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99 Drops From Endless Mercy Oceans (24/25)
as) just came. Did he leave his station and come here? When he came to the Prophet, was his station empty? Did he come himself with his real being? How? It is just a representative (of his real being), as a shadow in the form of man. The real being never moves here or there from the Divine Presence. Never! “No ones eyes can look here or there!” Do you think that the real being of the Seal of Prophets was with us? How could this world carry it? The whole of creation would disappear if his real being came into existence here. No more creation, everything would disappear in his oceans, nothing would ever appear. But everything, through Divine Wisdom, has been arranged and programmed. No one knows how it is and how it can be, no! We are on our station and the Divine Address came first to RasulAllah and then to us. If the Prophet would not be the mediator, the Divine Revelation would burn everything on earth. [Maulana recites a verse from Sura Hashr] “If We had caused this Qur’an to descend upon a mountain, thou (O Muhammad) verily hadst seen it humbled, rent asunder by the fear of Allah. Such similitudes coin We for mankind that haply they may reflect.” Therefore, those no-mind ignorant people still say that sayyedina Muhammad (saws) was just like a postman - just bringing and delivering. Such ignorance! It has now spread in the whole Islamic world, in the East and in the West. They don’t understand the wisdom about the sending of sayyedina Muhammad and him being granted the holy Quran. Mountains can’t carry (this weight); but only the heart of the most illuminated and most honoured one was able to carry the weight of Divine Revelation. How can you say that he is now finished, and we can be with Allah without Muhammad (saws)? What is this ignorance that we are in? Therefore, so many troubles are coming on those people. Yes, it is a very deep ocean that we are trying to show to you; we cannot reach it. Aba Yazid - may Allah bless him, and may the lights from his ocean illuminate our hearts. Illuminated hearts, they are living hearts! Not illuminated ones, they are dead hearts, locked hearts. Therefore, the hearts of so many big scholars are locked. They don’t understand what you say. Locked up! Allah opens our hearts to His awliya. We are asking that when we speak about the aulia, that they grant us something according to our needs. Therefore, that is “rabita” - connection from heart to heart. When you make “rabita”, those 279

divine lights granted to that Wali, Grand Wali, or Nabi or Grand Nabi, or the Seal of Anbiya, run through your heart, and you are going to be illuminated. When we look at the sky at night, we see illuminated stars; but there are also billions of stars that are not illuminated, because that “nur” does not come on them. And it is similar with mankind as well. Heavenly beings are looking at mankind and seeing which ones of mankind are illuminated and are shining - just like we look at the shining stars in the sky. Therefore, “rabita”, connection, is the most important medium to reach heavenly lights. Those who deny this are cut off; no light comes to their hearts - finished. People are now therefore in darkness; because they don’t have any connection to heavenly people or with the illuminated servants of Allah living in this world among us. They don’t care, are not interested, and are happy to live in their darkness, in their dark “dunya”. Just like night birds (bats) are happy to be in the darkness of night. They don’t like to come out in the daytime, because they don’t like light. And now, 99% of the people on earth don’t look for heavenly lights to be illuminated, and they are happy to be in the dark world, in a dark atmosphere. Therefore they are doing so many things, if they could only see, they would not do it. If their hearts were illuminated, they would not fight and quarrel and complain. They would be happy with that what has been grated to them from the Creator, the Lord of Heavens. But darkness is preventing and hindering them to reach that point; because they don’t seek a connection to the spiritual world and with spirituality and heavenly beings on earth or in the heavens. That is the trouble. All of those who live in this dark atmosphere, without asking for a connection with heavenly beings, with their spiritual being, all of them are troublemakers. People in this small country - no one recognizes this country - are saying, 80 million people in Turkey and 200,000 in North Cyprus, they are asking to join the group of European states. They think that when they are connected with the European Union, they should be happy, they think that their troubles are going to be finished and everything is going to be so smooth and beautiful. This is their biggest mistake and misunderstanding; because material (things) never gives people any rest or a good life; it never giving them a life of pleasure and enjoyment – “hayat-ut-tayyib” - never! (It is the) same! If they become members of the EU, they would still

have the same troubles, because they are carrying the same bacteria of illness with them. Although they might join the EU; but the same illness is with them - same atmosphere! Darkness (here), darkness (there)! The EU is never going to give them any light; they are not going to be illuminated. They might perhaps reach a mass of money, material things, but they will remain non-illuminated, finished. If the Iraqi problem finishes, another problem will arise, because the same illness is with the people - that they are refusing connection with an illuminated existence, with illuminated people. They are only running after darkness and dark people. May Allah forgive me, and give us a good understanding, for this is an important point that nations must know. All nations have cut off their connection with heavenly beings, they deny them, they deny prophecy and sainthood, and everything belonging to Heavens, and they fall down into the dark world. Dark world; wherever they are running to, they will find only darkness and troubles. Allah! Allah! Ya Rabb! Forgive us ya Rabb! We are asking for forgiveness and His blessings. For the honour of the most honoured one in His Divine Presence, the Prophet Muhammad (sal)

