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Heavenly Wisdom (Shaykh Nāzim, 185 pages, 3/11)


Allâh Allâh ‘Azîz Allâh, Allâh Allâh Karîm Allâh, Allâh Allâh Subªân Allâh, Allâh Allâh Sul†ân Allâh!
You are Sul†ân, we are Your slaves. You are our Lord, we are Your servants. We are asking for Your Blessing, O Allāh! Just one drop of Your Blessing can change everything on Earth. Do not leave us without hope! Please grant us one drop from Your Endless Mercy Oceans!
A‘ûdhu bi-llâhi mina sh-shay†âni r-rajîm, bismi llâhi r-raªmâni r-raªîm. We seek refuge from evil and devils in You, O our Lord! We are power- less servants without Your support. If You do not help us, we have no power against devils and evil. And He says, Allāh Almighty, “I know well who you are, in what conditions you are living, I know well. And therefore, I have given you an emergency number. When you are in need of My Divine Support, My Divine Help, please call Me.”
How are you going to call Him? He has given us that number, so that when you are in need of His Divine Support and Divine Help, you may reach Him quickly. There are millions of telephone numbers, but those for fire, ambulance, or police are very short – only one, two or three digits. People have invented these number so that if they are in need of help, they may call that number and help reaches them so quickly. And Allāh Almighty is saying to you, “O My servants, you may be in need of My Divine Support asking for help, then call Me

quickly!” He offers this to everyone of His servants. All of us are His servants – Muslims, Christians, Jews, Buddhists, all are His servants and all of us are powerless.
Do not say, I am powerful – No! We are so weak, call Him quickly! How are we going to call Him? How are we going to call Him?! When you are in need of His Divine Support and His Divine Help say, “Bismi llâhi r-raªmani r-raªim!” Nothing else is necessary – He is with you, helping you, you can feel Him. If you are present you may feel that power. If you do not feel that power you are naked, you are a dead person, you are living your life at the same level as animals, you are the same as them. Call Him! Say, “Bismi llâhi r-raªmâni r-raªîm!“ Then He says, “I am present, My servant is calling Me, asking for Me, and I promised My servants that when they call Me I will sup- port them.” But you are sleeping well, yes, “Good night, sleep well!” We are sleeping, and never ask to wake up. Lâ ªawla wa lâ quwwata illâ bi-llâhi l-‘aliyyi l-a|îm! I said, “Lâ ªawla wa lâ quwwata illâ bi-llâhi l-‘aliyyi l-a|îm!“
Allāh Almighty created the Divine Throne ... The Divine Throne, al-‘arsh ... And He created its carriers, four angels to carry the Di- vine Throne, and He ordered them to raise it. Those angels are such kingsize angels compared to the other angels, they are so powerful, but when they put the Divine Throne on their shoulders, they were not able to move it, they were not able to lift it onto their shoulders, they failed! Then Allāh Almighty gave seventy thousand more angels the same powers, and ordered them to help raise the Throne, but they could not move it. All of them together failed!
The Divine Throne is the biggest creature that Allāh Almighty has created. This world and the seven worlds compared to the seven Heavens are like this ring (holding his ring between his fingers). Yet all these Heavens combined with all the worlds would be like this ring in comparison to the size of al-kursî, the Divine Chair! It is so big, it said, “I am so big!”, and Allāh Almighty has placed candles on the Divine Throne, endless candles have been placed around the Divine Throne ... the Divine Throne is so big that you cannot imagine it, your imagination cannot reach it, your mind stops!

