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Heavenly Wisdom (Shaykh Nāzim, 185 pages, 4/11)
But the enemies of kaqîqah, the enemies of Islām, the friends of Shay†ān, awliyā’ Shay†ān, separate sharî‘ah and †arîqah. What are
†arîqah people doing that is outside sharî‘ah? What are we doing? We keep our wu¡û’ (ritual purity) for twenty-four hours – is that sharî‘ah or not? We pray sunnah (prayers that Rasûl Allāh almost always made but that are not compulsory) for every wu¡û’, and sun- nah at every prayer, and we perform night prayers and we make dhikr and we use salla an-nabiyy, and recite Holy Qur’ān! We intend to be

p r ec ious mi n ds
more with Allāh than with dunyā, and then they accuse us of being outside sharî‘ah! I have been coming here for twenty-five years and anyone can accuse me of teachings that are against sharî‘ah, anyone may say that, but those who do are shay†āns! What was wrong with the Prophet, Rasûl Allāh, salla llâhu ‘alayhi wa sallam?
Abû Jahl, Abû Lahab and the akhirîn and others fought the Prophet. Why? Was he calling them to Hell or calling them to Paradise? Eve- ryone who is against the Prophet and †arîqah are representatives of Shay†ān, until Mahdî, ‘alayhi salâm, comes and cleans dunyā.
Through association with your shaykh, he teaches you how to use your rocket. Last year I was taken to a private airport, where people go who want to learn to fly. Yes? Not all Londoners go there to learn, only those who would like to fly go there, and no-one says that is no good, that there is something wrong with this. No, if they want to learn to fly, it is normal. And this association is also normal, whoever desires to reach their heavenly station may come here and may learn!
If they desire to be like reptiles, lizards, snakes, crocodiles ... does anyone want to be a crocodile? Crocodiles, sometimes eat each other, sometimes you find them eaten on one side, or eaten from both sides, their tails eaten, their eyes eaten. They fight and quarrel – that is the nature of crocodiles, so who wants to be a crocodile?
Those who desire to fly may come, may pray, and one day they may fly and not come down. That is why we come here, Allāh Almighty sends me here and there to excavate, to find people. I am a person who comes and looks here and there, looks for precious stones, precious minds, from England, from Germany, France, Italy – everywhere. We hope that people are going to understand Reality step by step.
Up to today people have been cheated by devils. A whole cen- tury has passed in the hands of cheats and liars, cheating people, and causing trouble for Mankind through their companionship with Shay†ān. All over the world you can find Shay†ān’s companions working to cause people more trouble and suffering. They come and promise common people: We shall do this, we shall do that! Until they reach power and then they do nothing except make

things worse – suffering, misery and wars increase. So we ask Allāh Almighty’s forgiveness and guidance, because all good people have been defeated, and bad people, representatives of Shay†ān, and the satanic kingdom are in power.
We are asking for change, and we hope that this change will come by 2000. Therefore, prepare yourself now for goodness. Keep your- self on the side of good people. If you are with bad people make your colour, make your condition, make your position known, visible to the Heavens, because Divine Revenge is approaching, and if you are with bad people, Divine Revenge may take you too. When Allāh Almighty ordered Gabriel, ‘alayhi salâm, to take away Sodom and Gomorrah, to shake it up and down, Jibrîl took it on his wing, lifting it up, and he saw that 70,000 people were praying that night, and he said, “O my Lord! Among these sinners are so many worshippers!” Allāh Almighty said, “I have seen them, I told them to move away from the sinners but they have not separated from them, so don’t question what I have ordered, don’t delay! Destroy Sodom and Go- morrhah and I will look to the worshippers!”
Now it is impossible to find a country to go to where one can live apart from devils, even though the Prophet advised, ‘alaykum bi Shâm, seek refuge in Damascus. Now if ten people go there the go- vernment comes and says, “Why are you coming?” How many times have they thrown me out of Damascus? Therefore, it is impossible to be physically separate from sinners, but through your mind, through your beliefs, through your actions, through your characteristics you must be apart from them, try not to be with them. Only if it is ob- ligatory join them, but you must quickly leave. Sharî‘ah says that if there is wine on a table and people are drinking it, you must not sit there because cursing comes where there is alcohol. Do not say, “I’m drinking Cola, Coca-Cola, Pepsi, Seven-up,” it is not an excuse, no, because cursing is coming and reaching you too.
Beware of sinners and beware of devils. You may advise sinners but if they are not accepting – leave them, do not be with them because no mercy comes on them, cursing comes on them. You understand? May Allāh make us understand.