THIS IS A LAMP This is a lamp. For a given and specified time it will burn and then it will finish. A lamp that is there now after a certain period of time will become a dead lamp. Its life will end. There is a sirr (secret) in this lamp. Up until now, no one knows of its secret. Man is only looking at its burning and extinguishing. That secret has not been touched, you can not touch it, you can not control it. This secret kuwwa (“strength”) is in our physical being. This secret pushes us to action; we walk, we listen, we see. It has many functions. Everyone has a given period of time in life. And their life leaves their body. And their body can not hear, can not speak and that perfect being vanishes. Millions of books have been written about our physical existence. It is impossible to explain our body. How it comes into existence, how does it vanish, how does it see? How was the skin created? Is it like a bag where Allahu Taala put all the organs into it or was it created after the organs? Who can say anything? Who can explain? For example if I say to take one part from this clock and then attach it, can one that is not an expert attach it? No one can understand the creation of man. How was man created? With Allah’s hand of qudra (“power”). He created, He designed, He gave shape. 281

If they were to put a man’s organs into a container; his nerves, his bones, his muscles’would you be able to design this? Who can do this?! This is a miraculous thing, this is beyond our understanding. My doctor grandson says that some blood-vessels are thinner than our hair and long enough to circle the equator. To know how to arrange it is impossible. And the Creator of this takes this secret strength in a second and we die. This is why the body is such a miraculous entity. Allahu Taala says “Be” and it becomes. He says “leave” and being gone. What does that “Be” mean? This is sirr (“secret”). What is it? How can you explain this? Where will it hide? With whose command does it appear? This is how miraculous our creation is. When that hidden secret is taken away, that valuable thing falls down. By the second day you can not look. That beauty, that freshness has vanished. It becomes earth and only a skeleton remains. After some time that skeleton too becomes dust. Do you think that Allah Almighty created the skeleton at the first stage and placed the organs on top of that? We are between two commands. The first comes from above, the sky, and says “do this”. This is a command. And the other command says “it is forbidden”. You are caught up within these two. To do or not to do. To abandon or not to abandon. To live or not to live. You have a will. ALLAH ALMIGHTY SAYS “I CREATED LIFE AND DEATH TO TEST YOU. I CREATED YOU TO BE TRIED. ARE YOU HOLDING TO MY COMMAND OR ARE YOU NOT HOLDING. I CREATED TO TEST THIS.” We have been commanded to obey Allahu Taala. We have been commanded to be solely for Him. We have been commanded to work solely for Him. We have been commanded to obey only Him. But man has lost his ways. This is the summary of the four Books. And it is the summary of the other divine messages- TO BE FOR ALLAH.

If you hold on to the divine commands, if you live for Him, His divine light will never be extinguished. It may rise and fall like the sun, but never be extinguished. The sun will dawn and set but light is not received from it. Those that live for Allah will come on Judgement Day shining brightly. And those that have extinguished their light will come in the manner of losing their shine. They will come surrounded by darkness. Millions upon millions will come as having lost their shine. The moon shines but it is veiled. And these men have lost their chance. They are lessening their light. And they have entered into dark worlds, they have entered into dark areas. There they will be Zulmet (“tyranny”). They have imprisoned their ruh (“soul”) with their actions. Prophets came to bring you up, to give you more nur (“light”) unlimitedly. Ya Rabb, we want even more, we want even more and we do not say enough. But at this time people have lost their faith. They lost their faith in the darkness of this madda (“material”). Madda is a very heavy load. Along with this heavy load comes distress and pain. Suffering always comes with this load. Allahu Taala decrees- “What I give you of material things is enough, do not ask for more. If you want more ask for Me, give for My sake. Ask for Me, give for My sake so that you may not feel the heaviness of this matter”. If not you will be like Qarun. Qarun acquired and acquired, hoarded, and in the end fell to the earth and underneath it everyday he suffered pain. He was squashed like a metal plate. The 21st Century man has two natures. They have a very special character. Two groups of people Nimrod and Qarun types. The first says, “I want to be like Nimrod”. The second, “I want to be like Qarun”. “More and more I want to acquire,” they say. They rule over other people. They want to be like Abu Jahl. Even more material things they want to acquire. They want to be like Qarun. Other than that, they have no interest in anything else. The desire to be like Nimrod is a very widespread sickness. Very well, what is the future for both? For this reason they kill, they burn, they destroy. This is the way of shaitan.


