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Suhbah 2017: Maulana Shaykh Mehmet Adil ar-Rabbani (21/25)
het and Sayyidinā Abū Bakr, raḍī Allāhu ‘anhu.

When they were in this ghār, Cave of Thawr, they was Sayyidinā Abū Bakr afraid to happen something for Prophet. Prophet saying to him, "Don't afraid, Allāh with us." And this time Allāh make all spirit, rūḥāniyyat, of whole Mashāyikh until Qiyāmah coming for Ghāri Thawr and taking Bay‘ah from Prophet and to show Abū Bakr to not be afraid. Of course and Abū Bakr not afraid for himself he is not... He can give his soul, his head for sake of Prophet. He was afraid to something happen to Prophet. So whole this he was happy after this Sayyidinā Abū Bakr and ṭarīqah beginning from there. And after Sayyidinā Abū Bakr aṣ-Ṣiddīq, when Prophet he change his world, he was giving everything for Sayyidinā Abū Bakr aṣ-Ṣiddīq. What he has, he said, "I put in his chest, everything I knowledge", he give him.

After Sayyidinā Abū Bakr aṣ-Ṣiddīq, Salmān al-Fārsī. And it is coming from one to other Shaykh until last one Mawlānā Shaykh Nāẓim. He was fortieth. And they was Wārithu n-Nabī (inheritor of Prophet) each one. In that time where he is living, he is real representing Prophet. They was light for ummah, saveness for ummah, barakah for ummah. Allāh ‘Azza wa Jalla say, "Wa-‘lamū anna fīkum Rasūla Llāh" (49:7). Meaning must be representing for Prophet whole time. And there was whole for them – dunyā nothing. Allāh give them dunyā but they are they have richness many of them but it is not aim and they are not looking for it. Only for helping people they was accepting. Like Sayyidinā ‘Ubaydu Llāh al-Aḥrār. He was have four thousand farms. He was going

around with his horse, maybe for one farm half a day cannot finish. Four thousand farm. He was looking for twenty four thousand poor people. And he was imām of ṭarīqah doing whole waẓīfah and looking for dargāh, for murīd. And he is only with Allāh not looking for farm as target, only looking like this.

Naqshī ṭarīqah what, Naqshbandī ṭarīqah most of them not looking for miracle, karāmat. They keep this for ākhirah to make shafā‘ah for Ummati Muḥammad. This because need power to make karāmah, miracle. But Allāh ‘Azza wa Jalla for sake of them was also help people who are expect something from Shaykh, asking something from Allāh he have what he want who asking. All of them same because same attribute of Prophet must be with them because they are represent him. And the first attribute for Prophet – generosity. Same until Mawlānā Shaykh. Also he was – people what they give, next day or maybe two days after you cannot find it. He distribute for everywhere. He has many karāmāt but without he is asking happening it was. He like to help people, to make for them to make business, to make new job. He like this kind of helping for people who ask.

So all ṭarīqah, mā shāAllāh, reaching to Prophet but Naqshbandī it is more careful for sharī‘ah. To follow sharī‘ah main pillar for Naqshbandī ṭarīqah. We are not criticising other ṭarīqah but we saying our ṭarīqah is speciality, what is special for Naqshbandī ṭarīqah. Because Allāh create people different, different people. So ṭarīqah also, each one suitable for some of them. For another they are cannot be in this ṭarīqah. They find another one like this. We not obligate people to follow one ṭarīqah they don't like. Mawlānā Shaykh all time saying, "Look for your heart where going. With me who he is happy, you follow." Don't force people to follow what you like. Because everybody Allāh give them special thinking. Some they like, some they don't like. So, al-ḥamdu liLlāh, we have forty one ṭarīqah, each one which they like they can follow.

Because in this days who follow ṭarīqah also they don't know adab. They don't know how to behave. They are following ṭarīqah like football team or political party. They criticize other mashāyikh – even for awliyā’, even sometimes they saying they are not like this not like that. So this is not good. You be must respect all of them, all of them big awliyā’u Llāh. Mashāyikh of other ṭarīqah who coming from Sayyidinā ‘Alī also they are big awliyā’. We must respect them.

Allāh give barakah for owner of this – Mister Nawawi. Allāh help him because he is also respecting ṭarīqah, respecting awliyā’u Llāh. And he is looking for after thousand of people and student especially student. This big honor for him to look for student, to believer, to be believer and in right way. This is also faḍl (favour), "Faḍlun min Allāh" (4:73). Allāh give him this and he can help people and make this small children to be educated in the right way. And we are advise him to continue this, in shā’Allāh. And beside this also studying, to teach them something for to be benefit for ummah also –

what they in need in this area, in factory or other place. They can be electrician. Maybe they can be builder, something with study. They must learn something else also.

And for who are working in factory you must every day put ṣadaqah beside and for each worker ṣadaqah – maybe very few ṣadaqah but saying ṣadaqah so he will be safe, like insurance from Allāh ‘Azza wa Jalla. Ṣadaqah and zakāt this is make money to grow. Ṣadaqah and zakāt making money or fortune to making grow. "Mā naqaṣa mālun min ṣadaqah," – when you give ṣadaqah don't afraid said – not be less, it will be grow more and more. Ṣadaqah and zakāt for ṭalabi ‘ilim, they can give for ṭalabi ‘ilim and they have, mā shā’Allāh, two thousand for all of them they can use this. When somebody doing this he mustn't afraid. Allāh help him and he is work, business go faster and better, in shā’Allāh.

Wa Minallah at-Tawfeeq, Al-Fatiha.

