Suhbah 2016: Maulana Shaykh Mehmet Adil ar-Rabbani (4/25)
nir Raheem, Wassalatu Wassalamu ala Rasulina Muhammadin Sayyidul Awwalin wal Akhirin, Madad Ya Rasulallah, Madad Ya As’habi RasuLillah, Madad Ya Mashayikhina, Sheykh Abdullah Daghestani, Sheykh Nazim al-Haqqani. Dastur. Tariqatunas sohba, wal khayru fil jamiyya.
Allah Azza wa Jalla created this world, and human beings. Gave everyone their provision. Some people aren't happy with their provisions. They want not provision, but income at every opportunity. Whoever wants provision, Allah is the Provider. Whoever believes in Allah, wants provision from Allah. In old times there were people, who were much richer than today's people. There are two people. One of them used Allah's favour in a bad way and said, "I made it", and that provision caused him trouble.
Qaroon was Musa's (as) brother-in-law. He was poor. He was worshipping, he had a family and children. He woke up at night and worshipped. He prayed at night. When he said, "we are short of money" to Musa (as), Musa (as) taught him the science of alchemy, to make gold. He was making gold from lead. It is a science. Allah is able to do everything. There is science for everything. He (jj) taught it to the prophets (as).
Musa (as) taught him this science, because he felt sorry for him. He had children, he worshipped but he had no money. After learning it, he started collecting goods day and night. "Give your zakat", said Moses (as). "I wont give it. You desire my possessions", he said. See how ego makes you blind, makes you crazy. Musa (as) taught him that science. "I was only given it because of knowledge I have" (28:78). Qaroon said, "I got it with my own knowledge" but actually, Musa (as) taught him that science.
He had so many possessions, he became so rich that even 40 mules couldn't carry the keys to his treasures. They fell down because of the weight of the keys . Even the mules, camels fell down. That much. It wasn't just possessions, his treasures, the keys to the storage that held the gold. What happened in the end? He opposed Moses (as,) he refused to give his zakat. Allah wasn't happy with him, Allah punished him. "Now for this knowledge that you have, get under ground", He said. He sank under ground.
People around him used to envy him, saying, "Qaroon is such a lucky man". He has so much gold, so many possessions, so many slaves, so much land, so many horses, he has cows, animals, everything". People envied him. "Don't ever be deceived by this" Muslims there were saying. This is a man, who rebelled against Allah, he didn't have a good
ending. Allah made him to sink. So this wealth given to him wasn't a blessing but caused him trouble.
There is a second personality, the holy Sulaiman (as). Allah gave to him also, gave to him wealth in this world, Next to Sulaiman (as) nobody had that much wealth. His prayer was to be the wealthiest among people, not for himself, but to give people a lesson. Everything was at his command. Even the birds, bugs, all were at his command. They obeyed his orders. He used to hear and know what they said.
Once when going to war, he was passing some place where ants began saying to each other, "Beware, Sulaiman and his armies don't crush you". Sulaiman (as) heard this. He thanked Allah and smiled. How strong is the voice of an ant? You can't even see the ant, how can you hear it? What Allah wants, He makes at His command. He (jj) made the devils and jinn his (as) slaves. They were all his slaves. When he went from one place to another, for example, in the desert, there was a Hudhud bird.
A Hudhud bird's speciality, it was able to see where there was water. When it put its beak to the ground, it would tell how deep the water was. Following this, Sulaiman (as) was ordering the devils, jinn. They immediately would dig that place. It isn't like today's drilling. They did ponds, pools, in one hour so that the whole army could drink. Sulaiman (as) had so much power. He thanked Allah. He thanked Allah for his blessings. He invited the whole world to Islam, to Allah's order. Nobody opposed it.
This Hudhud bird, one day got lost along the way. They came somewhere in the desert, everybody was thirsty. "Call the Hudhud bird, let it find water" he said. They said it wasn't here. Sulaiman (as) was angry, he said, "Either I'll torture him badly or cut him. It better have a good excuse, so that I can forgive him". The Hudhud bird had gone to the land of Sheba. Bilquis was the Queen of Sheba. The devils and jinn hadn't told Sulaiman (as) that there was such a beautiful country; so powerful, so big. They hid it. Hadn't said there was such a sultanate. They wanted to leave them non-believers. When the Hudhud came back Sulaiman (as) asked, "Where were you?" It told him about the Sultanate almost as big as his own.
After that he sent a letter saying: "In the name of Allah, the entirely Merciful, the especially Merciful" (27:30). He took that land also, with Allah's name. They all surrendered. Sulaiman (as) became the Prophet whom everyone loved and praised, until the Day of Judgement. The other one keeps sinking, yet to this day, to teach a lesson to people. Because it is Allah's order. When He says "Sink you, into the ground". That order continues. Everyday it is going deeper. These treasure hunters can't find it. They shouldn't search. Allah knows, how many thousand metres underground it is. This is how the world is. Had Qaroon lived one million years he would have had enough money. Sulaiman (as) was the same way. But one was stupid, he destroyed himself for
nothing. The other one was sent to people as a prophet by Allah, to show the right way. He showed it for people to learn a lesson from him. If Allah wants, He makes the richest man a prophet also. Richness isn't a bad thing, if you use it in the way of Allah. But, if you listen to your ego, after making some money you forget Allah, the Prophet and religion, that money isn't good. It is bad, trouble. This is a big lesson for all of us. We have think on it.
Allah Azza wa Jalla He created human beings, everything, He created, He is the Creator. Sometimes, people they asking if there is any other creatures in this universe. Of course, it must be, because it is not shop, you create and [then] finish. Allah, He continues. He has, not million, billion and countless creatures, countless planets. Suns, moons. He is the Creator. You cannot imagine. And He is showing you His mightiness and His greatness. But, not with your knowledge you can find another people. No. If He want, He can make you to meet. But if He don't want, with your knowledge, with your technology you are just making movie to cheat people.
So Allah Azza wa Jalla, in this, our planet we must be now, He created people and give some of them richness, some of them poorness, some of them half, normal. So, from beginning of this world many of people, they was more rich than our time people even. And there is two of them especially, for example for people. To make their life more easy, more for understanding why they are here, what they must do. One of them, was brother-in-law, was husband of Musa (as) aunty. His name was Qaroon. He was a very poor man and he was a good worshipper. He was a dervish and very poor and he was working, day time, night time, not sleeping, only worshipping until morning. He has many children and they were very poor people. Musa (as), asking for dua for him and he teach him knowledge to make lead [into] gold. They are calling it simya, alchemy.
When he learnt this, day and night, he left worshipping. Only working to make this, collecting gold. Making very hard, not stopping and he become the richest man in the world, maybe [of] whole time, or I don't know. But, his treasure, there was 40 camels [they] cannot carry, not his fortune, treasure, only key of treasure. Only key of treasure, 40 camels they were becoming very hard to move. It was like this, the richest one, but he was so stingy for people. For himself, he was doing everything, thousands of women, thousands of men, army and other things. Every thing what his ego liked, he brought.
When Musa (as) asking for zakat, for money of Allah, he must pay from his treasures, he said "No". "This I know, I learnt by myself and I do it" In the Quran, he said this: "Innama ūtitohu ala 'ilmin 'indi" (28:78) I was only given it because of knowledge I have. Musa (as) he was teaching him, this knowledge to make it. People around him, the other people who are not have something like this, they said, "he is very lucky man, this Qaroon". "Big, huge luck he has", "ladhu ḥaḍin 'aḍim" (28:79) Other people who were knowing and following Musa (as) strongly in belief, they said "Don't be like this man, he
is not following order of Allah. Don't be happy with him. And when he was arguing and making fitna also against Musa (as), making very bad, accusing Musa (as), Allah punish him. And make his place sinking on [into the] earth.
Allah ordered: You sink on [into] earth and his army and this all what was with him was underground. Until now, Maulana was saying, it is still, going down. And the other people who was wishing to be like him, they were happy, "Alhamdulillah, we didn't be like him". This, for who are following their ego, they will regret, if they forgetting Allah. Other one, Sayyidina Sulaiman (as), he has a huge army. Allah was giving him everything, giving him also, kind of miracle. He only make people to be believers. He was going from one side to other side. Nobody can stop in front of his army. He speak with animals, with birds, with insects, even when he was once going from one place to another place there were ants and they were saying to each other "Go down to your house, to not crush you Sulaiman and his army". He was smiling and thanking Allah.
There was also bird, called Hudhud. This bird, it was a special bird. When flying, [it was] knowing where is water and going down, putting his beak on earth and telling how many metres down, the water. When they telling this, Sulaiman ordering shaitan and jinns, Allah give them [as] slaves for him. They were digging and bringing water in one hour, for everywhere. It must be like a lake, water coming and all this army drinking, washing and making wudu and praying. So, it was like this.
Allah Azza wa Jalla He was saying, this story in Quran. This Hudhud, once, he was not there. They came to the desert and everybody was thirsty and Sulaiman (as) asking "bring this Hudhud to show us where is water". They said "he is not here". Where he is? Nobody knows. Sulayman (as) he said, getting angry, "I will punish him, or I will cut him. Or, he must be giving good excuse, where he is". And when he come, he telling about Saba and Bilquis. He said, "This is a huge country, a huge sultanate and very rich and they are not knowing Allah. Not knowing anything from Islam, or belief of Allah. Only they are worshipping fire.
After this, Sayyidina Sulaiman, he sent a letter for this lady, Queen and tell her, Bismillahi rRahmani r-Raheem: "innahu min Sulayman wa innahu Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Raheem" (27:30). From this letter "Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Raheem", all this Sultanate became Muslim and these shaitan and jinns was hiding this Sultanate from Sulayman (as). They are not happy to make people to be [in] Islam or to be believers. Only, Sulaiman (as) what wisdom he was saying: "O my Lord, give me richness, nobody after me [will] have this richness". So after Sulaiman (as) nobody rich like him.