Our minds are limited, but Allāh Almighty granted something from His Divine Soul to man – power. Our souls belong to the Divine Soul, and through Him we have been granted unlimited powers. When we reach His, Allāh Almighty’s, Divine Soul, we reach unlimited powers. Therefore, although your mind cannot imagine the Divine Throne, you are able to circumambulate it. As pilgrims make †awāf around the Ka‘bah, our souls according to their purity, may turn around the Holy Throne ...
When all those angels were unable to raise the Divine Throne, Allāh Almighty said to them, He addressed all the angels, “Say! Lâ ªawla wa lâ quwwata illâ bi-llâhi l-‘aliyyi l-a|îm!” They said it, and then the Divine Throne ascended! But at that moment the angels felt that there was nothing under their feet! What they were standing on had just disappeared and they were afraid they would fall down, so they held on to the Divine Throne, afraid that they would fall. Therefore, the Divine Throne, and its carrier angels, are carried by Allāh Almighty. So you see, it is one of the Paradise treasures that we, the ummah of Mukammad, peace be upon him, have also been granted, Lâ ªawla wa lâ quwwata illâ bi-llâhi l-‘aliyyi l-a|îm. Whoever feels that he is weak and powerless when saying, Lâ ªawla wa lâ quw- wata illâ bi-llâhi l-‘aliyyi l-a|îm, should be the winner, victorious. No power will conquer him. Everytime the sakābah and Sayyidinā ‘Alî, came to any fight, they would say, “Lâ ªawla wa lâ quwwata illâ bi- llâhi l-‘aliyyi l-a|îm!“
Yes, He knows that we are weak, and He granted us that powerful treasure to use when we are in need. With that power, the servant, while standing on Earth, may strike the moon like a football! You have been granted such endless power – do not think that power is with technology. Technology is nonsense, nonsense, it is nothing! All the
sakābah knew everything about technology but they had no use for it. Allāh Almighty has given this to unbelievers, an amusement to western people, and like a turkey puffing himself up, Europeans think that their technology makes them powerful. Although I am the weakest, I am not powerful, I am weak, I hope that, inshā’ llāh, I shall show them what their technology is and that their technology will not reach to 2000!

They are very proud of their technology, very proud of their tech- nology, but what they are making and intending to do is to destroy and to kill everything! That is their technology! It is all satanic teach- ing. It is not divine or heavenly teaching. No! It is satanic teaching. Nothing else. Satanic teaching that is intended to harm people, to destroy everything they have made and to kill Mankind.
Shay†ān has a plan to empty the Earth of Man so that he can re- establish his kingdom on Earth. When the Children of Âdam came his kingdom was ejected; so now he is seeking his revenge on Âdam’s children, but foolishly they run after him and follow his teachings, all of which are intended to destroy Mankind. They are learning satanic knowledge from him which he hopes they will use to destroy each other!
They think that their technology makes them powerful, this makes them very proud, but it is really intended to finish off Mankind! Shay†ān is seeking to destroy every monument that the Children of Âdam have built over thousands of years. His goal is to make ashes of the Earth, to empty it, so that he can come and declare his kingdom, “I am the King of the Earth! I have taken my revenge on the Children of Âdam, because of their father I was thrown out of the Heavens!” That is a summary of everything: that Shay†ān is so angry with the Children of Âdam because when he was ordered to make sajdah (pros- trate) to Âdam he refused. And therefore he lost all connection to the Divine Presence, and was thrown out of all Heavens and Paradises. He can never forget that he was thrown out for not prostrating to Âdam, but we forget it and make him our best friend.
Twentieth century man’s best friends are not prophets. Do you think that twentieth century people like prophets? No, they say, “Our best friend is Shay†ān.” He does his worst against Mankind, and Mankind is very happy and proud, Allāh, Allāh, to be his friend! Allāh, Allāh ... (a child approaches Shaykh Efendi, who gives him a sweet): Look how happy he is with one bonbon. Even if you are given everything you are never happy, but he is not looking to see if it is a cheap one or an expensive one, no, he takes the sweet and runs away, he is very happy ...

Satanic teachings – twentieth century people are following satanic teachings, they never follow heavenly teachings, and because they are not happy with divine teachings their way of life is going to collapse. Twentieth century people are now reaching the twenty-first century, yet they still insist on following satanic teachings, they are not yet saying, “We are mistaken, we must correct our ways, we must leave satanic ways, and come to heavenly ways.” No. There is no sign of Mankind asking to come back to heavenly ways – if any one knows any sign please tell me, that I may be gladdened by this news! Does anyone know of any sign? ...
So they must have a taste of punishment, punishment is coming to the Children of Âdam, Allāh Allmighty is giving them their les- sons through each other, and I do not think that this foolishness and dirtiness is going to continue into the twenty-first century. Purify yourself! Purify your mind, purify your heart, purify your beliefs, purify your actions! Try to be of His pure servants, then you should be protected, because it is impossible for people with dirty minds, dirty hearts, dirty beliefs, for people with bad intentions and dirty behaviour to reach the twenty-first century. No! Cleanliness must come with the twenty-first century.
One of our sisters came and complained to me today that people hate each other without reason, they envy each other without reason, they hate each other without reason, they harm each other without reason, they are killing each other without reason. And I said, Shay†ān makes people envious of prophets, because prophets are the cleanest and purest people, and Shay†ān hates all those who are clean, pure and favoured by Allāh Almighty – without reason? No, it is caused by his jealousy and envy! Prophets teach people divine lessons, divine, heavenly wisdom that takes them to Paradise, and he is, therefore, always jealous, most envious of you because you may go where he may not. That is why he is your worst enemy.
In our days people hate each other without reason. Nations hate each other. Hatred is a plague that is running even through your family. Hatred plagues men and women. Ninety-nine per cent of hatred, if I am saying this it is not a lie, is through families; so many