Allâh Allâh, Allâh Allâh, Allâh Allâh, ‘Azîz Allâh, Allâh Allâh, Allâh Allâh, Allâh Allâh, Karîm Allâh, Allâh Allâh, Allâh Allâh, Allâh Allâh, Subªân Allâh, Allâh Allâh, Allâh Allâh, Allâh Allâh, Sul†ân Allâh! Only Sul†ân! ...
One command, one warning, from Allāh Almighty would have saved that Princess. Grandshaykh made a sukbah and he said, they say it was because these photographers ... – parasite people? Paparoz? Paparazzi, paparoz? – They were chasing her to take her picture. I have seen them in the newspaper too, and have seen that these ‘paparot’ people were always troubling Diana. Wherever she was, they were there, taking her photograph. Grandshaykh said that one command would have taken all those ‘paparot’ people away from her, what was that command? Say, Shaykh ‘Adnān! Say, anyone! What was that command? One command ...! (No-one answers.)
I met, several years ago in Oxford Street a lady and gentleman, a Mu’min, she was holding his arm, walking together, and she was wearing Islamic dress and a veil. She was using the veil, and if the princess had used that one command for ladies – cover your face, cover your body – if she had covered herself, those ‘paparot’ would never have chased her to take her picture! No, such pictures would have had no meaning! If she had listened to this one command from Islām, from Allāh, she would have been saved, but because she was showing her face and her body, they were always running after her to take her photograph – August, September, October – photographs, near the sea, while eating, on stage ... and this one command, to cover, would have saved her. If women heeded this command, ninety per cent of all community problems would be over. But women are a never ending capital for Shay†ān’s evil manipulation! One command ...

And another command: Allāh Almighty says, “Do not take boy- friends or girlfriends, do not take girlfriends or boyfriends,” but she did. This is another command which, if heeded, would have saved her from that terrible end. And another command: “Do not drink, do not drink alcohol!” Because when you drink you lose your self- control, finished!
These three commands would have protected her, but she ignored them and that terrible end came to her. This is a big lesson for the whole of Mankind, yes. No religion may say this except Islām. No- one from our ulamā’ is saying this now. Throughout the east and west you cannot find anyone speaking these words, but this is kaqq! Accept it! If you are not accepting, you are in the wrong way, and if you continue some punishment will result. Today or tomorrow, the consequences of your actions must appear.
Allâhumma salli ‘alâ Sayyidinâ Muªammad ... It is very important! Allāh is not joking! Do not call me about trivial matters, this and that, my son, my daughter, my business, this and that!

The government has put out fifteen books and people have
been waiting five hours to sign them! In reality this is a big lesson for everyone to distinguish between right and wrong! Shay†ān and his headquarters are hiding the truth, so no-one is speaking about this, they are just saying, “Oh, oh, whine, whine!”
It is cruelty to make the body wait, therefore the sharî‘ah says to bury the body quickly. It is not permitted to delay burial in any religion! ... And everyone is crying – people, from East to West, from North to South, yet they are being misled! They are not ask- ing Allāh Almighty to forgive her, that may help her, but to idolise her – what is that? Instead they should ask, “O our Lord, give that weak servant, that young woman, who was so weak and cheated by devils, O our Lord, give her from Your Endless Mercy Oceans!” This

ta ke c ar e o f y our sou l
may be said and it is good for her, all this glorification is not accepted by Allāh Almighty!