208.BE STRAIGHT Thursday, 26 October 2017

Assalamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatuh, Auzu Billahi Minashaytanir Rajeem. Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem, Wassalatu Wassalamu ala Rasulina Muhammadin Sayyidal Awwalin wal Akhirin, Madad Ya RasulAllah, Madad Ya As’habi RasulAllah, Madad Ya Mashayikhina, Shaykh Abdullah Daghestani, Shaykh Nazim Al-Haqqani. Dastur. Tariqatunas sohba, wa khayru fil jamiyya.

Mā shaAllāh long time we didn't see you, more than one year now. So, in shāAllāh, we our time is short so we make little bit ṣuḥbah and after we make khatm dhikr, in shā’a Lla . Allāh

Azza wa Jalla saying for Prophet, "Fa-istaqim kamā umirta" (11:112). Be in the straight, order us to be in straight line, not going this side, that side. No. What is Allāh. Allāh order us we must keep it. We are not looking for people - how they like we follow them. No, we are, we must be straight and who can follow, follow. Everyone by his level he can follow. Somebody can follow ninety percent, somebody maybe seventy percent, somebody following twenty percent. But who are in the head of order who following him - he must be straight hundred percent. We following head not following leg. Leg as much we said, "Lā yukallifu Llāhu nafsan illā wus‘ahā" (2:286). Allāh not puting burden on ourself. What we cannot do He not put. So some people they can do better, they can do. Some people they try to do, their intention important. When intention pure and good, Alla reward them as much [as if] they make hundred percent. For this not to do what people doing.

Our ṭariq̄ ah to keep our ego from what they like, to keep it away from what ego like. We must follow our spiritual not ego. So we getting higher and higher. Don't look people - they are happy with this or not happy. You look for Allāh ‘Azza wa Jalla what He is happy. The most important thing - happiness of our Lord. If our Lord happy with us it is the best. If not happy, if whole world happy with you not important, no value. So this who are happy with you now after one day, after maybe two day, they can be against you. They are hate you because this is fake love. Love, real love, Alla ‘Azza wa Jalla if He is happy with you, you be happy forever. This is what important for us. Happiness, this world people they try to be happy. Who are, they don't have any spiritual life they try to be happy but really they are not happy at all. They are looking, looking because their life - no meaning for life without spiritual. Sometimes we are going country they don't have, non-Muslim country you are not hearing adhān. And normal people who are going to everywhere but we because we are traveling with everywhere, al-ḥamdu liLlāh,

we have zāwiyah, we have our muri , so where we are going every time we hearing adhān. They make, we call adhān or they call adhān. We pray so we know there is five times adha . But who are going for business or for other thing when he go to this non- Muslim country, this little bit feeling funny strange thing - no adhān. How this people they are not waiting, they not knowing ẓuhr, not knowing ‘aṣr, not knowing ‘ishā’. Even this in our Isla religion, Islāmic culture, we have name for all of this. This people they don't know name for this, nothing for this. Only like animal, just eating working, drinking, sleeping. Nothing else, no meaning. After they look and they become sad. Many of them they taking tablet, they taking drug, they taking alcohol. Why? Because this no spiritual thing.

So, al-ḥamdu liLlāh, we have this. We must be appreciate this favour from Allā and continue to try to make Allāh ‘Azza wa Jalla to be happy. When He is happy, al-ḥamdu liLlāh, this is our aim. This is what say, "Ilāhī anta maqṣudī wa-riḍaka maṭlūbī." O my God You are my aim and Your happiness my wish. This is for Muslim, for believer. So everybody can try as much he can do. But what we said from beginning - to be honest, to be straight, not cheat people, not make people to be angry for what they done. Because sometime they maybe by good intention, they try to make them this but because what they done not right people no benefit for them. Allah̄ ‘Azza wa Jalla He create everything and He know everything so His order it is even test for us.

Maybe said, if I make advertisement many people coming. So I and the most of this advertisement it is lying, cheating people. In our ṭarīqah or Islām, "Man ghashshanā fa- laysa minnā," who cheat us he is not from us. So when we are not with Prophet what benefit from this? Because we all time, like mashayikh, like Mawlānā Shaykh he was whole time after truth, after people to make them to come to right way, to straight. They are our murshid and we are following them, in shāAllah̄ . Allāh make us like them.

Wa Minallah at-Tawfeeq, Al-Fatiha.

209.TIME WAITS FOR NO ONE Saturday, 28 October 2017

Assalamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatuh, Auzu Billahi Minashaytanir Rajeem. Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem, Wassalatu Wassalamu ala Rasulina Muhammadin Sayyidal Awwalin wal Akhirin, Madad Ya RasulAllah, Madad Ya As’habi RasulAllah, Madad Ya Mashayikhina, Shaykh Abdullah Daghestani, Shaykh Nazim Al-Haqqani. Dastur. Tariqatunas sohba, wa khayru fil jamiyya.

Prophet saying who saying "we will do this, you do that" and they are never doing they are loser. Khasira... For ḥadīth of Prophet we must when you reciting in Arabic we must be careful to say it as Prophet saying. But for English it's ok because translate it is meaning this meaning Prophet saying. "We will do" they said, "leave it later we will do." So later never coming. Every time when this coming – "we will praying later. Maybe when we are, we must now we are young we can enjoy. After we can pray." When they become older said they used to this saying to make everything "we will do later". Again they are saying, "We will do this later." This is for everything like this. The loser who saying "we will do" and not doing.

When you "fa-’idhā ‘azamta fa-tawakkal" (3:159). If you say something, quickly make it "tawakkaltu ‘alAllāh" (11:56). Begin don't wait. Life not waiting you. Time not waiting you. Suddenly you look you see you are getting twenty years older and you not doing anything. Your life going without stopping, without any benefit. We must appreciate our time and when especially for ākhirah. For dunyā maybe you said I can, I will do. You cannot do but still if you are praying, you are fasting, you are doing charity, you are reciting Qur’ān, you are making dhikr, also it is our main thing this. But if you are not doing for both, you are loser really.