people, after so many years begun in love end in hatred. Why? Love is finished and instead there is hatred, why? No love. Children hate their parents, why? There is hatred between sisters and brothers; hatred between brothers and sisters. There is hatred and enmity between neighbours, why?
Labourers hate their employers. Their employers have opened the factories and workshops in which they earn their living, and they re- ward them with enmity, why? And businessmen hate their labourers, but without labourers what would businessmen be able to achieve? Nothing. Both sides must respect each other, they must realise that if there is no head the feet cannot walk and if you are without feet but you have a head you still cannot walk. Headless or footless it is the same result – you cannot walk. But satanic ideas and teachings are turning people into madmen.
People have left all heavenly teachings and are following satanic teachings! Allāh, Allāh! Astaghfiru llâh! These are signs of qiyāmah, that the Last Day is approaching, and that our world, slowly, yet so rapidly, is reaching its last station, it is coming to its last dunyā station. O people! Every sign shows that the last station has arrived and the Last Day is coming!
O people! Try to be pure! Be pure – then you should be happy here and hereafter. If not, your punishment manifests through your hatred, envy and jealousy of others. This causes other people and heavenly beings to hate you. Those who hate, who are envious and jealous, are cursed by humanity and by heavenly beings. And those who are cursed can never be happy here or hereafter! May Allāh forgive us and save our souls!
Allâh Allâh, Allâh Allâh, Allâh Allâh ‘Azîz Allâh, Allâh Allâh, Allâh Allâh, Allâh Allâh Karîm Allâh, Allâh Allâh, Allâh Allâh, Allâh Allâh Subªân Allâh, Allâh Allâh, Allâh Allâh, Allâh Allâh Sul†ân Allâh! Only Sul†ān!
It is enough, what we have said, for you and the whole of Man- kind. Save your souls! Everyone needs these teachings. These are

all heavenly teachings, from the wisdom of the Heavens. From the wisdom of the prophets. Take them and they should benefit you. It was not my idea, or my intention, or my will to be here, but some divine reason, some heavenly wisdom has sent me here to address you. Take these teachings to heart, then you may benefit from them in this life and hereafter.
Bi ªurmati l-ªabîb, bi sharafi n-nabiyy, salla llâhu ‘alayhi wa sallam, ilâ sharafi n-nabiyy Muªammad, mashaykhinâ Mawlânâ Muªammadin
... al-fâtiªah.

This morning at Fajr, around 3.00 am, the news had been received that Princess Diana and Dodi Fayad had died. The Shaykh was asked for his comment, he replied that this was a cleansing for them and that the awliyâ’ do not accept the death of anyone without them first becoming Muslim. Later in the day he spoke further on the matter:

ST ANNE’S, LONDON, 31. 8. 1997

Allâh Allâh, Allâh Allâh, Allâh Allâh, ‘Azîz Allâh, Allâh Allâh, Allâh Allâh, Allâh Allâh, Karîm Allâh, Allâh Allâh, Allâh Allâh, Allâh Allâh, Subªân Allâh, Allâh Allâh, Allâh Allâh, Allâh Allâh, Sul†ân Allâh!
The Sul†ân is Allâh, He is the only Sul†ān – Allāh. Madad yâ sul†ân al-awliyâ’, madad yâ sul†ân al-awliyâ’. A‘ûdhu bi-llâhi mina sh- shay†âni r-rajîm, bismi llâhi r-raªmâni r-raªîm. Lâ ªawla wa lâ quwwata illâ bi-llâhi l-‘aliyyi l-‘a|îm!
Rasûl Allāh, Óabîb Allāh, Nabiyy Allāh, salla llâhu ‘alayhi wa sal- lam, the Seal of Prophets, Sayyidinā Mukammad, salla llâhu ‘alayhi wa sallam, said, “Ad-dînu n-nasîªah” – the meaning of religion is to give advice. To give advice means to show the right way to people, to