O people! I could speak non-stop to my people (turks) from the
morning through to next week, but I would not be satisfied with them, because they are running after dunyā, like western people. And western people have lost their hope in life after death, western people are only running after imagination. All people, and every Muslim country, desire to be westernised – that is the biggest sin and misjudgement!
O people! Follow the way of Islām! Eternal life is found through the path of surrender, Islām. Only Islām leads you to eternal life, not any other religion. Follow Islām, then you should be pleased and happy. Islām makes Allāh Almighty pleased with you! If you are not pleasing Allāh Almighty, nothing can make you happy in this life. Nothing of dunyā can make you happy.
O people! Dunyā is coming to the end of the line! Prepare! And take care of yourself! Some people in England say this; it is good man- ners, some people say, and have said to me, “Take care of yourself!” How? How can I take care of myself? This is a good thing to say, but they do not understand what it means – it means to take care of your soul, not your body!
Save your soul from Hell, here and hereafter! It is good advice from prophets’ knowledge, from Holy Books. Everyone must take care of his eternal life. Everyone must focus themselves on His Di- vine Service.

Allâh Allâh, ‘Azîz Allâh, Allâh Allâh, Karîm Allâh, Allâh Allâh, Subªân Allâh,
Allâh Allâh, Sul†ân Allâh! Only Sul†ān!
None of us can be Sul†ān, we are slaves. But He does not say “My Slaves!” He says, “My servants!” Try to keep that honour, to be in His Divine Service, be servants in His Divine Service!
A‘ûdhu bi-llâhi mina sh-shay†âni r-rajîm. Bismi llâhi r-raªmâni r- raªîm. Allâhumma salli ‘alâ Muªammadin wa ‘alâ âli Muªammadin wa sallim ... This is an association to make people wake up. Sayyidinā ‘Alî, said, “an-nâs nawm – people are sleeping, when they die they awaken.” They awaken, but that awakening is too late, because then your opportunity to offer utmost respect to your Lord through your obedience, worship and praise of Allāh Almighty, is over. Then it will be too late.
Therefore, every meeting for believers, every association, is only to make them wake up. Everyone must wake up ... at least they must look to where we end up. Our lives have a beginning, a middle, and an end – everyone must have a beginning and must have an end. You must, at least, look to where you will end! The Prophet, salla llâhu ‘alayhi wa sallam, said that a normal life will last from sixty to seventy years, and when I go to cemeteries they are full of stones and the ages on them are mostly between sixty and seventy – just the Prophet said.
Now people are dying younger, I hear and see that people, young people, have caught a terminal illness, from which there is no escape, because there are some illnesses coming from Allāh. Cancers are infest- ing many people and they cannot survive that illness for long. No, it may take months, or even a few years – but in the end, they must

go. In the end we must all go, so everyone must look to themselves, because we have been created alone.
Everyone is created alone in their mother’s womb – alone. Then when you enter this life, you come together, but on leaving, you leave alone. Everyone is going to be buried in their own graves, to be alone. Everyone needs to consider that one day they are going to be alone, and, therefore, look after themselves. Will you survive to the end of today or tomorrow? This week, or next week, this year or next year – when are we going to leave?
No-one knows when he is going to die. No-one knows where he is going to die. When and where you cannot know. When a person is going to die, and where he is going to die – those are secrets that Allāh Almighty knows, although sometimes He chooses to reveal this knowledge to some people, this is no problem for Him. No-one can object to Allāh doing this, but some servants say, “You conceal this, how can it be that some may know?” No-one may object to Al- lāh Almighty! He Who knows all secret and hidden worlds, what is in them and what will be; no-one can prevent Allāh Almighty from opening this knowledge to one of His servants. Therefore, one of His servants may say, “You are going to die next week, you are going to die next year, you are going to die in that aeroplane crash, you are going to die in that car accident ...” No-one may prevent Allāh Almighty reveiling secrets to His chosen servants. It is ignorance to deny that some of His servants have been given access to things hidden. Allāh is Almighty, no rules control Him. He may make rules, but there are no rules for Him!
That is our belief as ahl s-sunnati wa l-jamā‘ah, but so many people are abandoning belief in the Truth – they are false and following in the wrong steps, and false steps carry people to bad ends. People may come to a good end or a bad end, and whether you come to a good or bad end depends on your beliefs, your actions, and your character- istics – it is your responsibility to choose your beliefs, your actions and characteristics wisely because as you choose them, you choose your end. They determine your ending, nothing else. They carry you to a good end or to a bad end, nothing else.