Awliyā’u Llāh they are hard working. They are not lazy. And they are for us example, good example – especially from Prophet. "Laqad kān lakum fī Rasūli Llāh uswatun ḥasanatun" (33:21). Prophet never stop, all time going from place to place to call people to way of Allāh. And this through twenty three years he complete this religion Islām. And He said, "Al-yawma akmaltu lakum dinakum" (5:3). But in twenty three years for Prophet no any minute going without doing anything. Islām it is complete system Allāh make it for human being. The most suitable for human being. Because our Creator He know what we are in need and we are what we are not in need, what we must do, we must what we must not do. And Prophet even now only one subject maybe thousand of professors working in one subject. Still thousand subjects in religion, Islām religion, and he was making this effort to show his ummah you could, you must also follow me. "Uswatun ḥasana" meaning example, good example we must follow him. You can be in

city, you can be in village, you can be in mountain – all where are you, you can follow this religion and order of Prophet. And when your intention, "I'm following Prophet order to not be lazy, to not be saying I'm, I will do" – you will reward for this and you will be satisfied.

We are cannot do for dunyā, we cannot... we don't have enough power, we don't enough knowledge, we don't have enough money to do something more. But for ākhirah don't be lazy. But you know what order of Allāh ‘Azza wa Jalla we must follow and do. Our order first to make Kalimatu sh-Shahādah, after praying, after praying, fasting. Because this three everybody from Muslim to be from order of Islām, five order but first three for whole Muslim. After zakāt and ḥajj – this is for who has enough money. Who has enough money he must give zakāt. Don't say I will give later. This is in one year from beginning to the end of year, you can give your zakāt for a year. Don't say, "I will leave it later I can give." If you do this you using other people money. Maybe you will not reach to next year so Allāh will punish you because you take money from other people who are not for you anymore. This for who has money. Who not has money no need for him. He can take zakāt. Who has money as he can give zakāt, zakāt not acceptable for him. Zakāt for poor people, for this student, madrasah student, and also from zakāt who are distributing zakāt even he has money because he is working there, they can give him. But for who has enough money to give zakāt, if he gives you zakāt this is not acceptable, if you know he has enough.

After this – ḥajj. Ḥajj also who has money he must do this obligatory for Muslim. But nowadays they make it very difficult. We was in every place where we going saying maybe after ten years you can go to ḥajj, maybe after fifteen years, maybe after twenty years they said. You must write your name and if it coming for you in this time you can go. If you are in life, ok you can go but if you are pass away, Allāh will ask this people who are not allowed people to go to ḥajj. So this also who has money. This is five thing we are if we have opportunity, not for three of first one but for zakāt and especially for ḥajj we must quickly do it. Don't say I'm still young when I become maybe sixty, seventy year I can go to ḥajj. Now no need to call me people ḥajjī. It is not good for us. No. Quickly if you have chance to go, you must go. This is obligatory for Muslim.

And who not obligatory, to give ṣadaqah, to help people, also you must to not be lazy. As much you can help you must help. Ṣadaqah for who? First for your family. Prophet saying what you feeding your house – wife, children, all this from ṣadaqah. Allāh write for you this is ṣadaqah you give for your family. Second for neighbor and relative. Because the relative very important. After for other poor people. So everybody can doing this, it will be poor people also happy from rich people and it will be barakah because from du‘ā’ of poor people Allāh many of them accept. This is for our benefit. Prophet saying to do directly what you intention. Maybe you said, "I will give ṣadaqah. I will do this zakāt but later. Oh now it is time little bit late,

maybe tomorrow." Tomorrow said, "Oh I will give this but it is too much, we can give less." After give less until maybe who after one month he give ten percent what he intend. Because each time you make it later, it become heavy for you to do. Awliyā’u Llāh they was without any shaking their hand [not afraid]. They was giving without asking, without fearing from it will be finish. Because they are knowing it's coming from Allāh ‘Azza wa Jalla.

Once they was – Mawlānā every time saying this story – one from awliyā’u Llāh. He is very generous and he finish his money giving poor people, doing that doing that this. At the end he was borrowing from people money. After something happen, money come from some place he give again. He build zāwiyah, dergah with loan. After also somebody pay for him. He used to it to do this. At the end he was very ill and the people who giving his money loan they coming asking maybe this Shaykh he will pass away, we must come and take our money. And they come sitting there and Shaykh was sitting in front of them. They are asking for money. He not speaking, just sitting murāqabah. And when they saying, "Oh you are getting very old, give us our money maybe you will pass away. Your... how we can take? From where we take this money?" and suddenly he hear voice of one boy shouting selling sweet. Tell his servant go bring this sweet from this boy, give for this people, to be, to make them calm. And they was happy. Everybody eating from ḥalwā.

After, going asking for his money. He said, "I don't have. Look this people also they are waiting for money." This boy he was beginning to cry, "How I can go now to my master, my boss? What I can tell him? He will beat me, he will kill me." Beginning to cry. He was crying and shouting. Crying and saying something and this people they are was regret – "Oh why we eat this also. Look what happen now. What is, what this man also even for this boy they make this." And this boy he was crying maybe two hour, three hours and make this people very upset. And they are – Allāh wisdom of Allāh – if each one giving one penny it will be finish this. But Allāh he want something to show people, not remember [remind] them, still until they are. So once door knocking and say, "One of your friend sending this for Shaykh." And they open, there was five hundred Dinar coin. One side half Dinar one side – this for boy and that for this people.

So they are knowing this awliyā’u Llāh. When they are giving not caring about anything. They are knowing Allāh ‘Azza wa Jalla He will give them. If they have qismah it must be come for them. If no, they are not worry. So this is what people who depending on Allāh they must know. For dunyā don't be worry. Worry for ākhirah and do quickly what Allāh order us. Allāh make us to be not lazy. To be doing everything we can do, in shā’Allāh.