This is to show human beings examples for richness. It is not for pleasure, only for Allah it must be. One, everybody cursing him, Qaroon. Other one, Sulaiman (as), everybody happy with him. When they said 'Sulaiman (as)' everybody they are happy and they are
blessed. So richness sometimes good, like Sulayman (as), to not forget Allah. Only to do it for Allah. But, sometimes richness [is] very bad, like Qaroon. He was worshipper, after, he became kafir and he became not believer and Allah curse him and he has punishment.
So, we have a short life especially these days, the end of time. It is end of time Who says it is too much time left for qiyama, it is not true. And governments, all governments, all media, all newspapers, everything, the first thing they are speaking about [is] economy. "Economy like this, economy like that, this must be..." And people they are forgetting Allah, only looking for economy now. Don't forget this. Allah when He is giving, He is Razzaq, [for] what you will have, you must be thankful and not follow your ego. And you must be thinking about this, thousands of examples from old times and Allah keep us in right way to not follow our ego, insha'Allah.
Wa min Allah a-Tawfiq, Al Fatiha.
32.ADVICE FOR LEADERS Saturday, January 30th, 2016
Assalamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatuh, Auzu Billahi Minashaytanir Rajeem. Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem, Wassalatu Wassalamu ala Rasulina Muhammadin Sayyidul Awwalin wal Akhirin, Madad Ya Rasulallah, Madad Ya As’habi RasuLillah, Madad Ya Mashayikhina, Sheykh Abdullah Daghestani, Sheykh Nazim al-Haqqani. Dastur. Tariqatunas sohba, wal khayru fil jamiyya.
May Allah not leave people to their ego. The one who falls into his ego's hand is in great trouble. The one who is leading people to Allah, has to be very careful. He has to be very cautious. If he is wearing sunnah clothes, practicing Prophet's (sas) sunnah, showing the way to people, he has to be very careful because he took the road for Allah. Shaitan does every trick and attacks him to make him his slave, to make him go astray, to deceive these kinds of people especially.
Shaitan isn't interested in normal people that much. "He will be defeated by his ego anyway", shaitan thinks. But this person, who dressed like the Ahl Sunnah, took Allah's road like the masha'ikh, he tries hard to capture him. Once shaitan defeats him, his followers will say, "Is this Islam? Is this a dervish? They are cheaters, they aren't on the straight path" and they will leave. So that person has a fault, made a mistake. And people, whom he made to go astray, he'll be carrying their sins.
Whoever takes this road especially saying, "I'm a representative, I'm authorised", we don't know if he is so. He has to be very careful. He has to take careful steps. He shouldn't let go the fear of Allah from his heart even for a second. Because Allah is going to ask you, "These people believed in you. They helped you, followed you eagerly. You are someone going on the way of Allah", they said. We should raise Islam, we should make Allah's orders known to everyone, we should show our beautiful path. People follow you and give everything to support you and when you betray them, Allah questions you.
You have to fear Allah. The most important thing is to fear Allah. Don't fear the government or people, it is enough if you fear Allah. When you fear Allah, nobody should make you afraid. But when you don't fear Allah, you may fear the government, fear this, fear that. It is like this. This is a very important thing. Everywhere we see these kinds of people, who are weak against their egos and are defeated by their egos. Then they are disgraced. It isn't important that they are disgraced, they also lead people astray or they alienate people from religion. The sins that they carry, those same sins come onto him.
This is a very delicate issue. People who don't trust their ego shouldn't take this risk. It is enough to say, "I'm a dervish". If he is a dervish, his Sheikh saves him. "I'm a weak servant. I don't want to harm anyone. I don't have any qualification, I'm trying to train my ego", he should say. He shouldn't try to be an imam for people or guide people. It is like this all over the world.
Today we are speaking about ego. Especially for people who are leading groups, or jama'a. If they are not strong enough to take their ego down they must leave this, what they are doing. Because [those] who are leading and he thinks he is doing good but, doing wrong thing. He [will] have punishment, more than normal one because shaitan and ego and other bad things they are trying to put him down. They are more powerful. They are trying their best, their strongest, attacking him.
If he obeys them, it is easier for them to destroy this group of good people or to make them a group of bad people. They are first making group to follow order of Allah and follow tariqat, follow Prophet (sas). But, if the leader of the group he come down under his ego, so it will be all group, even some of them run away, some of them follow this group and making same thing. So it is for shaitan and his follower, big victory. We mustn't [be] afraid from government or other things. We must [be] afraid from Allah.
If you are afraid from Allah, and you are following His order nobody can [make] you afraid, because you are good man. Who saying anything for good people, government happy with good people, people also happy with him. But who are following shaitan and doing the worst, everybody enemy for them. And for this, these people all time [they are] afraid because not afraid from [Allah]. They must afraid from Him, they [can then be] afraid from nothing.
All around the world, we are giving this advice for leaders of groups, especially. Don't make by your [own] opinion. If you have something you are not sure of, you must ask to not fall in this fault. The big mistake. You must ask around you, if not, you must ask your Sheikh. Don't do what it is, you suspect it, it is not good thing. Especially, these people they are following you not for your beauty, for your strength, they are following you because you are claiming you will take them to right way, way of heaven, of Allah, way of Prophet (sas), way of masha'ikh.
All these people coming after you, following you for this, but when you are doing [this] thing, you are 'kha'in' (betrayer), who, like spy, traitor. You are traitor. You must follow order of Sheikh, not from your ego, giving order. Especially, I hear some people also they are saying "this is Sheikh's order". Who doing this, they will be in this dunya also 'rezil', accountable, and [as well] in akhira. Allah will ask them. So we are advising our people especially who are not controlling their ego, they must be normal. They must ask to be normal dervish, not to be a leader for people who are looking for the real people.
When you are making this you are traitor. Better to be a normal dervish, than to be following your ego. If you know your ego it is weak, don't fight and say "I am here". No. You said for ego, "look, I am little, but now I am dervish. You cannot do worse [by] this. Only ‘for me’ you can do, but not for people". It is responsibility. Big responsibility, this. It is not playing. Allah don't let us to our ego. Keep us in right way, insha'Allah.
Wa min Allahi Tawfiq, Al Fatiha
33.PRAYER IN ALLAH’S PRESENCE Sunday, January 31, 2016.
Assalamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatuh, Auzu Billahi Minashaytanir Rajeem. Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem, Wassalatu Wassalamu ala Rasulina Muhammadin Sayyidul Awwalin wal Akhirin, Madad Ya Rasulallah, Madad Ya As’habi RasuLillah, Madad Ya Mashayikhina, Sheykh Abdullah Daghestani, Sheykh Nazim al-Haqqani. Dastur. Tariqatunas sohba, wal khayru fil jamiyya.
Audhu billahi min ashshaytani r-rajim Bismillahi -rahmani rrahim "Innas Salatu tanha 'anil fahsha` wal munkar wa la dhikrullahi akbar" Indeed prayer prohibits immorality and wrongdoing and the remembrance of Allah is greater (29:45)
Praying is the most important thing. Praying is the pillar of religion. If a Muslim doesn't pray, he'll be distressed. He will be distressed. What shaitan fights against most is praying. He wants you to run away from praying, using all kinds of excuses and tricks. Even the most hardworking person, when it comes to praying, gets lazy. Being lazy is a disadvantage for that person. Praying is a grant from Allah to Muslims. You are in the presence of Allah when praying. This is a great honor, a big blessing.
If you tell someone, that he is going to meet a singer, he gets happy and excited. If you say minister, he gets even more excited. He runs to meet [him], He cancels everything. If you say "the president", he won't sleep one month, saying, "I'll meet him". But the One Who creates this universe, the One Who granted you everything, Allah Azza wa Jalla accepts you in His Presence five times a day. People can't appreciate it. Praying is fard for everyone. It is a fard so that people get benefit. If He, jalla jalauhu had said it is optional to pray, nobody would pray. He jalla jalauhu, makes it fard so that people get benefit. Whatever Allah made fard on us, Allah Azza wa Jalla gets no benefit. Even if all people pray, Allah Azza wa Jalla gets no benefit. If nobody prays, there is no harm. These fards are for people, it is for people's benefit, so people are obliged to pray.
In akhirah also, if you're not praying, it is a burden. What you pray in 5 minutes here, you pray 80 years in akhirah for each time. 80 years mean your whole life. It is easy to pray in this world, you are going to be rewarded. You'll be granted. You don't pray because you are lazy, because you follow shaitan. Only you will pay the price.
But like we said, before akhirah, people suffer a lot in this world, if they aren't praying. When you pray, that burden is removed, because it is loan. Aware or not, a burden falls on you every prayer time. Slowly, slowly you get crushed under that sin. No, if you make the intention and start praying, that burden is slowly removed. This is the same for
everyone. Mawlana used to make people start praying 2 rakats to get used to it because the ego doesn't surrender easily. If you start with 2 rakats, then 4 rakats, 8 rakats, you can pray five times in the end. Shaitan is annoyed with that 2 rakat most, "they are tricking me, they'll defeat me", he says. He doesn't even let people pray 2 rakats. Our Prophet (sas) said: "Prayer is the light of my eye". It is a holy worshipping. Don't miss it. You should pay that debt. If you make an intention, Allah Azza wa Jalla gives according to it. If you repent. Allah doesn't oppress anyone. May Allah make it easy for all of us to pray.
A‘udhu bi-llahi min ash -shaytani r-rajim Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim, Allah azza wa Jalla said: "Indeed prayer prohibits immorality and wrongdoing and the remembrance of Allah is greater " (29:45). Allah saying to pray, it prevents people from bad things and it is remembering you to be with your Lord, Allah.
Praying, it is the most important [thing] in Islam. It is main pillar for Islam. Allah ordering this for your benefit, not for the benefit of Him. He is not getting any[thing], because He [is] giving everything. If whole universe, not praying it is nothing for Him. If they praying, [is] also nothing for Him. Only for who are [being ordered]. He ordered human beings. Not for animals, not for other. [It is for] human beings and jinns of course, to pray five times a day.
So, when you are doing this Allah helps you and gives you spiritual power. How? Because He said who coming to praying, he is with Me, he is in My Presence. And it is, to be with the Presence of Allah you cannot compare to anything else. I said if somebody, he will meet, saying to him, "You will meet this singer this actor", and these people they will be very happy, very excited, "I will meet this famous one!" If they said to him, "You will meet minister" [they will] be more happy and happy. If, "you will meet a president", he is maybe one month, not sleeping, waiting for this.
