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313 Suhbat of Mawlana Shaykh Nazim (1195 pages, 14/120)
ss love and respect and glory to that most glorious one of the Lord of Heavens, for the Lord of Heavens is Only One in His Divinely Presence, from pre-Eternal up to Eternal, and no one can enter there.

(Mawlana Shaykh stands) Allahu Akbar! Ay Rabbi Malik (O my Lord, Sultan), give us some understanding! (Mawlana Shaykh sits) But it is good sign that this year they are mukalaf; they're kallafoonee (appointed me) a weakest servant to address to whole world to declare from some Realities as a drop from endless Oceans. There is nothing else we are doing. O Mankind, be happy! O Mankind, be glorified, to be beloved ones through our Lord's most beloved one in His Divinely Presence, that he is presenting his Lord! Keep your highest respect and give him your highest respect, as well as deepless love, deepless honors to him. That is what we are understanding from our grandshaykhs to speak, and that is a good sign that this world must be changed and going to be changed! Every wrong understanding about the Seal of Prophets (s) must be corrected, and every one must give highest honor and appreciation to that one. O People! Come to be honored ones in Divinely Presence of divinely ones. May Allah forgive us!

O People! O People! I am not knowing, but trying to learn. I am only a weak servant, but if Allah Almighty asking a weak one to threaten a world full of worldly creatures, He may do! He can do! He may ask an ant to be dangerous to whole living on this planet! O People! We' re not making joking. I am the lowest one and from that they're making me to speak, or else I am nothing.

(Mawlana sings)

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Allah Almighty, never He is in need to hear singings, no. And Allah Almighty's Real Being is deepest darkness that no one can be in it.

He is Only One and nothing else, and He is with nothing else, but we they're making me to say:

(Mawlana smiling)

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If ones' second hearing a person on that heavenly music, they may fall down deadly because their soul rushing and entering to that heavenly singing!

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O Pope and our Grand Mufti, Grand `ulamas, grand living ones east and west, think, stop and listen. What thing or which thing coming into your heart, O Rabbis' leader, what you are saying?

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Sohbet-33 Every Cell is in Enjoyment Mawlana Shaykh Nazim Adil Al-Haqqani Sultanul Awliya Wednesday, Sep 30, 2009 | Lefke CY

(Sultan stands)

Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, la ilaha ill-Llah, la ilaha ill-Llah, la ilaha ill-Llah.

Sayyidina Muhammad (s) by the Name of Allah, the Most Munificent, the Most Beneficent.

O Our Lord's Holy ones, Holy servants, give us from good manners to be closer from Heavens, to save from darkness of our egos and Satanic territories. We say, "Where can be Satan, and by whom he can be running and rushing and pulling them to follow him through darkness territories?" Darkness territories, that is Shaytanic territories.

Alfu's-salaat, alfu's-salaam. O you, our most beloved guide, ya Sayyidina Rasulullah! (Arabic) Wahabi, Salafi they are so jealous ones. We giving to you our most high respect, they are going to explode. (Mawlana Shaykh laughs) That is their punishment. And we are feeling an endless pleasure through ourselves, and that gives us pleasure and enjoyment and satisfaction and giving us lights. We are lightening.

(Sultan sits)

O People! O People! O Mankind! O our Lord's servants! I am a weak servant and you are trying to listen to know more and more. Ma barakli yawman wa 'zid fihi hidayah and we are saying A`udhu billahi min ash-shaytan ir-rajeem. Bismil-Lahi’ r-Rahmani ‘r-Raheem We are so proud and glorious by saying Bismil-Lahi’ r-Rahmani ‘r-Raheem; it is not easy for everyone to say Bismil-Lahi’ r-Rahmani ‘r-Raheem. O People! As-salamu alaykum wa rahmatallahi wa barakatuh!

(Sultan sings)

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That music giving us so happiness and pleasure.

O People! Because everything you are going to do for the Lord of Heavens and your Creator, you must feel. You must feel through yourself. Because I am not appointing only one place through your physical being; my aim, that my master who is the holiest one on this planet is saying, is not that only one part of your body getting to be in pleasure, but every part of your physical being dancing.