Wake up and correct your beliefs! First of all correct your beliefs about your Creator, about your Lord, Allāh Almighty. He is the only One! He is the First and He is the Last, no-one existed before Him, no-one exists after Him. No-one was present before Him and no-one will be beyond Him. He is only One, He cannot be two, cannot be three, cannot be an idol, He was not born, and does not give birth. We know what we know from what He says about His Existence – not from what we imagine. More than that is imagination. Leave imagination and follow Reality! There are so many religions, and the first line in imagination is found with Christianity. Before it was a belief based in the Real, now it is a belief of imagination. There is no imagination in Real beliefs, Reality is beyond your imagination. Ima- gination comes from you, Reality is something else! You must know your Creator as He, Himself, tells us about His Existence through His Holy Books and through His messengers.
We repeat – Allāh is the First and Allāh is the Last, no-one was before His Existence and no-one can be after His Existence, no-one’s existence is before His Existence and no-one is after His Existence. That is an important point, that means He is One, not two. From that description, He cannot be two. So where are you running to find three, four, five, six ...? There is only one first, there cannot be two first and last at the same time! And your existence? When He calls you into existence, you come, when He says, “Go!” you go. No-one is able to say, “No!” When He calls no-one can say, “I am not going!” You must go! That is the holy name, al-Wahhāb, that means every creature is under His Endless Power, what He says, must be. You must recognise Who created you!
And the main reason for Creation is to know Him. For what have you been created? You have been created to know the Almighty, to recognise Him. Nothing else. We have been given existence in this life, and He is asking from you – O Mankind, you who have been honoured to be of the Children of Âdam – He is asking you to know Him! But people are not trying to know Him, no, they are trying to know everything, except their Creator! Everyone, everywhere, is trying to know about themselves, but no-one is asking to know Who

created what is around us, who created us, who is that One? You must try to know who that One is. It is the most important aspect for the life of Mankind: to know the One who created everything, to know that you have been created; that you are not the creator.
The creation of creatures is continuous. Creation is constantly occuring. Therefore there must be a Creator creating everything moment by moment maintaining existence without pause. When did Creation begin? No-one knows. When did He create dunyā? No-one knows. When did He create the sun? No-one knows. When did He create the moon? No-one knows. When did He create the solar sys- tem? No-one knows. When did He create our galaxy – who knows? O you proud scholars tell us when they were created? Or did they suddenly appear? Can those scholars say: Everything suddenly ap- peared without any reason? They cannot say this!
You must try to know about that One who created you, and prepared this world for you, with everything in it at your service, everything under your command, everything under your will. Who did it? Above all, you must try to recognise Him, to know about Him. And you must know that He is present with you, if He were not present with you, you would not be in existence. His Presence is your existence.
People say He is not present. Maybe He is beyond the Heavens sitting on His Divine Throne? How can people think, that our Lord, the Lord of Creation is not present? If He were not present how could they be in existence? The Creator of Endless Power Oceans, the Creator of Endless Mercy Oceans, the Creator of Endless Willpower Oceans, makes and creates everything ... And do not think that He is present as you are with me now, it is beyond our intellect, beyond our imagination. You cannot ask how He is present, you cannot un- derstand how He is present with us. It is impossible. Yet you must accept it. – You say that there is power running through this tape machine, and I say that He is present; some people object to this, but if I say that with this instrument there is a power that enabled it to record, they will believe it; then why do they refuse to accept it when we say that He is present with everyone?

