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Suhbah 2014: Maulana Shaykh Mehmet Adil ar-Rabbani (11/11)
. Who are in his time they described him, when you see him - like mu'min - you cannot be against him. He is giving mercy, giving baraka, giving every good things. Every good thing coming from Prophet (saws). Every bad thing they are go away. Even now also when you say salawat, you mention him in good Allah make your level higher, give you, rewarding you. Alhamdulillah we are in his ummah. Because his ummah all the time Prophet, every Prophet was praying to be in ummat Muhammad. Some of them accept, like Sayyidina Isa (as), Khidr (as) Ilyas (as). They're in this ummah now. But of course they are not Prophet. Isa (as) he will come. He is in Heaven.

When the time coming insha'Allah it is soon. Because as we said all what this world has, they are coming out to finish, to be ready for Qiyama and it is soon insha'Allah. Allah make us with Sayyidina l Mahdi (as). This is the order and request of Mawlana Sheikh. He said "you pray every time to very soon to come Sayyidina l Mahdi (as)." And it is Ahl as-Sunnah wal-Jamaa' belief. Not because there's another people always they say this but... The real belief for Ahl as-Sunnah wal Jamaa' and our main belief.

Wa min Allahi t-tawfiq. Al Fatiha.

85.Qasida Tuesday, December 9, 2014.

As-Salamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuhu Audhu billahi min ash-shaytani r-rajim Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim. Madad ya rasulAllahSalat wa salam 'ala Rasulina,Sayyidi-l awwalin wal akhirin madad ya Mashayikhina madad Ya Sh Abdullah ad-Daghestani madad, dastur.

Welcome, masha'Allah. We are coming here for Allah for Beloved of Allah, Prophet, Sayyidina Muhammad (saws). We are praising Nabi'ina Muhammad (saws). This what is acceptable present of Allah. Divine present of Allah this event; it is holy and blessed event. Alhamdulillah we are doing this and only for Allah. Nobody else coming for any wrong idea or wrong thinking, only for Allah and we are happy to be like this.

Masha'Allah this Qawwali they are, I think, Sufi music. Sufi music and coming from more than a 1000 year, alhamdulillah, Qawwali and the other. And as you know Mawlana Jalaluddin Rumi also he was making, blowing ney/flute. They said blowing, not playing. And the verse of Mathnawi Sharif was for this ney - Yes, explain how it is. It is coming through. Tariqa teaching adab, teaching what you will do. You must accept nasiha, advice. "Ad-dinu nasiha, Addinu nasiha, Ad-dinu nasiha." Prophet's (saws) Hadith. Allah makes us from these people who accept, and it is a big honor to accept nasiha and there is big reward for this.

Wa min Allahi t-tawfiq. Al Fatiha.

86.Do Not Lose Hope Sunday, December 7, 2014.

As-Salamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuhu Audhu billahi min ash-shaytani r-rajim Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim. As-salatu wa s-salamu ala Rasulina Muhammadin Sayyidi l-awwalina wa l-akhirin. Madad ya RasulAllah, madad ya Sadati Ashabi RasulAllah, madad ya Masha'ikhina, madad ya Sheikh Abdullah Faiz Daghestani, madad ya Mawlana Sheikh Muhammed Nazim al-Haqqani, dastur. Tariqatuna s-sohba wa l-khairu fi jam'iah.

Shukr to Allah. We are meeting for Allah. The main aim for our tariqa, to make sohba, to give talking together, to be together and to be in association. Alhamdulillah, you are many people. They are coming from far away. They are coming for Allah. Allah reward them for each step. Prophet (saw)...if any mu'min, he went to meet his brother in Islam, Muslim brother, for every step writing for him one reward, making higher one degree, and forgive him for one mistake he make. For the normal, to people even in city, no need to go far away, but as much you coming far away, still making this reward for you. All steps writing.

He is Generous, He not afraid: "I give too much. It's enough. Because only for short place I write this reward." No. Allah, He is Generous, most Generous. And He give you what He promise. He loves to give. He loves to reward people. He didn't like to make people to make mistake. He like maybe sometimes - He said "I am... I like people to make mistake and to make tawba - to want forgiveness." "If ", He said, "these people not doing mistake, I can bring another people to make mistake and to make to forgive them." So He is Generous, very generous. And we are wanting for Him to forgive us for what we do with our knowledge or without our knowledge. We are, alhamdulillah, all time, we hoping, good. "La tai'asu min rawhi Llah" (12:87). Don't despair (of Allah’s Mercy). This is order from Allah. Who are in despair? Who are not believers they are despairing. When these people become despairing and maybe sometimes they don't see any hope from dunya, because they don't believe in akhira. They are suicide themselves. Suicide, it is forbidden. For anything you will do, especially wrong idea they have some Muslims, they suicide themselves with bomb or with... to kill another people also. No, you cannot do this.

It is forbidden in Islam also. Because when you do this, if you are fighting ok, you can go and fight them. But to make suicide and kill innocent people, it is not acceptable in Islam, in Divine Presence of Allah Azza wa Jalla.

Who make suicide, he will be... Hadith and Mawlana every time saying: What, how he has killed himself –to himself maybe he think "we will be free after this, no life after

this." But no. Until Qiyama, he will be every time same position as he died by suicide himself. If by poison, he will be all until Qiyama, every day, every day, every day, he will be like this. If by cutting himself, ok. Also same. Hanging, also he will be hung until Qiyama. If he blow himself up, also. So don't be hopeless. Life, it is very short. Day and night, day and night, day and night, and finished.

There is one, you know, one book, English writer wrote it. And it was Mawlana has it. I don't know why. I was small. But under up of wardrobe I saw it. First, I didn't understand English. But I saw a picture. It's like this, there is one 5 o'clock tea. All time they are drinking. Not changing. Life like this. Day and night, day and night. If you realize, so it will finish. No need to make wrong thing for yourself, to destroy your real life. You must be patient. We must be thankful for Allah. Allah not giving anybody what they cannot carry. What have everybody in this life, everybody has test. We are in test. You cannot say "This rich man, he has no problem. This nice, beautiful lady, she is happy". No. Everybody, from king or sultan, or president or beggar, everybody... Allah, this is place for test - dunya. For everybody it must be. So we must be knowing. If you know this, you do your best and you'll be happy. So believers, they are most at rest and comfortable. Because they know this is from Allah. They are not doing from themselves or they can change. No. Just they can carry and they are happy. Because this is coming from Allah. Allah will reward us better than this. Allah make us to understand this and give us real belief. The most important thing - belief. When you believe, if they cut you, it is nothing. Because old time there was sometimes throwing them in fire. They make a fire throw them in fire who not their believer. They say "You are in wrong belief. So we will send you to burn". "Ok, I can go" they say. They are not afraid because they have real belief. When they have real belief, nothing affect them. Allah give us this belief. And thank you for your coming. Alhamdulillah. Allah reward you for all, every step from His endless treasures In-sha’Allah .

Wa min Allahi t-tawfiq. Al-Fatiha.

87.We Are Servants For Allah Only Saturday, December 13, 2014.