Wa Minallah at-Tawfeeq, Al-Fatiha.

210.DON’T ARGUE Sunday, 29 October 2017

Assalamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatuh, Auzu Billahi Minashaytanir Rajeem. Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem, Wassalatu Wassalamu ala Rasulina Muhammadin Sayyidal Awwalin wal Akhirin, Madad Ya RasulAllah, Madad Ya As’habi RasulAllah, Madad Ya Mashayikhina, Shaykh Abdullah Daghestani, Shaykh Nazim Al-Haqqani. Dastur. Tariqatunas sohba, wa khayru fil jamiyya.

Mawlānā Shaykh when he was last ṣuḥbat, he was [talking] one very important subject he every time repeat – adab. Adab coming before ‘ilm. He's saying adab meaning good behavior. To be good behaved meaning what Allāh He likes, Prophet likes and people also like. Good behaving people, they are polite, they are respecting other people, that not doing any problem. This is good behaviour. Good behaviour our Prophet ṣallá Llāhu ‘alayhi wa sallam he is the whole good behaviour in him. This is what Mawlānā, his will – not only for murīd, for all human being – good will.

Prophet ṣallá Llāhu ‘alayhi wa sallam never arguing, never discussing with some people. When he is not happy, he was leaving. Where these people they are doing something, he not happy with them, even not saying something for them. Mawlānā Shaykh he was teaching us also: don't argue with people. If they are arguing, you leave this place. Go away from them. Because when you are arguing, shayṭān he becoming happy and make you to more argue until maybe fighting. And there was one good example for Prophet ṣallá Llāhu ‘alayhi wa sallam. He was passing one place and Sayyidinā Abū Bakr aṣ- Ṣiddīq and one from normal people, he was shouting for Sayyidinā Abū Bakr – cursing him, shouting on him. But Sayyidinā Abū Bakr he not saying anything. Prophet ṣallá Llāhu ‘alayhi wa sallam was smiling. Every time this man saying bad thing for Sayyidinā Abū Bakr, was smiling. And after Sayyidinā Abū Bakr when he said for this man, "Oh you are saying wrong," immediately Prophet ṣallá Llāhu ‘alayhi wa sallam he left this place.

And Abū Bakr, of course, all time he is Ṣiddīq. He is feeling and knowing what Prophet want. So he felt he making something wrong and asking, "O Rasūlu Llāh, I am wondering what happened. Because every time this man he was shouting on me and cursing me and saying bad thing about me, you were smiling. Every time you were smiling until I am saying something, one word, you left this place." He said, "There was one. When he shouting on you, angel they were replying for him. Every time he shout for you, the angel was giving him answer. So I was happy. But when you beginning to speak, angel they left that area and shayṭān coming. So I left for this." So this is you must be good behave, you must be patient. Don't listen for people who are, they don't have

good adab, good behaviour. You must ignore them. Because Allāh send angel to reply, to answer them without you doing anything. Nowadays, there is more worse than speaking. They are writing in computer. And they say, "This man he said for me this. I must reply and answer for him." And they write and give, sending. And others not stopping. Maybe whole night they're cursing each other and nothing happen. Only shayṭān he's happy. Angel all running away from them.

Good behaviour to respect respected people who Mawlānā he was respecting them and to respect elderly people, to be mercy for children. Good behaviour, it is really very nice for human being. To be human being, if you are good behaved, you're becoming Insānu lKāmil. Insānu l-Kāmil – Prophet; everything perfect, perfect human being. But if you are looking for people: "He done this, I must do like him," but this is not good thing what he done. "Never mind. He is doing, nobody saying anything. I must, I like to do the same." They are doing this. After when no adab, they're becoming like beast. They're becoming like animal. Some of them like beast because they are more worse. Some of them like animal, dirty animal. Because there are animals also many kinds. But they're becoming real. You cannot make them to. You cannot go with them any place. You cannot say, "This is... I know this. He's my friend or he's my from I know him." Even this you cannot say.

Awliyā’u Llāh, mashāyikh, they are showing right way, nice way. "Wa-Llāhu yad‘ū ilá dāri ssalām wa-yahdī man yashā’u ilá ṣirāṭi m-mustaqīm" (10:25). Allāh asking, calling people to house of peace. And it is paradise. Paradise even in this world, you can be in paradise when you are following. Because Allāh asking, calling you, "Come to house of peace." Here also when you are following His order, here also you are in paradise and in ākhirah also. When you are ignoring these people who they have bad behaviour, no adab, Allāh reward you and make this life also paradise. So we are.

This country they have Sulṭān. And Sulṭān, Prophet ṣallá Llāhu ‘alayhi wa sallam, "Dhili Llāh fī l-arḍ," shadow of Allāh. Of course, Allāh He not have shadow – but they saying this. Because now again we can say something for these people who are claiming they are real Muslim and we are not Muslim. And they make for Allāh hand and thing So it is just Prophet ṣallá Llāhu ‘alayhi wa sallam meaning he is who has Sulṭān, they are blessed, they are lucky. But people, shayṭān not leaving them so who has what meaning "Shadow of Allāh " – everybody they must respect for them and to be good behaved. In republic no this respect. First thing they do when they make republic after some thing, they are taking away the name, the title of people because this title was given by Sulṭān, by King. But this republic it says, "No. No need for this. Everybody can be Sulṭān." No respect, no adab, no any value for this. When they do this, everybody becoming not good behaved, no adab. This what because we are growing in country, every time they have coup. Every six months they make coup. They kill other and they make a new one. Kill other and make new one. And not leaving anything, taking from people their land, their