show people how to tell what is the right way and what is the wrong way. Are these right steps or wrong steps? That which helps one distinguish between right ways or wrong ways, is nasîkah. Advising people ... all prophets came to advise people. Why? Because Shay†ān and his companions always show people the wrong way.
When I was travelling through America I saw a street sign, for drivers, and on it was written, ‘Wrong Way.’ It was not clear why or what the fault may be; perhaps this way would take you to the wrong side of the road. All that was written on it was, ‘Wrong Way’, but I do not think any driver seeing that warning would drive that way. Everyone who saw such a sign would take care not to drive on that, ‘Wrong Way’.
And Allāh Almighty, through His prophets, ‘alayhim salâm, sent His warning signs. Particularly through the last one, the Seal of Proph- ets, the Most Perfect One, whose prophecy is never-ending, Sayyidinā Mukammad, peace be upon him. He sent through His last messenger, His last message, and through him He made the ‘Wrong Way’, or wrong ways, so clear. Óalāl and karām are so clearly differentiated in His last message, there is no doubt about what is right and what is wrong. Óalal and karām are so clearly described, but people are not paying attention to His warning signals, to His guidance.
Shay†ān says, “No, it is not true what that last messenger has said to you! Don’t accept it, follow what I say! His message keeps you from your pleasure, it prevents you from fulfilling your physical desires. It sets you limits, it hinders your ego, it prevents you satisfying your physical pleasures, therefore, don’t believe and don’t accept what he has said to you! I am the one who ‘gives way’ for you, opens the ‘freeway’ for you. I give freedom to you, that person is bringing dis- cipline to you, but I take discipline, throw it away and give freedom to you, O Mankind!” Shay†ān says this. And yes, prophets call people to discipline, they make clear what is kalāl and karām.
Why did Abû Shahîd and his companions not accept Sayyidinā Mukammad, peace be upon him? Why did they rise against him and fight? That is the only reason – they did not accept discipline. They were asking absolute freedom to follow all their desires without

hindrance, “We must be free to do whatever our egos desire for their enjoyment. We must do this, therefore we do not accept you.” Abû Jahl and Abû Lahab and others, who were all idol worshippers, said, “No, we are not accepting you, because your commands discipline us and we want to be able to move as we like. We want to be free.”
They were asking to be free like wild jungle people – without dis- cipline, free to do anything. Do you think there is discipline among wild jungle people? No. And such people always insist on being free to follow their egos, they never accept discipline. And now people insist on living outside heavenly discipline – they refuse it and there- fore they are falling. And what happened to those idol worshippers who refused the Divinely Revealed Way, and insisted on freedom, the freedom of jungle people? What happened to them? In the end they lost their fight and were decapitated and thrown in a dry well. Seventy of them; their heads and the heads of their dragon idols were thrown in on top of them. Then they were covered with stones and earth – that is what happened. And their adviser was sitting on them and laughing, “I am so happy, I am so happy that these, my fool- ish followers have been killed, and now they are in this well!” And Shay†ān continues, he continues his job very well. Foolish people are following him, still following him up to today, and every wrong step brings a punishment for people ...
Today there was an accident. From early morning the news began, it cut out all other news, there was one topic, news about one of our Lord’s servants. Others were mentioned but they were not important news, it was only about one person who had died, whose life had ended in a car crash. People are speaking her name through east and west. All televisions are speaking of her, showing her pictures, so many kinds of pictures, but they are not giving advice for people, they do not really know what should be said about that accident, that car crash.
Why did that happen? People are not asking. So many people I see are crying, for what? So many people are shocked, they do not know whether to cry or be happy, they do not know ... They were wrong steps, they carried that princess to that terrible end. Wrong steps, not right steps, she stepped in the wrong steps. She was never grateful