As-Salamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuhu Audhu billahi min ash-shaytani r-rajim Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim. As-salat wassalam 'ala Sayyidina Muhammad. Sayyidil awwalina wal akhirin. Madad Ya Rasulallah, madad ya as'hab ar-Rasul, madad ya Masha'ikhina,madad ya Sheikh Abdullah ad Daghastani, Sheikh Muhammad Nazim Al Haqqani, dastur. Tariqatuna s-sohba wal khairu fil jam'iya.

We are servants of Allah. We don't want anything for us. Thank you for our brothers, or our guests. There is something we must say and people because they are mixing - they want to do something but when they are mixing, shaytan of course makes them to mix. Every derga, every mosque, many of them said "We do this for you, for you and.." No, it is for Allah. We don't want anything for us.

Bayazid Bistami (ra) he's big Sheikh from our Tariqa, Allah, he was open, can speak and get inspiration from Allah. Allah 1000 times He offer him two happiness - dunya and Akhira. He said every time "No, I don't want." Allah (awj) ask him "What you want?" He said "I want, not to want." He said "Now you are really My servant." So, Mashay'ikh, who are real Mashay'ikh, they don't want anything for themselves. Many times they are mixing our people. Mixing and when they - of course there are who are not mixing also - but some of them they are doing for themselves, not for us. And when somebody they bring to Sheikh or Tariqa, or to hidaya/guidance, they acting as if they're owning him. He must worship him, not other. They are bringing them, they don't know what they are doing. But when they are doing this, even now Sheikh, they're only for them. You must worship this, who they bring. No, we say truth and we are not... There is no friend, or no love - as we are saying - friend or not friend, we are not hiding truth, we must say. In derga, we are know what to do. There is adab for derga, for mosque. Not to do something behind Sheikh. What adab in derga? Everybody knows. You cannot say, put shaytan instrument here. This holy place since Mawlana Sheikh he bought, never happened to bring instrument of shaytan here. But this ignorant people, they do it. So, we are saying this for Allah. We are not ashaming from them. And it is lesson for everybody.

What is right, we say. We don't want help from anybody, Allah helps us. If you are in need for them so it is not, we are not anything. We are supported by Mawlana, and we are feeling this. Not for 2 instruments, they will make our Tariqa high. No, it is our Tariqa -it is for Shari'a. If you are really like to do it, go and do it in another place not in Mosque, not in derga. Outside we are in a free country. You can do. And not we are, as we said, not afraid from, or not - Normally we are shy people. And people using your haya, shame for themselves. No, "La haya fi d-din." - No ashame for religious things. Everything must say. When you do something, you must think. "Tafakkur sa'a khairun min ibada 70 sana." (Hadith) To think one hour better from 70 years of worshipping without knowing anything. Because you know what are you doing, what you are right. And when we say this, it is also general. Because before, we say something, they become enemy for people they are not in fear with this. He said "You said this for Sheikh, and he said this." No. Just that time it come like this, we said. So, everybody it is not for one person or.. for everybody. You must accept truth, not to blame another people.


88.Zakatu-l ‘ilm Sunday, December 14, 2014.

As-Salamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuhu Audhu billahi min ash-shaytani r-rajim Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim. As-salatu wa s-salamu ala Rasulina Muhammadin Sayyidi l-awwalina wa l- akhirin. Madad ya RasulAllah, madad ya Sadati Ashabi RasulAllah. madad ya Masha'ikhina, madad ya Sheikh Abdullah Faizi Dagestani, madad ya Sheikh Muhammad Nazim al-Haqqani, dastur. Tariqatuna s-sohba wa l-khairu fil jamiyah.

Prophet (saw), he was saying when making salat - make your line straight and be together, not make a gap between you. And he said "You pray as you are leaving, salatul-wada' (farewell prayer)." How to be if you are leaving this world, you are going to akhira, they said this is the last prayer for you. You must pray like this. You must be not thinking too much for anything, just for praying to be proper.

The prayer, salat, main pillar for Islam, salah ibada d-deen. Many people, they say "We are Muslim but we cannot pray. It's difficult." Normally, it is not difficult. Allah make it. He don't want you to pray - no benefit for Allah from our praying, from our worshipping. What we do? Even one dharra, atom, no benefit for Allah. This benefit for us. Allah, He make the salat, praying, for our benefit. And when somebody give you something, he like you and giving, and you refuse this, he'll become angry for you. "I give all these good things, and he is throwing away." He not happy. So Allah Azza wa Jalla for you giving this order. Mawlana also, he was saying before, who not praying, maybe sometimes his work going but after, since 10 years Mawlana he always was saying, not praying is - work what he do no benefit for him, no baraka and not will be succeeding. So In-sha’Allah to pray and to pray properly, it is our duty.

And, as we said before also, to learn, it is obligatory. We are learning here. 5 minutes, 10 minutes we are learning. And we must learn how to make wudu' adab, sunnah, mustahab, everything. We learn slowly slowly. Intention - to be learning, it is important also. And Allah alhamdulillah, He give us such place and there is Masha'ikh, Imam here. They also like to give their knowledge for you. And they are happy to give this but nobody coming. We are request for

you who are near or even not so far, they can come every week or every two weeks. They have program In-sha’Allah . Even once a month also. One hour you can come here, make ziyarah/visit for maqam also here now for Mawlana Sheikh. And you take blessing and blessing also to be student, talibu l-'alimun - Student of knowledge, heavenly knowledge. And baraka coming for you and you learn something, and you'll be more happy because this all what we say giving happiness for people. Maybe sometimes people, they don't know how to make ghusl or to make wudu' properly. They forget something, to not doing. It is not complete but, of course, Allah accept. But when you do it properly, you will be more acceptable. Because you have this chance. And for Imam, alhamdulillah they are very good and from Ahl as-Sunnah wa l-Jamaa. And right way they are showing. And for them to give knowledge, it is zakat for their knowledge. And they have masha'ikh who was teaching us, saying "You must give what you know. You mustn't keep it for yourself. If you keep it for yourself, you'll be punished by fire." Hadith also like this. Who knows something from ulama if not giving for people, they'll be punished. So they are happy without - they want to give but nobody coming.

In-sha’Allah even one, two, who coming you can give In-sha’Allah . Don't look for quantity. Allah will send In-sha’Allah . Thank you for you. In-sha’Allah , see you In-sha’Allah after some months. In-sha’Allah . In-sha’Allah will be making this Mawlana amanah, that is his job, give for to continue his, Allah' way and to help people.

In-sha’Allah everybody they can give knowledge for their around to be light, nur for all Muslims and humanity In-sha’Allah .

Wa min Allahi t-tawfiq. Al-Fatiha.

89.Ziyarat Mawlana Thursday, December 25, 2014 .

Audhu billahi min ash-shaytani r-rajim Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim. As-salatu wa s-salamu 'ala Rasulina Muhammadin Sayyidi l-awwalina wa l- akhirin. Madad ya RasulAllah, madad ya Sadati Ashabi RasulAllah, madad ya Mashayikhina, madad ya Sheikh Abdullah Faiz Daghestani, madad ya Sheikh Muhammad Nazim al-Haqqani, dastur. Tariqatuna s-sohbah, wa l-khayru fi jam'iyyah.