property, everything. And they're not leaving anything. And they have no barakah because they are cursing. When they do taking this and teaching people to be not respected, they are becoming real beast. This what happened in Middle East. Because since 50 years teaching people only to be corrupted, corruption and not thinking anything else about, only to get money or to look for other people money. "How I can take this from his?" Because this what they teach them, what they happened. This what happened. At the end, whole place, whole area becoming like fire. So you must be happy here. You must be respect Salāṭīn and their family and the who has title given by Sulṭān. Also this meaning he has something done good thing, so he is good man. When you respect him, he will be more careful to not do any wrong thing. And it will be good for whole country because everybody under shadow of Sulṭān. It will be barakah. Many people they are not knowing value of barakah. And there is difference between Muslim country and non-Muslim country. Muslim country they have barakah. Even they are very poor, they are no problem. Nobody dying from hunger. But the Western countries, there was hundred of years taking everything from here. And now they have problem. Because they don't have barakah. Economy crisis, economy crisis – this what they have. And the secret barakah and to be depending on Allāh ‘Azza wa Jalla. When you are depending on Allāh, Allāh make everything helping you.

Many Awliyā’u Llāh, one of them Sayyidinā Shaybān Rā‘ī. He was big Awliyā’u Llāh... but he was shepherd. And he not knowing writing or reading. But Allāh, because he was very pure, make him holy man, Awliyā’u Llāh. And even Sayyidinā Imām Shāfi‘ī he was his murīd also. When he want to go to Jum‘ah, because he has flock, flock of sheep, Jum‘ah day in mountain or near the village, he normally pray outside, normal time. But for Jum‘ah, he must go to Jum‘ah. What he was doing? He was putting his sheep in place and making circle with his stick in the earth all around sheep. And he leave them, he go to pray Jum‘ah. And there was wolf. Wolf cannot go behind this line, circle. And sheep, they are not going out of this circle. This is what Allāh when He want, everything can be musakhkhar, helping Awliyā’u Llāh. This for everybody this dunyā, Allāh He make it, "sakhkhara lakum" (45:13), [subservient to you] musakhkhar, for everybody this. So when you are Good believer, mu’min, everything easy for you and it is for you paradise here. And, in shā’Allāh, in ākhirah also paradise. But the most important thing Mawlānā was saying, it is more important than knowledge, ‘ilm – adab. Because knowledge, many times they're taking people to good way. But also taking people from good way to bad way also. This knowledge has two... But if you have with knowledge adab, good behaviour, you'll be right, you are winner. If you don't have adab, you are loser even you are, you have hundred PhD. Allāh give us, in shā’Allāh, help us to be good behaved, to respect Mawlānā's will. The most important thing and the most important thing for him every time he was saying; don't argue, don't argue, don't argue.

Wa Minallah at-Tawfeeq, Al-Fatiha.

211.LADY AWLIYAULLAH Monday, 30 October 2017

Of course Prophet was suffering. "Nobody suffer like me," he said. Even when he come, coming with his mother, must have she was passing away when he, with him in travelling. Second one his first wife Sayyidatinā Khadījatu l-Kubrá she was loving him – believer, first believer for Isla she was. Ladies they have special place but many shayṭan̄ now they are making fitnah. They said Isla not respecting, not doing something good for. But Allāh He put the most important thing our Prophet – he said, "I love them." And the really Sayyidatinā Khadījatu l-Kubrá she was giving everything for him. Supporting and when he was sad she was making him to be happy. When somebody want something, she giving because she has, she was rich. And not is poor. No. She said, "I'm, my whole what I have for you feeling he making him You can make what you like” and she was, until before Hijrah, she help him and he was when she pass away, really he was very sad.

And mashāyikh also same thing. They have supporter. Allāh give them good ladies to support them. Mawlānā Shaykh ‘Abdu Lla when he was, he was sixteen when he get married in Bursa, near Bursa. We visit him, his village Reşadiye, and his Shaykh, Shaykh Sharafu d-Dīn, he told him, "Their order for you to for khalwah." And he was very strong winter there, very cold, snow. And he was repairing roof for his house and when he hear this just left this and he quickly go to for khalwah. And she was pregnant and only quickly he not saying anything. He went for his place for khalwah. Five years he make his first khalwah. Is very strong khalwah. After five years he went out. She was whole, every day bringing food for him. Sometimes but he not seeing just hearing or just leaving this. And the end he wasn't eating anything and she was, she thought he pass away. And she was patient, she was ṣabir, but in this time she get baby and maybe after two years he pass away also.

She was like this supporting him until she come for Damascus Sha Sharīf with him. Whole time not let him to think about his house or dunyā thing. She, all she was doing without any complaining, with happiness. But when she went to ḥajj with him, in ḥajj they was sun hitting her and she pass away after ḥajj. And he was all time was very sorry – for asking – "Oh Ḥalīmah, oh Ḥali ah" he was saying. She was leaving ten children, ten children but he said, asking for Allāh, "I don't want to anything to make me away from You. You can take this children." Whole eight of them they pass away when she was here and then ninth one, she is also lady, but she get married and he has grandchildren for her and she also pass away. But you can imagine for this lady how she was strong belief to carry all this. But at end she was the in highest place.

And Ḥājjah Anne, my mother, she was also. Mawlanā when coming order for him from his Shaykh he must go to this place for da‘wah for irshād, going one month, two months, sometimes three months not coming. Going for khalwah six months not coming. All this Ḥājjah Anne she was without any complaining. She was looking after house, after children, and she was making her ‘ibādah, worshipping and making also dhikr and lesson irsha for ladies in this area.