These mindless people every time, every day, five times, you will be with the Lord of everything, the Creator of these whole people, singer, president, minister, pop star, pop corn! You must think for this. So praying it is big favour from Allah. But, people they are not appreciate this favour from Allah. That is gift from Allah and to be worshipping Him. And, to not pray it is a loan for you. You will pay it in akhira. Every time you don't pray, you will pray in akhira 80 years for each one, 80 years, meaning your whole life.
In your life here, you pray it in 5 minutes, 10 minutes, but, you have become lazy to pray. The most lazy, heavy thing for human beings, praying. And it is the most big gift from Allah. You must run for this, not run away from it. But people, every time they thought, not praying it is, 'kazanç', earning for them. No. Every time you are not praying, coming, one burden on you. This also 7000 times didn't pray, after, 7001. Like this coming on you, burden, burden, and you will pay for this in akhira.
In dunya, if you beginning which age you are, no harm. You can begin to pray. Maulana he has good teaching for this. Who not praying at all, saying to him "you must pray two rakats" because if you say "all prayers", it will be difficult for them. So, begin from two rakats, until making five times a day. And this tool to make people [pray]. Many people they objecting Maulana "How you say two rakats?" But even these two rakats because, shaitan and his followers knowing this is trick for us they will begin from two rakats and they will pray whole prayer.
The most difficult thing to make people to pray even two rakats. So, it is good teaching from Maulana to beginning, and to continue insha'Allah. Even, many of mureeds also, it is really most difficult. Not difficult, but people they thought it is difficult. They become very lazy. The most hard working one even, if you say to him "pray" becomes heavy for them. But it is Allah's gift. If you do what it is heavy for yourself, for your ego, for shaitan, Allah will reward you more and more, "`afdalul a'm"l `ashadduha" The best good thing you do, [is] the hard one. Insha'Allah, Allah make it easy for all of us, because it is [of] benefit for all of us.
Wa min Allah at-Tawfiq, Al Fatiha
34.FILL YOUR LIFE WITH BELIEF Monday, February 1, 2016
Assalamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatuh, Auzu Billahi Minashaytanir Rajeem. Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem, Wassalatu Wassalamu ala Rasulina Muhammadin Sayyidul Awwalin wal Akhirin, Madad Ya Rasulallah, Madad Ya As’habi RasuLillah, Madad Ya Mashayikhina, Sheykh Abdullah Daghestani, Sheykh Nazim al-Haqqani. Dastur. Tariqatunas sohba, wal khayru fil jamiyya.
You came to this world, Allah didn't create you without a reason. Try to collect good deeds, and obey Allah's orders. This life isn't for playing around and doing whatever you like, then, leaving this world without belief. Allah created you to leave this life with belief. Be careful about that. When we say 'empty', it means without any belief.
There are levels of belief of course. There are people, who have absolute belief, there are people who have less belief, and at the bottom, there are people with weak belief. They don't do anything, they only accept Islam. They don't follow any order of Allah. The ones who do what Allah forbids, if they say "La ilaha illAllah Muhammadun Rasulullah" they don't leave empty handed. Shaitan isn't happy even with that. Shaitan wants people to leave empty, such, as not even to say "Allah". He deceives people.
People should be careful. There are many people, who are gamblers. Once they start they can't give up. They spend till their last penny. You don't do nothing. You commit every sin. At least don't forget this word, which will save you in akhirah! Say "I'm ignorant" for what you did. If you say, "There is Allah", by every possibility say, "La ilaha illAllah Muhammadun Rasulullah". Don't be a big head! Don't be a bully! Saying "I do this, that." There is no such thing. It isn't Allah's order. Don't say, "From my point of view!" What we do, Allah knows that. These people with weakest belief, they are different. Shaitan is already riding them. They do all kinds of things. If they do it, they'll pay for it in akhirah. But akhirah is eternal. Because it is eternal, even though they stay in hell for 100.000 years, in the end they'll go out. Even if they stay 100 million years, they'll go out. The ones, who believe in Allah, who believe in Allah's existence, they'll go out. But whoever doesn't believe in Allah, they'll stay forever in hell. That's why we are saying: O people, don't leave empty handed! Don't leave empty, without belief. Belief blossoms. Say "La ilaha illAllah Muhammadun Rasulullah", our Prophet's (sas) support reaches you and you shall be saved. Saying "Allah", in this world, in one breath, is hundred times better than lying in the grave for one hundred years. When you see an old person, don't say "why is he alive?" Allah knows best. Allah makes that person a blessing for people around. That person is valuable, he doesn't live without a reason. We see the ones who
live without a reason, they live without a purpose, they don't even wait for death. They say "kill us by injection". We hear this everywhere.
They think they are the most civilized. They want this, because they have no purpose in life. They have no belief. They don't believe in Allah, in religion. They are like grass, like animal. They think they are something. But a Muslim is precious. Allah gave value to Muslims. Allah invites a believer to His Presence 5 times a day. He gives it that much value. Whoever doesn't believe in Allah, he has no value, no matter who he is. Still, no value for who does not believe in Allah. Even if they are billions of people. So we shouldn't leave empty handed. The more we collect in this life, the more we'll be rewarded hereafter, inshaAllah.
Allah created human beings He is not create them for just to enjoy themselves and growing, going school or to work. It is like one cup, we must fill it, this life. How you fill? You must fill it with love of Allah, Prophet, and doing their order. And doing good thing. There is level of belief. There is the highest level; complete believer. After this, coming little bit less than them, less than them, until there is minimum believer. What is this? Who believes in God, and saying "No god, only Allah and His messenger [is] Prophet Muhammed (sas)".
If you say these words it is minimum of belief. Minumum, because when you say these words and you are not doing any order of Allah or Prophet and you do all bad things it is minimum of belief, this meaning. And it is also enough to save you from hell forever. Of course, there is punishment for what they done, and not doing Allah's order and doing His prohibited things. But, after thousands, hundred thousand years, or million years even they will be, after they get their punishment, they will come back to Paradise. This is benefit of iman. Even the minimum one.
Those who are doing this mustn't say "this is wrong" or "this is good" for religion. Just not interfere with what Allah ordered. They can do by themselves, but not objecting for Allah. But who has no belief, even in this minimum belief, so, they are completely empty. And shaitan even with this minimum, he is not happy. He likes to empty [them] completely from this also. Because after the end, they will go to Paradise, [those] who are believers, even minimum ones. He wants them to be in hell forever. It is his jealousy, he is envious for human beings.
He has billions of followers who, he takes to hell but [it] is not enough for him. So, what we say, one breath from even a very old man [is] better for him and to breathe and say: "La ilaha illAllah", better than to be in the grave for 100 years. Maulana was saying this also. And Allah He has mercy and love for believers. They have value in Divine Presence, believers. Who are not believers, they have no value for them because they are not
believing in God and religion. Just believing to this life, and it will finish. They are really empty people. No value for them.
We must fill our life, not to be empty. As much as you can fill it, you will be more happy in akhira, more comfortable in akhira. This life [is] not just to play and not do anything, or doing something not good for akhira. Many people, maybe they are famous people, they are rich people, they are clever people and they are businessman, they are president, kings, but it is not enough for akhira. With belief, it will be good. Without belief it will be full with punishment. It will not be empty when you are going to akhira. You fill it with good or you fill it with bad things. Allah help us to not be empty people, to be precious people in divine heaven and divine presence of Prophet (sas).
Wa min Allahi Tawfiq, Al Fatiha
35.RUN TO ALLAH Tuesday, February 2, 2016.
Assalamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatuh, Auzu Billahi Minashaytanir Rajeem. Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem, Wassalatu Wassalamu ala Rasulina Muhammadin Sayyidul Awwalin wal Akhirin, Madad Ya Rasulallah, Madad Ya As’habi RasuLillah, Madad Ya Mashayikhina, Sheykh Abdullah Daghestani, Sheykh Nazim al-Haqqani. Dastur. Tariqatunas sohba, wal khayru fil jamiyya.
Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. "Run to Allah, I'm to you from Him a clear warner."(51:50) Run to Allah. When something happens, it is mentioned in this verse in Holy Quran to run to Allah there is nowhere to run for people. La malja'a wa la manja'a illa ilayh. The only way to survive is Allah Azza wa Jalla. Of course now everyday, is more difficult than the day before, it is getting worse.
For this reason people all around the world, not only here in the whole world, they are confused asking "Where shall we run to?". You see people running away from one country to another country. They are running away from one country to the next. They think when they run away they will survive. But they can't run away. Because Allah is one everywhere. You can't run away from Allah and go somewhere else. You have to think and do what you should do.
Allah is saying: "Run to me, come to me. If you come to me, you'll be saved." Otherwise you fall into a worse trouble People think that they are going to a better, more comfortable, more beautiful country. But Allah gave you a beautiful country. He gave you a big grant, It is His biggest grant, you don't accept that, you run after the world. When you run after the world, you are disgraced where you go. You don't think about hereafter, you only think about this world. When you do that, you don't find goodness neither in this world, nor in the hereafter. Allah entrusted to you, your family for you to grow them up with belief but you don't care and you run only after the world, for worldly benefit, for worldly pleasures. Most people even risk their lives. If you ran to Allah like this, Allah wouldn't let His servant be disgraced like this. But what shall we do? People don't take any advice. Allah Azza wa Jalla says "Come to Me" He calls people. "Run to Me". People don't listen. May Allah make us obey His orders. May Allah keep us in the good way, that He showed. We have to think a lot on this issue. Because it is a trust. Allah gave you belief but you lose your belief. for this world, may lose everything you have. May Allah give people understanding. Allah Azza wa Jalla is saying in Quran "Fafirru ilallah" (51:50).
What meaning? If you are running from something you are afraid, run to Allah. "La malja` wa la manja` illa ilayh". This also saying, there is no shelter from what happens. Only Allah, He can give you shelter. Nowadays [it is] very bad days. Before, it was only they make like place to play, playing this Middle East and this area. All time problem it was in this area. Now [in the] whole world; [there is] no place [that] they are not afraid, [where] they are not complaining where we will run away, where one must go? what will do?