Shukr to Allah, we came again to the presence of Sheikh Effendi. Awliya are always present. Just like when you visit them while they are alive, they meet you in the same manner when you visit their grave or maqam. That's why, the one coming here comes with that intention. Certainly Allah is giving him rewards for it. No doubt. Our Prophet said "Who visits my grave it is as if he visits me (while alive)." These Awliya are also the successors of our Prophet. Certainly they have the same thing, the same order. Who visits them is certainly given his share of their virtues. It gives strength to his faith. It gives strength to his belief. It gives blessings to his work. Shukr to Allah, as we said, every time we come, the same beauty appears, just like when we visited him during his life. In other places where he had been too; in London, in other places. In some places he stayed for a very long time, those are his maqams. In Damascus as well, he has a maqam where he stayed and by Grandsheikh Effendi because he wanted it to be there. He did service for many years and stayed with his Sheikh there. Those places are also maqams of Sheikh Effendi. He is present there.

Now they say Sheikh Effendi is every where. You can pray wherever you like, it will reach him; you'll get virtues of it. This is right. Shukr to Allah, we feel it everywhere. We feel the support and spirituality and presence of Sheikh Effendi for 100%. Everybody is feeling it too. But anyway, people who have the opportunity to visit this place should do so. It will be accepted even more. Do at least once. Some people have never met him. There are many people like this who didn't see him. They wish they had met him and decide at least to visit his grave. We say welcome. They ask for permission - there is nothing to prevent it. Rather than going to other places for travelling, come here and get virtues, blessings, and support (himmat). You will earn sawab because Allah Azza wa Jalla gives sawab, increases your rank, and forgives sins for every step you make for Allah. When a normal Muslim goes to visit another Muslim - also same. And when you come for your Sheikh, your Sultan, Allah's beloved servant and saint, certainly your work

will be easy in here and your rank will increase in hereafter. You will have benefit. You will have benefit in both worlds.

However, there are people who want to prevent it. Shaitan is on top of them. Shaitan doesn't want these beauties. They say "Don't go. Sheikh Effendi is not there anymore. He's dead. Therefore, no need to go. What are you going to do there when you go?" Don't listen to them. Whoever wants should come. He's welcome. As we said, he'll have his share. He'll have both a material and a spiritual share. Sheikh Effendi will support him.

He is ready. His strength is stronger now than before. Because now it's only spiritual. They don't have to hide or be hidden. Because while Awliya are alive, they have to be humble because Allah loves humbleness. We are nothing. But after going to akhira, Allah reveals everyone and everything, to most people. That's why, there is no restriction then for them to show their miracles for people to let them reach their virtues more.

Alhamdulillah, we've come again to the presence of Mawlana Sheikh. We are happy to be here because to be in front of Mawlana, it is a nice feeling. Prophet (saw), he was saying "Who visit me in my grave, as he visit me when I am in life". He's always in life. But it is to show people. And Awliya'Allah, they are following Prophet (saw) and they are inheritors of him. They are same. When you visit them in their grave, maqam, as you visit them in their life. You feel strong this feeling. Many people - not many people - some people they say no need to go and visit Mawlana, he is... he get nothing there. This is saying of shaitan. For shaitan, he don't want people following, still following Awliya'Allah. Awliya'Allah. Shaitan, they were happy, they said, when he died, nobody will follow him. But shaitan is foolish. And who is following him, also foolish. To visit Awliya'Allah - big favour from Allah. Who visit them, they are happy with them. And they help them in spiritual, to be strong iman, strong belief and love of Allah and Prophet and Awliya'Allah. And in material world also, they are happy to make people... everything to be easy for people by their baraka and dua. When you come and you visit, and they are happy with you, Allah make everything easy for you, spiritual and material. And to visit some brother of - Muslim brother - Allah reward everybody one forgiving from their sins, one reward, and one higher rank. So when you visit His beloved servant, Allah more happy with you and He giving from His endless treasures. So many people, they like to go to holiday or to another place to enjoy themselves. But no, to come to visit their Sheikh better. Even if they are not... cannot be every time. Once they can come and visit to take baraka. After, Allah help them.

But to believe there is nothing there, so you are doing wrong thing because you are not following Mawlana, what he said. This is connecting to Allah. When you say it's finished, you didn't learn anything from his teaching. And he is like a magnet. When he was in life, he was attracting people. And in his... still attracting people more and more in his grave. And he's not sleeping there. But he is, his maqam, the real place, he's here. Because his clean body is here, so more strong maqam, it is here. Everywhere also has maqam, like in London. I told to people, when they have some problem or some difficulty to go and visit this maqam. In Damascus also. MashaAllah, he was many many years in Damascus, especially in his Mawlana Sheikh Abdullah mosque. He also was many years there. So there also maqam for him. Every place in the world, mashaAllah, he was many place. The real maqam where he's 40 days it must be. But sometimes less. But when people, they believe and they make tabarruk for them, for this maqam, also he'll be ready there, present there.

But alhamdulillah, you must not follow people who are not believing for his maqams. Because when they are saying this, it looks like salafi people who are not respecting. But when Prophet (saw), he was ordering people to "go visit, make Hajj and, he not visit me (sas) he will... he is not happy with me." So it is order to visit Prophet (sas) and to visit his inheritor. Everywhere, when you find maqam for any Awliya, also you can visit. For difficulty or problem - Mawlana Sheikh was advising people who have special stress, depression, to visit seven Awliya. And they take this depression from him.

Alhamdulillah, we are happy. Everybody also happy. They are coming from all around the world. And this is karamat, miracle of Mawlana Sheikh. He is still attracting people more and more. And really it will be like big pole, big magnet. Every year In-sha’Allah here all time it will be full. Some people, they were thinking wrong - they will be regretting to have said this. And they must make tawba astaghfirullah and to make, take to say prayer for Mawlana Sheikh to forgive them.

Wa min Allahi t-tawfeeq. Al-Fatiha.

90.The Month of The Prophet (sas) Friday, December 26, 2014.

As-salamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh. As-salatu wa s-salamu ala Rasulina Muhammadin Sayyidi l-awwalina wa l-akhirin. Madad ya RasulAllah, Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim. Dastur ya Sadati Ashabi RasulAllah, ya Mashaykhina fi t-tariqati n-Naqshbandiyya. Madad ya Mawlana Sh Abdullah Faiz Daghestani, madad ya Mawlana Sheikh Muhammad Nazim al-Haqqani, dastur.

May the month of Mawlid be blessed In-sha’Allah . Mawlid, the month of Rabi al- Awwal is the month of our Prophet. It is a holy and blessed month. Why is it holy and blessed? Because it is a month when the most Beloved servant of Allah was born. Like in the hadith sharif of our Prophet, which was quoted a while ago in a khutba "You can't be a real believer unless you love me more than your parents, children and all people." You can't have real iman.