HAMD OF MUHAMMAD (Sal) “Praising Himself By Himself” Compliled by Sheikh Adnan Kabbani from the Knowledge of Grandsheikh Sultan ul Awliya Abdullah Faiz Dagistani (ral) and Sultan ul Awliya Moulana Sheikh Nazim, may Allah be well pleased with him THE SECLUSION DURING THE NIGHT JOURNEY Bismillahi Rahman ir Raheem. Through the heart of our Grandsheikh Moulana Abdullah Faiz Dagistani and through the heart of Moulana Sheikh Nazim al Haqqani, they are connecting us to the heart of Prophet Muhammad (Sal). All the 124,000 prophets are connected to the heart of the Prophet Muhammad (Sal) and the Prophet Muhammad (Sal) is connected to Allah Almighty. The Prophet was not connected to Allah Almighty by the Names or Attributes but by the very Essence of Allah Almighty. The Essence of Allah Almighty was given to him and dressed on him. Whatever was dressed by Allah Almighty to the Prophet (Sal) by way of the Names and Attributes are in comparison to the Essence of Allah Almighty so very little. This Essence of Allah Almighty was dressed to the Prophet Muhammad (Sal) at the time of the Night Journey when he was in seclusion with Allah Almighty. The Prophet Muhammad (Sal) was dressed by Allah Almighty with the Lights of the Essence until there was no Muhammad left, and his body was replaced by a Godly Body or a Divine Body. He was dressed by a body related to the Divine world of the Essence of Allah Almighty. The Divine Oceans of Unity, the Divine Oceans of the Oneness of Allah Almighty, all of them were as if it had vanished, and was not appearing, when Prophet Muhammad (Sal) was in this seclusion with Allah Almighty. All of them were dressed to Seyyadina Muhammad (Sal). In between all the other Universes, Divine Worlds, Divine Universes, Heavens and Earth, the Prophet Muhammad (Sal) was dressed by the Unity of Allah Almighty, by His attributes and by the Names of Allah Almighty. But in that Maqam (Spiritual Station), in that station, in the seclusion with Allah Almighty, in the Night Journey, the Holy Prophet Muhammad (Sal) was dressed by His Essence, which no one can imagine even or describe.


The Prophet Muhammad (Sal) is the only one who is responsible for all that appears from the Divine Names and Attributes of Allah Almighty. All that was in the world was dressed in Muhammad Rasoolullah (Sal). All that appeared and was created from the Attributes and the Names of Allah Almighty was also dressed on Rasoolullah (Sal). The 124,000 Prophets were also dressed on Muhammad Rasoolullah (Sal). He was the Divine Tongue of Allah Almighty which taught all the Messengers and Prophets of Allah Almighty. He was the one in between everyone and Allah Almighty. The Prophet Muhammad (Sal) was the one who was giving revelation to Seyyadina Jibril (Alai) to send to every Prophet and Messenger of Allah Almighty, because even Seyyadina Jibril (Alai) has a border or a limit where he stopped. Seyyadina Jibril (Alai) could not go beyond this limit. There is only one, and only he can go beyond this border and he was invited to the Divine Essence of Allah Almighty and that is Muhammad ur Rasoolullah (Sal). THE STATION BEYOND LANGUAGE With what tongue or by which language did Allah Almighty address him in this Great Station. There is no language in this Station. Language is related to the earthly world, and to the Universes, which are invisible to us, of the Angels or the Jinns, or the other creations of Allah Almighty. There are words and there are letters. Allah Almighty uses words, language and letters on what he has created. But in this Maqam, at this seclusion with Allah Almighty on the Night Journey, Allah Almighty did not use any such language, words or letters when addressing His most beloved Prophet Muhammad (Sal). This was something that was revealed to the heart of the Prophet Muhammad (Sal) from the Divine Presence of Allah Almighty. The Prophet Muhammad (Sal) was then introduced to the time before anything had yet even appeared, from the Knowledge of Allah Almighty. He was then dressed to be the Representative of Allah Almighty and to be the Perfect Man. He is the Perfect Man, who represents all of humanity, for all and to all. HAMD OF MUHAMMAD (sal) Allah Almighty named this Light which represents the Divine and Godly World of Lights by calling it Muhammad. In this Maqam (Spiritual Station), he is not a human being and he is not even of Mankind, he is not what you can ever imagine. He is the Divine Word and it is the Divine Worlds of the Light of Allah Almighty and the Divine World of the Mercy of Allah Almighty. He is also the Divine World of Hamd of Allah Almighty. It is for this reason that he is