for her Lord’s favours – He gave her the highest honour that may be given to a woman, or a lady or a princess. Allāh granted her beauty. Allāh granted her to be of the nobility. Allāh Almighty granted her to be of the Royal Family. Allāh had granted her to be a deputy, to be a Queen in coming days, Allāh granted her a noble husband, who can distinguish between right and wrong. Allāh granted her wealth, Allāh Almighty granted her fame. Allāh granted her the love of the majority of people, but she rejected all of them! Allāh granted her two pearls of princes – she left them and ran away!
Allāh Almighty is not sleeping! Allāh Almighty says, “O My serv- ant, yā ibadî, O My servant, if you are thanking Me for My Endless Favours, I will make them increase, I will give more and more to you. But if you are not praising and thanking Me, My punishment is going to be heavy. I am not going to treat you as you like. No, at an unexpected time I will take My Revenge.”
Who could save her, or her friend? Could anyone? Who could save them? I heard that that person also had billions of pounds, they were very famous, among the richest ones. Who saved them? Did that money save them? That terrible accident made them a mass of bones (claps his hands together) and now they are finished. Take your lesson, O people! Do not go against Allāh Almighty’s orders! Do not change your steps from right steps to wrong steps! Terrible. It was a terrible end, and now the useless crying after hurt ... I do not think that anyone else is going to speak on this point now through east and west, but what we are saying is true, it is true. Everyone brings himself or herself to a good end or a bad end. You must look after yourself.
There is another lesson in this story – that you must believe in Shay†ān! It says in the Qur’ān, Shay†ân “mina l-jinnati wa-n-nâs” – “there are shay†ān from the jinn, from the generation of Shay†ān, and also among Mankind ...” [cf. Surah 114] So many people repre- sent Shay†ān, so they are also Shay†ān. Who are they? They are the enemies of people: those who harm people are Shay†ān. Therefore, Islām came and says, “The greatest teacher, the greatest trainer of Mankind, is he who teaches Mankind goodness.” This description

also tells us that whoever is a Muslim, whoever says, shahādah – ash- hadu an lâ ilâha illâ llâh, wa ashhadu anna Muªammadan ‘abduhu wa rasûluhu, salla llâhu ‘alayhi wa sallam, must be harmless. A real Muslim is one from whom everyone is safe – safe from his tongue and from his hand. Whoever harms people, through his words or physically, is not a real Muslim, he is an imitation. A real Muslim must be totally useful for everyone, a real Muslim is like a sheep, a sheep! A sheep is only of benefit for Mankind – it never kicks, never bites and its whole body, every product from it, is of benefit for Mankind, even its manure is best for plants!
A Muslim cannot harm anyone. Therefore we cannot unite the word Muslim with fundamentalist. If fundamentalists are putting bombs here and there, killing and attacking people – we do not accept them as Muslim. No. That is not the way of Islām! If we are obliged to fight, we fight face to face, that is the sunnah of the Prophet, not any other way. We do not kill innocent people and say, “We are Muslim Fundamentalists.” No! No. And one day punishment will also come to them, from a bright sky, thunder will come on their heads, it must come, must come. They are bringing shame on Islām, and embarrassing Muslims, therefore, I am asking Allāh Almighty to send Imam Mahdî, with his sword, his heavenly sword, to clean the Ummah of Islām from dragons, from scorpions, from snakes, from wolves, from bears! Yes, a Muslim never gives any harm to anyone from his tongue, or through his hand.
And there is a characteristic that is inherited from Shay†ān, it is the worst characteristic and it represents Shay†ān, those who have that characteristic, represent Shay†ān. What is it ...? Óasad, envy! Shay†ān is consumed by envy of others! Envy, to be jealous, that is the worst characteristic, and Allāh Almighty mentions that, “Envy is the worst of everything.” If kasad is with you, kasad eats all good- ness from you. It is our age’s biggest and most terrible community illness, to be jealous – that infection is spread through everyone. You can find it through everyone. Óasad.
First class kasad is among women, women are the most vulne- rable to jealousy – they are always looking at each other, what is