The one who has billions of cells, all cells they are living ones; living means they are knowing something and they are getting happy. Every cell, or every organ going to be in pleasure and enjoyment. When we are saying Bismil-Lahi’ r-Rahmani ‘r-Raheem, that sending to every cell of our bodies a pleasure. They are so pleased, they are in such an enjoyment, you can't imagine. When the cells of a living one is happy it is running, or it runs to fulfil the wisdom or main purpose for their creation.

Understanding people?! Don't sleep! This is a warning as well as a teaching and we are only weak servants, and is our honor that we are asking to wake our body.

Our body getting so pleasure when I am saying, hahchoo! hahchoo! (Mawlana sneezes). That is from Heavens. But when we are saying, "Aaaaw,haaw", (mimics prolonged yawning) that is from animals' level action. That means your organs unhappy and every cell through that organ is tired. But when they say, "hahchoo!" every cell, awakening.

O heedless people, look! I am saying from every Prophets' knowledge but they are giving to me and I don't know but I am saying gham (sadness) from east to west. And they must hear and take their care. (?Imagine) Shaykh Hisham to take their care that everything going to be in existence through enjoyment or to be ghamm, tired and unhappy. This life, O People! It is so easy. No problem if you are keeping one word from the Seal of Prophets and following it, you should find yourself in end through a new level. You should find yourself and saying, "this is a level giving to me a satisfaction. I am breathing happily, I am thinking clearly, I am running without tiring, I am understanding not (with) wrong understanding. I am happy on this level.

O People! What are you doing Samsonite (suitcase) through your hands? Every morning with Samsonite, one side coming down like this (mimics being weighed down),Samsonite shoulder coming down on earth. I am saying 'O my friend, your shoulder coming down, make a balance, take another to be like this." La ilaha ill-Llah, Sayyidina Muhammad (s).

O People! You have been created to take rides for your egos? What is that? What is that, running on your ride, for what? What is your last point? O People! You have been created and the Lord of Heavens Who created you giving every part of your being to be always active through its effort. The Lord of Heavens Who created you making you to be like a donkey, two sides carrying heavy bags? You are man! You are from human nature, and humanity they have a specialty through whole creation. Learn and teach.

That is important. When a cell, may be cell of your brain or cell of your heart or cells of your stomach or digestive system, cells standing up for, to continue our message, generation. Every cells through every organs, they are in enjoyment, they are pleased. All of them are in pleasure from your eyes, from your head to your feet.

Look o people, before our time, people they never doing shikayat, to be complaining. Never can be seen people before our times to be in pains, they never suffering. Only for some; more than ten, under the 100. Now, today in our days, illnesses countless. Before, hear and listen! O clever one! O thinker one! Keep your head in cleanly area! Keep your mind in a good position! You can understand what we are saying. Only those people who they are drunk ones, they are not understanding. Now countless illnesses they are suffering. Before, only one time a doctor giving a receipt for a patient . Now when people are going to a doctor he saying:

"First you must go for analysis for your body, to make a general checkup. And you must bring to me results of your checkup and then I may look and do something. If you are not doing that, I can't do treatment for you."

"O my doctor, it is necessary also to go to 'timarhane' mental house for checkup?"

"Yes, you must go to checkup yourself; if you are on just perfection through your mind, then we shall do our treatment. Yes, you must also go to mental house for checkup."

"O sir mental house doctors they are in need for checkup." "That is true, that is true." "They may give wrong receipt for me and making me more crazy." "Doesn't matter, go to mental house for checkup and then I am putting you in here for tunnel, like barrel and going in one side and coming out other side then I may look for you and see what is happening."

"O my doctor til I am doing that ... (The video transmission was lost, and the following is from a German translation, but is fragmented)

[It means your body cannot tolerate our treatment and are (...) but just do well to check up. This is a long history (...) we must at the beginning of the checkup, (...) or his returning of our master (...) everything in every organ, every cell, where they are (...) and look forward to, then they are at their best (...) human (...) yes. if our bodies are looking forward to (...) because their owners think about positive positions (...) that we are connected to our soul, with whom higher position (...) If this is connected okay, then you are not hurt. (...) never know because the cells are in their best positions and they] their best for that person, and then that man is living happily enjoyfully, sahat, healthy. Your health is coming from your cells. Your cells, they are living ones, and living ones, their life just related to heavens because life coming from heavens. And every cell is a living one and their lives coming from heavens. And their cells coming and getting enjoyful life from them.

