of this planet. It is nothing. But those whom they are tafteesh, searching beyond their minds, they are looking and understanding on Preserved Tablet, what is written on it and what is going to be finally, what was their beginning and how should be their final positions.

O People! You have been created to reach more and more wisdoms. Wisdoms are Heavenly lights to show you countless realities, one after one. Your honor getting more and more as long as you are using that Divinely wisdom lights. O People! Try to give a time for your Lord Almighty Allah. That grants to you a honor. That always getting more and more; always you are reaching more and more pleasure and more and more lights.

I am a weak servant and they are making me to address everyone and to myself also. I am asking forgiveness from our Lord Allah Almighty, as well as His blessing and to forgive us.

Therefore, people, say (singing):

dome, dome, dome, dome, dome, dome, dome, dome, dome, dome, dome, dome, dome, dome, dome, dome, dome, dome, dome, dome, dome, dome, dome, dome, dome, dome, dome, dome, dome, dome, dome, dome,

Always enter Truth singing through unknown territories. This is the most simple music that we are saying: dome, dome, dome, dome, dome, dome, dome, dome, dome, dome, dome, dome, dome, dome, dome, dome, dome, dome, dome, dome, dome, dome, dome, dome, dome, dome, dome, dome, dome, dome, dome, dome,

Only for You, O our Lord! Fatiha. (45 minutes)

It is okay, alhamdulillah. Allah gives much more lights and honor for listeners! They should be shining stars or they should be some stars shining. Some stars going to be without shining, unseen, through darkness. This Heavenly music is giving us some shining for our realities, to move and to make tools around ourselves to reach more and more.

Wa min Allah at Tawfeeq

Sohbet-36 The Harm of Caesarian Deliveries Mawlana Shaykh Nazim Adil Al-Haqqani Sultanul Awliya Sunday, Sep 27, 2009 | Lefke CY

(Mawlana Shaykh stands)

La ilaha ill-Llah Muhammad ar-Rasulullah. Keep us as a mum catching the hands of her children; You do that for us not to loose our ways, not to be occupied with something that is useless. As-salaamu`alaykum! O our master, our Grandshaykh! High command of Allah Almighty, we are running, running away from bad ones. Bad ones that they are bad ones followers of Shaytan, Sadanas. Protect your followers and we are so weak, so weak, support us, O our master! Whole glory and whole praising only for the Lord of Heavens. He is Greatest, He is only in existence, existence for you O our Lord, Lord of Heavens.

O our Grandshaykh! Help us. We are weak ones, we know nothing but curtains

just opened. When curtains taking away from a servant, he looks and seeing something that he never expected. And according to High command we are saying A`udhu billahi min ash-Shaytani ’r-rajeem. O our Lord! Protect us from cursed Shaytan and its followers, because Shaytan, Sadanas just cheated in our days, not millions, but billions of people. And we are saying, taking the sword of heavens that it is biggest grant to believers, we are saying Bismillahi'r-Rahmani'r-Raheem, for everything say Bismillahi'r-Rahmani'r-Raheem. (Mawlana Shaykh sits) O our Lord! Protect us and shelter us. You know how You are sheltering and protecting, but Your Holy command signing and saying that if anyone asking a protection and shelter here and Hereafter, must say Bismillahi'r-Rahmani'r-Raheem. that these Holy Names of Allah Almighty, “By the name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Munificent, Almighty Allah,― endless Mighty Oceans for Him only, Allah.

For what You created us? Send to Your weak servants to know and to learn and to follow. For what we have been created? That is first advice from whole prophets that holy command from Allah Subhanahu wa Ta`ala ordering to them, "O My selected ones or chosen ones through My Heavenly Presence! My servants are weak and I am Most Mighty only, only Most Mighty One! Can't be anyone to have that title, most Mighty One, most Mighty Oceans! No one can tasawwur, imagine My Mighty and Most Mighty and no one can imagine how My most Mighty Sifaat, Attributes are; no one knows! Through that, My Most and Endless Mighty Oceans are reaching to Endless Dominions, and no one knowing My Dominions, impossible! Impossible!"

Allah Subhanahu wa Ta`ala is saying, "O My creatures! Heavenly addressing, O mankind! That I am that One Who giving your design. No one can think about the Absolute Perfection that I granted to My deputies. For being My deputies, I granted to them, I am Designer of their physical being and also I am granting to them from My Heavenly Perfection, giving to them zaahir, their external appearance, so perfect! I am giving to My deputies a design that no one can takhleem, to imitate it!"