she wearing here? What is she wearing there? What is she wearing on her fingers? Second class kasad is among the Wahhābîs. Their’s is very heavy kasad because they are only a handful of people and Ahl as-sunnah are a billion and a half people. They are very jealous, they are trying to plant the Wahhābî madhhab but it never grows. In every level of community there is kasad. It increases through the community to the aristocracy, until on those high profile people comes the most jealousy, onto kings, queens, princes, lords, wealthy and famous people – that kasad increases.
And that illness, kasad, jealousy, brought Diana down. Óasad. Jealousy around her. Jealous people saying, whispering, unhappy things to her, made her fall down. Jealous people carried her from that honoured place, and made her leave that honoured person. He has a place of honour in the Divine Presence, and, in 2000 he is going to be Sul†ān, Emperor. They did their worst to make this Princess lose everything, saying this and that, lying and cheating. Shay†ān used every trap, so that she finally asked to divorce him. She left him and asked money from him and the court gave as she asked ... (From the audience:) “It was twenty-seven million, Shaykh Efendi!”
Twenty-seven million pounds?! I do not know how many millions she asked for, and maintenance payments, and now they may put that twenty-seven million in her tomb. Put it in and let her lie on it. They may write a cheque, maybe put another zero, two hundred and seventy million, another zero on that cheque book, two hundred and seventy billion, and put it in her coffin. That is the result of kasad. Jealous people, Shay†ān’s people, are destroying the Royal Family. They caused that crash, that terrible end, it is true.
Allāh Almighty warns us, “Shay†ān is your terrible and most dan- gerous enemy. Take shelter from your biggest enemy!” Beware of Shay†ān! I said to people to write this and to put it everywhere, but they are not listening. Shay†ān is saying: “Don’t listen to Shaykh!” Shay†ān is saying, “I am your best friend, look what I did to Diana! Can there be any better friend?” How many times have I said, write it, print it, put it everywhere? That terrible end for Princess Diana was from Shay†ān. She was never wary of Shay†ān! They are writing,

Beware of the Dog! everywhere, beware of the dog. Beware of the dog, be wary of the dog, but no-one is saying, Beware of Shay†ān! Beware of the Dog! Do! Carry a stick! Use it on a dog’s head, it may run off, but Shay†ān? Yes, that is heavy for the whole of Mankind, for the Royal Family. For the Royal Family, there is no harmony. Shay†ān is saying this, “Finished. Diana is finished. New ones, come! Who is coming with me? I am your best friend, I understand!”
This is a heavenly declaration, a heavenly warning, a heavenly cau- tion for people, for all of us! This is a big lesson for all of us. Everyone who is stepping in the wrong way must come to a terrible end! Do not follow Shay†ān! Follow the beloved servants of Allāh, then you should be happy here and hereafter! O my Lord! O Allāh! Send us one of Your beloved servants from the Heavens, with the power to take away Shay†ān and his armies, to clean the Earth quickly. O our Lord, let it be before 2000, so that the year 2000 will not be dirty with Shay†ān and his companions, so that the satanic kingdom will not continue spreading. Let us destroy every satanic building and establishment! Help us, give us permission to destroy it!
Allâhumma salli ‘alâ Sayyidinâ Muªammadin in-nabiyy ummî, wa ‘alâ âlihi wa saªbihi wa sallim.
There is another point that box has brought to me. It is a charity box. Nothing can protect a servant as his charity, that sadaqah. When
sadaqah is given, even fifty pence, no, five pence, it protects you from accidents and coming to a ‘bad end’. They were among the richest people, but they were not giving their daily charity. You must use this advice. All believers, you must use charity, you must give some charity daily. Charity takes away accidents. Everyday, before leaving your home – take a box, an ordinary box, put it by your door – and everyday, when you are going out, put as much as possible in it, for the sake of Allāh, to support His Kingdom and to defeat the kingdom of Shay†ān. If they had given even one pound daily, that would have protected them, but they were not, they had billions but they were not giving their daily charity.
I must write to that person, who is the owner of Harrods, whose son also died, I must send him a letter: Give one million to Islām!

