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Suhbah 2021: Maulana Shaykh Mehmet Adil ar-Rabbani (9/25)
t is the order of Allāh to the Holy Prophet ṣallá Llāhu ‘alayhi wa- sallam: Be straight. Be with those who are with you, who repent together with you. Repentance will be accepted. Allāh's door of forgiveness is open.

Therefore, we should repent and be firm on the Way. We should be on the right way. Do not leave the Way which you know is right. That Way is a favour from Allāh, a grant from Allāh. Let the people say whatever they are saying. A person who listens to people's talk can never follow the Way. He cannot follow the Way. He goes right and left, back and forth. Everyone has a different opinion that they express. When your opinion is based on the orders of Allāh ‘Azza wa-Jalla and our Holy Prophet, the way is clear, the way of light is clear. No need to turn from that way.

What is that way? It's the way that comes from our Holy Prophet, with the permission of Allāh, it is the way of Ṭarīqah. Ṭarīqah is the base of Sharī‘ah. Because when there is no Ṭarīqah, the way of Sharī‘ah is cut off. And then they try to add various things as they like. Shukr to Allāh, everything in Sharī‘ah is not opposite to Ṭarīqah, it is the same as Ṭarīqah. Ṭarīqah is in the core of Sharī‘ah. It is the beautiful way of these

people. Follow it. Whoever follows it is always on the right way. Their end will be good. Of course, there will be many people who try to mislead you by saying you are such and such.

Our way is clear. There is nothing wrong in it. Some may say, "We would join your way if it was a bit different. This way is tough. We cannot handle this much. Let us change it. Let us do something else." It is impossible to accept this.

A religion cannot be changed according to one's mind. The orders of religion cannot be changed. Those who say it is hard can do as much as they can and not interfere beyond that. There is no rule that if you cannot do something, others should not do it either. Do as much as you can. You will receive your reward for it. Say, "I am capable of only this much, O Allāh help us."I cannot do more than this. Please accept our repentance. May Allāh help us. They say, "It's hard, let's change it." They are students of shayṭān, who are together with shayṭān. Because, instead of being humble by saying I can only do this much they show arrogance and want to change everything. They try to change the whole religion. These things work into people’s brains slowly, step by step. When they make a step forward, thinking they are doing something little, step after step they lose the way completely. The goal of some people is to spoil the religion, to destroy the religion. Do not follow them. As we said, do as much as you can.

Our idiot people are saying now, "Qur’ān is in Arabic. We don't understand it. Let's read it in Turkish." You read. Read if you like. Read as you like. It's not important. However, it is not counted as Qur’ān. Others will not do like this. The order of Allāh is to read Qur’ān in Arabic. You should pray ṣalāh in Arabic too, neither in English, nor in Persian, nor in Turkish. They say they don't understand the prayers as well. Would you pray if it was in Turkish? You wouldn't pray even then. They are doing only the work of shayṭān to destroy the religion.

Therefore, we are living in the time of fitnah. We should be careful. Not a tiny thing can be changed according to someone's opinion. We cannot

change the orders of Allāh. Certainly we cannot change. You can do as much as you can. What you say is from shayṭān. It means you want to destroy the religion. You are either a hypocrite, or think that people are stupid. Nothing else.

Allāh ‘Azza wa-Jalla says, "Lā yukallifu Llāhu nafsan illā wus‘ahā" (2:286). Allāh ‘Azza wa- Jalla doesn't order what you cannot do. For whatever you cannot do, you should repent and ask forgiveness from Allāh. But when you cannot do and want to change religion, then your intention is bad, your intention is not pure. And Allāh ‘Azza wa-Jalla gives people according to their intentions.

Therefore, there is a lot of fitnah at the present time. When you are around people, when they say these things, you should remind them that they should do as much as they can. When you do otherwise, when you want to change without doing, you make a big mistake. May Allāh not allow it, you will end up badly. Your ākhirah will be bad and there will be no benefit in dunyā. Who falls in this fitnah cannot come out safely.

May Allāh protect us.

Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem. Allāh ‘Azza wa-Jalla says in the Qur'ān for Prophet ṣallá Llāhu ‘alayhi wa-sallam, "Fa-staqim kamā umirta wa- man tāba ma‘ak" (11:112).