called ‘Muhammad’, which means a deep and intense kind of ‘Praise.’ The word ‘Hamd’ in Arabic means ‘Praise’. Allah Almighty is praising Himself by Himself. This Praising or Thanking Himself by Himself, is Muhammad, and was named Muhammad. He is in totality the shadow of the Essence of Allah Almighty and he is the Perfect Man, the Perfect Example and the Perfect Imam in the Divine Presence of Allah Almighty. THE SHADOW OF MUHAMMAD (sal) The 124,000 Prophets who inherited the secret of Muhammad Rasoolullah, were also Perfect Men. Each of these Prophets during his period of time was also perfect. Then, amongst the Prophets, Allah Almighty created key positions. Who are all of them representing? They are representing Muhammad Rasoolullah (Sal), and they are the Shadow of Muhammad (Sal). It must be noted that they are the Shadow of Muhammad Rasoolullah and not the Shadow of Allah Almighty. This Shadow of Muhammad Rasoolullah (Sal) started with Seyyadina Nuh (Alai), then Seyyadina Ibrahim (Alai) and then Seyyadina Musa (Alai) then Seyyadina Esa (Alai) and then the physical body of Muhammad (Sal) which thereafter appeared 1,400 years ago. A beam of Light about the size that can pass through the eye of a needle was dressed by Allah Almighty to these Prophets to represent the Shadow of Muhammad Rasoolullah (Sal), which is up in the Divine Presence of Allah Almighty. Allah Almighty connected His name with Muhammad His messenger in La ilaha illallah Muhammad ur Rasoolullah, in pre eternity before anything yet even appeared or was created. From this, a beam of Light was dressed on Nuh (Alai). The people of Nuh (Alai) started to worship him. They were told not to do this. It was because of this beam of Light that they so revered him. THE BEAM OF LIGHT IN SEYYADINA IBRAHIM Then, after Nuh (Alai), this beam of Light was passed on to Ibrahim (Alai). Ibrahim (Alai) was the father of so many Prophets. He was one of the most important Prophets of Allah Almighty. It was because of this beam of Light that he became safe from the fire of Nimrod. This was due to the fact that he was carrying this beam of Light which was from the Light of Muhammad ur Rasoolullah (Sal). When the king of that country, Nimrod was trying to burn Seyyadina Ibrahim (Alai) in a huge fire, Allah Almighty sent Jibril (Alai) to Ibrahim (Alai), in order to help him. Jibril (Alai) was the most preferred of all the angels of Allah Almighty. Jibril (Alai), then said to Ibrahim (Alai), “Please order me and tell me what I should do to save you. Even if you order me


to cast Nimrod and all his people into this huge fire I am ready to do it.” Ibrahim (Alai) said, “Oh! Jibril (Alai), the One who sent you knows in which condition I am. I do not want anyone else’s help. He knows. I am satisfied with what Allah Almighty is doing with me and I know that He is seeing me now.” It was not in reality, Ibrahim (Alai) who was saying this, but it was the beam of Light that was in Ibrahim (Alai) that spoke in this way. Then a big miracle came to pass and when Ibrahim (Alai) was thrown into this huge fire, the fire did not burn him. If Allah Almighty had ordered the fire to become cold, Seyyadina Ibrahim (Alai), would have died through that coldness. Allah Almighty ordered the fire to be safe and not cold, so Ibrahim (Alai) was saved. THE BEAM OF LIGHT IN SEYYADINA ISMAIL Then this beam of Light passed from Ibrahim (Alai) to his son Ismail (Alai). Allah Almighty protected Seyyadina Ismail (Alai) from being slaughtered and sacrificed. If he was not saved from the sacrifice, how could the physical body of the Prophet Muhammad (Sal) have appeared in the future, as Ismail (Alai) was one of the forefathers of the Prophet Muhammad (Sal). Allah Almighty wanted to make a sacrifice with a sacrifice from Allah Almighty Himself, so that it will, more purify, the Light, when Muhammad Rasoolullah (Sal) physically appears into this world in the future.. The beam of Light that was in Ibrahim (Alai), was passed on to his son Ismail (Alai). This Light was then, not anymore in Ibrahim (Alai), because now it had passed into Ismail (Alai), his son. It was because Ibrahim (