And she also, all this ladies, they are barakah from our ṭarīqah, in sha’̄ a Llāh. They are giving their love, their barakah for you who are following them. You imitate them, you also even you doing in Monday same day they like. You can get barakah from them same, in sha’̄ a Llāh. Because Allāh He has these awliyā’u Llāh, they are all time praying for ladies who coming until Qiyāmah to get bless as they have. Al-ḥamdu liLlāh, this is big favour from Allāh. Not many people has it. There is millions of people, ladies, not thinking for this. They thinking for dunya for any for life, for "maybe we are poor, we are rich, we are..." But to think about, to make dhikr, to be in way of Allāh, many few – very, very few. So, in shaAlla , Allāh give you their ajir thawāb (reward), in shāAllāh. And you and for your whole your generation, in shāAllāh.

Thank you for all of you. In shaAllāh, every time we see you and Allāh give for your ancestor Jannatu l-Firdaws (Paradise) all of you, in shāAllāh. In shāAllāh, in Jannah forever we be together because in dunyā just coming, going. This is dunyā, cannot make more than this. But, al-ḥamdu liLlāh, we are happy to be, in shāAllāh, in Jannah all together, in shāAllah̄ . Because Allāh He is saying. How you know you will be in Jannah? We know because Allāh saying, "Ana ‘inda ḥusni ẓanni ‘abdī bī." "As My, how My servant thinking about Me I'm like this." We are thinking we are, in shāAllāh, all to Jannah and He will not disappoint us, in shāAllāh. Thank you for all of you.

Assalamu Alaykum.

Wa Minallah at-Tawfeeq, Al-Fatiha.


Tariqatunas sohba, wa khayru fil jamiyya.

Sorry for you. Mā shaaAllāh, very nice they making Mawlīd. Mawlīd it is very important. In our ṭarīqah, Mawlīd every language. You have Malay language also? Arabic. Must be Malay language. somebody.

Mawlīd is very important because praising Prophet and making people to feel more love, more respect, to remember Prophet, remember his mother and his ancestors, and how he was whole his life. This is – I don't know Mawlīd Arab Dubai like this but in Turkish Suleyman Celebi has this Mawlīd. He write before eight hundred years ago and still nobody can make something like this – very simple but very complete and very nice. Mawlānā was all time repeat piece from this Mawlīd. And this Mawlīd also, mā shā’a Llāh good but it must be Malay language also. Some but unfortunately they couldn't do this. Because nowadays people they cannot do. They must be from old time to do it. Sorry what we interrupt people. Not for our people, mā shā’a Llāh, they are very good performancing. Sorry but our ṭarīqah, Naqshbandī ṭarīqah. Naqshbandī ṭarīqah meaning dhikr khafī, everything silent. So we can do tashabbuh for other ṭarīqah but also for people now everywhere they thought ḥaḍrah it is part from Naqshbandī ṭarīqah. We giving permission to make dhikr khatm and they said how we will do ḥaḍrah? Ḥaḍrah it is not from our ṭarīqah. Don't do it. No need for ḥaḍrah. Ḥaḍrah only for tashabbuh and for other ṭarīqah we imitate them to make barakah. When you are three people you will make dhikr khatm. How three people they can make ḥaḍrah? This is for our people they said it is from ṭarīqah.

Our ṭarīqah only khatm and ṣuḥbah. Ḥaḍrah of course we can do but not from our ṭarīqah – this is what I like to explain here. And for people, especially who are they against our ṭarīqah Naqshbandī, they said, "They make ḥaḍrah." It is not from our ṭarīqah, ḥaḍrah. You can tell them – it is from many ṭarīqah they are doing ḥaḍrah. They are making dhikr loudly. But normally our even in our dhikr until we make whole, first part silent and second part also not from our dhikr. When you say Allāh Allāh lā ilāha illā Llāh also not our ṭarīqah, also imitate forty ṭarīqah. This is very important for our people to know and to be careful. And Mawlānā especially he like was separating ladies from men. So when this happen you cannot separate. So for this we don't like to make ḥaḍrah when there is ladies and men together. Sorry for this. Allāh accept your invitation. Allāh make it to make us to know truth and reality and to be happy, in shā’Allāh.

Wa Minallah at-Tawfeeq, Al-Fatiha.

Salāmu ‘alaykum. For one week this K: bay‘ah? No not bay‘ah when Prophet born they said waḍa‘at ummu l-Ḥabīb. you can wait, stand up and make ṣalawāt standing when there is lady. But if no lady maybe you can make hadra.

Thank you.

213.BE TOGETHER Tuesday, 31 October 2017

Assalamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatuh, Auzu Billahi Minashaytanir Rajeem. Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem, Wassalatu Wassalamu ala Rasulina Muhammadin Sayyidal Awwalin wal Akhirin, Madad Ya RasulAllah, Madad Ya As’habi RasulAllah, Madad Ya Mashayikhina, Shaykh Abdullah Daghestani, Shaykh Nazim Al-Haqqani. Dastur. Tariqatunas sohba, wa khayru fil jamiyya.

Our ṭariq̄ ah, ṣuḥbah and to be together. This is main thing for our ṭariq̄ ah – to be together, to be in way of Prophet. To be mu’min must love mu’min. This is Prophet thousand of ḥadīth he saying. Mu’min he must love his brother and there is many ayat̄ also. "Innama l-mu’minūna ikhwah, fa-aṣliḥū bayna akhawaykum" (49:10). It is order from Allāh to if any problem between brothers – mu’min they are all brothers – you must make them to come together again to be friend, not to be enemy. And Allāh ‘Azza wa Jalla say if any, also sometimes they are fighting, you must make them to come together. And who obeying, Alla love them.

Shayṭan̄ he don't want Muslim to be together because when they are together they are strong, nothing can affect them. Dunyā and shayṭān they was together and seeing people gathering jama‘̄ ah, shayṭan̄ he was very sad. "I cannot do anything with this people," he said. Dunyā tell him, "Don't worry. Now because they are united we cannot do anything but when they are coming each one alone, I can cheat him to look for dunyā and after it is easy for you to get him." So to be together it is very important and very benefit. To be separate every time from separate coming weakness. Strong coming with to be together. Maybe cannot be whole time together – even to not make enemies, hatred for each other, it is also meaning we are together.