"Be in straight way with you, repent people who is with you." Don't go out of way, the way of heaven, the way of happiness, way of survival for eternal life. This way, way of Prophet ṣallá Llāhu ‘alayhi wa-sallam – ordering good things, ordering what human being can be, do. What they can do. What they cannot do, Allāh not ordering. But we are living in time many people, they have idea and they thought their idea it is good. "We are cannot do," they said, some of them, "this order so it is not difficult for us and maybe we can change little bit."

This is from shayṭān because make them... May can be very innocent

you look like, but it is one step, one step, one step – they make people to accept, to accept, to accept. Because even since 30 year, or before, what happened now for this, especially in western world, small step, small step – now become normal for people. Every bad thing they accept as normal and they try to do in the other country, especially Islamic country, to accept this.

But for Islām, it is not acceptable at all. There is rule, you cannot change or to be tolerance. No tolerance. There is something in Islām no tolerance. Why? Because it is against nature of a human being. If you do this, you destroy human being.

Now, they say, "Democracy" and they destroy everything but it is more important for this nature of human being. You cannot change. If you change, you destroy human being, and they try to destroy from every place, every around. What they get these people? They like to destroy religion, destroy good manner, destroy nature of human being.

But it was, I remember very well before 30 year ago, I was England. There was small, very small cartoon in TV but it was strange little bit. They begin from there, coming until now. Slowly, slowly, they have a time. They are very tricky people. For this, for Islām also, in our religion, there is limit for tolerance. The order of Allāh – you must do this.

Of course, nobody can make it 100%. Maybe can be 90%, maybe 80%, maybe 70%, maybe 5%, you can practice what order of Allah. Maybe even 1% you can practice, do. What here important, very important thing – when you practice one thing, you say it is very difficult. People [say], "I cannot do this. We must change this so we can do." This is wrong. This is wrong.

Even if you say you change and you make 100%, it is not acceptable. But the important thing here, who say we will change, we like to change and to practice, they are liar, they are hypocrite. Because in Turkey, sometimes coming people saying, "It is Arabic, Qur’ān Arabic. We must

read in Turkish. Praying Arabic, we must pray, people must pray in the mosque with Turkish language." But people who they said this, they are even not looking once for Qur'ān - not Turkish, not English, not any language – just from their bad intention to destroy. This is example for people, but it is most of people who against Islām like this.

So here important point to... if you, it is too difficult for you, maybe you can do as we said, 1%. Only 1%. But what you, why it is acceptable? You said, "O My Lord, only what I could do – this 1%. Forgive me, I am weak. So my ego coming on me, only I try, try to do only 1%." You cannot do whole percent. These people, Allāh forgive him.

But who said, "It is too difficult. We must change." This is problem. This is a problem because he want, he is proud, not accept this what Allāh give, and he is not happy with this. He thought, he self, himself clever and intelligent.

This what he read, it is not good for him. This one he is hypocrite and maybe his end, it will be bad. Bad end who go out from his life with no belief, no īmān, for his in forever, for in bad. From what bad end – bad forever. This is important.

Many people now, even they try from, they buy from writer or they claim they are Muslim, they make reform in Islām. And they said, "It is... Now it is too long, 1,400 years. We must change this. We must do better." This is bad intention and this is trying to destroy Islām. Don't believe for this and don't be like them.

Here very important thing, this point, for whole Muslim people, Ṭarīqah teaching this humbleness and to who have good behav[iour] not to say, "It is not good." No. You cannot say for anything, "It is not good," who Allah create. Allah what He show good, it is good. What not good, not good. Allah make us to know this and to behave like this, Insha Allah.

Wa Minallah at-Tawfeeq, Al-Fatiha.

89.NO SADNESS FOR US Thursday, 10 June 2021

Assalamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatuh, Auzu Billahi Minashaytanir Rajeem. Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem, Wassalatu Wassalamu ala Rasulina Muhammadin Sayyidal Awwalin wal Akhirin, Madad Ya RasulAllah, Madad Ya As’habi RasulAllah, Madad Ya Mashayikhina, Shaykh Abdullah Daghestani, Shaykh Nazim Al-Haqqani. Dastur. Tariqatunas sohba, wa khayru fil jamiyya.

May this month of Dhū l-Qa‘dah be blessed, Insha Allah. It is starting tonight, Insha Allah. Of course, we should look for the moon. People of today do not know where the moon rises and sets and how it happens. They make up calendars for us. The calendar sometimes matches and sometimes doesn't. We cannot do anything about it. According to the calendar, tonight the holy month of Dhū l-Qa‘dah begins.