Iman is different, and Islam is different. Everyone who says shahada becomes Muslim. But iman, to have iman is more virtuous, it is a much higher level. The difference between Islam and iman is like between earth and sky, or even more than that. The rank of iman is that high. That's why, most people nowadays, you think they are learning. Instead of obtaining knowledge they are becoming more ignorant. Why is it happening? Because the people who teach them have learned from books. We'll say how come. They call it imitated, artificial. More artificial. They became artificial scholars. They read books, as we said. And mashaAllah, if they sit down, they won't stop talking for 10 hours. And they talk about everything. But what? It's useless. Not only useless, but also harmful to people. However, alims who took it from a Sheikh or from a murshid, they train good people. Knowledge should be asked from them.

Asking for knowledge is obligatory for every Muslim. That's why Muslims everywhere are going here and there to get knowledge. They see a hodja, think he's good and start listening to him. If that hodja has learned from a murshid, if he respects Awliya, then he respects our Prophet too. On the contrary, if he learned from books and is artificial, he'll say that the Prophet is an ordinary man like us. "He came and left. He had a task to do. Allah sent him, so he came." They say there is no need to respect him too much. Whereas in Qur'an also, Allah Azza wa Jalla put His order to respect Prophet in many ayats of Qur'an. There are orders like "I respect him, you should respect him too. Make salawat to him". Whatever the wisdom is, those people who claim to be alim, cannot see it. They try to do something according to their minds.

From this perspective, it is important that there are dergahs, true Masha'ikh, and murshids. They can reach up to our Prophet. Because it happens with permission. Masha'ikh pass permission to each other. And those who come to them for sohbas take their share of virtues. It is a matter of fate. It's not written for everyone to love our Prophet. Allah Azza wa Jalla said "I created the universe from the light of the Prophet. Then I put it in the spine of Adam, alaihi salam. And until the birth of our Prophet, I selected from the purest nation." Moreover, our Prophet said the best nation is the Arabs. Among Arabs - the people of Quraish. Despite that, the Quraish people were those who harmed our Prophet the most. Those who harmed him are mentioned continuously in Qur'an and there are ayats about them.

Even when Abu Jahl was dying. Abdullah ibn Mas'ud was young, our Prophet told him to go for jihad. Abu Jahl had beaten Abdullah ibn Masud, he had torn his ear. When he came to cut his (Abu Jahl) head off, he was told "Tell your friend that even in the face of my death there is no one I hate more than him". Then our Prophet said "My pharaoh is worse than the pharaoh of my brother Musa." The pharaoh of Musa said "amantu" (I believe) when he was dying. This one knew he was dying, still he sent a message to our Prophet saying he is the man he hates the most. So he was from Quraish. The other one is his uncle Abu Lahab. He was his direct uncle. Because he didn't love our Prophet, Allah curses him in Qur'an. It will go so until Qiyama. But there is the wisdom of Allah in it. The day our Prophet was born, he (Abu Lahab) had one slave. She came to tell him he had a nephew. He was so happy that he gave the slave money. That was Monday. Every Monday his torture in hell becomes lighter. On that day, water appears on his finger and he drinks it.

What is it signifying? If anyone does even something little for the honor of our Prophet Allah will give more to him. But if someone harms our Prophet, His most beloved, and shows no respect, he will pay for it. You can't be saved even if you are a close Arab or from Quraish because he is the Beloved servant of Allah.

There is punishment for it. That's why, people who are not Arabs, love Arabs. They love because of our Prophet. And Arabs are using it. And look at the wisdom of Allah: they are loving Arabs because our Prophet was Arab. But it is Arabs who are spoiling the belief of people saying that our Prophet is dead and gone. They will be punished. It is useless to try to explain this to people anyway. There is no benefit if you are Arab or non-Arab. The benefit lies in loving our Prophet. You should love him more than your parents, children and everyone. In our countries, when a baby starts talking, they start asking "Who do you love more?" And they teach him to say he loves Allah first, then our Prophet, then his father, mother or whoever you want. They instill this from their childhood. We haven't seen this in other places. They start saying "You love this, you love that". But in fact, you should start putting love to our Prophet in their hearts from infancy. This will save

them. The love of our Prophet will save them both here and hereafter by permission of Allah. Who loves our Prophet here won't be harmed by anything with Allah's permission. And their children will be on the right path with Allah's permission.

Shukr to Allah, we reached the month of Mawlid again. We should respect the month of Mawlid. Sheikh Effendi used to say, the more charity you make and read Mawlid, the better it is. This month should be known. Now they have come up with the 21st of April. They celebrate then too. But Sheikh Effendi didn't approve it much. He didn't like it. Nevertheless, they remember the Prophet, so it's ok. But I see that they give more importance to it than Mawlid. They announce it as the week of the holy birth. It is fine if they do it... But they should celebrate it in this month - it must be in Rabi al- Awwal. As Hz. Sulaiman Chelebi, who wrote the Mawlid Sharif, said, the night of Mawlid is equal to Laylat-ul Qadr. It is almost equal because if there was no Prophet, there wouldn't be Laylat-ul Qadr. The Qur'an was sent to him later of course. That's why we have to respect it. Every time you give sadaqa, make Mawlid for our Prophet, or make charity, make intention of Mawlid for the honor of our Prophet. Read a lot of salawat.

On mawlid night, In-sha’Allah mawlid will be read and prayers made. It is good to make salat al-tasbih. It is good to to stay awake that night. Of course, as much as one can do. Staying awake until a certain time, then having rest with the intention of waking up for tahajjud will be counted as if whole night was spent awake. And this is good news. May Allah let us reach it every year. Alhamdulillah, we are now in the month of the birth of the Prophet (sas), Rabi al-Awwal. Rabi al-Awwal –a very holy month. And there is holy night, night of the birth of the Prophet (sas). It is equal to Laylat-ul Qadr. Because if no Prophet (sas), it was no Laylat-ul Qadr. Laylat-ul Qadr coming after him. Because Qur'an in Laylat-ul Qadr given for Prophet (sas). And it is created for Prophet (sas). To love Prophet (sas), it is order, it is obligatory for every Muslim. And we read in khutba Prophet (sas), he said - "They cannot be real believer, if you will not love me more than your father and children and all human beings."

Nobody can be, mustn't be more beloved for you more than Prophet (sas). Why he said, he is saying this? To make you real believer. Real believer... Muslim, it is different. And believer, real believer - different. It is very high rank to be believer. Like a sky for between Muslim and believer. Muslim - everybody say "la ilaha illAllah, Muhammad RasulAllah", he's Muslim. What he's doing, he's doing or not doing, he is just Muslim. But to be believer, this is what we're ordered to be, mu'min - "Ya ayyuhal ladhina amanu", "ya ayyuhal-mu'minun" This most order coming for believers. Who are not respecting Prophet (sas), they are not believer, only they... Allah, He said for them "You are only Muslim, not believer". What meaning? It is, you are in danger. Many things can take your belief. You can become out of Islam even. So the most important thing in Islam is to love Prophet (sas). Prophet (sas), he is savior for us. He will save us by his shafa'a/intercesssion. Without his shafa'a, it is not easy, not easy to come in

this Judgment Day and to wait in this all, 1,000 of years you can wait. It is not a joke. It is, Allah telling this. He is the Creator and He is doing and He is saying to people how to save themselves. In Judgment Day no shadow (shade). Only Allah can make shadow for special people. And who are these special people? Prophet and Awliya and shuhada/martyrs and who are loving Prophet (sas) and doing what he said. They give them secret to be with them. This is really. Here maybe 1 hour under sun, people they are running away. Waiting in the queue half an hour also they will run away. But there is no place to run away from all this bad situation.