Therefore, those people, their organs being harmony, the main `amood, pole that our world turning around it that is, harmony. There is a harmony in existence and that harmony in our understanding hayatan tayyibah, how happening? That harmony must be in every creation; if they have been sent on earth they have been created and they have a harmony through themselves and through others. Without harmony, what is against harmony?

Chaos. Aferin. Chaos.. Now we have been learning some new thing, that I also learning that two main appearances through this Creation, either to be through harmony or to be chaos. When you are reaching to be through yourself you are reaching to be through harmony. our life, as Allah Almighty saying, that is a hayaatan tayyibah a good and best and happy life.. Nothing may touch you or nothing disturbing you or nothing harming you. because your harmany through every creature. If harmony, scorpion may come and never touch you.

Once I heard from my master that a scorpion coming to one of our grand ones, Imam `Azham (Imam Abu Hanifa an-Nu`man), that he was one of guiding people to the ways of the Seal of Prophets (s). Coming on him a scorpion. People running to kill it and he was saying, "Leave it, it can't do anything. And let it to bite. Doesn't matter." Coming, biting and falling dead that scorpion. Can't do, can't harm, it is forbidden for every creature to harm it. Allah Almighty

created so many countless, so many countless creation, not bringing them in existence without something. There is a harmony around our dunya, aroundour planet. Must be. If there is not a harmony,no one living. In one hour they should finish each other and no more life on earth.

Therefore, there is a harmony, particularly on Man that is Sultan of this planet. Can't be that can't be without a connection through heavens, but is not keeping that heavenly arrangement, that is that harmony cut off. When harmony cut off, everything coming on it, everything coming on him, everything coming on her to give a trouble to that one and giving a chaos to come on our bodies. I was remembering when I was my age through elementary school, before 100 yrs ago. "O Shaykh, you are so old one." You are only ten years younger than me! I am remembering myself 70, 80, 90 years ago but the Lord of Heavens giving me such a special being, as He is granting to everyone a special being also. Everyone has a special being that he is carrying, that no one else carrying such specialties. The Creator, He is not making photocopies and everyone has an appearance through this life.

Yes sir, I am speaking on orders. and so many people, organs not working. And so many people thirteen years organs not working. coming to me, "O my Shaykh! Anything wrong with me that everything is working, Only one organ is not working. I am swearing, keep yourself in harmony and I am saying then every organ will be in its real position, never getting to be elder or useless.

O Pope, O Dalai Lama, O Patriarchy in Istanbul and every other patriarch, and chief rabbis! Do you understand what I say or do you think that I am speaking wrong? No one can say that I am speaking wrong. Yes, we are making an explanation for understanding, that every thing in this life in a most perfect harmony. Between earthly creation and through heavenly positions, must be that harmony. If you are destroying that harmony, means that you are destroying yourself. And when that harmony just taken away, you are looking that whole nature, they are fighting to each other. And now people, Mankind, they are fighting to each other, harming and killing and destroying and burning. Because they lost real harmony between their spiritual being and heavenly harmony. That is very important.

O People! Keep and listen because anger coming to me! I am angry because they are not keeping harmony between themselves and heavens! And there is endless chaos on earth now because they are bringing this rule, that rule, this regime, that for the people all of them useless. Because they used to have kingdoms, it was the best ones, and now falling down, but coming worse ones now, and firstly they destroyed kingdoms, asking good life for them.

Trying to arrange their lives now, because Sultans they was best ones, but becoming to be falling down, falling down and going to the earth power among people going to the earth's tyrants. And tyrants no iman, no beliefs. And also no mind people, not knowing what is right hand from left hand. And now biggest cowards in this world, and people trembling, people burning, to destroy, from gigantic weapons. and their taleb (wish request) their last emel, (hope) another word, must be. (goal target?) Last point for them to kill. They are looking only for killing and destroying. Beyond that they are finished.That is biggest chaos for mankind in 21st Century they are making their last target to kill, to burn. to destroy. Now that is biggest chaos that is to appear from Mankind from

beginning up to end. (Mawlana Shaykh sings) Dome dome dome dome dome dome dome dome

That is harmony that making you to be happy and to make you be good feelings and to live with good feelings.