No need to – if anybody you don't even like him you must, if he is mu’min and he is praying and doing good thing, you must say for your ego, "Don't make problem. Obey this he is Muslim even you don't like, I must love him." Even from far away make du‘ā’ for them, for your brother, Muslim brother, is more acceptable to make du‘ā’ on his face. From beginning of Isla shaytạ ̄n and his army they trying to divide Muslim. And every time they are fighting each other, the enemy coming on them and they loose many thing. This shayṭān doing, not from Allāh. Allāh He said be together. Love each other. And mashāyikh also they are collecting hearts. They are looking only for heart and they are happy when they are seeing people mu’min coming together. But of course there is in akhir zamān (end times) fitnah. You more than seventy two parts, Prophet saying. But maybe it is more now. Nobody like each other because there somebody coming saying

to this something and going to other saying something. This making hatred. But wise man who not listening for this. We must only listening for Allāh ‘Azza wa Jalla and mashāyikh.

Once there was one Sulṭan̄ , king old time. He buy two slaves. And I don't know but he is buying two – one very nice handsome, other one ugly and his mouth smelling also.

Other one very good so he was coming near Sulṭa

and speaking to Sulṭān. Sulṭa


very happy with him because he speaking very nice. Nice speaking and he have knowledge and he was, Sulṭān he was fond with him. And tell him, "OK, you are good. You must go for clean yourself because you are coming from outside. Go to hamam." Hamam you know bath, bathroom in saltanate time, Turkish bath.

He send him to there and calling other one, this ugly one. "Come here," tell him. He come with adab and standing in front of Sulṭān. Sulṭān said, "This your friend is it?" And says, "My friend," he said. "Look what he said for you. He said you are bad man, you are thief, you are untrustful one. You are like this, like that." Many thing say for him, "This what your friend tell me. What you saying?" He said, "Any defense from you, to clear yourself?" He said, "O my Sulṭān he is my friend and he is knowing me better than me. He what he said true because I have many ayip, faults I don't like. Maybe I couldn't realise but he knowing. I trust for him and he is my very good friend. So what I don't

know he know better than me. He is true what he said," said to Sulṭa

. Sulṭa

after he

send this also to Turkish bath, hamam and say, "Go and wash yourself."

And other one he come again and Sulṭa this time telling this man, he said, "Your friend you are like this, like that, like that." Speaking against him, against him said and he was who real angry and he was beginning to swear on this his friend. He said, "This not good man. He is not what he said. He is liar, he is everything." And after Sulṭān call other one. He said he put them together and tell them, "His mouth smelling but you are smelling from your inside." So he was in presence of Sulṭān clear and he acceptable. Other one not acceptable.

So what mu’min they must look for this wisdom to not saying. Who bring bad news from other people, you mustn't say this. Don't tell me anything. This is also what now they have internet. They say look what he said for you, look what that one he is answering for this. Since nearly one year I make this forbidden for anybody to say this, this what he said in internet for you; they are not happy with you; this ṭarīqah people they are claiming this; this ṭarīqah they are angry with you. There is many ṭarīqah. I tell them nobody, it is forbidden to tell me anything from internet because many time who was saying against us after one month, two month, he we can meet him and as he nothing but if they tell me and I have maybe little bit in my heart against it will be not so good. So better to leave this for Allāh ‘Azza wa Jalla. Allāh ‘Azza wa Jalla He reward us for this. Because this is also "wa lā tajassasū" (49:12), order also – Don't spy. And this also

like spy when you are saying what this people saying against me. He looking for internet: "Oh this saying this, other jamā‘ah what they say this, other ṭarīqah what they saying this." This is making enemy people for each other and ṭarīqah people they are not so much in world. Muslim, real Muslim also they are very few. Even this shayṭa he cannot, he not like even very small Jama‘ah to be together. Just he want to destroy all

good thing to finish, to not let anything from order of Alla show us and life of Prophet.

جل ه الل ج and what Prophet

He said one order also Grand Shaykh Shaykh ‘Abdu Llāh al-Faiz ad-Daghistāni qaddas Allāhu sirrahu, he was saying Prophet once he calling ṣaḥābah night time and ṣaḥabah they thought there was war or something like this because when something happen they calling and they coming quickly to defend themself. Said, "Jibril ‘alayhi s-salam̄ he come and tell me to tell you to not speak something happened before two hours. Forget this. Don't say this he done, this that done, he saying this. Because when you saying this your unity broken. Only coming to divide and to be enemy for each other." Because this ṣaḥābah they was united and they was accepting what Allāh ‘Azza wa Jalla and Prophet order. Sometimes the ṣaḥābah going for some mission after one, Prophet he appoint them they must follow this. They must accept what he saying and even big ṣaḥābah, Sayyidinā Abū Bakr, Sayyidinā ‘Umar, they was in this gathering going for, looking for bedouin they was attacking Madinah and they run away. They was behind them and they was ‘Amr ibnu l-‘As̄ ̣ he was a new Muslim. And they was... Prophet he put him on top of them and he was ami for them. And he do many thing they don't like to do but because order of Prophet to not make unity to broken, they was obeying. And Sayyidinā Abū Bakr aṣ-Ṣiddiq he is khalīfatu Rasūlu Llāh but he was under his command not saying anything. When you are under command you must be silent, silent and obeying. Even if you not like, you will reward. But who not obeying also he will be no reward for him. Only he is disobeying and it is not good.