That is the meaning that Allah Almighty created Adam by His hands. He is Designer for Adam Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam. Our looking was such a perfect design granted to everyone. Therefore, everyone looking to a mirror must say, "Alhamdulillah il-ladhee, khalaqaneee wa jamalanee wa kamalanee as shukru wa ridaa." (thanks to Allah who created me and made me beautiful and perfected me, we give thanks. and our pleasure is with You, our Lord) You must say, because our design so perfect because the Lord of Heavens, the Lord of everything in existence, He is that One, that designed Man to be His deputies. Can't be any designer can think about our creation, our design, and He Almighty designing you.

O man! Through a very small and narrow place through wombs of your mums, from nutfah, a clot. How? Who can do that? And He is the Lord of Heavens, the Creator, saying, "I am Your designer through your mum's wombs." Therefore, don't say, "That is ugly one, that is handsome one, that is beautiful one, that is ugly one." Don't say! That is haraam - that is forbidden and it is like kufr, unbelief and that kufr makes our beliefs away, yes. We are not in existence, as

we are now, and the Lord of Heavens is not using a big distance for creating.

O mankind! Whom they are living through 21st century, why you are not thinking on it? Why you are not looking at the beginning of your existence or why you are not thinking on the beginning for your life, how it began? O people! Enough to be drunk! Think, think! Therefore, to think is giving to people such a power and such an honor that no one can find a measure or measuring this. O people! Why you are not thinking on it? Your creation is with perfection, with perfection. Look, physiology that is showing our creation, very roughly, even very roughly it is making people's understanding to stop and for them to fall down into sajdah!

O our Lord! You created ourselves in such a perfection through a small distance, and then making it to grow up, to grow up, to grow up in nine months. Then your parents making trouble for you, going to doctors and making cutting, Caesarian Section. They are so unhappy. They are feeling so, so...that new creation through the womb of their mums when time coming to get out, doctors involving and cutting, making Caesarian, making that new creation in so much pain, not only pain, but it is going to be so disturbed, physically as well as spiritually! Therefore, any surgeon who is making this, when they are going to die, angels are coming and making that Caesarian on that doctor's stomach, one, two, three, four times; however much they gave trouble to that new creation, they should be punished so many times! Therefore, I am warning doctors not to make Caesarians; Caesarians haraam for all.

O Pope! Say to your people that Caesarians are forbidden and never happened before; Caesarian Sections are only going to be a business for some doctors, for some money they are doing and that is jinayaat, a crime. It is forbidden through Old Testament, New Testament, Psalms and Holy Qur'an, four heavenly books preventing that.

O Your Holiness, O Pope! Why you are not saying this? No one can touch or interfere when a woman coming time to bring her child; no one giving a permission to be cut. To make Caesarian, that is haraam, forbidden through Old Testament, New Testament and ten Orders of Sayiddina Ibrahim (a) and Holy Quran. Same punishment going to be given to mums whom they are running to be taking their child through their wombs by Caesarian, they will be also punished at their last moment when they are leaving this life, and they will taste same bitter adhaab, disturbance! They will taste that and also those fathers whom are sending their wives for Caesarian, same disturbing and pains (that comes on that child) will be for their mums and dads when they are leaving this life!

I am nothing! But I am warning whole Mankind, don't do this; that is bringing more shiddah, bringing much more trouble to Mankind! Because that new creation never happy to be taken through Caesarian and they are cursing mums and dads and doctors. I am only a warner! I am saying to whole world people, Muslims, Christians, Jewish, Buddhists, Protestants, Catholics: everyone, I am warning them: don't do this! This carrying on you cursing from heavens! Therefore, now people in such a problems and through such a troubles and miseries.

O people! Beware to be against holy commands of heavens, that the Lord of Heavens is warning you and saying, "Don't do that. If you are doing that, I am taking revenge for those small ones' and giving your punishment here and

Hereafter, also!"

O people! Religion means to give advice. Religion is for protecting people from miseries and troubles here and Hereafter. And whole beliefs, whole religions is only for warning people not to be against the holy commands of Allah, and to follow heavenly orders. Heavenly orders giving a time for a child and then when that new generation is to come out by orders of the Lord of Heavens, that is going to be sent to angels and that child will come out from the womb; it will be born. No child is going to stay in their mum's womb when their time comes!