What is the month of Dhū l-Qa‘dah? Ashhuru l-Ḥurum – the sacred months. Rajab comes first. It stands alone. And three months later come the months of Dhū l-Qa‘dah, Dhū l-Ḥijjah and Muḥarram. Three months are together. One is separate. These are the months of ḥajj. These are holy months. They have different virtues in the presence of Allāh.

Allāh ‘Azza wa-Jalla has many favours for Muslims, for the Ummah of Muḥammad. He wants to give them every opportunity. Why does He give? When it is from the Owner of generosity you cannot ask why. We should try to earn it. We should accept it and be happy with it .

It is the best favour, the favour of Allāh. No one can do like He does. The most generous person in the world has certain limits. Allāh ‘Azza wa-Jalla does not have any limits. He is the Owner of favours and wants to give them. And when you take them, Allāh ‘Azza wa-Jalla is happy. Allāh ‘Azza wa-Jalla is happy when you take and show gratitude.

So these holy months are starting from tonight. Most of the time people would start their ḥajj in this month and some would finish by Muḥarram. This was in older times. There has not been this opportunities recently. Before, many people would go in Ramaḍān and stay to complete their ḥajj in old times. Because it was not easy in old times. Travelling was not as easy as now. People could afford it only once in a lifetime. A second time was unlikely.

Now it is different. Whoever was able was going, until this thing appeared. It is a test from Allāh for people. They keep asking whether people made it or it occurred by itself. Nothing works as long as Allāh doesn't want it. People may have made it or it may have occurred by itself. Important is that nothing happens unless Allāh wants it, nothing occurs. People are frustrated and saying it is a big trouble. It is not a big trouble. Sometimes it is a big trouble. It is a big trouble for people without faith. It finishes everything. They are passing away without taking anything. But people with faith get rewards. If something happens, because of their patience, Allāh ‘Azza wa-Jalla rewards people.

Whoever passed away from this disease has a rank of shahīd. It is for believers who passed away from this disease.

Two years ago and last year... It is as if there was no ḥajj last year. There were only 3,000- 5,000 people. A place where millions can go, it was as if no one went there. It was like closed. This year it is the same with very few people. People who wanted to go to ḥajj, made their intentions and preparations but couldn't go because of this obstacle – Allāh ‘Azza wa- Jalla will give according to their intentions. Their ḥajj will be accepted.

Even a person who passes away on the way of ḥajj is accepted as ḥajjī. Therefore, they are saying this season of ḥajj is sad. But it is with the order of Allāh ‘Azza wa-Jalla. If He wants you to become ḥajjī this year, even if the world crashes, you will be ḥajjī. If He doesn't want it, you cannot be. It means that this years many people are not meant to go. There were obstacles and they couldn't go.

Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem. "Wa-liLlāhi ‘alá n-nāsi ḥijju l-bayti mani- staṭā‘a ilayhi sabīla" (3:97).

Ḥajj is farḍ (obligatory) for mankind, for those who can go. As we cannot go now, people are released from this farḍ because there is a big obstacle. Whatever they do, they cannot go. Even if they pay millions, they cannot go. Therefore, people are released from it. But who had intended to go, Allāh will give them that virtue, Insha Allah.

The virtue of Dhū l-Qa‘dah is great for ṭarīqah as well. There is seclusion between Rajab and the 10th of Sha‘bān. It can be made twice a year. They used to make seclusion starting from tonight until the 10th of Dhū l-Ḥijjah. Whoever wants can make partial seclusion, not 40 days of full seclusion. They can make it from tahajjud until sunrise, or between ‘aṣr and maghrib, or between maghrib and ‘ishā’. They can make intention for seclusion. They will earn the virtues of this month.

Of course, there is ḥajj and qurbān for those who cannot go to ḥajj. And there is ‘Āshūrā’ in Muḥarram and the beginning and end of the year. These months are a great favour from Allāh ‘Azza wa-Jalla. All of them are a blessing and goodness for people. In shā’a Llāh they are means for goodness.

Allāh ‘Azza wa-Jalla does not give us a test that we cannot carry. If Allah gives strength to our īmān, as long as īmān is strong, everything is easy. May Allāh He bless it, Insha Allah.