Only in this dunya Allah tell you what to do so you are very quick to be in jannah to be and take from hawdh-ul kawthar/ pool of Kawthar. This is water of Prophet (sas). "Inna a'tainaka l-kawthar" (108:1) Allah give this for Prophet (sas). And when people who first Prophet (sas)(will give) intercession for them, they will drink and quickly go to jannah, to paradise, no waiting. And it is not difficult. You are people, they love... People who are very bad people. Why? Because they are making special things. They are making funny things, maybe they are enjoying their ego but real enjoyment to be with Prophet (sas), to love him. And it is Allah give in this world before akhira, enjoyment, real enjoyment for your spiritual being. And it is for everybody. Not it is only for Arab, for Turk, for other. No, for who believe in, who believe in Prophet (sas) and love him, he is in satisfaction in dunya before akhira also. Because nothing can save you, even if you are Arab, also not important.

Prophet (sas) was saying when this Abu Jahl, he died in battle of Badr, and Sayyidina Abdullah ibn Mas'ud, he come to him and say to him Prophet sent him to look and to kill. And he find him. He was injured, nearly dying. He said to him "Take this." Abu Jahl, he was very proud. This proudness, it is very bad. You cannot imagine how it is very bad. For this Prophet (sas) was very humble and he was hating proudness. Even in that situation, he said to Sayyidina Abdullah ibn Mas'ud "Don't kill me with your sword. Your sword, it is dirty. Take my sword. It is more strong and cutting quickly. And say to your friend I hate him more than ever now." This Abu Jahl, he said when even he was dying to Prophet (sas). And when Sayyidina Abdullah ibn Mas'ud said this to Sayyidina Prophet (sas), Prophet (sas) he said "My pharaoh, it is worse than Musa's pharaoh". Musa's pharaoh, when he was dying, he said "I've become believer - Amantu". But this one has become worse. And they were making harming Prophet (sas). He said "No. Prophet was harmed like me." And his tribe the best. Allah Azza wa Jalla said "I created Sayyidina Muhammad and give him the best nation and the best tribe and the best things." But even these people when they are making harming to Prophet (sas), Allah not looking for what they are. Only important thing here... Even his uncle Abu Lahab also. In Qur'an there is surah making bad description for him and for his wife (surah:111) It is not important to be very near for him or to be from his nation. No. Important thing for everybody to be loving him. And even Abu Lahab, when before, when Prophet (sas) first born, they tell him "Your become (born), your

nephew." He was happy, give this slave woman something to make her happy. Because she... It was Monday. Every Monday in jahannam, in hell, it will punishment stopping and he given water from his finger. This is very small things. Because he was happy, Allah He was giving him. But other side, he was punishing him. Because he was not believing in him (sas) and he was harming all time.

So no need to be look for people and to take people saying "This is alim, this is not." No. It is... Alim, real alim coming from Prophet (sas), from murshid, from Masha'ikh. This other one artificial. Artificial alim, it is no benefit. It is a losing, making to lose your iman, you lose your faith. But real alim, all coming from Prophet (sas). By one, by one, and it is giving benefit, not giving like other one. So alhamdulillah, the most important thing here to be loving Prophet (saw). And who respecting and loving Prophet (saw), we respect him. Who are saying he is man like us, we will not respect them. And now it is... In this month, we must make more salawat, we make every time more charity and salah. Night of 12th of Rabi al-Awwal - Mawlid. Even you can do every day Mawlid also. You must think and be happy, because he is our happiness here and hereafter. To be with him, it is the greatest happiness. Allah make this for us and for our children. And when you... In our country, baby beginning to speak, they ask him "Whom you love?" They said mother, father. No they said you must first say Allah, after Prophet (saw), after father. This is teaching also for small children to put love of Prophet in their heart, small heart. And he also for you, there will be benefit for you.

Wa min Allahi t-tawfiq. Al-Fatiha.

91.To Find Peace In Yourself Monday, December 29, 2014.

As-salamu alaikum wa rahmatullah Audhu billahi min ash-shaytani r-rajim. As-salatu wa s-salamu ala Rasulina Muhammad Sayyidil awwalina wa l-akhirin. Madad ya RasulAllah,madad Ya sadati Ashabi RasulAllah madad ya Masha'ikhina dastur. Madam ya Sheikh Abdullah Daghestani, Madad ya Sh Muhammad Nazim al-Haqqani Dastur Tariqatuna s-sohbah wal khayru fi jam'iyya

This month is the month of the birth of our Prophet. Our Prophet is the most Beloved servant of Allah. He created whole Universe for his (sas) honor. He gave the most beautiful maqams and the most beautiful ranks to him. Who is with him will not suffer from troubles or sadness. He gave the religion of Islam, the last and the most perfect religion to him. He gave our Prophet the religion of Islam, which is the most perfect, the most complete and the most beautiful religion sent by Allah. Certainly, there came many other books sent by Allah like Quran, slowly, slowly since Adam, alaihi salam. There have been 313 Nabi Mursal. Mursal, meaning they had books. Allah gave some of them 10 pages, some of them 100 pages, some of them 1,000 pages. Some were sent even more pages of a book. Allah sent them holy books. Being sent several times like this, Qur'an has completed them all. Our Prophet said "I have completed for you your religion". Who follows this religion and loves our Prophet reaches happiness. Allah Azza wa Jalla is inviting everyone. He doesn't say to anyone, "Don't come". It's open. Everyone can come to Islam and become Muslim. Who comes to Islam finds peace. A man finds peace in this world, before akhira, only in Islam. Those who look for peace elsewhere and persist in not coming to this way, saying "I will find peace and happiness. I will find happiness" and follow other ways, find nothing. They are deceiving themselves. At last, when they realize, and they do, they say "We tried so much. We struggled so much. We wasted so much money to find happiness. And we couldn't find it". But they still persist. It's not in their fate to find happiness. They are wasted on their way. And Muslim people too. There is one group who don't do what our Prophet said. They act according to their minds, these Muslim people. There are many types of Muslims. Some of them just call themselves Muslim, but they don't do anything. Some of the Muslims do everything but don't know the most important thing - the core of Islam, its spirit. They live such a meaningless Islam. They find peace neither in themselves, nor for others. And they don't show respect to our Prophet, they don't respect him. And there's another group who also reject the clear words of our Prophet and offend his companions.