Therefore we are saying to give to people:

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Send us O our Lord from Heavens Who can take away troublemakers and Shaytanic groups and can send from Heavens to guide to ourselves and guide to harmony and most best things that a man may reach to be in pleasure and enjoyment and to be honored and glorified

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Don't say it is haraam, if it was haraam, Allah Almighty not saying about Dawud as when he was singing. When he was singing, in Holy books, whole mountains and trees and (...) coming and making and singing with Sayyidina Dawud Alayhissalam.

Fatihah astaghfirullah, astaghfirullah (53 minutes, Sayyidee) Because coming more power. Wa min Allah at Tawfeeq

Sohbet-34 Big City Atmosphere is Poisonous Mawlana Shaykh Nazim Adil Al-Haqqani Sultanul Awliya Monday, Sep 28, 2009 | Lefke CY

(Mawlana Shaykh stands)

Stand up for the honor of your Lord, Almighty Allah, as much as possible, to give most high praisings and glory! Say through our language, we are saying in Arabic language, Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar, la ilaha illAllah, Allahu akbar! AntaAllah! Subhan Allah! Sultan Allah!

Give us Your forgiveness and support us, O our Lord, against Satanas and its followers! I am ashaming to address directly to You, O our Lord. Even Iam ashaming to ask from Your Most Glorious One, Your most Beloved One through Your Divinely Presence. I must ask from the Holy Ones, that they are Masters through Creation. And we are saying, may endless honor to be granted to Your Most Beloved One! And we are saying, Allahumma salli `ala Sayyidina Muhammadan Nabiyyul `ummi wa `ala `aalihi wa sahbihi wa sallim. Adkhilna fi rahmatika ya arhamar rahimeen!

(Mawlana sits)

As salamu alaykum. O our listeners, I must look to you. Even you are on far distances and for far distances, one of our followers he was saying, "O Shaykh, put eye glasses to look through east and west!" And I am listening here and to Shaykh Hisham, and saying I must put looking glasses to look around who is there. Therefore, I am putting and asking from our master, king of masters in our times, no lie, that he is qutb, pole granted some honor and some specialities to have a power for carrying responsibility as a master for this planet, dunya. Dunya, dunya. O people! and I am saying a'udhu billahi min ash-Shaytan' r-rajeem, Bismillahi 'r-Rahmani 'r-Raheem, alfu alfu salawat alfu alfu salaam ala sayyidi 'l awwaleen wal akhireen Sayyidina Muhammad wa ala aalihi wa sahbihi wa sallim.

I am trying to see all of you with my eyeglasses, but it is impossible. If the Lord of Heavens giving a power for me to look through these glasses, to look through east and west, it can be possible. But, through these manmade eyeglass, I don't like it, because showing through a very short distance. But I am asking that, to be granted a little bit more lights to my heart to make through east and west, easy to be seen. Yes. Very important to be granted a Heavenly light, to be with a servant. That light may be as an atom's light.

What do you think, O my listeners from Adam's children. Welcome to you!!! Be happy, be proud also that you have been brought into existence by our Lords's order. He is saying only 'Be' and must be what He is asking to be in existence. O People, O Mankind, as salamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh and sending Heavenly Salute! Heavenly Salute is important, more important than what you are saluting people; that is nothing. But prophets, they were saluting people and their saluting is Heavenly. That salute going to be full of heavenly, holy breathing. Therefore, I am giving that salute for whole living children of Adam

Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam!

As salamu alaykum, peace be on you, here and Hereafter, on earth and on heavens. O people! O my Lord's creatures! I am one of you, nothing else. And the Creator may grant His Heavenly Salutes to you, and Heavenly Salute may take from you every heavy burden. Therefore, the Seal of Prophets (s) was urging his nation and saying alfu's salaam! Make salaam between you, because that changing the atmosphere that you are in.