Insha Allah tonight they're beginning of Dhū l-Qa‘dah, month of Dhū l- Qa‘dah. This Arabic month, we are looking for calendar because we cannot see moon or even we not know. Old time people they was seeing, looking and telling people. But in our place or our country, it is also difficult to see moon, to look for moon because it is not plain – we have mountain and other, can be prevent to see. This people they are calculating and, Insha Allah, they are right. We are following this calendar, Insha Allah.

So in calendar, tonight beginning of Dhū l-Qa‘dah, month of Ashhuru l- Ḥurum one of... Ḥurum meaning blessed and forbidden to fight in this months. They are four months. One, first of them, Rajab, but it is alone. Between this months and Rajab, three months – Sha‘bān, Ramaḍān, Shawwāl – These is not ḥarām. After, coming three months, Ashhuru l- Ḥurum: Dhū l-Qa‘dah, Dhū l-Ḥijjah, Muḥarram. Why this? Allāh make this for wisdom of, this is for Ḥajj, pilgrimage month.

Because old time also need to arrive very long time. So it was like this, to come and to finish ziyārah and make Ḥajj and to go back need three months. But even now, also from crowd, people even they're beginning before, from Shawwāl to for Ḥajj, to prepare for Ḥajj to make this. But important for us Ashhuru l-Ḥurum, blessed months.

These months Allāh give for Ummat Muḥammad ṣallá Llāhu ‘alayhi wa- sallam, for us. It is present and Allah, why He give this? We cannot say why. Because the reason – He, generous, He generous one, even in no people they like to give. There's many, not many people to be generous, but who generous, you cannot imagine how He like to give people, to [be] generous [to] people.

Allāh He's no fear from to finish anything. He likes people, believer to take as much they like, as much they want, even they can take more and more. As much you take more, Allāh is more happy. Because He said this is, "They are happy with Me, I am happy with them. And they are thankful for Me, I am happy with them." Allāh ‘Azza wa-Jalla.

So these months is occasion, Allāh give this occasion for people to take more and more from His generous, from His ni‘mah, provision, from everything to take. And it is for Ummah time for doing their pilgrimage or other.

There are many worships in these months: Pilgrimage and New Year of Arabic calendar, and ‘Āshūrā’ and ‘Īdu l-Aḍḥá. All this for Ummah, occasion for Ummah Allāh give us. And most important thing of course pilgrimage, Ḥajj. Before this two years, there was people going there,

but this people they're forbidding. Not everybody can go, or who go they make difficulty for people. Even they squeeze them, they not let them to be free in Ka‘bah, in everywhere.

Everywhere they put people to prevent to make pilgrimage Ḥajjīs to rest. You cannot one minute to be rest, to peaceful, to worship, or to do this. Quickly they're kicking from there. And now, al-ḥamdu liLlāh, no, no Ḥajjī. They rest, all Ḥajjīs also rest. Nobody kick them and they will not find anybody to kick them from there. And this is order of Allāh .We are not sorry because what happened from this illness.

Many people they're very worried about this. Don't be worried. They and they're asking them, "This is from handmade, biologic virus or it is by himself?" Nothing can come by himself without will of Allāh. Allāh ‘Azza wa-Jalla. His will going through this life, this world, this universe. Nothing can be without this. Maybe with people they've done this or maybe by itself, but both of them from will of Allāh.

So people they deserve this and Allāh sent us this. So who is believer, he will not be afraid, not be sorry for what happened. If you are sorry for what happened, you are, you are making yourself unhappy. Because you cannot do anything, it's Allāh. Allāh He can do, He prevent. He give shifā’, give illness, give death, that and that. This all from Allāh ‘Azza wa-Jalla. We must be quiet and only to know everything from Allāh, and asking Allāh to give us strong īmān. This is most important from everything. When you get this īmān, it is no problem at all after this.

So this last year it was a few people going to Ḥajj. It was completely closed and it was, they said, "it is sadness, pity." No, not sadness, nothing. To harm people, to make people harming different between Allāh ‘Azza wa-Jalla saying no different between white or black and you are say, "Our citizens they can come inside, other not come inside?"

This is... So no sadness for us. What happened Allāh know we deserve this, all world deserve this. Who know we are deserve and asking for

forgiveness, Allāh forgive them.

But I see people they are coming,who non-believer they are coming more worse. Other also who are not respecting Prophet and Muslim, also they are coming worse. So Allāh ‘Azza wa-Jalla He gives us what we want and what we deserve.