O people! Beware. I am only a very, very, very, very weak warner and reminding you. Beware! Don’t do something that the Lord of Heavens going to be unhappy. O mankind! Don't be from those people whom they are making their Lord unhappy. That is today's warning to whole Mankind. No enjoyment physically they should reach. The power of mum and dad going to be down, down, down and finishing. Particularly, more than this, that some people make abortion. That is 70 times much more bringing cursing on mum and dad! A`udhu billahi min ash-Shaytani'r-rajeem. Abortion, that is 70 times worse than Caesarian. O ya Rabbee! Going to be murderer, dad and mum if they are making abortion!

Take your hand, O people, take your hands (take control). O doctors, cursing coming on you! May Allah forgive us, may Allah forgive us. O our Lord! What we will say? I am hearing sometimes the crying and paining of Caesarians babies, so crying, so paining. And mostly their parents they never understanding and they are carrying also after a while some punishments that no any doctor may ever treat. No any medicine that they are doing giving to them a restful time, day or night. O people! Say, "Astaghfirullah!

O our Lord, we did something wrong; forgive us, forgive us, forgive us, forgive us!" Ask, O people! You have been created to be masters of this world! Allah Almighty, the Creator, granting to you such an honor! Keep that honor and don't give any adhaa, harm for new ones. Whom their hands reaching the secret place for taking new generation, they should be punished, no any medicine can stop it.

May Allah forgive us. We are saying astaghfirullah, astaghfirullah, astaghfirullah, asking forgiveness. O our Lord! Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah. You must keep right way; we are speaking on right way. For everything there is right way and wrong way. Keep right way; don't go on wrong way. Wrong way carrying you to suffering and misery and cursing. Keep yourself. This is a warning. Try to be obedient to your Creator, the Lord of Heavens. He knows when a new one coming in existence to be born or not. Don’t interfere with heavenly treatments.

O Man! Be believers; don't be atheist people and don’t be unbelievers. Don't be from unbelievers. Don't be cheated, that millions of people unbelieving, the big number of unbelievers, don't leave to cheat you. Believers may be a handful, but they are saving you here and Hereafter. May Allah forgive us. O our Lord! Send us someones from Your Heavenly Presence to save Your weak servants, to be all of us on right path, not to be on wrong way!

Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah,`Azeez Allah Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Kareem Allah Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Subhan Allah Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Subhan Allah

Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Sultan Allah (Mawlana sings) Dome dome dome dome, dome dome dome dome Dome dome dome dome, dome dome dome dome

Keep the right way to be in safety for every day

Dome dome dome dome, dome dome dome dome Dome dome dome dome, dome dome dome dome

Say, "O our Lord, You are only granting, Huuu huuu Huuu huuu Dome dome dome dome, dome dome dome dome Dome dome dome dome, dome dome dome dome Fatiha. O, ya Rabbee! Wa min Allah at Tawfeeq Sohbet-37 Smell The Beautiful Breath of Rose with La ilaha illallah Mawlana Shaykh Nazim Adil Al-Haqqani Sultanul Awliya Saturday, Sep 26, 2009 | Lefke CY

Fatiha! (Sultan praying two rakats)

Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar La ilaha ill-Llah, Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar wa lillahi'l-hamd!

(Sultan stands)

"O our Lord! Accept our servanthood for the honor of Your most honored one and we are saying, we are asking more glory for him saying, alfu 's-salaat alfu 's-salaam `alayka ya Sayyida 'l-awwaleen wa'l-akhireen wa `ala alika as-haabika wa atbai`ka ila yawm-id-deen."

"O Rasulullah! We are asking your shafa’a, your intercession. (Arabic) In spite of those proud ones, they are full with dirtiness and they are coming and to saying some useless and dirty words for your rank in Divinely Presence".

"O Ya Rasulullah! Give us your intercession and keep us under your hand, honored flag, liwaau 'l-hamd. We are so happy and our hearts so, so proud and happy and in enjoyment. Ya Sayidda 'l-awwaleen wa 'l-akhireen! You are everywhere in spite of those Shaytan people, you are everywhere because everything without you can’t be in existence. O our most beloved Prophet! You are real Messenger, you are most honored Messenger, you are only one who is

in Divinely Presence more and more from pre-Eternal up to Eternal. And we are assaulting on Shaytans and we are saying A`udhu billahi mina ’sh-shaytanir-rajeem and we are taking our Heavenly sword that been granted to us, Bismillahi 'r-Rahmani 'r-Raheem".