All human being like this. And there is people also who are running from country to country all around the world, not only in this area. They are running. But Allah said "Come to Me. Come towards Me. Fafirru ilallah." Only Allah can help you. You are going places which is very dangerous. Some of them dying on the road. And if they do this, maybe 1% what they are afford for to run, to go to after dunya, after benefit of life, Allah, He will reward them and give them and help them. But people, they are only running after benefit. They are not asking anything. And for this, dunya like this. Every day it is worse than other day. Every day worse than other day. And when you are running away from country to country, you will lose very precious thing from your good behaviour or what you have, belief, or other things. Many things they will be lost. If you're not losing, [then] your children, after your children, grandchildren. It is dangerous to go place where it is only for running after dunya.
Before, in old time Islam, they were going to make for give belief for people, to let people to know Allah, to know Prophet and to know right way. These days nobody, nobody looking for this at all. Even we have some of them they they have pressure on them to change their religion if they want to stay in this country even. Some people, they are doing this. So it is big ignorance. The only safe place to run away, run towards Allah. And He is showing us. Because in this world very few people, they are showing right way.
Many people, they make advice for you. But in this advice, there is many wrong things. You look, you are happy with this. But it is against you. Because they think if they, all people they'll be good "We don't have something to do" So they give bad advice. They're breaking everything, they destroy countries, they destroy cities only for benefit. But if people, they were doing what we said [running] toward Allah, 1% from what they are doing for dunya, nothing will happen. Allah will help them and they will be safe. But it is end of time. InshaAllah Mahdi alaihi salam come and will make it good again. Because these people, you cannot tell them anything. They are not listening for advice, for anything. Only they are running after their ego, their benefit.
Wa min Allahi tawfeeq. Al-Fatiha.
36.ONLY FOLLOW ALLAH’S ORDER Thursday, February 4, 2016
Assalamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatuh, Auzu Billahi Minashaytanir Rajeem. Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem, Wassalatu Wassalamu ala Rasulina Muhammadin Sayyidul Awwalin wal Akhirin, Madad Ya Rasulallah, Madad Ya As’habi RasuLillah, Madad Ya Mashayikhina, Sheykh Abdullah Daghestani, Sheykh Nazim al-Haqqani. Dastur. Tariqatunas sohba, wal khayru fil jamiyya.
Mankind should know what it is created for. Allah created us in order to worship and be directed to Him. There is ayatu karima, I can't remember it completely. It says most people try to destroy you and try to mislead you from the right way. "wa in tuṭi' akthara man fil ardi yudilluka 'an sabili Allah" (6:116) And if you obey most of them upon the Earth, they will mislead you from Allah.
How many people there are; mostly they order to do evil rather than goodness in order to mislead from the way of Allah. Why do they do so? Because they follow their egos. They don't believe in Allah. They make up their own laws. They try to do something as if showing the way. Some bring up communism, some bring up socialism, some bring up various other things. All of them are for misleading people from the right way and taking them to hell.
Allah created you. Allah created you to put you in Paradise. Allah doesn't oppress anyone. If you leave Allah's way and follow people like you, there is not just one or a hundred, there are millions of such people. Each person has his own opinion. They say, "I think, in my opinion" and call everyone to follow them. When they go to hell, those who followed them will say, "These people brought us here, give them double the punishment". Then they will say, "you shouldn't have followed us". We must pay attention.
The most important thing one should do in this world is to carry out Allah's orders. There's nothing more important than this. Neither drinking, nor lying and getting up, nothing is important, because those are done but, when it comes to carrying out Allah's orders, as we said, there are hundreds and millions of shaitans who say, "Do what I say and you'll have benefit". But neither in dunya, nor in akhira will you have benefit because such people are not good - in their ideas and in themselves. May Allah protect us from such people.
Allah He created human beings and He wants them to be in Paradise but they are not happy with Allah. Allah Azza wa Jalla said in Quran, if you go after people like this,
most of them, they take you out of right way. Take you to where is wrong way, going to hell only. Don't listen for majority of who are not believer. The not-believer they are majority in this world and they are giving idea, whole time they bring new things because old one, the people they using and after they are seeing this is rubbish.
Hundred year before, there was fashion; communism. All people around the world become crazy about communism because this is, "oh, what a good system, everybody they will be same and everybody will live in very good condition". But, after 70 year, it was rubbish. Completely rubbish. And even without fighting it was coming down by itself, broken by itself. Before socialism, maybe many things, -ism, -ism, this is what idea [there were]. The big crazy people and he who making these idea, when you look to them they are not doing this idea for themselves, only for people, to take them out of right way.
So, our main aim to be in life: Allah created us, not to follow these people. Only, He said, "Follow Me! I will take you to Paradise. But if you follow these people, you will be in hell". And He described the hell. Then, these people in hell they are seeing each other, "Oh, this man, he was giving [us] our ideas and he bring us to hell. O Lord, give him twice of this punishment". Then this man, he said, "Why you follow me? Allah, He was showing you right way [and] you follow me! You are also deserve this!" So we must be careful not to follow people, their idea, Only follow the right thing [that] Allah order and we will be safe insha'Allah. Allah keep believer safe from shaitan and his follower, because his follower like him also. Every time. Not finish until qiyama.
Wa min Allahi Tawfiq, Al Fatiha
37.THE END OF TIME Friday, February 5, 2016.
Assalamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatuh, Auzu Billahi Minashaytanir Rajeem. Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem, Wassalatu Wassalamu ala Rasulina Muhammadin Sayyidul Awwalin wal Akhirin, Madad Ya Rasulallah, Madad Ya As’habi RasuLillah, Madad Ya Mashayikhina, Sheykh Abdullah Daghestani, Sheykh Nazim al-Haqqani. Dastur. Tariqatunas sohba, wal khayru fil jamiyya.
Nuh alaihi s-salam was a prophet for his people for 950 years. He (as) prohibited bad actions. He told them that he was a prophet but in the 950 years very few people followed him, 950 years, it is not easy to say. After he had the prophethood, and he received it when he was over 100 years, with Allah's wisdom. Nuh alaihi s-salam lived a long life. Some prophets lived 300, 400 years in olden times with Allah's wisdom. Since the population was small Allah made them live longer, multiply in numbers. If Allah wants He makes them to live, it can be 100 years, 150 years.
Allah (awj) makes them live as long as He (awj) wishes. It isn't important, important is to live by knowing Allah. It is important that someone knows Allah. Nuh alaihi s-salam tried to make people know Allah for 950 years but when he couldn't get any results - he said that he had invited his people to Haqq, to Allah for a long time. "Sometimes I invited them secretly, sometimes I invited them openly. What did they do? They teased, they didn't accept, they didn't want to listen". "I invited them to Whom?" He (as) says, "I invited them to Allah".
"He (jj) gave you this world. If you run to Him (jj) you live more comfortably in this world. He (jj) gives you rivers, gardens, beauty - but they didn't listen to me. They listened to whom? They listened to the one, who made them worship idols". They said, "Worship these! This is your God, don't ever listen to this man". They even called him (as) 'this man'. They called Nuh alaihi ssalam 'this man,' they didn't respect him, didn't accept his prophethood. They attributed to him all kinds of qualities.
He (as) told them that he didn't want anything. If you aren't for Allah in this world - there are even people who use religion for their own benefit - he didn't want anything from them. He (as) said: "take everything but run to Allah, know Allah". He strived for this. They didn't accept. Finally he built a ship. They teased him about the ship also. "There is no sea, no river, no lake, what are you doing?" they asked. He said, "I'm building a ship." They teased him (as). In the end they were in trouble. They all drowned.
Now it is the end of times. It is the same. Mawlana for 92 years, all his life, was like Noah alaihi ssalam. Without taking any advantage, he went everywhere only to make people know Allah and run to Allah (jj). First, he started from Cyprus. Some people found the right path. There were many, who didn't. He used to give good tidings all the time of our Prophet (sas). "It is the end of times, happy are those, who reach this time and believe in Allah, and follow the path of Allah."
The rewards he'll take even if he revives one sunnah, it can be any kind not only turban or beard. Sure they are sunnah but entering the mosque with the right foot, exiting it with the left foot is also sunnah. This is also rewarded. You revive as much sunnah as possible. Some, if you can't, other sunnahs, you can revive. Our Prophet (sas) gave us the good tidings that we are the nation of the end of times. We are given countless rewards.
Also, after these difficult days, because disbelievers were enemies to the prophets in the past and today also, Allah promised that the whole world would be Muslim. Since Adam alaihi s-salam's time, it has never been so. There was always disbelief. Mahdi alaihi s- salam will come in the end of times and spread Islam to the whole world. Spreading Islam isn't possible with normal methods. It is with Allah's support, Allah's permission, with miracles. It isn't good to show miracles now. It isn't acceptable among the saints, they leave it to Mahdi alaihi s-salam's time.
Prophet (sas) also described Mahdi alaihi s-salam, how he will be: "His name is like mine. His mother's name is like my mother's name, his father's name is like my father's name. He is from Prophet's (sas) family." There are a lot of people saying "I'm Mahdi." There are smart ones, but also mindless ones. Mahdi means someone, who leads people to the right path, it is called 'Mahdi'. But it isn't the person the Prophet (sas) gave good tidings about because it isn't possible to lead people to the right path one by one. Even the saints can't lead everyone. How many, Allah has said.
It might be hundred people, five hundred people, one thousand, hundred thousand, one million people but he can't make everyone accept that he is 'Mahdi'. People are confused about this Mahdi (as) issue. Someone comes out and says, "I'm Mahdi," but how? Might be that he can lead some people to the right path. It isn't important, may Allah bless him. But the Mahdi, who is going to spread Islam to the whole world is different. His first big miracle is to say the takbeer. When he (as) says the takbeer, real Muslims, who believe in him (as) will hear it, even if they are 1000 km, 10.000 km far.