And this year also no Ḥajj. No problem also, because Allāh ‘Azza wa- Jalla saying, Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem: "Wa-liLlāhi ‘alá n-nāsi ḥijju l-bayti mani-staṭā‘a ilayhi sabīla" (3:97). Obligatory for you who are, can go to Ḥajj. No problem, nothing prevent you from Ḥajj, it is obligatory for him to go to Ḥajj. But now no, it is closed. No nothing for every, anyone from this Ummah. But who intend to go and he couldn't go and he pass away, Allāh make him as he is in Ḥajj also, his pilgrimage. So everything Allāh give us we must be happy. Don't say "if" and "if, if". "If" – it is not good for people, for mu’min.

Allāh gives us from His endless treasure and give us strong īmān, Insha Allah. This is very important.

Wa Minallah at-Tawfeeq, Al-Fatiha.

90.PEOPLE HE LOVES AND WHO LOVES HIM Tuesday, 15 June 2021

Assalamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatuh, Auzu Billahi Minashaytanir Rajeem. Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem, Wassalatu Wassalamu ala Rasulina Muhammadin Sayyidal Awwalin wal Akhirin, Madad Ya RasulAllah, Madad Ya As’habi RasulAllah, Madad Ya Mashayikhina, Shaykh Abdullah Daghestani, Shaykh Nazim Al-Haqqani. Dastur. Tariqatunas sohba, wa khayru fil jamiyya.

The prophets are the beloved servants of Allāh And then their Ahlu l- Bayt (descendants) .They love Allāh and ṣaḥābah (companions) are also beloved servants of Allāh. "Yuḥibbuhum wa-yuḥibbūnah" (5:54). "People whom He loves and who love Him," says Allāh ‘Azza wa-Jalla in an āyah of Qur’ān.

These people who love Allāh don't like shayṭān. Ordinary people can be cheated. They love Allāh and, even though they don't like shayṭān, they obey and listen to him. Be together with the beloved servants of Allāh. If you are with them and love them, they will be a means for your salvation.

There are hidden ones, and there are apparent ones. Most of the apparent ones have maqāms and tombs. Visiting them and taking their barakah will be a means for your salvation. Those people worked for the pleasure of Allāh, for the benefit of people. They travelled to another part of the world and invited people to guidance without getting tired. Not for money, not for wealth, but for the pleasure of Allāh. Because they knew that life in this world is short. They invite people for hereafter life.

Some ignorant people keep asking why they conquered so many places. Countries and places they conquered were filled with light. They were saved from oppression. They brought benefit to people. Some people

became Muslim and those who didn't accept, they left alone. There is no compulsion.

Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem. "Fa-man shā’a fa-l-yu’min wa-man shā’a fa-l-yakfur" (18:29). "Let anyone who wishes believe and let anyone who wishes disbelieve."

How great, if you are Muslim. And non-Muslims have their own rights in an Islamic government. Muslims are not oppressors. With oppression it can't get fortunate and successful. Oppression is something Allāh dislikes. He doesn't have oppression among His attributes. He has mercy and goodness. It is the same with those who love Allāh. Those who are merciless cannot be from the beloved people of Allāh. An Islamic government does not oppress.

Therefore, yesterday we went to visit Sayyidatinā Hala Sultan, the protector of this island, aunt of our Holy Prophet the very holy Lady. She brings benefit to us and the whole island, Insha Allah. She attracts Muslims and non-Muslims. And all people come to visit her. Therefore, with permission of Allāh, these visits will be a means for good things for people who go there. Insha Allah their ends will be good.

Everything is in the hands of Allāh. Allāh changes as He likes. Insha Allah their ends will be good. They have spiritual authority, she has spiritual authority. When people go there, they certainly get enlightened. Therefore, may Allāh accept it.

Visits are important because mercy descends in those places. Receive your share of mercy. Mawlānā had said that her maqām is higher than the maqām of Sayyidunā Abū Ayyūb al- Anṣārī in Istanbul because she was very close to our Holy Prophet. Her story is well- known. No need to tell it. Those who visit her can learn there as well. There are other martyrs. And she is also a martyr. They had come to this island to bring light. As soon as she reached, she fell off her horse and became shahīd. She completed her duty for this island, not for dunyā. She completed her duty perfectly.

That maqām is a maqām of light until Qiyāmah, Insha Allah. It is a maqām of all kinds of goodness, Insha Allah.