People running to smell a good breathing through mountains, through pine trees. They are saying, "Oh, we must go a little bit around, we must leave our cities. And, time by time, we must get up and we may breathe a good weather." For what? Because good weather is full with life. Therefore, it is forbidden (for) Man to (dwell) in big cities. Big cities, it is not preferred for Man's life; (it is) giving trouble but not taking troubles. SubhanAllah! Most Glory for our Lord! Giving a recipe for people, how they should be through this life, happy and peaceful. This recipe is never changing.

The atmosphere where you are living is mostly going to be poisoned, particularly in our days. I must look once again, if it is true or not? Yes, I think that what we are saying, it is written through Holy Books. You must think on this. You must be a VIP person also when they are putting (their eyeglasses) like this, "O Shaykh, don't put like this put like this (moves eyeglasses up). No, this is better (moves eyeglasses to tip of his nose, laughter) because I may see, it is changing. SubhanAllah. Dirtiness making trouble for people. Therefore, the atmosphere that is poison, giving trouble to your physical being, go out from that atmosphere. That is, as we said, the knowledge reaching to learned people.

O people! Go around! Take yourself out of that poisoned atmosphere. Don't imprison yourselves through small places because that gives you trouble. Particularly people that are smoking, giving much more trouble to you and your circle, muheet (surrounding). People whom they should be with you, leave it; don't make your atmosphere poisoned. SubhanAllah! Endless Glory for our Lord, most High, most Praised, most Mighty, most Glorious and most Magnificent. The Lord of Creation has endless Names and endless Oceans belonging to each of those Holy Names.

Yes, everything, everyone just surrounded with something either giving benefit to you or giving trouble to you. Which, for material being of Man, that speaking on it. There is another one that is surrounding people, that is according to our actions. Bad actions bringing cursing, good actions bringing peace and beauty and pleasure and blessings. Therefore, O people! Wake up! Wake up! That is something strongly coming to my heart and I have been ordered to make a wake up for you. Leave to be a drunk. A drunk person just surrounded with a dirty circle.

(Maulana sneezes) Alhamdulillah! Shaheed al-Haqq! Everyone that they are doing something either must be surrounded with heaviness of their dirty, unliked actions, or there is another position, and through that Man can reach a cleanliness and they may reach a circle. They should be in a good circle that is giving to your real being, pleasure and peace and lights and hope and glory.

What is that circle, O people? Don't think that night clubs, casinos, hotels or such a places giving to you pleasure! No, no, but poisoning you! A circle that just surrounding you is a circle of prohibited actions and prohibited efforts, making you through a very bad circle. Whole heaviness coming on you. And people are not knowing such secret realities. They are thinking that if they are drinking (alcohol), getting a pleasure circle. No. They are thinking that when they are dancing, singing, doing this and that, they are going to be happy and in pleasure. No! That is diseasing of Shaytan; urging people to do something that if you are going in it you are surrounded with a poison circle.

That is main point that people now are complaining and very, very few people say, "I am happy, I am in pleasure, I am in peace." No. 99% of people are through poison circle. How they should be happy? By drinking, by singing, by dancing, by making haram, forbidden and zina, adultery? Giving them pleasure, no, no. It is poison circle! Therefore, you can find no one from east to west, people who are running into forbidden circles, to be happy, to come out saying, "I enjoyed it." No! They say, "O my head, O my back, O my stomach!" O people, we are speaking now through Heavenly Knowledge, and through Heavenly Knowledge, the Master of this world granting to you through a useless servant to make you wake up.

O People, believers or non-believers, Muslims or non-Muslims! There is a distinction between good and bad, as you say you have understood here something. You know you are liars. Heavens know what we talk about. The Pope must (listen and inform?). All the Patriarch (and religious leaders) want to make all the people, they want to find something to make humanity without any problems in life. Who's the Pope? I need to put (these eyeglasses back on to) start watching again, in order to look around for the Dalai Lama... to main rabbi again! (laughter) And also, put on eyeglasses in order to welcome circle to live, have feelings, and not to think that the religion's chief is happy and good. And they say, "We are in a good circle."

Can they say (they are) not material people, (that) they make you never in a joyous circle, in a circle of joy? O people, I see from Shaykh Hisham happy? It now comes (…?...) and I see and read this is the introduction. Now the (?) is protected from their trailers. I want to put down Shaytanic powers to save people from Shaytanic circle, and bringing in a joyous circle.