When you know and accept this then you keep your respect for Him because He is present – Allâhu shahidî, Allâhu na|irî, Allâhu ma‘î – these are most important rules or principles, they are the main principles for everyone who is asking to reach their heavenly station, or who is interested in sufi ways, †arîqah. Every religion used those principles from Âdam up to Nuk, to Jacob, to Moses, to Harûn, to David, to Solomon, to Jesus Christ and Sayyidinā Mukammad, salla llâhu ‘alayhi wa sallam. There cannot be a heavenly religion without these three principles to carry people from the lowest station to the highest. If a person is asking to reach from the lowest to the high- est level he must use those rules: Allāhu na|irî – Allāh is watching me wherever I am. Do not think that He is not watching you. He is watching you. Allāhu shahidî – Allāh witnesses everything that I do. Allāhu ma‘î – He is with me wherever I am. But are you with Him? Most people are with Shay†ān, not with Allāh.
So these are most important rules, these keep people on their best manners, best adab, these keep people on their best behaviour, and give them much more power over their ego, helping them to achieve what they would like to reach. If you can keep this awareness you are lucky. If you keep Allāh with you, you will be among the lucki- est ones, luckiest ones ... But you are keeping Shay†ān! Shay†ān is saying, “My friend, my friend!” People think that he is a real friend, they take him as their best friend! No! He is your worst enemy! Yet they are leaving Allāh, He who is All in All, Allāh.
May Allāh forgive us and make us understand. Our souls are gain- ing something from this association, but you do not have enough control of your ego yet to bring it under the complete control of your soul. You are, therefore, like planes only going up and down on the runway. When you take full control you may take off. May Allāh grant every believer to be closer to His Divine Presence.


We are in need of support. If we are not supported we are quickly going to vanish. Always ask Allāh Almighty’s protection! Shay†ān, perhaps he leaves those alone who do not believe in anything. They are directed by Shay†ān not to believe in anything – yet that is their belief! They believe that, as they say, “There is no God, no life after death, no eternal life.” That is their belief – ‘not to believe,’ but they are still ‘believing’! That is the dark and bottomless ignorance of unbelievers, but if a person is not using his mind, you cannot do anything for him.
Abû Jahl, looked at the Prophet, salla llâhu ‘alayhi wa sallam, but never saw the lights of prophecy in the Prophet’s divine face, Bilāl, looked and saw. Abû Lahab denied him, Bilāl declared, witnessed, and said, “Yes!”. If a person is blind, you cannot give them a description of the difference of colours, no commentary is possible for a blind person. You can never make a description for a blind person of the difference between green, red, black, white, or yellow, and one who is spiritually blind will never understand what Holy Books, Divine Messages, are. Those who are blind think that those are the same words as we use, with the same meanings that we use. They never see the distinction between the Lord’s words and their words, be- cause there are no spiritual lights with their eyes, to make clear the difference between what they say and the Words of Allāh. So they say, “Those are just books, we have books too!”
For some blind people you may operate on their egos, they may be opened, but some of them you cannot, for some it is im- possible to operate, it is impossible. Some are born blind and for them it is impossible to understand the difference between the Holy Books and Holy Words of Allāh Almighty and their books and their ideas.