The most righteous, peaceful and happy, who go along well with people and don't harm them, are Ahl asSunnah wa l-Jamaa. They walk on the middle way. They are the ones whom our Prophet loves. Why? Because Ahl as-Sunnah wa l-Jamaa follow the sunnah of our Prophet. They do his sunnah. Our Prophet is the one they love the most. They give their lives for him. They have the real peace. By the wisdom of Allah, Awliya, beloved servants of Allah, come from them. There's no chance that they come from others. All Awliya have

come from this group of people. They don't come from others because they don't obey the words of our Prophet. They are trying to do things according to their minds. When they follow the Islam shown by Allah and our Prophet in a different way, they can't find this peace, the most important thing.

What is peace in this life? Everyone should be satisfied with everything. We love our Prophet. We believe that we will meet him. This is the belief of Ahl as-Sunnah wa l-Jamaa. And this will happen with what our Prophet has said. If you do the most important things - like praying - it's enough. There's no need to do much. However, don't do things, which our Prophet has prohibited. And that is, as we said: show respect to sahabas, don't say anything against them, don't interfere in their work. Also respect our Prophet, respect Ahl al-Bayt. This also is the order of our Prophet. We are saying that the Islamic world has many types of groups. But the main group is Ahl as-Sunnah wa l-Jamaa. Who follows them will find comfort and peace; their end will be good. Today, alhamdulillah, we are in the month of the birth of the Prophet (sas) and we are happy. Even the month is called Rabi', Rabi' al-Awwal means Spring. Even if you are in the middle of Winter or Summer - because the Arabic months are always changing every year (Lunar year). But all the time the month of Prophet (sas) is nice. Even the hottest day or the coldest day, still you feel Spring, the Spring of love and mercy of the Prophet (sas).

Allah sent Prophet (sas), the end of Prophets, and He completed the religion with Prophet Muhammad (sas). Because since Adam (as), the religion was coming and heavenly books coming through 313 Prophets(As). All these 313 Prophets had heavenly books coming for them. Some of them maybe 10 pages, some of them 100, some of them thousands - some of them 5,000 even there was some prophets they have (these many) pages coming from heavenly books. But until reaching to the Prophet (sas) some of them they made it different, until coming to Prophet (sas). And the most complete religion Allah gave for Prophet Muhammad(sas) because he is the most Beloved one for Him. He created everything for him(sas). And He gave him the best and the best Ummah (nation) is the last Ummah, the nation of Prophet (sas) - our Prophet. Alhamdulillah we are in his ummah. Who is his ummah? Whoever believes in him, they are from his ummah. If not accepting, they are free. Allah (Azza wa Jalla) is Merciful. And He is inviting everyone to His religion.

The religion of Allah is completed by Islam. Islam is not a bad thing. Even the name, Islam meaning 'peace', it is coming from peace. Aslam taslam - If you are a Muslim, you will be in peace, you will be safe, and you will be happy. But people who are stubborn, they are trying everything except Islam, to try to find satisfaction by themselves. But they try so much, they try very hard things to be happy, but they are not, they cannot be happy. They still continue then their life finished and they destroyed themselves, but there is no benefit. But Allah is showing the good way and He is telling people, "Come". wa Allahu yad'u ila dari s-salam (10:25) Allah calls people to the house of peace - without fighting. They are fighting in themselves. Everybody is fighting between his soul and his shaytan, Allah is calling people to be in peace, come to Islam, to be in peace. You will be happy. Only happiness before akhira, in dunya also in Islam. But the real Islam what Prophet (sas) is showing people - to be in the middle not to be against Awliya or against Ahli l-Bayt. There

are many kinds of Muslims. Whoever says "La ilaha illa Allah Muhammadun Rasulullah" is Muslim. Even if he doesn't do anything - not praying, not fasting - he is still Muslim. But there is another type. They are praying better than me and you but they are like dry rock. They don't have spirituality, because they are not like Prophet (sas). Someone in our country can look at this as strange because they don't know, because we are in Ahli s- Sunnah wa l-Jama'a place, We cannot imagine some people who don't love Prophet(sas). No there is and we hear and we are knowing. They are even enemies for him and his family. These, no peace for them, they cannot find peace in themselves. The other kind are also hating the Companions of Prophet (sas). They also cannot find peace because they are teaching from childhood to have hatred.

Only the biggest part of Islam, is the middle, Ahla s-Sunnah wa l-Jama'a. Prophet (sas) said to be in the biggest part. Because all awliya, all beloved people of Allah (awj) are coming from these people. From other people you cannot find at all. Even if they say he is from us, no, he is actually from those following Prophet (salla Allahu alayhi wa sallam) Because Prophet is not happy if they say anything about his Companions. So we are inviting people in this month of Mawlid of Prophet (salla Allahu alayhi wa sallam) to be in his way. We must follow what he is showing us. And to follow sheikhs and not be alone. Because when you are alone, many people cheat you. Satan is cheating you and taking you to wrong place. What you think you are doing good, becoming bad for you, for the Ummah also. You thought you are doing good for Islam, no, you are doing bad. And you will be punished if you are doing wrong - what Prophet (sas) not ordering and not saying.

Especially to be careful for not oppressing anybody. Because in Qiyama, if not praying or not fasting, it is between you and Allah (Azza wa Jalla). Allah is the most Merciful, He can forgive you. But if you oppress someone, Allah (Azza wa Jalla) says, "You didn't do this against Me, you did it against this man. If he forgives you, it is okay." Because He is just. "It his right, he can forgive you, But this is not My right, it is this man's right. How can I forgive his right? Then I will be an oppressor also. So you must take forgiveness from him." I don't think someone oppressed in dunya he can forgive this man in akhira. He must be very careful for this. Those who say to be Muslim and do wrong thing for Muslims, or for anyone - it's not important if Muslim or non-Muslim, even for animals you cannot oppress. This is teaching of Islam and Prophet - mercy and peace. May Allah keep us in this way.

wa min Allah it-tawfiq. Fatiha.

92.Be Strong with Allah Tuesday, December 30, 2014.

As-Salamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuhu Audhu billahi min ash-shaytani r-rajim Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim. As-salatu wa s-salamu ala Rasulina Muhammadin Sayyidi l-awwalina wa l-akhirin. Madad ya RasulAllah, madad ya Sadati Ashabi RasulAllah, madad ya Masha'ikhina, madad ya Sheikh Abdullah Faiz Dagestani, madad ya Sheikh Muhammad Nazim al- Haqqani, dastur. Tariqatuna s-sohbah, wa l-khayru fi jam'iyyah.

A human being is weak. Allah created a person weak. It's written in Qur'an as well: "Wa khuliqa l-insanu dha'ifan"(4:28) Who knows and accepts his weakness is a clever man. Sheikh Effendi always used to say "Allahumma qawwi dha'fi bi ridhak - Make my weakness stronger with Your pleasure. Give us strength". Many people claim "I am so strong. I am this strong". They boast and brag. They look at themselves, feel proud, and say "I am strong". You can be strong, if Allah gives you strength. If there is Allah's pleasure, you can be strong. If not, even with a tiniest thing, with Allah's soldier - Allah's soldier is not a soldier with guns and bombs. An insect is Allah's soldier. A microbe is Allah's soldier. A weak servant is also Allah's soldier. If Allah wishes, they can put you down. His weakest servants will defeat you. Don't boast claiming you are strong. Be humble. Ask for the pleasure of Allah. You can be strong with the pleasure of Allah. You can be strong if Allah wants it. Otherwise, it is impossible. You can be strong as much as you want, you can be powerful but after you die, they put you under the earth. You can't even raise your hand then. You can't move your parts. Small worms eat and finish you.