Al-ḥamdu liLlāh, Mawlanā Shaykh he was collecting hearts, this what he was doing and his mission from East to West, from North to South. From each part of world they was loving him and still they are loving him and he is also his power now more and more. And many people each place we go, they are seeing him in the dream. Some of them more being with in this Mawlanā's dream, some of them yes but most, even many people they was not knowing him, coming and asking for him. Because he is coming for them for in their dream. Because dream – many kind of dream. One of them true dream who directly by awliya’̄ u Llāh happen.

So, in shāAllāh, we be as he like to be, to be together, in shāAllāh, and to be with Sayyidinā al-Mahdī ‘alayhi s-salām. And this is our main thing and we are coming this time, time of fitnah, ākhir zama , end of time. Prophet saying to be quiet and to be in your house. Don't interfere with anything – no politics, no any demonstration, anything. It is prohibited from ṭarīqah people. This who making demonstration, they making

politics – there are politic people – we are not with them. They are alone, we are alone. This time is difficult time because if something happen so it must be some punishment for people who doing this. Don't say, "I'm, we nobody see me." Allah̄ see you and He will punish. So for this time, if any thing happen, don't interfere. Only be quiet and be in your house. You'll be safe. Who are not obeying, their responsibility for themself. What happen Allāh know.

Because this time of, in shaAllāh, Sayyīdīnā al-Mahdī ‘alayhi s-salām. Because real whole world everything looking perfect. "Wa-ẓanna ahluhā annahum qa irūna ‘alayhā atahā amrunā laylan aw naharā" (10:24). There is Ayah saying, "When world to be very nice, very good and the people who are looking they said, 'we are controlling now world, nobody, nothing can affect us,' Allāh order coming and it will be whole finish. Day or night." This is Allāh He is saying and He is knowing. We don't know. And after this, in shāAllah̄ , Sayyidina l-Mahdī coming. Allah̄ make us from his army because this blessed nice day after Sayyidinā al-Mahdī ‘alayhi s-salām. Allāh keep us safe and happy, in shāAllāh.

Wa Minallah at-Tawfeeq, Al-Fatiha.

214.IN HAND NOT IN HEART Wednesday, 1 November 2017

Assalamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatuh, Auzu Billahi Minashaytanir Rajeem. Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem, Wassalatu Wassalamu ala Rasulina Muhammadin Sayyidal Awwalin wal Akhirin, Madad Ya RasulAllah, Madad Ya As’habi RasulAllah, Madad Ya Mashayikhina, Shaykh Abdullah Daghestani, Shaykh Nazim Al-Haqqani. Dastur. Tariqatunas sohba, wa khayru fil jamiyya.

Ṭarīqah, main thing in ṭarīqah, who coming to ṭarīqah especially, every ṭarīqah but for Naqshbandī ṭarīqah more important to make you complete Insānu l-Kāmil human being. Human being this is attribute for our Prophet he is complete. Nothing – because nobody in human being perfect but our Prophet. He is perfect and his way perfect. Ṭarīqah teaching this way, way of Prophet and it is to make teach you what is good for you to be high, your rank to be high in divinely presence. And when you are in high in divinely presence you are also in life also you are be respect and nobody trouble you. Main thing same.

Prophet saying, "Ḥubbu d-dunyā ra’su kullu khaṭī’ah." To love dunyā, to love this material world it is the top of every bad thing people they are doing. For this ṭarīqah teaching to be you ‘ābid (slave) make ‘ibādah (worship) and to be zāhid (ascetic): to not love dunyā – dunyā meaning property, money, everything. You must not love this. How we do this? We leave everything and without anything people they thought zāhid, this is zāhid. No. It is not like this. Zāhid meaning to take your this love from your heart for dunyā, for material, for money, for property. Just keep it with you. not to throw it away. Because many poor people they don't have anything. They are not zāhid. No. They are not zāhid even they are more has tarbiyah, teaching from ṭarīqah. Even money can prevent shayṭān from us, away from us. You can keep your religion with money also because people respect you and you be like this zāhid. You don't put love in your heart but to be with Allāh all time this is zāhid meaning. Our ṭarīqah main thing, because many people they are saying rich people cannot be. Can be but of course they must, they must learn to not put because our everything in this life it is temporary. Everything temporary so it some day it will be you finish. Also you cannot take this with you. So what when you know this, you be awake and you do every good thing with what you have from richness, from what Allāh give you. You thank Allāh for this. Allāh He is happy, "My servant he is happy with Me with what I give him. He know I give, this from Me. Not to think from himself, no it is from Me and he accept this and I'm happy with him. I will give him more and more." Also we, there is one from awliyā’u Llāh, when he was feeling he is, he will pass away he call his murīd. His name also big awliyā’u Llāh Sufyān

Thawrī. Tell him, "Oh take me down from up. Put me down. I will, I'm passing away and go tell other murīd and mashāyikh to come to meet me." And he put him down. And he went out to call this people and he surprised – all of them in front of the door. And say, who tell you this? He said in our dream all of us we dream Shaykh he was calling us, "Come for my janāzah." And say come inside and he greet them make Salām for them. And he was giving his last breath he told them to his... "Look under this..." He take one big bag from under his pillow. Giving to murīd and then he said in this bag I have thousand dinar gold coin, each one, one dinar big. That time it is even this coin they are more valuable. They can buy more than this time. This time nothing value, Allāh ﷻtake barakah – nothing value in this time. And tell him this give them, distribute them for poor people. And after this he close eyes and he was pass away.

This mashāyikh and murīd people they was astonished. "This our Shaykh he was not loving dunyā. He not accept even present from people and whole time from why he left this bag full of gold under his pillow?" Before he pass away they was wondering between themself. And he told them, "I was keeping this to prevent my īmān from waswās of shayṭān. Because shayṭān coming to me every time telling me, 'Why you are sitting here look everybody they have money there