Today we are saying, Allāh ‘Azza wa-Jalla, He has people. He love them and they love Him.

Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem. "Yuḥibbuhum wa-yuḥibbūnah" (5:54). These people – the first is prophets and the companions of Prophet and Awliyaullah. These people their whole life to love Allāh ‘Azza wa-Jalla and He loves them. They not love, they don't love shayṭān because he is enemy of Allāh ‘Azza wa-Jalla. This is people only pure love for Allāh ‘Azza wa-Jalla.

Normal people, some of them they love Allāh ‘Azza wa-Jalla. They don't... some of them they are not. Even who love ‘Azza wa-Jalla sometimes not love shayṭān but they are following his way and his teachings, what he says. He can cheat them. The other also they love to listen more and more to shayṭān and they hate reality. They against Allāh ‘Azza wa-Jalla. So these people they are not good for human being, humanity. Good people for humanity who they have mercy, they have love for Allāh ‘Azza wa-Jalla and respecting His creatures. They try to serve them, to save them, save them from bad thing. These people they were going from East to West to show people the way of love, way of justice, way of helping people.

There is the people of shayṭān [who] they said, "These people they come, they conquer everywhere, they take everything. Why they do this?" They are not in need [of] too much for money or luxury they do this for only for save people from hell, from bad end. This is their main aim – to show people good thing, to save them from bad thing. And this whole these countries they was suffering from injustice, from oppression, from darkness of kufr. So these people coming and bring beauty for life of people. And they invite people they like to be Muslim, they can be Muslim. If they're not, they don't want, they like to be same religion from before, also no problem. No. Not forcing – "You must be Muslim. You must do this." No. "If you are, you like to be Muslim, we

are happy, you'll be happy. If not, also no problem for us, for... no problem for you also. You can stay and take right more than Muslim in Muslim country. Nobody can touch you or do anything against you."

This was until the end of Khilāfah of Islām, before 100 year ago. They were serving and very sensitive for this point – to not make oppression for non-Muslim because their rights in front of Divine Presence of Allāh more difficult from Muslim. Muslim, they can forgive you but other, if not forgive you, it will be more dangerous for people. This was their rule – to serve people, to show them the way of light, way of beauty. Not looking for benefit for themself or for the country. From weak people you can crush these people and take their land to make everything. No.

Everything it was very sensitive to not make any oppression for people, any people. And even in Qur’ān ‘Aẓīmu sh-Sha’n, also many āyah to not kill old, woman, children, to not cut tree, or to destroy water, other. All this from beauty of Islām. So this it was light for human being. This is not for only Muslim, [it is] for whole human being. It is gift from Allāh to save them.

But of course, shayṭān and its followers they are not happy with this. Now we are happy with Allāh and we are happy with His beloved ones. Beloved ones, you must find them to get bless from them. Somebody saying, "We are not knowing because this time also many crook people. They claiming they are saint, they are good people but after you see they're not like this." But there is people, beloved ones, Ṣaḥābah of Prophet ṣallá Llāhu ‘alayhi wa-sallam everywhere. Mashāyikh, Awliyā’u Llāh, they have grave, maqām in every place.

Yesterday I was in Larnaka in Hala Sultan, Umm Ḥarām, auntie of Prophet ṣallá Llāhu ‘alayhi wa-sallam, and she was coming to give light for this island and she become martyr, shahīd, martyr. And she get her job [duty] because her maqām, grave, her qabr in Larnaka everybody coming there. Muslim, non-Muslim, everyone coming there. People respecting and taking something pull them to this saint. What is this? It

is from her barakah – for this island. For whole island, Insha Allah, she is barakah. She is blessed. She is a gift from Allāh ‘Azza wa-Jalla. Until Qiyāmah this island, Insha Allah, will be enlighten with her light, light of Islām and mercy of Islām. And who visit her maybe, Insha Allah Allāh know, the end of this people it will be Insha Allah good end. Because everything in Allāh will.

So who love one, Allāh will love him and, when He love him, He make him to be his end good end, not to make him bad. Many people coming, everyday they're coming. It is real center of beauty, center of bless, ma sha Allah. These people, ‘Azza wa-Jalla make them raḥmah (mercy), bless for Ummah to go and get power, spiritual power from them, Insha Allah.

Allāh give them more and more light and, Insha Allah, we meet them in Jannah also, Insha Allah.

Wa Minallah at-Tawfeeq, Al-Fatiha.