Where is the man claiming he's strong then? This is what happens to everyone to teach you a lesson - to everyone except to Awliya. Because Awliya'Allah are the beloved people of Allah. They are smart. Who's not smart relies on his body and is always boasting. Do everything for the pleasure of Allah. Take strength from Allah. One day Musa, alaihi salam, had a toothache. It was very bad. Musa, alaihi salam, was the Kalimullah of Allah, so he could speak with Him. He asked Allah Azza wa Jalla "I have a very bad toothache. What shall I do?" Allah Azza wa Jalla told him to eat some grass. As soon as he ate, his toothache was gone. After some time had passed, his toothache started again. He said "I found the remedy anyhow" and went to eat the grass again. The pain didn't stop and increased even more. He asked Allah Azza wa Jalla again - "Ya Rabbi, You showed this to me and said it is the remedy. I ate it the first time it helped. Now it got even worse". Allah Azza wa Jalla told him "Last time you remembered and asked from Me. This time you asked from the grass, not from

Me. When you ask from grass, grass has nothing. You had to remember Me while eating it."

You should remember Allah in everything. Don't say "I am strong" and rely on your strength. A smart person will rely on Allah, then use his strength. And he will use his strength on the way of Allah. Otherwise, if strength is used to harm people, you will be harmed yourself and be embarrassed in the end. This is the way shown by the Awliya. Don't rely on strength too much. Don't think that the favours given by Allah to you are from you. Everything is from Allah. Ask everything from Allah. And if you are strong, make shukr/thanks to Allah for it. Then a man won't harm others. He will use his strength on the way of Allah. He will use it for akhira. He will be proud in akhira for the things he's done. Because in dunya everything is written; everything is recorded by the angels.

If you've done something bad, repent. Allah will write reward for you in its place, when you repent. Then try not to repeat the mistakes you've made. Allah (Azza wa Jalla) is giving us everything. But He says in the Qur'an that Allah created human beings weak. (4:28) So to be strong is not important. The important thing is to know that you are weak. As much as you are strong, animals are more strong than human beings. It is not important to be strong. But to be strong, Mawlana all time he was making dua - "Allahumma qawwi dha'fi bi ridhak"- Allah give me strength with Your satisfaction. If You are happy with me, I am strong. But if You are not happy with me, as much as you can be strong it is not important at all because I don't think anybody is strong like a gorilla, or like a lion or like even - I think donkeys even stronger than human beings. He is carrying half a ton. Some people try to carry weights (weight lifting). And they, their whole life training and eating too much and making to be strong and only 5min.not even, for 1 minute, taking up and throwing down. Donkey is only eating grass and eating straw and he is stronger. It's not important to be strong. To be strong with Allah's Will, what Allah happy with you, you can do your best for this. But to be strong and to be proud, that is not important.

The wise people, Awliya'Allah, the beloved people for Allah, they know that they must make their strength for helping people, to obey Allah (Azza wa Jalla), and do what He wants to do. And everything, they are looking for this. Many strong people, very small things they can kill them. They can die from very small things. This is the army of Allah - even insects or bacteria or something, or even weak people can kill him, if Allah wills. His strength has no benefit for him. So to be clever, to be wise, is to follow what Allah orders, and to want only Allah's satisfaction.

There is a story about Musa (as). You know that He was speaking with Allah (Azza wa Jalla). And once he had a very bad tooth pain. He asked Allah what I can do for this. So Allah (AwJ) said - take this plant and put in your mouth and it will go. And it really it was like this. Some time later, also came this pain for his teeth again. And he said, "I

know this now. No need to ask Allah. He taught me this. I can put (the plant) and I will finish from this pain." But when he put (the plant), it made it more painful. And he asked Allah - "What is the wisdom of this? You showed me this, and I put first time and it was very good. Now why is it like this?" Allah said - "Now you are not wanting this from Me, you are wanting it from this plant. So the plant has no benefit for you." Benefit is to be with Allah all the time, to remember Allah. When you are strong, you must not forget Allah. You must always remember Allah because being strong without remembering Allah and what He is ordering, it has no benefit at all. Even in the graveyard, when someone dies, as much as he is strong, he cannot even move his hand. If they put everything on him he cannot do anything. A small worm finish him in the grave. This is what Masha'ikh and Awliya all time they try to teach people, the strong or not strong, to not forget Allah, not forget His orders. This is our aim in life - to do their best.

Even Mawlana once was seeing one very famous magazine. It is very old, since 100 years and still publishing to this day. He said that he didn't like it because they all time they try to say for not accepting a Creator; everything coming by itself they say. So Mawlana when he is saying this so don't take this, he is not happy with this magazine. We must always remember that we are coming from Allah and He created us and He is the Creator and He knows the best about what we will do. He tells us what to do in our life. They didn't just throw us here and you learn by yourself. No. He sent heavenly books and teachings and we must follow these instructions.

Wa min Allah it-tawfiq. Fatiha.

93.New Year Wednesday, December 31, 2014.

Audhu billahi min ash-shaytani r-rajim. Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim. As-salatu wa s-salamu ala Rasulina Muhammadin Sayyidi l-awwalina wa l-akhirin. Madad ya RasulAllah, madad ya Sadati Ashabi RasulAllah, madad ya Masha'ikhina, madad ya Sadati Ashabi RasulAllah, madad ya Sheikh Abdullah Faiz Daghestani, madad ya Sheikh Muhammad Nazim al-Haqqani, dastur. Tariqatuna s-sohbah, wa l-khayru fi jam'iyyah.

People are willing to have fun tonight. Why, what for should they have fun? They want to have fun because the year ended. If you think logically, there is nothing to have fun about, to celebrate. There is no reason to do anything. If you think logically, it has nothing to be happy about. You become 1 year older. You are 1 year closer to death. So there is nothing that will happen to you, which will be of benefit. You can think about the bad things you've done this year so that next year you make them better. You can think of coming closer to Allah, acting according to the words and actions of our Prophet. But if you think that you didn't have enough fun this year and plan to get crazy next year, you will gain nothing.

Allah has given a soul and spirituality to a man. A man has the attribute of an animal as well. He can be like an animal. Who is like animal can be below animal. He can't even be as good as an animal. If man acts like an animal, he becomes worse. An animal is better than him. It has certain level. But if a man acts like an animal, he becomes even lower. And if he cares for spirituality, like angels, he becomes like an angel or even better than angels. Because angels by nature cannot commit sin. Allah didn't give angels the ability to commit sins. But He gave it to people. If a man keeps a hold of his ego and doesn't commit sin, he becomes better than angels because he will have kept himself away from sin and have done his worship. He will have done a big job then. These are the good things to be done; to walk on the way of Allah, the way of the Prophet(saw).