They will all hear that takbeer, and understand that Mahdi alaihi s-salam has appeared. He will make himself known with that takbeer. After that people will gather. By that time the anti-christ will also appear. Isa alaihi s-salam will meet and he will kill the
nir Raheem, Wassalatu Wassalamu ala Rasulina Muhammadin Sayyidul Awwalin wal Akhirin, Madad Ya Rasulallah, Madad Ya As’habi RasuLillah, Madad Ya Mashayikhina, Sheykh Abdullah Daghestani, Sheykh Nazim al-Haqqani. Dastur. Tariqatunas sohba, wal khayru fil jamiyya.
Allah Azza wa Jalla created this world, and human beings. Gave everyone their provision. Some people aren't happy with their provisions. They want not provision, but income at every opportunity. Whoever wants provision, Allah is the Provider. Whoever believes in Allah, wants provision from Allah. In old times there were people, who were much richer than today's people. There are two people. One of them used Allah's favour in a bad way and said, "I made it", and that provision caused him trouble.
Qaroon was Musa's (as) brother-in-law. He was poor. He was worshipping, he had a family and children. He woke up at night and worshipped. He prayed at night. When he said, "we are short of money" to Musa (as), Musa (as) taught him the science of alchemy, to make gold. He was making gold from lead. It is a science. Allah is able to do everything. There is science for everything. He (jj) taught it to the prophets (as).
Musa (as) taught him this science, because he felt sorry for him. He had children, he worshipped but he had no money. After learning it, he started collecting goods day and night. "Give your zakat", said Moses (as). "I wont give it. You desire my possessions", he said. See how ego makes you blind, makes you crazy. Musa (as) taught him that science. "I was only given it because of knowledge I have" (28:78). Qaroon said, "I got it with my own knowledge" but actually, Musa (as) taught him that science.
He had so many possessions, he became so rich that even 40 mules couldn't carry the keys to his treasures. They fell down because of the weight of the keys . Even the mules, camels fell down. That much. It wasn't just possessions, his treasures, the keys to the storage that held the gold. What happened in the end? He opposed Moses (as,) he refused to give his zakat. Allah wasn't happy with him, Allah punished him. "Now for this knowledge that you have, get under ground", He said. He sank under ground.
People around him used to envy him, saying, "Qaroon is such a lucky man". He has so much gold, so many possessions, so many slaves, so much land, so many horses, he has cows, animals, everything". People envied him. "Don't ever be deceived by this" Muslims there were saying. This is a man, who rebelled against Allah, he didn't have a good
ending. Allah made him to sink. So this wealth given to him wasn't a blessing but caused him trouble.
There is a second personality, the holy Sulaiman (as). Allah gave to him also, gave to him wealth in this world, Next to Sulaiman (as) nobody had that much wealth. His prayer was to be the wealthiest among people, not for himself, but to give people a lesson. Everything was at his command. Even the birds, bugs, all were at his command. They obeyed his orders. He used to hear and know what they said.
Once when going to war, he was passing some place where ants began saying to each other, "Beware, Sulaiman and his armies don't crush you". Sulaiman (as) heard this. He thanked Allah and smiled. How strong is the voice of an ant? You can't even see the ant, how can you hear it? What Allah wants, He makes at His command. He (jj) made the devils and jinn his (as) slaves. They were all his slaves. When he went from one place to another, for example, in the desert, there was a Hudhud bird.
A Hudhud bird's speciality, it was able to see where there was water. When it put its beak to the ground, it would tell how deep the water was. Following this, Sulaiman (as) was ordering the devils, jinn. They immediately would dig that place. It isn't like today's drilling. They did ponds, pools, in one hour so that the whole army could drink. Sulaiman (as) had so much power. He thanked Allah. He thanked Allah for his blessings. He invited the whole world to Islam, to Allah's order. Nobody opposed it.
This Hudhud bird, one day got lost along the way. They came somewhere in the desert, everybody was thirsty. "Call the Hudhud bird, let it find water" he said. They said it wasn't here. Sulaiman (as) was angry, he said, "Either I'll torture him badly or cut him. It better have a good excuse, so that I can forgive him". The Hudhud bird had gone to the land of Sheba. Bilquis was the Queen of Sheba. The devils and jinn hadn't told Sulaiman (as) that there was such a beautiful country; so powerful, so big. They hid it. Hadn't said there was such a sultanate. They wanted to leave them non-believers. When the Hudhud came back Sulaiman (as) asked, "Where were you?" It told him about the Sultanate almost as big as his own.
After that he sent a letter saying: "In the name of Allah, the entirely Merciful, the especially Merciful" (27:30). He took that land also, with Allah's name. They all surrendered. Sulaiman (as) became the Prophet whom everyone loved and praised, until the Day of Judgement. The other one keeps sinking, yet to this day, to teach a lesson to people. Because it is Allah's order. When He says "Sink you, into the ground". That order continues. Everyday it is going deeper. These treasure hunters can't find it. They shouldn't search. Allah knows, how many thousand metres underground it is. This is how the world is. Had Qaroon lived one million years he would have had enough money. Sulaiman (as) was the same way. But one was stupid, he destroyed himself for
nothing. The other one was sent to people as a prophet by Allah, to show the right way. He showed it for people to learn a lesson from him. If Allah wants, He makes the richest man a prophet also. Richness isn't a bad thing, if you use it in the way of Allah. But, if you listen to your ego, after making some money you forget Allah, the Prophet and religion, that money isn't good. It is bad, trouble. This is a big lesson for all of us. We have think on it.
Allah Azza wa Jalla He created human beings, everything, He created, He is the Creator. Sometimes, people they asking if there is any other creatures in this universe. Of course, it must be, because it is not shop, you create and [then] finish. Allah, He continues. He has, not million, billion and countless creatures, countless planets. Suns, moons. He is the Creator. You cannot imagine. And He is showing you His mightiness and His greatness. But, not with your knowledge you can find another people. No. If He want, He can make you to meet. But if He don't want, with your knowledge, with your technology you are just making movie to cheat people.
So Allah Azza wa Jalla, in this, our planet we must be now, He created people and give some of them richness, some of them poorness, some of them half, normal. So, from beginning of this world many of people, they was more rich than our time people even. And there is two of them especially, for example for people. To make their life more easy, more for understanding why they are here, what they must do. One of them, was brother-in-law, was husband of Musa (as) aunty. His name was Qaroon. He was a very poor man and he was a good worshipper. He was a dervish and very poor and he was working, day time, night time, not sleeping, only worshipping until morning. He has many children and they were very poor people. Musa (as), asking for dua for him and he teach him knowledge to make lead [into] gold. They are calling it simya, alchemy.
When he learnt this, day and night, he left worshipping. Only working to make this, collecting gold. Making very hard, not stopping and he become the richest man in the world, maybe [of] whole time, or I don't know. But, his treasure, there was 40 camels [they] cannot carry, not his fortune, treasure, only key of treasure. Only key of treasure, 40 camels they were becoming very hard to move. It was like this, the richest one, but he was so stingy for people. For himself, he was doing everything, thousands of women, thousands of men, army and other things. Every thing what his ego liked, he brought.
When Musa (as) asking for zakat, for money of Allah, he must pay from his treasures, he said "No". "This I know, I learnt by myself and I do it" In the Quran, he said this: "Innama ūtitohu ala 'ilmin 'indi" (28:78) I was only given it because of knowledge I have. Musa (as) he was teaching him, this knowledge to make it. People around him, the other people who are not have something like this, they said, "he is very lucky man, this Qaroon". "Big, huge luck he has", "ladhu ḥaḍin 'aḍim" (28:79) Other people who were knowing and following Musa (as) strongly in belief, they said "Don't be like this man, he
is not following order of Allah. Don't be happy with him. And when he was arguing and making fitna also against Musa (as), making very bad, accusing Musa (as), Allah punish him. And make his place sinking on [into the] earth.
Allah ordered: You sink on [into] earth and his army and this all what was with him was underground. Until now, Maulana was saying, it is still, going down. And the other people who was wishing to be like him, they were happy, "Alhamdulillah, we didn't be like him". This, for who are following their ego, they will regret, if they forgetting Allah. Other one, Sayyidina Sulaiman (as), he has a huge army. Allah was giving him everything, giving him also, kind of miracle. He only make people to be believers. He was going from one side to other side. Nobody can stop in front of his army. He speak with animals, with birds, with insects, even when he was once going from one place to another place there were ants and they were saying to each other "Go down to your house, to not crush you Sulaiman and his army". He was smiling and thanking Allah.
There was also bird, called Hudhud. This bird, it was a special bird. When flying, [it was] knowing where is water and going down, putting his beak on earth and telling how many metres down, the water. When they telling this, Sulaiman ordering shaitan and jinns, Allah give them [as] slaves for him. They were digging and bringing water in one hour, for everywhere. It must be like a lake, water coming and all this army drinking, washing and making wudu and praying. So, it was like this.
Allah Azza wa Jalla He was saying, this story in Quran. This Hudhud, once, he was not there. They came to the desert and everybody was thirsty and Sulaiman (as) asking "bring this Hudhud to show us where is water". They said "he is not here". Where he is? Nobody knows. Sulayman (as) he said, getting angry, "I will punish him, or I will cut him. Or, he must be giving good excuse, where he is". And when he come, he telling about Saba and Bilquis. He said, "This is a huge country, a huge sultanate and very rich and they are not knowing Allah. Not knowing anything from Islam, or belief of Allah. Only they are worshipping fire.
After this, Sayyidina Sulaiman, he sent a letter for this lady, Queen and tell her, Bismillahi rRahmani r-Raheem: "innahu min Sulayman wa innahu Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Raheem" (27:30). From this letter "Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Raheem", all this Sultanate became Muslim and these shaitan and jinns was hiding this Sultanate from Sulayman (as). They are not happy to make people to be [in] Islam or to be believers. Only, Sulaiman (as) what wisdom he was saying: "O my Lord, give me richness, nobody after me [will] have this richness". So after Sulaiman (as) nobody rich like him.
This is to show human beings examples for richness. It is not for pleasure, only for Allah it must be. One, everybody cursing him, Qaroon. Other one, Sulaiman (as), everybody happy with him. When they said 'Sulaiman (as)' everybody they are happy and they are
blessed. So richness sometimes good, like Sulayman (as), to not forget Allah. Only to do it for Allah. But, sometimes richness [is] very bad, like Qaroon. He was worshipper, after, he became kafir and he became not believer and Allah curse him and he has punishment.