Ideas are our mind’s production. You may think and develop ideas, and theories yet they may quickly change. Reality however, cannot be changed. The biggest error of people living now is to think that heavenly rules, heavenly ideas, heavenly principles, are like their principles, like their ideas! This cannot be! They may say that an imitation diamond and a real diamond are the same. Although some are plastic and some are real diamonds, one can look and say, “Oh, they are all diamonds!” In ignorance you are easy to fool, but if an expert looks, he would quickly say, “No, that is the real one!” But people are rejecting Reality for imitation diamonds, so much so that when they look at real diamonds they say, “Our diamonds are much better, they are much more shapely, more beautiful, than those!”
Throughout the nineteenth and twentieth century, people have all been running after imitation diamonds, not running after real ones. Cheating and lying. Whoever comes as leaders of Mankind’s nations
– all of them are cheating people, and telling lies. That is a truthful description of the nature of our century. Most people never speak the truth, most people never accept the truth. These days if you are trying to make people follow you, you must cheat them, and you must speak the opposite of the truth. If you speak the truth – most people will run away from you, because they like to be cheated. Those are leaders amusing themselves by cheating people. And nearly everyone is cheating. That is a most dangerous, the worst, egoistic illness.
The Mu’min, the believer, is forbidden to cheat people, he cannot cheat. The Prophet said, salla llâhu ‘alayhi wa sallam, “It is forbidden to cheat people!” And we have also been asked not to be cheated. Allāh Almighty gives you nûr, the lights of imān, if you have the lights of faith why are you not using them? If you have been cheated in dunyā it may be nothing, but you must not be cheated through your religion, your Islām, your imān, your iksān. You must be an open-eyed person. Islām does not accept stupidity from us. Others should not be able to say, “Muslims are foolish ones or idiotic ones!” No, it is not right for Muslims to be accused of idiocy or ignorance, or to be accused of being mindless people, or to be accused of being squareheads, or to be accused of being silly or to be accused of stupid-

do n ot b e c h e at e d
ity, or to be accused of foolishness. They should not be able to say, “We are cheating Muslims, and they do not know we are cheating them!” No, you must speak up! You are not to be cheated through all the worlds.
Wake up, Muslims! Wake up, Mu’min! Wake up, believers! Un- believers are asking to cheat you, unbelievers are asking to rule you, unbelievers are asking to destroy your faith! Because unbelievers are with Shay†ān, unbelievers are with devils, and devils are the repre- sentatives of Shay†ān. Devils, you find them everywhere now, and the headquarters of devils is in Europe, in western countries. They claim that they have reached the pinnacle of civilisation, but it is not true, they have not reached anything, they are on the lowest level, the lowest level. You must use this balance: Everything that the West avoids – turn to it! Everything that the West is praising and advertising to you – turn away from it! You must use that bal- ance. Then you may save yourself, otherwise you will not be able to separate what is Real from what is imitation. Use that scale for understanding and differentiating.
Life is one chance for everyone. No-one comes to life a second time to build something on the basis of their first life. No-one comes a sec- ond time. It is a false belief from Shay†ān that your soul comes back to you, or to others, even to animals. This is only one chance given to you to understand something of Reality. They will ask you, when you leave this life and go to the second life, they will ask you, “O servant of our Lord, what have you understood after so many years? You lived perhaps twenty, twenty-five, thirty, thirty-five, fifty, sixty, seventy, maybe eighty years – what did you understand?”
Yes, what did you understand? You were travelling the Earth for so many years, now you are underground. For so many years you were walking, now you are underground. What did you understand? I was a Builder, I was a Lawyer, I was a Doctor, I was an Imām, I was a Jungle Person, I was – such important titles! But! What did you understand after so many years running around in cars? What were you chasing? Every day, from early morning to night, in cars, for what? For what? Were you catching rabbits? For what were you

running so speedily? Everyone must think about this, and they must try to find an answer!
They say that we are nothing: that we are like grass, we grow, become yellow, and then die. That is the idea of the most ignorant people, they think that our lives are like grass. No! We are so differ- ent, you must say this, and you must understand it!
Allâh, Allâh, yâ Karîm, Allâh, Allâh, yâ Raªîm, Allâh, Allâh, yâ Salîm, Allâh, Allâh, yâ Karîm!