Allah Azza wa Jalla made us from the nation of our Prophet(saw). All prophets wanted to be from the nation of the end of times. They used to pray to be from the nation of Prophet Hz. Muhammad (sas). We have it, shukr to Allah. Allah has given everything. We are given many things, which were not given to other nations. Even ablution, the thing we don't value at all, was a gift to our nation. The old nations didn't have ablution. Who made ablution in old times? Only prophets. People didn't make it. Only prophets made ablution. Their nations didn't know ablution or cleanliness. The matter of cleanliness is in Islam. The prayer given to the nation of Muhammad is more blessed. Their (the earlier nations) prayer didn't have takbir. Also they couldn't pray

everywhere. They used to have certain places, masjids, or temples, or whatever they called it, special places of worship to Allah. The Nation of Muhammad can pray everywhere in the world as long as it's clean. Earth has become clean. When you can't find water, you can make tayammum. (ablution with clean earth) Adhan was given, Takbir was given. These kindnesses and gifts of Allah were not given to other nations. That's why, no need to look up to other nations and imitate them. Let them look up to us. Let them imitate us. They used to have baptism. They washed when someone was born. They don't wash after death, only once. In our Islam, they wash even the corpse. So the things given to this nation - This religion of Islam is the religion, which has reached the highest ranks of humanity. That's why there is no need to imitate others. No need to look up to them. You look at them - after midnight they go crazy, but still nothing. They go back to their houses with sin and darkness. It becomes a worse trouble for them. If they don't repent a lot, they will go to akhira with that sin. What we are going to be happy about is coming in 2 days In-sha’Allah . There is Mawlid Sharif of our Prophet.

Muslims should be happy then. There shouldn't be any attention to this night (New Years). The main night to be happy is in 2 days. The night when our Prophet was born is the night when blessings and light came to this world. Light came down to all worlds. That's why, you can see light on the faces of Muslims. Who is not Muslim can be beautiful and clean as much as he wants, there is no light. You can't find it. Who realizes, knows it, and many people know it. However, ignorant people who are similar to them have no light too. Light is the light of Allah. There is no person who makes wrong and has light. May Allah protect us. May we not fall for our ego In-sha’Allah . The smartest people, Prophets, beloved servants of Allah, are giving advice. Listen to their advice. Don't undertake a burden. They are taking physical burdens on themselves and fall under spiritual burdens. They should beware. It is even better to go to bed earlier tonight. There is no need to stay up. Other Muslims are doing some things, let them do.

But is it necessary to do that? Sheikh Effendi didn't say much on that matter. They celebrate the conquest of Mecca. The opening of Mecca is celebrated on a day according to the lunar calendar. Our Islamic celebrations are made according to a lunar month, not according to this (solar) calendar. That's why, may Allah accept it and give everyone according to their intentions. What can we say? We are... Tonight it will be the New Year. The New Year of course, it is like station (event) in our life. It is station, but it is not important to make you happy. If you think carefully, it is nothing to be very happy in this night, to do like feast, like big celebration. Why you're doing this? Why, for what reason? You are happy you become older 1 year more? You become more old. Anything, it will be better for you? No, it is same. But people, they're cheated by shaitan, by his followers. It is all around the world, not only non- Muslim people.

Even Muslim people, they celebrate more than non-Muslims this night. Non-Muslims, they celebrate most I think in Christmas or something like this. But for this night, it is important for Muslims more than others and they are preparing food, drinks. They prepare to make party and they are happy. They try to be happy. Even when they are preparing and doing this, they are more happy when they are celebrating the moment of New Year. They are making by working hard to do something and after one day finished. They say "What is this? It's not worth it. We're not more happy. We are not changing anything". It is real cheat by shaitan and his followers.

But we are Muslims. Allah give us the most precious thing. His gift, it is endless gift. Especially for the last ummah, last ummatu Muhammad, nation of Prophet (saw), last nation. Who accept Prophet (saw) is from his nation. And it is the best nation through all centuries - Allah Azza wa Jalla saying this. And all prophets, they were wishing to be in his ummah. Alhamdulillah, we are in his ummah. So that's why we must be happy. And this ummah, Allah give them many things, endless things. Other ummah they don't have - like wudu, ablution. Ablution, everybody Muslim, they are - it is normal for them. It is not so important. But it is really very important thing. Ablution, it is the most important thing in Islam even. You cannot do anything without ablution. If you haven't washed yourself after... you can't pray, you cannot say anything, you cannot touch Qur'an, you can't say anything. Even Mawlana, he was teaching people to be all time in ablution. In the nations before Islam, no ablution for them. Only for Prophets. Prophets, they had ablution. All prophets, from Sayyidina Adam until Sayyidina Isa (as). But for Nation, no need for them. And ablution making your light everywhere. You'll be happy when you do ablution. Second thing - to be all world, you can pray anywhere. Like Musa, alaihi salam, or Isa, alaihi salam, only certain places you can to go inside and pray there. If you can't go, you cannot pray. Allah Azza wa Jalla tell Sayyidina Musa and Harun - "Make your house to people to come and pray inside" (10:87). But in Islam, no. You can pray everywhere, in mountains, in desert, in sea, in boat, in plane; everywhere you can pray. But it must be clean, of course, where you are praying. It's also for this ummah. And Takbir of salah "Allahu Akbar". Before they were praying also in old times but no takbir, no adhan, no iqama. Many things like this, other nations they don't have. All Allah give this for this ummah. And this ummah they are not knowing this favour, and they are trying to do things like other nations they are doing. No need to do this. They must do, other nations, they must know these good things that Allah gave for human beings to be happy, to follow these - not for ourselves to follow them. And we have now after 2 days, Friday night, Mawlid of Prophet (saw), birth of Prophet. It is real feast, real holy night. Because by His baraka, His mercy, Allah give all light for Ummah, for all Universe. His nur, His light. His light, only you can find in believers who are there following him, loving him. You see in their face this light. But others, you cannot see anywhere. Who are not believer, for him, you cannot see this light. Even in Muslim, only who they are loving Prophet (saw), you see this light. Others who are claiming "We are Muslims" but not loving him or not following him, you cannot see this light in their face. And light give light in your

heart also. You'll be in light inside, you are happy inside. But others, they have darkness in their face, darkness inside. When they are doing wrong things, this darkness coming more and more - like who they will be doing this night. From sins and doing bad things not coming light for them, internal light inside. But they go, it'll be more dark and dark and more stressful and more they will feel worse. And this is reality. Nobody can say against this.

Allah, don't let us to follow our ego. Ego and shaitan cheating us. They are showing good, good things wrong, bad; making camouflage. But they showing, cheating by putting nice things in front of bad things, and you get cheated. You go and take, you feel, you eat it, it was not real what they showing. This is what Prophet (saw) and Awliyaullah teaching people, advising people - ad-din an-nasiha - Don't follow this, follow right way. All what they're trying to do to take all human being to Mercy Ocean of Allah, not to take them to hell. No, they all try. But people, they like to go into hell more than Mercy Ocean. What we will do? Allah make them to see the reality In-sha’Allah .

Wa min Allahi t-tawfiq. Al-Fatiha.