So, we have a short life especially these days, the end of time. It is end of time Who says it is too much time left for qiyama, it is not true. And governments, all governments, all media, all newspapers, everything, the first thing they are speaking about [is] economy. "Economy like this, economy like that, this must be..." And people they are forgetting Allah, only looking for economy now. Don't forget this. Allah when He is giving, He is Razzaq, [for] what you will have, you must be thankful and not follow your ego. And you must be thinking about this, thousands of examples from old times and Allah keep us in right way to not follow our ego, insha'Allah.
Wa min Allah a-Tawfiq, Al Fatiha.
32.ADVICE FOR LEADERS Saturday, January 30th, 2016
Assalamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatuh, Auzu Billahi Minashaytanir Rajeem. Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem, Wassalatu Wassalamu ala Rasulina Muhammadin Sayyidul Awwalin wal Akhirin, Madad Ya Rasulallah, Madad Ya As’habi RasuLillah, Madad Ya Mashayikhina, Sheykh Abdullah Daghestani, Sheykh Nazim al-Haqqani. Dastur. Tariqatunas sohba, wal khayru fil jamiyya.
May Allah not leave people to their ego. The one who falls into his ego's hand is in great trouble. The one who is leading people to Allah, has to be very careful. He has to be very cautious. If he is wearing sunnah clothes, practicing Prophet's (sas) sunnah, showing the way to people, he has to be very careful because he took the road for Allah. Shaitan does every trick and attacks him to make him his slave, to make him go astray, to deceive these kinds of people especially.
Shaitan isn't interested in normal people that much. "He will be defeated by his ego anyway", shaitan thinks. But this person, who dressed like the Ahl Sunnah, took Allah's road like the masha'ikh, he tries hard to capture him. Once shaitan defeats him, his followers will say, "Is this Islam? Is this a dervish? They are cheaters, they aren't on the straight path" and they will leave. So that person has a fault, made a mistake. And people, whom he made to go astray, he'll be carrying their sins.
Whoever takes this road especially saying, "I'm a representative, I'm authorised", we don't know if he is so. He has to be very careful. He has to take careful steps. He shouldn't let go the fear of Allah from his heart even for a second. Because Allah is going to ask you, "These people believed in you. They helped you, followed you eagerly. You are someone going on the way of Allah", they said. We should raise Islam, we should make Allah's orders known to everyone, we should show our beautiful path. People follow you and give everything to support you and when you betray them, Allah questions you.
You have to fear Allah. The most important thing is to fear Allah. Don't fear the government or people, it is enough if you fear Allah. When you fear Allah, nobody should make you afraid. But when you don't fear Allah, you may fear the government, fear this, fear that. It is like this. This is a very important thing. Everywhere we see these kinds of people, who are weak against their egos and are defeated by their egos. Then they are disgraced. It isn't important that they are disgraced, they also lead people astray or they alienate people from religion. The sins that they carry, those same sins come onto him.
This is a very delicate issue. People who don't trust their ego shouldn't take this risk. It is enough to say, "I'm a dervish". If he is a dervish, his Sheikh saves him. "I'm a weak servant. I don't want to harm anyone. I don't have any qualification, I'm trying to train my ego", he should say. He shouldn't try to be an imam for people or guide people. It is like this all over the world.
Today we are speaking about ego. Especially for people who are leading groups, or jama'a. If they are not strong enough to take their ego down they must leave this, what they are doing. Because [those] who are leading and he thinks he is doing good but, doing wrong thing. He [will] have punishment, more than normal one because shaitan and ego and other bad things they are trying to put him down. They are more powerful. They are trying their best, their strongest, attacking him.
If he obeys them, it is easier for them to destroy this group of good people or to make them a group of bad people. They are first making group to follow order of Allah and follow tariqat, follow Prophet (sas). But, if the leader of the group he come down under his ego, so it will be all group, even some of them run away, some of them follow this group and making same thing. So it is for shaitan and his follower, big victory. We mustn't [be] afraid from government or other things. We must [be] afraid from Allah.
If you are afraid from Allah, and you are following His order nobody can [make] you afraid, because you are good man. Who saying anything for good people, government happy with good people, people also happy with him. But who are following shaitan and doing the worst, everybody enemy for them. And for this, these people all time [they are] afraid because not afraid from [Allah]. They must afraid from Him, they [can then be] afraid from nothing.
All around the world, we are giving this advice for leaders of groups, especially. Don't make by your [own] opinion. If you have something you are not sure of, you must ask to not fall in this fault. The big mistake. You must ask around you, if not, you must ask your Sheikh. Don't do what it is, you suspect it, it is not good thing. Especially, these people they are following you not for your beauty, for your strength, they are following you because you are claiming you will take them to right way, way of heaven, of Allah, way of Prophet (sas), way of masha'ikh.
All these people coming after you, following you for this, but when you are doing [this] thing, you are 'kha'in' (betrayer), who, like spy, traitor. You are traitor. You must follow order of Sheikh, not from your ego, giving order. Especially, I hear some people also they are saying "this is Sheikh's order". Who doing this, they will be in this dunya also 'rezil', accountable, and [as well] in akhira. Allah will ask them. So we are advising our people especially who are not controlling their ego, they must be normal. They must ask to be normal dervish, not to be a leader for people who are looking for the real people.
When you are making this you are traitor. Better to be a normal dervish, than to be following your ego. If you know your ego it is weak, don't fight and say "I am here". No. You said for ego, "look, I am little, but now I am dervish. You cannot do worse [by] this. Only ‘for me’ you can do, but not for people". It is responsibility. Big responsibility, this. It is not playing. Allah don't let us to our ego. Keep us in right way, insha'Allah.
Wa min Allahi Tawfiq, Al Fatiha
33.PRAYER IN ALLAH’S PRESENCE Sunday, January 31, 2016.
Assalamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatuh, Auzu Billahi Minashaytanir Rajeem. Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem, Wassalatu Wassalamu ala Rasulina Muhammadin Sayyidul Awwalin wal Akhirin, Madad Ya Rasulallah, Madad Ya As’habi RasuLillah, Madad Ya Mashayikhina, Sheykh Abdullah Daghestani, Sheykh Nazim al-Haqqani. Dastur. Tariqatunas sohba, wal khayru fil jamiyya.
Audhu billahi min ashshaytani r-rajim Bismillahi -rahmani rrahim "Innas Salatu tanha 'anil fahsha` wal munkar wa la dhikrullahi akbar" Indeed prayer prohibits immorality and wrongdoing and the remembrance of Allah is greater (29:45)
Praying is the most important thing. Praying is the pillar of religion. If a Muslim doesn't pray, he'll be distressed. He will be distressed. What shaitan fights against most is praying. He wants you to run away from praying, using all kinds of excuses and tricks. Even the most hardworking person, when it comes to praying, gets lazy. Being lazy is a disadvantage for that person. Praying is a grant from Allah to Muslims. You are in the presence of Allah when praying. This is a great honor, a big blessing.
If you tell someone, that he is going to meet a singer, he gets happy and excited. If you say minister, he gets even more excited. He runs to meet [him], He cancels everything. If you say "the president", he won't sleep one month, saying, "I'll meet him". But the One Who creates this universe, the One Who granted you everything, Allah Azza wa Jalla accepts you in His Presence five times a day. People can't appreciate it. Praying is fard for everyone. It is a fard so that people get benefit. If He, jalla jalauhu had said it is optional to pray, nobody would pray. He jalla jalauhu, makes it fard so that people get benefit. Whatever Allah made fard on us, Allah Azza wa Jalla gets no benefit. Even if all people pray, Allah Azza wa Jalla gets no benefit. If nobody prays, there is no harm. These fards are for people, it is for people's benefit, so people are obliged to pray.
In akhirah also, if you're not praying, it is a burden. What you pray in 5 minutes here, you pray 80 years in akhirah for each time. 80 years mean your whole life. It is easy to pray in this world, you are going to be rewarded. You'll be granted. You don't pray because you are lazy, because you follow shaitan. Only you will pay the price.
But like we said, before akhirah, people suffer a lot in this world, if they aren't praying. When you pray, that burden is removed, because it is loan. Aware or not, a burden falls on you every prayer time. Slowly, slowly you get crushed under that sin. No, if you make the intention and start praying, that burden is slowly removed. This is the same for
everyone. Mawlana used to make people start praying 2 rakats to get used to it because the ego doesn't surrender easily. If you start with 2 rakats, then 4 rakats, 8 rakats, you can pray five times in the end. Shaitan is annoyed with that 2 rakat most, "they are tricking me, they'll defeat me", he says. He doesn't even let people pray 2 rakats. Our Prophet (sas) said: "Prayer is the light of my eye". It is a holy worshipping. Don't miss it. You should pay that debt. If you make an intention, Allah Azza wa Jalla gives according to it. If you repent. Allah doesn't oppress anyone. May Allah make it easy for all of us to pray.
A‘udhu bi-llahi min ash -shaytani r-rajim Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim, Allah azza wa Jalla said: "Indeed prayer prohibits immorality and wrongdoing and the remembrance of Allah is greater " (29:45). Allah saying to pray, it prevents people from bad things and it is remembering you to be with your Lord, Allah.
Praying, it is the most important [thing] in Islam. It is main pillar for Islam. Allah ordering this for your benefit, not for the benefit of Him. He is not getting any[thing], because He [is] giving everything. If whole universe, not praying it is nothing for Him. If they praying, [is] also nothing for Him. Only for who are [being ordered]. He ordered human beings. Not for animals, not for other. [It is for] human beings and jinns of course, to pray five times a day.
So, when you are doing this Allah helps you and gives you spiritual power. How? Because He said who coming to praying, he is with Me, he is in My Presence. And it is, to be with the Presence of Allah you cannot compare to anything else. I said if somebody, he will meet, saying to him, "You will meet this singer this actor", and these people they will be very happy, very excited, "I will meet this famous one!" If they said to him, "You will meet minister" [they will] be more happy and happy. If, "you will meet a president", he is maybe one month, not sleeping, waiting for this.