We must be happy ... Another Sunday is just coming to an end. So many Sundays have come and gone – no-one knows how many Sundays – do you think you know? No-one knows. Only the One who created time, He knows, He who made the seven days. We do not know, but people say: We know everything! If you know every- thing, what is the number of this Sunday? Ninety-nine thousand, ninety-eight thousand? And what use would this knowledge be to you? Nothing.
A‘ûdhu bi-llâhi mina sh-shay†âni r-rajîm. We thank and praise first Allāh Almighty, by saying, al-ªamdu li-llâh! First you must give your most high praise to Allāh, our Creator, the Creator of all worlds, the whole universe. We must give our highest praise and thanks to Him that He chose us, from among countless creatures, and honoured us to be of Mankind. How many creatures are living on Earth? We can see countless creatures in the oceans, in the deserts, in the skies – all around us are countless creatures – but you are the only one to whom your Creator, your Lord, has granted the endless honour of being His servants. Donkeys, oxen, foxes, lions – they are not His servants, ants

are not His servants, bees are not His servants, eagles are not His servants – but you are His servants, whether you accept this or not! Do people understand this? Do you think that twentieth century people understand this? They have not reached that level of under- standing – that we have the honour, from among countless creatures, to have been created for His Divine Service. How many people under- stand? Billions of people have not reached that level, and are not even asking to reach it. This is the biggest shame for Mankind, yet they say, “We are the most civilised ones!” How can they say this? When they are ignorant of their reason for existence, how can they claim they have reached to the height of civilisation? Do not think that the honour of being counted among the civilised comes through making computers and technology! I am ashamed for Mankind, because not one person in one thousand, in ten thousand, has reached that level
of honour in His service.
This is a huge city – five million people, how many of them have attained that understanding? They are giving me very simple words
... From five million, how many understand? Do you think one mil- lion, do you think one hundred thousand, do you think the Com- mons, or the Government, have reached that level? Do you think that throughout the east and west, there are any rulers who have that understanding? You cannot find one! If they understood that point, this dunyā would be a Paradise! Not one of them has understood the reason for their existence, yet they claim to be the most civilised people, so highly developed!
That is really Mankind’s problem, but the truth is being hidden. They, devils, are like a person who has found a treasure and is trying to hide it from other people, or rather lost a treasure and so does not want anyone else to have it. People are being deceived by devils. De- vils are deceiving rulers and saying, “The main problem for Mankind is economy!” They are sleeping and thinking on economy, running after economy. Economy, economy – is all I hear, this is making me sick! Nothing else! There are billions, trillions of pounds, dollars, marks, in every currency and every day money is being made – yet they say, “The economy is bad!”

I have listened, and I hear only one thing from people – Eco- nomy! People think that there is no other problem for Mankind except the economic crisis – it is a deception! Devils are leading you in the wrong direction. They are concealing the true problem. They would never admit that something else is the most important factor in our lives. Buying, selling, taking, giving – from morning to evening. People are buying and selling, taking, giving – nothing else. That sums up their mission on Earth – to give and to take, to buy and to sell. Is there anything else? All day everywhere, is there anything else? Are they doing anything else?! Everyone is giving or taking, selling or buying! That is the summary of their lives, because economy is based on this giving and taking. And of course you may use any way of cheating to buy more and to sell more! Cheating to take more – that is our life! If you marry – you also base it on giving and taking. If you study – you are giving and taking. Markets are giving and taking ...
This is the summary of Mankind’s life on Earth and that is the lowest level. Very, very, very, few exceptions are asking to move to another level, to leave that level and move up. Those asking for another level are very, very, few. Why? Why are we here? How did we get here? For what are we here? Very few are asking. Most people are on the lowest level, and when people insist on that lowest level, fighting must continue – no peace can come. They say the UN is to bring peace, what is this? As long as people are on the lowest level there is no love, therefore they must quarrel. They must fight, they must cheat, they must destroy, they must steal, they must do evil, they must do the worst things, they must deal with devils. Everyone on this lowest level has one devil on each side of them, there must be at least two devils with everyone, so how then can peace be built on Earth?
Therefore, we are waiting for the heavenly involvement which is coming to vanquish devils and leave people in freedom, to allow people to live in peace. When people understand their mission on Earth, they will be kind to each other. They will deal with each other with love and respect, because they will know that, “You are

a servant of my Lord and I am also a servant of my Lord. My Lord chose you to be His servant, therefore I must respect you, I must be kind to you, I must be lovely to you.” But without this unders