(Sultan sits)

La ilaha ill-Llah., La ilaha ill-Llah., La ilaha ill-Llah., La ilaha ill-Llah. Muhammad Habeeb Allah `alayhi salaatullah `alayka salaatullah ya Habeeb Allah.

"O people! We are weak ones. We are so weak creatures. As-salaam `alaykum warahmatullah wa barakatuhu!"

Try to be always under the Heavenly shelter here and Hereafter. O humble servants! Whom they are preferring to be ...not to be proud ones, the most important sign of servanthood that is humbleness. As much as we can be humble, the Lord of Heavens makes ourselves up, up, up! Don't be proud. You should be then with Fir’auns and with the armies of Nimrods; there is a stamp, Heavenly stamp (Arabic).

I am calling to my master who teaching us, and try to teach whole mankind how they must be servants, how is servanthood. And O people! O mankind! All of us from same tree of humanity. We have been granted such an honor from our Creator and we are asking that honor to be always! To continue something that the Lord of Heavens granting He is not taking it back! That is Heavenly qa'idah, Heavenly rule. If giving, not taking it back. But so many of ourselves making wrong things but wrong things may be washed, may be taken away. Ask our Lord's magfiraat, forgiveness. O Allah! Forgive us, and He is Ghafoorun and Ghafaarun. Ghafoor Who giving His forgiveness and He is Ghafaar, Endless Forgiveness Oceans.

"O people! Leave your will, will power in front of the Will of the Lord of Heavens. But I am saying that is highest position to leave our will power to our Lord. That is an isti’lah, expression. (Sultan asks someone in audience, “Sleeping?!―) As an isti’lah, expression we are saying, O Allah! Forgive us".

We must first addressing to our Lord then coming down, coming down, more humble, more humble, more humble to say to your master that you belongs to him. Who is Master? Master is that one who leaving his will through the will of the Seal of Prophets Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam and who is the Seal of Prophets? Who just left his will through his, not will, Will Oceans.

We must keep usool, traditional way that we must learn it. O people! Say I am nothing! Yes, you must say this. Some people saying, “How I can say that I am nothing? I was nothing? Or I am nothing? And I have such a power, a big belly! There is a golden chain (Sultan searching room for eyeglasses) and I have also, I have such a golden eyeglasses how I can say that I am nothing? And I am in existence with such a power.―

Those people they are learning through dragons’ schools. Who is dragon? Shaytan. Learning there. When putting this (Sultan puts on eyeglasses), "Yes sir! I am not something, I am everything, I am so powerful.― That is

Shaytan. He has Shaytanic diplomas and putting this also (eyeglasses), big stomach, huh? Say! Belly! How you say this for me and I am sitting on a chair everywhere, or with golden, I am not putting my golden through case. Case? Not box, ordinary box…safe! (Sultan says to someone in audience, “Why you are saying case?―)

Because people they are thinking that I am putting my golden through safe, but I am putting inside the chair, no one hopes that it may be inside something, and I am sitting on golden, so powerful and hundreds of ships, saying through East and West, "How you are saying for me that I am not something? I am something and more than something. I may claim that I may be everything!"

That is the top point of pride! It is not true. If anyone forgetting his position falling into so many mistakes, and that mistakes taking that one to be with Shaytan because Shaytan was claiming and thinking that not I am something, no! I am all things, Shaytan saying! It was not happy to be something but he was claiming I am everything in existence.

Therefore, O people! Leave, not to be proud. Because the real sign of being a servant, the first condition for being a servant, to be humble. Humbleness making people to come closer to Heavenly beings or Heavenly beings running away from them. From them coming a bad smelling, very bad escaping. And sometimes that person when his passing time approaching, going to come out from his…through his breathing, coming so bad smelling. We are asking forgiveness. And that one who was using Holy name of Allah Almighty's dhikr, his breathing coming to be so beautiful smelling!

Once we were with my master, Grandshaykh, in Madinatul Munawwara that the Seal of Prophets his Holy body was laying there. We were with my Grandshaykh and that year coming some pilgrims for visiting Holy place of the Holiest one's, Holiest body. One person he was 120 years and he coming and visiting our Grandshaykh who was 90 years. And Grandshaykh ordering me to embrace to that old one and I embraced him.

(Grandshaykh said) “O Nazim Effendi! You smell something?― (Sultan says) “O my master! I am smelling him so beautiful breathing, so beautiful.― (Grandshaykh said) “You know what it is?― (Sultan says) “You know my master.―) And he said that person never stopping his mouth to saying La ilaha ill-Llah, La ilaha ill-Lla