These mindless people every time, every day, five times, you will be with the Lord of everything, the Creator of these whole people, singer, president, minister, pop star, pop corn! You must think for this. So praying it is big favour from Allah. But, people they are not appreciate this favour from Allah. That is gift from Allah and to be worshipping Him. And, to not pray it is a loan for you. You will pay it in akhira. Every time you don't pray, you will pray in akhira 80 years for each one, 80 years, meaning your whole life.
In your life here, you pray it in 5 minutes, 10 minutes, but, you have become lazy to pray. The most lazy, heavy thing for human beings, praying. And it is the most big gift from Allah. You must run for this, not run away from it. But people, every time they thought, not praying it is, 'kazanç', earning for them. No. Every time you are not praying, coming, one burden on you. This also 7000 times didn't pray, after, 7001. Like this coming on you, burden, burden, and you will pay for this in akhira.
In dunya, if you beginning which age you are, no harm. You can begin to pray. Maulana he has good teaching for this. Who not praying at all, saying to him "you must pray two rakats" because if you say "all prayers", it will be difficult for them. So, begin from two rakats, until making five times a day. And this tool to make people [pray]. Many people they objecting Maulana "How you say two rakats?" But even these two rakats because, shaitan and his followers knowing this is trick for us they will begin from two rakats and they will pray whole prayer.
The most difficult thing to make people to pray even two rakats. So, it is good teaching from Maulana to beginning, and to continue insha'Allah. Even, many of mureeds also, it is really most difficult. Not difficult, but people they thought it is difficult. They become very lazy. The most hard working one even, if you say to him "pray" becomes heavy for them. But it is Allah's gift. If you do what it is heavy for yourself, for your ego, for shaitan, Allah will reward you more and more, "`afdalul a'm"l `ashadduha" The best good thing you do, [is] the hard one. Insha'Allah, Allah make it easy for all of us, because it is [of] benefit for all of us.
Wa min Allah at-Tawfiq, Al Fatiha
34.FILL YOUR LIFE WITH BELIEF Monday, February 1, 2016
Assalamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatuh, Auzu Billahi Minashaytanir Rajeem. Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem, Wassalatu Wassalamu ala Rasulina Muhammadin Sayyidul Awwalin wal Akhirin, Madad Ya Rasulallah, Madad Ya As’habi RasuLillah, Madad Ya Mashayikhina, Sheykh Abdullah Daghestani, Sheykh Nazim al-Haqqani. Dastur. Tariqatunas sohba, wal khayru fil jamiyya.
You came to this world, Allah didn't create you without a reason. Try to collect good deeds, and obey Allah's orders. This life isn't for playing around and doing whatever you like, then, leaving this world without belief. Allah created you to leave this life with belief. Be careful about that. When we say 'empty', it means without any belief.
There are levels of belief of course. There are people, who have absolute belief, there are people who have less belief, and at the bottom, there are people with weak belief. They don't do anything, they only accept Islam. They don't follow any order of Allah. The ones who do what Allah forbids, if they say "La ilaha illAllah Muhammadun Rasulullah" they don't leave empty handed. Shaitan isn't happy even with that. Shaitan wants people to leave empty, such, as not even to say "Allah". He deceives people.
People should be careful. There are many people, who are gamblers. Once they start they can't give up. They spend till their last penny. You don't do nothing. You commit every sin. At least don't forget this word, which will save you in akhirah! Say "I'm ignorant" for what you did. If you say, "There is Allah", by every possibility say, "La ilaha illAllah Muhammadun Rasulullah". Don't be a big head! Don't be a bully! Saying "I do this, that." There is no such thing. It isn't Allah's order. Don't say, "From my point of view!" What we do, Allah knows that. These people with weakest belief, they are different. Shaitan is already riding them. They do all kinds of things. If they do it, they'll pay for it in akhirah. But akhirah is eternal. Because it is eternal, even though they stay in hell for 100.000 years, in the end they'll go out. Even if they stay 100 million years, they'll go out. The ones, who believe in Allah, who believe in Allah's existence, they'll go out. But whoever doesn't believe in Allah, they'll stay forever in hell. That's why we are saying: O people, don't leave empty handed! Don't leave empty, without belief. Belief blossoms. Say "La ilaha illAllah Muhammadun Rasulullah", our Prophet's (sas) support reaches you and you shall be saved. Saying "Allah", in this world, in one breath, is hundred times better than lying in the grave for one hundred years. When you see an old person, don't say "why is he alive?" Allah knows best. Allah makes that person a blessing for people around. That person is valuable, he doesn't live without a reason. We see the ones who
live without a reason, they live without a purpose, they don't even wait for death. They say "kill us by injection". We hear this everywhere.
They think they are the most civilized. They want this, because they have no purpose in life. They have no belief. They don't believe in Allah, in religion. They are like grass, like animal. They think they are something. But a Muslim is precious. Allah gave value to Muslims. Allah invites a believer to His Presence 5 times a day. He gives it that much value. Whoever doesn't believe in Allah, he has no value, no matter who he is. Still, no value for who does not believe in Allah. Even if they are billions of people. So we shouldn't leave empty handed. The more we collect in this life, the more we'll be rewarded hereafter, inshaAllah.
Allah created human beings He is not create them for just to enjoy themselves and growing, going school or to work. It is like one cup, we must fill it, this life. How you fill? You must fill it with love of Allah, Prophet, and doing their order. And doing good thing. There is level of belief. There is the highest level; complete believer. After this, coming little bit less than them, less than them, until there is minimum believer. What is this? Who believes in God, and saying "No god, only Allah and His messenger [is] Prophet Muhammed (sas)".
If you say these words it is minimum of belief. Minumum, because when you say these words and you are not doing any order of Allah or Prophet and you do all bad things it is minimum of belief, this meaning. And it is also enough to save you from hell forever. Of course, there is punishment for what they done, and not doing Allah's order and doing His prohibited things. But, after thousands, hundred thousand years, or million years even they will be, after they get their punishment, they will come back to Paradise. This is benefit of iman. Even the minimum one.
Those who are doing this mustn't say "this is wrong" or "this is good" for religion. Just not interfere with what Allah ordered. They can do by themselves, but not objecting for Allah. But who has no belief, even in this minimum belief, so, they are completely empty. And shaitan even with this minimum, he is not happy. He likes to empty [them] completely from this also. Because after the end, they will go to Paradise, [those] who are believers, even minimum ones. He wants them to be in hell forever. It is his jealousy, he is envious for human beings.
He has billions of followers who, he takes to hell but [it] is not enough for him. So, what we say, one breath from even a very old man [is] better for him and to breathe and say: "La ilaha illAllah", better than to be in the grave for 100 years. Maulana was saying this also. And Allah He has mercy and love for believers. They have value in Divine Presence, believers. Who are not believers, they have no value for them because they are not
believing in God and religion. Just believing to this life, and it will finish. They are really empty people. No value for them.
We must fill our life, not to be empty. As much as you can fill it, you will be more happy in akhira, more comfortable in akhira. This life [is] not just to play and not do anything, or doing something not good for akhira. Many people, maybe they are famous people, they are rich people, they are clever people and they are businessman, they are president, kings, but it is not enough for akhira. With belief, it will be good. Without belief it will be full with punishment. It will not be empty when you are going to akhira. You fill it with good or you fill it with bad things. Allah help us to not be empty people, to be precious people in divine heaven and divine presence of Prophet (sas).
Wa min Allahi Tawfiq, Al Fatiha
35.RUN TO ALLAH Tuesday, February 2, 2016.
Assalamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatuh, Auzu Billahi Minashaytanir Rajeem. Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem, Wassalatu Wassalamu ala Rasulina Muhammadin Sayyidul Awwalin wal Akhirin, Madad Ya Rasulallah, Madad Ya As’habi RasuLillah, Madad Ya Mashayikhina, Sheykh Abdullah Daghestani, Sheykh Nazim al-Haqqani. Dastur. Tariqatunas sohba, wal khayru fil jamiyya.
Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim. "Run to Allah, I'm to you from Him a clear warner."(51:50) Run to Allah. When something happens, it is mentioned in this verse in Holy Quran to run to Allah there is nowhere to run for people. La malja'a wa la manja'a illa ilayh. The only way to survive is Allah Azza wa Jalla. Of course now everyday, is more difficult than the day before, it is getting worse.
For this reason people all around the world, not only here in the whole world, they are confused asking "Where shall we run to?". You see people running away from one country to another country. They are running away from one country to the next. They think when they run away they will survive. But they can't run away. Because Allah is one everywhere. You can't run away from Allah and go somewhere else. You have to think and do what you should do.
Allah is saying: "Run to me, come to me. If you come to me, you'll be saved." Otherwise you fall into a worse trouble People think that they are going to a better, more comfortable, more beautiful country. But Allah gave you a beautiful country. He gave you a big grant, It is His biggest grant, you don't accept that, you run after the world. When you run after the world, you are disgraced where you go. You don't think about hereafter, you only think about this world. When you do that, you don't find goodness neither in this world, nor in the hereafter. Allah entrusted to you, your family for you to grow them up with belief but you don't care and you run only after the world, for worldly benefit, for worldly pleasures. Most people even risk their lives. If you ran to Allah like this, Allah wouldn't let His servant be disgraced like this. But what shall we do? People don't take any advice. Allah Azza wa Jalla says "Come to Me" He calls people. "Run to Me". People don't listen. May Allah make us obey His orders. May Allah keep us in the good way, that He showed. We have to think a lot on this issue. Because it is a trust. Allah gave you belief but you lose your belief. for this world, may lose everything you have. May Allah give people understanding. Allah Azza wa Jalla is saying in Quran "Fafirru ilallah" (51:50).
What meaning? If you are running from something you are afraid, run to Allah. "La malja` wa la manja` illa ilayh". This also saying, there is no shelter from what happens. Only Allah, He can give you shelter. Nowadays [it is] very bad days. Before, it was only they make like place to play, playing this Middle East and this area. All time problem it was in this area. Now [in the] whole world; [there is] no place [that] they are not afraid, [where] they are not complaining where we will run away, where one must go? what will do?