Yes, I must write to him, and I will see to what he replies*, because that may also come to him one day! He must give a donation to the Bosnian people, I am not asking for myself, no, I am not in need. I am asking for Bosnians, for Muslims. I have heard he is an Egyptian Muslim – he must pay, for the protection of his other children, for himself, and for his properties. There are so many aristocrats living in London who have nothing to eat. So many aristocrats, royalty from the Ottomans, from Afghanistan, from so many Sultanates, they are not complaining, but they have nothing – so I will write to him, “Send money to all those people!”
Every believer must give daily a charity! Here in England live sixty million people, if everyone gave ten pence daily – what would that make? Six million daily! If they only gave five pence – that would be three million. In ten days – three hundred million, one thousand days – three billion, just if you give five pence charity! Yet you are not taking care. If only one pound was given ... and they pay ten pounds for their dogs! Civilised people keep dogs and everywhere there are signs saying, ‘Clean it up, clean it up!’ The dog dirties and the person cleans, if they do not, then they may be fined ten pounds!
Today has closed with these events, today ... Allāh knows what is coming tomorrow. We are asking for good things to come for us. Good things.


Y ou must be hopeful, because if Allāh Almighty intends to
give – nothing can prevent Him. If He intends to take – no-one can prevent it. Yesterday was a crash, one person died, and for two days, everywhere, the whole world is speaking about it. Why? Why did

* Sheikh Nazim wrote him a letter advising him to give charity and it was reported later that he had given five million to Bosnia.

a tr ee i n th e s even th h e av en
they not prevent it if they were so much in love with her? Why did they not protect her, so that her soul was not taken?
No-one knows where ‘Azrā’îl is, how ‘Azrā’îl will send that hand to take them ... There is a tree in the seventh Heaven, a tree, its leaves equal to the number of Mankind, on each leaf is written the name of one person. When your time comes that leaf falls down, it falls to ‘Azrā’îl and he reads that name, forty days before your death, he knows.
It is well known that a walî may look to the unseen world, and when this forty day period has begun he will be able to see if he or she is going to pass away. If there had been no car crash – she would have died anyway. Her time had come. I heard of one family who travelled from Turkey to Germany to save their sick child. They boarded the plane to bring her to doctors in Germany. The plane started running down the runway, just at the end of the runway just as it took off, the girl died and they carried her body all the way to Germany ...
O people, you must keep yourself from the cheating of Shay†ān! Shay†ān, he did his worst for that person, and all over the world people are grieving. For what? She was at the top, in a station of high honour, and she left that honour and came to the lowest level, lowest level. She fell from the highest rank to the lowest, and foolish people all over the world – grieve, grieve, grieve!
Why?! Was she living in a good way? According to the standards of the Holy Books her life was honourable, then she left that hon- ourable life. But throughout the world people are drunk, they are fooled by Shay†ān and are also leaving kalāl for karām. Now they are crying over someone but they do not see that she brought that punishment on herself! She was to be a deputy! In the twenty-first century, her husband will be crowned king, now he is an honoured prince – yet she left everything, she left that high station. Yet in spite of everything her ex-husband brought her body home, put her in the palace, arranged everything. Although they were divorced and there was no more connection, no need, he did this anyway! That shows his honour; Allāh should reward him. He is noble, may Allāh bless him and put on him a powerful crown, with the authority to correct every wrong throughout the UK!

They are showing so many photographs. Shay†ān is laughing now, because of her he is making people cry. I hear people through east and west – crying! Wake up! Take your lesson! Do not live in imagination! Accept kaqq – it is not found outside Holy Books. Óaqq is found in the Qur’ān, in the Torah, in the Psalms. Inside these Books is the Truth. It is not with Shay†ān’s people.

A‘ûdhu bi- llâhi mina sh-shay†âni r-rajîm, bismi llâhi r-raªmâni
r-raªîm. Grandshaykh, the Grand Imām of the Most Distinguished Naqshbandî Order, said that †arîqatunâ s-suªbah wa l-khairu fi-l- jam‘iyyah. We say that †arîqah is association with Shaykh, and as- sociation is for training our egos. Your ego is your horse, you have been given it to ride, and you have been ordered to bring it under your control. When it is under your control, you may move through all universes, east and west, up and down, north and south, on Earth or in the Heavens! Or we may say that it is a rocket which has been granted to you, which you must try to learn to use, for this rocket takes you up to the Throne. If you do not use it it will rust. That is the purpose of all †arîqahs, and †arîqah is the essence of sharî‘ah. Do not believe those foolish, ignorant people, who claim that †arîqah is one thing and sharî‘ah is something separate – no! The essence of sharî‘ah is †arîqah. tarîqah/sharî‘ah is your rocket. tarîqah teaches you how to use sharî‘ah, it is nothing else