91.WE WAKE WHEN WE DIE Thursday, 17 June 2021

Assalamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatuh, Auzu Billahi Minashaytanir Rajeem. Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem, Wassalatu Wassalamu ala Rasulina Muhammadin Sayyidal Awwalin wal Akhirin, Madad Ya RasulAllah, Madad Ya As’habi RasulAllah, Madad Ya Mashayikhina, Shaykh Abdullah Daghestani, Shaykh Nazim Al-Haqqani. Dastur. Tariqatunas sohba, wa khayru fil jamiyya.

Sayyidunā ‘Alī raḍiya Llāhu ‘anhu may Allāh be pleased with him, is saying, "An-nāsu niyāmun, fa-idhā mātū intabahū." All people are sleeping. People who are living are sleepwalking. When will they wake up? People will wake up when they die. They are asleep in this world. They don't care and don't appreciate. But they will wake up and then they will see the truth. When they wake up, it will be good for some, and it will be bad for others. It is for everyone.

Because Allāh ‘Azza wa-Jalla created people to believe. Who believe will be saved and will wake up in this world. But if they want to wake up and believe in Ākhirah, it will be too late. It is impossible. You will wake up like from a dream. That dream will not repeat anymore.

Therefore, mankind tries everything. They think they know what to do, whereas everything they do is useless. Knowledge and actions that will not reach Allāh, are just useless things. Mankind is like this from all perspectives. They go to school when they are young. They are trying to enroll them in kindergartens by an exam now. Primary school with a test, middle school with a test, high school and university with a test. All people worry about their children's education. Children get education. But their studies bring no benefit not to people, nor to themselves. If only people struggle for useful knowledge. Mankind is running after useless things now. They are running for nothing. Some people let their children study. Eventually, they turn against their

parents and don't show respect to them. People wake up a little then. But they don't wake up completely until they die. When they die, they understand everything was useless.

We are showing children as an example that everything we do is useless. People should think well and do everything for the pleasure of Allāh so that it brings benefit. If you work for your children to study, for you to be successful, to earn a high position – all of these are temporary. Nothing will remain of them. What will remain is Allāh's mercy, that is in the presence of Allāh.

"Wa-l-bāqiyātu ṣ-ṣāliḥāt" (18:46) Enduring are good and righteous deeds. When you die and see them, you will be happy. And who doesn't have them will be in regret. But they will have awakened. They won't be able to return.

May Allāh always let us to be awake.

Sayyidunā ‘Alī, karrama Llāhu wajhah, he said very good saying: "An-nāsu niyāmun, fa-idhā mātū intabahū." Meaning: "Whole human being they are sleeping."

Whole humanity – Africa, Asia, Europe, America – all. In everywhere where you have human being from, coming from Ādam ‘alayhi s-salām, all of them sleeping. How they are sleeping? Oh, ma sha Allah, their eyes like this, like going everywhere. They are not like, look like sleeping. No. Sleeping meaning – when they are not sleeping – no, you are sleeping. You will awake up. When? When you are die. When people die, he wake up from this sleeping, from his dream, and see reality.

So we must prepare to this awakening. Even in dunyā you must awake, to be try to be awake to do good thing. When you wake up you will see good thing. Not this like this people wake up they saying – regretting what they done. "Oh this it was reality, we are sleeping we are not accepting this. We are, we was far away from all this good thing. Even

this people they was telling us and Allāh give us mind to think and to accept truth. But we was not looking this. We are looking for another thing in our life. In our life looking for make good business, make good stage for us, high position. Many thing we was looking after. No time for to look for Ākhirah or to think about our Creator. Now we are wake up if we must do..."

No. You cannot do anything now. Only you can do regret, nothing else.

In dunyā also people doing everything as they are clever and they are doing this thing for their benefit. But even in dunyā they are doing thing nonsense. Especially this time of humanity, they are doing everything upside down. They are... Old time people sons and daughters they was helping family, respecting mother and father and serve them.

But nowadays what happen is exactly opposite. Family only serving children to do their best. Even now from kindergarten, to primary school, to secondary school, to high school, university – each time – it was before for the university only there was big examination who can enter university. But now even kindergarten there is some place with test and exam [to see] if they can go in this. And family they are only they are worried and trying their best and pushing children to win this. Next, primary school, also same. Secondary school also same. High school also. And but this, what happen in this our...

In Europe they are not doing this. They are more clever than us. When