All human being like this. And there is people also who are running from country to country all around the world, not only in this area. They are running. But Allah said "Come to Me. Come towards Me. Fafirru ilallah." Only Allah can help you. You are going places which is very dangerous. Some of them dying on the road. And if they do this, maybe 1% what they are afford for to run, to go to after dunya, after benefit of life, Allah, He will reward them and give them and help them. But people, they are only running after benefit. They are not asking anything. And for this, dunya like this. Every day it is worse than other day. Every day worse than other day. And when you are running away from country to country, you will lose very precious thing from your good behaviour or what you have, belief, or other things. Many things they will be lost. If you're not losing, [then] your children, after your children, grandchildren. It is dangerous to go place where it is only for running after dunya.
Before, in old time Islam, they were going to make for give belief for people, to let people to know Allah, to know Prophet and to know right way. These days nobody, nobody looking for this at all. Even we have some of them they they have pressure on them to change their religion if they want to stay in this country even. Some people, they are doing this. So it is big ignorance. The only safe place to run away, run towards Allah. And He is showing us. Because in this world very few people, they are showing right way.
Many people, they make advice for you. But in this advice, there is many wrong things. You look, you are happy with this. But it is against you. Because they think if they, all people they'll be good "We don't have something to do" So they give bad advice. They're breaking everything, they destroy countries, they destroy cities only for benefit. But if people, they were doing what we said [running] toward Allah, 1% from what they are doing for dunya, nothing will happen. Allah will help them and they will be safe. But it is end of time. InshaAllah Mahdi alaihi salam come and will make it good again. Because these people, you cannot tell them anything. They are not listening for advice, for anything. Only they are running after their ego, their benefit.
Wa min Allahi tawfeeq. Al-Fatiha.
36.ONLY FOLLOW ALLAH’S ORDER Thursday, February 4, 2016
Assalamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatuh, Auzu Billahi Minashaytanir Rajeem. Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem, Wassalatu Wassalamu ala Rasulina Muhammadin Sayyidul Awwalin wal Akhirin, Madad Ya Rasulallah, Madad Ya As’habi RasuLillah, Madad Ya Mashayikhina, Sheykh Abdullah Daghestani, Sheykh Nazim al-Haqqani. Dastur. Tariqatunas sohba, wal khayru fil jamiyya.
Mankind should know what it is created for. Allah created us in order to worship and be directed to Him. There is ayatu karima, I can't remember it completely. It says most people try to destroy you and try to mislead you from the right way. "wa in tuṭi' akthara man fil ardi yudilluka 'an sabili Allah" (6:116) And if you obey most of them upon the Earth, they will mislead you from Allah.
How many people there are; mostly they order to do evil rather than goodness in order to mislead from the way of Allah. Why do they do so? Because they follow their egos. They don't believe in Allah. They make up their own laws. They try to do something as if showing the way. Some bring up communism, some bring up socialism, some bring up various other things. All of them are for misleading people from the right way and taking them to hell.
Allah created you. Allah created you to put you in Paradise. Allah doesn't oppress anyone. If you leave Allah's way and follow people like you, there is not just one or a hundred, there are millions of such people. Each person has his own opinion. They say, "I think, in my opinion" and call everyone to follow them. When they go to hell, those who followed them will say, "These people brought us here, give them double the punishment". Then they will say, "you shouldn't have followed us". We must pay attention.
The most important thing one should do in this world is to carry out Allah's orders. There's nothing more important than this. Neither drinking, nor lying and getting up, nothing is important, because those are done but, when it comes to carrying out Allah's orders, as we said, there are hundreds and millions of shaitans who say, "Do what I say and you'll have benefit". But neither in dunya, nor in akhira will you have benefit because such people are not good - in their ideas and in themselves. May Allah protect us from such people.
Allah He created human beings and He wants them to be in Paradise but they are not happy with Allah. Allah Azza wa Jalla said in Quran, if you go after people like this,
most of them, they take you out of right way. Take you to where is wrong way, going to hell only. Don't listen for majority of who are not believer. The not-believer they are majority in this world and they are giving idea, whole time they bring new things because old one, the people they using and after they are seeing this is rubbish.
Hundred year before, there was fashion; communism. All people around the world become crazy about communism because this is, "oh, what a good system, everybody they will be same and everybody will live in very good condition". But, after 70 year, it was rubbish. Completely rubbish. And even without fighting it was coming down by itself, broken by itself. Before socialism, maybe many things, -ism, -ism, this is what idea [there were]. The big crazy people and he who making these idea, when you look to them they are not doing this idea for themselves, only for people, to take them out of right way.
So, our main aim to be in life: Allah created us, not to follow these people. Only, He said, "Follow Me! I will take you to Paradise. But if you follow these people, you will be in hell". And He described the hell. Then, these people in hell they are seeing each other, "Oh, this man, he was giving [us] our ideas and he bring us to hell. O Lord, give him twice of this punishment". Then this man, he said, "Why you follow me? Allah, He was showing you right way [and] you follow me! You are also deserve this!" So we must be careful not to follow people, their idea, Only follow the right thing [that] Allah order and we will be safe insha'Allah. Allah keep believer safe from shaitan and his follower, because his follower like him also. Every time. Not finish until qiyama.
Wa min Allahi Tawfiq, Al Fatiha
37.THE END OF TIME Friday, February 5, 2016.
Assalamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatuh, Auzu Billahi Minashaytanir Rajeem. Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem, Wassalatu Wassalamu ala Rasulina Muhammadin Sayyidul Awwalin wal Akhirin, Madad Ya Rasulallah, Madad Ya As’habi RasuLillah, Madad Ya Mashayikhina, Sheykh Abdullah Daghestani, Sheykh Nazim al-Haqqani. Dastur. Tariqatunas sohba, wal khayru fil jamiyya.
Nuh alaihi s-salam was a prophet for his people for 950 years. He (as) prohibited bad actions. He told them that he was a prophet but in the 950 years very few people followed him, 950 years, it is not easy to say. After he had the prophethood, and he received it when he was over 100 years, with Allah's wisdom. Nuh alaihi s-salam lived a long life. Some prophets lived 300, 400 years in olden times with Allah's wisdom. Since the population was small Allah made them live longer, multiply in numbers. If Allah wants He makes them to live, it can be 100 years, 150 years.
Allah (awj) makes them live as long as He (awj) wishes. It isn't important, important is to live by knowing Allah. It is important that someone knows Allah. Nuh alaihi s-salam tried to make people know Allah for 950 years but when he couldn't get any results - he said that he had invited his people to Haqq, to Allah for a long time. "Sometimes I invited them secretly, sometimes I invited them openly. What did they do? They teased, they didn't accept, they didn't want to listen". "I invited them to Whom?" He (as) says, "I invited them to Allah".
"He (jj) gave you this world. If you run to Him (jj) you live more comfortably in this world. He (jj) gives you rivers, gardens, beauty - but they didn't listen to me. They listened to whom? They listened to the one, who made them worship idols". They said, "Worship these! This is your God, don't ever listen to this man". They even called him (as) 'this man'. They called Nuh alaihi ssalam 'this man,' they didn't respect him, didn't accept his prophethood. They attributed to him all kinds of qualities.
He (as) told them that he didn't want anything. If you aren't for Allah in this world - there are even people who use religion for their own benefit - he didn't want anything from them. He (as) said: "take everything but run to Allah, know Allah". He strived for this. They didn't accept. Finally he built a ship. They teased him about the ship also. "There is no sea, no river, no lake, what are you doing?" they asked. He said, "I'm building a ship." They teased him (as). In the end they were in trouble. They all drowned.
Now it is the end of times. It is the same. Mawlana for 92 years, all his life, was like Noah alaihi ssalam. Without taking any advantage, he went everywhere only to make people know Allah and run to Allah (jj). First, he started from Cyprus. Some people found the right path. There were many, who didn't. He used to give good tidings all the time of our Prophet (sas). "It is the end of times, happy are those, who reach this time and believe in Allah, and follow the path of Allah."
The rewards he'll take even if he revives one sunnah, it can be any kind not only turban or beard. Sure they are sunnah but entering the mosque with the right foot, exiting it with the left foot is also sunnah. This is also rewarded. You revive as much sunnah as possible. Some, if you can't, other sunnahs, you can revive. Our Prophet (sas) gave us the good tidings that we are the nation of the end of times. We are given countless rewards.
Also, after these difficult days, because disbelievers were enemies to the prophets in the past and today also, Allah promised that the whole world would be Muslim. Since Adam alaihi s-salam's time, it has never been so. There was always disbelief. Mahdi alaihi s- salam will come in the end of times and spread Islam to the whole world. Spreading Islam isn't possible with normal methods. It is with Allah's support, Allah's permission, with miracles. It isn't good to show miracles now. It isn't acceptable among the saints, they leave it to Mahdi alaihi s-salam's time.
Prophet (sas) also described Mahdi alaihi s-salam, how he will be: "His name is like mine. His mother's name is like my mother's name, his father's name is like my father's name. He is from Prophet's (sas) family." There are a lot of people saying "I'm Mahdi." There are smart ones, but also mindless ones. Mahdi means someone, who leads people to the right path, it is called 'Mahdi'. But it isn't the person the Prophet (sas) gave good tidings about because it isn't possible to lead people to the right path one by one. Even the saints can't lead everyone. How many, Allah has said.
It might be hundred people, five hundred people, one thousand, hundred thousand, one million people but he can't make everyone accept that he is 'Mahdi'. People are confused about this Mahdi (as) issue. Someone comes out and says, "I'm Mahdi," but how? Might be that he can lead some people to the right path. It isn't important, may Allah bless him. But the Mahdi, who is going to spread Islam to the whole world is different. His first big miracle is to say the takbeer. When he (as) says the takbeer, real Muslims, who believe in him (as) will hear it, even if they are 1000 km, 10.000 km far.
They will all hear that takbeer, and understand that Mahdi alaihi s-salam has appeared. He will make himself known with that takbeer. After that people will gather. By that time the anti-christ will also appear. Isa alaihi s-salam will meet and he will kill the