I am looking and now coming a very important point. This is a preface, yes. Now coming heavy, heavy bombarding of Satan and its followers. I'm intending to make Satanic powers down, to save people from bad circles, to take them to happy circles, to enjoyment circles. Too much these eyeglasses. Going to be time by time, Shaykh Hisham is going to use it. I can't use it, is expensive, eyeglasses. I am looking to see me also, but you can't see.

O People! Now look, something coming. I know nothing. I am a weak servant and I can't address millions of people, but they are making me to speak realities. O People! Look and see what circles you are in. People are mostly complaining and they are mostly in a bad circle. You must get out. The Seal of Prophets (s), (Shaykh stands) everytime from getting up and sitting, I am taking much more power, alhamdulillah! That is making me to get so much more.

O People, someone saying as-salaam baynakum, speaking in such realities that men

they are not thinking and asking to know. They are not asking which circle, if you enter into it, is good for yourself. They are not asking. Always taking more and more (tablets (medicine), and saying, "Oh, my back. Oh, my stomach." So many people, millions of people, they are complaining. Try to listen and see what is the meaning of the Seal of Prophets (s), giving 100% proof for his messengerhood. He was saying, alfu's salaam baynakum.

O People, make a Heavenly Salute around yourself. If I am saying, as-salamu alaykum or saying wa alaykum salam it is making a good circle, going to be surrounded by a fresh Heavenly Power. the Seal of Prophets (s) is saying to say back (to those who greet you) wa alaykum as salam wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh. Giving to yourself too much (benefit), changing your circle and coming Heavenly refreshment, Heavenly light, Heavenly enjoyment, Heavenly breathing, Heavenly pleasure!

Why aren't you asking, O People? Why are you getting in doubt? The prophecy of that one who spoke this, we are granted to make a base for that one only. He knows when you are entering a circle of salaamat (peacefulness). When you are saying, as-salamu alaykum you are entering a circle of peace. Give salaam. Give, as much as possible, for small one, for adults, for women. Give as much as possible and coming Heavenly satisfaction and pleasure, and coming from that enjoyment and happiness.

And whole nations, their mufakkir, biggest thinkers, professors or doctors, if they are finding some reality, they must come to Islam. It is such a huge building and giving endless peace to people! O People, come say la ilaha illAllah Muhammadur Rasulullah. You are entering into a safe circle here and Hereafter. Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar!

Only one word giving a circle we are saying now, even I don't know. They are never hearing such a thing, but now is the time to open some secret powers through the Holiest One of prophets. Alfu's salaam baynakum. O Arabs, don't say sabah al-khayr, are not in that happy circle, in that circle that salaam giving you. (Mawlana Shaykh sings!) Not beginning yet, but time is over. (46 minutes) It is okay then, because I am happy. I must say, make people happy!

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My hobby is to make people happy, nothing else, nothing else. The Lord of Heavens saying, "Make My servants to be happy, then I am going to be happy with you." I must make this musical, saying:

dome, dome, dome, dome, dome, dome, dome, dome dome, dome, dome, dome, dome, dome, dome, dome dome, dome, dome, dome, dome, dome, dome, dome dome, dome, dome, dome dome, dome, dome, dome


Wa min Allah at Tawfeeq

Sohbet-35 Wisdom is Like a Shining Sun Mawlana Shaykh Nazim Adil Al-Haqqani Sultanul Awliya Tuesday, Sep 29, 2009 | Lefke CY

Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar la ilaha illAllah Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar wa li'Llahi'l hamd!

All praisings and endless glory for You, O our Lord, our Creator. We are Your weak creatures. Leave us to reach to Your servanthood and bring Your endless blessings to let us to be on the level of servanthood. O our Lord, forgive us! We are giving our most high respects and salutes to Your most Beloved, most Glorified, most Honored representative Sayyidina Muhammad (s). You are giving his name O our Lord, more and more and more from pre-Eternal up to Eternal. We are so happy and we are so endlessly happy and glorified to be from Your most Beloved one's nation.

Give us, O our Lord, more and more glory from Your endless Glory Oceans through Your Heavens to be Heavenly glorified servants. Alfu 's-salaat alfu 's-salaam to you, our most respected and beloved Prophet (s). We are proud to be from your nation and we are say